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Belijion - Lesson Plan in El 101

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Mindoro State University, Calapan Campus

Masipit, Calapan

A Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject: EL 101 – Introduction to Linguistics Grade and Section: 1-A1

Date: November 21, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 explain the different types of linguistic theories, models, and approaches.
 design a classroom activity that will help students learn or master the
 develop belongingness and cooperation through sharing of observations
and experiences about linguistic theories, model, and approaches.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Linguistics Theories and Models & Distinctions of Linguistic

B. Reference: Introduction to Linguistics by Jennifer B. Gonzales and

Jeromil O. Enoc

C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

D. Values Integration: Obedience, Discipline, Cooperation

E. Learning Strategies: Thought-Provoking Question

Student-Centered Instruction
Cooperative learning/ Collaborative learning

III. Procedure

A. Daily Routines

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Prayer
Good afternoon everyone. (Everyone will stand)
The assigned leader, please lead the (The leader will lead the prayer.)
prayer. “.....Amen.”

2. Greetings Good afternoon Sir!

Good afternoon, class!

3. Classroom Management
Before we start, let’s review first the (Student will read the online etiquette)
online etiquette to let everyone be
reminded of what are allowed and not
allowed during the discussion.

Online Etiquette:

1. Utilize the raise hand button if you

have something to ask or you want to
2. Turn off your microphone if you
don’t have something important to
3. Turn on your camera when
answering or reciting.
4. Avoid browsing other online

4. Checking of attendance
For our attendance: Instead of saying
present, share to the class, What is
your greatest what if in life in a

B. Review/Recall of Past Lessons

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Alright! Who can share to the class what was Last meeting, we discussed about branches
our topic last meeting and what are your of linguistics and I have learned
major takeaways? that…………….

Last meeting, we also discussed about

Thank you. What else? underlying branches of micro-linguistics and
macro-linguistics and I have learned
Excellent! Thank you!
C. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Before we begin the formal discussion of our

topic today. Since midterm exam is
approaching, I want everyone to create a (The student will start writing and will utilize
maximum of 4 sentences message to your the chat panel to comment their advice)
younger self. Afterwards share it to the class
by utilizing the chat panel.
The teacher will call some students to share
their message.
D. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Alright! Our topic for today is all about At the end of the lesson, the students must
Linguistics Theories and Models and be able to:
Distinctions of Linguistic Approaches.  explain the different types of linguistic
Before we go further to the discussion, give theories, model, and approaches.
me the opportunity first to present to you the  design an activity that will help
learning objectives of today’s lesson. students learn or master the
Ms._____ Please read the learning  develop belongingness and
objectives. cooperation through sharing of
observation and experiences about
linguistic theories, model, and

E. Discussion

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

To begin with, who can share to the class on Student will virtually raise their hands and
some effective ways on how we can acquire answer the question.
a language? You may base your sharing on
your experiences or observation with others.
Some students will be called to share their

Thank you everyone! Since our topic is all

about learning a language or language
acquisition, we will now delve into the
different theories and models in learning a
language as well as discussing the
distinctions and approaches that will help you
understand better the intricacies of language.

In our previous activity, the ways to acquire a

language that you have shared might just be
some of the principles of the different theories
and models which we will discuss today, so
let us see in what theory or model it belongs.

Okay, lets begin!

I would like to remind again that when you (Teacher will call student to read the slide
want to recite, for us to avoid the clashing of and asks some students to share their idea
noise, we will utilize the raise hand button. and interpretation of the what was written in
Thank You the slide)

Who wants to read the slide? What is linguistic theory?

Okay Mr. _____ go ahead? - linguistic theory aims to explain the
nature of human language in terms of
Based from the given the definition, what is basic underlying principles. Linguists
your understanding about linguistic theory? study the structure of natural
languages in order to gain a better
Okay Ms. ______ understanding of those principles.
Okay Ms._______

Thank you everyone!

To simply put these are theories about
language particularly discussing how we
acquire and learn language. There are three
prominent linguistic theories that emerged
over time and these provide explanation
about child’s language acquisition. These
 Behaviorism
 Nativism/Innatism
 Interactionism

Okay let’s discuss it one by one.

Mr.____ please read the slide.

Thank You Sir.

Who would like to explain the idea of BEHAVIORISM

behaviourism in language acquisition? - The behaviourists, most notably BF
Skinner, believe that for language
Alright Thank You! learning to occur, imitation, drills, and
constant practice are very important.
Who else? - Skinner's imitation theory proposes
that language develops as a result of
Thank You! children trying to imitate their
caregivers or those around them. The
theory assumes that children have no
innate ability to learn language and
rely on operant conditioning to form
and improve their understanding and
The behaviourist theory believes that “infants use of it. Behavioural theory believes
learn oral language from other human role that children are born 'tabula rasa' - as
models through a process involving imitation, a 'blank slate'.
rewards, and practice. When a child attempts
oral language or imitates the sounds or
speech patterns they are usually praised and
given affection for their efforts. Thus, praise
and affection becomes the rewards.
However, the behaviourist theory is
scrutinized for a variety of reasons.

Though Provoking Question:

Now the question is…….

If rewards play such a vital component in

language development, what about the
parent who is inattentive or not present when
the child attempts speech? If a baby’s
language learning is motivated strictly by
rewards would the speech attempts stop
merely for lack of rewards?

Who wants to answer?

Okay Ms. __________ Go ahead!
I think that even though there is a lack of
Than you everyone! rewards, speech attempts…………

The second theory is Nativism. Read and

explain the slide Mr. _______

- Noam Chomsky, the main proponent

of nativism hypothesized that humans
must be born with Language
Acquisition Device (LAD) in their brain
which is the reason why children can
acquire language quickly. The
language acquisition device is the part
of the brain that encodes language,
just as certain parts of the brain
encode sound.
- Children try to have a grasp of the of
the target language by hypothesizing
and making generalization.
- He argued that LAD contains of the
universal rules and he called this set
of rules as Universal Grammar (UG)
or mental grammar in which allows us
to feel unconsciously whether or not
our utterance or sentence is well
- However, some theorists argue that
UG is only applicable to children
during the critical period of early
childhood when they acquire their
native language. But when it comes to
Having said that language development is learning other language or other
important in critical period. Who knows the language it would be different.
girl in the slide?
She is Genie also known as the American
feral child who was a victim of severe abuse, A Genie Wiley documentary was made in
neglect, and social isolation. 1997 called "Secrets of the Wild Child." In it,
Susan Curtiss, PhD, a linguist and researcher
A feral child (also called wild child) is a young who worked with Genie, explained that the
individual who has lived isolated from name Genie was used in case files to protect
human contact from a very young age, with the girl's identity and privacy.
little or no experience ...

Genie (as studied by Curtiss et al., 1974)¹ is

perhaps the most notable example of "The case name is Genie. This is not the
someone who has failed to develop language
person's real name, but when we think about
by the critical period. Genie was a young girl
who was raised in complete isolation and what a genie is, a genie is a creature that
never given a chance to develop language comes out of a bottle or whatever but
due to her solitude and poor living emerges into human society past childhood.
conditions. When she was discovered in We assume that it really isn't a creature that
1970, she was twelve years old. She had had a human childhood.”
missed the critical period and was therefore
unable to become fluent in English despite
extensive attempts to teach and rehabilitate

The third theory is interactionism. Anyone INTERACTIONISM

who wants to read and explain the slide? - Proponents of interactionism assert
that language acquisition has both
Yes Mr. ________ biological and social components. It is
the result of application of the
principles propounded by the
behaviourists and nativists.
- The interactionists believe that there
must be a good interplay between the
biological and environmental factors
for language acquisition to occur.
- Aligned with this, is the social
interaction theory of Lev Vygotsky
which states that children’s language
development is a by-product of
children’s social interactions with the
important people in their lives more
specifically their parents and more
knowledgeable others (MKOs).
- Vygotsky highlighted that children can
only do so much with their own ability
and he coined it as Zone of Actual
- However, children interaction with the
social environment surrounding them,
help and support from their parents,
peers, and teachers, they can soar to
greater heights and achieve great
thing (Zone of Proximal Development)

Since we already finished discussing the

linguistic theories, let us now move on to the
different linguistic models.

Stephen Krashen’s Monitor Model also Five Hypotheses of Monitor Model

support the claim of interactionism theory that
language has both biological and social  The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
components. Monitor model has five  Natural Order Hypothesis
hypotheses or components that expounds the  The Monitor Hypothesis
process of language acquisition. These are:  The Input Hypothesis
 Affective-filter Hypothesis
Kindly read Mr._______

Thank You!

The Acquisition-Learning
The first model is the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
Who would like to read the slide? - Krashen argued that acquiring a
Yes Ms. ______ language is different from learning it.
Thus, there are two independent
systems of foreign language
performance: 'the acquired system'
and 'the learned system'.
- The 'acquired system' or 'acquisition'
Thought Provoking Question: is the product of a subconscious
What is the difference between acquiring process very similar to the process
language and learning a language? children undergo when they acquire
their first language.
Anyone from the class? Yes Mr.______ - The "learned system" or "learning" is
the product of formal instruction and it
comprises a conscious process which
Thank You everyone for sharing your ideas. results in conscious knowledge 'about'
Let’s see if what you have shared are correct. the language, for example knowledge
Okay Ms._____ please read the slide. of grammar rules

- According to Krashen acquisition is

more important than learning. He
Thought Provoking Question: emphasized that learning only serves
Which do you think is more important, as a monitor or editor while the
acquisition or learning? acquisition is responsible for the fluent
of sounds and utterances.

The second model is the Natural Order Natural Order Hypothesis

Hypothesis. Kindly read the slide
Mr._______ - Krashen claimed that there is a
natural or predictable order by which
all learners acquire language.
- It has nothing to do with the simplicity
or complexity of grammatical features
and the way these features are
- acquisition of grammatical structures
occurs in a predictable sequence. The
natural order hypothesis applies to
both first language acquisition and
second language acquisition.

(Students will share their ideas about Natural

Who wants to explain what is natural order Order Hypothesis)
hypothesis? Yes Ms._______

Thank you for your sharing.

Thought Provoking Question:

Since natural order hypothesis applies to
both first and second language acquisition.
Do you think the order of acquisition is also
the same?

Who wants to share his opinion or idea?

Yes Ms. _______ Go ahead

Thank You for that.

Monitor Hypothesis
The third model is the monitor hypothesis - Krashen argued that while our
Who wants to read? acquired competence is responsible
for our language production such as
Yes Ms. ______. Thank You our utterance, the result of learning
(learned competence) functions as a
monitor, editing or self-correcting our
language output.
- states that the learner is consciously
learning the grammar rules and
functions of a language rather than its
meaning. This hypothesis focuses
Who wants to share his idea about Monitor more on the correctness of the
Hypothesis? Yes Mr. _______ language.

Thought Provoking Question: (Student will share their ideas about Monitor
Do you think that monitor or self-correcting Hypothesis)
our language output can be considered as a
barrier in language learning or when orally

Yes Ms. ________. Thank You for that

The fourth Model is the input hypothesis. Input Hypothesis

- Input Hypothesis places more
Who wants to read the slide? Yes Ms. ____ emphasis on the acquisition of the
Thank You Ms.___ second language. The Input
hypothesis is only concerned with
'acquisition', not 'learning'.
Now who wants to explain what input - learner improves and progresses
hypothesis is? when he/she receives second
Yes Mr._____ language 'input' that is one step
beyond his/her current stage of
linguistic competence (i+1)
- The only way to acquire language is
through receiving abundant
meaningful inputs from a context-rich

Affective-Filter Hypothesis
The last model is the affective-filter - acts like a screen or an opening that
hypothesis. either facilitates or blocks meaningful
Who wants to read the slide? inputs from reaching the language
Yes Ms. _______ acquisition part of the brain.
- According to Krashen, affective
Who wants to explain affective-filter variables such as anxiety, self-
hypothesis? confidence, motivation, and stress
play crucial roles in taking in the

When the filter is high, which means self-
confidence is low, this will result for a
lower chance for inputs to be taken in.

As we already finished discussing the Monitor

Model of Stephen Krashen, let us now Grammatical Competence – also known as
proceed to the Communicative Competence linguistic competence. It includes the ability to
Model of Dell Hymes. create grammatically correct utterances,
incorporating the linguistic knowledge of
Dell Hymes first coined the term morphology, phonology, syntax, and
communicative competence in 1972. It was semantics.
developed further and expounded by Canale
and Swain into language model composed of Sociolinguistic Competence – is concerned
four components. These are: grammatical, with the appropriateness of the utterances or
sociolinguistics, discourse, and strategic learners ability to apply linguistic knowledge
competence. in different communicative functions in
various sociolinguistics context.
Who wants to read the slide?
Yes Mr.______ Discourse Competence – is concerned with
the learners mastery of producing coherent
Who wants to share his idea about one of the and cohesive language outputs in the modes
communicative model? of speaking, listening, speaking, reading, and
Yes Ms.______ writing.

Strategic Competence – refers to the

Alright! Thank You everyone for sharing your learner’s ability to solve problems during
understanding about the topic. communication. This includes their
compensatory strategies in case of
communication difficulties. This is the
learners’ ability to fix and solve
communication problems such as
miscommunication that frequently arise
during an interaction.

Before we proceed to discuss the second

topic. I would like to ask if you have any
questions about Linguistics Theories and

Since there is no question, let us now

proceed to the second topic which is
Distinctions of Linguistic Approaches.

Who wants to read the slide? Descriptive versus Prescriptive

Descriptive approach – is a linguistic

Who wants to explain the difference of distinction that describes and analyses
prescriptive and descriptive approach? language according to how verbally use it not
saying how it should be used. Concerned
Yes Mr._____ Go ahead. with describing the use of language by native
or non-native speakers without reference to
propose norms of correctness or advocacy of
rules based on such norms.

Prescriptive approach – lays down the correct

way of the structural arrangement of the
words in the sentence. It is an approach
based on what is considered to be structurally
correct and accurate. There are specified and
standard set of grammar rules.
From the given sentence on the screen which
do you think is an example of descriptive and
which is an example of descriptive? And why

Sentence A: I speak English

Sentence B: I speak in English

Who wants to answer? Yes Ms.______

Very Good! Sentence A is descriptive while

Sentence B is Prescriptive.

The second distinction of linguistic approach

is Synchronic versus Diachronic.

Synchronic and diachronic are words with

Latin origins where synchronic means
synchronous and diachronic means
through time. Synchronic versus Diachronic

Who wants to read the slide? Yes Mr.

________ Go ahead…

Who would like to share his idea about the

difference between synchronic and
diachronic approach?
Yes Ms. ________

Who else?

Thank You for those who shared their ideas.

Language versus Parole

Language is a composite of all the traits of a

The third distinction of linguistic approach is language; think of it as a big container that
Language versus Parole. hosts all the parts of language as we use it,
particularly, the images and words that come
Who wants to read and explain the difference to mind and the sound-to-symbol connection
of parole and language? that occurs when we speak. All of those
stored images, words, meanings, and sub-
Yes Mr. ______ Go ahead meanings comprise “langue.”
Thank You!
Parole however is the concretization of
language through actual use. Parole is
speaking. "Palabra," its meaning in Spanish,
shares a similar meaning: the act of activating
langue through the use of speech. Parole is
the enabler of the langue. Langue embraces

If you are still confused with Saussure’s use

of the terms “langue” and “parole,” let us
delve into the version of Noam Chomsky
wherein he applies language and parole to
the field of pedagogy and education, Language Competence versus Language
particularly in the area of second languages. Performance

Actually this is the fourth distinction of

linguistic approach which is Language Language – Competence: is the ability,
Competence versus Language Performance capacity, and potential that is there to be
as the discrepancy of language competence tapped. Sum of all the combined aspects of a
and performance is related to language and language system.
Parole – Performance: is the actual exercise
Who would like to read the slide? Yes Ms. of language through speaking.
Thank You
In conclusion Saussure see language from a
societal or sociolinguistic point of view while
Chomsky looks at it in terms of psychology or Etic versus Emic
Emic – is an approach where the perspective
The fifth distinction of linguistic approach is is in the studied social group (insider
Emic versus Etic. perspective). It involves speech acts and
situations that are confirmed as real as
Who wants to read and explain what is emic? perceived by the speech community. In this
Yes Ms. ______ approach the perspective, logic, meanings,
and explanation and worldview of the studied
Thank You for sharing your thoughts. people are used to explain particular values,
beliefs, or practices.
- emic approach often include more
detailed and culturally rich
- the observer places themselves within
the culture of the intended study, they
are able to go further in-depth on the
details of practices and beliefs of
society that may otherwise have been

Etic – is the approach to language study that

denotes the description of a particular
language or language culture that is generally
Who wants to read and explain what is etic? objective in perspective and non-structural.
- It refers to the cultural phenomena
from the perspective of one who does
not participate in the culture
(outsider’s point of view).
- The problem of etic approach as it
used a general objective perspective
is that when people in tribe or in
community act differently when they
are being observed, it is hard for an
outsider to gain access to specific
information or private rituals, which is
important to understand language

Syntagmatic versus Paradigmatic

Syntagmatic relation describes the

The sixth distinction of linguistic approach is dimensions of language in horizontal mode
Syntagmatic versus Paradigmatic. such us sequential orders of phonemes like
the phones in the word pen /p/, /e/, /n/ or the
Anyone from the class who wants to read the linear order of the word impossibility as im-
slide? possible-ity. It also looks at the sequence of
Yes Mr. ______
words that people are using such as the
sentence, “I am here”, which follows a
subject-verb-adverb combination.
- Syntagmatic involves syntax,
Who wants to share his understanding about
Syntagmatic? phonetics, and morphology.

Who wants to read what Paradigmatic is? Paradigmatic relation describe the relation of
Yes Mr. _______ the linguistic elements of the language
outside the utterance. Paradagmatic involves
Who wants to share his understanding about semantic and pragmatic

The last distinction of linguistic approach is Speech versus Writing

Speech versus Writing.
- Speech is a spoken language while
Who wants to read the slide? writing is a written language
Yes Mr._____ - Speech is less formal as it involves
verbal fillers while writing is formal as
Now who wants to explain one of the bullet in it is written using simple but structured
the slide? Yes Ms.______ sentences that deliver information in a
concise manner.
- Speech is time-bound and dynamic in
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. which both participants are usually
present and the speaker has a
particular addressee.
- Writing is space—bound and static in
which the writer is usually distant from
the reader and often does know who
the reader is going to be.

Thought Provoking Question:

Do you believe in this statement that speech
is primary while writing is secondary?

Explanation: People everywhere start

speaking during the first two years of life;
many of the abilities involved are probably
inborn rather than learned. Learning to write
typically builds on learning to speak.

F. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Since you are soon to be educators

particularly a language teacher and already
have knowledge about linguistic theories,
models and approached. For your activity, I
want you to design a classroom activity that
will help students learn or master the
E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Who can discuss briefly the three linguistic Behaviorism discuss that…….
theories? Naivism is a theory that…….
Yes Mr._______ Interactionism relies on the principle that…….

How about discuss one of the linguistic

Yes Ms.______

How about one of the distinction of linguistic


Yes Mr.________

G. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Do you have questions with regards to our

topic for today?

If that is the case then I think you are all very

much ready for a quiz. The quiz will be given
to you later after our class via google form. It
is a ten item quiz that cover of what we
discussed today.

Reminder, before answering the quiz, kindly

read the instruction carefully as errors cannot
be rectified.

Quiz Link:

H. Agreement

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

For your assignment!

Have some rest and let go all of your what ifs. Thank You Sir!

Prepare, review, study, memorize, and

familiarize all the topics which will be the
cover of your midterm exam.

Understood class? Yes Sir!

So that is for today, thank you for your active Thank You and Goodbye Sir!
participation and as well giving your time.
You may now leave the google meet. See
you next week and Good luck to your
midterm exams.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked and Approved by:


Resource Teacher

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