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CS-SE 5330.501 Syllabus Fall 2021

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Course CS/SE 5330.

Course Title Computer Science II
Professor Richard Goodrum
Term Fall 202
Tuesday-Thursday 11:30 A.M. -12:45 P.M.
ESCW 1.315

Professor’s Contact Information

Office Phone 972-830-6333
Other Phone (972) 883-2185 (CS Department Phone Number)
Office Location ECSS 4.604
Email Address
The best way to communicate outside of class is through office hours or UTD email.
Other Information
Use email to set up appointments outside the office hours.

General Course Information

Pre-requisites, Co-
requisites, & other Pre-requisites: CS/SE/TE 1337 or equivalent, and CS/SE/TE 2305 or equivalent.
This course introduces the concepts of computer architecture by going through multiple levels of
abstraction, the representation of data (e.g. numbers) and instructions in memory. It focuses on
Course Description the instruction-set architecture (ISA) of the MIPS machine, including MIPS assembly language,
translation between MIPS and C, and between MIPS and machine code. General topics include
processor performance calculation, processor datapath, pipelining, and memory hierarchy.
After successful completion of this course, the student should:
1. Be able to write a functional, stand-alone medium size assembly language program.
2. Have an ability to represent numbers in and convert between decimal, binary, and
hexadecimal and perform calculations using 2’s complement arithmetic.
3. Understand the basic model of a computer including the datapath, control, memory, and I/O
4. Be able to program efficiently in an assembly level instruction set, including the use of
addressing modes and data types.
Learning Outcomes 5. Understand the role of compilers, assemblers, and linkers and how programs are translated
into machine language and executed.
6. Be able to demonstrate comprehension of a pipelined architectures including datapaths and
7. Be able to demonstrate comprehension of computer performance measures and their
8. Understand the memory hierarchy including caches and virtual memory.
9. Learn various hardware techniques for exploiting instruction level parallelism (ILP).
10. Understand the taxonomy of parallel architectures.
“Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware/Software
Required Texts &
Interface – 5th Edition”, Patterson and Hennessey, Morgan-Kaufmann, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-
0124077263. Note: insure that you get the correct edition and processor (MIPS).

Assignments & Academic Calendar
Reading Homewor Progra
Week Dates Exam
Assignment k m
1 24-26 Aug Chapter 1
2 31 Aug - 2 Sep Chapter 2
3 7-9 Sep Appendix A
4 14-16 Sep Chapter 2 1
5 21-23 Sep Chapter 2 1
6 28-30 Sep 1
7 5-7 Oct Chapter 3
Chapter 3
8 12-14 Oct
Appendix B
Appendix B
9 19-21 Oct 2
Chapter 4
10 26-28 Oct Chapter 4 2
Chapter 4
11 2-4 Nov 2
12 9-11 Nov Chapter 5
13 16-18 Nov Chapter 5 3
Chapter 5
14 23 Nov
Chapter 6
15 30 Nov – 2 Dec Chapter 6 3
16 7 Dec 3
17 14 Dec Project

First day of class: 24 Aug 2021

Exam 1: 29 Sep-1 Oct 2021
Important Dates
Exam 2: 3-5 Nov 2021
and Times
Exam 3: 8-10 Dec 2021
Project: 14 Dec 2021

1. Read the textbook cover to cover at least three times.
2. Work all of the questions/problems in the book.
3. Make a concerted effort to complete and turn in all assignments early.
4. Homework assignments are meant to lead the student through the reading
5. Exams are intended to assess comprehension and retention of reading
6. Programming assignments are to demonstrate understand of presented materials
along with capacity to write reports (not documentation).
7. Attend every class.
8. Ask and answer questions in class.
9. Seek additional help when the information is still unclear.

Course Policies
Grading Criteria Exams: 30%, Programs: 30%, Project: 20%, Homework: 10%,
Participation: 10%
Minus Natural Plus
A 90 93 97
There will be no curve, rounding,
Grading Scale B 80 83 87
or other adjustments applied to
C 70 73 77
D 60 63 67
F Below 60
Exams Exams will allow a single attempt during a multi-day window.
You must have written permission from a medical doctor, in English, to
Make-up Exams take an exam or assignment at an alternate time and you must have that
and Assignment permission at least 1 hour in advance of the regularly scheduled deadline
Extensions time. Make-ups will be offered only if the student has a valid medical
reason and produces a doctor’s letter (in English) for the specific date.
Blanket letters will not be accepted.
Programming Programming assignment have a maximum grade of 50% unless they:
Assignments a. Produce correct results.
b. Which are reproducible by the grader from submitted materials.
Assignments will be due on Friday by 5:00 PM on their due date.
Submissions Assignments will only be accepted via eLearning. Submissions via any
other form will be ignored.
Only the last submission made at the time an assignment is being graded
Grading will be graded. All submission after the assignment’s answer guide is
posted will receive a score of 0.
Early submission of Homework or Programs will result in a one bonus
Early Submissions point per twenty-four hours early with a maximum of four points per
assignment. In general, one point equals one percent as most
assignments are worth one hundred points.
Late Work Assignments submitted after 5:00 PM on their due date will lose one
point per hour.
Grade Disputes Grades disputes must be submitted within two weeks of their release.
Class Attendance A daily attendance is be encouraged as it will lead to better participation.
The instructor encourages students to take active part in class
discussions. No question is too simple/stupid to be asked. So, do not
Students will:
a. Be on time to lectures.
b. Be attentive to lectures.
Instructor c. Be respectful of other’s need to avoid distractions.
Expectations d. Perform their own work unless directed to participate in a group
e. Avoid the use of any premade works of answers (the use of
which constitutes cheating).
f. All student work will be typewritten.

The descriptions and timelines contained in this syllabus are subject to change at the
discretion of the Professor.

Other University Supplied Materials
This creed was voted on by the UT Dallas student body in 2014. It is a standard
Comet Creed that Comets choose to live by and encourage others to do the same:
“As a Comet, I pledge honesty, integrity, and service in all that I do.”
The information contained in the following link lists the University’s academic
Academic support resources for all students.
Support Please go to

The information contained in the following link constitutes the University’s

UT Dallas policies and procedures segment of the course syllabus.
Syllabus Policies Please go to for these policies.
and Procedures

COVID-19 Guidelines and Resources

The information contained in the link lists the University’s COVID-19 resources for
students and instructors of record.
Please see

Classroom Conduct Requirements Related to COVID-19

UT Dallas requires that all students must wear a face covering that covers the nose and
mouth in all university buildings and classrooms. To help protect the health and safety of
students, instructors, and the University community, students who choose not to wear a
face covering may not attend class in person but may attend a course remotely. Anyone
attending class in person without a face covering will be asked to put one on or leave.
Instructors may end the class if anyone present refuses to appropriately wear a face
covering for the duration of class. Students should also be sure they are at least six feet
away from their fellow students and faculty, and seated in a seat that is designated to
ensure that distance. Students who either refuse to wear face coverings appropriately or to
adhere to other social distancing protocols may face disciplinary action for Student Code
of Conduct violations. Students who are unable to comply with the university policies
including wearing a face covering should consult the Comets United webpage for further

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 or may have been exposed should not
attend class in person and should instead follow required disclosure notifications as
posted on the university’s website (see “What should I do if I become sick?” webpage)

Class Attendance

The University’s attendance policy requirement is that individual faculty set their course
attendance requirements. Regular and punctual class attendance is expected regardless of
modality. Students who fail to attend class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. In
some courses, instructors may have special attendance requirements; these should be
made known to students during the first week of classes. These attendance requirements
will not be used as part of grading (see Class Participation below for grading

In-person participation records may be used to assist the University or local public health
authorities in performing COVID-19 occurrence monitoring. Please note – in-person
attendance requires consistently adhering to University requirements, including wearing a
face covering and other public safety requirements related to COVID-19, as presented in
this syllabus. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the
Student Code of Conduct.

Class Participation

Regular class participation is expected regardless of course modality. Students who fail to
participate in class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. A portion of the grade for
this course is directly tied to your participation in this class. It also includes engaging in
group or other activities during class that solicit your feedback on homework
assignments, readings, or materials covered in the lectures (and/or labs). Class
participation is documented by faculty. Successful participation is defined as consistently
adhering to University requirements, as presented in this syllabus. Failure to comply with
these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Class Recordings

Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain the security
of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Unless the Office of Student
AccessAbility has approved the student to record the instruction, students are expressly
prohibited from recording any part of this course. Recordings may not be published,
reproduced, or shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online
environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility
accommodation. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of
the Student Code of Conduct.

The instructor may record meetings of this course. Any recordings will be available to all
students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the classroom
experience. Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain
the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Unless the Office of Student
AccessAbility has approved the student to record the instruction, students are expressly

prohibited from recording any part of this course. Recordings may not be published,
reproduced, or shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online
environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility
accommodation. If the instructor or a UTD school/department/office plans any other uses
for the recordings, consent of the students identifiable in the recordings is required prior
to such use unless an exception is allowed by law. Failure to comply with these
University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Class Materials
The instructor may provide class materials that will be made available to all students
registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the classroom experience.
These materials may be downloaded during the course; however, these materials are for
registered students' use only. Classroom materials may not be reproduced or shared with
those not in class, or uploaded to other online environments except to implement an
approved Office of Student AccessAbility accommodation. Failure to comply with these
University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

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