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Heliconia Acuminata: Habitat Fragmentation and The Demographic Structure of An Amazonian Understory Herb

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Contributed Papers

Habitat Fragmentation and the Demographic Structure

of an Amazonian Understory Herb
(Heliconia acuminata)
*Department of Environmental Science and Policy & Center for Population Biology, University of California,
Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.
†Department of Systematic Biology-Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C. 20560–0166, U.S.A.
‡Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA), C.P. 478
Manaus, AM 69011–970, Brazil

Abstract: Little is known about the demographic consequences of fragmentation for plant populations. By
assessing the population structure of a common herb ( Heliconia acuminata) in an experimentally fragmented
landscape in the central Amazon, we tested the predictions that fragmentation could reduce population den-
sity, alter population structure, and reduce reproductive effort. Population density in continuous forest var-
ied six-fold, some areas having high density and others low density. Population density in small fragments
and on the edges of large fragments was often low, but it was within the range of densities found in continu-
ous forest, and the difference between locations was not significant. Heliconia populations in forest fragments
were skewed toward smaller demographic size classes, however. Because reproduction in H. acuminata is pos-
itively correlated with plant size, these shifts were predicted to result in fewer flowering plants in forest frag-
ments. The proportion of the population flowering in forest fragments and continuous forest was not signifi-
cantly different, although there was a trend toward proportionately greater flowering in continuous forest.
For plants that did flower, per-individual reproductive success (measured as developing fruit set) was the
same in forest fragments and continuous forests. Our results suggest that per-individual and population-level
reproduction by understory herbs in tropical forest fragments may be resistant to the detrimental conse-
quences of fragment isolation. Our study also highlights the need to consider how fragmentation influences
aspects of population structure and demography beyond abundance and fruit production, because these al-
ternative measures of population structure can be modified in forest fragments in subtle, unexpected ways.

Fragmentación del Hábitat y la Estructura Demográfica de una Hierba (Heliconia acuminata) del Sotobosque
Resumen: Se conoce poco de las consecuencias demográficas de la fragmentación sobre poblaciones vege-
tales. Probamos las predicciones de que la fragmentación puede reducir la densidad poblacional, alterar la
estructura de la población y reducir el esfuerzo reproductivo, evaluamos la estructura poblacional de una hi-
erba común ( Heliconia acuminata) en un paisaje experimentalmente fragmentado en la Amazonía central,
La densidad poblacional en bosque continuo varió hasta seis veces, con algunas áreas con alta densidad y
otras con baja densidad. La densidad poblacional en fragmentos pequeños y en los bordes de fragmentos
grandes a menudo fue baja, pero estaba en el rango de las densidades encontradas en el bosque continuo, y
la diferencia entre localidades no fue significativa. Sin embargo, las poblaciones de Heliconia en los fragmen-
tos de bosque estaban sesgadas hacia las clases de tamaño demográfico más pequeñas. Debido a que la re-

§ Current address: Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, PO Box 110430, Gainesville, FL, 32611, U.S.A.,
Paper submitted October 28, 1999; revised manuscript accepted November 28, 2001.

Conservation Biology, Pages 1256–1266

Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
Bruna & Kress Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure 1257

producción en H. acuminata esta positivamente correlacionada con el tamaño de la planta, se predijo que es-
tos cambios resultarían en menos plantas florecientes en los fragmentos de bosque. La proporción de la
población floreciente en los fragmentos de bosque y en el bosque continuo no fue significativamente difer-
ente, aunque hubo una tendencia hacia una mayor proporción de plantas florecientes en el bosque con-
tinuo. Para plantas que florecieron, el éxito reproductivo por individuo (medido como el desarrollo de fru-
tos) fue igual en fragmentos de bosque que en bosques continuos. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la
reproducción, por individuo y al nivel poblacional, de hierbas del sotobosque en fragmentos de bosque tropi-
cal puede ser resistente a las consecuencias perjudiciales del aislamiento por fragmentación. Nuestro estudio
también resalta la necesidad de considerar como la fragmentación influye sobre aspectos de la estructura po-
blacional y la demografía más allá de la abundancia y producción de frutos, debido a que estas medidas de
estructura poblacional alternativas pueden ser modificadas de manera sutil e inesperada en los fragmentos
de bosque.

Introduction & Schemske 1986; Alvarez-Buylla 1994), and herbivory

( Doak 1992; Bullock et al. 1994). If fragmentation has
Deforestation and subsequent habitat fragmentation re- influenced demographic processes, for instance by dis-
sult in the extensive disturbance of Neotropical forests rupting the interactions responsible for recruitment
(reviewed by Schelhas & Greenberg 1996; Laurance & ( Jules & Rathcke 1999) or by causing increased mortal-
Bierregaard 1997 ). Obtaining information on the conse- ity near fragment edges (Laurance et al. 1998), then this
quences of fragmentation for populations persisting in disruption should also be reflected in current population
fragmented tropical landscapes is necessary to derive ef- stage structures ( Jules 1998).
fective conservation strategies for these species-rich re- Because vital demographic rates in plants are usually
gions ( Bierregaard et al. 1997 ). Although the effect of frag- stage-dependent ( Harper 1977 ), the structure of a pop-
mentation on tropical or subtropical tree communities has ulation can also be indicative of its demographic future.
received considerable attention (e.g., Aizen & Feinsinger In a conservation setting, where long-term demographic
1994; Turner et al. 1995; Andersen et al. 1997; Laurance monitoring may not be feasible, a population’s stage
et al. 1998; Cunningham 2000a, 2000b), to our knowl- structure can be the basis for immediate management
edge no studies have examined how fragmentation in the decisions. In fact, Schemske et al. (1994) suggest that a
tropics influences herbaceous understory plants. good starting point for recovery of threatened plant spe-
Several studies suggest that reductions in habitat area cies is an assessment of the current demographic struc-
and proximity to forest edges can influence critical life- ture of the populations of interest, with the goal of esti-
history stages in plants, particularly pollination and mating limiting life-history stages and using this
other stages related to recruitment ( Rathcke & Jules information to build demographic models (e.g., Olmsted
1993; Bond 1995; Jules 1998). As a result, it is frequently & Alvarez-Buylla 1995; Ratsirarson et al. 1996). Once the
hypothesized that plant populations in forest fragments life-history stages altered by fragmentation have been
will be reduced in size, exhibit altered population struc- identified, one can begin to study how the physical and
tures, and show increased probability of extinction from biological mechanisms that shape these stages have
demographic, environmental, and genetic stochasticity been modified by isolation (Schemske et al. 1994).
( Jules 1998; Gigord et al. 1999; Eisto et al. 2000). De- Much of the difficulty in assessing the effects of frag-
spite this widespread assumption, however, few studies mentation results from limited information about frag-
have explicitly quantified the population structure of un- ment attributes such as age and isolation history ( Jules
derstory plants in fragmented landscapes ( but see Jules 1998). Many of these issues have been addressed by the
1998), especially in the tropics. Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project ( BD-
The quantification of demographic structure is essen- FFP), a collaborative project administered by the Smith-
tial for assessing long-term population viability because sonian Tropical Research Institute and Brazil’s National
it is required for many of the “cornerstone” approaches Institute of Research in the Amazon. The BDFFP is a
to species conservation, such as population viability anal- large-scale experimental project designed specifically to
ysis (Gilpin & Soulé 1986) and metapopulation theory study the effects of fragmentation in the tropics ( Lovejoy
( Hanski & Simberloff 1997 ). The current stage structure et al. 1986; Bierregaard et al. 1992). It includes 1-, 10-,
of a population reflects prior variation in recruitment and 100-ha fragments of rainforest isolated 16–20 years
and mortality ( Harper 1977 ) and can be the result of ago by cattle ranching and several reserves embedded in
factors as diverse as environmental variability (Casper over 10,000 ha of continuous forest. Studies conducted
1996; Kephart & Paladino 1997 ), gap formation ( Horvitz by the BDFFP have revealed how fragmentation and

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Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
1258 Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure Bruna & Kress

edge effects influence birds, invertebrates, amphibians,

and other taxa (reviewed by Laurance et al. 2002).
We compared the demographic stage structure and re-
productive success of the understory herb Heliconia
acuminata L. C. Richard ( Heliconiaceae) in the forest
fragment and continuous-forest reserves of the BDFFP.
Specifically, we tested the following three predictions:
(1) densities of H. acuminata are reduced in habitat
fragments relative to continuous forest, suggesting re-
ductions in population sizes due to either episodic catas-
trophes or ongoing demographic decline; (2) the demo-
graphic structure of populations is altered in forest
fragments, independent of any differences in population
size; and (3) plant reproductive output, at both popula-
tion and individual levels, is reduced in forest fragments.
In testing these hypotheses, our goal is to determine
which demographic size classes and interactions may be
most susceptible to the effects of forest fragmentation, and
to use this information as the basis for future experiments
Figure 1. Proportion of flowers developing into fruits
and matrix models of Heliconia population dynamics.
in forest, 1-ha fragments, and 10-ha fragments in
1998 and 1999. Plants from different plots within the
same habitat type (i.e., 1-ha fragments, 10-ha frag-
ments, and continuous forest) were pooled because of
Methods limited sample sizes in some fragments. The upper
and lower limits of the box represent the seventy-fifth
Study Site and twenty-fifth percentiles, respectively. The line
through the box is the median value. Marks beyond
All fieldwork was conducted at the BDFFP site, located 70
the error bars represent outliers less than or greater
km north of Manaus, Brazil (lat. 230S, long. 60W; Fig. 1).
than the tenth and ninetieth percentiles. Numbers be-
The BDFFP reserves are located in nonflooded tropical low-
low the boxes are the sample sizes of reproductive
land rainforest with undulating topography ranging from
plants in each habitat type.
50 to 150 m in elevation. Soils are nutrient-poor xanthic fer-
ralsols that drain well ( Food and Agriculture Organization
& United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Orga-
Study System
nization 1971). The forests in the BDFFP reserves have a 30
to 37-m tall canopy, with emergents up to 55 m ( Rankin-de A common element of the understory of these forests is
Mérona et al. 1992), and are among the most floristically di- Heliconia acuminata , a species native to the non-
verse in the world, with 1200–1300 species of trees in at flooded forests of central Amazonia. The more than 200
least 64 families (Laurance 2001). Palms dominate the rela- species of Heliconia and the hummingbirds that polli-
tively depauperate understory (Scariot 1999). Mean annual nate them represent one of the most widely studied
temperature is 26 C (range 19–39 C), and mean annual plant-pollinator associations in the Neotropics ( Linhart
rainfall ranges from 1900 to 2300 mm ( BDFFP records). A 1973; Stiles 1975; Kress 1983, 1985). Heliconia are often
pronounced dry season occurs from June to October. divided into two groups based on the foraging strategy
The forest fragments at the BDFFP were all isolated be- of the hummingbirds that pollinate them (Linhart 1973;
tween 1980 and 1984 by felling of all trees surrounding Stiles 1975; Kress & Beach 1994). Some species of Heli-
the fragment and, in most cases, burning of the downed conia grow in large, often monoclonal stands along for-
trees once they dried. The exceptions to this treatment est edges or in disturbed habitats. These species produce
were reserves number 3209 and 3114 ( Table 1), where copious amounts of nectar each day and are pollinated
felled trees were not burned because of early rains. Asso- by hummingbirds that establish territories to defend
ciated with each of these isolation treatments is a partic- this resource (Kress 1985). In contrast, forest understory
ular form of secondary growth: burned areas sprouted species of Heliconia are found at lower density, pro-
regrowth dominated by Vismia species (Clusiaceae), duce fewer flowers and less nectar, and are generally vis-
whereas the secondary growth in unburned areas was ited by hermit hummingbirds that “trapline” from one
dominated by Cecropia species (Cecropiaceae). Since Heliconia plant to the next (Kress 1985). Heliconia
their original isolation, the secondary forest surrounding acuminata falls into the second category, with the Long-
the fragments has been cleared one or two times. tailed Hermit ( Phaethornis superciliosus ) and the

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Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
Bruna & Kress Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure 1259

Table 1. Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project reserves in which H. acuminata demographic plots were established,
their year of isolation, and attributes of plant populations measured.a

Plant No. flowering

Year density b
Plot location Reserve isolated (plants/0.5 ha) 1998 1999
1-ha fragments
FF-1 2107 1984 214 2 3
FF-2 2108 1984 161 1 5
FF-3 1104 1980 206 6 6
FF-4 3114 1983 250 7 3
10-ha fragments
FF-5 2206 1984 162 8 2
FF-6 1202 1980 402 10 9
FF-7 3209 1983 577 56 34
Continuous forest
CF-1 1301 — 753 90 74
CF-2 1501 — 555 36 27
CF-3 1501 — 703 32 37
CF-4 none (Dimona) — 112 NR 6
CF-5 none (Porto Alegre) — 171 NR 4
CF-6 3402 — 235 NR 8
10-ha corners and edges
edge, FF5 2206 1984 193 NR NR
edge, FF6 1202 1980 198 NR NR
edge, FF7 3209 1983 334 NR NR
corner, FF5 2206 1984 167 NR NR
corner, FF6 1202 1980 216 NR NR
corner, FF7 3209 1983 257 NR NR
Reserve numbers and names follow Lovejoy et al. (1986 ); NR, not recorded.
Densities in CF 1–6, FF 1–4, and the centers of FF 5–7 were recorded in January of 1999, and densities on the corners and edges of FF 5–7 were
recorded in August 1998.

Straight-billed Hermit (P. bourcieri ) as its primary polli- marked demographic plots 50  100 m in size. Six plots
nators in our study sites (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995; were in continuous forest (CF 1–6), four were in 1-ha
Bruna 2001). fragments (FF 1–4), and three were in 10-ha fragments
Heliconia acuminata is a self-incompatible hermaph- (FF 5–7) ( Table 1). Demographic plots in 1-ha fragments
roditic perennial with limited vegetative reproduction were established at random on either side of the frag-
( E.M.B and W.J.K., unpublished data). Flowering begins ment, plots in 10-ha fragments were established in the
in late January and continues through April. Most repro- fragment center, and plots in continuous-forest sites
ductive plants have one inflorescence with a total of 20– were haphazardly placed at locations 500–4000 m from
25 flowers (Bruna 2001). Each flower is open for 1 day, borders of secondary and mature forest.
after which the perianth and the style abscise. Each fruit In January 1998, we marked all the H. acuminata
produces a maximum of three seeds (mean number of plants in the seven demographic plots in forest frag-
seeds/fruit  1.9  .027 SE, n  873 fruits), and mature ments and three of the continuous-forest plots (CF 1–3).
fruits are dispersed by birds (Kress 1983). Each plant was marked with a stake to which we at-
Heliconia acuminata can be long-lived (20 years; tached an individually numbered aluminum tag. For
W.J.K., personal observation), as is the case for many each plant we counted the number of vegetative shoots
other tropical understory herbs ( Horvitz & Schemske and measured the height by the distance from the base
1995). As a result, it is probable that many of the individ- to its highest point above the ground. During the 1998
uals currently found in forest fragments were alive when reproductive season, we regularly surveyed the 10 estab-
fragments were initially isolated. This assumption is sup- lished plots and recorded which individuals were flow-
ported by ongoing demographic censuses that indicate ering, how many flowers each produced, and the num-
high survivorship of established plants ( Bruna 2001). ber of flowers developing into fruits.
In August 1998, we established plots in three addi-
tional continuous-forest sites (CF 4–6) and measured
Demographic Plots and Censuses
plants as before. Because previous research at the BD-
As part of a long-term study of the population dynamics FFP has demonstrated the importance of edge effects for
of H. acuminata , we established 13 permanently plants in medium-size fragments ( Benitez-Malvido 1998;

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1260 Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure Bruna & Kress

Laurance et al. 1998), we also surveyed (but did not Analyses of Reproductive Characteristics
mark or measure) all the plants in identical 50  100 m
plots on a randomly selected edge and corner of the To determine if the proportion of the population that was
10-ha fragments in which demographic plots were lo- reproductive differed among fragments and continuous for-
cated. In 1999 we returned to survey all 13 demographic est, we used Kruskal-Wallis tests. These analyses were con-
plots and recorded reproduction as in the previous year. ducted on both the 1998 and 1999 survey results. We also
plotted the proportion of individuals flowering in each de-
mographic size classes for populations in each habitat type.
To calculate female reproductive success for individuals
Analyses of Plant Density that did flower, we divided the total number of developing
To test the hypothesis that plant density is reduced in fruits on each plant by the number of flowers it produced.
forest fragments, we compared the total number of plants The fruit-set percentages in forest plots were then com-
found in demographic plots located in continuous forest, pared to the values from 1-ha and 10-ha fragments with
1-ha fragments, 10-ha fragment corners, 10-ha fragment Kruskal-Wallis tests. Plants from different plots within the
edges, and 10-ha fragment centers. To conduct this analy- same habitat type (i.e., 1-ha and 10-ha fragments and con-
sis, we used the August 1998 surveys of plant density tinuous forest) were pooled because of limited sample
conducted in 10-ha fragment edges and corners and the sizes in some fragments. This analysis was done for both
January 1999 survey results from plots in the remaining the 1998 and 1999 flowering seasons.
locations. Because the number of plots located in the dif-
ferent habitat types was limited, we could not examine
the distributional assumptions of parametric tests. We Results
therefore used the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test for
Plant Density
this analysis.
Heliconia acuminata density ranged from 112 to 753
individuals per plot ( Table 1). Although the rank order
Analyses of Vegetative Characteristics
and Demographic Structure
To compare the demographic structure of Heliconia
populations in continuous forests and forest fragments,
we used log-linear modeling. We first placed plants into
six size classes based on height (0–15, 15–30, 30–45,
45–60, 60–75, and 75 cm). We used height because
age is usually impossible to determine in tropical herba-
ceous taxa; furthermore, size is usually a better predic-
tor of reproductive potential and plant fate ( Horvitz &
Schemske 1995). Height and shoot number were strongly
positively correlated in this system (n  4326,   0.716,
p 0.0001), and results were similar for analyses based
on shoot number. We therefore present comparisons of
population structure based on height only.
Our null hypothesis was that the number of plants in
each demographic size class was independent of both
habitat type (i.e., 1-ha fragment, 10-ha fragment, and
continuous forest) and plot identity (i.e., FF 1–7, CF1–
6). To determine the importance of habitat type for pre-
dicting the number of plants in each size class, we com-
pared the goodness of fit to the observed data of the null Figure 2. Density of plants per demographic plot in
model with that of models including habitat type. Two each habitat type: 1-ha fragments, 10-ha fragment
models testing the importance of habitat type were edges, 10-ha fragment corners, 10-ha fragment centers,
used, one that included and one that excluded plot iden- and continuous forest. The upper and lower limits of
tity. Similarly, the importance of plot identity was tested the box represent the seventy-fifth and twenty-fifth per-
with models that both included and excluded habitat centiles, respectively. The line through the box is the
type. Finally, the goodness of fit of a saturated model median value. Marks beyond the error bars represent
was used to test the importance of the interaction be- outliers less than or greater than the tenth and nineti-
tween habitat type and plot location. eth percentiles.

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Reproductive Characteristics
Differences in the proportion of the population that
flowered in 1-ha fragments, 10-ha fragments, and continu-
ous forests were only marginally significant in 1998 (H 
5.0, p  0.08) and not significant in 1999 (H  4.34,
p  0. 11), although in both years there was a trend to-
ward a greater proportion of the population flowering in
continuous forest sites ( Fig. 4).
As might be expected, the probability that an H. acumi-
nata individual would flower increased with plant size
( Fig. 5). Although the proportion of individuals that flow-
ered in each demographic size class often varied substan-
tially from plot to plot, the proportion flowering in each
size class was similar for populations in 1-ha fragments,
10-ha fragments, and continuous forest ( Fig. 5).
Median fruit set was not significantly different in for-
Figure 3. Proportion of plants (mean  1 SD) found ests and fragments in either year (1998: H  2.103, p 
in each of six height-based size classes in continuous 0.3411; 1999: H  0.842, p  0.6558). In 1998, how-
forest, 1-ha fragments, and 10-ha fragments. ever, plants in 1- and 10-ha fragments produced slightly
more fruit than those in forests (29.3% and 29.0% devel-
oping fruit set vs. 23.5%, respectively, Fig. 6).

of median Heliconia density in the different habitat

types was consistent with the hypothesis of reduced abun-
dance in fragments ( Fig. 2), the difference between loca- Discussion
tions was not significant (H  1.389, p  0.85). Both the
highest and lowest values for population density were in We examined the relationship between forest fragmen-
continuous forest (CF–1 and CF–4, respectively). tation and three attributes of H. acuminata population
structure: population size, the distribution of individuals
in different demographic size classes, and reproduction
at the population and individual levels. Contrary to our
Vegetative Characteristics and Demographic
predictions, neither H. acuminata population size nor
Structure of Plant Populations
reproductive output was significantly lower in the BD-
The null model that the number of plants in each size FFP’s forest fragments. However, the third attribute we
class is independent of plot location and habitat type examined—demographic size structure—does appear to
was rejected (G2  365.57, 60 df, p 0.001). Both habi- have been altered, particularly in 1-ha fragments. This re-
tat type (e.g., 1-ha fragment) and plot identity had a sig- sult suggests that although certain important population-
nificant effect on the number of plants in each demo- level attributes may be resistant to the detrimental ef-
graphic stage class when each factor was evaluated fects of forest fragmentation, the demography of plant
independently and when for the other factor was con- populations surviving in forest fragments may be subtly
trolled for ( Fig. 3). There was also significant interaction altered in ways previously unexplored but the conse-
between plot and habitat type ( Table 2). quences of which could be significant.

Table 2. Results of log-linear analysis comparing the effects of habitat type (H), (i.e., 1-ha or 10-ha fragment or continuous forest), plot (P),
(i.e., FF 1–7 and CF 1–6), and their interaction for predicting the number of H. acuminata individuals in each demographic size class (S).a

Effect Contrast b
df p
Habitat HP, S vs. HP, HS 141.25 10 0.001
Plot HP, S vs. HP, PS 212.78 25 0.001
Habitat, given plot HP, PS vs. HP, PS, HS 72.01 10 0.001
Plot, given habitat HP, HS vs. HP, PS, HS 143.53 25 0.001
Plot  habitat  size class PS, HS, HP vs. PSH 95.61 25 0.001
Analyses were conducted for densities recorded in the 1999 survey.
Notation follows Caswell (2001) and Horvitz and Schemske (1995) for denoting hierarchical models, such that all terms containing that inter-
action or lower-order interactions are included. The significance of each factor is determined by examining the change in G2 (i.e.,
G2) when a
factor is removed from a model that includes it. A constant of 0.5 was added to all cells prior to analysis (Caswell 2001).

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Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
1262 Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure Bruna & Kress

Figure 4. Proportion of plants flowering ( per 0.5-ha

plot) in continuous forest, 1-ha fragments, and 10-ha
fragments in 1998 and 1999. The upper and lower
limits of the box represent the seventy-fifth and twenty-
fifth percentiles, respectively. The line through the box
is the median value. Marks beyond the error bars rep-
resent outliers less than or greater than the tenth and
ninetieth percentiles.

Heliconia acuminata Density in Forest Fragments Figure 5. Proportion of plants (mean  1 SD) that
Given the broad range of densities in continuous forest were reproductive in each demographic size class in
and the lack of prefragmentation data, it is impossible to (a) 1998 and ( b) 1999.
exclude the possibility that the densities observed in for-
est fragments reflect preexisting spatial variation. This re-
sult contrasts with the findings of several other studies, in CF plots 4–6) and others at much higher density
conducted at the BDFFP and in other systems, demon- (551–749 in CF plots 1–3). Interpopulation differences
strating that populations of plants on fragment edges in abundance are not necessarily unexpected, because
are those most at risk from environmental perturbations they are the natural result of changes in demographic
(e.g., Didham 1997; Jules 1998; Laurance et al. 1998; and environmental conditions across sites (Horvitz &
Gehlhausen et al. 2000). For example, in a study con- Schemske 1995). The factors responsible for the six-fold
ducted in several of the same reserves, Benitez-Malvido range in abundance observed in our study are unclear,
(1998) found that the density of seedlings of canopy however. Although none of the continuous-forest sites
trees was lower in fragments than in continuous forest. were noticeably different in forest structure or distur-
She also found that the density of seedlings on edges of bance history, variation in both of these factors could be
large fragments was lower than in fragment interiors, al- partly responsible for the observed differences. Varia-
though the pattern was not consistent across all frag- tion in soil chemistry or texture may also influence Heli-
ments. Interestingly, H. acuminata density in two of conia density. Plots with reduced abundance may be lo-
three 10-ha fragments was lower on the edges or cor- cated in areas with sandy soils, a lower concentration of
ners than in fragment centers ( FF-6 and FF-7), whereas nitrogen, less organic matter, or higher aluminum satura-
in the other 10-ha fragment density was similar in all lo- tion, all of which might influence Heliconia growth and
cations ( FF-5; Table 1; Fig. 2). abundance. In continuous-forest sites nearby, these chem-
The density of Heliconia acuminata plants in the ical and textural parameters explain over 30% of the vari-
BDFFP’s continuous-forest reserves was highly variable, ation in the biomass of living trees (Laurance et al.
with some populations at low density (112–235 plants 1999), indicating that even in the universally weathered

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Figure 6. Map of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project and location of demographic plots. White ar-
eas are continuous forest, shaded areas represent pasture and clearings surrounding fragments, and dark lines
represent roads. See Table 1 for plot descriptions. Abbreviations: CF, continuous-forest plot; FF, forest-fragment plot.

and acidic soils characterizing our study sites, the conse- Several nonmutually exclusive mechanisms could be
quences for plant populations of small-scale variation in responsible for the observed pattern. First, large plants
soil chemistry can be significant. in fragments could have been susceptible to increased
mortality following fragment isolation, causing the pro-
portion of the population made up of the largest individ-
uals to decrease. Second, there could be a flush of post-
Demographic Structure of Heliconia acuminata Populations
isolation recruitment in forest fragments, resulting in
Although the isolation of fragments does not appear to overrepresentation of the smallest size classes. This re-
have acted consistently to reduce density in the BDFFP cruitment could be from either rhizomes that have lost
fragments, there appears to have been a shift in the de- all aboveground tissue following fragment isolation or
mographic structure of Heliconia acuminata popula- newly germinating seeds. Finally, individuals could have
tions found there. Log-linear modeling indicated that the survived in forest fragments but shifted from larger size
proportion of individuals in each demographic size class classes to smaller ones following isolation.
was not independent of habitat type, despite the signifi- Elevated mortality of large plants and proportionately
cant variation among plots. Populations in the fragments greater recruitment in fragments are almost certainly not
studied were skewed more toward smaller size classes, the mechanisms responsible for the observed demo-
with proportionately more small individuals and fewer graphic shift. Current mortality rates of plants with three
large ones than in continuous-forest plots. Individuals in or more shoots are extremely low in all locations, and
the two largest size classes (60–75 cm and 75 cm tall) they are almost identical in forest fragments and contin-
made up approximately 20% of the populations in con- uous forest ( Bruna 2001). Furthermore, Heliconia seed
tinuous forest, whereas in 1-ha fragments these individu- germination and seedling survival are three to seven
als comprised only about 8% of populations. Heliconia times lower in 1- and 10-ha fragments than they are in
populations found in the interiors of 10-ha fragments continuous forest ( Bruna 1999, 2002), and the absolute
also appeared to have been affected, although not to the number of seedlings recruited into fragments was con-
extent of those in small fragments. In the larger isolates, siderably lower than in continuous forest (17.25  15.0
the two largest size classes represented 15% of the total SD vs. 38.33  30.21 SD). The per capita rate of recruit-
population ( Fig. 3). ment, which would include both new seedlings and re-

Conservation Biology
Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
1264 Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure Bruna & Kress

cruits growing back from rhizomes, was similar in all Heliconia of a given size are as likely to flower in for-
habitat types in 1999 ( Bruna 2001). est fragments as they are in continuous forest ( Fig. 5 ),
Instead, the observed shift is probably due to past and suggesting that environmental cues used to initiate flow-
ongoing reductions in the number of plants in larger size ering are not altered in forest fragments. In addition,
classes. Plants that survived the slash-and-burn tech- fruit production by plants that did flower was not signif-
niques used to isolate these fragments may have done so icantly different in the different habitat types. Although
by shedding shoots and leaves, a pattern seen in other several studies have shown that fruit production by
long-lived perennials exposed to harsh conditions such plants can decrease in forest fragments as a result of re-
as drought and water stress ( Hsaio 1973; Wright 1996). duced pollen deposition or decreased pollinator visita-
Recent experimental evidence supports this hypothesis. tion rates (Aizen & Feinsinger 1994; Cunningham 2000a,
One year after Heliconia plants were reciprocally trans- 2000b; Parra-Tabla et al. 2000), our results are similar to
planted between 1-ha fragments and continuous forest, those from other studies which found that fruit produc-
plants in continuous forest grew into larger size classes, tion remained constant or actually increased in fragmented
whereas plants in fragments shrank into smaller ones areas (e.g., Aizen & Feinsinger 1994; Dick 2001). This is
( Bruna et al. 2002). If these reductions in size continue because both species of hummingbird that pollinate H.
over multiple seasons, then the size distribution of pop- acuminata at our sites appear to be resistant to the ef-
ulations in fragments could be shifted toward smaller fects of fragmentation. Results from a 12-year study doc-
size classes. The strength of these effects would proba- umenting the abundance of Phaethornis superciliosus
bly be ameliorated by the structure and species compo- and P. bourcieri in the BDFFP reserves suggest that they
sition of the surrounding forest ( Mesquita et al. 1999), move easily through the secondary growth surrounding
which can buffer plants from adverse environmental these fragments (Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995, 1996),
conditions. This may explain why size structures for and the more common of the two species (P. supercilio-
plots in 10-ha fragments, which were more protected sus) actually increases dramatically in abundance in frag-
from edge effects as a result of their location in the frag- ments during the rainy season (Stouffer & Bierregaard
ment’s core, were similar to those in continuous-forest 1996), when H. acuminata is flowering. Although hum-
locations. mingbirds are rarely species-specific ( Feinsinger 1987),
Although no comparable studies have been conducted other flowering plants in the understory of these frag-
in tropical systems, at least one analysis of plant popula- ments are rare during the rainy season (Gentry & Em-
tion structure has been conducted in temperate-forest mons 1987; E.M.B. & J.W.K., personal observation). Hel-
fragments. By taking advantage of the ability to age plant iconia acuminata is therefore the primary source of
rhizomes, Jules (1998) was able to estimate the pre- and nectar for hummingbirds moving through fragments,
post-isolation recruitment and mortality of Trillium ova- and flowering plants in fragments probably receive fre-
tum found in fragments of old-growth forest in the quent visits.
northwestern United States. In contrast to our results, Despite proportionately similar levels of reproduction
Jules found that populations that were close to clearcuts in fragments and continuous forest, however, popula-
and edges had substantially fewer seedlings and juvenile tions in 1-ha fragments could still be vulnerable to repro-
plants, whereas older age classes of Trillium were not as ductive failure in some years because the absolute num-
strongly affected by edge creation. ber of plants reproducing in them was extremely low
(Table 1). Demographic plots 0.5 ha in size located in
1-ha fragments had as few as one or two flowering
plants in them (1998: mean  4.00  2.94 SD; 1999:
H. acuminata Reproduction in Forest Fragments
mean  4.25  1.50 SD), whereas flowering plants in
Heliconia reproduction does not appear to have been analogous continuous-forest plots were 5–10 times more
compromised in the forest fragments we studied, either abundant (1998 mean  52.67  32.39 SD; 1999 mean 
at the population or the individual level. Although there 26.00  26.96 SD).
was a trend toward a greater proportion of the popula- As a result of lower absolute numbers of flowering
tion flowering in continuous forest than in forest frag- plants in fragments and low developing fruit sets (Fig.
ments in both years, this difference was only marginally 6), the total number of seeds produced in fragments is
significant in 1998 and not significant in 1999 (when probably very limited. Populations in fragments may
low-density continuous-forest sites were included in the therefore depend primarily on nearby continuous-forest
analysis). The proportion of the population flowering areas for seed dispersal. Although low-density popula-
was low in all locations, ranging in 1998 from 0.7% in tions in continuous-forest also had low flowering-plant
FF-1 to 13.0% in CF-1. This is consistent with previous abundances, and hence produced few seeds, they were
studies conducted in the region in which the density of not isolated from source populations by matrix habitat
flowering and fruiting plants was found to be extremely through which frugivores may not easily disperse ( Renjifo
low (Gentry & Emmons 1987 ). 1999; Tabarelli et al. 1999). In addition to reductions in

Conservation Biology
Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002
Bruna & Kress Fragmentation and Plant Population Structure 1265

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Conservation Biology
Volume 16, No. 5, October 2002

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