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Non-Destructive Estimation of Sapwood and Heartwoo

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Non-Destructive Estimation of Sapwood and Heartwood Width in Scots Pine

(Pinus sylvestris L.)

Article  in  Silva Fennica · January 2010

DOI: 10.14214/sf.153


45 485

2 authors:

Dirk Bieker Steffen Rust

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - Hildesheim/Holzminden/G…

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SILVA FENNICA Silva Fennica 44(2) research articles · ISSN 0037-5330
The Finnish Society of Forest Science · The Finnish Forest Research Institute

Non-Destructive Estimation of Sapwood

and Heartwood Width in Scots Pine
(Pinus sylvestris L.)

Dirk Bieker and Steffen Rust

Bieker, D. & Rust, S. 2010. Non-destructive estimation of sapwood and heartwood width in
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Silva Fennica 44(2): 267–273.

Accurate estimates of the water conducting sapwood area are necessary to scale sapflow
measurements to tree and stand level transpiration. We tested a non-destructive method,
electric resistivity tomography (ERT), to estimate the area of conductive sapwood in 9 Pinus
sylvestris L. trees in lower Saxony, Germany. Tomograms were compared to cross-sections
stained with benzidine after harvesting. All tomograms displayed a distinct pattern of low
resistivity at the stem perimeter and high resistivity in the stem centre with a steep increase
in resistivity in between, assumed to indicate the transition from sapwood to heartwood. The
tomograms showed a sapwood width 2 cm smaller than the staining method. This indicates
that staining methods overestimate the amount of active sapwood because when heartwood is
formed, moisture content decreases before extractive contents reach levels visible by staining.
The ERT method is a new powerful method for the non-destructive estimation of sapwood
and heartwood width.

Keywords non-destructive testing, tomography, sapwood, pine

Addresses University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty of Resource Management, Büs-
genweg 1a, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany E-mail
Received 14 October 2009 Revised 18 January 2010 Accepted 29 March 2010
Available at

Silva Fennica 44(2), 2010 research articles

1 Introduction sylvestris L. has a considerable lower electric

resistivity than the heartwood. During heartwood
Whole tree transpiration estimates using sapflow formation, moisture content decreases before
sensors have been widely applied in the past two extractive contents (e.g. pinosylvin) reach levels
decades. However, scaling sapflow measurements visible by staining (Bergström 2003).
to whole tree and stand transpiration rates remains Electric resistivity tomography (ERT) is widely
problematic, especially in species with deep func- used in material testing, geophysics and medi-
tional sapwood (Pausch et al. 2000, Cermak et cine to estimate the distribution of specific elec-
al. 2004). While measurements at several depths tric resistivity. Since 1998 (Just et al. 1998), the
provide information on radial sapflow profiles, method has been used for testing standing trees
sapwood area estimates are based on destructive non-destructively, e.g. to detect decay (Dubbel
post hoc methods, often confined to increment et al. 1999, Bieker 2010), red heartwood in
cores. Reliable non-destructive estimates of the beech (Weihs et al. 1999, Hanskötter 2004) and
size and distribution of sapwood area at the level brown heartwood in ash (Weihs et al. 2005).
of sapflow measurements could improve not only Recent publications show, that even sapflow can
the scaling, but also the positioning of the sapflow be detected by the electrical resistivity method
sensors. (Hagrey 2007).
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has the widest In this study the use of electric resistivity tom-
geographic range of all tree species native to Eur- ography to detect sapwood area in pine is tested
asia and is one of the most important timber spe- and results are compared with area estimates from
cies worldwide. Its wide distribution and impact benzidine stained stem discs. Our hypothesis was
on site and ecosystem hydrology has resulted in a that because of higher moisture content sapwood
growing number of studies using sapflow sensors should have a lower resistivity than heartwood.
to estimate tree and stand transpiration (Cermak The steep decline in wood moisture from sap-
1995, Backes 1996, Sturm et al. 1998, Rust and wood to heartwood (Rust 1999, Kravka et al.
Lüttschwager 1998). Its sapwood is too wide to 1999) should help to distinguish the two zones.
be covered by most of the commercially available
sapflow sensors and sapwood to heartwood area
ratios vary considerably, both within and between
stands. Thus, transpiration estimates could sig- 2 Material and Methods
nificantly gain from information on individual
sapwood areas. Nine Pinus sylvestris L. trees (diameter at breast
In addition, sapwood and heartwood of Pinus height 24 to 49.5 cm, age 69 to 88 years) grow-
sylvestris L. are often used for different pur- ing in a forest near Göttingen (51°27´N, 9°59´E),
poses due to their considerable differences in Germany, were used in this experiment. Measure-
properties. The non-destructive determination ments were conducted on healthy trees without
of sapwood and heartwood could help to gain visible signs of stem decay within two days in
a better understanding of factors that influence September 2006. All but one tree grew in level ter-
their proportion and could therefore support a rain. Tree no. 6 was placed on a steep hillside.
more effective use.
The higher moisture content of sapwood com-
pared to heartwood in most conifers is well known 2.1 Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
(Vintilia 1939). While below the fibre saturation
point electrical resistivity is primarily correlated A multiplexer with internal power supply
with wood moisture, above the fibre saturation (GeoTomMK8E1000 RES/IP, GEOLOG Fuss
point the concentration of mobile ions in the wood und Hepp GbR, Germany) and custom-made
exerts the largest influence (Lin 1967, Shigo and stainless steel electrodes with a needle diameter
Shigo 1974, Tattar and Blanchard 1974, Dixon of 2 mm were used for the measurements. To
et al. 1977). Due to the higher water content and analyse a stem cross-section, 24 electrodes were
the higher amount of ions, the sapwood of Pinus forced through the bark into the outermost wood

Bieker and Rust Non-Destructive Estimation of Sapwood and Heartwood Width in Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

by hand at constant height (30 cm) above ground. tree spaced at 45°-intervals were estimated from
A low frequency current (8 1/3 Hz) was applied the tomograms.
and measured in a dipol-dipol-configuration (Rey- All tests were computed with the R statistical
nolds 1997). The software DC2dTree (Günther et programming language (v2.9.2., R Development
al. 2006) was used for tomographic inversion. Core 2009). Linear models were analyzed with
The entire process including the calculation is the robust package (v0.3-4, Wang et al. 2008).
completed within 15 minutes per tree.

2.2 Staining and Tomogram Analysis 3 Results

Trees were felled and stem cross-sections cut in All tomograms display a distinct pattern of low
the plane of the tomography were taken to the resistivity at the stem perimeter and high resis-
laboratory and stained with benzidine to delineate tivity in the stem centre (Fig. 1). The transition
the heartwood/sapwood boundary (Rust 1999). between these zones is rather narrow and rep-
This method colours the sapwood red and the resents a steep increase in resistivity. The 5%
heartwood yellow. Sapwood width along two and 95% quantils of electric resistivities of the
opposing radii per disc was measured to the near- sapwood of the nine trees were 219 ± 42.5 Ωm
est mm. and 594 ± 55.5 Ωm. The electric resistivities of
For the analysis of the accuracy of the tomo- the heartwood ranged from the maximum of the
grams the centre of the narrow green ring in the sapwood to 1737 ± 393.4 Ωm.
tomograms, corresponding to the steep rise in Sapwood width from the tomograms compared
resistivity from sapwood to heartwood, was taken well with that obtained by staining (R² = 0.87, p
as the heartwood/sapwood boundary. Based on < 0.0001, Fig. 2). Mean sapwood width from
this, sapwood and heartwood area of the cross- staining was 8.1 cm ± 0.6 cm and 6.1 ± 0.5 for
sections and sapwood width for eight radii per the tomograms.
Sapwood width, cm (staining)



4 6 8 10 12
Sapwood width, cm
(electrical resistivity tomography)

Fig. 2. Sapwood width of Pinus sylvestris L. measured

Fig. 1. Representative ERT tomogram of Pinus sylves- with ERT and benzidine staining. Linear regres-
tris L. Blue indicates low electrical resistivity, red sion and 95%-confidence interval, n= 18; grey line
indicates high electrical resistivity. indicates 1:1.

Silva Fennica 44(2), 2010 research articles

20 4 Discussion
The sapwood width measured with the staining
method was about 28% ± 3% higher than that

measured by ERT. This is even more than the dif-
ference between computer tomography and stain-
ing of 17% found by Rust (1999). Therefore it is
likely that ERT-results display the physiological
0 active sapwood, whose width is over-estimated
by staining. But the sharp boundary between low
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
and high electric resistivity is not just an effect of
Ratio linear estimate/tomogram the higher water content in the sapwood. Other
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of the ratios of sapwood parameters related to heartwood formation like
area calculated from single linear estimates of sap- resin content (Tattar and Blanchard 1974) and
wood width and area estimates from tomograms. pit closure (Du 1991) increase electric resistivity
as well.
The strong differences in wood moisture con-
tent between sapwood and heartwood that can be
The sapwood area calculated from the mean found in pine and other conifers allow the accurate
of 8 individual radial measurements in the tomo- estimation of the different zones. However, most
grams did not differ significantly from the mean central European hardwoods do not have such
sapwood area estimated from the tomograms strong contrasts between sapwood and heartwood,
(p = 0.23). There was, however, a large variation which might limit the possibilities of ERT.
(Fig. 3): estimates from one linear measurement The location of the pith of the trees corre-
ranged from 43 per cent to 170 per cent of sap- sponded closely to the spot of relatively low elec-
wood area as estimated by tomography. tric resistivity in the tomograms (Figs. 1 and 4),
The inner zone of high resistivity is not homo- confirming results of Shigo and Shigo (1974),
geneous, though. In the centre of most of the who found a good correlation between relative
tested trees the there is an area of relatively low low electric resistivity and the pith of a stem.
resistivity. This area coincides with the pith of Even the decentral pith in tree no. 6, which
the trees (Fig. 4). was placed on a steep hillside, was depicted in

Fig. 4. Tomogram and stem cross section with decentral pith of Pinus sylvestris L.

Bieker and Rust Non-Destructive Estimation of Sapwood and Heartwood Width in Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

the tomogram (Fig. 4) which indicates that ERT within areas of similar wood moisture content
is able to show reaction wood. (Cermak et al. 2004). But with non-destructive
The growth rings next to the pith are made of measurements of sapwood area, sapflow sensors
juvenile wood, whose anatomical and physical can be placed in parts of the stem that are most
properties differ considerably from the properties suitable. Installing sensors partly in heartwood
of mature wood: specific gravity is lower, mois- can be avoided and representative points of meas-
ture content higher, fibres are shorter, cellulose urement can be selected.
content is considerably lower (Knigge and Schulz Thus there are many applications for a fast
1966), lignin content (Zobel and Sprague 1998) and non-destructive method for the detection of
and earlywood percentage are higher than in the sapwood area in experimental plant physiology,
surrounding mature wood. e.g.:
A variation of electrolyte concentration from – Guide the positioning of sapflow sensors (Nadezh-
the stem centre to the heartwood/sapwood border dina et al. 2002)
might also explain the relative low electric resis- – Scaling of sapflow density or velocity to tree and
tivities around the pith. Helmisaari and Siltala stand level
(1989) found increasing concentrations of Ca, Mg, – Calculation of specific hydraulic conductance
Mn and Zn towards the pith of Pinus sylvestris L. (Rust 1999, Cruiziat et al. 2002)
while concentrations of K and P decreased. Bieker – Monitoring of heartwood formation
and Rust (2010) could show that increasing con- – Monitoring of heartwood/sapwood relationships
centrations of K and Mg decrease electric resis-
tivities in the heartwood of Quercus robur while
wood moisture content remained constant.
Further investigations are needed to clarify the Acknowledgements
factors causing the relative low electric resis-
tivities around the pith of Pinus sylvestris L. and The authors acknowledge the constructive com-
other conifers. The variation of wood moisture ments of three anonymous reviewers.
content in stem cross-sections of different species
and the influence of electrolytes that could be
found for oak trees indicate that tomograms have
to be interpreted carefully and species specific References
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