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Law of Crimes I (IPC)

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Program: BBA LL.B.(Hons.

) Semester :

Course : Law of Crimes I : IPC Course Code:

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lecture Practical Tutorial Term End
Internal Continuous
(Hours (Hours (Hours Examinations (TEE)
Credit Assessment (ICA)
per per per (Marks- 40
(Marks – 60)
week) week) week) in Question Paper)
4 0 0 4 Marks Scaled to 60 Marks Scaled to 40
Pre-requisite: Law of Torts.
This is an elementary course on criminal law aiming at developing the capabilities to understand and
apply the general principles of criminal law to practical situations. The course aims to scrutinize
certain areas of crimes critically, so as to infuse the spirit of questioning and law reforms. It covers
essential principles and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) so as to provide a taste
of criminal law to strengthen the basics of the students. At its heart, the course aims to teach the
▪ Understanding the elements of liability under the criminal justice system.
▪ Identification of the grounds of deciding the quantum of punishment.
▪ Develop the ability to apply various provisions to practical cases at hand.
▪ Understanding how to critically read a provision of IPC and appreciate its nuances and
textual interpretation.

▪To demonstrate the ability to read the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and identify the varied
interpretations of the code. (PLO 1 a.)
▪ To identify the emerging areas of criminal jurisprudence and understand the dynamic
nature of the subject. (PLO1a.)
▪ To synthesize materials from a variety of sources and develop a better understanding
of the subject link to other branches of law. (PLO 1b.)
▪ To critically evaluate case law, theories and principle and apply legal provisions to
practical cases. (PLO 2a.)
▪ To equip the students with working knowledge and technical-know-how of law of
crimes from a therapeutic jurisprudence perspective. (PLO 4b.)
Detailed Syllabus: ( per session plan )
Unit Description Duration
1. Introduction to concepts in criminal law. 3 Hrs.
1. Meaning of a ‘crime’
2. Actus Non FacitReum Nisi Mens Sit Rea
3. Novus actus Interveniens (Causation and Act)
4. Stages of Crime
5. Mens Rea (Intention, Foresight, Negligence, Recklessness)
6. Preparation.
7. Attempt.
8. Commission (Legal distinction between Act and Omission)
Basic Reading:
1. State of Maharastra v. M. H. George AIR 1965 SC 722
2. Dudley v. Stephens [(1884) 14 Q. B. D. 173]
3. Moti Singh And Another vs State Of Uttar Pradesh on 23 January,
Reference Reading:
1. Sandel, Michael J. Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009.
2. HLA Hart, Law, Liberty & Morality, Stanford University Press
Teaching Pedagogy:Group Discussion on the ethical dilemmas in
differentiating between morality and crime.
2. Territorial Application of Indian Penal Code. 3 Hrs.
A. Intra- Territorial Application of the Code
B. Extra- Territorial Application of the Code.

Basic Reading:
1) Sections 2-5 IPC.
2) Savarkar’s case [(1910) 13 B.L.R. 296]

Reference Reading:
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh, ‘Constitutional Space and legislative
development in India on extra-territorial operation of law’, ILI Law Review,
Summer Issue 2018.

Teaching Pedagogy:
Inquiry based method. Students will be given problem based questions
and application of law will be expected out of them.
3. Punishment under Criminal Law 3 Hrs.
▪ Meaning and Definition of Punishment.
▪ Theories of Punishment.
▪ Kinds of Punishmentand the need for sentencing guidelines in
Basic Reading:
1. Phul Singh v. State of Haryana (1980 Cri. L.J. 8)
2. Sunil Batra (II) v. Delhi Administration (1980 2 S.C.C. 488)
3. Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab (1980 2 S.C.C. 684)

Reference Reading:
Sharma, Anupama. (2016). Fines as a punishment in Indian Penal Code,
1860: A jurisprudential failure or commodification of an offense?. Journal
of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Vol 32 No 3: 243-263
Teaching Pedagogy:
Discussion based learning.
4. General Exceptions under Indian Penal Code 3 Hrs
▪ Mistake of Fact and Law.
▪ Act done by a child, intoxicated person or due to unsoundness of
▪ Act done out of necessity.
▪ Acts done by Consent.
▪ Communication made in good faith
▪ Act to which a person is compelled by threats
▪ Act causing slight harm (de minimis non curatlex)
Basic Reading:
1. Basdev v State of Pepsu (1956 AIR SC 488)
2. McNaughten’s case (10 CL. & F., 200)
3. Vishwanath v. State of U.P. (AIR 1960 SC 67)
4. Kumari Chandra vs State on 1 August, 2018
Reference Reading :
Math, Suresh Bada et al. “Insanity Defense: Past, Present, and Future.” Indian
journal of psychological medicine vol. 37,4 (2015): 381-7. doi:10.4103/0253-
Teaching Pedagogy:Case Discussion.
5. The right of private defence under Indian Penal Code (Sections 96-106) 3 Hrs.
▪ Right of private defence to Body
▪ Right of private defence to property.
Basic Reading:
1. Amjad Khan v. State AIR 1952 SC 165.
2. Kishan v. The State Of Madhya Pradesh AIR 1974 SC 244.
3. Kesho Ram v. Delhi Administration 1974 AIR 1158.
Teaching Pedagogy:Case Discussion
6. Joint Liability of Offenders under the Indian Penal Code 3 Hrs.

▪ Offences carried out by two or more persons (Legal distinction

between section 34 and 149 of IPC)
▪ Abetment of an offence.
Basic Reading:
1. Priya Patel v. State of M.P. (2006 CrLJ 3627)
2. Barendra Kumar Ghosh v. Emperor (AIR 1925 PC 1)
3. Mahboob Shaw v. Emperor (AIR 1945 PC 118)

Teaching Pedagogy:Case based discussion.

7. Offences against human body-I 3 Hrs.

▪ Culpable Homicide and Murder (Identifying key legal distinction

between sections 299 and 300 of IPC)
▪ Causing death by Negligence (Criminal Liability versus Civil

Basic Reading:
1. Dr. Suresh Gupta v. State of NCT (2004) 6 SCC 422
2. R. v. Ahluwalia (1993) 96 Cr App Reports 133
3. LaughanbaiDevjibhaiVasava v. The State of Gujarat, 2018 (3) SCALE
4. State of MP v. Abdul Lateef 2018 (4) SCALE 441
5. KM Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra (AIR 1962 SC 605)

Reference Reading:
J Horder, ‘Re-thinking Non-Fatal Offences against the Person’ (1994) 14
OJLS 335.

Teaching Pedagogy: Group Discussion

8. Offences relating to human body-II 3 Hrs.
▪ Abetment of suicide and Attempt to suicide.
▪ Hurt and Grievous Hurt. (
▪ Criminal Force and Assault
▪ Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement.
▪ Kidnapping and Abduction.
Basic Reading:
1. Sections 319 –360 IPC
2. Varadarajan v. state of Madras, (1965) AIR 942
Suggested Reading:
1. Virsa Singh v. State of Punjab (AIR 1958 SC 465)
2. GudarDusadh v. State of Bihar (AIR 1972 SC 952)
3. Emperor v. Mt. Dhirajia AIR 1940 All 486
4. Gyarsibai v. State AIR (1953 CrLJ 558)
Teaching Pedagogy:
Discussion and case based teaching.
9. Sexual Offences under the Indian Penal Code. 3 Hrs.
▪ Outraging the modesty of a woman.
▪ Sexual Harassment and allied offences Rape and its punishment.
▪ Unnatural offences.
Basic Reading:
1. Section 354 A-D, 375-377 IPC
2. Mahmood Farooqui vs State (Govt Of Nct Of
Delhi) CRL.A.944/2016
Reference Reading:
1. Suresh Kumar Koushal v. NAZ Foundation (2014) 1 SCC 1
2. Independent Thought v. Union of India &Anr. W.P No. 382 of 2013.
3. Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India. (2018)
Teaching Pedagogy:
Group Discussion on gender based offences and gender neutrality of IPC.
10. Offences Relating to Marriage and Cruelty. 3 Hrs.
▪ Bigamy.
▪ Decriminalization of Adultery.
▪ Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal Intent a
married woman.
▪ Cruelty by husband or relatives-Uses and Abuses of Section
▪ Dowry Death- Section 304 A.
Basic reading
1. Ram Chandra Bhagat v. State of Jharkhand. Criminal Appeal
No(s). 439 of 2006.
2. Rajesh Sharma and Ors. v.State of U.P and Anr. Criminal Appeal
No. 1265 OF 2017.
3. Josheph Shine v. Union of India W.P. No. 194 of 2017.
Teaching Pedagogy:
Case analysis and discussion on de criminalization of adultery.
11. Offences against property 3 Hrs.
▪ Theft
▪ Extortion
▪ Robbery
▪ Dacoity
Basic Reading:
1. Sections 378-381 IPC
2. K.N. Mehra v. State (AIR 1957 SC 369)
3. Pyare Lal Bhargava vs State of Rajasthan AIR 1963 SC 1094
Reference Reading:
G. Fletcher, ‘The Metamorphosis of Larceny (1976) 89 Harvard Law
Review 469.
Teaching Pedagogy:
Discussion on legal distinction of theft, extortion, robbery and dacoity
along with case analysis.
12. Offences relating to property-II 3 Hrs.
▪ Receiving stolen property
▪ Mischief
▪ Criminal trespass
▪ House Trespass
▪ House Breaking
Basic Reading:
1. Sections 403-411 IPC
2. State of Gujarat v Jaswantlal AIR 1968 SC 700
3. Shyam Behari Lal v. State of U.P Criminal Appeal No. 148
Of 1971
Teaching Pedagogy: Discussion Method.
13. Economic Offences: 3 Hrs.
▪ Cheating,
▪ Counterfeit and
▪ Forgery
Basic Reading:
1. Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy v, Central Bureau of Investigation
(2013) 7 SCC 439
2. P. Chidambaram v. Directorate of Enforcement (SLP (Criminal)

Teaching Pedagogy:
Group discussion on the need for revisiting the legal framework on white
collar crimes.
14. Offences against the State 3 Hrs.
▪ Waging war against the State
▪ Sedition
Basic Reading:
Section 124A IPC
Reference Reading:
1.Mohd. Ajmal Amir Kasab v. State of Maharashtra 2012 9 SC 4
2.Kedarnath Singh v. State of Bihar AIR 1962 SC 955

Teaching Pedagogy:
Class based discussion on the misuse of sedition laws in India.
15. Offences against Public Peace Tranquility and Religion 3 Hrs.
▪ Unlawful Assembly and Rioting
▪ Promoting Enmity between Classes.
▪ Offences promoting communal hatred and insulting religious
Basic Reading:
1. DayaKishan v. State of Haryana AIR 2010 SC 2147
2. Dharam Pal State of UP AIR 1975 SC 1917

Teaching Pedagogy:
Case Law analysis and discussion of the contemporary scenario on hate
speech in India.
16. Offences Relating to Elections 3 Hrs.
▪ Bribery - Giving or accepting Gratification.
▪ Interference with Electoral Right.
▪ Personation at Elections.
Basic Reading:
1. Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narian AIR 1975 SC 2299
2. Ram Dial v. Sant Lal AIR 1959 SC 855
Reference Reading:
Shiv Kripal Singh v. V.V. Giri AIR 1970 SC 2093
Teaching Pedagogy:
Case law analysis.
17. Offences Affecting the Reputation 3 Hrs.
▪ Defamation.
▪ Exceptions to Defamation.
▪ Punishment for Defamation.
1. Section 499 IPC
2. Chamanlal v. State of Punjab 1970 1 SCC 590
3. Mukund Chitnis v. Madhuri Chitnis AIR 1992 SC 1840
Reference Reading:
Narottamdas v. Patel MaganabhaiRevabha (1984) CRLJ 1790 (Guj)
Teaching Pedagogy:Class debate on decriminalization of defamation in
18. Inchoate Offences 3 Hrs.
▪ Attempt to commit and offence (Section 511, IPC)

Basic Reading:
Abhayanand Mishra vs The State of Bihar AIR 1961 SC 1698
Teaching Pedagogy:
Socrates method.
19. Criminal Conspiracy 3 Hrs.

1. (Section 120A and B, IPC)
2. Emperor v. Asgar Ali Pradhania AIR 1933 Cal 893
3. Suggested Reading:
4. State of Maharashtra v Mhd. Yakub (1980) SCR (2) 1158

Teaching Pedagogy:
Socrates Method.
20. Contemporary issues under the Criminal Justice System in India. 3 Hrs.

A workshop will be organized on drafting of complaints/bail applications.

Total 60 Hrs.
Text Books:
1. The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bare Act).
2. K. D. Gaur, A text Book on the Indian Penal Code, Universal Delhi. (Edn. 2020)
3. P. S. Achuthan Pillai, Criminal Law, Eastern Book Co. (14th Edition, 2019)
Reference Books:
1. K. D. Gaur, Criminal Law Cases and Materials, Butterworths, India.(2020)
2. Ratanlal&Dhirajlal’s Indian Penal Code, Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur.(2017)
3. Ashworth, Andrew & Jeremy Horder, Principles of criminal law (2013: Oxford,
OUP- Classic)
4. Baker, Dennis, Glanville Williams: Textbook of criminal law, (2012: New York, Sweet
& Maxwell) (E-book Available)
Any other information:

Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): 60 Marks

Research Paper: 20 Marks

Assignment: 20 Marks
Mid-Term: 20 Marks

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