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Cell Biology Note

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Hibtor ‘woe " - Robert Hooke. 3+ First cel) agrovered sk Ffret live cet) discovered KA Leewentroek euyeus = Robert Brown” *® Discov %* cell pay \- sch\eiden and Scnuwand mae: ' Pian} cel! Anireal ce KDeorke cettula-e-cetiwla 1- _ Rudolf viechowd , ° ——_* a ———_—— Je canaickch or Wlosellar Nadel ‘= Savson & Danfertt ak Unit seelbvong reotel = _ Robertson 3k Fluid eeosale weodel - Singer fe Micalsod, & Periplasrmic Space +> Space ble cell Wall & : cell cnessorane . oe x, ee Mallest cell ee (ppLo) + &, : Osinidh @ Laryest Single cell mi aR ® t iy t= Nerwe cell! cell Sell Biology oy > cel aS ok Human RRC. 0) Shy, Proteto i AD oe ATpid: ay Sane rect conde) “iy bas d Danteiti ) Morein, 204 t Soa ery [ionic kood a BAe! asa] aa Hers Teeth, \- oe a. 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