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Aquaponics System

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A Research Paper Submitted to

Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

In Fulfillment of the Requirements for Research/Capstone Project



Research Adviser

June 2022
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of the City of Mati
Davao Oriental Regional Science High School


This Research/Capstone Project entitled “SUSTAINABILITY AND

ADRIYEL JOHN PAGCAMAAN, is submitted to the School Research Review
Committee for acceptance and for Final Oral Defense.

Research Adviser


Accepted and approved by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____.




Member Member


Member Member

Accepted and approved by the School Research Review Committee.

Secondary School Principal II

The researchers developed a version of an automated aquaponics called Mini

Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) which can benefit the agricultural and fisheries
sector for future food production. This system was made of a drum with a grow bed on top
for the plant (lettuce) and a fish tank with an aerator at the bottom for the fish (tilapia). In
addition, this system was equipped with sensors and SMS that monitor water quality
parameters (Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and water temperature) and send SMS
notifications to the researcher in charge of monitoring the system. The automated system
underwent 4 stages of development in this study-the testing stage, design and construction
stage, application stage, and assessment stage. The system was monitored for 14 days and
after monitoring, it was revealed that MAAS had an average pH value of 7.49, while the
established instrument had an average pH value of 8.03. The MAAS also showed an
average TDS of 559.81 ppm, whereas the established instrument displayed an average TDS
of 571.71 ppm, and showed an average of 28.06 °C for water temperature. Compared to
MAAS, the established instrument showed an average water temperature of 27.61 °C. The
SMS notifications had unsuccessful transmissions due to internet and power outage issues,
taking an overall average succession rate of 78.57% in transmitting SMS notifications. The
system was further evaluated through ISO 9126 standard and was rated with an average of
4.3 in functionality, 3.8 in reliability, 4.4 in usability, 4.4 in efficiency, 3.9 in
maintainability, and 4 in portability. Hence, the results of the study showed that MAAS
performed well in monitoring the water quality parameters and researchers achieved their
research objectives.

Keywords: Aquaponics, MAAS, ISO 9126, SMS Notification



Title Page……………………………………………… ………………..…..….. i

Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………….....ii


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………….…iv

List of Tables……………………………………………………………....…….v

List of Figures……………………………………………………………...…



Background of the Study……………………………………………..…….1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………..........5


Conceptual Framework…………………………………….….…..…….....6

Significance of the Study…………………………………………..…....... 9

Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………...…………….......…10

Definition of Terms…………………………………………….……..…..11


Aquaponics System……………...……………..………………….........14

Lettuce Production……………………………………..……..……...….15

Tilapia…………………….…………………….………...…...…...…... 17

Water Quality Parameters……………………………………….…........18

Application of Automation- Arduino………………….....................…...22

Water Body Classification………………………………….……..….…24



Research Design…………………………………….………..….…..... 28

Locale and Duration……………………………………...…….…....… 28

Materials…………….……………………………………………......... 29

Research Procedure…….………………………………..………....…....43

Research Instrument…...…………………..……………………..….…..48

Data Gathering……………………….……………………………..…...50

Data Analysis …………………………...……………………….…......50


pH Level Recorded Values…………………………………….…….... 51

Total Dissolved Solids Recorded Values……………………….…...… 53

Water Temperature Recorded Values…………………………..…........ 54

Testing MAAS Prototype: ISO 9126 Evaluation …………...….........…58


Summary............……………………………………..……..……..…... 61

Conclusion………...………………………………………...……..…... 62

Recommendation…………………………………………………......... 63



A - Instrument

B – MAAS Prototype
C - Picture Story of MAAS Prototype Development

D - ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation

E- ISO Frequency Table

F- SMS Notification

G - Research Expenses

H - Software Development



1 Water Body Classification 25

2 Water Quality Classification 26

3 Ideal Water Quality Parameters 49

4 Recorded Values of pH level 51

5 Recorded Values of TDS 53

6 Recorded Values of Water Temperature 54

7 Independent t-test between MAAS and Established 56

Instrument (control)

8 Performance of the Mini Automated Aquaponics System 57

(MAAS) prototype on SMS Notification


1 Systematic Engineering Design Process 7

2 Conceptual Framework of the Study 8

3 Effects of pH on Warm Water Pond Fish 20

Map of Upper Kapayas, Barangay
4 29
Matiao, City of Mati, Davao oriental
5 Submersible Water Pump 24 Watts 31

6 Arduino Uno R3 Developmental Board 32

7 Arduino Breadboard 33

8 Jumper/Dupont Wires Cable- Arduino 34

9 9V 1A Power Adapter 35

10 Plastic Water Solenoid Valve 36

11 Analog TDS Sensor 37

12 Analog pH Sensor/ Meter Kit for Arduino 38

13 LCD Display 39

14 L293D Motor Driver `40

15 GSM Module 41
616 Water Temperature Sensor 42

17 Iteration Development Process MA

18 Flowchart of the Automated Aquaponics with
19 Aquaponics System Model Notif
20 ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation Graph 58

First and foremost, praises and gratitude to God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout the entire research work.

The researchers would like to express their sincere appreciation, especially to the

research adviser, Ms. Kristal G. Entrino, as well as our respected panels, Mrs. Gene Pearl

Luna, Mrs. Lorie Mae Babiera, Sir Lloyd Andres, Sir Melbert Flores, Mrs. Haidee M.

Siason, and Sir Jaime Yu Jr., for allowing us to carry out this study and for providing us

guidance and recommendations. The researchers have been filled with determination by

their enthusiasm, passion, insight, sincerity, and motivation. They have willingly

enlightened the researchers on how to conduct the study and how to interpret their findings

as brief as possible. Working and investigating under their supervision was a wonderful

honor and privilege. The purpose of this research would not be possible to fulfill without

their assistance and direction.

The researchers would also like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Neilwin

Guitguitin for aiding in setting up the sensors and for being their consultant and


The researchers would also like to acknowledge the support, assistance, patience,

prayers, and sacrifices of all the researchers' family and friends.

And lastly, the completion of this research could not have been possible without

the help of Sir Rodrigo A. Salimaco, Jr. for conducting the statistical analysis of the

research’s results. His assistance, help, and support are most appreciated.
Chapter I


Background of the Study

As the world population continues to increase, there is a global concern about how

people in the future will produce more food economically (Hambrey Consulting, 2013).

There are many people across the world that needs sufficient food to feed themselves or

their families. World hunger is set to be humanity's most pressing concern as it moves

forward (WHO, 2021)

According to the most recent Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO, 2020) data, around 13% of the population living in developing countries is

suffering from undernourishment (Roser & Ritchie, 2019), while Porkka et al. (2013)

indicated that feeding the world’s population is a challenge that is likely to become even

more serious in the future. The global population exceeded 7.6 billion people in 2018

(FAO, 2020) and is predicted to reach 9.2 billion by 2050 (Silva, 2020), with a projected

increased food demand of 59%–102% (Elferink & Schierhorn, 2020; Fukase, & Martin,


Locally, in Davao Oriental, based on the Expanded National Nutrition Survey

(DOST, 2019), 3 out of 4 (74.9%) households in Davao Oriental experienced food acute

insecurity which was evident in households with poor health status. While on the other

hand, 3 out of 5 (58.0%) experienced chronic food insecurity. In view of these problems,

it seems necessary to increase agricultural production by about 60%–70% to provide food

for the global population in 2050 (Silva, 2020). According to Foley et. al. (2011) and

Tilman et al. (2011), food production needs to as much as double by 2050 to meet the
increasing demand.

As the sector develops and modernizes, there is an expanding interest for work in

the industry and services sectors. Better food provision ensured by increasing the

productivity of agriculture and expanding the range of agricultural land use seems to be a

possible method to eradicate hunger (Smyth, 2015). The sector's development is thus

critical to achieving inclusive growth, poverty reduction, and economic efficiency (Ahmed, 2017). However, agriculture has a significant environmental effect on natural

resources: conversion of natural land to agriculture, nutrient leaching, and chemical usage

are all severe challenges.

Closing the cycle between crops and animals is therefore viewed as the best means

to improve. Water and nutrient efficiency will be improved, as well as waste reduction.

Aquaponics can be defined as the integration of two relatively well-established

production technologies: recirculating aquaculture systems in which fish tank effluent is

treated and cleaned before being returned to the fish tank; and hydroponic (or soil-less)

nutrient-based horticulture systems (Autos et al., 2020)

Internationally, countries such as Myanmar, Peru, Germany, and even rooftops in

Gaza have engaged in practicing and developing aquaponics since this time (PBS

NewsHour, 2015). USA, China, and Europe are the most creative regions with

significantly different research directions, along with research done by scientists,

individuals in Europe, the United States, and many other countries worldwide are

undertaking aquaponics as a hobby (König et al., 2018). The aquaponics research spread

from USA to Europe, research issues are expanding from internal components to external

characteristics, and aquaponics identity shifted from production to multi-roles (Hao et al,

2020). Significantly, the important thing in such a system is the requirement of proper

water quality monitoring; otherwise, the whole system could fail. The paper of Sallenave

(2016), discusses the importance of water quality in an aquaponics system. Maintaining a

balance between water quality conditions that are optimal for fish, nitrifying bacteria, and

plants is crucial to a healthy and productive aquaponics system. By monitoring key water

quality parameters such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrate on a

regular basis, adjustments can be made in a timely manner to avoid problems and losses in


In the Philippines, producing food has become more challenging and in line with

this dilemma, urban aquaponics could form part of the “new normal” approach to food

production (Howell M., 2021). Commonly known crops that are cultivated in aquaponics

are lettuce (Love et al., 2014). Furthermore, from an article by Megan Howell (2021)

stated that Dr. Rayos, a senior aquaculturist of the Philippines, claims that raising resilient

fish like carp, tilapia and catfish with vegetables would provide households with a year-

round food source and additional income stream, making families more food secure.

Regionally, in Davao City, a study conducted by Hernan, et al., of University of

Mindanao-Matina from the College of Engineering Education (CEE) during the UMErge

Startup Challenge 2019 utilized an urban gardening system using the aquaponics method

that is targeted towards private farms and nature park owners; and utilized an online

monitoring system for various sensors such as soil moisture, humidity, water temperature,

pH level sensors and water temperature. In addition, research from Southern Philippines

Agri-business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology develops a monitoring

system for Water temperature for fish and bell pepper, Water Turbidity, pH Level for the

fish and bell pepper and develops an automated fish feeder as well. The data were all

based from an online database using Ethernet shield which stores all the data ranges of

the said water quality parameters (Ladigohon et al., 2019).

A lot of studies had already explored and established aquaponics from starting with

traditional methods to developing automated prototypes. Locally, the city has been

engaging with aquaculture practices that aim to upgrade the production and post-harvest

facilities of at least 22 rich fishing grounds of Mindanao (Jara, 2020). On the other hand,

Mati City is expected to build agri-projects and is planned for the establishment of the

greenhouse with hydroponics in the city (Department of Agriculture - XI, 2021).

However, they have not gone far enough in designing a new food production system that

combines both methods—aquaculture and hydroponics. In addition, with this alternative,

cost-effective and easy accessible technique, farmers, agricultural, and aquaculture

industries, as well as local citizens, would profit from this type of method to maintain

food security.

In this study, a well-developed and realistic automated aquaponics system is used

to overcome the gaps mentioned. The study's purpose was to create a prototype that

monitors three (3) water quality parameters: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and

water temperature on a daily basis and deliver an SMS notification of the data. Developing

this form of food production technology considerably minimizes manual work and offer

up new opportunities for the local farming business.

Statement of the Problem

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Philippine economy caused a major

recession in 2020 (Biswas, 2021). It has resulted in a substantial increase in hunger among

Filipinos, particularly low-income families. One of the Philippine government options to

this existing problem is to provide urban inhabitants with aquaponics kits. Aquaponics

integrates aquaculture (breeding and rearing of aquatic organisms) and hydroponics

(planting without using soil). Through this type of method, the workloads or farmers and

other agricultural and aquaculture sectors will be lessened.

This research helped them in stepping away from subsistence farming toward a more

mechanized and cost-effective agricultural food production system. Specifically, this study

sought responses to the following research questions:

1) What are the levels of physicochemical parameters of water that MAAS

prototype can provide, specifically:

1.1 pH level?

1.2 TDS level?

1.3 Water Temperature level?

2) Is there a significant difference between MAAS and Control?

3) What is the efficiency of MAAS in transmitting SMS Notification?

4) What is the efficiency of MAAS in ISO 9126 Standards (functionality,

reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability)?

Research Objectives

The general objective of this research is to optimize aquaponics with automation and

monitoring system with water quality sensors which can benefit the agricultural and

fisheries sector for future food production. Specifically, this research aims the following:

a. Develop a prototype of aquaponics that monitors the following water quality

parameters: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and water temperature.

b. Test the MAAS: Mini Automated Aquaponics System prototype, for monitoring

and automation efficiency, and the performance of the SMS Notification as a

transmission mechanism for conveying the water condition.

c. Assess the MAAS Prototype (Sustainability and Optimization of Mini Automated

Aquaponics System) with SMS Notification to see if it meets the ISO 9126

Standards: functionalities, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and


Conceptual Framework

There were theories associated with product design that involves the systematic

steps and strategy necessary for constructing an ideal product or device. The design

determines how many components make up the device, what are the features the device

can provide, and dictates how these components must work together to provide the

product’s necessary functionality (Anderson et al., 2016).

Theory of Systematic Engineering Design & Practice

In 1996, the Theory of Systematic Engineering Design & Practice was introduced

by Gerhard Pahl and Wolfgang Beitz in a book called Engineering Design: A Systematic

Approach. They claimed that it is necessary to assess the situation in designing a product

and choose an appropriate method for any design. Pahl and Beitz have set out a strategy

which aims to increase the probability of technical success of the product.

This theory is general enough to be applied to almost all aspects of design and

allows recovery from inevitable errors. As introduced by its authors, the said theory was

composed of four steps; namely product planning and task clarification, conceptual design

phase, embodiment design phase, and detail design phase (SpringerLink, 2020).

The first step, product planning, and task clarification is the time when the designer

should determine the purpose and aim of the device. The second step, the conceptual design

phase, is a step where the designer should identify and establish the functional structures

and search for an optimal way the product should be established. The third step, the

embodiment design phase, is a step where the designer should develop a layout and make

sure that the requirements in the construction of the device are met. The last step, detail

design phase, does not finish in the production of the final design drawings but extends to

physical realization of the device (Vinnal, 2012).

Figure 1: Systematic Engineering Design Process Model

The Theory of Systematic Engineering Design & Practice can be used in a related

study, IoT based automatic monitoring system for water nutrition in aquaponics system,

which also involved an automated system. The study followed a systematic method in

constructing the system and encountered some deviations during the process, in which the

theory can be utilized since it allows recovery from errors. This theory is ideal for this
study to create an exemplary model, considering this involves an automation attribute. In

this study, the said theory would be a necessary component since a desirable system should

be produced to obtain virtually precise, if not accurate, data and information.

Preparation of grow bed PROCESS • Assess the data
section: Calibration and of the automated
• collection of lettuce programming of sensors: aquaponics
• collection of growing • pH system in
medium • TDS monitoring
Preparation for fish tank: • Water temperature different water
• collection of Juvenile quality
• SMS Notification
Tilapia parameters
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of the Study
• cycling of water Monitoring of water • Transmission of
quality of
parameters. SMS
CollectionFigure 2 displays
of materials the framework
and the study. Aquaponics system will be separated
into two sections: the grow bed and the fish tank section. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and

Tilapia juveniles will be cultivated in the study. The system will undergo a span of water

cycling to sustain enough amount of nutrients for plants. The prototype will be attached

with different water quality sensors. The water quality parameters of the aquaponics system

such as pH, TDS, and water temperature will be monitored automatically. Also, obtaining

all the data needed from the sensors, it will be transmitted through an SMS Notification.

Significance of the Study

Aquaponics is a potential technique in agriculture that combines fish and plant

production. The wastewater from fishponds is nutrient-dense and plants are used as bio-

filters for water regeneration, while these nutrients are used for plant growth (Endut


Specifically, the study is significant for the following:

Agricultural sectors. The growing population and food demands mean more

croplands to develop. There will be more deforestation projects to carry out, which will

consequently lead to more wasteful irrigation, greenhouse gases emission, and pollutants

in the form of fertilizers and pesticides – as in the case of industrial agriculture (FAO,

2017). With aquaponics, the future means there is no need to clear more land as this system

can still be operational even without land.

Community and Food Production. Aquaponics can be used to improve the

livelihoods of households and communities. Fish is an important source of protein in low-

and medium-income countries while vegetables improve nutrition (FAO, 2017).

Aquaponics can help to increase food security and food sovereignty. The operation of

these units is more demanding in terms of technology, techniques, biology of cultured fish

and stringent water quality parameters. In view of the shrinking resources of land and

water, growing population, urbanization and change in lifestyle, there is a great demand

for fresh, hygienically and organically produced fish and vegetables in the cities.

Aquaponics has a huge potential for integrated fish and plant production in urban, suburban

as well as rural settings. The results of the study benefited the residents of the community

in sustaining food production by an automated prototype system of aquaponics that

monitors different water quality parameters wherein plant and animal agriculture are

integrated, and recycling of nutrients and water filtration are linked together with

automation for turbidity, pH level, and water temperature.

Farmers. The country is leading in freshwater fish production as farmers have

achieved impressive yields even in traditional methods of fish farming by harvesting

anywhere between 2–10 tonnes per hectare per year. However, an Aquaponics System can

produce up to five times the quantity of fish in same area per year, besides a good crop of

vegetables. Aquaponics is relatively a new practice in our country. The establishment of

these units will therefore improve the knowledge base of fish farmers about emerging and

future technologies in aquaculture. The researchers believe that the findings of this study

had greatly benefited the agricultural society especially the farmers in lessening their

amount of work and expenses.

Researchers. As senior high school students under the strand STEM, aquaponics can

help to increase scientific literacy and give a beneficial instrument for learning such current

farming system.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on fabricating a prototype of a small-scale automated

aquaponics system that monitored different water quality parameters. The quality of the

water was determined by the following parameters: turbidity, pH level, and water

temperature. The water parameters were all monitored by the system. Only

Lettuce/Letsugas (Lactuca sativa) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were cultivated in

this study. Yet, monitoring of these environments and water parameters did not include

monitoring the growth of plants and fish.

The prototype of the automated aquaponics system was fabricated and installed at

Barangay Matiao, Mati City. The study was conducted for a span of two weeks from 1st to

2nd week of May 2022. Hence, the study restricts in determining if the automated system

prototype is applicable and functional for aquaponics by monitoring different water quality

parameters and by sending SMS notifications. Furthermore, this prototype used a common

200L blue container drum, which was also being divided into two. Moreover, the capacity

of the system made only worked efficiently to the specific volume of fish tank and grow


Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined conceptually and operationally to

ensure clarity and better understanding.

Aquaponics It referred to a food production system in which fish

are raised in tanks of water where plants were also

grown, so that the waste from the fish provides food

for the plants and the plants kept the water clean

(Collins Dictionary, 2022). In this study, it referred

to the system being optimized by the researchers

upgraded with automation and monitoring for water

quality parameters.

Arduino It referred to an open-source electronics platform or

board and the software used to program it. In

essence, this platform provided a way to build and

program electronic components (Techopedia, 2011).

In this study, it referred to the Mini Automated

Aquaponics System (MAAS) that was programmed

to detect, monitor, and automatically correct the

specified water quality parameters such as turbidity,

pH level, and water temperature.

pH It is a key parameter of water quality in both wild and

captive ecosystems, and determining factor in what

creatures can thrive in those systems (ECOLIFE

Conservation, 2019). In this study, pH level was one

of the water quality parameters being monitored.

Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) referred to the amount

of dissolved organic and inorganic materials in a

certain volume of water. It was essentially a measure

of dissolved ions in water that not recognized as H2O

molecule (Campbell, 2021). In this study, TDS was

one of the water quality parameters being monitored.

Water Temperature Water temperature is a physical indicator for

measuring how hot or cold it is. Temperature can also

be defined as a measurement of a substance’s

average thermal energy, as hot and cold are both

arbitrary words (Fondriest Environmental, Inc.,

2014). In this study, this was classified as one of the

parameters monitored

Chapter II


In this chapter, prior literature about the Aquaponics system, lettuce, tilapia, water

quality parameters, advantages of Aquaponics system and application of the automation

Arduino-based were discussed.

Aquaponics System

Agricultural production has been declining because of growing population. The need

for food has risen in parallel with the rapid growth of the human population. Traditional

plant-growing methods demand a large amount of land, time, and workforce. As a result,

there is a growing concern for safe and sustainable food sources, prompting the

development of new agricultural practices (Kyaw & Ng, 2017).

Aquaponics is the method of producing aquatic creatures and plants in a symbiotic

relationship (Yep & Zheng, 2019). It is gaining popularity due to its capacity to conserve

resources, as well as its high efficiency and low usage. Aquaponics has recently become a

popular concept in agricultural development (Mchunu et al., 2018). Aquaponics system

combines hydroponics and aquaculture to produce edible plants and fish. It can be done in

unconventional agricultural settings and can produce locally grown crops without the need

for synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, or antibiotics (Genello et al., 2015). The paper by

Brandon Yep and Youbin Zheng (2019) on Aquaponic trends and challenges, proved that

aquaponics system is an environmentally friendly agricultural practice and consequently

provides a solution to several environmental challenges, including limited water supply,

pollution, rising fertilizer costs, and depletion of natural resources.

In an aquaponic system, fish waste (ammonia) is supplied into the plant bed, which

works as a bio-filter and absorbs the nitrate required for plant growth. Fish are commonly

reared in indoor tanks, troughs, or outdoor ponds where they excrete, the wastewater from

the tank runs into a hydroponics plate, where plants grow without soil in the water. The

excrement is poisonous to fish, but it is a good fertilizer for plants. The water is cleansed

for the fish as the plants absorb the nutrients. Afterwards, the clean water can be returned

to the fish tank. It is a natural sustainable agricultural approach because pesticides and

chemical fertilizers would endanger the fish (Shafahi & Woolston, 2015).

After 2010, aquaponics research became more popular. Aquaponics’ effective

development could ensure a significant portion of a more sustainable global food supply

(Junge et al., 2017).

With arduino-based microcontroller and water quality sensors, Aquaponics system

was built in this study to develop an automated Aquaponics system that is more reliable,

cost-effective and minimizes the workload of Mati residents. This system excluded the use

of chemical pesticides and fertilizers to avoid environmental problems such as

contamination of soil and water, limited supply of water, pollution and reduction of natural


Lettuce Production

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a well-known leafy vegetable that can be used in a

variety of methods, from salads to medicinal goods. Since the concept of green products

has been prevailing worldwide, lettuce has gained importance not only for food application

but in various formations having other specific uses (Bhattacharjee & Das, 2020). It is the

most important crop in the group of leafy vegetables and one of the most widely consumed

vegetable worldwide, but its nutritional value has been underestimated. Lettuce is low

calories, fat and sodium. It is a good source of fiber, iron, folate, and vitamin C.

Lettuce is also a good source of various health-beneficial bioactive compounds such

as folate, β-carotene, lutein, and phenolics (Waterland et al., 2016). Lettuce is among the

excellent aquaponics plants since it is one of the simplest to cultivate in any aquaponics


It grows quickly and does well in water with temperature requirements that are not

too specific. It also has a minimal nutritional demand and requires little is the most common

aquaponics plant, with a short vegetative phase and a relatively high demand. Furthermore,

since aquaponic lettuce is not overly sensitive to water temperature, it is unlikely to wilt

completely if a problem arises (Vergeer, 2022).

In an Aquaponics system, plants do not just receive all the benefits of the system.

They serve a crucial role in keeping the aquaponics system’s overall cycle running

smoothly. They operate as a natural water filter, collecting nitrates and purifying the water,

allowing it to be recirculated back to the fish. The plants eliminate the need to clean trash

that has accumulated in the fish tank since they absorb nutrients for growth, particularly

nitrates, which are hazardous to the fish (Shu, 2014).

In this study, the researchers used lettuce plants to act as a filter by removing fish

wastes and improving the quality of the water.


Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a hardy, most cultured freshwater fish in the

world. It has been contributing to the world aquaculture since the ancient Egyptian days

and remains a major freshwater fish species to be cultured (Amal & Zamri-Saad, 2011).

Tilapia is the term given to a group of primarily freshwater fish belonging to the

cichlid family. Despite its African origins, tilapia has been introduced all over the world

and is now farmed in over 135 nations. China is by far the world’s largest tilapia producer.

They generate about 1.6 million metric tons of tilapia per year and supply the majority of

the country’s tilapia imports (Pearson, 2017). Furthermore, tilapia is the second most

important farmed fish in the Philippines produced in ponds, cages, and pens, with an

average yearly consumption of 4.6 kg per person (Guerrero III, 2020).

Tilapia is one of the most prevalent fish species grown in aquaponics systems. It is

considered one of the toughest fish, able to survive in a wide range of water conditions.

They are often recommended in aquaponics because they thrive longer in a non-potable

water environment with low oxygen or high ammonia levels, they are easy to breed, mature

faster than most other cultured fish, they are omnivorous and enjoy diets composed of

animals and plants, which eliminates the need for expensive fish food, and tilapia breeding

can also be profitable (Seranillo, 2021).

In aquaponics, fish and feed waste provide most of the nutrients required by the

plants (Goosen et al., 2019). Fish consume the food and discharge waste, which is

transformed into nutrients that the plants may use. As they are living animals, the fish tank

is the area that requires the most maintenance. They are also one of the most important

indicators of the system’s overall health.

In this study, the fish waste coming from tilapia was used as a natural fertilizer for

the lettuce plants to survive. Tilapia juveniles was used in this study, which weighed around

5 – 20 grams.

Water Quality Parameters

Water is the second most important need for life to exist after air. As a result, water

quality has been described extensively in the scientific literature. The most popular

definition of water quality is “it is the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of

water” (Spellman, 2013). Water quality is a measure of the condition of water relative to

the requirements of one or more biotic species and/or to any human need or purpose (Shah,

2017). In this study, the researchers designed an aquaponics prototype considering three

essential water quality parameters: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and water


A. Total Dissolved Solids

One of the simplest ways to determine the water quality is to measure its Total

Dissolved Solids (TDS). TDS are the amount of dissolved organic and inorganic materials

in a certain volume of water. TDS are basically a measure of dissolved ions in water that

is not recognized as H2O molecule. When water, which is a solvent, encounters a soluble

material, particles of the said materials will be dissolved, creating TDS. Total Dissolved

Solids can come from all manner of sources. Materials may leach into water from sewage,

water treatment chemicals, agricultural runoff, or industrial wastewater (Campbell, 2021).

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is measured as a volume of water with the unit

milligrams per liter (mg/L), otherwise known as parts per million (ppm). Using a TDS

meter is the simplest way to measure for total dissolved solids. For instance, if the meter

reads 100 ppm, that implies that from one million particles, 100 are dissolved ions and

999,900 are water molecules. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

secondary drinking water regulations, 500 ppm is the recommended maximum amount of

TDS for your drinking water. Any value greater than 1000 ppm is considered as unsafe and

dangerous (Woodard, 2021).

According to a related article entitled “TDS Measuring in Aquarium”, it is logical

for the fishes to have a stable environment which have the same level of TDS and PH as

the original habit in aquariums or tanks. It is recommended for most freshwater fishes to

live in water with 400 ppm to 450 ppm TDS. High level of TDS concentration would cause

fish casualties and produce algae, whereas low level of TDS concentration will affect fish

growth (Makerfabs, 2021). Consequently, it is rational to maintain an acceptable range of

TDS values to produce favorable results.

B. pH

Another important water quality indicator in aquaponics systems was covered in an

article written by Rossana Sallenave (2016), an aquatic ecology specialist. It claimed that

pH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and is used to determine

whether the water being tested is acidic, neutral, or basic. The pH of the water in

aquaponics growing systems should be between 6.0 and 8.0, with 7.0 being optimal (Autos

et al., 2020).

In addition, a journal from Yokogawa Philippines Inc., explained the importance of

water quality parameters in aquaculture. It emphasized the different approach of different

levels for pH. Very high (greater than 9.5) or very low (less than 4.5) pH values are

unsuitable for most aquatic organisms. Young fish and immature stages of aquatic insects

are extremely sensitive to pH levels below 5 and may die at these low pH values.

High pH levels (9-14) can harm fish by denaturing cellular membranes. Changes in

pH can also affect aquatic life indirectly by altering other aspects of water chemistry. Low

pH levels accelerate the release of metals from rocks or sediments in the stream. These

metals can affect a fish's metabolism and the fish's ability to take water in. At high pH (>9)

most ammonium in water is converted to toxic ammonia (NH3) which can kill fish.

Moreover, cyanobacterial toxins can also significantly influence fish populations. pH is

important in aquaculture as a measure of the acidity of the water or soil. Fish cannot survive

in waters below pH 4 and above pH 11 for long periods. The optimum pH for fish is

between 6.5 and 9. Fish will grow poorly and reproduction will be affected at consistently

higher or lower pH levels.

The Effects of pH on Warm-Water Pond Fish

pH Effects on fish
4 Acid death point
4 to 5 No reproduction
4 to 6.5 Slow growth
6.5 to 9 Desirable ranges for fish reproduction
9 to 10 Slow growth
≥11 Alkaline death point

Figure 3: The Effects of pH on Warm-Water Pond Fish

C. Water Temperature

Water temperature is a physical indicator for measuring how hot or cold it is.

Temperature can also be defined as a measurement of a substance’s average thermal

energy, as hot and cold are both arbitrary words (Fondriest Environmental, Inc., 2014).

Changes in temperature can alter aquatic species’ behavioural choices, such as

relocating to warmer or colder water after feeding, predator-prey interactions, and resting

or migration patterns. In addition, Water temperature has an impact on plants as well as

Plant respiration and photosynthesis can be hampered by high temperatures.

Water serves as the lifeblood of an Aquaponics system. As a result, regular water

temperature monitoring and analysis are critical for sustaining water quality, fish, and plant

life. Ammonia levels, PH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and water temperature are all important

water characteristics to keep an eye on. A successful aquaponic operation requires constant

monitoring and regulation of temperatures both outside and inside the system. For

biological reasons, to optimize growth patterns, and to prevent disease spread, plants and

fish in aquaponic systems must live within particular temperature thresholds (Grenn, 2021).

Lettuce is acclimated to cool growing environments, with ideal temperatures of 60

to 65°F for growth. The plants flower and generate seed when the temperature is between

70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 21 to 27 degrees Celsius). Lettuce can

withstand a few days of temperatures between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit

(approximately 27 to 29 degrees Celsius) if the evenings are cold (Sanders, 2019).

Although tilapia is a freshwater species, it can thrive in saline water. They are very

adaptable to low water quality that they are frequently farmed in places where other fish

would perish. They’re ideal for starters to aquaponics since they can withstand a variety of

water conditions, including temperature, pH, nutritional levels, oxygen levels, and more

(Editorial Staff, 2019). Tilapia can withstand temperatures between 14 and 36 degrees

Celsius for a short time, however they cease eating or growing under 17 degrees Celsius,

and they die when the temperature goes below 12 degrees Celsius. 27–30 °C is the

recommended temperature range for healthy growth.

Application of Automation- Arduino based

A variety of inputs are made on a regular basis in aquaponics to ensure that the

system is working properly. The functionality of an aquaponics system that is automated

could be greatly enhanced. The Arduino is a microcontroller with a standard form factor

that makes the functions of the microcontroller more easily accessible.

The UNO is arguably the most popular Arduino. It is powered by an Atmega328

processor operating at 16MHz, includes 32KB of program memory, 1KB of EEPROM,

2KB of RAM, has 14 digital I/O, 6 analog inputs, and both 5V and 3.3V power rails.

(Mitchell, 2018). It is easy to implement in analog components, automatic engines, sensors,

and electronic automation devices. It does not require any complex or longer code, just a

plug in is enough to execute a program. It is based on a video/audio receiver and built on

its integrated development environment (Pedamkar, 2021).

Another module that is commonly used in automation is GSM Module for SMS

Notification. Text messages known as SMS notifications are created when a situation

occurs. An event might be anything from an entertaining app update to something more

significant like a weather alarm. SMS (Short Message Service) notifications are transmitted

in the same manner that any other text message is. Generally, the notifications are limited

to 160 characters. While SMS can be used for marketing purposes, it can also be utilized

to transmit time-sensitive alerts.

These days, GSM Module is widely used for sending SMS status of any kind of data.

The GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is built and connected to the

system. In this study, the sms notification will be used to convey results of the sensors in

monitoring the different water quality parameters.

Several studies are published that discuss about the application of Arduino and other

electronic components in aquaponics. Both researchers and corporations have created

basic, electronically monitored aquaponics systems in the past.

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (2017) research found and

developed an automated aquaponics system. The aquaculture aspect of the system was

provided by a glass fish tank supplied with comet goldfish. Temperature sensors were

utilized in conjunction with an Arduino computing platform to monitor and feedback on

the plants, which were cultivated in a lit grow bed above the fish tank. They also included

a 4x20 LCD display for the system's users to see temperature information.

A study conducted by Nagayo who created an aquaponics system including a water

recirculation system, aquaponics control, and monitoring system using Arduino, GSM

shield, and NI LabVIEW, solar energy conversion system, and cooling and heating systems

for plant and fish development (Nagayo et al., 2017).

Similarly, Galido et al. (2019) used an Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET)

as a pH sensor in their aquaponics system for optimal plant and fish growth. The ISFET-

based pH sensor's superiority and efficiency over the frequently used glass electrode pH

sensor were demonstrated through a series of experiments and evaluations. (Murad et al.,

2017) introduced an aquaponics system that utilized temperature sensor, pH sensor, water

sensor, servo, peristaltic pump, solar, liquid crystal displays (LCD), and GSM module

water monitoring. The information is presented on an LCD screen, and a notification is

delivered through GSM module.

Meanwhile, wireless sensor networks based on the Raspberry Pi 3 have been

constructed for a greenhouse that measures temperature, humidity, and soil wetness

humidity (Anire et al., 2017), as well as a lettuce growing chamber that detects light

intensity, temperature, and (Cabaccan et al., 2017). The development and innovation of an

IoT-based micro-farm prototype were offered by (Jorda Jr et al., 2019). The system uses

multiple sensors attached to the Arduino microcontroller to measure light intensity, soil

moisture, and temperature. (Calangian et al., 2018) used an image processing method to

construct a computer vision-based canopy area assessment system for lettuce. Finally, (de

Luna et al., 2020) used machine vision and image processing techniques to evaluate tomato

plant growth and detect tomato fruit and flowers.

Thus, the Arduino UNO R3 was used as the micro-controller in this study. The R3

is the third, and latest, revision of the Arduino Uno. The microcontroller was attached with

variety of sensors respective to the specified water quality parameters. This study will use

TDS sensor, analog pH sensor, and water temperature sensor. The researchers used the

programmed software to monitor the water quality parameters’ measurement.

Water Body Classification

Water classification is the primary component in water quality management for

which goals/objectives of each of the water bodies are met. Three activities are involved

namely: establishment of water bodies for beneficial use, identification of water quality

indicators (or criteria pollutants) and water quality suitable for each use.

In the Philippines, classification is a very important component of water quality

management since the application of effluent standards is dependent on this classification.

This administrative order classifies water bodies into five (5) classes, i.e. AA, A, B, C for

inland fresh waters, and four (4) classes for marine and coastal water, i.e. SA, SB, SC and


The National Water Quality Status Report 2014 shows the distinct five (5) water

body classifications of inland freshwater waters in table 1. Since this study involved an

aquaponics system, it qualifies under Class C, which is designated as Fishery Water for the

propagation and growth of fish and other aquatic resources.

Table 1: Water Body Classification

Public Water Supply I- Intended primarily for waters
having watersheds, which are uninhabited and/or
otherwise declared as protected areas, and which require
only approved disinfection to meet the latest PNSDW

Public Water Supply II- intended as sources of water

supply requiring conventional treatment (coagulation,
sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection) to meet the
latest PNSDW.

Waters for Recreational Water Class I- intended for

primary contact recreation (bathing, swimming, etc.).

It is intended for the following:

i. Fishery Water for the propagation and growth of fish
and other aquatic resources
ii. Recreational Water Class II- for boating, fishing, or
similar activities
iii. For agriculture, irrigation, and livestock watering.

Table 2: Water Quality Criteria for Primary Parameters


Class AA Class A Class C

6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-9.0

pH level (range) -

Total Dissolved
ppm 200 - 500 200 - 500 < 1,000 < 1,000
Solids (TDS)
ml. /
Water Temperature - - - =

Table 2 shows the measurements for each of the water quality parameters in each

water classification. The usual ranges in every type of water body are shown in the ranges

indicated in each parameter. Considering aquaponics falls under the fishery water sector,

the typical ranges for TDS and pH are under Class C in this study. According to the DENR,

the fishery water sector is under Class C for the growth of fish and other aquatic resources.


Aquaponics is a method of farming that produces food using water. Because of the

expanding population, agricultural productivity has been declining. Food demand has risen

in lockstep with the world's population growth. Traditional plant-growing methods need a

significant amount of room, time, and effort. As a result, there is increased concern over

food safety and sustainability, prompting the development of alternative agricultural

practices (Kyaw & Ng, 2017).

Chemical, physical, and biological qualities are examples of water quality parameters

that can be examined or regulated depending on the desired water parameters of concern.

Researchers on this study will design an aquaponics prototype considering three essential

water quality parameters: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and water temperature.

As discussed, the use of automation in aquaponics with the use of Arduino is currently

explored by many researchers. New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets

(2017) research discovered and built an automated aquaponics system. Temperature

sensors and an Arduino computer platform were used to monitor and provide input on the

plants, which were grown in a lit grow bed above the fish tank. Researchers have created

an IoT-based micro-farm that evaluates tomato plant growth and detects fruit and flowers

using sensors and machine vision.

In line with this study, the researchers adapted the invention as to creating a prototype

of aquaponics with monitoring and automation for water quality parameters with a

transmitter, SMS notification, such as TDS, pH level, and water temperature. An Arduino

was used to read output and data from the sensors mainly for analog values of pH, TDS,

and water temperature and a GSM Module for transmitting messages to the owner.

Chapter III


This chapter focuses on the research design, locale and duration, method of

aquaponics, materials, research procedures, instrumentation, method of data collection,

and data analysis.

Research Design

This research employed the descriptive type of research design focusing on

developing a prototype of aquaponics with an automation and monitoring system named

MAAS: Mini Automated Aquaponics System.

Descriptive research aims to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and

categories (McCombes, 2019). Furthermore, the purpose of descriptive studies is to

describe individuals, events, or conditions by studying them as they are in nature

(Siedlecki, 2020).

This design was used since the researchers described the effectiveness of the

automated aquaponics system in monitoring the TDS, pH level, and water temperature in

the end to answer if the automated system prototype applicable and functional for


Locale and Duration

This study was held and constructed at Upper Kapayas, Barangay Matiao, City of

Mati. This study was conducted from May 8, 2022 until May 21, 2022

Figure 4. Map of Upper Kapayas, Barangay Matiao, City of Mati, Davao oriental


• Submersible Water Pump 24 Watts.

In this study, water pump was bought

online from Shopee app. This pump is responsible

for the circulation of water around the system.

Grow bed

• Clay Pebbles

In this study, clay pebbles were bought

from City Hardware, with a total of 3 sacks. These

clay pebbles served as a filtration component for

the system as well as a lettuce growing medium.

• Lettuce

In this study, lettuce was bought from

Ocon’s residence in Menzi, with a total of 9

seedlings. This lettuce served as a sample plant for

the aquaponic system.

Fish Tank

• 200 L plastic blue drum

In this study, the 200L plastic blue drum

was bought from a local shop near ER supermall,

Mati City. The drum was cut in to two parts which

served as the containers for the grow bed and fish


• PVC pipes

In this study, PVC pipes were bought from

City Hardware. This pipe served as to control the

overflowing of water in the grow bed, it drains the

exceeded water back to the fish tank.

• Tilapia

In this study, tilapia came from the

Department of Agriculture, which consists of 20

fingerlings. Tilapia is a test fish for the aquaponics

system, which generates ammonia for the plant.

• Garden Hose

In this study, garden hose was bought from

City Hardware, with a length of 1m. This hose is

used to transmit the water that comes from the fish

tank to the grow bed

• Plastic Cable Wires

In this study, cable wires were bought from

City Hardware. This wires was used to connect the

bottom and top cut portions of the plastic drum.

Sensor Materials

A. Arduino Uno R3 Developmental Board

Figure 6: Arduino Uno R3 Developmental Board

The Arduino UNO R3 is a microcontroller board based on ATmega328P, high

performance yet low power consumption 8-bit AVR microcontroller. Its power supply can

be done simply with the help of the AC/DC adapter. The Arduino Uno R3 Development

Board used to read output analog values and data from the sensors (Hadwan & Reddy,


B. Arduino Breadboard

Figure7: Arduino Breadboard

This breadboard is a solderless breadboard that allows users to make or erase physical

wirings with tangible input by hand. This breadboard was useful to the study since it

connects electronic components without the need for soldering, which can cause damages

to the circuit board. This breadboard was used to build and test circuits before deciding on

the design (Ochiai, 2014).

C. Jumper/ Dupont Wires Cable- Arduino

Figure 8: Jumper Wires Cable (Arduino)

Breadboard jumper wires are simply wires that have connector pins at each end,

and they allowed the users to connect two points to each other without soldering, making

it compatible with the solderless breadboard. It connects the breadboard to different

components such as the Arduino board and the sensors (Hemmings, 2018).

D. 9V 1A Power Adapter

Figure 9: 9V 1A AC/DC Power Adapter Supply

An AC/DC Adapter converts alternating current (AC) from a wall outlet to a direct

current (DC) needed by an electronic device. Direct current is also required to

recharge batteries, making AC adapters essential for electronic devices like laptops and

smartphones. It served as an external power supply which is essential for the whole system

to operate (Dharan et al, 2018).

E. Plastic Water Solenoid Valve

Figure 10: Plastic Water Solenoid Valve

Water solenoid valves are used wherever fluid flow must be controlled automatically.

They are being used to an increasing degree in the most carried types of plants and

equipment. They are controlled units which, when electrically energized or de-energized,

either shut off or allow fluid flow. The actuator takes the form of an electromagnet. When

energized, a magnetic field builds up which pulls a plunger or pivoted armature against the

action of a spring. When de-energized, the plunger or pivoted armature is returned to its

original position by the spring action (OMEGA Engineering, 2019).

F. Analog TDS Sensor

Figure 11: Analog TDS Sensor

Analog TDS Conductivity sensor is used for measuring the TDS value of the water,

this TDS values define the cleanliness of the water. It can be used to check the quality of

domestic water, hydroponic liquids, and in other fields of water quality testing. The

resistance of the probe changes with conductivity and measures the voltage across the

probe, converting it into dc and amplifying it (Chidananda, 2021).

G. Analog pH Sensor / Meter Kit for Arduino


Figure 12: Analog pH Sensor / Meter Kit for Arduino

Analog pH sensor is designed to measure the pH value of a solution and show the

acidity or alkalinity of the substance. It is commonly used in various applications such as

agriculture, wastewater treatment, industries, environmental monitoring, etc. The module

has an on-board voltage regulator chip which supports the wide voltage supply of 3.3-5.5V

DC, which is compatible with 5V and 3.3V of any control board like Arduino. The output

signal is being filtered by hardware low jitter (Parida, 2020).

H. LCD Display


Figure 13: LCD Display

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat panel display which uses

liquid crystals in its primary form of operation. LEDs have a large and varying set

of use cases for consumers and businesses, as they can be commonly found in

smartphones, televisions, computer monitors and instrument panels. (LCD (Liquid

Crystal Display), 2019).

I. L293D Motor Driver


Figure 14: L293D Motor Driver

Since Arduino UNO pins are limited to a certain amount of electric current, a motor

driver is needed. This motor driver received commands from the connected microcontroller

and run the motor with a high current (ProjectHub, 2020).

J. GSM Module


Figure 15: GSM Module

This Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) module can receive serial

data from radiation monitoring devices such as survey meter or area monitor and transmit

the data as text Short Messaging Service (SMS) to a host server. This module was used to

transmit data and accomplish one of the elements of the system which is the SMS

Notification (Rahman et al., 2018).

K. Water Temperature Sensor


Figure 16: Water Temperature Sensor

The Waterproof Temperature Sensor DS18B20 is the waterproof version of the

DS18B20 sensor. Handy in terms of measuring something far away, or in wet conditions.

While the sensor is rated up to 125°C the PVC jacket soften at around 80°C. These 1-wire

digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give

up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. They work great

with any microcontroller using a single digital pin, and can even connect multiple ones to

the same pin, each one has a unique 64-bit ID burned in at the factory to differentiate them.

Usable with 3.0-5.0V systems (MakerLab Electronics, 2020). This sensor was used to

detect water temperature measurements of the system.

Research Procedures

The arduino-based aquaponics system underwent four (4) stages of

development- test or trial, design and construction, working and the final stage. The

procedure that is being used in this study is based on the study of Gnanasagar and

Mannava (2020) entitled "Design and Implementation of a Controller for a

Recirculating Aquaponics System using IoT".

Testing phase
a) Test the sensors
b) Monitor the water using the different types of sensors
c) Assess the performance of the sensors

Design and Construction phase

a) Design the prototype
b) Develop the prototype
c) Attach the arduino,install the sensors o n the prototype

Application phase
a)Tthe final system is completed
b) Placing of grow medium, drainage system, and fish tank
c) Nitrogen cycle takes place.

Final/ Assessment phase

a)Assessment of the sustainability of the automatedaquaponics prototype system in
monitoring the different water quality parameters and the SMS transmission

Figure 17: Iteration Development Process

Testing phase


Initialize the Program

GSM module connecting

for signal

RTC Begin

TDS Sensing

pH Sensing

Water Temperature
Sensing TDS Sensing pH Level Sensing


YES Time=
Time =
6:00 18:00

Send data through SMS

using GSM Module


Figure 18. Flowchart of the Automated Aquaponics System

The sensors were evaluated before the arduino-based system was developed.

Sensors and an LCD screen were attached to the arduino. The pH level, water level,

and TDS of water is examined after the attaching the sensors. The researchers then

proceeded to plan the design of the arduino-based aquaponics system if the sensors

show good performance in detecting changes in water. Figure 18 illustrates the

working principle of complete automated hydroponic system based on the sensor


Design and Construction Phase

Automated Monitoring &

Arduino Uno R3
Water temperature sensor

pH sensor
TDS sensor


GSM Module

Figure 19: Materials for the making of Aquaponics System Model with Arduino as
microcontroller and GSM Module as Message Transmitter

During this part of the study, the researchers planned the structural design of the

Arduino-based Aquaponics system that is depicted from the diagram above. The

researchers then proceeded to build the system after plotting the design. The

researchers began with constructing the Aquaponics system with grow bed and fish

tank. After the construction of the main system, the researchers attached the Arduino

and connect sensors to it interacting with (pH level, TDS and water temperature). To

improve the system's performance, GSM Module was also attached to establish

communication through SMS notifications that transmit notifications of the water

quality parameters. The researchers also put a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to display

data. Arduino is used to manipulate the data and sensors are the most frequently used

component for the proper working of the system because if any abnormal conditions

arise, the sensors always provide readings for awareness.

I. Installation of GSM Module for SMS Notifications

In preparing the GSM module, insert a SIM card into the GSM module and lock it.

Connect an adaptor to the GS M module and turn it on. Then, after some time (about

1 minute), observe the blinking rate of the status ‘LED' or 'network LED' (GSM

module will take some time to establish connection with the mobile network). Finally,

once the connection is established successfully, the status/network LED will blink

consistently every 3 seconds.

II. Connecting GSM Module to Arduino

The GSM module can be connected in two (2) ways. In any situation, the

communication between Arduino and GSM module is serial. As a result, it is required

to use serial pins of Arduino (Rx and Tx). Thus, if this method is going to be applied,

the Tx pin of GSM module to Rx pin of Arduino and Rx pin of GSM module to Tx

pin of Arduino must be connected.

III. Installation

The device must be installed when the power supply is turned off. The module’s

power supply should be stable and free of impulsive interference. Since the module

board and GSM telephone are sources of electromagnetic interference, they should not

be placed near sensitive radio equipment such as radiolinks, wireless sensors, or other

wireless sensors. Avoid putting the phone in direct range to the module. Inside the

metal shell, the module should be inserted. Connect the phone connector to the cable

connecting the module to the phone, making that the plug pins are in good and secure

contact with the phone connector. A poor connection can cause the system to fail.

Application phase

In this stage, the arduino-based Aquaponics system was developed and

ready to be used for the study. Grow medium, clay pebbles were used to fill the Grow

bed in this design. A fish tank was located beneath the Grow bed and filled with water

and fish (tilapia). To provide oxygen to the fish, an aerator or an air pump was attached

to the tank.

The water from the fish tank was pumped into the Grow medium through

a pump attached to the Grow bed. The water includes ammonia, which is produced by

fish feces. Using microorganisms, ammonia is turned to nitrates. Nitrates are

necessary for plant growth. The extra water is filtered and returned to the fish tank

through a grow medium. Water is recirculating through the system in this manner.

Final/ Assessment phase

This stage assessed the performance of the arduino-based agricultural

system in detecting changes in water temperature, pH, and TDS, as well as the

automated SMS Notification performance.

Research Instrument

Information was gathered using the tools identified on the following tables

(refer to Appendix A). Prior to monitoring the MAAS prototype, the researchers

conducted a pilot testing of the aquaponics system, which consisted of three (3) trial


(I) Testing the sensors to be used: TDS, pH level, and water temperature

(II) Making the traditional aquaponics, and

(III) Operating the entire prototype as an automated aquaponics system

(hydroponics and aquaculture).

After testing the prototype’s functionality, Table 3 (refer to Appendix A) was

used to show the prototype’s accumulated data in real- time, through daily logging of

data and the results is compared to the data accumulated from the fixed instruments

such as pH meter, TDS meter, and water temperature meter, The pH sensor reading

was compared to the pH meter reading, and the same was done for the other water

quality metrics. Then, Table 4 was used to show the information sent to the owner

from different times. It consisted of the readings of the sensors in each water quality


Ideal Water Quality Parameters

Table 3: Ideal Water Quality Parameters

Units Range

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ppm 200 ppm – 1000 ppm

pH level (range) - 6-8

Water Temperature Celsius 18-30

Table 3 displays the optimal water quality measurement for each parameter.

The pH and TDS ranges in the table are adapted from studies from the 2020 IEEE

Region 10 Conference titled "Automated Aquaponics System and Water Quality

Monitoring with SMS Notification for Tilapia Industry" and "Listing Methodology

for Determining Water Quality Impairments from Turbidity" from the Alaska

Department of Environmental Conservation. As shown in the table, the pH level is

suggested and indicated that its range must be between 6-7, while TDS is advised not

to exceed 1000 ppm above as per criterion for aquaculture waters and should not go

below 200 ppm while for the water temperature, it can only be suitable from 18-30

degrees Celsius (Ladigohon et al., 2019).

Data Gathering

The MAAS (Mini Automated Aquaponics System) was operational and

evaluated for a two-week period only. It was monitored twice a day, therefore, every

twelve (12) hours during the actual time of feeding the fishes. The prototype was

tested for its ability to detect measurements of water quality parameters such as

turbidity, pH level, and water temperature and sent an SMS Notification to the owner

about the system’s gathered information.

Data Analysis

The researchers used a descriptive type of analysis which described the data

points in a constructive way. The different functions of the sensors for the water

quality parameters (TDS, pH level, and water temperature) were tested beforehand.

Moreover, the system’s functionality in controlling the said water quality parameters

and SMS Notification was observed for two (2) weeks, every 12 hours a day. The

accumulated data were compared to every water quality parameter’s established

instrument: pH meter, TDS meter, and water temperature meter. The results of the

data gathered were analyzed through a descriptive type of analysis in order to find out

the significant success percentage in monitoring and controlling the parameters and to

determine the accuracy of the system in performing all its functions.

Chapter IV


The purpose of this study was to create a prototype of an aquaponics system capable

of monitoring three water quality parameters, namely pH level, water temperature, and

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), sending notifications through SMS to the researchers. This

chapter includes the presentation of data from this study provided by the recorded values

of the three water quality sensors and the results of SMS Notification. The data gathered

from the three sensors was compared to the data collected from the established instruments,

namely Control A, which is the pH meter, and Control B, which is the TDS and Water

Temperature meter. Furthermore, using descriptive analysis, the researchers present in this

chapter the results through figures and tables to summarize data presentation which were

then analyzed.

pH Level Recorded Values

Table 4. Recorded Values of pH Level (twice per day for 14 days)

1 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 AM 8.11 8.29
2 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 PM 8.05 8.35
3 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 AM 7.95 8.42
4 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 PM 8.01 8.29
5 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 AM 7.86 7.70
6 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 PM 7.94 8.02
7 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 AM 8.01 7.91
8 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 PM 7.88 8.02
9 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 AM 8.08 8.10
10 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM 7.49 7.99
11 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 AM 8.08 8.16
12 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 PM 7.99 7.32
13 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 AM 8.00 7.86
14 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 PM 7.95 8.03
15 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 AM 8.15 7.98
16 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM 7.68 7.79
17 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 AM 7.98 8.35
18 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 PM 7.99 7.70
19 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 AM 8.07 8.01
20 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 PM 8.01 8.14
21 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 AM 7.93 8.18
22 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 PM 7.75 7.99
23 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 AM 8.06 7.97
24 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 PM 7.95 7.91
25 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 AM 7.92 8.25
26 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 PM 7.82 8.27
27 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 AM 8.04 7.99
28 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 PM 7.74 7.88
Average 7.95 8.03

Table 4 shows the twice daily (6:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.) recorded values of pH

level that lasted for twenty-eight trials. Recording of data was conducted every twelve

hours for fourteen days. The table shows the value of pH level displayed by the Mini

Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) and the established instrument for detecting pH

(Control A).

Over the course of fourteen days, the pH values recorded by the MAAS were

revealed to have an average of 7.95. The system displayed the lowest value 7.49 on the 10th

trial and the highest value of 8.15 on the 15th trial. Simultaneously, the Control A recorded

the pH level for comparison. It displayed an average pH value of 8.03, with 7.32 on the

12th trial as the lowest and 8.42 as the highest on the 3rd trial. In this table, it was shown

that there was only a small difference, 0.08, between the calculated average pH level

recorded by the MAAS and Control A.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Recorded Values

Table 5. Recorded Values of TDS (twice per day for 14 days)

1 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 AM 628.53 597.00
2 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 PM 636.86 618.00
3 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 AM 669.63 633.00
4 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 PM 657.72 665.00
5 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 AM 669.30 635.00
6 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 PM 664.19 616.00
7 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 AM 633.28 663.00
8 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 PM 682.93 685.00
9 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 AM 678.52 673.00
10 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM 565.07 708.00
11 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 AM 537.25 675.00
12 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 PM 477.63 585.00
13 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 AM 500.32 517.00
14 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 PM 499.03 503.00
15 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 AM 519.40 567.00
16 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM 493.64 528.00
17 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 AM 535.96 505.00
18 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 PM 520.11 515.00
19 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 AM 517.34 539.00
20 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 PM 505.48 535.00
21 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 AM 588.63 518.00
22 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 PM 516.44 527.00
23 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 AM 550.23 499.00
24 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 PM 459.98 537.00
25 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 AM 493.89 466.00
26 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 PM 479.71 494.00
27 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 AM 474.93 487.00
28 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 PM 518.72 518.00
Average 559.81 571.71

Table 5 shows the twice-daily (6:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.) recorded values of Total

Dissolved Solids (TDS) that lasted for twenty-eight trials. Recording of data was conducted

every twelve hours for fourteen days. The table shows the value of TDS displayed by the

Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) and the established instrument in measuring

TDS (Control B). The values of the TDS were measured in parts per million (ppm).

The values displayed by the MAAS and the Control B were recorded in the table

above over the course of fourteen days, twice each day. The MAAS showed an average

TDS of 559.81 ppm. The said prototype detected the lowest TDS value of 459.98 ppm on

the 24th trial and the highest value of 682.93 ppm on the 8th trial. At the same time, in order

for the accuracy of MAAS in monitoring TDS to be measured, the researchers used the

Control B for comparison. Compared to MAAS, it displayed an average TDS of 571.71

ppm, with 466.00 ppm as the lowest value and 708.00 as the highest. The established

instrument only displayed whole numbers, unlike MAAS with its two decimal values, as

shown in the table. In this table, it was shown that there was only a difference of 11.90

between the calculated average TDS displayed by the MAAS and Control B.

Water Temperature Recorded Values

Table 6. Recorded Values of Water Temperature (twice per day for 14 days)
1 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 AM 28.31 27.50
2 Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 PM 29.25 29.30
3 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 AM 27.31 27.00
4 Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 PM 28.72 28.00
5 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 AM 27.56 26.30
6 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 PM 28.50 27.90
7 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 AM 27.32 26.30
8 Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:00 PM 28.69 28.50
9 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 AM 27.56 27.50
10 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM 28.31 28.50
11 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 AM 27.15 26.30
12 Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 PM 29.00 27.10
13 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 AM 27.75 27.40
14 Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 PM 29.44 28.90
15 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 AM 27.62 28.10
16 Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM 28.19 27.80
17 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 AM 26.94 26.30
18 Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 PM 28.75 27.00
19 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 AM 26.69 27.70
20 Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 PM 28.12 28.00
21 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 AM 27.93 27.00

22 Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:00 PM 29.00 28.00
23 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 AM 27.06 26.30
24 Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 PM 28.56 29.30
25 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 AM 27.87 25.50
26 Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 PM 28.69 29.30
27 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 AM 26.56 27.10
28 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 PM 28.94 29.30
Average 28.06 27.61

Table 6 shows the twice-daily (6:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.) recorded values of water

temperature that lasted for twenty-eight trials. Recording of data was conducted every

twelve hours for fourteen days. The table shows the value of water temperature displayed

by the Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) and the established instrument in

measuring TDS (Control B). The values of the water temperature were measured in degrees

Celsius (°C).

The values displayed by the MAAS and the Control B were recorded in the table

above over the course of fourteen days, twice each day. The MAAS showed an average

water temperature of 28.06 °C. The system detected the lowest water temperature value of

26.56 °C on the 27th trial and the highest value of 29.44 °C on the 14th trial. At the same

time, in order for the accuracy of MAAS in monitoring water temperature to be measured,

the researchers used the Control B for comparison. Compared to MAAS, the established

instrument showed an average water temperature of 27.61 °C, with 25.50 °C on the 25th

trial as the lowest value and 29.30 °C on 2nd, 24th, 26th, and 28th trial as the highest value.

The Control B only displayed values with one decimal point, unlike MAAS with its two

decimal values, as shown in the table. In this table, it was shown that there was only a

difference of 0.45 between the calculated average water temperature displayed by the

MAAS and Control B.

The results reveal that the Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) was

monitoring the pH level, TDS, and water temperature of the water appropriately. It was

clear that MAAS was performing well in monitoring the water quality parameters as tested

in the duration of fourteen days. For the 14-day period, the system had not failed to monitor

even a single trial and successfully displayed the values of the parameters.

Table 7. Independent T-test between the Mini Automated Aquaponics System

(MAAS) prototype and Established Instrument (Control)
Mean t-stat p-value Remarks
MAAS 7.95 Non-
pH Level -1.618 0.111
Control A 8.03 Significant
Water MAAS 28.06 Non-
1.793 0.079
Temperature Control B 27.61 Significant
Total Dissolved MAAS 559.81 Non-
-0.608 0.546
Solids (TDS) Control B 571.71 Significant

Shown on the table above are the results of the independent t-tests between the Mini

Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) prototype and Established Instrument (Control)

water condition. This shows that there is no statistically significant difference on the pH

level (t=-1.618; p=0.111), water temperature (t=1.793; p=0.079), and total dissolved solids

(t=-0.608; p=0.546) when the water was tested using the MAAS and the established

instrument. Thus, it indicates that the MAAS is statistically effective in the determination

of the condition of the water.

In a related study, a pH sensor was developed and compared to a commercial pH

meter to measure its accuracy. The pH sensor proved to be reliable as the comparison with

results obtained from a standard glass electrode pH-meter showed negligible differences

(< 0.09 pH units in the worst case) for measurements performed over a period of four days

(Melai et al, 2016).

Table 8. Performance of the Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) prototype

on SMS Notification
Transmission of data Trial 1 - 6:00 AM Trial 2 - 6:00 PM Average
Day 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 2 100.00% 0.00% 50.00%
Day 3 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 4 0.00% 100.00% 50.00%
Day 5 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 6 0.00% 100.00% 50.00%
Day 7 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 8 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 9 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 10 100.00% 0.00% 50.00%
Day 11 0.00% 100.00% 50.00%
Day 12 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Day 13 0.00% 100.00% 50.00%
Day 14 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Overall Average 71.43% 85.71% 78.57%

Table 8 shows the assessment of Short Message Service (SMS) Notification

System. This system was tested along with the three sensors in the same duration. The

MAAS must send a message containing the values of the water quality parameters detected

by the system. This was done twice per day with a 12-hour gap between each message. The

evaluation was separated by two trials: Trial 1 for 6:00 A.M message and Trial 2 for 6:00

P.M. message. Each day had these two trials and was conducted for fourteen days.

Displayed on the table above are the data on the performance of the Mini

Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) prototype on SMS Notification for the 14-day

period. The table above shows that there were unsuccessful transmissions of data through

SMS and these were due to power outage and network connection issues. This result shows

that on the first trial, the prototype was 71.43% successful in the transmission of SMS

notification. On the second trial, the success rate increased into 85.71%. Taking the overall

average of the success rate, this shows that the MAAS prototype is 78.57% effective in

transmitting SMS notification.

Testing MAAS Prototype: ISO 9126 Evaluation

Small-scale fisheries and agricultural setups make critical contributions to

development in the areas of employment, with over 41 million people worldwide, the vast

majority of whom live in developing countries (Finegold C., 2018). The researchers were

able to innovate the traditional farming into conversion of aquaponics system with

automation. The system was able to function based on its monitoring programs by checking

each of the water quality parameters and capable of sending SMS Notification to the owner.

To evaluate the system, the researchers used ISO/ IEC 9126 defined as a model of quality

characteristics of the software used to: discuss, plan and evaluate the quality of software

products. It includes measures to measure the degree of each quality attribute of the product

that can be achieved (Djouab & Bari, 2016).





Figure 20: ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation

Figure 20 shows the results from the evaluation conducted for the system. The

evaluators were from the agriculture-aquaculture sectors and programming-related

personnel composing a total of five (5) evaluators. The ISO 9126 frequency table- survey

questionnaire (see Appendix H- ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation) was used to evaluate the

system. The evaluators can respond through a scale of 5- Strongly agree, 4-Agree, 3-

Neutral, 3-Disagree, 2-Strongly Disagree. Consisting of six (6) characteristics, the device

was evaluated based on its functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency and


In the figure, the y-axis indicated the mean value of each characteristic, while the

x-axis indicated the six characteristics that were highlighted in the ISO 9126. The results

showed that the total mean of each characteristic was: 4.3 in the functionality, 3.8 in

reliability, 4.4 in usability, 4.4 in efficiency, 3.9 in maintainability and 4 in terms of the

portability of the whole device. Each of the qualities had different associated sub

characteristics, as per the ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation. The first characteristic was

functionality which was divided into two sections: accuracy in monitoring the levels of

each water quality parameter and SMS notification, which was strongly agreed upon by

two of the evaluators and agreed upon by the other three, and suitability in carrying out its

functions, which was strongly agreed upon by one of the evaluators and agreed upon by

the other four.

The second feature was reliability, which included two sub-features. The first was

if the equipment continued to operate without problems, which one highly agreed with, and

whether the faults are simple to correct, which three strongly agreed with, and the other

was neutral. Next, the prototype's usability, which was divided into two sub-characteristics,

was the third characteristic. The first sub-characteristic that three evaluators agreed on was

the ease with which the system could be used. The second sub-characteristic that received

three strongly agrees was the technology's applicability in the community.

The device's efficiency was the fourth characteristic, which was divided into two

sub-characteristics. The first sub-characteristic was whether the SMS were sent on time,

which four evaluators strongly agreed on, and the second sub-characteristic was the

system's high resource utilization, which three evaluators agreed on. The prototype's

maintainability was the fifth characteristic, which had three sub-characteristics. The first

was if the system's materials could be easily replaced, this garnered two agree, and two

neutral. The second sub feature was the system's stability in managing enough power

sources, which received two agrees and two neutrals in the evaluation. The third sub-

characteristic was the system's testing ease; the examination revealed that three people


Lastly, the sixth characteristic focused on the portability of the device which

consisted three sub-characteristics. The first characteristic was the adaptability of the

system to different environments, three of the evaluators agreed. The accessibility of

setting up the technology was the second sub-characteristic, with three of the evaluators

agreed, one strongly agreed and one was neutral.

Chapter V


This chapter discusses the summary of the overall findings of the study, the

conclusion based on the results discussed, and the recommendations proposed by the



Water testing is essential to confirm and maintain good water quality in a system.

Bacteria cannot be seen or measured directly. Therefore, water testing is the only method

of indirectly diagnosing bacteria's health and activity, but checking the water quality

parameters manually might be a hassle for some farmers.

The researchers established a Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) with

SMS notification. The system in this study detects the water quality parameters (Total

Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH level, and water temperature) of the plant (lettuce) and fish

(tilapia) and sends an SMS notification to the researchers after detecting changes in the

water. The Mini Automated Aquaponics System was monitored at the researcher's

residence in Barangay Matiao, Mati City twice a day (6:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.) for 14

days. For the 14-day period, the Mini Automated Aquaponics System was performing

well in monitoring the water quality parameters and had not failed to monitor even a single

trial and successfully displayed the values of the parameters. However, there were

unsuccessful transmissions of SMS notifications due to power outage and network

connection problem. The data showed that MAAS takes an overall average succession

rate of 78.57% in transmitting SMS notification.

The results of the data collection of the Mini Automated Aquaponics System

(MAAS) showed that the researchers achieved their objectives to develop a prototype of

aquaponics that monitors water quality parameters, test MAAS prototype, for monitoring

and automation efficiency, and the performance of the SMS Notification as a transmission

mechanism for conveying the water condition and assess the MAAS Prototype

(Sustainability and Optimization of Mini Automated Aquaponics System) with SMS

Notification to see if it meets the ISO 9126 Standards; functionalities. reliability, usability,

efficiency, maintainability, and portability.


Based on the results through a fourteen - day observation, a low-cost small scale

aquaponics system with automation and SMS Notification was successfully designed. The

system effectively monitored the pH, TDS, and water temperature while also transmitting

SMS notifications to the user. GSM notifications were sent to mobile phones when the

pH, TDS, or water temperatures were outside of normal ranges. The findings of the

system's data when compared to the established meters, which were the study’s-controlled

variables, revealed no significant differences, indicating that the system is dependable for

reading aquaponics quality of the water. The system operated in the background,

maintaining critical set points and ensuring that the aquaculture and hydroponic

production subsystems worked properly. furthermore, the SMS Notification performed

its necessary functions by sending its messages daily from the system's data. The

optimization of the Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) is a significant

development for agricultural society and in minimizing farmer and future farmer human

labor. As a result, this study followed the Theory of Systematic Engineering Design and

Practice, in which it used a systematic manner to build the system and encountered certain

deviations along the way, in which the theory may be used since it provides for errors



This section discusses future research recommendations for the Automated

Aquaponics System with SMS notification.

The researchers recommend this project to its beneficiaries if they could somehow

learn how to reproduce this Aquaponics version, so that they could create an efficient way

of aquaponics farming which would help the farmers be more productive.

The researchers recommend that future researchers include the lettuce growth and

tilapia multiplication, making the tanks larger for the fishes and plants to have a bigger

space, be able to adopt the enhancing of the system. Also, in line with automation, future

researchers can add an automatic fish feeder to lessen human labor.

The SMS transmissions in this study were not as successful as the automated system

because of signal and power outages problems. As a result, the researchers advise future

researchers to utilize a fast-adapting SIM card and a solar panel. Solar panel provide free

energy by converting sunlight into electrical energy. The researchers also suggest future

researchers to incorporate dissolved oxygen sensors in their studies because dissolved

oxygen (DO) is one of the most significant water quality indicators.


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Table 5, 6, 7 MAAS: Mini Automated Aquaponics System- Daily Check

WEEK 1-2
Note: Each parameter has one table.
A/ B
Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00
Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:00 PM
Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00
Monday, May 9, 2022 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 6:00
2022 AM
Wednesday, May 11, 6:00 PM
Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00
Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM
Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00
Friday, May 13, 2022 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00
Saturday, May 14, 2022 6:00 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00
Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM
Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00
Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 6:00
2022 AM
Wednesday, May 18, 6:00 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00
Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:00 PM
Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00
Friday, May 20, 2022 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00
Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 PM

Table 9. Performance of the Mini Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) prototype

on SMS Notification

Transmission of data Trial 1 - 6:00 AM Trial 2 - 6:00 PM Average

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Overall Average
APPENDIX C- Picture Story of MAAS Prototype

Testing phase

Testing of Sensors
Calibration of pH meter (control)

Calibration of TDS meter (control)

Design and Construction phase

Sketching of MAAS Prototype

Sketching of Automation Board

Structuring of MAAS

Developing the prototype

Installation of sensors

Application phase

Placing of grow medium

Fish Tank

Final / Assessment phase

Grow bed section- Lettuce

Water quality parameters: daily checking of values

Sample of SMS Transmission
A.M – P.M
APPENDIX D- ISO 9126 Standard Evaluation

5 4 3 2 1
Characteristics Sub-characteristics Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Score
Agree Disagree
Functionality The system is capable of
doing the necessary
The results in terms of
water quality parameter
monitoring and SMS
notification are accurate.
Reliability The system can continue
to function without
Malfunctions in the
system are simple to fix.
Usability The system is easy to
The technology can be
used in a community
Efficiency SMS notifications are
sent on time by the
The system makes high
resource utilization.
Maintainability In the case of damage,
the materials can be
simply replaced.
-the system is stable
enough to handle power
The system can easily be
Portability The system is adaptable
to different
The system is easy to

Name of Evaluator: Total score:

Data Privacy Agreement

I ____________________ giving consent to the researchers of this study Sustainability and Optimization of Mini
Automated Aquaponics System (MAAS) with SMS Notification: An Open-source, Arduino-based Microcontroller
with Water Quality Sensors to collect and process the information that I provide. My information will be shared
strictly for data reports and for future reference.

APPENDIX E- ISO 9126 Frequency Table

5 4 3 2 1
Characteristics Sub- Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Score
characteristics Agree Disagree
Functionality The system is
capable of doing
2 3
the necessary
The results in terms
of water quality
1 4
monitoring and
SMS notification
are accurate.
Reliability The system can
continue to
1 1 3
function without
Malfunctions in the
system are simple 1 3 1
to fix.
Usability The system is easy
2 3
to use.
The technology can
be used in a 3 2
community setting.
Efficiency SMS notifications
are sent on time by 4 1
the system.
The system makes
high resource 1 3 1
Maintainability In the case of
damage, the
1 2 2
materials can be
simply replaced.
-the system is
stable enough to
1 2 2
handle power
The system can 1 3 1
easily be tested.
Portability The system is
adaptable to
1 3 1
The system is easy
1 3 1
to set-up









DAY 9 DAY 10
DAY 11 DAY 12

DAY 13 DAY 14

• 200L Blue Drum Php 1950.00

• Waterline PVC pipe ½” x ½ m. Php 53.00

• Orange PVC pipe (2”) Php 170.00

• Orange PVC pipe (3”) Php 325.00

• Blue Female Adaptor Php. 8.00

• Blue Male Adaptor Php 8.00

• Elbow Bluetech ½ Php 7.00

• PVC pipe Clean-out (2”) Php 32.00

• Garden Hose Php 25.00

• 24 watts submersible water pump Php 750.00

• Lettuce Php 500.00

• Tilapia -

• Clay Pebbles Php 1,590.00

• Plastic Cable Wires Php 56.00

• Arduino Uno R3 Board Php 282.00

• Arduino Breadboard Php 73.00

• Jumper/ Dupont Wires Cable Php 534.00

• 9V 1A Power Adapter Php 119.00

• Plastic Water Solenoid Valve Php 229.00

• Rain Water Level Sensor Php 37.00

• Analog Turbidity Sensor Module Php 1,142.00

• Analog pH Sensor Php 2,552. 00

• Wireless GSM Module Php 355. 00

• L293D Motor Driver Php 133.00

• TDS Sensor Meter Analog Php 824. 00

• Water Temperature Sensor Php 152.00

• Solution for Calibration TDS Php 316.00

• 4 Heads LED Plants Growlight Php 552.00

• pH Meter and TDS Meter Php 373.00

• LCD Display Php 249.00

• L293D Motor Driver Php 133.00

• Fish Food Php 40.00



//LCD Display//

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);


#include <DS3231.h>

DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL);

Time t;

/*------------TIME FOR SENDING SMS NOTIFICATION (6:00 AM)---------------*/

const int OnHour1 = 6;

const int OnMin1 = 0;

const int OnSec1 = 1;

const int OffHour1 = 6;

const int OffMin1 = 0;

const int OffSec1 = 5;


const int OnHour2 = 6;

const int OnMin2 = 0;

const int OnSec2 = 2;

const int OffHour2 = 6;

const int OffMin2 = 0;

const int OffSec2 = 6;

/*------------TIME FOR SENDING SMS NOTIFICATION (6:00 PM)---------------*/

const int OnHour3 = 18;

const int OnMin3 = 0;

const int OnSec3 = 1;

const int OffHour3 = 18;

const int OffMin3 = 0;

const int OffSec3 = 5;


const int OnHour4 = 18;

const int OnMin4 = 0;

const int OnSec4 = 2;

const int OffHour4 = 18;

const int OffMin4 = 0;

const int OffSec4 = 6;


#include <EEPROM.h>

#include "GravityTDS.h"

#include <OneWire.h>

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 7

#define TdsSensorPin A1
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

GravityTDS gravityTds;

DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

float tdsValue;

float Celsius;


const int PUMP = 5 ; // Declaring pump to digital port 5

//PH Sensor//

#define SensorPin A0 //pH meter Analog output to Arduino Analog Input 0

#define Offset 0.70 //deviation compensate

#define samplingInterval 20

#define printInterval 800

#define ArrayLenth 40 //times of collection

int pHArray[ArrayLenth]; //Store the average value of the sensor feedback

int pHArrayIndex=0;

static float pHValue,voltage;

//Water Level//

#define trigpin 8

#define echopin 9


SoftwareSerial GPRS(10, 11);

String number = "+639609412554"; //-> change with your number

void setup()




pinMode(trigpin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(echopin, INPUT);





gravityTds.setAref(5.0); //reference voltage on ADC, default 5.0V on Arduino UNO

gravityTds.setAdcRange(1024); //1024 for 10bit ADC;4096 for 12bit ADC

gravityTds.begin(); //initialization

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("Calibrating Sensors");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Please Wait...");



void loop()

t = rtc.getTime();


Serial.print(" hour(s), ");


Serial.print(" minute(s)");


Serial.print(" seconds(s)");

Serial.println(" ");





if(t.hour == OnHour1 && t.min == OnMin1 && t.sec == OnSec1){

Serial.println("-------SMS ON-------");

Serial.print("pH Level:");

Serial.print("Water Temperature Level:");


Serial.println(" Celsius");

Serial.print("Water TDS Level:");


Serial.println(" PPM");


GPRS.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode


GPRS.println("AT+CMGS=\"" + number + "\"\r");



GPRS.print("pH Level:");


GPRS.print("Water Temperature Level:");


GPRS.println(" Celsius");

GPRS.print("Water TDS Level:");


GPRS.println(" PPM");




else if(t.hour == OffHour1 && t.min == OffMin1 && t.sec == OnSec1){

Serial.println("-------SMS OFF-------");


if(t.hour == OnHour2 && t.min == OnMin2 && t.sec == OnSec2){

Serial.println("-------SMS ON-------");

Serial.print("pH Level:");


Serial.print("Water Temperature Level:");


Serial.println(" Celsius");

Serial.print("Water TDS Level:");


Serial.println(" NTU");


GPRS.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode


GPRS.println("AT+CMGS=\"" + number + "\"\r");



GPRS.print("pH Level:");

GPRS.print("Water Temperature Level:");


GPRS.println(" Celsius");

GPRS.print("Water TDS Level:");


GPRS.println(" PPM");




else if(t.hour == OffHour2 && t.min == OffMin2 && t.sec == OnSec2){

Serial.println("-------SMS OFF-------");


if(t.hour == OnHour3 && t.min == OnMin3 && t.sec == OnSec3){

Serial.println("-------SMS ON--------");

Serial.print("pH Level:");


Serial.print("Water Temperature Level:");


Serial.println(" Celsius");

Serial.print("Water TDS Level:");


Serial.println(" PPM");


GPRS.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode


GPRS.println("AT+CMGS=\"" + number + "\"\r");



GPRS.print("pH Level:");


GPRS.print("Water Temperature Level:");


GPRS.println(" Celsius");

GPRS.print("Water TDS Level:");


GPRS.println(" PPM");



else if(t.hour == OffHour3 && t.min == OffMin3 && t.sec == OffSec3){

Serial.println("-------SMS OFF---------");


if(t.hour == OnHour4 && t.min == OnMin4 && t.sec == OnSec4){

Serial.println("-------SMS ON--------");

Serial.print("pH Level:");


Serial.print("Water Temperature Level:");


Serial.println(" Celsius");

Serial.print("Water TDS Level:");


Serial.println(" PPM");


GPRS.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode


GPRS.println("AT+CMGS=\"" + number + "\"\r");



GPRS.print("pH Level:");


GPRS.print("Water Temperature Level:");


GPRS.println(" Celsius");

GPRS.print("Water Turbidity Level:");


GPRS.println(" PPM");



else if(t.hour == OffHour4 && t.min == OffMin4 && t.sec == OffSec4){

Serial.println("-------SMS OFF---------");


/*-------------------PH LEVEL------------------------*/

void PH_LEVEL()



voltage = avergearray(pHArray, ArrayLenth)*5.0/1024;

pHValue = 3.5*voltage+Offset;

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.setCursor(8, 0);


if (pHValue > 9) { //if the pH value is to high

lcd.setCursor(12, 0);

lcd.print("-HIGH ");

else if( (pHValue > 6.5) && (pHValue <= 9) )

lcd.setCursor(12, 0);


else if (pHValue <= 6.5){ //if the pH value is to low

lcd.setCursor(13, 0);

lcd.print("-LOW ");

double avergearray(int* arr, int number){

int i;

int max,min;
double avg;

long amount=0;


Serial.println("Error number for the array to avraging!/n");

return 0;

if(number<5){ //less than 5, calculated directly statistics



avg = amount/number;

return avg;



min = arr[0];max=arr[1];





amount+=min; //arr<min


}else {

amount+=max; //arr>max



amount+=arr[i]; //min<=arr<=max



avg = (double)amount/(number-2);


return avg;

/*-------------------WATER TEMPERATURE------------------------*/





gravityTds.setTemperature(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)); // set the temperature and

execute temperature compensation

gravityTds.update(); //sample and calculate

tdsValue = gravityTds.getTdsValue() + 120; // then get the value

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("TDS: ");


lcd.print(" PPM ");

lcd.setCursor(0, 2);





/*-------------------WATER LEVEL------------------------*/


int duration, distance;

digitalWrite(trigpin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echopin,HIGH);

distance = ( duration / 2) / 29.1;

lcd.setCursor(0, 3);

if( (distance > 16) && (distance <= 30) )

lcd.setCursor(9, 3);


//lcd.setCursor(16, 3);



} else

if( (distance > 10) && (distance <= 15) )

lcd.setCursor(9, 3);


//lcd.setCursor(16, 3);




digitalWrite(PUMP,LOW); //Sending signal to relay to power up pump

delay(2000); // Running pump for 2 seconds

digitalWrite(PUMP,HIGH); //Cutting power to pump

void updateSerial()


while (Serial.available())

GPRS.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port


Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port



Purok Mabuhay - 2, Brgy. Matiao, City of Mati
Cellphone No.: 09609412554


BIRTHDATE: December 15, 2003

AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
SEX: Female
FATHER’S NAME: Danilo M. Garcia
MOTHER’S NAME: Annabel C. Garcia


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 2022

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

April 2020
ELEMENTARY: Rabat-Rocamora Mati Central School SPED
April 2016

Purok Aroma Brgy. Matiao, City of Mati
Cellphone No.: 09639410150


BIRTHDATE: August 1, 2004

AGE: 17
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
SEX: Female
FATHER’S NAME: Silvestre K. Atay
MOTHER’S NAME: Sally M. Maymanan


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 2022

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

April 2020
ELEMENTARY: Gov. Leopoldo N. Lopez Senior Memorial School
April 2016

Purok Mabuhay - 1, Brgy. Matiao, City of Mati
Cellphone No.: 09109301075


BIRTHDATE: May 24, 2004
BIRTHPLACE: Dasmariñas City, Cavite
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Wilman R. Salvador
MOTHER’S NAME: Cherryl L. Salvador


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 2022

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

April 2020
ELEMENTARY: Rabat-Rocamora Mati CS - SPED Center
April 2016

Upper Kapayas, Brgy. Matiao, City of Mati
Cellphone No.: 09267258078


BIRTHDATE: March 4, 2004

AGE: 18
RELIGION: Born Again Christian
SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Nicolan M. Pagcamaan
MOTHER’S NAME: Maribel D. Pagcamaan


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 2022

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

April 2020
ELEMENTARY: Jesus Is Lord Christian School
April 2016

Purok Aroma, Barangay Matiao, City of Mati
Cellphone No.: 09467140260


BIRTHDATE: February 26, 2003

AGE: 19
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Zaldy V. Dizon
MOTHER’S NAME: Janice M. Dizon


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
June 2022

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

April 2022
ELEMENTARY: Matiao Central Elementary School
April 2016

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