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Assignments for LMS

Assume that you are the International Business Development Manager for Prince Coffee, an aggressive coffee chain in Vietnam looking for market
opportunities in CPTPP members. You report to me, the CEO. In every country in the group, your team has identified at least a company interested
in selling Vietnamese-branded coffee. I want to know what non-cultural aspects of doing business in the target countries would be the most important
for us to consider.

1. For the purpose of comparing with something familiar, use the provided template to fill in scores for the country and for Vietnam. For each
element a score of 10 indicates ‘lowest risk’ or ‘most favourable’ and a score of 1 means ‘highest risk’ or ‘least favourable.’ You will hand
this in as an attachment to your work.
2. Provide a list of resources used in producing your profile. Follow the APA referencing style

Links to resources to help you get started are as follows

The World Bank Country Data –
• The CIA Fact Book – (Provides general reference information by
country in a quick and accessible outline)
• Global EDGE – (The global business resource page of the Michigan State University CIBER with links to a wide
variety of international resources on the Web.)
• 2014 Index of Economic Freedom – (A joint project of the Heritage Foundation and The Wall
Street Journal)
• Doing Business – (A World Bank site that provides ‘objective measures of business regulations and their
enforcement across 183 economies.’)

This assignment is designed to provide practice in presenting information professionally and responsibly, as well as clearly and concisely.
You must express yourself in your own words. The most successful papers will include current information, clearly and logically explain
your choices, and be highly professional and well written.
CPTPP is a free trade agreement between 11 countries around the Pacific Rim. (11 members: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam)

Environmental assessment template

Group number:

1 = Least favourable, 10 = Most favourable

1 = Highest risk, 10 = Lowest risk1

Vietnam Name of the target country

Political Environment
System of government
Stability of government
Level of corruption
Foreign relations
State ownership of companies
Terrorism and public security

Legal/Regulatory environment
Independence of judiciary/due process
Contract enforceability
Tax rates and lows
Property rights protection
Environmental protection
Other trade restrictions
Foreign investment policies

Economic environment
GDP growth projections

Enter scores (1 – 10) in cells below country names
GDP per capita
Government budgetary policy
Inflation rates
Currency stability
Strength of labour unions

Technological environment
Telecommunications and internet
Availability of required skills
Intellectual property protection
Technology transfer requirements/barriers
Adherence to international standards

Total scores


Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

<5 5-6.6 6.5-8 8-9 9-10

Describe the issues Very poor Description was at a A satisfactory A detailed and A detailed and very well
and relate it to application of surface level description was supported description supported description was
concepts/theory in relevant IB made of the issue; was made of the issue; made of the issue, Excellent
the course concepts/ theory correct application correct application of application of all relevant
of some relevant IB key relevant IB IB theory.
theory. theory.

Analysis: Discuss Little or no link of the There is some There is good There is strong There is strong evidence of
how the issues evidences to theory evidence of ability to evidence of ability to evidence of ability to ability to link theory to
would affect the link theory for a link theory to link theory to analyse analyse the evidence
firm investment basic analysis of the
evidence. analyse the evidence. of the evidences

Uses a wide range of

appropriate theories.
Uses a range of
appropriate theories.

Clarity of Meaning unclear Meaning is apparent Language mainly Language is fluent. Professionally worded and
expression and/or grammar and/or although some fluent although Grammar and spelling presented.
spelling, contains poorly structured occasional minor are correct.
frequent errors. sentences and errors.
paragraphs. Some
grammar and/or
spelling errors. 

Referencing Fails to include APA Several errors in Occasional errors in Occasional errors in Complete and correct use
referencing style in-text APA citing and both APA citing either APA citing of APA in-text and
(APA style) citations and/or referencing. and/or referencing. and/or referencing referencing.
reference list correctly
or consistently.

Sources, Does not meet the 4-5 news articles Include more than 5 More than 5 news More than 5 news articles
minimum 4 required number of included news articles articles and include 1 peer-
articles from sources reviewed articles related to
reliable news industry

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