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Chapter 1



Parenting is innate instinct that most should have specially being around a child.

Every family or parents have their own different ways on how they discipline, educate,

raise their child and so on. A good way of parenting is knowing how the child will reflect

on the things that you make him/her do, always be aware that a child is very naive and

they will remember a specific moment that can have a good or bad consequence as the

child grow up. The significance of child rearing emerges from its job as a cradle against

affliction, (for example, destitution or reprobate impacts) or go between of harm (as in

kid misuse). Child rearing as a rule includes organic guardians however isn't kept to

them. Careers, instructors, medical caretakers, and others satisfy child rearing

undertakings with youngsters. Child rearing has three basic segments. Initially, care

shields kids from hurt. Care envelops advancing enthusiastic just as physical wellbeing.

Furthermore, control includes defining and implementing limits to guarantee youngsters'

and others' security, in consistently extending zones of movement. Thirdly, advancement

includes upgrading youngsters' latent capacity and expanding the open doors for utilizing

it. Albeit a sensible accord exists about "terrible child rearing," there is no understanding

about its inverse, especially in a differing and quickly evolving society.

Many people say that same-sex parenting cannot do their role as a parent. There is

a big impact on their child but they don’t know that a child of a homosexual parent is

more active and competitive in a lot of things. Specially at school there is no difference

between a child that is raised by a heterosexual and homosexual parent according on their

emotion and behavior and also their lifestyle.

Many people have parent concern that having a same sex parent will have an

impact or influences in the child’s health, growth and many more aspect. But no scientific

evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and

gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy

environments for their children, and research has shown that the adjustment,

development, and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual

orientation and that the children of lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of

heterosexual parents to flourish (Hall,2015)

At the 2011 LGBTQ Families Conference in Rochester, New York, a group of

lesbians, gay, and bisexual parents came together to discuss the challenges their families

confront when they are interacting as same-sex parents in a public setting. This public

parenting discussion led to a number of examples on the part of the participants. Many

participants felt there were few differences between their family and the heterosexual

families they knew, and that the interactions they had with their children’s teachers,

pediatricians, and other parents, were often without incident. If something did go wrong

during any of these interactions, it was understood as something that could have

happened to any family, regardless of the parents’ sexual orientation. In some cases,

however, these parents encountered situations in which a question was asked or a

decision was made that suggested others’ attitudes toward them as gay-, lesbian-, or

bisexual-headed families were less favorable, and potentially due to anti-gay anti-lesbian

bias. (Massey, 2007 et al.).


Having same-sex parent seems unusual to the other people to those who don’t

recognize or don’t care of the rights of every citizen. In the world of civilization, having

heterosexual parents would be recognize as a family unlike having same-sex parent

people would criticize them.

Specially here in Philippines, it is because of the conservative sectors they argue

that same sex unions are detrimental in the family institution, they’re defending the

conventional structure of matrimony and family using biblical allusion but they greatly

missing the point of good parenting because they’re focusing on the parent sexual

preferences and strongly believe that only heterosexual couple can only build family.

Given in this situation that most people find it not pleasing and believe that this is

affecting their child’s development because according to them homosexuality is a mental

illness but it is said that, The children who have a same sex parent are more competitive

and sometimes perform even better than children who have been raised by a heterosexual

parents. (As cited in the study of R.R Tobias)

Stated the ideas above, being a child of homosexual is inappropriate to the eyes of

people, they feel disgusted on what they see to the feminity of a man and masculinity of a

female but not all people have the same perspective. Some are open-minded and would

gladly accept you. Studying the experiences of the learners with same sex parents will

give more awareness they are experiencing inside and outside home and knowing their

own view of their lives other people can stop discriminating same sex couple who wants

to have their own family. It is important to know their experience to let people

distinguished that having a same sex aren’t doesn’t have any difference on having a

heterosexual parent and it can help opening our mind in this topic

Objective of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to be more describe/investigate on how high

school students handle having a same sex parent.

Specifically, the study aims to attain the objective:

1. To know the experiences of learners with same sex parents

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to give more knowledge of the experience of the

teenage child with a same sex parent. Thus, this study has to benefit:

To the Parents. The researchers hope that they can use this information to be

more open about the situation and educate their own children to avoid prejudice on the

child of the same sex couple.

To the Teacher. They can use this study to have more knowledgeable and

awareness so they can understand the teen age child with the same sex parent.

To the Students. The researchers hope that student can use this study to be more

aware, knowledgeable and open in this type of situation and avoid saying something


To the Future Researchers. This can be useful as a reference for the researchers

who want to conduct more deeply on the same study.

Scope and Delimitations


The main objective of this research is to determine experiences of student with a

same-sex parent. This involves the senior high school students of Dapdap High School-

Senior High School (DHS-SHS) 2019-2020.

This study limits in getting a thorough knowledge about student with a same-sex parent.

At the end of the second mid-semester this study will be conducted by means of

interviewing and observation.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually for clarification and better

understanding of this study:

Experience. It is the process of getting knowledge or skill that is obtained from

doing, seeing, or feeling things, or something that happens which has an effect on you

( The researchers used this word in the study as they focus through the

experience of themselves.

Familial Roles. Family roles are the recurrent patterns of behavior by which

individuals fulfill family functions and needs (VCE Publications)

Gender roles. A personal of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither).

( This study used this word as how they perform their role in the society.

LGBTQ. This term is use to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender

identity. ( This study used this word as the LGBTQ itself because it is

under this said matter.

Parents. A person who gives birth to or raises a child, possibly a guardian, co-

parent and foster care parent. ( The researchers used this word in the

study as a person who cares or raise a child.


Same sex parenting. Refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people

raising one or more children as parents or foster parents. ( This word in

the study refers to a same sex couple that raises a child.

Chapter 2


The purpose of this literature review is to give an overview of the experiences of

learners with same sex parent

Related Literature

According to Robert Oscar Lopez (2012) said that children raised by same-sex

couples are naturally going to more curious and experimental with homosexuality

without being pure attraction to the opposite sex. Children of LGBT parent are likely to

first ones disqualified by social scientists who claim to advocate for their parent.

Furthermore, the children of lesbian are no different in terms of behavioral and

emotional problems than a representative sample of kid of their age with a opposite sex

parent. Their relationship with everyone is functioning just as well and there is no likely

to have a diagnosable and near-diagnosable psychiatric disorder than young adults were

like them in every respect but the sexual orientation of their parents. (Healy, 2018)

In additions, Davies (2017) stated that the findings of these reviews reflect a wider

agreement within the fields of family studies and psychology where in it shows the

following: It is family processed parenting quality, parental well-being, the quality of and

satisfaction with relationships within the family rather than family structures that make a

more meaningful difference to children’s well-being and positive development. It helps


the children to not only develop their relationship with their family also within the


As stated by Somashekhar (2013), the sociology clarifies, and it has for quite a few

years, is that kids will in general do best when they're raised by their wedded natural

guardians, said Jennifer Marshall, chief of residential strategy reads for the traditionalist

Heritage Foundation. On account of same-sex family units, there isn't yet proof that

[children] will be the equivalent. All There's motivations to accept that distinctive family

structures will have various results.

Furthermore, this examination paper will address the present worry of the impacts of

same-sex child rearing on youngster advancement. As gay connections have gotten

broadly normal, alongside the consequent structure of families, worry over the contrasts

among gay and hetero child rearing have happened to incredible intrigue and

significance. Studies have taken on the subjects of sexual orientation personality, conduct

advancement, and the contrary effect of social shame on youngsters whose guardians

recognize as gay. It is reasoned that there exist no noteworthy formative issues because of

parental sexual direction. Positive advancement is an outcome of warmth and positive

child rearing, paying little mind to familial structure. The noticeable quality of studies on

lesbian couples and absence of concentrates on gay male couples will be investigated.


Moreover, gay child rearing is step by step being acknowledged in the general public

since individuals are being receptive and edified by reality with regards to gay people.

Numerous examinations show that gay guardians are not quite the same as straight

guardians. They are as fit and appropriate to deal with their kids and raise a family. They

are likewise by one way or another better in bringing up their kids, they are said to be

dedicated and included guardians in light of the fact that not at all like most gay couples,

they intended to have a family. Gay selection introduces a great deal of advantages. There

will be less kids in shelters so the legislature can set aside on costs and put the financial

limit on progressively significant issues. Likewise, the embraced kids will be put to a

steady family and be exposed to a potential future. In any case, gay appropriation in the

Philippines isn't acknowledged on the grounds that it is limited by the Catholic Church.

They state that equivalent sex guardians are inconvenient in the organization of the

family. The offspring of gay people are not liable to be gay. Their advancement and

sexual inclination aren’t influenced by their parent's sex determination. (R.R


As indicated by Christian Theology, there are contrasts of people as far as battles as

the Bible doesn't plan to feature the resistance of sex yet their correlative. In this way, we

need to concede that there is a requirement for a male and female job in child rearing as

we can never act naturally adequate. Additionally, a kid's most prominent need isn't really

to have two guardians; however, to be thought about in a Godly, sustaining route and to

have Godly good examples throughout their life. Moreover, typical capacities blessed by

strict convictions; two men or ladies can't give an appropriate childhood of the kid to be

received whether mentally, inwardly, and profoundly. (Love dies,2017)

In addition, Cesario stated that regardless of current social discussions, a few

investigations show that there is no apparent distinction between posterity raised by gay

guardians and those raised by hetero ones. For one, tests uncover that gay guardians can

raise well a family, subverting some enemy of gay U. courts' turned ideas that gay people

have psychological sicknesses, that lesbians are less protective than straight ladies, and

that gay accomplices are more sex-fixated than child rearing focused. Research

discoveries demonstrate that the improvement of sexual personality won't be essentially

demolished among offspring of gay guardians, nor the advancement of these posterity's

mental wellbeing and social connections. Moreover, the examination infers that offspring

of lesbian guardians follow sexual orientation job layouts not so much expelled from

those of other youngsters, not wishing to be individuals from the contrary sex by

communicating satisfaction with their sex.

Related Studies


The study aimed to provide an overview of the experiences of children with a

same sex parents, they interview five children and family members yielded significant

and interesting revelations as to children lived experiences. Most of the children view

their family as a typical happy family headed with a responsible parent both positive and

negative feeling revealed on the studies and moreover, they believed that they have an

intimate relationship with both parents and appears to understood one another and family

set up in general. But the major challenges that the children encountered is related in their

social lives, biological fathers and relative, their current parents and the family structure

itself. Lastly the study provided as the factors as to the children is satisfied and

dissatisfied have a same sex parents, the advantages and disadvantages and their learning

and realization in the topic. (Mendoza, 2018)


As the researchers in Cornell University (2017) identify seventy-nine (79) studies that

fits their criteria about children with gay or lesbian parents this study concludes that

children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. And these studies

conclude that having a gay or lesbian parent does not harm children.

In 2010, American Researchers published 33 studies about comparing the well-being

of the children having a opposite sex parents. This study found no evidence that children

raised by same sex parents fared and worse than other children on the range of behavior,

education, emotional or social outcome. (Power, 2016)

In addition, Linville and O’Neil (2017) revealed in their study that most of the studies

about gay and lesbian parenting shows that their child is no different from a child of

heterosexual couples. And one of a study reported that a child of same sex couples is

same as the child of heterosexuals in terms of emotional function, sexual orientation,

stigmatization, gender role behavior, behavioral adjustment, gender identity, learning and

grade point average. But they are some research that favored same sex parents showing

that the child is more connected at school Another study reported that the adolescent with

a same sex parent household are more likely to talk about emotional difficult topics and

they are more often resilient, compassionate, and tolerant.

For instance, in 2005, the American Psychological Association (APA) gave an

official brief on lesbian and gay child rearing, which incorporated this statement: "Not a

solitary report has discovered offspring of lesbian and gay guardians to be distraught in

any huge regard comparative with offspring of hetero guardians" (American

Psychological Association 2005). Nonetheless, a 2012 research investigation of the APA

Brief and its list of sources by L. Imprints expressed that this solid attestation made by

the APA was not experimentally justified. Twenty-six of 59 APA considers on same-sex

child rearing had no hetero correlation gatherings. What's more, in examination

contemplates, single parents were frequently utilized as the hetero correlation gathering.

In none of the 59 distributed examinations were the conclusive cases validated. The

creator prescribed further research.


A lesbian couple raising their adoptive child no different than being raised by a

heterosexual. Their son is well aware of their situations and not ashamed of his parents he

even calls one of them daddy and he’s not affected by the painful remarks people always

spew out. (Dabuet,2019)

In one of the articles in positively Filipino about same sex parents wrote by

Moreno (2013). There is a twin that have a same-sex parent. They are their biological

sons, upon growing up they are aware of their parents and they never felt ashamed

they’re very supportive and even accompany their parents to every Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, and Trans (LGBT) activities. One of their mom states that both of the boys is

still very sweet and very responsible in school.

Moreover, as June came by CNN interview 5 same-sex families to celebrate the

pride month. The families shared their experiences and their child’s. In the interview it is

evident that children are very happy despite the differences. One of the parents said that

she always says to her son that their family is normal and same as other. Their children

understood the situations very well and are very proud of their parents. One of the

children even call her adoptive trans mom daddy and another one is very happy and

proud to have her three fathers. (Casal.2019)

The children of gay or lesbian parents slowly earn their children’s respect slowly

as they mature because the know that even if their parents are gay or lesbian they are still

raised well. (Donzal et al, 2017)

This study intended to answer on how lesbian experiences parenthood. The

participants living in metro-manila and Pampanga completed a semi-constructed

interview tapping the positive experiences and challenges in their parenthood. And one of

the findings that emerged from the data analysis is that Filipino lesbian parents displays

different attitudes toward parenting in contrast to existing literature, it was found that

these lesbian parents were inclined to an egalitarian approach and non-gender preference

roles in both childcare and household tasks. (Marin, 2017)

Having a same sex parents doesn’t have a significance on the child growth are

what in common on the studies of Linville and O’Neil (2017), Power (2016) and Cornell

University (2017),but on the study of Fitzgibbons he said that almost all of the study

doesn’t compare the same sex families to the hetero families so the results are not really

reliable, on the other hand the study of Mendoza (2018) interview the children and gave

the factor the children is satisfied and dissatisfied. While in the local study we can see

that the only differences are that almost all of it is a lesbian family but the results are the

same the children are happy in their lives. This research was conducted to the studies to

reviewed both foreign and local. The main objective of this study to determine the

experiences of the child/learners with homosexual parents inside and out of the

classroom. However, this studies only focused on learner/student that have a same-sex

parent (in terms of participation) at Dapdap high school.

Conceptual Framework

In the figure below, the first frame refers to the input which include the profile of

the respondent. The second frames refer to the construction and validation of questions

we will use. Data gathering and analysis. And the last frame refers to the output of the

study which is to inform and give more knowledge on the experiences of learners with a

same-sex parents

Demographic profile of
the students in terms of
The objective will
A. Age fleafffff
conduct on interview
B. Sex the participant to know
C. Type of Parents Insight
the experiences of the
students with same sex

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the description of the research method to be use, the

respondents of the study, the instruments to be use, the producers and sources of data

utilize in analyzing the data gathered.

Research Design

In conducting this study, the researchers will use case study as a type of research

to know the experiences of a learner with a case of having a same sex parent. Case

studies are based on an in-depth, and detailed investigation of a single individual, group

or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. A case study is a descriptive and

exploratory analysis of a person, group or event. (PressAcademia,2018)


The chosen respondents in this study is all the learner with a case of having a same

sex parent. The chosen respondents of the study are focus to all the learner with a same

sex parent in Dapdap High School, Junior and Senior High School. Wherein, researchers

will be using purposive sampling as a help to their study. Purposive sampling is a

sampling method requires researchers to have prior knowledge about the purpose of their

studies so that they can properly choose and approach eligible participants. Researchers

use purposive sampling when they want to access a particular subset of people, as all

participants of a study are selected because they fit a particular profile. However, after

determining the learners who have a same sex parents, the researchers will be observing

the participants for a specific time and then a semi-constructed interview will follow to

know the experiences of the learners


This study will provide semi - structured interview that will be asked on the

respondent to gather the information needed for this study. All of the questions on the

face-to-face interview will be an open-ended question to make the research questions

qualitative that all the information cannot be converted into numerical data. This study

will get questions on the previous researches that are related with this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask the respondents on how and where he/she wants to be

interviewed, whether in the house in any other safe place in any form of communication.

The researchers will be using a semi - structure interview as an instrument in conducting

the study, it is a qualitative method of inquiry that combines a pre-determined set of

questions with an opportunity for the researchers to explore particular response further.

The researchers will give a consent form before the interview. Then, during the interview

the researchers will ask several questions to the respondents while the other members will

record the respondents, answer and also, during the interview the researcher will not give

any pressure to the respondents. The researchers will conduct the interview in the given

schedule of the respondents.

Ethical Consideration

There are different aspects taken into consideration after reviewing ethical

guidelines: First, the researchers will introduce themselves to the chosen respondent

before starting the interview. Second, they will ensure writing of their names in the

questionnaires. The researchers will also make sure that the respondents were well

informed about the interview and already signed up the consent that the researchers gave

in short, the researchers got the permission to the chosen respondent before doing the

interview. Lastly, the researchers will consider the respectful of asking confidential

question to the respondents.

Data Analysis

Narrative analysis will be use as a data analysis for this research study. Narrative

analysis is a genre of analytic frames whereby researchers interpret stories that are told

within the context of research and/or are shared in everyday life. (Allen, 2017). This type

of analysis will be used because this type of method is commonly used in qualitative

research. This analysis will re-interpret the experiences of the respondents that will make

all the answers clear for this research. This type of analysis will deeply understand the

information given by the respondents.


A. Online Resources

Hall, J (2015). The Research of Same Sex Parenting: “No Differences” No More.

Retrieved from


Tobias, R. R (2013). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Parenting. Retrieved from

Patterson, C.J. Lesbian and Gay Parenting. Retrieved from

Ang, S. (2009). Lesbian Parenting in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Somashekhar, S. (2013). Social science struggles with the effects of same-sex parenting

on children. Retrieved from



Schlanger, Z. (2014). Parenting Gay Teens: The book that all Parents need to read.

Retrieved from


Lopez, R. O. (2012). Growing up with Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View.

Retrieved from https://

Davies. A. (2017). Children raised by same-sex parents do as well as their peers, study

shows. Retrieved from https://


Healy,M. (2018). Researches find no difference between kids raised by two moms and

kids raised by mom and dad. Retrieved from https://


Mendoza, L. R. (2018). Two Moms in a Home: Lived Experiences of Children with a

Same-Sex Parents. Retrieved from


Power, J. (2016). In families with a same-sex parents, the kids are all right. Retrieved



Cornell University (2017). What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of

children with gay or lesbian parents?. Retrieved from


Massey et al (2016). Modern Prejudice and Same-sex Parenting: Shifting Judgements in

Positive and Negative Parenting Situations. Retrieved from

Fitzgibbons, R. P. (2015). Growing up with gay parents: What is the big deal?. Retrieved


Linville and O’Neil (2019). Children raised by same-sex parents do as well as their

peers, study shows Retrieved from


Casal, C. (2019). Ang pamilya ay pagmamahal,walang pinipiling gender Retrieved from

Moreno, C. M (2019). Proud Lesbian Parents Retrieved from https://

Donzal et al (2017). Demystifying Unusual Parenthood: Gay and Lesbian in Focus.

Retrieved from http://

Dabuet, J. A, (2019). Affinities in new horizons: On same-sex parenting. Retrieved from

Marin, B. (2017). An Exploratory Study on the Positive Experiences, Challenges, Roles

and Parenting Styles of Filipino Lesbian Parents. Retrieved from https://



Love_Dies. (2017). Legalization for Adoption for Gay Couples in the Philippines.

Retrieved from


Cesario, M. (2006). Pink Dads, Rainbow Moms: Why Gay Adoption in the Philippine

should see Light.Retrieved from

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