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Digital Audio

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AComplele [ine'u

To bringconcerthall realismintothe listeningroomhas developingthe necessary fusionof state-of-the-art
longbeena primarygoalof highendaudiomanufac- technologyandimaginative applications.
turersandaudiophiles alike.Individual Alreadythis hasbroughtforththreeof the mostexciting
instrumental detail,stereoimaging,dynamicrange, newproductsin recentaudiohistory:
ambience... thesearesomeof the factorsthat go the SL-P10compactdisc playersystem,featuring
intohi-firealism. outstanding soundqualityandoperational convenience;
In the over100yearsof recordedsound,manhasmade the SV-100digitalaudioprocessor,the lightestin the
remarkable progresstowardsthis goal.Butthereis a world;andtheSV-P100 digitalaudiocassetterecorder,
limitto whatconventional, analog,mediacanattain. combiningVHScassettemechanism and processor in
Nowwe areenteringa newphasein audiorecording onecompactunit.Thisis onlythebeginning-inthe
and reproduction. lt's nameis "digital"and it promises yearsto comeyou candependon Technicsto keep
fidelityhigherthaneverbefore.To keepthe digitalaudio bringingyouthe bestin digitalaudioperformance.
promise,we at Technicshavededicatedourselvesto
the Compoct

r'l coMPAcT


TheCompactDiscor CD is a new songsin anyorderthatyou like. Dimensionsof the CompactDisc

audiosourcethat takesup where So far,we'vebeendescribing the
the LP left off. Faithfulto its name, convenience of the CompactDisc.
the CD is compact-only12cmin It's fantastic,and so is the sound
diameter. Thinkof the savingin quality.That'sbecausethe GDis a
recordstoragespace.Musicis digitalsource.Insteadof the wavy
recordedon onlyone sideof the groovesof an LP,the CDhaschains
disc,so you can enjoyover60 of pits,eachpit representing a one
minutesof uninterrupted listening; or azeroin binarycode.Thiscodeis
you neverhaveto turn the record calledPCM(pulsecodemodulation)
over.Theactualmusicsignalis on and it containsall of the information
an internallayerprotectedby a of theoriginal(analog)music signal.
toughplasticcoating,so you don't Themicroscopic pitsarecoatedwith
haveto worryaboutdust,dirt,or a highlyreflective aluminum film speakers.
fingerprints. Noris thereanywear, sandwichedbetweenprotectivesur- Thanksto errorcorrection circuitry
becausethe laserpickupsystem face layers. and Quartz-locked time basecorrec-
nevercontactsthe disc.Besidesthe As the disc rotatesat highspeed,a tion,the recovered musicalinforma-
musicsignal,eachdisc contains laserbeamis focusedontothe pits tion is a virtuallyexactreplicaof the
specialinformation to allowpro- anda pickupreadsthe reflected original.Thereis no wow & flutter,
grammedplayandotherautomatic information. Thisis converted back no audiblenoiseor distortion, and
functionsincludingdigitaldisplayof intoan analogsignal(bya digital-to- extremely widedynamicrange.The
trackpositionand playingtime.For analogor D/Aconverter)which can digitalsystemalsoovercomes the
example,you can listento any be reproducedby youramp and problemof crosstalkbetweenthe
left and rightchannels. And it
assuresthe samehighquality
reproduction fromthe beginningto
the endof thedisc.Comparethis
with a regularLPwherecrosstalkis
inevitable andsoundquality
deteriorates towardsthe end(center)
of the disc.(lna CD player,the
pickupmovesfromthe centerout-
wardsanddisc rpmsaresteadily
decreased to maintainthesame
Tobringout the full benefitsof the
developedan extremely
sophisticated semiconductor laser
motor,advancedprogramm ing
system,and multi-function
display-all featuredin the new
SL-P10 CompactDiscplayersystem.
TheVbrldof ffi ^3--*)-1!+.
\- .1,' +- ,


Justas the CompactDiscprovidesa recordedon the videotape by a con-

dramatically improved alternative to ventionalvideorecording system
the LP,the videocassetteoffersthe (VHS,etc.).
benefitsof digitalaudiofor home Thismakesthe encodedaudio Audio signal...
recording andplayback. Video information independent of the
cassettesareusedbecauseordinary nonlinear characteristics of the
tape doesnot havethe capacityto heads,tape,transportmechanism,
storethe vastquantityof digital and so forth.
As longas the pulsescan be

In conventional, analog,taperecord- retrieved, the originalmusiccan be
ing,the audiosignalis storedas reproduced in all its detail.
magneticpatternswhichare Compared with analogrecording,
analogous to the originalwaveform. digitalprovides the following
Thismeansthat the signalcan be benefits:
easilydistortedby the inherently 1)No tapehiss.Dynamicrange
nonlinear characteristics of the tape improvedby over20d8.
headsandthetape'smagnetic 2) Frequency responseis rulerflat,
coating. regardless of inputlevel,and
Youalsohavethe problemof extendsintothe extremelow
dropouts,uneventapeto-head range(theoretically to DCor OHz). 4.bit quantizing*
contact(causingmodulation distor- 3) No modulationnoise. " 4-bit quantizingis
tion),wow & flutter,irregular fre- 4) No wow & flutter. shown here.Digital
recordinguses 14-
quencyresponse, print-through, and 5)Copies(andcopiesof copies)are bit quantizing.
the fact that soundqualityrapidly virtuallyexactreplicasof the
deteriorates whenyou makecopies. originalmastertape(assuming
In otherwords,recording and thatthedigitalsignalis copied
playbackqualityaresubjectto the directlywithoutconversion back
electronic, magnetic, and to analogform).
mechanical limitationsof the tape Onemorepoint.Digitalrecording on
recorder'sheads,transportsystem, videotapeis moreeconomical that
circuitry(amp,bias,and EQ),andthe analogrecordingon openreeltape.
tapeitself. Technicsoffersall thesebenefitsin
ln digitalrecordingusingvideo the SV-100 digitalaudioprocessor
cassettetape,the audiosignalis (usedwith a VCR)andthe SV-P100
converted intoa digitalpulsecode. digitalaudiocassetterecorder.
Thisanalogto-digital conversion in-
of the analogsignal,quantization,
Thef inalresultis a seriesof pulses
(representing onesandzerosin
ontoan NTSCvideosignaland

Afteryearsof researchand develop- is perhapsthe singlemostimportant headamp,actuator
control, drive,
menttheTechnics compactdisc devicein mustcon- autofocus,signalprocessing,
playeris finallyavailable.
Not only vertthe 655.36-step
digitalsignalinto grammed play,laserpowercontrol,
doesthis attractiveunitgiveyou all an accuratereplicaof the original andtraversemotordrive.
the basicbenefitsof compactdisc analogsignal.HeretheSL-P10 uses
reproduction, we'vealsoincluded a newlydeveloped 16-bithighspeed PrecisionMechanismswith
advancedfeaturesfor extraconve- D/Aconverter that deliversextremely Microcomputer
nienceanddependability not highperformance with no morethan Control
available elsewhere.Forexample, +0.OO2oh nonlineardistortion.
Other In additionto the abovementioned
the largemulti-functiondisplay lCsareusedfor spindlemotorservo high densityLSlsand lCs,the
information, fromtrackpositi"onto
programming sequence.And our
originalsemiconductor laserpickup
incredibly sophisticatedperfor-
mancein a compactpackage.
AdvancedOriginal LSI Circuitry
TheSL-P10 featurestruestate-of-
the-artsemiconductor circuitrywith
for compactdisc
ed specifically
ffit ffiffi!ffi
cessingcircuitryuses3 LSlsfor
demodulation, errorcorrectionand
correctionarebasedon the ex-
clusive"Technics SuperDecoding
TheD/A(digitalto-analog)converter New Original LSls and lcs

SL-P10 employsfourmicrocom- ruggedconstruction for the highest the pickupreadsthe data recorded
putersfor centralized random reliability. at the centerof the disc.The
accesssystemcontrol,FL display Theactuator(lensdrivemechanism locationof the beginning of each
drive,digitalslicer,andoptical for focus andtracking)featuresa bandis thenshownon the display.
pickuppositioncontrol.This twin paralleldamper, derivedfrom As the disc is played,pickupposi-
sophisticated circuitrysupportsthe our advanced phonocartridge tion is indicatedas elapsedplaying
precisionmechanisms of disc rota- technology, whichenablesextreme- time(upto a maximumof 80
tion and laserpickupoperation. In ly smoothandaccuratefocusing minutes)in one minutesteps.This
the compactdisc player,mechanical and trackingservoperformance. A providesan approximation of the
precisionis of the highestimpor- 3-beamtrackingservois employed directvisibilitythat hasbecome
tancesinceaccuratepickupof the to assurethe highestoperational familiarwithordinaryphonograph
micronsizedpitswhichcontainthe stability. records.To makeprogramming easy
digitalinformation is a prerequisite The12cmwideCompactDisc andgivea clearindicationof preset
for subsequent signalprocessing. rotatesat a rateof 500to 200times contentsandlocation,the display
Thelongexperience of Technicsin perminute.Therefore theturntable hasa completeprogramreadoutof
the hi-fiaudiofieldprovidesthe drivemotormustbe of a different bandnumberandtime.
technicalbasisfor the advanced typefromthat usedfor conventional
electromechan icalsystems phonoturntables.
employedin the SL-P10. Oneimportantpointis that the
motormustbe designedto prevent
shaftrolling.Thisis achieved by TheSL-P10 features63steprandom
employingan ultra-compact accessprogramming capability. This
brushlessDDmotornewly letsyou playanyparticular sections
developed basedon the longex- of the discaftersettingthe band
perience of Technicsin directdrive numberand/orthe precisebeginning
technology. andendpointsin minutesand
In the SL-P10 compactdiscplayer seconds(withonesecondprecision).
system,this DDmotorandthe turn- Thisprovides the flexibilityof a con-
tablearemountedextremely close ventionalmanualturntable, plusthe
togetherto assurethe requiredrota- automaticconvenience of a fully
tionalstability. automaticunit,and muchmore-all
Thepickup,its drivemechanism, in oneversatile component.
andthe turntabledrivemechanism
LaserPickup mustall be assembled Other Features
thehighestprecision. In theSL-P10, .Intro-skipplaysfirstfew secondsof
all of thesemechanisms are eachsong,so youcan easilycheck
manufactured by us,makingpossi- disccontents.
bleprecisionintegrated construction . Repeatfunctionfor entirediscor
of an "opticaldeck" in an aluminum programcontents.
diecastchassis.Thiskeepsall these . Pickuppositionindicatorin disc
precisionelectromechanical devices holdersection(aswellas in FL
in optimumalignment to bringout display).
theirfull potentialandthat of the oControlkeyindicators.
systemas a whole. . Handsome designto matchother
Unique Multi.functionDisplay components.
and Versatile Operation .Automaticdisc loading.
TheSL-P10 frontpanelboastsa
largemulti-functionFL display
DD Spindle Motor
measuring Scmby 14cmwith 290FL
segments. Indication
Thepickupsystemincludesa capabilityfar exceedsthatof other
semiconductorlaser,actuator,lens, compactdisc players. Whenyou put
prism,and photodetector
in a preci- a CompactDiscintotheSL-P10, it
aluminumbodyof beginsspinning automaticallyand
Designed for usewith a VCR,the chip.
SV-100 providesveryhighquality Together,thesethreeLSlsare
digitalaudioprocessing for digital equivalentto about320logiclOs.
audiorecording and playback. Insteadof the conventionalseparate
Not onlyis the SV-100 compact,it A/Dand D/Aconverters, a single
weighsonly2.9k9(net)makingit the AD/DAconverter is usedfor conver-
world'slightestdigltalaudiopro- sionfromanalogto digitalandvice
cessor. versa.
Thismeansthat the SV-100is ideally Thisrevolutionarycircuitryalso
suitedfor portableuse,especially meansmoredependable
whencombined withthe matching performance. ControlLSI
Panasonic NV-100 VCR.
Its attractivestylingalso SignalFlowDiagramof SV-100
complements otherhighquality
audiocomponents whenusedin a
homehi-fisystem. recording and
auo,o s,snat -[*\\ 3 reproduced
ror recororng audio signal
Advanced Semiconductor I
Circuitryfor Compact Size
Sophisticated originalLSIand - - - * t o vaecordino
cR - sional
microprocessor technologycon-
tributesto this processor'ssurpris-
ThePCMsignalprocessing LSI al signal fd copy
(MN6601) containsabout10,000
elements in a 6.08x5.58mm chip;
the playbackLSI(MN6602) has + Audio signal

about15,000 elementsin a ..- Digital signal

x 6.1Bmm
6.4.6 chip;the record- ----+
ing/playback controlLSIhasabout Video signal

6.000elementsin 4.48x 3.62mm

Thisis particularlyimportantif the
tapeis beingplayedbackon a
differentVCRfromthat usedfor
tellsyou howfull the batteryis and
whetherit needscharging.
Supplied AC Power Unit with
Handy Video/AudioSwitch

Designed for Quick Precise Thisletsyou usethe SV-100 in a
Control position.The
verticalor horizontal
Forquickandaccurateadjustment, matchingPanasonic NV-100 VCR
the SV-100 hasa masterlevelcontrol hassimilarconnectionfacilitiesso
anda stereobalancecontrol.This that the two areideallysuitedfor
unusualsystemis actuallythe most portableuse.Of course,the SV-100
practicalfor mostpurposessuchas can be usedwithvirtuallyanyhome
recordingFM broadcastsor Com- VCR(or3/4-inchU-matictypeVCR). TheSV-100 is readyto useright
pactDiscs.In bothcasesit is
awaysinceit comeswith its own AC
easiestto adjustthe leftand right powerunitfor homeuse.This
channelsat the sametime and no compactunit is designedto simplify
stereobalanceadjustmentis usually connections whilesupplyingpower
needed. Thesamegoesfor live to the also worksas a bat-
recording wherethe leftand right terychargerfor the optionalbattery
channelmicrophones arenormally packsavailablefor the SV-100.
matched.Furthermore, On
the lessused theAC powerunit'sfrontpanelis a
controlsareof the slideswitchtype, "recording"switchthat letsyou use
so thereis littledangerof accidental yourVCRfor recordingTV programs
misoperation. or for PCMdigitalrecording without
2-Color FL Meters for Accurate havingto changeanyconnections.
Indication VCR Tracking Check and Battery
In digitalas in analogrecording, ac- Other Valuable Features
Gheck Functions oBuilt-inhighqualitymicamp.
curatemetersare essentialfor cor- A frontpanelslideswitchletsyou oDigitalcopyoutputjack.
rect recordinglevelsetting.However, changethedisplayfromrecord- oMutecancelswitchletsyou hear
withdigitalaudio,it is allthemore ing/playbacklevelindicationto
importantnot to set recordinglevel soundin VCR'scue and review
VCRtrackingand batterycheckin- modes.
too high.Therefore, the SV-100 is dication.TheVCRtrackingreadout oHeadphone
equippedwith precisionFL meters volumecontrol.
tellsyou howwellthevideotape . Playbackmodeswitchfor optimum
that extendall the wayfrom -50d8 recorder'sheadsaretracingthe
to + 6dB.Sinceclippingoccurs matchingwithVCRsignal
recordedtracksduringplayback. characteristics.
above0dB,this wide-range metering Youcan thenadjusttheVCRto oRecmuteswitch.
systemletsyou seeexactlywhere
you shouldset recordinglevelto
avoiddistortion. Comparethis with
otherdigitalaudioprocessors that
giveonlyan "over"indicationif
recordinglevelis too high.
Versatile Connection Facilities

TheSV-100 hastwo completesetsof

jacks,oneset on
the sideandoneon the rearpanel.
Forhomeandstudiodigitalrecord- handlevirtually
editingfeatures.With allthis state- all of thesignalpro-
ingapplications Technicspresents cessingincluding
of-the-arttechnology,you'll be happy digitalto-analog
the SV-P100, a whollyself-contained to find that the SV-P100is just as
andanalog-tod igitalconversion.
unitwithbuilt-in VHStape Theyalsotakecareof errordetec-
easy to use as an ordinarycassette
mechanism. TheTechnicsSV-P100 deck-perhaps easier. tion,errorcorrection, videosignal
is the mostcompactdigitalrecord- modulation, andtime-base correc-
ing systemin existence. lt has High'Density LSlsfor Compact tion.Sincethesetakethe placeof
everything you needto startmaking Size thousandsof transistors and hun-
the highestqualityrecordings you've semiconductor
State-of-the-art dredsof lOs,circuitsizeis
everheard.Advanced semiconduc- is thekeyto thecompact dramatically
technology reduced.
tor circuitryprovidesoutstanding dimensionsof theSV-P100, the
performance in a compactpackage. world'ssmallestdigitalrecording
Plusyou enjoyversatiledigital system.ThreeoriginalLSIchips

Main Signal Flow Chart



Built-inVHS Mechanism will beginwhenthe searchmarkis playbackleveldisplay,and indica-
BuiltintotheSV-P100 is a veryhigh reached. tion for all functionsthatyou might
qualityVHSvideotapetransport Youcan recordas manysearchand need.TheFL leveldisplayuses
mechanism with advanced video jumpmarksas you want,usingthe fluorescent displaytubesto provide
headsand quartzlockeddirectdrive convenient editinglevers. Since veryaccurateindicationof recording
motors.Basicoperationis just like thesemarksremainon the tape,you level.Besidesinstantaneous peak
on a conventionalcassettedeck, can take advantageof this conve- indication, it alsohas peak-hold
with the comfortof microcomputer nienceeverytimeyou listento a whichshowsyou the highestsignal
feather-touchcontrolkeys.You recording.Of courseyou can also peaksreachedin each2-second
simplyput a cassetteintothe front selectivelyerasesearchandjump period.Thismakesit mucheasierto
loadingcompartment and pressthe marks(bypressingthe "clear" lever) setoptimumrecordinglevel.Another
recand playbuttonstogetherto as required. valuablefeatureis the playbackdata
beginrecording.Thecassettedoor In additionto all this,you havethe checkindicationwhichgivesyou a
is motordrivenfor smooth,silent "locate"functionwhichservesas a readoutof playbacksignalquality.
operationwhenyou wantto loador memorylinkedto the tapecounter.
ejecta cassette. Butunlikeon conventional cassette Other Features
decks,you don't haveto set the o Largefaderknobfor smoothfade-
counterto zero.This memorystores in and fade-outeffects.
the actualtapecounternumberat . Digitalinputandoutputterminals
the instantyou pressthe locatebut- for makingdigitaltapecopies
ton.Thetapewill thenstop(orbegin usinganotherSV-P100.
play)atthe memorized position.You .Angledcontrolpanelwithstatus
can alsocheckthe locatememory indicatorLEDs.
positionby pressingthe recall . Headphone and microphone jacks
button. on frontpanel.
. Highqualitymicrophone ampbuilt-
Multi-FunctionDisplay in for superiorliverecording
. Recessedpowerswitchhelps
avoidaccidental on/offswitching.
Versatile Editing There'sa digitalLCDtapecounter audiotimer.
Sincethe digitalsignalis recorded . Dew(condensation) displayand
display,brightFL recording/
on the tape'svideotracks,the space protectioncircuitry.
usuallyusedfor audiois left free. .Trackingadjustment for optimum
TheSV-P100 usestheseextratracks playbackof tapesrecordedon
for "jump"and "search"marks.This otherequipment.
givesyou a kindof electronicediting
abilitythat is not possiblein
Recorda jumpmarkalonga specific
sectionof thetapeandthedeckwill
automatically bypassthatsectionat
8 timesnormalspeed.Normal
playbackresumesafterthe endof
thejumpmark.Thisis usefulwhen
you wantto skipoverundesired
portionsof a recording.
Searchmarkslet you rapidlylocate
specificpointson the tape.Thetape
will advancedto the nearestsearch
markat 8 timesnormalspeedand
thenstop. lf you pressthe playkey
with the searchkey,thenplayback
Todo justiceto the qualityof digitalsourcematerial,
you needthe most advancedaudiocomponentsmade.
And that meansTechnics.Technicsproducesamps
and speakersystemsspecificallydesignedto meetthe
demandsof digitalaudioreproduction. Thecom-
ponentsshownherearea primeexample.TheSU-AG
preampboastsall classA circuitrywith incredible
soundquality.TheSE-ASpoweramp usesNewClassA
and LinearFeedback circuitryto deliver120W+120W,
bothchannelsdriveninto 8 ohms,from 20Hzto
20,000H2, with no morethan O.ffi2o/ototal harmonic
distortion.Thenthereis the SB-M2monitorspeaker
systememployingour most sophisticatedhoneycomb
disc driversto achieveamazinglyflat frequency
responseand linearphasecharacteristics. To round
out the system,you havethe ST-S8quartzsynthesizer
tunerwith all DCcircuitryandtheSL-QL1quartzdirect
drivelineartrackingturntable. sv-.t00
Type Digitalaudioprocessor
Type Digitalaudiocassetterecorder
Numberof channels 2 (stereo) PCMstandard File-STC.008 PCMstandard By TechnicalFile-STC-o07
D/Aconversion 16bit linear "Consumer Use PCM Encoder-Decoder" "ConsumerUsePCMEncoder-Decoder" of
Frequency response 4Hz-2OkHz of StereoTechnical Committee-Video StereoTechnicalCommittee-Video
Dynamicrange 90dBor more Technical Committee, EIAJ TechnicalCommittee, EIAJ
S/N ratio 90dBor more Quantization Linear 14-bit Quantization Linear 14-bit
Totalharmonicdistortion Decoding Linear 14-bit Decoding Linear'14-bit
ot less(1kHz,OdB)
0.Q04o/o Recordingtime Max. 3 hours (when using Tape VHS type video cassette
Channelseparation 90dBor more the NV-E180video cassette tape) Signal format Standard NTSC television
Wow& flutter Sameas quartzcrystal Channels 2 (1, R) signal by VHS standard
oscillatororecision Frequencyresponse 2Hz-20kHz (+0.5d8) Recordingtime About 2-hour maximum
SIGNAL FORMAT Harmonicdistortion Lessthan0.01% (Using NV-E180)
Sampling frequency 44.1kHz (1kHz,0dB) Channels 2 (L,R)
Errorcorrection system Technics Super Dynamicrange Morethan86dB Frequency response 2Hz-20kHz(+0.5d8)
DecodingAlgorithm Inputsensitivity/impedance Harmonicdistortion Lessthan0.01%(1kHz,odB)
PICKUP Line;30mV(- 15dB)/50 kilohms Dynamicrange Morethan86dB
Type Astigmatic3-beam Microphone; 0.7mV(- 15d8)/600 ohms Inputsensitivity/impedance
Subjective lenssuspension Video;1Vp-p/75 ohms(Videoformat) Line;30mV(- 15dBY50ko
Twinparalleldamper Outputlevel/impedance Microphone; 0.7mV(- 15dBY600O
Beamsource Semiconductor laser Line;400mV(- 15dB)/600 ohms Digital;'lVp-p/750 (Videoformat)
Wavelength soooA Video;1Vp-p/75 ohms(Videoformat) Outputlevel/impedance
Digitalcopy;1Vp-p/75 ohms Line;400mV(- 15dBY600o
FUNCTIONS ACCESSORY FUNCTIONS Digital;1Vp-pi750 (Videoformat)
Searchfunction Manual,Automusicsearch, VCRtrackingcheck,Batterycheck, Remotecontrolterminal 8 - p i nD I N t e r m i n a l
Program VCRplaybackmodeswitch(to matchVCR
Intro-skip, Editfunction Jump, Search,
Programcapability auto/off playbackmutingswitch,
characteristics) Memory,Memoryrecall,Playback datacheck,
Maximum63-stepprogrammability, Bandcueing, Recmuteswitch,Playback(recording) Trackingadjustment,
Randombeginplaysetting(band,minute/second), modeindicator,Headphone volumecontrol, Timerrecording&'l-hourdelayrecording,
Randomendplaysetting(band,minute/second) SuppliedAC powerunit has batterycharging Digitalrecording terminals,
Display('140x 50mmlargeFL display) andvideo/digital
audioswitchingfunctions Headphone andmicrophone jacks
Pickupposition,Bandbeginningposition, GENERAL GENERAL
Program, Bandnumber,Playingtime Powersupply AqDC/Car battery Powersupply AC 11o112u2201240v, 50/60H2
Control keys 7 basic keys, (DC12V1.6Ausingoptionalbatterypack) Powerconsumotion 90W
14programming keys Exclusive AC powerunit supplied Dimensions Wx H x D) 430x278x346mm
Disc loading Automaticfront loading (AC11Ol120|2N240V,50/60H2) Weight 21kg
GENERAL DimensionsWxHxD)
Outputvoltage 150mV(-20d8) adjustable 238xQ2x2zlomm (Mainunit)
Dimensions(WxHxD) 430x133x315mm 78x 92x 240mm(ACPowerunit)
Weight 10kg Weight Approx.2.9kg(Mainunit)

S p e c i t i c a t i o n ss u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . P r i n t e di n J a p a n

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