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Practice Test 22

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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others’.
1. A. formula B. computer c.consensus D. occasion
2. A. reformed B. sacrificed /t/ c. dissolved D. ploughed
3. A. canal B. casino c. canary
4. A. recruit B. suitable c. fruitful D. guiltless
5. A. resale B. reconcile c. refund D. reproduce
6. A. outbreak B. transfer (n) c. purchase D. conceal
7. A. empathy B. receptive c. optical D. formulate
8. A. ordinary B. reim’burse c. predator D. atmosphere

9. A. manu’facture B. ‘adversary c. ‘automobile D. ‘predecessor

10. A. diffe’rentiate B. ac’companiment c. alte’ration D. compre’hension


Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. We_______up the hill for half an hour when we realized we _______ in the direction of the
A. were walking - haven't been going B. had been walking - weren't going
c. have been walking - didn't go D. had walked - wouldn't be going
12. Neither my travel's cheques nor the money I had with me__________sufficient to pay the bill.
A. have been B. are c. were D. was
13. sometimes find it hard to________a balance between work and my home life.
A. remain B. make c. check D. maintain
14. couldn't_______laughing when he fell in the pool with all his clothes on; it was so funny.
A. give up B. help c. stand D. afford
15. John won four medals at the competitions. His parents______________very proud of him.
A. can't be B. can't have c. must have been D. couldn't have been
16. A strange rattling noise forced the driver to_____________onto the hard shoulder.
A. stop over B. pull over c. get away D. throw away
17. On Sundays, many people take their cars to service stations________________.
A. to get the oil refilled B. to get the oil refill
c. to refill the oil D. to make the oil refilled
18. The search_______had no luck in finding the missing child.
A. crew B. group c. staff D. party
19. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_____________in broad daylight (giữa thanh thiên
bạch nhật) yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. robbed
c. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
20. This school has_______since its first year in operation, when it only had twenty students.
A. had its way B. come a long way (tiến, đi xa) c. made its way D. been under way
21. There is still a________of hope that the rescuers will find survivors.
A. ray B. spray c. light D. spot
22. You will see it is not a very difficult job. All_____________is to keep the guests interested.
A. what matters really B. that really matters
c. what really matters D. which will really matter
23. Before the product is put on the market, the company must________________whether it complies
with safety standards. Conform to = comply with = abide by
A. calculate B. predict c. anticipate D. ascertain
24. I'd like to take this_________of wishing you all the best of luck with your exams.
A. likelihood B. possibility c. probability D. opportunity
There is every likelihood/probability/possibility that S will V
25. Susan: "Would you like another coffee?"
A. I'd love one. B. Willingly.
c. Very kind of your part. D. It's a pleasure.

Underline ten extra words in the following passage. Write the words in the space given. The
Business of‘Bling’
A New Orleans rapper is named 'BG' coined the term 'bling bling' to 0._______________________is_____
describe his taste in flashy jewellery. Since then, it has had certainly not gone 26.had____________________
unnoticed as a fashion statement. In fact, it's the byword for a glamorous, but 27.but____________________
extravagant lifestyle. Bling means big money, so it’s hardly ever surprising 28.ever______________________
people are keen on it. When footballer David Beckham wanted a gift for his wife, he commissioned
from New York designer 'Jacob the jeweller’ to send a priceless 29.from___________________________________
pink diamond ring to Spain to surprise at her with the unexpected present. 30.at_________________________
Other New York jewellers have client lists that are increasingly be made up 31.be________________
of hip-hop and R&B stars. The hip-hop industry is valued at an incredible sum total 32.total____________
of money per annually. As with the world of fashion, hip-hop stars are now 33.per_______________________
joining in and feverishly creating jewellery lines of their own ability. And they 34.ability________________
face fierce competition from those who in the rap world. It seems jewellery 35.who_____________________
has become much more than just a basic accessory.

(adapted from Cambridge English Advanced Result Student's Book)

Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.
36. People who are illiterate________may need some help filling in forms. (LITERACY]
37. Many children may create imaginary________friends to talk to. (IMAGINE]
38. I’m slightly dubious Nghi ngờ about whether Sean's idea is going to work. (DUBIETY]
39. We often think of ourselves as living in a time of continuous/continual___technological change
and development. (CONTINUE]

40. We need to rely more on wave power, wind power and other renewable____________sources of
energy. [RENEW]
41. Mary showed a lot of maturity___________in the way she handled the problem with her
friends. (MATURE]
42. Some of the working practices at the factory are, frankly antiquated and totally inapplicable
to the modern world. (APPLY]
43. Your supervisor will be checking up on you periodically_________. (PERIOD]
44.1 found her last book of poetry very moving_____________. (MOVE]
45. Mum's fine after her operation, although she’s still a little unsteady__________________on her feet.

Find one word that can fill in the blank of the three given sentences.
a. He falls in a__________________sleep and wakes up with a head full of revelations.
b. She had reached a___________________understanding of the local culture.
c. He is often so_________________in his books that he forgets to eat.
46. eye_________
a. We've asked the neighbors to keep a/an eye để mắ t____________________ on the house for US
while we're away.
b. The authorities were either unaware of the problem or they turned a blind eye to lơ đi it.
c. He bought the warehouse with a/an eye_________________to = with a view to converting it into a
47. beyond_______
a. Ultrasonic waves are beyond__________the range of sounds a human can hear.
b. The situation is beyond__________our control.
c. Our success was far beyond___________what we thought possible.
48. top____________
a. He gets commission on top________________of his salary.
b. She was dressed in green from top________________to toe.
c. I can't remember the name off the top____________________of my head, but I can look it up
for you.
49. common___
a. Britain, in common_________with many other industrialized countries, has experienced
major changes over the last 100 years.
b. The two cultures have a lot in common___________.
c. Their relationship is common_________knowledge.
50. respect_______
a. The two groups were similar with respect____________to income and status.
b. The government has promised to respect_____________human rights.
c. She soon earned the respect___________of her colleagues.
Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Many of the major supermarket chains have come under fire with (51)________________________of
various unethical acts over the past decade. They've wasted tonnes of food, they've underpaid their
suppliers and they've contributed to (52) _______________________________________plastic waste in their
packaging, which has had its impact on our environment.
But supermarkets and grocers are starting to sit up and take notice. In response to growing
consumer backlash phả n ứ ng dữ dộ i against the huge amounts of plastic waste generated by plastic
packaging, some of the largest UK supermarkets have (53)____________________________a pact promising
to transform packaging and cut plastic wastage. In a pledge to reuse, recycle or compost all plastic
wastage by 2025, supermarkets are now beginning to take some responsibility for the part they play in
contributing to the (54) damage_______________________________________to our environment, with one
major supermarket announcing their plan to eliminate all plastic packaging in their ownbrand
products by 2023.
In response to criticisms over food waste, some supermarkets are donating some of their food
surplus. (55)____________________________, charities estimate that they are only accessing two per
cent of supermarkets' total food surplus, so this (56) ______________________ seems to be solving the
problem. Some say that supermarkets are simply not doing enough. Most supermarkets operate under
a veil of secrecy when asked for exact figures of food wastage, and without more transparency (sự
trong sáng, minh bạ ch) it is hard to come up with a systematic approach (cá ch tiếp cậ n có hệ thố ng) to
avoiding waste and to (57) redistributing (tá i phâ n bổ ) surplus food.
Some smaller companies are now taking matters into their own hands and offering consumers a
greener, more environmentally friendly option. Shops like Berlin's Original Unverpakt and London's
Bulk Market are plastic-free shops that have opened in recent years, (58) customers to use their
own containers or compostable bags. Online
grocer Farmdrop eliminates the need for large warehouses and the risk of huge food surplus by
delivering fresh (59)__________________________from local farmers to its customers on a daily (60)
_______via electric cars, offering farmers the lion's share of the retail price.
ON A DAILY BASIS: hằ ng ngà y
[adaptedfrom learnenglish.britishcounciLorg]

51. A. executions B. accusations c. protestations D. oppositions

52. A. endless B. uncountable c. excessive D. countless

53. A. come up with B. fall short of c. signed up to D. go down with

54. A. destruction B. hurt c. injury D. damage
55. A. However B. Consequently c. Thus D. Otherwise
56. A. hardly B. never c. obviously D. clearly
57. A. refilling B. redistributing c. rearranging D. reducing
58. A. demanding B. aiming c. forcing D.encouraging
59. A. product B. items c. vegetation D.produce
60. A. basis B. method c. approach D. system
Read the following passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
Humans start developing a sense of humour as early as six weeks old, when babies begin to
laugh and smile in (61) response_______________________to stimuli. Laughter is universal across all
human cultures and even exists in some forms in rats, chimps, and bonobos. Like other human
emotions and expressions, laughter and humour provide psychological scientists (62)with
________________________resources for studying human psychology, ranging (63) from________________________
the development of language to the neuroscience of social perception.(nhậ n thứ c xã hộ i)
Theories focusing on the evolution of laughter point to it as (chỉ ra…chính là ) an important
adaptation for social communication. (64) Take________________________, for example, the recorded
laughter in TV comedy shows. Back in 1950, US sound engineer Charley Douglass hated dealing with
the unpredictable laughter of live audiences, so started recording his own 'laugh tracks'. These were
intended to help people at home feel (65) like__________________________________________________________they
were in a social situation, such as a crowded theatre. Douglass even recorded various types of laughter,
as well as mixtures of laughter from men, women, and children. In doing so, he picked (66) up
____________________________________________________on a quality of laughter that is now interesting
researchers: a simple 'haha' communicates a remarkable amount of socially relevant information.
In one study (67)conducted_________in 2016, samples of laughter from pairs of English-
speaking students were recorded at the University of California, Santa Cruz. A team (68) made
__________________up of more than 30 psychological scientists, anthropologists (nhà nhâ n chủ ng họ c), and
biologists then played these recordings to listeners from 24 diverse societies, from indigenous tribes
in New Guinea to city-dwellers in India and Europe. Participants were asked (69) if/whether they
thought the people laughing were friends or strangers. (70) ON average, the results were
remarkably consistent: worldwide, people's guesses were correct approximately 60% of the time.
(adapted from IELTS15 Academic Student's Book with Answers')

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
The ancient Greeks and the Chinese believed that we first clothed our bodies for some physical
reasons, such as protecting ourselves from the elements. Ethnologists and psychologists have invoked
psychological reasons: modesty, taboo, magical influence, or the desire to please. Anthropological
research indicates that the function of the earliest clothing was to carry objects. Our hunting -
gathering ancestors had to travel great distances to obtain food. For the male hunters, carrying was
much easier if they were wearing simple belts or animal skins from which they could hang weapons
and tools. For the female gatherers, more elaborate carrying devices were necessary. Women had to
transport collected food back to the settlement and also had to carry babies, so they required bags or
Another function of early clothing - providing comfort and protection - probably developed at
the same time as utility. As human beings multiplied and spread out from the warm lands in which
they evolved, they covered their bodies more and more to maintain warmth and to carry objects in our
clothes. And like our hunting - gathering ancestors, most men still carry things on their person, as if
they still needed to keep their arms free for hunting, while women tend to have a separate bag for
carrying, as if they were still food - gatherers. But these two functions of clothing are only two of
many uses to which we put the garments that we wear today.
There is a clear distinction between attire that constitutes 'clothing' and attire that is more aptly
termed 'costume'. We might say that clothing has to do with covering the body, and costume concerns
the choice of a particular form of garment for a particular purpose. Clothing depends primarily on such
physical conditions as climate, health, and textile, while costume reflects social factors such as
personal status, religious beliefs, aesthetics, and the wish to be distinguished from or to emulate
Even in early human history, costume fulfilled a function beyond that of simple utility. [80A]
Costume helped to impose authority or inspire fear. A chieftain’s costume embodied attributes
expressing his power, while a warrior’s costume enhanced his physical superiority and suggested he
was superhuman. Costume often had a magical significance such as investing humans with the
attributes of other creatures through the addition of ornaments to identify the wearer with animals,
gods, or heroes. [80B] In more recent times, professional or administrative costume is designed to
distinguish the wearer and to express personal or delegated authority. [80C] Costume communicates
the status of the wearer, and with very few exceptions, the aim is to display as high a status as possible.
Costume denotes power, and since power is often equated with health, costume has come to be an
expression of social class and material prosperity. [80D]
A uniform is a type of costume that serves the important function of displaying membership in a
group: school, sports team, occupation, or armed force. Military uniform denotes rank and is intended
not only to express group membership but also to protect the body and to intimidate. A soldier’s
uniform says, Ì am part of a powerful machine, and when you deal with me, you deal with my whole
organization.’ Uniforms are immediate beacons of power and authority. If a person needs to display
power - a police officer, for example - then the body can be virtually transformed. Height can be
exaggerated with protective headgear, thick clothing can make the body look broader and stronger,
and boots can enhance the power of the legs. Uniforms also convey low social status; at the bottom of
the scale, the uniform of the prisoner denotes membership in the society of convicted criminals.
Religious costume signifies spiritual or superhuman authority and possesses a significance that
identifies the wearer with a belief or god. A successful clergy has always displayed impressive
vestments of one kind or another that clearly demonstrate the religious leader’s dominant status.
{Delta's Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test Advanced Skill Practice for the ÌBT)
71. According to the passage, psychological reasons for wearing clothing include___________________.
A. protection from cold weather B. the availability of materials
c. prevention of illness D. the wish to give pleasure
72. According to the passage, what aspect of humanity's hunting - gathering past is reflected in the
clothing of today?
A. People cover their bodies because of modesty.
B. Most men still carry objects on their person.
c. Women like clothes that are beautiful and practical.
D. Men wear pants, but women wear skirts or pants.
73. The phrase "these two functions" in paragraph 2 refers to_________________.
A. hunting and gathering food B. transporting food and carrying babies
c. maintaining warmth and carrying objects D. displaying power and social status
74. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in
paragraph 3? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. Clothing serves a physical purpose, while costume has a personal, social, or psychological
B. We like clothing to fit our body well, but different costumes fit differently depending on the
c. Both clothing and costume are types of attire, but it is often difficult to distinguish between
D. People spend more time in choosing special costumes than they do in selecting everyday
75. The word "ornaments" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________________.
A. layers B. words c. feathers D. decorations
76. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the author most likely believes which of the following
about costume?
A. We can learn about a society's social structure by studying costume.
B. Costume used to serve a simple function, but now it is very complex.
c. The main purpose of costume is to force people to obey their readers.
D. Costume is rarely a reliable indicator of a person’s material wealth.
77. The word "beacons" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_______________.
A. signals B. lights c. inventions D. reversals
78. Why does the author discuss the police officer's uniform in paragraph 5?__________________.
A. To describe the aesthetic aspects of costume
B. To identify the wearer with a hero
c. To suggest that police are superhuman
D. To show how costume conveys authority
79. All of the following are likely to be indicated by a person's costume EXCEPT__________________.
A. playing on a football team B. being a prisoner
c. having a heart condition D. leading a religious ceremony
80. Look at the four options [80A], [80B], [80C] and [80D], which indicate where the following
sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Such power is seen
clearly in the judge’s robes and the police officer's uniform.
A. [80 A] B. [80B] c. [80C] D. [80D]
Read the following passage and choose the correct paragraphs from A to G the one which fits
each gap.
This week, the Summer Boat Show in London is a resplendent with fine yachts, bristling with
new technology. Nearly all are descendants of the hull-shape revolution that took place 25 years ago.
By contrast, my own lies quietly on a tidal creek off the south coast. She was designed last year but,
seeing her, you might imagine her to be 100 years old and think that her owner must be some kind of
lost-soul romantic.
(81) ______.
It has to be said, however, that despite being an indispensable tool in current design methods
and boat-building practice, sophisticated technology and technology frequently insulates crews from
the harsh realities of maritime life. These are often the very realities they hoped to rediscover by going
to sea in the first place.
(82) ______.
The occasional battle with flapping canvas is surely part of a seaman’s life. And for what
purpose should we abandon common sense and move our steering positions from the security of the
aft end to some vulnerable perch half-way to the bow? The sad answer is that this creates a cabin like
that of an ocean liner, with space for a bed larger than the one at home.
(83) _______.
Her sails were heavy, and she had no pumped water, no electricity to speak of, no fridge, no
central heating, no winches, and absolutely no electronics, especially in the navigation department, yet
she was the kindest, easiest boat that I have ever sailed at sea.
(84) _.
The Westerman has never disappointed me. Although Nigel Irens, the designer, and Ed Burnett,
his right-hand man, are adept with computer-assisted design programs, Irens initially drew this boat
on a paper napkin, and only later transferred his ideas to the computer. After this had generated a set
of lines, he carved a model, just as boatyards did in the days of sail. Together we considered the
primary embryonic vessel, then led the design back into the electronic box for modification.
(85) _______.
Her appearance is ageless, her motion at sea is a pleasure and her accommodation, much of it in
reclaimed pitch pine, emanates an atmosphere of deep peace. Maybe this is because she was drawn
purely as a sailing because she was drawn purely as a sailing craft, without reference to any furniture
we might put into her. That is the well-tried method of the sea.
In her timeless serenity, she is the living proof that it works; that there is no need to follow
current fashions to find satisfaction, and that sometimes it pays to listen to the lessons of history.
Constructed in timber treated with a penetrating glue, she is totally impervious to water. Thus she has
all the benefits of a glass fibre boat yet looks like, feels like and sails like the real thing.
{Certificate in Advanced English 6)
Missing paragraphs:
A. It’s not that I'm suggesting that sailors should go back to enduring every hardship. It's
always been important to me that my boats have a coal stove for warmth and dryness and cosy berths
for sleeping. But why go cruising at all if every sail sets and furls itself?
B. Back on land, however, it is a sad fact that the very antiquity of classic boats means that
they need a lot of looking after. When I had a bad injury to my back, I realized that my 15-year love
affair with her had to end. Searching for a younger replacement produced no credible contenders, so I
decided to build a new boat from scratch.
c. The next version was nearly right and by the time the final one appeared, the form was
perfect. The completed boat has now crossed the North Atlantic and has won four out of her first six
racing starts.
D. At the same time, having lived abroad an ancient wooden beauty in the early seventies, it's
easier to understand more of this are of the mechanics. My designer, for example, knows more about
the ways of a boat on the sea than anyone I can think of.
E. Perhaps I am, though I doubt it. This boat has benefited from all the magic of old- fashioned
boat design, but it would have been a much harder job without the advances of modern know-how.
F. For me a boat should always be a boat and not a cottage on the water. When I bought an
earlier boat, Hirta, in which I circumnavigated Britain for a TV race series, the previous owner
observed that she had every comfort, but no luxury. During my long relationship with her, Hirta taught
me how wise he was.

PART D. WRITING (15 POINTS) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence.
86. He tried to study hard; however, he didn't get high marks.
No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t get high marks________________________.
87. "You're wearing a beautiful dress today!", Susan said to Mary.
Susan paid Mary a compliment on her beautiful dress that day_______________.
88. You may try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won't succeed.
There's no point in your trying to get Tim to lend you his car_________________.
89. The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer.
Only after a new pay offer did the workers call off the strike__________________.
90. It is such a marvelous opportunity that we mustn't miss it.
It is too marvelous an opportunity for us to miss______________________________.

Rewrite the second sentence using the given word(s) so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between THREE and EIGHT words including the given words.
91. You've got to persuade the editor not to publish that story. (OUT)
You've got to talk the editor out of publishing_________________________that story.
92. The adverts look exactly the same as the articles in this magazine. (DIFFERENCE)
It's impossible to tell the difference between the articles and the adverts in this magazine.
93. There's no need for me to tell you that you'll be paid handsomely for this. (SAYING)
It goes without saying_____________________that you'll be paid handsomely for this.
94. He tried hard but couldn't compensate for what he had done. (AMENDS)
Try as he might, he couldn't make amends for_______________what he had done.
95. It's highly likely that Stephen was listening. (WELL)
Stephen may well have been____________________________________________ listening.

Rewrite the second sentence using the given word(s) so that it has a similar meaning to the first
96. A friend of ours fixed our car for US. (HAD)
We had our car fixed (by a friend of ours). / We had a friend of ours fix our car
97. They have been building the new stadium for much longer than they originally estimated.
The new stadium has been under construction for much longer than they originally estimated___
98. They made me wait for over 20 minutes on the phone! (KEPT)
I was kept waiting for over 20 minutes on the phone_
99. The headmaster was determined to stop all bullying at the school. (END)
The headmaster put/ brought an end to all bullying at the school_____________________________________
100. No one except Jake has ever beaten me at a game of chess. (ONLY)
Jake is the only person/ one ever to have beaten me at a game of chess______________________________

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