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Renewable Sources Era Abstract From Bocconi S Magazine 1668851165

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The era of renewable


The road to the development of renewables is sown
with economic, technical, environmental and social
hurdles that need to be overcome through steady
commitment rather than bold proclamations

by Luigi De Paoli @

romoting sustainable development has a much
broader meaning than satisfying energy demand via
renewable sources. However, there is no doubt that
the nexus between sustainability, the fight against climate
change and the replacement of fossil fuels to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions has projected renewable
sources to the top of the agenda of global energy policy.
However, we must not forget that 2021 the weight of
modern renewables in meeting world
energy demand was still only 13.5%
(BP data), while the fossil-fuel triad
(oil, coal and gas) contributed for
82.3%. We are therefore still fully
living in the era of fossil fuels. How
long will it take to fully enter the
new era?
In fact, the first thing to bear in
mind is that transition times are
very long because the energy
system has a strong inertia. For
example, over the last ten years
(2011-2021), the share of renewables
in world energy consumption has grown by only 6% (from decade new photovoltaic arrays and wind turbines would
7.2 to 13.5%) despite strong public incentives. If be put into service reaching the scale of 2700 GW
renewables worldwide still have a relatively modest (million kW) for the STEPS scenario and a staggering
weight, it is because there are sectors where their use is 6600 GW in the NZE scenario. By 2050, the difference
difficult or not very economical: they are the hard-to- in prospective outcomes will be even more gaping

abate industries, like aviation and shipping, industrial or because it would involve building solar and wind power

Senior Professor,
civilian thermal uses, where replacing fossil fuels is more plants for a total of almost 7700 GW in thirty years in the

Department of Social
difficult. STEPS scenario, rising to 21000 GW in the NZE

and Political Sciences,

The case of electricity is different. In 2011, the weight of scenario.

Bocconi University
renewables in electricity production was 20%, but 16% of Unfortunately, these figures do not mean much to the
this was due to hydroelectric energy which for more than average person who thus fails to appreciate the extent of
a century has played an important role in electrification. the gargantuan effort required. To get an idea, assuming
But in these ten years the world of renewables has that half of solar power is placed on the roofs of buildings
changed significantly: wind and solar production has (according to EU target recently announced by the
grown enormously, so that green energy now accounts for European Commission for the EU), in the case of the
28% of world electricity production in 2021. sustainable development scenario (SDS), about 75 million
For the future, wind energy and solar energy are called to homes need to install PV panels on theirs roofs by 2030,
play a fundamental role in achieving the goal of "zero and nearly 300 million homes by 2050 (each with an 18
emissions" of carbon dioxide. All scenarios indicate that kW system).
solar and wind power will be decisive in the coming The effort to decarbonize the energy system is therefore
decades, even if the actual development may turn out daunting and does not only concern solar and wind power,
very different from predictions. The International Energy but also other renewable sources, as well as hydrogen, the
Agency (IEA) in its World Energy Outlook of 2021 has development of smart grids, batteries (given that energy
considered four scenarios ranging from the mere must be stored since sun and wind are intermittent) and
continuation of the policies in place (scenario called the diffusion of all technologies that improve energy
STEPS) to the more proactive scenario that aims to efficiency and, where possible, the electrification of
achieve Net-Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2050. processes. The ongoing and prospective transformation of
In the middle there are two scenarios with an the energy system therefore requires massive investments,
intermediate development of renewables, if the policies and the will is there from the point of view of energy
already announced (APS) will be implemented or if more operators, as well as financial actors increasingly oriented
ambitious ones (SDS scenario) will be launched to move towards sustainable investments, provided there is a way
more decisively towards sustainable development. To to recoup the investment in reasonable times and under
understand the effort under way, but also the diversity of conditions of regulatory certainty.
possible outcomes, it is sufficient to consider that, starting However, imagining that we can leapfrog in a short time
from 1500 GW of installed power in 2020, in the current towards a world made entirely made of renewable

sources, and that everything depends on "political will",
is an error that risks deceiving public opinion. The road
to the development of renewables is sown with economic,

TheBocconiMaster in Sustainability and Energy Management

technical, environmental and social hurdles and the best
way to overcome them lies not in lofty proclamations, but
in keeping all the relevant players committed to the target
of decarbonization. 

The next big thing has

already been invented
by Emanuele Elli @

We need to extend the planning horizon, also using they are going to be the “Next Big Thing”, but at the
the imagination if necessary, to put ourselves in a same time there is a sense that something is
position to reap the benefits that will certainly be still missing to make it all happen. At this
there, even if today we can only intuit them," says moment there is an ever greater dyscrasia
Marco Patuano, president of the A2A Group and between the current state of the art and the
Bocconi Alumnus, of the energy transition. He’s going scenarios towards which macro trends are
through the difficult exercise of drawing up today a ten- inevitably leading under the push of social
year strategic plan for a company operating in a phenomena, geopolitical events,
turbulent sector such as energy today. In the document, technological developments.
presented at the beginning of the year, the largest Italian  As A2A group you have recently
multi-utility (which prefers the definition of "Life acquired a sizable wind farm: is this
Company" for itself) allocated €18 billion in the renewable source on which
investments, most of which destined to the development to invest at the moment?
of electricity production from renewable sources, a What other technologies
further sign that green energy is the direction of do you think are the most
development for all firms. promising?
 You have worked for a long time in Photovoltaics and wind are
telecommunications; you must be used to more than promising
take the long perspective and confide in technologies, they are a
technological progress... tangible reality. If we talk
Yes, in fact, when today I hear about some about promising technologies,
technologies in the sectors where A2A looking much further, say
operates, such as hydrogen or beyond 2050, I think that the
biomethane, the dawn of the Internet greatest hope comes from the
comes to mind: these are technologies that fusion of the atom. If, on the other
have existed for years, and we are all convinced hand, we broaden the discussion
Born in Alessandria, 58
from renewable energies only to the world of Net within 10 years, it will be because it is cheaper. I

years old, Marco Patuano

Neutral, then I would say that technologies of absolute usually already use one for the city. Why? The math is

graduated in Business
interest are found in the world of Carbon Capture, simple: with a liter of fuel you can travel, in the best of

Administration from Bocconi

understood not so much as the storage of CO2 in the cases, 15 km, while with its equivalent in electric power,

before completing his

subsoil but the treatment and exploitation of carbon 10 kWh, an electric car runs for 80, 100, maybe even

studies in the US. He made

dioxide. 120 kilometers, because the electrical motor is much
 In Italy, the construction of new power plants is
his professional debut in
more efficient than the endothermic one, which

telecommunications in
still an almost impossible mission. Will the disperses more energy by producing heat. It is a very

1995, following the birth

increasingly evident climate emergency change tangible convenience that brings benefits not only to the

and growth of TIM until

things in your opinion? environment but also to the user. This is a very relevant

becoming, in 2011, CEO of

The energy transition is necessarily a process of change because of the about to 1300 terawatt hours of

Telecom. "After that

"learning the hard way": you learn from everyday primary energy that Italy uses (I am referring to the sum

experience, I remembered
emergencies, even if for many people these are never of electricity, gas and petroleum derivatives), a major

that I had a specialization in

evident enough. The point is that acting under the share is due to transportation.
 In what way will the growth of renewables
finance so I started dealing
tyranny of emergency means that we tend to favor

with financial holding

effectiveness to “solve problems”, and thus we tend to change geopolitics and what will be the role of

companies" jokes the

centralize decisions. Plants such as those mentioned, Europe?

president of the A2A Group,

however, have very visible impacts on the localities that If we divide the planet into macro blocks, we notice that

recalling his past as CEO of

host them and cannot be achieved without dialogue with there is just one area where energy offer and

Edizione srl, his work at MP

local stakeholders. It is no coincidence that a NIMBY consumption is in balance, and that is North America.

Invest foundation, or his

attitude is growing around almost all the initiatives, that They have an energy-intensive market but also uranium,

role as senior advisor for

is, “not in my territory”. I am from Piedmont and love to gas, oil, sun and wind. In short, they can go it alone.

Nomura. “The Bocconi that I

contemplate the rows of vines in my countryside, so it is Russia and the Middle East are net exporters, China and

knew was first and foremost

not obvious that I would be happy if they built wind Southeast Asia are net importers. Europe is in structural

a school of method and for

turbines in front of my house. When it comes to these deficit because it has no indigenous sources of energy.

this reason it gave a very

technologies, people have many questions, they are As Europeans we must ask ourselves how we can remain

valid teaching to succeed

often frightened because they do not fully understand match demand and offer in the time that separates us

first in studies and then in

the implications. But if we put ourselves in the shoes of from the diffusion of atom fusion that will finally free us

profession of manager. I
those who have to allocate capital for investment, no from the importation of energy. If, as we have said, this

remember that, while most

company can accept lengthy times to build an will happen beyond 2050, all that remains is to find a

of the business schools

infrastructure. We must therefore strike a balance and way to harm ourselves as little as possible for the next

were still focused on

find new forms of exchange between companies and the 30-50 years. The issue is largely political, as much of

organizational issues, here

local territory that stave off the mentality of always the necessary technology already exists. A school case

they were already into

looking at what is lost without first comparing it to what says that if we equipped a square of about 100 square

strategic thinking, a nice

can be obtained. kilometers with solar mirrors in the Sahara desert, this
 The perplexities also arise from the fact that few
advantage over the
would guarantee all the energy that Europe needs. It

have yet been able to touch the advantages of the does not mean that it can really be done, but it does
transition to renewable energy, at least among mean that we have the technology and that in order to
private individuals. find common solutions we must truly become a
That is not entirely true. If we all drive an electric car European Union. 

The rules of the hydrogen game

The European strategy is there but the regulatory framework must be adapted to the
new priorities. In Italy, the key factor enabling an energy system integrated with the
hydrogen resource is represented by the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience.

by Franco Ferrari @

n the last twenty years, issues related to hydrogen renewable hydrogen is expected, the extension to various
have acquired centrality in the context of EU policy industrial applications (steel, trucks, rail transport) and
on energy and climate, culminating in the adoption of the development of local hydrogen hubs. The
the Commission communication “A hydrogen strategy infrastructure will also need to be adapted, with the
for a climate-neutral Europe” of 8 July 2020. planning of a pan-European hydrogen network and a

European policies have not yet produced a complete network of refueling stations. At this stage, the

Senior Professor,
regulatory outcome: at present, in fact, the production, legislation will have to provide for the “completion of an

Department of Law,
circulation and use of hydrogen does not have an organic open and competitive EU hydrogen market,

Bocconi University
discipline. Partial and fragmented regulatory discipline characterized by the absence of a barrier to cross-border
can be found in legislation of various kinds (mainly trade and by an efficient distribution of hydrogen
decisions and regulations) on hydrogen R&D, hydrogen- between the various sectors”.
fueled vehicles and hydrogen distribution Finally, the third phase (2031-2050) foresees the
networks, as well as industrial activities maturity of technologies based on renewable
and hydrogen from renewable sources. hydrogen and their application on a large scale, with
Many point out the need to revise existing
legislation in order to adapt the existing
regulatory framework to the new demands
determined by the European strategy for
hydrogen. It is true, however, that, at least in
relation to the transport sector, the regulatory
interventions have been numerous and far-reaching,
defining a significant corpus perhaps suitable for
merging into an organic and single text.
Faced with this situation, the EU strategy for hydrogen,
starting from quantification of investments between €180
and €470 billion into renewable hydrogen by 2050,
provides a real roadmap for the next 30 years, whichi is
divided into three phases.
The first phase (2020-2024) calls for the installation of
at least 6 GW of electrolyzers for renewable hydrogen
and production of 1 million tons of renewable hydrogen
is expected. On a regulatory level, this first phase should
be characterized by the need to define the regulatory
framework “for a liquid and well-functioning hydrogen
market and on the incentives to supply and demand in
leading markets, also compensating for the cost
differences between the solutions and renewable and
low-carbon hydrogen and adopting adequate rules on
state aid ”.
During the second phase (2025-2030), hydrogen will
have to take on the role of an essential element in an
integrated energy system, with the installation of at least
40 GW of electrolyzers for renewable hydrogen and the
production of 10 million tons of the fuel. At this
juncture, an improvement in the competitiveness of
the spread of synthetic fuels derived from hydrogen also National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR)
to aviation and shipping and with the use of biogas to which enables the outlay of sizable sums for investment.
replace natural gas in the production of hydrogen with As part of the legislation related to the PNRR, which
capture and storage of carbon dioxide. within Mission 2 lists hydrogen as an investment item,
To support such a far-reaching transformation, the Union and the PNIEC, the Legislative Decree May 31, 2021,
foresees the need for substantial investments - between no. 77, as converted into the Law of 21 July 2021, no.
€24 and €42 billion by 2030 for electrolyzers, €220-340 108, has included among the works and infrastructures
billion for increasing energy production from renewable necessary to achieve the objectives set out by the
sources and an additional €11 billion for the rollout of PNIEC, the production, transport and storage of
carbon capture and storage technologies, in reference to hydrogen, as well as those functional to the refueling of
which a specific "European Alliance for Clean hydrogen vehicles.
Hydrogen" will be set up, bringing together companies, With the Decree of 27 April 2022, the Italian Ministry
public administrations, research bodies in for the Ecological Transition has, lastly, has approved
implementation of the hydrogen strategy by defining of the regulations for the implementation of the investments
investment projects. envisaged by the PNRR. In particular, €450 million
Individual national experiences, more or less developed have been allocated, so apportioned: €250 million for
in their approaches, find space within the EU the construction of plants for the production of
framework. Italy has attributed a particularly important electrolyzers of European interest; €100 million for the
role to hydrogen in order to achieve the so-called construction of additional electrolysis capacity reaching
"ecological transition starting from the Integrated 1 GW per year of electricity by 2026; €100 million for
National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), published investment programs aimed at developing the production
in January 2020. chain of hydrogen from electrolysis and/or related
The key point towards an energy system that integrates components, including projects for targeted R&D and
hydrogen among its sources is, however, the Italian training of specialized personnel. 

The value of waste

Replacing the concept of waste to
energy, today we talk about Waste to
Hitachi Zosen Inova and SDA Bocconi EMBA Alumna,

X, as explained by Giovanna Chiara,

but only remarking that corporate Italy has never entered

SDA Bocconi alumna and manager

her professional parable. And it is quite an emblematic
case. Graduated in Turin, she headed for Spain in 2004,
of Hitachi Zosen Inova, who also
where government policies already favored the

considers that no technology or

development of thermodynamic solar plants, a technology

source, including nuclear power,

promoted by the Italian Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia.

can solve the energy problem alone

“State incentives allowed the creation of 150-megawatt
plants and the utilities were responding in unison,”
summarizes the manager. “From there I moved on to deal

by Emanuele Elli @
with offshore wind for General Electric and today in
Zurich I work on waste-to-energy plants for Hitachi
Zosen Inova, mainly developing the small collateral

I have always hoped to apply my processes that are connected to the main plant and that
chemical engineering degree to an favor the recycling of materials. Today, in fact, we no
industry that had a higher meaning longer speak of Waste to Energy processes but of Waste to
and purpose than simply business. So I X because an array of metals, salts, new raw materials
immediately tried to deal with renewable can be obtained from the processing of waste. These are
energy and sustainable technologies, very complex infrastructures which are increasingly
because they represent the challenge par inspired by the concept of the circular economy”.
excellence for the future of the planet. Even How is the energy market changing with
if this has meant, so far, that I have always technological innovation applied to the
worked outside of Italy”. No regrets, mind exploitation of renewable sources?
you, in the voice of Giovanna Chiara, Global It is changing a lot but not yet enough to alter the
Sales & Business Development Manager at established equilibrium. In Europe there is already a

Graduated in chemical
good base for renewables but there is still a lot to do to model that has become established in Nordic countries

engineering from the

decrease dependence on gas imports. On a global level, and is now spreading also in Italy. For the private

Polytechnic of Turin, and

however, the most promising aspect is that developing consumer, however, the issue varies from country to

obtained an EMBA from

countries are leapfrogging to new energy infrastructures country and depends on how the market is regulated.

SDA Bocconi School of

based on renewables, skipping the intermediate fossil Where there is traceability of the so-called "green

Management. "At some

step. Some technologies are well established and the electron", then you pay the price based on generation

point in my career, I
producers are the very same countries that need them from renewables, but where instead electricity from the

realized I needed to add

most, such as China, which is already a leader in solar different sources flows into a single stream, this

business skills to my
energy. Another fundamental chapter is the one related to distinction is not possible and bills are not differentiated.
Why is it so difficult to start the construction of
scientific background,"
the theme of smart grids and batteries which are

says. "I had a great

increasingly strategic to circumvent the variability of new plants in Italy?

hunger for this kind of

natural sources, but also on this front technology is Having never worked in Italy, I cannot express myself,

knowledge and a desire to

moving towards increasingly commercial over-the- but in general the issue is always political. Technology

change perspectives in
counter solutions and costs will soon consequently drop. moves where there are favorable laws that push
Talking about costs, until now businesses and
approaching the industry
investment in the right direction. Of course, it is to

and project finance

individuals have struggled to see the economic disconcerting to read that Spain meets 36% of its

because I lacked a holistic

convenience of energy produced from renewable electricity needs with renewable sources and in Italy we

vision of the company".

sources. What is the key to overcome this are stuck at a paltry 12%.
You also have a strong green awareness, you
Formerly manager at

Iberdrola in Spain and

According to the latest report by the International Energy don’t use plastic, don’t have a car... What do you

then head for General

Agency, the cost per megawatt-hour from renewables has think of nuclear power?

Electric Renewable Energy

already reached parity or is even lower than electricity I think it has indisputable advantages because it

of the tenders for offshore

generated from fossil sources and therefore also prices for guarantees a baseload, or basic supply of energy, which is

wind farms, today she

power plants are increasingly competitive, especially constant and reliable, without the typical variability of

follows the development of

considering that investment pays for itself very quickly as natural sources. I believe in progress, in the safety of

waste-to-energy plants in
the fuel is available in nature free of charge. PPAs, Power power plants and above all in a solution of the problem of

Zurich for the Swiss-

Purchase Agreements, long-term contracts with which processing nuclear waste. That said, no single technology

Japanese corporation
plant builders become exclusive suppliers for companies is the solution to the energy problem, but a plurality of

Hitachi Zosen Inova.

for at least 10 years at a fixed price, with benefits power sources will have to be employed.
accruing to both parties, are also working very well. It is a Would you return to work in Italy? Maybe for
the institutions or for a public administration to
facilitate the recovery of the gap with other
European countries?
If there really were the possibility of working in a similar
role, I would be happy to do it, because it is a subject I
know well, a job that I love and in which I strongly
believe, even if there is a still a lot of ground to cover. On
the waste issue, however, I am discovering that Italy is not
so far behind as on other fronts; there are macroscopic
emergencies like that of Rome, but also forms of
excellence in other municipalities. However, we must
unblock the new plants: here in Switzerland there are
dozens of waste-to-energy plants in operation, also
because “landfilling has been banned, while in Italy it is
not even possible to build a single one… It would be
useful to have a common EU policy on the issue.” 
ISSN 1828-6313

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