- What other problems did the Americans face during the Vietnam war?
The use of inexperienced troops
Low morale
Declining support in south Vietnam
Aid from Asian countries
- Why did the usa withdraw from the Vietnam war?
the tet offensive was a major turning point on the war that made people question
the cost of the war. In response, the my lai massacre happened which caused more
effect riots and disapproval in America, and disagreement from the Vietnamese.
With loss of morale , disagreement from public, and thousands of lives lost
- Results of the war
Within two years of the end of the war, south Vietnam fell to the communists, as did
cambodia and laos. During 1975 communist troops took south Vietnam including the
capital, Saigon. During 1976 north and south Vietnam were reunited as a single
communist ruled by ho chi minh.
Hungarian resistance to soviet power
- Causes of the rebellion
- Reason for changes
In June 1956 workers in Poland had risen against Soviet rule and demanded change.
After a tense few weeks, Russia had given in to some of their demands. This gave
people hope in Hungary that the same would happen there
Hungarians Thought that the UN or Eisenhower would help them after he made
supportive comments in speeches
Resistance to soviet powe
Pro-Soviet communists seized control of Czechoslovakia’s democratic government
in 1948.
In January 1968, Novotny was replaced as first secretary by Alexander Dubcek
- Prague spring
Czechoslovakia had been a communist country, controlled by Moscow, sincethe end
of World War Two.
In 1968 the Czech people attempted to exert some control over their own lives and
reform the communist system to create ‘socialism with a human face’
- Ignition of the prague spring
Weak economy
Lack of personal freedom
Thought the usa would support them
- Response
Soviet forces Dubcek out of power and re-establish control of Czechoslovakia
They fear that other satellite states might follow
Soviet leaders worried of the increasing reforms in Czechoslovakia
- Brezhnev doctrine
Concerned that the new ideas formed by Czechoslovakia would spread
- His policy
A one-party system in each country
All countriws were to remain members of the warsaw pact
Berlin wall
- Background
The berlin wall, which stood between 1961 to 1989 was built by the German
Democratic republic during the cold war to prevent its population from escaping
soviet-controlled east berlin to west berlin
- Why were people leaving from east to west?
To improve living conditions and opportunities
Political reasons
Collapse of the soviet empire
- The role of other countries
Poland: Poland solidarity movement paved the way for later democratic reforms
Hungary: parliament passed a ‘democracy package’ after the 1956 uprising
East Germany: Gorbachev’s visit to east Germany inspired the government there to
repress a popular movement
Romania: leader Ceausescu ordered protesters to be fired upon and forced to flee
Gorbachev’s policies
He was a former president of the soviet \
Tackle corruption and alcoholism
Attempting to modernize the soviet union’s economy
Reformed the country
- Glasnost
More freedom for the media, allowing news to be transmitted of government
It aims is to referring “openness and transparency”, a commitment of the
Gorbachev’s administration to allowing soviet citizens to discuss publicly
- Perestroika
Led to a series of economic, political, and cultural reforms that aimed to
make the soviet economy a more modern and efficient
- Collapse of soviet union
His decision to allow elections with a multi-party system and create a
presidency for the soviet union began a slow process of democratization that
eventually destabilized communist control and contributed to the collapse of
the soviet union