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Kelen PPR Handbook

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KELEN piping system

hot- and cold water system
hot- and cold water system


Index of symbols 6 –7 KELEN Pressure Testing with Air and Report 38–39

Quality Objectives, Approval, Registration 8–9 KELEN Pressure Testing with Drinking Water and Report 40–41

Drinking water problems, The solution 10 –11 Thermal Insulation for Hot and Cold Water 42–43

Material parameters: PP-R, metal 12 –13 Flushing, Noise Protection 44–45

KELEN pipes MK02, MK08, MK00 – Temperature effects 14 –15 General Installation Guidelines 46–47

The four Connection Methods 16 – 17 Overview of Product Range, Dimensional Drawings 48–61

Polyfusion Welding 18 –19 Representatives, Addresses 62–63

Polyfusion Welding with the Table Welding Machine 20–21

Polyfusion Welding with the Overhead Welding Machine 22–23

Dimensioning in accordance with EN 806-3 and DIN 1988-300 24–28

Pressure Drop Tables PN20, PN16, PN10 29–31

Expansion Behaviour, Expansion Forces 32–34

Compensation Possibilities in Practice 35

Installation Examples and Support Spacings 36–37

Before using KELEN for the first time, please consult this handbook
for the installation rules and, in particular, the jointing technology.

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 5
Index of Symbols
In the KELEN-specific documentation, we use the
following, mostly customary symbols.

Symbol Quantity name Units Symbol Quantity name Units

A cross-sectional area mm2 tv laying temperature °C

d outer diameter of pipe mm V volume per unit length l/m
di Inner diameter of pipe mm V̇ volumetric flow l/sec
Da Outer diameter of jacket pipe mm V R rated flow (DIN) l/sec
E elastic (Young's) modulus N/mm2 V S peak flow (DIN) l/sec
tF Freezing time h v flow velocity m/sec
Ft Thermal expansion force N Z individual "resistance" (pressure drop) Pa
h hour(s) z z-dimension, design dimension mm
l pipe length m α coefficient of thermal expansion mm/mK
Ln natural logarithm ∆ l specific longitudinal expansion mm
LU loading unit ∆ p total pressure drop Pa
m hourly volumetric flow l/h ∆ t temperature difference K
MDP system working pressure bar ζ loss coefficient
MS Minimum leg length mm λ thermal conductivity W/mK
SU sanitary unit (DIN) ρ density kg/m3
p internal pressure bar ∑ sum
QA water demand l/sec ςv equivalent stress MPa
Qmin minimum withdrawal flow l/sec
QR heat loss W
R frictional pressure gradient Pa/m
s pipe wall thickness mm
SDR standard dimension ratio d/s
sec second(s)
t temperature °C
tm medium temperature °C

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 7
Approvals – Audits – Registration
Not only the individual parts but also the system as a whole are subject
to thorough-going, periodical testing. To ensure that the defined quality
objectives are met, various monitoring techniques are used.

Quality assurance system certified by Quality Austria

EN ISO 9001 – Reg. No. AT 00366/0
EN ISO 14001 – Reg. No. AT 02097/0
EN ISO 10005 – Reg. No. AT 00001/0

Quality Objectives
EN ISO 50001 – Reg. No. AT 0126/0

Registration and system auditing in accordance with
EN ISO 15874 - series
for polypropylene (PP) plastic piping systems
for hot and cold water systems

Plastic piping systems for industrial applications

1. Our quality objectives go beyond the quality of the products and EN ISO 15494
extend to all areas covered by the ISO 9001 standard.
Installation and Sizing
2. A quality assurance system covering the product through the whole EN 806 - series
business cycle and involving both suppliers and customers is intended ÖNORM B 2531
to prevent errors and failures. DIN 1988-300

3. Every employee is responsible for the quality of his/her work.

High motivation should be the approach for continual self-testing. Malaysia Standard MS 2286

4. We regard the fulfilment of specific market and customer

requirements as the prerequisite for the highest possible level of
customer satisfaction.
ÖVGW (Austrian Association for
Gas and Water) approval
5. Responsibility for the environment, both now and in the future, ÖVGW test mark
is our motivation for the production of durable products using Award No. W 1.213
environmentally friendly processes.
Suitability for drinking water
Investigations of the chemical composition of the raw
material, physiological harmlessness, odour and taste
neutrality in accordance with ÖNORM B 5014-1, 3
EN ISO 8795
EN ISO 12873-1

Threaded fittings
• Conical outer thread and cylindrical Inner thread in
accordance with EN 10226
Senator Karl Egger eh. • cylindrical connections, not sealing in thread
in accordance with EN ISO 228-1
Managing Director • Corrosion of metals and alloys
EN ISO 6509

Warranty commitments in coordination with the Federal

Guild of Sanitary and Heating Installers.

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 9
Drinking water The Solution
The result
Corrosion of use The KELEN piping system with many
PN20 – SDR range 6 advantages: Ideal for hot and cold
• The concentration of ions in drinking water in existing and new buildings
water is increasing and consequent- 60 °C/10 bar
ly the risk of using metal pipes: 70 °C/8 bar
Chlorides: attack stainless steel • KELEN PP-R /PN20
Sulphates: attack galvanised steel PN16 – SDR range 7,4 Diameter range d 20 –110 mm for
Nitrates: attack copper hot and cold water
60 °C/8 bar
• Ever more problematic sources of 70 °C/6 bar
Diameter range d 20–160 mm for
water reserves have to be tapped hot and cold water
for the supply of drinking water Acid PN10 – SDR range 11
rain reduces the pH value of surface Internal corrosion - Cu Cold water: 20 °C/10 bar • KELEN PP-R /PN10
and spring water to critical levels Diameter range d 20 –160 mm for
below 7 (=neutral). cold water
• internally and externally corrosion
• External corrosion occurs as a resistant to all ions in water and in
result of new building and insulation building materials
materials and new installation
methods. • no crystallisation points for lime
• Disinfectants (chlorine, ozone) • secure jointing technique without
attack copper in particular. additional materials
Poisonous Cu ions are released
into the water! • harmless in contact with food, hygie-
nically irreproachable
• low pressure losses due to smooth
Incrustation surfaces
• Hard water causes incrustation on • low noise
the inside walls of metal materials. • temperature and pressure resistant
• low thermal conductivity
The consequences: External corrosion - Steel • λ values compared:
KELEN 0.24 W/mK
• Higher pressure losses The KELEN drinking Copper 320.00 W/mK
• Reduced flow water piping system Cast iron / steel 42.00 W/mK
• Blockages • Easy to install impact-resistant at
Plastics are no subzero temperatures
• Expensive repair work "substitute" materials
• Time-consuming renovation • Low laying costs
but, correctly selec-
• Disruptions in the water supply ted with well thought • Standardised, audited and monito-
red quality
out design and pro-
perly used, often the • Assured long service life
"better solution" for a • Factory insulated concealed piping
given problem. Some- parts
A secure supply of drinking times, even, the only
water is an essential factor for solution.
a high quality of life
"Safe and corrosion-free into the
Calcite deposits
3rd millennium"

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 11
The Raw Materials Used
The plastic – PP-R Metal adaptor fittings Special quality criteria
The base material is a polypropylene (PP-R) with its typical quality Special care has been taken over • Brass (MS 58, CW 617N) for all
characteristics (EN ISO 15874). All materials are subject to natural the choice and quality control of the parts transporting water ensures
ageing. Even PP-R is subject to this law of nature. Temperature and stress metal threads. high resistance against aggres-
dependent "creep curves" indicate the long service life to be expected sive water.
(conditions of use see pages 14 –15). • A pore-free, chemically applied
Thanks to special technical metal plating prevents stress cor-
Density: 0,91 g/cm 3 rosion cracking.
Melting point: ~ 140 °C know-how, KELEN is particularly
impact-resistant at temperatures • Metal parts which are not in
Tensile strength: 40 N/mm2 contact with the media are gene-
down to – 5°C.
Elongation at break: 800 % rally made of metal-plated
Pipes and fittings are made from
E modulus (20°C): 900 N/mm2 MS 58 brass.
identical types of raw material.
Spec. heat: 2 kJ/kg K • Exceptional resistance to torsion
Thermal conductivity: 0.24 W/m K force and suitable for on-site
Spec. thermal conditions
0.14 mm/m K
expansion: • Depth of the thread conforms
to EN 10226-1 for normal faucets
Equivalent stress (ς v): The formula can be used to calculate
the equivalent stress actually occur-
ς v = p . (d – s) ring so that the temperature depen-
2s dent service life to be expected can
p = in N/mm2 (1bar = 0.1 N/mm2) be read off the creep diagram.

Creep curves in accordance with EN ISO 15874-2

ς v Equivalent stress MPa


Service life in hours (h)
12 PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 13
KELEN PP-R pipe system
MK02 KELEN pipe PN10/SDR 11

dxs Pipe Water

weight kg volume l/m
20 x 1.9 mm 0.11 0.21
25 x 2.3 mm 0.17 0.33
Dimensions: as specified by Application as specified: Operating pressure in relation
32 x 2.9 mm 0.26 0.54 EN ISO 15874 Cold water to service life and operating
40 x 3.7 mm 0.42 0.83 PN10/SDR 11: 20°C/10 bar
Colour: Grey, 3 co-extruded green temperature
50 x 4.6 mm 0.64 1.31
lines (90° apart) help the plumber Safety factor: The DIN standard takes
63 x 5.8 mm 1.01 2.07 to align pipe and fitting. account of raw material properties Temperature Pressure Duration
75 x 6.8 mm 1.41 2.96 and calculates a safety factor of 50 % (°C) (bar) (Years)
Standard length: 4 m
90 x 8.2 mm 2.03 4.25 Other lengths can be produced on (SF=1.5) when deriving the operating 20 10 50
110 x 10.0 mm 3.01 6.36 request subject to minimum order conditions given on the right: 30 9 50
160 x 14.6 mm 6.38 13.44 quantities!

MKO8 KELEN pipe PN16/SDR 7,4

dxs Pipe Water

weight kg volume l/m
20 x 2.8 mm 0.15 0.16
25 x 3.5 mm 0.23 0.25
32 x 4.4 mm 0.37 0.42 Dimensions: as specified by Application as specified: Operating pressure in relation
40 x 5.5 mm 0.58 0.66 EN ISO 15874 Hot and cold water to service life and operating
50 x 6.9 mm 0.90 1.03 Colour: Grey, 3 co-extruded blue PN16/SDR 7.4: 20°C/16 bar temperature
63 x 8.6 mm 1.41 1.65 lines (90° apart) help the plumber 60°C/8 bar
Temperature Pressure Duration
75 x 10.3 mm 2.01 2.32 to align pipe and fitting. Safety factor: The DIN standard takes (°C) (bar) (Years)
90 x 12.3 mm 2.87 3.36 Standard length: 4 m account of raw material properties 20 16 50
110 x 15.1mm 4.30 5.00 Other lengths can be produced on and calculates a safety factor of 50 % 40 12 50
request subject to minimum order (SF=1.5) when deriving the operating
160 x 21.9 mm 9.04 10.60 60 8 50
quantities! conditions given on the right:

MKO0 KELEN pipe PN20/SDR 6

dxs Pipe Water

weight kg volume l/m
20 x 3.4 mm 0.17 0.14
25 x 4.2 mm 0.27 0.22 Dimensions: as specified by Application as specified: Operating pressure in relation
EN ISO 15874 Hot and cold water to service life and operating
32 x 5.4 mm 0.43 0.35
Colour: Grey, 3 co-extruded red PN20/SDR 6: 20°C/20 bar temperature
40 x 6.7 mm 0.67 0.56
lines (90° apart) help the plumber 70°C/8 bar Temperature Pressure Duration
50 x 8.3 mm 1.04 0.88
to align pipe and fitting. Safety factor: The DIN standard takes (°C) (bar) (Years)
63 x 10.5 mm 1.65 1.39
Standard length: 4 m account of raw material properties 20 20 50
75 x 12.5 mm 2.34 1.96 and calculates a safety factor of 50 %
Other lengths can be produced on 40 15 50
90 x 15.0 mm 3.36 2.83 (SF=1.5) when deriving the operating
request subject to minimum order 60 10 50
110 x 18.3 mm 5.01 4.23 quantities! conditions given on the right:
70 8 50

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 15
The four ways of joining the pipes

The key features of a piping system are the range of variation and safety of 2. Threaded transitions PP-R
the connection methods. KE KELIT exhausts all the technical possibilities
Range: d 20 x 1/2”–90 x 3”
for its well proven piping system!
Thread in accordance with EN 10226
KE KELIT has a comprehensive range of fittings for each method of joining. in dezincification-resistant, lead-free brass
All KELEN PPR polyfusion fittings from d20 to d110 are rated PN10/16/20 (MS 58 CW 617N), with pore-free
Fittings d160 are rated PN10/16 metallisation for protection against stress
corrosion. Inside and outside thread, straight
or elbow.
Polyfusion heated coil welding is carried out in accordance with
DVS guideline 2207-11 Advantages
• Adequate range to suit installation
Please check the price list to see which sizes and pressure ratings • Inside thread straight (cylindrical)
are currently available. • Outside thread conical, roughened
• Twist-proof anchoring of the insert in the plastic

1. Polyfusion welding PP-R 3. Releasable unions PP-R

Principle: Range: d 20 x 1/2”– 90 x 3”
Fusion welding occurs when a
large area of the outside of
the pipe and the inside of the
socket are welded together

KE55: PP-R/male KE56: PP-R/PP-R KE57: PP-R/female

A wide range of welding
fittings is available
Sizes: Advantages
• "Dutch" union can be released at any time
Fittings d 20 –110 mm • Permanently elastic EPDM seal
PN10 /16/20 • MK57 as appliance connection fitting
Fittings d 160 mm
PN10 /16

Advantages 4. Flange connection PP-R / PN10

Range: d 40 –160 mm
• Pipe and fitting are made of the The solution for flanged valves. Flange sleeve
same material. No additional
materials are required. with sleeve for fusion welding d 40 –160 mm
• Welded joints are not a weak Advantages
point in the system
• Pipe can only enter the fitting • Can be released at any time
after they have been heated on • Permanently elastic EPDM seal with steel insert
the welding machine (important • Dimensions in accordance with DIN 2501-PN16
safety feature) (see page 57)
• No change in cross-section in
the area of the fitting

16 PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 17
Polyfusion Welding of KELEN with the
Hand Welding Unit
in accordance with DVS Guideline 2207-11
These instructions apply for KELEN pipe types 2.2 Push the pipe and fitting fully
into the welding tool, only then 2.2
does the heating time begin
1. Joints between pipe and fitting (see table).
are made by polyfusion welding at
260 °C. Self regulating (factory 2.3 The heating time depends on
adjusted) welding equipment and the pipe dimension (see table).
tools are available for this purpo- At the end of the heating time,
se. Just plug in (230 V) and wait: the pipe and fitting should be
The red pilot light indicates an in- quickly and evenly pushed to-
tact power supply and starts to gether. A uniform and high-
flash when welding temperature strength joint will be formed.
90° is reached. At the same time, the 2.4 Three stripes on the pipe, off-
90° green pilot light turns on. In addi- set from one another by 90°,
tion, there is a single acoustic simplify the orientation of the
signal. Now you can start work. fittings.
90° 1.1 Certainty is all that counts! 2.5 For a short time, the orientati-
90° 2.4
Before any further work, poten- on of the fittings can be adjusted
tially damaged extremities should (see table), a short time later,
be removed by cutting off about the section of pipe can be fully
90° 1cm from each end of each loaded (see table). 3.
length of pipe. The pipes are 3. The low weight and high flexibility
1.2 manufactured with this amount lend themselves to the prepa-
of additional length without addi- ration of whole pipe sections on
tional charge. the workbench. Make what use
d mm Heating Adjust- Cooling
pipe time ment time time 1.2 Everything starts with getting you can of this possibility.
sec sec min the size right! Determine the It saves a lot of time.
20 5
4 2
actual measurements, taking the 4. However, there will remain joints
25 7 Z-dimension into account. Con- to be finished within the cons-
32 8 vert the dimensions into lengths traint of the groove in the wall.
40 12 6 4 of pipe! Using pipe shears (up to Make sure that these points are
50 18 40 mm) and pipe cutters (up to 4. u. 5.
as accessible as possible.
63 24 160 mm), this is simple enough.
75 30 8 6 5. The installation gauge with spirit
90 40 level enables the wall outlets to
110 50 10 8 be adjusted and then fixed at all
Welding parameters at ambient the usual spacings.
160 70 10 8
temperatures around 20 °C 6. Don't forget to insulate the pipes
as required. Elastic insulation
The welding procedure tubes (UP tube, LEXEL etc.) are
2.1 available.
2. Ensure that the surfaces of the
pipe and fitting are free from
grease, clean and dry.
2.1 Insert the pipe in the fitting to
the correct depth (sleeve length
of the fitting).

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 19
Polyfusion Welding of KELEN with the Table The welding procedure: 1.
Welding Machine
1. Clamp the fitting square in the
1. Screw the heating elements for 3. The pipe clamping jaws, like the clamping jaws and fix with the
the desired dimension onto the fitting clamping jaws, are inter- positioning stop.
welding block. These are of dif- changeable. 1.1 Lay the pipe to be welded in
ferent lengths, depending on the 4. Dimension selection switch the pipe clamping jaws without
dimension, to heat to the requi- select the desired dimension to tightening.
red depth. set the depth to which the pipe 1.2 Hold the distance button
2. The fitting clamping jaws are is pushed into the fitting. pressed and move the slides
interchangeable according to 5. By pressing the distance button together with the hand-wheel
dimension: the slides can be held at a defi- until the pipe end touches the
Type 1: ned spacing to fix the insertion edge of the fitting or the slides 2.
length of the pipe and fitting in are against the distance
d 20 – 50: small mounting
the heating elements. button.
d 63 – 90: large mounting
There are three welding 1.3 Release the distance button
Type 2: and now clamp the pipe tight.
machines available:
d 25 – 63: small mounting
Type 1: d 20 – 90 mm 2. Move the slides apart and bring
d 75 – 125: large mounting
Type 2: d 20 –125 mm down the welding block.
Type 3: Type 3: d 63 –160 mm 2.1 As for the melting procedure
d 63 –160 mm for the plastic, bring the slides
together until they are stopped
The welding temperature, processing instructions and welding para-
by the welding block stop.
meters are to be found on page 21
2.2 At the end of the heating time, 3.
quickly move the slides apart
and raise the welding block out
of the way.
Heating elements 3. Quickly move the slides to-
Fitting clamping jaws
gether to the end stop set with
the dimension selection switch.
Welding block
Fitting positioning stop 3.1 Never cool the weld seam
abruptly. A short while later,
release the clamping jaws.
Welding block stop The welded parts can now be
removed. Welding parameters at ambient
Pipe clamping temperatures around 20 °C
Can be fully loaded only after d mm Heating Adjust- Cooling
the specified cooling time. pipe time ment time time
sec sec min
20 5
4 2
25 7
32 8
40 12 6 4
50 18
63 24
75 30 8 6
Distance button
90 40
110 50 10 8
Dimension selection switch 160 70 10 8

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 21
Polyfusion Welding with the WZ120R KELIT 1. Clamp the machine onto a pipe
already installed in a confined 1.1
Overhead Welding Machine space by means of the pipe
clamping jaws. The machine
Use of the overhead welding machine is recommended for welds on thus hangs free from the end of
exposed pipes in confined spaces, dimensions d 25 –125 mm the pipe.
1.1 It should be ensured that there
is a pipe support in the immedi-
ate vicinity of the pipe clamping
Pipe clamping jaws, jaws.
for d 63 –125 mm or 1.2
1.2 Clamp the fitting in the fitting
Fitting clamping jaws, Exchange clamping jaws clamping jaws. The fitting must
for d 63 –125 mm or. for d 25 – 50 mm con- be free to move in the axial di-
Exchange clamping jaws 10-mm hex. bar, for
tinuously adjustable, rection by at least the thickness
for d 25 –50 mm conti- connecting a cordless
mounted on a movab- of the welding block plus the
nuously adjustable, fixed drill, moves the slide
le slide weld insertion length.
mounting on the pipe side
2. The protrusion of the pipe from
the pipe clamping jaws must
permit the insertion of the 2.
hand-held welding block supplied
with the machine while being
sufficient to fully insert the pipe
in the fitting after heating.
With the slides at full
separation, the space between
pipe and fitting should be
100 to 150 mm. 3.

3. Insert the hand-held welding

block with the correct welding
tool (260 °C) for the pipe dimen-
sion and, using a cordless screw-
driver/drill (not supplied), move
the axially guided slides together
until the pipe and fitting are in-
serted in the tool to the marked
depth (sleeve length of the fitting
and heat them. Welding parameters at ambient
temperatures around 20 °C
3.1 After the heating time shown in
d mm Heating Adjust- Cooling
the table, move the slides apart, pipe time ment time time
withdraw the welding block and sec sec min
quickly bring the pipe and fitting 20 5
together and weld within the 4 2
25 7
Hand-wheel specified adjustment time. 32 8
for clamping 40 12 6 4
Support frame the pipe 50 18
can be removed Can be fully loaded only after the
Hand-wheel specified cooling time. 63 24
for overhead 75 30 8 6
for clamping
working 90 40
the fitting
110 50
10 8
125 60

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 23
Dimensioning, Pressure Drop of KELEN Systems Dimensioning in accordance with
The total pressure drop ( ∆ p) of a KELEN system can be calculated from EN ISO 806-3
the pipe length (l ) multiplied by the frictional pressure gradient (R ), plus
the sum ( ∑ ) of the individual resistances (Z) With this dimensioning method, the pipe dimension is determined for
normal installations up to a maximum of 12 residential units.
Total pressure drop ∆p: ∆p = l ∙ R + ∑ Z in ( Pa) This method is used for both cold and hot water pipes. The definition for
normal installations is to be found in EN 806-3 point 4.2. For special
The selection of the pipe dimension for the water pipe depends on: installations such as hospitals, spa establishments, hotels, schools etc,
according to the Austrian standard, ÖNORM B 2531, reference must
• the available water pressure, geodetic head difference be made to DIN 1988-300 (see pages 26 – 28).
• pressure drop in equipment and minimum flow pressure (valves)
• pipe frictional pressure gradient, flow velocity Drawing off point QA Qmin LU
• individual resistances of fittings Washbasin, bidet, WC cistern 0.1 0.1 1
• type number and diversity factor of drawing off points Dishwasher, Shower, sink, household kitchen sink,
0.2 0.15 2
washing machine ae a
Permissible flow velocities according to DIN 1988-300
Urinal flush 0.3 0.15 3
The flow velocity in m/sec for a duration of < 15 min ≥ 15 min Bath tap 0.4 0.3 4
Service pipes: runs with
resistance coefficients z < 2.5 for the individual resistances a
5 2 Outdoor tap for garden/garage 0.5 0.4 5
Commercial kitchen sink DN 20, bath tap 0.8 0.8 8
Service pipes: runs with
2,5 2
resistance coefficients z < 2.5 for the individual resistances b Push flush DN 20 1.5 1.0 15
a e.g. piston valves, ball valves, valves with inclined seat b e.g. valves with straight seat a) For commercial washing machines according to manufacturer's information
One load unit (LU) corresponds to a draw-off valve flow (QA) of 0.1 l/sec
Guidelines for circulation pipes Individual resistances (Z)
With regard to flow noise, a flow Example:
according to DIN 1988-300 of KELEN fittings
velocity of 2 m/sec should not be Connected to a riser are, in total:
The circulation system is to be Individual Graphical Loss coef- exceeded in collective feed pipes, 3 baths 3 x L U 4 = 12
sized so dimensioned that the tem- resistance symbol ficient z risers and multi-storey pipes. 3 showers 3 x LU 2 = 6
perature difference between inlet For individual feed pipes, flow velo- 3 washbasins 3 x LU 1 = 3
and outlet of the water tank is not Elbow 90° 1.3 cities of up to 4 m/sec are per- 3 WC cisterns 3 x LU 1 = 3
more than 5 K. At no point in the 3 kitchen sinks 3 x LU 2 = 6
missible. 2 washing machines 2 x LU 2 = 4
system may the hot water fall Elbow 45° 0.4
below 55 °C. Total load value (LU) 34
For reasons of economy, the flow
velocity in circulation pipes should T-piece straight 0.3 After addition of the weighted load Result:
path according to EN 806-3, from the
be about 0.2 – 0.5 m /sec, in units (LU) the pipe diameter (d)
exceptional cases no more than T-piece branch 1.3 can be selected from the following tables below we find
1.0 m /sec. with dividing flow table.t KELEN MK00: d 40 x 6.7mm
T-piece reversed 1.5
KELEN MK08: d 32 x 4.4 mm
with dividing flow
Reducer 0.4 MK00 KELEN pipe PN20 MK08 KELEN pipe PN16
Determining the Dim. Water Load highest maxim. Dim. Water Load highest maxim.
individual resistances (Z) Valve with straight dxs volum value individu- pipe dxs volum value individu- pipe
for typical fittings: seat d20 10.0 mm l/m LU at al value lenght mm l/m LU at al value lenght
d25 8.5 2m/sec LU m 2m/sec LU m
d32 7.0 20 x 3.4 0.14 3 15 20 x 2,8 0,16 8 5

v2 ∙ ρ Valve with inclined 20 x 3.4 0.14 4 9 25 x 3,5 0,25 16 8
2 seat d20 3.5 20 x 3.4 0.14 6 4 7 32 x 4,4 0,42 35
d25 2.5
d32–63 2.0 25 x 4.2 0.22 13 5 40 x 5,5 0,66 100
32 x 5.4 0.35 30 8 50 x 6,9 1,03 350
z = loss coefficient Ball valve d20 1.0
40 x 6.7 0.56 70
ρ = density (kg/m3) d25–32 0.5
d40–63 0.3 50 x 8.3 0.88 200
v = calculated flow velocity (m/sec)

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 25
Dimensioning Guidelines 7. Minimum flow pressures and calculation flows (VR l/sec) of
commonly used drinking water draw-off points
Extract from DIN 1988-300:
Minimum flow Type of drinking water
pressure draw-off point
1. Determining calculation flows and minimum flow pressures of the bar Dimension VR
draw-off valves
The calculation flow (V R ) is a value assumed for the draw-off valve flow Outlet valve
for calculation purposes. The table gives guide values for the calculation 0.5 without flow regulator a) DN 15 0.30
flows of commonly used valves and taps. The calculation flow (V R ) is 0.5 DN 20 0.50
given as an average by the following equation: 0.5 DN 25 1.00
1.0 with flow regulator DN 10 0.15
1.0 DN 15 0.15
Vmin + Vmax
VR = Mixer taps b.c)
1.0 showers DN 15 0.15
1.0 baths DN 15 0.15
2. Determining the sum flows and assigning them to the pipe runs 1.0 kitchen sinks DN 15 0.07
Against the direction of flow – in each case at the most remote draw- 1.0 washbasins DN 15 0.07
off point and ending at the supply pipe – the calculation flows are to be 1.0 DN 15 0.07
added and the sum flows thus obtained assigned to the respective pipe
runs. The respective pipe run begins with the fitting at which the sum Domestic appliances
flow or the diameter changes. At the branch-off point of the cold water 0.5 Dishwasher DN 15 0.07
pipe to the water heater, the sum flows of the cold and hot water sides 0.5 Washing machine DN 15 0.15
are added.
WC basins and urinals
3. Use of the curves for conversion of sum flow to peak flow 1.0 Push flush for urinal. manual DN 15 0.30
When calculating pipe installations, the basic rule is to take into account or electronic. push flush for
all draw-off points with their calculation flows. 1.2 WC to EN 14124 DN 20 1.00
An exception is the case where, in an sanitary unit (SU), a second wash-
0.5 DN 15 0.13
basin, a shower in addition to the bath, a bidet, a urinal or draw-off tap
is present in the vestibules of toilet facilities. These are not considered a) without equipment connected (e.g. lawn sprinkler)
in the sum flow.
b) The calculation flow shown is to be used in the calculation for the cold and
4. Diversity according to building type the hot side connection
The peak flow is calculated depending on the sum flow, the draw-off c) Angle valves (e.g. for washbasin taps and hose connections in showers)
diversity factor is dependent on the type of use of the building (e.g. in are to be accounted for as individual resistances or in the minimum flow
flats, hotels etc.). pressure of the draw-off valve/tap
In general, it is not to be expected that all connected draw-off points are
fully opened at the same time. The conversion curves for the various Important note:
types of building are to be found on page 28. The manufacturers of valves and taps must state the minimum flow
pressure and the calculation flows (V R ) for valves/taps. Basically, the
5. Selecting the pipe diameter data supplied by the manufacturer is to be taken into account for dimen-
Determine the pipe diameter and pipe friction pressure gradient and the sioning. If these lie above the values stated in the table, the drinking wa-
corresponding calculation flow velocity (pressure drop diagrams, see ter installation must be dimensioned using the manufacturer's data.
pages 29 – 31).
6. Comparing pressure drop with available pressure Draw-off points and appliances not listed in the table of the same kind
The overall pressure drop for the pipe diameter thus determined should with larger valve flows or minimum flow pressures than given are also
largely reach but not exceed the available pressure difference. to be taken into account in accordance with the manufacturer's data.

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 27
Extract from DIN 1988-300 Dimensioning and Pressure Drop for
For the building types listed in The peak flow (V̇S) is calculated, MK00 KELEN PP-R / PN20 The pressure drops are calculated
the table, the peak flow (V̇S) is according to the building type, with according to the Nikuradse formula:
calculated in the following range the constants a, b and c from the
of applicability: table as follows: R = 3.62315 ·10 3 · ṁ1.70651 · di – 4.64237
∑ V˙ R : 0.2 bis ≤ 500 l/sec V̇ S : a (∑ V˙ R)b – c For calculation of the Pipe roughness: 0.007mm
individual resistances, see R = frictional pressure gradient (Pa/m)
Constants (a, b, c) for the peak flow according to building type the KELEN manual, page 24 m· = flow (l/h)
di = Inner diameter of pipe (mm)
Building type Constants
a b c
Residential building 1.48 0.19 0.94 0,04

Water quantity l/sec

Establishment for sheltered living, nursing home 1.48 0.19 0.94 0 .5 0,05
Hospital inpatient wards 0.75 0.44 0.18 t er 0,06
vel 0,07
Hotel 0.70 0.48 0.13 d2 oc
0x it y 0,08
School and administrative building 0.91 0.31 0.38 3.4 m/ 0,09
1. 0 sec 0,1
V˙ S in l/sec
Care home 1.40 0.14 0.92
5x 1. 5 0,15
Graphical solution for the calculation of peak flow V̇ S depending on sum
5 5 4 .2
flow V̇ S for the range from 0–500 l/sec 2.0 0,2
nhaus 4

V̇S in l/sec
3 3
3.0 0,3
Schule, Verw

Wohngebäude, Senior
6 .7 0,4
15 15
14 Hotel 14
0x 0,6
1 1
13 8.3
12 l 12
Hospita 0,8
0 0 d6
11 0 10 20 30 40 50
3x 0,9
V̇R in l/sec 10 1
10 10
9 9
12 1,5
8 8
e building
School, administrativ 2
6 6 0x
5 5 .0
Residential building, nursing home
4 4 3
3 Care home 3 10
x1 4
2 2 8.3
1 1 5
0 0 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 7
Pflegeheim Wohngebäude Seniorenheim Krankenhaus Hotel Schule/Verwaltung V̇ R in l/sec Pflegeheim Wohngebäude Seniorenheim Krankenhaus Hotel Schule/Verwaltung 8
Exceptions for calculation of the peak flow V S 10

Continuous users with flow times of more than 15 min. are added to the
peak flow of the other draw-off points. 15

Group installations for which the diversity factors and water draw-off are 4 .0 20
to be determined with the operator and the peak flows to be added if they 5.0
could occur simultaneously. 30

For special builds such as commercial and industrial buildings, large Pressure drop
kitchens, public baths etc, the peak flows shall be determined together














with the operator of the system and added together if they occur at
the same time. 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 150 200 300 mm/WS
400 500 600 700 800 9001000

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 29
Dimensioning and Pressure Drop for Dimensioning and Pressure Drop for
MK08 KELEN PP-R / PN16 The pressure drops are calculated MK02 KELEN PP-R / PN10 The pressure drops are calculated
according to the Nikuradse formula: according to the Nikuradse formula:
R = 3.62315 ·10 3 · ṁ1.70651 · di – 4.64237 R = 3.62315 ·10 3 · ṁ1.70651 · di – 4.64237
For calculation of the For calculation of the
individual resistances, see Pipe roughness: 0.007mm individual resistances, see Pipe roughness: 0.007mm
the KELEN manual, page 24 R = frictional pressure gradient (Pa/m) the KELEN manual, page 24 R = frictional pressure gradient (Pa/m)
m· = flow (l/h) m· = flow (l/h)
di = Inner diameter of pipe (mm) di = Inner diameter of pipe (mm)
0,03 0,03

Water quantity l/sec

0,04 0,04

Water quantity l/sec

0 .5 0,05 0,05
Wa 0,06 0,06
t er 0 .5 Wa
vel 0,07 t er 0,07
d2 oc 0,08 vel 0,08
0x it y 0,09 oc 0,09
2.8 1. 0 m/ 0,1 it y 0,1
sec d2 m/
d2 0x 1. 0 sec
5x 0,15 1. 9 0,15
3.5 1. 5
d3 2.0
0,2 5x 1. 5
2x 2.3
4.4 d3 2.0
3.0 0,3
2x 0,3
d4 2.9
0x 0,4 0,4
5.5 d4 3.0
d5 0,5 0x 0,5
0x 0,6
3 .7 0,6
6.9 0,7 d5 0,7
0,8 0x 0,8
d6 0,9 4 .6 0,9
3x 1 1
8.6 d6
d7 3x
5x 5.8
10 1,5 d7 1,5
d9 .3 5x
0x 2 6.8 2
12 d9
.3 0x
8.2 3

4 d1 4
d1 5 x1 5
10 0.0
d1 x1 6 6

25 5.1 7 7
x1 8
7.1 9
25 9
d1 10
x1 10
60 1. 4
1. 9 d1
60 15
20 4 .6 20

30 30

40 40
4 .0
50 50
5.0 60 60
70 4 .0 70
80 5.0 80
Pressure drop 90 Pressure drop 90
100 100





















Pa/m Pa/m




2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 150 200 300 mm/WS

400 500 600 700 800 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 150 200 300 mm/WS
400 500 600 700 800







KELEN 9001000 1500 2000 1
PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 31
9001000 15
Expansion Behaviour of KELEN Pipes Graphical solution: unimpeded longitudinal expansion
Thermal expansion diagram
Longitudinal thermal expansion Expansion leg of open-laid pipes
All materials, when heated, are sub- For open-laid KELEN pipes subject 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m
ject to an increase in volume leading to thermal expansion, appropriate 100
to a change in length. In every piping expansion compensation must be 90
system, the longitudinal expansion provided. This can be by a suitab- 80
must be considered in relation to le arrangement of bending legs in 15 m
the installation situation. combination with fixed points (FP)

Temperature difference ∆ t
and sliding bearings (GL).
The longitudinal expansion depends Even if the temperature rise is only 50
on the pipe length, the temperature short-term, the expansion compen- 40
rise and coefficients of thermal sation must be designed for this 30
expansion but is independent of the temperature difference. Compensa- 20
dimension. tion must always be provided bet-
ween two fixed points or between a
Calculation of the longitudinal fixed point and a change of direction 0
expansion (∆l): (bending leg) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Longitudinal expansion ∆ l
∆l = l · ∆ t · α 3000
Bending leg calculation (MS):
∆ l = specific longitudinal expansion (mm) 2900

l = pipe length, installed length (m) MS = 20 · √—

d x ∆l 2800
∆ t = temperature difference (K) 2700
α = coefficient of thermal expansion d = outer pipe diameter (mm) d110
(mm/mK) 20 = material constant for KELEN 2500
MS = Minimum leg length (mm) e.g:
Material characteristics 3400 d90
from 90° bend to next fixed point
Material Coefficient of E-modulus 2300
thermal expan- 60° Example: 2200
sion α mm/mK N/mm2 d75
Galvanised steel 0,012 220.000 A d 50 mm pipe is laid over a length 2100
of 15 m. ∆t = 35 K Question: what
Stainless steel 0,015 200.000
bending leg should be provided to
Copper 0,016 130.000 1900
compensate the expansion?
KELOX 0,025 4.240
KELEN 0,14 300 ∆l = 15 · 35 · 0,14
1800 d50
PEX 0,175 540 ∆l = 74 mm expansion
MS = 20 · √ 50 · 74 1600 d40
Minimum leg lenghth in mm

MS = 1217mm leg length d32
Under the influence of temperature, 1400

KELEN, when laid free from cons- 1300 d25

traint, expands more than metallic 1200 d20
materials but with lower expansi- 1100
on force. 1000
x x x x
GL GL 400
MS 300
2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 33
Thermal Expansion Forces of KELEN Pipes
Thermal expansion leads to materi- Like any plastic, polypropylene Compensation possibilities in practice
al-specific forces. Technical practice exhibits a marked dependence of the
is to calculate the specific expansion E modulus on temperature (graph).
force using the following formula:t Laying rules in respect of longitudinal expansion
The basic installation rule is to ensure that pipes are routed sensibly while
> Temperature: < E modulus making appropriate allowance for expansion. The expansion forces can be
E · A · α · ∆t < Temperature: > E modulus calculated for any concrete case of use. As a rule, however, they are a
Ft = fraction of the forces for metallic materials. The suppliers of shell clamps
1000 The thermal expansion force thus
becomes an important criterion for can offer solutions where required (fixed points, sliding points etc.)
F t = expansion force (N) pipe laying!
E = E modulus (N/mm2) A significant factor is the stiffness
A = pipe cross-sectional area (mm2) (E modulus) of the material: Pipes laid under plaster or in the floor structure
α = coefficient of thermal expansi
on (mm/mK) E modulus of polypropylene as a • Pipes in masonry are prevented from expanding by the frictional forces
∆t = temperature difference (K) function of temperature t m arising. (no expansion provision)
• Insulated pipes offer an additional expansion possibility.
● Thermal expansion forces de- 900 • Direct contact of pipes and fittings laid under plaster with the masonry,
pend on the dimension (pipe 800 tiles, mortar etc. is fundamentally to be avoided by suitable insulation.
Elastic modulus E in N/mm 2

cross-sectional area) and tem- 700

• Pipes in the floor structure can move in the axial direction within the insu-
perature change but are inde- 600 lation. The changes in length to be expected must therefore be taken into
pendent of the pipe length. 500
account. Right-angled changes of direction in the insulation layer are to
be so executed that any longitudinal expansion is compensated by the
insulation in the area of the fitting.
● Comparison of materials: Under 200

the influence of temperature, 180 • The elastic deformation of pipes directly embedded in screed or concrete
KELEN, when laid free from con- 0 makes additional compensation unnecessary in such cases. The thermal
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 and footfall noise insulation requirements must, however, be taken into
straint, expands more than me- Temperature in °C
tallic materials. The resulting Examples according to table:
thermal expansion forces, howe- Installed length: l = 50 m
ver, are many times smaller! temperature: t v = 20 °C
temperature: t m = 60 °C Open laid hot water pipes require compensation
temperature difference: ∆t = 40 K Even if the temperature rise is brief, appropriate expansion compensation
Comparison of materials must be provided (see pages 32 – 33 and 36 – 37).
Dimension Longitudinal expansion Expansion force ( Ft ) Any change in temperature gives rise to forces:
27,3 x 3,2 Galvanised steel 25.585 N • > medium temperature = expansion force
• < medium temperature = contraction force
28 x 1,2 Stainless steel 12.124 N
• For open pipework, care must be taken to calculate the fixed point forces
arising from the compensation!
28 x 1,2 Copper 8.406 N
• For greater stability of the pipes, the use of shell clamp pipe supports
is recommended! The expansion will be reduced to the value for steel.
25 x 2,5 KELOX modular pipe 749 N
• For free-standing pipes (cellar pipes, risers etc.), fastening depends on
the structural conditions and the recognised practical rules. Fixed points
25 x 3,5 KELEN® polypropylene 397 N should not be directly applied to fittings that effect a change in direction.

25 x 3,5 PEX/VPE 894 N

• The fastening of vertical pipes (risers etc.) can, as a rule, be solely with
fixed points, in which case the fixation should be immediately above or
below any branch off from the riser.
0 100 200 300 400 mm

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 35
Installation Examples 3. Free-standing installation
3.1 Mechanical expansion restraint d 20 – 50 mm
1. Installation in shafts For pipes < d 63 mm installed free-standing, KELEN ALU composite pipes
In practice, risers between 2 floors can hang are to be preferred for the sake of appearance. On the other hand, high-
free in the shaft space, provided that a pipe er stability of form can be achieved by using steel support clamps. Here, all
clamp is placed immediately next to the bran- pipes are supported by the clamps (K88), all support points are executed as
ch pipe to provide a fixed point in the riser. fixed points and the pipes are additionally fixed within the clamp shells (e.g.
The spacing between fixed points: > 3 m with cable ties); (shells d 20, 25 and 32 mm are self-clamping to the pipe).
There are other recognised methods for Using this technique, the longitudinal expansion of the plastic pipes is effec-
taking up the longitudinal expansion, such as tively reduced to that of steel.
the insertion of spring legs in the branch pipe.

2. Laying under plaster

Pipes embedded in masonry, concrete, screed ma x. 18 0 cm
etc. are prevented from expanding longitudi-
nally. The resulting compressive and tensile
stresses are absorbed by the material wit-
hout damage. In the case of insulated pipes,
the insulation material provides an additional
expansion possibility.

3.2 Expansion loops and expansion compensation d 63 –160 mm

To increase the support spacing on free-standing pipes ≥ d63 mm, the
pipe supports (K88) is recommended. To absorb the longitudinal expansi-
on, use can be made of all changes of direction that arise in the course of
the installation.
If need be, expansion compensation must be provided by an expansion
Guideline values for support spacings U loop. The arrangement of the fixed points divides the pipe into individual
pipe runs and thus directs the expansion in the desired direction. Calcula-
With the pipe clamp spacings (cm) shown,
tion of the minimum leg length (see pages 32 – 33).
the kinking of water-filled, horizontally laid
KELEN pipes WITHOUT pipe supports
will be prevented.
d PN 1O PN 16 PN 20
mm 20°C 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C
20 70 75 60 80 65
25 75 80 70 85 75
32 90 95 80 100 85

40 100 105 90 110 95
50 115 120 100 125 105
Δl Δl
63 130 135 110 140 120
75 150 160 130 170 150
90 185 195 150 205 170
110 195 205 160 215 180 Minimum (mm)
125 205 225 175 – – 2 ∙ Δ l + 150mm
160 220 240 185 – –

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 37
Pressure Testing – Drinking Water Systems with Pressure test report in accordance with
Air or Inert Gases according to ÖNORM B 2531 ÖNORM B 2531 for KELEN drinking water systems
Pressure testing with air or inert gases is performed in a two-step proce- Test medium: air or inert gas
dure consisting of leakage testing and load testing. The leakage testing for
pipes ≤ DN 50/ OD 63 can be performed in two ways. Customer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The pressure testing with air or inert gases can be performed in sections Contractor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and does not take the place of t he final pressure test with drinking water!
The pressure tes t must be performed with largely oil and dust-free air or Property: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test section:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
inert gas and is suitable for all pipe materials. In buildings subject to incre-
Pipe materials and dimensions:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ased hygiene requirements (e.g. medical establishments) an inert gas must
be used for pressure testing. Ambient temperature: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature compensation:..
Because of the compressibility of the medium, for pressure testing with air
or inert gases, the test pressure may not exceed 300 kPa (3 bar) for safety Highest system working pressure MDP:. . . . . . . . Visual inspection: ...........
Two-step pressure testing for all pipes ≤ DN 50/OD 63 Consists of leakage
Higher test pressures represent a safety risk and do not enhance the pre- testing method 1 or 2 and load testing
cision of the test. During testing, the safety of persons and goods must be
considered. The division into short pipe runs for pressure testing leads to Leakage testing – method 1
higher test precision and thus to greater certainty. Increasing the pressure Test pressure 15 kPa (150 mbar) – test time 60 min
in steps is a sensible additional safety measure.
All pipe openings must be closed and sealed off with plugs or blind flanges Leakage testing – method 2
that will withstand the test pressure. For pressure testing with air or inert Test pressure 100 kPa (1mbar) – test time 60 min
gases, the the connection points of the piping parts must be accessible and In addition, all connection points in the system are to be checked
visible, discharge valves must be provided for safe release of the test pres- for leakage with a suitable bubble-forming test medium.
sure. If leaks are detected or a drop in pressure is observed, all connections
are to be checked for leakage with a suitable bubble-forming test medium
Load testing
and the test repeated after correction of the leaks. Test pressure 300 kPa (3 mbar) – test time 10 min.

Two-step pressure testing for all pipes ≤ DN 50/OD 63 Two-step pressure testing for all pipes > DN 50/OD 63 consists of leakage
Consists of leakage testing method 1 or 2 and load testing testing and load testing
Leakage testing – method 1 Leakage testing
Test pressure 15 kPa (150 mbar) – test time 60 min. Test pressure 15 kPa (150 mbar) – test time 90 min
Indicator precision of the pressure gauge or manometer 0.1 kPa (1 mbar) In addition, all connection points in the system can be checked for leakage with a
suitable bubble-forming test medium.
Leakage testing – method 2
Test pressure 100 kPa (1 bar) – test time 60 min. Load testing
Indicator precision of the pressure gauge 5 kPa (50 mbar); in addition, all Test pressure 100 kPa (1 mbar) – test time 10 min
connection points in the system are to be checked for leakage with a suitab-
le bubble-forming test medium. Note:
Load testing
• After successful pressure testing, we recommend the preparation of a
confirmed test report.
Test pressure 300 kPa (3 bar) – test time 10 min. • Pressure testing with air or inert gas is no substitute for the pressure test
Indicator precision of the pressure gauge 10 kPa (100 mbar) with drinking water in accordance with Austrian standard EN 806-4.
This must be performed immediately before commissioning the system.
Two-step pressure testing for all pipes > DN 50/OD 63
Consists of leakage testing and load testing
Leakage testing Confirmation
Test pressure 15 kPa (150 mbar) – test time 90 min.
Indicator precision of the pressure gauge or manometer 0.1 kPa (1mbar); Tester: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in addition, all connection points in the system can be checked for leakage
with a suitable bubble-forming test medium. Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . time: from .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . .

Load testing Customer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Test pressure 100 kPa (1 bar) – test time 10 min.
Indicator precision of the pressure gauge 10 kPa (100 mbar) ................................................................................

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 39
Pressure Testing – Drinking Water Systems with Pressure test report in accordance with
Drinking Water in accordance with EN 806-4 EN 806-4 for KELEN drinking water systems
The pressure test with drinking water is a combined leakage and load test Test medium: Drinking water
and must be carried out on all piping according to EN 806-4. Pipes and
other piping parts are to be tested for the maximum system working pres- Test pressure according to EN 806-4 with 1.1 MPa (11 bar)
sure (MDP) in accordance with EN 805 or EN 806 series. They must, how- Test pressure according to ÖNORM B 2531 with 0.9 MPa (9 bar)
ever, at least be designed for a system working pressure (MDP) or nominal
pressure (PN) of 1000 kPa (10 bar). Customer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Since the test pressure according to EN 806-4 must be 1.1 times the Contractor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................
highest system working pressure, the pressure test must be performed
with at least 1.1 MPa (11bar). Property: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test section: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• If a pressure test with air or inert gas in accordance with ÖNORM B Pipe materials and dimensions: . . . . . . . . . .
2531 has been carried out, the water pressure test can be performed
Ambient temperature: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System air-bled:
with 0.9 MPa (9 bar).
Indication precision of the pressure gauge (positioned at the deepest possible Temperature compensation:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Visual inspection:
point) 0.02 MPa (0.2 bar). Depending on the pipe materials and dimensions,
3 different methods can come into question for leakage and load testing Pressure testing for drinking water systems with at least 1.1 MPa (11bar)
Combined air and drinking water test with at least 0.9 MPa (9 bar)
Test method A – test time 10 min.

1 Test pressure EN 806-4 / 11 bar Test pressure B 2531 / 9 bar

For all plastics (PP, PE, PEX, PB and the like) and
for all combined systems (metal systems-multilayer 1,1 Pipes: d 20 . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 50 . . . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 110 . . . . . . . . . . m
composite systems with plastics) Pipes: d 25 . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 63 .. . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 125.. . . . . . . . . . m
≤ DN 50/OD 63 Pipes: d 32 . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 75 .. . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 160. . . . . . . . . . m
The test pressure (1) is to be applied with pumps Pipes: d 40 . . . . . . . . m Pipes: d 90 .. . . . . . . . . m
and maintained for 10 min. During this time, the
test pressure must remain constant, no fall in pres-
sure is permitted.
0 Test method A – test time 10 minutes
0 10 min
Metal and composite piping systems – all dimensions
Choice of test method B or C Plastic systems and combined systems with plastics ≤ DN 50/OD 63
For all plastics (PP, PE, PEX, PB and the like) and for all combined systems
(metal systems-multilayer composite systems with plastics) Choice of test method B or C
> DN 50/OD 63 Test method B – test time 60 minutes

1 Plastic systems and combined systems with plastics > DN 50/OD 63

Test method B – test time 60 min.
The test pressure (1) is to be applied with pumps
Test method C – test time 180 minutes
and maintained for 30 min. The system is then to Plastic systems and combined systems with plastics > DN 50/OD 63
be drained down to 0.5 times the test pressure.
This reduced pressure must remain constant for 0,5
• Temperature changes can influence the test pressure!
30 min, no fall in pressure is permitted. A visual
inspection of the connections is to be performed.
• Every pressure check applies at the time of checking and cannot be
0 regarded as a guarantee against installation error.
60 min
• After successful pressure testing, we recommend the preparation of
0 10 20 30 40 50
Test method C – test time 180 min.
a confirmed test report.
The test pressure (1) is to be applied with pumps,

maintained for 30 min. and recorded. After a further 1

30 minutes, the pressure is again recorded. If, after 1,1 Confirmation
this time, the pressure has fallen by less than 0.06 1,0
≤ 0,06 MPa
MPa (0.6 bar), the pressure test is to be continued Tester: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
without further pumping. The test continues for a
further 120 min. during which the pressure may 0,5 ≤ 0,02 MPa Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . time: from .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . .
not fall to less than 0.02 MPa (0.2 bar) below the Customer: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
last recorded pressure. A visual inspection of the
connections is to be performed. 0 10 20 30 60 120 180 min ................................................................................

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 41
Thermal Insulation for Hot Water Pipes in Thermal Insulation for Cold Water Pipes in
accordance with ÖNORM H 5155 accordance with ÖNORM H 5155
The purpose of the Austrian standard, ÖNORM H 5155, is to harmonise The purpose of the Austrian standard, ÖNORM H 5155, is to harmonise
and simplify the planning, execution and maintenance of the insulation of and simplify the planning, execution and maintenance of the insulation of
building installations. building installations.
• The objective of ÖNORM H 5155 is to prescribe insulation thicknesses • The objective of ÖNORM H 5155 is to prescribe insulation thicknesses to
to minimise the heat flow from the transport medium to the ambient minimise the heat flow from the transport medium to the ambient or vice
or vice versa. versa.
• ÖNORM H 5155 is to be used for the thermal insulation of all components • ÖNORM H 5155 is to be used for the thermal insulation of all components
of heating and drinking water installations. of heating and drinking water installations.
• A further differentiating criterion is the type of the installation and position • A further differentiating criterion is the type of the installation and position
of the pipes (e.g. exposed, in false ceiling, heated room) of the pipes (e.g. exposed, in false ceiling, heated room)
• Please follow the recommendations of KE KELIT, which also include com- • Please follow the recommendations of KE KELIT, which also include com-
fort aspects, such as noise reduction. fort aspects, such as noise reduction.
For the application case of KELEN hot water pipes ÖNORM H 5155 gives a For the application case of KELEN cold water pipes ÖNORM H 5155
lambda value (λ) of 0.047 W/mK for a middle temperature of 50 °C and an gives a lambda value (λ) of 0.036 W/mK for a middle temperature of 0°C
outer heat transfer coefficient of 9 W/m2K. and an outer heat transfer coefficient of 9 W/m2K.
On the basis of the lambda value ( λ) of 0,036 W/mK at 20 °C of pre-insula- On the basis of the lambda value ( λ) of 0,036 W/mK at 20 ˚C of pre-insula-
ted KELEN LX pipes, the amount of insulation required by the ÖNORM can ted KELEN LX pipes, the amount of insulation required by the ÖNORM can
be provided with the following KELEN LX pipes: be provided with the following KELEN LX pipes:
Insulation thickness 5 mm ⩠ KELEN LX4 with 4-mm insulation thickness Insulation thickness 4 mm ⩠ KELEN LX4 with 4-mm insulation thickness
Insulation thickness 10 mm ⩠ KELEN LX9 with 9-mm insulation thickness Insulation thickness 9 mm ⩠ KELEN LX9 with 9-mm insulation thickness
Insulation thickness 15 mm ⩠ KELEN LX13 with 13-mm insulation thickness Insulation thickness 13 mm ⩠ KELEN LX13 with 13-mm insulation thickness
ÖNORM H 5155 is the guideline for insulating hot and cold water pipes. ÖNORM H 5155 is the guideline for insulating hot and cold water pipes.
On request KE KELIT can supply KELEN-LX pipes which are pre-insulated at On request KE KELIT can supply KELEN-LX pipes which are pre-insulated at
the factory. the factory.
Extract from ÖNORM H 5155, table 6, the DN/OD values, however, Extract from ÖNORM H 5155, table 6, the DN/OD values, however,
are adjusted to the specific KE KELIT pipe dimensions are adjusted to the specific KE KELIT pipe dimensions
Pipe outer diameter 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 Pipe outer diameter 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90
Position of the pipe Minimum insulation thickness (mm) Position of the pipe Minimum insulation thickness (mm)
Technical area 20 25 30 40 55 70 70 100 Technical area 13 13 13 19 25 25 25 32
Unheated area 20 25 30 40 55 70 70 100 Unheated area, free-standing pipe 9 9 9 13 19 19 19 25
Heated area 10 15 15 20 30 35 35 50 Heated area, free-standing pipe 13 13 13 19 25 25 25 32
Installation shaft, installation Installation shaft, Installation
walkway, predominantly adjacent to 20 25 30 40 55 70 70 100 walkway, together WITH hot-running 13 13 13 19 25 25 25 32
unheated areas pipes
False ceiling, false floor, installation Installation shaft, Installation walkway,
9 9 9 13 19 19 19 25
shaft predominantly adjacent to heated 10 15 15 20 30 35 35 50 WITHOUT hot-running pipes
areas False ceiling, false floor, lightweight
wall, under plaster, floor 13 13 13 19 25 25 25 32
Under plaster, floor in unheated areas 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 (distribution pipes only)
Under plaster, floor in heated areas 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 Free-sanding installation, floor (floor and
4 4 4 9 13 13 13 19
Locally applicable laws and standards relating to thermal insulation are to be individual pipes)
taken into account and/or complied with. Free-sanding installation, floor,
near hot-running circulation pipes 13 13 13 19 25 25 25 32
(floor and individual pipes)

Locally applicable laws and standards relating to thermal insulation are to be

taken into account and/or complied with.

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 43
Flushing Report in accordance with ÖNORM B 2531 Noise Protection
Drinking water system – Flushing medium – The purpose of all noise protection measures is to protect people in
drinking water living rooms from disturbance by noise transmission. According to
DIN 4109, include living, bed, teaching, office and work rooms.
DIN 4109 recommends the following measures:
Customer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Contractor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • the use of low-noise valves,

• acoustic decoupling in pipe fastenings and wall plates, e.g. KE85,
Property: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test section:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KE85SB,
• the use of factory pre-insulated KELEN LX pipes:
Pipe material:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• KELEN LX4-, LX9- and LX13 pipes or jacketing with sound-damping
insulation together with structural noise decoupling (e.g. LEXEL),
To meet the requirements of EN 806-4, proceed as follows • avoidance of high pressures and flow velocities
• not exceeding a permissible quiescent pressure of 5 bar before draw-
Table 2: Guidelines for the minimum number of draw-off points to be opened off points,

Largest nominal diameter of

• using transmitted noise damping pipe fastenings (e.g. rubber inserts),
the pipe in the section cur- 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 • giving particular attention to rooms in need of protection.
rently being flushed (DN/ID)
Minimum number of draw-off
2 2 4 6 8 12 18 28 The noise level for rooms in need of protection is defined in accordance
points to be opened with the Austrian standard ÖNORM B 8115.
Opened for flushing:
• constant noises such as heating pumps, flow noises of drinking water
or heating pipes etc. ≤ 25 dB (A),
Note: Independently of the flushing procedure, in the course of • intermittent noises such as WC flushes, wastewater noises,
commissioning, every draw-off point should be fully opened once.. lifts etc. ≤ 30 dB (A)
According to EN 806-4, the flushed pipes are to be fully
operational within 7 days. The procedure for flushing with mixed air and Increased noise protection, in 5 dB (A) steps below the values required
water is described in EN 806-4. in ÖNORM B 8115, must always be agreed separately!

The drinking water used for flushing was filtered (no particles greater than
or equal to 150 μm)
Hot and cold water pipes were flushed separately. Circulation pipes were
flushed per run, immediately before entry to the water heater. Attention:
The minimum number of draw-off points was determined in accordance with Damaged insulation or
table 2. mortar residues between
pipes, wall or screeds
During flushing, all shut-off and control valves were fully opened. can form noise bridges
Sensitive valves (e.g. solenoid valves, push flushes, thermostatic valves, that transmit the noise
regulator valves) and equipment (e.g. drinking water heaters) were replaced without attenuation. The
with adapters or bridged as specified by the manufacturers. objective must therefo-
re be the most unbroken
The Installation was flushed in sections, starting with the first riser after possible decoupling by
main stopcock. pipe insulation in the inte-
rests of good noise pro-
Correct flushing of the system is confirmed

Installation contractor / installer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Just one noise bridge can practically negate all other noise protection
Customer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measures!

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 45
Summary of the Installation Guidelines 11. Disinfection of the drinking water pipe system must be performed in
accordance with the KE KELIT disinfection guideline –
1. The KELEN piping system is made of plastic and requires careful
For the disinfectants listed in ÖNORM B 5019 (e.g. chlorine, chlorine
handling with regard to impact and stress. To avoid hairline cracks in
dioxide, ozone), the concentrations and soak times are to be observed
the pipe and any consequent damage, we recommend that about 1cm
and may in no case be exceeded.
is cut off each end before use.
The KELEN are manufactured about 2 cm longer than nominal. Should the disinfection not be in accordance with the KE KELIT disinfec-
tion guideline or with the concentrations and times listed in the standard,
2. Store and transport all KELEN parts with care. Protect pipes, material damage cannot be excluded.
fittings and parts from prolonged, direct exposure to UV (sunlight). • According to ÖNORM B 5019, thermal disinfection is always to be
This does not affect normal storage and working times, the material preferred to chemical disinfection!
is UV-stabilised but not long-term UV-resistant. • Copper and copper ions have a destabilising effect and are to be
avoided in the installations
3. Observe the guidelines for executing the various welded connections
(see pages 18 – 23). The welding parameters are based on an ambient 12. To ensure the maximum permissible working temperature is not ex-
temperature of about 20 °C. If the ambient temperature changes, the ceeded, solar heaters must be monitored and/or regulated, the electrical
interval from insertion in the tool to the start of heating time can connections to hot water tanks must be checked and we recommend that,
change slightly. after the boiler, a service water mixer is inserted in the hot water pipe.
4. Corrections in the range of a 5° twist must be made at once during
welding, before the weld sets. Later corrections will lead to failures. 13. The KELEN piping system is not electrically conducting and can there-
(note the adjustment time on page 18). fore not be used for equipotential bonding and should also not be earthed.

5. KE KELIT recommends that, with KELEN inside thread fittings,

only valves and connections with cylindrical thread should be used! 14. Classification of the working conditions for KELEN PP-R piping
Do NOT screw in threaded pipes or malleable cast iron fittings! EN ISO systems in accordance with EN ISO 15874-1
We recommend the use of hemp in combination with an approved 15874
plumbing sealant (e.g. Fermit, Boss White). Using too much hemp
risks damaging the inside thread.
As an alternative to hemp, Teflon sealing tape or thread sealing fibres Usage class Calcu- Service t max Service t mal Service Max. per- Max. per-
can be used. The basic rule: do not overtighten the thread! lation life at cal- life at life at missible missible
temp. culation t max. t mal working working
temp. pressure pressure
6. KELEN drinking water pipes have precisely defined expansion pro- SDR 6 SDR 7.4
perties. These must be taken into account in the planning and installa- Class 1 a)
tion. In masonry, no provision is needed for expansion. 60 °C 49 years 80°C 1 year 95°C 100 h 10 bar 8 bar
Hot water 60 °C
Remember to compensate free-standing pipes (see pages 32 – 37). Class 2 a)
With careful choice of the fixed points, long pipe runs can be divided 70 °C 49 years 80°C 1 year 95°C 100 h 10 bar 6 bar
hot water 70 °C
into expansion zones.
For cold water, a temperature of 20 °C at 10 bar must be ensured
7. Avoid hot bending of the pipes (cold bends with r = 8 x d are a) In line with the national regulations, either usage class 1 or 2 may be selected.
possible). If unavoidable, use hot air; never use an open flame!
Maximum bending temperature: 140 °C
15. To validate the guarantee (guarantee agreement with the Federal
8. Try to prepare recurrent piping sections in the workshop KELEN
Guild), in any one installation, only KELEN system components must be
(z-dimension). This will save time and work in favour of system safety. used.

16. A perfect installation of the KELEN system requires a minimum

of tools. For your own safety and confidence, we recommend the use of
9. KELEN pipes are corrosion-resistant, in relation to acoustic and the original tools that have proven their worth many times in practice
thermal insulation, this must be in accordance with standards. and their regular maintenance.
By applying continuous insulation, even in the area of fittings, the con-
nection points are protected from damage and noise bridges. For use
under plaster, factory insulated LX fittings are available. 17. In the event of doubt, do not hesitate to
consult our application technicians. Ther e
10. To be standards-compliant, a complete water installation must un- may not be a perfect solution for every case but
dergo a cold water pressure test (see pages 40 – 41). Keep a record we can always help. Using the KE KELIT QR code
of the pressure test. With regard to hygiene requirements, a pressure you can view installation videos.
test can be performed with air or inert gases (see pages 38 – 39).

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 47
Product Range Overview MK02 KELEN pipe - PN10

KELEN drinking water piping system to EN ISO 15874 in

The KELEN piping system is continually adapted to practical require- polypropylene (PP-R).
ments and systematically extended. Usable over the range: 20°C /10 bar
• For the latest product range, please see the current Colour: grey with 3 coextruded, green, longitudinal stripes-
Length: 4m
KELEN price list.
d s di Weight Water volume L
• The short symbols (e.g. MK00 = pipe - PN20 or MK30 = tee) greatly mm mm mm kg/m l/m m
simplify ordering and are therefore requested in your order to the 20 1.9 16.2 0.11 0.21 4
wholesaler. 25 2.3 20.4 0.17 0.33 4
• On request, we can produce not only prefabrications (e.g. manifolds 32 2.9 26.2 0.26 0.54 4
and recurring, identical piping sections) but also special fittings such 40 3.7 32.6 0.42 0.83 4
as bends of up to 90° made up from the appropriate medium pipe 50 4.6 40.8 0.64 1.31 4
or special fitting designs. 63 5.8 51.4 1.01 2.07 4

75 6.8 61.4 1.41 2.96 4
MK00 KELEN pipe - PN20 90 8.2 73.6 2.03 4.25 4
110 10.0 90.0 3.01 6.36 4
KELEN drinking water piping system to EN ISO 15874 in 160 14.6 130.8 6.38 13.44 4
polypropylene (PP-R). di s
Usable over the range: 20 °C/20 bar – 70 °C/8 bar d
Colour: grey with 3 coextruded, red, longitudinal stripes
Length: 4 m
d s di Weight Water volume L
mm mm mm kg/m l/m m
20 3.4 13.2 0.17 0.14 4
25 4.2 16.6 0.27 0.22 4
32 5.4 21.2 0.43 0.35 4
40 6.7 26.6 0.67 0.56 4

50 8.3 33.4 1.04 0.88 4

63 10.5 42.0 1.65 1.39 4
75 12.5 50.0 2.34 1.96 4

di s 90 15.0 60.0 3.36 2.83 4

d 110 18.3 73.4 5.01 4.23 4

MK08 KELEN pipe - PN16

KELEN drinking water piping system to EN ISO 15874 in
polypropylene (PP-R).
Usable over the range: 20 °C /16 bar – 60°C/8 bar
Colour: grey with 3 coextruded, blue, longitudinal stripes
Length: 4m
d s di Weight Water volume L
mm mm mm kg/m l/m m
20 2.8 14.4 0.15 0.16 4
25 3.5 18.0 0.23 0.25 4
32 4.4 23.2 0.37 0.42 4
40 5.5 29.0 0.58 0.66 4
50 6.9 36.2 0.90 1.03 4

63 8.6 45.8 1.41 1.65 4

75 10.3 54.4 2.01 2.32 4
90 12.3 65.4 2.87 3.36 4

di s 110 15.1 79.8 4.30 5.00 4

d 160 21.9 116.2 9.04 10.60 4

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 49
MK10 KELEN coupling MK30 KELEN tee equal
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section fittings of the same material without change in cross-section

d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 d1 d2 d3 L1 z1 L2 z2 L3 z3
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
20 20 16.5 1.5 16.5 1.5 20 20 20 26 11 26 11 26 11
25 25 21.5 1.5 21.5 1.5 25 25 25 36 16 36 16 36 16
32 32 25.5 1.5 25.5 1.5 32 32 32 42 20 42 20 42 20
40 40 28.5 2.5 28.5 2.5 40 40 40 52 27 52 27 52 27

50 50 30 2.5 30 2.5 50 50 50 58 32 58 32 58 32


63 63 31 2.5 31 2.5 63 63 63 65 36 65 36 65 36
75 75 32.5 2.5 32.5 2.5 75 75 75 71 41 71 41 71 41


z1 z2
L1 L2 90 90 37 3 37 3 90 90 90 84 50 84 50 84 50
110 110 42.5 5.5 42.5 5.5 z1 z3 110 110 110 95 58 95 58 95 58
L1 L3
160 160 57 9 57 9 160 160 160 133 85 133 85 133 85

MK35 KELEN reducer tee

MK20 KELEN elbow 90°
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and fittings of the same material without change in cross-section
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section
d1 d2 d3 L1 z1 L2 z2 L3 z3
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2
mm mm mm mm mm mm 25 20 25 34 16 31 16 34 16
32 20 32 42 20 41 26 42 20
20 20 26 11 26 11
32 25 32 42 20 42 22 42 20
25 25 36 16 36 16
d1 40 20 40 47 27 42 27 47 27
32 32 42 20 42 20
40 25 40 47 27 44 24 47 27
40 40 52 27 52 27
40 32 40 47 27 48 26 47 27
50 50 58 32 58 32

50 20 50 56 32 47 32 56 32

63 63 65 36 65 36
50 25 50 56 32 48 28 56 32

75 75 71 41 71 41 50 32 50 56 32 52 30 56 32
90 90 84 50 84 50 50 40 50 56 32 56 29 56 32


L2 110 110 95 58 95 58 63 20 63 64 36 60 44 64 36
160 160 133 85 133 85 63 25 63 64 36 62 40 64 36


63 32 63 64 36 62 36 64 36
63 40 63 64 36 64 37 64 36
z1 z3
63 50 63 64 36 64 36 64 36
MK70 KELEN elbow 45° L1 L3
75 25 75 71 41 62 26 71 41
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and 75 32 75 71 41 64 22 71 41
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section 75 40 75 71 41 68 27 71 41
75 50 75 71 41 68 28 71 41
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2
75 63 75 71 41 68 29 71 41
mm mm mm mm mm mm
90 32 90 83 50 78 26 83 50
20 20 22 4 22 4
90 40 90 83 50 83 27 83 50
25 25 27 7 27 7
90 50 90 83 50 83 28 83 50
32 32 32 7 32 7

90 63 90 83 50 83 29 83 50
40 40 38 19 38 19
90 75 90 83 50 80 30 83 50
50 50 40 12 40 12
110 50 110 99 58 101 27 99 58

z1 63 63 45 15 45 15 110 63 110 99 58 99 29 99 58
75 75 49 18 49 18 110 75 110 99 58 98 30 99 58
90 90 60 25 60 25 110 90 110 99 58 93 34 99 58
110 110 90 53 90 53 160 90 160 122 74 152 34 122 74
160 160 125 74 125 74 160 110 160 122 74 158 37 122 74

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 51
MK40 KELEN reducer i/i MK90 KELEN cross-over bend
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section fittings of the same material without change in cross-section

d1 d2 z L1 L2 d1 d2 L1 L2 z
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
25 20 2 20 18 20 20 215 215 25
32 20 3 23 19 25 25 215 215 23
32 25 2 22 20 32 32 215 215 23
40 20 5 27 21

40 25 4 26 22


40 32 3 25 23
50 20 6 31 22


L1 L2
50 25 5 30 23

z z
50 32 4 29 24
L2 L1
50 40 3 28 25
63 25 7 36 25 MK11 KELEN transition with o/s thread
63 32 6 35 26
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
63 40 5 34 27 fittings of the same material without change in cross-section,
63 50 3.5 32.5 28.5 with moulded in outside thread of dezincification-resistant brass
75 32 8 41 28 and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226, system parts
75 40 7 40 29
marked with "S" are manufactured with spanner flats
75 50 6 39 31
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw2
75 63 3 36 32 mm Inch mm mm mm mm
90 32 12 57 32 20 1/2’’ 15 15 44 29 -
90 40 11 59 33 20 3/4’’ 15 15 44 30 -
90 50 9.5 62 34.5 25 1/2’’ 20 20 40 40 -
90 63 7.5 66 36.5 25 3/4’’ 20 20 40 35 -


90 75 5.5 70 38.5 32 3/4’’ 22 22 48 31 -
110 50 14 68 39 32 1’’ S 22 22 60 42 39
110 63 12 72 41 z2 40 5/4” S 25 25 65 42 46
L1/z1 L2
110 75 10 76 43 50 6/4” S 26 26 68 44 52
110 90 8 80 45 63 2” S 29 29 80 51 64
160 110 16 86 45 75 2 1/2’’ S 30 30 90 58 80
90 3’’ S 34 34 102 66 96

MK60 KELEN end cap

KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section

d1 L1 z1
mm mm mm
20 24 8
25 30 9
32 36 11
40 38 13
50 43 17

63 49 19
75 52 21
90 62 26
110 78 41
160 94 46

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 53
MK13 KELEN transition with i/s thread MK23 KELEN transition elbow 90°
with i/s thread
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section, KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
with moulded in outside thread of dezincification-resistant brass fittings of the same material without change in cross-section,
and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226, system parts with moulded in outside thread of dezincification-resistant brass
marked with "S" are manufactured with spanner flats and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226, system parts
Do NOT screw in threaded pipes or malleable cast iron fittings! marked with "S" are manufactured with spanner flats
Do NOT screw in threaded pipes or malleable cast iron fittings
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw2 d1 d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw2
mm Inch mm mm mm mm slw2 mm Inch mm mm mm mm
20 1/2” 15 15 27 18 - 20 1/2” 28 15 35 21 -

20 3/4” 15 15 27 18 - 25 1/2” 37 20 37 21 -

25 1/2” 20 20 29 16 - 25 3/4” 37 20 37 21 -
25 3/4” 20 20 29 16 -

32 1” S 44 24 54 38 39

32 3/4” 22 22 43 25 -
32 1” S 22 22 46 22 39
L1/z1 L2 40 5/4” S 25 25 43 28 48
50 6/4” S 26 26 41 30 56 MK33 KELEN tee with i/s thread branch
63 2” S 29 29 48 38 70
75 2 1/2” S 30 30 52 44 88 KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section,
90 3” S 34 34 60 52 102
with moulded in inside thread of dezincification-resistant brass
and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226
System parts are manufactured with spanner flats
Do NOT screw in threaded pipes or malleable cast iron fittings!

d 1/d 3 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 L3 z3 slw2
MK21 KELEN transition elbow 90° mm Inch mm mm mm mm mm mm
with o/s thread 20 1/2” 28 12 34 19 28 12 -
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and slw2 20 3/4” 28 12 34 29 28 12 -

fittings of the same material without change in cross-section, 25 1/2” 33 13 45 20 33 13 -

with moulded in outside thread of dezincification-resistant brass 25 3/4” 33 13 45 31 33 13 -
and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226, system parts


32 1/2” 42 17 50 24 42 17 -
marked with "S" are manufactured with spanner flats
z1 z3
32 3/4” 42 17 50 35 42 17 -

d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw2 L1 L3 32 1” S 42 17 61 42 42 17 39
mm Inch mm mm mm mm
20 1/2’’ 28 13 49 35 -
25 3/4’’ 37 17 52 37 -
d1 MK31 KELEN tee with o/s thread branch
32 1’’ S 42 20 71 54 39
slw2 KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and

fittings of the same material without change in cross-section,

with moulded in outside thread of dezincification-resistant brass

and pore-free metallisation, thread to EN 10226, system parts

marked with "S" are manufactured with spanner flats
d 1/d 3 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 L3 z3 slw2 LA
mm Inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
20 1/2” 28 12 49 35 28 12 - 64
20 3/4’’ 28 13 49 49 28 13 - 64
25 1/2’’ 33 13 60 45 33 13 - 78
25 3/4’’ 33 13 60 45 33 13 - 78


32 1/2’’ 42 25 69 50 42 25 - 90

32 3/4" 42 25 69 50 42 25 - 90

z1 z3 32 1’’ S 42 25 78 59 42 25 39 99
L1 L3

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 55
MK50PF KELEN shut-off valve KE57 KELEN valve connection
with hand-wheel upper part union fitting with i/s thread
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, jointing of PP-R pipes and KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, flat sealed, including EPDM
fittings of the same material without change in cross-section, seal. Plastic bushing or EPDM seal supplied separately!
shut-off valve including hand-wheel upper part
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw2
d1/d3 L1/L3 z1/z3 LA mm Inch mm mm mm mm
mm mm mm mm 20 1” 42 25 9 9 36
20 38 23 93 25 5/4” 49 29 10 10 46
25 38 23 93 32 6/4” 56 30 11 11 52
32 46 24 104 40 2” 86 35 16 16 66


40 57 32 118 50 5/4” 86 35 16 16 70

50 66 40 140

63 2 3/4” 86 36 16 16 86



63 82 52 166 75 3 1/4” 92 42 21 21 108
d3 90 3 3/4” 93 42 22 22 122
L2/ KE57D union replacement seal (3 mm) supplied separately
L1 z2
KE55 KELEN union fitting
plastic-metal o/s thread
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, flat sealed, thread to
EN 10226 plastic bushing or EPDM seal supplied separately! MK18 KELEN Flange sleeve - PN10

d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw1 slw2 KELIT polyfusion welding fitting (PP-R), jointing of PP-R and
mm Inch mm mm mm mm slw3 PP-R pipes flat sealing.
20 1/2’’ 42 25 31 21 21 36 Use only original EPDM seals with steel insert!
Colour: grey
25 3/4’’ 49 29 39 25 27 46
32 1’’ 56 30 43 27 34 52 d1 DN d2 L1 z1 L2 z2
slw2 slw3
40 5/4” 86 35 50 28 42 66 mm mm mm mm mm mm

50 6/4” 86 35 55 34 51 70 40 DN 32 78 22 22 4 4

50 DN 40 88 24 24 6 6

63 2’’ 86 36 63 40 62 86
75 2 1/2’’ 92 42 65 43 76 108 63 DN 50 102 28 28 5 5
z2 z1
90 3’’ 93 42 71 46 89 122 75 DN 65 122 32 32 6 6

L2 L1
90 DN 80 138 37 37 5 5
KE57D union replacement seal (3 mm) supplied separately
110 DN 100 158 42 42 5 5
L1/z1 L2/z2 160 DN 150 212 48 48 8 8

KE56 KELEN union fitting

K19 KELIT loose flange for sleeve welding
KELEN polyfusion welding fitting, flat sealed, including EPDM
seal. Plastic bushing or EPDM seal supplied separately! KELIT PP loose flange with steel insert
Hole circle dimension (HC) to DIN 2501-PN16
d1 d2 L1 z1 L2 z2 slw 1 slw 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm d DN di da H LK Holes d1
20 20 42 25 42 25 36 36 mm mm mm mm mm Stk mm
25 25 49 29 49 29 46 46 40 DN 32 51 140 16 100 4 18
32 32 56 30 56 30 52 52 50 DN 40 62 150 18 110 4 18
40 40 86 35 86 35 66 66 63 DN 50 78 165 18 125 4 18
50 50 86 35 86 35 70 70 75 DN 65 92 185 18 145 4 18
63 63 86 36 86 36 86 86 90 DN 80 108 200 18 160 8 18
110 DN 100 135 220 18 180 8 18

75 75 92 42 92 42 108 108 H
d 160 DN 150 178 285 24 240 8 22
90 90 93 42 93 42 122 122 di
z1 z2
L1 L2 KE57D union replacement seal (3 mm) supplied separately da

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 57
K19A KELIT sealing set for loose flange Work tools
MK18 - steel flange
Includes bolts, nuts, spring washers, plain washers and EPDM
seal with steel insert, bolt length to suit KE18 flange sleeve
with K19 loose flange-steel flange WZ100 KELIT welding tool set
EPDM seal with steel insert available separately
Consisting of the pre-adjusted, self-
regulating pipe welder 20–63mm
d mm 20 – 32 mm
(230 Volt, 800 Watt) for the welding
20 4 -hole of pipes and fittings up to d 63, 20 – 40 mm
25 4 -hole including pipe shear d16–40mm,
32 4 -hole bench top, floor stand and timer,
40 4 -hole
heating elements d20, 25 and 32,
for the dimension d20 – 40mm also
50 4 -hole with heating element d 40, packed in
63 4 -hole metal case
75 4 -hole
90 8 -hole
110 8 -hole
160 8 -hole

WZ110 KELIT pipe welding machine

K19K KELIT sealing set for loose flange Pre-adjusted, self-regulating pipe Set
MK18 - MK18 welder:
SET 20 – 90 mm
WZ110 d20–90: SET 25 –125 mm
Includes bolts, nuts, spring washers, plain washers and EPDM with welding block (230 Volt, 1000
seal with steel insert, bolt length to suit KE18 flange sleeve Watt), heating elements d 20–90mm SET 63 –160 mm
with K19 loose flange-steel flange
WZ110 d25–125:
EPDM seal with steel insert available separately!
with welding block (230 Volt, 1400 Watt),
heating elements d25 –125mm including
d mm
pipe clamping jaws, pipe cutters d 20–75
20 4 -hole and d50–140, timer, special gloves,
25 4 -hole pipe support and feet, packed in wooden
32 4 -hole transport crate
40 4 -hole WZ110 d63– 160:
50 4 -hole with welding block (230 Volt, 3600 Watt),
heating elements d63–160mm including
63 4 -hole
pipe clamping jaws, packed in wooden
75 4 -hole transport crate
90 8 -hole
110 8 -hole
160 8 -hole

WZ120R KELIT overhead welding machine

Consisting of overhead welding
machine with removable frame for
polyfusion welding in the installation SET 25 –125 mm
area, including pre-adjusted, self-
regulating welding block (230 Volt,
1400 Watt), with centred clamping
jaws d25 – 125, heating elements
d50 – 125 for the welding of pipes
and fittings d50–125, pipe cutter
d50 – 140, timer and special gloves,
packed in wooden transport crate.
Machine weight approx.10kg

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 59
WZ122 KELIT welding spigot and socket
Teflon-coated heating element for
d mm
polyfusion welding of pipes and fittings
and screwing onto the welding tool 20

WZ130 KELIT pipe shear

For cutting KELIT pipes d 16 – 40 d mm
Replacement blade for WZ130 /2 16 –40
Repair set for WZ130 /2 Replacement bolt-2
Replacement bolt set for blade Repair set-2
Replacement blade-2

WZ135 KELIT pipe cutter

For cutting KELIT pipes
d mm
d 20 –75, 20 –75
d 50 –140 or d 110 –160 50 –40
110 –160
Cutting wheel d20 –75
Cutting wheel d50 –140
Cutting wheel d110 –160

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 61
Representative offices, production
and headquarters

Full technical back-up and support

for the KELEN PP-R pipe system
is provided by KE KELIT.
The network of sales partners,
subsidiariesand agents is constantly The technical contents in this brochure are for your information and consultation. We are not
being expanded. Please ask at the liable for thecontents. The application and installation of the products should be adapted to
Austrian headquarters for the the individual requirements of each project. KE KELIT is constantly improving its products a
nd retains the right to make technical changes in the course of these improvements. We are
current status, or check on our not liable for printing and spelling errors.
website © by KE KELIT, KELEN PP-R Handbook 06/2019 engl.

KELEN PP-R – Polypropylene-Copolymer 63
Lot 877, Jalan Subang 9, Taman Perindustrian Subang,
47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Malaysia
TELEFON +603 8011 9966, FAX +603 8011 6996

KE KELIT Kunststoffwerk Gesellschaft m.b.H.

A 4020 Linz, Ignaz-Mayer-Straße 17, Austria, Europe
TELEFON +43 (0) 50 779 E-MAIL
EN ISO 9001 Member of the
EN ISO 14001 Austrian working group
EN ISO 50001 ARA-License Nr. 9087

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