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Furnace Heater Design

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The document outlines the detailed steps involved in designing a furnace or fired heater through an iterative heat transfer calculation process.

The main steps involve estimating heat transfer, sizing components like tubes and burners, calculating fuel and air requirements, estimating temperatures and heat flows, and iterating calculations until temperatures converge.

Key parameters that need to be estimated or assumed initially include total heat duty, efficiency, fuel properties, tube dimensions, surface temperatures, heat fluxes, and cold plane area.

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Handout: Steps for design of Furnace & Fired Heater

Research · September 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4304.3049

2 43,226

1 author:

Reyad Awwad Shawabkeh

University of Jordan


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Steps for design of Furnace/Fired Heater
Dr. Reyad Shawabkeh
Department of Chemical Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Note: some of the information including figures and charts were obtained from Kern,
Process Heat Transfer. Others were obtained from internet HeaterDesign site.

In design of fired heater the flowing main

features should be considered:

• Radiant section
• Convective section
• Bridge wall section
• Tubes, pipes and their
• Burner
• Insulation and heat loss.

The total hourly heat transfer to cold surface is estimated by the relation
⎡⎛ T ⎞ 4 ⎛ T ⎞ 4 ⎤
qT = 0.173 f ⎢⎜ G ⎟ − ⎜ S ⎟ ⎥α CP ACP + hA(TG − TS )
⎢⎣⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Where f is the overall exchange factor. TG is the temperatures of the flue gases leaving
the radiant section and TS is the surface temperature of the tubes. Both temperatures are
in degree Rankin. ACP is the equivalent cold plane surface, ft2, and α CP is a factor by
which ACP must be reduced to obtain effective cold surface.

For natural convection situation, h ≈ 2 , A ≈ 2α CP ACP and f ≈ 0.57

Therefore, the above equation could be written in the form:

∑Q ⎡⎛ T ⎞ ⎛ T ⎞ ⎤
4 4

= 0.173⎢⎜ G ⎟ − ⎜ S ⎟ ⎥ + 7(TG − TS )
α CP ACP f ⎢⎣⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎦⎥

1. To design the furnace, the following should be either known or initially assumed
• Total required heater duty [Btu/hr].
• Efficiency, η
• Fuel value [Btu/hr].
• Air to fuel ratio
• Temperature of inlet air [oF].
• Amount of atomizing steam and ratio [lb steam/lb fuel].
• Tubes diameters, d o , and tubes center-to-center distance, ctc, [in.]
• Exposed tube length, L [ft].
• Average flux for both radiant and convective sections, q [Btu/hr.ft2].

2. Assume
∑Q = 2 × (Average flux ) then obtain
3. Assume a tube surface temperature, TS and use the chart bellow to obtain outlet
gas temperature, TG .
Total required heater duty
4. Calculate the heat liberated by fuel, QF =
5. Calculate the amount of required fuel, m fuel = , then calculate the
Fuel value
required amount of air, mair = m Fuel
6. Assume 25% excess air, then the Total required amount of air = 1.25 m air
7. Calculate the inlet heat by air, Qair = mair Cp air (Tair .in − Tref . ) . Assume Tref = 60 oF.
8. Usually the amount of atomizing steam is 0.3 lb/lb Fuel. Therefore, Total
atomizing steam required is equal to 0.3m fuel
9. Amount of heat associated by steam is Qsteam = msteam Cp steam ( − Tref )
10. Calculate heat absorbed by the furnace wall. Usually Qwall = 2% QF
11. Calculate the heat of exhaust gases, Qexhaust = m fuel (1 + G ' )Cp average (TG − 520) ,
where TG is in [oR] and G ' is the air to fuel ratio.
The average specific heat, Cp average = ∑ xi Cp i , xi is the mass fraction of the exit
gases such as excess air, CO2, H2O, steam, and others (if applicable).

12. The net heat liberated, Q = Q fuel + Qair + Qateam + QR − Qwall − Qexhaust
where QR for re-circulating gases and may be neglected in your calculations.
13. Calculate the number of tubes required to exchange the desired heat,
N tubes = where r = d o / 2
14. Calculate the cold plane area, ACP = ctc × L × N
15. calculate total α for single raw, refractory backed surface from the Figure
16. Assume furnace shape as shown in the Figure bellow

Calculate the top and bottom surfaces, side

surfaces, Bridge surface, and end wall surfaces.

Then total exposed area, AT is the sum of all

areas calculated above.

The dimensions ratios of length, width and

height should be 3:2:1. Based on this ratios, the
mean length of radiant beams can be calculate
using the table bellow:

For Box Type Heaters

Dimension Ratio Mean Beam Length
1-1-1 to 1-1-3
2/3(Furnace Volume)1/3
1-2-1 to 1-2-4
1-1-4 to 1-1-inf 1 x Smallest Dimension
1-2-5 to 1-2-inf 1.3 x Smallest Dimension
1-3-3 to 1-inf-inf 1.8 x Smallest Dimension
With the box dimensions, length, width, and
height being in any order
For Vertical Cylindrical Heaters
Length/Diameter < 2 (((L/D)-1)*0.33 + 0.67)*D
Length/Diameter >= 2 Diameter

17. Calculate the effective refracting surface, AR = AT − αACP

18. Obtain the gas emissivity, ε gas based on the product pL from the figure bellow:
Where pL is the product of the Partial Pressure of the carbon dioxide and water
times the Beam Length, in atm-ft.
19. Based the value of gas emissivity and the product obtain the overall
exchange factor, f from the figure bellow:
20. Obtain the new value of
∑Q , then go back to step (3) to obtain the new
α CP ACP f
value of gas temperature, TG . Compare the obtained new value with old one. If it
is closed then your assumption is valid; tabulate your results. Otherwise, used the
new value of TG and continue until the difference between two values of this
temperature is negligible.

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