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Borrower Application Information

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Borrower Full Name: f% \ yft YVXj^^ j^-f C ^<Av M/^ Private Mortgage Banker REFERRED BY: Current Address: 7 L| 1 \ ^ \ C fr*w&* ^Lt^T^ City/State/Zip A-tW^OA CA <\OVr Date / / 25 / \ \ Own Rent \/ Rent S ^7 5 P
578 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 phone 650-543-1095 foe 877-822-326' ckani@pmahomeloans.con

If less than 2 years, please provide prior addresses so there is 2 year history: From To

H o m e Te l e p h o n e : ^ O T J W * - \ 1 ^ 5 F a x : 5 1 ^ 5 ^ 5 t y J z B Email address: Qj Of @) 6l^X Deofc^rVNCtA* 6^o ^ Social Security Number: Date of Birth: \ Q / U / gj Number of dependents and ages: R Number of years in school:


Current Employer : 0", ft c/i d e 0/f. "K/ Work Address:

Start date ( Q / Q ( / Og

: 34 3 c eyac ci/i^d-z.
Work Phone Number:

City/State/Zip/ Type of Business:

Current titlee / p o s i t i , . : m Years in this profession " [ase MonthlylSalaTy: Other Income: Total Monthly Income:

rn-^rnxAr v.Ajgo e.chsu>b>

^p f^^fr^^

& Q^^XA^



If you have been at present employer for least than 2 years, please include previous employment: Name & address of Employers Title/Position: Start Date: / / End Date: If own- What is the estimated value of current home: Ns Original Date of Purchase: $ Property Taxes: $ Insurance: $ HOA Dues: $ (IF PURCHASE APPLICATION): what are v<*ur plans for your current If a Purchase - What is the sales price (estimate only) for your planned new home: What is the percentage or dollar amount of your down payment: Assets - List institution, type of account and dollar amount - Savings / Checking / Brokerage / Investments: Salary:

Other Assets - List type of account and balance - IRA/ Keogh/ SEP / Retirement / Pension / 401K:

Please provide any additional information on the reverse side of this page or separate pages.

CO-Borrower Application Informati

Borrower Full Name: Christine Kani Private Mortgage Banker
578 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 phone 650-543-10' foe 877-822-32(

Fedce Qwawan
Current Address: 3 L|.Z| | QamirVO Reo\ # ^VCity/State/Zip /Vft/1 erf-CYl / Cft /^f0^! Date 07/ 23 I 2X>\\ Own

Rent$ o?75C /WWl

If less than 2 years, please provide prior addresses so there is 2 year history:

Home Telephone: Q\0 -70 J -^{ZSQp Email address: ^fe\\CtO^V\aN CtV\Q 0\ VVICi 11 Oorv) Social Secunty Number:


Date of Birth: Dec, I mber of years in school:


Current Employer: Work Address: City/ State / Zip/ Type of Business: Current title / position: Years in this profession Base Monthly Salary: Other Income: Total Monthly Income: Bonus:

Start date

Work Phone Number:

If you have been at present employer for least than 2 years, please include previous employment: Name & address of Employer: \< Title/Position: /

Start Date: / / End Date: / / Salai If own- What is the estimated value of current home: $ Original Date of Purchase: $_ Property Taxes: S Insurance: S_ HOA Dues: $

(if applicable)

(IF PURCHASE APPLICATION): what are your plans for your current home? If a Purchase - What is the sales price (estimate only) for your planned new home: What is the percentage or dollar amount of your down payment: Assets - List institution, type of account and dollar amount - Savings / Checking / Brokerage / Investments:

Other Assets - List type of account and balance - IRA/ Keogh/ SEP / Retirement / Pension / 401K:

Please provide any additional information on the reverse side of this page or separate pages.

Borrower's Certication/Verication Authorization/ Financial Privacy Notice

The "Lender":

If applying for a "reduced doc" loan, the undersigned certify the following: 1. I have applied for a rst mortgage loan from the Lender. I may also have applied for a second mortgage loan from the Lender. In applying for the loan(s), I/We completed a loan applications) containing various Information on the purpose of the toanjs), the amount and source of the down payment, employment and income information, and assets and liabilities I/We certify that all of the information is true and complete. I/We made no misrepresentations in the loan applicationfe) or other documents, nordid l/we omit any pertinent information. ?* l^ ^SfT13^3!! iiiformation ^^ "^rtsage toan applications) with the employer and/orathe nancial institution. include verifying the arae.that provided on the review proems may be changed to full docummtation promam. This may 2^52515^2^ when applying ^J?this/these crinro gMjnfsTtabte tyy ffmeunder the provisionsbochv o knowfngly States a*y raise stetements ^!!?erS^!^ ^'^ for aFe<^l mortgages), as applicable or inrtprlsonmem, or of Title 18, United nx^co Code. Section

Verication Authorization
1. I/Wehaye applied for credit As part of the application process, the Lender, REI^ Reportiiw Services LLC dba Rels Credit and documents required in connection with this loan. ffk*i on m wrier

2* IiWo^!!SJa=e y0U * Pr9v?c to ^^ -eKter and to amy potential Investor or msurer of this loan, any and all information and d^n^iteton requested. Such Information may include, but is not limited to: employment and iraWhistow ^2rrSnev markevand similar account balances; credit history; and copies of income tax return! The saircoftne information n^T* cc from, but is not limited to: credit bureaus; banks another depository instituSons Vur^rSlfo^^ve^ederal or state records including State Employment Security Agency (SESorecords; or other scWaste*SreT P ^' **" 3. JJteaim^orizattontoacCTsseintf

4. A copy of this authorization may be accepted as an original.











Financial Privacy Notice

NMFL #1097 CBCAC) Rev. 02/15/2008

Fax Information (it applicable)

Date: To : Fax: From:. Phone: Fax:_

Consent for Credit

We are pleased to have the opportunity to assist you with your home nancing needs. I / We, the undersigned consumer(s), direct copies of my/our credit reports. (Lender Name) to obtain

This consent shall automatically expire thirty (30) days from the date of my/our signature(s) below.

f. Printed Name: f\\l>{> fo(>k W ^W^ Date of Birth: 10/ " J O 3 Credit Report Ref #:
It is required that the HMC legibly writes the entire 15 digit credit report reference number (not the SSN) on the above * * * * k . i i w u i w i l t i n g u y dashes, ihyphens t o u i symbols line without writing any u a i i e O | l y p i i c # i or 9 y


tName: fgjlCP

Date f^lirl^

Signature A Printed

D a t e o f B i r t h : > " > i f r t ? ^ / W K e H w,

Address: ^tfzj 1 flaiA/nV^ gfcfll # ^ { Cfr C\{+0'Uj

S i g n a t u r W // $ t f < & f i z * \ S J e




Consent for Credit form is to be used for only one credit report reference number


LENDER TO COMPLETE: Home Mortgage Consultant to fax completed form by next business day to secure fax: 866-512-6377 (not for customer's use)
NMFL0 0331JV Easy Order #102449 Rev. 12/2010

For Internal Use Only - If providing copy to borrower the credit card number must be removed.

Credit Card Charge / Refund Notication

Ail elds must be completed. Please fax to: Cash Receipts (800) 300-7979 Cash Receipts will not process a credit card form that is more than 2 months old. D N e w F o r m C o r r e c t e d F o r m

Branch Contact Information

HMC/Contact Name: Telephone Number: Date: Ext. *

Borrower Information: **Must be completely lled out *

Borrower Name:

/VUy y^ecb/w/uj
A.U. Number:

Cardholder name: (If different than borrower) Loan Number: Mastercard




Credit Card Number: L/?g8 ^k^lpD ^f ?0O %<$?{ Expiration Date:

$ $ "^U $ ~ $ $ $ $ ^

Date Form Faxed

Ifa/lj '"itials: ./V/?

Application Fee Credit Report Appraisal Fee Lock Fee Builder Best Fee Other (Please Specify) Total


7 7 .

The fee amounts must be entered into the mainframe in the FCC column of the GF1 or HD1-5 screens. The issuer of the card identied on this item is authorized to pay the amount shown as TOTAL upon proper presentation. I promise to pay such TOTAL (together with any other charges due thereon) subject to and in accordance with the agreementaoveming the use of such card. Customer Signature: * * * Amount of refund: Reason for refund: Loan must be one of the following. Please indicate loan status: CanceledQ DeniecQ FundedD AU Manager Printed Name: Employee number: AU Manager Signature: Date: Date:

1/ zs/ I

Refund Information Only*

* *

NOTE** All refunds require AU Manager approval

NMFL# 3473 (CCCN) Rev. 10/2007

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