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Information Systems For Managers

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Internal Assignment for Dec 2022

Course – MBA (SCM)

Subject – Information Systems for Managers

Answer 1:
Introduction –
Farokh Motorwala is the CTO at D’Costa Cosmetics in Hyderabad, Farokh wants improvement in the
Firms IT Infrastructure with the alignment of company strategy.

As IT Infrastructure is wildly adopted by the organizations to manage their businesses in a better way to
track all the activities of every moves. Farokh wants to improve the IT Infrastructure of the D’Costa

As D’Costa Cosmetics has made their corporate strategies for the future business expansion, IT
infrastructure is one of the important part, where they have to work out. So, Farokh as a CTO want align
company strategies in the improvement of IT infrastructure.

IT Infrastructure consist of hardware, software, networks, and services that are needed for an
organization to function. IT Infrastructure is developed based on the need of an organization, Type of
Industry, and the kind of technology available.

IT Infrastructure consist of the facilities that are needed by an organization to function, Facilities are in
the form of Hardware, Software, Network & services that combine to form applications that are used by
an organization.

Majorly IT Infrastructure is developed to run the majorly like – Accounting, Inventory management,
Customer relationship management, HR management, Maintenance, Production management, Sales
and Dispatch management, Quality management & based on the requirement of an organization.

Concept & Application -

IT infra structure is an essential need for a growing organizations and type of IT infra structure is
selection is based on the need of an organization, For Farokh Motorwala in order to finalize IT infra
structure for the revamp to meet the certain goals based on corporate strategies, Farokh need to many
technical and business consideration in the finalization.

There are many decisions that have to be taken with regard to the IT infrastructure. These decisions are
loosely categorized as those belonging to the business needs and those belonging to technology
As Farokhh has to keep consider Technical & business thoughts while improvement in the IT Infra

 Business Need – Business need is the basis step in the finalization of improvement in the IT
Infrastructure. Business needs consider the size of an organization, type of organization, culture
of an organization, product type etc. with consideration of future growth of a organization.

 Technical support – To select the IT infrastructure the in technical requirement based on the
organization, Technology selection is one of the major tasks for an organization, different types
of technology available in the market and best suitable option selection based on the required
and type of industry.

 Commercial Need – Many technologies in terms of IT Infrastructure are available in the market
and in the selection of technology, commercial part is also important, Considering the
organization requirement, Organization future plans, Organization current turn over plays a vital

 Support centers / Services – While selection of the IT infra structures, Service is also a very
important factor, In the section procedure, services for the installation and go live is not task for
completion, continuous support to the soft ware or a hardware is required to organization

 Security – Security & its maintenance is a big part of any IT Infrastructure facilities, Your
network, your firewall, your server access, end-user devices, emails, etc. These are all subject to
potential cyber-attack, or infiltration and have the potential to completely collapse your whole
system. It is recommended every business should perform periodic self-evaluations in terms of
cyber security

Farokh has to keep the organization requirement and market availability of IT infrastructure facilities for
the D’Costa Cosmetics based on the major highlighted technical and business considerations.

For Farokh Motorwala, Some major Laws of IT infrastructure to kept in mind while finalization of IT Infra
Structure facilities for D’Costa Cosmetics Hyderabad.

 Selection of the Hardware & Software for the improvement in an organization, farokh has to
keep support team or company back end like - its design, development, release, management,
administration, and maintenance phases, IT infrastructure is made up of several IT components,
networking, programming, and typically human resources.

 IT infrastructure can be installed on-site at a company or on the cloud. A range of components

including hardware, programming, connecting elements, software, and information
management, are often dispersed throughout the body to deliver IT products and solutions in
 Businesses may yet encounter connectivity and performance problems, as well as cybersecurity
problems like system failures and covert infiltration, even with well-built IT infrastructure.

Majorly Some of the Key points where have to keep in mind for development of IT infrastructure –

1. Customer Testimonials.
2. Reviews of customers, If possible can visit at customers place.
3. Pricing.
4. Support Desk.
5. Certification of organization and product.
6. No Jardon.
7. Industry Experience.
8. Services or Service centers availability.
9. Back end development team.

 The idea that IT products have to upgrade is one of the biggest burdens of acquiring new
technology. Farokh Motorwala as a CTO has taken a complex task of improvement in the IT
Infrastructure of D’Costa Cosmetics.
 In the initials review of current availability in the organization with the future requirement in
terms of Hardware, Software, Support system & network.
 In the details, Farokh has to work to get the base level organizational requirement & search the
best solution which suits for the organization & compline the requirement.
 Techno commercial comparison for the better understanding in terms of technical specification
and commercial comparison for costing.
 Farokh has to keep above mentioned Laws of IT Infra while finalization of IT Infra structure.
 Farokh has to check based on the requirement of organization Fitts in the available software or
hardware in the market, they need to create customize product which directly impact on the

As technologies are changing very rapidly, so need to keep in mind for the future requirement based on
the corporate goal set by the D’Costa Cosmetics Hyderabad.

Answer 2:
Introduction –
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) is an Indian Government-Owned oil and gas explorer and

Mr. K Padmakar is CEO in BPCL.

In the BPCL, K Padmakar is to focus on the Objectives, Kind of Decisions, Information Needed,
Information system development, Time frames, SOPs, Review of procedures, find out leakages in the
processes etc. Also, he has to develop the information system.

As CEO is the most respectful position in the organization and he has to take major decisions for the
organization. He has to perform the duties to discharge output in the efficient manner.

K. Padmakar has to review and develop the complete information system to get all the details on the
single screen and can review the work profile of the organization. For the same he needs to plan
complete information system in from the ground level to develop the complete information system.

CEO is a very responsible position and to keep the eye at all corners of the organization, Information
system plays a vital role. Without or scattered information system is major obstacles in front of the

To setup the complete information system in the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Mr. K.
Padmakar have to work on the information system like to mage data type, kind of dat, type of
processing, which provides data to these IS.

Concept & Application –

Bharat petroleum Corporation Limited is one of the most important pillar in the sector of Fuel resources.
BPCL is an Indian government owned oil, gas and petroleum producer. BPCL is having a wide reachability
from the Metro cities to the smallest urban areas in India.
As a CEO of such big organization Mr. K. Padmakar is work very cleverly & for the same he need a full
proof system to manage the data of an organization.
As a CEO, Role of Mr. K. Padmakar is crucial in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.
The role of Padmakar is majorly managerial in nature. However, he is required to make specific difficult
decisions that the other members of the organization cannot. The CEO’s main focus is on ensuring that
all the activities within the organization are carried out properly and effectively.
The CEO K. Padmakar’s objective is to effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities entrusted to
him while making positive contributions to the organization’s success.
The CEO is required to make management decisions along with carrying out supervising duties where all
the tasks carried out by the middle management and bottom-level management will be supervised and
evaluated by the CEO.
In order to get all the details of an organization, he has to keep eye on every piece of information with
respect to the company past and current data in simulation with the future plannings of the
CEO has to keep focus on company Inventory, Budget, Gross Profits, Mass Balances, Wastage of
material, Accounting, Employees, Salary, Employee engagement activities etc.
CEO is to drive the things based on the organization objectives & he has take the decisions accordingly.
He need to develop the complete Management Information System.
This will help the CEO in making informed decisions as and when needed.
For the development of Information System need to understand the data sources, Data type, Processing
type in the organization

For Primary and Secondary Information system - As the name indicates “Primary means the main part or
first part of something” and “Secondary means the second part”. Data types is classified into two parts:

1. PRIMARY DATA TYPES: These are main data types, these data types are already stored in the header
files. Data collection from the sources are called as Primary data of Primary IS.

2. SECONDARY DATA TYPES: These are not main data types. These are derived from the original ones
(i.e., primary). For example, array, structure, union etc.

Data type is in the form of Quantitative and Qualitative type, values that are stored in a Text field can
contain only letters, numbers, and a limited set of punctuation characters, and a Text field.

Qualitative data represents characteristics and attributes, it is and description that may be observed but
cannot be calculated, It is more exploratory than conclusive in nature.

Quantitative data can be measured not observed, they can numerically perform and calculated.

For the Data Processing –

Data processing can be classified & processed by three methods –

1. Manual Data Processing - This data processing method is handled manually. The entire process
of data collection, filtering, sorting, calculation, and other logical operations are all done with
human intervention and without the use of any other electronic device or automation software
2. Mechanical Data Processing - Data is processed mechanically using devices and machines.
These can include simple devices such as calculators, typewriters, printing press, etc. Simple
data processing operations can be achieved with this method.
3. Electronic Data Processing - Data is processed with modern technologies using data processing
software and programs. A set of instructions is given to the software to process the data and
yield output.

As a CEO of BPCL, Mr. K. Padmakar to work on the development of the Information System, from the
above study and concept. Mr. Padmake need to use the best electronic data processing processes,
where minimum or no intervention of human and all the data capturing from the sources and converted
into the complied form as per the requirement of the user’s level wise. Data can be complied by the
software electronically and users can see the data output on their dashboards.

CEO, K. Padmakar need to review the complete IT infrastructure like Hardware, Software, Network &
People to get the best possible electronic data processing to develop the Information system for BPCL.

As CEO is a responsible and decision making position for any Organization and BPLC is the organization
which is wildly spread all over the India, Manual or mechanical processing of data cannot work.

For the CEO and top management, Information system will became easy and decision ability and
confidence in the decision based on the analyzed data is easy & very worthy.

Answer 3 a:
Introduction –
Jennifer Roberts joined as a Chief Information Officer in the Hawthorne Investments. Vijay Ananth is a
CEO of the organization, during the interview of Jennifer CEO had assigned task with responsibility to
revamping the firms IT Infrastructure.

After the onboard of Jennifer Robert in the Hawthorne Investments, she wants to take start in the
revamping of IT Infrastructure, and she target to start with the Bring your own device (BYOD).

IT Infrastructure is wildly adopted by the organizations to manage their businesses in a better way to
track all the activities of every move, Jennifer has taken the initial step of BYOD in terms facilities to be
share to the employees with the flexible work culture with controlled authorization to keep security and
data management, data leakages, Confidentiality of data in mind.

Concept & Application -

Jennifer Robert starts to use BYOD from the initial level in the improvement in IT infrastructure.

BYOD (Bring your own device) refers to the trend of employees using personal devices to connect to
their organizational networks and access work-related systems and potentially sensitive or confidential
data. Personal devices could include smartphones, personal computers, tablets, or USB drives.

BYOD security is a important topic for any organization because of personal devices used for the
company official work at work place or outside whether it is sanctioned or not.

BYOD solutions can improve employee productivity and morale. But, left unaddressed by IT, personal
device access to an organization’s network can present serious security challenges.

To develop the proper IT infrastructure in term of proper use of BYOD to get the data security of
company data and balanced to provide flexibility in the working. IT department have to mention if and
how they will secure personal devices and determine access levels. Most importantly, a defined BYOD
security policy should inform and educate employees on how to employ BYOD without compromising
organizational data or networks.

As the technologies are changing and upgrading very fast & that changes are having positive and
negative side both. In the smart devices reachability and accessibility of data is very easy & any one can
use the data for any purpose. For the big organizations like Hawthorne Investments where financial
activities are performed or some organization, where data security is main concern. BYOD is used to
control it.
BYOD policies include are as follow -

 Types of approved devices

 Security and data ownership policies
 Levels of IT support granted to personal devices (if any)
A strong BYOD security policy should be integrated with overall IT security and acceptable use policies.
As IT leaders determine the level of support they will apply to personal devices, they must ensure a
balance between organizational security and employees’ personal privacy.

Hawthorne Investments is a company where financial activities are performed, and CEO Vijay Ananth
wants to control the activities in the balanced manner & given the task to Jennifer to revamping the IT
infrastructure. By the use of BYOD, Jennifer started to improve the IT infrastructure.
Under the BYOD, Flexibility to their Personal Mobiles, Personal Laptops allowed and can use the specific
things with the authorization and approval of management.
Use of Firewalls, controlled use of interned, authorization in the ERPs, Authorization matrix are advised
to control BYOD.
Jennifer Robert taken a good step at initial level to use of BYOD.


Answer 3 b:
Introduction –
Jennifer Roberts joined as a Chief Information Officer in the Hawthorne Investments. Vijay Ananth is a
CEO of the organization, during the interview of Jennifer CEO had assigned task with responsibility to
revamping the firms IT Infrastructure.

After the onboard of Jennifer Robert in the Hawthorne Investments, she wants to take start in the
revamping of IT Infrastructure, and she target to start with the Bring your own device (BYOD).

As in the initial stage Jennifer applied BYOD in the organization after understanding the Pros & Cons of
Concept & Application -
Jennifer understanding about the BYOD in terms of Pros & Cons

Pros of BYOD includes – 2 major advantages of BYOD.

1. Higher Productivity – Productivity is increased drastically, as reachability and accessibility of

data is increased, and any employee can perform the task from any location. Hurry situation can
be avoided by the working from the mobile locations. Employee can perform the desired task
from personal electronic devices.
During the facility of Work from Home, organizations can also flexible where working devices

2. Increased employee job satisfaction - Increased employee job satisfaction and retention
through supporting flexible work arrangements. Work completion % is increased so overall
productivity of an organization increased.

Cons of BYOD includes – 2 major dis advantages of BYOD.

1. Data Security – Data security is the major task in from t of the organization when application of
BYOD. Data theft and Data misuse are regular news in the market for n numbers of organization.
As technologies have their positive and negatives. Devices can be hacked for data theft.

2. Compatibility Issues – Compatibility is one of another disadvantages of the BYOD. all devices are
not compatible with each other or with your company’s systems. This can lead to compatibility
issues, such as employees not being able to access work documents on their personal devices. In
addition, different types of devices can also lead to compatibility issues when it comes to
sharing files and documents. For example, an employee may not be able to open a document
that was created on an iPhone if they are using an Android device.

After the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of BYOD, Jennifer recommended for the
BYOD. For the employees it is very comfortable to work with the flexibility to use the work on multiple

Based on the above study on BYOD, CEO Vijay Ananth can allow to use BYOD in term of revamping in the
IT infrastructure after working of Jennifer, but use of BYOD can be applied with the balanced decision of

Use of Firewalls, controlled use of interned, authorization in the ERPs, Authorization matrix are advised
to control BYOD.
Jennifer Robert taken a good step at initial level to use of BYOD.


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