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9 Science

Quarter 1 - Module 7




Science – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1-Module 7: Photosynthesis
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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Published by the Department of Education - Region III

Secretary : Leonor M Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module

Author: Jean A. Ignacio

Language Reviewer: Melba O. Cruz
Content Editor: Meriam H. Roldan
Illustrator: Dan Michael A. Roldan
Layout Artist: Jean A. Ignacio
Management Team
Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr., EdD
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Rainelda M. Blanco, PhD
Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS
Agnes R. Bernardo, PhD
EPS-Division ADM Coordinator
Marinella P. Garcia Sy, PhD
EPS – Science
Glenda S. Constantino
Project Development Officer II
Joannarie C. Gracia
Librarian II

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address:
Quarter 1 - Module 7
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to Science 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Photosynthesis.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from
public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire
the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help
you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do
the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to Science 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Photosynthesis.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or

What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in the

This part includes an activity that aims to check

what you already know about the lesson to take. If
What I Know
you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.

This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
What’s In
current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to

What’s New you in various ways; a story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What is It lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice to
solidify your understanding and skills of the topic.
What’s More
You may check the answers to the exercises using
the Answer Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank sentence/
What I Have Learned paragraph to be filled in to process what you learned
from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will help you
What Can I Do transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.

This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of

mastery in achieving the learning competency.

In this portion, another activity will be given to you to

Additional Activities
enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson learned.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References - This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module encourages you to be familiar with the different basic features and
importance of photosynthesis. Various activities such as experiments are provided
for you to perform to strengthen your knowledge and skills regarding the topic.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the cell structure and functions of plants involved in the food making process;

2. identify the raw materials needed for photosynthesis;

3. explain the phases involved in photosynthesis;

4. describe how the materials and energy flow in the ecosystem; and

5. analyze the importance of photosynthesis on the quality and quantity of harvest.

What I Know

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Where do we find the chlorophyll in the chloroplast?
a. carotenes c. stroma
b. intermembrane space d. thylakoid
2. The main photosynthetic organ in the plant is the:
a. flower c. root
b. leaves d. stem
3. Which of the following organelles traps energy from the sun?
a. chlorophyll c. cuticle
b. chloroplast d. epidermis
4. Which of the following gases is important to photosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide c. ozone gas
b. oxygen gas d. water vapor
5. Where do we find most of the stomata?
a. lower epidermis c. spongy layer
b. mesophyll layer d. upper epidermis

6. Light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must come first step before the light
independent reaction because its products are important to the fixation of
carbon dioxide. Which of the following is/are the product/s of light–dependent
a. ADP only c. NADPH and ATP
b. ATP only d. NADPH only
7. Which parts of the leaves serve as transporting vessels of manufactured food
and water?
a. epidermis c. stomata
b. mesophyll layer d. vascular bundles
8. They are mostly found on the lower surface of the leaf of land plants.
a. cuticle c. spongy layer
b. epidermis d. stomata
9. It is a process of food making done by plants and other autotrophic organisms.
a. Cellular Respiration c. nitrogen cycle
b. Digestion d. Photosynthesis
10. It is a light-independent phase that takes place in the stroma and converts
carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar.
a. Biochemical cycle c. Cellular Respiration
b. Calvin Cycle d. Light-dependent reaction
11. Chlorophyll absorbs white light, but it looks green because white light consists
of three primary colors namely:
a. blue, red and orange c. red, blue and green.
b. orange, yellow and green d. yellow, green and blue
12. The parts of a chloroplast include the following, except:
a. cuticle c. stroma
b. intermembrane space d. thylakoids
13. It protects the leaves and has nothing to do with photosynthetic processes.
a. outer and inner membranes c. stroma and thylakoids
b. palisade and spongy mesophyll d. upper and lower epidermis

14. What are the two end products of photosynthesis?

a. carbon dioxide and oxygen c. glucose and oxygen
b. chlorophyll and carbon dioxide d. water and sunlight
15. The following are the raw materials needed in the photosynthesis process,
a. carbon dioxide c. sunlight
b. oxygen d. water

What’s In


Directions: Study the illustrations below. Compare illustration A to illustration B. Give at
least three differences.

Illustration A

Illustration B

 As a learner, how will you take care
of our environment?

What’s New

Directions: Let us sing the Photosynthesis Song below and answer the analysis
questions that follow.

Photosynthesis Song
by Peter Weatherall - with lyrics

1 5
If you want to know how a plant grows, A plant of any size, can do it if it tries
It takes water, air, and sunlight and We’re not green so we can’t
makes cellulose. Photosynthesize.
2 6
Every plant can do this fundamental Every plant can do this fundamental
process, process,
and we call this Photosynthesis. and we call this Photosynthesis.
3 Its a miracle how all the chlorophyll
Unlike me and you, plants need CO2 catches sunlight in the leaves
and they make oxygen that stops us of the plants and the trees.
turning blue.
4 7
Every plant can do this fundamental Every plant can do this fundamental
process, process,
and we call this Photosynthesis. and we call this Photosynthesis.
Its a miracle how all the chlorophyll Every plant can do this fundamental
catches sunlight in the leaves process,
of the plants and the trees. and we call this Photosynthesis.

Questions for Analysis:

1. What is Photosynthesis? Why is it important?
2. Do plants need food? Where and how do they
get it?

Notes to the Teacher

The activities in this module are arranged from simple to complex to help
the learners gradually meet the target skills and desired learning competency.
Give him/her the needed support and guidance so that he/she will be able to
different basic features and importance of photosynthesis.

What is It

Ecosystem: Life Energy

Plant Structure for Photosynthesis
Plants are great food providers. Using this module, you will understand how plants
provide food and help to make the flow of energy in the ecosystem possible. You will
understand how each plant structure helps in the process of food making, as well as the
factors that may affect the rate of food production done by plants.
Photosynthesis is a process of food making done by plants and other autotrophic
organisms. The presence of chlorophyll enables these organisms to make their own food.
Autotrophic organisms require light energy, carbon dioxide (CO 2), and water (H2O) to make
food (sugar).
In plants, photosynthesis mainly takes place in the leaves and little or none in stems,
depending on the presence of chlorophyll. The typical parts of the leaves are the following:
A. Upper Epidermis and Lower Epidermis
The upper epidermis is the upper layer in the leaf which consists of a single layer of
cells covered by cuticle. Sometimes it contains pores which allow gas or water molecule to
pass and it has no chloroplasts.
The lower epidermis is the lower external layer of cells in the leaf. It is located below
the spongy mesophyll .
The upper and lower epidermis protects the leaves and has nothing to do with
photosynthetic processes.
B. Mesophyll
The mesophyll is a type of ground tissue found in the plant's leaves. The mesophyll
has the most number of chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. The most important role of
the mesophyll is in photosynthesis. It has large spaces within the leaf that allow carbon
dioxide to move freely. There are two types of mesophyll: Palisade mesophyll and spongy
1. Palisade mesophyll
The palisade mesophyll are tightly packed upper layer of chloroplast containing
cells. They are vertically elongated, a different shape from the spongy mesophyll cells
beneath them. The chloroplasts in these cells absorb a major portion of the light
energy used by the leaf.
2. Spongy mesophyll
The spongy mesophyll are the lower layer of chloroplast containing cells be
neath the palisade mesophyll. They are irregularly shaped cells that have many inter
cellular spaces that allow the passage of gases.

C. Vascular bundles
The vascular bundles or also called xylem and phloem, serve as transporting
vessels of manufactured food and water.
Xylem carries water & minerals throughout plant while phloem carries dissolved
sugars and organic compounds throughout plant.
D. Stomata
Carbon dioxide and oxygen are collected in the spongy layer and enter and exit
the leaf through stomata.
E. Guard Cells
The guard cells are two cells surrounding stomata that control the rate of gas and
water exchange.
F. Cuticle
The cuticle is a waxy layer water proofing upper leaves. It serves as a protecting
film covering the epidermis of leaves.
G. Bundle Sheath
The bundle sheath is a layer or region of compactly arranged cells surrounding
a vascular bundle in a plant. It regulates the movement of substances between the
vascular tissue and the parenchyma and, in leaves, protect the vascular tissue from
exposure to air.


Upper epidermis

Palisade mesophyll
Vascular bundle

Lower epidermis


Guard Cells

Bundle sheath Spongy mesophyll

Figure 1: Cross-section of internal structure of leaf

The parts of a chloroplast include the outer and inner membranes, intermembrane
space, stroma and thylakoids stacked in grana. The chlorophyll is built into the membranes
of the thylakoids. Chlorophyll absorbs white light, but it looks green because white light
consists of three primary color: red, blue and green. Only red and blue light are absorbed,
thus making these colors unavailable to our eyes while the green light is reflected which
makes the chlorophyll looks green. However, it is the energy from red and blue light that is
absorbed will be used in photosynthesis. The green light that we can see is not absorbed
by the plant and thus, cannot be used to do photosynthesis.

Outer membrane

Inner membrane


Two stages of photosynthesis:

A. Light-dependent reaction
Figure 2: Cross-section of internal structure of chloroplast
The light dependent reaction happens in the presence of light. It occurs in thylakoid
membrane and converts light energy to chemical energy. Water is one of the raw materials
of photosynthesis. It is utilized during this stage and facilitates the formation of free
electrons and oxygen. The energy harvested during this stage is stored in the form of ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADPH. These products will be needed by the next stage to
complete the photosynthetic process.

B. Calvin Cycle (dark reaction)

It is a light-independent phase that takes place in the stroma and converts carbon
dioxide (CO2) into sugar. This stage does not directly need light but needs the product soft
light reaction, thus it occurs immediately after the light-dependent phase.

Plants have green pigments called chlorophyll. This pigment aids in capturing light
energy from the sun that enables plants to change it into chemical energy stored in the
food. This process is called photosynthesis. The chemical equation for photosynthesis may
be summarized as follows:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) + Water (H2O) Glucose (C6H12o6) + Oxygen (O2)

Photosynthesis significantly help farmers for better production, distribution and

utilization also it makes possible the continuous food supply on Earth and the cycle in the
nature on the process.

The Leaf Stomata

Stomata plays an important role in the process of photosynthesis. They are the tiny
openings or pores in plant tissues that allow gas exchange, also it allow a plant to take in
carbon dioxide, which is needed for photosynthesis.


Figure 3: Stomata seen under the microscope

Stomata are mostly found on the lower surface of the leaf of land plants. They consist
of two specialized cells, called guard cells. Their main function is to allow gases such as
carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen to move rapidly into and out of the leaf.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Direction: Choose your answer from the box that best describe the sentence.

Photosynthesis Mesophyll Vascular bundles Stomata Upper and Lower


1. It is a process of food making done by plants and other autotrophic organisms.

2. It serve as transporting vessels of manufactured food and water.
3. It protects the leaves and has nothing to do with photosynthetic processes.
4. It has the most number of chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll.
5. They are the tiny openings or pores in plant tissues that allow gas exchange, also it
allows a plant to take in carbon dioxide.

Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Identify the stages of photosynthesis. Write LDR if the statement is
light- dependent reaction and write CC if calvin cycle.
1. It happens in the presence of light.
2. This stage does not directly need light but needs the product soft light reaction.
3. The energy harvested during this stage is stored in the form of ATP and NADPH.
4. It occurs in thylakoid membrane and converts light energy to chemical energy.
5. It takes place in the stroma and converts carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar.

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Read the following statements about photosynthesis. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct, if incorrect, change the underlined word/words to make the
statement correct.
1. The presence of chloroplast enables these organisms to make their own food.
2. The vascular bundles or also called phloem and xylem, serve as transporting vessels
of manufactured food and water.
3. Mesophyll are mostly found on the lower surface of the leaf of land plants.
4. Photosynthesis is a process of food making done by plants and other autotrophic
5. The parts of a chlorophyll include the outer and inner membranes, intermembrane
space, stroma and thylakoids stacked in grana.

Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Complete the word equation for photosynthesis. Choose your answer from the
table below.


1. Carbon 2. 5. 6.




Independent Activity 3
Direction: Label the parts of the internal structure of the leaf.








10. 9.

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Write the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis by analyzing the
illustration below.


OXYGEN is released



Raw materials Products

1. 1.

2. 2.



What I Have Learned

After answering different activities, you now understand the process of photosynthesis.
Complete the paragraph with what you have learned about photosynthesis.

I learned that Photosynthesis is _______________________________________.

_________________________. In plants, photosynthesis mainly takes place in the
leaves, the typical parts of the leaves are the following: ______________________
The two stages of photosynthesis are _________________________________
and _____________________________________________________________.

What I Can Do

Are you excited to know more about photosynthesis? This time you will conduct
investigations that will show evidences that plants are really capable of making food.
Activity: Evidence of Photosynthesis
To show that oxygen is produced by photosynthesis
Materials: glass, water and santan leaf
1. Place a fresh santan leaf inside a glass. Add water to the glass to cover the leaf .
2. Leave the set-up for about 10 to 15 minutes at a room temperature (29˚C).
3. Observe the set-up.
Answer the following questions:
Q1. What did you see on the santan leaf ?
Q2. Did you see any bubbles in the set-up?
Q3. What do these bubbles indicate?




Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Where do we find most of the stomata?
a. lower epidermis c. spongy layer
b. mesophyll layer d. upper epidermis
2. Chlorophyll absorbs white light, but it looks green because white light consists of
three primary colors namely:
a. red and orange c. red, blue and green
b. orange, yellow and green d. yellow, green and blue

3. The main photosynthetic organ in the plant is the:

a. flower c. root
b. leaves d. stem
4. The following are the raw materials needed in the photosynthesis process, except:
a. sunlight carbon dioxide c. sunlight
b. oxygen d. water
5. Which of the following organelles traps energy from the sun?
a. chlorophyll c. cuticle
b. chloroplast d. epidermis
6. It protects the leaves and has nothing to do with photosynthetic processes.
a. outer and inner membranes c. stroma and thylakoids
b. palisade and spongy mesophyll d. upper and lower epidermis

7. They are mostly found on the lower surface of the leaf of land plants.
a. cuticle c. spongy layer
b. epidermis d. stomata
8. What are the two end products of photosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide and oxygen c. glucose and oxygen
b. chlorophyll and carbon dioxide d. water and sunlight

9. Light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must come first step before the
light independent reaction because its products are important to the fixation of carbon
dioxide. Which of the following is/are the product/s of light–dependent reaction?
a. ADP only c. NADPH and ATP
b. ATP only d. NADPH only
10. The parts of a chloroplast include the following, except:
a. cuticle c. stroma
b. intermembrane space d. thylakoids
11. It is a process of food making done by plants and other autotrophic organisms.
a. Cellular Respiration c. nitrogen cycle
b. Digestion d. Photosynthesis
12. Which parts of the leaves serve as transporting vessels of manufactured food and
a. epidermis c. stomata
b. mesophyll layer d. vascular bundles
13. It is a light-independent phase that takes place in the stroma and converts carbon
dioxide (CO2) into sugar.
a. Biochemical cycle c. Cellular Respiration
b. Calvin Cycle d. Light-dependent reaction
14. Where do we find the chlorophyll in the chloroplast?
a. carotenes c. stroma
b. intermembrane space d. thylakoid
15. Which of the following gases is important to photosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide c. ozone gas
b. oxygen gas d. water vapor

Additional Activity

Now you know more about photosynthesis. Make a slogan that shows the
importance of photosynthesis to the living things.


What I Know Independent Activity 2
1. D 1. Chlorophyll Assessment
2. B 2. True 1. C
3. A 3. Stomata 2. C
4. B 4. True 3. B
5. C 5. Chloroplast 4. B
6. C Independent Assessment 2 5. A
7. D 1. Water 6. D
8. D 2. Chlorophyll 7. D
9. D 3. Sunlight 8. C
10. B 4. Glucose 9. C
11. C 5. Oxygen 10. A
12. A Independent Activity 3 11. D
13. D 1. Cuticle 12. D
14. C 2. Upper epidermis 13. B
15. B 3. Mesophyll 14. C
4. Palisade mesophyll 15. B
What’s In 5. Stomata
Answers may vary 6. Vascular bundle Additional activity
7. Guard cells Output may vary
What’s New 8. Lower epidermis
Answers may vary 9. Spongy mesophyll
10. Bundle sheath
What’s More Independent Assessment 3
Independent Activity 1 Raw materials
1. Photosynthesis Energy/sunlight
2. Vascular bundles 1. Water
3. Upper and lower epidermis 2. Chlorophyll
4. Mesophyll 3. Carbon dioxide
5. Stomata End products
Independent Assessment 1 1. Oxygen
1. LBR 2. Glucose
2. CC What I have learned
3. LDR Answers may vary
4. LDR What I can do
5. CC Answers may vary
Answer Key

Alvarez, Liza A., Dave G. Angeles., Herman L. Apurada. Science Grade 9 Learner’s
Module. Makati, Metro Manila: FEP Printing Corporation, 2014
Elephant tube. “ Diagram of a Leaf.” Last modified 2020. diagram-
IB Plant Science at GHS. “Internal Structure of the Leaf of a Typical Dicotyledonous Plant.”
Last Modified 2004.
QS Study Learn and Study. “Chloroplast.” Last modified 2020. http://
The School of Biomedical Sciences Wiki. “Mesophyll Cell.” Last Modified December 2,

Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. “Palisade Cells.” Last Modified May 20, 2020.
Yahia, Elhadi M., “Postharvest Physiology and Biochemistry of Fruits and Vegetables. “
Last Modified 2019.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address:

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