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Annotated-Artifact 203

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Artifact #3

Tia H. Carter

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 201 - 1003

Susan Bridges

November 18, 2022


Artifact #3

Teaching has always inspired me. I strived to do my best in school to get that validation

from some of my favorite teachers. Since I liked school so much, I tried to picture myself

teaching and I really thought it was something I could do. There were teachers throughout my

life that stuck with me even after I moved on in grades. Those teachers are why I am interested in

this career.

The impact that some of my teachers had on me made me want to have a career like

them. Teaching is hard work, but it seems so rewarding. While I was completing my observation

at an elementary school, it made me realize even more the joy you can get from this career. The

teacher I observed was honest about how much time and effort she puts into running her

classroom. Most people think teachers have it easy and then they get a whole summer off.

Teachers work hard for that time off. The lesson plans, grading, testing, and meetings never end,

but when I was in that classroom and saw second graders so eager and excited to learn, it made

my heart so full. Thankfully, I have a lot of connections so I feel like I can enter into my future

classroom with some good knowledge. My family is full of teachers and most of my friends'

parents are as well. Having a support system that has been there and is willing to share wisdom

with me makes me feel a bit more confident for the future. Networking is a great way to learn

more too because if I need help one day I can have a handful of teachers willing to share their


Based on the readings in our textbook, I feel like I would lean more towards

progressivism. In a classroom, this would look more like a student centered style. Students have

a voice, current events are talked about, more projects are assigned, and the teacher is more a

facilitator. I think this type of style works for me because those types of classrooms were my

favorite when I was in school. It felt like I could be heard even though I was young, and it felt

that being taught more about current events prepared me for entering adulthood. As for the

psychological orientation, I relate more with behaviorism. Rewarding the students or allowing

them to participate in certain activities based on hard work and listening. There were a couple

teachers of mine that did this. In my psychology class in high school, my teacher would take us

for walks on certain days as a reward. We were allowed to talk and walk as a group around

campus as a cool down. Things like this made me like the class more and motivated me to get

things done. Although I say these certain teaching styles align with me now, it could be

completely different when I am actually the one in charge of the classroom.

There are a lot of instructional strategies that can be used in a classroom. I think the

strategies can change depending on the needs of a single student or your group as a whole. I

think achievement motivation can work for the majority of students because working for

something feels like it means more. Active learning gets the students involved and excited. I saw

active learning a lot when I was completing my observation hours and the students loved it.

Activity centers can also be great, but could potentially get a little out of hand if not managed

well. These were just a couple learning strategies that I saw while observing and what stuck with


Many skills are needed for a teaching career. I think the main one is public speaking. You

spend all day talking in front of a class and answering any and all questions. This is something I

struggle with and need to get better at. Being confident will help with this. The teachers that

always stuck out to me were the loud and outgoing ones. The teachers that carried themselves

well, you can just see the confidence they had in themselves to do their job. Certain steps I can

take are just practice. Completing my observation took me outside my comfort zone because I

had to speak to teachers and students. Volunteering for a school or even working at a school can

help me further my education and experience for this career. I worked in a middle school for a

year and during that time I learned so much and networked a lot. Having a support staff position

also opened my eyes to other jobs that go in within the school. I think that experience really

confirmed that teaching is where I wanted to be. Focusing on school and getting my work done is

what will put me in a classroom. It starts now by taking my first education class, and I won’t stop

until I have done everything I possibly can to get my license. The future starts now.

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