Faraday Law
Faraday Law
Faraday Law
The static versions of Faraday’s law and Ampere’s law must be modified
to account for dynamic fields.
The complete form of Faraday’s law, valid for both static and
dynamic fields, is defined in terms of a quantity known as the
electromotive force (emf). In an electric circuit, the emf is the force which
sets the charge in motion (forcing function for the current).
Note that when static fields are assumed, the time derivative on the right
hand side of the dynamic (complete) version of Faraday’s law goes to zero
and the equation reduces to the electrostatic form.
Example (Faraday’s law induction, wire loop in a time changing B)
For the closed loop, the flux produced by the induced current opposes
the change in B.
For the open-circuited loop, the polarity of the induced emf is defined
by the emf line integral.
Induction Types
A circular wire loop of radius a = 0.4m lies in the x-y plane with its
axis along the z-axis. The vector magnetic field over the surface of the
loop is H = Ho cos(Tt)az where Ho = 200 :A/m and f = 1 MHz. Determine
the emf induced in the loop.
The time derivative is written as a partial derivative since the magnetic flux
density is, in general, a function of both time and space. The polarity of
the induced emf is assigned when the direction of ds is chosen. If we
choose ds = az ds (then dl = aN dl for the line integral of E), the polarity of
the induced emf is that shown above. For this problem, both B [B = :o H]
and ds are az-directed so that the dot product in the transformer induction
integral is one.
Since the partial derivative of H with respect to time is independent of
position, it can be brought outside the integral. The resulting integral of
ds over the surface S yields the area of the loop so that
Using the same geometry as the last example, assume that the
magnetic flux density is B = Bo cos Tt (!az).
iR(t) ! conduction
iC(t) ! displacement
Since the two surface integrals above are valid for any surface S, we may
equate the integrands.
Example (Ampere’s law, non-ideal capacitor)
Equivalent circuit
Since typical material permittivities are in the 1-100 pF/m range, the
displacement current density is typically negligible at low frequencies in
comparison to the conduction current density (especially in good
conductors). At high frequencies, the displacement current density
becomes more significant and can even dominate the conduction current
density in good insulators.
Maxwell’s Equations
(Dynamic fields)
Boundary Conditions