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UGSRS Guidelines - 2022 (Version 3.O)

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(Version 3.O)



1 Announcement of UGSRS 3 - 4
2 General Instructions for UGSRS 5 - 6
3 Application process for UGSRS 7 - 9
4 Preparing UGSRS Project Proposal 10 - 12
5 Application form (UGSRS)2022 13 - 15
6 AAF (UGSRS) 2022 16 - 18
7 UGSRS Report Submission 19 - 22
8 FAQ’s 23 - 27


 On behalf of Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Research &

Development Department, applications are invited from interested


participate in the Under Graduate Student Research

Scholarships(UGSRS - 2022).

 Dr.NTRUHS initiated Under Graduate Student Research

Scholarships in 2020 in order to promote interest and aptitude for

research among undergraduates. The main objective of this program

is to provide an opportunity to undergraduate students in institutions

which are affiliated to Dr.NTRUHS and to familiarize themselves with

research methodology.

 Approxmately500 students (MBBS - 250, BDS - 100, AYUSH – 25,

Nursing - 100, Physiotherapy - 25) will be awarded UGSRS after

submission of the report and review for 2022.

 The notification for UGSRS – 2022 will be issued in the month of May


 The application form and UGSRS research proposal to be

submitted to the University by June 25 th 2022 which will be

evaluated by Dr NTRUHS. The list of selected students to undertake

UGSRS research work will be displayed on the NTRUHS website on

15th July 2022. The selected students are expected to complete the

project in any two given months between July and September 2022

and submit the report before the last date of submission,

i.e.,30thNovember 2022). The student will be awarded a stipend and

certificate only if his/her UGSRS report is approved by Dr.NTRUHS.

The Institution must provide the student with all the facilities for

carrying out research. The value of the Under Graduate Student

Research Scholarship is Rs. 5,000/- per month for two month’s

duration (Total Rs. 10,000/- only) and is meant to be a stipend

for the student.


1. The cost of research must be borne by

where the work will be carried out.

2. The Research projects which have been already received

grants from any other funding agencies or from Dr NTR UHS
are not eligible for Under Graduate Student Research
Scholarships(UGSRS - 2022).

 For any queries, please contact through email : 

IMPORTANT: Any application and proposal submission or any
such requests will not be entertained by Dr.NTRUHS under any
circumstances after the last date/time is over. Therefore, please
register and submit accordingly before the deadline to avoid any
last-minute delays.


 For UGSRS 2022 program, the last date for receiving completed

applications with the research proposal and other enclosures is 

25th June 2022 by 5:00 pm. Proposals received by e-mail will not be

considered. The application form has to be filled in and submitted as

per detailed instructions provided. Only hard copies of the proposal

shall be received or considered.

 The student must carry out research in his/her own


the guide who is employed in the same institute as a permanent


 Only permanent faculty members working in any of the department of

the institute, where the student is enrolled can act as the guide. Part-

time consultants/visiting faculty/ residents/ tutors/PG students

cannot be the guide.

 Only one student will be allowed to work under one guide. Similarly,

one guide can take up only one student under UGSRS in any given

year. Two or more students are not permitted to work on the same

topic together.The student may have one Guide and other Co-Guides.

However, Dr.NTRUHS will recognize only ONE main Guide for all


 Clinical trial protocols will not be considered under UGSRS and

should not be submitted.

 The student should obtain a clearance from the Institutional Ethics

Committee (IEC) if the proposal involves research on human

participants and from Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) if

the work involves the use of animals. Informed consent is to be

obtained for research on human participants. For more information,

please refer to ICMR Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on

Human Participants, 2017 and National Ethical Guidelines for

Biomedical Research Involving Children.

 If the proposal is accepted, Institutional Ethics Committee approval

should be obtained from the institute where the student is enrolled

before initiating research.

 DrNTRUHS will not be responsible in case the student is unable to

submit the proposal or project in time due to any reason whatsoever,

and request for extension of the last date will not be considered.

 Students are requested to visit the DrNTRUHS

website ( and comply with instructions

updated from time to time about the UGSRS program.

Eligibility: Please note that this program is only for


recognized Institutions, before they appear in their final exams and

therefore, interns/PG students are not eligible to apply.

 Each UGSRS for application and research proposal should be

submitted along with Application Attestation Form (AAF).

 A student can submit only one application/ proposal on any given

topic. In case a student submits more than one proposal, all proposals

will be automatically rejected.

 The guide may forward the application of only ONE student each year

for the UGSRS program. In case more than one application is

forwarded by a guide, all applications will be automatically rejected.

UGSRS Application/Proposal

Research Proposal should be prepared in brief with the following


Title (up to 25 words),

Introduction (up to 300 words),

Objectives (up to 100 words),

Methodology (up to 800 words),

Implications (up to 100 words),

References (up to 300 words, Vancouver style only).

The proposal should describe a brief work plan of proposed research

giving a short introduction, objectives and also clearly stating the

methodology, giving sample size and appropriate statistical

methodology, which will be used along with implications of the

research study. The student may include the case report form,

informed consent form or any other questionnaire also as part of a

project proposal or can submit them as separate attachments. The

Guide should ensure that, she/he selects a suitable brief topic for this

studentship, which can be completed within two months without

asking for an extension.

VERY IMPORTANT:  The proposal/ project should not have any

identifying information of the student or guide for unbiased

review by reviewers. Therefore, please remove the following

information from the UGSRS proposal:

 Name of the student/ guide / Institute

 Address/ contact details

 Telephone no.

 E-mail ID’s

Type of study- The candidate will be required to identify the type of

study as per following:

 Clinical studies

 Epidemiological studies

 Field Operational Research

 Behavior Change Communication

 Laboratory Investigations

 Therapy and Management

 Any other, please specify.



Title- A good title should be short, accurate and concise. It should

make the central objectives and variables of the study clear to the


Introduction- The purpose of an introduction is to provide the

rationale behind the work, so that the reviewer may understand and

appreciate the objectives. Please describe the importance

(significance) of the study. Defend the model. Provide a rationale and

describe the reasoning that led you to select them. Briefly describe the

experimental design and how it accomplished the stated objectives.

Describe the situation and specify the gaps in the existing knowledge

and controversy and conclusive evidence. The discussion should be

supported with appropriate references.

Objectives- Should specify what kind of knowledge the study is

expected to obtain. It should give a clear notion of what is to be

described, determined, identified, compared or confirmed. The

hypothesis may be stated, and objectives should be specific, to the

point and achievable.

Methodology- Describes all the procedures that will be used to

achieve the objectives and justify the study design, including any

techniques and procedures to be used. This may include the type of

study and study design, study population, sample size and selection

criteria, proposed intervention (if applicable), data collection

procedures & instruments used, quality control, confidentiality, plan

of analysis/ statistical tools, ethical considerations with all required


Implications- Describes what is expected to be achieved or gained

from the proposed research. This could be given in terms of

knowledge gained by the student or in terms of scientific


References- Provide appropriate references in Vancouver style only

from recently published journals/ literature supporting the proposed


Selection of the candidates

1. The selection of the candidates for carrying out the UGSRS 2022

research will be done after technical evaluation of the submitted

research proposals by a panel of experts.

2. The selected candidates /students will be displayed on the

Dr.NTRUHS website by tentatively 15th July, 2022.

3. Sanction letters will not be issued individually to the student/guide.

The students should take a print out the list of selected students from

the website for future reference.

The decision of Dr.NTRUHS regarding the selection of students

will be final.

Request emails/calls for reconsideration will not be entertained and

responded, and reasons for rejection of applications for the award of
studentship should not be asked for.

General instructions

 Submission of wrong information/ document etc. detected at any

stage will lead to disqualification, and the application/ proposal/
project will be treated as cancelled.

 The studentship is non-transferable and cannot be given to another

student. However, in case of transfer of guide, the student can take

another faculty member from the same department as a guide with

the permission from Principal/Dean of the institute.

 On approval of the UGSRS project, the stipend will be paid through

RTGS and will be transferred to the STUDENT’S OWN SINGLE

HOLDER BANK ACCOUNT as provided in his/her application

form. NO Joint Accounts (parents/guide) will be accepted.

 Information from students may be used by DrNTRUHS /designated

authorities to contact students / invite them to research methodology

workshop/ conferences or other academic activities.

Requests for providing the following categories of information

shall not be entertained:

 Reasons for rejection of UGSRS applications

 Names and contact details of students/ guides/ reviewers

 Any other details of any student/ Guide

 Titles of UGSRS projects- approved/ disapproved

 Scientific details of UGSRS projects.

 Minutes of UGSRS meetings/ marks/ scores

 Any other confidential information



Full Name: __________________________________________________________



Year of Study: ____________________

Name of the College: __________________________________________________


Address of the College :_______________________________________________


Phone No. of the College:___________________

Email ID of the College :____________________


Gender : Male Female

Date of Birth :

Residential Address:___________________________________________________


Contact No:___________________

Email ID: ____________________


Full Name of the Guide: ________________________________________________


Designation :__________________

Department : ___________________

Name of the College: __________________________________________________


Address ___________________________________________________________


Contact No__________________

Email ID ____________________


Title: _______________________________________________________________



Type of the Study :____________________

Subject Area:________________________

Name of the Department : ________________


1) Research Proposal under the following Headings ( do not mention any identifiers of the
student / guide / institution)

 Title
 Introduction
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Implications
 References

2) Ethics Committee Application / Certificate

3) Informed Consent Form

4) Case Study Form

5) Study Questionnaire

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Signature of the Head of the Institution with Seal


Name of the Student: …………….....................................

Name of the Guide: …………...........................................

Paste recent
Name of
colour passport

size Photograph

(Attested by the






Bank Account Details of the applicant

Name of the Bank & Branch…………………………………

A/c No.………………………. IFSC Code…………….

Title of the UGSRS Proposal: …………………………………



Certificate to be signed by the Student


student and am here by providing true information in the application form

for UGSRS 2022 best to my knowledge. I am submitting only one application

for UGSRS 2022. In the event any information is found to be false, my

studentship may be cancelled. I also certify that, the research proposal is an

original work prepared under the guidance of my Guide. I confirm that I

have not committed ‘plagiarism’ in preparing this proposal. I understand

that after evaluation of my proposal, I may or may not be selected, and I

shall abide by the decision of Dr.NTRUHS.

If selected, I shall follow all instructions provided by the Dr.NTRUHS for

carrying out the research, preparation and submission of UGSRS report. I
also understand that if I am unable to complete my project & submit the
report before the last date, no certificate or stipend will be awarded to me. I
have gone through all the instructions, and terms &conditions for UGSRS
2022 provided by DrNTRUHS and will abide by them.

Name of the Student: ------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature of Student


Certificate to be signed by the Guide

I agree to accept the applicant Mr./Ms.__________________________________


appropriate) institute_________________________. I certify that he/she is not

an intern/PG and I will offer him/her all facilities and guidance for carrying

out UGSRS research. I also certify that the proposal is an original

submission prepared by the student under my guidance. I confirm that

neither me and nor my student has committed ‘plagiarism’ in preparing this

proposal. I am forwarding only one UGSRS 2022 student application. If my

student is selected, I shall provide required facilities to enable early

completion of research work, so that the report is submitted before the last


Name: ………………………………………………………………………….

Designation: …………………………………..

Department: ……………………………………

Signature of Guide:

Attested By

Signature of Head of Department Signature of Head of the Institute

(Name in Block letters with seal) (Name in Block letters with seal)

---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

Fill form completely & check it before submission.

Guidelines for UGSRS report submission
must complete their UGSRS research project and prepare a detailed report
in consultation with their Guide.

2) Students are advised to prepare both hard and soft copies of their reports
for submission.
The report should detail only the original work carried out by the
students under the supervision of their Guide. The report should not give
results of earlier Guide’s research/other student’s research
(MD/MDS/Ph.D. thesis)/or taken from other sources in which student was
not involved. In case it is found that details have been copied.

General rules of formatting

Paper and size Bond paper, A4 size

Cover Tan/black, water proof bind

Number of Not less than 40 and not more than 60 (including

pages references, questionnaires and other annexures)
Page margins 1” on all sides

Line spacing Double line

Font Times New Roman, Size - 12

Page numbering Footer
References Vancouver style
Binding Hard bind (spiral binding will not be accepted)
Formatting Proper formatting
3) Parts of the Research report

Page 1. Should contain the title of the research on the top of the page with

quotation, name of the candidate, department, institution and the
university to which affiliated.
Page2. a) Certificate should contain the following
Certificate b) Name of the candidate
c) Departmentwhere the study wasconducted
d) Institution where the work was carriedout
e) Title of research
f) Name and designation of the guide
g) Name of the HOD
h) Certificate that this is an original work done bythe candidate.
i) The certificate has to be signed by: the candidate, the Guide,
and the Principal of the institution.
Page 3- Acknowledgements

Generally, all help and assistance, like guidance, inspiration, moral

supportetc., can be acknowledged.

Page 4 - Index/table of contents

This should contain the names of sections andpage numbers against them.

a) Introduction
b) Aims and objectives of the study
c) Review of literature
d) Methodology: Materials and Methods
e) Observations and results
f) Discussion
g) Conclusions & Summary
h) References
i) Tables
j) Annexures
4. Introduction:

a) Give a brief review of current status.

b) Discuss the motivation for the work
c) Be specific about what the work is trying to achieve.
This section should contain the following paragraphs.

Para 1. Brief description of the problem/issue taken for study, how

important and how common is the disease/problem, how it affects people
and morbidity/mortality issues, or health consequences.

Para 2. Epidemiological importance of the subject of study.

Para 3. Why the topic has been chosen. Whether the topic is least explored
in that region, or in the state/country, or that the available information

published ason date is insufficient to draw conclusions to progress further
in management of patients/diagnosis of disease.

Para 4. Justify the infrastructural facilities, materials (patient /samples)

and the proposed outcome of your study in all probability.

5. Aims and objectives of the study:

This should be expressed as points. Brief about what you want to do, point
by point (including number of patients/samples) and what result do you
expect to achieve.

6. Review of literature

This should not be more than 10 pages. The review should be

comprehensive and should be confined to the topic of study, and should
compulsorily include the most recent articles published in relation to your
study. Every effort must be made to collect as much information as possible.
A table containing comparison of similar studies done earlier may also be

The author cannot put forward his/her own ideas/ suggestions, or

use his own derivations in review of literature. The section should contain
only the facts of already done research in this area.

7. Methodology

This section may be named as ‘materials and methods” when it refers

to laboratory work, and ‘patients and methods ‘when it refers to clinical
work. It should contain the sample size, type of study, control group if any,
inclusion and exclusion criteria, and every detail of how the work is
undertaken. Minute details of standard procedures may be omitted and are
given at the end of the book under annexure. Mention ethical issues and
methods adopted for statistical analysis.

8. Observations and Results:

The findings of the study should be analysed and should be arranged

in tables, charts and diagrams. The text in this chapter should explain the
observations, table wise.

9. Discussion:

a) Analyze data and relate them to other studies.

b) Possible explanations for any variation in the results.
c) Significance of results in terms of hypothesis and their practical
d) Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of work.
e) Recommendations for further work.
f) Avoid using personal pronouns ( I, We)
This section should be in 10 pages. The findings of the study should be
analysed along with the already known information about the problem
studied. The implications of the observations of the study should be
projected. The limitations of the study, and recommendations of areas for
further study in future can also be discussed.

The author can use his ideas and derivations based on the findings of
his/her study. He/she can also project the difficulties faced by him/her
during the course of study, and suggest methods to overcome them.

10. Conclusions & Summary

This section should contain in points the net result of the study.

11. References

The references may be arranged in Vancouver style.

12. Tables:

Tables should be serially numbered, accurately named with reference

to the data presented and the statistical analysis (if any) presented at the
bottom of the table.

13. Annexures

This section contains: the proforma used for the study, ethical
clearance certificate, consent forms used in the study, master chart of all
the data, details of the standard procedures used (which are avoided in
materials and methods), and any other information which is relevant.

Incomplete reports/reports not in prescribed format will be

automatically rejected. Before submitting the report and other enclosures to
Dr NTR university of Health Sciences, check the report is complete in all

Introduction Why did you do it?

Aims and Objectives What do you want to achieve?

Review of literature What have others done?

Methods How did you do it?

Results What did you find?

Discussion What does it mean?

Summary and Conclusions What do you want to say now?

Tail The raw material employed in

the study


1) How do I choose the topic for my research

Students are free to choose any topic related to
on their research interest. The topic should be relevant and should
lead to the creation of new knowledge or help in gaining skills by the
student. Research should not be carried out on well established/
known facts.

2) I want to apply for UGSRS, is there any criterion?

studying in institutions/ colleges affiliated to Dr.NTRUHS of Andhra
Pradesh can apply for UGSRS.

3) What is the eligibility criterion to apply for UGSRS?

UGSRS program is open only to
not yet appeared in their final exams. Interns/ Post Graduate
students are not eligible.


student and going to begin my internship around the time of
submission? Am I eligible for applying?
No, you will not be eligible.

5) What is the last date for registration/proposal/report

Information regarding the last date for registration and
proposal/report submission is provided on the Dr.NTRUHS website.
Kindly note that no extension will be given after the last date.

6) I was not selected for UGSRS this year. Can I apply again?
A student can apply each year until he/she appears in the final year
exams. However, interns are not eligible.

7) I am trying to open the DrNTRUHS website, but it’s not working.
What should I do?
This may happen if your internet browser is not updated. Kindly
update your internet browser or try to access UGSRS link from
another location/ computer system.

8) Can one guide take two students or can submit two projects for
Please note that one student should registrar once and submit only
one proposal. One guide can take only one student under him/her
each year. In case duplication of names of students or guides are
found, all applications will be automatically rejected.

9) Can I take a Co-guide for my UGSRS project?

You can have a co-guide for guidance only. Dr.NTRUHS recognizes
only the guide as this is a short term project for undergraduate

10) Can I jointly submit a project with another student?

No, it is not permitted.

11) Can my project be a part of a larger project of my guide, which is

ongoing and has been approved by the ethics committee? Can I
submit the same ethics committee approval?
No, this is not permitted. All regulatory, clinical trials fall under the
preview of Drugs & Cosmetics Act & Rules and should not be
conducted by an undergraduate student

12) Can I submit a clinical trial protocol under UGSRS?

No, This is not permitted. All regulatory, clinical trials fall under the
preview of Drugs & Cosmetics Act & Rules and should not be conducted by
an undergraduate student.

13) What identifying details should be removed from the


Name and Contact details of student/guide not be present in the

proposal/report (including name, address, email-ID, telephone number).

14) Should my photograph on the application/Report attestation form

be attested?

Attestation of the photograph is required.

15) My proposal has been selected. Can I make some changes to

aims/objectives or methodology?

No, you are not allowed.

16) The result has been declared, and my UGSRS proposal has been
selected to carry out research between May-September. Do I need to
submit anything during this period before submitting my final report?

No, you do not have to submit anything now. You must obtain an ethics
committee approval before beginning your research. You are free to
complete your work during any 2 months between May – September and
submit the report before last date. At the time of report submission, you will
be required to submit all documents including ethical clearance or other
information like change of guide etc.

17) Ethics committee has not held any meeting yet? Can I submit
ethical clearance later?

Ethics committee approval should be obtained any time between Feb- May
before beginning your research work. Submission of ethical clearance at the
time of submission of application/proposal is optional. However before
beginning research the ethics committee approval is mandatory and
should be obtained. A copy of the same must be submitted along with the
project report. No research should be done if ethics committee has not given
the clearance. Report on research carried out without the ethical clearance
or late approval by IEC’s which does not give 2 months time for research or
for any other such reason, the report may not be accepted.

18) Due to some reasons Iam unable to work in my college. Can I now
change site of study and complete my work in another Institution?

No, you cannot. You have to do UGSRS from the same institute.

19) Can a parent if working as a faculty In the same institute, become a

guide of his or her child?

Preferably the parent/relatives should not be the guide.

20) Do I need to submit all the raw data in excel sheet/Master sheet?

Yes, it is required.

21) Do I need to submit completed case record forms and signed

informed consent forms from all the participants?

No, you need to only submit one blank unsigned consent form/case report
form. Names or any confidential information about patients/ research
participants should not be submitted.

22) My guide has left/moved/transferred from institute. May I change

my guide?

Yes, The student may approach another faculty member who fulfills
eligibility criteria from the same department and take permission of institute

authorities regarding the change.You do not need the permission of
Dr.NTRUHS for this change. However you need to inform Dr.NTRUHS
regarding this before project report submission time through email and also
update the same details at the time of report submission. The student must
carry out the research in his/her own institute under the guide who is
employed as a permanent full time faculty in the same institute.

23) I do not have a bank account, may I use my parent’s/Guide or

other’s account?

Payment will be made online to the student’s bank account only. Therefore

a student should have a nationalized bank account (single holder) to receive
the stipend. The payment of stipend will be made by RTGS only and
therefore it is essential for the student to have a bank account in his/ her

24) I have a joint bank account with my parent’s/other’s. May I give

the bank details of joint account?

No, joint account will not be accepted.

25) Can I publish the results of my study?

You are free to publish a paper/ present your work in conferences without
seeking permission from Dr.NTRUHS. However you must acknowledge the
support received from Dr.NTRUHS under UGSRS program for your research
and send a reprint of your paper to Dr.NTRUHS for records.

26) My report has been accepted. Will it be published by Dr.NTRUHS in

its journal/ bulletin?

Kindly note that there is no procedure for automatic publication of UGSRS

reports in Dr.NTRUHSjournal/ bulletin. In case you want to publish, you
may consult your guide and identify a suitable journal and write up a paper
for submission as per journal requirements.

27) My research paper has been selected for presentation in

international conference; can I get travel fellowship from Dr.NTRUHS?.

No Dr.NTRUHS will not provide any travel fellowships/ grants.

28) When will I receive my certificate and at which address?

Certificates will be posted to Principal/Dean’s office after declaration of

report results (around May or June every year) and an email will be sent to
students informing about the same. The students will be requested to collect
the certificates from their Principal/Dean’s office.

29) When will I receive my stipend and at which address?

About 6 months (around May or June) after report results are declared,
stipend will be transferred through online mechanism into the student’s own
single holder nationalized bank account as per details provided in the AAF.
An email will also to sent to inform the students at that time.

30) Will my UGSRS report be evaluated by Dr.NTRUHS before I can get


Yes, stipend/certificate shall be paid only to those students whose report is

approved by experts after evaluation. In case the report is not accepted by
Dr.NTRUHS, no stipend/certificate will be issued to the student.

31) Who will bear the cost of my research?

The cost of research is to be borne by the institute where the research is


32) Do I need to submit original bills/ receipts of my expenses?

No, these are not required.

33) Will the effort of my Guide recognized?

To recognize the efforts of the Guide, his/her name is printed in the

certificate. However, separate certificate for guide will NOT be issued by

34) Whom do I contact in case of any queries?

Contact information is provided on Dr.NTRUHSwebsite. You can send an

email to for any queries related to UGSRS program.



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