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Open Kinetic Chain Exercises in A Restricted Range of Motion After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction - Fukuda2013

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The American Journal of Sports


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises in a Restricted Range of Motion After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Thiago Yukio Fukuda, Deborah Fingerhut, Viviane Coimbra Moreira, Paula Maria Ferreira Camarini, Nathalia Folco
Scodeller, Aires Duarte, Jr, Mauro Martinelli and Flavio Fernandes Bryk
Am J Sports Med 2013 41: 788 originally published online February 19, 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513476482

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Open Kinetic Chain Exercises
in a Restricted Range of Motion After
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Thiago Yukio Fukuda,*y PT, PhD, Deborah Fingerhut,y PT, Viviane Coimbra Moreira,y PT,
Paula Maria Ferreira Camarini,y PT, Nathalia Folco Scodeller,y PT, Aires Duarte Jr,z MD,
Mauro Martinelli,z MD, and Flavio Fernandes Bryk,y PT
Investigation performed at Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia, São Paulo, Brazil

Background: Recent studies have shown that an early start of open kinetic chain (OKC) exercises for quadriceps strengthening in
a full range of motion (ROM) could increase anterior knee laxity after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with flexor
tendons. However, there are no clinical trials that evaluated outcomes of OKC exercises in a restricted ROM for pain, function,
muscle strength, and anterior knee laxity at 1 year after surgery.
Purpose: To determine if an early start of OKC exercises for quadriceps strength in a restricted ROM would promote a clinical
improvement without causing increased anterior knee laxity in patients after ACL reconstruction.
Study Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial; Level of evidence, 1.
Methods: A total of 49 patients between 16 and 50 years of age who underwent ACL reconstruction with semitendinosus and gra-
cilis autografts were randomly assigned to an early start OKC (EOKC) exercise group or a late start OKC (LOKC) exercise group. The
EOKC group (n = 25; mean age, 26 years) received a rehabilitation protocol with an early start of OKC (fourth week postoperatively)
within a restricted ROM between 45° and 90°. The LOKC group (n = 24; mean age, 24 years) performed the same protocol with
a late start of OKC exercises between 0° and 90° (12th week postoperatively). Quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength, 11-point
numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), Lysholm knee scoring scale, single-legged and crossover hop tests, and anterior knee laxity
were measured to assess outcomes at the 12-week, 19-week, 25-week, and 17-month postoperative follow-up (range, 13-24
Results: No difference (P \ .05) was noted between groups with respect to demographic data. Both groups (EOKC and LOKC)
had a higher level of function and less pain at the 19-week, 25-week, and 17-month assessments when compared with 12 weeks
postoperatively (P \ .05). The EOKC group had improved quadriceps muscle strength at the 19-week, 25-week, and 17-month
follow-up when compared with 12 weeks postoperatively (P \ .05); the LOKC group showed improvement only at the 17-month
postoperative assessment. However, the analysis between groups showed no difference for all pain and functional assessments,
including anterior knee laxity (P . .05).
Conclusion: An early start of OKC exercises for quadriceps strengthening in a restricted ROM did not differ from a late start in
terms of anterior knee laxity. The EOKC group reached the same findings in relation to pain decrease and functional improvement
when compared with the LOKC group but showed a faster recovery in quadriceps strength. The nonweightbearing exercises
seem appropriate for patients who have undergone ACL reconstruction, when utilized in a specific ROM. The magnitude of dif-
ference in quadriceps strength between the 2 rehabilitation protocols was around 5%; however, this difference was not clinically
significant, especially because both groups had equal function on the hop tests.
Keywords: ACL; knee; reconstruction; rehabilitation; exercise therapy

Surgical reconstruction of the ruptured anterior cruciate therapy. In recent decades, several forms of ACL recon-
ligament (ACL) is a common orthopaedic knee surgery struction have been discussed. The choice of the hamstring
and is usually followed by 4 to 9 months of physical tendons as a graft has increased in popularity with the jus-
tification of generating minor complications such as ante-
rior knee pain and strength deficit of extension, although
leading to a possible deficit of flexion.1,8,15,16
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 41, No. 4
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513476482 After surgery, graft healing is characterized by a process
Ó 2013 The Author(s) called ligamentization. During this period, the graft will

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Open Kinetic Chain Exercises After ACL Reconstruction 789

undergo changes, becoming similar to intact ligament tis- randomized into 2 groups: 25 patients in the early start
sue, and will be especially vulnerable during the necrosis OKC (EOKC) group, and 24 participants in the late start
and revascularization stages.6,11,27 Therefore, one of the OKC (LOKC) group. Two patients in the EOKC group and
major challenges in the postoperative rehabilitation of 2 patients in the LOKC group did not complete the 25-week
ACL reconstruction is muscle strengthening, especially the rehabilitation protocol. In addition, 5 patients in each group
quadriceps muscles, without compromising the graft heal- did not attend the 17-month follow-up (Figure 1). Among
ing process and thus avoiding an increase in anterior knee those, 2 patients in each group had a graft failure and under-
laxity and possible damage to the articular cartilage.17,18,23 went a new surgical reconstruction. Finally, 18 patients in
Accelerated rehabilitation protocols after ACL recon- the EOKC group and 17 patients in the LOKC group were
struction have been increasingly used because they allow assessed at the longer follow-up, and only 1 patient in each
an early range of motion (ROM) and weightbearing as group did not return to the preinjury activity level.
well as a faster return to normal function and sports activ- The sample size estimation calculations were justified
ity.13,28 Closed kinetic chain (CKC) or weightbearing exer- based on the change of anterior laxity between the injured
cises are widely used in these protocols because of their limb and the contralateral limb. A 2.0-mm difference
known effects of articular compression and knee stabiliza- between limbs in the EOKC and LOKC groups and a corre-
tion.3,17 However, controversies exist regarding the onset sponding standard deviation of 2.0 mm were considered to
of open kinetic chain (OKC) exercises.30 Clinical and bio- be clinically relevant.4,5 It was determined that a sample
mechanical studies have shown that nonweightbearing size of 15 patients per group would be necessary to detect
exercises may promote greater anterior tibial translation the 2.0-mm difference with 80% power when a was set
at specific angles of knee flexion, thereby increasing the equal to .05. Anticipating that we would lose 20% of partic-
graft tension.3,21 In contrast, some authors have shown ipants enrolled during a longer follow-up (mean, 17
that quadriceps strengthening in OKC exercises can pro- months), we planned to enroll 25 patients in each group.
vide an improved muscle torque without damaging the nor- The patients were between 16 and 50 years of age and
mal laxity of the knee joint as well as favoring a return to were included if they had undergone an ACL reconstruc-
preinjury levels.4,5,22 tion surgery. The study was carried out at a single treat-
Heijne and Werner17 showed that an early start of OKC ment center, and patients were referred to our sector by
exercises after ACL reconstruction with a hamstring graft the orthopaedic surgeons of the sports medicine group.
promotes greater anterior knee laxity compared with a late Single-bundle arthroscopic reconstruction was performed
start. However, Escamilla et al9 and Fleming et al13 dem- in all cases with the 4-strand semitendinosus and gracilis
onstrated that it is possible to perform OKC exercises for tendon autograft as well as partial meniscectomy if neces-
quadriceps strengthening without overloading the graft sary. The surgery was performed using the nonanatomic
by providing a restricted ROM, that is, performing quadri- transtibial technique, with 2 portals (anteromedial and
ceps activation between 90° and 45° of knee flexion. anterolateral), and fixation of the graft in the femoral tun-
Despite numerous studies showing the advantages and nel with a transverse pin (TLC, Proind, Cotia, SP, BR) and
risks of adding OKC exercises during the rehabilitation of the tibial tunnel with a washer lock screw (Arruela den-
patients after ACL reconstruction, there is limited infor- teada, Prosintese, Cotia, SP, BR). Patients were excluded
mation concerning the appropriate time to introduce these if they had a previous injury or surgery to either knee,
exercises, the best manner to prescribe them in relation to had missed more than 10% of treatment sessions, had
the ROM in the sagittal plane, and the possible influence a simultaneous fracture or a concurrent injury to the pos-
on anterior laxity. Thus, the purpose of this study was to terior cruciate ligament, had other ligament injuries, had
determine whether an early start of OKC exercises using demonstrable radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis, had
a restricted ROM would promote a clinical improvement total meniscectomy or meniscus repair, had cartilage
without causing increased anterior laxity in patients after lesions with exposed bone, had suffered from a disease
ACL reconstruction. such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, or were pregnant.
Furthermore, the patients who had surgery to reconstruct
the ACL with a patellar graft or contralateral flexor ten-
MATERIALS AND METHODS dons were also excluded.4,5,17
All volunteers were informed about the procedures for
Study Design and Participants the study and signed informed consent documents written
in accordance with National Health Council Resolution
A total of 64 patients who had undergone an ACL reconstruc- CNS-196/96. This study was approved by the investigating
tion were evaluated between March 2008 and July 2011; how- institution’s Research Ethics Committee.
ever, based on exclusion criteria discussed below, only 49 After determining the inclusion of the participants,
patients participated in this clinical trial and were a single examiner was responsible for the administration

*Address correspondence to Thiago Yukio Fukuda, PT, PhD, Santa Casa de São Paulo, Setor de Fisioterapia, Rua Dr Cesário Motta Jr, 112, 01221-020,
São Paulo-SP, Brazil (e-mail:
Physical Therapy Sector, Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia, São Paulo, Brazil.
Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department, Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia, São Paulo, Brazil.
The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest in the authorship and publication of this contribution.

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790 Fukuda et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Assessed for eligibility (n=64)

at a full ROM, that is, between 0° and 90° of flexion.
Thus, the rehabilitation protocol was exactly the same for
Excluded (n=15) the 2 groups of patients, with the only difference being
Enrollment (n=49) • 13 patients the onset of OKC activities.
did not meet
inclusion criteria
Partial weightbearing with crutches was performed for
Randomization • 2 refused to 2 weeks after surgery in patients from both groups. It is
participate important to highlight that they did not use an orthotic
brace to restrict ROM after surgery. The protocol applied
Early Open Kinetic Allocation Late Open Kinetic to the EOKC and LOKC groups is described in detail in
Chain group (n=25) Chain group (n=24)
Received allocated Received allocated Appendix 1 (available in the online version of this article
intervention intervention at Four therapists
trained in the rehabilitation protocol for the study were
12-wk follow-up (n=25) Follow-up 12-wk follow-up (n=25) responsible for all treatments.
19-wk follow-up (n=25) 19-wk follow-up (n=24) Evaluation

25-wk follow-up (n=23) 25-wk follow-up (n=22) Muscle Strength. Muscle strength of the quadriceps and
• 2 patients missed ≥3 • 2 patients missed ≥3 hamstrings was evaluated by measuring the maximum iso-
treatment sessions treatment sessions
metric voluntary contraction using a handheld dynamome-
ter (Lafayette Instrument Co, Lafayette, Indiana).29 For
17-mo follow up (n=18) 17-mo follow up (n=17)
• 3 patients lost to • 3 patients lost to
the quadriceps, the patient was asked to sit on the table,
evaluation evaluation with arms held against the body and hips and knees at
• 2 patients had other • 2 patients had other 90° and 60° of flexion, respectively.7 The dynamometer
surgery surgery
was positioned 2 inches proximal to the lateral malleolus
on the anterior aspect of the tibia, and the leg was stabi-
ITT Analysis (n=25) ITT Analysis (n=24) lized by an inelastic band. This band was placed to fix
the dynamometer to the front face of the leg, being fixed
Figure 1. CONSORT flow chart, including intention-to-treat on the base of the table. For the hamstrings, the patient
(ITT) analysis. was in a prone position on the table, with the knee flexed
at 30°. The dynamometer was placed 2 inches proximal
to the lateral malleolus on the posterior aspect of the leg,
of all tests and questionnaires at 12 weeks, 19 weeks, 25 being stabilized by an inelastic band. This band was fixed
weeks, and 17 months after surgery. This examiner was directly to the ground. During strength testing, we used
blinded to the group assignment of the patients and did 2 submaximum trials to familiarize the patients with
not participate in the intervention. The assignment of each test position. This was followed by 3 trials with max-
patients in the 2 groups was performed randomly using imum isometric effort for each muscle group. For data
opaque and sealed envelopes containing the names of the analysis, the average values of the 3 trials with maximum
groups: EOKC or LOKC. The envelopes were selected by effort were used. Ten healthy volunteers (5 men and 5
a person not involved in this study. women) were tested according to the protocol described
above for quadriceps and hamstring strength as a pilot
Intervention study. The results indicated good and excellent reliability,
with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of 0.89 and
The intervention protocol of the EOKC and LOKC groups 0.92, respectively.
had a duration of 25 weeks (approximately 6 months). Anterior Knee Laxity. Anterior knee laxity was analyzed
The patients from both groups completed 3 treatment ses- by the Rolimeter (Aircast, Vista, California). Previous
sions per week, for approximately 70 sessions. All patients studies have shown similar accuracy of this arthrometer
started the postoperative protocol between the first and when compared with the KT-1000 arthrometer.14 The
second week after surgery. Both protocols have empha- patient was in a supine position on the table, with a cushion
sized an increase in ROM, lower limb strengthening, and under the knee to stabilize the joint at 25° of flexion. The
balance control. Isometric CKC exercises for hip and Rolimeter was fixed to the patient’s leg with a single
knee strengthening started at the second postoperative adjustable ankle strap distally. It was positioned such
week, followed by dynamic CKC exercises at the sixth post- that a curved proximal plate lay on the center of the
operative week. However, patients in the EOKC group patella. One of the examiner’s hands was placed on this,
started quadriceps strengthening with OKC exercises (iso- stabilizing the plate to the patella and thus fixing the
tonic knee extension) at 4 weeks postoperatively, restrict- femur. A metal stylus was then placed on the patient’s
ing the knee ROM between 90° and 45° of flexion. These tibial tuberosity. A Lachman test was then performed to
exercises were performed in a knee extension machine quantify the anterior tibial dislocation. This anterior dis-
with a lock for restricting motion. The LOKC group uti- placement of the stylus could then be read directly from
lized the same exercises only at 12 weeks after surgery, the 2-mm calibrations on the shaft of the stylus.14 The

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Open Kinetic Chain Exercises After ACL Reconstruction 791

Demographic Data of the Early OKC and Late OKC Groupsa

Early OKC (n = 23) Late OKC (n = 22) P Value

Age, y 26.5 6 8.5 23.9 6 5.5 .41

BMI, kg/m2 25.2 6 3.5 23.9 6 3.2 .36
Injured limb
Left 11 (48) 9 (40)
Right 12 (52) 13 (60)
Male 16 (70) 13 (60)
Female 7 (30) 9 (40)
Time between injury and surgery, mo 14.3 6 13.4 10.4 612.3 .41
Partial meniscectomy 12 (52) 10 (45)
Time of follow-up, mo 16.5 6 3.8 17.2 6 3.6 .44

Data are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation or n (%). OKC, open kinetic chain; BMI, body mass index. Only those patients remain-
ing at the end of the intervention are included.

examiner applied maximum manual force until the ante- anterior knee laxity, the single-legged and crossover hop
rior end point was reached. Three measurements were per- tests, the NPRS, and the Lysholm knee scoring scale
formed on each side, and the average was obtained. Thus, were analyzed using a separate 2 3 4 (group by time)
the difference between sides was considered for data mixed-model analysis of variance (ANOVA). The factor
analysis. group had 2 levels (EOKC and LOKC), and the repeated
Pain and Function. An 11-point numerical pain rating factor time had 4 levels (12, 19, and 25 weeks as well as
scale (NPRS) was used to measure pain, where 0 corre- 17 months after surgery). An intention-to-treat analysis
sponded to ‘‘no pain’’ and 10 corresponded to ‘‘worst imag- was performed using the last-value-carried-forward
inable pain.’’ The patients rated their worst level of pain method to input values for all missing data.
during the last week. The NPRS has been shown to be reli-
able and valid, with a minimum clinically important differ-
ence (MCID) of 2 points for general knee pain, although we RESULTS
have not found specific values for ACL reconstruction.12
The single-legged hop test and crossover hop test were Demographic Data
used as functional tests, according to the standardization
of a previous study.26 Three measurements were per- There was no statistically significant difference (P . .05)
formed for each test in both lower limbs, and the first for age, height, body weight, body mass index, and time
was performed to familiarize the patient with the test. to surgery between the EOKC and LOKC groups (Table
The average of the last 2 measurements was used for final 1). The mean follow-up of the last evaluation was 17 6 5
analysis. The performance of the surgically treated limb months (range, 13-24 months).
was expressed as a percentage of the healthy limb.
The Lysholm knee scoring scale was used to measure
Muscle Strength
function and symptoms. This scale is an 8-item functional
assessment tool with Portuguese language validation. The There was a statistically significant group-by-time interac-
final result is expressed in a nominal and ordinal form, tion for the 2 3 4 mixed-model ANOVA for both quadriceps
with a rating score of excellent (95-100 points), good (84- and hamstring strength assessments (P = .004 and P =
94 points), regular (65-83 points), and bad (64 points).24 .039, respectively). Planned pairwise comparisons for
However, the MCID in functional status has not been quadriceps strength indicated that the patients in the
established. EOKC group had improved strength at 19 and 25 weeks
after surgery and at 17 months when compared with 12
Statistical Analysis weeks (P = .023, P = .009, and P \ .001, respectively).
The same analysis showed that the patients in the LOKC
Data were analyzed with SPSS version 13.0 (SPSS Inc, group presented a significant difference only at the 17-
Chicago, Illinois). Descriptive statistics for demographic month follow-up (P = .041). The hamstring strength evalu-
data and all outcome measures were expressed as means ation showed that compared with 12 weeks after surgery,
6 standard deviations. Comparison between the groups both groups had improved strength only at the 17-month
was performed using an independent t test for age, body follow-up (P = .380 and .005, respectively). We did not
mass index, and time between injury and surgery to deter- find any between-group difference for quadriceps and ham-
mine whether the groups presented similar demographics. string strength at 12, 19, and 25 weeks and at 17 months
The data for muscle strength (quadriceps and hamstrings), after surgery (P . .05) (Table 2).

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792 Fukuda et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Outcome Measures After Surgery for the Early OKC (n = 18) and Late OKC (n = 17) Groupsa

Time After Surgery

12 Weeks 19 Weeks 25 Weeks 17 Months

Quadriceps strength
Early OKC 81.2 6 11.0 (76.1-86.3) 91.8 6 11.9 (86.3-97.3) 94.1 6 12.0 (88.5-99.7) 99.7 6 7.2 (96.3-103.1)
Late OKC 81.6 6 17.3 (73.4-89.8) 87.0 6 13.5 (80.5-93.5) 89.5 6 10.7 (84.4-94.6) 95.1 6 11.8 (89.5-100.7)
Hamstring strength
Early OKC 77.0 6 15.9 (69.6-84.4) 82.5 6 13.5 (76.0-89.0) 84.5 6 14.4 (77.8-91.2) 91.2 6 14.5 (84.4-98.0)
Late OKC 80.5 6 10.7 (75.4-85.6) 87.8 6 14.4 (84.3-91.3) 87.4 6 16.0 (70.8-95.0) 98.0 6 12.3 (92.1-103.9)
Single-legged hop test, cm
Early OKC 82.4 6 17.0 (74.5-90.3) 88.7 6 8.1 (84.8-92.6) 92.3 6 8.1 (88.4-96.2) 98.5 6 6.5 (95.5-101.5)
Late OKC 79.3 6 12.3 (73.4-85.2) 88.1 6 10.1 (83.3-92.9) 94.9 6 6.7 (91.7-98.1) 96.9 6 7.9 (89.6-104.2)
Crossover hop test, cm
Early OKC 84.5 6 13.3 (78.3-90.7) 90.4 6 8.9 (86.2-94.6) 94.0 6 6.4 (91.0-97.0) 98.8 6 6.5 (95.8-101.8)
Late OKC 81.9 6 12.2 (76.1-87.7) 87.0 6 11.0 (81.7-92.3) 92.5 6 7.6 (88.9-96.1) 96.2 6 8.4 (92.2-100.2)
Lysholm (0-100)
Early OKC 88.3 6 7.6 (84.8-91.8) 95.5 6 5.1 (93.1-97.9) 95.8 6 4.9 (93.5-98.1) 96.5 6 4.7 (94.3-98.7)
Late OKC 89.3 6 9.0 (85.0-93.6) 94.9 6 4.6 (92.7-97.1) 94.3 6 12.4 (88.4-100.2) 99.0 6 4.8 (96.7-101.3)
NPRS (0-10)
Early OKC 1.1 6 1.0 (0.6-1.6) 0.6 6 1.2 (0.0-1.2) 0.4 6 0.8 (0.0-0.8) 0.4 6 1.2 (–0.2 to 1.0)
Late OKC 2.3 6 1.8 (1.4-3.2) 0.9 6 1.1 (0.4-1.4) 0.2 6 0.5 (0.0-0.4) 0.1 6 0.3 (0.0-0.2)
Anterior laxity, mm
Early OKC 2.7 6 1.8 (1.9-3.5) 2.9 6 1.4 (2.3-3.5) 3.0 6 1.5 (2.4-3.6) 2.7 6 1.4 (2.1-3.3)
Late OKC 2.6 6 1.9 (1.7-3.5) 2.7 6 1.9 (1.8-3.6) 3.0 6 1.7 (2.2-3.8) 3.5 6 1.8 (2.6-4.4)

Data are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation (95% confidence interval). OKC, open kinetic chain; NPRS, numerical pain rating

Anterior Knee Laxity 17 months when compared with the 12-week assessment
(.01 \ P \ .05). However, no difference was found for all
There was no statistically significant group-by-time inter- pain and functional assessments in the between-group
action (P . .05); that is, no difference was found within analysis at the 12-week, 19-week, 25-week, and 17-month
and between groups for all evaluation times, indicating follow-up (P . .05) (Table 2). The results of the intention
that an early start of OKC exercises did not increase ante- to treat analysis were consistent with the per-protocol
rior knee laxity (Table 2). At the 17-month follow-up, analysis, providing evidence that the missing data had
among the 18 patients who finished the study in the no influence on the overall results.
EOKC group, 7 (39%) presented anterior laxity between
3 and 5 mm, and 2 (12%) presented greater than 5 mm.
Moreover, among the 17 patients who finished the study
in the LOKC group, 10 (59%) presented anterior laxity
between 3 and 5 mm, and 2 (12%) presented greater than The aim of this prospective, randomized, and evaluator-
5 mm. blinded clinical trial was to evaluate whether an early
start of OKC quadriceps exercises in a restricted ROM
Pain and Function would promote a clinical improvement without causing
anterior knee laxity in patients after ACL reconstruction
A significant group-by-time interaction was found for the with flexor tendon grafts. The principal findings of the
NPRS (P = .031), single-legged and crossover hop tests present investigation were that the early start of non-
(P = .005 and P = .003, respectively), and Lysholm scale weightbearing exercises using a restricted ROM did not
(P = .004). Planned pairwise comparisons for the NPRS differ from a late start in terms of anterior knee laxity.
showed decreased pain in both the EOKC and LOKC Moreover, the EOKC group reached the same results for
groups at the 25-week and 17-month assessments when pain and function as did the LOKC group but presented
compared with the 12-week assessment (.01 \ P \ .05). a faster quadriceps strength recovery. The magnitude of
Both groups also demonstrated significant improvement difference in quadriceps strength between the 2 rehabilita-
on the single-legged and crossover hop tests at 19 and 25 tions protocols was around 5%; however, this difference
weeks and at 17 months when compared with the 12- was not clinically significant, especially because both
week assessment (.01 \ P \ .05). Finally, in the functional groups had equal function on the hop tests.
assessment by the Lysholm scale, the EOKC and LOKC These findings are in discord with those of Heijne and
groups improved statistically at 19 and 25 weeks and at Werner17,18 and Kvist and Gillquist21 who showed

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Open Kinetic Chain Exercises After ACL Reconstruction 793

a significant increase in anterior knee laxity in patients CONCLUSION

with a reconstructed hamstring tendon graft who per-
formed early OKC exercises when compared with late A start of OKC exercises at 4 weeks postoperatively for quad-
OKC exercises. This laxity probably occurred because of riceps strengthening through a restricted ROM (90°-45°) did
the early introduction of quadriceps exercises (approxi- not differ from a start at 12 weeks postoperatively in terms of
mately 4 weeks postoperatively) in a full ROM. It is anterior knee laxity. The EOKC group reached the same
believed that the graft undergoes a remodeling process, findings in relation to pain decrease and functional improve-
including necrosis, in the first few weeks after surgery, ment when compared with the LOKC group but showed
suggesting that the ACL graft might have its lowest a faster recovery of quadriceps strength. However, all other
mechanical strength around 6 to 8 weeks, followed by a lig- outcome measures, including functional hop tests, did not dif-
amentization process that can last up to 1 year.6,11,20,27 fer between the 2 groups. The nonweightbearing exercises
The present study demonstrated that nonweightbearing seem appropriate for patients who have undergone ACL
exercises can be confidently utilized at an early stage, if reconstruction, when utilized in a specific ROM.
performed between a knee flexion of 90° and 45°. Several
authors postulated that this ROM is safe to strengthen
the quadriceps muscle without anterior shear, that is, REFERENCES
without tension to the graft.2,9,10,19
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exercise program. The authors added weightbearing exer- 2. Beynnon BD, Fleming BC, Johnson RJ, Nichols CE, Renstrom PA,
cises without increasing anterior knee laxity. However, Pope MH. Anterior cruciate ligament strain behavior during rehabilita-
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reconstruction. 3. Beynnon BD, Johnson RJ, Fleming BC, Stankewich CJ, Renström
PA, Nichols CE. The strain behavior of the anterior cruciate ligament
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during squatting and active flexion-extension: a comparison of an
was based on controlled ROM, knee and hip muscle open and a closed kinetic chain exercise. Am J Sports Med.
strengthening, functional and neuromuscular control, sen- 1997;25(6):823-829.
sorimotor training, and sports activities for a total period of 4. Beynnon BD, Johnson RJ, Naud S, et al. Accelerated versus nonac-
approximately 6 to 7 months. It is important to highlight celerated rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction:
that the same protocol was applied in both groups, except a prospective, randomized, double-blind roentgen investigation evalu-
ating knee joint laxity using roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis.
when starting the nonweightbearing exercises.
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No postoperative laxity values were measured directly 5. Beynnon BD, Uh BS, Johnson RJ, et al. Rehabilitation after anterior
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