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UG3 - Dark Magic Prelim

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Chaos Magic was brie y introduced in the WFRP4 core
rulebook, and nally given proper rules in Enemy in Shadows
Companion. It was then expanded in the subsequent volumes, Proximity to raw, corrupting power provides a bonus to any
Death on the Reik Companion and Power Behind the rone Channelling (Dhar) Test in the area. e GM may use the
Companion. Winds of Magic did not address the necessary following as a guideline for this bonus:
rules changes required for Dhar to work in its Overcasting
overhaul. is chapter seeks to bring those rules, and Uno cial • Minor Corrupting In uence: +1 SL
Grimoire’s spell list, in line with the Winds of Magic system. I • Moderate Corrupting In uence: +2 SL
have endeavoured to avoid copyright issues wherever possible • Major Corrupting In uence: +3 SL
while collating rules for the reader’s convenience.
Casting spells with Dhar o ers a shortcut to immense,
• CHAOS SORCERY • unpredictable power. Use the following rules depending on
In their search for raw power, wielders of Chaos Magic and Dark your chosen magic system:
Magic spurn the petty laws and limitations governing the legal
practice of magic in the Empire. ese wizards twist all available WFRP4 Rulebook: When Dhar is used to cast a spell,
Winds of Magic into the unstable energy known as Dhar—also Overcasts occur for every +1 SL instead of every +2 SL.
called Dark Magic or the Black Wind of Magic. In doing so,
spellcasters gain access to powerful bene ts and perilous Winds of Magic: When Dhar is used to cast a spell, double
drawbacks. the amount of SL available to spend on Overcasting e ects.
Further, Dhar Sorcerers may use excess Channelled SL to
Chaos Sorcerers spend on Overcasting, although this amount is not doubled.
A Chaos Sorcerer is typically any creature or character who has
the Chaos Magic Talent or the Spellcaster (Chaos Lore) Creature DHAR DRAWBACKS
Trait. In either instance, a Lore must be chosen as with the When using Dhar, any Channelling or Language (Magick)
Arcane Magic Talent. So, a Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch would Test may cause the following to occur:
have the Chaos Magic (Tzeentch) Talent or the Spellcaster
(Tzeentch) Trait. Rolling doubles: Caster su ers a Minor Corrupting In uence.

is volume does not provide any Careers for Chaos Sorcerers— Rolling an 8: All within Willpower yards su er a Minor
refer to Enemy in Shadows Companion (pages 75-77) for more Corrupting In uence and a Minor Miscast (apply the same
information on the Cult Magus or Tzeentch Career. New Talents Miscast result to all).
provided in the Companion include Disciple of Change, Double
Life, and Tzeentch’s Blessing. Death on the Reik Companion Rolling 88: All within Willpower yards su er a Major
(pages 100-101) introduced the Warrior of Tzeentch Career and Corrupting In uence and a Major Miscast.
the Wilful Corruption Talent. Unfortunately, recent volumes have
not lled in Careers or Talents for the other Chaos Lores. Catastrophe: If you are using a Catastrophic or Extreme
Miscast table, any roll of 88 will escalate an existing Miscast to
the Catastrophic or Extreme Miscast table.














As described in Enemy in Shadows Companion (page 78), Dhar Chaos Sorcerers may learn Arcane spells, Chaos Arcane spells, as
can be found anywhere that Chaos is practiced and Corruption well as spells from their chosen Chaos Lore (Nurgle, Slaanesh, or
accumulates, including the following: Tzeentch). Only three Chaos spells were provided in the
WFRP4 Rulebook (page 259). Enemy in Shadows Companion
• Warpstone (pages 79-83) added Chaos Arcane and Tzeentch magic, while
• Chaos, Dark or Skaven Magic Death on the Reik Companion (pages 98-100) addedTzeentch
• Temples, monoliths, and sites dedicated to the Chaos Gods spells for those aligned with the Red Crown cult. Slaanesh spells
• Creatures and artefacts su used with Dhar were included in Power Behind the rone Companion (pages
• Barrows and groves desecrated by Chaos 36-40), so only Nurgle has been neglected thus far. is chapter
• Broken Waystones and Beastman Herdstones lls in some gaps in the Chaos Lores.
• Lairs of Skaven, Necromancers and Vampires

See the Corruption rules in WFRP4 qfor more details on CHAOS UNDIVIDED
exposure to Minor, Moderate, and Major Corrupting In uences. A Chaos Sorcerer who is una liated with any of the Ruinous
Powers has the Chaos Magic (Undivided) Talent and may choose
spells from the Arcane and Chaos Arcane spell lists only.
Spellcasting near sources of Corruption is fraught with peril, Lore Attribute: When you successfully cast a spell from the Lore
as the Winds of Magic are more di cult to control. When of Chaos Undivided, you gain the Dark Vision and Ward 9+ Traits
making a Casting Test or Channelling Test in proximity of a for 1d10 Rounds.
Corrupting In uence, any failed roll triggers a Minor Miscast.
If the roll would already have resulted in a Minor Miscast, it
escalates into a Major Miscast instead. Wielders of Dark PETTY MAGIC (CHAOS) SPELLS
Magic and Chaos Magic do not count Malignant In uences Chaos Sorcerers with the Petty Magic Talent may also learn the
for their own spellcasting Tests. Note that this rule di ers following Dhar-infused cantrips. Each of the Ruinous Powers
from the core rulebook and was revised for Winds of Magic. also has their own unique Petty Spells.


In any area where a particular Ruinous Power holds sway CN: 0
(temple, Daemon, Chaos spells or rituals), the god’s in uence Range: Touch
becomes manifest in curious ways. Whenever a Casting or Target: 1
Channelling Test rolls the god’s sacred number, the Ruinous Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Power takes notice. Sacred numbers are as follows: Tzeentch is Your touch causes your target to feel drowsy and punch-drunk.
9, Chaos Undivided or Khorne is 8, Nurgle is 7, Slaanesh is 6. On a failed Challenging (+0) Willpower Test, the target gains a
Fatigued Condition.
Malign In uence of Tzeentch
If a 9 is rolled on either die, the spellcaster su ers a Minor Burn
Miscast and gains the Su used with Magic Talent until the CN: 0
start of their next Turn. If 99 is rolled, they su er a Major Range: You
Miscast and a Pink Horror of Tzeentch appears within 1d10 Target: Special (AoE)
yards of the spellcaster. Duration: Special
Blending Aqshy and Dhar, you ick a burning spark that lands
e Other Chaos Gods anywhere within Willpower Bonus yards. It causes no Damage,
Until Cubicle7 provides this information in future volumes, I but if it lands on something ammable, there is a 50% chance
suggest the following approach: Use the Malign In uence of that the object gains an Ablaze Condition within 1d10 Rounds.
Tzeentch rule as a guideline, swapping out the Horror for a is is treated as a normal re, not magical.
Lesser Daemon of the appropriate god: Bloodletter of Khorne,
Daemonette of Slaanesh, or a Plaguebearer of Nurgle.














CN: 0 Chaos Arcane spells are available to all Chaos Sorcerers. See
Range: You Enemy in Shadows Companion pages 79-81 for o cial spell
Target: You descriptions.
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You call aloud the name of a Daemon, beseeching its aid. Roll on
the table to determine the ‘aid’ provided while the spell lasts:
CN: 5
1d10 E ect Range: You
Power: Roll 1d10 — Gain this bonus to all Target: You
1 Characteristics. When the spell ends, you su er a Duration: Special
Fatigued Condition. You vanish into the Aethyr for up to Willpower Bonus Rounds.
You may choose when and where you reappear, up to your
Weakness: Gain a Fatigued Condition that cannot be
2 Willpower Bonus yards away, as long as you had Line of Sight
removed until the spell ends.
when you cast the spell. However, there is a +5% chance per
3 Corruption: Su er a Major Corrupting In uence. Round (or part thereof ) that you have attracted a random Lesser
Daemon who will take your place in the material realm, and you
4-5 Ignored: Your call goes unheard.
will be lost forever in the Realm of Chaos.
6-7 Might: Gain +10 to a randomly rolled Characteristic. Overcast: For every +1 SL, you may increase the distance
Reversal: Any Critical rolled counts as a Fumble, travelled by Willpower Bonus yards.
while any Fumble rolled counts as a Critical.
9 Fortune: Gain a Fortune point.
Arnizipal’s Horror
CN: 15
00 Double the Blessing: Roll twice on this table. Range: Random Vortex
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Chaos Curse Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
CN: 0 A roiling cloud of dark corrosive vapour from the Realm of
Range: Willpower Bonus yards Chaos manifests near you, using the Random Vortex rules. e
Target: 1 billowing cloud has the Fear 3 and Corruption (Major) Traits.
Duration: 1 day Targets su er a magic missile with a Damage of +6, ignoring
You place a curse on your target, who is allowed a Challenging Armour, and begin to su ocate (WFRP4, page 181) until they
(+0) Willpower Test to resist its e ects. Whenever the target escape the Area of E ect.
rolls an 8 on either die of a Test, they must reverse the roll if
doing so would cause a worse result, and they lose a Fortune or Further, slimy tentacles lash out from unseen depths, dragging
Resolve point. If the target rolls 88 on a Test, they lose a Fate or victims to their doom. At the end of every Round, anyone within
Resilience point. However, if the target resists the Chaos Curse, the cloud must pass a Very Hard (-30) Strength Test to avoid
you su er from its e ects instead. being sucked into the Realm of Chaos. ose adjacent to the
cloud must pass a Di cult (-10) Strength Test instead.

All food and liquids are utterly spoiled by the cloud, and
obstacles and structures are half-corroded. For each Round
caught inside the smoke, +10% of a Character’s trappings are
destroyed. Magical items are una ected.












Blade Wind Dark Hand of Destruction

CN: 8 CN: 6
Range: Willpower yards Range: You
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) + Special Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You conjure a swirling maelstrom of swords that slash and thrust Long talons of Dhar sprout from the ngers of your main hand.
at anyone in the Area of E ect. When the swords appear, all Gain +20 to your Melee (Brawling) Skill when attacking or
targets gain the Surprised Condition and are attacked by 1d3 defending with the talons. Your unarmed attacks are magical and
swords. In subsequent Rounds, targets are attacked by 1d3 swords have a Damage equal to SL plus your Willpower Bonus. In
with an Initiative of 50 (and Agility of 50 if using the optional addition, the talons possess the Impale and Penetrating Qualities.
Roll for Initiative rule from WFRP4, page 156). ese attacks are
resolved as normal. Anyone who ees the targeted AoE will be
chased by one sword up to the spell’s Range. e swords count as
Hand Weapons possessing the Magical and Fly (20) Creature e spells described under the Petty Magic (Chaos) and
Traits, the Penetrating Quality, and strike with Weapon Skill 60 Chaos Arcane headings are derived from a number of o cial
and Strength 40. e swords do not accrue Advantage, but they sources: Dark Magic in Realms of Sorcery (1st Edition), Dark
are treated as opponents for the purpose of the Outnumbering Elf Magic in Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Dark Elves
and Disengaging rules. e swords can be dispelled but cannot be (various Editions), and Chaos Magic in Tome of Corruption
destroyed. (2nd Edition) and e Enemy Within: Director’s Cut
Companion volumes (4th Edition). With such a mix of
published sources, there is no longer a coherent Lore structure
Burning Blood for Chaos Sorcerers, Daemonologists, and Dark Elf Wizards.
CN: 5
Range: Special
Target: Special
Dark Elves
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Dark Elves may learn and cast Petty Magic (Chaos) and
You infuse your blood with Dhar, giving it a corrosive quality. Chaos Arcane Spells as if they were Dark Elf Magic.
Gain the Corrosive Blood Creature Trait. In addition, you may use
your Action to spit acid at one target within half your Toughness Lore Attribute: All Damage in icted by spells from this Lore
yards. e target su ers the e ects of the Corrosive Blood Trait. ignores non-magical Armour Points. Further, when a Dark Elf
Wizard scores a Critical when casting a spell from this Lore,
all Critical options are selected.
CN: 6
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) Daemonologists spend years toiling over dark tomes and nd
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds ways of twisting dark magics to their will, though it is always a
You transform Dhar into a soul-freezing gale that chills all targets dangerous pursuit. If a Daemonologist is able to gain access to
to the bone. Anyone a ected by the AoE su ers a magic missile a spell from the Chaos Arcane list, they may study it and
with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring attempt to translate its knowledge to the Lore of
Armour. For every full 5 Wounds su ered, the target counts as Daemonology for twice the normal XP cost. Once this XP has
having failed an Endurance Test towards Cold Exposure been spent, the wizard must pass a Challenging (+0)
(WFRP4, page 181). ese e ects also apply at the start of each Intelligence Test in order to fully convert the magic to their
subsequent Round while the spell lasts. You may use your Action Lore; otherwise, the e ort fails and the XP is wasted. A
to perform an Average (+20) Willpower Test to move the wind Fumble results in a Miscast, with a severity based on the
1d10+2 yards in the direction of your choice. power of the spell. Any spell with a CN higher than the
Daemonologist’s Intelligence Bonus causes a Major Miscast.













Death Spasm Lure of Chaos

CN: 9 CN: 4
Range: Willpower yards Range: Willpower yards
Target: 1 Target: 1
Duration: Instant Duration: Special
A vicious spark of darkness jolts from your ngertips, striking You attempt to bewitch one target and bend them to your will. If
your target. e victim performs a Challenging (+0) Endurance the target loses an Opposed Willpower Test, they will do your
Test opposed by the SL of the Casting Test. If the target loses, bidding on their next Turn. If you command the target to do
they su er an immediate Critical Hit to the struck location, something obviously suicidal or out of their nature—like
adding +10 to the roll on the Critical Table per opposed SL. e attacking a friend—they are allowed an additional Challenging
spasms are so violent that anyone within close combat range (+0) Willpower Test to end the spell’s e ects.
must pass a Challenging (+0) Initiative Test or gain the
Surprised Condition. Mouthbind
CN: 4
Doombolt Range: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
CN: 6 Target: 1
Range: Willpower yards Duration: Willpower Bonus minutes
Target: 1 You direct a small ball of Dhar towards your target’s mouth,
Duration: Instant where it a xes and binds into an impenetrable seal. e target
You summon a boiling bolt of black re and hurl it at your target. cannot speak, breathe through, or otherwise use their mouth. e
is counts as a magic missile with a Damage of +5, which ignores magic seal has a Strength of 50, and may be removed as if it were
all Armour. e target gains 1 Ablaze Condition, and due to the an Entangled Condition.
excruciating agony must pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or
gain the Prone and Stunned Conditions. Shroud of Despair
CN: 6
Hand of God Range: You
CN: 4 Target: AoE (2 x Willpower Bonus yards)
Range: You Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Target: You e area around you darkens, and you radiate an aura of terrible
Duration: Willpower Bonus minutes menace. All foes in the targeted area lose their Advantage* and
You must have an ingredient to cast this spell, which is consumed cannot gain more while in the AoE. Further, all their Tests based
as usual but does not provide any other bene t. e ingredient is on Willpower and Fellowship su er a penalty of -30.
a nger from a character in the Nun, Priest, War Priest or similar
Careers who follows one of the Primary Gods of the Empire Group Advantage*: e target’s Pool drops to 0. Enemies
(WFRP4, page 204). e GM may also determine if other Gods remaining in the spell’s AoE cannot add or use Advantage from
would be suitable. their Pool and they do not count as combatants for the Losing
Advantage rule (Up in Arms, page 134).
Your incantation causes the Winds of Magic to swirl about you
as a kind of shield against any twisting Chaos e ects. While the Soul Drain
spell lasts, you gain the bene t of the I Deny You! rule as if you CN: 8
had spent a Resilience point. However, the Ruinous Powers do Range: Special (Willpower yards or Random Vortex)
not look kindly upon their gifts being denied. Any time this Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
bene t is gained, roll 1d100: if the roll is equal to or less than the Duration: Special (Instant or Willpower Bonus Rounds)
sacred number of your Chaos god, you su er a Major Corrupting You cause a terrifying black cloud to form in the targeted area for
In uence. If you roll doubles of your god’s sacred number (so, 99 1 Round. All creatures within the AoE su er a magic missile with
for Tzeentch), you are transformed into a Chaos Spawn. a Damage of +4, ignoring non-magical Armour Points. Tally the
total Wounds in icted—for every 2 Wounds in icted, you gain 1
Wound. Note that this can cause you to gain more Wounds than
your maximum, which lasts until they are lost or you go to sleep.















Alternatively, if you cast this spell with CN: 11, you may conjure not be able to see your nal destination but you cannot change
a cloud that acts according to the Random Vortex rules instead your landing spot once the spell is cast. is spell cannot be cast
and lasts for Willpower Bonus Rounds. is version of the spell indoors.
in icts the same e ects as above at the end of your Turn each
Round, for Willpower Bonus Rounds. Some tomes refer to this Word of Pain
version of the spell as Soul Stealer. CN: 7
Range: You
Suppress Mutation Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
CN: 5 Duration: Instant
Range: Touch You invoke a forbidden word of Daemonic origin which in icts
Target: 1 excruciating pain to all creatures within the AoE. ose who have
Duration: Willpower Bonus hours the Chaos Magic Talent or the Daemonic or Spellcaster (Chaos)
You touch one mutated creature and manipulate Dhar into Creature Traits are una ected. All targets su er a magic missile
altering its form. While the spell lasts, your target loses one with a Damage of +8 that ignores Armour Points. Anyone who
Physical or Mental Mutation. is spell cannot target creatures su ers more Wounds than their Willpower Bonus gains a
with the Daemonic or Unstable Creature Traits. Stunned Condition as they are rendered immobile from pain.
ose who su er Wounds equal to twice their Willpower Bonus
Veil of Corruption gain the Unconscious Condition.
CN: 6
Range: Willpower yards ANCIENT SOURCES
Target: AoE (2 x Willpower Bonus yards) Listed on the following spell tables are some unusual sources
Duration: Will for Chaos spells. In the interest of completion, here they are:
You summon a cloud of foul Dhar that chokes and mutates its
victims. All targets su er 1 Blinded Condition and 1 Poisoned Advanced Heroquest - AHQ (Could be uno cial material)
Condition which cannot be removed until they leave the cloud. Age of Sigmar: Maggotkin of Nurgle - MoN
At the end of every Round inside the cloud, targets must pass a Madalfred’s Chaos Spells, Alfred Nuñez Jr. - Alfred
Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or gain a Corruption point. Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (7th Edition) - WHDE
Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (7th) - WHDoC
Warhammer End Times: Khaine - ET:K
Vision of Torment
CN: 7
Range: Willpower yards
Target: 1
Duration: Special
You twist strands of Dhar and in ict a hellish vision upon the
targeted creature. If the target fails a Hard (-20) Cool Test, they
gain a Stunned Condition, plus 1 Stunned Condition for every 2
SL by which they lost. If the target does not remove these
Conditions within Willpower Bonus Rounds, their mind has
been twisted and they gain Corruption points equal to their
remaining Stunned Conditions.

Witch Flight
CN: 3
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Instant
You summon a howling wind which bears you aloft into the sky.
is spell allows you to freely disengage. You are carried swiftly
over trees and buildings, drifting gently back to the ground a
distance no greater than twice your Willpower in yards. You need















1d100 Spell Name CN Tome 1d100 Spell Name CN Tome

Aethyr-Step 5 ToC Ba ement 0 ToC

Arnizipal’s Horror 15 RoS1 Burn 0 ToC

Blade Wind 8 RoS1 Chaos Blessing 0 —

Blast of Corruption 8 EiSC Chaos Curse 0 —

Bolt of Corruption 8 EiSC PETTY (NURGLE) SPELL LIST

Burning Blood 5 ToC Blessing of Nurgle 0 ToC

Chillwind 6 WHDE Cloud of Flies 0 —

Daemonic Mien 8 EiSC Spew 0 ToC

Dark Hand of Destruction 6 ToC Spoil 0 —


Doombolt 6 RoS1 From One to Many 7 ToC

Foul Messenger 8 EiSC Grandfather Nurgle’s Circle of Life 14 ET:K

Hand of God 4 ToC Magni cent Buboes 4 MoN

Joyous Aspect 4 EiSC Malignant Regrowth 4 —

Lure of Chaos 4 ToC Miasma of Pestilence 7 RoS1

Mouthbind 4 — Nurgle’s Boon 7 ToC

Obsession 8 EiSC Plague Wind 14 RoS1

Power of Chaos 4 EiSC Pit of Slime 7 WHDoC

Rend Aethyr 16 EiSC Rancid Visitation 7 WHDoC

Shroud of Despair 6 WHDE Reveal the Inner Beauty 6 RNHD

Slave to Darkness 8 EiSC Shrivelling Pox 3 WHDoC

Soul Drain 8 RoS1 Stench of Nurgle 7 RoS1

Suppress Mutation 5 ToC Stream of Corruption 9 WFRP

Transformation of Kadon 14 WoM Summon Beast of Nurgle 12 —

Veil of Corruption 6 ToC Summon Nurgling Swarm 7 —

Vision of Torment 7 ToC Summon Plaguebearer 9 —

Witch Flight 3 RoS1 Summon Plaguebearer Pack 21 —

Word of Pain 7 ToC Sumptuous Pestilence 14 ToC

Writhing Cloak 7 AHQ


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