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CU v. DHS (Disinformation Governance Board - Production #1)

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Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Homeland Security November 22, 2022 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: w Wilson J. Olsen 370 Maple Avenue West, Suite 4 Vienna, VA 22180 Re: Citizens United v. DHS (22-cv-02019) (2022-HQLI-00057) (Original Case 2022-HQFO- 01007) Dear William Olsen: ‘This is an interim response to Citizens United Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Privacy Office, dated October 19, 2020. For this production, DHS processed for release 340 pages, of which 30 pages are released in full, 140 pages are partially withheld, and 62 pages are withheld in full, pursuant to FOIA ‘exemption (b)(5) and (b)(6). Three pages are duplicates and 15 pages are non-responsive to the request. An additional 90 pages have been sent to other agencies for further consultation prior to release. The 232 pages for release are Bates stamped DHS-001-02019-000001 to DHS-001- 02019-00232. Ifyou have any questions regarding this release, please contact Assistant U.S. Attomey, Kenneth Adebonojo, United States Attomey's Office, District of Columbia, by email at Kenneth. Adebonojo“@usdo} gov Sincerely, Zo? Cie 7 & achafe. Eric A. Neuschacfer Senior Director, FOIA Litigation, Appeals, Policy and Training (Acting) Enclosure: 232 pages DHS-001-02018-000001 11/22/2022 7 Subject: RE: Possible new PLCY political (Jankowica) Date: 2022/01/25 15:25:18 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Fabulous! From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Sent Tuesday, January 25, 2022 3:25PM Tse ae tr Mca BE ‘Cc: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN [OX6) Chalkley, Marie fo Jona enren ‘Subject: RE: Possible new PLCY political lankowicz) Woohoo! Rob — we will have the draft charter to you shortly. Jen and I were just making some final edits after receiving component input. sam From: SILVERS, ROBERT| Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 3:06 PM To: Barr, Mackeadie| Ce: BURRIESC!, KELLI ANN Chalkley, Mar JDASKAL, JENNIFER | \VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA ‘Subject: RE: Possible new PLCY political (Jankowicz) Yes, Nina is on boarding in early March as the new Executive Director of our Disinformation Governance Board. Very exciting development. + Jen and Sam for viz, DHS.001-02019.000001 1172272022 DHS.001-02018.000002 111222022 We'll need an office for Nina, Thank you so much and appreciate it. Rob From: Barr, MacReadie Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 2:43 PM Tor SILVERS, ROBERT BHO] ‘Cc: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN foxe) Chalkley, Marie Subj Possible new PLCY political (Jankowicz) Hi Rob, Are you aware of a possible inbound political for PLCY, Nina Jankowicz, potentially to work on disinformation topics?? Looks like she’s in the HR pipeline, and if she’s coming our way just want to be sure PLCY has everything setup for a potential arrival. Thank you! MacReadie DaskaL, sennareR [EE Sender: [OV6) _ PT TePORET re ATT TSWV ir, SERIE OVE ee a ‘Sent Date: 2022/01/25 15:25:17 Delivered Date: 2022/01/25 15:25:18 1DH5.001-02018-000002 112272022 ‘DHS-001-02018-000003 1112272022 Date: 2022/01/29 20:01:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Btw has the charter gone through formal ESEC clearance? From: FALCON, ERIC Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 6:48 PM_ To: DASKAL, JENNIFER [XO ________]sitvers, Robert BRE] \VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA ‘Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution Rob—I added my suggested edits/comments on top of Jen’s. Just a few changes | would recommend Eric From: DASKAL, JENNIFER [66] Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 6:39 PM Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution Hi Rob, ‘A few suggested edits, including a couple | missed earlier. Looks good! Thank youl Jen DHS-001-02019-000008 117272022 DHS-001-02019-000008 112272022 From: SILVERS, ROBERT | Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 5:16 PM To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA =__ 4 Ce: FALCON, ERIC[BI®__—JDASKAL, JENNIFER 5H] Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution ‘Thank you so much. Please see my additional edits in the attached. Can everyone please take a quick look? They're under the name “Author” If eveyrone’s good I'll launch this tonight. | will try to get to the charter tonight but not sure if| will be ableto. Thank you again. | really appreciate it. From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 9:46 AM To: ILVERS, ROBERT PR) Ce: FALCON, ERIC HIE DASKAL, JENNIFER PE]_———] Subject: Documents for Distribution Rob - Please find attached documents to distribute to individuals participating in the TTX tomorrow PIT 2 ] 7 [Below please also find a draft email to participants. We can send the formal package to SI with the Gov Board Action Memo and Charter as well, if you like. | will leave it to Eric to get the package to you. sam ae HOT DHS.001-02010-000008 112272022 HS.001-02019.000005 11/20/2022 Recipient: ‘Sent Date: Delivered Date: 2022/01/29 20:01:20 2022/01/29 20:01:00 DHS-001-02019.000005 11/20/2022 DHS-001-02018-000008 11/22/2022 Date: 2022/01/29 21:08:00, Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note GREAT WORK GUYS!!! From: FALCON, ERIC Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 8:26 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT [pye)__ J DASKAL, JENNIFER XE) \VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution Rob—see attached a clean version of the Playbook. To your question on the Charter—yes, it has gone through formal ESEC clearance with CISA, I&A, CRCL, PRIV, S&T, OPA, MGMT, FEMA, and CBP. From: SILVERS, ROBERT Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 8:00 PM To: FALCON, ERIC BS) DASKAL, JENNIFER RB] VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA ER Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution Great. Thank you Eric. Can you please provide to me in clean copy? P From: FALCON, ERIC PX] Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 6:48 PMA To: DASKAL, JENNIFER [9_____]siuveRs, nosert VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Pd Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution ‘DHS-001-02018-000006 1172072022 DHS-001-0201-000007 1122/2022 Rob—I added my suggested edits/comments on top of Jen’s. Just a few changes | would recommend ‘Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 6:39 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT [BWR] VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA ‘A few suggested edits, including a couple | missed earlier. Looks good! Thank you! Jen From: SILVERS, ROBERT Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 5:16 PM ‘To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Ce: FALCON, ERIC [B16 JDASKAL, JENNIFER Subject: RE: Documents for Distribution ‘Thank you so much. Please see my additional edits in the attached. Can everyone please take a quick look? They're under the name “Author” {f eveyrone’s good I'll launch this tonight. | wll try to get to the charter tonight but not sure if will be able to. ‘Thank you again. | really appreciate it. From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA PRE Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 9:46 AM To: SILVERS, ROBERT Cec: FALCON, ERIC DASKAL, JENNIFER PRE] ‘Subject: Documents for Distribution Rob - Please find attached documents to distribute to individuals participating in the TTX tomorrow. fo [Below please also find a draft emall to participants, We can send the formal package to ST HS.001.02019.000007 1122/2022 DHS.001-02019-000008 1122/2022 with the Gov Board Action Memo and Charter as well, if you like. | will leave it to Eric to get the package toyou. sam cd yey Sender fess sosear

X@T DASKAL, JENNIFER /FAUSETT, ANDREW [XO Subject: Draft Agenda: DGB Steering Group Meeting 3/11, Hiall, DHS.001-02019-000065 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000066 112272002 Here's what I'm thinking for Friday's meeting. Since it’s only 30M and I don’t want to rush introductions aying out what to expect for the next few weeks as Andy and | do mapping etc, I think 5 Best N ina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans U.S. Department of Homeland Security CPR Sender: frie) ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/09 10:37:10 Delivered Date: 2022/03/09 10:37:12 'DHS.001-02019-000086 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02010-000067 11/2072022 Page 067 Withheld pursuant to exemption (by) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act 1DHS.001.02019.000067 11/22/2022 ‘DHS-001-0201-000068 11/2272022 Page 068 Withheld pursuant to exemption (ey15) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act HS-001-02010-000068 1122/2022 DHS.001-02019-000068 112072022 Subjects RE: Lz Koey/ Detail extension Date: 2022/03/10 10:18:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note ‘Thank you so much From: Barr, MacReadie Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:17 AM To: SILVERS, ROBERT; |VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Majette, Angela Ce: BURRIESC), KELLIANN DD ]JANKOWICZ, NINA oT Chalkley, Marie fox) StKOR SKY, LUCIAN, ‘Subject: RE: Liz Kozey/ Detail extension 10-4, Standby, Sam, will have Brandon send you the paperwork so we can work with Kolasky ASAP From: SILVERS, ROBERT; ‘Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:11 AM. ‘To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [Bx@) |Majette, Angela ee MacReadie x) (Ce: BURRIESC, KELUIANNESRO________]JANKOWICZ, NINA Pe Chalkley, Marie BX) SiKO RK, LUCIAN ‘Subject: RE: Liz Kozey/ Detail extension DHS.001-02019.000069 11722/2022 HS-001-02019-000070 11/22/2022 This is a priority ~ please let's finish the paperwork asap this morning so we can get it signed before Kolasky leaves OHS tmw A) ‘Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:09 AM ‘To: Majette, Angela [bxe)_ Barr, MacReadie Ce: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN [BY6) SILVERS, ROBERT xe JANKOWICZ, NINA fOxS)__ Chalkley, Marie Pe] sikorskys, LucIAN foxes) ‘Subject: Liz Kozey/ Detail extension Importance: High Hi Per discussion with Rob and KAB we would like to move forward asap with extending Liz Kozey’s detail in policy for 12 months as Deputy Director of the Disinformation Governance Board. As her supervisor is departingy/ retiring tomorrow, we are hoping to get the paperwork over to her supervisor today to sign asap. Could you kindly share that paperwork with me to send over to Bob Kolasky? | know you all have so much going on and we so appreciate it! sam ‘Sent Date: 2022/05/10 10:16:29 Delivered Date: 2022/03/10 10:18:00 DHS-001-02019-000070 1172272022 DHS-001-02019-000071 11/22:2022 Subject: Re: Disinformation Governance Board Next Steps Date: 2022/03/10 13:39:31 ‘Type: Note “Awesome - thank you Andy From: FAUSETT, ANDREW ‘Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 1:34:26 PM. ‘To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [BB] DASKAL, JENNIFER Bo ___—____ianrowicz, Nina ‘Cc: SILVERS, ROBERT /BURRIESCI, KELL ANN Subject RE: Disinformation Governance Board Next Steps Sam, My apologies for failing to respond earlier Bye) To answer your question HT Best, Andy Andrew Fausett Assistant General Counsel for Information Sharing USS. Department of Homeland Security Office Number; (DHS HQ) er (NVC) Secure Number} HQ) Ne) DHS-001-02018-000071 1172212022 DHs-001-02010.000072 11/22/2022 Mobile Number: [ pe (Unclassified) (Top Secret//SCI) (he/hinv/his) [A Department of Homeland Sect atorsey prepared this document fr ine govenenent ws oy. The document may quai asm inerapeny or tn-ageney document containing deliberative poses ale Ica as conan condemal aoe. commana» ‘atng tow tpl ter fr which the cet hs soul profesor vce. Aecodingy, thi mts may be xem fe reeset tbe pubic ‘der exetption Sof the From of Infomation Aston, 5 US.C.§SS2(0\9) and should not be shared ouside the Depart witout te ponmisston ofthe Office of te Generel Couns. From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [BT] ‘Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 4:04 PM_ To: FAUSETT, ANDREW: DASKAL, JENNIFER, ow JANKOWICZ, NINA| (Ce: SILVERS, ROBERT PHO) /BURRIESCI, KELL ANN ‘Subject: Disinformation Governance Board Next Steps Andy and Jen~ hope you are doing well. We wanted to touch base on some items we just discussed re: the Disinfo Gov Board shortly ago with Rob. NT ‘Thank you so much and available to discuss at any time ~ DHS.001-02018-000072 1172272002 DHS-001-02019.000079 1112272022 a Sent Date: 2022/03/10 13:39:31, HS-001-02018.000078 1112272022 DHS.001-02018-000074 1112212022 ‘Subject: 068 Sync ‘Date: 2022/03/10 15:00:36 ‘Start Date: 2022/03/11 12:00:00 End Date: 2022/03/11 Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting ‘Attendees: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; DASKAL, JENNIFER; FAUSETT, ANDREW; Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeti Or call in (audio only) United States, Washington DC Phone Conference Find a local number | Reset PIN +444 US, Department of Homeland Security ***** Learn More | Meeti 9 options 1DHS.001-02019.000074 11/20/2022 DHS-00t-020te-000075 11/22/2022 ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/10 15:00:28, Delivered Date: 2022/03/10 15:00:36 ‘DHS-001-02018-000075 11/2012022 DHS-001-02019-000076 11/20/2002 Subject: Disinfo Governance Board Pubic Rollout Date: 2022/03/14 Start Date: 2022/03/16 15:30:00 End Dates 2022/03/16 16:00:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Appointment Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting ESPINOSA, MARSHA; PECK, SARAH; CARNES, ALEXANDRA; LUGO, ALICE; VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; DDASKAL, JENNIFER; Kozey, Elzabeth; FAUSETT, ANDREW Attendees: Hello all, Te Looking forward to working together on this! Nina DHS-o01-02019-000076 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019-000077 1112272022 Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting PD United States, Washington DC Phone Conference IDP Find a local number | Reset PIN a ****4USS, Department of Homeland Security ***** ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/14 08:56:41 DHs.001-02019-000077 11/20/2002 HS-001-02019-000078 1122/2022 Normal ‘Thanks very much Tim! ‘Some interesting information here for our Board members to dig in on. Will forward to them ahead of our Steering Group Meeting on Friday. Nina tankowiez Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security cpr] From: MAURER, TIM Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 11:32 AM. To: JANKOWICZ, NINA Pd) Ce: DASKAL, JENNIFER [B¥6)_______] VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA. 1 the attached document from the Ornidyar Network and wanted to pass it along, only skimmed it so not sure who is best placed to take a look. In case you have any follow-up questions, the COmidyar staffer who sent this to me is Gus Rossi JANKOWICZ, NINA Sender Recipient: MAURER, TIM [VO DHS-001-02019.000078 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000079 11/22/2022 Delivered Date: 2022/03/16 11: ‘DHS-001.02019.000079 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000080 1172072022 a From: iosot Oulool Td © JANKOWICZ, NIN Tor Subject: 065 Sv Seng Group Mowing: Rasene Date: 22/0/17 00:32 Sa aeayoy 312000 End pend 202203721 12:00:00 Priority: Normal “Types Schedule Meeting Resp Pos Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting ‘Seni by Microso® Exchange Server DASKAL, JENNIFER[OY@) Die) Senders5)5) TOS OOD) ANKOWICZ, NINATOTE font fOX6) Sent. ia eek 2022/03/17 00:48:32 DHS-001-02019.000080 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000081 1172272022 Subject: DB Discussion with CBP Date: 2022/03/17 12:33:29 ‘Start Date: 2022/03/21 13:00:00 End Date: 2022/03/21 14:30:00 Priority: Normal “Type: Schedule Meting Request Location: Micosot Teams Meeting Ce: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; DASKAL, JENNIFER; Kozo, Elzabeth; FAUSETT, ANDREW; Fischer, ‘Attendees: Sobastan (He/Him); Reynols, Spencer; PATCH, MILTON; MIRANDA, LUIS Puchalsy, Brian; Nauyen, Elaabeth; ELMO, JOSEPH A Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Glick here to join the meetin. DHS-001-02018-000081 1172272022 ‘DHS-0ot-02018-000082 1172272022 Or call in (audio only) BE J ited states, washington DC Phone Conference 10:7 Find a local number | Reset PIN a ***US. Department of Homeland Security ***** Leatn More | Meeting options Sent Date: 2022/03/17 12:33:25 Delivered Date: 2022/03/17 12:33:29 DHS-001-02019-0000e2 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000088 112272022 Subject: Sync: Disinfo Governance Board Date: 2022/03/17 14:20:01, Start Date: 2022/03/21 16:00:00 End Date: 2022/03/21 16:30:00 Priortys Normal ‘Appointment Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting ‘Attendees: ROBERT SILVERS; VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; JANKOWICZ, NINA; Marie Chakley DO NOT FORWARD OR COPY THIS INVITATION For scheduling questions or concerns, please contact Purpose: catch up on the disinformation governance board, Participants: Rob Silvers, Sam Vinograd Nina Jankowicz Briefing Materials: Yes Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or callin (audio only) f» United States, Washington DC Phone Conference IDX ‘DHs-001-02019-000083 11/22/2022 Hs-001-02019-000084 1122/2022 Find a local number | Reset PIN a *¥***US, Department of Homeland Security ***** Learn More | Meeting options ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/17 14:20:01 ‘DHS-001-02018-000084 11/2012022 ‘DHS-00t-02019-000086 1172212022 Page 085 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS-001-02019-000085 11/20/2022 ‘DHS-001-0208-000086 11/22/2002 Page 086 ‘Withheld pursuant fo exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS-001-02010-000006 1112272022 DHs-001-02019-000087 11/2012022 Page 087 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS.001-02010-000087 112212002 HS-001-02018-000088 11/22:2002 Subject: Agenda for today's DGB steering group call bate: 2022/03/18 11:20:39 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Hiall, Looking forward to seeing you today on the DGB steering group call. Below is what I'm planning to cover during the meeting today- please let me know if there’s anything you'd like me to add. Best Nina NT Nina Jankowicz ‘DHS-001.02019.000088 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019-000080 1112272022 Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security PRT Janxowice, winafBRE Recipient: ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/18 11:20:35, Delivered Date: 2022/03/18 11:20:39 HS-001-02019-000080 11/22/2022 ‘HS-001-02019-000090 112212022 Subject: DGB Discussion with CISANRMC Date: 2022/03/18 12:06:35 ‘Start Date: 2022/04/01 13:30: End Date: 2027/04/01 15:00:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Schedule Meeting Request Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting [Attendees: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; DASKAL, JENNIFER; Mcfl, Shannon (CTR) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app {lick here to join the meeti Or call in (audio only) United States, Washington DC Phone Conference ID] local number | Reset PIN +++ +S, Department of Homeland Security ***** Learn More | Meeting options DHS.001-02019-000000 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000001 11/20/2002 Sent Date: 2022/03/18 12:06:32 Delivered Date: 2022/03/18 12:06:35 DHS-001-02019.000001 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000082 112072022 Subject: RE: DGS Workplan and Pubic Rotout Date: 2022/03/18 13:51:00 Received! Thank you so much, Nina and team. | will review this shortly and am looking forward to it. Rob From: JANKOWICZ, NINA| Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:26 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT [BRE] VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA DASKAL, JENNIFER Cc: Kozey, Elizabeth (OT) ] FAUSETT, ANDREW [isch Sebastian (He/Him) [BX] Reynolds, Spencer [ Subject: DGB Workplan and Public Rollout Dear Rob, i'm attaching the Disinformation Governance Board workplan for March-May 2022. Thanks to Liz, Andy, Sebastian, and Spencer for their support and drafting and Sam for her feedback and guidance. | also wanted to update you on our discussion{O™ BI) DHS.001-02019-000092 1112272022 DHS-001-02018.000098 11/22/2022 Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about any of the above. Best, Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans USS, Department of Homeland Security Recipies ‘Sent Date: 2022/05/18 13:51°55, Delivered Date: 2027/03/18 13:51:00 1DHS.001-02019-000008 1172212002 ‘DHS-00t-02018-00000 1172272022 Date: 2022/03/22 34:27:45 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note JANKOWICZ, NINA has shared a OneDrive for Business file with you. To view it, click the link below. © icon O68 Principles Draft Clean_ 12222,docx HiJen and Sam, ‘Attached is the draft that the team put together on DGB governing principles. I'd also like to share it ‘with components with a deadline before our next steering group meeting on Friday, after which we can compile edits and share with Rob as planned. Let me know if you'd like to proceed differently. Kudos to the team for a great first draft. Best Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans U.S. Department of Homeland Security a y DHS-001-02019-000004 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000006 1122/2022 ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/22 14:27:44 Delivered Date: 2022/03/22 16:27:45 DHs-001-02019-000098 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019-000006 11222022 terrific. Thank you Sam. From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA oR) ‘Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 8:19:00 AM To: SILVERS, ROBERT | BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN ee ankowiez, nin Subject: RE: Follow up re MDM Rob — ‘We just spoke with OPA and Ricki. The ‘we are focused on doing this rollout right ~ we are continuing to work on the substance over the next day and will match that with the right timing. sam From: sLveRs, ROBERT [RT Sent Wednesday, March 25, 2022 TIT AM To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [B¥8)_—_____—]Buriescr, KELL ANN Be Taanrownez, naB— ‘Subject: Re: Follow up re MDM Thanks 2) per [Thanks and appreciate it very much. 1DHS-001-02019-c00096 11/22/2022 HS-0o1-02019-000007 11/22/2022 From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA | ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:12 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT; BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN; JANKOWICZ, NINA ‘Subject: FW: Follow up re MDM Rob— ‘We are engaging with OPA again in the morning re: the rollout and revert on timing. Inthe interim, we are working on a draft statement and TPs for Hill briefings. With respect to the highlighted “examples” @JANKOWICZ, NINA and I will work to get some together asap. Sam From: ULLOA, ISABELLA RI} Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 6:08 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT [BW] Wales, Brandon [8] DASKAL, JENNIFER| Ce: Saupp, Kevin |VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA SHAR, SARASWAT [BR] ]Wileox, Cassie PRO] LAWRENCE, JAM [Y8__ TD HYSEN, ERIC fe JTodt, Kiersten (she/Her) ‘Subject: Follow up re MDM Rob, Jen, and Brandon: ‘Thanks for joining the prep call today. Would appreciate your review/edits to the below PST BKB) a [hanks, again. Isa 3 DHS.001.02018-000007 11/20:2022 DHS-001-02019-000008 112212022 ne SILVERS, ROBSERT| Sender; DHS-001-02018-000088 11/2012022 DHS-001-02019-000000 11/22/2022 Disinformation Governance Board: joard Member & Steering Group Designee Doc Please designate: a) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) n 8) 9) ‘One principal and one alternate who will represent your component/otfice at ~once quarterly full Disinformation Governance Board meetings (component/office principal or their deputy) One individual and one alternate who will attend ~weekly DGB steering group meetings Component/Office a) Name of Board Member: Principal a) Email of Board Member: Principal a) Work Cell of Board Member: Pri a) Name of Board Member: Alternate a) Email of Board Member: Alternate a) Work Cell of Board Member: Alternate a) Name of Steering Group Member: Principal a) Email of Steering Group Member: Principal a) 10) Work Cell of Steering Group Member: Principal DHS.001-02019-000090 11722/2022 DHs.091-02019-000100 1172272002 a) 11) Name of Steering Group Member: Alternate a) 12) Email of Steering Group Member: Alternate a) 13) Work Cell of Steering Group Member: Alternate a) DHS.001.02019.000100 11/22/2022 pPreT HS-001-02018-000101 11/2272022 Disinformation Governance Board Rollout ‘Talking Points DHS-001-42018-000101 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019-000102 1122/2022 Page 102 ‘Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of information and Privacy Act DHS-00t-02018-000102 117227022 DHS.001-02019-000108 11/22/2022 Page 103 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act HS-001-020%8-000108 117227022 DHS-001-02019-000104 11/22/2022 Page 104 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS-001-02019-000104 1172272022 DHS.001-02018.000105 11/22/2022 ‘Subject: Re: Disnfo Gov Board Rollout TPs/One Pager Date: 2022/03/24 22:36:41 Priority: Normal Type: Note Thanks very much Nina. Will review when back in DC this weekend. + Marie Thanks and have a good night everyone From: JANKOWICZ, NINA ns Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 2:24:47 PM To: SILVERS, ROBERT | Ce: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANNE) —_____] DASKAL, JENNIFER po VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Subject Disinfo Gov Board Rollout TPs/One Pager Dear Rob, (On our call with OPA, OLA, Ricki, and Isa about the DGB rollout yesterday, we were asked to produce this one pager with TPs about the Board's purpose, authorities, and initial deliverables, as well as notional validators. Jen and Sam have both reviewed this draft; once we have your feedback, we will provide the document to the those who were on the call, as per their request, and work with them on ideas for the timing and strategy for the rollout. We'll of course keep you apprised of those ideas. Looking forward to your feedback- Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans DHS.001.02019.000105 1172272022 DHS-001-02018-000106 11/22/2022 U.S. Department of Homeland Security ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/24 22:36:40 Delivered Date: 2022/03/24 22:36:41 ‘DHS-001-02019-000106 117227002 ‘DHS-001-02018-000107 112072022 DHS-001-02019-000107 11/22"2022 DHS-001-02018-000108 11/2012022 DHS-001-02019.000108 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000109 11/22/2022 Subject: RE: Disinformation Governance Board Steering Group Date: 2022/03/25 09:56:22 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Hello folks, We are looking forward to seeing you at the Disinformation Governance Board Steering Group meeting. at 4 today. ‘The agenda for the meeting is as follows: ‘© * Discussion of DGB Principles document (originally distributed Tuesday and attached here); Please submit any written feedback before today’s meeting. ‘© + Presentations from I&A and CISA. ‘© © Ukraine updates/AOB Ifyou haven't yet, please fill out this form regarding your team’s Board and Steering Group representatives and alternates asap; it will assist us with planning our first full Board meeting in April, f you are not at HO, please send the attached designee form to @PATCH, MILTON. ‘As a reminder while you fil out the designee forms, this is how the Charter describes the Board and Steering Group members: * Board Members: le or Deputy for respective Component, who represent the perspectives of their respective Components at ~quarterly Board meetings; review any proposals submitted to the Board; and ensure that their respective Components implement, execute, and follow Board decisions. ‘© « Steering Group Members: Component representatives who represent the perspectives of their respective Components at (currently weekly) Steering Group meetings; review and discuss any proposals submitted to the Board (such as the principles document attached to this email); communicate their considerations of Board proposals to their respective Board members, the ED, and other Steering Group Members; review and approve SOCs of Steering Group meeting and help ensure their respective components implement, execute, and follow Board decisions. As always, please let me know if you have any questions, and see you all this afternoon. Best ‘DHS-001-02019.000109 11/22/2022 ‘DHS-001-02010-000110 112272022 Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans U.S. Department of Homeland Security iPr Original Appointmen From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [56] Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 12:18 PM To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; BENDER, ALFRED; MAURER, TIM; DASKAL, JENNIFER; MIRANDA, LUIS A; Spishak, Cynthia; DOBITSCH, STEPHANIE; Wright, Christopher; Saupp, Kevin; FAUSETT, ANDREW; Kolasky, Robert; Coulter, Kathryn; Cotter, Daniel; ESPINOSA, MARSHA; FALCON, ERIC; CARTER, JEFFREY T; Lamote, Jason; Smislova, Melissa; Legault, Richard; Hitt, Lucas; PECK, SARAH; Taylor, Robin; Mina, Peter; SNYDER, NATHANIEL; BURRIESC!, KELLI ANN; Beckmann, Luke; Sterling, Brian; Schaul, Robert; MILLONA, EVA; WATERS, ERIN; Disinformation Governance Board; JANKOWICZ, NINA; Kozey, Elizabeth; Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him); Reynolds, Spencer; Hale, Geoffrey (He/Him); Luke, Adam; SIKORSKY)J, LUCIAN; QUINN, KEVIN; PATCH, MILTON; COHEN, JOHN; DUPREE, LYNN Cc: Harrington, Mona; MILLER, JAMES D; Picarelli, John; RAZSI, DUSTIN: Disinformation Governance Board Steering Group day, March 25, 2022 4:00 PM-4:25 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada), Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting Distro forthe Disinformation Governance Board BRE} Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app lick here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) P= lUnited States, Washington DC Phone Conference ID" Find a local number | RegetPIN a **** US. Department of Homeland Security ***** DHS-001-02019-000110 1112272022 DHS.001-02019-000111 11/2272022 DHS-001-02019.000111 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019.000112 11/22/2022 HS-001-02010.000112 1722/2022 DHS-001-02019-000118 11/22/2022 ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/25 09:56:02 Delivered Date: 2022/03/25 09:56:22 DHS.001-02019-000113 1122/2022 HS.001-02019-000114 11/22/2022 Page 114 ‘Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Hs.001-02019.000116 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000115 11/2072022 Page 115 Withheld pursuant to exemption (0}(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act ‘0HS-001-02018-000115 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02019-000116 11/22/2022 JANKOWICZ, NINA MAURER, TIM[OR x} wD. 6) DASIAL, I o x Te: ROSEN vey ‘Subject: RE: [FYI] WaPo oped “Big Tech needs to pull the plug on Russia's bigest propaganda campaign” ate: 2022/03/25 10:11:19 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note ‘Thanks for sharing Tim! EIST Just some food for thought... happy Friday! Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security DHS.001-02018.000116 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02010-000117 1122/2022 From: MAURER, TIM Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 9:54 AM. “To: JANKOWICZ, NINA XS) IN Mi x6) JDASKAL, JENNIFER [°° SILVERS, ROBERT 1) ‘Subject: [FYI] WaPo oped "Big Tech needs to pull the plug on Russias biggest propaganda campaign" https: //mww.washin ston,/03/24 /big-tech-social-media-allowing-russla-soctal- media-campaizn-2/ Opinion: Big Tech needs to pull the plug on Russia’s biggest propaganda campaign By Ben Scott Yesterday at 4:03 p.m. EDT Ben Scott is a former State Department official and the director at Reset, a project of Luminate, 0 global philanthropic organization that is part of the Omidyar Group. There is a violent conspiracy spreading like wildfire across social media. It revolves around a single letter. ‘And it has captured the imaginations of millions who are devoted to promoting it. Although its central ideas are preposterous, its followers support violence to make fantasy become reality. ¥'m not talking about the QAnon conspiracy (though all ofthe above applies to it. 'm talking about “Z,” the propaganda campaign amplified by the Kremlin in Eastern Europe to gin up support for Ru President Vladimir Putin's murderous war in Ukraine. The Z campaign started in the days after the invasion. It has new reached tens of millions of people across social media platforms. Its the rallying symbol of the Russian war machine and an effective weapon in the information war. Strikingly, the QAnon conspiracy has been barred from promotion on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and ‘Twitter. But as of now, Z continues to grow. Uke QAnon, the Z campaign relies upon falsehoods to promote us-vs.-them antagonism. The Russian narrative claims that Ukraine — whose elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish — is ruled by Nazis, This grotesque mythology portrays NATO, the European Union and the United States as the great power backers of evildoers who kill innocents and threaten Russia. Like QAnon, whose messages purportedly come from an all-knowing Washington insider known only as “Q,” Z embraces a cult-of- personality strongman as its leader. 2's outward similarity to the swastika is particularly insidious. Z's origins as a viral conspiracy are murky. It began with the images of Russian military vehicles in Ukraine clearly marked with the letter “2,” apparently a military identification code to distinguish Russian vehicles from those operated by the Ukrainian army. The letter does not exist in the Cyrillic alphabet. But the Kremlin now claims that It stands for “victory” — because the phonetic rendering of ‘the Russian “for victory” in the Latin alphabet starts with Z. DHS-001-02019.000117 1122/2022 Hs-001-02019-000118 11/22/2022 ‘The propaganda value of the symbol quickly became evident. Russian state media produced slick videos featuring Z and began selling Z-themed merchandise. Schoolchildren have posed on Instagram with colored Z drawings. Dozens of Z hashtags racked up millions of views across social media. Even on. Instagram and Twitter, which are now blocked in Russia, Kremnlin-aligned accounts keep posting Z propaganda, Like QAnon, Z has become a symbol of resentment and a messianic faith that its believers will triumph. But Zis far worse. Its central purpose Isto justify a horrific war. It has become a serious information ‘weapon pointed not only at Russian-speaking communities but also increasingly in many other languages, Despite blocking Instagram and Twitter inside Russia, the Russian government's own accounts continue to post on both platforms in Russian — reaching people inside Russia that circumvent the block as well as the very sizable Russian-speaking communities in Eastern Europe. Although Big Tech is frequently ‘unwilling to share meaningful data about the scope of malign content on their services, our research suggests widespread distribution of Z — including Z-themed hashtags on Instagram and TikTok alone. (A representative for Meta, the parent company of Instagram, declined to comment on the record. TikTok did not respond to 2 request for comment.) Starting in 2017, the QAnon conspiracy also began to spread like wildfire on Big Tech social media platforms. Recommendation algorithms programmed to capture user attention actively promoted it precisely because it was sensationalist and incendiary. At its peak, 1 in 5 Americans were prepared to believe that a secret cabal of blood-drinking, Satan-worshiping pedophiles held power in the United States, The conspiracy fed into wild acts of violence, including the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. ‘Then the Big Tech companies reversed course. Google blocked QAnon apps from the Play Store for spreading “harmful information.” Facebook announced it would remove accounts related to “militarized social movements.” YouTube followed a few days later, pulling down videos with "conspiracy theories that have been used to justify real-world violence.” TikTok brought down QAnon for promoting disinformation. Twitter did the same — pulling 70,000 QAnon accounts. Mentions of QAnon on major igital media platforms dropped dramatically, slashing audiences by more than half within days. Big Tech, in short, is responsible for both the making and the unmaking of QAnon. Zviolates all of the company policies made to address QAnon. And yet Z continues to spread on all of these platforms. The big difference is that Z is many times more dangerous than Anon. So why are we blocking Putin's banks and ol but not his digital weaponry? One answer could be that the Big Tech firms are overwhelmed by the demands of information warfare. This is partly because they failed to invest in adequate product safeguards in languages other than English — a terrible risk that is now costing us all dearly. They might simply not have built the technical systems necessary to stop the promotion of Z immediately. But ths is no excuse for the lack ofa clear policy. They have plenty of ‘money to solve any problem they choose to solve It is bizarre to apply rules against violent conspiracies in the United States and then give the Kremlin a pass for something far worse. The moral lines in this conflict are crystal clear, The Big Tech companies must act. DHS.001-02019.000118 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000119 1112272022 Tim Maurer Office of the Secretary Senior Counselor for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology U.S. Department of Homeland Security Pry SES OTE Bx WOH WALT 2022703725 10:11:19 DHs-001-02018-000119 1722/2002 ‘DHS-001-02018-000120 1112072022 From: Gg Jankowncz, nINAERED ‘Tot VINOGRAD, SANANTE Subject: RE: Kudost Nina, ‘Thanks so much for the nice note. They are both great, and I'm sorry I haven't been more engaged this week. It's been an insane few days. Really excited to get to work more with you! Best, Jen From: JANKOWICZ, NINA. Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 5:00 PM “To: DASKAL, JENNIFER 578. ]VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Subject: Kudos! HiJen- happy Friday! Just wanted to send a quick note and say that | think we have a stellar team assembled for the DGB work ‘and t'm so looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together. Andy has been incredibly helpful as the elder statesman and institutional repository on this work. It’s also been a real pleasure to work ‘with Sebastian- he is quick to respond and pitch in, incredibly thoughtful, and helpful in connecting me ‘with the right people in the Department and answering lots of questions about the DGB and beyond. Hope you have a great weekend- eR Sander ual nee BR __ JANKOWICZ, NINAPED ¥6) "VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA BIBT aa seen nae eee ——— ‘Sent Date: 2022/03/25 17:20:34 Delivered Date: 2022/03/25 17:20:00 Recipient: HS-00t-02018-000120 1172272022 DHS-001-02019-000121 1172212022 Disinformation Governance Board Rollout ‘Talking Points HS-001-02018.000121 1172212022 ‘DHS-001-02018-000122 11/20/2022 Page 122 Withheld pursuant to exemption (ev) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act HS-0ot-02018.000122 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000128 11/22/2002 Page 123 ‘Withheld pursuant to exemption (3) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS.091-02019-000128 1112272022 DHS-001-02018-000124 11/20:2022 Page 124 ‘Withheld pursuant to exemption (oy) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act HS-091-02019-000124 1122/2022 ‘DHS-001-02019-000125 1112272022 aanwcowncz, NINAPERO) From: [ox6) Subject: Re: Disinfo Gov Board Rollout TPs/One Pager Date: 2022/03/28 08:51:07 Thank you Rob, will do. From: SILVERS, ROBERT [6X] Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2022 8:10:36 PM ‘To: JANKOWICZ, NINA Ce: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN [OV@)_____]VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA (5__________]DASKAL JENNIFER) ___——————‘|Chalkley, Marie ‘Subject: FW: info Gov Board Rollout TPs/One Pager ‘This is solid! Thank you all, Please see some comments attached. Please copy me in when you send back to the team, Nina. | greatly appreciate it. From: JANKOWICZ, NINA ‘Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:25 PM. To: SILVERS, ROBERT ‘Ce: BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN DASKAL, JENNIFER: fis] vnocab, SAWANTHA ‘Subject: Disinfo Gov Board Rollout TPs/One Pager Dear Rob, On our call with OPA, OLA, Ricki, and Isa about the DGB rollout yesterday, we were asked to produce this one pager with TPs about the Board's purpose, authorities, and initial deliverables, as well as notional validators. HS-001-02019.000125 11/22/2022 HS-001-02019-000126 1172272022 Jen and Sam have both reviewed this draft; once we have your feedback, we will provide the document to the those who were on the call, a per their request, and work with them on ideas for the timing and strategy for the rollout. We'll of course keep you apprised of those ideas. Looking forward to your feedback- Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Policy, Strategy, and Plans U.S. Department of Homeland Security ed Sent Date: 2022/03/28 08:51:08 Delivered Date: 2027/03/28 08:51:07 DHS-00'-02019-000126 11/22/2022 HS-001-02018-000127 112012022 DHS.091-02010-000127 1112272022 ‘DHS-001-02018-000128 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019.000128 1112212022 DHS-001-02019-000129 1112212022 ‘Subject: Paper Sync in leu of DGB Steering Group meting tomorrow Date: 2022/03/31 10:50:04 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Hi folks, In leu of tomorrow's Teams meeting of the DGB Steering Group, we'll be holding a paper sync to solicit yourfeedbackontheDRT ~}ve hope to stand up in the coming weeks. Be on the lockout for that paper coming soon; we look forward to your comments and getting this important effort on the ground. Best, Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security es) Original Appoint ment—- From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [BY] Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 12:18 PM ‘To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; BENDER, ALFRED; MAURER, TIM; DASKAL, JENNIFER; MIRANDA, LUIS A; Spishak, Cynthia; DOBITSCH, STEPHANIE; Wright, Christopher; COHEN, JOHN; Saupp, Kevin; FAUSETT, ANDREW; Kolasky, Robert; Coulter, Kathryn; Cotter, Daniel; ESPINOSA, MARSHA; FALCON, ERIC; SIKORSKYJ, LUCIAN; CARTER, JEFFREY T; Lamote, Jason; Smislova, Melissa; Legault, Richard; itt, Lucas; DUPREE, LYNN; PECK, SARAH; Taylor, Robin; Mina, Peter; PATCH, MILTON; SNYDER, NATHANIEL; BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN; Beckmann, Luke; Sterling, Brian; Schaul, Robert; MILLONA, EVA; WATERS, ERIt Disinformation Governance Board; JANKOWICZ, NINA; Kozey, ischer, Sebastian (He/Him}; Reynolds, Spencer; Hale, Geoffrey (He/Him}; QUINN, KEVIN; Cc: Harrington, Mona; MILLER, JAMES D; Picareli, John; RAZSI, DUSTIN Subject: Disinformation Governance Board Steering Group riday, April 1, 2022 4:00 PM-4:25 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Microsoft Teams Meeting Distro forthe Disinformation Governance Board ORY Hs-001-02019-000829 11/22/2022 DHS-.001-02019-000190 11/22/2022 Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting, Or call in (audio only) PO] United states, Washington DC Phone Conference ID{OX®) Find a local number | Reset PIN a +44 *US, Department of Homeland Security **#** Learn More| Meeting octions DHS-001-02019-000180 1122/2002 DHS-001-02019-000131 112012022 DHS-001-02018-000181 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000132 11/22/2022 Sent Date: 2022/03/31 30:50:02 Delivered Date: 2027/03/31 10:50:04 DHS.091-02019-000182 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000138 11/2222022 DHS-0ot-02019-000138 1172272022 DHS-001-02019-000184 1122/2022 HS-001-02019.000134 11122/2022 1DHS-001-02019-000135 11/22/2022 Hiall, ‘Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on a framework for the analytic exchange with industry partners we have spoken about previously. While we iron out a few remaining wrinkles in the document, below is an update about DGB work in lieu of our weekly call. ‘+ « Thank you for your feedback on the Principles document last week; itis going up to U/S Silvers in the coming days with your valuable edits incorporated. ‘« + We plan to hold our inaugural Board meeting this month (not an April Fools joke!), where the Board will discuss and approve the Principles document, as well as be briefed on the ongoing, capabilities review and analytic exchange plans. ‘+ + We met with OPA and OLA colleagues to discuss the Board’s public rollout this morning and hope to have an update for you on more specifics soon. ‘4 + We look forward to our capabilities review meetings with CISA/NRMC, FEMA, Sq, and I&A next week [As you continue to engage with stakeholders, read interesting reports, or encounter any areas where you and your team might need support from the DGB, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Have a great weekend, Nina Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans jepartment of Homeland Security DHS.001-02019.000135 1122/2022 DHS-0ot-02018-000136 1112212022 BE ‘BURRIESCT, KELLY ANN FEV) DHS-001-02019-000%36 11/22/2002 HS-001-02019-000137 11/22/2022 pe PATCH, MILTON BIS ee cone SON ee ‘Sent Date: 2022/04/01 15:39:28 Delvered Date: SB] DHS-0t-02018-000137 117227022 DHS-001-02019-000138 1722/2022 Subject: RE: Meeting Request| Date: 2022/04/06 19:18:00 Priority Normal ‘Type: Note ‘Show flow: intros DHS Updates (UCG and D8) Meta Updates Discussion Thoughts? Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security [Ber from: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA 5B} Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 4:17 PM ‘To: JANKOWICZ, NINA[O®_—————d Ce: DASKAL, JENNIFER [BY Subject: FW: Meeting Request Looking forward to this ~ what agenda do you propose/ flow of show? From: JANKOWICZ, NINA [OY] Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 4:02 PM DHS-001-02019.000138 11/22/2022 Ce: Catherine Eng s.00%-02019-000139 11/22/2022 Brian Rice [O16] Felicia Agyeiwaa Pe ‘Subject: RE: Meeting Request ++Sam who may join us. To: Becky Moore [BX] touis, Danouh FX DASKAL, JENNIFER, |VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA | [Sandra Luft [PX ‘Martin, Cynthia [2X6) ‘A meeting invite with the Zoom info would be really helpful, Becky, thank you! Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security cpPrer From: Becky Moore 58] Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3PM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA) Louis, Danouh pe __J DASKAL, JENNIFE! a = Felicia Agyeiwaa Ce: Catherine Eng Brian Ri bar sandra Luft [oe ] Martin, Cynthia [OO Subject: RE: Meeting Request HIAlI- Following-up on the location/format for the meeting on Thursday, April 7 at 2:30p ET. Sounds like virtual is best for the group so I've created a zoom for the meeting; details below. Please let me know if you would like me to circulate the zoom details in a calendar invite. Best, Becky Ways to join ® Computer or Mobile: PRET {© Zoom Meeting Info: ‘DHS-001-02019-000138 11/20/2022 ‘DHS-001-02018-000140 112212022 Meeting 1D" Passcode Telephone: Dial in on any of the followin; 0 XO IS (Washington DC) . IS (Chicago) . 1S (Houston) . IS (San Jose) 4 IS (New York) . 1S (Tacoma) . JS Toll-free . S Toll-free . S Toll-free . IS Toll-free Enabled by Zoom From: JANKOWICZ, NINA Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 4:50 PM To: Louis, Danouh [Becky Moore JDASKAL, JENNIFER, Ce: Catherine Eng Brian Rice [OR] Felicia Agyeiwaa pe sandra Luff ] Martin, Cynthia PX 1 Subject: RE: Meeting Request | will aso likely need to join virtually as I'll be at a meeting at the Nebraska Ave campus directly prior to this. Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US, Department of Homeland Security ‘DHS-001-02018-000140 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02018-00011 11/20:2022 cpm From: Lous, anouh 8] Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 4:15 PM To: Becky Moore [5%] DASKAL, | Ce: Catherine Eng@X)____]BrianRice [EXO _———_—d Felicia Agyeiwaa eee a aR nooner NINA Pe Martin, Cynthia ‘Subject: RE: Meeting Request | defer to Ms. Daskal as the lead for disinformation. Please note that EXDIR Wales wil likely join in virtually - given his tight schedule. Danouh Louis Staff Action Officer Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Mobile:,E¥®) } Office f%° From: Becky Moore Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 3:53 PM To: Louis, Danouh| Ce: Catherine Ene Brian Rice [E__——— Felicia Agyetwaa Sandra Luff| [JANKOWICZ, NINA Beast, seni RE: Meeting Request yanouh — Many thanks! Let's go with Thursday, April 7 at 2:30p ET. We are happy to host the meeting at our offices or come to you; whichever is your preference. Best, Becky From: Louis, Danouh [5 ‘Sent: Monday, Apa, 2022 2:13 PM Tor Becky Moore Ce: Catherine Eng/B®) Tran Rice Telia Agvetwaa (oe) sare wtf ua7_—_—____ ano, NN oH" Cynthia Bx) J DASKAL, JENNIFER a Subject: RE: Meeting Request Good afternoon all, ‘DHS-001-02018-000%41 1112072022 DHS-001-02019-000142 11/22/2022 [Removing EXDIR Wales.] Using Outloook’s FindTime function, it appears as if Thursday, April 7 2:30-3:00 PM or Friday, April 8 3:00-3:30 PM may work for EXDIR Wales, Ms. Daskal, and Ms. Jankowicz. Please let me know which is preferred. Danouh Louis Staff Action Officer Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agen: mobile | office: > From: DASKAL, JENNIFER ‘Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 2:01 PM To: Becky Moore ‘ce: Catherine Eng Brian Rice [h]___] Felicia Agyeiwaa Pe Jsendra tuff fee) JANKOWICZ, NINA, po] Wales, Brandon @ Martin, Cynthia @_______] Louis, Danouh Bi) Subject: RE: Meeting Request Becky, ‘Taking Rob off this chain, given the conflict. Brandon, Nina and | would be delighted to meet with Nathaniel, preferably end of this week. (1 will be traveling next week and unavailable). | have added Cynthia Martin and Danouh Louis to this chain to assist with scheduling. Thanks so much. Best, Jen From: SILVERS, ROBERT [BI Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 1:17 PM To: Becky Moore [B6)_______] Ce: Catherine Eng 6X67] Brian Rice [517] Felicia Agyeiwaa pe ] Sandra Luff [EX6) ] DASKAL, JENNIFER [ONG J JANKOWICZ, NINA FO Wales, Brandon [BX6) Meeting Request DHS-o0r-02010-000142 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019.000148 1172272022 Please forgive my delay in responding [BX & i am copying our Deputy GC for Cyber, Jen Daskal, our lead for jisinformation, Nina Jankowiez, and our response coordinator for the Ukraine crisis, Brandon Wales, for their follow up as appropriate. Thank you for reaching out. Rob From: Becky Moore PIG] Ser londay, April 4, 2022 12:49 PM. ILVERS, ROBERTI) Ce: Catherine Eng] rian Rice 8) Felica Agyeiwaa sandra Luff Subject: RE: Meeting Request (CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize land/or trust the sender. Contact your component SOC with questions or concerns. Under Secretary Silvers ~ Following up on Sandy’s note from last week regarding potentially finding time on your calendar when our Head of Security Policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, isin town later this week and early next. Best, Becky From: Sandra Luff PY) Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 11:29 AM To Ce: Becky Moore BS] Catherine Eng [5X5 brian Rice [x6___ Felicia Aeyeiwaa Bx) Subject: Meeting Request Dear Under Secretary Silvers, Thope this finds you well 7 To that end, we'd like to request a meeting with you to provide an update on these issues if your schedule permits and would be happy to do this meeting in-person. Many thanks for your consideration &pleasc let us know with whom we should be in touch regarding logistics. +Becky Moore &Felicia Agyeiwaa, cc’d above, to help schedule. DHS.001-02019.000148 11/22/2022 Dis-0ot-a20rs-ooot44 11/22/2022 Many thanks, Sandy Biography ‘Mr. Nathaniel Gleicher is the Head of Security Policy at Meta, where he leads our company- wide effort to counter emerging and persistent threats across our platforms, including influence operations, cyber-espionage, and cybersecurity risks. He is an engineer and lawyer, and has worked in security for more than fifteen years. He has taught computer science, built and secured computer networks, and prosecuted cyber crime at the U.S. Department of Justice, served as director for cybersecurity policy at the National Security Council (NSC) in the White House, and as head of cybersecurity strategy at Illumio, At the NSC he developed U.S. government policy on key technology and cybersecurity challenges, including encryption, cyber deterrence, internet governance, and network security. Sent Date: 2022/04/06 19:18:50 Delivered Date: 2022/04/06 19:18:00 DHS-001-02018-000144 11/20/2002 HS-001-02018-000145 11/22/2022 ‘Subject: RE: SCHEDULE ISSUE: Nathaniel Glazier «FB Date: 2022/04/07 10:58:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note ‘Moving it works well for me too, Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security ¢ From: Wales, Brandon (B]_——__] Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 10:56 AM ‘To: paskan JENNIFER [OY6) | JANKOWICZ, NINA [VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA PER Ce: = Cynthia ‘Subject: RE: SCHEDULE ISSUE: Nathaniel Glazier - FB Sorry. Moving to 2:45. Brandon D. Wales Senior Response Official Domestic Preparedness &Response UCG Mobi] From: DASKAL, JENNIFER [5X6] Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 10:56 AM To: Wales, Brandon | JANKOWICZ, NINA VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA| DHS-00t-02010-000146 1172072022 DHS-001-02019-000146 111222022 Cc: Martin, Cynthia| Subject: RE: SCHEDULE ISSUE: Nathaniel Glazier - FB Which ~ reschedule or keep? Either way fine with me. From: Wales, Brandon Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 10:42 AM To: DASKAL JENNIFER [XO |JANKOWICZ, NINA be TVINOGRAD, SAMANTHA PPI6) 1 (Ce: Martin, Cynthia EXO Subject: RE: SCHEDULE ISSUE: Nathaniel Glazier - FB ‘That works for me, Brandon D. Wales Senior Response Official Domestic Preparedness &Response UCG mobile: [™ From: DASKAL, JENNIFER Sent: Thursday, Apri 7, 2022 10:37 AML To: Wales, Brandon [6] JANKOWIC2, NINA Be ]VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [PY®) } Cc: Martin, Cynthia foe) Subject: SCHEDULE ISSUE: Nathaniel Glazier FB Importance: High HiTeam — [now have to be in a DSG until 2:45. Would you like me to see if we can shift the Meta/Glazier meeting oF would you prefer to go ahead without me and | will join when | can? Thanks, Jen Jennifer Daskal ‘Acting Principal Deputy General Counsel Department of Homeland Security DHS-001-02018-000148 1122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000147 1722/2022 Delivered Date: 2022/04/07 10:58:00 DHS-001-02019-000147 11207022 DHS-001-02019.000148 1172272022 ‘UNCLASSIFIED DHS Stands Up Disinformation Governance Board to ‘Coordinate Counter-Disinformation Activities UNCLASSIFIED DHS-001-02010-000148 11/22/2002 DHS-001-02018-000149 11/20:2002 Disinformation Governance Board Suggested Agenda: April 2022 Board Meeting DH-001-02019-000149 1172272022 DHS-001-02018-000180 11/2272022 ‘Subject: Inegular Migration Case Study Syne Date: 2022/04/08 09:07:31 ‘Start Date: 2022/04/13 09:30:00, Priority: Normal HS-001-02019-000150 1172272022 Hs-001-02010-000181 1122/2022 ‘Type: Appointment Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting ‘wight, Christopher; Becann, Luke; MIRANDA, LUIS A; DENHUP, PAUL F; WEST, TYRONE O; ‘Attendees: FAUSETT, ANDREW; Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him); Kove, Elzabeth; Reynolds, Spencer; MCKINNEY, KRISTIE; COMAS, JORGE O;'DASKAL, JENNIFER; VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA, Nina, Kala; Suc rian; (Chester, Dean; ELMO, JOSEPH A See below for due-outs. From: JANKOWICZ, NINA Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 4:28 PM ‘To: Wright, Christopher [Be] Beckmann, Luke _ Luis a fee) DENHUP, PAUL = TYRONE 0 [B67 FAUSETT, ENDREW pe) ___] Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him) [DX Kozey, Elizabethfoms ‘Reynolds, Spencer MCKINNEY, KRISTIE [Bx®)___ ] COMAS, JORGE O pe mira, tus apex) Cc: DASKAL, JENNIFER [>] VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA Mina KariaO————_—___]Sule, Brian (oo ]Chester, Dean|bme)__—____JELMO, JOSEPH A foe JDASKAL JENNIFER) ‘Subject: Next Steps on Irregular Migration Case Study Dear Colleagues, ‘Thank you for the high-level briefing on MDM in the irregular migration space yesterday morning. AS @ next step, we'd like to act collectively to identify a specific false or misleading narrative exploited by human traffickers or human smugglers to entice or encourage people to engage in irregular, il migration so we can develop a coordinated response plan. BYE ‘As | mentioned yesterday, | would also like the academic/think tank sector to brief the group on their research and conclusions about MDM and irregular migration. Below are five groups of researchers/analysts who have published on this issue; | would welcome your thoughts on any other ‘academics or think tank types who have worked extensively on MDM for possible inclusion in the roundtable, which I'd like to hold within the next 1-2 weeks. The roundtable will then inform our response plan. HS-01-02010-000181 1122/2022 V've included a list of due outs below and will be identifying a convenient time for us all to meet again in the coming days. Please let me know if you have any questions. | think this case study will lluminate best practices for the Board and components and our future coordination together, and I'm looking forward to getting it off the ground. Best, lina Due outs: CBP + 18,: leverage available resources to identify the 2-3 false narratives you assess to present the highest risk of engendering or exacerbating irregular migration and present your, analysis concerning each of these narratives; «© + All: Review below list of academics/researchers and their publications (linked) in the MOM/migration space; suggest additions to Nina, © * International Orranization on Migration (Or. Eileen Culloty and Prof. Jane Suiter, Dublin City University) © * George Mason University, Institute for im Director) © * University of Central Florida, Media and Migration Lab (Dr. Chrysalis Wright, Director) ‘© * Tech Transparency Project (Katie Pau, Director) ‘© * Bush Center, SMU Economic Growth Initiative at the George W. Bush institute (Laura Collins, Director) tion Research (Dr. James Witte, Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security = Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) United States, Washington DC Phone Conference 1D: eT Find a local number | Reset PIN DDHS-001.02018.000182 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000169 1122/2022 + ****U,S, Department of Homeland Security **** * Learn More | Meetina options DASKAL FENTEERIETOD be ee I COMAS JORGE Oe) se) Es ee ee eel DHs.001.02019.000189 11/22/2022 ‘DHS-007-02018-000154 1172272022 | ‘Sent Date: 2022/04/08 09:07:31, DHS.001-02018.000184 11/20/2022 DHS-00t-02018-000185 11/2272022 DASKAL JENNIFER! From: ‘Subject: Re: Fst Disinfo Gov Board Meeting: Draft Agenda and Scheduling ate: 2022/04/10 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Thanks, Rob. Excited to work with you on this. Best,Jen From: SILVERS, ROBERT [5] Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022 6:26:21 PM To: DASKAL, JENNIFER ‘Subject: FW: First Disinfo Gov Board Meeting: Draft Agenda and Scheduling Per my second bullet, goes without saying you are co-leading in this with me. But it should apply to the rest. From: SILVERS, ROBERT Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022 9:26 PM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA Cc: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA] DASKAL, JENNIFER me idiChalkley, Marie pe) BURRIESC!, KELLI ANN foo Korey, Elizabeth fP6)_ FAUSETT, ANDREW Subject: RE: First Disinfo Gov Board Meeting: Draft Agenda and Scheduling Nina and team, ‘Thank you so much. Looking good. | would lke to see the framework for the analytic exchange and the capabilities review before calendaring the meeting, but will be ready to do so in short order once | review and am good with them, ‘Acouple of notes in the meantime based on my quick review of the docs: PoKS) ‘Thank you so much for the fantastic work. Iti exciting to launch here. | hope everyone had a great weekend, Rob DHS-0t-0201.000188 11/2212022 DHS-001-02019.000156 1172212022 From: JANKOWICZ, NINA| Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 4:51 PM DASKAL, JENNIFER fey BURRIESCI, KELLI ANN Kozey, Elizabeth Pe) FAUSETT, ANDREW ‘Subject: First Disinfo Gov Board Meeting: Draft Agenda and Scheduling Hi Rob, ‘We are hoping to get the first Disinformation Governance Board meeting on the calendar for the week of April 18. I've attached a draft agenda (which Jen has reviewed) as well as our Principles document (which has been socialized with Steering Group Members) for your feedback. The Board will formally adopt the Principles doc at the meeting. ‘There are two other documents referenced in the agenda that | will follow up with early next week: the framework for a PLCY-specific Analytic Exchange, and the Executive Summary of our freshly-completed Capabilities Review. Once you give me the go ahead, | will work with Quann to find a time that works for our members and get the meeting on the calendar. Let us know if you have questions or concerns. Best, N Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans U.S. Department of Homeland Security [0 DDASKAL, JENNIFER /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP Sander OBSIEDISOT Oe ;RECIPIENTS/CN=4AAEB9887F39428E9CD831C7D2F10028-JENNIFER.DA Exchangelabs/ouExchange Administrative Group 7849000ecEAbeD805ec71843To8fo-ROBERT SILV Sent Date: 2022/04/10 23:35:13 Delivered Date: 2022/04/10 23: ‘DHS-00t-02018.000186 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02018-000187 11/20/2022 DHS-00t-02018-000187 11/22/2002 DHS-00t-02019-000188 11/2272022 Hs-001-02019-000168 1122/2022 HS.001-02019-000169 1172272022 ‘Subject: Disinfo Gov Board Stering Group Readout 4/8 Date: 2022/04/11 10:47:02 Priority: Normal Hello all, last Friday, Please find the readout below, and ‘Thanks to those who joined our Steering Group mes as always, reach out if you have questions or concerns. Best Nina mT DHS-001-02018-000188 11/2072022 ‘DHS-00t-02018-000160 11/22/2022 16 Nina Jankowiez Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security oy DHS.001-02019-000160 1122/2022 HS-001-02018-000161 112212022 DHS-001-02018-00011 1112272022 DHS-001-02019-000162 1122/2022 Sent Date: 2022/04/11 10:47:00 Delivered Date: 2022/04/11 10:47:02 DHs.001-02019.000162 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000169 1122/2002 waykowice, NINA PVGE From: exe) = ‘Subject: Re: Draft Revised MOM Related Exchange Framework for PLOY Date: 2022/04/11 17:35:02 Priority: Normal Type: Note That would be great on both counts. Hooray! Onward. From: FAUSETT, ANDREW Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 5:33:42 PM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA[pye]__) Kozey, Elizabeth pe) Cc: DASKAL, JENNIFER [ove] SIKORSKYJ, LUCIAN be. ~JFischer, Sebastian (He/Him) [DY |]Reynolds, Spencer PS) ‘Subject: RE: Draft Revised MDM-Related Exchange Framework for PLCY Nina, Thanks for the response and the kind words! With regards to your questions— r HS-001-02019-000169 11/22/2022 DHS-cot-n2019-cootes 11/22/2072 Best, Andy Andrew Fausett Assistant General Counsel for Information Sharing U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office Number (DHS HQ)| lanve) Secure Number! [DHS fe Mobile Number: PT pevey (Unclassified) Exo (Secret) [se (Top Secret//SCI) (he/him/his) [A Deprtent of Homeland Secu storey reared ths docoment for inema government usc only. Te document ay quay as an ‘merapeney ov ints-ageney dooumen! costing delivers proces material I ay ls coma confdemlatiorsy-lent communications ‘sng to logal mac for which the len as sot profession] advice Accordingly, this mateal maybe exer rom eles othe public {Under exemption Sof the Freedom of fforaion Aston, § US.C. § S520), an shoud not be shared ouside the Deparment wit he ‘ermision ofthe Ofc of the General Counsel. From: JANKOWICZ, NINA| Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 3:86 PM Tor FAUSETT, ANDREW B13)_—____—]kozey, Elizabeth Ce: DASKAL, JENNIFER [OL—_—____——sikonsks, wuciane Pe ]Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him) [PX8) Reynolds, ‘Spencer [DX6) ‘Subject: RE: Draft Revised MDM-Related Exchange Framework for PLCY ‘Andy, this is great! Thank you so much for your work and Sebastian and Spencer's support on this, Ihave two que 8) DHS.001-02018.000164 1112272022 DHS.001-02019-000165 1172212022 ‘Thanks again! N Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans USS. Department of Homeland Security cf From: FAUSETT, ANDREW 65} Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 2:33 PM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA [6¥8)___—_________]Kozey, Elizabeth pe Ce: DASKAL, JENNIFER [PX6)_ |SIKORSKYJ, LUCIAN, pe. ] Fischer, Sebastian (He/Him) [Px®) Spencer [EVO Subject: Draft Revised MDM-Related Exchange Framework for PLCY ‘Nina and Liz, Reynolds, i} Best, Andy Andrew Fausett Assistant General Counsel for Information Sharing USS. Department of Homeland Security : DHS HQ) [NVC) [DES HQ PO {NVC m [(Top Secret//SCI) (ehhimihisy DHS-001-02010-ooates 11/22/2022 DHS-001-02010-000166 1122/2022 'A Depatnent of Homeland Securit stomey prepa this document fo interral government use only. The document may qualify a 0 interagency oc int-ageny docment contin deliberative proces materi. may als contin confidential atorey cen comminicaion ‘elting to legal mater for which the clint hes suet profesional advice. Accordingly, this material maybe exempt om relens tothe pblie ‘oder exertion Sof he Feedon of afomation Aston, 5 U.S.C. §SS2(b3), and should not be shared outsiéethe Department without the ‘ermison ofthe Office ofthe Geel Conse. Delivered Date: 2022/04/11 17:35:02 DHS-001-02018-000166 117222022 DHs-0o1.02019-000167 11/22/2022 Suibject: RE: Updated Rollout Brit Date: 2022/04/34 10:54:19 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Note Looks great to me Jen! Thank you. From: DASKAL, JENNIFER Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 8:33 PM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA, ‘Subject: RE: Updated Rollout Brief Nina, Sorry for the delay, edits in the link, consistent with my comments over the last few days[°™°) Let me know what you think. And many thanks for putting this together. Would love for this to be external, not just internal facing, once cleared. Best, Jen From: JANKOWICZ, NINA Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 7:10 PM. To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [BY DASKAL, JENNIFER Se Subject: Re: Updated Rollout Brief HiJen- ‘Moving this to the top of your inbox- would love your feedback so we can get it to OPA and Ricki. (For context, as we discussed this morning, it’s an internal doc) Have a nice evening- Nina DHS.001-02019.000167 11122/2022 DHS-001-02019-000168 11/22/2022 From: JANKOWICZ, NINA Sent Monday Apr 12 202245850 __ Fer VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA DIET asa, ere | ‘Subject: RE: Updated Rollout Brief Hi again both, Jen, Sam and | just synced on this document and made a few changes based on your feedback; we also inserted some language from the Charter. It’s below. This isn’t going to be publicly released, but is for Ricki/OPA use as they develop the plan for engagement with media. ‘We welcome your feedback so we can send this up the chain. Thanks! N DHS-001-0201-000168 11/22/2002 DHS-001-02019-000169 117227022 WT Nina Jankowicz Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans US. Department of Homeland Security 76) From: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [ERB] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 11:46 AM “To: JANKOWICZ, NINA [E76] DASKAL, JENNIFER Subject: RE: Updated Rollout Brief \Nina ~ thanks. | believe we have a 1:1 today and we can discuss. ‘And | am also sorry you are chagrined - we are so glad that the work is progressing so substantively. We oftentimes have some delays in rollouts as the communications SMEs evolve their thinking on timing and substance and then have to loop back with each other. Glad to share more on that internal dynamic when we speak. sam From: JANKOWICZ, NINA Sent: Monday, April, 2022 11:43 AMI To: DASKAL, JENNIFER [OY6)_—VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA a ‘Subject: RE: Updated Rollout Orie? Thanks both. DHS-001-02019-000169 11/2072022 HS-001-0201-000170 11222022 He I’ve made a few changes based on your feedback and feel we should try to get others’ input and get this ‘out asap. | am chagrined that at this point the first conversation we had about this relatively simple announcement was five weeks ag0. Ready to chat about this/make more edits/move forward! N Nina Jankowiez Executive Director Disinformation Governance Board Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans USS. Department of Homeland Security CPR From: DASKAL, JENNIFER Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 10:29 AM To: JANKOWICZ, NINA ]VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA ed Subject: RE: Updated Rollout Brief Hi guys— TT Best, Jen From: JANKOWICZ, NINA| ‘Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 8:47 AM “To: VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA [BY] ] DASKAL, JENNIFER ES 7) DHS-001-02010-000170 11/22/2022 DHS.001-02019-000171 11/20/2022 Good morning Sam and Jen! Hope you had a nice weekend. As promised, here is the rollout doc with edits from concerned parties. Let me know what you think- ready to send up to Ricki and OPA when you give the go ahead. Best, Nina ‘Sent Date: 2022/04/14 10:54:17 Delivered Date: 2022/04/14 10:54:19 DHS-001-02019.000171 1122/2002 DHS-0o1-n2019-000172 11/20/2002 Subject: Sync on Disinformation Governance Board Announcement Date: 2022/04/15 09:40:09 ‘Start Date: 2022/04/18 15:30:00 End Date: 2022/04/16 16:00:00 Priority: Normal ‘Type: Appointment Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting JANKOWICZ, NINA; WATERS, ERIN; SEIDMAN, RICKI; ULLOA, ISABELLA; ESPINOSA, MARSHA; LUGO, Attendees: ALICE; PECK, SARAH; CARNES, ALEXANDRA; Lamote, Jason; VINOGRAD, SAMANTHA; DASKAL, JENNIFER; Kozey, Ekzabeth; FAUSETT, ANDREW; SHAH, SARASWATI This time looks free on everyone's calendars but let me know if it doesn’t work- thanks! DHS-00t-o2019.000172 1112272022

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