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Teacher's Guide Grade 2

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Teacher's Guide Grade 2

The components of the course are as follows:

• Pupil's Book

The pupil's book consists of twenty units. Every fourth unit being a
revision unit. Each unit starts with listening task represented by a
dialogue then it is followed by a speaking task encouraging learners
to speak, then read and write.
• Workbook

The workbook contains a range of exercises. It begins with practice

through enjoyable activities such as drawing lines to accustom pupils
to write from left to right. Then pupils trace and copy the letters and
are encouraged to think about their sounds. At the end of the book,
there is a handwriting file to reinforce pupils' writing skill.
• Teacher's guide

The teacher's guide contains easy-to-follow instructions that help

teachers implement the lessons.

• Audio materials

The aim of the course

This course stimulates the pupils interest in learning English and
acquiring language through active participation in songs, games,
projects, puzzles and other enjoyable activities.

Types of activities in the pupil's book:

Listen and repeat.
Pupils listen to the audio while following the pictures in the dialogues.
After listening to the cassette at least twice, pupils repeat the dialogue
one sentence a time.
Ask and answer
This exercise follows the presentation stage to reinforce the new
structure. Pupils are encouraged to talk and communicate (in pairs) and
have the opportunity to practice the target language in meaningful

Point and say

This exercise tests pupil's ability to recognize the letters and words as
well as consolidate their sounds.

Listen and sing

Songs give pupils the opportunity to have fun whilst learning,
encouraging all pupils to participate in singing with the class. In this way
songs will consolidate the target language.

Play activities are important because they help to sustain the motivation
of pupils and promoting their interaction, so pupils can experience the
language in a vivid way.
They provide practical application for what children are learning.
Projects allow the pupil to demonstrate his/her capabilities while
working independently as well as it develops his/her ability to work with
his/her peer, building teamwork and group skills. Projects create some
real-world learning experiences.

Types of activities in the workbook:

Learning to write from left to right is a prewriting practice. It is an
important element in the handwriting development of pupils.
Pupils are introduced to new letters. First, they trace bold model letters
then they copy them.

There are many formats for the matching exercises. First, to match the
letter with the object. Second to match the word with its picture. Third,
to match the picture with beginning letter of the word. Fourth, to match
capital letters with small ones.

These exercises help pupils to recognize sounds, letters and words.

Drawing exercises provide an opportunity for pupils to create their own
materials for interactive discussion.

The general teaching approach

The adopted approach is action oriented approach to learning English.
This approach considers pupils as social agents who have tasks to
perform in a specific environment.
The topics have been chosen to be familiar to the level of the pupils and
are presented with language that is relevant to their environment.
The tasks of the course book are centered on learners. They focus on the
learners' capacities to acquire English corresponding to their in-school
and out of school needs.
The curriculum takes into consideration the main skills and sub-skills and
presents tasks with integrated skills
The curriculum responds to the standards approved by the Ministry of

Grade Two- Listening

Overall expectation, by the end of grade 2, students will be able to:
Listen in order to demonstrate recognition of sounds of English letters and their
combinations in some basic words, sounds of some basic words, and some simple short
Standards Performance Indicators
Students should Students should
2.L.1. recognizesounds of 2.L.1.1. recognize the correct sounds of all letters (e.g.
English letters and their listen to a letter uttered and select a word containing that
combinations in some basic
2.L.1.2. connect sounds with letters or group of letters
words, and some repeated 2.L.1.3.recognize initial/final consonant/ vowel sound of
words one- syllable that rhymes (e.g. pen, ten)
1.L.1.4.distinguish the correct sound of numbers (11 -20)
2.L.1.5. recognize sounds of subjective and some
possessive pronouns (e.g. I/ my; she/ her; you/your;
2.L1.6.recognize sounds of some basic words, simple
short phrases (e.g. balloon, I’m hungry.)
2.L.2. understand basic words 2.L.2.1. use visual and concrete aids (e.g. pictures, flash
and basic short sentences cards, posters) to show understanding of new words
using simple listening when listening
2.L.2.2. use teacher prior hints or clues to show
strategies when listening
understanding of new words when listening
2.L.2.3. use words, gestures, body language, facial
expressions to show understanding / non-understanding or
enjoyment when listening
understand basic words 2.L.3.1. follow short, simple oral instructions (e.g. Touch
in short simple instructions, your ear.)
2.L.3.2. respond to short simple questions
questions and guided
(e.g. What colour is …?, How old are you?)
exchanges when listening
2.L.3.3. listen and participate in short, simple guided
exchanges (e.g. A:How are you? B:I’m happy.)
2.L.3.4. use prior knowledge to understand short
simple exchanges (e.g. A: Have a present. B: Thank you. A:
You’re welcome.)
2.L.3.5. recognize the meaning of basic words, simple
phrases when listening to short rhymes (e.g. time,
use gesture of happiness to express enjoyment
when listening to a song or a rhyme

Grade Two - Speaking

Overall expectation, by the end of grade 2, students will be able to:

Pronounce all the English letters and some basic words correctly using them in
familiar situations, short guided exchanges and simple presentations
Standards Performance Indicators
Students should Students should
2.S.1. pronounce all English letters and 2.S.1.1 say all English letters correctly
some learned basic words correctly 2.S.1.2 say the numbers correctly (11 -20)
2.S.1.3 repeat the stress the correct syllable in
two-syllable words (e.g. brother, rabbit)
2.S.1.4 pronounce simple contractions correctly
(e.g. what’s, he’s, isn’t, can’t)
2.S.2. Speak in basic familiar situations 2.S.2.1 pronounce words correctly when talking
( guided exchanges and presentations) about animals, clothes, and members of the
using basic learned words family
2.S.2.2 ask and respond to basic short questions
about clothes, colours, time, using simple short
sentences of three or four words
2.S.2.3 repeat short, simple rhymes with the
teacher after listening to a tape
2.S.2.4 sing along short, simple songs with the
teacher after listening to a tape
2.S.2.5 talk about ability using simple sentences
and questions (e.g. can a bird fly?)
2.S.2.6 give and respond to basic, short commands
and instructions (e.g. spell cat)
2.S.2.7 read aloud an illustrated dialogue with a
2.S.2.8 describe orally people/things/actions in a
picture using learned basic words (e.g. get up,
have lunch,..)
2.S.2.9 maintain eye contact with the audience
(peers, teachers,..)when speaking

Grade Two - Reading

Overall expectation , by the end of grade 2, students will be able to:

Demonstrate recognition of all letters and their combinations in words, some
basic familiar words, short simple phrases and sentences when reading
Standards Performance Indicators
Students should Students should
2.R.1. recognize all English letters 2.R.1.1. identify all letters (small and capital) correctly
and their combinations in familiar 2.R.1.2. combine letters of a basic word to read
basic words, and some basic correctly
words 2.R.1.3. recognize the numbers (10-20) correctly
2.R.1.4. recognize learned basic words correctly(e.g.
label objects, match the picture to the printed word)
2.R.1.5. recognize simple contractions correctly(e.g.
what’s, he’s, isn’t, can’t)

2.R.2.understand basic words, 2.R.2.1. respond correctly to instruction-words (e.g.

simple phrases, and sentences match, circle, count,…..)
using simple reading strategies 2.R.2.2. use picture clues to predict the correct meaning
of basic words, phrases and short sentences (of three
to four words)
2.R.2.3. ask questions to understand basic words,
phrases and short sentences (e.g. What is the meaning
of …?)
2.R.2.4. answer questions related to some learned basic
words, phrases, and short sentences about names,
objects, actions, and numbers to show understanding
2.R.2.5. describe familiar characters correctly depending
on reading texts
2.R.2.6. recognize the meaning of basic words, simple
phrases in short rhymes in reading textbook(e.g. time,
2.R.2.7.recognize the sequence of a simple series of
actions (e.g. daily activities)
2.R.3.apply prior knowledge to 2.R.3.1. match basic learned words with their correct
understand basic words, phrases relevant objects to show understanding (e.g. match
and short sentences colors and fruit)
2.R.3.2. connect illustrations (pictures, instructions,
teacher’s explanation,…) with basic written materials

Grade Two- Writing

Overall expectation, by the end of grade 2, students will be able to:

Write all English letters(small and capital), some basic words , simple phrases
and sentences correctly and neatly according to appropriate simple
organizational patterns
Standards Performance Indicators
Students should Students should
2.W.1. Write English letters, 2.W.1.1. trace and copy all letters, some basic words, simple
basic words, simple phrases and phrases and sentences correctly, legibly, and neatly
sentences correctly, legibly and 2.W.1.2 write all letters (capital and small), numbers, basic
neatly words, simple phrases and sentences correctly and neatly
2.W.2. write basic words, 2.W.2.1. label objects correctly
simple phrases and sentences 2.W.2.2. reorder the letters to form a correct familiar word
for specific purposes using pictures
2.W.2.3. produce simple cards for friends containing correct
English words.(e.g. name, age,…)
2.W.2.4. fill in blanks to form short basic phrases or sentences
on familiar topics using pictures(e.g. He eats an apple )

2.W.3. write learned words, 2.W.3.1. use regular and appropriate spacing between letters,
simple sentences according to words,…
appropriate basic organizational 2.W.3.2. alphabetize by whole word (e.g. bag, book, bed)
patterns 2.W.3.3. produce groups of related items (e.g. classroom
objects, family members)
2.W.3.4. sequence a simple series of actions (e.g. daily
2.W.3.5. use descriptive words to describe objects (e.g. big

2.W.4. begin to revise written 2.W.4.1. correct the spelling and capitalization of simple basic
work with teacher assistance words with teacher’s assistance (e.g. school, computer)

2.W.5. apply prior knowledge of 2.W.5.1. use and spell correctly repeated basic words (e.g. the
basic spelling and punctuations main parts of the body, food and drinks)
2.W.5.2.use capital letters for people’s names and places
2.W.5.3. use (s) to form the plural (e.g. balls)
2.W.5.4. use an apostrophe (‘s) correctly to show simple
possession (e.g. related to own name)

Unit 1
Welcome Back

To teach new structures about greetings
To teach pupils to introduce themselves
To introduce questions about age and locations
Hello, I'm …..
My name's ……..
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Greeting and responding
Introducing yourself
Asking about age and location
Target vocabulary
name, live, like, age, welcome
The 'a' sound
Pupil's book-unit 1
Workbook-unit 1
Visual aids: Flashcards
Audio file: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1- 4-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (3)


• Use visual aids / flashcards……. etc. to introduce the new characters.

• Introduce yourself to the class then have pupils repeat the structure by
introducing themselves.

• Choose a character from the lesson and tell pupils about his\her age.

• Introduce the question' How old are you?' then have pupils practise in

• Introduce the question'Where do you live?', then have pupils repeat in


Exercise 1

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio for exercise one all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after sentence and ask the class to
repeat in groups and individually.

Audio script
Hello, I'm Alex. Hi, I'm Max.
My name is Emma.
I'm Julia. How old are you?
I'm seven.
Where do you live?
I live in London.
We like our new school.

Exercise 2

• Revise the vocabulary and structures if necessary.

• Start asking and answering as in the example(teacher-pupil) then the

pupil asks and the teacher answers(pupil-teacher).

• All pupils ask and answer in groups (pupil-pupil).

• They repeat in pairs.

• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 3

• Revise colours and numbers from one to ten.

• Have pupils look at the pictures and name the words.

• Tell pupils that they are going to tick or cross the sentences individually.

• Go round the classroom checking pupils' answers.

Exercise 4

• Tell pupils that they are going to listen to a song.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to

• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
Hello, hello,
How old are you?
I’m seven, I’m seven, and you?
I’m seven, I’m seven, me and you.

Exercise 5
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them.
• Ask them to look at the words. Tell them to listen to the audio and point
to the words. Ask them to repeat the words chorally then individually.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word and giving them
time to match.
• Write the words on the board and ask pupils to say the sounds within the
words with you.
• Ask pupils which sound they can hear in each word 'a'.
• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script
a ant mat car

Exercise 1

• Have pupils look at the picture.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to read and match the sentences

• Go round the classroom, checking pupils' work.

Exercise 2

• Revise numbers from 1 to 10.

• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and write the correct numbers in the

• Go round the classroom, and help if necessary.

6 , 5 , 8

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen and circle the correct word.

• Play the audio, pausing after each sentence to give pupils time to circle
the correct word individually.

• Go around and check their answers.

Audio script
1. My name's Julia.

2. I'm seven.

3. I live in Damascus.

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils to read the sentences then complete them with information
about themselves.

• Have pupils read their answers aloud.

Exercise 5
• Have pupils look at the pictures, then name them.

• Then let pupils trace the letters then match the words to the pictures.

• Pupils work in pairs to check their answers.

Exercise 6
• Ask the pupils to point to the letter "a" and pronounce it.

• Ask the pupils to trace and copy letter "a" showing them the correct
way on the board or in the air.

• Then let pupils copy the words on the lines.

• Check the pupils' writing.

Unit 2
Our New Classroom

To teach new vocabulary about classroom objects
To talk about plural
To teach wh- question: What are these?
To revise asking about location
To teach new prepositions
There are posters.
What are these? These are books.
Where are the pens? They’re on the table.
Asking about objects
Talking about location
Target vocabulary
poster, pencil case, notebook, ruler, card, rubber
The 'b' sound
Pupil's book-unit 2
Workbook-unit 2
Visual aids: Flashcards, pictures, real objects
Audio file: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2- 3-6)
Workbook. Exercise No. (2-5)

• Introduce the new classroom vocabulary ( ruler, rubber, notebook, card,
poster, pencil case ) by using real objects or flashcards.

• Have pupils repeat the words chorally and individually.

• Have pupils repeat the statement ' There are rulers / cards.. '. chorally
and individually.

• Revise the prepositions / on / in / under / next to / by putting objects in

different places and asking about their locations.

• Teacher introduces the question ' What are these? ' and the answer
'These are "notebooks".' .

• Have pupils repeat the question and the answer in two groups (A) and
(B), then they practice in pairs.

Exercise 1
• Ask pupils about the pictures.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and ask the
class to repeat.

• Have pupils read and act the dialogue.

Audio script
I like my new classroom.
It's beautiful!
Look! There are posters.
What are these?
These are notebooks.
They're in the bag.
Where are the rulers?
They're under the pencil case.
The books and the cards are on the table.

Exercise 2
• Divide pupils into small groups and tell them that they are going to
number the pictures according to what they hear.

• Do the first example with the class.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence.

• Have pupils repeat the sentences and number the pictures.

• Walk round checking pupils answers.

Extra activity
Divide pupils into four groups and give each group a number. Tell them
that each group should number the picture that matches its number.

Audio script
1-These are pencil cases.
2-These are notebooks.
3-These are posters.
4-These are rulers.

Exercise 3
• Introduce the new prepositions through real examples.

• Ask pupils about the pictures.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence and have pupils repeat

Audio script
1- Sara is between Sam and Adam.
2- The cat is behind the tree.
3- The teacher is next to the desk.

Exercise 4
• Read the written example and let the pupils repeat the questions and the
answers in two groups (A) and (B).
• Pupils work in pairs ask and answer about the other pictures.

• Walk round monitoring pupils' work.

• Ask a pair of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 5
• Divide the class into small groups.

• Explain the game to the class by putting different objects on the table.
Ask one of the pupils to look at the objects then he / she closes his / her
eyes. The teacher hides one of the objects and the pupil try to guess
what the missed object is.

• The groups play the game and the teacher monitors their work.

Exercise 6
• Have pupils revise the letter ' b ' and the words 'butterfly' and 'bird' by
showing them flashcards.

• Introduce the word 'rubber' by showing them a real one or a flashcard.

• Tell pupils to listen to the audio, say the words and match them.

• Play the audio pausing after each word.

• Each pupil checks the answers of the pupil next to him / her.

Audio script
b butterfly bird rubber


Exercise 1

• Divide the class into small groups.

• Revise classroom objects if necessary.

• Ask the class to read the words and to circle the classroom object only in
each row.
Walk round checking pupils' answers.


1-rubber 2-notebook 3-pencil case 4-ruler

Exercise 2

• Ask pupils to work individually listening to the audio and

matching the sentence they hear to the correct picture.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence.

• Walk round checking their answers.

Audio script
1- They are rulers.
2- They are posters.
3- These are pencil cases.
4- These are notebooks.

Exercise 3

• Pupils work individually drawing two classroom objects and

writing their names.

• Each pupil shows his / her work to the pupil next to him / her.

• Walk around and check their work.

Exercise 4

• Divide the class into groups.

• Ask them to look at the pictures, read the sentences and circle the
correct word.

• Walk round the class checking their answers.

1-behind 2-between 3-posters 4-pencil cases
Exercise 5

• Pupils work individually. They listen to the audio and tick the
picture in each row.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence.

• Have pupils check each other's answers.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script
1-This is a bag.
2-These are books.
3-These are rulers.
4- This is a poster.

Exercise 6

• Let pupils look at the pictures, pronounce their names.

• Ask them to colour the pictures with the 'b' sound only

• Walk round checking pupils' work.

Exercise 7

• Pupils revise writing the letter 'B-b'.

• They say the name of the pictures.

• Ask them to trace and copy the letter and the words.

• Walk round checking pupils' work.

Unit 3
New friends
To teach thenew adjectives.
To teach the plural demonstratives these / those
To revise wh-question: Who is this/that?
Those are my friends, Dad.
They're helpful.
That is Emma.
She's very kind.
Who's this?
This is Dan.
He's my new friend.
He's very clever.
That is Dan's brother.
He's active!
Look! That is Dan's cat.
It's cute.
Describing people
Target vocabulary
clever, helpful, active, cute, friendly
The ' e ' sound
Pupil’s Book, unit 3
Activity Book, unit3
Visual aids: flash cards.
Audio files pupils book Exercise(.1-2-4- 5).
Activity book Exercise. (3).

• Use flashcards to present the adjectives. Have pupils repeat the
vocabulary chorally and individually Mime one of the adjectives, e.g.
active .Repeat for the other adjectives. Pupils can play in pairs or in
small groups.
• Revise the question "Who's this?" By walking round and placing-your
hand on different pupils’ heads and asking each time, ‘Who’s this?’ The
class responds ‘He /She are…."
• Ask a pupil to come to the front of theclassroom. Stand at the side of the
classroom so that all pupils can see you, but at a distance from the pupil
at the front. Point to thepupil and ask, ‘Who’s that?’ The classresponds
"That is ………… ". Do the same with a group of three boys, saying
'Those areboys.’...Explain tothe class that they say "Those are boys "if
the boys arestanding at some distance away from them.
• Ask the class to repeat.

Extra activity
• Display some of classroom objects at thefront of the classroom (e.g.
pens, books,bags, etc). Pointto one object;let them say, ‘That is a
(pen).Then point to the pile of objects and let them say, ‘Those are
(books),’ again asking the class to repeat.

Exercise 1
• Tell pupils that there are some new characters in the Lesson. Point to the
new characters in the pictures, saying their names.
• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audiothen play the audio for
Exercise 1 all the waythrough once.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after eachsentence and asking
pupils to repeat the sentencesafter you. Make sure that pupils are
following thepictures as they listen to each sentence.
• Play the audio a final time all the way through.

Audio script
Those are my friends , Dad.
They're helpful.
That is Emma.
She's very kind.
Who's this ?
This is Dan.
He's my new friend.
He's very clever.
That is Dan's brother .
He's active!
Look! That is Dan's cat.
It's cute.
Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Tell them they are going to listen to
the audio for
Exercise 2.
• Play the audio pausing after each sentence and asking the class to point
and repeat chorally then individually.
Audio script
This is a bag.
That is a bag.
These are rulers.
Those are rulers.

Exercise 3
• Tell the class to look at the picture and name the objects they can see.
The teacher reads the speech bubbles.
• Ask two pupils to come to the front to ask and answer about the picture.
• The pupils practise asking and answering in pairs.
• Walk around the class helping if necessary.

• Exercise 4
Tell pupils that they are going to sing a song about friends.
• Play the song all the way through once or twice.
• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to
• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.
• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
Friends, friends, friends,
one , two, three. All my friends are here with me.
You're my friends,
You're my friends.
Friends, friends, friends,
one, two, three.
All my friends are here with me.

Exercise 5
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them. Ask them to look at
the words.
• Tell them to listen to the audio and point to the words. Ask them to
repeat the words chorally then individually,
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word and giving them
time to match.
• Write the words on the board and ask pupils to say the sounds within the
words with you.
• Ask pupils which sound they can hear in each word 'e'.

Audio script
e egg elephant wet

Activity Book
• Explain to pupils that they have to read the sentences and circle the
correct word.
• Read the first sentence as a class and ask pupils to answer.
• Tell pupils to work in pairs to do the exercise.
• Go round and check their answers.

1-Those2- That 3-Those.

Exercise 2
• Explain that there are four hidden words in thepuzzle. Pupils find the
missing words and circle them.Then they write the word in their books.
• Help pupils to do the first as an example.
• Pupils can do it individually or in pairs.

cleveractivehelpful cute

• Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the audio andnumber the
pictures according to the order they hear.
• Play the audio pausing after each sentence for pupils to write down a
• Play a second time all the way through and go around checking their

Audio script

1-Those are posters.

2-Those are rubbers.
3-That is a notebook.
4-That is a ruler.

1-Those are posters.
2-Those are rubbers.
3-That is a note book.
4-That is ruler.

Exercise 4
• Have pupils look at each picture and guess the suitable face then draw it
under each picture individually.

Exercise 5
• Have pupils look at the pictures, then name them.
• Let pupils trace the letters and match the words to the pictures. Then
copy the words.
• Pupils work in pairs to check their answers.

Extra activity
• You could make a set of letter cards to giveout to groups of pupils at and
ask them to work in small groups to spell out.

Exercise 6
• Show the pupils the correct way to write the letter ‘e’.
• Ask them to trace the letter in the air .Have pupils trace the letters.
• Let the pupils repeat the words.Ask them now to look at the wordsand
say each word slowly then write them.

Unit 4
Follow the rules
To teach the new vocabulary and phrases related to classroom rules
To teach pupils to practise classroom rules
Giving instructions
Listen to the teacher.
Put the rubbish in the bin.
Don't shout,please.
Keep your classroom clean.
Don’t run in the corridor.
Target vocabulary: (shout /rubbish / bin /corridor)
Phonics:The soundl
Pupils' book unit 4
Activity book unit 4
Visual aids:Flash cards.
Real objects
Audio fileStudents' book (1/2/4/5)
Audio file Activity book (3/5)

• Introduce the new vocabulary using visual aids or acting.
• Read each one.
• Let your pupils repeat many times chorally then individually.

Exercise 1
• Tell the pupils to look at the pictures in their books ,prepare them for
listening. Play the audio the first time all the way through.
• Play the audio file a second time, pausing after each sentence and
asking the class to repeat the sentences after you.
• Choral repetition then in pairs.

Audio Script
Listen to the teacher, please.
Put the rubbish in the bin.
Don’t shout, please.
Keep your classroom clean.
Don’t run in the corridor.

Extra activity
• Divide students into small groups and have them work together to
create a list of three rules they think they should have in the classroom.
• Have groups share their list and create one master list on chart paper.

Exercise 2
• Tell your pupils that they are going to listen to the audio.
• Play the audio for the first time, pausing at the end of each sentence and
asking the class to number the pictures correctly. Make sure that pupils
are following the picture as they listen to the audio.
• Now play the audio asecond time all the way through to check pupils'

Audio Script
1- Listen to the teacher.
2- Put the rubbish in the bin.
3-Don't run in the corridor.
4-Don't shout.

Exercise 3
• Tell pupils that they are going to play a fun game.
• Show apupil a picture and tell him/ her to guess the correct instruction
in ex.3 to elicit the answer "Listen to your teacher". Then let them play
the game in pairs.

Exercise 4
• Tell the class that they are going to learn a new song about classroom
• Ask pupils to tell you about the instructions in the picture.
• Play the song all the way through once or twice.Play the song again,
pausing at the end of
Each line for the class to repeat the words.
• Make this activity fun. Tell pupils to act the instructions as they sing
each one.
• Finally, play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

Audio Script

I can follow the rules,

I can follow the rules.
We'll have a good day,
when we follow the rules.
I listen to my teacher,
and follow the rules.

Exercise 5
• Use flash cards or real things to revise the letter "L” within the words
black, lamp, ball. Pronounce the soundlwithin the words.
• Play the audio for Exercise 5 all the way through while pupils listen to
the sentences.Make sure that pupils are following the pictures.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing at the end of each word and
asking the class to match the words to the pictures.
• Check the answers with the class.

Audio Script
ball black lamp

Activity Book

Exercise 1
• Point to each picture and ask pupils to guess the instructions.
• Have the pupils read the instructions and match them with the pictures
in groups.
• Go around checking their answers.

1. Don't shout.b
2. Don’t run in the corridor. d
3. Listen to the teacher.c
4. Keep your classroom clean. a

Exercise 2
• Read the words in the box with the pupils.
• Let your pupils work individually to fill the words in the suitable spaces.
• Check the answers with the class.
• You can read the whole paragraph loudly.


1.listen 2. bin 3.shout

• Exercise 3
• Tell your pupils they are going to listen to the audio for Exercise 3.
• Now play the audio file for the first time, pausing after each sentence
and asking the class to tick the correct sentences.
• Play the audio again all the way through to check the answers.

Audio Script

1- Don’t run in the corridor.

2 -Keep your classroom clean.
3- Listen to the teacher.

1. Don’t run in the corridor.
2. Keep your classroom clean
3. Listen to the teacher.

Exercise 4

• Present two flash cards (happy and sad faces).

• Model the first instruction.
• Explain to your pupils that they are going to circle the correct face
related to the right instructions.
• Walk around to help when necessary.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and to tell you what each one is as you
point to them. ( black ballLemon lamp ).
• Now ask them to look at the words under each picture . Tell them to
listen to the audio to hear each of the words pronounced and to point to
each word as they hear it.
• Play the audio a second time, asking pupils to fill in space with the
target sound " l ".

• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

Audio Script

black ball lemon lamp


1 black 2.ball 3.Lemon 4. Lamp

Exercise 6

• Ask pupils to tell you the letter they can see .Ask them to trace the
letter in the air .
• Show pupils by writing on the board the correct way to write‘L’. ‘l’.
• Ask them to trace the letter‘L l’in their books on the line provided.
• Ask them to look at the pictures and ask pupils what they are. Ask
them now to look at the words and say each word slowly(lamp-
ball)carefully pronouncing the sounds in each word. Ask them to
repeat with you. Tell them to trace the words carefully
• Walk round monitoring their work.

Phonics corner 1

To pronounce the short and long vowel'a'
To pronounce words with short and long vowel 'a'
cat, mat, cake, lake
flashcards, pictures, realia….
Audio files: Phonics corner Ex. (1-2-3)

Exercise 1
• Introduce the new vocabulary using visual aids.

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Ask the pupils to point to the pictures while they are listening to the
audio for the first time all the way through.

• Let pupils listen to the short vowel 'a'and the words to repeat them
chorally then individually.

Audio script
a cat mat cake lake
Exercise 2
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them.

• Tell them that they are going to listen and circle the words that
have the same vowel soundthey hear .
• Play the audio, pausing after each word to circle the correct word.

• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script

(cat - bag) (cake - game)
Exercise 3
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures then play the audio.

• Ask them to match the rhyming words with the word 'cat'.

• Have them check their answers in pairs.

Audio script

rat mat hat

Unit 5
Revision 1
To revise greeting and introducing yourself.

Asking about objects and locations.

Describing people.

Giving instructions.

All the previous structures.

All the previous functions.

Target vocabulary
All the previous vocabulary

All the previous phonics

Visual aids- student book unit 5 – activity book unit 5- audio files ( student book
exercise 1- activity book exercise 1).

Exercise 1
• Ask the pupils to look at the picture, illustrate that they are going to listen and
number the sentences.
• Play the audio for the first time, pausing after each sentence, then play it again
all the way through.
• Invite pairs of pupils to act the conversation out.
Audio script
1-Hello Peter!
2-Hi Jack!
3-How are you?
4-I'm fine, thank you.
5-Who's that?
6-He is my friend Rony.
7-Is he kind?
8-Yes, he is.

Exercise 2
• Have the pupils look at the picture and count the objects on the table.
• Invite a pupil to the table, ask him\ her about the number of one of the
objects ( teacher- pupil) then he/ she asks you (pupil- teacher) do the same
with the location.
• Have pairs of pupils practice asking and answering.

Exercise 3
• Illustrate that the pupils are going to look at the pictures, count and match.
• Put them in groups to do the exercise.
• Go round and check the answers.

Exercise 4
• Illustrate that they are going to play a game.
• Start rolling the dice and do the instruction that holds the number you got.
• Play it many times individually.

Exercise 5
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and count the objects.
• Put them in groups and read each sentence pausing for them to put tick or
• Check the answers.
1- false.
2- true.
3- true.

Exercise 6
• Tell the pupils that they are going to design a card.
• Make and show them one as a model.
• Go around monitoring their work and helping if needed.
• Have them present their work individually.

Activity book
Exercise 1
• Tell the pupils to look at the pictures. Explain that they have to tick the
pictures according to the sentences they hear.
• Prepare them for listening, play the audio the first time, pausing after each
sentence for them to tick the correct picture.
• Play the audio the second time all the way through to check the answers.
Audio file
1- There are five rubbers.
2- He is 3 years .
3- Don’t shout
4- That is Jack
Exercise 2
• Have the pupils look at the pictures then read the words between brackets.
• Put them in groups.
• Read the sentences one by one, pausing for them to write.
• Check the answers.
1- This 2- These 3- That 4- Those

Exercise 3
• Revise the propositions
• Have the pupils look at the pictures then read the words between brackets.
• Read the sentences one by one, pausing for them to circle.
• Check the answers.
1- behind 2- between 3- on 4-under

Exercise 4
• Tell the pupils that they are going to match the capital letters with the small
• Put them in groups to match.
• Check the answers.
Aa Ee Bb Ll

Exercise 5
• Ask the pupils to name the pictures.
• Tell them that they are going to circle the initial letter then write it in the
space individually.
• Go around monitoring their work.
• Check the answers.

Exercise 6
• Ask the pupils to name the pictures.
• Illustrate that they are going to reorder the letters to make meaningful words.
• Give an example on the board.
• Give them time to work in groups.
• Check the answers.
Unit 6
In the park
To teach new vocabulary about things in the park
To describe a picture
To revise yes / no questions with can
To revise Wh-questions (Where /What)
To teach the prepositions up / down
What can you see there ? I can see a slide.
Can you see a duck ? Yes, it's in the river.
Where is Sally ? She's on the swing.
Describing pictures
Talking about locations
Target vocabulary
slide, swing, seesaw, climbing frame
The 'o' sound
Pupil's book- unit 6
Workbook-unit 6
Visual aids: A park wall chart, pictures , some drawings, dolls
Audio files: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2-4-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (1-3)
• Hold up a wall chart or present a picture of a park.

• Ask about the pictures.

• Introduce the new vocabulary and the structures using photos or

pictures (slide, swing, seesaw, climbing frame). Point to each
word, pronounce it several times and ask the class to repeat
chorally then individually.

• Revise the structure (where is …?) using real situations.

• Have the pupils repeat the vocabulary and the structures chorally
then individually.
Exercise 1

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio, then play
the audio all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each line and ask the
class to repeat chorally.
Extra activities

• Ask a pupil to select one of the picture of the new vocabulary and name

• Ask pupils to work in pairs to act one of the dialogues out.

Audio script
What can you see there ?
I can see a slide.
Can you see the duck?
Yes, it's in the river.
Is there a swing in the park ?
Yes, there is.
Where's Alex ?
He's on the seesaw.
Look! Mike is up the climbing frame.
Exercise 2
• Ask the pupils about the pictures.

• Tell them they are going to listen to the audio once to match each word
with the correct picture and say it.

• Play the audio, pausing after each word, giving the pupils time to match
and repeat the word chorally.

• Go around, checking their work.

Audio script
seesaw slide climbing frame swing
Extra activity
Guessing game: Ask a pair of pupils to mime the game in front of the
Exercise 3
• Ask about the pictures.

• Revise the vocabulary and the structures if necessary.

• Use body language to introduce the prepositions up and down.

• Tell your class they are going to listen to the audio and repeat.

• Play the audio all the way through once and ask them listen carefully if

• Play the audio a second time pausing after each sentence, giving them
time to repeat in groups then individually.
Audio script
Mike comes down the slide.
Jack goes up the climbing frame.

Exercise 4
• Ask about the pictures.

• Revise the vocabulary and the structures if necessary.

• Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class.

• Start asking and answering (teacher-pupil), then (pupil-teacher).

• Have all the pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil- pupil).

• Go around, checking their work.

• Ask two pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 5
• Ask about the picture.

• Tell the class they are going to listen to a song about the park.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to repeat


• Play the audio all the way through and let the pupils sing along .
• Have the pupils sing the song with music only.
Audio script
Let's go to the park,
park ,park, park.
Park is the place,
where kids play.
We enjoy a lot,
we enjoy a lot,
throughout the day,
park, park, park.
Extra activity

• Divide the class into three groups.

• Let a group of pupils sing the song without music.

• Ask the second group to clap or jump once whenever the word (park)

• Ask the third to count the claps or jumps and say the total numbers.

Exercise 6
• Tell the class they are going to listen to the sound (o), match then say.

• Show them a flashcard of the letter or write it on the board, then

pronounce it many times.

• Ask the class to pronounce it in groups then individually.

• Play the audio, pausing at the end of each word for the pupils to match
individually and repeat it in groups.

• Go around and check their work.

Audio script
doll okra crayon
Exercise 1

• Ask the class about the pictures.

• Tell them they are going to work in pairs, read and tick the correct
• Give them time, go around and help if necessary.
1-I can see a girl on the swing.
2-Sally is down the slide.
Exercise 2

• Ask about the pictures.

• Revise the vocabulary and the structures about locations and

prepositions ( Where is …? ) if necessary.

• Give the class time to work individually to complete the sentences.

• Go around and check their answers.

1-behind 2-on 3-up 4- under
Exercise 3
• Ask about the picture.

• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audio and draw individually.

• Play the audio all the way through once or twice and ask them to listen

• Play the audio once more, pausing after each sentence, giving them time
to draw.

• Go around the classroom and check their work.

Audio script
1- The duck is in the river.
2-We can see two slides.
3-There is a bike behind the tree.
Exercise 4
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

• Do an example with the class.

• Give them time to do the exercise, move around to help if necessary.

• Listen and check their answers.

1- swing 2-seesaw 3- park 4- slide
Exercise 5
• Ask the pupils to name the pictures.

• Do an example with the pupils.

• Give them time to do the exercise individually.

• Go around and check their work.

Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to trace the letter 'o' then copy it in their books.

• Write the letter in the air and give them time to follow you.

• Tell them to copy the words 'okra' and 'octopus' and say them.

• Go round, check their work and help if necessary.

Unit : 7
At the toy shop
To revise the numbers from 1 to 10
To revise There is / are …….. .
To teach new vocabulary about toys
To teach the numbers 11–20
To teach pupils to ask and answer about numbers

How many toys are there?
There are two toys.
There is one doll.
Numbers (11-20)

Asking about numbers
Target vocabulary
robot,scooter,spinner, skateboard
The ‘c’ sound
Pupil's Book, unit 7
Activity Book, unit7
Visual aids: toy flash cards or real toys.
Audio files: Pupil's book. Exercise No.(1,2,3, 5,6 )
Activity Book. Exercise No.( 4 )

• Revise numbers 1–10 by choosing ten pupils to come and stand at the
front. Give each of them a flash card with the numbers written on the
front and ask them to form a line in order according to the number they
have. Ask the class to count from one to ten.

• Teach them the numbers from 11 to 20 using flash cards and ask them
to repeat chorally and individually.

• Revise the question How many….. are there? by holding up two pencils
and asking, ‘How many pencils are there?’ Pupils should answer,
‘There are two pencils ' and ask the class to repeat it . Do this with
different pupils and vary the object and number of objects.

• Remind the class that we use there is or there’s when we are talking
about one object or a person, and there are for more than one.

Exercise 1
• Teach the new vocabulary robot, scooter, spinner, skateboard by using
real objects or flash cards.

• Explain the phrase " over there" by standing far from the table and
asking one of the pupils to put the book on it "Put the book over there ."

• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and ask them about the characters
they can see .
• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audio and play the audio for
Exercise 1.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and asking
them to repeat the sentences after you.

Audio script
Can you count the toys over there?
Yes, I can.
How many scooters are there?
There are two scooters.
There are four skateboards.
There are eleven dolls.
There are twelve robots.
There are thirteen spinners .
Exercise 2
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and tell them that they are going to
listen to the audio file and match the words with the suitable pictures.

• Play the audio the first time pausing after each word then play it again
all the way through.

• Check their work encouraging them to say the words.

Audio script:
Scooter robot spinner skateboard
Extra Activity
• The teacher can divide the class into 8 groups and distribute the pictures
of the new vocabulary and the word flash cards( robot, scooter, spinner,

• The teacher points to one of the pictures and the pupils name it and
match it to the suitable word flash card.

• Make the activity fun and praise the pupils

Exercise 3
• Tell your pupils that they are going to count from 11 to 20.
• Play the audio pausing after each number and ask them to repeat
chorally after you.

• Play the audio a second time all the way through and ask the pupils to
repeat with it.

• Ask them to count in groups and individually.

Audio script
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

Exercise 4
• Ask the pupils about the pictures and revise how to ask and answer
about numbers if necessary.

• Start asking and answering as in the example ( teacher- pupil ).Then the
pupil asks the question and the teacher answers( pupil- teacher).

• All pupils ask and answer in groups ( pupil- pupil ).

• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 5
• Teach your pupils the new vocabulary clap and snap by pointing to the
pictures and using the body language.

• Revise numbers 1-20 if needed.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to a song.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to

• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
One two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty.
Clap clap clap stop,
snap snap snap stop.
Let's sing one more time.

Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and name them.

• Ask them to look at the words , listen to the audio and point to each
word as they hear it. Play the audio a second time, asking pupils to
match the words to the suitable objects.

• Walk round checking pupil's work and helping if necessary.

• Write each word on the board. Point to each letter and ask pupils to say
the sounds with you.

• Ask pupils which sound they can hear in each word (answer:' c' sound).

• Use the letter cards and ask groups of pupils to come to the front and re-
order the letters to make the words.

Audio script
c car cup octopus

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Ask pupils to count the number of birds then read the first sentence.

• Let them work in pairs to count the items in each picture and write the
numbers in the spaces.

• Go around the class and help those who find difficulties.

• Check the answers with the class.

2- 14
Exercise 2
• Have the pupils work in pairs to count the items in each picture and
circle the correct number between brackets.

• Go around the class and help those who find difficulties.

Check the answers with the class.

1- thirteen

2- nineteen

3- twelve

4- fourteen

Exercise 3
• Ask your pupils to count the pens in the box then write' fifteen' in
clear letters on the board.

• Tell them to trace the numbers.

• Ask them to read the numbers and draw items that match those
numbers in the boxes then say how many items they have drawn .

• Go around and check their work.

Exercise 4
• Tell the pupils that they are going to look at the pictures and read the
sentences then tick or cross them.

• Point to the first sentence. Read it out ,then ask them to try to read the
other sentences.

• Give them time to do the exercise in pairs. Then check their answers .

Audio script
1-There are thirteen balls .
2-There are twenty cups .
3-There are eleven pencils
4-There are eighteen rubbers .
Exercise 5
• Tell the pupils to look at the picture and ask them what they can see
then ask them , "Does the cat like the cake?" and elicit the answer 'no'.

• Tell pupils that they have to read the sentence, find the letter 'c' and
circle it.

• Walk around the class checking their answers helping if necessary.

Then, write the sentence on the board and encourage pupils to circle the
letter " c ".

A cat can't eat cakes.
Extra idea
The teacher can ask the pupils to play "Tongue - Twister Game" .
Ask some individuals to say the sentence "A cat can't eat cakes" properly and
quickly as many times as they can . Make the activity fun.

Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to trace the letter 'c' then copy it in their books. Write the
letter in the air and give them time to follow you.

• Tell them to copy the words 'cup ' and 'car' and say them.

• Go round, check their work and help if necessary.

Extra idea
You could make a set of letter cards to give out to groups of pupils and ask
them to work in small groups to spell out each word they have learnt.
Unit 8
I like food

• To teach new vocabulary about food
• To teach to ask and respond politely
• To teach prepositions about location
• Can we have some bread, please? Here you are.
• Where's the glass? It's on the table.
• Would you like an apple? Yes, please.
• Asking and responding politely.
• Talking about location using prepositions (in, on, under, next to).
Target vocabulary:
• menu/ pear/ delicious/ fork/spoon/knife/ plate/ glass/ of course.
• The 'u' sound.
Visual aids: flashcards/ pictures/ photos
Pupils' Book unit 8
Activity Book unit 8
Audio script:
PB ex 1/ ex 2/ ex 3/ ex6
AB ex 1/ ex 5

• You can invite some pupils to the front and ask them what they would
like to eat.
• Then encourage them to answer. You can use real objects about food or
Exercise 1
• Introduce pupils to the situation 'at the restaurant'. Use pupil's book,
pictures and photos.
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to the audio of ex. 1. Play the audio
all the way through.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each dialogue. Ask pairs to
do the dialogues.

Audio script
1. Here's the menu.
Thank you.
2. Can we have some fish and rice, please?
Yes, of course.
3. What would you like to drink?
Some orange juice, please.
4. Would you like pears?
Yes, please.
5. We like this food. It's delicious.

Exercise 2
• Use real objects (spoon, knife, glass, fork and plate)or pictures to
introduce the new vocabulary.
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of ex. 2. Tell them they are going to
listen to the audio of ex. 2 and match the words with the correct pictures.
• *Play the audio all the way through. Play it a second time, pausing after
each word giving them time to match. Ask the class to repeat the words
chorally then individually.
• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.
Audio script
plate fork spoon glass knife
Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of ex 3. Tell them that they are
going to listen to the audio of ex3 and repeat the sentences.
• Play the audio all the way through. Play the audio a second time,
pausing after each sentence to repeat them one by one.

Audio script
1. There is a glass on the table.
2. There is a cat under the table.
3. There is a fork on the plate.
4. There is a spoon next to the glass.

Exercise 4
• Revise the structure "Can I have a spoon, please?"
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and start asking him/her. The pupil
answers "Yes, of course" (teacher-pupil). Tell the pupil to take turn and
ask the teacher (pupil-teacher).
• All pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil-pupil)
• Ask two pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Extra activity
The teacher can put real objects and food on the table and tell pupils to ask and
answer about these objects.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to look at the picture of ex 5. Explain that they are
playing a guessing game about food.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and do an example with him/he
(teacher), using yes/no questions.
• Then pupils can do this game in pairs or in groups.
• The first pupil to guess the food takes turn to ask the others about

• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them. Ask them to look at
the words. Tell them to listen to the audio and point to the words.Ask
them to repeat the words chorally then individually.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word and giving them
time to match.
• Write the words on the board and ask pupils to say the sounds within the
words with you.
• Ask pupils which sound they can hear in each word 'u'.
• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script
umbrella bus sun

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of ex 1. Tell them that they are going
to listen to the sentences and tick the correct ones.
• Play the audio all the way through once and ask them to listen carefully.
Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and giving
them time to tick the correct ones.
• Go round the classroom and check their answers.

Audio script
1. It's a fork.
2. It's a pear.
3. It's a spoon.
Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the questions in column A and the
answers in column B.
• Tell them they are going to match the questions with the answers.
• You can do an example with the pupils.
• Give them time to do the exercise. Move around and help if necessary.
• Listen and check their answers.

1. c/ Yes, of course.
2. a/ Some orange juice, please.
3. b/ It's on the table.

Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of ex 3 and name them.
• You can choose a word they know as an example and do it on the board
with the class.
• Tell them to reorder the letters in groups to get the correct word for each
picture and say the words.
• Go round and check their work.

1-fork 2- spoon 3- plate

Exercise 4
• Revise with the class the prepositions (in/ on/ next to/ under).
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures of ex. 4
• You can do the first sentence as an example.
• Give them time to write the correct preposition in each space.
• Go round the class and check their answers.
• Check the correct answers with the class.

1-under 2 - on 3- next to 4- in

Exercise 5
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to words and circle the words
that have the 'u' sound.
• Play the audio all the way through. Play the audio a second time,
pausing after each word and giving them time to circle the correct ones.
• Go round the classroom and check their answers.
Audio script
run pen sun fork bus desk
Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to trace the letter 'u' then copy it in their books. Write the
letter in the air and give them time to follow you.
• Tell them to copy the words 'umbrella' and 'sun' and say them.
• Go round, check their work and help if necessary.

Unit 9
Computer Games
To teach new vocabulary and structures about computer games
To teach questions with 'Whose'
To teach possessions using possessive 's'
Whose CD is this?
It's Tom's CD.
It's her/his tablet.
Talking about possessions
Target vocabulary
CD, tablet, play station, flash memory
The 'd' sound
Pupil's book-unit 9
Workbook-unit 9
Visual aids: Flashcards, realia
Audio file: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (2)


• Use visual aids / flashcards. etc. to introduce the new vocabulary.

• Introduce "whose" by choosing an object from a pupil and ask

'Whose ….. is this?', then answer the question yourself and use
possessive 's'.

• Repeat again by using possessive adjectives this time.

• Have pupils practise with more objects.

Exercise 1

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio for exercise one all the way through.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after sentence and ask the class to
repeat in groups and individually.

Audio script
Today is a holiday. Let's play.
Whose CD is this?
It's Tom's CD.
Whose tablet is this?
It's his tablet.
It's Peter's play station.
Where's my flash memory?
I can't find it.
Oh! It's here. Let's play now.

Exercise 2
• Revise 'his/her' using different objects from pupils.

• Tell pupils that they are going to listen and repeat.

• Play the audio for exercise 2, pausing after each sentence.

• Have pupils repeat in groups.

Audio script
It's her CD.
It's his tablet.

Exercise 3
• Revise the vocabulary and structures if necessary.

• Start asking and answering as in the example (teacher-pupil) then the

pupil asks and the teacher answers (pupil-teacher).

• All pupils ask and answer in groups (pupil-pupil).

• They repeat in pairs.

• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 4
• Revise the new vocabulary.

• Tell pupils that they are going to play a game and guess the objects.

• Have pupils look at the pictures.

• Tell pupils that they are going to guess in pairs.

• Go round the classroom checking pupils' answers.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to listen to the sound 'd' and let them repeat in groups then
• Introduce the words 'dolphin', 'duck' and 'bed' by using flashcards.
• Pronounce the sound within the words.
• Write the letter 'd' on the board or show them flashcards and pronounce
it many times.
• Have pupils repeat in groups.
• Have them match the words with the correct pictures.

Audio script
d dolphin duck bed

Exercise 1
• Have pupils look at the pictures.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to read and write the words in the
spaces individually.

• Go round the classroom, checking pupils' work.


2-It’s 3.Whose 4.Mary’s

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and name the objects.

• Tell pupils that they are going to listen and tick the correct picture

• Play the audio for exercise 2 pausing after each sentence.

• Go round the classroom, and check pupils' answers.

Audio script
1.It's a flash memory.
2.It's a tablet.
3.It's a play station.

Exercise 3
• Revise the structure if necessary.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to write "his/her" in the spaces

• Go round and check their answers.

2- his 3- her his

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils to read the sentences then colour the pictures.

• Have pupils work in pairs, then check their work.

Exercise 5
• Have pupils look at the pictures, then name the objects.

• Ask pupils to write the missing letter in each space.

• Pupils work in pairs to check their answers.

Exercise 6

• Ask the pupils to point to the letter 'd' and pronounce it.
• Ask the pupils to trace and copy letter 'd' showing them the correct way
on the board or in the air.

• Then let pupils copy the letters and words on the lines.

• Check the pupils' writing.

Phonics Corner 2
To pronounce the short and long vowel sound'e'
To pronounce words with the short and long vowel sounds'e'
net, bed, feet, bee, bell, wet, web
Audio files
phonics corner 2 (1-2-3)

Exercise 1
• Introduce the vocabulary using visual aids to illustrate and compare
shortvowel sound 'e'with

the longvowel sound 'e'.

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Let pupils listen to the sound 'e'and the words (net /bed) (feet /bee)then
repeat them in groups and individually.

• Ask the pupils to point to the pictures while they are listening to the
audio for the first time all the way through.

• Invite pupils to give words that have the same sounds 'e'.

Audio script
e/ net / bed

e/ feet / bee

Exercise 2
• Divide pupils into small groups and tell them to circle the pictures of the
words that have the sounds'e'.
• Play the audio for Exercise 2 all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word .

• Have pupils repeat the target words chorally then individually.

Audio script
1-leg 2-tree
Exercise 3
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them.

• Tell them that they are going to listen and circle the words that have the
same initial sound.

• Play the audio, pausing after each word and giving them time to do the
task .

• Ask pupils to pronounce the sound in the circled words.

• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script
1. red wet web

2. bell bed net

1-wet / web
2-bell / bed
Unit 10
Revision 2

To revise previous vocabulary from unit 6 to 9
To revise talking about location
To revise asking and answering about possessions
To revise numbers from 11 to 20
To revise Wh-questions
Revision of previous structures
Revision of previous functions
To revise the (o, c, u, d) sounds
Pupil's book-unit 10
Workbook-unit 10
Visual aids: Flashcards, real objects..
Audio files: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (2)

Exercise 1
• Ask pupils about the items they can see in the picture.
• Pupils work in groups, they read the sentences then write tick or cross.
• Go round the class help if necessary.
• Check the answers along with the class.
1-√ 2-X 3-√ 4-√ 5-X

Exercise 2
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio and write the
number in each sentence.
• Pupils work individually.
• Play the audio once or twice if necessary pausing after each sentence
giving time to pupils to write the numbers.
• Let them check the answers in pairs.

Audio script
1-Alex has two sisters.
2-Mary has four dolls.
3-Jane has fifteen CDs.
• 4-Tim has twenty spinners.

Exercise 3
• Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to look at the pictures, read the
questions and circle the correct answers.
• Walk round help if necessary.
• Check the answers with the class.

1-It's Tom's tablet.
2-It's on the table.
3-There are ten glasses.

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils to work individually looking at each picture, say its name
then circle the initial letter.
• Let them check the answers in pairs.

c u d o

Exercise 5
• Illustrate the exercise to the class and read the question in the table.
• Each pupil chooses two friends and ask them the questions and write
their names and their answers.
• Walk round monitoring pupils' work and help if necessary.

Exercise 6
• Tell the pupils that they are going to make a sun model.
• Tell them that they need pencils, colours and scissors to make this
• Show pupils a sample of the project.
• Ask the pupils to work in groups helping each others drawing, painting,
cutting the shapes and writing the numbers on the rays of the sun.
• Walk round the class and help if necessary.
• Pupils present their final work to their friends.

Exercise 1
• Divide pupils into pairs.
• Ask them to look at the pictures and read the sentences then circle the
correct word.
• Walk round the class helping if necessary.
• Check their answers.

1-park 2-slide 3-doll 4-play station

Exercise 2
• Pupils work individually matching the items to the characters then
completing the sentences with his or her.
• Walk round checking pupils answers.

1-her 2-his 3-his 4-her

Exercise 3
• Explain that there are four hidden words in the puzzle.
• Pupils work in pairs. They look at the pictures, circle the words, then
write them under the suitable pictures.
• Help pupils to do the first example if necessary.
• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

Exercise 4
• Pupils revise numbers from 1 to 20 chorally.
• Pupils match the numbers to complete the picture individually
• Ask them to write its name.
• Go round the class checking pupils' work.


Exercise 5
• Divide Pupils into groups. (They can do this exercise as a competition.
The group which finishes first is the winner).
• Ask the class to look at the pictures, name them then write the initial
letter under each picture.
• Ask them to join the letters they have written to discover the hidden
word and write it.
• Go round the class help if necessary.

Exercise 6
• Pupils work in pairs writing the missing letters then matching them to
the pictures.
• Go round checking pupils' answers.

Unit 11
Baby animals
To teach new vocabulary about baby animals.
To revise the verbs: (run, fly, climb, swim, walk).
To revise the modal verb (can/ can’t).
It's a puppy. It's small.
It can run.
What is this?
It's a duckling
Can it swim?
Yes, it can.
Can chicks walk?
Yes, they can.
Can they fly? No, they can't.
It's a bunny.
It can jump.
Look at that kitten! It can climb the wall.
Talking about ability.
Target vocabulary
Puppy, duckling, chicken, bunny, kitten
The 'i 'and 'h 'sounds
Pupil’s Book, unit 11
Activity Book, unit11
Visual aids: flash cards.
Audio files
Pupils book Exercise no (.1-2-4- 5).
Activity book Exercise no. (3).

• Teach the new baby animals vocabulary using the flash cards. Ask the
class to repeat the name of the animal after you.
• Do this several times, asking the class and then individuals to repeat
after you.
• Play a miming game. Ask for volunteers to come to the front of the class
and mime an action that they know, e.g. run, swim…
• Ask pupils questions, "Can a puppy swim"? Using the flash cards.

Exercise 1
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio for exercise one all the way through.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and ask the
class to repeat in groups then individually.

Audio scrip
It's a puppy. It's small.
It can run.
What is this?
It's a duckling
Can it swim?
Yes, it can.
Can chicks walk?
Yes, they can.
Can they fly? No, they can't.
It's a bunny.
It can jump.
Look at that kitten! It can climb the wall.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to name the baby animals they can see (puppy, duckling,
chicken, bunny, kitten).
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and start asking him/her "What can you
see?" The pupil answers "I can see a kitten ". Can the kitten run? Yes, it
can. "(Teacher-pupil).
• Tell the pupil to take turn and ask the teacher (pupil-teacher).
• All pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil-pupil).
• Ask two pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 3
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures explain that they are playing a
guessing game.
• Read through the speech bubbles with the class.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and show him /her picture of an animal.
The class asks him / her yes / no questions to guess what it is.
Exercise 4

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to a song. Ask pupils to tell
you which baby animals they can see (kitten, bubby, bunny chick
• Play the song all the way through once or twice.
• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to
• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.
• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script

There was a baby dog,

and puppy was his name.
p -u-p-p-y p-u-p-p-y,
and puppy was his name.
There was a baby cat,
and kitten was her name.
k-i-t-t-e-n- k-i-t-t-e-n,
and kitten was her name .

Exercise 5
• Ask the class to look at the words in the box and listen to the audio then
point to each word.
• Play the audio a second time, asking pupils to match the words to the
• Walk round checking pupils are doing this correctly.

Audio script:

hi hen fridge head six

Activity Book

Exercise 1
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and name them.
• Give them time to work in pairs and do the exercise, move around to
help when necessary.
• Listen and check their answers.

• Tell the pupils to look at the first picture then do the first example with
the pupils. Write the word on the board.
• Let them finish the activity in pairs and go over the answers as a class.

1. Duckling
2. Chick
3. Bunny
4. Puppy
5. Kitten


Ask your pupils to look at the pictures . Play the audio the first time all the
way through.
Play the audio file a second time, pausing after each sentence, asking them to
listen and write the correct words in the suitable spaces.
Have them listen to the audio to check their answers.

Audio script

1-A puppy can't fly.

2-A duckling can swim.
3-A kitten can run.


1. Cant
2. Can
3. can

Ask your pupils to look at the pictures and name them.
Tell them to follow the line between the letters and the words.
Have them work in groups.
Go round the class helping if necessary.

*Ask pupils to trace the letters 'h' and 'I' then copy them in their books.
Write the letters in the air and give them time to follow you.
* Tell them to copy the words 'head' and 'fridge' and say them.
* Go round, check their work and help if necessary.
Unit 12
Helping at home

• To teach pupils Wh- questions about activities:
What are you doing…? What is he/she doing…?
• To teach pupils the present continuous tense.
Asking and answering about activities.
Dad is coming. Let's help Mum.
What are you doing Mum?
Let's read a story.
Sorry Ted! I am cooking lunch. What is Tom doing?
He is watering the flowers in the garden.
What is Sally doing?
She's setting the table.
What are you doing Ted?
I am helping you! I am cleaning my toys.
Target vocabulary: (cook- water- set-clean-help-do).
Phonics: The ‘g’ and ‘j’ sounds
Pupils' book unit 12
Activity book unit12
Visual aids: flash cards, real objects.
Audio file Students' book (1/5)
Audio file Activity book (1)

Exercise 1
• Use flashcards or realia to teach the present continuous to the class, mime
an action, e.g. reading, and say, ‘I’m reading.’ Ask the class to do the same
and ask them to repeat chorally (I’m reading ….). Mime several actions to
elicit the response (e.g. playing, watering, setting).
• Ask some pupils to come to the front and mime the action you say.
• Tell them they are going to listen to the audio for Exercise 1.
• Play the audio the first time all the way through.
• Play the audio file a second time, pausing after each sentence and asking
the class to repeat the sentences after you.
• Group's repetition then in pairs.

Audio Script
Dad is coming. Let's help Mum.
What are you doing Mum?
Let's read a story.
Sorry Ted! I am cooking lunch. What is Tom doing?
He is watering the flowers in the garden.
What is Sally doing?
She's setting the table.
What are you doing Ted?
I am helping you! I am cleaning my toys.

Exercise 2

• Ask a pupil to come to the front and act the first action in the exercise,
ask the class, ‘What is he/ she doing?’ and get the class to answer.
• Now, discuss the pictures in Ex.2 with the class, asking them to tell you
what each person in the pictures is doing.
• Tell pupils that you want them to work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about the pictures.
• Walk round the class to check pupils' work.

Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the pictures.
• Read each sentence with the class and then tell them that you want them
to work in pairs to circle the correct words.
• Monitor pupils’ work and help if necessary.
• When they have finished, go over the answers with the whole class.

Exercise 4
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and spin the spinner then ask him/ her
"What's he / she doing?" He / She answers according to the picture the
spinner stops at.
• Have pupils play the game in pairs.
• Walk round mentoring pupils' work.

Exercise 5
• Use the letter cards and ask small groups or individuals to come to the
front and re-order the letters to spell the words (eagle, juice, jacket,
• Pronounce the sounds (j, g) within the words.
• Play the audio for Exercise 5 all the way through while pupils listen to
the sentences. Make sure that pupils are following the pictures.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing at the end of each word and
asking the class to repeat them chorally.
• Listen to the sounds (j, g) and let them repeat in groups then
• Write the letters (j, g) on the board OR use wall chart and pronounce
them many times.

Audio script
G j juice jacket eagle swing

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Ask the pupils about the activities of the pictures.
• Tell your pupils they are going to listen to the audio for Exercise 1.
• Play the audio asking pupils to follow the pictures as they listen to the
• Play the audio file a second time, pausing after each sentence and asking
the class to tick the correct sentences.
• Play the audio again all the way through, making sure that pupils are
following the pictures as they listen to check the answers.

Audio Script
1. She's cleaning the kitchen.
2. He’s washing the car.
3. They’re setting the table
4. She’s playing tennis.
1-She's cleaning the kitchen.
2-He’s washing the car.
3-They’re setting the table.
4-She’s playing tennis.

Exercise 2
• Point to each picture and ask pupils "What are the people doing?" To
elicit the correct activities: "Colin is watering …… etc."
• Have pupils match the suitable sentences to the pictures in pairs.
• Go around checking their answers.

1. Colin is watering the flowers.
2. Jack is listening to music.
3. Tala is setting the table.

Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to read the words in the box as you point to each one.
• Explain that they must fill in the correct word in each gap.
• Read through the first sentence with the class and ask them to fill the
missing word to complete the sentence. (He is….)
• Ask a pupil to read the second sentence and fill in the missing words.
Do the same with the other sentences.

1. They're 2. She's 3. He's

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils what they can see in the pictures to elicit the words (jump,
ring, jar, goat).
• Tell pupils to reorder the letters related to the pictures.
• Do the first word with the class.
• Encourage pupils to do the exercise.
• Walk around checking pupils' work. Help if necessary.

1. jump 2. ring 3.jar 4.goat

Exercise 5

• Ask pupils to tell you the letters they can see. Ask them to write the
letters in the air.
• Show them again the correct way to write by writing on the board.
• Ask them to trace the letters ‘j /g’ in their book on the lines provided.
• Ask them to look at the pictures and ask pupils what they are. Ask
them now to look at the words and say each word slowly (swing
/juice) carefully pronouncing the sounds in each word. Ask them to
repeat with you. Tell them to trace the words carefully and again walk
round and check that pupils are doing this correctly.
Unit 13
On holiday
To teach new vocabulary about holiday.
To teach new verbs.
To revise present continuous.
To teach wh- questions" What is he doing?"
To teach yes, no questions" Is he swimming?"

What is she doing?
She is drinking juice.
Is he swimming?
Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Asking and answering about actions using present continuous.

Target vocabulary
fishing- sand castle- sunbath- building- beach ball- shoe- a nice day.

"m" sound – "n" sound

Visual aids/ flash cards about holiday.- Audio files (student book ex. 1-2- 5)(activity
book ex.1)

• Mime as you are kicking a ball and say "I am playing football".
• Invite a pupil to come to the front and mime playing football then ask him or
her" What are you / they doing? What is he/she doing?"
• Do the same with other pupils and other activities.
• Invite a pupil again to mime an activity and ask the class "Is he reading?"
repeat the procedure many times.
• Use visual materials to present the new vocabulary.
• Pupils repeat them in groups and individually.

Exercise 1
• Introduce the new characters in the picture.
• Prepare them for listening, play the audio for the first time all the way
through and follow the sentences, then play it a second time, pausing after
each sentence for them to repeat chorally.
Audio script.
It is a nice day!
We are swimming.
What is your father doing?
He is fishing.
Look, he's got a shoe!
That is my mother.
She's drinking some orange juice.
Is your sister swimming?
No, she isn’t.
She is building a sand castle.
Look Dan! They are playing beach ball.
What is your father doing, Dan?
He is taking a sunbath.

Exercise 2
• Tell them to look to the pictures then illustrate that they are going to match the
sentences with the pictures.
• Prepare them for listening, play the audio the first time, pause after each
sentence for them to match, then play it again all the way through to check
their answers.
Audio script
1- She's drinking orange juice.
2- We're playing beach ball.
3- She's building a sand castle.
4- He's taking a sunbath.

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils to look at the pictures.
• Read the dialogue then ask about another child.
• Invite a pupil to come to the front, act the conversation(teacher- pupil) (pupil-
• Ask pairs of pupils to choose actions from the picture and act the
conversation in front of the class (pupil- pupil).

Exercise 4
• Prepare them for the game, mime an activity and ask them to guess.
• Put them in groups to play the game in front of the class.
• Praise the winner.

Exercise 5
• Revise the sounds m –n.
• Use flash cards to introduce the words" mud- nuts"
• Revise the words "moon- nose ".
• Tell them they are going to match the words with the letters.
• Play the audio, pausing after each word.
• Check the matching, then pupils say the words.

Audio script
M mud – moon
N nose- nuts

Activity book
Exercise 1.
• Illustrate that they will listen and circle the correct answer.
• Give them time to look at the pictures.
• Play the audio pausing after each sentence for the first time to circle, then play
it again all the way through to check the answers individually.

Audio script
1- She is fishing.
2- He is playing football.
3- They are drinking.

Exercise 2
• Revise the words.
• Illustrate that they are going to write each word in the correct basket.
• Give them time to do the exercise in pairs, help if needed.
• Check their answers.
At school. desk – board – book.
At home. fridge- bed – kitchen.
On the beach. fish – sandcastle – beach ball.

Exercise 3
• Ask them about the pictures .
• Illustrate that they have to tick or cross the sentences according to the pictures.
• Put them in groups; go around monitoring and checking their work.
1- √

Exercise 4
• Ask the pupils to name the pictures.
• Do the first one and illustrate how to complete the crosswords.
• Put them in groups, go around and help if needed.
• Check the answers.
1- sandcastle.
2- beach.
3- juice.
4- fish.

Exercise 5
• Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and write m or n.
• Ask them to say the words.
• Go around and check their answers.


Exercise 6
• Write letter m- n on the board.
• Standing with your back to the class write the letter on the air or use clay, let
them imitate you.
• Write the words "mud- nut" on the board.
• Help them to trace then copy them, go around and check.

Unit 14
Happy New Year
To teach the determiner (some)
To teach 'Here is / are'
To revise asking about places (Where?)
To describe locations
To teach new vocabulary about celebrations
What's on the table ?
Here is some mango juice.
Where are the glasses?
They're in the kitchen.
Talking about quantity
Talking about locations
Target vocabulary
cherries, pineapples, mangojuice, glasses, here
The's' sound
The'p' sound
Pupil's book-unit 14
Workbook-unit 14
Visual aids: a wall chart, flashcards,real objects and models, photos
Audio files: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2-4-5)
Workbook.Exercise No. (1)
• Use a calendar to present 'new year'.

• Use visual aids to introduce the vocabulary.

• Introduce the new structure 'Here is some juice', 'Here are some
apples' by showing a small amount of juice and a number of

• Ask pupils to repeat them in groups then individually.

Exercise 1

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Play the audio all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence for
pupils to repeat in groups then individually.
Audio script
Let's get ready.
Here are some biscuits and cakes.
Here are some cherries and pineapples.
Here is some mango juice.
Where are the glasses ?
They are in the kitchen.
Now, let's have fun.
Exercise 2
• Ask about the pictures.

• Tell the class they are going to listen to each sentence and match with
the correct picture.

• Play the audio all the way through once.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence, giving them
time to match individually.

• Walk around and check their work.

• Check the matching with the whole class.

Audio script
1- Here are some cherries.
2- I can see some biscuits .
3-The cakes are on the plate .
4- I can see some orange juice in the glass.
Exercise 3
• Revise the vocabulary and the structure if necessary.
• Start asking and answering (teacher- pupil) then (pupil- teacher).

• All pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil-pupil).

• Ask two pupils to act the dialogue in front of the class.

Exercise 4
• Ask about the picture.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to
repeat chorally.

• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with the music.

Audio script
Happy happy new year,
be happy and cheer.
Now, it's time of the year ,
to sing a happy song of the year.
Sing it aloud, sing it clear.
Extra activity
Divide the class into groups to count the (p) and(s) letters in the song or
circle them. Make the activity fun as much as possible.
Exercise 5
• Use flashcards to revise the letters and the words.

• Write each letter alone on the board and pronounce it many times, then
ask pupils to repeat in groups then individually.

• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audio once and match the
word with the correct picture.

• Play the audio once, pausing after each word,giving pupils time to

• Check the matching with the whole class.

Audio script
ps spine apple star salad pear
Exercise 1
• Revise the vocabulary and the structure if needed.

• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audio and tick the correct

• Play the audio all the way through once and ask them to listen carefully.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence giving the
pupils time to tick individually.

• Go around and check their work.

Audio script
1- Where are the red balloons ?
They're in the living room.
2-Where's the mango juice ?
It's in the kitchen.
3-Where are the candies ?
They're behind the box.
• Ask about the pictures.

• Tell the class are going to work in groups, choose the things they need
for a party and write them.

• Give them time to do the exercise, move around to help.

• Listen and check their answers.

cakes candies juice balloons
Extra activity
Ask pupils to play a spelling game in groups, by using letters flashcards
and ask them to reorder the letters.
Exercise 3
• Ask about the pictures.

• Divide the class into groups.

• Tell them they are going to guess what's missing on the table, then draw

• Walk around and help if necessary.

bananas cakes oranges
Extra activities
1- Ask some pairs to come to the front and ask about the pictures.
2- Ask them to work in groups and classify what they can see on the
table into fruits and things .
Exercise 4
• Revise the structures if necessary.

• Ask them to work in pairs, name the pictures and write the words.

• Go around and check.

• Ask some pupilsto come to the board to write, spell then say the word.
1-pinapples2- oranges 3-chair 4-CD
Exercise 5
• Revise the sounds of the letters (s-p) using flashcards.

• Ask the class about the pictures.

• Do an example with the pupils.

• Give them time to do the exercise individually.

• Move around to help when necessary.

• Listen and check their answers.

S: star sun salad
P : park pear pen
Exercise 6
• Use visual aids to revise the sounds within the words.

• Show the class how to write each letter on the board or in a sand box.

• Now give them time to do the exercise individually.

• Walk around and correct.

Phonics Corner 3
To pronounce the short and long vowel'i'
To pronounce words with short and long vowel 'i'
fish, ship, ice, kite
flashcards, pictures, realia….
Audio files: Ex. 1,2,3

Exercise 1
• Introduce the new vocabulary using visual aids.

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Ask the pupils to point to the pictures while they are listening to the
audio for the first time all the way through.

• Let pupils listen to the short vowel 'i'and the words'fish/ship' repeat
them chorally then individually.

• Do the same procedure to introduce the long vowel 'i'.

Audio script
i fish ship ice kite

Exercise 2
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them.

• Tell them that they are going to listen and circle the words that have the
same vowel soundthey hear.

• Play the audio, pausing after each word to circle the correct word.

• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script

( fish-six ) (kite - tie)

Exercise 3
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures then play the audio.

• Ask them to tick the words which have the same final sound in each row
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
Audio file

1-ship / lip
2- in / pin

Revision 3
Unit 15
To revise the vocabulary from units 11-14
To revise asking and answering about activities
To revise what animals can do
To revise describing actions
To revise talking about quantity
To revise talking about location
Review structures mentioned in 11-14 units
A monkey can jump.

What’s on the table?

Here are some cakes and bananas.

Where are the glasses?

They are in the kitchen.

What is he/she doing? He’s/She’ s cleaning.

Is she climbing a tree? Yes, she./ No, she isn’t.
Revision of previous functions
Revision of previous sounds (i, h, g, j, m, n , s, p)
Student’s Book, unit 15
Activity Book, unit 15
Audio file : Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1, 2)
Activity Book. Exercise No.(3)

Pupil's Book
Exercise 1
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and ask about them.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the audio file and number the

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence. Play the audio a second time
for pupils to check their answers .

• Go around the classroom, encouraging the pupils and helping if


Audio script
1-The mother is cooking.
2-The girl is cleaning the window.
3-The boy is putting the rubbish in the bin.
4-The boys are playing tennis.

Exercise 2
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and name them.

• Point to the first picture and the action in the table and say: A duck can

• Ask pupils to listen to the audio file and tick the correct action.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence.

• Play the audio a second time for pupils to check their answers in pairs.

• Check the answers with the whole class.

Audio script
The duck can swim.
2-The cat can run.
3-The rabbit can jump.
4- The bird can fly.
Exercise 3
• Tell the class they are going to work in pairs as in the example.

• Ask one of the pupils to act the dialogue with you in front of the class.

• Start asking the pupil and the pupil answers (teacher –pupil):What's he
doing? He's cleaning the car.

• Now, the pupil asks you the same question, then you answer it(pupil-
teacher ).

• Give the pupils the suitable instructions to ask about the pictures in
pairs( pupil –pupil ).

• Ask two pupils to act the dialogue in front of the class then praise them.

Exercise 4
• Divide the class into groups.

• Tell the pupils to look at the pictures then ask them to read the
questions and answers then circle the correct answer .

• Check the answers with the whole class.

1- No, he isn't.
2- Yes, she is.
3- No, they aren't.
Exercise 5
• Ask the pupils to name the pictures then have them work in groups and
circle the correct letter for each picture.

• Check their answers on the board.

Exercise 6
• Revise the baby animals the pupils have learnt.

• Have pupils work in pairs to read and circle the correct name for the
baby animals.
• Go around the class and check their answers.

Exercise 7
• Tell the pupils that they are going to work in groups to make a baby
animal model.

• Show them the materials they need to do the project( glue, a stick,
coloured pieces of paper)

• Show the pupils a sample of the project.

• Show the pupils the steps of making it.

• Walk round the classroom, helping any pupils having difficulties.

• Let them show their baby animals and say what they can do.

Display their work in the class room.

Activity book
• Exercise 1
• Have pupils read the six words in the list.

• Have pupils work in groups to write the words under the two

• Tell them that the winner group is the fastest group.

• Check the answers with the class on the board.

Food: cherries , pears , pineapples
Activities: swimming ,fishing , building

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to identify what they can see in the fridge .

• Start with the first sentence and help them read it. Then ask them to
look at the picture to tick or cross.

• Ask them to do the exercise in pairs.

• Check the answers with the class.

1- 
2- x
3- 
4- 
Exercise 3
• Explain that pupils have to listen to the audio file and then draw a line
to match each sentence with the correct picture.

• Go over their answers as a class.

Audio script
They're drawing pictures.
2-We're running in the garden.
3-He's playing on the computer.
4-She's eating a sandwich.
Exercise 4
• Explain the task. Pupils read the sentences and complete the gaps with
the suitable words. Remind pupils of the subject pronouns if necessary.

• Ask them to work in pairs to complete the gaps.

• Check the answers with the class.

She's / He's /They're
Exercise 5
• Tell pupils to look at the picture and read the first sentence then circle
the correct word between brackets and write it in the gap .

• Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the rest of the exercise .

• Check the answers with the class.

1- cleaning
2- reading
3- watering
4- drinking
Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures.

• Tell them to write the missing letter of the word and then match it to the
proper picture.

• Give pupils time to complete the task individually. Then check the
answers as a class.

head fridge nuts salad

Unit 16
Daily routine
• To review days of the week
• To teach new vocabulary about daily routine
• To teach wh-questions about daily routine
• What do you do on Monday? I visit my grandmother on Monday.
• Talking about routines.
• Talking about activities.
Target vocabulary:
• Go shopping, draw pictures/ water (v) /.
• The 'k' sound.
• The 'q' sound
Visual aids: flashcards/ pictures/ photos
Pupils' Book unit 16
Activity Book unit 16
Audio script:
PB ex 1/ ex 4 'song'/ ex 5/
AB ex 3

• Review the days of the week by using flashcards or writing them on the
• Start by talking about today and what you can do.
• Introduce the new vocabulary and structures by using flashcards or

Exercise 1
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures of Ex. 1. Ask them to tell you
about each picture.
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to the audio of Ex. 1. Play the audio
all the way through and ask them to follow the sentences.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each dialogue. Ask pairs to
do the dialogues in front of the class.
• Let pupils repeat chorally then individually.

Audio script
1. I like Sunday. I go to the park.
2. I go shopping on Monday.
3. What do you do on Tuesday? I go swimming.
4. What do you do on Wednesday? I go to the library.
5. We visit our grandparents on Saturday.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Ex. 2 and tell you about what they
can see.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and do the dialogue with you (teacher-
• Ask another pupil to take turn and ask you (pupil-teacher).
• Ask pairs to do the dialogues about their daily routines. Encourage them
to use different days and different activities.

Exercise 3
• You can make a big similar circle with a dice or you can use the picture
of Ex. 3. You can do one of the structures as an example. Then ask
individual pupils to throw the dice and say the activity as ' I play football
on Monday.'
• Encourage pupils to participate and help them if necessary.
• Make this game fun.

Exercise 4
• Revise with the pupils the days of the week.
• Tell the class that they are going to listen to a song about the days of the
• *Play the song all the way through once or twice.
• *Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the pupils to
• *Play the audio all the way through and let the pupils sing along.
• *Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
What day is it today?
What day is it today?

Exercise 5
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them. Ask them to look at
the words. Tell them to listen to the audio and point to the words. Ask
them to repeat the words chorally then individually,.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word and giving them
time to match.
• Ask pupils which sound they can hear in each word 'k' and 'q'.
• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.

Audio script
K q key kite queen quack
Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Revise with the class the days of the week. Ask individual pupils to say
them or ask the whole class to say them chorally. You can use the song
of the days.
• Ask the pupils to read the words in Ex. 1. Then individually they write
them in the table in the correct order.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Then individually they write down their favourite day in the space
below the table and each one reads his/her sentence to the class.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the first picture of Ex. 2 and tell you about it. Ask
them to work in pairs and tick the correct sentence that matches the
picture. Tell them to do the same with the other pictures. Give them time
to do the activity.
• Move around, check their answers and help if necessary.
• Ask individual pupils to say their correct answers.

1-I ride a bike. 2- I go shopping. 3- I read a story.

Exercise 3
1. Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Ex 3 and tell you about them.
2. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the sentences and number the
pictures of each sentence as they hear.
3. Go round and check their answers.

Audio script
1. They play chess on Friday.
2. He swims on Sunday.
3. He flies a kite on Thursday.

Exercise 4
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures of Ex. 4 and tell you about them.
• Ask them to read the verbs.
• Tell them to write in pairs the correct verb in each space.
• Give them time to do the activity.
• Go round the class and check their answers.
• Ask individual pupils to read the sentences.

1-read 2- play 3- ride

Exercise 5

• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of each column and name them.
• Tell the pupils to circle the correct picture of each column according to
the 'k' and 'q' letters.
• *Go round the classroom and check their answers.

Exercise 6

• Ask pupils to trace the letter 'k' then copy it in their books. Write the
letter in the air and give them time to follow you or write it on the board.
• Tell them to copy the word 'key' and say it.
• Do the same with the letter 'q' and the word 'quack'.
• Go round, check their work and help if necessary.
Unit 17
Telling the Time

To teach new vocabulary and structures about the time
To teach the question 'What time is it?'
To teach how to tell the time
To introduce new actions about daily routines
What time is it?
It's three o'clock.
I get up at six o'clock.
Talking about daily routines
Telling the time
Target vocabulary
have (breakfast, lunch, dinner), do homework, go to bed
The 'r' sound
The 'f' sound
Pupil's book-unit 17
Workbook-unit 17
Visual aids: Flashcards, realia
Audio file: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-4-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (2)

• Use visual aids / flashcards……. etc. to introduce the new vocabulary.

• Introduce telling the time by using a real clock, and repeat many times
with different numbers.

• Have pupils practise telling the time.

• Introduce meals of the day. Then use them to form complete sentences
with the time.

Exercise 1
• Introduce the character of the lesson and tell pupils that they are going
to know his daily routine.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio for exercise one all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after sentence and ask the class to
repeat in groups and individually.

Audio script
Alex. Alex! Get up!
What time is it?
It's six o'clock.
I have breakfast at seven o'clock.
We have lunch at three o'clock. ‫تغيير كلمة‬dinner ‫بدل‬lunch
What do you do after lunch?‫وهنا ايضا‬
I do my homework at four o'clock.
We have dinner at seven o'clock. ‫وهنا جملة‬I watch cartoons at five o’clock.
I go to bed at eight o'clock.
Exercise 2

• Revise the vocabulary and structures if necessary.

• Start asking and answering as in the example( teacher- pupil) then the
pupil asks and the teacher answers(pupil-teacher).

• All pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil-pupil).

• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 3
• Revise telling the time. Tell pupils that they are going to read the
sentences and match them to the pictures in pairs.

• Go round the classroom checking pupils' answers.

Exercise 4
• Tell pupils that they are going to listen to a song.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to

• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
It's six, it's six,
Get up Rix.

At seven, at seven.

Have breakfast Helen.

At eight, at eight,
For the bus wait.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to listen to the sounds "f" and "r" and let them repeat in
groups then individually.

• Introduce the words 'frog, face, ruler and rabbit' by using flashcards.

• Pronounce the sounds within the words.

• Write the letters 'f / r' on the board or show them flashcards and
pronounce them many times.

• Have pupils repeat in groups.

• Have them match the words with the pictures.

Audio script
F f frog face
R r ruler rabbit

Exercise 1

• Have pupils look at the pictures.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to read and tick the correct pictures

• Have pupils check their answers in pairs.

Exercise 2

• Tell pupils that they are going to listen then order the sentences

• Play the audio for exercise 2 pausing after each sentence.

• Go round the classroom, and check pupils' answers.

Audio script:
I get up at six o’clock.
I go to school at seven o’clock.
I have dinner at four o’clock.
I go to bed at nine o’clock.
Exercise 3
• Revise telling the time.

• Have pupils look at the clocks and say the time in each one.

• Let pupils work in pairs.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to match the sentences with the
correct clocks.

• Go round and check their answers.

Exercise 4
• Draw a clock on the board and show pupils how to draw the hands on it

• Tell pupils that they are going to draw the correct time in each clock.

• Have pupils work in pairs, then check their work.

Exercise 5

• Have pupils look at the pictures, then name them.

• Ask pupils to circle the beginning letter in each picture.

• Pupils work in pairs to check their answers.

Exercise 6

• Ask the pupils to point to the letters 'f , r' and pronounce them.

• Ask the pupils to trace and copy letters 'f , r' showing them the correct
way on the board or in the air.

• Let pupils copy the letters and words on the lines.

• Check the pupils' writing.

Unit 18
Meet My Family

To teach new vocabulary about jobs, family members and places of
To teach wh-question
Where does your father work?–He works in a bank.
My mother is a doctor. She goes to the hospital.
Talking about family members and their jobs
Talking about locations
Target vocabulary
bank, banker, policeman, police station, cook, restaurant, hospital, pupil,
aunt, uncle, cousin, work(v).
The 'r' sound
The 'v' sound
Pupil's book-unit 18
Workbook-unit 18
Visual aids: Flashcards, pictures..
Audio file: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2-4-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (1)

• Use flashcards or pictures to revise jobs and family members the pupils
have learned and to teach them the new ones.

• Use flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary about location:

(hospital, police station, restaurant, bank). Let pupils repeat chorally and

• Hold one of the job's flashcards (e.g. doctor) to present the question and
the answer: 'Where does he/ she work?'-' He/ She works in a hospital.'.
• Have pupils repeat the question and the answer in two groups (A) and
(B) asking and answering about the jobs.

Exercise 1
• Ask pupils about the pictures and tell them that they are going to listen
to the audio.

• Play the audio all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and ask the
class to repeat.

• Have pupils read and act the dialogue.

Extra activity
• Write the family members mentioned in the lesson on the left side of the
board and write the jobs on the right side. Let pupils close their books
and match each character to his/her job.

Audio script
Hi Jack.
Hello Tom. I'm here with my family.
My mother is a doctor.
She goes to the hospital.
Where does your father work?
In a bank.
He's a banker.
That's my uncle .He's a policeman.
He works in a police station.
My aunt Maria is a cook.
She works in a restaurant.
This is my cousin Jack.
He's a pupil. He goes to school every day.

Exercise 2
• Divide pupils into small groups and tell them to number the pictures
according to what they are going to hear.

• Play the audio pausing after each word.

• Have pupils repeat the words and number the pictures.

• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

Audio script
doctor pupil cook teacher policeman

Exercise 3
• Read the first example and let the pupils repeat the question and the
answer in two groups (A) and (B).

• Pupils work in pairs, ask and answer about the other pictures.

• Walk round monitoring pupils' work.

• Let pairs of pupils ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 4
• Ask the class about the pictures.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to a song.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to

• Play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
Where do you work?
in a hospital.
I'm a doctor.
Where do you work?
in a restaurant.
I'm a cook.
Where do you work?
In a school.
I'm a teacher.
Exercise 5
• Have pupils revise the letters 'y' and 'x' and the words 'box' and

• Introduce the words 'yolk' and 'axe' by showing them flashcards.

• Ask pupils to listen to the audio, match to the pictures

individually and say the words.

• Play the audio pausing after each word.

• Each pupil checks the answers of the pupil next to him / her.

Audio script
box eye yolk axe


Exercise 1
• Divide the class into pairs, then ask them to look at the pictures,
read the sentences and match.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence.

• Pupils match and read the sentences.

Audio script
1- A doctor works in a hospital.
2- A policeman works in a police station.
3- A cook works in a restaurant.
4- A teacher works in a school.

Exercise 2
• Have pupils read the words in the box.

• Divide the class into small groups. They complete the sentences
with the correct words.
• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

1-aunt 2-bank 3-pupil 4-cook

Exercise 3
• Divide the class into pairs.

• They read the sentences and write tick or cross.

• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

1-√ 2-√ 3-X 4-X

Exercise 4
• Have pupils read the words in the list.

• Tell the pupils to write the words under the proper heading in

• Go round checking pupils' answers.


Family Place Job

aunt hospital banker
cousin school cook

Exercise 5
• Pupils pronounce the two sounds 'y' and 'x'.

• Pupils work in pairs writing the missing letters and matching the words
to the pictures.

• Walk round checking pupils' answers.

six yoyo yolk axe box

Exercise 6
• Pupils revise writing the letters 'y' and 'x'.

• They read the two words.

• Ask them to trace and copy the letter and the words.

• Walk round checking pupils' work.

Unit 19
At the weekend
To teachnew vocabularyabout the weekend
To teach Wh-question: What doyou do at the weekend?
I go to the restaurant
To revise the present simple
What do you do atthe weekend?
I go to the restaurant.
What about you?
I go to the gym in the morning.
My father meets his friends in the afternoon.
What does your brother do?
He plays tennis with his friends.
My mother visits my grandmother.
We watch TV in the evening.
Talking about the activities
Target vocabulary
Sport club-meet -weekend
The (t) and (z) sounds
Pupil’s Book, unit 19
Activity Book, unit19
Visual aids: flash cards.
Audio files pupils book Exercise no (1- 3 -5).
Activity book Exercise no. (2).


• Teach the new vocabularybyusing flashcards or miming. - Have pupils

repeat the words chorally and individually.
• Revise days of the week.
• Write the days of the week on theboard thencircle 'Friday and Saturday'
tell the class that we don't go to school at the weekend.
• Ask a pupil, ‘What do you do at the weekend?’ and elicitthe answer, ‘I
go to the sport club
• Have pupils repeat the question and the answer in two groups (A) and
(B ), then they practice in pairs.
• Now turn to another pupil and ask, ‘What
• Does he/she do at the weekend?’ The pupil answers, ‘He/She--------,’
• Do this with as many pupils as possible in the class,

Exercise 1
• Ask pupils about the pictures.

• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the audio
for exercise 1 all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and ask the class
to repeat

• Have pupils read and act the dialogue.

Audio script
What do you do at the weekend?
I go to the restaurant.
What about you?
I go to the gym in the morning.
My father meets his friends in the afternoon.
What does your brother do?
He plays tennis with his friends.
My mother visits my grandmother.
We watch TV in the evening.
Exercise 2
• Read the first example and let the pupils repeat the question and the
answer in two groups ( A ) and ( B )

• Pupils work in pairs ask and answer about the other pictures

• Walk round monitoring pupils' work

• Ask a pair of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 3
• Have pupils listen to the audio and tick the correct answer individually.
Play the audio all the way through. Then,repeat the audio , pausing after
each sentence.
• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script
What does Sara do at the weekend?
1. In the morning, she listens to music.
2. In the afternoon, she plays tennis.
3. In the evening, she reads a book.

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils to look at the table andread the sentences in the left column
as a class.
• Tell pupilsthat they have to fill in the columnof the table about
themselves. They choosethe activityfrom the list and put a tick in
thebox.Once pupils have done this, tell them that they aregoing to work
in pairs to have conversations.
• Walk around the class as pupils are working,
• Checking pronunciation and helping wherenecessary.

Exercise 5
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and name them. Ask them to look at
the words. Tell them to listen to the audio and point to the words.Ask
them to repeat the words chorally then individually,
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each word and giving them
time to match.
• Go round the classroom and check pupils' answers.
Audio script
z t zero zebra tomato tooth

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the pictures.
• Read each sentence with the class, and then tell them
• to work in pairs to match the sentences with the pictures.
• Monitor their work and help if necessary.

Exercise 2
• Explain that they are going to listen to the audio and
• Fill in the table according to what they hear.
• Play the audio and pause after the first sentence.
Then, have pupils repeated the sentence.
• Have them do the exercise then check their answers in pairs.

Audio script
1-Lara listens to music.
2- Frank reads a book.
3-Mike plays tennis.

Exercise 3
• Have your pupils look at the pictures, read the sentencesand circle the
correct answer.
• Check pupils' answers.

1-watches 2- read 3- morning 4-bike

Exercise 4
• Tell the pupils that they are going to complete thewords using(t or z).
• Have them match the words with the pictures.
• Walk round the classroom, helping if necessary.

table zoo zebra two tent
Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to trace the letters' t' and' z 'then copy them in their books
.write the letters in the air and given them
• time to follow you.
• Tell them to copy the words 'teeth' and 'zero' and say them.
• Go around , check their work and help if necessary .

Phonics Corner 4
To pronounce the short and long vowel 'o'
To pronounce words with 'o'
pot, socks, rope, boat, log, rose
flashcards, pictures..
Audio files: EX. (1-2- 3)

Exercise 1
• Introduce the new vocabulary using visual aids.

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Ask the pupils to point to the pictures while they are listening to the
audio for the first time all the way through.

• Let pupils listen to the sound 'o'and the words(pot / socks)(boat / rope),
repeat them in groups then individually.

Audio script
pot socks boat rope
Exercise 2
• Tell the pupils to listen to the audio and circle the pictures in each row
with the same vowel sound.
• Play the audio a second time to check their answers.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script

pot dog

rope rose

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils to listen to the audio and circle the rhyming words.

• Play the audio the first time all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time to check their answers in pairs.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script

fox box
dog log

Unit 20
Revision 4
• To revise previous vocabulary from unit 16 to 19.
• To revise daily routine.
• To revise asking and answering about the time.
• To revise talking about family members and their jobs.
• To revise talking about locations.

Revision of previous functions.
To revise the previous structures.
Target vocabulary
To revise the previous vocabulary.
To revise the sounds (k- q - r –f-x-z-y -t).
Pupils' book unit 20
Activity book unit 20
Visual aids
Flashcard, real objects.
Audio file Students' book (3-4)
Audio file Activity book (3)

Exercise 1
• Use suitable flashcards to revise the time and the activities related to Ex
• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the pictures.
• Read each sentence with the class then tell them to work in pairs and
match the correct words.
• Go around and help if necessary.
• Check the answers with the whole class.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils about the pictures.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to read the sentences and circle the
correct answers.
• Walk round, help if necessary.
• Check the answers with the class.

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio and write the
correct number in each sentence.
• Play the audio the first time all the way through. Pupils work

• Play the audio again if necessary pausing after each sentence giving
time to pupils to write the numbers.
• Let them check the answers in pairs.

Audio Script
What do they do at the weekend?
1. The boy plays with his toys.
2. Aunt Jana helps Mum.
3. My grandfather watches a film.
4-Uncle John and Adam play chess.

Exercise 4
Have pupils listen to the audio and match the pictures with the correct letters
• Play the audio once or twice if necessary pausing after each sentence
giving time to pupils to answer.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.

Audio Script
1. Kite 2.yoyo 3.rain 5.queen

Exercise 5
• Encourage the pupils to ask and answer about jobs using suitable
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures, read the sentences and write the correct
• Walk round, help if necessary and check the answers with the class.
Exercise 6
• Tell the pupils that they are going to make their own clock model.
• Tell them that they need pencils, colours, some coloured cardboard and
scissors to make this project.
• Show pupils a sample of the project.
• Ask the pupils to work in groups, drawing, painting, cutting the shapes
and writing the numbers on the clock model.
• Walk round the class and help if necessary.
• Pupils present their final work to their friends.Ask them to work in pairs
asking and answering about the time..

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Revise the days of the week.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to look at the pictures, read the words
then colour each part of the flower as required individually.
• Let them check their answers in pairs.

Sunday = red
Monday = yellow
Tuesday = green
Wednesday = blue
Thursday = orange
Friday = pink

Exercise 2
• Revise the jobs using wall charts ….
• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the pictures.
• Read each sentence with the class and then tell them to work in pairs
and tick the correct words.
• Monitor pupils’ work and help if necessary.
• Check their answers.

1. Cross
2. Tick
3. Tick
4. Cross

Exercise 3
• Ask some pupils to mime what they can see in the pictures, encourage
the others to answer.
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio and match the
correct pictures in pairs.
• Play the audio once or twice if necessary pausing after each sentence
giving time to pupils to do the task.
• Monitor pupils’ work and help if necessary.
• Check their answers.

Audio Script
What do they do at the weekend?
1. Sally reads a story.
2. Sofia and her mother go shopping.
3. Mike plays on the swing.
4. Maya listens to music.
1. d
2. c.
3. b.
4. a

Exercise 4
• Divide pupils into small groups. Ask them to read the words in the list.
• Have the pupils fill the correct word in the suitable space.
• Walk round, help if necessary.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
1. visit 2. play 3. works 4. goes
Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and read the words.
• Ask them to work in pairs, fill in the blanks with the correct letters, then
match the words with the suitable pictures.
• Move around, check their answers and help if necessary.
• Ask individual pupils to say their correct answers.

1. rain 2. flower 3. kite 4. yoyo 5. queen 6. tomato

Exercise 6

• Use suitable visual aids to revise the alphabet.

• Ask them to read the words then reorder them accurately as the
alphabetical order.
• Tell them to write in pairs the correct words in each space.
• Go round the class and check their answers.
1. aunt 2. cake 3.kite 5.zoo

Unit 21
Fun Time
To teach new colours " pink –purple-…..
To teach new vocabulary about appearance.
To teach expressing possession using "I've got…..""who's got ……?".

Who's got black hair?
She's got a red mask.
I've got a pink dress.
Asking and answering with "who's got?".
Using adjectives.

Target vocabulary
pink- purple- crown- mask- pants- fun- party- clown.

"w" sound – "v" sound.

Visual aids/ flash cards/ realia about party.
Audio files (student book ex. 1-2)(activity book ex.1)
Student book unit 21- activity book unit 21


• Use flash cards or realia to present the new vocabulary.

• Revise the adjectives (big- small- tall- short - long) by miming.
• Present the structures "I've got- he's/ she's got a red bag", using real things.
• Present the question" who's got …?" by asking about the pupils' things e.g:
pens- bags- jackets…..
• Pupils repeat them in groups and individually.
• Illustrate the meaning of fun party by showing visual aids.
• Have pupils look at the pictures in the book and guess what the characters are
disguised as.

Exercise 1
• Prepare them for listening, play the audio for the first time all the way through ,
then play it a second time, pausing after each sentence for them to repeat.
• Let them repeat in groups and individually.
Audio script
Look Dan! these are the photos of our party.
Wow ! I love fun parties.
This is my cousin Laura.
She's got a yellow crown and a purple dress.
Who's got the red mask?
Mark has.
He's got black trousers.
Who's that? He's funny!
He is Rick .
He's got a long nose and big shoes.
Where are you Rony?
Here I am! I've got big ears and a small hat.
I am the clown.

Exercise 2:
• Have pupils look at the pictures then tell them to match the sentences with the
• Prepare them for listening, play the audio the first time, pause after each
sentence for them to match, then play it again all the way through.
• Check their answers.

Audio script.
1- She's got a yellow crown.
2- He's got a black mask.
3- She's got a small hat.
4- He's got purple trousers.

Exercise 3:
• Have pupils look at the picture of the three clowns then read the dialogue.
• Invite a pupil to come to the front, ask and answer about the picture (teacher-
pupil) (pupil- teacher).
• Have them ask and answer (pupil- pupil).

Extra activity
Bring a photo of someone and let pupils describe it.

Exercise 4:
• Divide them into groups to play the game.
• Illustrate that they should look at the people in the cards for a few minutes
and memorize them.
• Prepare them for the game, show them the cards then hide them and start
asking" who's got….?".
• Praise the winner.

Exercise 5
• Revise the sounds v- w .
• Use flashcards to introduce the words.
• Tell them they are going to match the words with the letters.
• Play the audio , pausing after each word.
• Check the matching, then pupils repeat the words chorally then individually.

Audio file
V van – vase
W watch- window

Activity book.
Exercise 1
• Illustrate that they will listen and tick the correct picture.
• Give them time to look at the pictures.
• Play the audio pausing after each sentence for the first time,then play it again
all the way through.
• Check the answers.
Audio script.
1- He's got big ears.
2- She's got a dress.
3- He's got a crown.

Exercise 2
• Illustrate that they are going to circle the words between brackets according to the
• Have them read the sentences one by one individually and circle the words.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Correct their answers.
1- mask
2- long
3- crown

Exercise 3
• Ask them to look at the pictures and name them.
• Illustrate that they should find letters from the shape to complete the words
then say them.
• Put them in groups; go around monitoring and helping if needed.
• Check their work.

1- crown
2- trousers
3- mask
4- dress

Exercise 4
• Illustrate that they will read the sentences and colour the clown according to them.
• Go around and help if needed.
• Check their work.

Exercise 5
• Tell the pupils that they are going to write the words in the table according to
the v- w sounds .
• Do the first example then help them to work in pairs.
• Go around and check their answers.
W v
window van
Watch vase
Snow Steve

Exercise 6.
• Standing with your back to the class, write the letters in the air or use clay, let them do
the same.
• Write letters w- v on the board.
• Help them trace and copy the letters and words
• Go around and check.

Unit 22
Get Well Soon
To teach new vocabulary about illnesses
To ask and answer questions about illnesses
What's the matter ? I've got a toothache.
Have you got headache ?Yes, I have. /No, I haven't
Describing illnesses
Target vocabulary
fever, cold, earache, toothache, headache, sore-throat, get well
All the previous sounds
Pupil's book- unit 22
Activity book- unit 22
Visual aids: flashcards, wall charts
Audio files: Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1-2-5)
Workbook. Exercise No. (2)
• Use flashcards, body language, real situations to introduce the new

• Ask a pupil to act in front of the class one of the previous illnesses (ask
him/her to put his /her hand on his/ her cheeck and cry ) then tell the
class: What's the matter ?, then say : He's/She's got a toothache.

• Have the class repeat the vocabulary and the structures chorally.
Exercise 1
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the audio, then play the
audio all the way through once.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and ask the
class to repeat in groups then individually.
Audio script
What's the matter ?

I've got a toothache.

Has she got a fever ?

No, she hasn’t.

I 've got a sore throat .

He's got an earache.

I've got a cold.

Have you got cough ?

Yes, I have.
Exercise 2

• Ask about the pictures.

• Revise the vocabulary and the structures if necessary.

• Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class.

• Start asking and answering (teacher-pupil), then (pupil-teacher).

• Have all the pupils ask and answer in pairs (pupil- pupil).

• Go around, checking their work.

• Ask two pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.
Extra activity
• Divide the class into groups, then distribute the flashcards of the
previous illnesses to guess the word (miming game).

Exercise 3

• Tell the class they are going to listen to the audio once to circle the
correct answer.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each number, giving them
time to choose the right answer.

• Go around, checking their work.

Audio script
1- Has he got a headache?

Yes , he has .

2-Has she got a sore throat ?

No, she hasn’t .

1- No, he hasn't.

2-Yes, she has.

Exercise 4
• Tell the class they are going to listen to a song.

• Use your aids (the picture-gestures-body language…) to introduce the

new vocabulary(scrub- go away-soap).

• Play the audio file all the way through once.

• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence to let the class
repeat chorally then individually.

• Encourage the class to sing the song with music only.

Audio script
Wash, wash, wash
wash your hands,

many times a day.

Scrub your hands,

with water and soap.
Bacteria, go away.

Exercise 5
• Revise the alphabets using the flashcards.

• Have the pupils work in groups to join some letters together to form as
many words as they can. Each letter can be used more than once.

• Do an example for the class.

• Have them present their answers.

Answers vary
Extra activity

• Divide the class into groups as a competition. The group which writes
the most number of words, is the winner.
Exercise 1
• Revise the previous structures if necessary.

• Have the class listen to the audio, read each sentence and match it with
the correct picture.

• Have them check their answers in pairs.

Audio script
1- Sally has got a cough.

2- I've got a headache.

3- I've got a sore throat.

4- She's got a toothache.

5- He's got an earache.
Exercise 2
• Ask about the people in the pictures.
• Tell the class they are going to read and tick the correct answer

• Have pupils check the correct answers in pairs.

1-Yes, he has. 2- Yes, he has.

Exercise 3

• Revise the structures if necessary.

• Do an example in front of the class by asking a pupil to come to
the front.

• Show him one of the illness flashcards.

• Ask about it and encourage him to answer it. (teacher- pupil),

then (pupil- teacher).

• Ask the class to do the exercise in pairs.

• Go around to check and correct their work.

Exercise 4
• Ask about the pictures.

• Tell the class they are going to work in groups to find the words
related to the pictures and write them.

• Walk around and check their work.

• Present their answers on the board.

sore throat doctor cough earache

Exercise 5
• Divide pupils into groups to sort and write the words according to their
initial letters (d) or (t).
• Present their answers on the board.
D: door-doll- desk- dress
T: table - tablet

Unit 23
What's the weather like?
To teach new vocabulary about the weather
To ask and answer about the weather.
To describe the weather: It's (sunny , cloudy)
To teach pupils how to make suggestions using' let's…….'
What’s the weather like? It’s rainy.
Talking about weather conditions
Target vocabulary
weather, cloudy, rainy , sunny, windy , snowy, sky, snowman
Revision of the previous sounds
Pupil's book, unit 23
Activity book, unit 23
Visual aids: Flash cards of weather conditions.
Audio files : Pupil's book. Exercise No. (1, 2, 4, 5)
Activity Book .Exercise No.(2, 4)
• Present the weather words using flashcards.

• Have pupils repeat the vocabulary after you chorally and individually .

• Point to a picture of rainy weather and ask 'What's the weather like ?'.
Then elicit the answer ' It's rainy'.

• Do this with several pictures asking pupils to repeat the questions and
answers in groups.

Present 'let's…..' by giving many examples.

Extra activity
Put the flashcards of weather on the board. Ask a pair of pupils to
match the pictures with the weather words.

Exercise 1
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures .

• Play the audio all the way through then play it again pausing after each
sentence for them to repeat chorally.

• Have many pupils read.

Audio script
What's the weather like?
It's sunny.
Let's play in the park.
Oh! it's windy. I can't catch the ball.
Look at the sky .It's cloudy.
It's rainy . Let's go home.
It's snowy outside.
Horray! Let's make a snowman.
Exercise 2
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

• Play the audio the first time pausing after each word for them to match
then play it again all the way through.
• Check their work encouraging them to say the words.

Audio script
snowy windy sunny rainy cloudy
Exercise 3
• Ask the pupils about the pictures .

• Start asking and answering as in the example ( teacher- pupil ).

• Then the pupil asks the question and the teacher answers( pupil-

• All pupils ask and answer in groups ( pupil- pupil ).

• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 4
• Revise the weather vocabulary if needed.
• Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to a song.

• Play the song all the way through once or twice.

• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the class to

• play the audio all the way through and let pupils sing along.

• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script‫ مالحظة‬: ‫بحيث يصبح (إعادة ترقيم الملف الصوتي للتمرين الرابع‬4 ‫بدل‬5)
The rain comes down,
down down down.
The sun comes up,
up up up.
What's the weather like?
It's sunny.
sunny sunny sunny.
What's the weather like?
It's cloudy,
cloudy cloudy cloudy.
Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to name the pictures.

• Tell them to listen to the audio and circle the initial letter as they hear

• Play the audio a second time to check their answers.

Check the answers with the class.

c z f n

Audio script
cup zebra frog nine

Activity book
Exercise 1
• Revise the days of the week.

• Tell pupils to look at the pictures.

• Have them listen to the audio and number the pictures.

• Play the audio pausing after each sentence. Play the audio again to
check their answers .

Audio script
1- Today is Friday. It's windy.
2- Today is Sunday. It's cloudy.
3- Today is Wednesday. It's sunny.
4- Today is Monday. It's snowy.
Exercise 2
• Revise the seasons of the year.
• Have pupils work in pairs to read the sentences and draw what the
weather is like in each season.

• Go around the class and check what they are drawing.

Exercise 3
• Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the audio and match the
suitable sentences.

• Play the audio the first time pausing after each sentence then play it
again all the way through.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script

1- It's windy……… Let's fly a kite.

2- It's snowy……… Let's make a snowman.
3- It's rainy……… Let's take the umbrella.
4- It's sunny………Let's play in the garden.
Exercise 4
• Explain that the pupils are going to reorder the letters .

• Do the first item with the class.

• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and form the correct words.

• Give pupils time to complete the task individually.

• Check the answers as a class.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures then read the words .

• Let them work in pairs to trace the correct word for each picture.

• Go around the class and help if necessary .

• Check the answers with the class.

sunny snowy windy rainy
Exercise 6
• Ask pupils to name the pictures.

• Have them work in pairs to fill the missing letters and match the words
with the suitable pictures.

• Go around the class monitoring and helping.

• Check the answers with the class.

axe nuts fridge okra lollipop

Unit 24
• To teach new vocabulary about hobbies.
• To teach Yes/No questions about hobbies
• What's your hobby? I like swimming.
• Do you like tennis? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
• Talking about hobbies.
• Talking about likes and dislikes.
Target vocabulary:
• hobby/ shells/ chess/ photos/ drawing/ collecting.
Phonics: Revise previous phonics.
Visual aids: flashcards/ pictures/ photos
Pupil's Book unit 24
Activity Book unit 24
Audio script:
PB ex 1/ ex 5 'song'/
AB ex 1/ ex 4
• Start by talking about your hobby.
• Tell them about what you like and dislike by using photos and

Exercise 1
• Ask the pupils to look at the pictures of Ex. 1. Ask them to tell you about
each picture.
• Have them listen to the audio of Ex. 1. Play the audio all the way through.
• Play the audio a second time, pausing after each dialogue. Ask pairs to do
the dialogues in front of the class.

Audio script

1-I like swimming.

What's your hobby, Mark?
I like playing tennis.
2-What's tour hobby, Judy?
I like collecting shells.
3-What's your hobby?
I like taking photos, and you?
I like reading books.
4-Do you like playing chess?
Yes, I do.
5-Do you like playing basketball?
No, I don't. I like playing tennis.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Ex. 2 and tell you about what they
can see.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and do the dialogue with you (teacher-
• Ask another pupil to take turn and ask you (pupil-teacher).
• Ask pairs to do the dialogues about their hobbies. Encourage them to
use different hobbies.

Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to read the sentences of column A.
• Tell them to look at the first picture of column B and tell you about it.
• Have them match each sentence with the correct picture in pairs. You
can do an example with the pupils.
• Give them time to do the exercise. Move around and help if necessary.
• Listen and check their answers.

Exercise 4
• Ask pupils to look at the picture of Ex 4. Explain that they are playing a
guessing game about hobbies.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front and do an example with you (teacher).
• Then pupils can do this game in pairs or in groups.
• The first pupil to guess the hobby takes turn to ask the others about
another hobby.

• Revise with the pupils the hobbies.
• Tell the class that they are going to listen to a song about hobbies.
• Play the song all the way through once or twice.
• Play the song again, pausing at the end of each line for the pupils to
• Play the audio all the way through and let the pupils sing along.
• Pupils sing the song with music only.

Audio script
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
Ride a bike
Ride a bike
What do you like to do?
What do you like to do?
Play chess
Play chess

Activity book
Exercise 1
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Ex 1. Tell them that they are going
to listen to the sentences and tick the correct picture.
• Play the audio all the way through once and ask them to listen carefully.
Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and giving
them time to tick the correct pictures in pairs.
• Go round the classroom and check their answers.

Audio script
1- We like playing chess.
2- I like running.
3- I like collecting shells.

Exercise 2
• Ask pupils to look at the first picture of Ex. 2 and tell you about it. Ask
them to read the sentence of the first picture.
• Tell them to circle in pairs the correct word that matches the picture.
• Tell them to do the same with the other pictures. Give them time to do
the activity.
• Move around, check their answers and help if necessary.
• Ask individual pupils to say their correct sentences.

Exercise 3
• Ask pupils to look at the faces of Ex 3 and tell you about them.
• Tell pupils that they are going to write individually their words either
'like' or 'don't like'.
• Go round and check their answers.

Exercise 4

• Revise with the pupils Yes/No questions.

• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Ex 4 and tell you about them.
• Have them listen to the sentences and tick the correct ones.
• Play the audio all the way through once and ask them to listen carefully.
Play the audio a second time, pausing after each sentence and giving
them time to tick the correct ones.
• Go round the classroom and check their answers.

Audio script
1. Sally likes reading stories.
2. He likes football.
3. She likes swimming.

Exercise 5
• Ask pupils to look at the letters of Ex. 5.
• Tell them to work in pairs to form as many words as they can from these
letters as in the example 'car'.
• They can use the letters more than once.
• Ask the pairs to say their words. Write their correct words on the board.

Exercise 6
• Revise with the pupils their favourite hobbies.
• Ask pupils to draw their favourite hobbies in the space. They can colour
their hobbies.
• Tell them to write down their favourite hobbies.
• Ask individual pupils to read their sentences.

Phonics Corner 5
To pronounce the short and long vowel 'u'
To pronounce words with 'u'
duck, mug, cube, cute
flashcards, pictures..
Audio files: phonics corner 5 EX.(1-2- 3)

Exercise 1
• Introduce the new vocabulary using visual aids.

• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio.

• Ask the pupils to point to the pictures while they are listening to the
audio for the first time all the way through.

• Let pupils listen to the sound 'u'and the wordsto repeat them in groups
then individually.

Audio script
u: duck mug cube cute
Exercise 2
• Tell the pupils to listen to the audio and circle the pictures in each row
with the same vowel sound.

• Play the audio a second time to check their answers.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script

duck bus

cube tube

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils to listen to the audio and circle the words with the same

• Play the audio the first time all the way through.

• Play the audio a second time to check their answers in pairs.

• Check the answers with the class.

Audio script

duck / sun run
cube/mute cute

Unit 25
Revision 5

• To revise previous learnt vocabulary.
• To revise describing clothes/people / illnesses.
• To revise weather conditions /hobbies/likes and dislikes.
• To revise previous learnt "Wh-questions".
• To revise asking and answering Yes/No questions.

Functions: Revision of the previous functions

Target vocabulary: Revision of previous vocabulary.
Structure: Revision of previous structures.
Phonics: Revision of the previous sounds
Pupil’s Book, unit 25
Activity Book, unit 25
Visual aids: Realia or flash cards.
Audio files:
Pupils book Exercise no. {3}
Activity book Exercise no. {1}

Exercise 1

• Use suitable flashcards to revise clothes, colours and numbers related to Ex 1.

• Ask pupils to tell you what they can see in the picture.
• Read each sentence with the class then tell them to work in pairs and tick the
correct sentences.
• Go around and help if necessary.
• Check the answers with the whole class.

Exercise 2
• Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to mime the activities related to
illnesses. Ask them about the pictures encourage the pupils to answer.
• Have them read and match the correct answers with the pictures.
• Walk round, help if necessary.
• Have pupils check their answers in pairs.

1-b 2- c 3- d 4- a

Exercise 3
• Tell the pupils that they are going look at the pictures then listen and
tick the correct picture.
• Play the audio after each sentence for the first time, then play it again all
the way through .
• Check the answers.

Audio script
1- I like swimming.
2- I like reading.
3- I like drawing

Exercise 4
• Revise the weather vocabulary if needed.
• Start asking the pupils about the weather (teacher – pupils).
• Then the pupil asks the question and the teacher answer (pupil –
• All pupils ask and answer in group (pupil – pupil).
• Ask pairs of pupils to ask and answer in front of the class.

Exercise 5
• Have pupils work in pairs, look at the pictures which represent the
seasons, then they complete the table writing the correct words.
• Walk round and help if necessary.

Exercise 6
• Tell the pupils that they are going to make two masks a happy face to
talk about things they like and a sad one to talk about things they don't
• Tell them that they need pencils, colours, coloured paper and scissors.
• Show them a sample of the project reading the two sentences putting
the suitable mask.
• Ask the pupils to work in groups helping each other drawing, painting,
and cutting the shapes.
• Walk round the class and help if necessary.
• Pupils present their final work to the class using the masks to say their
own sentences.

Activity Book
Exercise 1
• Have pupils read the sentences.
• Tell pupils that they are going to listen and circle the correct answers
• Play the audio pausing after each sentence for pupils to choose.
• Play the audio a second time for pupils to check their answers in pairs.

Audio script:
1-Alex likes playing chess.
2-Tom likes swimming.
3-We like playing football.

Exercise 2
• Revise weather adjectives if necessary.
• Have pupils work in pairs, read the words and write them in the correct
place according to the symbol.
• Go round and check their answers.


Exercise 3
• Have pupils look at the pictures.
• Have them read and match the sentences with the pictures.
• Walk round, help if necessary.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.

1- d
2- c
3- b
4- a

Exercise 4
• Have pupils read the words in the list.
• Have them sort the words under the correct title in pairs.
• Walk around and help if necessary and check their answers.

Hobbies: swimming - drawing
Weather: cloudy - snowy
Clothes: dress – trousers
Exercise 5
• Have pupils read the words in the list.
• Have them order the words according to the alphabetical order in pairs
• Walk around and help if necessary.
• Check their answers.

ant . cold . head . key. pants . zoo

Exercise 6

• Have the pupils look at the sample then complete the sentences about
themselves individually.
• Check their answers.
• Have pupils present their work to the class.

The end

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