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Module 5 Mathematics, Science, and Technology

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BRGY. 71 Naga-Naga
A.Y 2022-2023

Program Title:
Module/s: 5

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define matter
b. Identify the physical and chemical properties of matter
c. Distinguish intensive and extensive


What is Matter?
Matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
Matter is described as something that has mass and occupies space. All
physical structures are made up of matter, and the state or process of matter
is an easily observed property of matter. Strong, liquid, and gas are the three
basic states of matter.

Everything that exists is made up of matter. Atoms and substances are made up of
minuscule pieces of matter. The atoms that make up the objects we see and touch
every day are made up of matter. All that has mass and occupies space has volume
is known as matter. The amount of matter in an object is measured by its mass.
Physical Properties of Matter

 Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms and can be represented or

explained as something that takes up space. It must display both the mass
and volume properties.

 Properties are the characteristics that enable us to differentiate one material

from another. A physical property is an attribute of matter that is
independent of its chemical composition.

 Density, colour, hardness, melting and boiling points, and electrical

conductivity are all examples of physical properties.

 Any characteristic that can be measured, such as an object’s density, colour,

mass, volume, length, malleability, melting point, hardness, odour,
temperature, and more, are considered properties of matter.

Intensive and Extensive Properties of Matter

Both the physical and chemical properties of matter are either extensive or
intensive. Extensive properties including mass and volume are proportional to the
amount of matter being weighed. Density and colour, for example, are not affected
by the amount of matter present.

1. Intensive properties of matter – An intensive property is a bulk property,

which means it is a system’s local physical property that is independent of
the system’s size or volume of material. Intensive properties are those that
are independent of the amount of matter present. Pressure and temperature,
for example, are intensive properties.
2. Extensive property of matter – A property that is dependent on the amount of
matter in a sample is known as an extensive property. Extensive properties
include mass and volume. The scale of the system or the volume of matter in
it determines the extensive property of the system. Extensive properties are
those in which the value of a system’s property is equal to the sum of the
values for the parts of the system.
Chemical Properties of Matter
Chemical properties are characteristics that can only be measured or observed as
matter transforms into a particular type of matter. Reactivity, flammability, and the
ability to rust are among them. The tendency of matter to react chemically with other
substances is known as reactivity. Flammability, toxicity, acidity, the reactivity of
various types, and heat of combustion are examples of chemical properties.

 Reactivity – The tendency of matter to combine chemically with other

substances is known as reactivity. Certain materials are highly reactive,
whereas others are extremely inactive. Potassium, for example, is extremely
reactive, even in the presence of water. A pea-sized piece of potassium
reacts explosively when combined with a small volume of water.
 Flammability – The tendency of matter to burn is referred to as flammability.
As matter burns, it reacts with oxygen and transforms into various
substances. A flammable matter is anything like wood.
 Toxicity – Toxicity refers to the extent to which a chemical element or a
combination of chemicals may harm an organism.
 Acidity – A substance’s ability to react with an acid is a chemical property.
Some metals form compounds when they react with different acids. Acids
react with bases to create water, which neutralizes the acid.
Chemical properties are extremely helpful when it comes to distinguishing
compounds. Chemical properties, on the other hand, can only be detected when a
material is in the process of being changed into another substance.

Direction: Complete the table below by labeling each property of matter as intrinsic
or extrinsic and, physical, or chemical. Write your answer on your OFFICIAL

Property of Matter Intrinsic or Extrinsic Physical or Chemical

1. Flammability
2. Heat capacity (the ability
substance to resist changes in
3. Luster (shiny or dull)
4. Smell
5. Solubility (how much or how little
of something will dissolve)
6. Freezing Point
7. Size
8. Taste
9. Brittleness
10. Magnetism

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