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Cosmic Archetypes

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This document introduces 6 new archetypes for D&D 5e characters that draw power from cosmic or celestial forces, as well as 3 new offensive cantrips. The archetypes include Clerics of the Moon, Heavenly Druids, Monks of the Cosmic Mind, Fated Sorcerers, Warlocks bound to Hungry Voids, and Astrologer Wizards.

The different archetypes introduced are Clerics of the Moon, Heavenly Druids, Monks of the Cosmic Mind, Fated Sorcerers, Warlocks bound to Hungry Voids, and Astrologer Wizards.

The new cantrips introduced are Celestial Quiver, which allows the casting of a radiant arrow from a bow; Mental Assault, which deals psychic damage with a melee spell attack; and Starfall, an AoE cantrip that deals radiant damage to those who fail a Constitution saving throw.

Cosmic Archetypes

Access the Power of the Heavens

Introduction: The night skies are an endless source of wonder and mystery. In
the worlds of D&D, they are also a path to great power. Whether it’s from studying
the movements of stars, making pacts with sentient voids, or discovering that the
cosmos exists inside your soul, these archetypes provide new and flavorful ways to
play characters with phenomenal, cosmic powers.

6 new archetypes and 3 new cantrips

by Matthew Harris

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"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament Cleric Domain
of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and "She was one of those types who would go on about
let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, love and peace as she stabbed some vermin in the
and years: eye with a pointy bit of silver. But she'd saved all our
hides more than once, so I kept my complaints to a
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the minimum."
heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. —A retired adventurer
speaking of a former compatriot.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to
rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he
made the stars also. Moon Domain
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to The Moon domain deals not just with the celestial
give light upon the earth, object, but also with natural cycles and bringing
darkness to light. Just as the moon varies, the
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to methods and goals of such priesthoods can be quite
divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that disparate. Often, however, they are notable forces
it was good." for good, providing a gentle light in the darkness
—Genesis 1: 14-18 of a dangerous world. In the Forgotten Realms,
Selune is the primary deity of the moon. However,
Seldom do D&D players have their characters pause worship of some unwholesome powers like Malar
to take in the beauty of the night sky. (Presumably the Beastlord can also provide these abilities.
because there's nothing to stab and loot up there.
Moon Domain Spells
Usually.) However, so much of fiction is permeated
with tropes about the stars, the sun, the moon, and Cleric Level Spells
the powers of the cosmos in general. So here are six 1st faerie fire, guiding bolt
new archetypes to bring this cosmic flavor to your
3rd alter self, moon beam
PC's or NPC's. Included in this documents are:
5th dispel magic, remove curse
• Clerics of the Moon who can illuminate their foes
7th dominate beast, polymorph
and bring light to the darkness by channeling the
power of a lunar deity. 9th reincarnate, wall of force
• Heavenly druids who venerate the sun, moon,
and stars the way other druids venerate nature. Light of the New Moon
• Monks of the Cosmic Mind, who can reach so When you choose this domain at 1st level,
deep into themselves that they open a window into your attacks can infuse your foes with searing
the cosmos. moonlight. When you hit with a weapon attack on
• Fated sorcerers, whose life is dogged by prophecy your turn, as a bonus action you can cause the
and powers they barely understand. target to emit 5 feet of dim light that lasts until the
start of your next turn. During this time, attacks
• Warlocks bound to mind-eating entities that dwell made against this target deal additional radiant
in the darkness between stars. damage equal to your cleric level divided by 4,
• Astrologers (wizards) who study the strange rounding up. The target also has disadvantage on
influence that the movement of stars have upon the any Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
lives of mortals. You can use this feature a number of times equal
• Three new offensive cantrips. to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long
Shields at Maximum! rest.

To clarify, these archetypes are not necessarily

built with sci-fi or space-faring campaigns in Bonus Proficiencies
mind. Although, flying a spelljammer out to visit
a warlock's Hungry Void patron could certainly be Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial
an interesting adventure... weapons.

1 COSMIC ARCHETYPES Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Channel Divinity: Gleaming Crescent Design Notes
Starting at 2nd level, you can empower weapons This archetype draws most of its inspiration from
with a portion of the moon’s power. As an action, the moon domain present in 3e, as well as the Moon
you can imbue one weapon that you or an ally Priestesses in the Wacraft games. Overall, it should
play similar to a 4e leader, dealing respectable damage
are holding with the moon’s blessing, using your
itself while setting up its allies for even greater success,
Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, attack rolls made and most of the abilities are pointed towards this end.
with that weapon add a bonus equal to your
The domain spells are mostly thematic, with an
Wisdom modifier (with a minimum bonus of +1).
emphasis on support.
The weapon also emits dim light in a 20-foot radius.
If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes The Light of the Moon is a mark-type power, telling your
magical for the duration and also counts as party members "hit this guy".
silvered. Martial weapon proficiency is for those Tyrande
You can end this effect on your turn as part of any
other action. The first Channel Divinity is essentially the Paladin
Oath of Devotion's Sacred Weapon, except it can be
used on allies.
Channel Divinity: Wax and Wane Wax and Wane is to represent the moon's power over
Starting at 6th level, you can provoke
transformations in shape-shifters, forcing them out Divine Strike is standard for weapon-using clerics.
of a dangerous form… or into one. Light of the Full Moon may seem overpowered, but, by
level 17, advantage is quite easy to come by (see faerie
As an action, you present your holy symbol fire a first-level spell). In any case, it's comparable to
which emits dim light in a 30 foot radius. Any the Light Domain's feature of the same level.
lycanthropes within 30 feet must make a Wisdom
saving throw or be forced into their humanoid,
hybrid, or animal forms, your choice, but it must
be the same for each creature affected. If you
choose humanoid, then any other shape-shifted
or polymorphed creatures in range must similarly
make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid being forced
into their natural form. Any creatures who fail
their saving throw cannot transform willingly
for one minute and is immune to any further
transformation effects.

Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of
your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra
1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach
14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Light of the Full Moon

Starting at 17th level, you can call down a 15-foot-
radius, 120-foot-high column of moonlight as an
action anywhere you can see within 60 feet. The
column emits bright light within its radius and
dim light another 30 feet beyond that. Any magical
darkness in the column is dispelled. Attacks
against your foes within the column are made with
advantage. The column lasts for one minute, or
until you summon another as a standard action.

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concentration on a spell, add your Wisdom modifier
Druidic Circle to the total.
“Prepare yourselves fiends, for you face the Auspice of the Stars. The shadowy radiance of
unbridled fury of the sun, moon, and stars!” the Stars can veil you from your foes. Whenever
—A young druid, you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you become
rehearsing his speech before dealing with a minor invisible until the end of your turn.
infestation of kobolds.

Auspice Spells
Circle of the Heavens Your connection to the celestial cycles infuses you
Typically, druids revere and draw power from with the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th,
the natural world. However, ‘nature’, according 7th, and 9th level you gain access to auspice spells
to those belonging to the Circle of the Heavens, connected to the auspice to which you are currently
encompasses so much more than just the under.
terrestrial sphere. Rather than identifying with just You are considered to have the spells appropriate
animal, plant, and element, you commune with the to your auspice prepared, and they don’t count
Sun, Moon, and Stars. You gain powers that shift against the number of spells you can prepare each
with the motions of the celestial objects as they day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear
wend their way across they sky. on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a
Although members of this Circle hardly neglect the druid spell for you. When you switch auspices,
balance of nature, they have a tendency to look you are no longer considered to have the spells of
down on other druids who, in their view, fail to the former auspice prepared, (unless you’d already
grasp the grand scope of this task. After all, how prepared them as one of your normal spells for
can life flourish at all without the guiding light of the day), instead gaining the ones for your current
the sun? The shifting influence of the moon? Or the auspice.
steady, cool brilliance of the stars? For this reason, Sun
druids of this Circle tend to be more concerned
with extra-planar or aberrant threats then the Druid Level Spells
spread of civilizations. 3rd scorching ray
5th daylight
7th fire shield
Celestial Auspices
9th flame strike
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, your
powers begin to cycle between three phases referred Moon
to as auspices: the Auspice of the Sun, Auspice of Druid Level Spells
the Moon, and Auspice of the Stars, each of which
3rd moon beam
give unique benefits. At the end of each long rest,
you may choose which auspice to enter. At the end 5th conjure animals
of each short rest, you automatically move to the 7th polymorph
next auspice in the cycle (i.e. from Sun to Moon, 9th wall of force
Moon to Stars, or Stars to Sun). You remain in a
single auspice until resting, unless an ability says Stars
otherwise. Druid Level Spells
Auspice of the Sun. The glory of the Sun 3rd mirror image
empowers your spells. Whenever you cast a spell, 5th major image
other than a cantrip, that deals fire or radiant
damage, a brilliant aura surrounds you. In addition 7th phantasmal killer
to the spell’s effects, creatures of your choice within 9th mislead
5 feet of you take fire or radiant damage (choose
each time this ability activates) equal to half your
druid level. Invoke Eclipse
Auspice of the Moon. The ever-shifting influence Starting at 6th level, you’ve learned to invoke an
of the Moon helps focus your thoughts. Whenever eclipse as a bonus action, imposing the energy
you make a Constituiton check to maintain of the next auspice in the cycle on your current
auspice. This creates a powerful resonance which

3 COSMIC ARCHETYPES Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
temporarily benefits you and your allies. You also part of this whole document to pin down. Each auspice
immediately enter the auspice imposed. The effects needed to be viable separately, but limited enough to
of each auspice’s eclipse are described below: prevent switching in and out from being painful. The
Auspice Spells tie into this, making sure you have
Solar Eclipse (Sun to Moon). Even as the sun is spells prepared that work with each auspice.
dimmed, its corona bursts forth. You may spend a
Invoke Eclipse was also tricky, but the limit to once-
spell slot, healing yourself and all allies within 30 per-short-rest helped. I also really like the give-and-
feet for 3 x the level of the slot used. take nature of the ability.
New Moon (Moon to Stars): Even as darkness falls, Walk Among the Stars was actually an old idea of mine,
the night shrouds you in its embrace. Until the and thematically it fit very well here.
start of your next turn, you and all allies within 30 Celestial Nova is the logical end to the auspice abilities.
feet are shrouded in dim light. Each ally can move Player's are advised to have their theme-music of choice
up to their speed as a reaction. Affected creatures ready to go before activating. This shouldn't be an "I
do not provoke attacks of opportunity by moving, win" button, but it is supposed to feel like an "avatar
and any attacks against them have disadvantage. state" or "all-your-powers-combined" type of ability.
Rising Dawn (Stars to Sun). The glory of the sun
brings sudden light to the night, invigorating
your allies. Until the start of your next turn, all
attacks made by you and allies within 30 feet have
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.

Walk Among the Stars

At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild
Shape at the same time to become ethereal, as the
spell, for 1 hour.

Celestial Nova
By 14th level, the celestial cycles have reached
perfect harmony within your soul. As a bonus
action, you can cause a nova, entering all three
auspices simultaneously for 1 minute. This
provides all the benefits of each auspice, and
you can invoke each eclipse effect once without
changing auspices, or expending your per-short-
rest use of Invoke Eclipse, while the nova persists.
When the nova ends, you enter the auspice of your
You regain this ability after a long rest.
Additionally, when you end a short rest, you can
choose which auspice to enter, rather than being
forced to the next in the cycle.

Design Notes
This was the idea that inspired the rest of this
document. 4e veterans will probably recognize a lot of
the Cosmic Sorcerer in this archetype, Personally, I
always thought the idea made more sense as a druid,
but this may be due to playing a Balance Druid in
World of Warcraft.
The auspices are directly derived from the phases of
the 4e sorcerer, and they were actually the hardest

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spell attack with the same range and damage as the
Monastic Tradition triggering attack.

“Alright, let me try again. Picture the universe as

a river. And we are bubbles in that river. We flow Astral Step
along with it, and, indeed, we are one with it, but
At 6th level, you’ve discovered that distance is
now picture that inside each bubble is another river
but a trick of the mind. Whenever you use your
and...I see that I’ve lost you once more. Hm, okay,
Step of the Wind ability, you can teleport to any
the universe is a loaf of bread...”
unoccupied square you can see within a distance
—An adherent of
equal to your speed. You can teleport as many times
the Way of the Cosmic Mind, failing to explain his
as you wish, but the total distance you travel this
cosmological theory to a colleague.
turn by walking or teleporting cannot exceed your
speed. Teleporting like this does not provoke attacks
Way of the Cosmic Mind of opportunity.

Big is small, and small is big. Distance is

meaningless and the Cosmos is infinite. We are Separation is an Illusion
but motes in the sea of probabilities and within By 11th level, you’ve learned to cast aside the gross
our minds is the possibility of endless creation. limits of your senses and open your mind to the
Paradoxes like these make up the philosophy of truth of your surroundings. You can spend 2 ki
the Way of the Cosmic Mind. The prospect that the points to gain truesight out to a radius of 60 feet for
world may be merely a construct of the mind is 1 minute.
not a source of nihilistic anxiety to these monks.
Indeed, they believe that our minds are brilliant, Additionally, by spending ten minutes in
if tiny, founts of creation woven into the grand meditation, you may cast scrying once without
consciousness that makes up the Cosmos. spending a spell slot. You regain this ability when
you finish a long rest.
As an adherent of this Way, you reject the idea
of physical perfection. Perfection implies a limit,
and the mind is limitless. Although you certainly Self-Apotheosis
don’t neglect physical training, you contend that
anything achieved physically ultimately stems from At 17th level, you have learned the truth of the
the mind’s desire and will to achieve it. Whatever Cosmos; that it is not only outside you but also
the truth of the matter, your training allows you to within you. By reaching into the deepest recesses
tap into strange abilities that transcend the normal of self, your mind is able to temporarily encompass
barriers of physical reality. a glimmer of the infinite expanse of Creation. Your
body becomes a window to infinity, appearing as a
star-filled silhouette.
Mind Beyond Matter Using your action, you undergo a transformation.
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
level, your force of will extends beyond your body. • At the start of each of your turns, you regain
Whenever you use your Flurry of Blows ability, your 1 ki point. This cannot cause you to exceed your
reach increases to 30 feet. In addition, any damage maximum ki points.
you deal with unarmed strikes or monk weapons
• You emit dim light out to 15 feet
becomes force damage. These effects last until the
end of your turn. • You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Deflect Energy
At 3rd level, your internal flow of ki is becoming Design Notes
synchronized with the external currents of the This archetype is basically if Guru Pathik from
Cosmos. Your Deflect Missiles ability also functions Avatar: The Last Airbender was a wizard in Mage: The
on ranged spell attacks in addition to ranged Awakening.
weapon attacks. You may not “hold” a ranged spell
Mind Beyond Matter is essentially a re-fluff of the Sun
attack if you reduce the damage to 0, however you Soul monk's Radiant Sun Bolt ability from the Sword
may spend 1 ki point to immediately make a ranged Coast Adventure's Guide. Since that ability is widely

5 COSMIC ARCHETYPES Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
considered to be sub-par, I also threw in...
Deflect Energy is another one of my older ideas that
made its way here. The wording of the ability is a little
Sorcerous Origin
clunky, but it is basically just "Deflect Missiles but with “Well, it’s not really ‘magic’, you see. It’s just a thing
spells". that kinda happens around me. My mother says I
Astral Step also took some interesting wording to make
was born lucky. I don’t really know how it works,
it work the way I wanted it to. This and Mind Beyond but it’s always there when I need it. Um, well, not
Matter are both designed to ride on existing monk ‘always’ always. You see, there was this one time
abilities to avoid the problem of the Four Elements with a flumph and the duchess’ wig...”
monk: a lot of options and not enough ki to use any of —A Fated One, trying
them. to explain his use of unlicensed magic to a pair of
For the equivalent of a 5th level spell, Separation is an inquisitors.
Illusion would normally have a higher ki cost, but the
duration is much shorter than the spell. The second
part of the ability is basically a ribbon since the party Fated One
wizard could cast scrying two levels ago.
The stars aligned at your birth, a prophecy was
Self-Apotheosis is another ability that begs for theme-
music. The ki regeneration is somewhat unprecedented,
spoken over you as an infant, or perhaps you just
but over the course of the entire ability, you only regain live a charmed life. (Astrologers will probably fawn
ten total. It's mostly just an excuse to cut loose with all over you and ask a lot of uncomfortable questions.)
your nifty ki-spenders. Whatever the reason, you are blessed with a
potent fount of magic within your soul and you
seem destined for great things. More so then even
other sorcerers, your spells come intuitively and
spontaneously, though not necessarily exactly when
you want them to.

Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with light armor,
as well as simple and martial weapons

Also at 1st level, fate seems to guard you from most
injuries. An arrow flies just a hair over your head.
An enemy stumbles before swinging. When another
creature hits you with an attack, you can use your
reaction to add your Charisma bonus to your AC for
that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss

Intuitive Caster
Beginning at 6th level, you can attempt to draw
upon your unconscious grasp of magic to replicate
a spell you don’t actually know. The spell must be
drawn from the Sorcerer list. The spell slot to cast
the spell must be converted from sorcery points
using your Flexible Casting feature, and cannot be
of a level higher than you would normally have spell
slots for. You must otherwise obey all restrictions
for casting the spell (costly components, casting
time, etc.). The spell you cast is not added to your
spells known and you receive no additional benefit
to replicate this spell in the future.

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Spontaneous Prodigy Warlock Pact
Also at 6th level, what takes others years to master, “I have gazed into the void and seen only my
you seem to pick up in minutes. You can add half reflection...”
your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any —Scribbled in blood
ability check you make that doesn’t already include near the victim's body.
your proficiency bonus.
The Hungry Void
Mystic Combatant At the very blackest edges of the Universe,
At 14th level, your magical abilities have become a something writhes. You have made your pact
natural extension of your weapon skills. When you with some incomprehensible entity that dwells in
use your action to cast a sorcerer spell, you can the void between stars. Its origins are completely
make one weapon attack as a bonus action. unknown; perhaps it is a powerful entity from the
Far Realm, seeking entrance to the physical plane.
Maybe it is literally an empty void, somehow given
Fate Is On Your Side form and sentience. You do know that it seems to
At 17th level, even mortal wounds cannot keep feed on the minds of mortals. And that it is hungry.
you from your destiny. As a reaction when your hit Whether you sought out the Hungry Void by choice,
points drop to 0, you can stand up and regain hit or its inscrutable will made the choice for you, your
points equal to half your hit point maximum. mind and soul can never be the same. Always you
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again feel your patron’s presence, watching you, watching
until you finish a long rest. your world. Day or night, if you gaze heavenward,
you can see it’s black maw hanging in the sky.
In addition, you can add half your proficiency
bonus to any saving throws you are not already You don’t know why your mind has survived
proficient in. contact with this entity; those upon whom you
inflict tendrils of its power don’t fare nearly so
well. Perhaps it is using you as one would a piece
Design Notes
of dinnerware, as merely a tool to more efficiently
This archetype strayed a little bit from the whole consume a feast.
"cosmos-theme", but I was pleased with how it turned
out, so it stayed. Hungry Void Expanded Spells
The bonus proficiencies come from the idea that this Spell Level Spells
character doesn't actually know how to use their magic,
so they needed a reliable way to fight. Similarly, the 1st dissonant whispers, Tasha's hideous
Fate-Warded feature is there to make up for the wimpy laughter
d6 hit-die and keep them at the front-lines. 2nd detect thoughts, phantasmal force
Intuitive Caster is one of those abilities that really 3rd nondetection, bestow curse
wants to be game-breaking unchecked. I kept it limited
4th confusion, phantasmal killer
to sorcerer spells, and the replicated spell can only be
cast from spell points. If you're like me, however, and 5th modify memory, seeming
are a fan of revisions that replace the sorcerer's spell
slots with a single massive pile of spell points, then
adding a once-per-short-rest limit should suffice. Brush With Oblivion
Spontaneous prodigy is a re-skin of the bard's Jack of Starting at 1st level, those who you expose to the
All Trades. I'd liked to have put this at level 1, but that power of your patron have their psyches weakened
would have made a single-level dip too attractive. to further assaults. When you deal psychic damage
Mystic Combatant is taken pretty much straight from to a creature, they have disadvantage on their next
the Bard College of War. Wisdom saving throw made before the end of your
Abilities like the first part of Fate is On Your Side next turn.
have come up in the Unearthed Arcana. The second
part is continuing with the theme of "unfairly good at
everything". Mind Predator
At 6th level, the hunger of your patron is insatiable.
Spells you cast ignore resistance to psychic damage.

7 COSMIC ARCHETYPES Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you
cast that deals psychic damage, you can treat any 1
on a damage die as a 2.
Wizard College
"Is the future written in the stars? Well, yes. But like
any writing, it is subject to editorial feedback.”
Witness the Void —Excerpted from a
tome on astrology. Author later met his end in the
At 10th level, the hunger of your patron has
form of a runaway cart.
begun to suffuse your thoughts, making it quite
dangerous for another to try and influence your
mind. Whenever another creature attempts to read School of Astrology
your mind or charm you, the attempt fails and
you can use your reaction to deal psychic damage Men have often gazed heavenward, wondering
to the attacker equal to your warlock level. The if their fates were determined or influenced by
attacker must also make a Wisdom saving throw, the celestial motions of the stars above. As an
with a DC equal to 8 + your Charisma bonus + your astrologer, you know this to be the case, and you
proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the attacker is seek to understand and manipulate these supernal
frightened until the end of its next turn. currents that flow from above. This study gives
you abilities similar to those who study the school
of divination, but rather than merely predict the
Apocalypse future, you seek to understand the actual forces
that shape destiny.
At 14th level, the truth becomes clear to you:
your mind was shattered and consumed long ago. Astrologers are often employed in like manner
What you are now is but a cleverly constructed as diviners, as advisor to a noble court or similar
husk, barely concealing the hole in your soul that patron, but the stereotypical astrologer is the
leads straight to the void. As an action, you can hermit wizard peering through his instruments
temporarily revoke this illusion, exposing those at the top of a lonely tower. Of course, many are
around to the mind-shattering truth of your nature. willing to seek out such eccentrics for the chance at
All creatures within 60 feet take 4d10 psychic a hint to the future.
damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw
with disadvantage or become frightened until the
start of your next turn. Improved True Strike
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again When you choose this school at 2nd level, you
until you finish a long rest. learn the true strike cantrip. If you already know
this cantrip, you learn a different wizard cantrip of
your choice. The cantrip doesn’t count against your
number of cantrips known.
Design Notes When you cast true strike, you can reduce the
Warlocks have a special place in my heart, and insane, casting time to a bonus action. You can use this
soul-eating warlocks get their own luxury suite. feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence
The inspiration for this archetype started when my modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all
demonologist in an Out of the Abyss campaign went
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
completely bonkers. In some ways, this is an alternate
Great Old One pact, but while a Great Old One will
control minds, the Hungry Void eats them.
Celestial Observer
Brush With Oblivion is mostly there to keep your lovely
mind-affecting spells working. Intended to be used with Also at 2nd level, you learn the guidance cantrip.
the mental assault cantrip later in the document. This counts as a wizard cantrip for you and doesn’t
Mind Predator is just the Elemental Adept feat, but for count against your number of cantrips known.
psychic damage. Additionally, you gain proficiency with Navigator’s
Witness the Void is a defensive ability similar to the one Tools.
Great Old One Warlocks get this level, but with a bit
more, ahem, teeth.
Apocalypse is basically a one-turn-duration weird, but As Above, So Below
with a disadvantaged saving throw. To be clear, literally At 6th level, you can tap into the celestial
everything is horrified of this elderitch abomination resonances of the stars above, empowering your
you've become.
spells based on their arrangement. Before you

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. COSMIC ARCHETYPES
prepare your spells, roll on the table below to my writing group buddies. The biggest trick to this
determine the energy types benefited by that day’s archetype was making them different from divination
stellar arrangements. Whenever you cast a spell wizards without surpassing them.
that deals damage of either type listed and you roll Improved True Strike makes true strike not the worst
a 1 or 2 on a damage die, you can reroll the die and spell of the edition. It also encourages the use of spells
must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or with attack roles over saves.
a 2. This benefit lasts until your next long rest. Celestial Observer could be called a ribbon, except
guidance is rather useful.
As Above, So Below is to remind you that you're not
d4 Resonance Damage Type just playing a diviner redux. This should encourage
1 Sign of Entropy acid and fire more diversity in spells-learned, while still being flexible
enough to not make this feature worthless some days.
2 Sign of Dynamism lightning and thunder
Horoscope is mostly fluff, but there wasn't a good
3 Sign of Stasis cold and necrotic
reason not to give it to them.
4 Sign of Mind psychic and force
Stellar Attunement is a little boring, but it gets the job
Fate is Written pleases me greatly. Functionally, it
Horoscope gives some more spontaneous casting to your wizard.
Also at 6th level, add the spell augury as a ritual In character, however, this is supposed to be the
to your spellbook. You can cast the spell only as a result of being able to see the future when preparing
ritual and other wizards cannot copy it into their spells. And yes, you must declare, aloud, that you have
spellbooks. "foreseen this moment" in your best Emperor Palpatine

Stellar Attunement
At 10th level, you have become so attuned to the
governing influence of the stars that interpreting
their warnings has become instinctive. You now add
your proficiency bonus to initiative checks.

Fate is Written
Starting at 14th level, you can allow the stars to
guide your hand in preparing your spells for the
day. Of course, such prophecy is often unclear
until the very moment it is fulfilled. When you
prepare your spells for the day, you can choose
to delay preparing a number of spells, up to your
Intelligence modifier. At any time before your next
long rest, you can use your reaction to declare
that you have foreseen this moment and can then
instantly prepare any number of the spells you
delayed. The newly prepared spells must be wizard
spells from your spellbook, as if you had prepared
them normally. You may do this any number of
times, but only until all of the delayed spells have
been prepared. Once you take a long rest, any
remaining delayed spells are lost and do not carry

Design Notes
Astrologers are only retroactively inspired by the
Celestial Wizards in Warhammer. The original idea
actually came from a magic system devised by one of

9 COSMIC ARCHETYPES Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Duration: Instantaneous
New Spells You raise your hand aloft and call down a flurry of
brilliant, starlight motes that sear hostile creatures
within a 5-foot-radius, centered on a point within
Celestial Quiver range. Targets that fail a Constitution saving throw
Conjuration cantrip take 1d4 radiant damage.
Spell List(s): Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, M (a bow) Design Notes
Duration: Instantaneous These cantrips are intended to fill some of thematic
As you draw back your bowstring, a silvery arrow gaps in the base game's offensive cantrips.
fades into existence knocked on your bowstring. Celestial Quiver is, somewhat obviously, intended for
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you moon clerics. It's a ranged weapon expansion of the
must make a ranged attack with a bow against one weapon-based cantrips presented in the Sword Coast
creature within the spell's range, otherwise the Adventure's Guide.
spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's There's currently a dearth of AoE cantrips that don't
normal effects, and the arrow continues to glow require you to stand in the middle of the fight. Starfall
faintly, causing the creature to give off dim light in a is intended to fix this, while conveniently being very
appropriate for most of the archetypes presented here.
5-foot-radius, and preventing it from benefiting from
concealment until the end of your next turn, at which Mental Assault is geared for Hungry Void Warlocks. It's
time the arrow fades. for those times when you really just want to get your
Shadow of Mordor on and SUFFER ME NOW!
At 5th level, the ranged attack deals an extra 1d8
radiant damage to the target. This damage increases
again by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
About the Author
I have a background in computer science, game design,
Mental Assault creative writing, and astronomy. I've played D&D since
Illusion cantrip 3.5, and my favorite part of the game is breaking it into
tiny pieces and putting it back together. If I lived in the
Spell List(s): Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard D&D-verse I'd be a Neutral Good human wizard.
Casting time: 1 action
Range: touch
Components: V, S
Thanks to both my writing group and gaming group
Duration: Instantaneous (not necessarily the same people) for all the inspiration,
You seize a creature and channel black tendrils of support, and beta-reading/testing.
power directly into their mind. Make a melee spell
attack against a creature you can reach. On a hit, the
target takes 1d12 psychic damage.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d12 when you reach
5th level (2d12), 11th level (3d12), and 17th level (4d12).

Evocation cantrip
Spell List(s): Cleric, Druid, Wizard
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a fleck of meteoric iron)

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. COSMIC ARCHETYPES

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