Air Brakes Test
Air Brakes Test
Air Brakes Test
Commercial Drivers License
Air Brakes Test - Practice
This study guide contains one hundred ten commercial drivers license air brakes test questions
and answers. These questions and answers were written by professional authors with extensive
knowledge and experience in the transportation industry. This study guide was designed to help
drivers pass the commercial drivers license air brakes endorsement exam. The questions pertained
in this study guide are not the actual questions that will appear on the commercial drivers license
exam. It is unlawful to distribute the actual test questions found on the commercial drivers license
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Air Brakes – Practice Test Questions
3) All vehicles with air brakes must have a low pressure warning signal. True or False?
a) True
b) False
5) Front wheel brakes are good under all conditions. True or False?
a) True
b) False
9) How can you check that the spring brakes come on automatically?
a) Release parking brake and press the brake pedal again and again
b) Apply parking brake and press brake pedal again and again
c) Slam on the brakes while traveling 20 mph or more
d) Apply and release parking brake again and again
11) Why should you be in the proper gear before starting down a hill?
a) The use of brakes is only a supplement to the braking effect of the engine
b) So the brakes will not get too hot and start to catch fire
c) To save wear and tear on the transmission
d) So you will not pick up too much speed
13) The use of brakes on a long steep downgrade is only a supplement to the braking effect
of the engine. True or False?
a) True
b) False
14) If you are away from your vehicle for only a short time, you don't need
to use the parking brake. True or False?
a) True
b) False
16) How do you use the stab braking technique during emergency braking?
a) Brake hard with the brake pedal and hand valve until stopped
b) Brake hard with the pedal until the wheels lock, the let off the brakes for as long as the wheels
were locked
c) Brake hard with the pedal until the wheels lock, then let off until the wheels start rolling again
d) Pump the brake pedal rapidly and lightly
17) When using brakes on a long steep downgrade, which of these is True?
a) Apply brakes when the vehicle reaches 5 mph over the safe speed, then release when the
vehicle slows to safe speed again
b) Only use the trailer brakes to maintain safe speed
c) Use stab braking
d) Use the engine braking effect, then when the vehicle reaches the safe speed, apply brakes until
speed is reduced to about 5 mph below safe speed
18) Why should you NOT fan the brakes on and off during long downgrades?
a) Does not allow brakes to cool
b) The brake linings do not get hot when fanning
c) There is less air usage when fanning
d) None of these
20) A straight truck or bus air brake system cannot leak more than ____ psi per minute
with engine off and brakes released.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
21) A combination vehicle air brake system cannot leak more than _____ psi per minute
with engine off and brakes released.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
22) During normal operations, what are the parking and emergency brakes usually held
back by?
a) Bolts/clamps
b) Centrifugal force
c) Spring pressure
d) Air pressure
23) When do you use the parking brake in air brake equipped vehicles?
a) Only during pre-trip and post-trip inspections
b) Every time you park the vehicle
c) As little as possible
d) When slowing down
24) If your truck has dual control valves, you can use pressure from a separate tank to
a) Balance the service brake system while driving
b) Stay parked without using up service air pressure
c) Apply more pressure for stopping if the main tank is getting low
d) Release emergency brakes to move short distances
25) If the air system develops a leak, what will keep the air in the tanks?
a) The one-way check valve
b) The emergency relay valve
c) The tractor protection valve
d) The governor
26) Which of these is normal to find in the air brake system?
a) Water
b) Air
c) Oil
d) All of these
27) What turns on the electrical stop light switch in an air brake system?
a) The driver (by hand)
b) Air pressure
c) Hydraulic pressure
d) Spring pressure
28) If the vehicle is equipped with an alcohol evaporator, what should you
do everyday during winter weather?
a) Drain the accumulated alcohol
b) Use 5 weight oil to oil the system
c) Change the alcohol from a new bottle
d) Check and fill the alcohol level
29) If a failure occurs in the service brake system, what system do you need to stop the
a) Hand brake system
b) Drum brake system
c) Emergency brake system
d) Parking brake system
30) What determines how effective the spring emergency brakes or the parking brakes
33) On heavy commercial vehicles, what is the most common type of foundation brake?
a) S-cam drum
b) Wedge and drum
c) Disc
d) None of these
34) In manual slack adjusters, how do you check the free play?
a) Apply the service brakes by hand at the brake chambers and watch for the slack adjusters to
b) Park on level ground and drain air pressure before making adjustment
c) Park on level ground, chock wheels, release parking brake and pull slack adjusters
d) Stop on level ground and apply emergency brakes
36) The warning device comes on when the air pressure in the service air tank falls below
a) 80 psi
b) 60 psi
c) 50 psi
d) 40 psi
37) Air loss in a single vehicle (not comb. vehicle) should not be more than
_______ with engine off and brakes on.
a) 3 psi in one minute
b) 2 psi in 45 seconds
c) 1 psi in one minute
d) 1 psi in 30 seconds
38) Three systems are found in modern air brake systems, Service brakes,
Parking brakes and:
a) Drum brakes
b) S-cam brakes
c) Foot brakes
d) Emergency brakes
39) When using parking or emergency brakes, what type of pressure is being used?
a) Air pressure
b) Spring pressure
c) Fluid pressure
d) None of these
40) Which brake system applies and releases the brakes when the driver uses the brake
a) Parking brake system
b) Service brake system
c) Emergency brake system
d) None of these
45) The air loss rate for a straight truck or bus with engine off and brakes applied should
not be more than
a) 3 psi in one minute
b) 2 psi in 45 seconds
c) 1 psi in one minute
d) 1 psi in 60 seconds
46) Oil and water usually collect in compressed air tanks. If you do not have an automatic
tank drain, when should you drain the air tanks?
a) After every working day
b) After every four hours of service
c) Once a week
d) Every other week
49) What can legally hold a parking or emergency brake in position for a truck, truck
tractor or bus?
a) Spring pressure
b) Air pressure
c) Fluid pressure
d) Any of these
50) You should know that your brakes are fading when
a) Less pressure is needed on the brake pedal for each stop
b) The brake feels spongy when pressure is applied
c) You have to push harder on the brake pedal to control your speed on a downgrade
d) Pressure on the brake pedal is released and speed increases
51) Slack adjusters on s-cam brakes need adjustment if they move more than two inches
when the push rod attaches.
a) True
b) False
52) With the engine at operating rpm, the air pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi in 45
seconds in a dual air system.
a) True
b) False
53) Air pressure loss in a combination vehicle should not be more than 1 psi per minute
while pressure is on the brake pedal.
a) True
b) False
54) At 55 mph on dry pavement, the air brakes lag distance adds about 32 feet to total
stopping distance.
a) True
b) False
56) Excessive brake use from speed can cause too much heat to build up in the air brakes.
a) True
b) False
57) If the low pressure alarm comes on you should stop and park your vehicle as soon as
a) True
b) False
58) It is suggested that you drain your air tanks at the end of each week to remove dirt and
a) True
b) False
59) When spring brakes come on, lightly loaded vehicles will build air pressure quickly.
a) True
b) False
60) The s-cam drum is the most common type of foundation brake.
a) True
b) False
61) The supply pressure gauge tells you how long before the s-cam turns.
a) True
b) False
62) Drum brakes are the only type of brake in which brake fade occurs.
a) True
b) False
63) On a heavy vehicle, the emergency brake is usually held in place by spring pressure
because air pressure can leak away.
a) True
b) False
64) Some vehicles have a separate air tank which can be used to release the spring brakes.
a) True
b) False
65) The two systems of a dual air brake system is the primary and secondary.
a) True
b) False
66) The spring brakes come on when the air pressure drops too much.
a) True
b) False
67) When the brakes are very hot you should not use the parking brake.
a) True
b) False
68) The total stopping distance traveling at 55 mph under normal conditions is about 100
a) True
b) False
69) Modern air brake systems use three braking systems - service, parking and emergency.
a) True
b) False
70) The air compressor regulator controls when the air compressor will pump air into the
air storage tanks.
a) True
b) False
71) The alcohol evaporator condenses the air in the brake system.
a) True
b) False
72) The first tank the air compressor pumps air to is installed with a safety relief valve to
protect the tank and the rest of the system from too much air pressure.
a) True
b) False
73) While testing the service brakes, if your vehicle pulls to one side, there may be a
problem with the service brakes.
a) True
b) False
74) When going down a long or steep downgrade, the braking effects of the engine should be
supplemented by the use of the brakes.
a) True
b) False
75) You should maintain steady pressure on the brakes and hold the steering wheel firmly
when the wheels lock up.
a) True
b) False
77) Modern air brake systems combine three different systems. They are the service brake,
the parking brake and the:
a. emergency brakes.
b. foot brakes.
c. S-cam brakes.
78) If the air compressor develops a leak, what keeps the air in the tank?
a. the tractor protection valve.
b. the emergency relay valve.
c. the one way check valve.
80) A straight truck or bus air brake system cannot leak more than ____ per minute with
the engine off and the brakes released.
a. 1 psi
b. 2 psi
c. 3 psi
81) During normal driving, parking and emergency brakes are usually held back by:
a. air pressure.
b. spring pressure.
c. centrifugal force.
82) To check the free play in the manual slack adjusters, you need to:
a. stop on level ground and apply the parking brake.
b. park on level ground, chock the wheels and release the parking brake.
c. apply the service brake by hand and watch the slack adjusters move.
84) Which of the following makes total stopping distance longer for air brakes than
a. perception distance.
b. reaction distance.
c. brake lag.
85) The first thing to do when a low pressure warning comes on is:
a. stop and safely park as soon as possible.
b. upshift.
c. open the air supply valve.
86) Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air brakes:
a. use different brake drums.
b. need to have air flow through the lines to work.
c. require heavier return springs.
87) Experts do not recommend fanning (on-again off-again braking) for long downhill runs
a. air usage is less when fanning.
b. brake linings do not get hot when fanning.
c. the short time off the brakes does not allow the brakes to cool.
88) Oil and water that collects in air tanks can make brakes fail. If you do not have
automatic tank drains, when should you drain the air tanks?
a. every other day.
b. every day.
c. every week.
89) the driver must be able to see a warning that is given when air pressure in the service
air tanks falls below:
a. 40 psi.
b. 50 psi.
c. 60 psi.
91) When some air brakes in the system are doing more work than others:
a. those brakes will develop more heat.
b. vehicle handling will be effected.
c. all the above.
92) Your safety relief valve has opened several times. This means______.
a. the system is working properly.
b. your pressure is probably low.
c. the system needs immediate attention.
93) At what air pressure should the low air warning alarm come on?
a. 45 psi.
b. 25 psi.
c. must come on by 60 psi.
94) With the brakes released on a single vehicle, what is the allowable air lose?
a. 4 psi.
b. 3 psi.
c. 2 psi.
95) To test the air compressor on a dual air brake vehicle, run the engine at a fast idle to
charge the air the system. Your gauges should show your___________.
a. pressure builds from 85 to 100 psi with-in three minutes.
b. your pressure builds from 85 to 100 psi with-in 45 seconds.
c. the compressor cuts out by 75 psi.
97) Most large vehicles with air brakes have spring brakes which_____.
a. are part of the parking brake systems operation only.
b. are part of the service brake system only.
c. are part of both the parking and emergency brakes.
98) What color is the parking control knob on the dash of the vehicle?
a. red.
b. green.
c. yellow.
99) What would cause all of the air brake systems on a vehicle to have poor braking power.
a. low hydraulic fluid.
b. brakes being out of adjustment.
c. a broken air line.
100) If a low air pressure warning comes on what should you do?
a. pull off the road as soon as it is safe to do so.
b. you can safely continue until you get to the next service center.
c. turn it off so that it will not distract you.
108) At 55 MHP brake lag ( on air brake vehicles) can add an additional ____ feet to your
overall stopping distance.
a. 32 feet.
b. 64 feet.
c. 100 feet.