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International Journal of Social Science and Business

Volume 5, Number 4, 2021, pp. 575-585

P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
Open Access:

The Influence of eWOM and Customer Satisfaction on

Purchasing Decisions
Fahma Rindha Purba1*, Eristia Lidia Paramita2
1,2 Faculty of Economics and Business, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia


The current development of technology makes it easier for humans to
Article history:
Received September 02, 2021
search for information. Electronic words of mouth (eWOM) or information
Revised September 03, 2021 media through the internet becomes the most widely used media by the
Accepted October 18, 2021 public to search for needs, dig information, evaluate alternatives, and make
Available online November 25, 2021 purchasing decisions. After recognizing the needs, the public starts looking
for information about the products they need to purchase. The better the
eWOM, Customer Satisfaction, review provided by someone, the higher the purchasing interest. This study
Purchasing Decisions aims to analyze the effect of eWOM and customer satisfaction on
purchasing decisions. This study uses quantitative methods. It involved
132 customers aged 18-60 years old who have purchased Argotelo
products as samples. The sample was determined using a purposive
sampling technique. The data were analyzed using multiple linear
This is an open access article under the
CC BY-SA license. regression. The results of the analysis showed that eWOM affects
Copyright © 2021 by Author. Published by purchasing decisions. Then, customer satisfaction affects purchasing
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
decisions. Besides, eWOM and customer satisfaction affect purchasing

The development of information technology has supported innovations to help people do
something easier (Burbules et al., 2020; Kintu et al., 2017; Liao et al., 2018). The development of technology
increases the number of internet users in which in Indonesia it reaches 17 percent or 25 million with an
average usage of 7 hours 59 minutes per day mostly for social media (Fardiah et al., 2020; Supadiyanto,
2020). The number of social media users in Indonesia is 175.4 million people with an average usage of 3
hours 26 minutes per day. Today's society has moved from conventional to digital. Customers choose digital
over conventional methods as it is easier to make transactions (Geng et al., 2019; Morrison, 2018; Purnomo
et al., 2019). In 2025, the Indonesian economy is projected to transform into the digital era, so that it is
necessary to prepare for digitalization. The government provides free training for digital marketers through
a website to help business actors to understand and prepare for digitalization. Digitization can be utilized
as a means of promotion. Promotion is an effort to inform or offer products or services that aim to attract
potential consumers to buy or consume them so that it is expected to increase sales volume (Bigdellou et
al., 2022; Lang et al., 2022). Promotional activities will influence consumers to become acquainted with the
products offered by the company, which they become happy and then buy the product (Chang & Su, 2022;
Feng et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021). The primary purpose of promotion is to provide information, attract
attention, and then influence sales. A promotional activity, if appropriately implemented, can influence
consumers about where and how consumers spend their income. Promotion can benefit both producers
and consumers (Darmawan et al., 2020; Sinha & Verma, 2020; Xiaoyan et al., 2019).
The current trend in promotion uses social media. The number of social media users increases from
time to time. This condition is seen as an opportunity to market products and to be a communication tool
with consumers (Hanaysha, 2017; Hanna et al., 2017; Ong, 2020). One of the effective marketing tools to
influence the decision of prospective buyers is word of mouth. However, through the development of
technology, it turns into the electronic word of mouth. Before buying a product, consumers will look for the
information in various ways (Atiko et al., 2016; Marta & William, 2016; Mo et al., 2015). Unlike offline
purchases, online purchases are not made directly so that they increase the level of risk of uncertainty.
Therefore, building trust in customers is vital in online sales. In this case, customers can see the review of
the product written on social media or the customer’s review of the product covering the advantages and
disadvantages and the price of the product (Chawla & Chodak, 2021; Eslami et al., 2021; Latief & Ayustira,

Corresponding author.
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 578-585 579

2020). A study revealed that eWOM and customer satisfaction have a significant effect on purchasing
decisions (Hidayat, 2015; Oktaviani et al., 2019). It was because informants did not meet in person but write
comments on social media and possibly had no honesty in all customers. There are differences in the results
of previous studies and the objects regarding the effect of eWOM on purchasing decisions. Thus this study,
will re-examine the effect of eWOM on purchasing decisions. This present study modified a previous study
with the addition of purchasing decision variable (Oktaviani et al., 2019). This variable was added as this
study was intended to identify the influence of eWOM and customer satisfaction on purchasing decisions.
Customers see and consider recommendations from other consumers and the information provided before
buying a product. eWOM can influence consumer behavior in terms of interest, decisions, and customer
A study found that consumer satisfaction helps companies to find out what consumers want so that
they will get satisfaction and make repeat purchases which will provide benefits to producers (Agarwal et
al., 2021; Ilhamudin, 2020; Moudi et al., 2021). Then, studies revealed that customer satisfaction can be
influenced by social media marketing, corporate social responsibility, and price promotion, and service
quality (Blake et al., 2022; Hanaysha, 2017). The higher the quality of service provided to consumers, the
higher the customer satisfaction and vice versa (Handoko, 2017). This is important to improve service
quality to provide satisfaction at an optimal level. Therefore, this study aims to determine the influence of
eWOM and customer satisfaction on purchasing decisions for MSME Argotelo Salatiga which is one of the
MSME centers for processed food made from cassava such as singkong goreng keju, gemblong
chotot, and singkong coklat.

This study used quantitative methods. The analysis focused on the influence of electronic word of
mouth (eWOM) and customer satisfaction variables on purchasing decisions of MSME products. This study
used primary data obtained by researchers independently. Primary data were collected by distributing
online questionnaire to a number of MSME Argotelo customers. The questionnaire used in a Likert scale.
The independent variables were eWOM (X1) and customer satisfaction (X2), while the dependent variable
was purchasing decision (Y). The population of this study was people who live in Salatiga and its
surroundings. The sample was 132 customers who have consumed Argotelo products and aged 18-60 years
selected with a purposive sampling technique. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire
distributed to some customers of Argotelo online. The data were then analyzed using multiple linear


Based on the results of the study, the characteristics of the respondent can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents

Characteristics of Respondents f % Number
1. Age 18-23 years old 37 28,03 132
24-29 years old 18 13,64
30-35 years old 19 14,39
>35 years old 58 43,94
2. Sex Male 29 21,97 132
Female 103 78,03
3. Dwelling Inside Salatiga City 95 71,97 132
Outside Salatiga City 37 28,03
4. Social Media Ownership Yes 132 100,00 132
No 0 0,00
5. Frequently Used Social media Facebook 41 31,06 132
Instagram 91 68,94
6. Length of Using Social Media > 2.5 years Yes 11 8,33 132
No 121 91,67
7. Looking for MSME through Social Media Yes 132 100,00 132
No 0 0,00
8. Frequently bought products Gemblong cothot 11 8,33 132

Fahma Rindha Purba1, Eristia Lidia Paramita2/ The Influence of eWOM and Customer Satisfaction on Purchasing Decisions
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 578-585 580

Characteristics of Respondents f % Number

Gethuk goreng keju 6 4,55
Singkong hot mayo 3 2,27
Singkong keju 51 38,64
Singkong original 27 20,45
Singkong rich cheese 3 2,27
Singkong siap goring 27 20,45
Timus crispy 4 3,03
9. Online Review before purchasing products Yes 132 100,00 132
No 0 0,00
10. Others’ Review before purchasing products Yes 119 90,15 132
No 13 9,85
11. Frequency of Purchasing the Product <=1X 35 26,52 132
>=2X 53 40,15
>=3X 44 33,33

Out of 132 respondents, 78.03% were female, aged < 35 years old, and lived in Salatiga City. A total
of 68.94% of the respondents said that Instagram become the most used social media and the length of its
use of <2.5 years reached 91.67%. Regarding the purchase of Argotelo MSME products, all respondents
stated that they knew Argotelo MSME products through social media. In deciding to purchase products of
MSME Argotelo, besides reading online reviews, most of the respondents considered other people's reviews
(90.15%) to find out about the product. In the frequency of purchase, the respondents stated that they
bought the product twice (40.15%). The mostly purchased product was Singkong Keju (38.64%), followed
by Singkong Original (20.45%) and Singkong Siap Goreng (20.45%). Based on the results of the analysis, the
r-count is in the range of 0.499 - 0.921 > r-table (0.361) meaning that the indicators in each questionnaire
are valid. It indicates that the questionnaire is feasible to use. The results of the reliability test showed the
Cronbach alpha value for each variable of 0.917 - 0.940 > 0.6, meaning that the questionnaire is reliable.
This study used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with p-value criteria (asymp. sig) > 0.05 meaning that the
data are normally distributed. The value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z is 1.162 with a significance value of
0.134. Thus, the data are categorized normal as the significance value is 0.134 > 0.05. The multicollinearity
test showed the tolerance value of each independent variable > 0.10, while the VIF value of each
independent variable is < 10. It indicates that the regression model built does not contain symptoms of
multicollinearity. Thus, it can be said that there is no significant correlation between the independent
variables in the built model.
This study used the heteroscedasticity test of the Park test. The results showed that each variable
has a significance value > 0.05 (eWOM (X1) = 0.189; Customer Satisfaction (X2) = 0.353). Thus, the
regression model is free from heteroscedasticity symptoms. It means that there are no symptoms of
heteroscedasticity or there is a similarity of variance from the residuals of one observation to another. The
results of the linearity test showed that the regression is linear. It indicates that each independent variable
has a relationship with the dependent variable at Deviation from Linearity > 0.05. Deviation from Linearity
of Purchase Decision (Y) and eWOM (X1) is 0.173 > 0.05, and Deviation from Linearity of Purchase Decision
(Y) and Customer Satisfaction (X2) is 0.448> 0.05.
The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the value of the Adjusted coefficient (R
Square) is 0.814 (81.40%). It means that the variation of the dependent variable of the purchase decision
(Y) can be explained by the independent variable (X) of eWOM (X1) and Customer Satisfaction (X2) with
81.40%. The t-count value of the eWOM variable (X1) is 7.698 and Customer Satisfaction (X2) is 6.359.
These two variables influence purchasing decisions as they have a t-count value higher than the t-table of
1.657. It is in accordance with the proposed hypotheses I and II which state that eWOM and Customer
Satisfaction variables partially affect purchasing decisions. Based on the coefficients table above, the
multiple linear regression equation can also be explained as follows: Y = 0.907 + 220X1 + 0.437X2. Based
on this equation, the regression coefficient value of the eWOM variable (β1) is 0.220. It means that every
one-unit increase in eWOM will increase the purchasing decision by 0.220 units with the assumption that
other variables are considered ceteris paribus. The regression coefficient value of the Customer Satisfaction
variable (β2) is 0.437 meaning that every one-unit increase in Customer Satisfaction will increase the
purchasing decision by 0.437 units with the assumption that other variables are considered ceteris paribus.
The equation also explains that the regression coefficient of the Customer Satisfaction variable (β2) is
higher than the regression coefficient of the eWOM variable (β1). It indicates that Customer Satisfaction has
a greater influence on the purchasing decision of Argotelo MSME products (Y) than the eWOM variable. In

IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409

International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 578-585 581

this study, eWOM was assessed using 14 (fourteen) indicators. The summary of the results of the eWOM
questionnaire can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2.Respondents’ Responses to eWOM

Statement Mean
eWOM (X1) Item
1 Through social media, I get information about MSME Argotelo’s products 3,96
2 Through social media, I get other’s concerns when providing information about MSME 3,95
Argotelo’s products
3 Through social media, I don't have to spend a lot of money looking for information on 4,27
MSME Argotelo’s products
4 Through social media, I can save time in finding information on MSME Argotelo’s 4,36
5 Through social media, I see positive comments about MSME Argotelo’s products 4,14
6 Through social media, I get information about MSME Argotelo’s product choices 4,26
7 Through social media, I get the location of the MSME Argotelo 4,38
8 Through social media, I got information about the advantages of MSME Argotelo's 4,16
9 Through social media, I can see the willingness of other people to share photos or 4,13
videos of MSME Argotelo's products
10 Through social media, I can feel satisfied with MSME Argotelo's products 4,08
11 Through social media, I can feel that MSME Argotelo's products are the right choice 4,08
12 Through social media, I can see other people's positive experiences with MSME 4,18
13 I'm looking for advice about MSME Argotelo's products on social media 3,95
14 I ask about the advantages of MSME Argotelo's products on social media 3,92
Mean Total 4,13

The 14 indicators assessed, indicator number 7 (seven), ‘Through social media, I get the location of
MSME Argotelo’ has the highest mean value of 4.38 and indicator number 14 has the lowest mean value of
3.92. Meanwhile, overall respondents consider eWOM in the high category with a total mean of 4.13. It
means that respondents are active in seeking information or recommendations about MSME Argotelo by
utilizing social media. Customer satisfaction was assessed using six indicators. The summary of
respondents' responses to customer satisfaction at MSME Argotelo can be in Table 3.

Table 3. Respondents’ Response to Customer Satisfaction

Statement Mean
Customer Satisfaction (X2) Item
1 I am satisfied with the services provided by MSME Argotelo 4,08
2 I feel that the price offered is in accordance with the quality offered by MSME 4,18
3 I am satisfied with the speed of service of MSME Argotelo 4,09
4 I will repurchase MSME Argotelo's products 4,12
5 I am willing to recommend MSME Argotelo's products to families 4,17
6 I am willing to recommend MSME Argotelo's products to close friends 4,21
Mean Total 4,14

The assessed indicator in which indicator number 6 has the highest mean value of 4.21, while
indicator number 1 has the lowest mean value of 4.08. Meanwhile, overall, respondents rated customer
satisfaction in the high category with a total mean of 4.14. It indicates that respondents are satisfied with
MSME Argotelo. In this study, the purchasing decisions were assessed using six indicators, in Table 4.

Table 4. Respondents’ Response to Purchasing Decision

No. Mean
Purchasing Decision (Y)
1 I want to buy MSME Argotelo’s products after seeing the product on social media. 4,08
2 I bought MSME Argotelo’s products because they have good quality. 4,18

Fahma Rindha Purba1, Eristia Lidia Paramita2/ The Influence of eWOM and Customer Satisfaction on Purchasing Decisions
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 578-585 582

No. Mean
Purchasing Decision (Y)
3 I bought MSME Argotelo’s products based on the other’s recommendations on social 3,96
4 I bought MSME Argotelo’s products because the information on social media was very 4,05
5 I ask a friend about the MSME Argotelo’s products 4,03
6 I need MSME Argotelo’s products for needs or souvenirs 4,15
Mean Total 4,08

The assessed indicators in which indicator number 2 has the highest mean value of 4.18, while
indicator number 3 has the lowest mean value of 3.96. Overall, the respondents assessed the purchasing
decision in the high category with a total mean value of 4.08. It shows the respondent’s purchasing decision
of MSME Argotelo’s product is high. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) variable affects purchasing decisions
with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.005. It means that the presence of eWOM greatly attracts the customer
to buy the product.

Before buying a product, the customer will look for information including the review of the product
on social media or review by others who have purchased the product (Agustinus & Junaidi, 2020; Ievansyah
& Sadono, 2018; Latief & Ayustira, 2020). eWOM as a form of positive or negative review and information
given by someone who has purchased the product can be easily seen by a wide audience through the
internet. eWOM refers to both new and old consumers’ reviews on the internet about a product they have
purchased (Soliana & Pratomo, 2016; Tantriana & Widiartanto, 2019). eWOM can provide a new alternative
to openly sharing information. Business actors consider eWOM important for business activities as it can
increase brand awareness and company reputation among consumers. A total of 78.03% of female
respondents aged between 18-35 years stated that in deciding to purchase MSME Argotelo’s product, they
previously read online reviews either on Instagram (68.94%) or Facebook (31.06%) with an average score
of 4.13. Besides, respondents stated that they get information about products through social media with an
average score of 3.96 and they can seek advice on social media about the products with an average score of
3.95. Furthermore, 68.94% of respondents who use Instagram revealed that when they will buy a product,
they can ask about the advantages of the product through social media with an average score of 3.92. The
results of this study, one of the effective marketing tools to influence the decisions of prospective buyers is
communication through electronic word of mouth. In the end, the positive impact of eWOM assessed
influences the respondents’ decision to purchase a product with an average score of 4.08 (Latief & Ayustira,
2020). eWOM has a significant influence on purchasing decisions in which customers who will buy a product
will certainly seek information including comments or responses from other customers who have
purchased the product. In other words, the customer decides to purchase the product after seeing online
reviews on social media (Eslami et al., 2021; Rahardja et al., 2019).
The results showed that customer satisfaction influences purchasing decisions with a significance
value of 0.00 < 0.005. Customer satisfaction is a person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment, which
resulted from comparing a product’s perceived performance or outcome against his/her expectation. The
customer satisfaction is satisfaction with a product or service and willingness to repurchase and share
experiences in using the product (Hanaysha, 2017; Handoko, 2017; Oktaviani et al., 2019; Pardede, 2017).
The expected level of performance of a particular product is influenced by the characteristics of the
promotional factors and the customer itself. A total of 78.03% of female respondents aged between 18-35
years stated that they can buy products >=2x in a month with an average score of 40.15%. The most
frequently bought products are singkong keju (38.64%), singkong original (20.45%) and singkong siap
goreng (20.45%). The respondent’s willingness to consistently purchase these products shows that they are
satisfied with the product. It is in line with a study that consumer satisfaction affects purchasing decisions.
This study supports a previous study which if customers are satisfied, they will buy back the products or
services that have been purchased (Hidayat, 2015; Imron, 2019; Oktaviani et al., 2019). Satisfied consumers
will also give good reviews of products or services to others and vice versa.
The results showed that the eWOM and customer satisfaction variables affected purchasing
decisions with a significance value of 0.00 > 0.05. A total of 78.03% of female respondents aged 18-35 years
stated that most of them bought the product because of the good quality of the product. It supports a
previous study in which purchasing decisions cannot be separated from these two factors (Hidayat, 2015).
Thus, the higher the eWOM present by the customer, the higher the customer satisfaction and finally
resulting in higher decision to purchase. The results of this study also found that eWOM and customer

IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409

International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021, pp. 578-585 583

satisfaction affected purchasing decisions (Oktaviani et al., 2019). The results of this study provide insight
to business actors to develop the business by understanding factors influencing purchasing decisions, and
to helps in planning and implementing marketing strategies to increase the purchasing decision of the
customer at MSME Argotelo.

Based on the results of the analysis and discussion above, it can be concluded that eWOM influences
purchasing decisions; customer satisfaction influences purchasing decisions; and eWOM and customer
satisfaction influence purchasing decisions. The independent variables of eWOM (X1) and Customer
Satisfaction (X2) affect purchasing decisions (Y). The more intensive eWOM and consumer satisfaction on
the product, the stronger the purchasing decision.

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IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409

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Fahma Rindha Purba1, Eristia Lidia Paramita2/ The Influence of eWOM and Customer Satisfaction on Purchasing Decisions

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