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Mod Exam 1 Reviwer Ged110

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Attempt Score 98 out of 100 points

Question 27 0 out of 2 points

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Which of
of the
the following
following does
does not
not belong
belong to
to the
the group?

A. tropical
A. tropical

B. arctic

C. midlatitudinal
C. midlatitudinal (continental)

D. humid continental

Number 27
Number 27 is
is wrong

Question 27

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

© A. humid continental Mali to dapat Humid Continental

© B. tropical

QO C. arctic

@ D. midlatitudinal (continental)
© A percolation Cean covers sq7}
196,950,000 ;
8 transpiration mw
© C condensation

© D.precipitation
Question 2

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

vr ee
“i 2 | og | assimilation
fossil fuels by a

into assimilation

© A. deposition
© B. annihilation

© C. respiration

D. combustion
~ Questions”
Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

:| [ 4 et
“ ‘ee
niogen- dead animals T] |
xing and i
ne (NO
"in oot
re) (bacteria " fungi)
ma ey (NO2~)

mam Human activities

Natura! activities
N ‘ .

(Hat) @ wee
miaa (NH)
ammoni © Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc.
Oa. ammonification

O 8. nitrification
© ¢. nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil

© D. denitrification
Question 4

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

~~ 2
decay of plants
© 2012 Encyclopasdia Britannica and animais

ola. animal respiration

© B. evaporation

© ¢. condensation

O D. fossil fuel combustion

Question 5

A naturally occurring oil that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons with some other elements such as sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen.

O A. diesel

B. petroleum

O C. natural gas

O D.coal
Question 6

What does PAH mean?

© A. Polymeric Agent for Hydrocarbon

© B. Polycyclic Aroma Hydrogen

@ C. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon

© D. Polymeric Agent for Hydrocarbon

Supply the missing word where the question markis.

fertilizer ¥

nitrogen- dead animals |

fixing | and plants /
bacteria | nitrates (N O37)
in root
re) (bacteria and fungi)

eee Human activities
eee Natural activities
aon (NH4*)
ammonia (NHa) © Encyclopeedia Britannica, Inc.

© A. assimilation

[ole. nitrification
O Cc. denitrification

O D.nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil

Question 8

What form of nitrogen is useful to plants?

O A, Nitrogen Gas

© 8. Ammonia

O ¢. Nitrites

@ 0. Nitrates
Question 9

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

“Geo” dead ails TT |
xi and i \
in root be Samm = )

@\\ tera and tung) Lo

aa Human activities
ae Natural activities
‘tle (NH4ty
ria (NHa) ' © Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

O A, Mtirification

© 8. ammonification

© c. assimilation

D, nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil

Question 10

All the precipitation that falls on a body of land runs off to nearby lakes and rivers.

O A. True

B, False

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

Phosphorus cycle
uptake by

[ola phosphate extraction from mines

O 8. fertilizer

O ¢. dissolved phosphates

© D. uptake by plants
Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

Into assimilation
by phytoplankton

[o]A. respiration

© B. instinct

© C. perspiration

© D.decomposition

Question 13

Among the following fossil fuel reserves, which of the following has the longest time of depletion?

O A. coal

© B. natural gas

© C. petroleum

[@)p. crude oil

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

O A. fertilizer

(ole. organic decomposition

© C. phosphate extraction from mines

© D. uptake by plants
Question 15

Supply the missing word where the question mark is.

© A. phosphate extraction from mines

[ole. dissolved phosphates

© C. organic decomposition

O D. fertilizer

rer ee
me ee eee

Question 16

In inactive chromatin, the histone tails are

© A. dominant

@ B. not acetylated

© Cc. acetylated

© D.recessive
Question 17

Removing a nucleosome from DNA to expose a promoter is an example of .

© A.gene silencing

© B. post-transcriptional regulation

@ Cc. chromatin remodeling

O D.dedifferentiation

Question 18

In eukaryotes, _ regulation is the first level at which gene expression is controlled.

© A. replicative

@ B. trancriptional

© Cc. translational

© D. posttranslational

O E. posttranscriptional

Question 19

underlies events such as X-chromosome inactivation and genomic imprinting.

© A. Acetylation

@ B. DNA methylation

O c. Deactylation

© D.None of the choices

Question 20

Adding acetyl groups to a histone regulates gene expression by allowing transcription to proceed by

© A. modifying the nucleotides of the promoter region of the DNA molecule.

[o]s. loosening the DNA wound around the histone.

© Cc. enhancing the activity of RNA polymerase.

© D. increasing the pH of the cell.

Question 20

Adding acetyl groups to a histone regulates gene expression by allowing transcription to proceed by

O A. modifying the nucleotides of the promoter region of the DNA molecule.

@ B. loosening the DNA wound around the histone.

© c. enhancing the activity of RNA polymerase.

© D. increasing the pH of the cell.

Question 21

Aregulatory mechanism for altering chromatin structure and gene activity, based on signals in histone tails represented by chemical modification patterns

O A. Epigenetics

[@]B. Histone Code

O c. Central Dogma

© D.Homologous Chromosomes

Question 22

If 2 alleles are different, the __—_—_ allele will be fully expressed; the ____ allele will have no noticeable effect on offspring’s appearance.

O A. recessive, dominant

O B. genotype, phenotype

© cC. heterozygous, homozygous

@ D.dominant, recessive
Question 23

Various forms that a single gene can take at a given locus are called

© A, autosomes.

© B. kinetochores.

[lc alleles.

© D. loci.

Question 24

The site on a chromosome where a gene is located is called its .

O A. trait

© B. character

[@|c. locus

© D. marker
Question 25

The removal of acetyl group in histone modification is associated with

© A. gene activation

@ B. gene repression

© c. None of the choices.

© D. methylation of histone tails

Question 26

Which is not a type of symbiosis?

© A. mutualism

(oe. competition

© C. parasitism

© D.commensalism
identify the missing part where the question mark (?) is.

Ecosystem =—————+ |

| Diversity Food Webs
a ~ ——
en eel
en ca ae | a
N\ —

Keystone Species

>) A. Edge Effects

+) B, Aquatic

@ c. Consumers

© D.Niche

Question 29

The science that deals with the relationships between living organisms with their physical environment and with each other.

O A. economics

O B. biology

O ¢. chemistry

@ D.ecology
identify the missing part where the question mark (?) is.

Ecosystem Ecology


SC re
oo ———_| VA nN
Diversity | [ Food eee
lL” <——


Keystone Species |

© A. Niche

+) B. Aquatic

felc. Biomes

© D. Consumers

Question 31

Surface volume of water in the ocean or a deep lake that receives sufficient light to support photosynthesis

@ A. euphotic zone

© 8. facultative zone

© c, eukaryote zone

© D. prokaryote zone
Question 32

These are organisms that eat plants, extracting energy and chemical building blocks to make more complex substances; they are also the primary consumers

O A.omnivores

O 8. carnivores

O c. plantivores

[o)o. herbivores

Question 33

Terrestrial climax communities with wide geographic distribution.

O A, Population

© B. Biosphere

@ Cc. Biomes

© D.Tundra

Question 34

This is the study of the physical, chemical & biological characteristics of rivers & lakes.

O A. Eutrophication

[ole. Limnology

O c. Riverology

O D.Hydrology

Question 35

It is the passage of energy from one level to another as a result of one organism consuming another.

O A. Energy flow

@ B. Food chain

© C. Trophy

© D. Food web
dentify the missing part where the question mark (?) is.

Ecosystem Ecology

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Popula aN Producers | }
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Individual »
Keystone Species |

© A. Consumers

>) B. Edge Effects

[o]c. Niche
© bD, Community

Question 37

Which is related to soil?

©) A. biosphere

©) B. atmosphere

@|C. litosphere

(©) D. hydrosphere
Question 38

This is the process by which the chemical energy stored through photosynthesis is ultimately released to do work in plants and other organisms.

[ola Respiration

O B. Oxidation

O C. Decomposition

© D. Photosynthesis

Question 39

The following are the processes that remove materials from the atmosphere except

© A. sedimentation

© B. oxidation

© C. rain out

[@)p. evaporation

Question 40

This is also known as biomagnification

© A. bioenlargement

© B. bioconcentration

[olc. bioaccumulation

©) D. biofixation
Question 41 2 points

This is a species that has a disproportionately large effect on the communities in which it occurs. Such species help to maintain local biodiversity within a community either by controlling populations of other species
that would otherwise dominate the community or by providing critical resources for a wide range of species.

O A.niche

@ B. keystone species

O C. predator

O D.critical species
Question 42

This refers to the combined weight or mass of organisms living in a given place.

© A. average diversity

© B.mass density

[elc. biomass

© D. biospecific

Question 43

This refers to organisms that are found in a single geographic location and nowhere else.

© A. introvert

© B. endangered

llc. endemic

© D.exclusive

Question 44

This is the process where particular beneficial trait is reproduced in succeeding generations more than the other traits.

O A.cloning

B. natural selection
O Cc. inheritance

O D.genetic modification

Life on this archipelago evolved in isolation, so the islands contain many species not found anywhere else. More than 90 percent of the insects and 80 percent of the vascular plants in this archipelago are endemic to
the region. What is this archipelago?

O A. Philippines

O B. Australia

[O]c. New Zealand

CO D. Galapagos Islands
Question 46

Why is it important to identify biodiversity hotspots?

© A. to make the people responsible for the plight of species in that area accountable

[o]s. to better help direct the resources to the places that require our greatest attention

© Cc. to identify the best areas for migration

© D. itis actually not important and is just a waste of effort.

Question 47

This refers to an area where a particular species can be found during its lifetime.

[@]A. species range

© B. ecosystem

QO C. finite habitat

© D.cage

Question 48

This is a measure of the uniqueness and irreplaceability of certain organisms.

© A.endemism

© B. weirdness

© C. survival index

[@)p. genetic imprint

Question 48

This is a measure of the uniqueness and irreplaceability of certain organisms.

@ A.endemism

© B. weirdness

© C. survival index

© D.genetic imprint
Question 49 2 poin

Considered to be the standard measure of biodiversity, this refers to the number of species present in a sample, ecological community, ecosystem, landscape, region, or any defined spatial unit.

© A. natural selection

O B. endemism

O C. biomass

[o)p. species richness

Question 50

Most scientists would argue that we are on the verge of 6th mass extinction. What is causing this mass extinction?

[ola humans

O B. large predators

O C. invasive species

© D.asteroids

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