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STEM Genbio11 q1 SLM Mod Cell-Structures-and-Functions

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San Ignacio St., Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte 3023

General Biology 1
Quarter 1 – Module 2 :
Cell Structures and Functions

General Biology 1
Quarter 1 – Module 2 :
Cell Structures and Functions

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Learning can be both fun and interactive. So we present to you this

Learning Material that will provide valuable understanding of the topic being
presented. As a 21st century learner, this material can be your stepping stone
in achieving proficiency in the subject matter.
The elements serve as guides in your learning journey. The contents of
this learning materials, carefully prepared and developed by dedicated
teachers from various schools in the City of San Jose del Monte, provide
deeper understanding.
Treat this module like a friend and it will connect you with the
wonderful world of learning. If you are excited to have fun while learning, this
module is for you.

What I Need to Know

Our body is made up of cells. Each of which is about five thousandth

of a millimeter. It is too small to be seen by the naked eye, yet it contains
practically all the information about you: your eye color, blood type, sex, etc.
From the cell theory, enormous convincing evidences prove that all
organisms are composed of cells, some at least one cell. Look at the picture
below, what living organisms are present? Horse, plant, bacteria in swamp,
and trees. Because they are living, they all have cells. These organisms may
appear very different from one another on the outside, but would you believe
that there are many aspects that we are similar. Can you give at least one
example on how we are alike? If you answer the cell, you got it right!

Objectives: After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. enumerate organelles and subcellular parts;
2. describe the structure and function of the organelles and subcellular
3. explain how the components of a cell operate as a system and a sub-
4. create an infographic of major organelles and subcellular parts; and
5. express importance of each cell part in functioning bodily processes.

Learning Competency
Describe the structure and function of the major and subcellular
organelles (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-2)
What I Know

Before you proceed, let us find out how much you already know about
this topic. On a sheet of paper, try answering the following questions by
writing the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. After taking and
checking this short test, take note of the items that you were not able to
answer correctly and look for the right answer as you go through this module.

1. Which organelle breaks down cell components that are no longer useful?
a. golgi body c. mitochondrion
b. lysosome d. endoplasmic reticulum

2. Which structure makes proteins using coded instructions that come from
the nucleus?
a. golgi body c. vacuole
b. mitochondrion d. ribosome

3. The most important feature within the structure of the cell membrane
which helps in carrying its task is_______.
a. series of fibers within it
b. viscous fluid flowing around it
c. paired genetic materials within it
d. semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer

4. Which structure is basically thick and has rigid layer that surrounds the
plant cell and provides support and structure?
a. chloroplast c. lysosome
b. cell wall d. nucleus

5. Which organelle has its energy-producing ability?

a. cytoplasm c. mitochondria
b. cell wall d. golgi body

6. What role(s) does the cytoskeleton play in a living cell?

a. Maintaining cell shape c. Contraction
b. Movement d. All of the above

7. Which organelle serves as a primary packaging area for molecules that

will be distributed throughout the cell?
a. mitochondrion c. cytoskeleton
b. vacuole d. golgi body

8. What is the term for the jellylike substance that is contained inside the
cell membrane?
a. DNA c. organelle
b. cytoplasm d. nucleus

9. If the cell membrane is NOT semi-permeable membrane how would it

affect the whole cell?
a. the cell will lose its receptors
b. the cell will increase its size too much
c. the cell will be so much healthy for the entry of nutrients
d. the cell will be damaged by the entry of harmful substances

10. Which organelle contains pigment and absorbs sunlight?

a. ribosomes c. chloroplast
b. vacuoles d. centrosomes

11. Which phrase BEST describes the property of semi or selective

a. some molecules pass c. large molecules pass
b. all ions pass d. all molecules pass

12. What is the function of the mitochondrion and its location?

a. in the cytoplasm to produce ATP
b. in the middle of the cell, to assist the nucleus
c. in the middle of the cell, to transport the protein
d. in the cytoplasm, to break down food and foreign material

13. Which BEST explains why plants have large central vacuole?
a. Plants have thicker cell walls.
b. Plants have active storing units.
c. Plants can directly make their own food.
d. Plants depend on animals for food.

14. Which structure inside the nucleus is responsible for producing

a. centrosome c. lysosome
b. nucleolus d. endoplasmic reticulum

15. Which structure is directly responsible for the formation of proteins

within the cell?
a. lysosomes c. centrioles
b. vacuoles d. ribosomes

What’s In

“Every single cell in my body is happy,

every single cell in my body is well.
I thank you, Lord, I feel so good,
every single cell in my body is well.”

Do you remember the tune of that song? Try to sing aloud before you
continue reading and you will become more energetic, attentive and focused
to finish this module. Singing aloud is a great motivator especially songs like
that which make you give attention to the basic unit that makes you alive and
to the Giver of your life as well, thanking Him for the body that is well and
free from CoVID-19.
From your Grade 8 Science subject, you were introduced to the topic
on Cell specifically on Cell Division Mitosis and Meiosis. I hear you thinking
now, “Oh, that was 2 years ago. How can I still remember that?” Well, it’s
worth the try to remember all that you learned because you still need those
as you study the cells.
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct name of parts of a cell.
The first and last letters are on their right place. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
What’s New

Cell Structures and Functions

Since the invention of microscopes, cytology (a branch of biology

dealing with the structure, function, multiplication, pathology, and life history
of cells) became a focal area of interest to scientists. Through the use of
advanced microscopes and other tools, revelations seem apparent that though
cells can appear very different, they all share some features that reflect their
shared evolutionary history.

Cell Structures Common to all cells

Name of Structure Function Image

1. Plasma Composed of Selectively permeable that
membrane phospholipid regulates the entrance and
bilayer with exit of substances;
embedded proteins provides shape and
that separates the flexibility
internal contents
of the cell from its
environment animal

covering of animal



2. cytoplasm All the materials Site for all the organelles The whole region
that surround the (other than the nucleus) inside the cell
nucleus; biggest and subcellular parts other than the
part; cytosol is the nucleus
fluid part
3. DNA Linear shapes in Hereditary or genetic
plants and material
animals ; Circular
in prokaryotes
Plasmid- Small
circle of double-
stranded DNA
separate from a
cell’s chromosome

4. ribosomes Spherical, found Protein factories of the cell;

attached in ER or Site for protein synthesis
freely suspended or manufacturing; proteins
in cytoplasm; produced by freely-floating
smallest organelle ribosomes are for own cell
in all cells use while those attached in
ER will be exported outside
of the cell
microscopy shows
that ribosomes
have 2 sub-units,
called large sub-
unit and small

Cell Organelles are membrane-bound structures that perform a

specific function

Name of Structure Function Image

5. nucleus Most prominent Protective container for the
organelle; Its cell’s DNA and directs the
nuclear envelope is synthesis of ribosome
a double- subunits and proteins
bilayer structure
with pores that
control the
passage of ions,
molecules, and
RNA between
cytoplasm and
(semisolid fluid
inside the
nucleus where
chromatin and
nucleolus are

6. Network of sacs Synthesis, folding,

and tubules modification, and transport
endoplasmic composed of of proteins
reticulum membranes;
(ER) Smooth ER acts in the
originates at
creation and storage of
nuclear envelope
lipids and steroids
and winds
throughout cell; Proteins and lipids exit in
close to the vesicles and proceed to
nucleus is rough Rough ER
golgi bodies
ER which is
studded with
adjacent to rough
ER is the smooth
Smooth ER

7. Stack of flat Processing center that

membrane- sorts or packages materials
golgi body or enclosed sac; has into vesicles, some move
apparatus enzymes toward cell membrane and
released outside cell while
others become membrane
surface proteins

8. Oval shaped, Powerhouse or “energy

double-membrane factories” of the cell;
mitochondria that have own concerts glucose into ATP
ribosomes and (adenosine triphosphate),
DNA. The inner an energy molecule used in
layer has folds almost every reaction the
called cristae, cell does
while the are
surrounded by the
folds is called

9. lysosomes Sacs with single Digestive compartment and

membrane and organelle recycling facility
contains hydrolytic of animal cells; dismantle
enzymes and recycle food particles,
captured bacteria, worn-
out organelles, and debris
10. plastids Double-membrane Responsible for
organelle in plants manufacturing and storing
and algae; often food
contain biological
pigments :


Cytoplasmic inclusions

Name of Structure Function Image

11. Network of protein helps maintain shape cell,
fibers secure some organelles in
Cytoskeleton specific positions, allow
cytoplasm and vesicles
move within the cell,
enable cells within
multicellular organisms to
11.1 Assist with cell
Made of 2
intertwined movements; keep
strands of globular organelles in place within
or actin
protein actin; cell; provide rigidity and
filaments shape
found in inner
edge of cell

Support scaffolding in the

Several strands of cell;bear tension thus
fibrous proteins maintain shape of the cell
Intermediate wound together and anchor nucleus and
filaments found throughout other organs; purely
cell structural in function and
none in cell movement

Found in interior
11.3 of cell; Linear Conveyer belts inside cells
polymers of that move vesicles,
Microtubules mitochondria, and
tubulin which is a
globular protein; chromosomes via special
widest component attachment proteins; help
of cytoskeleton cell resist compression
11.3.1 Paired cylindrical Cells’ skeletal system;
centrioles structure helps in cell division of
composed of animal cells moving
microtubules chromosomes to opposite
located near the poles and spindle fibers

12. Vesicles Membrane-bound Storage and transport;

and sacs; vesicles are large central vacuole in
vacuoles smaller and fuse plants contains a watery
with either plasma solution of enzymes that
membrane or or degrade and recycle
other membrane molecules and organelles
systems while
vacuoles do not

13. nucleoid DNA containing Contains DNA or genetic

region material of bacteria

Outside coverings

Name of Structure Function

14. Cell wall Outermost rigid covering of Provides protection to bacteria and
plant cell made of cellulose; provide strength and rigidity to plant
in bacteria, made of cell

15. capsule Sticky outermost layer in Provides protection to bacteria;

prokaryotes, made of retains moisture; helps the cell
polysaccharides adhere to surfaces and nutrients

Outside structures

Name of Structure Function Image

16. pilus Hair-like Functions in adhesion of
appendage bacteria; used in
conjugation or transfer of
non-chromosomal genetic
material, such as

17. cilia Short hair-like Used to move entire cells

structures that in Paramecium
extend along the (unicellular organism) or
entire surface of substances along the
the plasma outer surface of the cell (
membrane for example, the cilia of
cells lining the Fallopian
tubes that move the
ovum toward the uterus,
or cilia lining the cells of
the respiratory tract that
trap particulate matter
and move it toward

18. flagellum Long whip-like Facilitates movement of

appendage; bacteria
numbers vary
from cell to cell

Did you learn something new? Try to apply what you learned by
providing explanations to the following in your answer sheet.
1. Differentiate rough endoplasmic reticulum from smooth
endoplasmic reticulum.
2. Discuss the importance of the golgi apparatus and its
relationship with the plasma membrane.
3. Arrange the sequence of the cell parts from the nucleus to the
outermost part of the cell: endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane,
golgi bodies, cell wall.
4. Explain how the lysosomes and vacuoles are considered as
cellular digestion centers.
5. Compare and contrast the structure and function of
mitochondria and chloroplast.
What Is It

Create a Composite Cell

Create your drawing of a composite cell showing all the parts and structures
found in all cell type.

Materials: clean long bond paper, ballpen, pencil, crayons

1. In your clean long bond paper, draw and write the labels as the image below.



2. As you read through the texts, draw each structure in your bond paper. No
duplication of drawing of structure is allowed.

3. Be very careful where to draw each structure:

3.1. If the structure can be found in ALL cell types, draw the structure
in the MIDDLE part of the image.

3.2. If it only applies to ANIMAL cell, draw near the OVAL area.
3.3. If it only applies to PLANT cell, draw near the ANGLES OR
3.4. It only applies to BACTERIA, draw in the lower part of the image.

4. Label the parts.

5. Color your work according to your preference but still adhere to distinctiveness
of each cell type.

Composite Cell Grading Rubrics

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
7 5 3

There are 6- There are

There are 2-5
All entries are 10 entries more than 10
Accuracy entries that
correct. that are entries that
are incorrect.
incorrect. are incorrect.

Minimum of Only 14-15 Only 12-13 Below 12 parts

16 parts are parts are parts are are shown.
Completeness shown. shown. shown.
There are 2-4
Colors and There are 6-8
parts that do
Creativity drawings are parts that do No colors at all
not have
attractive. not have color
Marginally Writing is not
Legible Writing is not
Legibility legible legible in
handwriting. legible.
handwriting. places.
Adherence to Followed all Followed all Followed all Followed all
Basic basic but 1 basic but 2 basic but 3 basic
Instructions instructions instruction instructions instructions
Timeliness Submitted on Submitted Submitted Submitted
or before one day after two days after three day after
deadline deadline deadline deadline

What’s More

Who am I? Crossword

On your answer sheet, copy the crossword puzzle and answer the
What I Have Learned

The Cell as a System and a Sub-system

Ever wondered how your cells work?
Try to recall the cell theory. From the second tenet, we remember:
From this statement, we can say that a cell is a system, which means
that within a cell, there is a group of related parts that move or work together
for distributing something or serving a common purpose. We would appreciate
that more when we observe a red blood cell, being able to perform its function
alone, or a Euglena or bacteria, single-celled organisms that can divide
themselves every 20 minutes, producing another identical organism.
Can you think of a place, a process or a scenario where you could liken
a cell to understand more how cells work as a system?
Think of a cell as a microscopic factory. Let us compare the cell to a
factory where the parts need to work together to manufacture and produce
things. You know that factories contain people, machine and raw materials
and they work together to make products customers need.
Think of a factory work/people, building, machines or raw materials
that resemble the organelle’s function listed below. Make sure to supply how
each organelle is like a worker or a machine that has a job to do for the cell
to function properly. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

The Cell as a Factory

Name of parts Function in Person, building or Specific jobs
the cell machine in factory
1. nucleus
2. mitochondria
3. endoplasmic
4. ribosomes
5. golgi bodies
6. vacuoles
7. vesicles
8. plasma
9. flagellum
10. lysosomes
The Cell Organelles as a Sub-system
Organelles Special structure Specific jobs in the cell
1. nucleus
2. mitochondria
3. endoplasmic
4. golgi bodies
5. lysosomes

What I Can Do


Try now to apply your knowledge on cellular parts and functions by

creating a poster showing dialogues and conversations stating their correct

Oslo paper or long bond paper
Markers and colored pens

1. Study the following and choose 2 body processes that you will
feature in the dialogue.
A. Milk production in lactating mothers
B. Tear production for protection of eyes
C. Protein production for growth of bones
D. Engulfing of white blood cells of foreign pathogens like
virus or bacteria
E. Mucus Production to Prevent Stomach from being
damaged by Hydrochloric Acid
2. Each scenario must be drawn on a separate sheet.
3. Create a conversation with the parts. Each must have a
dialogue bubble showing correct understanding and application of
their functions.
4. Observe proper shape and size relative to the cell parts.
5. Have fun enjoying coloring and designing your poster.
Grading Rubrics
Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
7 5 3

There are 6- There are

There are 2-5
All entries are 10 entries more than 10
Accuracy entries that
correct. that are entries that
are incorrect.
incorrect. are incorrect.

All the needed There are 3 There are 5 There are 7

parts are parts not parts not parts not
Completeness present included included included
There are 2-4
Colors and There are 6-8
parts that do
Creativity drawings are parts that do No colors at all
not have
attractive. not have color
Marginally Writing is not
Legible Writing is not
Legibility legible legible in
handwriting. legible.
handwriting. places.
Adherence to Followed all Followed all Followed all Followed all
Basic basic but 1 basic but 2 basic but 3 basic
Instructions instructions instruction instructions instructions
Timeliness Submitted on Submitted Submitted Submitted
or before one day after two days after three day after
deadline deadline deadline deadline


Let us see how well you understand the lesson by answering this part.
However, if you feel that you are not yet confident to do so, you may go back
and study the examples again. Write the letters only.

1. Which organelle contains pigment and absorbs sunlight?

a. ribosomes c. chloroplast
b. vacuoles d. centrosomes

2. Which organelle has its energy-producing ability?

a. cytoplasm c. mitochondria
b. cell wall d. golgi body
3. Which structure inside the nucleus is responsible for producing
a. centrosome c. lysosome
b. nucleolus d. endoplasmic reticulum

4. The most important feature within the structure of the cell membrane
which helps in carrying its task is_______.
a. series of fibers within it
b. viscous fluid flowing around it
c. paired genetic materials within it
d. semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer

5. Which structure is directly responsible for the formation of proteins

within the cell?
a. lysosomes c. centrioles
b. vacuoles d. ribosomes

6. Which structure is basically thick and has rigid layer that surrounds the
plant cell and provides support and structure?
a. chloroplast c. lysosome
b. cell wall d. nucleus

7. What role(s) does the cytoskeleton play in a living cell?

a. Maintaining cell shape c. Contraction
b. Movement d. All of the above

8. Which BEST explains why plants have large central vacuole?

a. Plants have thicker cell walls.
b. Plants have active storing units.
c. Plants can directly make their own food.
d. Plants depend on animals for food.

9. Which organelle serves as a primary packaging area for molecules that

will be distributed throughout the cell?
a. mitochondrion c. cytoskeleton
b. vacuole d. golgi body

10. Which organelle breaks down cell components that are no longer useful?
a. golgi body c. mitochondrion
b. lysosome d. endoplasmic reticulum

11. If the cell membrane is NOT semi-permeable membrane how would it

affect the whole cell?
a. the cell will lose its receptors
b. the cell will increase its size too much
c. the cell will be so much healthy for the entry of nutrients
d. the cell will be damaged by the entry of harmful substances

12. Which phrase BEST describes the property of semi or selective

a. some molecules pass c. large molecules pass
b. all ions pass d. all molecules pass

13. What is the term for the jellylike substance that is contained inside the
cell membrane?
a. DNA c. organelle
b. cytoplasm d. nucleus

14. Which structure makes proteins using coded instructions that come from
the nucleus?
a. golgi body c. vacuole
b. mitochondrion d. ribosome

15. What is the function of the mitochondrion and its location?

a. in the cytoplasm to produce ATP
b. in the middle of the cell, to assist the nucleus
c. in the middle of the cell, to transport the protein
d. in the cytoplasm, to break down food and foreign material

Additional Activities

Cell Parts and Structure Infographic cum Paper Fan

Create an infographic cum paper fan of the parts and functions of major
and subcellular organelles.

Oslo paper or cartolina
Markers and colored pens
Glue or paste
1. With a minimum of 8 sections, fold the paper according to your
preferred number of cell parts to show in the fan.
2. For each back and forth section of the fold, put the name of part,
drawing and function.
3. Enjoy coloring and making your cell paper fan attractive and
Note: Rubrics used in Grading the Comic strip will be used.
Answer Key

What I Have Learned

Name of parts Function in the cell Person, Specific jobs

building or
machine in
1. nucleus Directs all activities ANSWERS MAY ANSWERS MAY
2. mitochondria Energy production

3. endoplasmic Production, quality

reticulum control and dispatch of
4. ribosomes Protein synthesis

5. golgi bodies packaging

6. vacuoles Storage and digestine

7. vesicles Transport of produce

8. plasma Selective membrane

9. flagellum movement

10. lysosomes Cleaning of cells,


What I Have Learned

Organelles Special structure Specific jobs in the cell

1. nucleus 2 membranes with nuclear Directs all activities; stores
pores; houses nucleoplasm hereditary factor
and nucleolus;
2. mitochondria Have enzymes and own Oxidation of food molecule and
DNA; have matrix and production of energy
3. endoplasmic Membrane bound and has Production of proteins for rough
reticulum network of ER while lipids and steroid
intercommunicating hormones for smooth ER
channels within cell
4. golgi bodies Composed of cisternae and Processing, packaging and
numerous vesicles filled sorting of secretory materials
with fluid and suspended
5. lysosomes Have around 40 kind of Digestion of food, engulfment of
enzymes disease-causing bacteria, and
worn-out and broken parts

What’s New What’s more

Across: Down:
1. Rough ER is studded with 1. PLASMID 2. MICROFILAMENT
ribosomes while smooth ER 3. RIBOSOME 5. LYSOSOME
does not have ribosomes 4. FLAGELLUM 6. NUCLEOID
2. Golgi apparatus 7. VACUOLE 8. CYTOPLASM
packages the materials 9. CHROMOSOME 10. PLASTID
then forms a vesicle for the 12. CAPSULE 11. MITOCHONDRIA
exchange in plasma 14. PILUS 13. NUCLEUS
membrane 15. CENTRIOLE
3. ER, golgi bodies, plasma
membrane, cell wall
4. Within them are digestive
What I
enzymes that breakdown Assessment What’s In Know
substances and even worn- 1. NUCLEUS 1. B
out organelles 1. C
2. C 2. VACUOLE 2. D
5. Similarities of 3. RIBOSOME 3. D
3. B
mitochondria and 4. D 4. CENTRIOLE 4. B
chloroplast : bound by 2 5. D 5. CYTOPLASM 5. C
membranes, have own 6. A
7. D
DNA, convert energy from 7. A 7. MITOCHONDRIA 8. B
carbon dioxide and 8. A 8. GOLGI
9. D 9. D
oxygen, have fluids within APPARATUS 10. C
10. B
them 9. PLASMA 11. A
11. D
Differences: chloroplast in 12. A
plants, and converts solar 13. B 10. ENDOPLASMIC 13. A
energy to chemical energy RETICULUM 14. B
14. D
15. D
while mitochondria 15. A
converts chemical energy
Belardo, Gisselle Millete M, General Biology 1 Textbook. Pasig City:
Department of Education Bureau of Learning Resuorces (DepEd-BLR), 2016.
Activity Sheets in General Biology 1.Department of Education. 2016
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