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Assessing the impact of ageing Safety Critical Elements in offshore

installations and how the ageing processes impact the role of SCEs to act as
barriers to Major Accidents

Conference Paper · November 2009


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7 authors, including:

Gerhard Ersdal
University of Stavanger (UiS)


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HAZARDS XXI – Paper Reference 127
ICHEME NW BRANCH SYMPOSIUM – 10-12 November 2009 - University of
Manchester, UK

Title: Assessing the impact of ageing Safety Critical Elements

in offshore installations and how the ageing processes
impact the role of SCEs to act as barriers to Major Accidents
Keith Hart – Energy Institute
Gerhard Ersdal – Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
John Wintle – TWI Ltd.
Sarah Smith – TWI Ltd.
Professor John Sharp – University of Cranfield
David Galbraith – Sigma Offshore Limited
Ed Terry – Sauf Consulting Limited

The Energy Institute (EI) has supported and co-ordinated an oil and gas industry
project to investigate potential measures for the ageing effects on Safety Critical
Elements (SCEs) as defined by the offshore safety regulations Prevention of Fire
and Explosion, and Emergency Response, (PFEER), and Design and Construction
etc. (DCR). This investigation has led to a measurement method of business
processes that can provide Leading Indicators and also a novel modification of the
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis linked with ageing processes.
This assessment process is being supplemented by research supported by the
Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) which is looking at embedding
ageing assessments into the assurance processes leading to checks on the
performance of hazard barriers (as required by Norwegian safety regulations).
The paper will describe what these 2 projects have found and how between them
they have developed a synergy resulting in a range of assessment approaches,
produced Key Performance Indicators for ageing and have set a number of
principles for defining possible life extension.

Background and other initiatives

The offshore industry in the UK and Norway has been established for several
decades and the developments include a mixture of large manned installations (of
various structural types) and small not normally attended installations. They were
designed with a range of design lives usually based on expectations from the
reservoir where they were placed. A significant number of these installations have
now aged beyond their original design lifetime.
This paper reports on initiatives originated and sponsored by the Energy Institute
in the UK and the Petroleum Safety Agency in Norway. These initiatives have
looked at the effects of ageing on Safety Critical Elements on both supporting
structures and topsides. The work undertaken by PSA additionally considers the
effects of ageing in the context of barriers to Major Accident Hazards.
In the UK, the Offshore Safety Case Regulations (OSCR), [HSE 2005] have a
requirement for duty holders to define SCEs with Performance Standards (PSs) in
relation to Major Accident Hazards. Details of the current regime are given in the
EI Guidelines [EI 2007(i)]. In short, SCEs are any part of an installation, plant or
computer programme whose failure will either cause or contribute to a major
accident, or the purpose of which is to prevent or limit the effect of a major
accident, including items of plant specified in Regulation 19 of the Prevention of
Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response Regulations [HSE 1995].
Regulation 13 of OSCR 2005 requires a ‘thorough review of the Safety Case’ at
regular intervals ‘to identify ageing processes, design parameters and changes in
operating conditions that may limit the life of the installation, and safety critical
plant and equipment.’
Improved guidelines for managing the effects of ageing on SCEs will be useful for
life extension where ageing effects become more of an issue. Life extension is a
change that would warrant a revision of the Safety Case under OSCR (Regulation
14) [HSE, 2005] and equivalent Norwegian regulations. The processes for the
effective management of ageing SCEs are likely to feature strongly in life
extension proposals.

The Norwegian shelf

According to Norwegian regulations, the operator must obtain consent prior to
using a facility beyond the basic lifetime described in the Plan for Development
and Operation (PDO) application (Section 5f of the Information Duty Regulations).
Extending production life safely is one of the PSA's priority areas.
Operators must document how adequate safety is achieved in the face of
continued operation of older facilities and pipelines, noting that the lifetime of a
facility is described in the PDO and/or stipulated as a basis for the facility design.
Normally, all parts and components of a facility will be designed so that there is
little chance of failure during the course of the planned lifetime. If all of the
individual parts and components have sufficient lifetimes, then the facility as a
whole will also have a sufficient lifetime. In connection with life extension, this
principle must be exceeded as individual parts and components can no longer
exhibit the desired low likelihood of failure in the extended years, based on
design standards.
PSA expects operators to address the entire facility and document sufficient
safety for continued operations beyond the expected lifetime.

Figure 1 encapsulates an overview of the ageing trends of equipment.
Where equipment has a safety critical function, at all times during the
installation’s lifecycle (in both the UK and Norwegian sectors) minimum
acceptability criteria must be set, below which the PSs of an SCE must not fall.
The Performance Indicators (PIs) concern the measurement of how well the
effects of ageing are being managed; when processes are being managed well,
Performance Standards will be maintained in the face of ageing.

Ageing mechanisms and effects

The effects of ageing have been considered in a broad sense, that is, the
degradation of a system/component with use and the degradation or increasing
inappropriateness of a system/component with time.
Aspects of ageing are shown in Table 1; the “General Ageing Descriptors” column
contains what might be considered the more colloquial understanding of ageing.
Understanding ageing categories and mechanisms ensures that a comprehensive
assessment of the effects of ageing can take place, suitable management
processes are identified and meaningful PIs are defined.

Processes for managing the effects of ageing

The processes for managing the effects of ageing fall into 3 different categories,
whereby each is carried out at different levels within an organisation.
Senior management is responsible for high level management processes setting
objectives, strategy and the culture of an organisation.
Middle management (or supervisory levels on the installation) is responsible for
planning and organising the implementation of installation based activities.
Plant operatives (maintenance and operations teams) are responsible for
implementing day-to-day maintenance, replacement and repair.
The last 2 categories have been termed Risk Control Systems.
The concept of Risk Control Systems was introduced by the Chemical Industries
Association [HSE 2006] as a means for developing leading and lagging indicators
for process safety. Each Risk Control System focuses on a specific risk and
defines actions and activities undertaken in order to control that risk. Control
systems may include integrity assurance measures, such as inspection but will
also include procedures and competencies.
The opportunity for developing Leading Performance Indicators seems to be
greatest at the higher level management processes; although some may be
derived from activities at both Middle Management and at the Plant levels. All the
main elements of management processes at each of these levels follows the
familiar Deming cycle, both within each set of processes and on handover
between management levels. This is illustrated in Figure 2.
Table 2 shows one example sub-process of each of the main 6 senior
management processes and Table 3 shows examples of leading and lagging
indicators for typical SCEs.

Senior management processes for maturity modelling

The authors identified 6 senior management processes.
P1 Developing a strategy/policy for the management of ageing SCEs
P2 Planning the management of ageing SCEs, based on agreed strategy and
policy and performance indicators
P3 Implementing schemes to gather performance and tests data for
performance indicators on the condition/management of SCEs
P4 Assessing how well the SCEs are performing with respect to current hazards,
using performance indicators, based on data gathered from Process 3
P5 Setting out and implementing appropriate remediation schemes to ensure
SCEs meet the required Performance Standards
P6 Assuring and verifying that the ageing SCEs are performing either as
isolated systems or in concert with other SCEs
Figure 3 shows these processes within a process flow model. The Performance
Indicators describe a level of performance according to a maturity level of the
success of each process. Further details of maturity levels may be found in EI
2007(ii), Hart 2008 and Wintle 2009.
Each of these processes has sub-processes and these in turn can be measured via
a Performance Indicator. For the full details readers should refer to the completed
report from the Energy Institute when it becomes available but some examples in
Table 2 provides more detail.
The Performance Indicators for the senior management processes more readily
yield leading indicators. The Risk Control Systems can be measured by both
leading and lagging indicators although leading indicators are more difficult to
extract. Examples for 2 types of SCEs are illustrated in Table 3.
It should be noted that the management processes apply to structural systems as
well as topside systems. The research initiatives generated by PSA have tended
to focus on structural systems and the previous publications referenced have
described the way in maturity modelling has been applied to the processes
required to maintain structural integrity.
For the successful outcome of the management processes for structural integrity,
a robust and damage tolerant structure the proper structural safety is required
and is not restricted to the occurrence of single component failures. To be robust
and damage tolerant means that the structure must have an acceptable
probability of failure due to extreme loading in intact condition or with a single
member or joint failure.
Therefore, the management processes and Risk Control Systems must:
- Establish indicators for robustness and damage tolerance. The indicators should
ensure that failure due to wave overload (accounting for possible wave-in-deck
impacts) is acceptable in intact condition and with one member failed. The
damage tolerance and robustness of a jacket structure can be evaluated by
barrier analysis, and indicators for barriers can be established. Acceptance criteria
for these indicators must be developed based on common practice and structural
risk and reliability analyses.
- Evaluate the necessary inspection intervals needed to prevent a single failure
from developing into a critical failure and multiple joint and member failures from

Using barrier theory to assist managing ageing SCEs and

achieving life extension
The degraded SCEs are generally part of a complex of systems that work together
to avoid or protect against the Major Accident Hazards. As installations approach
the final stages of their lifetime, it may prove intractable to restore one particular
barrier to an acceptable level of performance. One option may be to use cost
benefit analysis to demonstrate that nothing need be done for a particular SCE
although discussions with colleagues in the regulators and verifiers have indicated
that this is an undesirable approach as uncertainty in future markets for oil and
gas have on occasion resulted in desirable remedial work being deferred.
Managing uncertainty in market prices as well as uncertainty in equipment
degradation may be a step too far! In such cases, an option may be to make use
of the other protective barriers and improve their performance to make-up
shortcomings. This approach then becomes an embedded component of the 6
management processes.
It should be noted that not all barriers are “hard”, for example, inspection and
verification can in turn become safety barriers to prevent and find failures and
repair them when they have occurred.
By using the “complete” system, the opportunities for successfully achieving life
extension are enhanced. In the Norwegian sector both the PSA in Norway and the
industry have initiated a number of activities linked to ageing and life extension
on the Norwegian shelf.
The life extension approach must be documented and the steps to achieve
adequate safety in connection with continued operation of older facilities and
pipelines justified. Ageing installations can no longer exhibit the desired low
likelihood of failure of individual parts and components in the extended years.
As part of the continued safety assessment (in both the UK and Norway), an
evaluation should be carried out to determine what could happen if one of these
parts fails, whether this will lead to catastrophic results, or whether there is
sufficient overall robustness that such a failure can be tolerated until the part or
component has been repaired? These questions in connection with lifetime
extension must be addressed and they may require reference back to the
comprehensive and holistic approach using barriers.
Based on earlier work looking at the use of maturity modelling to manage
continued structural integrity, further research work was carried out to develop
an approach to life extension, this work is reported in references [Sharp 2008,]
and [Wintle 2008]. In addition, audits were carried out of the Structural Integrity
Management of an operator of a Norwegian Continental Shelf asset which showed
signs of ageing and with a possible approach to life extension being considered
[Galbraith 2007]. The feedback from this audit informed the sub-processes and
specifically addressed life extension. New sub-processes, the associated
descriptions of maturity levels and the available improvements steps were
defined. The modified processes and sub-processes are described in table 4

In the work carried out for both sponsors, there has been much interest in
looking at Leading Performance Indicators. The authors have reported in previous
Hazards papers on the success of Maturity Modelling and it is our view that
Maturity Modelling again provides the most suitable candidate for Leading
Performance Indicators. Indeed, one of the follow-on activities from managing the
effects of ageing SCEs is by suitable maintenance and this formed the subject of
a paper by the authors at Hazards XX [Hart 2008]
In this project, a number of activities have been identified that can be used to
manage the effects of ageing on SCEs and structures (whether SCEs or not). For
each of these activities it is possible to identify Performance Indicators to
determine how well these activities are being carried out. The activities
undertaken by senior management have been combined into a maturity model
and represent a method of defining effective leading Performance Indicators to
supplement more convention measures of performance.
The consideration of the use of barrier theory has been used to assist the steps
required to develop life extension strategies and additional management
processes have been identified which enhance both management of the effects of
ageing and life extension.
Energy Institute, 2007(i): Capability maturity model for maintenance
management, Energy Institute Report, ISBN 978-0-85293-487-6.
Energy Institute, 2007(ii), Guidelines for the management of safety critical
elements, ISBN 978-0-85293-462-3
Galbraith, D., Sharp, J. V., 2007, Document id: POS-DK07-136 (for PSA)
Hart, K., Sharp, J.V., Wintle, J., Galbraith, D., Terry, E., 2008, Leading indicators
for the management of maintenance programmes; a Joint Industry Programme,
Hazards XX, IChemE
Health & Safety Executive, 1995, The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire
and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations, Statutory Instrument
No. 743
Health & Safety Executive, 2005, The Offshore Installations (Safety Case)
Regulations, Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 3117
Health & Safety Executive, 2006, Developing process safety indicators: A step-
by-step guide for chemical and major hazard industries, HSG 254, ISBN
Health & Safety Executive, 2007, Key Programme 3: Asset Integrity Programme,
Sharp, J. V., Ersdal, G., Galbraith, D., 2008, Development of Key Performance
Indicators for Offshore Structural Integrity, 27th International Conference on
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE
Wintle, J., Sharp, J. V., 2008, Requirements for Life Extension of Ageing Offshore
Production Installations, TWI Report 17554/1/08 (for PSA)
Wintle, J., Hart, K., Sharp, J.V., Galbraith, D., Terry, E., 2009, A Capability
Maturity Model for Maintenance Management Offshore; An Energy Institute Joint
Industry Project, Safe and Reliable Life Extension of Topside Equipment Offshore,
Figure 1: Overview of ageing trends

Where: Line 1 represents design set point when new

Line 2 represents performance degradation that survives through life extension
Line 3 represents performance degradation that survives to end of design life
Line 4 represents performance degradation requiring repair/ replacement prior
to design life but still following the “bath tub” wear out curve
Line 5 represents rapid degradation before end of design life
Table 1: Brief Description of Ageing Mechanisms

Description of
Ageing Further Descriptive Notes

Specification Failure to adapt This ageing aspect concerns the specification and choice of equipment type based upon an
superseded (by to change equipment technology which is deemed to be no longer valid, i.e. no longer functional,
technology – discredited or obsolete.
equipment Note, that this may include;
o The cessation of suitable spares for the equipment
Improvements o Growing evidence of systematic breakdowns & reliability failures
in technology
and standards o Shortcomings identified under particular operating phases/conditions
(exacerbated by
loss of people, Example impacts might be;
experience and o Deluge valve internals no longer available (especially elastomeric throated valves)
o Cracking of TEMPSC hoist points arising from partial launch tests
o Poisoning of gas detectors due to the offshore operating environment (where they
prove excessively sensitive to fumes/particles from regular maintenance)

Specification Improvements This ageing aspect concerns the specification and choice of equipment type based upon an
superseded (by in technology analysis method or technology which is deemed to be no longer valid.
technology – and standards Note, this may include;
consequence o Fire and explosion calculation methods
Loss of people,
analysis) o The durations of resistance of material to jet fire impingement
experience and
expertise o The calculated extent of gas dispersion

Example impacts might be;

o Blast walls inadequate due to low over-pressure calculations from older software
o PFP construction not suitable for flame erosional characteristics
o Inappropriate placement of gas detectors

Specification Failure to adapt This ageing aspect concerns the potential changes to Major Accident Hazards which may
superseded (by to change render the Performance Standards of SCEs inadequate. Most carefully, it should be applied to
events) the accumulation of “creeping” changes whereby minor modifications to the process creates a
potentially major change.
in technology Example impacts might be;
and standards o Increased fire loads potentially causing breach of key systems
o H2S break-through into producing wells but with no H 2S detection systems or NACE
rated pipe work
o Mothballed equipment containing residue hydrocarbons

External Physical This ageing aspect concerns the more traditionally acknowledged understanding of ageing
degradation deterioration whereby external conditions in the environment or action resulting from operations and
maintenance cause a degradation of the exterior of equipment.
A key issue with this form of ageing is that it is generally time-dependent rather than use-
dependent and will be easily identifiable without disassembly or performance testing, indeed,
the performance may be unaffected, certainly in the early stages of ageing.
Example impacts might be;
o Rust or other oxidation build-up on external surfaces
o Chipping and marking from maintenance work on adjacent equipment
o Accumulated damage from scaffolding
o Paint spray in sensitive areas, e.g. switch units or junction boxes from periodic

Internal Physical This ageing aspect concerns another more traditionally acknowledged understanding of ageing
degradation deterioration whereby the continued functioning of the equipment causes wear-out of internal materials and
A key issue with this form of ageing is that it is use-dependent ands that the physical
degradation due to wear may not be easily identifiable without disassembly or performance
Example impacts might be;
o Valve stem seal leakage
o Flange degradation and seepage
o Bearing wear on rotating machinery
o Internal erosion on pipe walls and fittings (e.g. on bends or restrictions, orifice
plates, intrusive measuring devices)
Figure 2: Illustration of application of management processes

Figure 3: Maturity model processes

Table 2 Examples of leading and lagging performance indicators relating to the processes and a selected sub-process for the
management of ageing SCEs (items in italics are taken from the KP3 initiative) [HSE 2007]

Sub-process Potential PIs Typical deliverables or Potential PIs Typical deliverables or

Descriptions Leading outputs Lagging outputs

Process P1:-Development of a corporate strategy/policy for the management of ageing SCEs within the organisation as a whole.

a. Define top level strategic 1. Develop company objectives with respect 1. Company mission 1. Number of queries from regulators and 1. Company safety alerts
goals for management to ageing installations (and SCEs) statement referring to employees regarding company position on
2. Audit reports
of ageing SCEs for managing ageing asset status
2. Monitor industry trends and review
generic hazards installations 3. QA feedback
feedback from interested parties 2. Increasing number of deficiencies in ageing
(stakeholders) 2. Company annual returns SCEs reported from assets 4. Stakeholder queries &
3. Establish a programme to compare 3. Company publicity
company objectives against competitors to literature
define ‘best in class’
4. Corporate Safety plan
referring to managing
ageing installations

Process P2:-Planning of the management of ageing SCEs based on the agreed strategy and policy and the defining of suitable performance indicators.
a. Interpret the strategy 1. Issue asset/project specific strategy 1. Project/asset HSE plan 1. Project queries from stakeholders due to 1. MoM
for a particular documents before start of project or absence of strategy statements
2. Project/asset HSE 2. Safety queries
installation and its SCEs. acquisition of asset
management system
3. HSE project inspections &
3. Safety case queries
4. Modules within documents
describing approach to
ageing SCEs

Process P3:-Implementing of schemes to gather performance and test data for performance indicators on the condition/management of ageing SCEs.

a. Undertake activities to 1. Testing regime and schedule established 1. Maintenance records 1. Decreasing level of performance of ageing 1. Maintenance records
measure data for PIs, eg early in the project/asset life and clearly systems and components in functional tests
2. Production reports 2. Production reports
tests on SCE with communicated
2. Increasing SCE unreliability or unavailability
respect to PSs, analysis 3. Production forecasts
2. Testing team with responsible competent due to ageing
of effectiveness of SCE
individuals appointed early in the 4. SCE compliance checks
control systems. 3. Increasing failure rates for ageing SCEs
project/asset life and clearly communicated
5. ICP WSE reports
3. Increasing percentage of functional tests
completed to schedule
Sub-process Potential PIs Typical deliverables or Potential PIs Typical deliverables or
Descriptions Leading outputs Lagging outputs

Process P3:-Implementing of schemes to gather performance and test data for performance indicators on the condition/management of ageing SCEs.

b. Undertake activities to 1. Testing regime and schedule established 1. Maintenance records 1. Decreasing level of performance of ageing 1. Maintenance records
measure data for PIs, eg early in the project/asset life and clearly systems and components in functional tests
2. Production reports 2. Production reports
tests on SCE with communicated
2. Increasing SCE unreliability or unavailability
respect to PSs, analysis 3. Production forecasts
2. Testing team with responsible competent due to ageing
of effectiveness of SCE
individuals appointed early in the 4. SCE compliance checks
control systems. 3. Increasing failure rates for ageing SCEs
project/asset life and clearly communicated
5. ICP WSE reports
3. Increasing percentage of functional tests
completed to schedule

Process P5:- Setting out and implement an appropriate remediation schemes to ensure SCEs meet the required Performance Standards
a. Set out and implement 1. Programme upgrades based on increasing 1. Maintenance plan 1. Maintenance and upgrade programmes 1. Maintenance records
an appropriate risk levels and requirements to maintain falling behind schedule
2. HSE plan 2. HSE plan
remediation scheme to risk control established early in the
2. No improvement in performance of ageing
ensure SCEs meet the project/asset life and clearly communicated 3. Maintenance records
SCEs noted after maintenance and upgrade
required PSs
2. Performance Standard monitoring programmes have been set in place
programme established early in the
3. Implementation of defined life repair
project/asset life and clearly communicated
Including; scheme falling behind schedule
3. Establish a scheme for identifying ‘defined
Carrying out of ‘defined
life repairs’ early in the project/asset life
life repairs’
and clearly communicated

Process P6:-Verifying and Assuring that the ageing SCEs are performing both as isolated systems or in concert with other SCEs
a. Verify and/or Assure and 1. Establish early on a comprehensive scope 1. Safety plan 1. Monitor the number of disagreements 1. MoM
verify that the ageing of work in conjunction with the ICP with between the duty holder and appointed ICP
2. Safety management 2. Safety records
SCEs are performing, specific consideration of ageing SCEs as
system 2. Increasing numbers of failures/near misses
both as isolated systems components and whole systems 3. LTI reports
& incidents attributed to ageing (using Root
or in concert with other 3. Safety case
Cause Analyses) 4. RIDDOR reporting
5. Board management
Table 3: Examples of leading and lagging indicators for 2 typical SCEs

Typical Safety Leading PIs Lagging PIs

Critical Element (examples) (examples)
 Increasing percentage of  Increasing percentage lost product
scheduled CUI inspections (production loss and leakage) due to
outstanding loss of containment faults
Hydrocarbon  Increasing number of pipes  Number and extent of HC leaks
containment repaired or awaiting repair detected
 Increasing percentage  Number of cracks detected
cathodic protection checks
not completed to schedule

 Number of locations  Increasing percentage time systems

identified where alarms are unavailable
Gas, smoke and fire
were inaudible due to  Number of failures of detection
detection and alarm
ageing alarms and systems to perform on demand during
increased noise from emergency or under test
additional equipment

Table 4: Modified sub-processes (used in Structural Integrity Management) and

their application to ageing and life extension

Main process Sub-processes Ageing

1. Develop overall SIM philosophy 1.1 Development of SIM philosophy

& life cycle condition monitoring

strategy 1.2 Definition of high level acceptance
criteria 
1.3 Definition of ageing effects

1.4 Allocation & management of
resources  
1.5 Understanding of structural
performance, strengths and limitations  
2. Establish long term inspection 2.1 Definition of long-term platform
programme and emergency specific inspection programmes  

3. In-service inspection 3.1 Inspection planning

programme and offshore 

4. Data logging, evaluation and 4.1 Evaluation, analysis and

assessment assessment of inspection data 
4.2 Assessment for life extension
 
5. Implementation (design and 5.1 Determine requirements for repair
execution) of repair and and mitigation measures 
mitigation measures

6. Integrity
6.1 Assurance of integrity
 
effectiveness of SIM 6.2 Evaluation of effectiveness of
inspection programme  
6.3 Management reporting
 

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