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AC Fundamentals

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AC fundamentals

• Alternating currents (ac) are currents that alternate in direction (usually many
times per second). Such currents are produced by voltage sources whose
polarities alternate between positive and negative. By convention, alternating
currents are called ac currents and alternating voltages are called ac voltages.

• Waveform: It is a graph showing the manner in which an alternating

quantity changes with t
• Frequency: The number of cycles per second of a waveform is defined as
its frequency.
1 Hz =1 cycle per second .
Time period(T):
Amplitude and Peak Value:
Instantaneous value:
• Instantaneous values are the values of the alternating quantities at any instant of time. They are
represented by small letters, i, υ, e, etc
Voltages and Currents with Phase Shifts
Phase difference:
Phase relations:
• The terms lead and lag are used to indicate the relationship between two sinusoidal waveforms
of the same frequency plotted on the same set of axes. In Fig. 5.7, the cosine curve is said to
lead the sine curve by 90°, and the sine curve is said to lag the cosine curve by 90°. The 90° is
referred to as the phase angle between the two waveforms.

• The current in an a.c. circuit at any time t seconds is given by: i =120sin
(100πt +0.36) amperes. Find: (a) The peak value, the periodic time, the
frequency and phase angle relative to 120 sin100πt (b) The value of the
current when t =0 (c) The value of the current when t =8ms (d) The time
when the current first reaches 60A
Average value

• To find the average value of a waveform, divide the area under the waveform by the
length of its base. Average values are also called dc values, because dc meters
indicate average values rather than instantaneous values. In general, average value is
given by:
Example : Determine the average value of the waveforms of the figures
shown below:
• Sine Wave Averages Because a sine wave is symmetrical, its area below the
horizontal axis is the same as its area above the axis; thus, over a full cycle its net
area is zero, independent of frequency and phase angle. The average of half a sine
wave, however, is not zero. Consider Figure 5–8. The area under the half-cycle may
be found using calculus as:
Effective value (or Root Mean Square –RMS)

An effective value is an equivalent dc value:

It tells you how many volts or amps of dc that a time-varying waveform is

equal to in terms of its ability to produce average power. Effective values

depend on the waveform.

Effective Values for Sine Waves:
• The effective value of a waveform can be determined using the circuits of Figure

• Consider (a) sinusoidally varying current, i(t). By definition, the effective value of i
is that value of dc current that produces the same average power.

• Consider (b). Let the dc source be adjusted until its average power is the same as
the average power in (a).

• The resulting dc current is then the effective value of the current of (a). To
determine this value, determine the average power for both cases, and then
equate them.
Form Factor
Peak Factor(Crest Factor)

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