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Lec 52

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Problem Solving through Programming In C

Prof. Anupam Basu

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 52
Trapezoidal Rule and Runge-Kutta Method

In this lecture, we will be looking at another numerical method technique; we will actually look
at two. First, we look at integration, how we can integrate a function, there are several methods
for doing that. We will look at only one method and you can after that; you can look up at for
other methods. Next will proceed to see, how ordinary differential equation can be solved using
numerical techniques using program. So, first of all let us start with integration.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:52)

Now, all of you know; what integration means given a particular function integration is say I
have got a function like this and I want to integrate. Suppose this function is f x and I want to
integrate it within the range a and b. So, we write that as integral a to b of f x and you also know
that this integration actually means the area that is under this curve. This value is the integration.
So, we will look at how we can solved this problem. The simplest a very simple method is a
trapezoidal method which will discuss here.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:48)

Let me go back to this this case. Now, you can see that I can approximate this curve in a very
simplistic case using a trapezoid. So, I have got a trapezoid here, let me draw in blue. So, the
area under this trapezoid is approximating the area under the curve, but that is becoming possible
here (except for this error) because the curve was very much not very skewed in that sense, but if
the curve where something like this.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:41)

If it was something like this and I was trying to integrate it between these rangers then if I had
fitted a trapezoid here, then the amount of error would be much more because I will be
committing errors at this points. I am not considering this, I am over considering this points, etc.

So, the error will be more. So, it is not always the case that a simple trapezoid, one single
trapezoid will solve, but let us start with that and try to understand how we can go ahead with the
problem. So, the area under the curve in this particular curve as you can see here, this particular
curve that has gone through this is a trapezoid, under the curve is a trapezoid. This part if I
assumed to be a trapezoid in that case the integral of f x d x is the area of the trapezoid and we
know that the area of a trapezoid is not nothing but half the sum of the parallel sides; that means,
f a plus f b divided by the height.

Now, if I look at it these are the parallel sides then the height is this - b minus a, this amount,
right. So, this is a known result therefore, I can see if I can approximate a curve by a single
trapezoid in this way, b minus a times f a, f b plus f a by 2 or f a plus f b by 2, but of course, we
will see that there can be errors due to this approximation, but this is a simple formula which we
can quickly compute. It is very easy to write a program for that, you have got a function that will
compute the curve. So, you call it for a and call it for b and compute this expression, you will get
the integral all right.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:56)

So, here is an example why is it important suppose a vertical distance is covered by a rocket
from time 8 to 30. So, my timeline is from 8 seconds to 30 seconds is given by this formula. So,
the vertical distance overall, the total vertical distances is this is - a complicated formula. Now
using single segment trapezoidal rule, let us try to find the distance covered.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:39)

So, we know for 8 and for 30, if I compute this function (this was my function).

So, for f 8, my function is yielding this value and for f 30, the function is yielding, this value. We
can compute, using your calculator you can find it out but you need not do right now. So, you
can compute the values at these 2 points because this is the overall function. So, this is the f 8
and f 30. So, what will be my integral? My integral will therefore, be 30 minus 8, b minus a , f a
plus ab by 2.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:22)

So, that is coming to 11868 meter, the distance covered is this, but however, the exact value; if
you computed the exact value if you do a detailed computation will be 11061 meter. So, there is
an error; obviously, there is an error because I have approximated the curve using a trapezoid.
Now, let us see how great is the error .So, we can see that the true error is minus 807 meter,
right; that is quite significant 800 meters and the absolute relative error which is the actual error
ie true value and the computed value and divided by the true value you find that I am getting
more than 7 percent error, how can you better it ?

(Refer Slide Time: 07:30)

So, our answer will be instead of fitting in a single trapezoid, I can try to fit in more than one
trapezoid here like something like this - I fit in one trapezoid here, I fit in another trapezoid here
and hereby I can approximate, I can minimise my error to some extent.

So, here; what we are trying to do instead of taking 8 and 30 and fitting in one trapezoid for the
whole thing what we are trying to do is we are fitting in one trapezoid for 8 to 19 and other for
19 to 30. So, now, again using the same formula we find then here is one 19 to 8 to 19, this is the
integral plus the other trapezoid is giving me this. So, I am fitting in 2 trapezoids now.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:45)

So, if I do that; then let us see whether the result is being bettered? So, I compute f 8 at f 30 and f
19 and compute both of these values, the areas under the curve here and here and the result is
11266 meters. Now how far is it from the actual?

(Refer Slide Time: 09:10)

Now you can see that the true error has reduced from 807 meters to 205 meters.So, that tells us
that if we can extend this procedure and fitting more and smaller but more number of trapezoids
my error will come down further still. (Refer Slide Time: 09:34)

The multiple segment trapezoidal rule; therefore, is that we divide into equal segments. So here
is one trapezoid here is another trapezoid here is another trapezoid and here is another trapezoid.
I am getting 4 trapezoids here and trying to formulate this. I can do that in this way. So, the
integral is this whole thing which will be a sum of these trapezoids. Remember these lines, these
distance is the same. So, I am dividing b minus a by some particular value n and that is my h.So,
this is h, this is h,this is h like that I am going for equidistant points and drawing the trapezoid
from there.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:41)

So, therefore, if I follow this, as is shown in this way, the trapezoidal rule can be written as
integral from a to b is sum of half fn plus fn plus 1; that is f a plus f b by 2 times the particular
distance that is there, x o x 1 minus a, x 2 minus x 1. Usually do it in the equidistant way.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:15)

Ok. So, now, multi segment trapezoidal rule is therefore, an integral I which can be broken
down, this is simple. From a to a plus h, I can have f x d x, a plus h to a plus 2 h f x d x plus a
plus n minus 2 h to a plus n minus 1 h f x d x a plus n minus 1 h to b.

So, all the segment serving as it together. Applying this I get this formula b by a divided by 2 n
because 2 is coming n times. So, f a plus f b plus 2 into f a plus ih because that is coming twice
here once and here once, you see here if a plus h will come then here a plus h will come right .

(Refer Slide Time: 12:13)

So, using this let us do the example again the same thing using 2 segment Trapezoidal rule, we
could find that the error is coming down.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:19)

(Refer Slide Time: 12:23)

(Refer Slide Time: 12:24)

We have already seen that the true value of error is coming down.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:28)

And the absolute relative error has come to 1.853.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:23)

So, now let us come to c programming, straightway; how can we encode it using a c program,
you see here. So, I am reproducing the result here again.

So, integral of f x d x between a and b will be h by 2 f a plus 2 f a plus h plus 2 f a plus 2 h, why
this 2 is coming because in the first zone f a and f a plus h second zone f a plus h plus f a plus 2
h. So, each of these intermediate points are coming twice, that is why this is 2 and I have got this
formula. Now, as a c programmer, your task is very simple you see here that I have defined n, i
whatever. I am asking the user for the necessary inputs. how many number of subintervals that
you want to have? The initial limit a, you are reading the initial limit b, all those things you are

Now, the integral computation is done here. What is being done? I am finding out the absolute
value of b ( b minus a divided by n and I am taking the absolute value of that) because it could
have gone on the other side also. So, now, here I am just computing the sum, what sum? This
part. Initially x is a plus i h, sum is sum plus f x. So, next time, it is becoming 2,I am adding all
those things here. So, here I am in a loop, I am doing a plus i h initially i is 1. So, 1 h, 2 h like
that I am going on.

Ultimately and I am completing the sum here, some plus f x and note that f x is a separate
function that is being kept somewhere here and then ultimately I find the sum; sum is these
things - a plus h these points. Now integral is h by 2- this part, f a plus f b plus f a plus f b plus
twice the sum a plus a h, a plus 2 h, a plus k h like that t a plus i h has been completed inside this
loop and that I had with 2 here and here is my integral. So, that is the trapezoidal rule.

The program is so simple, if you understand the concep. Next we will move to another very
important engineering computation that is needed in solving ordinary differential equations.
Quickly lets all of you know what a differential equation is.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:42).

We will in particular look at Runge Kutta fourth order method and here I will show examples
that you can also find in this site of University of South Florida, numerical methods and I have
taken the slides from them with the permission. Now you see how to write an ordinary
differential equation. Now an ordinary differential equation you know -it is d y d x f x y .

(Refer Slide Time: 16:02)

So how do I write it? I write it as suppose this is something that is given, d y d x plus 2 y is 1.3
into e power minus x and what is this part? This is the initial condition. Now this can be
rewritten as (just by changing the directions because I have to bring it to this form) d y d x is 1.3
e minus x minus 2 y. So, in this case we will assume that our f x y , there is a d y d x which is 1.3
- this thing ten e to the power minus x minus 2 y this is our differential equation that we will
have to solve. (Refer Slide Time: 17:18)
So, for d y d x, the Runge Kutta fourth order method,( I am not going into the derivation of it for
positive of time and you can always look at look into this at any website or you can look at any
numerical method textbook) takes 4 terms and if this is the expression, given this d y d x my task
of solving a differential equation is to find a particular y, right?So, what we are trying to do y i
plus 1 is y i; some particular y i plus 1 by 6 followed by a term and what is that term k 1 plus 2 k
2 plus 2 k 3 plus k 4 - this whole thing multiplied by h. H is the again the sampling that is the
distance between the individual points that we looked at; now what is k 1?

When I am taking for y i, f x i y i - that particular function is k 1. What is k 2 ? Suppose there

is a curve. Now I have been given the slope, I do not know the curve. If know the curve then I
can find out the value of any particular y i plus 1 given any y i. Now given any y i, I am trying to
guess the curve, right? I am trying to solve the curve. So, x i was here, x i plus half h, I am taking
whatever was my h, I am taking half of h and what is the y part of this function y i plus half of k
1 h.

So, because k 1 was f i, k 1 was the function that was giving y given an x. So, I am taking this.
What is k 3? This part is same, x i plus half h, but this part is now becoming much more
predictive. So, it is half of k 2 h ; that means, whatever has been completed here times h and k 4
is x i plus h, the last one is x i plus h because I am trying to solve the equation within this zone h.
So, x i plus h, i start with x i and this is x i plus h times k 3 h. Here there is no half. Now this
derivation you can look at, but ultimately I multiply it with 1 by 6.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)

So, given this Runge Kutta formula let us quickly look at an example, that we have a nice thing
to look at.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:43)

Suppose a ball is at 1200 Kelvin and is allowed to cool down in air in an ambient temperature of
300 Kelvin. So, here the ball was heated and the air is cooling it down. Assuming that the heat is
lost only due to radiation the differential equation for the temperature is given here. This one,
where theta 0; we know the initial condition is 1200 Kelvin. Find the temperature at t 480. So,
what is my x i? So, now, if I assume a step size of 240, I want to find out the temperature at 480.
So, suppose it was at a particular temperature after 480 seconds.

So, here is the time, it was at 1200 and I have got some radiation formula using which it is
coming down. So, I want to find out what would the temperature be at 480 seconds from the
starting point where it was at 1200 degree Kelvin. I want to find out this temperature. That is the
y i I want to find out ,given the slope of this differential equation.
So, assuming a step size of each to be 240, if I take half of this then 240 then d theta d t, you can
compute that, here. So, my formula will be theta i plus k 1 plus 2 k 2 plus 2 k 3 plus k 4 divided
by 6 times h; that is the Runge Kutta formula. So, that is what I want to find out .

(Refer Slide Time: 22:59)

So step 1 - you see, I am not going into all these calculations, but I am finding out the value of k
1. I am finding out the value of k 2 using this value of k 1, k 1 is being used here and I find out
the value of k 2. Again the value of k 2 is being used here, I find out the value of k 3 and k 3 is
being used here I find out the value of k 4, I find out those values manually

.(Refer Slide Time: 23:36)

So, the solution therefore, the theta 0 was 1200; initial condition and here I put in the values of
this times h; h was 240. So, I have taken it at the midpoint. So, I find that the temperature that
would be would be 675.65; that is the approximate temperature at 240. So, this will be the value
at 240. Next I have to find out at 480. So, what would I do?

(Refer Slide Time: 24:18)

Step 2; I have taken had half point, I found out now my initial value theta 0 is changing.
Now, again do the same thing - find out k 1,find out k 2, find out k 3, find out k 4. Now with this
initial condition (using the same function ) what will be h; h will be again 240 because I have to
find it out at 480 degree temperature.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:55)

So, now, I find out that using theta on is now 675.65 that is approximate value that I got earlier
and I compute this. I find out using the same Runge Kutta method that this is the approximate
temperature at at 480 seconds which is 594.91 degree Kelvin . This is how we apply Runge
Kutta method and it’s very useful.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:30)

So, the exact solution of the differential equation is 647.57, if I solve it now, we got it, it was
how much 594.91 and 594.91.

So, it was not very far. It around 50 degree Kelvin, that is certainly an approximation.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:55)

So, now we have understood; what is Runge Kutta method.

Now, I want to write a c program for it. Again you might find the approach to be mathematically
very novel maybe intricate, you may find some initial difficulty in understanding, but I am sure
you will understand it very fast, but you will see that encoding it as a c program is or as a
program is really simple. Now you are learning C, in future will be using MATLAB and other
things, you will be able to solve it very easily, I am showing you the c solution here. On this side,
I have kept what we learnt till now, y i plus 1; that means, in our case the temperature at 480
degree, it is temperature at 240 degree plus this and k 1 is f x y, k 2 is f x i ,this one f x i plus half
h plus y i plus half k 1 h etc.

So, now let us look at the program we have got the math function and everything ready. Now
somehow this function has to be written. Now this function , here its being shown as a very
simple function, it can be any function, the differential equation function, the earlier functions
that we have shown or the thelog function which you will have to write. So, here is an example
of a simple function; x minus y by x plus y. With the dy dx given, that will come in this function.
So, now, you see here I did how many times? And h value, x 0 x 1 value, all these things I read.
Now the key things comes here, this is the implementation of the Runge Kutta method. So, very
simple, you see, I am computing k 1, k one is f x 0 y 0.

So, I am coming to this function computing x 0 y 0, then I am going back computing k 2 for x 0
plus h by 2. h has been read . This h has been read, then y 0 plus m 1, I am sorry, here it should
be k 1 , this would be k 2, all these m’s you should read it as k. This is k 3, , this is k 2 times h.
So, actually we are computing this thing straight way and then y is assigned y plus k h.

So, it will be this statement will be y plus k h and x plus h. I am incrementing x and going on. I
am doing it for 2 intervals till I come over here. So, I ultimately come to this print f and I print
the value of y for a particular x; that is the Runge Kutta. So, this is in a straight way amenable to
some c program and for each of these f’s, you are calling the function every time,.
So, this is the Runge Kutta method for solving a differential equation. So, I will encourage you to
look at other methods of a integration like Simpsons one third rule which is a very popular
method. This is known as Runge Kutta fourth order method because we are taking 4 terms, here,
but this works very well for most of the engineering problems. So, I will encourage you to write
programs on this and later on hence forth, we will move to another interesting aspect that is
known as recursion a new style of programming which will take up in the next lecture.

Thank you.

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