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SkELL: Web Interface for English Language Learning

Conference Paper · January 2014


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Vít Baisa
Masaryk University


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SkELL: Web Interface for
English Language Learning

Vít Baisa and Vít Suchomel

Natural Language Processing Centre

Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Lexical Computing Ltd.

Brighton, United Kingdom

Abstract. We present a new web interface for English language learning:

SkELL. The name stands for Sketch Engine for Language Learning and is
aimed at students and teachers of English language. We describe SkELL
features and the processing of corpus data which is fundamental for
SkELL: spam free, high quality texts from various domains including
diverse text types covering majority of English language phenomena.

Keywords: Sketch Engine, concordance, thesaurus, word sketch, lan-

guage learning, English language, corpus

1 Introduction

There are many websites for language learners: wordreference.com1 and Using
English2 are just two of many. Some of them are using corpus tools or corpus
data such as Linguee3 , Wordnik4 , bab.la5 . They usually provide dictionary-like
features: definitions and translation equivalents in selected languages. Some of
them provide even examples from parallel corpora (Linguee).
We introduce here a new web interface aimed at teachers and students of
English language which offers similar functions as above-mentioned tools but
at the same time it is based on a specially processed corpus data suitable for the
language learning purpose.
We call it SkELL: Sketch Engine for Language Learning. The Sketch Engine6
is a state-of-the-art web-based tool for building, managing and exploring large

Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý (Eds.): Proceedings of Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing,
RASLAN 2014, pp. 63–70, 2014. ○
c NLP Consulting 2014
64 Vít Baisa and Vít Suchomel

text collections in dozens of languages. SkELL is derived from the Sketch

Engine and the data SkELL relies upon (SkELL corpus) is built using the
very same tools as Sketch Engine uses: web crawler SpiderLing [1], tokeniser [2] and TreeTagger [3]. Also, it uses a technique for scoring sentences
according their appropriateness for using as example sentences in learners’
dictionaries, GDEX [4].

2 Features of SkELL

SkELL features offer three ways for exploring the SkELL corpus. The first is
the concordance: for a given word or phrase, it will return up to 40 example
sentences. The second is the word sketch through which typical collocates for
a given word can be discovered. And the third is similar words (thesaurus)
which lists words that are similar to, though not necessarily synonymous with,
a search word. The similar words are visualized with a word cloud. The web
interface is optimized for mobile and touch devices.
SkELL features are built upon Bonito corpus manager [5] features. Bonito
provides many standard functions as many other corpus managers: concor-
dancing, word list generating, context statistics and also some advanced fea-
tures like distributional thesaurus [6] and word sketches [7]. We have chosen
these three: 1) concordance, 2) word sketch and 3) thesaurus (similar words).

2.1 Concordance (or examples)

Fig. 1: Example of concordance for language learning phrase

Concordance offers a powerful full-text search tool. For a word or a phrase

it returns up to 40 example sentences featuring the query words. Concordance
feature is useful for discovering how words behave in English.
SkELL 65

The search is case insensitive, i.e. it will yield the same results for rutherford
and Rutherford. Moreover the results may contain the query (a word or a phrase)
in a derived word form. For mouse (lemma) it will find sentences also with
mice. For mice the result will contain a different set of sentences: only mice
It is not necessary for users to specify part of speech (PoS, e.g. noun, verb,
adjective, preposition, adverb etc.) of the search term is not necessary. If you
search for book, it will give sentences with book as a verb and as a noun and both
in various word forms (booking, booked, books).

2.2 Word sketch (or word profile)

Fig. 2: Example of word sketch for lunch.

Word sketch function is very useful for discovering collocates and for
studying contextual behaviour of words. Collocates of a word are words which
occur frequently together with the word—they “co-locate” with the word. See
[7] for more info.
For query mouse, SkELL will generate several tables containing collocates of
the headword mouse. Table headers describe what kind of collocates (always in
basic word form) they contain.
By clicking on a collocate, a concordance with highlighted headwords and
collocates is shown. This way it can be seen how the two collocates together are
usually used in English language.
By default, the most frequent PoS is shown in Word Sketches. If a word
(book, fast, key, . . . ) can have more than one PoS, the alternative links are shown
next to the headword (see in Figure 2).
66 Vít Baisa and Vít Suchomel

Fig. 3: Example of similar words in word cloud for lunch.

2.3 Similar words (or thesaurus)

The third functions serves for finding words which are similar (not only
synonyms) to a search word. For a word (multi word queries are not supported
yet) SkELL will return list of up to 40 most similar words visualized using
wordcloud. The wordcloud is generated using D3.js library7 and a wordcloud
plugin8 .
As in Word Sketch if a word can have more than one PoS, the links to
alternative results are provided.

3 SkELL corpus
SkELL is using a large text collection—SkELL corpus—gathered specially for
the purpose of English language learning. It consists of texts from news, aca-
demic papers, Wikipedia articles, open-source (non)-fiction books, webpages,
discussion forums, blogs etc. There are more than 60 million sentences in SkELL
corpus and more than one billion words in total. This amount of textual data
provides a sufficient coverage of everyday, standard, formal and professional
English language.
In the following subsections we describe the most important data resources
which have been used in building the SkELL corpus and the processing of the

3.1 English Wikipedia

One of the largest parts of SkELL corpus is English Wikipedia.9 We have used
Wikipedia XML dump10 from October 2014. The XML file has been converted
SkELL 67

to plain text preserving only a few structure tags (documents, headings,

paragraphs). using slightly modified script WikiExtractor.py11 . We have
filtered thousands of articles which are supposed to not contain fluent English
text, e.g. articles named “List of ...” and then sorted all articles according their
length and took top 130,000 articles. Among the longest articles there were e.g.:
South African labour law, History of Austria, Blockade of Germany, ... It is clear that
there are many articles from geographical and historical domains.

3.2 Project Gutenberg

The Project Gutenberg12 (PG) focuses on gathering public domain texts in many
languages. The majority of texts is in English. We have downloaded all English
texts using wget13 . and converted the HTML files to plain text.
The largest texts in English PG collection are The Memoires of Casanova, The
Bible (Douay-Rheims version), The King James Bible, Maupassant’s Original short
stories, Encyclopaedia Britannica, etc.

3.3 English web corpus, enTenTen14

We have prepared two subsets from the enTenTen14 [8] which has been crawled
in 2014. The White (bigger) part contains only documents from web domains
in or in the whitelist of The Superwhite (smaller)
containing documents domains listed in the whitelist of – a
subset of White (in case there is still some spam in the larger part taken from
Categories from the following list are allowed categories from in
Superwhite part: 1) blog: journal/diary websites, 2) childcare: sites to do with
childcare, 3) culinary: sites about cooking, 4) entertainment: sites that promote
movies, books, magazine, humor, 5) games: game related sites, 6) gardening:
gardening sites, 7) government: military and schools etc., 8) homerepair: sites
about home repair, 9) hygiene: sites about hygiene and other personal grooming
related stuff, 10) medical: medical websites, 11) news: news sites, 12) pets:
pet sites, 13) radio: non-news related radio and television, 14) religion: sites
promoting religion, 15) sportnews: sport news sites, 16) sports: all sport sites,
17) vacation: sites about going on holiday, 18) weather: weather news sites
and weather related and 19) whitelist: sites specifically 100% suitable for kids.
Finally we have decided to include the whole White part. It contained 1.6 billion

68 Vít Baisa and Vít Suchomel

3.4 WebBootCat corpus

One part of the SkELL corpus has been built using WebBootCat [9]. This
approach uses seed words to prepare queries for a search engine. The pages
from the search results are downloaded, cleaned and converted to plain text
preserving basic structure tags. We assume the search results from the search
engine are spam-free. We have run the tool several times with general English
words as seed words yielding approximately 100 million tokens.

3.5 Other resources

The whole British National Corpus [10] has been also included. The rest of the
SkELL corpus consists of free news sources. The Table 1 contains all the sources
used in SkELL corpus.

Table 1: Sources used in SkELL corpus

Subcorpus tokens used
Wiki 1.6 G 500 M
Gutenberg 530 M 200 M
White 1.6 G 500 M
WebBootCated 105 M all
BNC 112 M all
other sources 344 M 200 M

3.6 Processing the data

When all the subparts have been gathered and pre-cleaned (we have removed
all structures except sentences), we have run it through our standard processing
1. normalization: quotes, interpunction normalization,
2. tokenization: we have used,14
3. TreeTagger15 for English,
4. deduplication on sentence level: onion tool16 has been used.
The corpus was then compiled using manatee indexing library [5]. Then we
have scored all sentences in the corpus using GDEX tool [4] for finding good
dictionary examples (sentences) for query results. All sentences in the corpus
were sorted according to the score and saved in this order. This is a crucial
part of the processing as it speeds up further querying of the corpus. Instead of
SkELL 69

sorting good dictionary examples on-the-fly (which is used in Sketch Engine),

all query results for concordance searches are presorted in the source vertical
The standard GDEX definition file used for English has been only slightly
changed to prefer sentences with more frequent words, filtering out effectively
all sentences with special terminology, typos and rare words (rare names). By
default, short sentences are preferred, sentences containing inappropriate or
spam words are scored lower.
The word sketch grammar required for computing word sketches has been
modified: it contains only a few grammar rules with self-explanatory names.

3.7 Versioning and referencing

Since SkELL corpus may be changed in the future (further cleaned, refined,
updated), all references to particular results of SkELL should be accompanied
by the current version. The web interface may also be changed occasionally.
That is why at the bottom of SkELL page, there is a version in this format:
version1-version2. The first corresponds to a version of the web interface and
the second to a version of SkELL corpus.

4 Conclusions and future work

The web interface is available at The

version for mobile devices which is optimized for smaller screens and for touch
interfaces is available at If you access
the former link from a mobile device it should be detected and redirected to
the mobile version automatically.
We have described a new tool which we belive will turn out to be very useful
for both teachers and students of English. The processing chain is ready to be
used also for other languages. The interface is also directly reusable for other
languages, the only prerequisite is the preparation of the corpus.
We are gathering feedback from various users and will refine the corpus
data according it. In the future we plan these updates to SkELL:

1. to create a special grammar relation for English phrasal verbs,

2. to combine examples for collocations from word sketch collocates to build
a more representative concordance for a given word,
3. to update the corpus with the newest text resources to provide examples
for the newest trending words and neologisms,
4. to analyse access logs of SkELL and put favourite searches to the main page,
5. to provide commonest string [11] for word sketch collocates,
6. to allow multi word sketches which have been already introduced in [11],
7. to implement necessary methods for multi word thesaurus and
8. to build SkELL also for other languages (Russian, Czech, German and
70 Vít Baisa and Vít Suchomel

Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the Ministry of

Education of CR within the LINDAT-Clarin project LM2010013 and by the
Czech-Norwegian Research Programme within the HaBiT Project 7F14047.

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