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NYLC Certificate - Practice Tests

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Pena Publications,
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NYLC CERTIFICATE - Practice Tests ISBN: 978-618-80248-3-0

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The NYLC PRACTICE TESTS is a guide to the NYLC Certificate intended for students who
are preparing for the NYLC Certificate. It contains sample practice tests that reflect the
style of the NYLC Examination.


The NYLC Certificate assesses the candidate’s understanding of written and spoken
English and grades students according to their skills, abilities and competencies.
According to the score they achieve they are granted the equivalent certificate that
ranges from the B1 to the C2 levels of competency in accordance with the description of
the language user level scale set by the Common European Framework.

 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
 Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources,
reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
 Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating
finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
 Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit
 Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching
for expressions.
 Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional
 Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing
controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
 Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics,
including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization.
 Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction
with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
 Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint
on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
 Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise
while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
 Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
 Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give
reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

The NYLC Exam comprises of four (4) sections:
1. Listening Time allowed: 30 minutes
2. Writing Time allowed: 45 minutes
3. GVR (Grammar–Vocabulary –Reading) Time allowed: 90 minutes
4. Speaking Time allowed: 8- 10 minutes

More analytically:

1. The Listening Part of this test is audio-visual. Candidates watch an extract from an
actual news report/documentary/presentation and then answer questions on what
they saw and heard. The answers to the questions should be in full sentences of up
to 30 words for levels B1 – B2 and of up to 50 words for levels C1 – C2.

2. In the Writing Part of this test candidates are asked to produce one written piece
choosing between two topics. The topics of the two tasks will range from travelling
experiences to environmental issues, technology, personality descriptions, social
issues etc. The written tasks might be in the form of an essay, an article, an informal
or formal letter.

B1 Level Students will have to produce a written text of at least 120 words
B2 Level Students will have to produce a written text of at least 150 words
C1 Level Students will have to produce a written text of at least 200 words
C2 Level Students will have to produce a written text of at least 250 words

3. The GVR (Grammar – Vocabulary – Reading) Section of the Test comprises of the
following parts:

a) 10 sentences: candidates will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge regarding

English Grammar, in the form of multiple-choice questions.
b) One text in which candidates will be asked to correct the mistakes marked in red.
(10 cases)
c) One text in which candidates will be asked to choose the correct answer out of two
choices. (10 choices)
d) One text in which candidates will be asked to fill in each gap with the correct word
from a given list. (10 gaps)
e) One Text in which candidates will be asked to answer to 5 topic-related questions.

4. In the Speaking Section of the Test candidates are examined individually. This
section comprises of the following parts:

a) The ice-breaking process in which candidates talk about themselves and are also
asked questions by the examiner. (2 min)

b) Main Task 1: Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw -
with deeper meaning – presentation & analysis.
The examiner will ask additional questions relevant to the topic just analyzed.
(3-4 min)

 The film or theatrical play regards the selection made by the candidate.
 The candidate should present the summary of his/her film or theatrical play
in a short and organized way, answer questions related both directly to the
information he/she has provided through his/her presentation and to the
topic in a more general context.
 The candidate is not graded based on the context of his/her choice of film or
theatrical play. However, for the C1 and C2 levels the candidate should make
sure that his/her presentation demonstrates a high level of language
competency in all respects, grammar and vocabulary-wise.
 The question regarding the plot is used by the examiner to initiate the
conversation assisting the candidates to express themselves in English in the
best possible way.

There really is no limit or restriction as regards their selection of film or theatrical play.
Candidates can choose among all categories of interest. It is advisable though that
candidates choose their films or theatrical plays according to their own preferences
and interests.

c) Main Task 2: Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk
about the subject ‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner.
The emphasis here should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.
It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas – just to have a good, natural
conversation. (3-4 min)


1. Listening 10%
2. Writing 20%
3. GVR (Grammar–Vocabulary –Reading) 50%
4. Speaking 20%

The final score derives from the sum of all the parts assessed.

B1 Level 50%
B2 Level 55%
C1 Level 60%
C2 Level 65%

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 1


Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: Nutrition Tips

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. Which are the five things you need to stop doing before you are forty?

3. Which is the first mistake presented and which is the solution proposed?

4. According to the video, which is the solution to not eating enough?

5. Which are the most important solutions presented in your opinion?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write a letter to a friend about an important event or festival that takes place
in your country.


Writing Task 2: Write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading

Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. I a movie on TV at the 6. I will go to school to pick up

moment. my children.

a. watch c. have been watching a. - c. the

b. have watched d. am watching b. a d. an

2. She to the gym every day. 7. to be no letter in the mail.

a. has gone c. goes a. It seems c. It appears

b. had gone d. went b. It looks d. There seems

3. with me to the doctor’s 8. Mary is not here. She has just

tomorrow? work.

a. Will you came c. Have you come a. being to c. gone to

b. Do you come d. Are you coming b. been to d. going to

4. This is the book I have ever 9. If Lisa doesn’t pass the exam, she
read. the job.

a. interesting c. more interesting a. won’t have gotten c. wouldn’t get

b. most interesting d. very interesting b. wouldn’t have gotten d. won’t get

5. Alice to the party tonight. 10. Come on! We the bus!

a. will have not to come c. came a. are going to missing c. will missing
b. won’t be able to come d. comes b. will have missed d. are going to miss

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Dear Johanna,

How are you? Thank you for your last letter. You can’t imagine my joy when
I received it and learnt about your news. I am sorry I haven’t been in touch
for [1] so long time but I am writing this letter to tell you how proud I am
[2] for you and of course to congratulate you on your success.

I am proud because I have a cousin who managed to make her dream

[3]comes true. I remember you from our early [4] child years, always writing
fascinating stories. However, your talent proved to be greater than anyone in
our family could have imagined. Your excellent writing skills in combination
with your [5] vividly imagination led to this great success of yours.

I read a summary of your short story in the [6] topical newspaper that
included an article [7] for your recent success in the competition. I must say
that I was especially impressed with the topic you chose to examine through
your story, as the generation gap is not an easy issue to be presented. Your
main characters have such[8] strongest personalities that make the story even
more powerful.

I hope my letter [9] to find you well and I wish you and your family all the
best. I would like to ask you to send me a copy of your story. In any case, I
will try to arrange a visit soon so that we see each other and share all the
details of your experience in person. I am looking forward to [10] see all of
you soon.

Your cousin,

c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

disorder – condition – pills – majority – mental – image – origin – treated – voluntary –


According to the [1] cited at, ‘anorexia nervosa’ is a

psychiatric illness that describes an eating [2] characterized by extremely low body
weight and body [3] distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. The
term anorexia is of Greek [4] meaning a lack of desire to eat. Individuals with
anorexia nervosa are known to control body weight commonly through [5]
starvation, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures such as diet
[6] . Anorexia nervosa is a complex [7] that in some cases can lead to
death. In the [8] of cases, people with anorexia are [9] by
physicians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and other [10] health

d. Choose the correct answer

A: Have you ever tried any [1] extremes / extreme sports?

B: I think they are [2] much too / too much dangerous.

A: Not all of them. In fact, I have always felt fascinated with the idea of water rafting. It is
the most [3] enjoyable / enjoyably experience as it gives you the chance to be close to
nature and develop [4] team’s / team spirit.

B: You are right, but you need to be physically fit in order to cope. In my opinion, paintball
is not [5] so / such demanding as other sports and keep in mind that I am not 20 [6] years
old woman / years old anymore. I can’t occupy myself with such [7] tiring / tired hobbies.

A: I can’t say [8] I agree/I am agreeing with you. Paintball is hardly an extreme sport. What
about bungee jumping or sky-diving? They are [9] the most popular / more popular
pastimes abroad.

B: I don’t care if there are millions of people who love them. I told you I am not a thrill
seeker. I would prefer rock climbing which is half as [10] risky / riskier as these two. In
any case the conclusion is that you are much more adventurous than I thought you would

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow

The Acropolis Museum

Article Source:

Greece is famous all over the world not only for its natural beauty but also for its rich history.
The most famous emblem of this ancient and glorious past is undoubtedly the Acropolis of
Athens and it is full of enriching information about some of Greece's most important
People from all over the world visit the Acropolis
Museum every day to learn as much as they can
about the Ancient Greeks through the archaeological
findings that are exhibited. The Museum was built
on an important archaeological site of the city called
Makrigiannis Hill. The Acropolis Museum first
opened its doors to its visitors in 2009.

The collections of the Acropolis Museum include all the objects found on the Acropolis hill.
These findings cover a long period, from the Mycenaean to the Roman and Early Christian
periods of Athens. The exhibits are presented on four levels and there is also the fifth level
with some areas such as the restaurant and the VIP room. The archaeological findings are
classified according to the historical period from which they originate. This way the visitor
also gets closer to the rich history of the city of Athens.

The museum provides the visitors with a range of

facilities where they can relax, eat and drink, enjoy
the view and learn about the mysteries of the
Acropolis. The museum also offers audio-visual
entertainment through the exhibitions and
accommodates a reading lounge and a lab, where
you can deepen your knowledge regarding the

A visit to the Acropolis Museum is

undoubtedly a great and unprecedented
experience. Visitors feel as if they are
traveling through ancient Greece from the
courtyard of the museum. From the very first
moment you enter the area, you will feel ready
to take a magical journey through space and

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for Levels B1-B2 and up to 50 words for Levels C1-C2

1. Is the New Acropolis Museum considered the most important sight in Athens?

2. Why do people visit the Acropolis museum?

3. What kind of facilities does the museum provide?

4. How do people feel when they visit the museum?

5. Briefly describe the collections and exhibits of the Acropolis Museum.

Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner.

Interview Questions

 Tell me a few things about yourself.

 Tell me about your job.
 Which is your greatest ambition?
 Do you have any brothers or sisters?
 Which are your favourite free time activities?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis.

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Who is your favorite character and why?
 Would you change anything in your film/theatrical play?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) Do you like travelling abroad?

2) Which is your favorite travelling destination?
3) Which is your favorite means of transport to travel?
4) Is there a destination that you wouldn’t choose to travel to and why?
5) Is it cheap or expensive for someone to travel abroad?
6) In what ways does tourism help the economy of a country?
7) Do you think travelling will change in the future? How?
8) What are the disadvantages of tourism?

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 2


Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: The Power of the Internet and of Social Media

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. According to the video what do people use the Internet for?

3. According to the video what do most people use Facebook for?

4. According to the video what do most people use Instagram for?

5. According to the speaker, which are the dangers of using social media?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write a letter to a friend about the problems young people face in your


Writing Task 2: Write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. I would like how to cook 6. Don’t run! You hurt yourself.


a. learn c. to learn a. should c. might

b. learning d. to learning b. can d. must

2. My children to eat chocolate. 7. Dinner soon.

a. are not allowed c. don’t allow a. will be serving c. will serve

b. are not allowing d. are not allow b. you serve d. will be served

3. How many children in your 8. Kate and I _ each other for six years.

a. are they c. there are a. have been knowing c. knew

b. have d. are there b. have known d. know

4. that Sue found a new job 9. He asked me to tell you for him
yesterday? tonight.

a. Did you know c. Did you knew a. to not wait c. not to wait
b. Had you known d. Have you known b. to don’t wait d. don’t to wait

5. Milan’s nightlife lives up to 10. Did you enjoy out with Clair last
reputation. night?

a. it’s c. its’ a. to going c. going

b. its d. – b. go d. to go

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10. _____________________

Protecting the environment is very important for our health and of course for
the [1] futures generations.

There are many things we can do to save the environment and our planet. We
can [2] recycling. It is the easiest and [3] fast way to protect the environment.
We can start putting our cans, bottles, tins, paper and cardboards in the
recycling bins. We should reduce the electricity and the water we spend. It is
another useful and [4] easily step. We should replace regular lamps with
economical ones that are more eco-friendly as they [5] using less energy.

We could also volunteer and plant trees, clean up beaches and streets. We
could stop using private vehicles and start using public means of transport or
bicycles. We can ride [6] bicycle instead of using the car. It is healthier for the
environment and it is [7] great way to exercise and keep fit. The car [8] pollute
the environment. We should start eating organic food. It is an eco-friendly
solution as they don’t have chemicals.

We have to change our everyday life and change some [9] simply
everyday habits because the environment [10] it is very important.

c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

eccentric – innovation – musicians – icon – pop – century – image – many – career –


The legendary musician David Bowie is known for his musical [1] __________ and
experimentation with his [2] . Bowie was a singer, songwriter, actor and
fashion [3] , who has been an influence on nearly every modern artist, such as
Kanye West, Madonna, U2 and Lady Gaga. His life and work were particularly praised by the
[4] ___________________ he worked with or those who were inspired by him. He was [5]
________________ for his music style and contribution to the world of music. Known for
his [6] _______ and ever-changing sense of style, his over 40-year [7] ____________spanned
among glam-rock, art rock, soul, hard rock, dance, [8] __________, punk and electronica.
Bowie is considered by [9] ____________ one of the most influential artists of the 20th [10]

d. Choose the correct answer

A: It’s Mike’s birthday on the [1] fourteenth / fourteen and he is [2] having / making a huge
party [3] at / on his house!

B: Oh, yes! I [4] received / have received the invitation yesterday! Have you thought of a
present [5] yet / still?

A: I was thinking of buying him a watch as he loves wearing them as an elegant accessory.
Did you notice that he wears a different watch every day? I believe he would appreciate it
if I [6] bought / have bought him a new one.

B: I think the watch is a very prestigious present. I [7] have thought already / I have already
thought of something. I am not sure if he [8] like / likes it.

A: What are you thinking of getting him?

B: Well, I would like [9] to buy / buying him a new i-pod to listen to music when he goes to
the gym. What do you think?

A: That’s a great idea! We can go to the mall together! Are you free tomorrow morning?

B: [10] Not / No tomorrow morning, but maybe in the afternoon?

A: That’s fine with me!

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow


Article Source:

Ballet is a type of performance dance that flourished during the Italian Renaissance in the
fifteenth century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has
since become a widespread, highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on
French terminology.

It has been globally influential and has defined the

foundational techniques used in many other dance
genres and cultures. Ballet has been taught in
various schools around the world, which have
historically incorporated their own cultures and as a
result, the art has evolved in a number of distinct

Ballet is different from other kinds of dances because it includes many and exciting moves. In
classical ballet the dancers attempt more dangerous and difficult steps than in other kinds of
dances. Ballet, especially classical ballet, places great emphasis on the method and execution
of movement. Students have to learn the names, meanings, and technique of each movement
they learn.

Emphasis is also placed on building strength

mostly in the lower body, particularly the legs, and
the core as a strong core is necessary for all
movements in ballet, especially turns, and on
developing flexibility and strong feet for dancing
en pointe.

Children can start ballet dancing at the age of four. At first the children practice easy
exercises. The actual technique starts after the sixth or seventh year of age and the children
put on pouents for the first time at the age of ten only if the muscular system of the child is
ready to accept the pouent.

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for Levels B1-B2 and up to 50 words for Levels C1-C2

1. How is ballet different from other types of dances?

2. What is the best age for children to start dancing?

3. What is of utmost importance while practicing ballet?

4. Is ballet dancing difficult?

5. What are the advantages of ballet dancing?


Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner.

Interview Questions

 Could you please introduce yourself?

 Describe your hometown.
 Do you like living there?
 Would you consider moving abroad?
 Do you have any hobbies?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Is there a life lesson deriving from the story of your film/theatrical play?
 Do you prefer watching films or going to the theater and why?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) Do you use social media?

2) What are the disadvantages of technology?
3) In your opinion do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
4) Should students use laptops in class?
5) Has technology improved our lives? How?
6) Which is the most important technological advancement in your opinion?
7) Can technology help save the planet?
8) Is technology to blame for the ecological decline?

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 3


Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: Climate Change

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. Which are the main causes of climate change?

3. Name some of the things that we can do to help save our planet.

4. Why is it important to drive smart and use our bikes?

5. In your opinion, which is the most important tip to follow in order to save the planet?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write an essay about the phenomenon of bullying. Analyze the causes, its
effects and give solutions.


Writing Task 2: Write a letter to a friend giving him/her advice on what he/she should or
shouldn’t eat in order to follow a healthy diet.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. If my brother me, I 6. In addition basketball, Ted

wouldn’t have bought a new car. also swims.
a. haven’t helped c. didn’t help a. to play c. play
b. will not help d. hadn’t helped b. to playing d. playing

2. “Aren’t you coming with us?” “Νο, Ι 7. “ ____ in the hospital recently, I
have plans.” can understand your fears.”

a. other c. another a. To be c. Having been

b. others d. some others b. Been d. To have

3. Our conversation was indeed very 8. “Do you want to leave?” “ , I want
_______. to stay.”

a. interesting c. interested a. In contrast c. On the contrary

b. interests d. interest b. By contrast d. Contrary

4. You can get anything you like 9. being an excellent student, she
it’s not very expensive. failed the test.

a. unless c. but a. Even though c. Since

b. that d. as long as b. Despite d. Although

5. “Are you sorry you didn’t attend the 10. “He didn’t want to be here. His father
seminar?” “ Yes, I wish I made him .”
about it.”

a. knew c. had known a. to come c. to have come

b. will know d. know b. coming d. come

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

‘Hamlet - a Tragedy by William Shakespeare’

Last Friday I visited my sister for a week. She lives in London, the capital of culture and
art. It is our family tradition [1] wherever we have the opportunity to seize it, in order to
satisfy our spiritual and intellectual explorations and scope and that is what we did by
watching the classical theatrical drama ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare at [2]
Dominion Theatre.

The play was indeed a masterpiece having a unique structure, which is a reflection of
Shakespeare’s literary superiority and the director’s artistic view. The story begins with
the ghost of Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet of Denmark, [3] appears to his son to tell
him that he had been killed by his brother, Claudius, [4] whom then made himself
king and married Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude. From that point onwards Hamlet
devoted himself to revenging his father’s death. Ophelia, Hamlet’s potential wife, is the
[5] more tragic figure in the play, as losing her dearest Hamlet in the altar of revenge,
she commits suicide.

When the play finished, [6] simultaneous we felt relief for Claudius’s death, but sadness
for the deaths of Hamlet and Ophelia. It is so easy for anybody to understand the
deeper meaning of this play that is directly related to the social anger triggered [7] of the
corruption levels of that era that Shakespeare transferred to his play in a very frank way.
It is a revenge story at heart but it most importantly contemplates issues such as the
quest for identity and self-knowledge. It also promotes notions and ideals concerning
family bonds, friendship and love and all these are achieved through philosophical
questions raised mainly by the main character. The protagonist’s [8] performance’s
abilities created a unique atmosphere and the psychological suspense got the audience

Taking everything into account, Hamlet is one of the most famous tragedies. In my
opinion the glory of the play and the essence of its performing power that were [9]
vividly elements, place it among the supreme masterpieces of the art [10] from drama,
which I definitely recommend to all people who appreciate classical theatrical plays to

c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

rushing – power – against – outdoors – under – instead – guide – hold –

interior – parking

Here is a [1] on what people should and should not do during natural disasters
and more specifically during an earthquake. How people react to this natural phenomenon
and what they should be doing [2] . During an earthquake people should get [3]
a desk or table, or stand [4] an [5] wall. They should
stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fireplaces, appliances and most
importantly elevators. If they are [6] , they should stay away from buildings, [7]
lines, trees, light posts, signs or anything else that could fall on them. If driving,
they should move the car out of traffic and stop, but they should avoid [8] under
or on bridges. However, in such cases, people panic and their reactions are wrong. They
start screaming, running around [9] for the exit or they try to get [10]
of their belongings instead of trying to save themselves.

d. Choose the correct answer

A: We have to [1] take / do a project for Mr. Jones.

B: I know! It’s due [2] on / for Monday. Would you like to meet up in the Uni Library
tomorrow morning?
A: The library? I think it’s a waste of time [3] trying / to try to look for a specific book or
journal in there. [4] Although / Besides, most books are damaged or lost and we won’t have
adequate material to work with.
B: But it offers a [5] quite / quiet place for students to study; especially for students like me
who don’t have privacy at their home environment.
A: Why don’t you come over to my place? It will be more [6] fun / fan and we can use my
brother’s laptop so that we can work on two computers. This way we can find information
[7] more / much faster and easier.
B: Well, the information [8] found / is found on the internet is not always reliable and I
am pretty sure that we will end up doing other things.
A: What do you mean? We won’t [9] be playing / have been playing any games or start
chatting online! We will be very [10] concentrated / concentrating!
B: Ok, then! I have to confess then that I am computer illiterate!

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow

What Makes a Good Friend

Article Source:

Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with
others; it's also about how willing you are to put your friends
first or point out when they're doing something you don't agree
with. Part of being a good friend is about being willing to listen
rather than just talk. This takes time and effort but if you can
make time just to listen to others and respect what they have to
say, then it's a sign of a good friend.

Are you approachable?

Do your friends often turn to you first to share a

problem or seek help? If a friend tells you
something personal are you good at keeping it in
confidence, or do you go and tell everyone at
the first opportunity? People need to know that
they can trust a friend with important
information. A good friend is both trustworthy
and reliable.

Do you avoid gossiping about others?

This is one of the biggest signs of a good friend. Do you avoid speaking badly about others or
spreading rumours in order to hurt them? Do you defend friends when you hear others
gossiping about them? If you avoid gossiping, others will notice how different you are and
soon realize what a truly good friend you are.

Are you selfless rather than selfish?

Try to find a compromise if you can't agree with

a friend and do something your friend wants to
do for a change, rather than forcing him to do
what you want. If you are willing to put your
friends first in most things then this is a sign of a
good friend.

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for B1-B2 Levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 Levels

1. Why is it important to have friends?

2. Which of the qualities presented in the text do you consider to be the most important in

3. What does being a good friend mean?

4. Are you approachable as a friend?

5. According to the text what should you do if you disagree with your friend?

Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner

Interview Questions

 Tell me a few things about you.

 Do you work or are you a student?
 Tell me about your future plans.
 Do you have any siblings?
 Which is your favorite sport?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Who is your second most favorite character and why?
 Would you change the ending of your film/theatrical play?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) Do you practice sports?

2) Which is your favorite sport and why?
3) Are there many sports centers in your town/city?
4) What is the best age for a child to start practicing sports?
5) Do you agree with athletes getting paid so much money?
6) How is healthy dieting related to exercising?
7) In your opinion, which is the most important sporting event?
8) Can you think of any disadvantages of practicing sports?

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 4


Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: The Olympic Games

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. What is the philosophy of the Olympic Games?

3. What do the colors of the Olympic Flag symbolize?

4. Which are the positive impacts of commercialism on the Olympic Games?

5. How has commercialism affected the Olympic Games in a negative way?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.


Writing Task 2: Write a letter to your friend giving him advice on how to cope with stress.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. The kids are tired so much 6. The player the most cards
homework to do. wins the game.

a. from giving c. to give a. is having c. who has

b. of being given d. to be giving b. he has d. that he has

2. We didn’t realize how long to 7. Let’s sure that you all know the
check all the exercises. game.

a. it would take c. would take a. to make it c. making

b. would it take d. would take it b. make d. to make

3. They _ the issue for weeks but are 8. Peter can’t come to the phone because
still in chaos. another client.

a. discussion about c. have been discussing a. of talking c. he talked to

b. are discussed d. are discussing b. of his talking d. he’s talking to

4. Samantha won’t go on a picnic and neither 9. How many books in your

. bag?

a. I c. me a. it is c. is there
b. won’t I d. will I b. are there d. they are

5. Before you go out of the room 10. Biking is a faster way to get
the light off. around the city.

a. turn c. you turn a. more c. most

b. to turn d. turning b. much d. many

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

How can we make our city a better place to live in?’

To improve our city we need fresh ideas that can be acted upon. Most importantly,
however, we need citizens’ [1] participating and initiative that should involve raising
awareness and taking action as regards the three main drawbacks our city faces.
These involve the issues of street safety, the [2] improving of our local environment
and respect for the community we live in as a whole.

Firstly, [3] as concerns the street safety issues some useful suggestions would involve
the improvement of the infrastructure concerning public transportation networks as
well as road and pavement constructions. Furthermore, we should make our
neighborhoods and working places [4] safest by reporting broken street lights,
cleaning up parks and vacant lots, and asking the local government for better lighting
in public places. We could also initiate a block watch program in each neighborhood
by contacting our local [5] crime preventioning unit.

As for the environmental issues, engineers can transform public places into oases of
streams and rivers that can be central attractions of a city. They can be beautiful,
vibrant public places [6] which people can enjoy the company of others while also [7]
enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. They can also provide peaceful and aesthetically
pleasing transportation lanes for bicyclists, roller-bladders, skateboarders, pedestrians
and others, while at the same time offering tremendous and varied benefits in all
ecological, economical, [8] engineerical and social respects.

Finally, the most important step [9] to being taken in order to truly improve our city
is to embrace and encourage diversity and learn to understand, respect or at least
tolerate different cultures. We need to start respecting diversity and bond together
to support initiatives aimed at [10] connection our society as it has been formed
through globalization.

c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

professional – tips – nature – material – tool – accompanied – decorate – involved –

agriculture – articles

My favourite website is plants& I have studied [1] and I love

flowers and plants. I believe that flowers are a great creation of [2] that may be
seen all over the world. They all are wonderful and are able to turn a boring and
uninteresting thing into the most beautiful piece of art. People of all nations and cultures
use flowers to
[3] themselves and the houses they live in. So, this website is a [4] in
the hands of amateur and [5] gardeners, farmers, ecologists and generally of
those interested in and [6] with green. On this site you can find any [7]
or equipment that has to do with gardening and plants, such as farm tools and
machines, automatic irrigation systems and so many more [8] by pictures, texts
and advice on techniques as well as useful [9] . Finally, there are [10]
relating to the use of plants in cooking and their positive impact on human health.

d. Choose the correct answer

A: I’m so [1] excited / exciting we are planning to go on holidays together!

B: Yes, me too! Going to a seaside resort is the ideal place for a dreamlike getaway. I
imagine us [2] to watch / watching the sunset, going [3] for / out walks at the beach and
having a relaxing time!
A: Well, it is [4] peak / pick season and I am afraid it will be overcrowded and way too
expensive. I was thinking of a more captivating experience.
B: Well, this package deal offers a wide range of activities and entertainment options, such as
beach bars, water sports, beach volleyball, swimming and sun-tanning.
A: I was thinking of a more exciting and adventurous trip that will prove [5] being / to be a
lifetime experience, like a safari!
B: Are you out [6] of / off your mind? It is dangerous!
A: The seaside resort is [7] so / such an ordinary option, [8] despite / while the safari offers
the opportunity to see wildlife, discover and learn new things about nature, animals and
their natural habitat.
B: But it is much more expensive than the all-inclusive [9] five-stars / five-star hotel I have
suggested and, in any case, it is not worth [10] risking / to risk my life!

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow

Coco Chanel
Article Source:

Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel was a French fashion designer of women's clothes
and founder of the Chanel brand. Along with Paul Poiret, Chanel was credited in the post-
World War I era with liberating women from the constraints of the "corseted silhouette",
popularizing casual chic as the standard feminine style.

Chanel was known for her lifelong determination,

ambition, and energy which she applied to her professional
and social life. She achieved both success and social
prominence thanks to the connections she made through
her work. These included many artists and craftspeople.

Her social connections appeared to encourage a highly conservative personal outlook. Chanel
was the mistress of some of the most influential men of her time, but she never married. She
had an intimate relationship with the poet Pierre Reverdy and the illustrator and designer
Paul Iribe.

As early as 1915, Harper's Bazaar raved over Chanel's

designs: “The woman who hasn't got at least one Chanel is
hopelessly out of fashion. This season the name Chanel is
on the lips of every buyer”. Her design aesthetic redefined
the fashionable woman for the post WWI era. The Chanel
trademark was a look of youthful ease, a liberated
physicality, and sportive confidence.

Coco Chanel greatly influenced the fashion world. More specifically, she influenced both
women and men. Women had more freedom in what they were supposed to wear as they
could dress how they wanted. She influenced men due to the fact that she proved women
were capable of more than just being housewives.

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for B1-B2 Levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 Levels

1. Which elements characterize the Chanel fashion sense?

2. How did Coco Chanel manage to become so famous?

3. How has Coco Chanel influenced fashion?

4. How would you characterize Coco Chanel as a personality?

5. Do you think that Coco Chanel will continue to be as popular or such a great influence in the future?

Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner.

Interview Questions

 Can you give us some information about you?

 What do you do for a living?
 Do you like the area you live in?
 Tell us a few things about your family.
 What do you like to do in your free time?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Who is your least favorite character and why?
 Which is your favorite part of your film/theatrical play?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) Do you like eating fast food?

2) What kind of food do you usually like to eat?
3) Do you take care of your diet?
4) Do you prefer eating out or at home? Do you cook?
5) What does healthy eating mean to you?
6) Does the TV or the media affect people as regards their eating choices?
7) Is there a special subject at school regarding healthy dieting?
8) How can someone make healthy choices when eating out?

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 5


Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: Zoos and Photographing Animals

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. Which are the tips related to photographing animals?

3. Which are the tips related to photographing at a zoo?

4. According to the video what do zoos offer?

5. According to the video which are the negative points regarding zoos?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write an essay about what people can do to protect the environment.


Writing Task 2: Write an article about the benefits of practicing sports.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. known about it, I would 6. it was important, I would

have come. have come.

a. If only I c. If I would have a. Having known c. Knowing

b. If I were d. Had I b. If I known d. Had I known

2. I prefer you by 7. Smoking gives you bad breath

train. , it is harmful to your health.
a. traveling c. to travel a. Moreover c. On the contrary
b. travel d. will travel b. Although d. In spite of that

3. hard is the only way to 8. I didn’t sleep well as I to the

pass the exam. noise of big cities.
a. You study c. Studying a. don’t used c. am getting used
b. Having studied d. Study b. never used d. am not used

4. I am angry with them not 9. The director said that you could have
calling me. chance.
a. by c. about a. other c. some others
b. for d. since b. one another d. another

5. He had a experience. 10. Instead of by car, Mary went to

work by train.
a. fright c. frightened a. to travel c. traveled
b. fright d. frightening b. travel d. traveling

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Dear Adam,

It [1] is been quite a while since I last heard news from you. I have been thinking
about writing to you for some time now but after talking to your brother I thought that
[2] to write this letter to you is not only imperative but also my obligation as [3] friend.

I was surprised to hear that you waste so many hours of your day watching TV. I don’t
know when, how and why this started but what I am certain [4] for is that what you are
doing to yourself is wrong and diminishing of both your mental and physical abilities.
Knowing your sociable character, it is hard for me to picture you in front of a screen
getting brainwashed by the false or [5] alter perception of reality that most [6] TV
program and advertisements promote. Therefore, I expect you to have the critical
judgment to discern the useful TV shows from the manipulative ones that are not
worth spending any time on, since there are so many other entertaining options and
recreational activities that you can occupy yourself with.

Firstly, I would suggest that you [7] shall join a sports club since being part of a team
you will learn of values such as fair play and team spirit that can never be taught by
watching athletic documentaries [8] in TV. This way you will also enhance both your
physical condition and your self-esteem. Another good suggestion would be to attend
foreign language classes. This would contribute to the broadening of your [9]
intellectuals horizons and advancement of your knowledge and, consequently,
qualifications. Finally, attending dancing or drama lessons or even occupying yourself
with handcrafts or any other artistic hobby could also prove to be a beneficial solution
towards your personal development.

I really wish you [10] take my suggestions into serious consideration as putting any one
of them into practice ought to be a great investment to your future progress and
prosperity. I will be looking forward to your next letter, hopefully telling me all about
your new hobbies and life experiences.


c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

electricity – systems – source – power – solar – incorporated – auxiliary – efficiency –

application – generating

Article Source:

Photovoltaics are best known as a method for [1]____________electric power by using

[2]_____________ cells to convert energy from the sun into electricity. The first
practical [3] _________of photovoltaics was to power orbiting satellites and other spacecraft.
The Greenpeace Advanced Scenario shows that by the year 2030, PV
[4]__________________ could be generating approximately 1,864 GW of electricity around
the world. This means that, assuming a serious commitment is made to energy [5]
_________________, enough solar power would be produced globally in twenty-five years’
time to satisfy the [6] _________________ needs of almost 14% of the world’s population.
The largest photovoltaic (PV) [7] _________________plants in the world are in Spain,
Germany, Portugal and North America. In buildings photovoltaics are increasingly [8]
______________ into new domestic and industrial buildings as a principal [9] _________ of
electrical power. In transport PV has traditionally been used for [10] ________power in

d. Choose the correct answer

A: I want to start learning how to play [1] - / the drums! But my parents won’t allow me to
do so! They say it is too loud and we’re going to annoy the neighbors.

B: Well, the truth is that it is quite noisy and [2] to be / being honest you don’t have so much
[3] place / space in your house anyway!

A: Well, you [4] are / have right! So, the piano is out [5] off / of the question as well, right?

B: Oh! They are both very expensive! But the piano sounds beautiful and it is so [6] relaxed /
relaxing! Why don’t you start with the guitar? You can play most songs using this musical
instrument. You can take it with you [7] in / on your trips or journeys with friends, with
your family, at the camp, as it is light and easy to carry and it is not very difficult to [8]
learn / learn it.

A: Everybody knows how to play the guitar! I want something to make me feel special and
unique! That is why my next [9] choise / choice is the saxophone! I love jazz music and it
is quite unusual!

B: I’m not sure your parents will agree with this idea [10] either / neither!

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow


Tourism is the most important sector of economic activity. It is a way of using free time and
it also contributes to psychological balance. Moreover, tourism contributes to the increase of
income, employment and investment in most countries. Furthermore, touristic development is
based on the quality, certification, expansion and diversification of tourism services and their
connection to economy.

There are two categories of tourism. Seasonal and

Continuous. Youth and Senior. There are also
alternative types of tourism such as religious tourism,
business and adventure tourism.

Tourism has a positive impact on different sectors of a country. Firstly, regarding the
economy, tourism is the most powerful economic activity that contributes to fighting poverty
since tourism growth leads to the creation of new investments that concern directly or
indirectly the national income. The tourism sector also helps to reduce unemployment even
with the problems of seasonality. Moreover, as regards the environment, tourism arouses
people’s interest for the environment and it increases ecological consciousness.

Tourism also has a negative impact. Regarding

the economy, wherever there is greater demand,
prices of goods and services rise. Tourism is a
seasonal phenomenon and it usually lasts seven
to eight months. Another sector is society.
Someone can see crime, drugs and relaxation of

New York has long been a popular destination for tourists all across the globe. People visit
N.Y. City because of its great lifestyle and entertainment options, sights, culture, shopping
facilities, hospitality and its imposing buildings. Moreover, its vibrant nightlife makes New
York one of the most attractive destinations.

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for B1-B2 Levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 Levels

1. Why is tourism important for a country?

2. In which sectors does tourism have a positive impact?

3. Which are the disadvantages of tourism?

4. Why is New York a popular destination?

5. Which are the types of tourism mentioned in the text?

Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner.

Interview Questions

 Would you like to share some things about you?

 Where do you work?
 Which is your greatest life dream?
 Have you got a big family?
 What do you usually do to have fun?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Why did you choose this film/theatrical play?
 Is this film/theatrical play a good choice for all ages?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) Who is your best friend? Describe him/her.

2) Have you got many friends?
3) What do you do with your friends?
4) Which are the qualities of a good friend?
5) Can there be true friendship through social media?
6) Has the economic crisis affected our relationships with our best friends?
7) Do you think that childhood friendships are stronger than the ones formed in adulthood life?
8) Why would you unfriend somebody?

NYLC Certificate - Test Paper 6

Time allowed: 30 minutes

The listening part of the NYLC Certificate is audio-visual.
You will watch and listen to an extract from a video and then answer 5 questions on what you saw and heard.
You listen to the extract only once.
You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions.
You have 1 minute to look at the questions before you watch the audio-visual examination material.
The answers to the questions should be up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 levels.
You may use the blank space at the end of the second page of the Listening part for notes only which will not be
Write in ink only – Do not use pencils.

Now look at the questions. You have 1 minute before the video begins.

Video Title: Three Top Travel Destinations

1. What is the purpose of this video?

2. What is Paris especially known for?

3. Why is Barcelona the most popular tourist destination in Spain?

4. In which sectors does New York play an important role globally?

5. In your opinion, who would be interested in watching this video?

You may use this space for notes only


Time allowed: 45 minutes

Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 120 words
B2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 150 words
C1 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 200 words
C2 Level Candidates should write a minimum of 250 words.

Writing Task 1: Write an article about the most important technological invention of our


Writing Task 2: Write a letter to a friend about the most important person in your life.

Grammar – Vocabulary - Reading
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Section A

a. Choose the correct answer

1. I love travelling bus! It is 6. New York city made in

relaxing and fun. public places illegal.

a. with the c. by a. smoke c. smoking

b. with d. by the b. smoked d. to smoke

2. costs is very important. 7. All teachers the annual dance.

a. Reduce c. Reducing a. went c. appeared

b. Reduces d. Reduction b. came d. attended

3. Mary is the two sisters. 8. Most of the hotel are business


a. laugh at c. to laugh at a. guests c. tourists

b. laughed at d. laughing at b. rooms d. vacations

4. The tourist season at the 9. the storm schools will be

end of May. closed tomorrow.

a. begins c. has began a. While c. Because

b. to begin d. beginning b. Due to d. Although

5. Payments received within 10. The company is in Dubai.

a week.

a. has to c. should a. based c. worked

b. must be d. had better b. started d. released

b. Correct the mistakes in the text

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.


Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales. They vary [1] on
size and they are found worldwide, in the shallower seas and are mostly eating fish
and squid.

According to dolphins are [2] between the most intelligent animals,
and their friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them
popular in human culture. Dolphins are descendants of terrestrial mammals, [3]
whom ancestors of the modern-day dolphins entered the water roughly 50 million
years [4] before.

Most dolphins have acute eyesight, both in and out of the water, and they can hear
frequencies ten times or more above the upper limit of adult human hearing.
Dolphin teeth [5] believe to function as antennae to receive incoming sound and to
pinpoint the exact location of an object. The dolphin's sense of touch is also well-
developed and it is believed to have no sense of smell. They do have a sense of
taste and show preferences for certain kinds of fish. Since dolphins [6] spent most
of their time below the surface, tasting the water could function like smelling.

Dolphins are social, living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. They communicate

using a variety of clicks, whistles-like sounds and other vocalizations. Dolphins can
establish strong social bonds; they will stay with injured or ill individuals, even
helping them to breathe by bringing them to the surface if [7] it needed.

Dolphins engage in acts of aggression towards each other. The older a male dolphin
is, [8] the most likely his body is to be covered with bite scars. Male dolphins
engage in such acts of aggression apparently for the same reasons as humans:
disputes between companions and competition for females. Acts of aggression can
become [9] such intense that targeted dolphins sometimes go into exile as a result
[10] from losing a fight.

c. Choose the correct word to complete the text

quality – decades – effectiveness – interferes – further– multiple – habitually – affected –

service – field

In the last two [1] ____________our habits, attitudes and our management of time have
completely changed from the past, due to technology. To begin with, technology has greatly
improved our [2] ___________of life. Technological development has [3] _________the
speed, communication, efficiency, and [4] ___________of all modes of transportation as well
as it has helped significantly scientific research and advances in the medical [5] ________.
On the other hand, there are [6] ___________negative effects of technology but the most
frightening one is that it [7] __________on human relationships. Also, it is possible for
Internet users to become [8] ________________addicted. However, technology will not
stop here, but will develop [9] ____________. I personally wish for a more advanced world
with great technological developments in the [10] ____________of human beings.

d. Choose the correct answer

A: I’m so tired! I [1] have been cleaning / I have cleaned the house all day and from [2] now
on / now then we need to share the chores!

B: Are you implying that I am not helping around the house? Because I have been [3] doing /
making the laundry the whole week!

A: This is the easiest house chore! You only [4] must / have to put the clothes inside the
washing machine.

B: For your information, you have to be very careful when you separate the clothes according
to color. If the colored or black clothes are mixed with the white [5] ones / one, all the
clothes [6] will be / will have been destroyed.

A: I need you to do more than that Sam! I would appreciate it if you also did the ironing. It
[7] can / might prove to be very relaxing you know!

B: But you know I have a problem with my back, and I cannot be standing up for [8] such a /
so long time! [9] Besides / Whereas, it needs certain technique, especially when ironing
shirts and trousers.

A: Ok! Can you do the dishwashing? I think it is fair since I have been doing all the cooking!

B: I have a better idea! Why [10] not / don’t you buy a dishwasher instead?

Section B

Reading: Read the following article and answer the questions that follow


Article Source:

UNICEF was set up in December of 1946 to help children in Europe, Middle East and China
after the Second World War. Its purpose is to support children and women in the fields of
health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation and children who need special care and

The contribution of UNICEF is far from any discrimination.

It gives priority to children that face great problems and
countries which are most in need. UNICEF has committed to
ensuring special protection to children living in difficult
conditions such as victims of war, disasters, poverty,
violence or any exploitation.

Surveys conducted by UNICEF revealed the tragic reality in Iraq and supported them by
sending medical supplies, vaccines, food, educational material etc. Its presence in India and
El Salvador after the earthquakes was continuous.

UNICEF relies solely on voluntary

contributions of governments and individuals.
The principles that characterize this
organization’s work and mission are
completed and extended by the signing of the
Convention on children’s rights, for which
UNICEF has been constantly struggling in the
last two decades.

UNICEF’s achievements in favor of children are many. For instance:

The number of children under the age of 5, who die each year from poverty, hunger or
disease, was reduced from 12.5 million in 1990 to 8.8 in 2006. More than 1.6 billion people
gained access to clean drinking water between 1990 and 2006 and the number of children not
attending school was reduced from 115 million in 2002 to 101 million in 2007.

Answer in writing to Text and Topic-related Questions. The answers to the questions should be
up to 30 words for B1-B2 Levels and up to 50 words for C1-C2 Levels

1. What are the areas that UNICEF focuses on?

2. According to the text how does UNICEF support children in need?

3. Where does UNICEF get its funding?

4. Which is UNICEF’s purpose and vision?

5. Which are UNICEF’s achievements mentioned in the text?

Time allowed: 8-10 minutes

Part A

The ice-breaking process - candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by
the examiner.

Interview Questions

 Tell me something about yourself.

 Why are you taking this exam?
 Do you like your neighborhood?
 How many members are there in your family?
 What do you do for entertainment?

Main Task 1

Candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning –
presentation & analysis

Sample Questions

 Which is the film/theatrical play that you have decided to present?

 Can you tell us a few things about the plot?
 Who would you recommend this film/theatrical play to?
 Is there a character that you disliked?

Main Task 2

Candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject
‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here
should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

Candidates should be encouraged to elaborate on the issue using the prompts as well as
their own ideas. It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas but just have a good,
natural flow.

Additional topic related questions

1) How important is money in your life?

2) Do you spend a lot of money on shopping?
2) Do you believe that money can buy happiness?
3) Which is more important in your opinion, money or friendship?
4) If you could give money to a charity, which one would you choose?
5) Do people in your country give money to charity?
6) Do you agree with celebrities getting such high salaries?
7) Has the economic crisis affected people’s relationships?


As regards the Listening and the Reading Part of this examination all answers
that meet the criteria set by the Common European Framework regarding the
language assessment level as described for foreign language users by the
Council of Europe (cited on page 5) are considered as valid. Candidates are
free to provide a written text of a maximum of 30 words for B1 – B2 level
students and of 50 words for C1 – C2 level students that answers the
question not copying the answer from the text but reproducing it in their
own words, and will be assessed in terms of grammar, vocabulary,
expression, complexity and relevance to the question given.

The same disciplines also apply for the Writing Part of the NYLC Exam, as
candidates will be assessed in terms of grammar, vocabulary, expression,
complexity and relevance to the essay question they choose to work on,
producing a text of a minimum of 120 words for Level B1, 150 words for
Level B2, 200 words for Level C1 and 250 words for Level C2.

TEST PAPER 1 | Nutrition Tips

Five things you need to stop doing before you are 40 for your heart. There are five choices you can make for your
heart on the way to 40, and some things you can do to improve your life. Around 40 your body does not work as well
as when you were 20, and if you haven’t been taking care of your body, you will begin to feel it. A number of risk
factors for heart disease really start to go up in a person’s 40s and there is a risk of high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, obesity or diabetes. There are 5 main heart health mistakes you need to stop making before you turn 40.
First of all smoking, which you must quit. Quitting is hard but persistence is the key. You should also change your
eating habits. You must - every day - keep an eye on your weight. Exercise is also very important. Not going to the
gym –or going too much can do damage to your body. Being too stressed is bad for your health. It is important to find
ways to relax and find time to distance yourself from stressors. Finally keeping people close to you, and having friends
is very good for your heart. [Question No 2] These choices are great for many reasons. They give you the ways to
keep your heart healthy and you can get 40 and not experience any heart problems.

And now I am going to present some additional common nutrition mistakes and how to avoid them. Mistake No. 1:
Assuming your choices are better than they actually are. From fruit juices to canned vegetable soup, it's easier to think
your food choices are healthier than they really are. Many people think that eating a can of vegetable soup is as
nutritious as downing a plateful of vegetables. If you're trying to lose weight, you won't get the same sense of fullness
from a glass of juice that you will from a piece of fruit. The solution: Whenever possible, eat whole, fresh, and
unprocessed foods. Even when you eat them in smaller amounts, you're likely to get a well-rounded group of
nutrients. Don't just assume a product is healthy even if it's in the health food section of the supermarket. [Question
No 3] Mistake No. 2: Being confused about carbs. There are carbs that are really, very good, and some that are less
good, but your brain and body must have some carbohydrates every day. The solution: Experts say you should never
cut any food group out of your diet, including carbohydrates. Mistake No. 3: Eating too much. Overestimating how
much food your body needs is among the most common mistakes, experts say. The solution: Remain conscious of
portion sizes. Weigh and measure standard portions, at least at first. Mistake No. 4: Not eating enough - or often
enough. While overeating and undereating may seem like contradictory nutrition mistakes, they are related. The
solution: Eat something every four hours and never let yourself "starve" from one meal to the next. [Question No 4]
Mistake No. 5: Taking too many supplements. People tend to forget that a vitamin pill is a supplement - it's meant to
complement your diet, not act as a stand-in for the foods you don't eat. The solution: Don't supplement your diet with
individual nutrients without the guidance of your doctor, nutritionist, or other health expert. Mistake No. 6: Excluding
exercise. Without adequate exercise, you cannot maintain a high enough metabolic rate to burn your food efficiently.
The solution: Make exercise a regular part of your life. If you miss your routine in the morning, don't wait until the
next day and try to do twice as much. No. 7: Believing everything you read about nutrition and weight loss. If you're
turning to a book for guidance, ask yourself: Is this person a dietician; do they have an advanced degree in nutrition?
Or are you buying this book because it's written by a celebrity who you think looks good? Even if an "expert" is behind
your nutrition or diet plan, it's important to make sure the plan is based on solid research. The solution: Before
following a particular diet or nutrition plan, check the credentials of the author or creator.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of
understanding after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Each candidate is free to choose among any of the solutions presented in the video with
TEST PAPER 2 | The Power of the Internet and of Social Media

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business,
and government networks of local to global scope. Most traditional communication media, such as telephone and television services, are
reshaped using the technologies of the Internet. Newspaper publishing has been reshaped into websites, blogging, and web feeds. The
Internet has enabled the creation of new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking
sites. The origins of the Internet reach back to the 1960s when the United States funded research projects of its military agencies to build
robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. As of 2009, an estimated quarter of Earth's population uses the
services of the Internet. Social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace have created a new form of
socialization and interaction. Today, many Internet forums have sections devoted to games and funny videos. Over 6
million people use blogs or message boards as a means of communication and for sharing ideas. Many use the World Wide
Web to access news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book holidays and to find out more about their ideas and
casual interests. People use chat, messaging and e-mail to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in
the same way as some previously had pen pals. [Question No 2]

FACEBOOK: Facebook is an online social networking directory that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live
around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos,
and learn more about the people they meet. [Question No 3] Created and launched in February 2004 by Harvard students Mark
Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes the site began as a network strictly for Harvard University. Two
months later, the site expanded to include other Ivy League schools. After that, the college network slowly grew and by the end of 2004
Facebook had registered more than one million users. Now open to anyone with a valid email address, the site includes members’
pictures, biographies, interests and messages. Moreover, members can browse freely through open profiles. Members may
choose their personal levels of security to prevent strangers from accessing their personal information. The platform
enables anyone, anywhere, to build complete applications that members can choose to use. Applications range from photo
sharing to graffiti walls and everything in between. Furthermore, users can create and join interest groups and ''like pages''
some of which are maintained by organizations as a means of advertising. Facebook has become an indispensable way to
find old friends, schedule events, play games and even send virtual gifts3. However, if you are doing more living online
than off, it might be time to reassess. Many students are now seeing Facebook more as an addiction than a networking tool,
and psychologists tend to agree. [Question No 5]

INSTAGRAM: Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service owned by Facebook. It was created in 2010. In
April 2012 Facebook acquired the service for approximately US$1 billion dollars. According to researchers and statistical results every
minute 46.000 pictures are posted by 500 million active users on a daily basis. The point is the perfect picture, a picture of
breakfast, dogs, vacations or themselves. 90% of teenagers mainly girls use social media. Some people find inspiration
through Instagram, [Question No 4] some others feel distressed, a weaker character can acquire mental health problems
such as stress, depression, loneliness and also cyber-bullying makes the situation even worst. Moreover researches
mention that “addicted” users reduce their sleep and physical exercise. Apart from that, the self-image promotion reduces
self-esteem, and a body image dissatisfaction begins to appear. [Question No 5] A positive thing is that young girls understand
that all the photos are altered in some way, they evaluate the content and develop healthier media habits. Parents, educators and media
giants are concerned about the negativity that may occur with social media use. Social media have broadened our horizons and made
our life easier diminishing distances between people of different cultures and mentalities. On the other hand, we have to be aware of the
problems and use them only for the social benefit.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of understanding
after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.
TEST PAPER 3 | Climate Change
Today I am going to present the main factors that led to Climate change and ways to help save our delicate planet
before it is too late. Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range
from decades to millions of years. Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole
Earth. In environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. Factors that can shape
climate are often called climate forcings. These include such processes as variations in solar radiation, deviations in the
Earth's orbit, mountain-building and continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. Presently the
scientific consensus on climate change is that human activity is very likely the cause for the rapid increase in global
average temperatures over the past several decades. More Specifically: Rapid Deforestation: Deforestation has brought
many lives into danger mainly because trees and plants are the only living things on Earth that consume Carbon
Dioxide. Without trees, many animals will be left homeless in the wild making them more exposed to death. As you can
feel nowadays, the temperature of the Earth is rising. We are greatly in danger from the rising of sea level. If we are not
going to make a move as early as now then there is no more future for the generations to come. Garbage: As you can
see in the picture, there is garbage everywhere. Can you just imagine how many turtles and other animals die because
they mistakenly perceive them as their food? Before throwing your garbage anywhere, try to think twice. You just don’t
know how many families you are affecting every time you throw a candy wrapper anywhere. Destruction of Coral
Reefs: Coral reefs are not just homes for sea creatures but they also serve as the natural wave barrier of the ocean. They
stop the big waves from hitting the shores. Once they are gone, we will not only experience a decline of fish population
but more big waves hitting our shorelines. [Question No 2]

Here are some things we can do to help save our planet, things that can make a difference. If every person could take
one small step toward being greener, the collective effort could be phenomenal. 1. First of all we could start recycling.
We should try to put our cans, bottles, tins, paper and cardboard in the recycling bins. Recycling not only saves a lot of
resources, but it can also bring us some money back. 2. We can reuse our plastic bags. It takes around 20 to 1,000 years
for plastic bags to degrade, depending on sunlight and air exposure. It is better to avoid using them; cloth or paper bags
are better. 3. We should try to turn off our lights. Even if we pop out of the room for more than two minutes switch
them off. And the radio or TV too. 4. We can replace our light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones. They last longer and
use less energy than standard ones. 5. We should try not to throw all our garbage away. It is better to compost it.
Composting is great if you have a house and a yard. It can help reduce your carbon footprint. 6. Please, drive smart.
Every time you leave your car at home you reduce air pollution, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve your health
and save money. Walk or ride a bicycle for short trips or take public transportation for longer ones. You can also
replace your old car with a hydridic one. [Question No 4] 7. We could use eco-friendly household cleaners. Most
everyday cleaning products are very harmful to your health. Replace chemical cleaners with non-toxic products. Most
ingredients can already be found in your kitchen. Baking soda, lemon and vinegar are great alternatives and can be used
for just about anything. 8. We could also use rechargeable batteries instead of alkaline ones, which are full of toxic
heavy metals that could leak into landfills. 9. We can save water by taking shorter showers and installing a low-flow
showerhead. Also, we can wash our fruits and vegetables in a pot of water. Not only will we save a good amount of
water, but the water in the pot can also be reused to water our plants. 10. We should try to eat organic food because it's
all free of pesticides, herbicides and other chemical non-desirables. They are linked to contributing to serious health
problems including cancer, depression and central nervous system disorders, thus in this way we protect both our
organism as well as the planet. We can make a change with minimum effort. We just need to start taking action.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of understanding
after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Each candidate is free to present any of the suggestions mentioned in the video
demonstrating his/her level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Each candidate is free to choose among any of the tips presented in the video with
TEST PAPER 4 | The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a
variety of competitions. The Games are held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating. Originally, the
ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 5 th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin
founded the International Olympic Committee in 1894. It has since become the governing body of the Olympic Movement. The
evolution of the Olympic Movement during the 20th and 21st centuries has resulted in several changes to the Olympic Games. Some
of these adjustments include the creation of the Winter Games for ice and snow sports, the Paralympic Games for athletes with
physical disabilities, and the Youth Olympic Games for teenage athletes. The Olympic Movement uses symbols to represent the ideals
embodied in the Olympic Charter. The Olympic symbol, better known as the Olympic rings, consists of five connected rings
and represents the unity of the five inhabited continents - America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe. The colored version
of the rings—blue, yellow, black, green, and red—over a white field forms the Olympic flag. These colors were chosen
because every nation had one of them on its national flag. [Question No 3] The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius,
a Latin expression meaning "Faster, Higher, Stronger". The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but
to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have
conquered but to have fought well. [Question No 2]

Commercialism in the Olympics: It is clearly seen that the over-commercialized Olympics began corrupting and abusing
the athletes. Commercialism in the Olympics has recently created great controversy in our world because it has
obviously fouled a lot of the athletes, [Question No 5] but we also have to see that it is needed to preserve the high
quality and service provided by the Games in the future. Overall, since giant companies see the opportunity to market
their products through such a great event as the Olympics, corruption is created, and the athletes and community are
greatly affected. Even though commercialism may corrupt certain aspects of the Games, it is also needed in others to
help maintain the International Olympic Committee (IOC). These giant corporations cannot be stopped easily and the
Olympics have become a successful means of commercialism for them, but that is not necessarily a negative thing. One
of the main benefits of commercialism in the Olympic Games is the media attention that it attracts since big enterprises
who have invested on promoting their products through the Olympic Games venue also ask for media coverage. This
results in the promotion of sports that would otherwise attract less attention by audiences who would not even know
of their existence. Moreover, commercials also contribute to the improvement of many consumer goods related to
sports that have enhanced the safety standards of many games such as Tae Kwon Do, as the demands of the sports and
general consumer population increase. [Question No 4] To its credit, the Olympic Games Committee does prohibit
advertising in sports stadia or other venues. The Olympics also prohibit advertisements on uniforms, other than
uniform maker logos. A controversial fact should be noted as the International Olympic Committee will not partner
with hard liquor companies, but the IOC tolerates sponsorships by beer and wine companies. Commercialism is
evidenced throughout the whole organisation of the Olympics. It is undermining the ideals of the Olympic Games which
involve co-operation, fair play and respect towards sportsmanship, and corrupts all the above-mentioned ideals with
the presence of commercial messages and advertisements. The overwhelming cultural influence at the Olympics is now
commercial culture. Sports, of course, remain at the center of the Olympics, but commercialism has overwhelmed
whatever values the Olympics hope to embody. In conclusion, it is clear that the commercialization of the Olympic
Games is another way of defining life in terms of purchasing rather than an inner sense of meaning and achievement.
[Question No 5] The media, the governments and the educational system should all co-operate in re-educating the
viewers as regards the ideals and notions that the Olympic Games promote. They should all work towards reminding
people of the origins of the Olympics, their meaning and what their ceremonies and prizes represented.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of understanding
after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.
TEST PAPER 5 | Zoos and Photographing Animals

Dog lovers, cat lovers, even lizard lovers know their pet has a unique personality that you can capture in pictures.
Be patient. Keep picture-taking sessions short and your voice calm. Try to take pictures during natural activities
rather than direct your pet during this new activity called picture taking. Use props to focus attention. If your pet
isn't a willing poser, use a flower, a toy, or a small snack to get its attention. Shoot at eye level. Eye-to-eye contact is
very important. So, get down on your pet's level to create warm and loving pictures. Get close. Step in close or use
your camera's zoom to emphasize what is important and exclude the rest. Show your pet in action. Animals love to
run and play, so take pictures of them on the go to show their joy. Plan the shot for the action to happen in one
spot and focus on that spot. Take lots of pictures. Take lots of pictures to increase your chance of capturing just the
right moment. [Question No 2]

Photographing at a zoo. The zoo presents endless photo opportunities for the family photographer. Tell a story.
Any important event can become a picture story. Show a variety of events during the day, and of the tired kids on
their way home. Capture the emotion. Concentrate on your child's reactions to the animals, the penguins waddling
about, the size of the elephant, and include your child's face in the picture too. Use natural light. Your worst enemy
at the zoo is your flash. It's going to cause annoying reflections off the glass between you and the python or the
shark. Trust your camera to do its best on its "no flash" setting. Take extra batteries and film or picture cards. The
night before, check the batteries in your camera and snap a few pictures to make sure everything is working. Pack
extra batteries and film or picture cards to take with you. [Question No 3]

ZOOS. Zoos create the perfect opportunity for people to learn about wild animals without having to put themselves
in danger or travel to other parts of the world. Many want to admire these animals, without being aware of the
circumstances and lives that caged animals lead. So, would animals have a better life in the wild? First of all, we
should admit that zoos play a crucial role as regards animal rights. It is well debated that animals have no rights in
zoos, but we need to look at things from another point of view, considering how animals are being hunted down
for a lot of reasons, including their fur, ivory and a lot of times for their meat. Moreover, if an animal suffers from a
disease, it receives the proper treatment in order to cure. Furthermore, when it comes to education zoos also play
a very important role. School children are curious about animals and the existence of zoos gives them the chance
to admire them in close distance. Finally, endangered species are protected and are kept safe against hunters and
other types of malicious people. [Question No 4] On the contrary, capturing animals is cruel because we ignore
that animals have their own rights. Elephants travel long distances in the wild in large groups showing their way of
life. But when elephants are in a zoo, they cannot travel long distances. Moreover, animals that are confined to the
zoo suffer from negative psychological effects due to the confinement. It does not really matter how good the
facilities of the zoo are or how much space the animal has for itself; it will still not be comparable in any way to the
freedom they would have in the wild. In addition, animals that are born in zoos and confined to their boundaries
their whole life, never get to see their natural habitat. Also, there are zoo visitors who do not care about the well-
being of animals, and many of them actually abuse them by throwing objects, teasing and yelling at them. This kind
of behavior has an extremely negative effect on animals, and it can often result in psychological damage to animals,
destroying their self-confidence. [Question No 5] It seems that keeping wild animals in zoos has both advantages
and disadvantages. Regardless of whether the animals are captivated or free in their natural habitat, people should
respect their rights by protecting them, not by torturing them.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of
understanding after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.
TEST PAPER 6 | Three Top Travel Destinations
PARIS: Paris is the capital and most populous city of France and is located in the northwest region, on the banks of the
Seine River and has a population of approximately 2,5 million. The capital-heart is known as the ‘The city of lights’, ‘the
city of Romance’. Paris is especially known for its museums and architectural landmarks. The Louvre was the most
visited art museum in the world in 2016. Outside the museum there is a glass pyramid. Inside there are heaps of
exhibits including artifacts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci and the statue of
Aphrodite of Melos are also displayed there. The Musée d'Orsay and Musée de l'Orangerie are noted for their collections
of French Impressionist art, and the Pompidou-center Musée National d'Art Moderne has the largest collection of
modern and contemporary art in Europe. It contains paintings by Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse among others. For
kids and adults alike, a trip to the Paris Disneyland is just that; a fabulous opportunity to step over the rainbow and
enjoy a day or two packed with fun, thrills and entertainment, all available in the French countryside just a few minutes
from Paris. Ballet and opera at the glittering Opéra Garnier. The Opéra Garnier is now used mostly for ballet and
modern dance. There is also a museum with impressive displays of costumes, drawings, and set models and of course
the famous Moulin Rouge. [Question No 2]

BARCELONA: Barcelona is the capital and most populous city of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. It is
recognized as a Global City due to its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, international trade,
education and tourism. Barcelona has a great number of museums, which cover different areas and eras with most
prominent being the National Museum of Art of Catalonia that possesses a well-known collection of Romanesque art.
Take a stroll along Las Ramblas before ending up at the harbor, Port Vell, where Europe's largest aquarium and a statue
of Christopher Columbus pointing toward Genoa are located. Maremagnum is Barcelona's biggest waterfront shopping
center. It is a magnet for the fashion-conscious and there is no shortage of design outlets for even the most tireless
consumer. Everything from books to jewels, haute couture and designer furniture is on offer. In addition, Barcelona is
the most popular tourist destination in Spain as it is among the most “livable cities” in the world. Barri Gòtic Las
Ramblas is the combination of Medieval and contemporary Spain and the many tourists and newcomers make this an
ideal area to start their night expeditions with, owing to the plethora of clubs, bars and pubs in this gothic area.
Barcelona also has a thriving alternative music scene as well as it hosts many venues for live music and theatre, with
most renowned being the Sónar Festival and the Primavera Sound Festival. [Question No 3]

NEW YORK: New York is the most popular city in the United States and one of the most popular in the world. New York
plays an important role on global commerce as well as on finance, media, culture, fashion, education and entertainment
[Question No. 4] It is on a large harbor on the Atlantic coast of the US. It consists of five boroughs: The Bronx,
Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. There are 8, 5 million people and it is the most densely populated city
in the United States. People speak eight hundred languages in New York. New York has a lot of sights and landmarks.
[Question No. 4] ‘The Statue of Liberty’. ‘Times Square’ is considered ‘The Crossroads of the World’. The Broadway
Theatre District is one of the busiest entertainment industries. ‘Wall Street’ is the financial capital of the world.
Manhattan’s Chinatown has the highest number of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere. With a 24-hour service
the Subway of New York City is one of the fastest transit systems globally. Tourism is very important in New York with
international and domestic tourists. Its cuisine includes a variety of international dishes.

Question No 1: Candidates are asked to answer the question demonstrating their level of understanding
after watching and listening to the audio-visual material as a whole.

Question No 2: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 3: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 4: Answer found in the text. Candidates may feel free to answer in their own words and
according to their level of understanding.

Question No 5: Each candidate is free to answer based on his/her own understanding and knowledge
regarding this question.

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