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Identification of Volatile Compounds in Cured Mexican Vanilla

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Identification of volatile compounds in cured Mexican vanilla (Vanilla

planifolia G. Jackson) beans using headspace solid-phase microextraction
with gas chromatography-mass spectro...

Article  in  Fruits · July 2016

DOI: 10.1051/fruits/2016032


10 1,708

6 authors, including:

Hassan Sabik Denis Belanger

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


María De los Ángeles Vivar-Vera Mayra Nicolás García

Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtepec Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Vainilla View project

Tomato breeding View project

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Fruits, 2016, vol. 71(6), p. 407-418

c Cirad / EDP Sciences 2016
DOI: 10.1051/fruits/2016032
Available online at:

Original article

Identification of volatile compounds in cured Mexican vanilla

(Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson) beans using headspace
solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography-mass
Sabik Hassan1 , Pérez-Silva Araceli2, , Bélanger Denis1 , Vivar-Vera María de los Ángeles2 , Nicolás-García
Mayra2 and Reyes-López Delfino3
Food Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 8E3, Canada
Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtepec, Av. Dr. Víctor Bravo Ahuja s/n, Col. 5 de Mayo, C.P. 68350, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico
Escuela de Ingeniería Agrohidráulica, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Domicilio conocido, San Juan Acateno,
Tezuitlán, Puebla Pue, Mexico

Received 17 August 2015 – Accepted 7 July 2016

Abstract – Introduction. Headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spec-
trometry (HS–SPME–GC/MS) was applied to identify volatile compounds in cured vanilla (Vanilla planifolia G.
Jackson) beans originating from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Materials and methods. A 6 kg batch from the 2012
production year was used in the study. Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (85 µm) fibre was selected because it had shown
a high capacity to extract detected volatiles. Results and discussion. A total of 81 volatile compounds were detected,
of which 77 were identified by comparing their mass spectra and retention times, as well as their Kovats retention in-
dices, with those of injected standards and/or by searching the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Mass
Spectral Library database. Of those compounds, 21 shikimate derivatives, 14 terpenes/cadinenes, 12 furan derivatives,
6 esters, 7 acids, 4 ketones, 5 aldehydes, 4 hydrocarbons, 3 alcohols and 1 pyrrole were identified. Conclusion. A total
of 31 volatiles have already been reported as aroma-active compounds in cured beans of Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla
tahitensis. However, to our knowledge, 11 aromatic compounds found in this study have not previously been detected
in vanilla beans.

Keywords: Mexico / vanilla / Vanilla planifolia / aroma / volatile compounds

Résumé – Identification des composés volatils des gousses de vanille mexicaine séchées (Vanilla planifolia G.
Jackson) par HS-SPME–GC/MS. Introduction. La micro-extraction par surface de tête en phase solide couplée
avec chromatographie en phase gazeuse et spectrométrie de masse (HS–SPME–GC/MS) a été appliquée pour identifier
les composés volatils des gousses de vanille séchées (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson) provenant de l’État de Veracruz,
au Mexique. Matériel et méthodes. Un lot de 6 kg issu de la production de l’année 2012 a été utilisé dans l’étude.
Une fibre en carboxy-polydiméthylsiloxane (85 µm) a été choisie en raison de sa grande capacité d’extraction des
composés volatils détectés. Résultats et discussion. Un total de 81 composés volatils ont été détectés, dont 77 ont été
identifiés en comparant leurs spectres de masse et leurs temps de rétention, ainsi que leurs indices de rétention Kovats,
avec ceux des standards injectés et/ou en recherchant dans la base de données de la bibliothèque de l’Institut National
des Références et de Technologie en Masse Spectrale. Parmi ces composés, ont été identifiés 21 dérivés shikimate, 14
terpènes/cadinènes, 12 dérivés du furanne, 6 esters, 7 acides, 4 cétones, 5 aldéhydes, 4 hydrocarbures, 3 alcools et 1
pyrrole. Conclusion. Un total de 31 volatils avaient déjà été rapportés comme composés aromatiques actifs dans les
gousses séchées de Vanilla planifolia et Vanilla tahitensis. Cependant, à notre connaissance, 11 composés aromatiques
présents dans cette étude n’avaient jamais encore été détectés dans les gousses de vanille.

Mots clés : Mexique / vanille / Vanilla planifolia / composé d’arôme / composé volatil

Corresponding author:
408 S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

1 Introduction chromatography-olfactometry, (GC-O)). Pérez-Silva et al. [14]

first reported the presence of 26 odor-active compounds in
The fruit of the orchid Vanilla planifolia was first used in an organic extract (pentane/diethyl ether, 1:1) prepared from
Mexico by the Aztecs to scent their temples and flavor their 500 mg of V. planifolia powder from Mexico. This work
drinks. Historically, the Aztecs protected the secrets of the pro- highlighted the contribution of other compounds present at
duction of domesticated vanilla to flavor chocolate; it was also low levels to the key aroma of vanilla. Subsequently, Zhang
used to pay tribute to the emperor and the gods. The history of and Mueller [17] identified 78 flavors in an organic extract
vanilla is full of traditions and it has been valued throughout (dichloromethane) of vanilla from Madagascar and Uganda.
the centuries for culinary, medicinal and religious reasons. It Takahashi et al. [18] reported 17 flavors in an organic extract
is currently the second most expensive spice after saffron [1]. (diethyl ether) using 30 g of vanilla powder from Madagascar,
The use of vanilla became familiar during the conquest of whereas Brunschwig et al. [16] reported 38 compounds in ex-
Mexico by the Spaniards; the plant was spread throughout the tracts obtained by micro-simultaneous distillation-extraction
world and is now grown in tropical regions such as Madagas- (micro-SDE) from three different cultivars of V. tahitensis,
car, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, Indonesia, India, Tahiti, the which is the second most commercially important species of
Comoro Islands, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Mexico [2]. Al- vanilla. Another study conducted by Takahashi et al. [19] re-
though Mexico is no longer the leading producer of vanilla, ported the detection of 20 Tahitian vanilla flavors in organic
it is its ancestral home and one of the most important centers extracts.
of genetic diversity of this appreciated orchid [3]. Its cultiva- Most studies on the identification of volatiles in vanilla ex-
tion persists to date as a source of income for approximately tracts used mainly large quantities of organic solvents as well
4,000 rural families, and is part of the culture and history as laborious extraction techniques. Moreover, their recover-
of the Totonacs [4–6]. Global demand for cured vanilla cur- ies in solvent extracts were not always exhaustive, as not all
rently stands at about 4,000 tons per year, of which only half volatiles were extracted, particularly at low levels. The best
is produced; this shortage has resulted in an increase in price. extraction and analytical techniques for food flavor analysis
In 2015, the cost of quality gourmet vanilla beans reached $ should not adulterate samples in any way. The solid-phase mi-
250 kg−1 [7]. Madagascar and Indonesia together supply about croextraction (SPME) technique fits the criteria for food in-
80% [8] while Mexico ranks seventh, with 4% of the world dustry flavor analysis, as SPME is solvent-free, low cost, easy
production. to use and relatively fast, yet it is sensitive enough for quality
The aroma “vanilla” is one of the most commonly used control purposes and does not adulterate samples at suitable
flavors in the food industry [9], particularly preferred by extraction temperatures [41–47]. A few studies have analyzed
consumers of dairy products, confectionery products and phar- vanilla flavors using SPME combined with GC/MS (SPME–
maceutical formulations [10, 11]. However, only 1% of con- GC/MS), particularly for the determination of the quality and
sumer products are flavored with natural vanilla [9, 12]; other authenticity of the alcoholic extracts of vanilla [25, 29, 48]
aromatized “vanilla” products are flavored with synthetic and the evaluation of vanilla essential oils [49], but no studies
vanillin [13], Vanilla planifolia being the species with the high- have focused on the identification of flavors in cured vanilla
est content of vanillin. However, the exquisite natural aroma bean pods. Our laboratory has developed methods to optimize
of vanilla is very complex and is due to a complex mix- the analysis of volatile compounds by headspace SPME (HS–
ture of different volatile compounds, not only to the presence SPME) combined with GC-MS (HS–SPME–GC/MS) that will
of vanillin [14–19]. On the other hand, the aroma of cured be adapted to cured vanilla beans.
vanilla beans may vary depending on various factors such as The objective of the present study was to establish a HS–
the species [20], maturity of the pods [12, 21], place and pro- SPME–GC/MS method as well as to identify volatile com-
duction conditions [13, 22], curing process [13, 15, 23, 24], ponents in cured vanilla (V. planifolia) bean pods originating
and method of analysis [25, 26]. In this latter aspect, the from the state of Veracruz, Mexico.
complex aroma of vanilla has been studied mainly by ana-
lyzing alcoholic extracts and cured vanilla beans using dif-
ferent extraction and analytical methods, including thin-layer 2 Materials and methods
chromatography [27], high-performance liquid chromatog-
raphy [28], liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry [29], 2.1 Chemicals and reagents
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [30], micellar elec-
trokinetic chromatography [31] and nuclear magnetic reso- Reagents and 26 pure commercial standards (ben-
nance [32]. Most of these methods were extensively described zaldehyde, p-cresol, guaiacol, p-creosol, salicylic acid
by Sinha et al. [26]. Various studies of flavors have led to methyl ester, p-anisaldehyde, p-anisyl alcohol, (Z)-cinnamic
the identification of more than 450 volatile compounds in acid methyl ester, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, p-
samples of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) from different parts cymene, d-limonene, α-terpinene, furfural, γ-butyrolactone, 5-
of the world [14, 17, 18, 27, 30, 33–40]. Phenolic volatiles, methylfurfural, 2-pentylfuran, hexanal, heptanal, safranal, 3-
namely vanillin, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and p- methylbutanoic acid, pentanoic acid, hexanoic acid, hexanoic
hydroxybenzoic acid, are the major components in V. plan- acid methyl ester, nonanoic acid methyl ester and 1-pentanol)
ifolia. However, several studies have recently demonstrated were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Oakville, ON, Canada).
the importance of other flavors in cured vanilla beans us- Methanol was purchased from Burdick & Jackson and sup-
ing gas chromatography coupled to a sniffing port (gas plied by VWR International (Toronto, ON, Canada).
S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418 409

2.2 Preparation of standards operated in splitless mode for 3 min at 300 ◦ C. The oven tem-
perature program began with 3 min at 35 ◦ C, followed by a
Individual stock solutions of each commercial standard 6 ◦ C/min increase to 280 ◦ C, and then 5 min at 280 ◦ C. Detec-
were prepared in 15-mL screw-top amber vials (Supelco, tion was carried out by MS on the total ion current obtained by
Oakville, ON, Canada) as follows. Pre-sterilized tips for use electron impact at 70 eV. The mass range acquisition was m/z
with Rainin Instrument POSD pipettes (Oakland, CA, USA) 30–400. The best analytical conditions were determined using
were used for distributing the standards. A 10-µL amount of real cured vanilla bean samples. However, 25 standards were
each commercial standard was individually diluted in 10 mL injected to determine their Kovats retention indices. Volatiles
of methanol (Solution 1). A 1-mL amount of Solution 1 was were identified on the basis of their retention times when
then diluted ten-fold individually and as a group in methanol standards were available, as well as by means of searches of
(Solutions 2 and 3, respectively). A 10-µL amount of Solutions the 2005 version of the National Institute of Standards and
2 and 3 were separately diluted in 1-mL of NaCl solution (6 M) Technology’s Mass Spectral Library database. Otherwise, they
and then analyzed by HS–SPME–GC/MS. were identified on the basis of their linear retention indices as
well as electron ionization mass spectra from the literature or
from reference compounds. The linear retention index was cal-
2.3 Sampling and sample preparation culated using n-alkanes (C5–C20) as a reference.

A 6-kg batch of cured vanilla (V. planifolia G. Jackson)

bean pods was selected from Gutiérrez Zamora, in the state of 3 Results and discussion
Veracruz, Mexico. The batch was from the 2012 production
year. The moisture percentage and vanillin content of vanilla 3.1 Extraction and HS–SPME–GC/MS conditions
samples were 34% and 1.9% dry weight, respectively.
Then, the cured vanilla beans (6 kg) were cut lengthwise The concentration of analytes in the headspace depends in
and crosswise, using scissors, into pieces of about 0.5 cm general on several factors: (1) the concentration in the original
(430 g). The samples were stored in the dark at 4 ◦ C until sample; (2) the volatility of the compound; (3) the solubility
analysis. A 1-g sample of homogenized cured vanilla beans of that compound in the sample matrix; (4) the temperature of
was weighed into a 10-mL screw-top headspace amber vial, the sample; and (5) a combination of the size of the vial and
and the vial was sealed with a stainless steel (magnetic) screw the time that the sample has been in it [50].
cap containing a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)/silicone sep- To establish the HS–SPME–GC/MS method, the following
tum (Varian, Mississauga, ON, Canada). Powder samples were steps were performed: (1) a choice was made between cut and
prepared by first freezing cut vanilla in liquid nitrogen and then ground vanilla samples; and (2) the fibre and the HS–SPME–
slowly adding the frozen cut vanilla to a centrifugal grind- GC/MS parameters were selected.
ing mill (Retsch LB-49; Newtown, PA, USA) operated at
10,000 rpm for 5 min using a 0.5- or 1.0-mm sieve in order
to obtain powders of the desired particle sizes. 3.1.1 Selection of the sample preparation method

Three different samples were prepared (1 g each, in trip-

2.4 HS–SPME–GC/MS analyses licate) as follows: the first sample was cut vanilla, and the
second and third samples were ground vanilla prepared us-
The HS–SPME sampling was carried out using an auto- ing 0.5-mm and 1.0-mm sieves, respectively. The powdered
mated multipurpose sampler (MPS2; Gerstel, Baltimore, MD, vanilla samples were analyzed by themselves and also with
USA). Three fibres, namely Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane the addition of 1 mL water or 1 mL of NaCl solution (6 N).
(CAR/PDMS, 85 µm), Carbowax/divinylbenzene (CW/DVB, All trials were done using CAR/PDMS fibre under the follow-
65 µm) and polyacrylate (PA, 85 µm), purchased from Su- ing conditions: 1 g sample, extraction temperature of 50 ◦ C,
pelco, were tested at different extraction temperatures (40, 50 extraction time of 30 min and desorption time of 3 min.
or 60 ◦ C) and times (20, 30 or 40 min). The results did not show any significant differences among
The analyses were performed using a Varian model the sample preparation methods in terms of sensitivity and se-
3800 GC system (Palo Alto, CA, USA) fitted with a 1078/1079 lectivity for detected volatiles (results not shown), and thus
split/splitless injector (SPME glass insert, 0.8 mm ID; Var- cut vanilla samples were chosen because of their ease of
ian, Mississauga, ON, Canada) suitable for HS–SPME anal- preparation.
ysis, along with a Saturn 2000 mass spectrometry (MS) sys-
tem (Varian, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Helium was used as the
carrier gas, with a constant flow rate of 1 mL min−1 . The com- 3.1.2 Selection of SPME fibre
ponents were separated on a VF-5MS capillary column (5%
phenyl/ 95% dimethylpolysiloxane, equivalent to a DB-5MS; Based on their capacities to show broad retention over a
Varian, Mississauga, ON, Canada) measuring 30 m × 0.25 mm wide range of polarities, three types of fibres were selected
with a film thickness of 0.25 µm. Targeted compounds were for study: CAR/PDMS (85 µm), CW/DVB (65 µm) and PA
desorbed for 9 min by directly inserting the fibre into the in- (85 µm). All trials were done using the following conditions:
jection port of the gas chromatography (GC) unit, which was 1 g of cut cured vanilla beans, extraction temperature of 50 ◦ C,
410 S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

extraction time of 30 min and desorption time of 3 min. Be- could contaminate the system and thus would still be detected
cause of the very high percentage of vanillin (85%) in rela- in the subsequent blank samples (the carry-over phenomenon).
tion to the total amount (surface area) of volatiles detected in Matrix preparation and sample volume/weight can also
cured vanilla beans from Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico [14], the strongly influence the adsorption of analytes onto the SPME
total number of volatiles detected was used instead of their fibre. At higher values for each of these parameters, reverse
total amount (surface area) to select the SPME fibre. Thus, diffusion of analytes could occur from the fibre to the sample,
81, 70 and 78 volatile compounds were detected when using resulting in a reduction of the fibre’s capacity to adsorb the an-
CAR/PDMS, CW/DVB and PA fibres, respectively. The ma- alytes [56]. A series of tests were carried out on the selected
jority of compounds detected using CW/DVB and PA fibres fibre in cut cured vanilla beans with and without the addition
were also detected using CAR/PDMS fibre; however, the sur- of 1 mL of MilliQ water or NaCl solution (6 M). These treat-
face areas of their related peaks were different for each fibre. In ments evaluated the influence of the addition of water or salt on
terms of sensitivity and selectivity, CAR/PDMS fibre provided the migration of the analytes from the matrix to the headspace.
better results than the others for volatile components and was Neither agitation nor the addition of MilliQ water or NaCl so-
thus selected for the present study. This finding concurred with lution (6 M) produced any improvement in percentage recov-
those of other studies on foodstuffs [51–53]. In fact, this fibre eries for the majority of volatiles (results not shown). A 1-g
showed the greatest capacity to extract chemical compounds mass of cured vanilla beans was sufficient to allow detection of
with a broad spectrum of polarities and molar masses [53]. targeted compounds; no significant increase in sensitivity was
observed when the sample weight was increased to 2 or even
3 g. The desorption time was set at 9 min, as a shorter time
3.1.3 Selection of HS–SPME–GC/MS parameters was not sufficient to completely desorb some analytes, partic-
The temperature of extraction and the time of extraction ularly vanillin. All trials conducted for method development
and desorption were reported previously to be the most sig- and validation used 1 g cut cured vanilla beans, CAR/PDMS
nificant factors in HS–SPME–GC/MS analysis of flavor com- fibre (85 µm), an extraction temperature of 40 ◦ C, an extraction
pounds. Factors modifying the matrix can also influence the time of 20 min, and a desorption time of 9 min. The detection
sensitivity of the fibre extraction. The addition of a salt such as limit (DL) was assumed to be less than or equal to three times
NaCl improves the effectiveness of the extraction by decreas- the signal/noise (S/N) ratio (DL ≤ 3 S/N). The quantification
ing the solubility of the analytes (the phenomenon of salting limit (QL) was assumed to be less than or equal to 10 times the
out) in an aqueous sample [54]. The pH can also modify the S/N (QL ≤ 10 S/N).
matrix; for example, the use of a 0.1 M phosphate buffer, with The repeatability of extraction by CAR/PDMS fibre was
a pH lower than the pKa of the acids involved, decreases the measured with six samples of cured vanilla beans (1 g cut
solubility of the acids and renders them more volatile. Finally, vanilla) under the conditions established above. Coefficients
sample agitation reduces the extraction time and generally im- of variation (CV) ranged from 2.2% to 21.9% (see table I).
proves extraction efficiency [55]. These parameters were all
considered in a previous study [43] and were taken into ac-
3.2 Identification of volatile components
count in the present one as well. Extraction temperatures of 40,
50 and 60 ◦ C and extraction times of 20, 30 and 40 min were The analysis of cured vanilla bean samples using HS–
tested in all combinations using CAR/PDMS fibres. A low ex- SPME–GC/MS detected 81 volatiles, of which 77 were iden-
traction temperature (e.g., 40 ◦ C) promotes the detection of tified. Of those compounds, 21 were shikimate derivatives, 14
less polar compounds, which come out of the column before were terpenes/cadinenes, 12 were furan derivatives, 6 were es-
10 min. In contrast, a high extraction temperature (e.g., 60 ◦ C) ters, 7 were acids, 4 were ketones, 5 were aldehydes, 4 were
promotes the detection of more polar compounds, which come hydrocarbons, 3 were alcohols and 1 was a pyrrole. A total of
out of the column after 10 min, specifically vanillin. Figure 1 31 volatiles have already been reported as aroma-active com-
shows the extraction percentages of vanillin using CAR/PDMS pounds in cured beans of V. planifolia and V. tahitensis (ta-
fibre at different temperatures and extraction times. The low- ble I). However, to our knowledge, 11 aromatic compounds
est percentage was obtained at 40 ◦ C 20 min−1 (10%), and the found in this study have not previously been detected in vanilla
highest percentage was obtained at 60 ◦ C 40 min−1 (100% of beans.
the scale).
A high percentage of vanillin saturates the detec-
tor [14, 17]. Of all the extraction conditions tested, the best 3.2.1 Shikimate derivatives (21)
were 40 ◦ C for 20 min−1 using CAR/PDMS fibre (see figure 2).
This choice was a compromise between the more volatile (less Shikimate derivatives were found to be the most abun-
polar) products that come out of the column before 10 min dant family and their total relative surface area was over
and the more polar products, especially vanillin, that come out 50%, 48% of which was related to vanillin. This fam-
after 10 min. Indeed, increases in the time and temperature ily comprised aldehydes (benzaldehyde, p-anisaldehyde, p-
of extraction will help increase the intensity of vanillin. This hydroxybenzaldehyde and vanillin), alcohols (benzyl alcohol,
increase in vanillin intensity has two drawbacks if one is in- p-cresol, guaiacol, p-creosol, p-anisyl alcohol and eugenol),
terested in detecting as many volatile components as possible: esters (salicylic acid methyl ester, (Z)-cinnamic acid methyl
less polar components that are present in vanilla in very small ester, (E)-cinnamic acid methyl ester, vanillic acid methyl es-
percentages may not be detected, and the high level of vanillin ter and benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester), ethers (veratrole,
Table I. Volatile compounds identified in vanilla beans by HS–SPME–GC/MS at 40 ◦ C 20 min−1 using CAR/PDMS fibre.
Compoundsa RSA (%)b CVc Kovats RId (Exp.) (Lit.) IDe Odor descriptorsf and references
Shikimate derivatives [21]
o-Cresol methyl etherg 0.10 13.7 (946) (983) MS, RI
Benzaldehyde 0.63 13.3 (956) (956) MS, RI, STD Sweet aromatic, spicy, bitter almond and dark, cherry-like [3]
Benzyl alcohol 0.33 17.6 (1026) (1021) MS, RI Chemical, fruity with balsamic nuances [3]
p-Cresol methyl ether 0.24 16.1 (1035) (1032) MS, RI Plastic, ether [2]
p−Cresol 0.78 5.7 (1071) (1075) MS, RI, STD Balsamic, wood, spicy, animal, phenolic [1–3]
Guaiacol 3.00 3.9 (1087) (1089) MS, RI, STD Chemical, sweet, smoky, aromatic, phenolic, medicinal [1–4]
1,2-Dimethoxybenzene (veratrole) 0.14 4.1 (1145) (1150) MS, RI Aromatic, somewhat phenolic, medicinal, slightly [3]
p-Creosol 0.50 4.6 (1189) (1202) MS, RI, STD Smoky, powerful cresylic [2, 3]
Salicylic acid methyl ester 0.91 4.8 (1193) (1190) MS, RI, STD Chalk, medicinal, phenolic, sweet, characteristic wintergreen [1, 3]
p-Anisaldehyde 0.08 7.7 (1257) (1251) MS, RI, STD Anise-like, almond, sweet, herbaceous-spicy, creamy, raspberry-like [2, 3, 5]
p-Anisyl alcohol 0.04 2.2 (1302) MS, STD Herbal, anise-like, sweet aromatic, balsamic, caramel, nutty, floral [1–3, 5]
(Z)-Cinnamic acid methyl ester 0.09 20.0 (1309) (1312) MS, RI, STD Sweet, fruity, balsamic, strawberry-like, cinnamon-like [1, 3, 4]
Eugenol 0.05 10.0 (1354) (1357) MS, RI Clove-live, spicy [3–5]
(E)-Cinnamic acid methyl ester 0.09 12.0 (1390) (1379) MS, RI Fruity, balsamic, strawberry-like, cinnamon-like [2–5]
p-Hydroxybenzaldehydeh 0.03 9.3 (1391) MS, STD Vanilla-like, biscuit [1]
Vanillin 48.02 7.1 (1406) (1393) MS, RI, STD Vanilla, sweet, creamy [1, 3–5]
Isovanillin 0.12 12.7 (1440) (1392) MS, RI Phenol, medicinal [5]
Acetovanillone 0.01 15.1 (1494) (1439) MS, RI Vanilla, sweet, honey [1, 3]
Vanillic acid methyl ester 0.15 11.6 (1515) (1526) MS, RI Sweet aromatic, spicy, slightly vanilla [3]
Vanillic acidh 0.04 20.6 (1567) (1560) MS, RI Sweet aromatic, somewhat vanilla; creamy, milky [3]
Benzoic acid phenylmethyl esterh 0.04 4.62 (1772) (1775) MS, RI Balsamic, oil, herb [6]
Terpenes/cadinenes [14]
m−Menth-1-eneg 1.87 8.2 (971) (987) MS, RI
S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

p−Cymene 0.25 13.2 (1008) (1025) MS, RI, STD Fresh, solvent, citrus [8]
d-Limonene 2.48 3.5 (1014) (1030) MS, RI, STD Citrus-like, fresh [6, 8]
α−Terpinene 0.18 10.9 (1054) (1018) MS, RI, STD Lemony, citrusy [8]
α−Bergamotene 0.36 6.0 (1434) (1431) MS, RI Wood, warm, tea [6]
α−Curcumene 0.14 10.9 (1480) (1480) MS, RI Herb [6]
Calamenene 0.12 12.7 (1527) (1524) MS, RI Herb, spice [6]
α−Calacorene 0.07 8.7 (1548) (1550) MS, RI Wood [6]
Cadalene 0.02 11.5 (1680) (1675) MS, RI Herbal, savory [3]
α−Cubebeneg 0.04 7.9 (1348) (1348) MS, RI Herb, wax [6]
α−Copaene 0.29 4.7 (1378) (1377) MS, RI Wood, spice [6]
γ−Muurolene 0.04 6.0 (1478) (1475) MS, RI Herb, wood, spice [6]
α−Muurolene 0.05 8.3 (1500) (1502) MS, RI Wood [6]
β−Cadinene 0.16 3.3 (1520) (1519) MS, RI
Furan derivatives [12]
2-Ethylfuran 0.96 13.4 (698) (702) MS, RI

Table I. Contineud.
Compoundsa RSA (%)b CVc Kovats RId (Exp.) (Lit.) IDe Odor descriptorsf and references
Furfural 4.08 4.2 (835) (830) MS, RI, STD Sweet caramel-like, nutty, baked bread, almond [3]
2-Furyl methyl ketone (2-acetylfuran) 0.27 11.5 (882) (893) MS, RI Balsamic [3]
2-Butylfuran 1.01 18.9 (888) (893) MS, RI
γ−Butyrolactone 0.03 12.1 (944) (927) MS, RI, STD Caramel, sweet [6]
5-Methylfurfural 0.67 4.3 (952) (978) MS, RI, STD Almond, caramel, burnt [6]
2-Pentylfuran 7.94 4.8 (976) (980) MS, RI, STD Green bean, butter [6]
2-[(2E)-2-Pentenyl]furang 0.43 6.9 (983) (1000) MS, RI
2-[(1E)-1-Pentenyl]furang 0.25 15.9 (1042) (1048) MS, RI
6-(5-Methyl-furan-2-yl)-hexan-2-oneg 0.03 12.4 (1276) MS
Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H)-furanone (γ-nonanolactone) 0.05 10.0 (1361) (1360) MS, RI Creamy-fatty, coconut- and apricot-like [3, 4]
Dihydroactinidiolide 0.02 9.9 (1539) (1536) MS, RI
Esters [6]
Hexanoic acid methyl ester 0.44 15.6 (919) (884) MS, RI, STD Fruity, fresh, sweet [6]
Heptanoic acid methyl ester 0.08 10.1 (1005) (1006) MS, RI
2-Methyl-2-nonenoic acid methyl esterg 0.35 10.8 (1110) MS
Octanoic acid methyl ester 0.21 18.6 (1120) (1112) MS, RI Fruity, fatty [3]
Nonanoic acid methyl ester 0.19 10.3 (1219) (1224) MS, RI, STD Oily, fatty, slightly fruity [3]
Hexadecanoic acid methyl esterh 0.83 12.7 (1838) (1870) MS, RI
Acids [7]
2-Methylpropanoic acid (isobutyric acid) 0.12 16.7 (769) (765) MS, RI Buttery[1]
3-Methylbutanoic acid (isovaleric acid) 0.29 20.0 (858) (848) MS, RI, STD Buttery, oily, acid, cheese, unpleasant [1–5]
2-Methylbutanoic acid 0.47 18.8 (867) (863) MS, RI Cheese, fruity, animal, acid, sweaty, buttery [2–5]
Pentanoic acid (valeric acid) 0.07 16.0 (892) (913) MS, RI, STD Cheese, strongly acidic, caprylic [1, 3]
Hexanoic acid 0.75 6.0 (986) (990) MS, RI, STD
2-Heptenoic acid 0.39 11.4 (1115) MS
Nonanoic acid 0.08 10.0 (1263) (1272) MS, RI Oily, fatty, caprylic, cheesy [3]
S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

Ketones [4]
Pentan-2-one 7.65 20.1 (682) (679) MS, RI Ether, fruit [6]
1-(2-Methyl-1-cyclopenten-1-yl)-ethanoneg 1.18 12.1 (850) (996) MS, RI
3-Octen-2-one 0.55 13.7 (1024) (1034) MS, RI Nut, crushed bug, fatty [6]
Hexahydrofarnesyl acetoneh 0.14 20.8 (1811) (1843) MS, RI Fat [6]
Aldehydes [5]
Propanal 0.28 18.4 (506) (506) MS, RI Solvent, pungent, plastic [6, 7]
2-Methylpropanal 0.31 19.7 (550) (554) MS, RI Green, pungent, burnt, malty [7]
Hexanal 1.74 12.6 (799) (803) MS, RI, STD Green, fruity [2]
Heptanal 0.61 10.9 (900) (904) MS, RI, STD Soap, fat, almond oily, rancid, powerful [6, 8]
Safranal 0.11 4.8 (1200) (1210) MS, RI, STD Herb, sweet [6]
Hydrocarbons [4]
2,4-Dimethylhexaneg 2.31 7.8 (797) (736)
(Z)-2-Octeneg 0.59 14.6 (803) (808) MS, RI
S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418 413

[1]: Pérez-Silva et al. [2, 14]: Brunschwig et al. [16]; [3] Zhang and Mueller [4, 17]: Takahashi et al. [18]; ( [7, 65]: [66];
ID: identification. The reliability of the identification proposal is indicated by the following: MS: mass spectrum in agreement with the mass spectral database; RI: Kovats RI in agreement
o-cresol methyl ether and p-cresol methyl ether), one ke-
tone (acetovanillone), and one acid (vanillic acid). The ma-
jority of these shikimate derivatives have previously been
reported as aromatic compounds in the genus Vanilla [14,
16–19, 57], with the exception of o-cresol methyl ether.
Odor descriptorsf and references

Clearly, the shikimate derivatives have a marked influence

Green, grassy, powerful [6, 8]

on the overall aroma of cured vanilla beans, but this is the

first time that o-cresol methyl ether has been detected in
Mushroom, earthy [8]

vanilla. p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillic acid (major com-

pounds in vanilla) and benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester
were detected only at an extraction temperature of 60 ◦ C
during the method development process. The most com-
mon odor qualities reported for this family were ‘balsamic’,
‘spicy’, ‘sweet’, ‘wood’, ‘phenolic’, ‘smoky’ and ‘vanilla’,
due largely to the following phenolic compounds: vanillin, p-
Kovats RI: retention index on a VF-5MS column (equivalent to DB-5MS) using C5–C20 alkanes; Exp.: experimental; Lit.: literature. hydroxybenzaldehyde, o-cresol methyl ether, p-cresol methyl
ether, p-creosol, eugenol, isovanillin and guaiacol. Guaiacol

has a negative effect on the key aroma of vanilla [48], espe-

cially when the guaiacol content increases and the vanillin con-


tent decreases [18].


The descriptors ‘anise-like’, ‘almond’, ‘raspberry-like’ and

‘floral’ were due in particular to p-anisaldehyde and p-anisyl
alcohol [16, 19]. Anisaldehyde was identified as an aromatic
Kovats RId (Exp.) (Lit.)

compound in V. planifolia from Mexico [14, 38], as well as in

Bourbon and Ugandan vanilla beans [17]. These compounds
together with anisic ethers and anisic acid are relatively more
abundant in V. tahitensis and thus have a strong impact on the
(1102) (1126)

Compounds are listed on the basis of their chemical family and Kovats retention index (RI) values.

characteristic aroma of this species [16,19,20,58,59], as shown

(773) (771)
(969) (969)
(811) (810)
(823) (827)

[8]: [67]. Descriptors in bold have been reported in the genus Vanilla.

in studies using AEDA (aroma extract dilution analysis) dilu-


tion factors of 1 953 125, 390 625 and 15 625 for anisaldehyde,
anisyl alcohol and anisyl acetate, respectively [19]. Brun-
schwig et al. [16] reported that Tahitian vanilla extract was
characterized by two families of descriptors (odors), ‘anise
with the literature; STD: mass spectrum and Kovats RI in agreement with standards.




spicy’ and ‘phenolic’, that respectively accounted for 35% and



32% of the overall flavor as analyzed by CHARM (combined

hedonic aroma response measurement). These classes were
sensory fingerprints of Tahitian vanilla flavors. The ‘aldehyde’
RSA (%)b

notes were rather important in Tahitian vanilla flavors, as they

contributed to 17% of the overall aroma.


In previous studies [37, 38, 57, 60], 10 compounds were

identified in a glycosylated form in the green pods of V. plani-
folia: benzyl alcohol, p-cresol, p-creosol, salicylic acid methyl

ester, p-anisyl alcohol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, ace-

tovanillone, vanillic acid methyl ester and vanillic acid. Al-
Compound detected for the first time in Vanilla.

though guaiacol was reported in glycosylated form in green

CV: coefficient of variation for six replicates;

pods [57], the study of the evolution of odor-active compounds

Identification conditions: 60 ◦ C 20 min−1 .

in vanilla (V. planifolia G. Jackson) beans during traditional

curing showed that guaiacol was formed in the second stage
of curing, after the first heat treatment of green pods, due to

RSA: Relative surface area (%)


thermal decarboxylation of vanillic acid [38]. Although vanil-


lic acid has a glycosidic origin, it can also be formed by


Alcohols [3]

the oxidation of vanillin by peroxidases [61] or during heat


Others [5]


treatment [11].
Table I. Contineud.

3.2.2 Terpenes/cadinenes (14)

Terpene compounds consisting of isoprene units are

an important part of essential oils. With the exception of


414 S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

Figure 1. Vanillin HS–SPME–GC/MS extraction using CAR/PDMS fibre (extraction temperature: 40, 50 or 60 ◦ C; extraction time: 20, 30 or
40 min).

Figure 2. Representative GC chromatogram of the volatiles in cured vanilla (V. planifolia G. Jackson), produced in Veracruz, Mexico. Peak
numbers: 1: propanal; 2: Propanal, 2-methyl-; 3: 2-Pentanone; 4: Furan, 2-ethyl-; 5: Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl-; 6: Hexanal; 2,4-dimethyl; 7:
1,3-Octadiene; 8: Furfural; 9: Ethanone, 1-(2-methyl-1-cyclopenten-1-yl)-; 10: Butanoic acid, 3-methyl-; 11: Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-; 12:
1-Propanone, 1-(2-furanyl)-; 13: Furan, 2-butyl-; 14: Heptanal; 15: Hexanoic acid, methyl ester; 16: benzaldehyde; 17: Furan, 2-pentyl-; 18:
D-Limonene; 19: 3-Octen-2-one; 20: Phenol, 4-methoxy-; 21: 3-Nonen-1-ol, (Z)-; 22: Octanoic acid, methyl ester; 23: Phenol, 2-methoxy-
4-methyl-; 24: Salicylic acid methyl ester; 25: Safranal; 26: Nonanoic acid, methyl ester; 27: 1H-Pyrrole-2,5-dione, 3-ethyl-4-methyl; 28:
Benzaldehyde, 4-methoxy-; 29: Cinnamic acid, methyl ester; 30: α-Cubebene; 31: Copaene; 32: Cinnamic acid, methyl ester, (E)-; 33: Vanillin.

m-menth-1-ene, all terpenes, namely monoterpenes (p- tributes: ‘fresh’, ‘citrus-like’, ‘lemony’, ‘herb’ and ‘wood’.
cymene, d-limonene and α-terpinene) and sesquiterpenes (α- Cadelene was identified in V. planifolia samples from Bourbon
bergamotene and α-curcumene), identified and analyzed in and Uganda as an aromatic compound with the descriptors
the studied pods have already been reported in previous stud- ‘herbal’ and ‘savory’, as reported by Zhang and Mueller [17].
ies [17, 36]. In addition to the above terpenes, eight cadinenes
were identified in vanilla, namely calamenene, α-calacorene, 3.2.3 Furan derivatives (12)
cadalene, α-cubebene, α-copaene, γ-muurolene, α-muurolene
and β-cadinene. α-Cubebene is reported for the first time in Twelve furans were identified, of which 2-[(2E)-2-
V. planifolia. Some compounds of this family have been iden- pentenyl] furan, 2-[(1E)-1-pentenyl] furan and 6-(5-methyl-
tified in vanilla samples with mainly the following flavor at- furan-2-yl)-hexan-2-one have not previously been reported
S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418 415

in vanilla. Dihydroactinidiolide is also reported here for the 3.2.5 Hydrocarbons (4) and alcohols (3)
first time in V. planifolia, as this furan has been reported only in
V. tahitensis, by Da Costa and Pantini [59]. The aromatic com- Only four hydrocarbons were identified in the present
pounds of this family reported in V. planifolia include 2-furyl study, which are reported for the first time in V. planifo-
methyl ketone, 2-butylfuran and γ-nonanolactone [17,18]. The lia: isomers (Z) and (E) of 2-octene, (3E)-1,3-Octadiene and
flavor attributes described for these compounds were ‘sweet’, 2,4-dimethylhexane. However, various aliphatic hydrocarbons
‘caramel-like’, ‘nutty’, ‘baked bread’, ‘almond’, ‘balsamic’, have already been reported in the literature [14, 17, 33, 36, 38].
‘creamy-fatty’, ‘coconut’ and ‘apricot-like’. According to the Thus, Ramaroson-Raonizafinimanana et al. [27] identified 25
technical details provided by the flavor and fragrance manufac- n-alkanes, 17 branched alkanes and 12 alkenes in three vanilla
turer Givaudan, dihydroactinidiolide will confer a ‘ripe, apri- bean species: V. fragrans, V. madagascariensis and V. tahiten-
cot, red fruit and wood’ organoleptic character. Furans such as sis. Because of the chemical nature of hydrocarbons, a non-
pyran (3-ethyl-4-methyl-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione) can be formed polar fibre such as PDMS would be more suitable for their
by thermal degradation of sugars during pod curing, as in cof- extraction [54, 63, 64].
fee and cocoa [62]. Three aliphatic alcohols were identified, including 2,4-
dimethylpentan-3-ol, which is reported for the first time in
vanilla. Few volatiles belonging to this family were extracted
3.2.4 Esters (6), acids (7) and other compounds in comparison with the other groups, perhaps because of
the type of fibre used (CAR/PDMS). According to Kataoka
The aliphatic esters group reported in this study was the
et al. [54], PA fibre is more effective for alcohols and phe-
fourth most abundant family of compounds identified in the
nols. Indeed, in the preliminary trials for fibre selection (data
analyzed samples; the 2-methyl-2-nonenoic acid methyl ester
not shown), PA fibre also allowed the identification of volatile
is reported for the first time. In a study by Sostaric et al. [25]
phenols listed in the shikimate derivatives section (vanillin and
of alcoholic vanilla extract, PA fibre, which is more polar, gave
guaiacol, among others) as well as alcohols (benzyl alcohol
better results than PDMS and CW/DVB for the extraction of
and p-anisyl alcohol). However, mixed-coating fibres increase
vanillin and the esters ethyl benzoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl
holding capacity because each coating has the effect of enhanc-
nonanoate and methyl 3-phenyl-2-propenoate (cinnamic acid
ing adsorption and distribution in the stationary phase; hence
methyl ester). Cinnamic acid methyl ester was also identified
PDMS/DVB and CAR/DVB fibres can be used for the extrac-
in this study and was grouped in the shikimate derivatives sec-
tion of more polar volatiles with low molecular weight [54].
tion along with seven other esters. Zhang and Mueller [17]
Because of the sensitivity and selectivity of CAR/PDMS fibre,
identified octanoic acid methyl ester (‘fruity’, ‘fatty’) and
it was selected for the analysis of the studied vanilla samples
nonanoic acid methyl ester (‘oily’, ‘fatty’, ‘winey’, ‘slightly
to extract shikimate derivatives, which include some phenols
fruity’) as aromatic compounds in V. planifolia extracts.
and alcohols [63].
The acids grouped in this family corresponded to aliphatic
acids with three to nine carbons and have been previously
reported in V. planifolia and V. tahitensis. Among the aro-
matic compounds reported were 2-methylpropanoic acid, 3- 4 Conclusion
methylbutanoic acid, 2-methylbutanoic acid, pentanoic acid
and nonanoic acid, with mainly attributes such as ‘buttery, A headspace solid-phase microextraction technique com-
cheese, oily and fatty’ [14, 16–19]. Studies on the evaluation bined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was suc-
of volatiles in coffee showed that CAR/PDMS fibre extracts cessfully applied to detect 81 volatiles, of which 77 were
more aliphatic acids with four and five carbons, whereas acetic identified, in cured vanilla (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson)
acid and propionic acid were extracted better with CW/DVB beans originating from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Of
fibre [63]. those compounds, 21 were shikimate derivatives, 14 were ter-
Among the four ketones identified, 1-(2-methyl-1- penes/cadinenes, 12 were furan derivatives, 6 were esters, 7
cyclopenten-1-yl)-ethanone is reported for the first time in V. were acids, 4 were ketones, 5 were aldehydes, 4 were hy-
planifolia. Hexahydrofarnesyl acetone could be detected only drocarbons, 3 were alcohols and 1 was a pyrrole. A total of
at 60 ◦ C for 20 min. 31 volatiles have already been reported as aroma-active com-
Four aliphatic aldehydes (propanal, 2-methlypropanal, pounds in cured beans of V. planifolia and V. tahitensis. How-
hexanal and heptanal) and one cyclic aldehyde (safranal) were ever, to our knowledge, 11 of these aromatic compounds have
identified. Although all these compounds have already been not previously been detected in vanilla beans. The proposed
reported in vanilla, only hexanal was reported as an aromatic semi-quantitative HS–SPME–GC/MS method has the poten-
in V. tahitensis, with the generation of ‘green and fruity’ at- tial to be used in routine analysis of volatiles in vanilla beans,
tributes [16]. The poor levels of these compounds may be due in order to evaluate rapidly the different profiles that may have
to the extraction competition between them and vanillin. In been produced in cured vanilla beans depending on their origin
fact, they all have similar chemistry, and vanillin is present at and curing process. This method allows detection of the ma-
high concentrations (1.4%), in comparison with the very low jor volatile compounds which have already been recognized in
concentrations of these aldehydes in vanilla. Studying the aro- previous work as aromatic compounds.
matic profile of vanilla pods from organic solvent extraction
allowed a greater number of compounds of this family to be Acknowledgements. This project was funded by the Instituto Tec-
identified [14, 16, 17, 38]. nológico de Tuxtepec in Mexico. The authors are grateful to the
416 S. Hassan et al.: Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418

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Cite this article as: Sabik Hassan, Pérez-Silva Araceli, Bélanger Denis, Vivar-Vera María de los Ángeles, Nicolás-García Mayra, Reyes-
López Delfino. Identification of volatile compounds in cured Mexican vanilla (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson) beans using headspace solid-
phase microextraction with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Fruits 71 (2016) 407–418.

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