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Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3150703 Date:05/10/2021
Subject Name:Analysis & Design of Algorithms
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Explain Asymptotic notations. 03
(b) What is Principle of Optimality? Explain its use in Dynamic 04
Programming Method.
(c) Explain why algorithm analysis is important. Also explain Worst Case, 07
Best Case & Average Case Complexity of algorithm.

Q.2 (a) Explain Master method for solving Recurrence. 03

(b) Explain Counting Sort algorithm with example. 04
(c) Explain Quick Sort algorithm with suitable example. Also give its 07
complexity analysis.
(c) Explain Binary search algorithm with divide and conquer strategy and 07
show that the solution to the binary search recurrence T(n)= T(n/2) +
Ѳ (1) is T(n) = Ѳ(lgn).

Q.3 (a) Explain general characteristics of Greedy algorithm. 03

(b) Write Kruskal’s algorithm to find Minimum Spanning Tree. 04
(c) Write Huffman code algorithm and Generate Huffman code for 07
Symbol a b c d e
Frequency 35 25 20 12 8
Q.3 (a) Define amortized analysis. Briefly explain any two techniques. 03
(b) Write algorithm to find Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Prim’s 04
(c) Using Greedy method find an optimal solution for fractional knapsack 07
problem given below:
n=7, W=15.
Weight (w) 2 3 5 7 1 4 1
Profit (p) 10 5 15 7 6 18 3

Q.4 (a) Explain Optimal Substructure and Overlapping sub problems with 03
suitable example.
(b) Explain All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm. 04
(c) Given two sequences of characters, M=<A,B,C,D,B,A,C,D,F>, 07
N=<C,B,A,F> Obtain the Longest Common Subsequence. Write
equations and necessary steps.

Q.4 (a) Explain: Articulation Point, Graph, Minimum Spanning Tree. 03
(b) Explain Depth First Search algorithm. 04
(c) Solve the following Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Method. Write 07
the equation and steps for solving above problem. n = 5, W = 100
Object 1 2 3 4 5
Weight (w) 10 20 30 40 50
Value (v) 20 30 66 40 60

Q.5 (a) Explain Hamiltonian problem. 03

(b) Explain Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching algorithm with example. 04
(c) Give state space tree after application of backtracking for Knapsack 07
problem given below and explain it briefly.
Number of objects=4, Capacity of knapsack= W= 8 units. Objects
weight are (2, 3, 4, 5) and values are (3, 5, 6, 10) respectively
Q.5 (a) Explain Branch and Bound technique briefly. 03
(b) Define P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problem 04
(c) Explain Rabin-Karp Algorithm for string matching with example and 07
show all necessary steps.


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