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A Thesis
Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S1 - Degree


NPM : 1311040284

Study Program: English Education

Advisor : Bambang Irfani, M. Pd

Co-Advisor : Agus Hidayat, M. Pd





Qualitative descriptive research was use in thid research. The focus of data in this
research was the process in implementation of daily conversation towards students’
speaking ability. The data is acquired from observation, interview, and questionnaire.
The technique of collecting data was observation the activities of teaching learning
process. Besides observation, other technique was through interview. The data from
interview was acquired from musyrifah (language divion). and the data from
questionnaire was from students of Ma’had Al Jami’ah at the third semester. the data
were analyzed with three steps; data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing
or verification.

The result showed that the process of teaching and learning in implementation of
daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung had
been conducted, in which the tutor created an innovation in teaching based on her
style. Daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung
was quite effective to improve students speaking ability. There were musyrifah as
tutor who guide students to use English as their communication, module as guidance
for musyrifah also students for teching learning process.

The obstacles in implementation of daily conversation were faced by students

themselves. Which was known that students have problem in psychological factor
especially in inteligence and motivation aspect which were found that students’ low
vocabularies and they were lazy to learn more to keep their English communication.

Keywords: daily conversation method, speaking ability, qualitative descriptive

research method


I hereby stated that this thesis entitled “The Implementation of Daily

Conversation Method (DCM) to Improve Student’s Speaking Ability at Ma’had Al

Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung” is definitely my own work. I am totally

responsible for the content of this thesis. I am fully aware that I have quoted or

cited some statements, references, and opinions from other experts and those are

quoted or cited in agreement with ethical standards.

Bandar Lampung, February 2018

Declared by,

NPM. 1311040284


This Thesis is proudly dedicated to:

1. The greatest inspiration and motivation of my life my beloved parents, my

father Ahmad Subandi and my mother Towiyah who have given the best

inspiration, pray, love and everything for me.

2. My beloved brothers Muhtopik, Muhijat, Muhtadli, Muhtarjo, Suhardi,

Sunaryo, My beloved sisters Sri Munahwati, Siti Asiyatun, Supinah, who

always give me suggestion and give their nice smile in all my age.

3. My beloved Almamater UIN Raden Intan Lampung.


)٤( ‫) عَل َّ َم ُه الم َب َي َان‬٣( ‫) َخلَ َق ا إلن م َس َان‬٢( ‫) عَ َّ ََّل الم ُق مرآ َن‬١( ‫َّالر م َْح ُن‬

“(1) The most Beneficient (Allah)! (2) Has taught (you mankind) the Qur’an (by his Mercy).

He created man. (4) He taught him eloquent speech.” (Ar-Rahman: 1-4).1

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The holy Qur’an Text and Translation, Milat Book Centre: New
Delhi, 2006). P. 1067


Nurmawati was born in Sindang Sari, Karya Mulya Sari, Candipuro, South

Lampung on February 3rd , 1996. nurma is the eighth child of the big family of the

happy couple, Mr Ahmad Subandi and Ms. Towiyah. Nurma has six brothers and

three sisters.

Nurma joined elementary school at SD Negeri 02 Karya Mulya Sari,

Candipuro, South Lampung in 2002. Having graduated from elementary school in

2007, Nurma went to MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Sindang Sari and graduated in 2010.

Three years later, Nurma completed her study at SMA Mathla’ul Anwar Sindang

Sari, Candipuro in 2013. After that Nurma continued at UIN Raden Intan

Lampung majoring in English Education Study Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training Faculty of Raden Intan State University Lampung.


Praise be to Allah SWT for merciful and blessing that this thesis can be

finally completed entitled “The Implementation of Daily Conversation Method

(DCM) to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden

Intan Lampung”. This thesis discussed about the teaching learning process in

implementation of daily conversation method. This research is written as a part of

the requirement of S-1 Degree in the English Education department UIN Raden

Intan Lampung. When finishing this thesis, the researcher has obtained so many

helps, assistance, aid, support and many valuable things from various sides.

Therefore, the researcher would sincerely thanks:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M. Pd, The Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training Faculty of UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

2. Meisuri, M. Pd, the Chairwoman of English education department UIN Raden

Intan Lampung.

3. Bambang Irfani, M. Pd, the Advisor, who has patiently guided and directed

the researcher until the completion of this thesis.

4. Agus Hidayat, M. Pd, the Co –advisor, who has given guidance and

supervision, especially in correcting this thesis.

5. Satria Adi Pradana, M. Pd, the primary examiner, who has always patiently

guided and given supervision.

6. All of lecturers of English education department of UIN Raden Intan

Lampung who have given knowledge and experience.

7. Special thanks to Ustadz Kamran As’at Irsyadi, Lc, M. Si, the headmaster of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah for allowing the researcher to conducted the research.

8. Musyrif and Musrifah of Ma’had Al Jami’ah for helping the researcher to

complete the research.

9. Lovely tutors of DUINA GROUP, Mahmud Sahroni, M. Pd, Faiz Nur Hadi,

M. Pd and Aziz Lukman Hakim M, S. Pd. I, who always guide and motivate

the researcher in her life.

10. Lovely team of DUINA GROUP, who always motivate and give inspiration in

writing the research.

11. Lovely friends in her adventure, Mas Agung Aprianto, Kak Suhailah Sidek,

Mba Fefti Karalin, Ngah Riska Desri Kartini, who always together for getting

new experiences in the step of live.

12. Lovely friends, Neli Afifah and Riana Febrianti, who give her chances to

learn in her life.

13. G Class of English Department 2013.

14. Young Generation of AMPIBI UIN Raden Intan Lampung 2013.

15. Young Generation of Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung 2013.

May Allah gives goodness and blessing for all guides and helps that have

been given to the researcher. Finally, none is perfect and neither is the final

project. Any corrections, comments, and criticism for the betterment of this final

project are always open-heartedly welcomed.

Bandar Lampung, February 2018

The Researcher,

NPM. 1311040284


COVER ........................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL.................................................................................................... iii
ADMISSION ................................................................................................... iv
DECLARATION ............................................................................................ v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vii
CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................ viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... xiv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xv
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ .. xvi

A. Background of the Problem .................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem ................................................. 6
C. Limitation of the Problem ..................................................... 6
D. Formulation of the Problem .................................................. 6
E. Objective of the Research....................................................... 7
F. Use of the Research ………. .................................................. 7
G. Scope of the Research ........................................................... 8


A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language .............................. 9
B. Concept of Speaking ............................................................. 11
1. Definition of Speaking ...................................................... 11
2. Importance of Speaking ..................................................... 14
3. Types of Speaking Activities ............................................. 15
4. Definition of Speaking Ability ........................................... 18
5. Problems in Mastering Speaking ........................................ 19
6. Activities to Promote Speaking .......................................... 21
C. Teaching Speaking ................................................................ 28
D. Concept of Daily Conversation Method ................................ 31
1. Definition of Daily Conversation Method ......................... 31
2. Procedure of Daily Conversation Method ......................... 35
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using DCM ................ 37

4. The Implementation of Using DCM ................................. 38
5. The Obstacles of Using Daily Conversation Method ........ 43


A. Research Design .................................................................. 48
B. Research Subject ................................................................. 48
C. Data Collecting Technique .................................................. 50
D. Research Instrument ............................................................ 53
1. Observation ..................................................................... 53
2. Interview ......................................................................... 54
3. Questionnaire .................................................................. 55
E. Research Procedure ............................................................. 56
F. Trustworthiness of the Data ................................................ 56
1. Time Triangulation........................................................... 56
2. Space Triangulation ........................................................ 57
3. Theoretical Triangulation ............................................... 57
4. Methodological Triangulation ........................................ 57
5. Investigator Triangulation ............................................... 57
G. Data Analysis ...................................................................... 58
1. Data Reduction ................................................................ 59
2. Data Display .................................................................... 59
3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification ................................... 59


A. Finding of The Research ..................................................... 61
1. Findings ........................................................................... 61
a. Observation Report .................................................... 61
b. Interview Report ......................................................... 66
c. Questionnaire Report .................................................. 71
2. Discussion of Findings ..................................................... 79
a. The Teaching Learning Process in Implementation of Daily
Conversation Method ................................................ 79
b. The Obstacles in Implementation of DCM ................. 81


A. Conclusion ............................................................................. 83
B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 83
1. For the Tutor (Musyrifah)................................................... 83
2. For the Students .................................................................. 84

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 86
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 91

Table 01 : The Data of Students of Ma’had Al Jami’ah .............................. 49
Table 02 : The Spesification of Observation................................................ 53
Table 03 : The Spesification of Interview .................................................... 54
Table 04 : The Spesification of Questionnaire ............................................ 55
Table 05 : The Observation Checklist ......................................................... 62
Table 09 : The Result of Interview ............................................................. 66
Table 03 : The Questionnaire Report .......................................................... 72

Figure 01 :Conversation and Language Acquisition .................................... 34

Appendix 01 Observation Checklist .................................................................... 90
Appendix 05 Result of Interview ........................................................................ 92
Appendix 06 Name of Sample ............................................................................ 96
Appendix 07 Validation Instrument .................................................................... 97
Appendix 07 “Surat Izin Penelitian” ................................................................... 112
Appendix 08 “Surat Balasan Penelitian” ............................................................ 113
Appendix 09 Control Card ................................................................................... 114


A. Background of the Problem

English has become the lingua franca all over the world even though it is not

the most spoken language concerning the number of its native speakers. The

economic and cultural impact of the USA has paved the way toward the

prevailed use of English in various areas of the globe. It has become the medium

of technology, and commerce etc, which has channeled lots of people in almost

all parts of the world toward engaging into attempts to learn English as a

foreign/second language.1 In addition, Allah has explained in the Al- Qur’an

surah Ar- Rum verse 22:

َ ‫ف أَلْ ِس نَتِ ُك ْم َوأَلْ َوانِكُ ْم ۚ إِ َّن ِِف ذََٰ ل‬
ُ ‫اخ تِ ََل‬
‫ك‬ ِ ‫الس م او‬
ِ ‫ات َو ْاْل َْر‬ ِِ ِ
ْ ‫ض َو‬ َ َ َّ ‫َوم ْن آيَات ه َخ لْ ُق‬

‫ي‬ ِِ ِ ٍ
َ ‫ََل يَات ل لْ عَ ال م‬

“And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the

diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the

Gulten Kosar and Hasan Bedir, “Strategies-Based Instruction: A Means Of Improving
Adult Efl Learners’Speaking Skills”. International Journal of Language Academy, Vol. 2 No. 3
(2014) p. 13

learned”. (Ar- Rum: 22).2 It means that all of people in this world have different

language as evidence the power of the God and we needed communication each


In some countries, English becomes second language, but in Indonesia

English becomes foreign language. English is taught for kindergarten as

introduction about the first foreign language in Indonesia, and for elementary

school as the local content subject, whereas from junior high school up to

university as the compulsory subject. It is supported by Bambang Setiyadi who

says “ The government decides English is learnt by students from junior high

school up to university as a compulsory subject”.3 The objective to be achieved is

that the outputs of the school are able to communicate by using English in both

spoken and written forms.

English teaching learning process should be applied into active

communication and focused more on productive skills as Brown states that

successful oral communication in the target language with other speakers serves as

a display of successful language acquisition.4 This statement brings forth the

significance of developing speaking skill, indicating competent language learners.

Thus, the need to improve students’ speaking skills has been intriguing to be

Adds-Ins Al Qur’an and English Translation, Ar-Rum: 22, Accessed on December 28th ,
2018, from Microsoft Word 2007
Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English As a Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta: Graha
Ilmu, 2006), p. 22
H. Doughlas Brown, Teaching by Principles An interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy (2 Ed), (New York: Longman. 2000). p. 211

discussed in the research.

One of the most important goals of teachers is to enable learners to use

English for communication. Teachers should use a lot of English speaking

activities to motivate learners to study and speak in English, and they should

increase learning classroom environment.5 Teacher should train learners to use and

practice the different strategies that can help them face difficult situations

especially dealing with communicative skill. The students need more practice,

good learning environment, and development programs to optimize their language


Teachers should also focus their teaching on minimizing the students’

learning problems especially in speaking. Some speaking problems faced by the

students are lack of vocabularies, can not communicate actively, lack of linguistic

knowledge, lack of practice, insufficient of a good learning environment, and

other external factors.6 Those problems faced by learners make them unconfident

in practicing foreign language and impede their speaking skill improvement. They

need habitual of speaking practice to be familiar with foreign language.

One of the good learning environment that provides the learners’ need in

learning English speaking is Islamic Boarding School. Islamic boarding schools

Ali Derakhshan,, “Developing EFL Learner’s Speaking Ability, Accuracy, and
Fluency”. English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016), pp. 178-179
M. Muchlas and Eva Fadhilah, “The Influence of DCM toward Students’ Foreign
Language Speaking Fluency in Modern Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia”. Proceedings of
SOCIOINT, (2016), p. 63

are educational institutions, where the students usually stay in the lodge

(dormitory) with Islamic teaching materials and general scientific knowledge,

aiming to master the Islamic knowledge and practice along with general

knowledge such as mastery of foreign languages and other skills.7

Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung as one of the Islamic

boarding school which focused in language development has systems and

programs which aim not only in giving sufficient Islamic knowledge, but also in

developing English Languege especially communicative skills. It has rules and

systems that the students have the obligation of speaking foreign language in their

daily conversation routines. This rule is considered in order to make the students

accustomed in practicing foreign language in their daily communication, so that

they are able to improve their foreign language quality, especially in improving

their speaking skill.

Based on the interview in the preliminary research by doing an interview

with a guidance counselor (musyrifah) at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan

Lampung that is the students before joining in the Ma’had Al Jaami’ah UIN Raden

Intan Lampung have many problems in speaking such as low confident in

speaking, limited vocabularies, and teacher in practicing english, and so on.

However, after studying in Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung for at

Dedi Efrizal, “Improving Students’ Speaking through Communicative Language Teaching
Method at Mts Ja-alhaq Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding School of Bengkulu”. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2 No.20 (2012), p. 128

least one year, they got learning of daily conversation so they improved their

confidence in speaking English and their overall English skill which showed in

their daily communication. This progress shows that the language development

program in Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung seems to be


One of the language development method applied in Ma’had Al Jami’ah

UIN Raden Intan Lampung is Daily Conversation. It is a method of language

education that encourages students’ speaking fluency improvement through daily

communication. It aims to overcome several problems that students encounter in

learning foreign language skill, especially in speaking.9

Daily conversation has been widely used in many Islamic Boarding School

especially in Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung to improve the

students speaking ability. However, it is still neceessary to conduct a deeper

research related to how this method be applied, how the responses of the students,

and what obtacles they faced in implementing it. Therefore, this research was done

in order to reveal the implementation of daily conversation method in improving

the students’ speaking ability in Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

Rahmanita Sari, musyrifah (divisi bahasa) asrama putri 2 UIN Raden Intan Lampung.
Wawancara dengan penulis, Bandar Lampung, 9 Agustus 2017
M. Muchlas, Loc, Cit p. 63

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the research background, the researcher identified the problems as


1. The students had low confident in English speaking.

2. The students had limited vocabularies.

3. The students did not really have partners to speak.

4. There were limited chances to speak English in formal class.

5. The teaching method in speaking was not really effective.

C. Limitation of the Problem

From the identification above, the limitation of the problem was focused and

emphasized the research of the teaching and learning process in implementation of

daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung in

the second year students.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation above, this research was formulated the problem as


1. How was the teaching learning process in implementation of daily

conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung?

2. What were the obstacles which faced by students in the teaching and learning

process in implementation of daily conversation at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN

Raden Intan Lampung?

E. Objective of the Research

The objectives of this research are to reveal :

1. To know the teaching learning process in implementation of daily

conversation method.

2. To know the obstacles which faced by students in the teaching learning

process in implementation of daily conversation method.

F. Uses of the Research

This research is expected to be useful:

1. To inform the reader about an analysis of the teaching learning process in

implementation of daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN

Raden Intan Lampung.

2. To become inspiring ideas for other researcher to conduct the follow up of the

analysis study.

G. Scope of the Research

1. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research were the English tutor and the female students at

the third semester who stay in building 2 of Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden

Intan Lampung.

2. The Object of the Research

The object of the research was the teaching learning process in

implementation of daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN

Raden Intan Lampung.

3. The Place of the Research

The research was conducted at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan


4. The Time of the Research

The research was conducted at the first semester in the academic year of



A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

English is the first foreign language in Indonesia and it has been taught

starting from the Junior High School up to the Senior School. English must be

taught in order that the learners are able to compete in this global era. There are

four skills in English that the students must mastered, they are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.1 And the purpose of teaching learning process is to develop

the skills above. But the fact, most students who learn English do not use English

for daily communication but they only use English when they have English class

because English is not their mother tongue.

One factor that influences the successes in teaching and learning English are

teachers. Teachers should be able to make the students understand about the

lesson. They have to find the way how to make the students enjoy the lesson. The

students can easily lose their spirit and willingness to study if the teachers are

uninteresting. Allah SWT, in holy Qur’an said about good communication in

Surah An Nisa /4:63:

ِ ‫ِ ي ِ نْفف سِ أه أم ف ْم‬
‫ِ ْم أ‬ ‫ك ِا لَّذأ ين ِيْ عف لْ ْم ِال لَّهِِمْ أ‬
‫اِ ي ِقِ لِوِبأأ ْم ِ فْأْع رأض ِع نف م ْم أ‬ ْ ‫نِولَْٰ ئأ‬
‫ِوقِ فل ِ ْلِ ف‬
ْ ‫ِوع ظف ِم ف ْم‬
ْ ‫ف ف ف ْ ِف‬ ِ ْ
‫قْ فواًل ِبْلأيغاا‬
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th Ed) , (London: Longman,
2007), p. 265

“Those are the ones of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away

from them but admonish them and speak to them a far-reaching word”. (An- Nisa


This verse told about how to warn a community with good communication.

According to tafsir Al Maraghi “Qoula baliighon” mean “words that the impact

you will put into their soul.3 Meanwhile, according to Al Qurthubi, sentence

“Qoula baliighon” means “talk what is in heart”.4 Based on the experts it can be

concluded that “Qoula baliighon” can be interpreted as fluent and precise talking,

clear interpretation, and able to inform the message well. Besides that, by domain

it touched, it can be called as effective speaking.

As Harmer states, one of main task for teacher is to provoke interest and

involvement in the subject even when the student are not initially interested in it. It

is by their choice of topic, activity and linguistics content that they may be able to

turn a class around. It is by class attitude by their participation, they

conscientiousness, their humor and their seriousness that they may influence the

Adds –Ins Al –Qur’an and English Translation, An –Nisaa:63, Accessed on December

25 , 2017, from Microsoft Word 2007
Ahmad Musthofa Al Maraghi, Al Maraghi Juz 5 trans., (Semarang: PT. Karya Toha Putra:
Muhammad Ibrahim Al Hifnawi, Tafsir al Qurthubi Jilid 5 trans., (Jakarta: Pustaka

students. It is by their own behavior and enthusiasm that they may inspire 5. As

stated by Brown that teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something, giving, instruction, guiding, in the study of something providing with

knowledge causing to know or understand6.

According to the statements above, the researcher assumes that teaching is

the process of transferring the teacher’s knowledge to the students in order to

make the students understand the lesson. It is clearly stated that the teacher should

be creative in teaching, so the students will not lose their spirit in learning.

B. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is to say words orally, to communicate as by talking, to make a

request, and to make a speech7. Speaking is the process of making and sharing

meaning by using verbal and non-verbal symbols in different contexts. Marry Ann

cited in burns that It can also defined as an interactive process of making meaning

that includes producing, receiving, and processing information.8Meanwhile Lwin

states, that “ speaking ability is the main aspect and mainly appears from verbal

Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English. (Longman limited, 2007), p. 28
H Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (4th Ed), (San Francisco
State University: Longman, 2000), p. 7
David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers, (Sidney:
Macquire University, 1991), p. 39
Marry Ann, Improving Adult English Language Learners’ Speaking Skills. ERIC Digest.
Available on: (September 20th 1007)

intelligence and linguistic intelligence”.9 Speaking ability can be called by verbal


Of course, the students need interaction with others (teachers, friends) to

communicate. Martin Bygate in Lwin’s book acquaints that “interaction skill

involves the ability to use language in order to satisfy particular demands. First, it

is related to the internal conditions of speech. Second, it involves the dimension of

interpersonal in conversation.10Despite the fact that it is taken for granted,

speaking is very important in people’s everyday life. In addition, Bygate states

that speaking is the vehicle: part excellent of social solidarity, of social making of

professional achievement of business. It is through their way of speaking that

people are most frequently judged.11 In addition to that speaking is also a medium

through which much language is learnt, including English. To speak is not merely

uttering a sequence of words in their correct pronunciation. One is said to be good

speaker provided he manages to deliver what is in his mind well and to make his

audience understand him.

Furthermore, speaking is the term that the researcher uses for verbal

communication between people. When two people are engaged in talking to each

other, the writer is sure that they are doing communication. Communication

Lwin, Adam Khoo, Kenneth Lyen, and Carrolin Sim, How to multiply Your Child’s
intelligence,(2nd Ed), (Jakarta: indeks publisher, 2008), p. 11
Ibid, p. 11
Ibid, p. 14

between people is an extremely complex and ever changing phenomenon. There

are certain generalizations that we can make about the majority of communicative

events and these have particular relevance for the learning and teaching process.

People do communication for some reason. Harmer states the reason as follows:

(1)” They want to say something”. What is used here is general way to suggest that

the speaker make definite decisions to address other people. Speaking may of

course, be forced upon them, but we can still say that they feel the need to

speak, otherwise they would keep silent.

(2)“ They have some communicative purpose”. Speakers say things because they

want something to happen as a result of what they say. They may want to

charm their listeners; to give some information, to express pleasure; they may

decide to be rude or flatter, to agree or complain. In each of this cases they are

interested in achieving this communicative purpose what is important the

message they wish to convey and he effect they want it to have.

(3)” They select from their language store”. Speakers have an infinite capacity to

create new sentences. In order to achieve this communication purpose they will

select (from the “store” of language they posses) the language they think is

appropriate for this purpose. Of course there will be a desire to communicate on

the part of the students and they will also have communication purpose. When

the students are involved in a drill or in repetition, they will be motivated the

need to reach the objective of accuracy. The emphasis is on the form of

language. The teacher should be in creating procedures of teaching in order that
the objective is reached. Referring to the explanation above, it can be

concluded that speaking is the ability to express the ideas, feelings, and many

others by using the appropriate words, good grammar, and understandable by

the listener.

2. Importance of Speaking

Humans are programmed to speak before they learn to read and write. In any

given, human beings spend much more time interacting orally with language

rather than using it in its written form. Speaking is the most important skill

because it is one of the abilities that is needed to perform a conversation. English

speaking is not an easy task because speakers should know many significant

components like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension. Learners should have enough English speaking ability in order

to communicate easily and effectively with other people.

Speaking is of great significance for the people interaction where they speak

everywhere and every day. Speaking is the way of communicating ideas and

messages orally. If we want to encourage students to communicate in English we

should use the language in real communication and ask them to do the same

process. Richards and Rodgers stated that in the traditional methods, the

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English(7th Ed),(Longman, 2001), p, 46

skill was ignored in the classrooms where the emphasis was on reading and

writing skills.13 For example, in The Grammar-Translation method, reading and

writing were the important skills and speaking and listening skills were not of

great significance.

The significance of speaking is indicated with the integration of the other

language skills. Speaking helps learners develop their vocabulary and grammar

skills and then better their writing skill. Students can express their emotions, ideas;

say stories; request; talk, discuss, and show the various functions of language.

Speaking is of vital importance outside the classroom. Therefore, language

speakers have more opportunities to find jobs in different organizations and

companies. These statements have been supported by Baker and Westrup who said

that learners who speak English very well can have greater chance for better

education finding good jobs, and getting promotion.14

3. Types of Speaking Activities

One of the most important goals of teachers is to enable learners to use

English for communication. According to many theories, speaking skill can be

improved by games, role play, etc. Evidence shows that speaking should

Jack. C Richards., & Rodgers, T. S, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 131
Joanna Baker, &Heather Westrup, Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English
Language Teacher, (London: Continuum, 2003), p. 94

incorporate activities in a group work. There are some types of speaking

performance which can be used in the classroom activities:15

a. Imitation

Students should pay attention to certain vowel sounds and intonations; next

they should imitate correctly. Meanwhile learners need to practice an intonation

contour or to find exactly certain vowel sound.

b. Responsive

It refers to short replies to teachers. It can be learners to initiated questions or

comments. Students should be active in the classroom. They should reply to

teachers’ questions and comments. They should participate in the classroom.

For example:

T: How’s it going?

S: Pretty good!

c. Intensive

Any speaking performance is planned to practice some phonological or

grammatical features of language that can be self-initiated or pair work activity.

d. Transactional Dialogue

It is used to convey a message or exchange the information. In addition, it is

utilized to elaborate a concept or to manifest the purpose of something.

Learners should participate in conversation. For example:

Ali Derakhshan, Op. Cit. pp. 24-25

T: What is the main idea in this essay?

S: The USA should have more power.

T: What do you mean?

S: Well, for example the USA should have the power to destroy the others


e. Interpersonal Dialogue

It is regarded as maintaining social relationships not for transmission of facts

and information involves factors like: casual register, colloquial language,

slang, ellipsis, sarcasm and a covert “agenda” (Brown, 2007). For example:

Carol : Hi, Tom, How’s it going?

Tom : Oh, not bad.

Carol : Not a great weekend, huh?

Tom : Well, I’m really miffed about last week.

f. Extensive

It refers to students at intermediate to advanced levels that are asked to provide

extensive monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries or short speech. In

order to improve second language skills, learners should practice regularly.

First learners should expand their general vocabulary and then they can

improve their domain of vocabulary by listening from simple sentences to

complex sentences. Meanwhile they can increase their knowledge by reading

short story and sometimes memorizing some important parts of it. When

students read a book, story and magazine aloud, it can help students more.

When students practice, their fluency would be bettertoo.16

4. Definition of Speaking Ability

To enable students to communicate, we need to apply the language in real

communication. Speaking is the ability to speech or utterances with the purpose of

having intention to be recognized by speaker and the receiver processes the

statements in order to recognize their intentions. Speaking ability of the students is

depending on the complexity of the information to be communicated; however,

the speaker sometimes finds it difficult to clarify what they want to say. Speaking

is the first mode in which children acquire language, it is part of the daily

involvement of most people with language activities, and it is the prime motor of

language change. It also provides our main data for understanding bilingualism

and language contact.17

Speaking skill is the ability to use the language in oral form. In junior and

senior high schools this skill is limited to the ability to conduct a simple

conversation on some subjects (e.g, expressing regret, gratitude, agreement, offer,

certainty, etc). Among the four skills, speaking skill is a difficult one to assess

with precision, because speaking is a complex skill to acquire.

Dedi Efrizal, Op. Cit. p. 127

The following four or five components are generally recognized in analysis of

speech process:

1. Pronunciation (including the segmental features, vowel and consonants; and

the stress and intonation).

2. Grammar

3. Vocabulary

4. Fluency (the ease and speed of the flow of speech)

5. Comprehension18

So it can be concluded that students’ speaking ability is their ability to retell

the contents of communication given to their friends by using their own words,

with measuring of their pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and also

comprehension of dialogue.

5. Problems in Mastering Speaking

There are some problems for speaking skill that teachers can come across in

helping students to speak in the classroom. These are inhibition, lack of topical

knowledge, low participation, and mother-tongue use. Inhibition is the first

problem that students encounter in class. When they want to say something in the

classroom they are sometimes inhibited. They are worried about making mistakes

and fearful of criticism. They are ashamed of the other students’ attention towards

H. Doughlas Brown, Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practices (1st Ed),
(Longman, 2004), p, 140


Littlewood expressed that a language classroom can also create inhibitions and

apprehension for the students.19

The second problem is that learners complain that they cannot remember

anything to say and they do not have any motivation to express themselves. This is

supported by Rivers who thinks that learners often have nothing to say probably

because their teachers had selected a topic that is not appropriate for them or they

do have enough information about it.20 It is very difficult for learners to answer

when their teachers ask them to tell things in a foreign language because they have

little opinions about what to say, which vocabulary to apply, or how to use

grammar accurately.

The third problem in the speaking class is that the participation is very low.

In a class with a large number of students, each student will have very little time

for talking because just one student talks at a time and the other students try to

hear him/her. In the speaking class, some learners dominate the whole class while

others talk very little or never speak.

The last problem related to the speaking ability is that when some learners

William Littlewood, Communicative Language Teaching.(Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2007), p.153
Wilga. M Rivers,Teaching Foreign Language Skills (2nd Ed), (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1981) . p. 271

share the same mother-tongue, they try to use it in the speaking class because it is

very easy for them. According to Harmer, there are some reasons why learners use

mother-tongue in their speaking classes. The first reason is that when teachers ask

their learners to talk about a topic that they do not have enough knowledge, they

will try to use their language. The second reason is that the application of mother-

tongue is very natural for learners to use. If teachers do not urge their learners to

talk in English learners will automatically use their first language to explain

something to their classmates.The final reason refers to the fact that if teachers

regularly use their learners’ mother language, their learners will feel comfortable

to do so in their speaking class.21

6. Activities to Promote Speaking

Teachers should use a lot of English speaking activities to motivate learners

to study and speak in English, and they should increase learning classroom

environment. Teachers can use a funny discussion and ask students to talk about

their best moments that they ever had. Students’ participation in discussion causes

other students to actively take part in negotiation; therefore, students become

surprised about their ability and intelligence. Some students have a lack of desire

to speak because of their shyness and low confidence, but there is no appropriate

solution about how teachers can overcome this problem.

Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit., p. 39

There are some activities to promote speaking 22.

1. Discussions

After a content-based lesson, a discussion can be held for various reasons. The

students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about an event, or find

solutions in their discussion groups. Before the discussion, it is essential that

the purpose of the discussion activity is set by the teacher. In this way, the

discussion points are relevant to this purpose, so that students do not spend

their time chatting with each other about irrelevant things. For example,

students can become involved in agree/disagree discussions. In this type of

discussions, the teacher can form groups of students, preferably 4 or 5 in each

group, and provide controversial sentences like “people learn best when they

read vs. people learn best when they travel”. Then each group works on their

topic for a given time period, and presents their opinions to the class. It is

essential that the speaking should be equally divided among group members.

At the end, the class decides on the winning group who defended the idea in

the best way. This activity fosters critical thinking and quick decision making,

and students learn how to express and justify themselves in polite ways while

disagreeing with the others. For efficient group discussions, it is always better

not to form large groups, because quiet students may avoid contributing in

Hayriye Kayi, “Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second
Language”. ITESLJ, Vol. XII No. 11 (2006). Available on:
TeachingSpeaking.html (September 27th 2017)

large groups. The group members can be either assigned by the teacher or the

students may determine it by themselves, but groups should be rearranged in

every discussion activity so that students can work with various people and

learn to be open to different ideas. Lastly, in class or group discussions,

whatever the aim is, the students should always be encouraged to ask

questions, paraphrase ideas, express support, check for clarification, and so


2. Role Play

One other way of getting students to speak is role-playing. Students pretend

they are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-

play activities, the teacher gives information to the learners such as who they

are and what they think or feel.

3. Simulations

Simulations are very similar to role-plays but what makes simulations

different than role plays is that they are more elaborate. In simulations,

students can bring items to the class to create a realistic environment. For

instance, if a student is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and

so on. Role plays and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are

entertaining, they motivate the students. Second, they increase the self-

confidence of hesitant students, because in role play and simulation activities,

they will have a different role and do not have to speak for themselves, which

means they do not have to take the same responsibility.

4. Information Gap

In this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One student will

have the information that other partner does not have and the partners will

share their information. Information gap activities serve many purposes such

as solving a problem or collecting information. Also, each partner plays an

important role because the task cannot be completed if the partners do not

provide the information the others need. These activities are effective because

everybody has the opportunity to talk extensively in the target language.

5. Brainstorming

On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on

the context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective and learners

generate ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristics of brainstorming is

that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be open to

sharing new ideas.

6. Storytelling

Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody

beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates. Story

telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students express ideas in the

format of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and

setting a story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance,

at the very beginning of each class session, the teacher may call a few students

to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening. In this way, not only will the

teacher address students’ speaking ability, but also get the attention of the


7. Interviews

Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various people. It is a

good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so that they know what

type of questions they can ask or what path to follow, but students should

prepare their own interview questions. Conducting interviews with people

gives students a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class but

also outside and helps them becoming socialized. After interviews, each

student can present his or her study to the class. Moreover, students can

interview each other and "introduce" his or her partner to the class.

8. Story Completion

This is a very enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activity for which

students sit in a circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after

a few sentences he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate

from the point where the previous one stopped. Each student is supposed to

add from four to ten sentences. Students can add new characters, events,

descriptions and so on.

9. Reporting

Before coming to class, students are asked to read a newspaper or magazine

and, in class, they report to their friends what they find as the most interesting

news. Students can also talk about whether they have experienced anything

worth telling their friends in their daily lives before class.

10. Playing Cards

In this game, students should form groups of four. Each suit will represent a

topic. Each student in a group will choose a card. Then, each student will

write 4-5 questions about that topic to ask the other people in the group.

However, the teacher should state at the very beginning of the activity that

students are not allowed to prepare yes-no questions, because by saying yes or

no students get little practice in spoken language production. Rather, students

ask open-ended questions to each other so that they reply in complete


11. Picture Narrating

This activity is based on several sequential pictures. Students are asked to tell

the story taking place in the sequential pictures by paying attention to the

criteria provided by the teacher as a rubric. Rubrics can include the

vocabulary or structures they need to use while narrating.

12. Picture Describing

Another way to make use of pictures in a speaking activity is to give students

just one picture and having them describe what it is in the picture. For this

activity students can form groups and each group is given a different picture.

Students discuss the picture with their groups, then a spokesperson for each

group describes the picture to the whole class. This activity fosters the

creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their public speaking


13. Find the Difference

For this activity students can work in pairs and each couple is given two

different pictures, for example, picture of boys playing football and another

picture of girls playing tennis. Students in pairs discuss the similarities and/or

differences in the pictures.

Teaching speaking is a very important part of second language learning. The

ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently contributes to

the success of the learner in school and success later in every phase of life.

Therefore, it is essential that language teachers pay great attention to teaching

speaking. Rather than leading students to pure memorization, providing a rich

environment where meaningful communication takes place is desired. With this

aim, various speaking activities such as those listed above can contribute a great

deal to students in developing basic interactive skills necessary for life. These

activities make students more active in the learning process and at the same time

make their learning more meaningful and fun for them.

C. Teaching Speaking

In this section, the writer will discuss about concept of teaching speaking. In

teaching speaking there are some materials that will be written as follows: the

basic principles of teaching speaking, problems in teaching speaking and problems

in learning speaking.

a. The Basic Principles of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is the way for students to express their emotions,

communicative needs, interact to other persons in any situation, and

influence the others. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill, it is

necessary to have understanding involved in speech. Harmer states that there

are three reasons for teaching speaking, they are as follows:

1. Speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities-chances to practice

real life speaking in the safety of the classroom.

2. Speaking tasks in which students try to use any or all of the language

they know provide feedback for both teacher and students.

3. The more students have opportunities to activate the various elements

of language.23

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication,

for transferring ideas, thought or even feelings to other people. The goal of

teaching speaking skill is to communicate efficiently. Students should be able to

make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They

should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation,

grammar, or vocabulary and to achieve the social and cultural rules that apply in

each communication situation.

Teaching speaking is to train students to communicate. Therefore, language

activities in the speaking class should focus on language use individually. This

requires the teacher not only to create warm and humanistic classroom

atmosphere, but also to provide each student to speak, therefore, it is clear that

language is very important. The teacher teaches speaking by carrying out the

students in certain situation when the ideas have an oral command of the language

need to describe the topic. There are three steps of lesson methodology of


a. Introduction

In the first step, before a teacher starts the lesson, the teacher must start

the class quickly and efficiently. This can be a challenge, so being well

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, Longman, England, 2007, p.123

prepared. Key strategies of introduction are the teacher is checking the

attendance and knowing more about the students. Besides she/he is doing

daily or weekly activity and telling about agenda. And the last the teacher

is giving brainstorming to the students and motivating the students.

b. Main-activity

In the main-activity in speaking lesson consists of three steps, they are:

1. Modeling

In this steps the teacher introduces about speaking, then the teacher

models learning outcome, besides she/he engages students.

2. Guided Practice

In guided practice, the students practice learning outcome as a class

and/or in pairs then the teacher provides help and feedback.

3. Independent Practice

In the last steps, the students demonstrate learning outcome

individually or in pairs. Furthermore the teacher assesses learning


c. Post-activity

Be sure to stop independent practice 5 minutes before the end of class to

give time for closing. Many teachers skip this step, but research shows

that reflecting on the lesson is very beneficial for students learning. In the

post activity, the teacher can reflect on the learning outcome, then recap

main point and the last review any errors.24

Related to the explanation above, it is clear that the teacher must be able

to encourage the students to explore themselves to develop speaking ability. It can

be practiced by trying to interact with others in the class. Therefore, they could be

challenged to expose their ability in speaking supported by the teacher. In this case

the teacher may also give the opportunity to explore the students by giving a theme

and the students practice in front of the class, and also they could communicate in

the target language.

D. Concept of Daily Conversation Method

1. Definition of Daily Conversation Method

Daily conversation method is a method of language education that

encourages students’ speaking fluency improvement through daily

communication.25 It aims to overcome several problems that students encounter in

learning foreign language skill, especially in speaking. Based on the explanation of

Cambridge dictionary, Daily is happening on or relating to every day26. It is

supported by Oxford dictionary, it explains that daily is happening, done or

Goeirno De Chile, The 3-,Step Lesson Methodology Programa Ingles, available on:
Puertas Unidad de Curriculum y Evaluacion Miniterio de Educacion. [February 3rd, 2015].
M. Mukhlas, Loc. Cit. p.63
Cambridge University, “Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary”, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 349

produced every day27. Conversation is talk between two or more people in which

thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or

news and information is exchanged28. It is supported by Oxford Dictionary, it

explain that conversation is an informal talking involving a small group of people

or only two29.

Therefore, as its primary function is to assist in the maintenance of social

relationships, conversation is not (and should not be) held to the written

grammar’s rigid standards, which often cause conversation to be viewed in a

negative way. Moreover, conversation should not be equated with uses of

language that are not authentic, spontaneous interpersonal communication. Method

is a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance

with a definite plan. In other word, method is a planned way of doing something,

especially one that a lot of people know about and use. Daily conversation is

conversation activity modern boarding school Darussalam Gontor which students

do by forming a line with friend actively and creatively.30

Daily conversation method aims to promote speaking improvement through

daily communication. This method is mostly used in modern schools orstudents’

Oxford , “Oxford advanced learner’s Dictionary”, (New York: Oxford University Press,
2009), p. 366
Cambridge University, Op. cit., p. 306
Oxford University, Op.cit., p. 321
Ahmad Sony Syamsudin, Penerapan Model Muhadatsah Yaumiyyah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemahiran Berbicara Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas X.10 MAN 01 Kota Magelang, ( Magelang:
2013), p. 6

dormitorywhich obligates students to speak in foreign languages such English and

Arabic language through students’ conversational routines in their daily


DCM implementation is language education method with the setting of

foreign language practice outside classroom. It aims to accustom students in

practicing foreign language speaking. Any kind of abilities needs a custom and

practice continuously to be more skillful including the improvement of language

skill adeptness. It is important to construct the language practice which not only

promote their language ability, but also their own belief and experiences in social

ability along with promoting the students’ aptitude, feeling, ideas, and other

learning factors.32

In the words of Krashen “the ability to speak fluently cannot be taught

directly but it emerges independently at time when acquirer has built linguistic

competence by understanding it”.33 It is difficult for second language learners to

speak well and with ease because they do not get exposure to communicate in the

target language outside the classroom. Therefore, some schools set rules of DCM

to provide their students to get more exposure in communicating target language

outside the classroom.

M. Mukhlas. Op.Cit. p. 63
Jo Mynard, “Learning environments that facilitate reflection”.The jalt call Journal. Vol. 7,
No.3 (2011) p. 249
M. Muchlas, Op. Cit., p.64

Providing other activities outside of the classroom such as English Daily

conversation can be really beneficial toward their progress in learning speaking. It

will influence the students ability to provide appropriate content-area instruction to

the students. It can also necessary to promote the interaction between language

learners and shape the individual development both the form and the content of

target language.35 Therefore, additional language learning environtment is

important in improving the students’ speaking ability. The concept of participation

in conversation also reveals the importance of daily conversation in language

learning since it is responsible for language acquisition. Conversation is not a one-

way to obtain language input, but it consists of language acquisition process which

can be ilustrated as follows:36

Figure 01. Conversation and Language Acquisition

In conversation, language learners do not only listen their partner, but also

actively engage in conversation . In this case, Kosar and Bedir stated that the good
Yang Hong. “On teaching strategies in second language acquisition”. US-China Education
Review, Volume 5, No.1 (2008). p. 61
Shima Kameli, “The Influence of Formal Language Learning Environment on
Vocabulary Learning Strategies”. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 3, No.
1(2012.). p, 24-25
Stephen D Krashen, Principles and PracticeinSecond Language Acquisition. (California:
University of Southern California, 2009.) p. 61

laguage learning have a strong motivation to make use of the chances for

communication37. Hence, the more the learners talk, the more people will talk

back to them which will increase the quantity of input and improve their language

ability. 38

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that daily conversation

method is a set of rules and guidelines of language education that encourages

students’ speaking fluency improvement through daily communication. The

communication which happens in daily life would be students habits to use

English as students’ speaking and English environment which built by daily

conversation method encourages students to be have positif behavior toward their

studying. It can also be stated as the activities in talking or interpersonal

communication which expresses authentic thoughts and ideas which happens

between two or more people which happens to every day in human life.

2. Procedures of Daily Conversation Method

To improve students’ foreign language proficiency, some schools or students

dormitories implement DCM (Daily Conversation Method) as a language

education method to support students in learning foreign languages. It consists of

rules, reward and punishment systems by obligating them to speak foreign

Gulten Kosar. Op.Cit., p. 13
Stephen D Krashen. Op.Cit

language in their daily conversation routines in order to in enchance the quality of

students’ foreign language.39

The procedures of DCM can be stated as follows40:

1. Students are informed that in two months after entering the class, they have to

speak English anytime and anywhere especially within the school.

2. In the first month, the half regulation is implemented so the students can use

mixed languaged between their native language and English for daily speaking.

3. After the second month ends, the students are obligated to speak fully in


4. Some students are appointed as the spies who will look for those who does not

use English.

5. Every month, there is a language court which give rewards for those who made

a good progress and punishments for those who break the language rules.

The procedures of daily conversation method are set to improve students

speaking ability which help step by step. It also helps the students to learn

responsibility in their process. So it will be easier for students to follow the

language learning process and of course to improve their speaking ability.

Rahmanita Sari, musyrifah (divisi bahasa) asrama putri 2 UIN Raden Intan Lampung.
Wawancara dengan penulis, Bandar Lampung, 9 September 2017

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Daily Conversation Method

DCM aims to accustom in practicing foreign language speaking. There are

some of benefits of using DCM in improving speaking ability:

a. It creates a good learning environment to learn English.

b. It encourages the students fluency in speaking.

c. It can be maintained ouside of classroom.

d. It give more exposures and practices for a long time continuously.

e. The speaking improvement is faster than in conventional way.41

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the implementation

of DCM give many advantages especially in improving speaking ability. Which in

improving speaking ability, students need to have a good language learning

environment and partner to practice their speaking continuously. By using DCM, it

can help to improve students speaking ability. However, there are also some

disadvantages of using DCM which can discussed below:

1. It needs more people and sources to manage the rules and systems.

2. It adds more pressures for the students who has a low motivation or those who

are easily deppresed with strict rules.

3. It can only be optimized in special place such as boarding schools and students

dormotories. The implementation in the formal class will be limited.

Rahmanita Sari, musyrifah (divisi bahasa) asrama putri 2 UIN Raden Intan Lampung.
Wawancara dengan penulis, Bandar Lampung, 9 September 2017

In using DCM, there are advantages and disadvantages, it shows that DCM

needs to be discussed how to improve the advantages and complete the

disadvantages of DCM. So, DCM will be the solution to improve students

speaking ability.

4. The Implementation of Daily Conversation Method

In daily conversation method, teaching and learning process is a part of

method. Which the material of the lesson such as vocabularies, grammar, and

some examples of daily conversation are given in the classroom and then the

implementation of daily conversation is out of classroom and it is controlled by

musyrifah (guidance counselor). Garner cited in Well–Papanek has develop a

human- centered and learner-directed instructional model, which has successfully

used by students of all age around the world. This model of teaching-and-learning

is divided into five steps as follows:42

a. Explore (Students notice, experience, and gather sensory input)

Start with an interesting and engaging nonacademic exercise (such as

imagery, a piece of literature, words, symbols, etc.) to help the students

develop cognitive structures such as noticing patterns and relationships to then

apply to content areas. Provide concrete materials for students to touch, see,

Doris Well-Papanek, effective Instructional flow, available on: (September 27th , 2017)

hear, smell, taste, and interactive with. Teacher encourages student-generated

questions and comments to share their curiosity, observations, and what they

notice. Students need to “see with their eyes” the physical characteristics of

objects and “see with their minds” the connections and unusual things they

notice and have questions about.

Explore is the first step in which musyrifah starts with an interesting dialog

based on own theme. It helps the students develop their conversation to then

apply in their daily activity. Musyrifah encourages students to improve their

conversation by what they learn, what they see and what they think. Students

need to practice the conversation in their daily activity which is helped the

material which is given by musyrifah. Musyrifah and the students need to

communicate intensively to practice their daily conversation to improve

students speaking ability.

b. Describe (Students begin cognitive processing by making connections with

prior knowledge)

Provide time for students to describe and discuss with each other and with the

class what they noticed and wondered about. Encourage students to ask

questions. Encourage students to write and/or draw what they noticed to make

connections, find patterns, formulate rules, and make abstract generalizations.

This is an excellent opportunity for a formative assessment to gain insight into

the types of words learners use to think and communicate, their level of

knowledge, and how they process information.

Musyrifah provides time for students to explain and discuss with each other

and with the class what they notice and wonder to speak . Encourage students to

ask questions in the process teaching learning in the class. This is an excellent

opportunity of students for a formative assessment to gain insight into the types of

words students use to think and communicate, their level of knowledge, and how

they process information.

c. Explain

Teacher clarifies and builds on student descriptions, introduces new materials

concepts, and asks students what sense they are making of it all and expand

their processing. Provide connections between student experiences; offer

feedback, and present new information. Pace content and skills so that

students can enjoy the challenge of new learning and the satisfaction of

understanding. Encourage cognitive, physical, and emotional engagement.

Present the material in multiple ways to meet the needs of individual students.

Musyrifah clarifies and builds on student descriptions of other conversation,

introduces new material concepts of conversation, and ask students what sense

they are making of it all and expand their processing in practicing daily

conversation.musyrifah presents the material in multiple ways to meet the needs of

individual students.

d. Demonstrate (Students share evidence of learning outcomes, by analyzing and

integrating information and applying their understandings)

Provide time, coaching, and materials for students to demonstrate in their own

words their understanding of the new concepts. Encourage continued

questioning and learning through research projects (group and individual)

related to the new information. Encourage application of new information to

life through relevant action to influence change without imitating what the

teacher presented (write letters, call, e-mail, research internet, interviews, etc).

Encourage creative ways to demonstrate understanding (written report,

journal, letters, editorials; oral report, role playing, drama, PowerPoint,

animation, movie, video, drawing, posters, models, or by teaching information

to someone else, or making up an assignment).

In this step, students share evidence of learning outcomes which was given

in the class, by practicing their daily conversation in daily activity. The students

are obligate to demonstrate their daily conversation out of classroom, of course in

their daily activity and musyrifah guides and controls their daily communication.

Both of students and musyrifah, they are able to communicate intensively which is

known that they stay and study in the same place. By practicing their daily

conversation, it can be looked how far students speaking ability.

e. Evaluate

Provide opportunity to reflectively respond to question: “What sense did I

make of this?” Encourage students to help develop scoring guides to evaluate

effectiveness of learning. How do they know they have learned new knowledge or

skill? How could we do this differently the next time to improve this learning

experience? Develop a plan of action, what will students do as a result of this

learning? How will they continue to use these new concepts in everyday life and in

other subject areas?

In the last step, Both of students and musyrifah collaborate to evaluate

learning determines personal investment in continued learning. Both of students

and musyrifah reflect on and assess the implementation of the daily conversation,

what are the obstacles, how it could be improved, and what questions come to

mind as a result of the experience.

Based on the model teaching and learning above, Teaching and learning in

the class room is not complete without practicing in outclass room. Because in this

method, teaching and learning in the classroom is just for giving the material

which help the daily conversation, and the most need is the activity out of

classroom to practice students’ daily conversation.

To implement this method, Ma’had Al Jaami’ah sets rules and management

of language education. The establishment of language division is a way to control

students’ language activities. People in language division take a role as language

activator. In the implementation of language education, Ma’had Al Jaami’ah

imposes reward and punishment system. Reward and punishment system means

controlling students’ language activity by giving them punishment in order to

make them feeling controlled because of the rules of language among them, and

conversely, students who practice foreign language in their daily conversation are

highly appreciated in order to motivate them for always practicing foreign


This method is conducted to manage students to obey the rules of language

in Ma’had Al Jaami’ah. In brief, daily conversation method is a rule with reward

and punishment system which is conducted to accustom students practicing

foreign language in their daily communication around Ma’had Al Jaami’ah. It is

considered in order to make students accustomed in practicing foreign language in

their daily communication, so that they are able to improve their foreign language

quality, especially in improving their speaking skill.

5. The Obstacles in Implementation of Daily Conversation Method

In implementation of daily conversation method, there are some factors that

affect learning achievement. Learning achievement is the result or level of ability

that has been achieved by students after attending a teaching-learning process

within a certain time in the form of changes in behavior, skills and knowledge and

will then be measured and assessed and then realized in numbers or

statement. These factors can be the obstacles of the implementation of daily

conversation method which needed to be discussed and to be evaluated in the

implementation of daily conversation method.

There are factors that affect learning achievement: 43

1. Factors from within the student (internal)

There are some levels of internal factors:

a. Physical Factors

In these physical factors can be divided into two factors namely health and

disability factors.

b. Psychological factors

Physical Factors may include intelligence, attention, talent, interest,

motivation, maturity, readiness.

c. Fatigue factor

There are several factors that fatigue can affect student achievement, among

others, can be divided into two kinds, namely physical exhaustion and

spiritual exhaustion. Fatigue spinelessness visible physical body and arises a

Rahmat Ardiansyah, Learning Achievement, available
on: (September 27th

tendency to lay down. Physical fatigue occurs because there is substance in

the body burned, so the blood is less fluent in certain parts. While the spiritual

fatigue can be continuously thinking about the problem which means without

a break, doing something because it was forced, not in accordance with the

interest and attention.

From the above description then the physical and mental fatigue can affect

learning and achievement so that students learn best not to happen should avoid

fatigue in the study as spinelessness body. So it is necessary to arrange the

conditions that are free from such spiritual exhaustion that means thinking about

problems without a break, doing something because it had not in accordance with

the interest and attention. This is all a huge influence on student learning

achievement. In order for students as students should not occur with either

physical and psychological exhaustion.

2. Factors originating from outside (external factors)

External factors that influence learning achievements it can be grouped into

three factors: family factors, the factors the school and community factors:

a. Family factors

Family factors are very active role for students and can affect the family, among

others: how to educate parents, relations between family members, family

circumstances, understanding parents, family economic circumstances, cultural

background and atmosphere of home.

b. Factor of school

School factors may be the way teachers teach, ala-tools, curricula, school time,

the interaction of teachers and pupils, school discipline, and educational media.

3. Society of Environmental Factors

Factors affecting student achievement to include friends hanging out, other

activities outside of school and living in the family environment.

a. Students in community activities

Students in community activities can be beneficial to the development of

his personality. But if students take part in too many community activities

such as organizing, social activities, religious and others, learning will be

disrupted, especially if it is not wise in a set time.

b. Friends Mingle

Children need to socialize with other children, salts develop socialization.

But it needs to be taken not to make friends hanging out a bad

temperament. Good deeds are not easily affect others, then it needs to be

controlled with whom they associate.

c. Living Environment

How to neighbors living around the house where children live, a big

influence on child growth. This example of children living in environments

people learn, the child will take effect automatically diligent also without


The obstacles of using daily conversation method can be concluded to be

three main factors: First: Internal factors : (1) Physical Factors which divided into

two factors namely health and disability factors, (2) psychological factors may

include intelligence, attention, talent, interest, motivation, maturity, readiness. (3)

Fatigue factors can be divided into two kinds, namely physical exhaustion and

spiritual exhaustion. Second: External factors: (1) Family factors: how to educate

parents, relations between family members, family circumstances, understanding

parents, family economic circumstances, cultural background and atmosphere of

home. (2) Factor of school : the way teachers teach, ala-tools, curricula, school

time, the interaction of teachers and pupils, school discipline, and educational

media. Third: Society of Environmental Factors: Factors affecting student

achievement to include friends hanging out, other activities outside of school and

living in the family environment.


A. Research Design

Descriptive qualitative is used in this research. Denscombe stated that the

qualitative data take the form of words (spoken or written) and visual images

(observed or creatively produced). They are associated primarily with strategies of

research such as case studies, grounded theory, ethnography and phenomenology,

and with research methods such as interview, documents and observation. 1 In

addition Sugiyono stated that qualitative research methods are often called

naturalistic research methods because the research is done on natural conditions

natural settings.2

This research was conducted to describe the process of teaching learning in

implementation of daily conversation method and the obstacles in teaching

learning process in implementation of daily conversation method. This way, the

researcher hoped that this research revealed this matter clearly for the sake of

English learning improvement in the classroom.

B. Research Subjects

The subject of this research is the female students at third semester and who

stay in building 2 of Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The students

of Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah are divided into three categories, that are male students,

Martin Denscombe, Good Research Guide (Sidney: Net Library, 2010), p.273
Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013),
p. 85

female students building 1 and female students building 2, with the detail as


Table 01
Data of Students of Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung
2017/2018 Academic Year

No Category Semester Number

1. Male Students 40 14 54
2. Female Students 1 88 35 123
3. Female Students 2 80 38 118
Total 295
Source: Documentation of Dormitory of UIN Raden Intan Lampung

Based on the table above, it is known that the number of students‟ Ma‟had

Al Jami‟ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung are 295 students, consisting of 54 male

students, 123 female students (building 1) and 118 female students (building 2).

The researcher used purposive sampling to the subject of the research.

According to Marguerite, purposive sampling technique is a common

procedure used in qualitative research that identifies key informants or person who

have specific knowledge about the topic being studied. The type of purposive

sampling that a researcher may decide to use depends on the purpose of the study.3

Then the subject of the research is the female students at the third semester

who stay in building 2 because the researcher believed that the female students

Marguerite,, Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice, Jassey-
Bass. San Francisco, 2006, p.152.

already sufficient as the subject which was known that female students at the third

semester already got many learning and English environment in female building 2

is better than female building 1 or male building. It supported to the researcher to

choose female building 2 as the sample of the research.

C. Data Collecting Technique

According to Sugiyono, data collecting technique is the primary stage of

research, because the purpose of the study is to collect data.4 Using data collection

techniques will enhance the accuracy, validity, and reliability of research findings.

Ultimately, using these methods will help to achieve the goal of carrying out high

quality research with credible results. Observation, interview, and questionnaire

were used to collect data.

1. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, firsthand information by

observing people and places at a research site.5 There are some observational


a. Role of a Participant Observer

b. Role of a Nonparticipant Observer

c. Changing Observational Role

Sugiyono, Op .Cit., p. 308
Jhon W. Creswell, Op. Cit., p. 213

Role of a nonparticipant observer is choosen for observation in this research.

A nonparticipant observer is an observer who visits a site and records notes

without becoming involved in the activities who visits a site and records notes

without becoming involved in the activities of the participants.6 The nonparticipant

observer is an “outsider” who sits on the periphery or some advantageous place

(e.g., the back of the classroom) to watch and record the phenomenon under study.

Which in this case the researcher came to the place of the observed activity, but

the researcher was not involved in these activities.

2. Interview

Equally popular to observation in qualitative is interviewing.7 A qualitative

interview occurs when researcher ask one or more participants general, open-

ended questions and record their answers. There are types of interviews:8

a. One–on-One interviews

b. Focus Group Interviews

c. Telephone Interviews

d. E–Mail Interviews

One–on–one type‟s interview is used in this research. The one–on–one

interviews is a data collection process in which the researcher asks questions to

and records answers from only one participant in the study at a time. The

Ibid., p. 217
Ibid., p. 218

researcher asked questions and records answers from only one participant in the

study at a time.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a list of questions that is used by obtaining information

from respondent. There are two kinds of questionnaire, they are open question

and close question. Open questions are those that leave the respondent to decide

the wording of the answer, the length of the answers and the kind of matters to be

raised in the answer. The questions tend to be short and the answers tend to be

long10. Close questions are the answers by allowing only answers which fit into

categories that have been established in advance by the researcher.

Open question questionnaire is used in this research. Open question

questionnaire which the students are allowed to express themselves in their own

words. The advantages of „open‟ questions are that information gathered by way

of the responses is more likely to reflect the full richness and complexity of the

views held by the respondent. Respondents are allowed space to express

themselves in their own words.

Sugiyono, Op. Cit., p. 199
Martin Denscombe, Op. Cit., p.165

D. Research Instrument

1. Observation

Non participant observer is used in this research. Non participnt observer

which the researcher visits a site and records notes without becoming involved in

the activities. The researcher came to Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah to observe how the

activity run. In this case, the researcher only noted, analyzed and made inferences

about the object under study. Nevertheless, before the teaching learning begins, the

researcher prepared the observation sheet. The observation sheet was observation


The researcher observed the process of teaching and learning in

implementation of daily conversation method. The aspects of teaching learning

process were described as follows:

Table 02
The Specification of Observation Checklist

Subjects Pointer(s)
Pre-activity 1. Teacher opens the lesson.
(Teacher) 2. Teacher checks the students‟ attendance.
Main-activity 3. Teacher gives brainstorming to the students.
(Teacher) 4. Teacher gives motivation to the students.
5. Teacher gives model learning speaking through presentation
6. Teacher chooses the topic before start the presentation
7. Teacher gives the time lime to the students to practice
speaking by using presentation technique.
8. Teacher asks the students to show their presentation in front of
the class.
Main-activity 9. The students give respons in learning speaking through
(Students) presentation technique.
10. The students individually practice speaking through

Subjects Pointer(s)
presentation technique.
Main-activity 11. Teacher gives feedback to the students in learning speaking
(Teacher) through presentation technique.
12. Teacher reviews/ evaluates any errors to the students.
Close-activity 13. Teacher closes the lesson.

2. Interview

One–on–one type‟s interview is used in this research. One –on-one which

the researcher asks questions and records answers from only one participant in the

study at a time. The researcher did the interview to the musyrifah who held

language division in Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah of UIN Raden Intan Lampung to get

information about the teaching learning in implementation of daily conversation

method and the obstacles in teaching learning of daily conversation method.

Meanwhile, the interview guideline was used by the researcher as follows:

Table 03
The Specification of Interview

No Items of Aspects Indicators Total Number

Interview Item Odd Even
1. Steps of DCM Explore Students liveliness and their 2 1 2
Implementation exploring in learning process
Describe Teaching learning process 1 3
Explain Module and material 3 5 4,6
Demonstrate Students practicing 1 7
Evaluate Reward and punishment 1 8
2. Obstacles of a. Internal Factor within the students: 2 9 10
DCM Factors physical, psychological,
Implementation fatigue factor

3. Outcome Result of Strength and weakness, and 2 11 12

DCM Result
4. Suggestion Suggestion Suggestion 1 13

3. Questionnaire

Open question questionnaire is used in this research. Open question

questionnaire which the students are allowed to express themselves in their own

words. The researcher leaved the respondent to decide the wording of the answer,

the length of the answers and the kind of matters to be raised in the answer. The

researcher did the questionnaire to the female students at the third semester of

Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Meanwhile, the questionnaire

was used by the researcher as follows:

Table 04
The Specification of Questionnaire

No Items of Aspects Indicators Total Number

Interview Item Odd Even
1. Steps of Explore Students liveliness and their 2 1 1
DCM exploring in learning process
Describe Teaching learning process 1 3
Explain Module and material 3 5 4,6
Demonstrate DCM implementing 1 7
Evaluate Reward and punishment 1 8
2. Obstacles of b. Internal Factor within the students: 2 9 10
DCM Factors physical, psychological, fatigue
Implementat factor
3. Outcome Result of Strength and weakness, and Result 2 11 12
4. Suggestion Suggestion Suggestion 1 13

E. Research Procedure

The procedure of the research as follows:

1. Determining the research subject. In this research, the subject were the

English tutor (musyrifah in language division) and the female students in the

third semester who stay in building 2 of Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah of UIN Raden

Intan Lampung;

2. Doing the observation and taking notes on any cases taking place during the

teaching learning process;

3. Doing the interview. The researcher interviewed the english tutor about the

teaching learning in implementation of daily conversation method;

4. Giving questionnaires. The researcher gave the questionnaires and observed

the students filling in the questionnaires;

5. Analyzing the data. The researcher analyzed the notes of the observations,

interview and the questionnaires;

F. Trustworthiness of The Data

According to Cohen, to make trustworthy and credible qualitative research,

the researcher can use a method called triangulation, the use of two or more

methods of collecting the data for the research to make a more accurate

conclusion.11 They add that there are several types of triangulation as follows:

1. Time Triangulation

There are two kinds of time triangulation including:

a. Cross sectional triangulation means that the researcher collects data at

one point in time;

b. Longitudinal triangulation means that the researcher collects data from

the same group at different points in the sequence.12

2. Space Triangulation

These types are used in order to collect similar data at different places.13

3. Theoretical Triangulation

This type draws upon alternative or competing theories in preference to

utilizing one viewpoint only.14

4. Methodological Triangulation

Louis Cohen et al, Research Methods in Education (New York: Routledge, 2007), p. 113

This type uses either the same method on different occasions or different

methods on the same object of study.15

5. Investigator Triangulation

This type engages more than one observer, data are discovered

independently by more than one observer.16

Methodological triangulation is used in this research. Methodological

triangulation since three data collecting techniques are used to collect the data.

They are observation, interview, and questionnaire. By applying these three

triangulation methods, the researcher expected the result of this research will be

consistent for the data, because the data will be collected more than one data


G. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of organizing in order to obtain regularity of the

study pattern form. According to Miles and Huberman there three major phases of

data analysis: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or


Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. Qualitative Data Analysis, (Thousand
Oaks: SAGE Publications Ltd, 1994), p. 12 Online: available on:
us/nam/qualitative-data-analysis/book239534/ (September 27th 2017)

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or

transcriptions. In data reduction, the mass of data has to be organized and

meaningfully reduced or reconfigured.18 In this case, the researcher selected the

data that contain of observation of teaching learning process, interview and

questionnaire. Then, this summary analyzed to seek the important information,

group the data, and select the data which are needed and arrange the data to the

proper format, so it can give meaningful result and conclusion.

2. Data Display

Data display is the second component or level in model of qualitative data

analysis of Miles and huberman‟s theory. A display can be an extended piece of

text or a diagram, graph, chart, table or matrix that provides a new way of

arranging thinking about the more textually embedded data. At the display stage,

additional, higher order categories or themes may emerge from the data that go
beyond those first discovered during the initial process of data reduction. Thus,

the researcher used data in form of table. And then, the researcher categoried the

data to make easy in making conclusion.


3. Conclusion drawing/verification

The last step of analyzing the data is conclusion drawing/verification.

Conclusion drawing involves stepping back to consider what the analyze data

mean and to assess their implication for the question at hand. Verification is linked

to conclusion drawing, entails revising the data as many times as necessary to

cross-check or verifies these emergent conclusions. Verification refers to the

process which is able to explain the answer of research questions and research

objectives. 20

In this step, the researcher drew the conclusion and verivied the answer of

research question that had been done in displaying the data by comparing the

observation data, interview data, and questionnaire data. Thus, the researcher got

the conclusion about the teaching learning process in implementation of daily

conversation method at Ma‟had Al Jami‟ah of UIN Raden Intan Lampung in the

academic year of 2017/2018.

Ibid, p. 13


A. Finding of The Research

In this part, findings of the research and discussion would be discussed in

this research. The research findings show the data obtained from the result in order

to see the implementation of daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah.

The discussion contains the description and interpretation of the research findings.

1. Findings

In this part discusses the result of the observation, interview and

questionnaire which is based on the research questions. These research questions

are the aspects of teaching learning daily conversation method and the obstacles in

implementation of daily conversation method at Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden

Intan Lampung.

a. Observation Report

The observation was conducted to know the process of teaching learning in

implementation of daily conversation method. The observation was conducted in

one meeting. The process of teaching and learning in implementation of daily

conversation method was observed. In the observation process, the observation

checklist the teaching and learning process was prepared. The data of observation

has been identified as described in the following discussion. The explanation of

the teaching learning process in implementation of daily conversation method

could be seen it the table below:

Table 05
Observation Checklist
Subjects Pointer(s) Yes No Note
Pre-activity 1. Tutor opens the lesson.  Tutor opened the lesson by
(Tutor) greeting the students.

2. Tutor checks the  Tutor checked the students’

students’ attendance. attendance by calling their
Main- 3. Tutor gives  Tutor gave brainstroming to
activity brainstorming to the the students by asking
(Tutor) students. students activity.
4. Tutor gives motivation  Tutor gave motivation to the
to the students. students by saying “please,
be brave to practice english”
5. Tutor reviews the  Tutor reviewed the previous
materials. material such as vocabularies
and short conversation.
6. Tutor gives vocabularies  Tutor gave vocabularies and
and short conversation. short conversation to
7. Tutor gives the time  Tutor gave the limit time
limit to the students to during 1-10 minutes to
memorize the memorize vocabularies and
vocabularies and short short conversation.
8. Tutor asks the students  Tutor asked the students to
to practice the practice the conversation in
conversation in front of front of the class with their
the class. friends.
Main- 9. The students give  The students gave respons to
activity respons in learning daily the tutor by asking
(Students) conversation and then something about daily
the students prepare the conversation.

Subjects Pointer(s) Yes No Note
10. The students practice  The students practice their
their daily daily conversation based on
conversation based on the theme with their partner
theme with their in front of the class after
partner in front of class preparing the material.
moreover the other
students keep paying
attention to their

Main- 11. Tutor gives feedback  Tutor gave feedback to the

activity to the students in students students in learning
(Tutor) learning daily daily conversation method.
conversation method.

12. Tutor reviews/  Teacher reviewed/evaluated

evaluates any errors to any errors to the students.
the students.
Close- 13. Tutor closes the  The tutor closed the lesson
activity lesson. by saying “goodbye and see
(Tutor) you next meeting” to the
students. And the tutor gave
motivation to the students to
learn more and more.

In the meeting, the observation was conducted on Friday, December 8th,

2017, in the morning. Before teaching and learning was begun, the tutor prepared

the material in advanced.

a. Pre-activity (Introduction)

The tutor opened the class by greeting to the students and checked the

students’ attendance.

b. Main-activity

In the main-activity, first the tutor reviewed previous lesson. Then the tutor

started the lesson. After that the tutor introduced the material that would be

taught. The tutor gave the material in teaching and learning daily conversation

in the class, and gave the example of short conversation. After the students

gave respons and prepared to memorize and practiced in front of the class, the

tutor explained about the time limit that can be used to practice, the

conversation was practicing based on theme. And then the tutor asked the

students to come forward by calling their name one by one. But the time was

over and the practicing has not finished. Only ten students that could practice

the conversation in front of the class. There was one pair of them who practiced

the conversation and the other students kept paying attention.

In addition the tutor evaluated the students respond in teaching learning

speaking of daily conversation. Then the tutor reviewed any error that the students

did when they were practicing the conversation, by saying like “don’t be nervous!”

then “please speak loudly!” or “you have to pronounce the word with a good

pronounciation”. The tutor gave example how to pronounce “capital” with the

correct pronounciation and others. The tutor did i, so that the another students not

did it again in the next meeting. Finally the tutor gave motivation to the students to

learn deeply because for the next meeting they would study it again.

c. Close-activity (Closing)

In the close-activity, the tutor closed the lesson.

The observation consisted of three points. The first point was process that of

three parts. The first part was pre-activity that consisted of two points of

observation that investigated to know how the tutor opened and prepared the class.

The second part of teaching learning of daily conversation was main-activity that

consisted of thirteen points of observation. The writer also noted the experiment or

sample activity how to start daily conversation in teaching and learning speaking

process. The third part of the observation point was close-activity, the teacher

closed the lesson.

Furthermore, based on the notes which are taken by the tutor, the tutor felt

difficulties in building students-centered learning because it was based on

students’ learning motivation. However, in this meeting students enjoyed the

meeting because the fun material. Tutor had difficulties in guiding students to pay

attention, because the students are active to prepare the practicing of conversation

in that class. Then, the students did not get the best performance because some of

them felt shy and afraid if they made mistake in pronuncing the word and so on.

Students have low vocabularies and students are still lazy to keep learn in learning

daily conversation.

b. Interview Report

To support the data of the observation, the researcher had employed an

interview to the musyrifah (tutor) to investigate the teaching learning process in

implementation of daily conversation method and the obstacle of daily

conversation method. There were thirteen questions that the researcher asked to

the musyrifah. The questions number one to thirteen were consisted of teaching

learning in implementation and obstacle faced by using daily conversation method.

Table 06
The Result of Interview to Musyrifah
No Question Answer
1. Do the students have high spirit Yes, they do. They have high spirit and motivation in
and motivation in learning learning daily conversation, and I see that they practice
English using daily conversation their conversation of this method.
2. How can the students explore I can see that they explore themselves to practice their
themselves in the implementation conversation, in learning process in the class, we give
of daily conversation method? them the time to try to speak English based on the theme
and they practice eith their partner.
3. How is the process of teaching Firstly, we give them the material includes basic
learning of daily conversation vocabularies and tenses and we combine to be short
method in Ma’had? conversation then we ask them to practice it in front of
class with their partner. so they can use it to speak
English based on theme in Ma’ had area
4. Is there any module of the use of Of course. we have module to guide us to teach them,
daily conversation method in what should we give and what should we do for
Ma’had? Can it help you in the teaching. It helps us to be easier to teach them.
teaching process?

5. Are the teaching materials I think no. because the material is basic vocabularies and
difficult to be understood by tenses based on for daily conversation. So, they can
students? understand well.
6. Are the teaching materials Yes. Our material is relevant to the daily activities, we
relevant to the daily activities? give the tenses and vocabularies as basic conversation
based on theme such as at mosque, at canteen, in the
room, etc.
7. Does the implementation of daily As long as I see, it is progressively increase when we
conversation method in Ma’had know that the students use their English communication
run well? in their daily activity. but we still find the students who
still lazy to use English as their communication so they
still feel difficult to speak in front of theri friend.
8. How do you give some rewards we have reward and punishment, in every moth we have
and punishments? gift for the students who always use English as their
communication, and give the punishment to students
who lazy to use English. the punishment are they have to
speak up, memorizing vocabularies, and etc.
9. What are the obstacles you faced We still find the students who still lazy to use English.
in the process of teaching and their vocabularies are low but they are lazy to learn
implementing daily conversation more. They do not know how to speak. they need more
method? Explain! motivation in English as their communication.
10. Is there any obstacles from within Yes. Some of them are still lazy and have low motivation
the students in learning? explain! to learn and practice their daily conversation. So, it can
influence the other as their partner to use English.
11. How is the students’ achievement We can see that students can speak English in
in the implementation of daily everywhere by confidently. they know how to speak in
conversation method? their daily activity. even they are not from English
department but they can practice to speak English in
their daily activity little by little.
12. Are there any strengths and For the strength, This method makes good environment
weaknesses of daily conversation for English daily communication and makes students
method in Ma’had? explain! improve their speaking faster. And the weakness, when
we ask them to use English whenever and wherever and
we give punishment, it can be the pressure for them and

it will make decrease of it rules, they are obligated to use
English just in Ma’had area, when they go out from
Ma’had they can use other language. and we need many
sources and people to manage this method that of course
know well this method.
13. Is there any suggestion for The students need to get motivation that speak English is
improving the daily conversation not just the obligation in Ma’had, but speak English in
method in Ma’had? everywhere is needed to improve their English speaking
ability, and they can make it as obligation by themselves
not from ma had to keep their English. Daily
conversation method in Ma’had Needs more people and
source to keep method run well.
Based on the interview to musyrifah, the researcher could describe as

follows: the result of interview showed good result of implementation of daily

conversation method however still found some obstacles in implementation of

daily conversation method.

Based on the question number one, it showed that the students have high spirit and

motivation to learn and practice daily conversation.

Based on the question number two, it showed that the students explore their daily

conversation by practicing the conversation to their partner in some places based

on theme of place.

Based on the question number three, it showed that musyrifah gives the materials

include basic vocabularies and tenses as theirs basic conversation by practicing to

their partner.

Based on the question number four, it showed that there is module as guidance to

teach students and it helps musyrifah to teach.

Based on the question number five, it showed that the material is not difficult

because the content is the basic material.

Based on the question number six, it showed that the material of the module is

relevant to the daily activity. There were basic vocabularies and basic sentence to

be short conversation based on theme of place.

Based on the question number seven, it showed that the implementation of daily

conversation method is run well but has not perfect, which was known that still

found students lazy to practice English as their daily communication.

Based on the question number eight, it stated that in every month, there is time to

give reward to who always use English as daily communication and punishment to

whom did not use English in their daily activity.

Based on the question number nine, it showed that the students are lazy to use

English as theirs daily communication, students have low vocabularies and low

motivation to learn more of English.

Based on the question number ten, it showed that the obstacle is found within

students themselves. The students are lazy to use English, students have low

vocabularies and low motivation to practice their conversation and it could

influence others.

Based on the question number eleven, it showed that the improvement of students

speaking could be seen that they could speak English in everywhere confidently

and they know how to use English in their Daily communication.

Based on the question number twelve, it showed that the strength of daily

conversation method is it makes good environment for English daily

communication and makes students improve their speaking faster. And the

weaknesses is the obligation to use English communication could give pressure to

students and it would make decrease of it rules.

Based on the question number thirteen, it showed that students need to get more

motivation of how important English is and daily conversation in Ma’had still

need more people and sources to be better in the future.

From the result of the interview, it could be concluded that tutor had

difficulties in guiding students to the stable condition with the full concentration to

the material when observing, guiding passive students to emphasize the students-

centered, handling the class and problems which may arise because of the students

are active in preparing to practice the conversation in that class. Students had

difficulties in speaking. Although they speak with a good fluency, their vocabulary

was still low. It was proved that the students seemed difficult to make a sentence

and there were some unconfident students in sharing their opinion. It seemed that

they felt shy if they made mistake in pronuncing the word and so on.

c. Questionnaire Report

The researcher also employed questionnaire to support the observation and

interview data. The questionnaire consisted of thirteen questions. The first to

second questions were to know spirit and how the students explore themselves, the

third question was to know the ability of musyrifah in the process of learning, the

fourth question to sixth question were to know the material of module of which

used in daily conversation method. The seventh question was to know the

implementation of daily conversation method is run well. The eighth question was

to know the reward and punishment. The ninth to tenth questions were to know the

obstacle of daily conversation method. The eleventh question was to know the

achievement of DCM. The twelfth question was to know the strength and the

weaknesses of daily conversation method. The thirteenth question was to know the

suggestion. Questionnaire was given to the third semester of female students in

building 2 of Ma’had Al Jami’ah which was consisted of 20 students. The

questionnaire was distributed to the students by taking ten minutes of the students’

study time in the classroom. Here were the students’ answers of questionnaire.

Table 07
Questionnaire report

No. Question Answer Total

1. Apakah anda sebagai mahasantri bersemangat dan Yes 20
juga aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daily
conversation? No 0
(Do you have high spirit and motivation in
learning English using daily conversation
The data above showed that 100% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah have high spirit and motivation in learning English using daily

conversation method. It could be concluded that students realize that learning

English is important for their life.

No. Question Answer Total

2. Bagaimana anda mengeksplore diri anda dalam Practicing 17
mengikuti pembelajaran serta penerapan daily the
conversation? Memorizing 3
(How can you explore yourself in the vocab
implementation of daily conversation method?)

The data above showed that 85% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah explore themselves by practicing their conversation and 15%

by memorizing vocabularies. The students practice their conversation with their

friends in Ma’had area and memorize vocabularies could be together in several


No. Question Answer Total
3. Apakah musyrifah pada saat proses Yes 18
pembelajaran daily conversation memiliki
penguasaan yang baik terhadap materi daily No 2
(Do the managers of Ma’had have the abilities
in the use of daily conversation method?)

The data above showed that 90% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah said that musyrifah have the abilities to teach them because

they have training before teaching students and 10%c said that their tutor abilities

are good enough. It could be concluded that the abilities of musyrifah for teaching

daily conversation are good because musyrifah already got training of the material

before teaching the students, but still need to be trained continuously to improve

their skills.

No. Question Answer Total

4. Apakah terdapat modul pembelajaran daily Yes 20
conversation? Jika ada, apakah modul
tersebut dapat membantu anda dalam No 0
memahami materi?
(Is there any module of the use of daily
conversation method in Ma’had? Can it help
you to understand the material?)
The data above showed that 100% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah said that the module helps them to learn and guides them to

understanding more the daily conversation and it also helps them for English

subject in campus when the subject already learnt by students in Ma’had.

No. Question Answer Total
5. Apakah materi dalam modul pembelajaran Yes 5
sulit dipahami?
(Are the teaching materials difficult to be No 15
The data above showed that 25% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah stated that the materials are difficult to be understood and 75%

said that the material are not difficult because the content is basic material

grammar and vocabularies and use daily language which easier to be understood.

The students already got the materials when they were in senior high school then

in Ma’had they just review the materials and practice it continuously.

No. Question Answer Total

6. Apakah materi yang diajarkan relevan dengan Yes 20
kegiatan sehari hari?
(Are the teaching materials relevant to the No 0
daily activities?)
The data above showed that 100% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah agreed that the materials are relevant to the daily activities

which was known that the content is based on the theme of place and daily activity

in Ma’had area.

No. Question Answer Total

7. Apakah metode daily conversation yang Yes 17
diterapkan di Ma’had Al Jaami’ah UIN Raden
Intan sudah berjalan dengan baik? Jelaskan! No 3
(Does the implementation of daily
conversation method in Ma’had run well?

The data above showed that 85% sample of female students in building 2 of

Ma’had Al Jami’ah agreed that the implementation of daily conversation method

in Ma’had already run well and 15% said that the implementation of daily

conversation method has not run well because still find the students who does not

use English in their daily communication. It could be concluded that the

implementation of daily conversation method in Ma’had already run well but still

has not perfect when still found the students who did not use English as their daily


No. Question Answer Total

8. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika mendapat Proud and 19
reward dan punishment ? jelaskan! sad
(What do you feel when getting some rewards Never 1
and punishments? Explain!)
The data above showed that 95% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah expressed They are proud, happy and more spirit when they get reward.

Then they felt sad, shy and disappointed when they get punishment. And 5% said

that did not know how the feeling is, because never get reward or punishment. It

could be concluded that from getting reward or punishment, the students aware

that they need to be more spirit in learning English and it was their motivation to

improve their English speaking.

No. Question Answer Total

9. Apa Sajakah kesulitan atau kendala yang anda Partner 6

hadapi dalam pembelajaran dan penerapan Lazy 5
metode daily conversation?
(What are the obstacles you faced in the Low 7
implementation of daily conversation method? vocabularies
Nothing 2
The data above showed that 30% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah have obstacle with their partner who difficult to speak English, 25% have

obstacle by their selves because lazy to use English, 35% have obstacles by having

low vocabularies which makes them difficult to speak English, and 10%c did not

have obstacle in implementation of daily conversation. It could be concluded that

the obstacles was from within students themselves which they were lazy to use

English, unsupport partner, low vocabularies then low motivation in learning

English is the most important.

No. Question Answer Total

10. Adakah kendala yang bersumber dari diri anda Yes 15
sendiri sebagai mahasantri? Jika ada jelaskan!
(Is there any obstacle from within yourself in No 5
learning? Explain!
The data above showed that 75% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah stated that they have obstacles within themselves such as lazy to study.

they have low vocabularies which makes them difficult to speak English, and

10%c did not have obstacle in implementation of daily conversation. It could be

concluded that the obstacles was from within students themselves.

No. Question Answer Total
11. Adakah hasil positif yang anda rasakan dalam Yes 20
proses pembelajaran dan penerapan daily
conversation? No 0
(Is there any positive improvements you can
feel in the implementation of daily
conversation method?)
The data above showed that 100% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah said that they get positive improvements from processing of

implementation daily conversation method in Ma’had. The students were more

confident to speak English and their speaking were improved by practicing using

English continuously in their daily activity. It supported by good environment of

English language in Ma’had which was known that the obligation to use English

as their daily communication.

No. Question Answer Total

12. Adakah kelebihan dan kekurangan dari metode Yes 20
daily conversation di Ma’had? Jelaskan!
(are there any strengths and weaknesses of No 0
daily conversation method in Ma’had?
The data above showed that 100% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah said that there were strength and weaknesses such as daily conversation

method makes them can speak English in their daily communication, add more

knowledge of English, and makes them to be more confident to use English in

everywhere, and the weaknesses are the timing of teaching learning is short, and

low controlling by musyrifah so that still find students who did not use English in

their communication.

No. Question Answer Total
13. Adakah saran yang membangun untuk metode Yes 18
daily conversation untuk kedepannya di
Ma’had? No 2
(Is there any suggestion for improving the
daily conversation method in Ma’had?)

The data above showed that 90% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al

Jami’ah have suggestion that daily conversation method in should be kept and

improved Ma’had and 10% did not have suggestion. It can be concluded that daily

conversation in Ma’had is needed to be improved and continued which was known

that daily conversation was given positive improvements in speaking for students.

From the result of the questionnaire, it showed that teaching learning

speaking in implementation of daily conversation method was getting better and

could increase the students’speaking ability. It could be shown from the result of

data questionnaire that 100% students get possitive improvement from processing

of teaching learning in implementation daily conversation method in Ma’had. The

students were more confident to speak English and their speaking were improved

by practicing using English. It supported by good environment of English

language in Ma’had which was known that the obligation to use English as their

daily communication.

2. Discussion of Findings

In this part, the researcher would like to discuss about the finding of the

teaching learning in implementation of daily conversation method as the first

formulation of the problem this research. Beside the teaching learning process in

implementation of daily conversation method, the researcher discussed the

obstacles in implementation of daily conversation method as the second

formulation of the problem. This research was produced by the participants of the

research, they are the English tutor (musyrifah) and the female students of building

2 of Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung in the first semester of

second year students in academic year 2017/2018 that had been observed.

a. The Process of Teaching Learning in Implementation of Daily Conversation


An observation was employed to know how the process of teaching and

learning speaking through daily conversation method. Most of the students looked

active in the teaching and learning process.This research was conducted three

times including observing the teaching process, interviewing English tutor and

giving questionnaire to the students in order to know the process and the obstacles

of daily conversation method. The observation was conducted in one meeting.

From the data gained through observation, the researcher assumed that the

teaching and learning process especially speaking in daily conversation method

was quite effective. Even though there were obstacles faced by students, it did not

give the big influence for teaching and learning process. Either English tutor or her

students could anticipate or solve those obstacles.

from the data through interview, it was concluded that teaching learning of

daily conversation method in Ma’had progressively run well to improve students

speaking. Which was known that there were module which help musyrifah to share

and teach the material to the students. Students can explore themselves when they

were learning in the class by practicing conversation with their partner.

From the result of the questionnaire, it showed that daily conversation

method the implementation of daily conversation was quite effective to improve

students speaking ability in Ma’had Al Jami’ah. Which was known that module,

musyrifah and the teaching learning is support student to improve their speaking.

It also supported by students statement from the result of data questionnaire that

the musyrifah 100% female students in building 2 of Ma’had Al Jami’ah stated

that they get positive improvements from teaching learning daily conversation in

implementation of daily conversation method in Ma’had Which they are more

confident and can speak English as their daily communication although there were

some obstacles within themselves.

b. The obstacle in implementation of daily conversation

The result of observation showed that almost the obstacles were caused

within students themselves. The students still have low vocabularies and low

motivation to keep their English communication. Most of them still confuse how

to respond their partner in English. The result of interview also showed that almost

the problems were caused within students themselves. The first obstacle was about

the students were lazy to learn, when the class already started they just enter the

class and follow the class running out. And most of them also have low

vocabularies but they were lazy to memorize vocabularies, it makes them did not

know how to speak in English.

This became the obstacles faced by the musyrifah was the students lazy to

learn and practice their conversation. It could be seen that the students were not

aware that they needed to be active when teaching learning process was beginning

in the class and pay attention to their friends performing of conversation in front of

the class, so they made noisy by themselves such chatting with other friends.

The result of questionnaire to the students, the obstacles faced by students

were students’ low vocabulary and their motivation and interest in daily

conversation method. The first was about students’ vocabularies that were still

lack of vocabulary it made them to be unconfident, had shyness and did not know

how to say, so they were afraid to make mistake in using English as their

communication. It was assumed that the student needed to get motivation more to

keep their spirit and aware that English conversation is important for them.

By considering the data gained before, it could be concluded the obstacles in

implementation of daily conversation were found within the students. It was

assumed that the students have problem in psychological factor and they needed to

get motivation more to increase their motivation to learn more.


A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that:

1. The process of teaching learning in implementation of daily conversation has

been conducted. All of the indicators and objectives could be achieve. It was a

good method which can be implemented in improving English ability. Daily

conversation method was not easy to be implemented by musyrifah and students,

but also it could improve the students’ motivation, interest, and participation in

English speaking.

2. The obstacles in implementation of daily conversation is psychological factor

especially i intelligence and motivation aspect which were found within students

themselves that students’ low vocabularies and they were lazy to learn more to

keep their English communication.

B. Suggestion

Considering the result of the research, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions as follows:

1. For the Musyrifah (tutor)

a. The teacher should prepare and learn more the materials of daily

conversation before teaching the students in the classroom.

b. The teacher should give more motivation to the students for obeying the rule

and make sure to them that English is important for them.

c. The teacher should give time, guiding, controlling to students to keep

English communication.

2. For the Students

a. The students should be more creative and have motivation to learn and

practice their daily English conversation specially in Ma’had area.

b. The students should have more time to practice their conversation and they

shoud not feel shy and afraid of making mistake because they are part of


c. The students should improve their vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar

mastery that can be easily used in their daily speaking activity.

d. The students should keep trying hard and be nice students as always.


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Appendix 01

The Specification of Observation

Observer : Nurmawati
Day/Date : Friday, December 8th 2017
Place : Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung

Observation Checklist
Subjects Pointer(s) Yes No Note

Pre-activity 1. Tutor opens the lesson.  Tutor opened the lesson by

greeting the students.

2. Tutor checks the  Tutor checked the students’

students’ attendance. attendance by calling their

Main- 3. Tutor gives  Tutor gave brainstroming to

activity brainstorming to the the students by asking
(Tutor) students. students activity.

4. Tutor gives motivation  Tutor gave motivation to the

to the students. students by saying “please,
be brave to practice english”

5. Tutor reviews the  Tutor reviewed the previous

materials. material such as vocabularies
and short conversation.

6. Tutor gives vocabularies  Tutor gave vocabularies and

and short conversation. short conversation to

7. Tutor gives the time  Tutor gave the limit time

limit to the students to during 1-10 minutes to
memorize the memorize vocabularies and
vocabularies and short short conversation.
8. Tutor asks the students  Tutor asked the students to
to practice the practice the conversation in
conversation in front of front of the class with their
the class.

Subjects Pointer(s) Yes No Note


Main- 9. The students give  The students gave respons to

activity respons in learning daily the tutor by asking
(Students) conversation and then something about daily
the students prepare the conversation.
10. The students practice  The students practice their
their daily daily conversation based on
conversation based on the theme with their partner
theme with their in front of the class after
partner in front of class preparing the material.
moreover the other
students keep paying
attention to their

Main- 11. Tutor gives feedback  Tutor gave feedback to the

activity to the students in students students in learning
learning daily daily conversation method.
(Tutor) conversation method.

12. Tutor reviews/  Tutor reviewed/evaluated

evaluates any errors to any errors to the students.
the students.
Close- 13. Tutor closes the  The tutor closed the lesson
activity lesson. by saying “goodbye and see
(Tutor) you next meeting” to the
students. And the tutor gave
motivation to the students to
learn more and more.

Appendix 05


Musyrifah : Rahmanita Sari.

Interviewer : Nurmawati
Day/Date : 10th December 2017.
Time :07.00 p.m.
Place :Female building 2 of Ma’had Al Jami’ah UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

1. Do the students have high spirit and motivation in learning English using daily

conversation method?

 Yes, They have high spirit and motivation in learning daily conversation, and I

see that they practice their conversation of this method.

2. How can the students explore themselves in the implementation of daily

conversation method?

 I can see that they explore themselves to practice their conversation, example in

some of place they use the daily conversation based on the place of theme. in

learning process in the class, we give them the time to try to speak English

based on the theme.

3. How is the process of teaching learning of daily conversation method in Ma’had?

 Firstly, we give them the material includes basic vocabularies and tenses and

we combine to be short conversation then we ask them to practice it in front of

class with their partner. so they can use it to speak English based on theme in

Ma’ had area.

4. Is there any module of the use of daily conversation method in Ma’had? Can it

help you in the teaching process?

 Of course. we have module to guide us to teach them, what should we give and

what should we do for teaching. It helps us to be easier to teach them.

5. Are the teaching materials difficult to be understood by students?

 I think no. because the material is basic vocabularies and tenses based on for

daily conversation. So, they can understand well.

6. Are the teaching materials relevant to the daily activities?

 Yes. Our material is relevant to the daily activities, we give the tenses and

vocabularies as basic conversation based on theme such as at mosque, at

canteen, in the room, etc.

7. Does the implementation of daily conversation method in Ma’had run well?

 As long as I see, it is progressively increase when we know that the students

use their English communication in their daily activity. but we still find the

students who still lazy to use English as their communication.

8. How do you give some rewards and punishments?

 we have reward and punishment, in every moth we have gift for the students

who always use English as their communication, and give the punishment to

students who lazy to use English. the punishment are they have to speak up,

memorizing vocabularies, and etc.

9. What are the obstacles you faced in the process of teaching and implementing

daily conversation method? Explain!

 We still find the students who still lazy to use English. their vocabularies are

low but they are lazy to learn more. They do not know how to speak. they need

more motivation in English as their communication.

10. Is there any obstacles from within the students in learning? explain!

 Yes. Some of them are still lazy and have low motivation to learn and practice

their daily conversation. So, it can influence the other as their partner to use


11. How is the students’ achievement in the implementation of daily conversation


 We can see that students can speak English in everywhere by confidently. they

know how to speak in their daily activity. even they are not from English

department but they can speak English in their daily activity little by little.

12. Are there any strengths and weaknesses of daily conversation method in Ma’had?


 For the strength, This method makes good environment for English daily

communication and makes students improve their speaking faster. And the

weakness, when we ask them to use English whenever and wherever and we

give punishment, it can be the pressure for them and it will make decrease of

it rules, they are obligated to use English just in Ma’had area, when they go

out from Ma’had they can use other language. and we need many sources and

people to manage this method that of course know well this method.

13. Is there any suggestion for improving the daily conversation method in Ma’had?

 The students need to get motivation that speak English is not just the

obligation in Ma’had, but speak English in everywhere is needed to improve

their English speaking ability, and they can make it as obligation by

themselves not from ma had to keep their English. Daily conversation method

in Ma’had Needs more people and source to keep method run well.

Appendix 03

Name of Sample

No Name Semester Faculty Major

1. Anggun Yulistia H III DAKWAH KPI
2. Annisa Retno Putri III TARBIYAH PBI
3. Asih Pengestuti III TARBIYAH FISIKA
5. Devi Nurjana III TARBIYAH PBI
6. Dian Alawiyah III TARBIYAH PBI
7. Ebid Diyah Safitri III TARBIYAH PM
8. Heni Widyawati III TARBIYAH PM
9. Nava Djulfadilatul III TARBIYAH BIOLOGI
10. Zukmrotus S III TARBIYAH PAI
11. Istiqomatun Nisa III USHULUDDIN SA
12. Isti Mudrikah III TARBIYAH PM
13. Nihlatul Azizah III TARBIYAH PAI
14. Nina Widiawati III TARBIYAH PB
15. Nur Badriyah III SYARIAH EI
16. Luthfiana Fauziah Talhis III TARBIYAH PAI
17. Qori Hayatun Nufus III TARBIYAH BK
18. Raesitha Zildjianda III SYARIAH JS
19. Siti Muslimah III TARBIYAH PAI
20. Siti Rahayu Fadilah III TARBIYAH BK


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