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12/26/2018 Selenium Notes_Weekend batch_10 to 2 PM_BTM.

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Selenium Notes

1. What is Selenium ?

Selenium is an open source web automa on tool.

Limitation of Selenium :

● It doesn’t support windows based applica on directly. Hsubmitowever, third party tool
(eg: AutoIt) can be integrated with selenium to automate windows based applica ons.

Note :

1. Selenium community developed specific tool called WINIUM to automate windows

based applica ons.
2. Selenium community also developed tools to test mobile applica ons,
● Selendroid - it supports only Android pla orm
● Appium - it supports Android pla orm, MAC, Windows etc.

Note :

All the selenium related resources and documents can be found on the below website.

h p://

Here, hq stands for head quarter.


2. Why Selenium is so popular and demanding ?

Selenium is popular and demanding due to the following features.

1. it is an open source tool freely available on internet

2. No project cost involved
3. No licence required
4. Can be easily customized to integrate with other Test Management tools like ALM,
Bugzilla etc.
5. It supports almost 13 different so ware languages
● Java
● C#
● Ruby
● Python
● Perl 1/273
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● Php
● Javascript
● Javascript (Node JS)
● Haskell
● R
● Dart
● Objec ve - C

6. It supports almost all the browsers.(Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer etc) and

hence, cross browser tes ng/compa bility tes ng can be performed using selenium.

7. It supports almost all the Opera ng System (MAC, Windows, LINUX etc) and hence,

cross pla orm tes ng can also be performed.


3. What are the different flavours of Selenium ?

● Selenium Core (Developed by a company called Thought Works way back in 2004)
● Selenium IDE (supports only Mozilla Firefox - supports record and playback feature)
● Selenium RC (Remote Control - Version is 1.x) (Used for parallel execu on of automa on
scripts on mul ple remote systems)
● Selenium WebDriver (Version is 2.x and 3.x)

Note :

Selenium WebDriver version 3.x is no longer capable of running Selenium RC directly, rather it
does through emula on and via an interface called WebDriverBackedSelenium.

But, it does support Selenium Grid directly.

Selenium Grid :

1. It is one of the component of selenium that is used to run automa on scripts on

mul ple system simultaneously.
2. It is used to carry out compa bility tes ng on mul ple browsers and pla orms. 2/273
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4. What are the key/Important topics of Selenium ?

● Automation Framework - guidelines and rules to write selenium code

● GitHub - Central Repository to store code
● Maven - build dependency tool for auto update of selenium version
● Selenium Grid - to test on mul ple OS and browsers
● Jenkins - Con nuous Integra on
● TestNG - framework for genera on of Test Reports and running mul ple test scripts
in one go


5. What are the Softwares required for Selenium ?

1. Eclipse IDE - Oxygen (Stable version)

2. JDK 1.8
3. Selenium Server-Standalone-3.7.1 (Stable version)

(Download it from the given url :

4. Driver Executables

❖ For Firefox Browser

➢ the name of the driver executable is : geckodriver.exe
➢ Url to download : h ps://
➢ Version 0.19 is recommended for firefox browser with version 56.0
(selenium jar - 3.7.1)
❖ For Chrome brow
➢ the name of the driver executable is : chromedriver.exe
➢ Url to download :
h ps://
➢ Stable version of chrome version is 62.0 (Use chromedriver.exe with
version 2.33)

5. Browsers: 3/273
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Firefox (Version 57.0)

Chrome (Version 62.0)

Note : To stop auto update of firefox browser version, Make sure to disconnect the
internet connec on and then install 54.0 version, now go to Se ng/Op on in firefox
browser and check the below checkbox - Never check for updates.

6. Application Under Test (AUT)

Application Name : ac TIME

Online url :

Offline url : https://localhost:8080/

To download actiTIME application ,


6. Selenium Architecture - High Level ?


How selenium performs automation testing on browser ? 4/273
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Client Binding Driver Executables Browser

OR .jar file uses

Language Binding JSON Wire Protocol

1. Since selenium supports multiple languages such as Java, Python, C# etc, we can
develop automation scripts in all the supported languages. This is know as language
binding or Client binding.
2. When we execute the selenium code, request goes to the Selenium Standalone Server
(also known as Selenium WebDriver Server), which further process the request based
on the input received from the client binding and perform specific actions on the
respective browsers using the browser specific driver executables,

Eg : geckodriver.exe for firefox browser and

chromedriver.exe for chrome browser and so on…

3. Driver executables uses a protocol called JSON Wire protocol to communicate with

browsers. (JSON stands for Java Script Object Notation)


7. Selenium Java Architecture - Detailed Level 5/273
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1. SearchContext is the supermost interface present in selenium webdriver.

2. An interface called WebDriver extends SearchContext interface.
3. A total of 13 interfaces are available in selenium, which is implemented by a super
most class called RemoteWebDriver
4. RemoteWebDriver is again extended by few browser specific child classes such as,
● FirefoxDriver class to automate on firefox browser.
● ChromeDriver class to automate on Chrome browser,
● InternetExplorerDriver class to automate on IE and so on…….


All the above men oned interfaces and classes are present in a package called

To view any information about Selenium interfaces, classes and methods, navigate to the
below page. 6/273
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Highlighted below in red is the navigation path.


8. List down all the methods present in below interfaces of Selenium WebDriver.

Methods of SearchContext interface :

1. findElement()
2. findElements()

Methods of WebDriver interface :

1. close()
2. get()
3. getTitle()
4. getPageSource()
5. getCurrentUrl()
6. getWindowHandle() 7/273
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7. getWindowHandles()
8. manage()
9. navigate()
10. quit()
11. switchTo()

Methods of TakesScreenshot interface :

1. getScreenshotAs(args)

Methods of JavascriptExecutor interface :

1. executeScript()
2. executeAsyncScript() - we don’t use this for automation

Methods of WebElement interface :

1. clear()

clear() --

1. clear() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It is used to clear any value which is present in any element (eg: text box,text area etc)

2. click()
3. getAttribute()
4. getCssValue()
5. getLocation()

getLocation() method :

1. getLocation() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It returns an instance of Point class.

3. Point class has few non static methods like getX() and getY().

4. getX() method returns the coordinate of an element. 8/273
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5. getY() method returns the ycordinate of an element.

6. getRect()
7. getSize()

1. getSize() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It returns an instance of Dimension class.

3. Dimension class has few non static methods like getHeight() and getWidth().

4. getHeight() method returns the height of an element.

5. getWidth() method returns the width of an element.

8. getTagName()
9. getText()
10. isDisplayed()

isDisplayed() -

1. isDisplayed() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It checks whether an element is present or not on the webpage

3. If the element is present on the webpage, it returns true.

4. And if the element is not present on the webpage, it returns false.

11. isEnabled()

isEnabled() -

1. isEnabled() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It checks whether an element is enabled or not on the webpage.

3. If the element is enabled on the webpage, it returns true. 9/273
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4. And if the element is disabled on the webpage, it returns false.

12. isSelected()

isSelected() -

1. isSelected() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It checks whether an element is selected or not on the webpage.

3. If the element is selected on the webpage, it returns true.

4. And if the element is not selectedon the webpage, it returns false.

13. sendKeys()

sendKeys() --

1. sendkeys() is a method present in WebElement interface.

2. It is used to enter any value in an element (eg: text box,text area etc)

14. submit()

We can use submit method to click on an element if and only if the html source code of the
same element has an attribute called type = “submit”

9. Why we upcast the browser related child class to WebDriver, and not RemoteWebDriver
class (RemoteWebDriver being the super most class in selenium) ?

Upcasting Example :

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

● Conver ng a child class object to super type is called Upcas ng.

● In selenium, we use upcas ng so that we can execute the same script on any browser.
● In selenium, we can upcast browser object to RemoteWebDriver, WebDriver,
TakesScreenshot , JavascriptExecutor etc, but a standard prac ce is to upcast to
WebDriver interface. 10/273
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● This is as per the Selenium coding standard set by the Selenium community. As a
tes monial, navigate to the below selenium community site and check for the text as
men oned in the image below.

Url - h p://


10. Where did you use Upcasting in Selenium ?

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Explain the above statement..

1. WebDriver is an interface in Selenium that extends the supermost interface called

2. driver is the upcasted object or WebDriver interface reference variable.
3. “ = ” is an assignment operator.
4. new is a keyword using which object of the FirefoxDriver class is created.
5. FirefoxDriver() is the constructor of FirefoxDriver class which ini alises the object and it
will also launch the firefox browser.


11. Steps to install/integrate selenium server to the java project

1. Launch eclipse and go to package explorer [naviga on path :- Window menu → Show
View → Package Explorer]
2. Create a java project [File → New→ Java Project]
3. Right click on Java Project and add a new folder with name “driver” [File → New→
4. copy geckodriver.exe file from your system and paste it into this driver folder 11/273
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5. Similarly, create another folder with name “jar”and copy Selenium Standalone
Server.jar file into this jar folder.
6. Expand the jar folder and right click on Selenium Standalone Server.jar file → select
Build Path → select Add to Build Path
7. As soon as you add any .jar files to build path, a new folder will be available called
“Reference Libraries” under the package explorer sec on and you can see the .jar file is
added to this “Reference Libraries”
8. To remove the .jar file from the java build path, go to the Reference Libraries → select
the .jar file → right click → select build path → Remove from build path.
9. Other way of adding .jar file to java build path is : right click on the project → build path
→ configure build path → Libraries tab → Add External jars → select the .jar file → Apply
→ ok

Interview Question:

How do you install selenium?

Selenium is an open source web automa on tool that comes in the form of .jar file, we
download this and a ach it to the build path.

Selenium in order to communicate with browser it needs some extra file known as driver
executables, we download this and set the path using System.setProperty(key, value)

That’s how we integrate or install Selenium.

How do you set the path of the driver executable ?

By using setProperty() method of System class,

which takes 2 arguments, key and value.

As part of the value, we specify the path of the driver executable 12/273
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and as part of key, we pass predefined key set by selenium community.

Line of code is ,

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver","path of geckodriver.exe")

System.setProperty("","path of chromedriver.exe")

System.setProperty("","path of IEDriverServer.exe")

when do you get IllegalStateException ?

When we try to communicate with the browser without using the relevant driver executables,
we get this excep on.

What is Method chaining ?

Calling a method on a reference of either a class or an interface, whose instance is returned by

the immediate previous method is called method chaining.

12. This program demonstrates Upcasting concept (FirefoxDriver class object to WebDriver
interface) and accessing various methods of WebDriver interface

package qspiders;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class UpcastingToWebDriver_LaunchBrowser {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

//setting the path of the gecko driver executable

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

//Launch the firefox browser

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

//Enter the url 13/273
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//Get the title of the google page and print it on the console

String title = driver.getTitle();

System.out.println("the title of the page is :"+ title);

//Get the URL of the google page and print it on the console

String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();

System.out.println("the URL of the page is :"+ currentUrl);

//Get the source code of the google page and print it on the console

String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

System.out.println("the source code of the page is :"+ pageSource);

//Halt the program execution for 2 seconds


// Close the browser


7th Oct


Capturing Screenshot


Question : How to capture screenshots in Selenium ?

Answer : We capture screenshots in Selenium using getScreenshotAs() method of
TakesScreenshot interface. 14/273
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Steps to take screenshot:

1. Create an object of specific browser related class (eg : FirefoxDriver) and then
upcast it to WebDriver object (eg : driver)
2. Typecast the same upcasted driver object to TakesScreenshot interface type.
3. Using the typecasted object, we call getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE) which in
turn returns the source file object.
4. Using the File IO operations (i.e FileUtils class), we store the screenshots to desired
location in the project.

Program for Screenshot

package testpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class BaseClass {

static {

} 15/273
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//public static WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

public static WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

package testpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class Screenshot extends BaseClass {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) driver;

File srcFile = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

File destFile = new File("F:/SCREENSHOT/Amazon.png");

Files.copy(srcFile, destFile); 16/273
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How do we take screenshot of a page ?

We take the screenshot of a page by using getScreenshotAs() method of TakesScreenshot

interface. It is a non- static method so we need a reference of TakesScreenshot interface to
call it. There is no such method which returns an instance of TakesScreenshot interface, so we
typecast our driver object to TakesScreenshot interface and using this object reference (ts)
we call getScreenshotAs() method. As an argument to this method we pass (OutputType.File)
to which format of file we want the screenshot type i.e File type. So, we specify the output
type as File.
File srcFile = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
This line of code will store the screenshot in some temporary files or folder location, which is
not a recommended place to store the file. Whenever the system becomes slow we tend to
delete all temporary files and folders and if we store the screenshot in temporary location,
we may loose the screenshot, we don’t take screenshot to loose it so we want to store the
screenshot in some desired location based on our choice. We do this by creating an object of
File class and as an argument to the constructor we pass the location (path) where we want
to store the screenshot.
File destFile = new File("F:/SCREENSHOT/Amazon.png");
This line of code will create a blank file, it will not have the screenshot of the particular page.
We copy the screenshot from temporary location and paste in our desired location. We do
this by using the following line of code.
Files.copy(srcFile, destFile);
Files is a class from java, it has a static method ‘copy’ as an argument to this copy method we
pass two file objects( srcFile, destFile). This method will copy the content of the screenshot 17/273
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from the temporary location(srcFile) and paste in the desired location(destFile). This is how
we take the screenshot of a page.

Selenium Code :

package pack1;
import java.util.Date;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;

public class CaptureScreenshot_ActiTIMEPage extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//Creating an object of Date class
Date d = new Date();
//Printing the actual date
String date1 = d.toString();
//replacing the colon present in the date timestamp format to "_" using
//method of String class
String date2 = date1.replaceAll(":", "_");
//Enter the url
driver.get("https://localhost:8080/"); 18/273
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//Typecasting the driver object to TakesScreenshot interface type.

TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) driver;

//getting the source file using getScreenshotAs() method and storing in a file
File srcFile = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

/*Created a folder called "screenshot" in the project directory

Created another file by concatenating the date value which has "_" in it
(Underscore is the accepted character while creating a file in the project )*/

File destFile = new File(".\\screenshot\\"+date2+"__actiTIMELoginPage.png");

/*copyFile() method is a static method present in FileUtils class of JAVA

storing the screenshot in the destination location*/

FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile);

//closing the browser


Question : Why capturing screenshot of the web pages is important in the project ?

Answer :

● We capture screenshots in order to debug the failed test scripts.

● It actually helps the automation test engineer to find the exact root cause of the issue
in the application at the earliest.

Following are the possible scenarios after the script is failed: 19/273
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● Whenever an automation script is failed, we first manually execute the steps to check
whether there is any issue in the application or the issue is with the script.
● If the script fails due to an issue in the script itself, we fix the script and re-run it till it
is passed.
● If there is an issue in the application due to which the script is failed, then we log
defect against the same issue. In this way, automation team gets credibility in the


Handling Browser navigation


Question : How to navigate within the browser ?

Answer : Using navigation interface.
How do you navigate with in the same browser ?

1. By using Navigation interface.
2. Navigation interface has few non static methods, to access these methods,
we need to create an object of Navigation interface.
3. But, we cant create an object of Navigation interface, so there is a
method called navigate() from WebDriver interface, which returns an
instance of Navigation interface.
4. Using this reference/instance, we can call methods like
to() --> which is used to navigate to any website.
back() --> it is used to navigate to the immediate previous page.
forward() -> it is used to navigate to the immediate next page. 20/273
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refresh() --> it is used to refresh the current page.

This is how, we navigate with in the same browser
public class BrowserNavigationExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//Enter the url

Q. What is method chaining ?

Calling a method on a reference of either a class or an interface whose instance is returned by

the immediate previous method is called as method chaining.


in this line of code method chaining is happening between navigate() method and to()

navigate() - it is a method present in Webdriver interface and returns an instance of

Navigation interface. 21/273
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to() - it is a non-static method present in Navigation interface and it does not return anything.
It accept one argument of string type, where we pass the url of the page in which we want to

Q. Difference between to() and get() method .

to() - it is a non static method of Navigation interface.

it maintains browser history.

it doesn’t wait for the page to be completely loaded, we have to explicitly delay the

execution by thread.sleep(2000).

get()- it is a non- static method of Webdriver interface.

it doesn’t maintain browser history.

it waits till the page is completely loaded.


Handling Mouse and Keyboard Operations


How do you handle keyboard related operations ? 22/273
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1. By using Robot class.

2. Robot class has few non static methods, to access these methods,

we need to create an object of Robot class.

3.Using this reference/instance, we can call methods like

keyPress() --> which is used to press any key from the keyboard.

keyRelease --> it is used to release any key from keyboard.

KeyPress() and KeyRelease() methods accepts an argument where in we mention

which exact key we want to press on.

All these keys are present in one class called KeyEvent, which has static

and final variables, which represents the KEY.

This is how, we handle key board related operations.


Question : How to handle mouse movement and keyboard Operations ?

Answer :
● We handle mouse movement in Selenium using mouseMove() method of Robot Class.
● Similarly, to handle keyboard operations, we use KeyPress() and KeyRelease() methods
of Robot Class
Selenium Code to demonstrate an example of Mouse movement and Keyboard operation :

package test;

import java.awt.AWTException;

import java.awt.Robot;

import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; 23/273
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public class Keyboard_Mouse_Operations {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, AWTException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

//1. Launch the browser

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

//2. enter the url -



//Creating an object of Robot Class

Robot r = new Robot();

//move the mouse by x and y coordinate

r.mouseMove(300, 500);

//press ALT key from keyboard


//press F key from keyboard


//Release F key from keyboard


//Release Alt key from keyboard



//Press W key from keyboard to open a new private window


//Release W key from keyboard 24/273
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// It will close only the current browser window


// It will close all the browser windows opened by Selenium




Identification of WebElements using Locators


What is an WebElement ?

1. Any element present on a web page is called as web element.

2. Developers use HTLM code to develop web pages.

3. For testing purpose, we can also create web page using HTML code.

4. In order to create a web page, we need to write HTML code in any text pad (eg : notepad
and save the file with .html extension)

Create a sample web page using HTML as mentioned below.



UN : <input type="text" id = "username" value = "admin">

PWD: <input type="text" id= "pass" value = "manager">

<a href="http://localhost:8080/"> Click ActiTIME Link</a>

</body> 25/273
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In the above HTML tree, every element should have one of the 3 options.

1. Tagname (this is mandatory for all the elements)

2. Attributes (Optional)
3. Text (Optional)

Example of Tagname in the above HTML Tree structure:

● html,
● body,
● input,
● a

Example of Attributes in the above HTML Tree structure:

● type = "text"
● id = “username”
● value = "admin"

Format : attributeName = “attributeValue”

Example of Text in the above HTML Tree structure:

● Click ActiTIME link

What are Locators ?

● Locators are used to identify the web elements on the web page.
● We have 8 types of locators in Selenium using which findElement() methods identifies
elements on the web page:
1. id
2. name
3. tagName
4. className
5. linkText
6. partialLinkText
7. xpath 26/273
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8. cssSelector
● findElement() method returns the address of the web element on the web page and
the return type is WebElement.
● If the specified locators matches with multiple elements, then findElement() method
returns the address of the first matching element.
● If the specified locators matches no element, then findElement() method throws an
exception called "NoSuchElementException".

Note :

In below Selenium code snippet,

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

1. driver.findElement(""));
2. driver.findElement(""));
3. driver.findElement(By.tagName(""));
4. driver.findElement(By.class(""))
5. driver.findElement(By.linkText(""))
6. driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(""))
7. driver.findElement(By.xpath(""))
8. driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(""))

1. (By is an abstract class and all the locators specified/highlighted above are static
methods of By class and hence, we call directly by using <classname.staticConcrete> methods


How selenium identifies object on webpage ?

Ans : 27/273
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1. Selenium identifies objects on webpage by using findElement() method.

2. findElement() method internally uses any one of the 8 locators to

identify objects on the webpage.

3. findElement() starts traversing in the html tree right from the root

node and the moment, it finds the first matching elements, it returns the address of the
same element.

4. Incase, findElement() fails to identify an object on the webpage using

the specified locator, it throws NoSuchElementException

This is how, selenium identifies objects or elements on the webpage.


Why we dont use className and tagName locator to identify objects ?


Multiple elements on the webpage can have the same tag or can belong to

the same class, and findElement() method always returns the address

of first matching element. And our scenario may be to perform an action

on any other elements and not on the first matching element. In this case,

our purpose may not be served always and hence , we don’t use either of them.


Below is the code to demonstrate the usage of locators in selenium while identifying the web
elements on the web page:

package pack1;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; 28/273
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import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class LocatorsExample{

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

// Enter the URL of your own created sample web page


// Used “id” locator to find USERNAME text box

WebElement unTB = driver.findElement("user"));

//Clear the existing value present in the text box


// Enter value into the USERNAME text box


// Used “name” locator to find Password text box

WebElement passTB = driver.findElement("n1"));

//Clear the existing value present in the text box


//Halt the program execution for 2 seconds


// Enter value into the Password text box


// Find the address of ActiTIME Link and click 29/273
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driver.findElement(By.linkText("Click ActiTIME link")).click();



Important notes on LinkText and PartialLinkText locator

● Out of all the locators, linkText and PartialLinkText are used to identify only the links
present on the webpage.(elements whose tagname is “a” -- a stands for anchor)
● LinkText locator should be used when the text of the link is constant
● PartialLinkText locator should be used when certain part of the link text is getting
changed everytime the page is loaded. i.e for partially dynamically changing text, we
use partialLinkText locator
● To handle those elements whose text changes completely, we can’t use
partialLInkText locator. It should be handled by another locator called “xpath”
● If we use try to use these 2 locators on other type of elements (except Links), then we
get “NoSuchElementException”


What is linkText and partialLinkText and when do we use them ?


1. linkText and partialLinkText are the locators using which findElement method identifies
objects on webpage.

2. These locators are used to identify link type of elements only.

When the text of the link is constant, we use linkText locator.

4 when the text of the link partially changes, then we use partialLinkText


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Steps to install firebug and firepath add-ons in Firefox browser :

1. We need to install firebug and firepath addons in firefox browser to write cssSelector
expression and then evaluate whether the expression is correct or not.
2. To install firebug addon in firefox browser :

TOOLS -- > ADD-ONS → EXTENSIONS → search firebug -- > and click on Install
-- Restart the browser.

3. To install firepath addon in firefox browser :

TOOLS -- > ADD-ONS → EXTENSIONS → search firepath -- > and click on Install
-- Restart the browser.

Steps to write and evaluate cssSelector expression in firefox browser :

1. Navigate to the web page -- > right click anywhere on the web page → select inspect
element with firebug or Press F12 from keyboard.
2. Go to firepath tab and select CSS option.
3. Type the cssSelector expression and hit Enter key from the keyboard, it will highlight
the corresponding matching element on the web page.

Steps to write and evaluate cssSelector expression in Chrome browser :

1. In order to write cssSelector expression in chrome browser, we don’t need any

add-ons as such. 31/273
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2. Navigate to the web page -- > right click anywhere on the web page → Press F12 from
keyboard or select inspect element, it will open the Developer tool section with
Elements tab selected by default.
3. Press Ctrl+F and write the cssSelector expression, it will highlight the source code of
the matching element.
4. Place the cursor on the highlighted source code, it will highlight the corresponding
element present on the web page.

cssSelector locator :

1. It is one of the locator in Selenium using which we identify web elements on the web
2. It stands for Cascading Style Sheet.
3. The standard syntax for cssSelector expression is

tagName[attributeName = ‘attributeValue’]


here, tagName is not mandatory.

[attributeName = “attributeValue”]

Sample Element html code for Login button:

<input type=”textbox” id= “ID123” class = “inputText” value=”Login”>

Following are the 4 different ways of writing cssSelector expression for above mentioned
Login button :

CssSelector Expression using type as an attribute :: input[type=’textbox’]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method:



CssSelector Expression using id as an attribute : input[id=’ID123’]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method:


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CssSelector Expression using class as an attribute : input[class=’inputText’]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method:



CssSelector Expression using value as an attribute : input[value=’Login’]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method:



Important Note :

While deriving cssSelector expression, we can use either one attribute or multiple attributes
till we found unique matching element on the web page.

eg : input[type=’textbox’][id=’ID123’][class=’inputText’][value=’Login’]

4. CssSelector can also be written using ID and Class. Here, ID is represented by “ # ” and
className is represented by dot operator( . )

Sample Element html code for Login button:

<input type=”textbox” id= “ID123” class = “inputText” value=”Login”>

4.1 CssSelector expression for the above Login button can be written using ID as

input#ID123 (syntax = Tagname#id)


#ID123 (syntax = #id) [note : tagname is not mandatory]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method is below :


4.2 CssSelector expression for the above Login button can be written using ID as
shown below

input.inputText (syntax = tagname.classname) 33/273
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“.inputText” (syntax = .classname) [note : tagname is not mandatory]

Actual code to identify Login button using FindElement() method:


Limitation of cssSelector :

1. It does not support text i.e we can identify element using text of the element.
2. It does not support backward traversing.
3. It doesn’t support index


1. xpath is one of the locator in selenium using which we identify objects or elements on
the web page and perform specific actions to carry out automation testing.
2. xpath is the path of an element in the html tree.
3. xpath are of 2 types.

3.1) Absolute xpath

3.2) Relative xpath

Absolute xpath :

1. It refers to the path of the element right from the root node to the destination
2. While writing the absolute xpath, We use single forward slash (/) to traverse through
each immediate child element in the html tree.

3. In the below sample html tree, 34/273
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---- body

------> a

Absolute xpath can be written in the following ways.




(Note :- here, dot (.) refers to the current document or the current web page, using dot here is

4. Using absolute xpath in selenium code as shown below.


5. In xpath, if there are multiple siblings with same tagname, then the index starts from 1.

6.In case of multiple siblings with same tagname, if we don’t use index, then it considers ALL
the siblings.

7. We can join multiple xpath using pipeline operator ( | )

Pipeline Operator / OR condition (|):

We use this operator to identify more than one element in different nodes of html tree. find
element method after finding 1st matching element it stores the address of that element in
some reference variable and start traversing from the root node to identify other matching
elements. Once after identifying all the elements it consolidated all the address of matching
elements and returns it. 35/273
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Considering the below sample html tree, write Absolute xpath and Relative xpath

Fill in the table with Absolute xpath expressions using the sample html tree given above.

Absolute xpath expressions Matching Element

html/body/table/tr[1]/td/a[1] A

html/body/table/tr[1]/td/a[2] B

html/body/table/tr[2]/td/a[1] C

html/body/table/tr[2]/td/a[2] D

html/body/table/tr[1] AB

html/body/table/tr[2] CD

html/body/table/tr[1]/td[1]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[1] AC

html/body/table/tr[1]/td[1]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[2] BD

html/body/table/tr[1]/td[1]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[2] AD 36/273
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html/body/table/tr[1]/td[2]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[1] BC

html/body/table/tr[1]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[1] ABC

html/body/table/tr[1]|html/body/table/tr[2]/td[2] ABD

html/body/table/tr[1]|html/body/table/tr[2] ABCD

Relative xpath :

1. In Absolute xpath, we write the path of the element right from the root node and
hence, the expression for absolute xpath is lengthy.
2. In order to reduce the length of the expression, we go for Relative xpath.
3. In Relative xpath, we use double forward slash ( // ), which represents any

Fill in the table with relative xpath expressions using the sample html tree given above.

Relative xpath expressions Matching


//tr[1]//td[1] A

//tr[1]//td[2] B

//tr[2]//td[1] C

//tr[2]//td[2] D

//tr[1]//td AB

//tr[2]//td CD

//td[1] AC

//td[2] BD

//tr[1]//td[1] | //tr[2]//td[2] AD

//tr[1]//td[2] | //tr[2]//td[1] BC

//tr[1]//td | //tr[2]//td[1] ABC

//tr[1]//td | //tr[2]//td[2] ABD 37/273
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//tr[1]//td | //tr[2]//td ABCD

Interview questions :

1. what is the difference between ‘/’ and ‘//’ ?

Answer : “/” refers to the immediate child element in the html tree.

“//” refers to any element in the html tree. It also represent any descendant.

2. What are the types of xpath?

Ans: Absolute and Relative xpath.

3. Derive an xpath which matches all the links present on a web page ?

Ans : //a

4. Derive an xpath which matches all the image present on a web page ?

Ans : //img

5. Derive an xpath which matches all the links and images present on a web page ?

Ans : //a | //img

6. Derive an xpath which matches all the 2nd links present on a web page ?


7. Derive an xpath which matches all the links present inside a table present on a web page ?


8. Difference between “//a”and “//table//a “ ?

Ans : //a → refers to all the links present on the webpage.

//table//a → refers to all the links present within all the tables present on the webpage.

xpath by Attribute :

1. xpath expression can be written using attribute of the web element. 38/273
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2. Based on the situation, we would use either single attribute or multiple attributes to
find an element on a web page.
3. Using single attribute in xpath expression, if it returns one matching element, then we
would use single attribute only.
4. In case, by using single attribute in xpath expression, if it returns multiple matching
elements on the web page, then we would go for using multiple attributes in the
xpath expression till we get one matching element.

xpath expression using Attribute :

1. using single attribute :

Syntax : //tagname[@attributeName = ‘attributeValue’]

//tagname[ NOT(@attributeName = ‘attributeValue’)]

Sample application : actiTIME application

url :

Write xpath for below few elements on above actiTIME login page :

Usage in selenium code :

driver.findElement(By.xpath(“paste any xpath here from above table”))

2. Using multiple attribute :

xpath Syntax :

● //tagName[@AN1=’AV1’][ @AN2=’AV2’]
● //tagName[@AN1=’AV1’] | //tagName[@AN2=’AV2’] 39/273
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Element : View licence link

html code after inspecting the element using F12 key:

<a id="licenseLink" target="" href="javascript:void(0)"


xpath expression using “href” and “onclick” attributes :

//a[@href='javascript:void(0)' and @>

Usage in selenium code :



Assignment :

Write xpath expression for below 7 elements present on actiTIME login page

Elements :

1. UserName
2. Password
3. Login Button
4. Check box
5. Actitime Image
6. View Licence link
7. actiTIME Inc link

Use the below format (Sample example for actiTIME Inc Link):

html code for <actiTIME Inc.> :

<a href="" target="_blank">actiTIME Inc.</a>

xpath syntax

//tagname[@AN1 = 'AV1']

1. using href attribute:

//a[@href = 'h p://']

2. using target attribute 40/273
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//a[@target = '_blank']

Note: Use all the attributes of an element to write xpath expression

xpath expression using text() function :

1. In the html code of an element, if a ribute is duplicate or a ribute itself is not present,
then use text() func on to iden fy the element.
2. In order to use text() func on, the element should have text in the element’s html code.

Syntax :

//tagName[text()=’text value of the element’]


//tagName[.=’text value of the element’]

Note : Instead of text(), we can use dot (.) , the problem here with using dot (.) is
some mes,

it returns the hidden element also present on the webpage. which might confuse

user. So the best prac ce is to use text() instead of using dot.

xpath expression using text() func on for below elements present on ac TIME login page.

xpath expression using contains() function : 41/273
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1. In the html code of an element, if the a ribute value or the text is changing par ally,
then use contains() func on to iden fy the element.
2. In order to use contains() func on, the element should have either a ribute value or
text value.

Syntax :

● //tagName[contains(@a ributeName,’a ributeValue’)]

● //tagName[contains(text(),’text value of the element’)]

xpath expression using contains() function for below elements present on actiTIME login

3. We use contains() func on when the text value is very lengthy or the a ribute value is very

eg: xpath to iden fy error message present on ac me login page ( Click on login bu on
without entering username and password to get the error message)


Program to illustrate xpath by attributes, text() function, contains() function and their usages
with attributes and text values.

public class XpathUsingA ribute_Ac me extends BaseClass{ 42/273
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public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

//Enter the url of actiTIME application

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

//xpath using multiple attributes

String xp = "//input[@class='textField'][ @id = 'username']";


//Enter admin into username text box



//find password element using xpath by attribute and enter manager in to

password textbox.



//find an image on the web page whose attributes (src)contains a value called

WebElement clock =
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[contains(@src,' mer')]"));

//store the width value of the clock image into a variable called widthValue

String widthValue = clock.getA ribute("width");

//Print the width of the clock image

System.out.println("the width is :"+widthValue);

//Print the height of the clock image

System.out.println("the height of the clock element is : "+

clock.getA ribute("height"));

//xpath using text() function 43/273
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driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[text()='Login ']")).click();


//xpath using contains() function and text() function

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@id='loginBu on']//div[contains(text(),'Login')



xpath expression using starts-with() function :

1. We use starts-with() func on to iden fy those elements whose text value starts with
some specified value.

xpath using contains() function:

//[contains(text(),'actiTIME')] - this xpath will return 6 matching element on login page

of ac TIME applica on.

xpath using starts-with() function,

//[starts-with(text(),'actiTIME')] - this xpath will return only 3 matching element on

login page of ac TIME applica on as the text value of these 3 elements starts with
“ac TIME” text

Handling completely dynamic links :

1. When the text value of the elements is completely changing, then we can’t use func ons
like “contains()”, “starts-with()” etc to handle those elements.
2. In such cases, we iden fy the dynamically changing element using the nearby unique
element. We call this concept as independent dependent xpath. 44/273
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Steps to derive xpath expression using Independent dependent concept :

1. Iden fy the independent element on the webpage and inspect the element to view the
source code and then derive the xpath expression.
2. Place your cursor on the independent element source code and move the mouse pointer
upward ll it highlights both the independent and dependent elements which is the
common parent element.

Add /.. to the xpath of independent element already noted down in step 1 to

get the xpath of common parent.

3. Use mouse pointer to navigate from common parent to the desired dependent

element and derive the xpath of the dependent element.

4. Write the xpath from Independent element to Common parent and then write

the xpath from Common parent to dependent element.

Example 1:

Write xpath to iden fy version of Java Language present in Selenium Download page.


Example 2:

Write xpath to iden fy Release data of Java Language present in Selenium Download



Example 3:

Write xpath to iden fy Download link of Java present in Selenium Download



Note : 45/273
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● In case, if the column number of Download link changes, then the above xpath
will fail to iden fy the link as we are hard coding the column posi on as 4 in the
above case.

In order to handle this, we will write xpath in such a way that it works irrespec ve of the
column posi on as shown below.


Program 1 :

Write a script to click on the download link of Java in Selenium website

Scenario :

1. Login in to Selenium official website

Url : h p://

2. Click on the Download link for Java language.

public class Independent_Dependent_Xpath_Seleniumsite_javaDownload{

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

// enter the url

driver.get("h p://");


// xpath using independent and dependent concept

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[.='Java']/..//a[.='Download']")).click(); 46/273
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Group Index :

What is group index in xpath ?

Ans :

Retrieving one element from a group of matching elements by using index is called
group index.

When do we go for group index ?

When the xpath expression matches with multiple elements, then we go for group

syntax :

(xpath expression)[index]

Sample Html tree : 47/273
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xpaths using Group Index to identify the elements in the above sample tree: 48/273
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1. In Group index, we write xpath expression within the braces and then we write
the index outside the braces.
2. Internally, it executes the xpath expression first and stores the result in an xpath
array whose index starts with 1
3. last() is a func on that is used to retrieve the last element present in the xpath

Program 2 :

Click on the Set by default link of testing present in type of work (Setting tab) of
ac TIME applica on

Scenario :

3. Login in to ac me applica on

Url : h p://localhost:8080/

UN - admin, PWD - manager

4. click on Se ngs 49/273
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5. Click on the Types of Work link present in the window

6. click on the Set by Default link for a type of work called “tes ng”

Use the below hints :

1. Use groupIndex concept to find Setting Element and

2. Independent and dependent concept to find Set by Default link

public class Xpaths_Independent_dependent_ac me_setbydefault {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



//click on login bu on

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[.='Login ']")).click();


//Click on settings tab on home page



//Click on Types of Work link

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[.='Types of Work']")).click(); 50/273
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//Click on testing link present under Type of work column

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[.='tes ng']/../..//a[.='set by default']")).click();


Create a html file as shown below. 51/273
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Xpath expression using GroupIndex concept : 52/273
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Xpath Axes :

1. In xpath, naviga ng from one element to another element is called traversing.

2. In order to traverse from one element to another, we use xpath axes.
3. We have the following 6 xpath axes in selenium.
● child
● descendant
● parent
● ancestor
● preceding-sibling
● following-sibling


What are AXES in xpath ?

Axes are something using which xpath traverses in the html tree either in upward or downward
direc on.

There are 6 types of axes.


1. child (/)

a. Using this axes, xpath traverses to the immediate child element in the html tree. 53/273
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b. This axes is represented by single forward slash (/)

c. We use this child axes in deriving the absolute xpath expression.


2. descendant (//)

a. Using this axes, xpath traverses to any child element in the html tree.

b. This axes is represented by double forward slash (//)

c. We use this descendant axes in deriving the rela ve xpath expression.


3.parent axes (/..)

a. Using this axes, xpath traverses to the immediate parent element in the html tree.

b. The shortcut of this axes is single forward slash (/..)


4. ancestor axes

a. Using this axes, xpath traverses to any parent element in the html tree.


5. preceding-sibling

using this axes, xpath traverses with in the siblings in upward direc on.


6. following-sibling

using this axes, xpath traverses with in the siblings in downward direc on. 54/273
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Create a .html file with the below html code

Following are the syntax to use all the xpath axes in Selenium.

child Axes:

eg : /html → can be wri en using child axes as → child::html

descendant Axes:

eg : //op on[5] → can be wri en using descendant axes as → descendant::op on[5]

parent Axes:

eg : //op on[5]/.. → can be wri en using parent axes as →

descendant::op on[5]/parent::select

ancestor Axes: 55/273
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eg : //op on[5]/../.. → can be wri en using ancestor axes as →

descendant::op on[5]/ancestor::body

preceding-sibling Axes:

eg : → xpath using preceding-sibling axes →

descendant::op on[5]/preceding-sibling::op on[1] - it will select 4 in the list box

following-sibling Axes:

eg : → xpath using following-sibling axes → descendant::op on[5]/following-sibling::op on[1]

- it will select 6 in the list box

Following table illustrates a detailed level understanding of all the xpath axes :

Difference between CssSelector and Xpath

CssSelector Xpath 56/273
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It is faster It is slower

text() func on is not supported text() func on is supported

backward traversing is not supported backward traversing is supported

groupIndex is not supported groupIndex is supported

Imp Note :

In CssSelector, we traverse through the element using this symbol “ > ”


Why Cssselector is faster than xpath ?

Cssselector is faster than xpath because cssselector traverse in the html tree only in the
downward direction,

but xpath traverses in both upward and downward direction.


Q: Priority of using locators

1. id

2. name

3. linkText

4. cssSelector

5. xpath


Q1: When do we use ID locator ? 57/273
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Ans : When the html source code have an id attribute, then we can use id locator. And what
we pass as an argument to ID locator is the value of ID attribute.

Q2 : When do we use NAME locator ?

Ans : When the html source code have name attribute, then we can use name locator. And
what we pass as an argument to Namelocator is the value of Name attribute.

Q3 : We have both id and name attribute, which locator do we prefer ?

Ans : We prefer ID over name locator, because ID is unique and Name can be duplicated.

Q4 : How do we handle dynamically changing objects on the webpage ?

Ans : By using xpath with contains function when the attribute value or the text partially

If the text completely changes, we handle this scenario by using independent-dependent

xpath concept.


what are the functions of xpath, u are aware of ?

1. contains() - we use contains() function to handle elements where in the attribute

value or the text of an element partially changes.

syntax :

using attribute :

//tagname[contains(@attributeName,'constant part of the attribute value')]


text() - this function represents the text of an element.

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last() - it retrieves the element present at the last index.


position() -

it starts from index 1 and it gets autoincremented till

the condition is true and it fetches all the matching elements present at

the given index.


starts-with() :

it checks whether the specified part of either the

attribute value or the text is present at the beginning of the given attribute value or text of an


ends-with function :

it checks whether the specified part of either the attribute value or the text is present at the
end of the given attribute value or text of an element.

Note :

this function doesn’t work with 3.x series of selenium. It has been deprecated in 3.x series.

It was working till 2.x series of selenium.

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Interview Ques ons :

How do you ensure the required page is displayed or not ?

We can use following checkpoints to validate the required page is displayed or not.

1. using tle of the page

2. using URL of the page
3. using any unique element on the page

Write a program to validate Actitime application home page using TITLE of the page

public class VerifyhomepageUsingTitle {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[.='Login ']")).click();


String expectedTitle = "Enter Time";

String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();

//If actual tle contains "Enter Time" text then home page is displayed.

if (actualTitle.contains(expectedTitle)) {

System.out.println("Home page is displayed");

} else{

System.out.println("Home page is NOT displayed"); 60/273
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Write a program to validate Actitime application home page using Current URL of the page

public class VerifyhomepageUsingUrl {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[.='Login ']")).click();


String expectedUrl = "submit";

String actualUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();

if (actualUrl.contains(expectedUrl)) {

System.out.println("Home page is displayed");

} else{

System.out.println("Home page is NOT displayed");

Write a program to validate Actitime application home page using any UNIQUE element on the

public class VerifyhomepageUsingUniqueElement {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe"); 61/273
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WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[.='Login ']")).click();


WebElement logoutBtn = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[.='Logout']"));

if (logoutBtn.isDisplayed()) {

System.out.println("Home page is displayed");

} else{

System.out.println("Home page is NOT displayed");


Interview Questions : WebElement interface methods ?


1. getLoca on():

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to get the posi on

of an element on the webpage.

---> it returns an instance of Point class.

Point class has few methods like getX(), getY()..

--> getX() method returns the xco-ordinate of the given element in the form

of int and hence the return type is integer.

--> getY() method returns the yco-ordinate of the given element in the form

of int and hence the return type is integer. 62/273
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2. getSize():

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to get the dimensions

of an element on the webpage.

---> it returns an instance of Dimension class.

Dimension class has few methods like getHeight(), getWidth()..

--> getHeight() method returns the height of the given element in the form

of int and hence the return type is integer.

--> getWidth() method returns the width of the given element in the form

of int and hence the return type is integer.


3. isDisplayed()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to check whether an

element is displayed or not on the webpage.

---> if the element is displayed, it returns true, and if it is not displayed, it returns

false. and hence the return type is boolean.


4. isEnabled()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to check whether an

element is ENABLED or not on the webpage.

---> if the element is enabled,it returns true, and if it is disabled,

it returns false. and hence the return type is boolean.


5. sendKeys()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to enter a value in

to a text box or a text area. 63/273
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what is the return type of sendkeys ?

--> it returns nothing,it is void..


6. clear()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to clear a value from

an element [element can be a text box or a text area etc.]

what is the return type of clear?

--> it returns nothing,it is void..


7. isSelected()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to check whether an

element is Selected or not on the webpage.

---> if the element is selected, it returns true, and if it is not selected,

it returns false. and hence the return type is boolean.


8. getA ribute(String)

--> is a method of webelement interface which returns the value of the

specified a ribute in the form of string.

-- > if the specified a ribute name is found in the html source code of an

element, it returns the value of that par cular a ribute.

--> In case, if the specified a ribute name is not found, it returns an empty string

object. ( Note : it doesn’t throw any excep on)


9. getText()

--> is a method of webelement interface which returns the text of an element in the form of
string 64/273
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and hence the return type is String


10. getTagname()

--> is a method of webelement interface which returns the tagname of an element in the

form of string and hence the return type is String


11. click()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to click on any element.

what is the return type of click method ?

it doesn’t return anything, it is void.


11. submit()

--> is a method of webelement interface which is used to click on any element.

--> In order to use submit() method, 2 precondi ons need to be sa sfied.

1. the element source code should have an a ribute called type="submit"

2. the element must be present inside a form tab



<input type="submit">



12. getCssValue()

--> is a method of webelement interface.

--> it returns the value of the specified style related a ribute in the form of string

--> the return type of this method is String 65/273
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13. getRect() --

--> is a method of webelement interface.

--> it is used to get the xco-ordinate of elements and also to find the height and width of an

--> it has few methods like getPoint() and getDimension().

--> getPoint() method returns the instance of Point class.

--> getDimension() method returns the instance of Dimension class.


Write a program to validate Username and Password fields on Actitime login page are aligned
or not ?

public class VerifyUNandPWDalignment extends BaseClass{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

WebElement unTB = driver.findElement("username"));

int un_x = unTB.getLoca on().getX();

int un_width = unTB.getSize().getWidth();

int un_height = unTB.getSize().getHeight();

WebElement pwTB = driver.findElement("pwd"));

int pw_x = pwTB.getLoca on().getX();

int pw_width = pwTB.getSize().getWidth();

int pw_height = pwTB.getSize().getHeight();

if (un_x == pw_x && un_width==pw_width && un_height==pw_height) {

System.out.println("Username and password text box are aligned");

} else { 66/273
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System.out.println("Username and password text box are NOT aligned");

Assignment :

Write a program to validate Username and Password fields on Facebook login page are aligned
or not ?

public class VerifyFB_UNandPWDfieldsAreAligned_intheSameRow {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h ps://");

WebElement unTB = driver.findElement("email"));

// get the y-coordinate of username field

int username_Ycordinate = unTB.getLoca on().getY();


WebElement pwdTB = driver.findElement("pass"));

// get the y-coordinate of password field

int password_Ycordinate = pwdTB.getLoca on().getY();


//check whether the Y-coordinate of username and password field are same

if (username_Ycordinate==password_Ycordinate) {

System.out.println("Both username and password fields are displayed in the

same row");

}else{ 67/273
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System.out.println("username and password fields are NOT aligned in the same


Write a program to validate the height and width of Username and Password fields on
Facebook login page are same or not ?

public class VerifyAc me_UNandPassword_HeightandWidth {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

//find the username field

WebElement unTB = driver.findElement("username"));

//store the height of username

int username_height = unTB.getSize().getHeight();

//store the width of username

int username_width = unTB.getSize().getWidth();



//find the password field

WebElement pwdTB = driver.findElement("pwd"));

//store the height of password

int password_height = pwdTB.getSize().getHeight();

//store the width of password 68/273
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int password_width = pwdTB.getSize().getWidth();



//check the height and width of username and password fields are same

if (username_height==password_height && username_width==password_width)


System.out.println("Username and password fields are aligned”);


System.out.println("Username and password fields are NOT aligned");

Write a script to validate that the username field on Facebook login page is smaller than the
Mobile Number field ?

public class VerifyFB_Usernamefield_lessthanMobileNumberField {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h ps://");

WebElement unTB = driver.findElement("email"));

int username_width = unTB.getSize().getWidth();


//Iden fy the mobile number text box 69/273
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WebElement mobileNumTB =
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(@aria-label,'Mobile number or
email address')]"));

int mobNumWidth = mobileNumTB.getSize().getWidth();


//Compare the width of both username and mobilenumber text box

if (username_width==mobNumWidth) {

System.out.println("Size of Both username and password fields are same"

+username_width+" = " + mobNumWidth);


System.out.println("Size of username and password fields are NOT same that is :

" +username_width+" Not equals to " + mobNumWidth);

Interview Question :


What is ActiveElement method

1. ActiveElement method returns the address of the active element on the webpage.

2. The return type of activeELement() method is WebElement.

3. In case, there is no active element on the page, and we try to switch to an active element,
we get this exception - NoSuchElementException.


Write a script to enter a text into the focussed element (eg : textbox).

public class EnterTex ntoFocussedElement {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on { 70/273
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WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

//entering text into the focussed element

driver.switchTo().ac veElement().sendKeys("admin");

How do you remove value present in username text box of Actitime application ?

Using clear() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code :

public class RemoveValuefromText_usingClearMethod{

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



String value = driver.findElement("username")).getA ribute("value");

System.out.println("Value present inside the text box is : "+value);





E); // this line will actually delete the value if there is no space in the text entered 71/273
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// if there is a space between two words in the username field, we have to use
the below lines of code

driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL+"a") ;



How do you remove value present in username text box of Actitime application without using
clear() method ?

Using sendKeys() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code : driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a" +


public class RemoveValuefromText_usingClearMethod{

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");



String value = driver.findElement("username")).getA ribute("value");

System.out.println("Value present inside the text box is : "+value);






Thread.sleep(2000); 72/273
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Write a script to print the tooltip text of the checkbox present on the login page of Actitime
application ?

Using getAttribute() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class PrintTool p_Ac me_RememberCheckbox {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

//find the Keep me Logged in Checkbox

WebElement Checkbox = driver.findElement("keepLoggedInCheckBox"));

//get the tooltip text using getAttribute() method and store in a variable

String tool pText = Checkbox.getA ribute(" tle");

System.out.println(tool pText);



Write a script to check “Keep me Logged in” checkbox on the login page of Actitime application
is selected or not ?

Using isSelected() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class CheckBox_selectedorNot{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

WebElement KeepMeLogIN_Checkbox =

//select the checkbox 73/273
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/Using the isSelected() method, it checks whether the checkbox is selected or

not : if it is already selected, it return true and if not selected, then it returns


if (KeepMeLogIN_Checkbox.isSelected()) {

System.out.println("Checkbox is selected");


System.out.println("Checkbox is NOT selected");

Write a script to check “Username” textbox on the login page of Actitime application is
enabled or not ?

Using isEnabled() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class VerifyUNtextboxisEnabledinAc me {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

WebElement UN = driver.findElement("username"));

if (UN.isEnabled()) {

System.out.println("Username text box is enabled");

}else {

System.out.println("Username text box is disabled");

driver.close(); 74/273
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Write a script to print the version of actitime on login page of Actitime application

Using getText() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class PrintVersion_Ac meLoginPage extends BaseClass{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

String xpathforVersion = "//nobr[contains(text(),'ac TIME')]";

String version = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpathforVersion)).getText();

System.out.println("Version of ac me on login page is : " + version);

Write a script to verify that View License link on login page of Actitime application is a link or
not ?

Using getTagName() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class VerifyViewLicense_isaLinkOnAc mepage extends BaseClass {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

String tagName = driver.findElement("licenseLink")).getTagName();

if (tagName.equals("a")) {

System.out.println("View LIcence is a link");

} else{

System.out.println("View LIcence is NOT a link");

driver.close(); 75/273
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Write a script to verify that KeepMeLoggedIn checkbox on login page of Actitime application is
a checkbox or not ?

Using getAttribute() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class VerifyKeepMeLoggedInisaCheckboxinAc me extends BaseClass{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

String elementType =
driver.findElement("keepLoggedInCheckBox")).getA ribute("type");


if (elementType.equalsIgnoreCase("checkbox")) {

System.out.println("it is a checkbox");


System.out.println("it is NOT a checkbox");


Write a script to demonstrate different options to click on a button or on a link (Or any

Using the below methods of WebElement interface.

1. click()
2. sendkeys()
3. submit()

Selenium code below :

public class diffwaysofClickingonaBu on{

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "./driver/geckodriver.exe"); 76/273
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WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h ps://demo.v");

String xp = "//bu on[.='Sign in']";

//1. using click() method


//2. using sendkeys


/3. using submit() method

this method will work only and only if if the element has an attribute called type=



Write a script to verify the color of the error message on Actitime login page when user clicks
on Login button without entering username and password ?

Using getCssValue() method of WebElement interface.

Selenium code below :

public class VerifyErrormessageonAc meloginpage {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");
//click on Login button
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[.='Login ']")).click();
//find the error message element
WebElement errMsg =

// get the text of the error message
String errtext = errMsg.getText(); 77/273
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//print the error message

System.out.println("error message is :"+errtext);
//get the value of color and store in a variable
String c = errMsg.getCssValue("color");
//convert the color from string type to hexa form
String ColorasHex = Color.fromString(c).asHex();
System.out.println("hexadecimal format : "+ColorasHex);


System.out.println(“Error message is in red color”);


System.out.println(“Error message is in red color”);

//get the size of the font of error message

String fontSize = errMsg.getCssValue("font-size");
//get the weight of the font of error message
String fontWeight = errMsg.getCssValue("font-weight");
System.out.println("Size of the font is :" + fontSize);
System.out.println("Weight of the font is :" + fontWeight);


It is one of the interface in selenium which has below 2 methods.

1. executeScript()
2. executeAsyncScript()

We use JavascriptExecutor when we fail to perform some ac ons using selenium. 78/273
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Write a script to enter a text in a textbox which is in disabled mode ?

Using sendKeys() of WebElement interface, if we try to enter, we get


Using executeScript() of JavascriptExecutor interface, we can enter text in a disabled textbox.

Create a sample webpage using the below html source code wherein the second textbox is
disabled as shown below.

The webpage looks like this.

Selenium code below :

public class enterText_intoDisabledTextbox {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


//Typecast the driver object to JavascriptExecutor interface type

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;


//enter "admin" in first textbox using javascript


Thread.sleep(2000); 79/273
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//clear the value in second textbox using javascript


//enter "manager" in second textbox using javascript


//change the second text box to button type using Javascript

js.executeScript("document.getElementById('t2').type='bu on'");


what are the usage of JavascriptExecutor ?

1. to scroll on the webpage.

2. to handle the disabled elements
3. to use as an alternate solu on when selenium inbuilt methods ( eg : clear(), click(),
sendKeys() ) doesn’t work

In Selenium, we don’t have any method to scroll up or down on the webpage, in such case, we
can use JavascriptExecutor.

Steps to run javascript manually on browser webpage

1. Open the required page in the browser and press F12 from keyboard.
2. Navigate to Console tab, type the javascript statement and press Enter key

Write a script to scroll up and down on Selenium official website

Using executeScript() of JavascriptExecutor interface

Selenium code below :

public class ScrollUpandDown {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get(""); 80/273
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//typecasting driver object to JavascriptExecutor interface type

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

//scroll down on the webpage

js.executeScript("window.scrollBy(0, 1000)");


for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

//scroll up on the webpage

js.executeScript("window.scrollBy(0, -1000)");



Write a script to scroll down to a specific element (Applitool webelement ) on Selenium official

Using executeScript() of JavascriptExecutor interface

Selenium code below :

public class ScrollUpandDowntospecificElementonWebpage {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://");

//click on the close icon of the yellow color background pop up


// find the Applitools element on the webpage

WebElement ele =
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[contains(@src,'applitools')]")); 81/273
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// get the X-coordinate and store in a variable

int x = ele.getLoca on().getX();

// get the Y-coordinate and store in a variable

int y = ele.getLoca on().getY();

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

//Scroll to Applitools element’s x and y coordinate

js.executeScript("window.scrollBy("+x+", "+y+")");



Assignment : Write a script to scroll down to the bottom of the page ?

Using executeScript() of JavascriptExecutor interface

Selenium code below :

public class NavigatetoBo omo hePage {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

driver.get("h p://");


//select an element which is present at the bo om of the page

WebElement element = driver.findElement("footerLogo"));

int x = element.getLoca on().getX();

int y = element.getLoca on().getY();

System.out.println("X coordinate is :"+x + " and Y coordinate is :"+ y);

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;


Thread.sleep(3000); 82/273
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Interview Ques on :

When do we go for Javascriptexecutor ?

Ans: When selenium conven onal methods fails to perform an ac on on the webpage, we go
for javascriptexecutor.

Q: How do you use javascriptExecutor ?

We typecast the driver object to javascriptexecutor interface, once we have the reference, we
call executeScript() method, to which, as an argument, we pass the actual javascript statement.

Q: How do you get the javascript statement from the browser ?

Right click anywhere on the page, click on inspect , then navigate to console tab.

Write the lines of code :

JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;





What is frame ?

1. Webpage present inside another webpage is called embedded webpage.

2. In order to create frame or embedded webpage, developer uses a tag called iframe.
3. In order to perform any opera on on any element present inside a frame, we first have
to switch the control to frame.
4. We switch to frame using the below statement

driver.switchTo().frame(arg); 83/273
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5. frame() is an overloaded method which accepts the following arguments.





6. If the specified frame is not present, we get an excep on called “NoSuchFrameExcep on”

7. In order to exit from the frame, we use the following statements.

driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); → it will take you to the main page

driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); → it will take you to the immediate parent frame

8. Easiest way to verify that an element is present within a frame is to right click on the
element and verify that this frame op on is displayed in the context menu.

Create a sample webpage using the below html source code and save the file as Page1.html

Create another sample webpage using the below html source code and save the file as

The webpage looks like this. Here, t1 is inside the frame and t2 is outside the frame on the
webpage 84/273
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Write a script to enter a text into an element which is present inside a frame ?

Selenium code:

public class Frame_Demo{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


//using index of the frame - [ int value] [ index of frames starts with zero]





//using id a ribute of the frame -string




driver.findElement("t2")).sendKeys("b"); 85/273
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//using name a ribute of the frame -string





//using address of the frame -webelement

WebElement f = driver.findElement(By.className("c1"));







Q: Why the return type of frame() method is WEBDRIVER ?

frame() method returns the frame to which we are switching to, a frame is nothing but an html
page, and in selenium, a page is always referred by driver object, here, driver is an object of
Webdriver and hence the return type of frame() method is Webdriver.

Q: Why the return type of parentFrame() method is WEBDRIVER ?

parentFrame() method is used to switch to the immediate parent frame, a frame is nothing but
an html page, and in selenium, a page is always referred by driver object, here, driver is an
object of Webdriver and hence the return type of parentFrame() method is Webdriver.

Q: Why the return type of defaultContent() method is WEBDRIVER ?

defaultContent() method is used to switch to the default page or the main page, and in
selenium, a page is always referred by driver object, here, driver is an object of Webdriver and
hence the return type of defaultContent() method is Webdriver.

Q: Why the return type of window() method is WEBDRIVER ? 86/273
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window() method is used to switch to a par cular browser window, a browser window is
nothing but a webpage, and in selenium, a page is always referred by driver object, here, driver
is an object of Webdriver interface and hence the return type of window() method is Webdriver.



→ Ac ons is a class present in selenium under a package called

org.openqa.selenium.interac ons.

→ Ac ons class is used to handle mouse related and keyboard related opera ons.

→ Ac ons class has same non-sta c methods, in order to use these methods, we have to create
an object of the Ac ons class.

→ When we create an object of Ac ons class, we need to pass the driver object as an argument
to the constructor of Ac ons class, so that we can instruct methods of Ac ons class to perform
ac on on a par cular page.

→ Then we can call few methods like :

1. moveToElement() :- this method is used to mouse hover on any element on the web
2. contextClick() :- this method is used to right click on any element on the web page
3. dragAndDrop() :- this method is used to drag an element from the source and drop it to
any des na on element.
4. doubleClick() :- this method is used to double click on any element on the web page
5. build() :- this method is used to combine mul ple individual ac ons in to one single
composite ac on.

→ For all the methods of Ac ons class, we need to explicitly call a method called perform(),
un l unless, we call perform() method, none of the Ac ons class methods will perform any
ac on.

This is what Ac ons class is all about.

Interview Ques ons :

Why we need to pass driver object as an argument to Ac ons class constructor ?

We need to specify on which page, methods of Ac ons class to perform specific ac on, and
hence, we pass driver

reference to Ac ons class constructor because driver object will be always poin ng to the
current page. 87/273
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Methods of Ac ons class is used to perform ac on on web elements present on the webpage.

And, On which page, we want methods of Ac ons class to perform specific ac on, we need to
pass the reference of that par cular page and in selenium, reference of any page will be always
stored in driver object.

And this is why we pass driver object as an argument to Ac ons class constructor.

How do you handle Context Menu in Selenium ?


Write a script to right click on “ActiTIME Inc.” link on actitime login page and then open it in
new window ?

Using contextClick() method of Actions class

Selenium code:

public class ContextClickusingAc onsClass {

//ContextClick does not work on firefox browser - pls do it on chromebrowser

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws AWTExcep on, InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

//open the browser

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

//enter the url

driver.get("h p://localhost:8080/");

//find the Ac TIME Inc. link

WebElement link = driver.findElement(By.linkText("ac TIME Inc."));

//right click (context click) on ac me link

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

ac ons.contextClick(link).perform();


//press 'w' from the keyboard for opening in a new window 88/273
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Robot r = new Robot();



//quit() method closes all the browsers opened by Selenium



Imp Note :

Whenever we call any method of Actions class, we have to explicitly call perform() method of
Actions class. Otherwise, it will not perform any action on the browser.

Assignment :

Automate the following scenario using contextClick() method of Ac ons Class.

Scenario Steps :

1. Login in to gmail
2. Based on the subject of a mail, Right click on the mail
3. Select Archive option

Selenium Code:

public class gmail_contextClickDemo_mailArchive {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

driver.get("h ps://");

//enter email id

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='email']")).sendKeys("enter your

//click on Next bu on 89/273
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//enter password id

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='password']")).sendKeys("enter ");

//click on Next bu on



//Write xpath expression for the mail item based on a subject

String xp = "(//b[contains(.,'Following Openings (for Bangalore)')])[2]";

//get the address of the mail item which you want to archive

WebElement mail = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp));

//print the subject of the mail


//Crea ng an object of Ac ons class

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

//using Ac ons class object and contextClick() method, right click on the mail

ac ons.contextClick(mail).perform();


//click on Archive to archive the mail

driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//div[@class='J-N-JX aDE aDD'])[1]")).click();


Program :

How do you mouse hover on any element on a web page ?

Answer : Using moveToElement() of Actions class

Automate the following scenario using moveToElement() method of Actions Class. 90/273
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Scenario Steps :

1. Login in to
2. Mouse hover on “About Company” menu
3. Click on Sub Menu - “Basic Facts”

Selenium Code:

public class DropdownMenu {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

//open the browser

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

driver.get("h p://");

//find the menu "About Company"

String xp = "//span[.='About Company']";

WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp));

//mouse hover on "About Company" menu

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

ac ons.moveToElement(menu).perform();

//click on submenu "Basic Facts"

WebElement submenu = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Basic Facts"));;


Scenario Steps :

4. Login in to
5. Mouse hover on “AREAS OF EXPERTISE” menu
6. Click on Sub Menu - “Cloud Applica onss” 91/273
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Selenium Code:

public class MouseHover{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

driver.get("h p://");

Ac ons ac on = new Ac ons(driver);

//movetoElement - used for mouse hover

//Mouse hover on “AREAS OF EXPERTISE” menu

WebElement AreaOfExper se =
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'AREAS OF EXPERTISE')]"));

ac on.moveToElement(AreaOfExper se).perform();

//Click on “AREAS OF EXPERTISE” menu

WebElement cloudApp = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Cloud Applica onss"));

ac on.moveToElement(cloudApp).click().perform();

//composite mul ple ac ons can be achieved using the below statement

//ac on.moveToElement(AreaOfExper se).moveToElement(cloudApp).click().build().perform();


Program :

How do you mouse hover on any element on a web page ?

Answer : Using moveToElement() of Actions class

Automate the following scenario using moveToElement() method of Actions Class.

Scenario Steps :

1. Login in to
2. mouse hover on Foundation tab
3. mouse hover on Enrollment
4. mouse hover on Corporate Enrollment
5. click on Corporate Enrollment 92/273
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Selenium Code:

public class DropdownMenu {

public sta c void main(String[] args) {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

//open the browser

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

driver.get("h p://");

WebElement founda on =

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

//mouse hover on Foundation tab

ac ons.moveToElement(founda on).perform();


WebElement enrollment =

//mouse hover on Enrollment

ac ons.moveToElement(enrollment).perform();


WebElement corporateEnrol =
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[text()='CORPORATE ENROLLMENT']"));

//mouse hover on Corporate Enrollment

ac ons.moveToElement(corporateEnrol).perform();


//click on Corporate Enrollment

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[text()='ONLINE ENROLLMENT']")).click();


}} 93/273
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Program :

How do you handle DRAG and DROP feature on a web page ?

Answer : Using dragAndDrop() method of Actions class

Selenium Code:

public class DragAndDropExample {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

driver.get("h p:// ed-scripts/i-google-like-drag-


String xp1 = "//h1[.='Block 1']";

WebElement block1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp1));

String xp2 = "//h1[.='Block 3']";

WebElement block3 = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp2));

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

// drag block 1 element and drop it on block 2 element

ac ons.dragAndDrop(block1, block3).perform();

Program :

How do you handle DRAG and DROP feature on a web page ?

Answer : Using dragAndDropBy() method of Actions class

//hint - first find out the x-coordinate and height of block 3 and then add 10 points to it and
then do it

Selenium Code: 94/273
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public class DragAndDropbyOffset_Example {

public sta c void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedExcep on {

System.setProperty("", ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

driver.get("h p:// ed-scripts/i-google-like-drag-


//write xpath for Block 1

String xp1 = "//h1[.='Block 1']";

WebElement block1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp1));

//write xpath for Block 3

String xp2 = "//h1[.='Block 3']";

WebElement block3 = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp2));

//Create an object of Actions class and pass driver object as an argument

Ac ons ac Ac ons(driver);

//call the dragAndDropBy() method of Actions class

ac ons.dragAndDropBy(block1, block3.getLoca on().getX()+10,






In selenium, pop up are categorized into following types.

1. Javascript Popup
2. Hidden Division popup
3. File Upload popup
4. File download popup 95/273
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5. Child browser popup

6. Window popup

1. Javascript Pop up :

This pop up is subdivided into below mentioned 3 pop ups.

1. Alert pop up
2. Confirmation pop up
3. Prompt pop up

1. Alert Pop up :

Characteristics features :

● We can’t inspect this pop up.

● We can’t move this kind pop up.
● This pop up will have white color background with black color font.
● This pop up will have only one “OK” button

How to handle Alert pop up

In order to handle the alert pop up, we first have to switch to alert window
using the below statement.


After transferring the control to alert window, we can use the following
methods of

“Alert” interface.

getText() → to get the text present on the alert window. 96/273
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accept() / dismiss() → to click on OK button on the alert window.

2. Confirmation Pop up :

Characteristics features :

● We can’t inspect this pop up.

● We can’t move this kind pop up.
● This pop up will have white color background with black color font.
● This pop up will have two buttons :- “OK” button and “Cancel” button.

How to handle Prompt Alert pop up

● In order to handle the alert pop up, we first have to switch to alert window

using the below statement.


● After transferring the control to alert window, we can use the following

methods of “Alert” interface.

getText() → to get the text present on the alert window.

sendKeys() → to enter a text in the textbox on the alert window.

accept() → to click on “OK” button on the alert window.

dismiss() → to click on “Cancel” button on the alert window.

Selenium Code : to handle prompt alert popup on browser

import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; 97/273
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import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Alert_Promptpopup {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

//Enter the url


//find this button : "Say my name"

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value='Say my name!']")).click();


//Switch to alert pop up

Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();


//print the text present on the alert pop up



//enter your name in the text box present on the alert pop up



//click on OK button


Thread.sleep(2000); 98/273
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//print the text present on the second alert pop up


//click on Cancel button



What are the Alert popup excep ons that you are aware of ?

1. NoAlertPresentExcep on :

When the alert pop up is physically not available on the page, and we s ll try to either switch
to the alert or try to perform any ac on on alert popup, we get this excep on.

2. UnhandledAlertExcep on :

We get this excep on, when we perform any ac on on the webpage without handling the alert


2. Hidden Division Popup

· Any pop up which will be in hidden mode as soon as we navigate to the page, the
moment we perform action ,pop up will appear and then it goes off . This is all about Hidden
Division Pop up

· One of the examples for Hidden Division Pop up is Calendar pop up.

· If we are able to inspect the element present on the webpage then we can handle
Hidden Division Pop up by using:

driver.findElement( By.locator-name(“ “)).click();

· Here, click ( ) is the action that we are performing on webpage.

If we are not able to inspect the element present on the webpage, then we go for some other
option 99/273
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How to handle geo location and notification in chrome

public class HiddenDivisionPopup_CalendarPopup_cleartrip_selectTodaysDate extends

BaseClass {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {


ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions();




WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(option);



driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//input[@placeholder='Pick a



How to handle geo location and notification in Firefox Browser ?

public class
Day15_Program2_HiddenDivisionPopup_CalendarPopup_cleartrip_selectTodaysDate extends
BaseClass {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

Date d = new Date();

String str = d.toString(); 100/273
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String[] str2 = str.split(" ");

String today = str2[2];


DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();

profile.setPreference("geo.enabled", false);

cap.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, profile);

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(cap);



driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//input[@placeholder='Pick a



3. File Upload Pop up:

What is file upload popup ?

A popup using which, we can upload a file from local system to destination server is called file
upload popup.

How do we handle file upload popup ?

There are multiple ways of handling file upload popup.

1. Using any third party tool which can handle window based applications.

one such too we have is called AUTO IT. 101/273
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2. by using sendkeys() method of webelement interface.Here, what we do is.

we pass the path of the file that we want to upload as an argument to sendkeys method.
This is some kind of short cut approach to handle file upload popup. We can use this short
cut, only and only if the html source code of the upload button or browse button have an
attribute called TYPE = "FILE"


html source code of upload button.

<input type="file" name = "upload">

uploadBtnObj.sendKeys("path of the file to be uploaded").

Don’t tell this in interview :

we can handle this file upload popup using Robot class as well.

Program to demonstrate File Upload Pop up:

package test;

import java.awt.AWTException;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class FileUploadPopup_Demo {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, AWTException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();



tdata\\Absolute xpath examples.xlsx"); 102/273
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4. File Download Pop up

Characteristic features:

● We can move this popup but we can’t inspect it.

● This pop up will have 2 radio buttons : Open with and Save File

How to handle File Download pop up:

● In Google Chrome browser, when we click on Download link of Java language present
on Selenium official website, it doesn’t show any file download pop up on the screen,
instead, it automatically starts downloading the file in default location on the system.
(i.e downloads folder)
● But, in firefox browser, on clicking on the same download link, we get a file download
pop up on the screen. In order to handle this pop up, we use setPreference() method
of FirefoxProfile class.
● setPreference() is used to change the settings of Firefox browser.
● setPreference() method is an overloaded method which takes 2 parameters (KEY,

“Key” will always be a String,

“Value” can be either String or int or boolean

● For more information on Key , we can refer the following websites. 103/273
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Following example demonstrates how to use key and value with setPreference()

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();

// If the file type is .zip, then don’t display the popup, instead, download it

String key = "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk";

String value = "application/zip";

profile.setPreference(key, value);

// 0 - save to desktop, 1 - save to downloads folder (default value),

// 2 - save the downloaded file to other folders in the system

profile.setPreference("", 2);

profile.setPreference("", "D:\\");

In the above example, "application/zip" refers to MIME types. (Multi purpose Internet Mail
Extension), which says what kind of file you want to download.

For a detailed level information on MIME types (or the type of file to be downloaded), visit
the following website.

Interview Questions :

How do you handle file download popup ?

Ans :

File download popup is a window based application, which is not supported by selenium.

In order to handle such popup, we will have to use any third party tool that can handle
window based applications. One such tool we have used in our project is AUTOIT, using which
we have handled window based popups.

Instead of using AUTOIT, we can handle window based popup using FirefoxProfile class, this
class we use to do any profile related settings in firefox browser. 104/273
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FirefoxProfile class has a non static method called setPreference, which take 2 arguments -
KEY and VALUE, Key is always string, and value can be either an int or boolean or string.

As part of the key and value, we specify some profile related settings - like ,, if we are
downloading any .zip file, don't show the popup, Instead directly start downloading.

And finally, we pass this profile object to FirefoxDriver class constructor.

But, FirefoxDriver class has no constructor defined which takes an argument of FirefoxProfile
class object.

And hence, we create an object of another class called FirefoxOptions, to which we assign the
profile object, which has the modified settings.

And finally, we pass this option object to FirefoxDriver class constructor.

So, during the script execution, when it launch the firefox browser, it will get the instruction
like , if user is trying to download any type of file, don’t show the popup.

In this way, we have handled file download popup in our project.

Program : Write a script to download the selenium-java present on selenium official website
without opening the file download pop up and save it to specific folder in any drive in your

Selenium Code:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile;

import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

public class FileDownload {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

//Create an object of FirefoxProfile class

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();

//Set the Key so that it will not show the file download pop up on the screen

String key = "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk"; 105/273
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//Set the type of file which you want to download

String value = "application/zip";

//using setPreference() method, change the setting

profile.setPreference(key, value);

// 0 - save to desktop, 1 - save to download folder( default), 2 - save to any

other //location

profile.setPreference("", 2);

//save the file to the given folder location

profile.setPreference("", "D:\\Ajit\\Others");

//Use DesiredCapabilities class to modify the firefox settings as shown below

DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();

cap.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, profile);

//Launch the firefox browser with the above modified settings

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(cap);

//Enter selenium official website url


//Use following-sibling axes in Xpath to find the download link for selenium




Note : After the script is executed, verify that the file is downloaded in the specified folder

How do you download in Chrome Browser where in you will not get the file download pop up

package qspiders; 106/273
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import java.util.HashMap; 

import org.openqa.selenium.By; 

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; 



import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; 

public class FileDownloadInChromeBrowser { 

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { 


//Create Hashmap object and assign the profile settings 

HashMap<String, Object> chromePrefs = new HashMap<String, 


chromePrefs.put("profile.default_content_settings.popups", 0); 

chromePrefs.put("download.default_directory", "D:\\"); 

//Assign this chromePrefs object with ChromeOptions object  

ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); 

options.setExperimentalOption("prefs", chromePrefs); 

//Create Capability object and assign the option object 

DesiredCapabilities cap =; 

cap.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options); 

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(cap);  



String xp = "//td[.='Java']/following-sibling::td/a[.='Download']"; 

driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp)).click(); 107/273
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Child Browser Pop up:

How do you handle multiple browser windows using selenium ?


How do you handle child browser popup in selenium ?

Ans :

1. We handle multiple browser windows using getWindowHandles() method of WebDriver


2. getWindowHandles() method returns the window handle id of all the browsers launched
by selenium in the form of Set of String.

3. If we want to perform any action on specific browser window, we first have to switch to
that particular window.

4. And how we switch to a particular window is by using driver.switchTo().window().

As an argument to window() method, we pass the unique window id of the browser window
to which we want to switch to.

And once our driver control is on any browser window, we can perform any action on any

This is how we handle multiple browser windows in selenium.


If there is no such window present on the browser and we are trying to switch to the window
by calling the above statement then we get an exception called NoSuchSessionException.

· This is how we handle Child Browser Pop up using selenium.

Characteristic features :

● We can move this pop up.

● We can also inspect it.
● this pop up is very colorful and will have both minimise and maximise buttons. 108/273
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Difference between getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles() ?

● getWindowHandle() returns the window handle id of the current browser window.

● getWindowHandles() returns the window handle id of all the browser windows.

Program to print the window handle of a browser window ?

Selenium Code :

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Print_windowHandle {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


//get the window handle id of the browser

String windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();



Program to print the window handle id of browser ?

Selenium Code :

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; 109/273
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import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Print_windowHandle {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


//get the window handle id of the browser

String windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();



Program :

Scenario :

Write a script to automate the following scenarios:

1. Count the number of browser windows opened by selenium

2. Print the window handle of all the browser windows

3. Print the title of all the browser windows ?

4. Close all the browser windows.

Selenium Code :

public class ChildBrowserPopUp extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) { 110/273
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//using getWindowHandles(), get a set of window handle IDs

Set<String> allWindowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();

//using size(), get the count of total number of browser windows

int count = allWindowHandles.size();

System.out.println("Number of browser windows opened on the system is : "+


for (String windowHandle : allWindowHandles) {

//switch to each browser window


String title = driver.getTitle();

//print the window handle id of each browser window

System.out.println("Window handle id of page -->"+ title +" --> is :


//close all the browsers one by one


/*Instead of using driver.close(), we can use driver.quit() to close all the

browsers at once*/



Program :

Write a script to close only the main browser window and not the child browser windows.

Selenium Code : 111/273
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public class CloseMainBrowserOnly extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


//get the window handle id of the parent browser window

String parentWindowhandleID = driver.getWindowHandle();

Set<String> allWindowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();

int count = allWindowHandles.size();

System.out.println("Number of browser windows opened on the system is : "+


for (String windowHandle : allWindowHandles) {

//switch to each browser window


/* compare the window id with the Parent browser window id, if both
are equal, then only close the main browser window.*/

if (windowHandle.equals(parentWindowhandleID)) {


System.out.println("Main Browser window with title -->"+ title +" --> is



Program :

Write a script to close all the child browser windows except the main browser.

Selenium Code :

public class CloseALLChildbrowsersONLY extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) { 112/273
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//get the window handle id of the parent browser window

String parentWindowhandleID = driver.getWindowHandle();

Set<String> allWindowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();

int count = allWindowHandles.size();

System.out.println("Number of browser windows opened on the system is : "+


for (String windowHandle : allWindowHandles) {

//switch to each browser window


String title = driver.getTitle();

/* compare the window id of all the browsers with the Parent browser
window id, if it is not equal, then only close the browser windows.*/

if (!windowHandle.equals(parentWindowhandleID)) {


System.out.println("Child Browser window with title -->"+ title

+" --> is closed");


Program :

Write a script to close the specified browser window ?

Selenium Code :

public class CloseAnySpecifiedBrowser extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {

driver.get(""); 113/273
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//Set the expected title of the browser window which you want to close

String expected_title = "Tech Mahindra";

Set<String> allWindowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();

int count = allWindowHandles.size();

System.out.println("Number of browser windows opened on the system is : "+


for (String windowHandle : allWindowHandles) {

//switch to each browser window


String actual_title = driver.getTitle();

//Checks whether the actual title contains the specified expected title

if (actual_title.contains(expected_title)) {


System.out.println("Specified Browser window with title -->"+

actual_title +" --> is closed");

Program :

Write a script to navigate between multiple tabs and perform some action on each tabs ?

Selenium Code :

public class HandleTabs_using_getWindowHandles extends BaseClass { 114/273
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public static void main(String[] args) {

//enter actitime login url


//get the window handle id of the parent browser window

String parentwindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

//enter username


//enter password


//click on actiTIME INC link

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[text()='actiTIME Inc.']")).click();

//get the number of windows currently opened on the system

Set<String> allwhs = driver.getWindowHandles();

//switch to all the browser windows

for (String wh : allwhs) {


//get the title of the tab

String childtitle = driver.getTitle();

System.out.println("Title of the child tab is :"+ childtitle);

//close the child tab


//switch back to the main browser window

driver.switchTo().window(parentwindowHandle); 115/273
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//close the main browser window

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[text()='Login ']")).click();

//closing the parent window



NoSuchWindowException :

when we try to switch to a browser window using a window handle id, which doesn’t match

with the window handle id of any browser windows launched by selenium, we get this


NoSuchSessionException :

When we try to switch to a browser window using a window handle id, and all the browser

windows are already been closed by quit method, we ge this exception.


Q1. What is GetWindowHandle() method ?

● This is a method present in WebDriver interface.

● It returns the window handle id of the current browser window in the form of String.

Q2. What is getWindowHandles() method ?

● This is a method present in WebDriver interface. 116/273
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● It returns the window handle id of all the browser windows launched by selenium in

the form of Set<String>.

Q3. Why the return type of getWindowHandles method is Set<String> ?

Window handle id are unique and hence it is SET and why String, because these ids are in the

form of String and hence the return type of getWindowHandles method is set<String>.

Q4. What is Window Handle Id ?

Every browser window has a unique ID, using which selenium identifies a browser window

uniquely. Using this window handle id, we perform action on any particular window.


Window Pop Up:

In Selenium, if the pop up displayed on the application doesn’t belong to the following types,

● JavaScript popup,

● Hidden Division pop up,

● File Upload pop up,

● File Download pop up,

● Child Browser pop up,

then it belongs to a category called WINDOW POP UP

Characteristic features of Window pop up:

● We can move some of the window popups and some of them, we can’t. 117/273
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● We can’t inspect this pop up.

How to handle Window Popup ?

● In selenium, there is no option to handle window pop up, hence, we have to use some
third party tool like AUTOIT to handle this kind of pop up. We can also use ROBOT
class to handle this pop up.
● But, by using ROBOT class, we can’t achieve much functionalities, as it has limited
option eg: we can’t identify the object properties present on the window pop up.
● Hence, we use another third party automation tool called AUTO IT.

What is AUTO IT ?

● It is a open source window based automation tool.

● It can be downloaded from below mentioned site :

● Download the above Editor on your system.

● Double click on the Setup file.
● Follow the default instruction to install autoIT.

How Auto IT identifies objects on window popup ?

● Elements present on window pop up are known as CONTROLS.

● In order to inspect these controls, AutoIT uses AutoIT Window Info”.
● In order to open “AutoIT Window Info”, navigate to the below path.

Go to Start → All Programs → AutoIT V3 → Select AutoIT Window Info.

● As a result, the below window opens up. 118/273
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● In the above image, drag the “Finder Tool” option and drop it on any element/control
present on the window pop up for which you want to identify the properties.
● It will display the properties of the same controls such as Class, Name, ID and Text.
● These properties are also known as CONTROL ID, using which AutoIT locates
elements/controls on window pop up.
● General syntax for using single Control ID is :

[Control ID : Value]

● We can use multiple Control IDs as well using semicolon as the delimiter to identify
the controls using below syntax.

[ Control ID 1: Value1 ; Control ID 2 : Value2 ; Control ID 3 ; Value3] 119/273
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Steps to write and execute AutoIT script :

● Navigate to the below path and open the Editor to write the autoIT script

Go to Start → All Programs → AutoIt → Select SciTE Script Editor

● Write the autoIT script and save the file with .au3 extension
● Go to Tool → Select Compile and compile script. As a result, it will generate an .exe
● Navigate to the folder location where .exe file is located and double click on this .exe
file to execute the autoIT script.
● We can also execute the script from eclipse by using RunTime class of Java

RunTime.getRunTime.exec(“path of the compiled au3.exe file”);

Automate the following scenario using AutoIT :

1. Navigate to actiTIME login page.

2. By default, username text box will be active.
3. Press Control + P using Robot class and ensure the print window popup is displayed
4. On the Print window, click on Cancel button by using AutoIT

Selenium Code:

Write the below lines of code in AutoIT editor, save with .au3 extension. 120/273
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Go to tools → select compile and as a result, .exe file gets generated.

Now, write the below selenium code to run the .exe file

public class AutoIT_Example {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, AWTException,

IOException {

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();



//Press Control + P from keyboard using Robot class

Robot r = new Robot();





//Using Runtime class, to run the .exe file

Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();


//close the browser

driver.close(); 121/273
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How to upload a file using AutoIT?

Code below:

Open the auto it script editor and write the below script.


Summary of the different popups in selenium and how to handle those is mentioned below. 122/273
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How do you handle window based application using selenium ?


How to handle Window based popup/ window based applications ?

Ans :

Selenium can't handle window based popup and hence, on order to handle such popup, we

have to use any third party tool which can handle window based popups. One such tool, we

have is AUTOIT. using which, window based applications can be handled.

What we do here is, we develop autoit scripts based on our requirement and then we save


file with .au3 extension. This file, we further compile to get an .exe version. How we compile

is -- Tools -- compile..It will generate a compiled autoit script (.exe) in the same location

where .au3 file is present.

This .exe file we execute by using exec() method of RunTime class. 123/273
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The line of code is


what we pass as an argument to exec() method is the path of the autoit compiled script.

When the script executes, it performs action on the window based popup. and this is how it

handles window based applications.


What is findElements() ?

● findElements() method is present in SearchContext interface, the super most interface

in Selenium.

● findElements() identifies the elements on the webpage based on the locators used.

● It returns a list of webElements if it find the matching element.

● If it does not find any matching web element on the web page, it returns an empty list.

Program :

Write a script to find the total number of links, number of visible links and number of hidden

links present on actitime login page.

Selenium Code :

public class findElements_Example extends BaseClass {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

driver.get("http://localhost:8080/"); 124/273
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//findElements() method returns list of web element

List<WebElement> allLinks = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));

//get the total number of link elements

int totalLinks = allLinks.size();

System.out.println("total number of links present on the web page is :


int visibleLinkCount = 0;

int hiddenLinkCount = 0;

//using foreach loop, iterate through all the links

for (WebElement link : allLinks) {

//if the link is displayed, then print the text of the link

if (link.isDisplayed()) {


System.out.println(visibleLinkCount+" --> "+link.getText());



System.out.println("Total number of visible links :" + visibleLinkCount);

System.out.println("Total number of hidden links :" + hiddenLinkCount);



Assignment :

Automate the following scenario 125/273
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● Login in to actitime

● click on Tasks

● Count the total number of checkbox present on the page

● Select all the checkbox

● Deselect all the checkboxes in reverse order

● Select first and last checkbox

Selenium Code:

Copy code here.

WebTable :

Table present on the web page is called WebTable.

Create a webtable as shown below. 126/273
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The webpage looks like this as shown below. 127/273
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Program :

In the below webtable, find the following scenarios :

● print the total number of ROWS present

● print the total number of COLUMNS present

● print the total number of CELLS present

● print ONLY the NUMERIC values present

● Count the TOTAL number of NUMERIC values present

● print the SUM of all the numeric values in the table

Selenium Code:

public class WebTable_Example extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


//Count Total number of rows present in the table

List<WebElement> allRows = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//tr")); 128/273
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int totalRows = allRows.size();

System.out.println("total number of rows present in the table is :"+


//count total number of columns

List<WebElement> allColumns = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//th"));

int totalColumns = allColumns.size();

System.out.println("Total number of columns in the table is :" + totalColumns);

//Count number of cells present in the table

List<WebElement> allCells = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//th|//td"));

int totalCells = allCells.size();

System.out.println("Total number of cells present in the table is :" + totalCells);

//Print ONLY the numbers

int countNumberValue = 0;

int sum=0;

for (WebElement cell : allCells) {

String cellValue = cell.getText();


int number = Integer.parseInt(cellValue);

System.out.print(“ ”+number);


sum = sum+number;

}catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("Total count of numeric values is :"+countNumberValue); 129/273
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System.out.println("Total sum of all the numeric values is :"+sum);

//close the browser


Assignment :

Write a script to verify that the sum of marks present in the below table is same as the Total

marks. 130/273
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HTML code to create the sample webpage is below. 131/273
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Selenium Code :

copy the code here. 132/273
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How to handle Auto Suggestion list box ?

Answer : Using findElements() method

Program :

Automate the following scenario :

● Navigate to google page

● Enter Selenium in google search text box

● Print the list of auto suggestion values

● Click on a specified link ( Selenium Interview Questions) displayed in the dropdown

Selenium Code :

public class AutosuggestionEx_GoogleSearch extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {


//Enter Selenium in google search text box



List<WebElement> allOptions =

int count = allOptions.size();

System.out.println(“Number of values present in the dropdown is : ” + count);

String expectedValue="selenium interview questions";

//Print all the auto suggestion values 133/273
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for (WebElement option : allOptions) {

String text = option.getText();

System.out.println(" "+text);

//Click on Java Interview Questions

if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedValue)) {;


How to select List Box ?


How do you handle list box ?

LIst box can be handled by 2 ways.

1 by using findElements() method.

2. by using select class. We can use select class only and only if the list box is develop using

select tagname.

Select class has multiple non static methods, in order to call them, we need to create an

object of select class. 134/273
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When we create an object of Select class, we pass the reference of the list box on which we

want to perform actions as an argument to the select class constructor.

using this reference variable, we call methods like,

-- getOptions() -- this method returns the address of all the options present in the list box in

the form of list of webelement.

-- getAllSelectedOptions() -- this method returns the address of all the selected options from

the list box in the form of list of webelement.

If none of the elements are selected in the list box, it returns an empty list object.

-- getFirstSelectedOption() -- this method returns the address of the first selected option in

the list box.

If none of the elements are selected in the list box, it throws NoSuchElementException.

In order to select any option in the list box, we have 3 methods like,

-- selectByIndex() -- this method is used to select any option in the list box by using the index.

Index of element in the list box starts from 0.

If specified index doesn't match with any element in the list box, it throws


-- selectByValue() -- this method is used to select any option in the list box by using the value

attribute. 135/273
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If specified value doesn't match with any element in the list box, it throws


-- selectByVisibleText() -- this method is used to select any option in the list box by using the

text of the element.

If specified text doesn't match with any element text in the list box, it throws


If the list box is of type multi select, we can also deselect any option in the list box which is

already selected bBy using few methods like,

--deselectByIndex(), deselectByValue(), deselectByVisibleText() and deselectAll().

if the list box is not of type multi select, and if we try to call any of the deselect methods, we

get an exception called UnsupportedOperationException.

In order to check whether the list box is single select or multi select, we can use isMultiple()


This method returns true if the list box is a multi select list box. and it returns false, if it is

single select list box.

This is how we handle list box using SELECT class.


● In Selenium, we handle listbox using Select class.

● Select class is present in package. 136/273
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● Select class has a parameterized constructor which accepts an argument of

WebElement object (List box element)

● Following are the available methods of Select class

➔ selectByIndex()
➔ selectByValue()
➔ selectByVisibleText()
➔ deSelectByIndex()
➔ deSelectByValue()
➔ deSelectByVisibleText()
➔ isMultiple()
➔ getOptions()
➔ getAllSelectedOptions()
➔ getFirstSelectedOption()
➔ deSelectAll()

● We can use the following deSelect() methods only on multi select listbox. If we try to

use it on single select list box, then it throws UnsupportedOperationException

➔ deSelectByIndex()
➔ deSelectByValue()
➔ deSelectByVisibleText()
➔ deSelectAll()


Write a script to select few elements in the list box.

Create a sample webpage 137/273
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Selenium Code :

public class ListBoxExample extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


WebElement list = driver.findElement("mtr"));

//Create an object of Select class and pass the address of list box as an

Select s = new Select(list);

//getOptions() method returns a list of all the elements of the list box

List<WebElement> options = s.getOptions();

int size = options.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements present inside the listbox is : "+ size);

//Print all the elements present in the list box

for (WebElement webElement : options) {

String text = webElement.getText();

System.out.println(text); 138/273
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//selectByIndex() selects an element based on the Index, here index starts with


//selectByValue() method selects an element based on its value attribute.


/*selectByVisibleText() method selects an element based on the actual text

that is visible to the user. For instance, if there are multiple Poori present inside
the listbox , it will select all the Poori elements.*/


System.out.println("************Print all selected options***********");

List<WebElement> allSelectedOptions = s.getAllSelectedOptions();

int size2 = allSelectedOptions.size();

System.out.println("Number of items that is selected in the list box is :


System.out.println(" Selected items are printed below ");

for (WebElement webElement : allSelectedOptions) {


System.out.println("check whether it is a multiple select listbox or not");

boolean multiple = s.isMultiple();

System.out.println(multiple +" yes , it is multi select");

if (multiple) {

//Print the first selected option in the list box

WebElement firstSelectedOption = s.getFirstSelectedOption(); 139/273
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System.out.println(firstSelectedOption.getText()+" is the first selected

item in the list box");

//deselect the item present in 0th index.


//Print the first selected option in the list box

WebElement firstSelectedOption1 = s.getFirstSelectedOption();

System.out.println(firstSelectedOption1.getText()+" is the first selected


//deselect an item which has an attribute called value and its value is


//Print the first selected option in the list box

WebElement firstSelectedOption2 = s.getFirstSelectedOption();

System.out.println(firstSelectedOption2.getText()+" is the first selected




Write a script to print the content of the list box in sorted order.

Selenium Code :

public class PrintListValues_SortedOrder extends BaseClass{ 140/273
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public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {


WebElement listElement = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listElement);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count = allOptions.size();


System.out.println("-----print the values in the list ----");

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

for (WebElement option : allOptions) {

String text = option.getText();




System.out.println("-----print the value in sorted order----");

for (String value : list) {


}}} 141/273
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Write a script to print the UNIQUE content of the list box.

Hint : Use HashSet<>

Selenium Code :

public class printUniqueElementinthelistbox extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {


WebElement listElement = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listElement);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count = allOptions.size();


System.out.println("-----print the values in the list ----");

HashSet<String> allElements = new HashSet<String>();

for (WebElement option : allOptions) {

String text = option.getText();




Program: 142/273
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Write a script to print the UNIQUE content of the list box in SORTED order.

Hint : Use TreeSet<>

Selenium Code :

public class printUniqueElement_Sorted extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {


WebElement listElement = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listElement);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count = allOptions.size();


System.out.println("-----print the values in the list ----");

TreeSet<String> allElements = new TreeSet<String>();

for (WebElement option : allOptions) {

String text = option.getText();





Write a script to check whether listbox has duplicate or not ? 143/273
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Selenium Code :

public class checklisthasDUPLICATEvalues_HashSet extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


WebElement listbox = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listbox);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count1 = allOptions.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the list is :" +count1);

HashSet<String> allElementText = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {

String text = allOptions.get(i).getText();



int count2 = allElementText.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the hashset is :" +count2);

if (count1==count2) {

System.out.println("list box has NO duplicate values");


System.out.println("list box has duplicate values");


driver.close(); 144/273
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Write a script to print the duplicate item in the list ?

Selenium Code :

public class PrinttheDUPLICATEItem_intheList_HashSet extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


WebElement listbox = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listbox);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count1 = allOptions.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the list is :" +count1);

HashSet<String> allElementText = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {

String text = allOptions.get(i).getText();

/*allElementText.add(text) returns true if the element is not already

added, and it returns false if the same element is trying to be added
twice. */

if (!allElementText.add(text)) {

System.out.println(text +" is the duplicate item in the list box");


// it will print all the unique values in the HashSet object

System.out.println(allElementText); 145/273
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Program :

Print the number of occurrance of Poori in the list box.

Selenium Code

package qspiders;

import java.u l.HashMap;

import java.u l.List;

import java.u l.Set;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


public class HashMapExample_prin heOcuuranceOfPoori extends BaseClass{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {


WebElement list = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(list);

List<WebElement> allElements = s.getOp ons();

HashMap<String, Integer> hashMapObj = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

for (WebElement element : allElements) { 146/273
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String text = element.getText();

if (hashMapObj.containsKey(text)) {

Integer value = hashMapObj.get(text);


hashMapObj.put(text, value);


hashMapObj.put(text, 1);

Set<String> allKeys = hashMapObj.keySet();

for (String key : allKeys) {

Integer value = hashMapObj.get(key);

System.out.println(key +" -->"+ value);

if (value>1) {

System.out.println("Occurance of " + key + " is :" + value);



Write a script to check whether listbox has duplicate or not ?

Selenium Code :

public class checklisthasDUPLICATEvalues_HashSet extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {

s/ListBox_Breakfast.html"); 147/273
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WebElement listbox = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listbox);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count1 = allOptions.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the list is :" +count1);

HashSet<String> allElementText = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {

String text = allOptions.get(i).getText();



int count2 = allElementText.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the hashset is :" +count2);

if (count1==count2) {

System.out.println("list box has NO duplicate values");


System.out.println("list box has duplicate values");





Write a script to print the duplicate item in the list ?

Selenium Code : 148/273
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public class PrinttheDUPLICATEItem_intheList_HashSet extends BaseClass{

public static void main(String[] args) {


WebElement listbox = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(listbox);

List<WebElement> allOptions = s.getOptions();

int count1 = allOptions.size();

System.out.println("Number of elements in the list is :" +count1);

HashSet<String> allElementText = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {

String text = allOptions.get(i).getText();

/*allElementText.add(text) returns true if the element is not already

added, and it returns false if the same element is trying to be added
twice. */

if (!allElementText.add(text)) {

System.out.println(text +" is the duplicate item in the list box");


// it will print all the unique values in the HashSet object



Program : 149/273
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Print the number of occurrance of Poori in the list box.

Selenium Code

package qspiders;

import java.u l.HashMap;

import java.u l.List;

import java.u l.Set;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


public class HashMapExample_prin heOcuuranceOfPoori extends BaseClass{

public sta c void main(String[] args) {


WebElement list = driver.findElement("mtr"));

Select s = new Select(list);

List<WebElement> allElements = s.getOp ons();

HashMap<String, Integer> hashMapObj = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

for (WebElement element : allElements) {

String text = element.getText();

if (hashMapObj.containsKey(text)) {

Integer value = hashMapObj.get(text);

value++; 150/273
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hashMapObj.put(text, value);


hashMapObj.put(text, 1);

Set<String> allKeys = hashMapObj.keySet();

for (String key : allKeys) {

Integer value = hashMapObj.get(key);

System.out.println(key +" -->"+ value);

if (value>1) {

System.out.println("Occurance of " + key + " is :" + value);



Page Object Model - Framework Design pattern

Definition :

Page object model is a page factory design pattern. We implement this model in our
automation framework because of the following advantages listed below.

Advantages of POM :

● Easy to Maintain/low maintenance

● Easy readability of scripts
● Reduce or eliminate duplicacy
● Re-usability of code
● Reliability 151/273
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● It is the object repository of our project


When do you get StaleElementReferenceException ?

An exception where in the address of an element is no longer fresh on the webpage

due to a recent refresh of the webpage and we trying to perform an action on the
same element using the same old address, we get this exception.


Pom class for Actitime Login page.

package pages;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;



public class LoginPage {



private WebElement unTB;


private WebElement pwTB;

@FindBy(xpath="//div[.='Login ']")

private WebElement loginBtn; 152/273
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public LoginPage(WebDriver driver){

PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);


public void setUsername(String un){


public void setPassword(String pw){


public void clickLogin(){;



TESTNG Framework

Testng is a framework that we implement in our Selenium automation framework for

following advantages.

● Data Driven testing can be achieved (Data parameterisation is possible using testng)

● we can execute the test scripts in batch (i.e multiple test scripts at one go)

● we can also execute selected test scripts based on priority. 153/273
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● we can execute the test case group wise or module wise

● generation of Automatic HTML reports

● We can integrate testng with Maven as well

● Due to certain annotations that testng provides, it has become so powerful

Write a program to check the sequence in which the annotations of Testng class gets

Selenium code below :


package testngpackage;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;

import org.testng.Reporter;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;

public class BaseTestNg { 154/273
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public void beforeMethod() {

Reporter.log("beforeMethod", true);


public void afterMethod() {

Reporter.log("afterMethod", true);


public void beforeClass() {

Reporter.log("beforeClass", true);


public void afterClass() {

Reporter.log("afterClass", true);


public void beforeTest() {

Reporter.log("beforeTest", true); 155/273
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public void afterTest() {

Reporter.log("afterTest", true);


public void beforeSuite() {

Reporter.log("beforeSuite", true);


public void afterSuite() {

Reporter.log("afterSuite", true);



Demonstration on few parameters of @Test annotation as shown below.


How do you tag a test case to a particular module or a group ?

By using groups attribute of Test annotation. what do we pass here is the name of the
module or a group to which we want a test method to tag to.

we can tag a particular test method to a group of modules as well by passing the list of
modules in a string array.

Syntax : 156/273
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@Test(groups={"module 1","module 2"})

public void createUser(){


How to execute test cases module wise or group wise ?

By using testng suite file.

By using the below syntax,



<include name = "module name or group name">

<exclude name = "module name or group name">



Summary :

which ever modules or groups are part of the include statement, those module specific or
group specific test cases will be executed. If anything is specified with exclude statement, will
not be executed.

This is how we execute test cases based on a module or a group.


@Test annotation attributes : 157/273
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The default order of execution of multiple test methods is alphabetical order.


Priority :


It is an attribute of test annotation, using which, the order of exection

of test methods can be prioritized.



public void createUser(){



How does priority works ?

The least the value, the highest the priority, and the highest the value, the least the priority. 158/273
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Default value of priority is 0

Multiple test methods with same priority takes default order of execution (alphabetical


InvocationCount Attribute:

How do you execute a test method multiple times ?

By Using invocationCount attribute of Test annotation.

InvocationCount is used to invoke or run a test method for the specified

number of times.

Default value of invocationCount is 1

syntax : 159/273
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public void editUser(){



If we specify invocationCount as 0, the test method will not be consider for execution (It will
be skipped but will not be updated in the



HOw do you skip a test method from execution without using invocationCOunt ?

By using Enabled attribute of Test annotation.

syntax :

@Test(invocationCount=4, enabled=false)

public void editUser(){

System.out.println("editUser..."); 160/273
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Enabled=false will not execute the test method. It takes precedence over


Default value of Enabled is true.


How to set methods dependency on other methods?

Using dependsOnMethods attribute of Test annotation.

Syntax :

public class Demo {


public void createUser(){

System.out.println("createUser...user created
successufuly");; 161/273
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@Test(priority=3, dependsOnMethods="createUser")

public void deleteUser(){


Here, createuser method will be failed and deleteUser method will be skipped. (In this case,
skipped count will be updated on the report or console)


What is TestNg Exception - Cyclic Dependencies ?

When two test methods are dependent on each other, it results in to Testng



public class Demo { 162/273
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@Test(priority=1, dependsOnMethods="deleteUser")

public void createUser(){

System.out.println("createUser...user created successufuly");

@Test(priority=3, dependsOnMethods="createUser")

public void deleteUser(){



@Test annotation attributes :

The default order of execution of multiple test methods is alphabetical order.


What is a Priority in Testng ?


It is an attribute of test annotation, using which, the order of execution of test methods can
be prioritized.

eg: 163/273
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public void createUser(){



How does priority works ?

The least the value, the highest the priority, and the highest the value, the least the priority.

Default value of priority is 0

Multiple test methods with same priority takes default order of execution (alphabetical


What is InvocationCount Attribute ?

How do you execute a test method multiple times ?

By Using invocationCount attribute of Test annotation.

InvocationCount is used to invoke or run a test method for the specified number of times.

Default value of invocationCount is 1

syntax :


public void editUser(){

System.out.println("editUser..."); 164/273
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If we specify invocationCount as 0, the test method will not be consider for execution (It will
be skipped but will not be updated in the report/console)


How do you skip a test method from execution without using invocationCount ?

By using Enabled attribute of Test annotation.

syntax :

@Test(invocationCount=4, enabled=false)

public void editUser(){


Enabled=false will not execute the test method. It takes precedence over invocationCount.

Default value of Enabled is true.


How to set methods dependency on other methods?

Using dependsOnMethods attribute of Test annotation.

Syntax :

public class Demo {

@Test(priority=1) 165/273
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public void createUser(){

System.out.println("createUser...user created successfully");;

@Test(priority=3, dependsOnMethods="createUser")

public void deleteUser(){


Here, createuser method will be failed and deleteUser method will be skipped. (In this case,
skipped count will be updated on the report or console)


What is TestNg Exception - Cyclic Dependencies ?

When two test methods are dependent on each other, it results in to Testng Exception.


public class Demo {

@Test(priority=1, dependsOnMethods="deleteUser")

public void createUser(){

System.out.println("createUser...user created successfully"); 166/273
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@Test(priority=3, dependsOnMethods="createUser")

public void deleteUser(){



package demotest;

import org.testng.Reporter;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class DemoA {

@Test(priority=1, groups={"user", "smoke"})

public void CreateUser(){

Reporter.log("CreateUser", true);

@Test(priority=2, invocationCount=1, enabled=true, groups={"user"})

public void editUser(){

Reporter.log("editUser", true);

@Test(priority=3, groups={"user"})

public void deleteUser(){ 167/273
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Reporter.log("deleteUser", true);

@Test(priority=1, groups={"product", "smoke"})

public void createProduct(){

Reporter.log("createProduct", true);

@Test(priority=2, invocationCount=1, enabled=true, groups={"product"})

public void editProduct(){

Reporter.log("editProduct", true);

@Test(priority=3, groups={"product"})

public void deleteProduct(){

Reporter.log("deleteProduct", true);


Convert the above testng class to create testng.xml suite file as shown below

How to convert a testng class to testng.xml suite file ?

Right click on the testng class → TestNg ---> Convert to testng

Below xml file is created with the following data. 168/273
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Suite">

<test name="Test">



<include name="user"></include>

<exclude name="user"></exclude>




<class name="testngpackage.DemoA"/>


</test> <!-- Test -->

</suite> <!-- Suite →


Launch Multiple browser using Testng.xml suite file parameters

We can create multiple test blocks to work on multiple browsers in automation project.

Example is shown below. 169/273
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package testngpackage;




import java.util.Properties;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.testng.Reporter;

import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class LaunchFirefoxAndChromeTogether {


System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "./driver/geckodriver.exe");

System.setProperty("", "./driver/chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver; 170/273
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public void loginFFandCHROME(String browser) throws InterruptedException,


//Reporter.log(browser, true);

if (browser.equals("firefox")) {

driver = new FirefoxDriver();

} else {

driver = new ChromeDriver();

FileInputStream configPath = new FileInputStream(".\\");

Properties prop = new Properties();


String url = prop.getProperty("URL");


WebElement un = driver.findElement("username"));

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

un.sendKeys("admin" + i);


un.clear(); 171/273
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Use the below testng.xml suite file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests">

<test name="TestFirefox">

<parameter name="browser" value="firefox"></parameter>


<class name="testngpackage.LaunchFirefoxAndChromeTogether"/>


</test> <!-- Test -->

<test name="TestChrome">

<parameter name="browser" value="chrome"></parameter>


<class name="testngpackage.LaunchFirefoxAndChromeTogether"/>

</classes> 172/273
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</test> <!-- Test -->

</suite> <!-- Suite →


Parameterisation using @DataProvider

How do you achieve data parameterisation using DataProvider annotation ?


1. Using DataProvider annotation, we can create our own set of data.

2. In order to create data, we create an object of 2 dimensional array wherein we specify the
row and column.

Here, row represents the number of times the test method should iterate and column
represents the number of parameters that we should pass as an argument to the test

3. These databank can be utilised across any testng classes by using an attribute of TEST
annotation called dataProvider. Once we have the access to data bank, we can use the data in
our script.

This is how we achieve data parameterisation using DataProvider annotation.

Note: A test method can’t access data from multiple data banks at the same time.

code :

package scripts;

import org.testng.Reporter;

import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;

import org.testng.annotations.Test; 173/273
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public class DataProviderExample{


public Object[][] dataBank(){

Object[][] data = new Object[2][2];

data[0][0] = "admin1";

data[0][1] = "manager1";

data[1][0] = "admin2";

data[1][1] = "manager2";

return data;


public void useDataBank(String un, String pwd){

Reporter.log(un + " --> "+ pwd, true);


Why we dont use DataProvider in real time ?

1. Data creation using DataProvider annotation is time consuming.

2. Modification is a tough job and hence maintenance is very high
3. We can’t access data from multiple data banks.

----------------------------------------------------------- 174/273
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Data Parameterization using TestNG Suite File:

Executing the test scripts with multiple set of data by taking the data from external source is
known as data parameterization.

We have multiple approaches to achieve this.

Data Parameterization by using testing suite file:

- In testing suite file, what we do is, we declare and initialize the parameters using parameter

-Once the parameters are declared and initialized, we utilize these parameters from any
testNG class by using @Parameters annotation.

-As an argument to this Parameters annotation, what we pass is the parameter name which is
declared in the suite file.

-- We can access multiple parameters as well by using String array.

-And then by creating local variables to the test method, we access these parameters value
and utilize them in our scripts.

This is how ,we achieve data parameterization using testng suite file.


What are testng listeners ?

In testng framework, listeners keep on listening to the execution status of suite, test blocks,
and testng classes. And based on a predefined event, it performs specific actions.

for eg : 175/273
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In our project, if we need to connect to databases and perform some database validations,
then before starting the suite execution, we can connect to database and once the entire
suite is executed, we can flush out the unwanted data from the database.

code :

public class TestngListeners implements ISuiteListener {


public void onStart(ISuite suite) {

//code to connect to database

Reporter.log("Suite started here.."+ suite.getName(), true);


public void onFinish(ISuite suite) {

//code to flush out the unwanted data from database

Reporter.log("Suite finished here.."+ suite.getName(),true);


Data parameterisation from Excel file:

· Data parameterisation from Excel file can be done by using Apache poi related jar file
which has a class called WorkbookFactory.

· We call static method of this WorkbookFactory called create( ) wherein we pass reference
of FileInputStream class as an argument ,this returns an instance of Workbook interface. 176/273
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· Using this Workbook reference we call getSheet( ) method , where in we pass sheet no. as
an argument which specifies from which sheet we are accessing the data.

· Then to get to the particular row we use get row( ) method and to get to the particular
column we use getCell( ) method and

· To get actual content of particular cell we use toString( ) method.

This is how we access data from Excel sheet


How to install Apache POI ?

GO to below url:

-------------------------------------- 177/273
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Data parameterisation from property file:

1) A file with . properties extension is called property file where data is stored in the form of
key-value pair.

2) Data parameterisation from property file can be done by using Properties class which has
a non static method called load( ).

3)We use load( ) method to a load property file which takes reference of FileInputStream
class as an argument and

4) To access data from property file we use get property( ) method which takes property
name(key) as an argument.



To run the same scripts on multiple browsers and multiple systems parallely, we use
Selenium Grid.

Here, there will be 2 types of system.

1. HUB
2. NODE.

Node is the remote system on which you run the automation scripts.

In node system, JDK and Browser should be installed and we should also know the ip address. 178/273
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It Is used for Cross browser compatibility testing and cross platform testing on multiple
Operating systems.

Steps to setup NODE system :

1. Download selenium server jar file and browser specific driver executables files such as
chromedriver.exe and geckodriver.exe files in to a folder.
2. In the same folder, create a batch file with .bat extension and write the following

java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=geckodriver.exe -jar selenium-standalone-server.jar

3. Double click on the Run.bat file and it should display the following message in the
command prompt window.

Selenium server is up and running.

HUB : 179/273
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It is centralised system where the script is present. It is also used to control the execution.

We run the scripts from HUB and it will connect to remote system called NODE.

It will open the browser and perform action in the node and the result will be stored in the
HUB machine.

Steps to set up HUB:

1. Hub will have all the softwares which is required for a typical selenium machine.
2. Update the selenium code to execute the scripts in remote system as shown below.

To work on selenium grid, we have to create an object of RemoteWebDriver class which

accepts 2 arguments, both are object type. First argument is an object of URL class and
second argument is an object of DesiredCapabilities class.


package demotest;



import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;

import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class SeleniumGridDemo {

@Test 180/273
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public void LaunchFireFoxAndChrome(String node, String browser) throws


URL whichSystem = new URL(node);

DesiredCapabilities whichbrowser = new DesiredCapabilities();


WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(whichSystem, whichbrowser);



Update the testng.xml suite file to run in multiple browsers and multiple systems.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests">

<test name="TestFirefox">

<parameter name="node" value="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"></parameter>

<parameter name="browser" value="firefox"></parameter>


<class name="testngpackage.SeleniumGridExample"/>

</classes> 181/273
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</test> <!-- Test -->

<test name="TestChrome">

<parameter name="node" value="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"></parameter>

<parameter name="browser" value="chrome"></parameter>


<class name="testngpackage.SeleniumGridExample"/>


</test> <!-- Test -->

</suite> <!-- Suite -->



Framework is set of instructions or guidelines which should be followed by all the automation
engineers in the team while automating an web application.

There are 3 major status as mentioned below.

1. Automation Framework Design

2. Automation Framework Implementation
3. Automation Framework Execution

Questions : Which framework have you developed/implemented in your project ?

We have implemented Hybrid driven framework, which is a combination of POM driven

framework, testng framework, data driven framework, method driven framework and
modular driven framework. 182/273
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POM Driven Framework :

1. In POM driven framework, we have created POM classes for all the page of our
application under test.
2. In our application, we had 20 pages in total and for all these 20 pages, we have
created 20 pom classes. All these pom classes, we have created in a single package
called pompages.
3. In each POM class, we declared the elements present on that particular page using
@FindBy annotation. As an argument to FindBy annotation, we can use any one of the
locator using which, element can be uniquely identified on the web page.
4. Once elements are declared, we initialise all the elements declared above using
PageFactory.initElements() method, which accepts 2 arguments - both are of type
object. First argument is WebDriver driver object and second argument is the current
class object which is referred by this keyword , we write this statement inside the
constructor, so that when the object of this pom class is created from another class, it
will invoke the constructor and initialise all the elements which are declared in the
pom class.
5. Once elements are declared and initialized, we utilise all the elements by creating
respective setter methods. This is what we have done on a high level inside a pom


1. Based on the number of test cases, we will create that many number of Testng classes.
In our project, we had close to 678 regression test cases and we have developed 678
testng class with one test method in each class.
2. In test method, we create object of respective POM class and using this reference
variable, we keep calling the relevant method of pom class based on the manual test
steps. This is how, we have automated our scripts using testng framework.

Data Driven Framework : 183/273
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1. Executing the same scripts with multiple set of data is called data parameterisation.
We used Excel file to get data from external source and utilised it in the scripts.
2. Using apache poi related jar, we implemented this data driven technique to achieve
data parameterisation in our framework. Hence, our framework is also a data driven

Modular Driven Framework :

1. Module wise execution of test scripts is known as modular driven framework.

2. In our project, when ever we develop a test method while automating a test case, we
tag it to some group based on the module name.
3. Now, if any test script fails during normal execution cycle, we log defects and once
developer fix the issue, we ensure that all the related test scripts of this particular
module are executed and passed. This process of execution of module wise test scripts
is known as modular driven framework.

Method Driven Framework :

1. We created few generic methods to access data from external sources like Excel file,
config file, etc.
2. And furthermore, based on the manual regression test case steps, we call the relevant
method of pom class from the testng class, In this way , our framework is a method
driven framework as well.

In this way, the framework that we have implemented is a HYBRID framework.


Project Framework Folder Structure is mentioned below. 184/273
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Config.Properties snapshot below :

data.xlsx snapshot below: 185/273
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_____________________________________________ Code


package generic;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 186/273
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import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;

public class BaseTest implements IAutoConstant{

public static WebDriver driver;


System.setProperty(GECKO_KEY, GECKO_VALUE);

System.setProperty(CHROME_KEY, CHROME_VALUE);


public void openApplication(){

driver = new FirefoxDriver();

String url = Lib.getProperty(CONFIG_PATH, "URL");


String ITO = Lib.getProperty(CONFIG_PATH, "ImplicitTimeOut");

int timeoutPeriod = Integer.parseInt(ITO);

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeoutPeriod, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

@AfterMethod 187/273
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public void closeApplication(){



IAutoConstant Interface code below

package generic;

public interface IAutoConstant {

String CONFIG_PATH = ".\\";

String EXCEL_PATH = ".\\testdata\\data.xlsx";

String GECKO_KEY = "webdriver.gecko.driver";

String GECKO_VALUE = ".\\driver\\geckodriver.exe";

String CHROME_KEY = "";

String CHROME_VALUE = ".\\driver\\chromedriver.exe";

___________________________________ class file to create all project related generic functions.

package generic;


import java.util.Properties; 188/273
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public class Lib implements IAutoConstant{

public static Workbook wb;

public static String getProperty(String CONFIG_PATH, String key){

String property = "";

Properties prop = new Properties();

try {

prop.load(new FileInputStream(CONFIG_PATH));

property = prop.getProperty(key);

} catch (Exception e) {

return property;

public static int getRowCount(String EXCEL_PATH, String sheet){

int rowCount = 0;

try {

wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(EXCEL_PATH));

rowCount = wb.getSheet(sheet).getLastRowNum();

} catch (Exception e) { 189/273
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return rowCount;

public static String getCellValue(String EXCEL_PATH, String sheet, int row, int column){

String value = "";

try {

wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(EXCEL_PATH));

value = wb.getSheet(sheet).getRow(row).getCell(column).toString();

} catch (Exception e) {

return value;


pompackage -

package pompages;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;



public class LoginPage { 190/273
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private WebElement unTB;


private WebElement pwTB;

@FindBy(xpath="//div[.='Login ']")

private WebElement loginBtn;


public LoginPage(WebDriver driver){

PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);


public void setUsername(String un){


public void setPassword(String pw){


public void clickLogin(){; 191/273
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TestNg Class - TestLogin

package scripts;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import generic.BaseTest;

import generic.Lib;

import pompages.LoginPage;

public class TestLogin extends BaseTest{


public void testLogin(){

LoginPage l = new LoginPage(driver);

String un = Lib.getCellValue(EXCEL_PATH, "ValidLogin", 1, 0);

String pw = Lib.getCellValue(EXCEL_PATH, "ValidLogin", 1, 1);





__________________________________________________ 192/273
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Take Screenshots when a test method is failed

In file, write below code

package generic;



import java.util.Date;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;

import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;

public class BaseTest implements IAutoConstant{

public static WebDriver driver;


System.setProperty(GECKO_KEY, GECKO_VALUE);

System.setProperty(CHROME_KEY, CHROME_VALUE); 193/273
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public void openApplication(){

driver = new FirefoxDriver();

String url = Lib.getProperty(CONFIG_PATH, "URL");


String ITO = Lib.getProperty(CONFIG_PATH, "ImplicitTimeOut");

int timeoutPeriod = Integer.parseInt(ITO);

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeoutPeriod, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


public void closeApplication(){


public void takeScreenshot(String testname){

Date d = new Date();

String currentdate = d.toString().replaceAll(":", "_");

TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) driver;

File srcFile = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

File destFile = new

File(".\\screenshots\\"+currentdate+"\\"+testname+"_screenshot.png"); 194/273
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try {

FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile);

} catch (IOException e) {



Create a class called

package generic;

import org.testng.ITestContext;

import org.testng.ITestListener;

import org.testng.ITestResult;

public class TestngListeners implements ITestListener {

BaseTest b = new BaseTest();


public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub 195/273
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public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {

String testmethodName = result.getName();



public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult result) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void onStart(ITestContext context) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub 196/273
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public void onFinish(ITestContext context) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


Create testng.xml suite file as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Suite">


<listener class-name="generic.TestngListeners"></listener>


<test name="Test">


<class name="scripts.TestLogin"/>


</test> <!-- Test -->

</suite> <!-- Suite --> 197/273
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Update the class as shown below

package scripts;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert;

import generic.BaseTest;

import generic.Lib;

import pompages.LoginPage;

public class TestLogin extends BaseTest{


public void testLogin(){

LoginPage l = new LoginPage(driver);

String un = Lib.getCellValue(EXCEL_PATH, "ValidLogin", 1, 0);

String pw = Lib.getCellValue(EXCEL_PATH, "ValidLogin", 1, 1);

String expectedTitle = Lib.getCellValue(EXCEL_PATH, "ValidLogin", 1, 2);




String actualtitle = driver.getTitle(); 198/273
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SoftAssert s = new SoftAssert();

s.assertEquals(actualtitle, expectedTitle);



Run the suite.xml file


Apache Maven is a so ware project management and build dependency management tool for
Selenium/java frameworks.

Why Maven ?

● Central repository to get dependencies

● maintaining common structure across the organiza on
● Flexibility in integra ng with CI tools like JENKINS
● Plugins for Test framework execu on

POM.xml is the heart of Maven project. - Don’t say this in interview

Convert your java project in to maven project like this

Right click on the project -- configure -- convert to maven project 199/273
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leave it as it is..

no change is required in the below snapshot. Just click on Finish bu on. 200/273
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It creates a pom.xml file as shown below. 201/273
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Go to 2nd tab which is Dependencies tab and add dependency related informa on from below

h p://

Search selenium server as shown below 202/273
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CLick on 3.7.1 link as shown below 203/273
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copy the below dependency informa on and add it in the pom.xml file 204/273
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how do you add to pom.xml file ?

click on OK bu on and you see some thing like this. 205/273
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now save the project -- control + S - in order to build the dependency jar files to the project

As a result, Maven dependency file is created as shown below 206/273
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Verify that the selenium server dependency is added to the pom.xml tab as shown below. 207/273
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Now , add testng related dependency jar files to the pom.xml file.

How ? 208/273
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Now add testng related dependency informa on to the pom.xml file as shown below 210/273
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POM.XML file dependencies


<project xmlns="h p://"

xmlns:xsi="h p://"
xsi:schemaLoca on="h p://
h p://">


<groupId>Automa onProjectWeekendBatch</groupId>

<ar factId>Automa onProjectWeekendBatch</ar factId>

<version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> 211/273
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<ar factId>maven-compiler-plugin</ar factId>


<configura on>



</configura on>




<ar factId>maven-surefire-plugin</ar factId>


<configura on>




</configura on> 212/273
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<ar factId>selenium-server</ar factId>





<ar factId>testng</ar factId>






<ar factId>poi</ar factId>


</dependency> 213/273
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<ar factId>poi-ooxml</ar factId>





<ar factId>poi-scratchpad</ar factId>





<ar factId>poi-ooxml-schemas</ar factId>





<ar factId>poi-examples</ar factId>


</dependency> 214/273
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<ar factId>poi-excelant</ar factId>





<ar factId>commons-codec</ar factId>





<ar factId>commons-io</ar factId>





<ar factId>commons-logging-api</ar factId>


</dependency> 215/273
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<ar factId>curvesapi</ar factId>





<ar factId>xmlbeans</ar factId>





<ar factId>log4j-core</ar factId>





<ar factId>log4j-api</ar factId>


</dependency> 216/273
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How to run testng.xml file from pom.xml ?

Right click on pom.xml file and run as maven clean for the first me.

u get the build success message as shown bleow.

now run using below command, clean install compile test 217/273
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Run as maven build (2nd option)

Solu ons in case of maven issues

1. No compiler added to the build

Solu on : Windows - preference -- Java - Installed JREs → navigate to loca on wherer your
jdk1.8 is iintalled (c--program files --java - JDK)

2. MOJOExcep on 218/273
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Right click on the project → maven → update project → Select the project and select the
highlighted op ons:

- offline checkbox
- force update of snapshots

Note : S ll if it doesn’t work, delete the .m2 folder from the below loca on.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 219/273
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Q1 : Who is responsible to build the maven project ? OR

How maven works ?

Maven compiler plugin is responsible for building the maven project. This compiler plugin
utilises all the dependency files to build the project. How it works is : First, compiler checks
for the availability of the dependency file in maven local repository ( that is .m2 folder). If the
file is not present in .m2 folder, what it does is : it goes to the respective website specified in
the pom.xml file and downloads the files in .m2 folder for further use. And in case, if the
dependency file is already present in .m2 folder, it doesn’t go to the website, instead, it
utilises the resources from the maven local repo only to build the project. This is how maven

Q2 : How maven executes the test suite ?

By using a plugin called Maven-Surefire-plugin. This plugin is responsible for executing the
maven project. All we have to let the surefire plugin know is the path of the suite files which
we want to execute.

Q3: What are the commands or goals to execute maven project ?

The command to execute the maven project is : clean install compile test

clean -- this command/goal is used to clean any previous history or reports.

install - this command is used to install any resources if required to build the project.

compile - this command is responsible to build the project.

test - this command is used to trigger the execution of maven project.


JENKINS 220/273
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It is a continuous integration tool widely used by software project.

Advantages of Jenkins :

1. We can schedule the time for automation framework suite execution.

2. Automatic kick off of automation suite execution as soon as the build gets deployed
from DEV environment to QA environment.

How to download jenkins


click on the link highlighted below. 221/273
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How to start the Jenkins server from Command prompt ?

Navigate to the below location where ur jenkins.war is placed.

Open the command prompt

And type the below command

It will say – Jenkins Is up and running

Now open the jenkins dashboard.

Login to Jenkins using the below username and password 222/273
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Username : admin

Password is below;

Jenkins dashboard page.

Click on Manage Jenkins and global tool configuration 223/273
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Add JDK to jenkins 224/273
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Add Maven Path as shown below.

Precondition : you need to download apache maven jar files 226/273
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Once you save, u get this page. 227/273
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Copy the project that you want to execute from Jenkins as shown below

Copy the path till the project name 228/273
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Create a new job by clicking on new ITEM 229/273
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Enter name and click on free style project and click on OK button 230/273
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how to schedule suite execution time. 233/273
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Save the above

Install testng results plugin 235/273
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Navigate to available tab and search Testng Result plugin and install .. 236/273
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Select the same job and click on configure..

Select below and save 237/273
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Click on Build now 238/273
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Job is running and in progress as shown below. 239/273
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it will generate the report in Testng format as shown below. 240/273
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How do you send testng report via email ?

Step 1 : Install this plugin : Email Extension Plugin

Since the plugin is already installed, you can see the plugin under INSTALLED tab as shown
below. 241/273
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Step 2 : Add gmail server information to jenkins.

click on Manage Jenkins 242/273
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Step 3:

Add the below details under Extended Email notification as shown below. 244/273
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Step 4 :

Under EMAIL NOTIFICATION, click on ADVANCE button. 245/273
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Fill in all the below details

and click on TEST CONFIGURATION 246/273
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Check that the email is successfully sent out to the gmail inbox.

CLick on SAVE button. 247/273
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Step 5 : Now go the project related job, CLICK on CONFIGURE and add the mail recipients as
shown below.

Navigate to POst Build Actions and Select Editable Email Notification -- This is used to send
the testng execution status report in the mail body once the build is executed and finished
successfully. 248/273
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Add the below information 249/273
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select the CONTENT TYPE and click on ADVANCE SETTING 250/273
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On this page, add the below script under Pre Send script text area. 251/273
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Next step is select Always under Add Triggers drop down 252/273
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Once the above configuration is done, then build the project by clicking on Build now

check the build execution status as shown below. 253/273
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Mail recived successfuly in gmail inbox.. 254/273
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Go to

register and sign in

click on New Repository 255/273
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Now, download github desktop from the following url :

Now launch the github desktop.exe

File – New Repository 256/273
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Enter project name which we want to upload under NAME text box

And Local path is the actual workspace where in our project is located. 257/273
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Once it is uploaded successfully, u will get something like this as shown below. 259/273
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Now, go to the github , you will see that project is successfully uploaded to the central as
shown below 260/273
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Copy the URI above and import the project in Elcipse. 261/273
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It will start downloading the project from GIthub to the local system in eclipse. 262/273
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Once imported, we will do some changes and we will upload it back to github by using below

Right click on the project -- TEAM -- COMMIT 263/273
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now commit and push 264/273
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Now checkout the latest code from Github and get it in your local system. 265/273
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1. Add these 2 dependencies to pom.xml




<version>2.9.1</version> 266/273
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2. Create testng class and create an instance of LOGGER interface

static Logger log =


3. Create a log4j2.xml right under the src folder and do the following setting .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Configuration status="WARN">


<Property name="basePath">./logs</Property>



<RollingFile name="File" fileName="${basePath}/prints.log"


<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>

<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="500" />

</RollingFile> 267/273
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<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">

<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>




<Root level="trace">

<AppenderRef ref="File"/>




Important point : paste this file under the src folder in the project

Create a folder called logs under the projects and execute the script


Database connection using Selenium

package scripts;

import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.DriverManager;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.sql.Statement; 268/273
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import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert;

import generic.BaseTest;

import generic.Lib;

import pompages.LoginPage;

public class TestLogin_MySQLDatabaseusingSelenium extends BaseTest{

static Logger log =



public void testLogin() throws InterruptedException, SQLException{

log.debug("Creating an object of LoginPage pom class");

LoginPage l = new LoginPage(driver);"Loginpom object created successfully");

log.error("object creation failed");

try {


Connection con =
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306", "root", "root");

Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); 269/273
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ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `ACTITIME`.`USERS`");

while ( {

String username = rs.getString(1); // 1 refers to the first column

String password = rs.getString(2);




} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

log.fatal("Database Connection not established...");


String actualtitle = driver.getTitle();

SoftAssert s = new SoftAssert();

//s.assertEquals(actualtitle, "actiTIME - Enter Time-Track");


How to take snapshot for failed test cases in selenium ? 270/273
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After a script is executed, it captured the screenshots as shown below.

**************************************************************************** 272/273
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List of Exceptions


1. IllegalStateExcep on [Java - Unchecked] (driver exe path not set)

2. InterruptedExcep on [Java - Checked ] (Thread.sleep)
3. IOExcep on[Java-Checked][File handling scenario]
4. AWTExcep on [Abstract Window Toolkit] [java - checked] [While handling Robot object]
5. NoSuchElementExcep on[Selenium - unchecked][unable to locate the element]
6. JavascriptExcep on[Selenium-Unchecked][on clicking on a bu on using submit() and the
bu on don’t have an a ribute called type=’submit’]
7. InvalidElementStateExcep on[Selenium- unchecked]- when element is disabled, and we
use sendkeys, or clear or click methods, to perform any opera on on the disabled
8. NoSuchFrameExcep on[Unchecked - selenium] [when specified frame is not present on
the webpage]
9. NoSuchWindowExcep on[Unchecked - selenium] no such window: target window
already closed
10. NoAlertPresentExcep on [Selenium - unchecked] [When no alert is present]
11. NoSuchSessionException: Session ID is null [Unchecked - Selenium] when driver.quit is
called and then you are trying to access any browser
12. ElementNoVisibleException :- Element not visible but present in DOM, we get this
excep on.


URL for the automa on framework

h ps:// 273/273

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