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Theories of Globalization

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1. With the use of your online research through newspaper and journal reading, construct at
least two (2) definitions in yourown words of each of the hereunder theories of globalization.

1.1. Liberalism

• This is the process of globalization as a market-led of modernization.

• Result of natural human desires for economic welfare and political liberty.

1.2. Realism

• Advocates of this theory are interested in questions of state power, the pursuit of national
interest, and conflict between states.
• States are inherently acquisitive and self-serving, and heading for inevitable competition of

1.3. Marxism

• Concerned with modes of production, social exploitation through unjust distribution, and
social emancipation through the transcendence of capitalism.
• Accordingly, to Marxists, globalization happens because trans-world connectivity enhances
opportunities of profit-making and surplus accumulation.

1.4. Constructivism

• Constructivists concentrate on the ways that social actors ‘construct’ their world: both
within their own minds and through inter-subjective communication with others.
• Globalization has also arisen because of the way that people have mentally constructed
the social world with particular symbols, language, images and interpretation.

1.5. Postmodernism

• Postmodernism, like Marxism, helps to go beyond the relatively superficial accounts of

liberalist and political realist theories and expose social conditions that have favored
• This mode of knowledge has authoritarian and expan-sionary logic that leads to a kind of
cultural imperialism subordinating all other epistemologies.

2. Fill out the table matrix provided below by compairing and differentiating how the essential
characteristics were best observed in the identified theories of globalization.
State Power/ the Popular Strong Prsonal
Market Conduct of Culture: Unique Identity
Planning and
Theories of Economy/ Free International Generation X & and
Globalization trade and Relations: Millenials' Consciousness
Ownership of
Private Property Consular & Craze. Fads and amid
Diplomacy Tresendsetting Hyperglobalism

1. Liberalism This theory This theory has The state power in This theory is a It tends to check
promotes this a lack of this theory mostly traditional one so and limit the
category as it secured private depends on the in popular government power
considers private property and people because it culture, it is still to make sure that
property to be some say that is their own present as most the rights of every
essential for the central planning choices to trust the people still individual are the
construction of a is nearly government. choose to focus and the
prosperous impossible to respect priority of the
society. It is make. others’opinions government to
based on strong but it is not quite protect.
support for an famous.
market economy.

2. Realism This theory There is This theory states This theory is It doesn’t approve
believes that free nocentralplannin that international also a traditional centralized global
trade and having g inrealism relations are one, so it is authority as it
regulations can theory. mostly created by sometimes prioritizes the
be used to competition,and present in interest of the
correct domestic resulting from this popular culture people in that
changes and to is the states’ own but state or national
also highlight interests will be still,depending interest.
new industries. tried to level up. on the nation’s
own interest.

3. Marxism Since this theory This theory Capitalism is what This theory still This theory tells
believes that believes that makes the states exists as about how nations
capitalism is private be related to each millennials use step up to solve
themai n reason, ownership other as they trends to gain problems and to
it relies on the allows the owner compete and try to profit through fulfill the material
amount of labor to earn because have relationships capitalism. needs of the
to decide on the of the workers interms of people by initiating
value of a certain and freedom is exchanges. different economic
good. needed to also activities.
get a
comfortable life
while at it.
4. Constructivism It affects through The central This theory This theory is This theory argues
a collective or an planning is improves believed to be that every state
individual based on international most fit in might have
construction of research and relations as states millennials today. multiple interests
economic reality. direct give information As it allows them and identities
observation of constructed by to research and constructed
the people part history and current be part of the socially.
of that state. situations. It tells construction of
people why a their learning
certain situation is experience.
happening but not
really what people
should do about it.

5. Postmodernism This theory also The central This theory This theory uses This theory has
allows free trade planning in this strengthens the media to reach ever-changing
and private theory focuses ability of the state most people and identity because of
property because on the use of to promote what is mostly used by the demand for
the media is media. the country has millennials and greater flexibility to
away of and that also generationX to adapt and adjust
connecting to improves the promote and in the changing
people and relations with other create trends. world.
having a market countries.
on social media.

3. In 100 words, write an analysis based on the result of the learning task.

I have learned a lot of things in theories of globalization. Theory of globalization can be summarized in three
principal points. First, cultural and economic factors are the determining aspect in every society. Second, under
current global conditions, and when we are studying a particular system -that is, financial or trade sphere- it is not
as important as previously thought to use the nation-state category as a unit of analysis, since global
communications and international ties are making this category less useful. Third, with more standardization in
technological advances, more and more social sectors will be able to connect themselves with other groups
around the world, which implies faster and easier communications and economic transactions. This situation will
affect the dominant and non-dominant groups from each nation.

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