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CNS - Unit 1

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Security trends - Legal, Ethical and Professional Aspects of Security, Need for Security
at Multiple levels, Security Policies - Model of network security – Security attacks,
services and mechanisms – OSI security architecture – Classical encryption techniques:
substitution techniques, transposition techniques, steganography- Foundations of
modern cryptography: perfect security – information theory – product cryptosystem –


Computer data often travels from one computer to another, leaving the safety of its protected
physical surroundings. Once the data is out of hand, people with bad intention could modify
or forge your data, either for amusement or for their own benefit.

Cryptography can reformat and transform our data, making it safer on its trip between
computers. The technology is based on the essentials of secret codes, augmented by modern
mathematics that protects our data in powerful ways.

• Computer Security - generic name for the collection of tools designed to protect data and
to thwart hackers

• Network Security - measures to protect data during their transmission

• Internet Security - measures to protect data during their transmission over a collection of
interconnected networks


Legal and Ethical Aspects:

1.Cybercrime / Computer Crime

“Criminal activity in which computers or computer networks are a tool, a target, or a place of
criminal activity”

2.Categorize based on computer’s role: –

 as target
 as storage device
 as communications tool

3. More comprehensive categorization seen in Cybercrime Convention, Computer Crime


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Professional Aspects:

No third parties can read your data. Nothing is implied about the identity or
trustworthiness of you or your counterpart. Neither you nor your counterpart can
know that messages are not being altered or replaced in transit.
You know with certainty that your counterpart possesses a particular private key.
Nothing is implied about the identity or trustworthiness of your counterpart. The
conversation may not be private, and neither you nor your counterpart can know that
messages are not being altered or replaced in transit.
You know (somehow) that a particular private key corresponds to a particular
identity. There is no “conversation” involved.
Due to an endorsement by an already-identified and already-trusted third party, you
know that a particular private key corresponds to a particular identity. There is no
“conversation” involved, but trust can be securely conveyed over insecure computer
You know with certainty that messages between you and your counterpart are not
being altered or replaced in transit. The conversation may not be private, and nothing
is implied about the identity or trustworthiness of your counterpart.


 When multiple categories or levels of data are defined, the requirement is referred to
as multilevel security (MLS).
 The general statement of the requirement for confidentiality-centered multilevel
security is that a subject at a high level may not convey information to a subject at a
lower level unless that flow accurately reflects the will of an authorized user as
revealed by an authorized declassification.
 For implementation purposes, this requirement is in two parts and is simply stated.
A multilevel secure system for confidentiality must enforce the following

• No read up: A subject can only read an object of less or equal security level. This is
referred to in the literature as the simple security property (ss-property).

• No write down: A subject can only write into an object of greater or equal security level.

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The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable
objectives of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information system
resources (includes hardware, software, firmware, information/ data and



A. Data1 confidentiality:

Assures that private or confidential information is not made available or disclosed to

unauthorized individuals.

Privacy: Assures that individuals control or influence what information related to them may
be collected and stored and by whom and to whom that information may be disclosed.

B. Integrity:

Data integrity:

Assures that information and programs are changed only in a specified and authorized

System integrity:

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Assures that a system performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from
deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system.


Assures that systems work promptly and service is not denied to authorized users.


 The property of being genuine and being able to be verified and trusted; confidence in
the validity of a transmission, a message, or message originator.
 This means verifying that users are who they say they are and that each input arriving
at the system came from a trusted source.


The security goal that generates the requirement for actions of an entity to be traced uniquely
to that entity.

 This supports nonrepudiation, deterrence, fault isolation, intrusion detection and

prevention, and after-action recovery and legal action.
 Because truly secure systems are not yet an achievable goal, we must be able to trace
a security breach to a responsible party.
 Systems must keep records of their activities to permit later forensic analysis to trace
security breaches or to aid in transaction disputes.


A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a system or organization provides
security services to protect sensitive and critical system resources.

In developing a security policy, a security manager needs to consider the following factors:

 The value of the assets being protected

 The vulnerabilities of the system

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 Potential threats and the likelihood of attacks

1.Ease of use versus security:

 Virtually all security measures involve some penalty in the area of ease of use.
 The following are some examples. Access control mechanisms require users to
remember passwords and perhaps perform other access control actions.
 Firewalls and other network security measures may reduce available transmission
capacity or slow response time.
 Virus-checking software reduces available processing power and introduces the
possibility of system crashes or malfunctions due to improper interaction between the
security software and the operating system.

2.Cost of security versus cost of failure and recovery:

 In addition to ease of use and performance costs, there are direct monetary costs in
implementing and maintaining security measures.
 All of these costs must be balanced against the cost of security failure and recovery if
certain security measures are lacking.
 The cost of security failure and recovery must take into account not only the value of
the assets being protected and the damages resulting from a security violation, but
also the risk, which is the probability that a particular threat will exploit a particular
vulnerability with a particular harmful result.


 Security Architecture for OSI, defines such a systematic approach.The OSI security
architecture is useful to managers as a way of organizing the task of providing
security. Furthermore, because this architecture was developed as an international
standard, computer and communications vendors have developed security features for
their products and services that relate to this structured definition of services and
 The OSI security architecture focuses on security attacks, mechanisms and services.

These can be defined briefly as

• Security attack: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an

• Security mechanism: A process (or a device incorporating such a process) that is designed
to detect, prevent or recover from a security attack.

• Security service: A processing or communication service that enhances the security of the
data processing systems and the information transfers of an organization.

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The services are intended to counter security attacks, and they make use of one or more
security mechanisms to provide the service.

Threat and Attack mean the same but with a slight difference


 A potential for violation of security, which exists when there is a

circumstance, capability, action, or event that could breach security and cause
 That is, a threat is a possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability.


An assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat; that is, an
intelligent act that is a deliberate attempt (especially in the sense of a method or technique) to
evade security services and violate the security policy of a system.


The Security attacks are divided into Active Attack and Passive Attack.

Passive Attack:

 A passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but
does not affect system resources.
 Passive attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on,or monitoring of,transmissions.
 The goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted.
 Two types of passive attacks are the release of message contents and traffic analysis.

Release of message contents

 The release of message contents is easily understood .

 A telephone conversation, an electronic mail message and a transferred file may
contain sensitive or confidential information.
 We would like to prevent an opponent from learning the contents of these

Traffic analysis

 A second type of passive attack, traffic analysis. Suppose that we had a way of
masking the contents of messages or other information traffic so that opponents, even
if they captured the message, could not extract the information from the message.

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 The common technique for masking contents is encryption. If we had encryption
protection in place, an opponent might still be able to observe the pattern of these
 The opponent could determine the location and identity of communicating hosts and
could observe the frequency and length of messages being exchanged.
 This information might be useful in guessing the nature of the communication that
was taking place.
 Passive attacks are very difficult to detect, because they do not involve any alteration
of the data.
 Typically, the message traffic is sent and received in an apparently normal
fashion,and neither the sender nor receiver is aware that a third party has read the
messages or observed the traffic pattern.
 However, it is feasible to prevent the success of these attacks, usually by means of
 Thus, the emphasis in dealing with passive attacks is on prevention rather than


 An active attack attempts to alter system resources or affect their operation.

 Active attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false
stream and can be subdivided into four categories
 1.masquerade 2.replay 3.modification of messages and 4.denial of service.


 A masquerade takes place when one entity pretends to be a different entity.

 For example ,authentication sequences can be captured and replayed after a valid
authentication sequence has taken place, thus enabling an authorized entity with few
privileges to obtain extra privileges by impersonating an entity that has those

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2.Replay :

 Involves the passive capture of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to
produce an unauthorized effect .

3.Modification of messages :

 Simply means that some portion of a legitimate message is altered or that messages
are delayed or reordered to produce an unauthorized effect .
 For example, a message meaning “Allow John Smith to read confidential file
accounts” is modified to mean “Allow Fred Brown to read confidential file accounts.”

4.The denial of service:

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 Prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications facilities .This
attack may have a specific target.
 for example, an entity may suppress all messages directed to a particular destination
(e.g.,the security audit service).
 Another form of service denial is the disruption of an entire network,either by
disabling the network or by overloading it with messages so as to degrade


 Authentication
1. Peer Entity Authentication
2. Data Entity Authentication
 Data Integrity
1. Connection Integrity with Recovery
2. Connection Integrity without Recovery
3. Selective Field Connection Integrity
4. Connectionless Integrity
5. Selective Field Connectionless Integrity
 Access Control
1. Data Confidentiality
2. Connection Confidentiality
3. Connectionless Confidentiality
4. Selective Field Confidentiality
5. Traffic flow confidentiality

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 Non Repudiation
1. Non repudiation Origin
2. Non Repudiation Destination


Encipherment :

 The use of mathematical algorithms to transform data into a form that is not readily
 The transformation and subsequent recovery of the data depend on an algorithm and
zero or more encryption keys.

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Digital Signature:

Data appended to,or a cryptographic transformation of,a data unit that allows a recipient of
the data unit to prove the source and integrity of the data unit and protect against forgery
(e.g.,by the recipient).

Access Control:

A variety of mechanisms that enforce access rights to resources.

Data Integrity :

A variety of mechanisms used to assure the integrity of a data unit or stream of data units.

Authentication Exchange:

A mechanism intended to ensure the identity of an entity by means of information exchange.

Traffic Padding:

The insertion of bits into gaps in a data stream to frustrate traffic analysis attempts.

Routing Control:

Enables selection of particular physically secure routes for certain data and allows routing
changes, especially when a breach of security is suspected.


The use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties of a data exchange.


 The two parties, who are the principals in this transaction, must cooperate for the
exchange to take place.
 A logical information channel is established by defining a route through the Internet
from source to destination and by the cooperative use of communication protocols
(e.g.,TCP/IP) by the two principals.
 Security aspects come into play when it is necessary or desirable to protect the
information transmission from an opponent who may present a threat to
confidentiality, authenticity, and so on.All the techniques for providing security have
two components:
 A security-related transformation on the information to be sent.
 Examples include the encryption of the message, which scrambles the message so that
it is unreadable by the opponent and the addition of a code based on the contents of
the message, which can be used to verify the identity of the sender.

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 Some secret information shared by the two principals and, it is hoped, unknown to the
 An example is an encryption key used in conjunction with the transformation to
scramble the message before transmission and unscramble it on reception.6 A trusted
third party may be needed to achieve secure transmission.
 For example,a third party may be responsible for distributing the secret information to
the two principals while keeping it from any opponent.
 Or a third party may be needed to arbitrate disputes between the two principals
concerning the authenticity of a message transmission.
 This general model shows that there are four basic tasks in designing a particular
security service:
1. Design an algorithm for performing the security-related transformation. The
algorithm should be such that an opponent cannot defeat its purpose.
2. Generate the secret information to be used with the algorithm.
3. Develop methods for the distribution and sharing of the secret information.
4. Specify a protocol to be used by the two principals that makes use of the security
algorithm and the secret information to achieve a particular security service.


Symmetric encryption also referred to as conventional encryption or single-key

encryption. Here, the sender and recipient share a common key.

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A symmetric encryption scheme has five ingredients
• Plaintext: This is the original intelligible message or data that is fed into the algorithm as
Encryption algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs various substitutions and
transformations on the plaintext.
• Secret key: The secret key is also input to the encryption algorithm. The key is a value
independent of the plaintext and of the algorithm. The algorithm will produce a different
output depending on the specific key being used at the time. The exact substitutions and
transformations performed by the algorithm depend on the key.
• Cipher text: This is the scrambled message produced as output. It depends on the
plaintext and the secret key. For a given message, two different keys will produce two
different cipher texts. The cipher text is an apparently random stream of data and, as it
stands, is unintelligible.
• Decryption algorithm: This is essentially the encryption algorithm run in reverse. It
takes the cipher text and the secret key and produces the original plaintext.

There are two requirements for secure use of conventional encryption:

1. We need a strong encryption algorithm.
2. Sender and receiver must have obtained copies of the secret key in a secure
fashion and must keep the key secure.
 It is impractical to decrypt a message on the basis of the cipher text plus knowledge
 of the encryption/decryption algorithm.
 In other words, we do not need to keep thealgorithm secret; we need to keep only the
key secret.

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A source produces a message in plaintext

X = [X1, X2,..., XM].
M- elements of X are letters.
For encryption, a key of the form
K = [K1, K2, …, KJ] is generated.
If the key is generated at the message source, then it must also be provided to the
destination by means of some secure channel. Alternatively, a third party could generate the
key and securely deliver it to both source and destination.
With the message X and the encryption key K as input, the encryption algorithm
forms the cipher text
Y = [Y1,y2,…..yn]
Y = E(K, X)
Y- cipher text
E- Encryption algorithm
K- Key
X-Plain text
At the receiver side the transformation:
X = D(K, Y)
Y- cipher text
D-Decryption algorithm
K- Key
X-Plain text
 If the opponent is interested in only this particular message only, tries to find
themessage estimate .

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But when the opponent is interested in the current and future messages, tries to find
key estimate .


A substitution technique is one in which the letters of plaintext are replaced by other letters or
by numbers or symbols.1 If the plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits,then substitution
involves replacing plaintext bit patterns with ciphertext bit patterns.

i.Caesar Cipher:

 The Caesar cipher involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the letter
standing three places further down the alphabet.For example,
 plain: meet me after the toga party
 Note that the alphabet is wrapped around,so that the letter following Z is A. We can
define the transformation by listing all possibilities,as follows:
 plain: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
 cipher: D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C
 the algorithm can be expressed as follows. For each plaintext letter , substitute the
ciphertext letter :
 A shift may be of any amount,so that the general Caesar algorithm is where takes on a
value in the range 1 to 25.

The decryption algorithm is simply

p = D(k, C) = (C - k) mod 26

C = E(k, p) = (p + k) mod 26

C = E(3, p) = (p + 3) mod 26

ii.Monoalphabetic Ciphers

 Monoalphabetic cipher is a substitution cipher in which for a given key, the cipher
alphabet for each plain alphabet is fixed throughout the encryption process.
 For example, if ‘A’ is encrypted as ‘D’, for any number of occurrence in that
plaintext, ‘A’ will always get encrypted to ‘D’.

plain: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

cipher: D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C

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 “cipher” line can be any permutation of the 26 alphabetic characters, then there are
26! or greater than possible keys.
 This is 10 orders of magnitude greater than the key space for DES and would seem to
eliminate brute-force techniques for cryptanalysis.
 Such an approach is referred to as a monoalphabetic substitution cipher,because a
single cipher alphabet (mapping from plain alphabet to cipher alphabet) is used per
message text.

iii.Playfair Cipher

The best-known multiple-letter encryption cipher is the Playfair,which treats digrams in the
plaintext as single units and translates these units into ciphertext digrams.

The Playfair algorithm is based on the use of a 5 × 5 matrix of letters constructed using a

Rules for Play fair cipher:

 The matrix is constructed by filling in the letters of the keyword (minus duplicates)
from left to right and from top to bottom, and then filling in the remainder of the
matrix with the remaining letters in alphabetic order.
 The letters I and J count as one letter. Plaintext is encrypted two letters at a
time,according to the following rules:

1. Repeating plaintext letters that are in the same pair are separated with a filler letter,such as
x,so that balloon would be treated as ba lx lo on.

2. Two plaintext letters that fall in the same row of the matrix are each replaced by the letter
to the right, with the first element of the row circularly following the last.For example,ar is
encrypted as RM.

3. Two plaintext letters that fall in the same column are each replaced by the letter beneath,
with the top element of the column circularly following the last. For example,mu is encrypted
as CM.

4. Otherwise,each plaintext letter in a pair is replaced by the letter that lies in its own row and
the column occupied by the other plaintext letter. Thus, hs becomes BP and ea becomes IM
(or JM,as the encipherer wishes

iv.Hill Cipher

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V.Polyalphabetic Ciphers

Another way to improve on the simple monoalphabetic technique is to use different

monoalphabetic substitutions as one proceeds through the plaintext message.The general
name for this approach is polyalphabetic substitution cipher.

All these techniques have the following features in common:

1. A set of related monoalphabetic substitution rules is used.

2. A key determines which particular rule is chosen for a given transformation.

1.Vignere Cipher

 The best known, and one of the simplest, polyalphabetic ciphers is the Vigenère
cipher.In this scheme,the set of related monoalphabetic substitution rules consists of
the 26 Caesar ciphers with shifts of 0 through 25.

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 Each cipher is denoted by a key letter, which is the ciphertext letter that substitutes for
the plaintext letter a.Thus, a Caesar cipher with a shift of 3 is denoted by the key
value .
 the first letter of the key is added to the first letter of the plaintext,mod 26,the second
letters are added, and so on through the first letters of the plaintext.
 For the next letters of the plaintext,the key letters are repeated.This process continues
until all of the plaintext sequence is encrypted. A general equation of the encryption
process is

pi = (Ci - ki mod m)mod 26

Ci = (pi + ki mod m)mod 26

 To encrypt a message,a key is needed that is as long as the message.

 Usually, the key is a repeating keyword.
 For example, if the keyword is deceptive, the message “we are discovered save
yourself”is encrypted as


plaintext: wearediscoveredsaveyourself


2.Vernam Cipher:

 To choose a keyword that is as long as the plaintext and has no statistical relationship
to it.
 Such a system was introduced by an AT&T engineer named Gilbert Vernam in
1918.His system works on binary data (bits) rather than letters.
 The system can be expressed succinctly as follows

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vi.One time pad:

 Uses a random key that is as long as the message,so that the key need not be repeated.
 In addition,the key is to be used to encrypt and decrypt a single message,and then is
 Each new message requires a new key of the same length as the new message.Such a
scheme,known as a one-time pad,is unbreakable.
 It produces random output that bears no statistical relationship to the
plaintext.Because the ciphertext contains no information whatsoever about the
plaintext, there is simply no way to break the code.



key: pxlmvmsydofuyrvzwc tnlebnecvgdupahfzzlmnyih

plaintext: mr mustard with the candlestick in the hall


The one-time pad offers complete security but,in practice,has two fundamental difficulties:

1. There is the practical problem of making large quantities of random keys.Any heavily used
system might require millions of random characters on a regular basis.Supplying truly
random characters in this volume is a significant task.

2. Even more daunting is the problem of key distribution and protection. For every message
to be sent,a key of equal length is needed by both sender and receiver.Thus,a mammoth key
distribution problem exists.

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 It is another type of cipher where the order of the alphabets in the plaintext is
rearranged to create the ciphertext. The actual plaintext alphabets are not replaced.
 An example is a ‘simple columnar transposition’ cipher where the plaintext is written
horizontally with a certain alphabet width. Then the ciphertext is read vertically as
 For example, the plaintext is “golden statue is in eleventh cave” and the secret
random key chosen is “five”. We arrange this text horizontally in table with number
of column equal to key value. The resulting text is shown below.

 The ciphertext is obtained by reading column vertically downward from first to last
 The ciphertext is ‘gnuneaoseenvltiltedasehetivc’.

 To decrypt, the receiver prepares similar table. The number of columns is equal to
key number. The number of rows is obtained by dividing number of total ciphertext
alphabets by key value and rounding of the quotient to next integer value.

 The receiver then writes the received ciphertext vertically down and from left to right
column. To obtain the text, he reads horizontally left to right and from top to bottom

 A very different kind of mapping is achieved by performing some sort of permutation

on the plaintext letters.This technique is referred to as a transposition cipher.

i.Rail fence cipher

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In which the plaintext is written down as a sequence of diagonals and then read off as a
sequence of rows.For example,to encipher the message “meet me after the toga party”with a
rail fence of depth 2,we write the following:


The encrypted message is




 Perfect security is the notion that, given an encrypted message (or ciphertext) from a
perfectly secure encryption system (or cipher), absolutely nothing will be revealed
about the unencrypted message (or plaintext) by the ciphertext.
 A perfectly secret cipher has a couple of other equivalent properties:

 Even if given a choice of two plaintexts, one the real one, for a ciphertext, you cannot
distinguish which plaintext is the real one (perfect message indistinguishability)
 There is a key that encrypts every possible plaintext to every possible ciphertext
(perfect key ambiguity) (* this is true only if the keys used are the same size as the

 The difficulties arising with perfect secrecy systems, namely the need for transmission
of a large key over a secure channel, raises the following question: What if we use the
same key more than once? The mathematical analysis is again due to Shannon.
 He used a concept from information theory, namely entropy. Informally spoken, the
entropy measures the average degree of uncertainty of a statistical quantity.
 Shannon gave the following definition along with a mathematical motivation for
using entropy as a measure for information. Definition 4.1 (Entropy, [Sha48]) Let X
be a random variable taking on the values 1,. . . ,n.
 Then H(X) = − Xn i=1 P[X = i]log2P[X = i] Example 4.1 If we throw a fair (Laplace)
die, the result is an equiprobably distributed random variable X.

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 Its entropy can be calculated as H(X) = − X 6 i=1 1 6 log2 1 6 = log26 In general, the
entropy of a random variable taking on values from 1 to n, the entropy is bounded
above by the one of an equiprobable distribution: X ranges from 1 to n ⇒ H(X) ≤ log2


 Product cipher, data encryption scheme in which the ciphertext produced by

encrypting a plaintext document is subjected to further encryption.
 By combining two or more simple transposition ciphers or substitution ciphers, a
more secure encryption may result.


 Steganography is a technique for hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a
way that others cannot discern the presence or contents of the hidden message.
 A plaintext message may be hidden in one of two ways. The methods of
steganography conceal the existence of the message,whereas the methods of
cryptography render the message unintelligible to outsiders by various
transformations of the text.

List of areas where steganography is used :

Character marking: Selected letters of printed or typewritten text are overwritten in

pencil.The marks are ordinarily not visible unless the paper is held at an angle to bright light.

Invisible ink: A number of substances can be used for writing but leave no visible trace until
heat or some chemical is applied to the paper.

Pin punctures: Small pin punctures on selected letters are ordinarily not visible unless the
paper is held up in front of a light.

Typewriter correction ribbon:Used between lines typed with a black ribbon,the results of
typing with the correction tape are visible only under a strong light.



 Cryptanalytic attacks rely on the nature of the algorithm plus perhaps some
knowledge of the general characteristics of the plaintext or even some sample
plaintext–ciphertext pairs.
 This type of attack exploits the characteristics of the algorithm to attempt to deduce a
specific plaintext or to deduce the key being used.
 Some of the crypanalytic attacks are

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 The advantage of steganography is that it can be employed by parties who have

something to lose should the fact of their secret communication (not necessarily the
content) be discovered.
 Encryption flags traffic as important or secret or may identify the sender or receiver as
someone with something to hide.


 It requires a lot of overhead to hide a relatively few bits of information although using
a scheme like that proposed in the preceding paragraph may make it more effective.
 Also, once the system is discovered,it becomes virtually worthless.
 This problem,too,can be overcome if the insertion method depends on some sort of
key .
 Alternatively,a message can be first encrypted and then hidden using steganography.


A brute-force attack involves trying every possible key until an intelligible translation of the
ciphertext into plaintext is obtained.On average,half of all possible keys must be tried to
achieve success.

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