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Dcap408 Web Programming

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Edited by:
Mandeep Kaur
Edited By
Mandeep Kaur
Printed by
A-45, Naraina, Phase-I,
New Delhi-110028
Lovely Professional University
Web Programming

Objectives: To impart the skills needed for web programming, web administration, and web site development. After studying
this course student can develop; static web pages; dynamic web pages; data Processing on web pages.

S. No. Description
1. Internet Fundamentals: Introduction to Internet, Web browser, web page, website, homepage, hyperlinks,
hypermedia, HTTP, WWW, Web server, Client server architecture model for web requests, URL.
2. Creating static web pages: HTML document structure, singular and paired tags, test formatting, hyperlinks,
adding images, audio and video, creating lists, tables, forms, frames, using multiple windows for web pages.
3. Cascading Style Sheets: Style tag, DIV and SPAN, Internal and External stylesheets, Creating and using
Classes, applying style on text and images.
4. Scripting Language: Java Script programming, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators. Loops, functions,
Dialog boxes, String Manipulation functions, Using Timer in web page. Setting and Getting date object in a
web page.
5. DOM Model: Events handling through JavaScript, How to use forms in JavaScript.
6. ASP: Introduction to asp, installing IIS, ASP variable, ASP operators, conditional, loops and case statements
and arrays.
7. ASP Web Forms: Introduction to CGI, Client side and server side scripting, building and processing web
8. ASP Objects: Response, Request, Server, Session, Application. Purpose of Global.asa file, #include, Recordset
9. ASP Cookies and Caching: Procedures, Cookies, ASP file system, send e-mail, Caching: page, data,
fragment, output.
10. Database Connectivity: Open and Close a connection, reading from the database, inserting, deleting and
updating the database records Building Database Applications Using ActiveX Data Objects.

Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals 1

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages 34

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 3: Text Formatting 70

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets 88

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 5: Scripting Language 131

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 6: DOM Model 169

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages) 187

Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 8; ASP Web Forms 204

Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 9: ASP Objects 217

Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 10: Working with Response Object 241

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 11: Using Request Objects 253

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 12: Recordset Object 266

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching 283

Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Unit 14: Database Connectivity 296

Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University
Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals Notes




1.1 Evolution of Internet

1.1.1 Internet Usages

1.2 Web Browsers

1.2.1 How does a Web Browser Work?

1.3 Web Pages

1.3.1 Dynamic Web Pages

1.4 Website

1.5 Home Pages

1.6 Hyperlinks

1.7 Hypermedia

1.7.1 Hypermedia – Limitations, Problems

1.7.2 Hypermedia – Basic Hypermedia Model

1.8 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

1.8.1 Understanding Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)

1.8.2 Hypertext: The Motion of the Web

1.8.3 Understanding Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

1.9 WWW

1.9.1 Terminology

1.9.2 Internet and www Milestones

1.10 Web Server

1.11 Client/Server Architecture Model for Web Request

1.12 URL
1.13 Summary

1.14 Keywords

1.15 Review Questions

1.16 Further Readings


After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan the introduction to internet

 Describe Web browsers, web page, website and home page


Web Programming

Notes  Demonstrate the hyperlinks and hypermedia

 Recognize HTTP and WWW

 Explain Web Server

 Scan the client server architecture model


“The Internet” is probably one of the most overused technical term in common man’s lingo
today. Though everyone seems to have some ideas and opinions about the Internet yet not
many can define it precisely. There is no single, generally agreed upon answer to the question–
“What is the Internet?” - because the Internet is a different thing to different people. Consider
the following few expressions in this context.

 Internet, the mega network connecting millions of people, is a tremendous phenomenon.

The web, an offshoot of this global resource has revolutionized the way information is
passed on.

 It is the name given for a vast, worldwide system consisting of people, information, and

 It is a network of networks.

 It is an unlimited commercial opportunity.

 It is a set of computers talking over fibre-optics, phone lines, satellite links, and other

 It is cyber space where data surfing can be done.

 It is an ocean of information.

 It is a gold mine of professionals from all fields sharing information about their work.

 It is a world wide interconnected system of thousands of computer networks, each network

in turn linking thousands of computers together.

In short, we can say that the Internet is a vast collection of globally available information, which
can be accessed electronically – information, which is of practical use for business, research,
study, and technical purposes. It is a means for electronic commerce – marketing, buying,
services, economic, and financial data research. It is a collection of hundreds of libraries and
archives that will open to your fingertips. It is also a vast store of information relating to your
hobbies, travel, health, entertainment, games, software, etc.

Today, the information can be in the form of Text, Images, Animation, Sound, Video, etc.,
tomorrow it would probably be in the form of smell, touch, taste or some energized form. If
information can be put on computers, it can be digitized and can be made available on the
Internet. The only catch is - How fast? Even the future may not be able to tell.

To be technically correct, we can say that the Internet is “an ever growing wide area network of
millions of computers and computer networks across the globe, which can exchange information
through standard rules (protocols)”. The same is illustrated in the figure 1.1.

Each computer participating in the Internet has a unique address. Information is divided into
packets, which may travel through different paths to the destination address where it is
recombined into its original form.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Figure 1.1: Structure of Internet


A few computers can be interconnected to share resources and exchange information using a
number of network technologies. Further, such networks can be interconnected to form even
larger networks. The Internet is a similar network that connects millions of networks worldwide.

Notes Note that we use “The Internet”, with definite article “The” and not just “Internet”.
This is because though there are many networks existing today the one we call “Internet”
is a single network consisting of all the participating networks.

The first business computer appeared in 1960 and since then information technology has changed the
way business or commerce is conducted across the globe. Companies are re-orienting themselves in
the present competitive era where product life-cycles are coming down everyday. Globalization of
markets is taking place with formation of trade blocks across the globe, and world moving towards
a global village. Complex issues of cultural divide within even the same trade block forces the
businesses to learn more about the customer, if possible to an individual level.

From mainframes to accounting systems, the Personal Computer (PC) revolution, local area
networks, electronic data interchange, client/server design, and enterprise resource planning
have all had a hand in shaping today’s business organization. The past few years have been
Internet years, however, when companies worldwide have embraced a change without equal. It
is a change that promises to have more impact and be more lasting than anything we have seen
to date. Technology is setting the pace for how a company does business, how it launches new
products and enters a new market, how it deals with suppliers, and how it communicates with
customers and others in the new marketplace.

We are now living in the ICE (Information Communication of Entertainment) age which reflects
synergetic combination of Information, Communication and Entertainment. The primary
technology for this transformation is Internet-the global data network. The customer has become
more important with the advent of Internet and Worldwide Web (WWW). These customers fall
in the high-income groups and are more demanding on quality and price. This makes the
business very unconventional and highly unpredictable.


Web Programming

Notes 1.1 Evolution of Internet

How old is the Internet? Here is a short historical background. The concept, which gave birth to
the Internet, as it exists today, started with a project called the ARPANET (around late 1960s)
which was sponsored by the United States Department of Defence, Advanced Research Project
Agency (ARPA). The Department of Defence (DOD) was interested in building a network that
could maintain itself under adverse conditions. The original idea was to build a network capable
of carrying military and government information during a “nuclear event”. Thus, the predecessor
of Internet, as often called ARPANET, came into being.
Till late 1970s, ARPANET operated to provide connection facility to around a dozen of research
sites. Later in 1982, ARPA established the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet
Protocol (IP), as the protocol suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, which is a connection protocol
between sites, which is still in use today and is the primary method of connecting to the Internet.
This technique of information access, which started as a method of sharing files amongst
researchers was slowly adopted by a wider clientele and after 1982 the network started expanding
faster like the big bang.
The credit remains with the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, whose network of
strategically located supercomputers (NSFnet) allowed people to share information from home
or their institutions. The other networks which developed in parallel, like BITNET of IBM, X.25
based in Europe and UUCP based in Bell Labs got slowly absorbed or got connected to Internet,
in order to provide a unified information sharing medium. The network although started in US,
slowly started reaching other countries by connecting the networks of other countries.
Internet in India started on an auspicious day, 15th of August, 1995. This in a way marks the
beginning of free information flow from every nook and corner of the world and thus could
well be called an “Independence day” for Information Age in the country.

Did u know? What is GIAS?

Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) started a service called GIAS (Gateway Internet
Access Service) to allow the Indian users a bite of the Internet.

1.1.1 Internet Usages

The Internet is an important tool for practically everybody. The applications are endless limited
only by our imagination. Whatever information is required, it is either already available on the
Internet or it is soon going to be available. Here are some interesting application areas:
 Electronic mail, which was until recently considered only an internal mechanism of an
enterprise, is quickly becoming the most widely used application on the Internet. The
most common of the communication methods used by people on the Internet is the private
letter, written by one individual to another (on any subject and in any language), and sent
between any two connected Internet sites or through an Internet E-Mail gateway to or
from a service which provides an Internet gateway.
 The ability to exchange visual information in readable and reusable formats — such as
charts, figures, tables, images, databases, software code — opens up possibilities for
collaboration at the global as well as local levels. With the trend specialization, the ability
not only to communicate but also to actually work with colleagues in the same field
scattered all over the world makes long distance collaboration feasible.
 The resources for on-line research are multiplying at an astounding rate. Searchable databases
library holdings, alerting services, pre-prints, and other information systems are all changing


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

the way research is done. And it is not only the research community that is responsible for Notes
this. Library shelves are overflowing with journals and proceeding, and with acquisitions
budgets receiving deep cuts, a likely scenario for the future is one in which libraries archive
electronically, share holdings, and become information clearing houses instead of closets.
 Another very important application of Internet is multimedia. Live music concerts, radio
broadcasts, live or recorded television shows, interactive audio and webphone, and video
conferencing are no more a dream on Internet, even for a desktop PC user.
Internet provides a variety of information to everybody ranging from entertainment to serious
business application to areas of daily life such as:
 Magazines and newspapers
 Household shopping items
 Ordering novelties from anywhere in the world
 Radio and TV broadcast schedules and sometimes the broadcast itself
 Tour and travel plan guides and bookings, etc.
 Health consultation
 Tips for doing various things
 Talking to friends and relatives in any part of the globe
 Games of various kinds
 Language interpreter
 On-line education course material, examination conduction, advertising on popular
information sites, making payments on the net and getting an item, net banking.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. A few computers can be interconnected to share resources and exchange information
using a number of …………………
2. The original idea was to build a network capable of carrying military and government
information during a “…………………”.
3. ………………… databases library holdings, alerting services, pre-prints, and other
information systems are all changing the way research is done.

1.2 Web Browsers

A web browser is the software program used to access the World Wide Web that is the graphical
portion of the Internet. The first browser, called NCSA Mosaic, was developed at the National
Centre for Supercomputing Applications lab at Illinois in the early 1990s. The easy-to-use point-
and-click interface fuelled the growth of the Web. The web browser software program facilitates
a user to display and interact with text, images, videos, music and other information typically
located on a web page at a website on the www or a LAN. Text and images on a web page
normally designed to provide hyperlinks to other web pages at the same or different website.
Thus web browser enables point to point click to reach directly to the targetted web pages.

Some of the popular web browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, AOL Explorer,
etc. Web browsers belong to HTTP user agent category. Browsers also provide in accessing
information provided by web servers in private networks or content in file systems.


Web Programming

Notes Web browsers talk with web servers using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) to retrieve web pages.
HTTP enables web browsers to provide information to web servers to retrieve web pages from
them. Different web pages have a URL address starting with http:// for HTTP access. There may
different other URL types and their corresponding protocols and most of the browsers supports
them. FTP (file transfer protocol) is one of the examples of such types. Other examples are rtsp: for
RTSP (real-time streaming protocol) and https: for HTTPS (an SSL encrypted version of HTTP).

The file format for a Web page is normally HTML (hyper-text markup language) and is identified
in the HTTP protocol with a MIME content type. Most of the browsers support different formats
such as the JPEG, PNG and GIF image formats including HTML. The combination of HTTP content
type and URL protocol specification enables designers to embed images, animations, video, sound
and streaming media into a web page or to make them accessible through the web page.

Like much of the internet, the World Wide Web operates on a client/server model. You run a Web
client on your computer — called a Web browser — such as Netscape Communicator or Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer. That client contacts a Web server and requests information or resources. The
Web server locates and then sends the information to the Web browser, which displays the results.
When Web browsers contact servers, they are asking to view pages built with Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). They interpret those pages and display them on your computer. They display
application programs, animations, and similar material created with programming languages
such as Java and ActiveX, and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Sometimes, home pages
contain links to files that the Web browser cannot play or display, such as sound or animation files.
In that case, you will need a plug-in or a helper application.

Task You configure your Web browser to use the helper application or plug-in whenever
it encounters a sound or animation file that the browser cannot run or play. Analyze this
statement practically.

Over the years, Web browsers have become increasingly sophisticated. They have become full-
blown software suites that can do everything from video-conferencing to letting you create and
publish HTML pages. They have also begun to blur the line between your local computer and
the Internet-in essence, they can make your computer and the Internet function as a single
system. To facilitate the usage of computers over Internet, Microsoft has integrated web browsing
and the Internet directly into the operating system. For example, with Internet Explorer 4.0 and
above, and with Windows 98, the Windows desktop can be HTML based. This means Web links
can be directly embedded into the desktop.

So, you can have links to your favourite Web pages right on the desktop. And even applications
such as word processors now have Web capabilities bust into them — such as being able to browse
the Web, or build home pages. Even more significantly, using technology that Microsoft calls
Active Desktop, internet based desktop components can live on the desktop. These components
can be things such as stock tickers, which deliver live Web content directly to the desktop. You
don’t need to fire up your Web browser to get the information; it’s delivered straight to your
Windows desktop without your having to do anything. Both Microsoft and Netscape have also
built entire suites of software around their browsers. Netscape for example, calls its suite Netscape
Communicator. Communicator includes modules for reading newsgroups; for reading, sending
and managing internet mail; for audio conferencing; for collaborative work on whiteboard
applications in which people can view and mark up the same documents simultaneously; and
more. These enhancements will help user in an era of collaborative computing and communication.

 It allows you to enter the address of the site you want to jump to (called a URL-or uniform
resource locator), or to jump there by clicking hotspots, high lighted words, buttons,
pictures, or icons called hyperlinks on your screen.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

 It formats Web documents for display on your screen. Notes

 It allows you to back up and go forward through pages you have already visited.

 It allows you to copy text from the screen and paste it into a word processing program.

 It allows you to print the document you see on the screen.

 It makes it possible to transfer files-text, graphics, movies, animations, sounds, and

programs – from other computers to your computer (called downloading).

 It allows you to send and receive e-mail and other Internet services such as ftp (file transfer
protocol), gopher, and Usenet news groups.

In it’s basic form a Web browser is an application that uses information stored at locations
around the World Wide Web, in order to perform a local task. To get the desired information
from the Web, a browser uses the client-server paradigm. When given the URL of a document,
the browser becomes a client that contacts a Web Server on the computer specified in the URL,
to request the document. When a browser interacts with a Web server, the two programs follow
the Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP). HTTP allows a browser to request a specific item,
which the server then returns.

Caution To ensure that browser and server can inter-operate unambiguously, HTTP defines
the exact format of request sent from a browser to a server as well as the format of the
servers reply.

While a Web server performs a straightforward task of waiting for a request and sending reply,
the browser handles most of the details of document access and display. To be able to perform
this tasks the Web browser contains some software components that interact to provide the
illusion of seamless service.

The conceptual organization of a browser is depicted in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2:  Conceptual Organisation of Web Browser

Input from
Mouse HTML
and Controller Interpreter D
Keyboard r Output
i sent to
v display

HTTP Client Optional Client

Network Interface

Communication with remote server


Web Programming

Notes A browser consists of a set of clients, a set of interpreters and a controller that mange them. The
controller forms the central piece of the browser. It interprets both mouse clicks and keyboard
inputs, and calls other components to perform operations specified by the user.

Example: When you press a link, the controller will call a client to fetch the requested
document from the remote server, and an interpreter to display the document for the user.

Besides an HTTP client and an HTML interpreter a browser can contain components that enable
the browser to perform additional tasks. Many browsers include an FTP client that is used to access
the file transfer service and an e-mail client that enable the browser to send and receive mail.

The user doesn’t invoke such services explicitly; instead, the service is invoked automatically, when
it is needed to perform a task. For Example, file transfer can be associated with a selectable object on
the screen, when a user selects the item the browser uses the FTP client to obtain a copy of the file.

How to Access the World Wide Web — Web Browsers

There are two types of browsers:

1. Graphical: Text, images, audio, and video are retrievable through a graphical software
program such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. These browsers are ava ilable
for both Windows-based and Macintosh computers. Navigation is accomplished by
pointing and clicking with a mouse on highlighted words and graphics. The current
version of Navigator is contained within a suite of programs called Netscape
Communicator. You can install a graphical browser such as Netscape Navigator in your
Windows-based or Macintosh machine. Navigator is available for downloading on the
Netscape home page: To use the program to access the Web,
you need an Ethernet connection or a dialup connection known as a SLPP or PPP. The latter
may be obtained from an Internet Service Provider. For more information, see How to
connect to the Internet.

2. Text: Lynx is a browser that provides access to the Web in text-only mode. Navigation is
accomplished by highlighting emphasized words in the screen with the arrow up and
down keys, and then pressing the forward arrow (or Enter) key to follow the link. This
browser is available through your personal IBM, VAX, or UNIX account on campus.

Extending the Browser — Helper Applications and Plug-Ins

Software programs may be configured to a Web browser in order to enhance its capabilities.
When the browser encounters a sound, image or video file, it hands off the data to other programs,
called helper applications, to run or display the file. Working in conjunction with helper
applications, browsers can offer a seamless multimedia experience. Many helper applications
are available for the free.

File formats requiring helper applications are known as MIME types. MIME stands for the
Multimedia Internet Mail Extension, was originally developed to help e-mail software handle a
variety of binary (non-ASCII) file attachments. The use of MIME has expanded to the Web. For
example, the basic MIME type handled by Web browsers is text/HTML associated with the file

A common helper application utilized on the Web is the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Acrobat
Reader allows you to view documents created in Adobe’s Portable Document Format. These
documents are the MIME type application/pdf and are associated with the file extension .pdf.
When the Acrobat Reader has been configured to your browser, the program will open and
display the file requested when you click on a hyperlinked file name with the suffix .pdf.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Plug-ins are software programs that extend the capabilities of a Web browser in a specific way, Notes
such as the ability to play audio files or view video movies from within Navigator. Web browsers
are often standardized with a small suite of plug-ins. Additional plug-ins may be obtained at the
browser’s Web site, at special download sites on the Web, or from the home pages of the companies
that created the programs. The number of available plug-ins is increasing rapidly.

Example: For example, nearly 200 plug-ins are available for downloading at the Netscape

Once a plug-in is configured to your browser, it will automatically launch when you choose to
access a file type that it uses.

Netscape Communicator can be downloaded with a variety of helper applications and plug-ins
configured to the browser, including:

 Cosmo Player to view 3D sites created with Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML)
(file suffixes .wrl, .wrz)

 Netscape Media Player for streaming audio metafiles (file suffix .lam)

 Live Audio for sound files (file suffixes .au, .aiff, .wav, .midi, .la, .lma) QuickTime Player
for video (file suffix .mov)

 NPAI32 Dynamic Link Library for video in Windows (file suffix .avi)

Beyond Plug-Ins — Active X

ActiveX is a technology developed by Microsoft, which may make plug-ins less necessary.
ActiveX offers the opportunity to embed animated objects, data, and computer code on Web
pages. A web browser supporting ActiveX can render most items encountered on a Web page.
For example, Active X allows users to view three-dimensional VRML worlds in a Web browser
without the use of a VRML plug-in. As another example of the power of ActiveX, this technology
can allow you to view and edit PowerPoint presentations directly within your Web browser.
ActiveX is supported by the Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 4.x browsers.

The Experience of The Web

Today’s World Wide Web(WWW) presents an ever-diversified experience of multimedia,

programming languages, and real-time communication. There is no question that, it is a challenge
to keep up with the rapid pace of developments. The following presents a brief description of
some of the more important trends to watch.


The Web has become a broadcast medium. It is possible to listen to audio and video over the
Web both prerecorded and live. For example, you can visit the sites of various news organisations
and view the same videos shown on the nightly television news. Several plug-ins are available
for viewing these videos. For example, Apple’s Quick Time Player downloads files with the
.mov extension and displays these as “movies” in a small window on your computer screen.
Quick Time files can be quite large, and it may take patience to wait for the entire movie to
download into your computer before you can view it.

The problem of slow downloads times has been answered by a revolutionary development in
multimedia capability: streaming data. In this case, audio or video files are played as they are
downloading, or streaming, into your computer. Only a small wait, called buffering, is necessary


Web Programming

Notes before the file begins to play. The RealPlayer plug-in plays streaming audio and video files.
Extensive files such as interviews, speeches and hearings work very well with the RealPlayer.
The RealPlayer is also ideal for the broadcast of real-time events. These may include press
conferences, live radio and television broadcasts, concerts, etc. A list of sites that make use of the
RealPlayer is available at
The Windows Media Player is another streaming media player.

Notes A list of sites that make use of this player is available at http://wmg. Many sites offer the option to use one player or the other.

Shockwave presents another multimedia experience. Shockwave allows for the creation and
implementation of an entire multimedia display combining graphics, animation and sound.

Sound files, including music, may also be heard on the Web. It is not uncommon to visit a Web
page and hear background music. Sound files are also available for downloading independent
of Web page visits. Sound files of many types are supported by the Web with the appropriate
helper applications.

Live cams are another aspect of the multimedia experience available on the Web. Live cams are
video cameras that send their data in real time to a Web server. These cams may appear in all
kinds of locations, both serious and whimsical: an office, on top of a building, a scenic locale, a
special event, and so on.

1.2.1 How does a Web Browser Work?

Web browsers consist of software that runs on your computer and displays home pages on the
Web. There are clients for PC, Macintosh and UNIX computers. A Web browser displays information
on your computer, by interpreting the Hypertext Markup language (HTML) that is used to build
home pages on the Web. Home pages usually display graphics, sound and multimedia files as
well as links to other pages, files that can be downloaded and other lnternet resources.

Figure 1.3: WWW Browser

The coding in the HTML files tells your browser how to display the text, graphics, links, and
multimedia files on the home page. The HTML file that your browser loads to display the home
page does not actually have the graphics, sound, multimedia files, and other resources on it.
Instead, it contains HTML references to those graphics and files. Your browser uses those
references to find the files on the server and then display them on the home page. The Web


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

browser also interprets HTML tags as links to other Web sites or to other Web resources – these Notes
include graphics, multimedia files, newsgroups, or files which can be downloaded. Depending
on the kind of link, it will perform different actions.

Example: If the HTML code specifies the link as another home page, the browser will
retrieve the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) specified in the HTML file when the user clicks on
the underlined link on the page. If the HTML code specifies a file to be downloaded, the browser
will download the file to your computer.

The Server Side

The Web follows a client-server model. The server is called Web Server and the clients Browsers.
The user usually runs a client program (or web browser) that can communicate with a server
program (or web server) on a (remote) host computer. To access the information, the client sends
the users’ request to the server. The server handles the request and sends the response to the user.

A Web Server is the most visible part of your Internet. The Web server hosts Web pages and these
pages generally represent the organization and its business. These Web Pages are files in a
specialized format known as Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML). A Web Server communicates
with browsers using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), which runs over TCP/IP.

HTML files are text files with special tags. HTML files do not contain proprietary custom symbols
or formatting characters. All formatting is specified with special combinations of ASCII text
characters. HTML files can include text or graphic links, which users can click on to move to
another location in the same file or to another file on any web server in the world.

Implementation and maintenance of Web server are very critical functions. These can range
from personal Web Servers to Heavy-duty freeware, shareware to commercial ones.

Did u know? On which factor the choice of Web Server depends?

The choice of Web Servers would depend on the volume of the Web pages that you expect
to put up and the number of clients accessing them.

Figure 1.4


Web Programming

Notes Some of the basic features your Web server should have:

 HTTP 1.1 Compliance: The benefits include persistent connection, pipelining, and caching
directives for performance, host headers for multiple Web sites.

 Browser Neutral Host Header Support: The Web server should be able to host multiple
Web sites using a single IP address. This will also help Web browsers that do not support
host headers.

 Discussion Groups: The Web server should include support for creating local discussion
groups for a single server using the NNTP protocol.

 Mail enabled administrators should be able to receive mail driven by events on the Web

Other features of Web server include:

 Enhanced integrated set-up and administration such as Web based administration,

Website operators, per Website bandwidth throttling, and configuration replication.

 Reliable Web application development and deployment which includes transactional

active server pages, crash protection, crash recovery, integrated fail over clustering support,
component load/unload.

 Standards based data access like database connectivity.

 Integrated authentication and security with support for integrated certificate server, domain

Rich content management and control like integrated indexing and searching, content expiration,
document footers, custom errors, custom headers, one-to-one content replication, redirects,
complete and comprehensive documentation.

The Client Side

While the server side of the web stores and servers the in-coming requests, the requests are
made to the server by a client software (machine). The client side runs on a local machine and
may have some processing capabilities. The Internet browsers are one class of such client side
software, e-mail clients are another.

Task Give the answers in one line.

1. What is web browser?

2. Define Domain name system.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

4. Text and images on a web page normally designed to provide ………………… to other
web pages at the same or different website.

5. Browsers also provide in accessing information provided by web servers in …………………

networks or content in file systems.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

6. Web browsers consist of software that runs on your computer and displays Notes
…………………… on the Web.

7. The Web server should include support for creating local discussion groups for a single
server using the ………………. protocol.

1.3 Web Pages

The Internet has evolved as a power tool, user friendly and most commercially popular
technology. Anyone with Personal Computer (PC) connected to the Internet, a browser
(a program designed to search for and bring in internet resources) and few plugs-ins (specialized
program) can surf the unique representation of an enterprise products or services on the Internet.

The worldwide web is also known as the ‘www’ or the ‘web’. It is an architectural framework of
information system fully implemented in 1994 on the Internet. It contains millions of electronic
documents called Web Pages. A web page contains text and graphics (drawings) which are
linked to related information. The name ‘web’ is based on the fact that the text, pictures, animation,
sound and information that make up a document may come from anywhere in the world. Thus,
a single document can be perceived to stretch ‘web like’ throughout the world.

The Web is not internet. At times, people confuse the two terms that are related but not identical
in meaning. The internet evolved from the military ARPANET in 1960s with the purpose of’
creating a network that would continue to work as a whole, when parts of it collapse’. The
Internet means a network infrastructure that is built on certain standards, which are followed by
all participants to connect to each other. The Internet Protocol (IP) defines how the flow of
information is organised. But it does not specify the types of information or services to be
exchanged. World Wide Web lays down the specifications of information and services to be
exchanged with its Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Thus, the web offers the exchange of
documents via HTTP.

Besides the www, there are other protocols that enable people to communicate via e-mail
(POP3, SMTP, IMAP), chat online (IRC) or participate in newsgroups (NNTP). The www is thus
one of the numerous services offered on the internet. It does not specify if a certain web page is
available in the internet intranet or extranet. The World Wide Web provides a simple-to-use
web interface that allows people with very little knowledge in computing to access web services
all over the Internet. The web services include content products and services, which can be
viewed or ordered through the web browser. It may be noted that the web browser allows
customers to self-service themselves over the web.

Notes Note that when you are on the Web, you are on the Internet but not the other way

Example: Those sending e-mail are not on the Web, unless they are sending e-mail via a
Web browser.

The beginning of the Internet dates back to the late 1960s, when the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense (DOD) formed ARPANET. The agency was
established in the late 1950s to develop information technologies to help the United States to
counter the Soviet launch of Sputnik. Consequently, the early ARPANET consisted primarily of
research universities and military contractors with computers linked by telephone lines leased
from AT&T. The chronological development of the ARPANET and the milestones leading to the
Internet reflect a history of top-down government sponsored initiatives.


Web Programming


Task Answers the following questions:

1. Distinguish between Internet and world wide web.

2. What is the historical base for the development of internet?

1.3.1 Dynamic Web Pages

The popularity of the static, billboard style, Web page is declining. Dynamic pages can customize
the response on the server to offer personalization based on cookies and information, it can get
from the visitor. Web server content developers are creating dynamic Web pages with data
from the databases and other data sources, such as real-time stock market data feeds. Web
technology is being used to create new client/server applications because of the ability to
dynamically create Web pages on the fly.

Many Web servers do not have database or other data access mechanisms built-in. They rely on
the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Dynamic web pages are typically written in various
scripting languages or technologies such as ASP, PHP, Perl or JSP.


 Offers highly personalized and customized visitor options.

 Database access improves the personalized experience (as opposed to using just client side

 Scripts can read in data sources and display it differently depending on how it is run.

 Can create the illusion of being updated regularly using time and date sensitive routines
(or even randomizers) to display pre-written text.


 Personalized pages are not very cache friendly.

 Requires a basic minimum knowledge of the language being used.

 Scripts need more consideration, when uploading and installing, particularly to *nix servers.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. Many ………………. do not have database or other data access mechanisms built-in.

9. The web services include content products and services, which can be viewed or ordered
through the ……………….

1.4 Website

A website is a collection of web pages (documents that are accessed through the Internet), such
as the one you’re looking at now. A web page is what you see on the screen when you type in a
web address, click on a link, or put a query in a search engine. A web page can contain any type
of information, and can include text, color, graphics, animation and sound.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

When someone gives you their web address, it generally takes you to their website’s home Notes
page, which should introduce you to what that site offers in terms of information or other
services. From the home page, you can click on links to reach other sections of the site.

Notes A website can consist of one page, or of tens of thousands of pages, depending on
what the site owner is trying to accomplish.

Why Do People Visit Websites?

Generally, people look at websites for two primary reasons:

1. To find information they need. This could be anything from a student looking for pictures
of frogs for a school project, to finding the latest stock quotes, to getting the address of the
nearest Thai restaurant.

2. To complete a task. Visitors may want to buy the latest best-seller, download a software
program, or participate in an online discussion about a favorite hobby.

The main thing to remember in creating a website is that you’re not creating the website for you;
you already know about the information or service you have to offer. You’re creating the site for
your visitors, so it should contain the content they want, and be organized in a way that makes
sense, even to an outsider.

We’ll tell you how to create and improve your website in further articles, but the main thing to
remember is this: A website is a means of communication, and it is only successful when its
message is received by the intended user.

1.5 Home Pages

The World Wide Web consists of files, called pages or home pages, containing links to resources
throughout the Internet. Web pages can be created by user activity.

Example: If you visit an Internet search engine and enter keywords on the topic of your
choice, a page will be created containing the results of your search.

Access to Web pages may be accomplished by:

1. Entering an Internet address and retrieving a page directly.

2. Browsing through pages and selecting links to move from one page to another.

3. Searching through subject directories linked to organized collections of Web pages.

4. Entering a search statement at a search engine to retrieve pages on the topic of your choice.

Task Analyze the major advantages of home pages.

1.6 Hyperlinks

A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a
new section within the current document. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing


Web Programming

Notes users to click their way from page to page. Text hyperlinks are often blue and underlined, but
don’t have to be. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink, whether it is text or an image, the
arrow should change to a small hand pointing at the link. When you click it, a new page or place
in the current page will open.

Hyperlinks, often referred to as just “links,” are common in Web pages, but can be found in
other hypertext documents. These include certain encyclopedias, glossaries, dictionaries, and
other references that use hyperlinks. The links act the same way as they do on the Web, allowing
the user to jump from page to page. Basically, hyperlinks allow people to browse information
at hyperspeed.

Did u know? What is the core definition of hyperlinks?

An element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or
to an entirely different document.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

10. A website is a collection of ……………….

11. Hyperlinks, often referred to as just “links,” are common in Web pages, but can be found
in other ………………. documents.

1.7 Hypermedia

Hypermedia is a style of building systems for organizing, structuring and accessing information
around a network of multimedia nodes connected together by links (Conclin, 1987). The general
Structure of hypermedia allowed hypermedia to be applied to a wide variety of task domains.
We can distinguish hypermedia systems in two generations (Halasz, 1988). First generation
hypertext systems were mainframe based, text-only systems for augmenting the performance
of information processing environments, storing the whole world’s literature or for supporting
traditional writing and reading. Transition from hypertext to hypermedia took place with the
Second Generation Systems.

First Generation Systems — Introduction

We can divide hypermedia systems in two generations (Halasz, 1998). The first  generation
included systems such as Xanadu, ZOG, NLS/Augment, Hypertext Editing System, FRESS,
Dynabook. They were mainframe-based text-only hypertext systems. They had support for
multiple users sharing the hypermedia information network.  The main characteristic of first
generation systems is their target task domain and scope. They had been proposed as the
mechanism for  storing and retrieving the whole world’s literacy, as a natural mechanism for
reflecting the mind, as an augmentation environment for supporting users, as a replacement of
traditional text writing and reading. They were primarily for authoring purposes and thus
navigational aid capabilities were limited. They didn’t provide any particular mechanism to
extent the environment or to customize it to particular user needs. Nodes were untyped, without
supporting composites. Links were single direction, single destination. The only structure
supported beyond graphs was hierarchical structure. Graphical browsers were non-existent and
concepts like guided tours or metaphors were not used.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Caution Search mechanism was limited to simple string search. The user interface was
based in simple text monitors and it was frame based.

The second generation of Hypermedia

The second generation of Hypermedia began in 80s with the arrival of workstation-based research
oriented systems like Notecards, Neptune, Intermedia, KMS, Writing Environment, Emacs/
INFO, Document Examiner. These systems are similar in concept to the first generation systems.
In addition, they supported graphics or animation nodes and they had more advanced user
interfaces. In contrast to first generation systems second generation are designed to  support one
user or a small group of users. These research oriented systems were followed in next years by
a number of systems running in platforms like PC and Macintosh. These systems which include
Guide, HyperTies, Hypercard are more limited in functionality and scope than the workstation-
based systems but in general have quite the same capabilities with them.

These systems were quite similar in concept with first generation hypertext systems, but they
were workstation and PC based, with more sophisticated graphics interfaces and support to
other forms of information such as graphics, sound, animation, video.

1.7.1 Hypermedia — Limitations, Problems

While hypermedia has become more popular and hypermedia systems come into more
widespread use, limitations and shortcomings of current hypermedia are becoming increasingly
apparent (Halasz, 1988). The simple basic hypermedia model is not rich enough to support the
organising, structuring and accessing tasks required by many applications (Hammond, 1993).
Problems like user Disorientation, development of user Cognitive Overhead and manual
construction of information network dominate current hypermedia systems (Ramaiah, 1992).
Hypermedia Problems are interrelated (Charles, 1993).

Example: When users are disoriented the development of high cognitive overhead is
very possible.

Additionally, applicability of general purpose hypermedia systems to specific tasks is problematic

for casual non programmer users.

Manual Definition of Hypermedia Information Network

Manual discovery and definition of hypermedia links is a very painful and time consuming
process with doubtful results. One important issue, especially in large  hypermedia systems is
identifying the links between pieces of data. Depending on the type of a hypermedia system,
links can be navigational and organisational. Navigational links refer to another node, and
they give users the ability to “move” from one node to another. Organisational links implement
a network of “related to a subject” information nodes. Apart from these essential types of
links several other types of links can exist to increase the functionality, efficiency and
productivity of the “running” hypermedia system. All this types of links must be discovered
and identified by the developer (author) of a hypermedia system. Then these links  must be
explicit defined in the hypermedia system. The existence of these links will “create” the
network of ideas that the hypermedia system has the intention to demonstrate to the
hypermedia user-explorer. This process of explicit discovering, identifying and defining links
between nodes of information can be compared to the process of knowledge acquisition that


Web Programming

Notes a knowledge engineer undertakes to build a knowledge base. As the expense and effort to
acquire knowledge form experts in a specific domain is large, the same is the effort for
discovering and defining explicit links between nodes in hypermedia. This is a very painful,
time consuming process  with doubtful completeness, accuracy and consistency of the final
hypermedia “running” system.

1.7.2 Hypermedia — Basic Hypermedia Model

Virtually, all hypermedia systems are founded in basic hypermedia model. Likewise, a large
part of current hypermedia research assumes the underlying existence of this basic model
(Rivlin et al., 1994). Thus, it would be useful if we define the basic hypermedia model. We can
divide basic hypermedia model in two distinguished but interdependent submodels. The
first one is the data submodel. According to this submodel Nodes are interconnected with
directed Links forming the structure of a directed graph (Parunak, 1991). Addition, deletion,
update of nodes, links are valid operations. Process submodel is the second element of basic
hypermedia model. This submodel concerns the information access mechanisms of information
network. Figure 1.5 shows the data and process submodels of basic hypermedia model. This
model is foremost characterised by its generality, flexibility and incompleteness.

Example: E.F. Codd in his ACM Turing award lecture (Codd, 1981) defines a data
model as a combination of a data structure, operations and integrity rules. In this sense,
hypermedia data model is incomplete, since it does not define any constraints (e.g. is valid the
insertion of a link without associate it to a destination node, see Gronbajek et all, 1994) for
determining the consistency of information network. On the other side, process submodel is
very primitive, without using detailed specifications for defining navigation access (e.g, how
a user activates a link).

Figure 1.5

Hypermedia - Process Submodel

Hypermedia concept is not only organised multimedia data interconnected with links.
Navigation, whereby the user moves through the hypermedia network by activating and
following links from one node to another, is another defining feature of hypermedia (Nielsen,
1990B). Navigation is the primary means to access information in hypermedia network,
composing the most essential aspect of basic hypermedia process submodel. The basic
characteristic of navigational access is that users navigate by self motivation without having
any external navigational aid. Some primary navigational functionality like the ability to


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

backtrack to previous visited node, or to move the very first visited node, could be regarded as Notes
part of basic process submodel.

1.8 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

The standard Web transfer protocol is HTTP. It transmits hypertext over networks. The name is
somewhat misleading in that HTTP is not a protocol for transferring hypertext; rather, it is a
protocol for transferring information with the efficiency necessary for making hypertext jumps.
The data transferred by the protocol can be plain text, hypertext, audio, images or any other
Internet accessible information.

The HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level Protocol used by Web

client and Web servers to communicate with each other. HTTP has been in use since 1990.
The HTTP is a transaction-oriented client/server protocol. To provide reliability, HTTP
makes use of TCP. Although the use of TCP for the transport connection is very common,
it is not formally required by the standard. As and when ATM networks become
commercially available the HTTP requests, replies can be carried in AAL5 just as well.HTTP
is a “stateless” protocol. Each transaction is treated independently. Therefore, a typical
implementation will create a TCP new connection between client and server for each
transaction and then terminate the connection as soon as the transaction is complete. Each
interaction consists of one ASCII request, followed by one RFC 822 MIME-like response
i.e., Messages are in a format similar to that used by Internet Mail and the Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).

Task HTTP is constantly evolving, several versions are in use and others are under
development. Analyse

The World Wide Web provides a single interface for accessing all these protocols. This creates a
convenient and user-friendly environment. It is no longer necessary to be conversant in these
protocols within separate, command-level environments. The Web gathers, together these
protocols into a single system. Because of this feature, and because of the Web’s ability to work
with multimedia and advanced programming languages, the World Wide Web is the fastest-
growing component of the Internet.

1.8.1 Understanding Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is a request/response protocol. A web client establishes a connection with a Web server
and sends a resource request. The request contains a request method, protocol version, followed
by a MIME-like message. The message contains request modifiers, client information, and possible
body content.

The Web server responds with a status line, including the message’s protocol version and a
success or error code. It is followed by a MIME-link message containing server information,
entity meta-information, and possible body content. Figure 1.6 shows where the HTTP layer fits
into Web client and servers.


Web Programming

Figure 1.6: The Web Client Communicates with the Web
Server using an HTTP Virtual Circuit

Web Client Web Server


TCP/IP Internet TCP/IP

Protocol Protocol
Suite Suite

Details of HTTP can be found in the following Request for comments (RFC):

 HTTP 1.0 specifications are described in RFC 1945:

 MIME specifications are described in RFC 1521:

1.8.2 Hypertext: The Motion of the Web

The operation of the Web relies primarily on hypertext as its means of information retrieval.
HyperText is a document containing words that connect to other documents. These words are
called links and are selectable by the user. A single hypertext document can contain links to many
documents. In the context of the Web, words or graphics may serve as links to other documents,
images, video, and sound. Links may or may not follow a logical path, as each connection is
programmed by the creator of the source document. Overall, the WWW contains a complex
virtual web of connections among a vast number of documents, graphics, videos and sounds.

Producing hypertext for the Web is accomplished by creating documents with a language called
Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML. With HTML, tags are placed within the text to accomplish
document formatting, visual features such as font size, italics and bold, and the creation of
hypertext links. Graphics may also be incorporated into an HTML document. HTML is an evolving
language, with new tags being added as each upgrade of the language is developed and released.

Notes The World Wide Web Consortium, led by Tim Berners-Lee, co-ordinates the efforts
of standardising HTML.

1.8.3 Understanding Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

The Hypertext Markup Language is a document-layout, hyperlink specification, and markup

language. Web clients use it to generate resource requests for Web servers, and to process output
returned by the Web server for presentation. A markup language described what text means and
what it is supposed to look like. Figure 1.7 shows where the HTML layer fits into Web clients.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Figure 1.7: HTML is transported between the Web client
and Web server over the HTTP Virtual Connection
Client Client

User Web
Interface Resources



Protocol Protocol
Internet Suit

A fundamental property of HTML is that the text it describes can be rendered on most devices.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

12. ………………. are more limited in functionality and scope than the workstation-based
systems but in general have quite the same capabilities with them.

13. The Web server responds with a status line, including the message’s ………………. version
and a success or error code.

14. ………………. use it to generate resource requests for Web servers, and to process output
returned by the Web server for presentation.

1.9 WWW
The World Wide Web and Internet have impacted the world including business, social, political
life in the last few years. It is expected that this trend will certainly continue well into the future
too. You must be very much familiar with the term World Wide Web, which is also known as
web or WWW or W3 and has established itself as the most popular part of the Internet by far. It
is an incredible mines of information, once you start searching anything ranging from documents
to pictures to software, it almost appears limitless. It provides you documents, sound files, view
images, animation, and video, speak and hear voice, and view programs that run on practically
on any software in the world. Therefore, it facilitates the rich and diverse communication by


Web Programming

Notes enabling you to access and interact with text, graphics, animation, photos, audio and video. It
has now become so simple for you to understand how the web works and what it is. Its
implementation is based on client server system and employs your personal computer as client,
web browser software, a connection to an Internet service provider, servers, routers and switches
to direct the flow of information. You may be aware of all terms used in the formation of a web
except web browser.
A browser is software, which your computer uses to view WWW documents and access the Internet.
The browser program residing in your computer facilitates you with the advantages of text formatting,
hypertext links, images, sounds, motion, and other features. Internet Explorer and Netscape are
some of the widely used browsers. Browsers have sub programs called plug-ins to handle the
documents you find on the Web. It may also other plug-ins stored elsewhere in your computer.
Web is very simple to use. Whenever you wish to visit any website, say your institute’s website,
you simply enter the address or URL of the website in your web browser to forward your request
to the web server of the institute to provide you the intended web page. The institute’s web server
then sends your request on the Internet to find the intended website. Once it is obtained, the web
server returns the same to your computer where the browser loaded with different plug-ins
interprets the data, displaying it on your computer screen. The intended web page, which is now
available on your desktop, may have click able links. On clicking on the same, you may visit other
pages. In this manner, the information scattered across the globe can be linked together.
It now becomes essential to explain as to how the different web pages with different text format
and standards could be linked to a particular web page. The binding forces that hold the Web
together are the hypertext and the hyperlinks. The hyperlink allows electronic files on the Web
to be linked so you can jump easily between them using hypertext protocol. As you have learnt
that web browsers that enables you to access the Web also distinguish between web pages and
other types of data on the Internet because web pages are written in a computer language called
Hypertext Markup Language or HTML.
The World Wide Web is an information space that provides resources, which are identified by
global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI). There is software, which in
conjunction with servers, proxies, spiders, browsers and multimedia applications enables an
user to identify and explore resources on web space.

Did u know? What will be the definition of WWW in networking language?

In networking language, www is a client-server information system that utilizes the

Internet to access computers containing millions of hypertext documents.


Many companies have understood the advantages of having a presence on the World Wide Web
and have successfully addressed their corporate objectives by integrating their web site as part
of their business strategy. As we are aware that a website can generate awareness of the products
and services of the company and provide a global storefront for the company 24 hours a day
with automating many business procedures. It is relatively inexpensive and versatile for
establishing and maintaining a website. Its interactive feature make it superior than other
advertising mediums. Below are the some advantages offered by WWW:
 Presence on the web: It enables businesses to be in touch with several million people who
have access to the World Wide Web with more and more added everyday. No business can
afford to ignore this many potential customers.
 Networking: It helps in developing lines of communication to enhance contact with potential
clients and organizations. It helps in speedy and reliable communication and advertisement.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

 Provide business information: It facilitates the websites to publish business services, hours, Notes
location, phone and e-mail for the public to view like any printed form of advertising.
Unlike the conventional advertisement, the website provides instant communication with
information about the business that may change regularly.

 Service to customers: A website provides access to business information and services to

their customers online that may not be available any other way. The customers can be
from anywhere in the world and shop in online stores like never before and from the
comfort of their homes. They can easily and quickly search the database to locate the exact
item that they were looking for and purchase it online.

 Conduct Business: A website may provide means of doing business.

 Provide files to download: Details and information of products and services in the form of
pamphlets, brochures, advertisements, and even a demonstration video can be down
loaded from the company’s website.

 Remote office access: It facilitates offices and employees to be in touch with one another
from remote places to accomplish their tasks effectively.

1.9.1 Terminology

 World Wide Web (the Web, WWW, W3): It is defined as a client-server information system
using the Internet to access computers containing millions of hypertext documents.

 Web page: It is a single hypertext document written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
and described in HTML basics. This normally contains the basic information and links to
navigate in the websites to which it belongs.

 Website: It is written in HTML and is a collection of linked Web pages on a Web server.
Web server is the machine where a website is located or hosted. It may be organization
owned or Internet Service Provider (ISP) owned.

 Home Page: It provides a point of entry to a Website with help. It also contains all relevant
links of that particular website.

 Web client: It refers to the computer and software used to access a website and web pages.

 Web server: It is the computer or server which provides a space for hosting a website. The
web client access web servers to retrieve information from a website.

 Web browser: It is the client software used to explore and display web pages from a

 Search engines: They are software that enables searching of the content available on Internet.

 Hypertext: It defines the documents containing embedded links (hyperlinks) to other

documents or other parts of the same document.

 HTML: Hypertext Markup Language defines the rules for formatting a web page so that a
web browser displays the page properly. The documents available on Web are developed,
using the programming language called HTML, which may be considered as the foundation
of the Web. It is the HTML and other programming that makes possible hyperlinks. The
click ability feature of hyperlinks makes the web unique. The working of hypertext links
depends upon the URL. Each hyperlink contains URL and you send a request by clicking
on the link so that the requested document can be retrieved on your machine from other
computer, it may be anywhere in the world. TCP/IP and HTML could make this possible.


Web Programming


Notes We may now define the HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) as a standard format
for documents on the WWW, which could be viewed by using WWW browsers.
 URL: It denotes Uniform Resource Locator. It is the address of a document on the World
Wide Web. Web browsers enable a person to enter a known address of a web server or a
specific document within that server. Addresses begin with http://, ftp://, gopher://,
WAIS://, file:// etc.
 Protocols: They are sets of communication rules that enable client machines and servers
to communicate accurately with each other.
 Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP): Hypertext Transfer Protocols are the rules that
enable the transmission of web documents from one computer to another via the Internet.
WWW is a client/server-computing environment. A client computer by clicking on a link
requests a document from Web server. In order to serve the request of client, Web server
uses a protocol called HTTP or Hyper Text Transport Protocol.

1.9.2 Internet and www Milestones

Early 1960s—Genesis of networking at The RAND Corporation, in a series of reports by Paul

Baran. Also, Leonard Kleinrock’s thesis “Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Early Flow
and Delay” at MIT created the model for performance evaluation and network 1960 design. The
concept of a “mesh network” of minicomputers that would use packet $ switching (in contrast to
circuit switching used in phone connections) to communicate over phone lines was a revolutionary
notion at the time. Until then, computer communications had centered on mainframes and
point-to-point links.
1965: One of the first networking experiments took place when the TX-2 computer at M.I.T.’s
Lincoln Laboratory was connected to a Scientific Data Systems Q-23 computer in Santa Monica,
California [HAF96].
1968: A request for proposal was floated to create the ARPANET; Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
(BBN) was awarded the prime contract. ARPA awarded other contracts to AT& T for
communications circuits, Network Analysis Corporation for designing the 1968 network
topology, the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) for a “network measurement
center”, and Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for a “network information center” Other sites on
the nationwide net included the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and the University of
California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).
1969: The first ARPANET node was installed at UCLA in September 1969, thus launching the first
packet switching network connecting SRI, UCSB, and University of Utah. The actual ARPANET
network that resulted used special-purpose computers known as IMPs (interface message
processors) to dismantle information into small chunks called packets, transmit the packetized
information to a destination computer known by an address, check for transmission errors,
retransmit damaged packets, and reassemble packets at the destination sites.

Did u know? What is Network Communication Protocol (NCP)?

To interface between the IMPs and proprietary software on the multivendor host computers,
the ARPANET researchers created Network Communication Protocol (NCP).
1971—In just two short years, approximately twenty nodes were installed, and ARPA was funding
thirty different university sites as part of the ARPANET program.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

1972: e-mail was invented by accident, when two programmers at BBN decided to send 1971 each Notes
other messages, not merely transfer files. Ray Tomlinson (BBN is credited with, using the
ARPANET to place the world’s first e-mail message in 1973).
1973-74: In the mid-1970s, the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) was
developed by Vint Cerf to link different packet networks. The purpose of TCP/IP was to connect
different networks (copper wire, radio, microwave) and still enable the host computers to talk
to each other coherently. TCP/IP is capable of connecting multiple independent networks through
routers (or gateways).
1975: In July 1975 ARPA transferred management of ARPANET and Network Measurement
Center from BBN and UCLA to the Defense Communications Agency (DCA; now called Defense
Information Systems Agency). It was expected that direct experience with packet switching by
DCA would ultimately be of wider benefit to the Department of Defense.
1978: The U.S. government decreed that TCP/IP be the preferred way to send information 1978?
from one computer to another. This caused computer vendors to wake up and realize that TCP/
IP is here to stay.
1980: DARPA funded the development of Berkeley UNIX. TCP/IP was made part of the 1980
operating system. The government had considered buying AT&T UNIX but felt that it didn’t
have enough features, primarily TCP/IP.
1983: Transition from the original ARPANET protocol, the Network Communication Protocol
(NCP), to TCP. At this time only a few hundred host computers were on the nascent Internet.
1980-86: From 1980 to 1986, NSF supported the development of CSNET, a computer science
research network. CSNET was a network of networks, one component of which used the TCP
protocols over an X.25 public data network showing the power of a 1980.86 layered architecture.
CSNET also included the ARPANET and PHONENET, a telephone-based electronic mail relaying
system. By 1985, CSNET had links to over 170 university, industrial, and government research
organizations and numerous gateways to networks in other countries.
1982-86: In 1982 a report, “Large Scale Computing in Science and Engineering”, recommended
the establishment of NSF-funded supercomputing centers as well as a high-speed network to
connect them. These centers would offer an opportunity to make progress in science and
engineering research. By the year 1985, NSF announced five awards, and by 1986 the Cornell
Theory Center, the Illinois National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the Princeton
John von Neumann Center were up and running.
1986: NSF initiated a new program of networking and computer support for supercomputing
centers to be used by researchers. This program began with a memorandum of understanding
with ARPA to allow NSF-funded supercomputer centers and selected researchers to use the
ARPANET. Believing that ARPANET was I not suitable, NSF instituted the NSF Connections
program in 1986 to broaden the base of network users with their own computer facilities and
eventually to help universities achieve access to supercomputers (by supplying hardware and
telecommunications lines for direct, point-to-point connections). In 1986, it launched the NSFNET
network backbone program.
1987: CSNET merged with BITNET, a worldwide network connecting IBM mainframes that was
initiated in 1980-81. CSNET operations were continued under the Corporation for Research and
Education Networking (CREN), whose operating costs were completely covered by member
organizations’ dues.

1987: After significant congestion was experienced in 1987, the backbone was upgraded from 56
kbps to TI service (1.5 Mbps) and became operational in 1988.


Web Programming

Notes 1988: The Internet virus is unleashed by a graduate student at Cornell University, focusing
attention on network vulnerability to security threats. Immediate steps were taken to make the
network more secure.

1990: Twenty years after its birth at UCLA, ARPANET was officially decommissioned; its
descendant, the NSFNET, inherited its role as the research and education 1990 communities’
backbone network. The first relay between a commercial electronic mail carrier (MCI Mail) and
the Internet took place through the Clearinghouse for Networked Information.

Its mission accomplished, CSNET service was discontinued. For the first time, commercial
networks were connected to the NSFNET backbone through the Commercial Internet Exchange
(CIX) Association. CIX was formed by General Atomics (CERFnet), Performance Systems
International, Inc. (PSINet), and UUNET Technologies, Inc. (AlterNet).

1991: Anew bread of distributed information services called Wide Area Information Servers
(WAIS) released by the now-bankrupt Thinking Machines Corporation; Gopher was released by
the University of Minnesota, and the World Wide Web was announced on alt.hypertext by Tim
Berners-Lee of CERN.

The U.S. government made a decision to turn NSFNET into a faster research network called
National Research and Education Network (NREN) as defined in the High-Performance
Computing Act of 1991.

1993: National Information Infrastructure announcement sparks interest in the Information

1993 Superhighway. Businesses and media suddenly realised there was something called the
Internet and began to take an interest in its exploitation.

1994: Two million copies of a freeware mosaic -a multimedia browser for the WWW, written by
Marc Andreesen, at that time an undergraduate student at the University 1993.94 of Illinois at
Urbana Campaign -were distributed over the Internet and attained incredible popularity. This
milestone event represents anew chapter in electronic commerce.

1995: The old NSFNET backbone is decommissioned and anew architecture based on Network
Access Points (NAPs) is installed.

2000: IT Act 2000 passed by the Government of India.

Task Write the full form of the following abbreviations:


2. www


4. DOD

5. NAP

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

15. The World Wide Web is an information space that provides resources, which are identified
by global identifiers called ……………….

16. Hypertext Markup Language defines the rules for formatting a ………………. so that a
web browser displays the page properly.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

1.10 Web Server Notes

Although technically not a component of Microsoft Speech Server (MSS), a Web server running
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is an integral part of a complete MSS deployment
scenario. (IIS is included with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 but it must be explicitly installed.
Click Add/Remove Windows Components and select both IIS and ASP.NET.)

The Web server hosts the speech application, including application resources such as prompt
databases and grammar files. It generates the application Web pages that contain HTML, SALT,
and script. A Telephony Application Services SALT interpreter, or a client device with the
Speech Add-in installed, connects to the Web server.
The Web server hosts ASP.NET pages (.aspx) for applications developed using the Microsoft
Speech Application SDK (SASDK), or using ASP.NET Speech Controls.

Speech Application Deployment Service

Speech Application Deployment Service (SADS) provide a way for MSS to manage the deployed
speech application. When installed on the Web server, SADS appears in the Microsoft Management
Console (MMC) snap-in for MSS, providing the ability to add, remove and update deployed applications.

Prompt Database

A prompt database is an application-specific repository of prerecorded sound files used by the

speech output engines of Speech Engine Services. To improve prompt quality, and therefore the
quality of the speech output, application developers may hire a professional to record the
prompts for the database.

Grammar Files

A grammar file contains a structured list of words and phrases that SAPI parses for the Speech
Engine Services speech recognition (SR) engine. Grammars are specific to applications developed
for the Speech Application Platform.

Task Analyze What are the advantages of Web server?

1.11 Client/Server Architecture Model for Web Request

A web is similar to the server in client/server technology. The server, in client/server technology,
usually connects to a database. The client, in client/server technology, makes a data request to
the server, processes the returned data, and presents the result through a graphical user interface.

A web client makes a resource request to the Web server, processes the returned resource, and
presents the result through a graphical user interface.
The difference between a server, in client/server technology, and a Web server seems to be one
accepts requests for data, and the other accepts requests for a resource. The differences are
dramatic, as we look closer.

The server, in client/server technology, is typically a specialized database server. The Microsoft SQL
server product is a good example. A database server receives requests for data from a client through
vendor proprietary network software. It locates the data and returns it. The client applies application
logic to the data, and presents the result through a graphical user interface. This is a “fat client”
because the application logic is in the client. Figure 1.8 illustrates client/server components.


Web Programming

Notes Figure 1.8: Client/Server concept: A Fat Client

Web Client


Logic Database

Client Database

Vendor Vendor
Network Network
Software Software

Not just any client in client/server technology can request data from the database server. All
clients must run the correct vendor proprietary network software.

Notes Likewise, a database server can only locate the return data form the vendor
proprietary database, without using a database gateway to another proprietary database.

The network connection between the client and the database server remains until one or the
other closes it, or until the network fails. The database server retains state information about the
client for the entire lifetime for the connection. This saves the database server time in completing
requests for data.

Web servers receive requests for a resource from Web client through the standard TCP/IP
protocol Suite. The resource can be a file, or data returned by another process. The Web server
locates the file and returns it, or executes another process, supplies it with input, and returns the
output. The Web client does not apply application logic to the resource. It presents the resource
through a graphical user interface. This is a “thin client” because it does not contain application
logic. Figure 1.8 illustrates Web client/server components.

Any web client can request a resource from any Web server, and any Web server can request a
resource from any other web server. This is possible, because they use the standard TCP/IP
Protocol Suite.

The network connection between the Web client and Web server remains only until the Web
server has returned the resource. The Web server does not retain any state information about the
Web client.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

Figure 1.9: Client/Server concept: A “Thin Client”


Client Client

User Web
Interface Resources

Web Database
Client Server

Protocol Protocol
Suit Suit

1.12 URL

A URL contains the following information:

 Protocol: Specifies the Internet protocol to access a resource. The abstract encompasses
FTP, Gopher, and HTTP Internet Protocols.

 Network Endpoint: Internet Addresses of Internet Information Server and Protocol Port

 Resource Location: Path information to locate a resource on Internet Information Server

URL syntax is {service}: ://{host} [: port]/[path /… /] [file name]

Required parameters are surrounded by { }. Optional parameters are surrounded by [ ]. Other

characters are mandatory separators.

Notes Service is a required field. Web server support FTP, Gopher and HTTP services.

Host is a required field. This field is the host name or IP address of the Internet Information

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

17. A prompt database is an ………………. repository of prerecorded sound files used by the
speech output engines of Speech Engine Services.

18. A database server receives requests for data from a client through ………………. proprietary
network software.


Web Programming


Caselet ‘Internet will Take time to Evolve as Business Model’

ince it took a century for the industrial revolution to become a reality, it would be
unrealistic to expect the Internet to become a business model overnight, said Mr Ajit
Balakrishnan, founder and CEO of

Speaking at the IIM-Kozhikode on the topic ‘Entrepreneurship in e-business: Current

challenges and future perspectives’, he recounted the struggles and setbacks faced by during the early days of its listing on Nasdaq and the subsequent collapse of all
Internet stocks.

IIM-Kozhikode had organised the two-day Annual IT Management Seminar with the
theme ‘IT India: Crossing the Chasm.’ The event was organised by AbaKus, the Systems
interest group at IIMK. TCS and Satyam were the sponsors of the event, which was
supported by Nasscom.

Addressing the session Ms Jessie Paul, Chief Marketing Officer, Wipro Technologies,
talked about how branding is both an art and a science. She remarked that a brand is not
about advertising and public relations alone, but must deliver its promise to attain the
affection and respect of customers.

Mr Sriniketh Raman Chakravarthi, Senior Manager, Corporate Development, Cognizant

talked about global outsourcing landscape and the evolution of IT services.

Mr K. Ganesh, non-Executive Chairman of Marketics; Col K.P.M. Das, VP, Mobile

Computing Products Group, Encore Technologies; Ms Aruna Jayanthi, VP & Head of
Outsourcing, Capgemini; and Mr Viswanathan Krishnamurthi, CIO, Yahoo! Bangalore,
also shared their experiences and insights on the occasion.

1.13 Summary

 The beginning of the Internet dates back to the late 1960s, when the Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense (DOD) formed ARPANET.

 The World Wide Web is also known as the ‘www’ or the ‘web’. It is an architectural
framework of information system fully implemented in 1994 on the Internet.

 It contains millions of electronic documents called Web Pages.

 A web page contains text and graphics (drawings) which are linked to related information.

 The Web is not internet.

 The Internet means a network infrastructure that is built on certain standards, which are
followed by all participants to connect to each other.

 The Internet Protocol (IP) defines how the flow of information is organised.

 World Wide Web lays down the specifications of information and services to be exchanged
with its Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

 Thus, the web offers the exchange of documents via HTTP.

 The World Wide Web provides a simple-to-use web interface that allows people with
very little knowledge in computing to access web services all over the Internet.


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

 The World Wide Web that has become de facto standards for any professional belonging Notes
to any discipline finds its extensive use and utility in providing information stored in
computer system attached to the Internet or www.

 Different web designing techniques are used to make the information in a presentable
form to the users. Some of the web designing techniques such as HTML has become a
standard for web pages.

 In addition to the above, In HTML webpage design, the limited use of colors often makes
the appearance of the colors more powerful.

 It is also possible to add an image or a plain color as background with the help of its
specifications in the <body> tag. Form also gives navigability to a website.

 Forms are objects that enable to enter information in the form of text boxes, drop-down
menus or radio buttons. Front Page provided by Microsoft, however, provides an excellent
tool for designing WebPages with very minimal knowledge of HTML has been replaced
by more advanced tools.

 FrontPage enables to work in a WYSI–A–WYG (What You See Is –Almost– What You Get)
environment that facilitates a great deal like the Microsoft word processing application,

 Web browser is software to run the hypertext transmission protocols to retrieve a webpage
from its destination.

 The browser program residing in the end user computer facilitates the advantages of text
formatting, hypertext links, images, sounds, motion, and other features.

 Internet Explorer and Netscape are some of the widely used browsers. Browsers have sub
programs called plug-ins to handle the documents you find on the Web.

 It may also other plug-ins stored elsewhere in your computer.

 Search engines with different approaches provide an excellent method of searching

WebPages on www in minimal possible time. Contribution of search engines is enormous
to the growth of www and Internet.

1.14 Keywords

Frames: It is for displaying more than one HTML document in the same browser window or to
divide the screen into separate windows.

Home Page: It provides a point of entry to a Website with help. It also contains all relevant links
of that particular website.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language defines the rules for formatting a web page so that a web
browser displays the page properly.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Hypertext Transfer Protocols are the rules that enable the
transmission of web documents from one computer to another via the Internet.

Hypertext: It defines the documents containing embedded links (hyperlinks) to other documents
or other parts of the same document.

Internet: It means a network infrastructure that is built on certain standards, which are followed
by all participants to connect to each other.

Internet Protocol (IP): It defines how the flow of information is organized.

Search Engines: They are software that enables searching of the content available on Internet.


Web Programming

Notes URL: It denotes Uniform Resource Locator. It is the address of a document on the World Wide

Web Browser: It is the client software used to explore and display web pages from a website.

Web Client: It refers to the computer and software used to access a website and web pages.

Web Page: It is a single hypertext document written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
and described in HTML basics. This normally contains the basic information and links to
navigate in the websites to which it belongs.

Web Server: It is the computer or server which provides a space for hosting a website. The web
client access web servers to retrieve information from a website.

Web Site: It is written in HTML and is a collection of linked Web pages on a Web server. Web
server is the machine where a website is located or hosted. It may be organization owned or
Internet Service Provider (ISP) owned.

World Wide Web (WWW): It is defined as a client-server information system using the Internet
to access computers containing millions of hypertext documents.

World Wide Web: It is an architectural framework of information system which offers the
exchange of documents via HTTP.

1.15 Review Questions

1. Compare and contrast between internet and www.

2. The Internet is an important tool for practically everybody. Analyze this statement and
discuss the evolution of internet.

3. A web browser is the software program used to access the World Wide Web that is the
graphical portion of the Internet. Give reasons

4. Explain why the server, in client/server technology, is typically a specialized database


5. There are several search engines. Explain the different types of search engines with their

6. What is relevance of Front Page in designing web pages when most of the web pages are
designed in HTML?

7. How is the HTML document used for making a hyperlink? Explain with example.

8. Provide a link of another site and define links to send an email to different people. Take
relevant example.

9. Hypertext is a document containing words that connect to other document. Do you agree
with this statement? Why or why not? Give reasons

10. The resource can be a file, or data returned by another process. Discuss

Answers: Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. network technologies 2. nuclear event

3. Searchable 4. hyperlinks


Unit 1: Internet Fundamentals

5. private 6. home pages Notes

7. NNTP 8. Web servers

9. web browser 10. web pages

11. hypertext 12. Hypercard

13. protocol 14. Web clients

15. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) 16. web page

17. application-specific 18. vendor

1.16 Further Readings

Rajneesh Agrawal and Bhata Bhushan Computer Networks and Internet Tiwari,
published by Vikas Publication

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, published by Prentice Hall

Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Data Communications and Networking, Fegan

published by McGraw-Hill Companies

Dr. Ravi Kalakota, Marcia Robinson, E-business Road Map for Success.

G.Winfield Treese Lawrence C. Stewart, Designing Systems for Internet


Kalakota and Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce.

Kamelesh K Bajaj, Debjani Nag, E-commerce the Cutting Edge of Business.

Burton, Bill, Remote Access for Cisco Networks, published by McGraw-Hill

Osborne Media

Web Tutorials on HTML and Front Page

Online links


Web Programming Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages




2.1 HTML Document Structure

2.1.1 Document Tags

2.1.2 HTML Tag

2.1.3 Text Structures

2.1.4 Headings

2.1.5 Paragraphs and Line Breaks

2.1.6 Logical and Physical Markup

2.1.7 Special Characters

2.1.8 Formatting Text with Attributes

2.1.9 Changing fonts

2.1.10 Colors

2.2 Singular and Paired Tags

2.3 Adding Images

2.3.1 The Alt Attribute

2.3.2 Hyperlinks

2.4 Audio and Video

2.4.1 Using the <video> tag

2.4.2 Using the <audio> tag

2.5 Creating List

2.6 Tables

2.7 Forms

2.8 Frames
2.9 Using Multiple Windows in Web Pages

2.10 Summary

2.11 Keywords

2.12 Review Questions

2.13 Further Readings


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Objectives Notes

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan the HTML Document Structure

 Describe Singular and Paired Tags

 Demonstrate the Hyperlinks and Adding images

 Recognize Audio and Video tags

 Explain the creation of lists, tables, forms, frames

 Scan the using of multiple windows for web pages


HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) is composed of tags, i.e., commands in angle-brackets

(< >). HTML tags are case-insensitive, that is, it doesn’t matter whether you type them in upper
or lower case.

2.1 HTML Document Structure

 An HTML element starts with a start tag/opening tag

 An HTML element ends with an end tag/closing tag

 The element content is everything between the start and the end tag

 Some HTML elements have empty content

 Empty elements are closed in the start tag

 Most HTML elements can have attributes

Tags typically occur in begin-end pairs. These pairs are in the form tag> ... </tag> Where the
<tag> indicates the beginning of a tag-pair, and the </tag> indicates the end. (The three dots
indicate an arbitrary amount of content between the tags.). These pairs define containers. Any
content within a container has the rules of that container applied to it. For example, the text
within a “boldface container” would be boldfaced. Similarly, paragraphs are defined using a
“paragraph container.”

Some commands do not consist of a begin and end tag, but just of a single tag. In HTML, this is
just a begin tag:<tag>

2.1.1 Document Tags

The first tag in an HTML document is the “!DOCTYPE” tag. It looks like this

(or similar):

This says that the document is written in HTML, version 4.01, and that all requirements of HTML
4.01 are strictly adhered to. Don’t worry if that line looks a bit complicated—just type it into
your web page exactly like you see it above, and it will work for you. The DOCTYPE declaration
needs to be written in upper case, just like you see it above—it is an exception to the general rule
of writing tags in lower case.


Web Programming

Notes If you want to use commands from previous versions of HTML, you can use the transitional
variant of HTML 4.01 instead:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”

In older web pages, you may note that the DOCTYPE declaration is missing. This is because it
was not required in earlier versions of HTML.

Caution You can still write web pages without it and most browsers will display your
page correctly. However, in order to write a valid HTML page, it is required nowadays.

2.1.2 HTML Tag

After the DOCTYPE declaration come the “html” tags. These are the tags that tell a web browser
where the HTML part in your document begins and ends.
Inside the “html” container, we have the “head” and the “body” container:

The “body” contains the actual content of your web page.

The “head” contains all of the document’s header information like the web document’s title and
information about the document itself. This is an important point for search engines.
The container “title” is placed within the head structure. Between the title tags, you should have
the title of your document. This will appear at the top of the browser’s title bar, and also appears
in the history list. Finally, the contents of the title container go into your bookmark file, if you
create a bookmark to a page.
Also, the head contains meta information about the document, most importantly the character
encoding that is used.
The encoding “ISO-8859-1” is used for English, French, Spanish, German and other Western
European languages.
Here you see an example of a “head” container with a “title” element and a “meta” element
denoting the encoding:
<title>This is my very first HTML document</title>
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html;


Again, you can just copy the “meta” element as you see it above into your document.


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

The “body” comes after the head structure. Between the body tags, you find all of the stuff that Notes
gets displayed in the browser window. All of the text, the graphics, and links, and so on - these
things occur between the body tags.

The strict variant of HTML 4.01 requires that any content inside the body is within a further set of
tags (if you use the transitional variant of HTML 4.01, this is not necessary). For text, you can use
“p” (the paragraph tag). A complete page would then look like this as shown in below example:

Example: Writing a paragraph in HTML.

<title>This is my very first HTML document</title>
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html;
<p><h1> Here is where the actual content of the page goes.
Note that it does not matter where I start a new line...
or wether I leave space between two lines. </p></h1>

This will result in the following page being displayed in your browser as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1

If you want to leave yourself notes in an HTML document, but don’t want those notes to show up
in the browser window, you need to use the comment tag. To do that, you would do the
<!— This is a comment. —>

Steps to run Example

1. Save the above example as HTMLExample.html.
2. Open the browser.


Web Programming

Notes 3. Open the file by browsing it

4. Get the output

2.1.3 Text Structures

As we have seen, a line break in your source file does not mean that there will be a line break on
the web page displayed by your browser. So how do you structure the text on your page? For
example, how do you get headings that are set apart from the text underneath? And how do you
start a new paragraph that is set off by a blank line from your previous text?

2.1.4 Headings

Heading structures are most commonly used to set apart document or section titles.

There are six levels of headings, from heading 1 through heading 6. Heading1 (h1) is “most
important” and heading 6 (h6) is “least important.” By default, browsers will display the six
heading levels in the same font, with the point size decreasing as the importance of the heading
decreases. Here are two examples:
<h1>Heading 1: The largest</h1>
<h6>Heading 6: The smallest</h6>

2.1.5 Paragraphs and Line Breaks

To create an empty line between two blocks of text, you need to label those text blocks (or
paragraphs) with the paragraph marker “p”. So, surround your paragraphs with <p> and </
p> like we have done in our example page. Actually, in HTML you do not need the closing tag
for “p”, you can create an empty line after a block by just writing <p>. Here is an example
(note that you do not actually need to leave a blank line between the two paragraphs in your
source code).

<p>This is the first paragraph. Isn´t it a nice paragraph? It has lots of words in it. It´s such a nice
paragraph that I think it should never end.</p>

<p>This is the second paragraph. It´s also a very nice paragraph

but maybe not as nice as that first one was.</p>

If you just want to move down to the next line, without leaving a blank space, you would use a
“br”, for line break. For example, like this

This is a line.<br> And here is the next line.

Example: Given below is another example for using line break in your web page.



<p>This is<br />a para<br />graph with line breaks</p>




Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Result: The result for the above html code is given below. Notes

This is

a para

graph with line breaks

2.1.6 Logical and Physical Markup

These examples demonstrate how you can mark-up text in an HTML document when you want
to describe its function and desired appearance.
<b>This text is bold</b> <br>
<strong> This text is strong </strong> <br>
<i>This text is italic</i> <br>
<em>This text is emphasized</em>
An example for subscript: H<sub>2</sub>O <br>
An example for superscript: x<sup>2</sup>

And this is what it will look like:

While “b” (for “bold”) and “i” (for “italics”) are physical markups (they prescribe the look of
the text), the markups “strong” and “em” (for “emphasized”) are logical markups, i.e. they
rather describe the idea behind the look. As you can see in the above example, the default
behavior of a browser is usually to display “strong” passages in bold, and “emphasized”
passages in italics. However, this default can be overridden with the help of style sheets (more
on that later).

For example, the composer of a web site might decide that emphasized text should be displayed
in bold, and strong text should be displayed in bold and in a larger font. Generally, it is better to
use logical markup than physical markup, as this describes the meaning of a text passage rather
than its look. You are more flexible that way and can reuse the same page later with different
style settings.

2.1.7 Special Characters

Certain characters, such as the angle-brackets (< >), the ampersand (&) and others are reserved
by HTML to represent special things – for example, the left angle-bracket denotes the start of an
HTML tag. If you actually want an angle-bracket to appear in your text, you need to use a special
HTML command. In addition there are many ISO-Latin 1 characters that you may wish to
include in a document, but which are not trivially available on a standard keyboard.

HTML gives you the possibility of including these special characters through certain commands.

Commands for special characters consist of three parts:

 a leading ampersand character, (&),

 the name of the entity (in ascii characters)

 a terminating semicolon (;)


Web Programming

< &lt; (for “lower than”)
> &gt; (for “greater than”)
& &amp; (for “ampersand”)
ä &auml; (for “a umlaut”)
ö, ü &ouml; &uuml;
Ä,Ö,Ü &Auml; &Ouml; &Uuml;
€ &euro;
© &copy;

So, for example the German sentence M&uuml;nchen ist eine sch&ouml;ne Stadt! will display as:
München ist eine schöne Stadt!

2.1.8 Formatting text with Attributes

Attributes can be used to change a tag’s properties. For example, a paragraph’s property might
be its alignment (left, right or center). A text’s property might be its font size or color.

To change these properties, tags can be extended by attributes:

<p style=”text-align:center”> a centered paragraph </p>
<p style=”text-align:right”> a paragraph aligned right </p>

The paragraph tag “p” here has the attribute “style”, and the attribute is assigned a value,
namely “text-align:center” (or “text-align:right”).

This particular attribute “style” is our first example of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) technology.

Style sheets allow you to specify the presentation (look) or your text. We will learn more about
CSS later.

In older HTML documents, you may also see the attribute “align”,

For example:
<p align=”center”> another centered paragraph </p>.

This still works in HTML, but is deprecated, i.e. you are not supposed to use this attribute anymore.



<p><b>This text is bold</b></p>

<p><strong>This text is strong</strong></p>

<p><big>This text is big</big></p>

<p><i>This text is italic</i></p>

<p><em>This text is emphasized</em></p>

<p><code>This is computer output</code></p>


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

<p>This is<sub> subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup></p> Notes



Result: The visual result for the above code is shown below:

This text is bold

This text is strong

This text is big

This text is italic

This text is emphasized

2.1.9 Changing Fonts

You can change the size of text similarly by writing

<p style=”font-size:250%”>Pretty large text</p>
<p style=”font-size:50%”>Pretty small text</p>

Here, the first line is displayed in a large font size, the second line in a small font size. If you
don’t want to change the size of text for a whole paragraph, but just for a passage (a sequence of
words) within a paragraph, for example, you can use the “span” tag:
<p> This text is in normal size. Now,
<span style=”font-size:250%”>this is large</span> and now we go
back to normal size.

Again, you might come across a deprecated older tag for specifying text properties (size, face
and color): the <font> tag. For setting size, it was used like this: <font size=”5">Here is a size 5
font</font>, and you could set 7 different levels of sizes from 1 (smallest) to 7 (largest), where
the default was 3.

Notes However, the recommended method for setting text properties nowadays is via
styles, as shown before.

To change the font type, you can use “font-family”. Choose a different font face using any font
you have installed. Be aware that if the user viewing the page doesn’t have the font installed, it
will not be displayed. Instead, the default font Times New Roman (which is a default browser
setting) will be displayed. An option is to choose a few fonts that are similar in appearance:
<span style=”font-family:Arial,Verdana,Helvetica”>nice font...</span>

If you specify various fonts like this, the browser will try the first one first, and if that font is not
installed, the second, and so on.

The old way was to use the element “font” with the attribute face:
<font face=”Arial”> some text </font>.


Web Programming

Notes 2.1.10 Colors

The attribute changing the color is color. It’s values can be color names like red, green, blue, etc.
<span style=”color:red”>red text</span>

However, only 16 color names are supported by the W3C HTML 4.0 standard (aqua, black, blue,
fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow). For
all other colors you must specify how the color is made up from the three base colors red, green
and blue (RGB).

Did u know? What you need to specify for all three base colors?
You need to specify for all three base colors an intensity between 0 (lowest) and 255
(highest), giving you the color that results from mixing these base colors with the specified
For example, assigning 0 to red, 0 to green and 255 to blue gives you “100% blue”. There are two
ways of defining RGB values – firstly using hexadecimal notation, secondly using decimal
When defining the RGB values of a color in hexadecimal notation, you write a “#” followed by
six digits, of which two represent the red value, two the green value and two the blue value.
These are in hexadecimal notation, i.e. the lowest value 0 is written as “00”, the highest value 255
is written as “FF”, for example, “#0000FF”.
When using the decimal numbers, you write “rgb”, followed by a triplet of numbers, in parentheses
and separated by commas, for example “rgb(0,0,255)”.
This table shows the result of combining red, green and blue in various ways:
Color Color HEX Color RGB
#000000 rgb(0,0,0)
#FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
#00FF00 rgb(0,255,0)
#0000FF rgb(0,0,255)
#FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0)
#00FFFF rgb(0,255,255)
#FF00FF rgb(255,0,255)
#C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192)
#FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)
<p style=”color:#FF00FF”>WOW! This is pink</p>
<p style=”color:rgb(255,0,255)”>This is pink, too!</p>



<h1 style="font-family:verdana;">A heading</h1>

<p style="font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:20px;">A paragraph.</p>




Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Result: The visual result for the above code is shown below: Notes

A heading
A paragraph.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The “…………………” contains all of the document’s header information like the web
document’s title and information about the document itself.
2. The container “…………………” is placed within the head structure.
3. Be aware that if the user viewing the page doesn’t have the font installed, it will not be
4. When using the decimal numbers, you write “…………………”, followed by a triplet of
numbers, in parentheses and separated by commas.

2.2 Singular and Paired Tags


Tags are instructions that are embedded directly into the text of a HTML document. Each HTML
tag describes that the browser should do something instead of simply displaying the text. In
HTML, the tags begin with (<) and end with (>)
HTML tags can be of two types. They are:
1. Paired Tags
2. Unpaired Tags
Paired Tags: A tag is said to be a paired tag if the text is placed between a tag and its companion
tag. In paired tags, the first tag is referred to as Opening Tag and the second tag is referred to as
Closing Tag.

<i>This text is in italics. </i>

Notes Note: Here <i> is called opening tag. and </i> is called closing tag.

Unpaired Tags: An unpaired tag does not have a companion tag. Unpaired tags are also known
as Singular or Stand-Alone Tags.

Example: <br> , <hr> etc. These tags does not require any companion tag.


Web Programming

Notes 2.3 Adding Images

Images can be used to make your web pages distinctive, and can greatly help to get your
message across. .In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag.
The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only and it has no closing tag.
To display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands for “source”. The
value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display on your page.
The syntax of defining an image:
<img src=”url” />
<img src=”background.jpg” width=”200" height=”150">

The URL points to the location where the image is stored.

The browser puts the image where the image tag occurs in the document. If you put an image tag
between two paragraphs, the browser shows the first paragraph, then the image, and then the
second paragraph.
<body background=”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My
Pictures\Sample Pictures\Blue hills.jpg”>
<h1>Look: A background image!</h1>
<p><h2>Both gif and jpg files can be used as HTML backgrounds.</
<p><h3>If the image is smaller than the page, the image will repeat

The output is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2

2.3.1 The Alt Attribute

The alt attribute is used to define an “alternate text” for an image. The value of the alt attribute
is an author-defined text.
<img src=”background.jpg” alt=”bckgrnd” />


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

The “alt” attribute tells the reader what he or she is missing on a page if the browser can’t load Notes
images. The browser will then display the alternate text instead of the image.

Task It is a good practice to include the “alt” attribute for each image on a page, to
improve the display and usefulness of your document for people who have text-only
browsers. Explain with suitable examples

2.3.2 Hyperlinks

What makes the web so effective is the ability to define links from one page to another, and to
follow links at the click of a button. A single click can take you right across the world!
Links are defined with the <a> tag.

Let’s create a link to the page defined in the file “peter.html”: This link to
<a href=”Example1.html”>upendra’s homepage</a>.

The text between the <a> and the </a> is used as the caption for the link. It is common for the
caption to be in blue underlined text. It is by the way a good idea to not have any blank spaces
in the names of your HTML files, as this might create problems with some web servers. You can
use an underscore, “_”, to separate words in your file names.

To link to a page on another web site you need to give the full web address (the URL). For
instance, to link to “Google” you need to write:
A link to <a href=””>Google</a>.

If you want the user’s browser to open a new window for the linked page, (that way the user
finds back to your page as soon as he or she closes the new window), use the attribute target:
A link to <a href= target=’_blank’>Google</a>.

Did u know? What are the two attributes in image tag?

The <img> tag has two required attributes: src and alt.

Example: Try the given below code to learn how an hyperlink is inserted in a webpage.



<a href="default.asp">HTML Tutorial</a> This is a link to a page on this




<a href="">Google</a> This is a link to a website on

the World Wide Web.



Web Programming

Notes </body>


Result: Your result window for the above code is shown below:

HTML Tutorial This is a link to a page on this website.

Google This is a link to a website on the World Wide Web.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

5. A tag is said to be a paired tag if the text is placed between a tag and its ………………… tag.

6. To display an image on a page, you need to use the ………………… attribute.

7. The …………………… points to the location where the image is stored.

8. The alt attribute is used to define an “…………………….. “ for an image.

2.4 Audio and Video

2.4.1 Using the <video> tag

Lest you think what we’re about to wade through is ultimately an exercise in futility, if there is
no agreed upon standard, consider this: Google is chomping at the bit to use the video tag for

In fact, there’s already a mockup of what YouTube would look like using only HTML 5. While
the company hasn’t announced a timeline to convert YouTube to use the HTML 5 <video> tag,
you can bet that when they do, a sizable chunk of the web will follow suit.

So how does video work? Well, are you ready? Here’s the code to embed a video in HTML 5:
<video src=”/myvideo.mp4"></video>

Well, ideally you would do something more like this (which is what the aforementioned YouTube
demo does):
<video width=”640" height=”360" src=”/demo/google_main.mp4?2" autobuffer>
<div class=”fallback”>
<p>You must have an HTML5 capable browser.</p>

There are also a number of useful attributes for the <video> tag, including auto-play controls, a
“poster” attribute that points to an image file to display before the video is loaded and a boolean
attribute for play/pause controls. The <video> tag also has a whole host of events you can hook
into with JavaScript, allowing you to play movies inside movies and set up complex user
interactions via mouse and keyboard events.


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Example: Here’s an example that uses the video tag in conjunction with the Canvas tag and
Web Workers (we’ll cover those in the future) to create a motion tracking system for web video.
The unfortunate answer is that you’ll need to point to multiple videos. Hardly ideal, but if you
want to push the HTML boundaries, you can embed your video using the <video> tag for
browsers that support HTML 5 and fallback on Flash for those that don’t.
Something like this would do the trick:
<video src=”video.mp4" controls>
<object data=”player.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”>
<param value=”player.swf” name=”movie”/>

Obviously, all we’ve really done is wrap the same old <object> and <embed> tags with the
new<video> tag — hardly a great leap for the web.
How about we get rid of the fallback code, keep our HTML limited to the video tag and use a
little JavaScript to handle the Flash embedding behind the scenes?
<video controls>
<source src=”video.m4v” type=”video/mp4" /> <!— MPEG4 for Safari —>
<source src=”video.ogg” type=”video/ogg” /> <!— Ogg Theora for Firefox
3.1b2 —>

Sjokvist’s Flash solution requires a little JavaScript to sniff out the browsers capabilities and
then offer Flash if the browser can’t understand HTML5 (note that the code uses the swfobject
library to handle the actual embed).

Notes We prefer this method since it keeps the actual HTML code cleaner and when video
tag support is ubiquitous, all you need to do is drop the JavaScript. There’s no requirement
to rewrite your actual pages.

Another possible solution would be to simply load the MP4 movie into a Flash container file. As
of Flash Player 10, Flash supports dynamically loaded MP4 files, so all you would need is to use
Sjokvist’s JavaScript detection code, but rather than feeding your player SWF a separate .flv
video file, you could just load the same MP4 file.

If you need a refresher course on how to dynamically load videos into a Flash file, check out this
Stack Overflow page which has a quick overview and some basic sample code.

Using that scenario, you’ve got a solution where every visitor can see your video and you only
need to offer two actual files: Ogg Theora for Firefox and other browsers which support it, and
an MP4 for everyone else.

2.4.2 Using the <audio> tag

The audio tag is more or less a duplicate of the video tag. The same codec limitations apply —
Mozilla only supports Ogg Vorbis files, while Safari can handle pretty much anything QuickTime


Web Programming

Notes The code looks very similar to <video>:

<audio src=”/music/myaudio.ogg” autoplay>
Sorry, your browser does not support the <audio> element.

And as with the <video> tag, the same Flash-based workarounds would give you near universal
support for today’s crop of browsers.

2.5 Creating List

HTML offers authors several mechanisms for specifying lists of information. All lists must
contain one or more list elements. Lists may contain:

 Unordered information

 Ordered information

 Definitions

The previous list, for example, is an unordered list, created with the UL element.

Unordered List

An unordered list is a list of items. The list items are marked with bullets (typically small black

An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.


 Coffee

 Milk

Notes Inside a list item you can put paragraphs, line breaks, images, links, other lists, etc.

<h4>A nested List:</h4>
<li>Core Java</li>


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

<li>Advanced Java</li> Notes


The output is shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3

Ordered Lists

An ordered list is also a list of items. The list items are marked with numbers.
An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

Here is how it looks in a browser:

1. Coffee
2. Milk

Notes Inside a list item you can put paragraphs, line breaks, images, links, other lists, etc.


Web Programming

<h4>Numbered list:</h4>
<h4>Letters list:</h4>
<ol type=”A”>
<h4>Lowercase letters list:</h4>
<ol type=”a”>
<h4>Roman numbers list:</h4>
<ol type=”I”>


<h4>Lowercase Roman numbers list:</h4>

<ol type=”i”>




Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

The output will be shown in Figure 2.4. Notes

Figure 2.4

Definition Lists

A definition list is not a list of single items. It is a list of items (terms), with a description of each
item (term).

A definition list starts with a <dl> tag (definition list).

Each term starts with a <dt> tag (definition term).

Each description starts with a <dd> tag (definition description).

<dd>Black hot drink</dd>


Web Programming

Notes <dt>Milk</dt>
<dd>White cold drink</dd>

The output is shown in Figure 2.5:

Figure 2.5

Notes Inside the <dd> tag you can put paragraphs, line breaks, images, links, other lists, etc.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

9. The <video> tag also has a whole host of events you can hook into with …………………

10. An unordered list starts with the ………………. tag

11. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the ……………… tag.

12. A definition list is not a list of ………………. items.

2.6 Tables

Tables are defined with the <table> tag. A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each
row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). The letters td stands for “table data,” which is
the content of a data cell. A data cell can contain text, images, lists, paragraphs, forms, horizontal
rules, tables, etc.

Example: Tables in html.



Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

<table border=”1"> Notes

<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>


row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2

row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2

Tables and the Border Attribute

If you do not specify a border attribute the table will be displayed without any borders. Sometimes
this can be useful, but most of the time, you want the borders to show.

To display a table with borders, you will have to use the border attribute.
<table border=”1">
<td>Row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>Row 1, cell 2</td>

Headings in a Table

Headings in a table are defined with the <th> tag.

<table border=”1">

<th>Another Heading</th>

<td>row 1, cell 1</td>

<td>row 1, cell 2</td>

<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>


Web Programming

Notes </tr>


Heading Another Heading

row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2

Empty Cells in a Table

Table cells with no content are not displayed very well in most browsers.
<table border=”1">
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>


row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2

row 2, cell 1

Table Tags

Table 2.1 is showing the table tags:

Table 2.1

Tag Description
<table> Defines a table
<th> Defines a table header
<tr> Defines a table row
<td> Defines a table cell
<caption> Defines a table caption
<colgroup> Defines groups of table columns
<col> Defines the attribute values for one or more columns in a table
<thead> Defines a table head
<tbody> Defines a table body
<tfoot> Defines a table footer


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages



<table border="1">



<p>This is a paragraph</p>

<p>This is another paragraph</p>


<td>This cell contains a table:

<table border="1">













<td>This cell contains a list













Web Programming

Notes Result: The result for the above html code is shown below:

2.7 Forms

HTML fill-out forms can be used for questionnaires, hotel reservations, order forms, data entry
and a wide variety of other applications. The form is specified as part of an HTML document. The
user fills in the form and then submits it. The user agent then sends the form’s contents as
designated by the FORM element.

Notes Typically, this is to an HTTP server, but you can also e-mail form contents for
asynchronous processing.

Forms are created by placing input fields within paragraphs, preformatted text, lists and tables.
This gives considerable flexibility in designing the layout of forms.

HTML 3.0 supports the following kinds of fields:

 Simple text fields

 Multi-line text fields

 Radio buttons

 Checkboxes

 Range controls (sliders, or knobs)

 Single/multiple choice menus

 Scribble on image

 File widgets for attaching files to forms.

 Submit buttons for sending form contents

 Reset buttons for resetting fields to their initial values

 Hidden fields for book keeping information

It is expected that future revisions to HTML will add support for audio fields, multi-row entry of
database tables, and extending multi-line text fields to support a range of other data types, in


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

addition to plain text. Client-side scripts will provide the means to constrain field values and to Notes
add new field types.

Exampel of a form

This fictitious example is a questionnaire. It uses the INPUT element for simple text fields, radio
buttons, checkboxes, and the submit and reset buttons. The TEXTAREA field is used for a multi-
line text entry field. The form fields are laid out with several paragraph elements and an unordered
list. Notice the use of the NAME attribute to name each field:
<TITLE>Sample Questionaire</TITLE>
<H1>Sample Questionaire</H1>
<P>Please fill out this questionnaire:
<P>Your name: <input name=”name” size=”48">
<P><input name=”male” type=radio> Male
<P><input name=”female” type=radio>Female
Number in family: <input name=”family” type=int>
<P>Cities in which you maintain a residence:
<LI><input name=”city” type=checkbox value=”delhi”> delhi
<LI><input name=”city” type=checkbox value=”ghaziabad”> ghaziabad
<LI>Others <textarea name=”other” cols=48 rows=4></textarea>
<P>Nickname: <INPUT NAME=”nickname” size =”42">
<P>Thank you for responding to this questionaire.


The output is shown in Figure 2.6.

Every form must be enclosed within a FORM element. There can be several forms in a single
document, but the FORM element can’t be nested. The browser is responsible for handling the
input focus, i.e., which field will currently get keyboard input. Many platforms have existing
conventions for forms, for example, using Tab and Shift-Tab to move the keyboard focus forwards
and backwards between fields, and using the Enter (aka Return) key to submit the form.

This standard defines and requires support for the HTTP access protocol only. Under any protocol,
the submitted contents of the form logically consist of a list of name/value pairs where the
names are given by the NAME attributes of the various fields in the FORM. Each field will
normally be given a distinct name. Several radio buttons can share the same name, as this is how
you specify that they belong to the same control group - at any time, only one button in the
group can be selected.


Web Programming

Notes Figure 2.6

Notes The contents list of name/value pairs excludes unselected radio buttons and
checkboxes. In general, any field with a null value can be omitted from the contents list.

Client-side Scripts and fill-out Forms

HTML 3.0 doesn’t provide direct support for constraining the values entered into text fields, or
for derived fields whose values are calculated from the values of other fields. Rather than
extending the markup to support these features, HTML 3.0 provides a means for associating the
form with a script. Support for scripts is not required, however, and the HTML 3.0 specification
doesn’t cover the scripting languages or the details of their interface with the user agent.

The SCRIPT attribute of the FORM element specifies the script via a URI. The user agent downloads
the script and interprets it locally. Scripts handle a variety of messages for individual fields and
the form as a whole. These messages correspond to events such as:

 Enter/Leave Form (for initialization and clean up)

 When a field gains or loses the input focus

 Mouse clicks and drags over a field

 Keyboard events


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Scripts can examine and set properties of fields. They can also examine a small set of standard Notes
properties of the user agent, for instance the user’s name, the time of day, the type of user agent,
and so on.

Scripts can’t do anything that might jeopardize the user or the host machine. Scripts can’t send
messages over the network, or read or write files. The library calls that are allowed are restricted
to a very small and well defined set. These precautions are necessary for untrusted scripts.

Task It is envisaged that script interpreters will offer a much wider application
programming interface to trusted scripts, as determined on the basis of a digital signature
by a trusted third party. Analyze in group of four.

Permitted Attributes for Form


The ACTION attribute is a URL specifying the location to which the contents of the form
is submitted to elicit a response. If the ACTION is missing, the URL for the document itself
is assumed. The way data is submitted varies with the access protocol of the URL, and with
the values of the METHOD and ENCTYPE attributes.


This specifies variations in the protocol used to send the form contents. It is currently
restricted to GET (the default) or POST. The attribute was introduced to inform user agents
which HTTP methods the server supports.


This attribute specifies the MIME content type to be used to encode the form contents.
It defaults to the string: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”


This can be used to give a URI for a script. The scripting language and the interface with the
user agent is not part of the HTML 3.0 specification.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

13. If you do not specify a border attribute the table will be displayed without

14. Scripts can examine and set properties of………………..

2.8 Frames

Frames divide a browser window into two or more document windows, each displaying a
different document, or a different part of the same document. Frames in an HTML document can
cause a web page to appear to be divided into multiple, scrollable regions. For each frame, you
can assign a name, a source document locator, dimensions, border alignment and decorations,
scroll and resize behaviors, loading and unloading behavior, file and topic maps, and style


Web Programming

Notes  Names: You can place an anchor in any frame, link to any addressable object, and place the
object into any named frame.

 Source Document Locator: You can use whatever addressing schemes your user agent
supports, including URLs and filenames.

 Dimensions: You can rigidly or flexibly layout a two-dimensional grid of rectangular


 Border Alignment and decoration: You can adjust the position of the left and right margins,
the top and bottom margins, and the alignment of the frame. You can also make the
borders of a frame invisible.

 Scrolling: Frames can have scrollbars, no scrollbars, or you can let the browser turn them
on if the document is larger than the current horizontal or vertical size of the frame.

 Resizable: Frames are normally resizable in the browser, but that can be disabled so the
frame may not be resized at the user agent.

 Loading and Unloading: You can provide a script to be run when the user agent finishes
loading all frames or when the user exit the document.

 File and Topic Maps: You can place a file or topic navigator into a frame.

Notes The navigator might be a collapsible listing of file system, a listing of document
headings, thumbnails of images in a document, or an index of any element type.

These properties make possible:

 Static frames: Elements that a user should always see, such as button bars, logos, copyright
notices, and title graphics, can be placed in individual frames that are locked into place on
the user agent window.

 Live frames: Documents, icons, interactive forms, videos, multimedia, topic maps, and
anything else that can react to user input or programmed activity.

 As a user navigates a site in “live” frames, the contents of static frames remain fixed, even
though adjoining frames redraw.

 Functional tables of contents: A frame can contain interactive tables of contents (TOCs)
with links that, when clicked, display results in an adjoining frame. These TOCs can be
static or interactive with collapsible lists, graphical maps of document structure, or displays
of file and link architectures.

 Single-page query and answer displays: Frames designed side-by-side permit queries to
be posed and answered on the same page, with one frame holding the query form, and the
other presenting the results.

Task A frame can contain interactive tables of contents (TOCs) with links that, when
clicked, display results in an adjoining frame. Explain with suitable example


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

</HEAD> Notes
<FRAMESET rows=”33%,33%,33%”>
<FRAMESET cols=”50%,50%”>
<FRAME name=”frame1">
<FRAME name=”frame2">
<FRAME name=”frame3">
<FRAME name=”frame4">

...contents to display in non-frame-capable user agent...


Try to remember the following basic frameset concepts:

 The opening FRAMESET tag defines the actual size and layout of the frames.

 Using the ROWS and COLS attributes of the FRAMESET tag, you define frames, then fill
them with the FRAME element, or subdivide them with nested FRAMESET elements.

 The number of entries in ROWS or COLS attribute values determine how many frames are
displayed and what size they are. If you have both ROWS and COLS, multiply the number
of entries in each attribute value to calculate the total number of frames (i.e., three entries in
the ROWS attribute and four entries in the COLS attribute create a grid of twelve frames).

 The FRAME elements fill the frames defined by FRAMESET, and are applied in the frame
set in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom order.

 FRAME elements which include the SRC attribute, define the contents of each frame you

 Frames are always rectangular.

The FRAMESET Element

A frameset divides the browser window into rectangular regions. Each such region can be:

 A frame, which displays one document. A frame is represented by a FRAME element.

 Another frame set, which is itself further divided into frames.

Example: A frame set can contain a frame, plus another frame set containing two frames,
resulting in three frames in all.

An HTML document that contains frames basically replaces the BODY element with the
FRAMESET element.

 The Rows and Cols Attributes

The attributes of the FRAMESET element are COLS (columns) and ROWS. They determine
how many frames the frame set is divided into. These attributes may be blank, or may
consist of a list of one or more values separated by commas or spaces. Each such value


Web Programming

Notes determines the width (for columns) and height (for rows) of the regions; the number of
width and height values supplied determines how many rows and columns, respectively,
are created. The default for each is one. For example, if you have:
<FRAMESET cols=”20%,30%,50%”>

In which there is no ROWS value, the frame set is divided vertically into three regions: the
first region’s width is 20% of the current frame set (or browser window if this frame set is
at the top level), the second region’s width is 30%, and the third region’s width is 50%.
When there is only one frame set in the document, these widths apply to the entire
browser window. Similarly, when there is a ROWS value but no COLS value, the frame set
is divided horizontally into regions. When values are supplied for both attributes, the
frame set is divided into a grid of rows and columns.

The ROWS and COLS attributes take comma-separateds lists of values. These values can be
absolute pixel values, percentage values between 1 and 100, or relative scaling values. The
number of rows and columns is implicit in the number of values in the respective list.
Since the total height of all the rows must equal the height of the window, row heights
might be normalized to achieve this.

Notes If the rows (or cols) attribute values are unspecified, then the number of rows
(or columns) is assumed to be one, and it may be arbitrarily sized to fit.
 Syntax of Value List
 value
A simple numeric value is assumed to be a fixed size in pixels. The result of this
value varies with the size of a viewer’s window. Fixed pixel values are usually used
with one or more of the relative size values described below. You might use a fixed
value if you want a graphic, such as an image map, to fill an entire frame and you
want to ensure that the frame is big enough to display the entire image. User agents
can be expected to over ride a specified pixel value to ensure that the total proportions
of a frame are 100% of the width and height of a user’s window.
 value%
This is a simple percentage value between 1 and 100. If the total is greater than 100,
all percentages are scaled down. If the total is less than 100, and relative-sized
frames exist, extra space is given to them. If there are no relative-sized frames, all
percentages are scaled up to match a total of 100%. For example, suppose you assign
the ROWS attribute a value of “50%, 50%, 50%”. Each entry is 50%, which is one third
of the sum of all the entries (150%), so the browser assigns the frame sizes
proportionately, giving each frame one third of the browser height.
 value*
The value on this field is optional. A single ‘*’ character is a “relative-sized” frame
and is interpreted as a request to give the frame all remaining space. If multiple
relative-sized frames are specified, the remaining space is divided evenly among
them. If there is a value in front of the ‘*’, that frame gets that much more relative
space. “2*,*” would give 2/3 of the space to the first frame, and 1/3 to the second.

 Example: Setting Frame width and height

There are three ways to specify the width or height of a frame

 As a percentage of the area allotted to the parent frame set


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

 As an absolute (specific) number of screen pixels (e.g., 250) Notes

 As a ‘relative size’

Example for 3 rows, the first and the last being smaller than the center row:
<FRAMESET rows=”20%,60%,20%”>

Example for 3 rows, the first and the last being fixed height, with the remaining space assigned
to the middle row:
<FRAMESET rows=”100,*,100">

A ‘relative size’ is specified with an asterisk, e.g., ‘1*’, ‘2*’, ‘3*’ (‘1*’ can also be written simply as
‘*’). This is interpreted as follows: after all widths (or heights) specified as percentages or absolute
amounts have been allocated to the corresponding frames, the remaining space is allocated to
frames whose widths (or heights) have been specified as a relative size. The amount of space
allocated to a frame is proportional to the number in front of the asterisk. For example:
<FRAMESET rows=”30%,400,*,2*”>
<FRAME ... >
<FRAME ... >
<FRAME ... >
<FRAME ... >

Suppose the browser window is currently 1000 pixels high. The first frame gets 30% of the total
height, that is, 300 pixels; the second frame gets 400 pixels, since an absolute amount was
specified. This leaves 300 pixels to be divided between the other two frames. The fourth frame’s
height is specified as ‘2*’, so it is twice as high as the third frame, whose height is only ‘*’ (1*).
Therefore the third frame is 100 pixels high and the fourth is 200 pixels high.

Task Explain the web development in India?

The FRAME Element

The FRAME element defines a single frame in a frameset. It has 7 possible attributes: SRC,
The FRAME tag is not a container so it has no matching end tag.

The attributes of the FRAME element type are as follows:

 src=”address”

Specifies the address of the document to be displayed in the frame. When omitted the
frame is displayed as a blank space.

 name=”window_name”

The NAME attribute is used to assign a name to a frame so it can be targeted by links in
other documents (These are usually from other frames in the same document.) The NAME
attribute is optional; by default all windows are unnamed. Names must begin with an
alphabetic character. Named frames can have their window contents targeted with the
TARGET attribute.


Web Programming

Notes  frameborder=”1|0"

FRAMEBORDER is a boolean which triggers the display of frame separators around the
frame. When set to “1” a separator is drawn on every side next to another frame. When set
to “0” the decision to draw separators is left to surrounding frames. Indeed in this case
separators might still be drawn because FRAMEBORDER is set “1” on adjacent frames.
Default is “1”.

 marginwidth=”value”

The MARGINWIDTH attribute is used when the document author wants some control of
the margins for this frame. If specified, the value for MARGINWIDTH is in pixels. Margins
can not be less than one; this insures that frame objects won’t touch frame edges, and can’t
be specified in a way that leaves no space for the document contents. The MARGINWIDTH
attribute is optional; by default, all frames default to letting the browser decide on an
appropriate margin width.

 marginheight=”value”

The MARGINHEIGHT attribute is just like MARGINWIDTH above, except it controls the
upper and lower margins instead of the left and right margins.

 noresize

The NORESIZE attribute doesn’t require a value. It can simply be used as a flag to indicates
that the frame is not resizable by the user. Users typically resize frames by dragging a
frame edge to a new position.

Notes Note that if any frame adjacent to an edge is not resizable, that entire edge is
restricted from moving.

This affects the resizability of other frames. The NORESIZE attribute is optional; by default
all frames are resizable.

 scrolling=”yes|no|auto”

The SCROLLING attribute indicates whether the frame should have scrollbars or not.
“yes” results in scrollbars always being visible on that frame. “no” results in scrollbars
never being visible. “auto” instructs the browser to decide whether scrollbars are needed,
and to place them where necessary. That is, with “auto”, the frame has scrollbars only if
the document is larger than the current size of the frame. The SCROLLING attribute is
optional; the default value is “auto.”

<frameset cols=”25%,75%”>
<frame src=”frame_a.htm”>
<frame src=”frame_b.htm”>


The output will be shown in Figure 2.7.


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Figure 2.7

< html>

<frameset cols="25%,*,25%">

<frame src="frame_a.htm" />

<frame src="frame_b.htm" />

<frame src="frame_c.htm" />




Frame A Frame B Frame C


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

15. Frames divide a browser window into two or more ……………………
16. Forms are created by placing input fields within paragraphs, ……………………, lists and

2.9 Using Multiple Windows in Web Pages

You can multiply your surfing fun by browsing more than one web page at the same time.

If you are an Internet power surfer, then you might find it useful to open more than one web
page at once so you can perform different actions on different pages and switch between them as
you wish. For example, you can search for different things in different pages, search in one page
and surf in another, explore one site on one page and a related site on another p age, track the
news in one page and type in a chat room in another, or simply switch to a more responsive page
while waiting for a slow page to load.

There are two effective methods of managing multiple pages: creating new windows which works
with any browser; and tabbed browsing that provides significantly improved browser usability
for those browsers that support it.

New window. With almost any browser you can open a new window with the command <ctrl>-
n or the menu item “File / New Window”. You can then quickly stagger new pages for easy
access as you open them in two steps:

 Top left. Line up the top left corner of the new window with the previous windows so they
more or less line up at the same spot.

 Bottom right. Pull the bottom right corner of the new window so that it is staggered above
the previous windows as shown in the picture below.

This arrangement ensures that no window can ever get completely covered by the other windows,
and you will always be able to select any window at any time in one act ion by simply clicking
on the bottom right corner of the window you wish to switch to.

With several windows open you can perform advanced web navigation, such as searching for
different things in different windows, search in one window and surf in another, use one window
to explore one site and another site in a second window, or use one window to track the news
while you type in a chat room in another window.


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages


Caselet PDF, HTML Files

hat do terms such as pdf file, html, etc., mean? How does one convert these into
text files? Please explain.

A PDF file is a Portable Document Format file. It can be viewed from any PDF reader
application such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Any document that has to be distributed across multiple platforms will be made a PDF file
and distributed. The advantage of this is that any PDF reader is sufficient to view and print
the document and it is freely available.

If the document is sent in any other format other than the relevant application, you should
have the fonts installed. Most manuals are sent as PDF files.

An HTML file is a Hyper Text Markup Language file. It can be viewed from any Web
browser such as Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc. HTML document is used in the Internet.

You can open the HTML file in a browser and from the browser it can be saved as Text file.

For some pages, the file of text format is not the same as it appears in the browser.
Similarly a PDF file can be saved as Text Format from a PDF application such as Adobe
Acrobat. Acrobat Reader 7.0.7 full version can be downloaded from this URL: http://


Only a PDF reader is freely available on the Internet.

If you want to create a PDF document, you will need to buy a licensed application such as
Adobe Acrobat or any third party applications.

2.10 Summary

 HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) is composed of tags.

 Attributes can be used to change a tag’s properties.

 Tables are defined with the <table> tag.

 Images can be used to make your web pages distinctive, and can greatly help to get your
message across.

 HTML fill-out forms can be used for questionnaires, hotel reservations, order forms, data
entry and a wide variety of other applications.

 HTML 3.0 doesn’t provide direct support for constraining the values entered into text
fields, or for derived fields whose values are calculated from the values of other fields.

 Frames divide a browser window into two or more document windows, each displaying
a different document, or a different part of the same document.

2.11 Keywords

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

HTML: Hyper-Text Markup Language


Web Programming

Notes 2.12 Review Questions

1. What is HTML? How many types of tags are used in HTML? Discuss in detail.

2. Write the HTML code for the following:

Name Marks


AAA 60 70 78

BBB 55 66 60

3. After the DOCTYPE declaration come the “html” tags. Explain with example.

4. Explain why the attributes can be used to change a tag’s properties.

5. Tags are instructions that are embedded directly into the text of a HTML document. Discuss.

6. The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only and it has no closing
tag. Give reasons and examples.

7. Is audio tag is more or less a duplicate of the video tag? Yes or no? Explain briefly.

8. HTML offers authors several mechanisms for specifying lists of information. What do you
mean by this statement? Give examples to support your answer.

9. The form is specified as part of an HTML document. Discuss the relevance of Forms in

10. Frames in an HTML document can cause a web page to appear to be divided into multiple,
scrollable regions. Explain all this with suitable examples.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. head 2. title

3. displayed 4. rgb

5. companion 6. src

7. URL 8. alternate text

9. JavaScript 10. <ul>

11. <li> 12. single

13. borders 14. fields

15. document windows 16. preformatted text

2.13 Further Readings

Books David Mercer, HTML, McGraw-Hill Professional

Willard, HTML: A Beginner’S Guide, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy, HTML & XHTML: the definitive guide, O’Reilly
Media, Inc.


Unit 2: Creating Static Web Pages

Gary B. Shelly, Denise M. Woods, William J. Dorin, HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Notes
Comprehensive, Cengage Learning

Online links


Web Programming Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 3: Text Formatting




3.1 Character Elements

3.2 Look Elements

3.3 Summary

3.4 Keywords

3.5 Review Questions

3.6 Further Readings


After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize the character elements

 Describe the looking elements


Generally, text is unformatted in your Web documents. However, to emphasize specific letters,
words, or phrases which reflects the characteristics about the text. Also, you can use some text
formatting options including boldfacing and italicizing. Depending on your browser, you may
also be able to add underlining to emphasize characters. There are two major classes of text

(a) Character Elements (Meaning)

(b) Look Elements (Formatting)

3.1 Character Elements

The character elements describe the type of the text formatting. It is also the treat as Logical codes
which shows the meaning of the text. For example, if you want to display some programming
code, with the help of <CODE> tag can be display. The same font also used with <PRE>; however,
<PRE> is for formatted text while the browser will format the text associated with the <CODE>.
These elements also called as Phrase elements. These elements require start and end tags. There
are no required HTML attributes for these elements.

<EM> Element

The <EM> element is an HTML tag that is used to specify emphasized text within an HTML
document. The <EM> basic emphasis typically rendered, in an italic font.


Unit 3: Text Formatting

The witness was <EM>not even there</EM> at the time.
… rendered similar to…..

<STRONG> Element

The <STRONG> element indicates text, which should be more forceful than surrounding text.
The <STRONG> element emphasizes, usually bold.


We will have <STRONG> my bond! </STRONG>/ Speak not against <STRONG> my bond! </
STRONG>/ I have sworn an oath that I will have <STRONG> my bond</STRONG>. —The
Merchant of Venice

… rendered similar to…..

Notes What’s the difference between <EM> (emphasis) and <STRONG>? It’s a matter of
degree: <STRONG> is like <EM> only more so.

<SAMP> Element

The <SAMP> element indicates text, which is an example of something. It is also commonly used
to represent some key piece of text that has special meaning.


Web Programming


The process of writing Java file names must be the file extension is <SAMP> .java <SAMP>.

… rendered similar to…..

Notes The <SAMP> element is rendered in a fixed width font. The <SAMP> element has a
similar purpose to <CODE> element.

<CODE> Element

The <CODE> element indicates text that is the code for a program. <CODE> is rendered in a
fixed width font.

// a simple HelloWorld loop
public class MyHello
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
for (int k=1; k <= 5; k++)
System.out.println(“Hello #” + k);
Thread.sleep (1000 /* millisec */);


Unit 3: Text Formatting

</BODY> Notes
… rendered similar to…..

Notes For lengthy code examples, most programmers prefer <PRE ...>, which is much
better for showing spacing and indentation.

<ADDRESS> Element

The <ADDRESS> element denotes contact information for the author or an organization of the


Site is developed at

Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management & Computer Application

Gopal Vidyanagar

Bardoli-Mahuva Road, Tarsadi- 394 350

Surat, Gujarat, INDIA


… rendered similar to…..


Web Programming

Notes <CITE> Element

The <CITE> element indicates a reference to work, such as a book, report or web site. A citation
(typically rendered in italics).



integral - verb controlling “<CITE> ... Hicks and Streeten (1979, p. 568) identify and review four
different approaches... </CITE>”

… rendered similar to…..

Notes The <CITE> element is also commonly used to indicate ownership and authorship
of a web page, usually at the bottom of the page under a <HR ...>

<INS>, <DEL> Element

The <DEL> element indicates that the text has been deleted from the current revision of the
document. The <INS> element indicates that the text has been inserted into the document since
the last revision. Both of these tags are currently only supported by MSIE.

Caution The problem with <DEL> and <INS> elements are that they don’t degrade properly.
Browsers that don’t know these tags will display the contents of both of them as normal,
giving an incorrect representation of the intended meaning.

Report to Mr.

for further query.

… rendered similar to…..


Unit 3: Text Formatting


Notes Don’t use these tags unless you are sure your audience’s browsers support them.

<KBD> Element

The <KBD> element indicates characters that should be typed in at a keyboard. <KBD> is rendered
in a fixed width font. Typically this is used in instruction manuals.


Finally, type <KBD>logout</KBD> and press the return key.


… rendered similar to…..

Notes Use the <KBD> element for fixed strings only. To indicate input which varies from
one case to another, use the <VAR> element.

<VAR> Element

To indicate that a piece of text (typically, a word) is a variable, a “placeholder”, i.e., a generic
notation to be replaced by different actual expressions.


Web Programming


In the simplest case, the command for deleting a file in Unix is<BR>
<KBD>rm</KBD> <VAR>filename</VAR>

… rendered similar to…..

<DFN> Element

The <DFN> element can be regarded as a special kind of emphasis, too, but logically it indicates
that a term is used in a context where it is defined.


<DFN> Geological Field Studies </DFN> course is designed to give students a basic background
in field techniques used in the description, collection, and interpretation of igneous rocks,
sedimentary strata and contained fossils, and metamorphic terrenes.

… rendered similar to…..

Notes This is a very useful element in principle, but unfortunately, many browsers,
including Netscape, do not effectively support it.


Unit 3: Text Formatting

<PERSON> Element Notes

The <PERSON> element is used around names of people mentioned in a document. It is typically
displayed, just like normal text, but is used by automatic indexers.


<PERSON>Jane Doe</PERSON>, former President of United Corporation, was born in Hot

Springs, Arizona.

… rendered similar to…..

<ABBREV> Element

The <ABBREV> element defines an abbreviation. It is typically displayed just like normal text,
but is used by automatic indexers.


There are a number of Latin abbreviations, which are sometimes used, in English texts. Here are
the commonest ones with their English equivalents:
<ABBREV>e.g.</ABBREV>for example
<ABBREV>i.e.</ABBREV>in other words
<ABBREV>etc.</ABBREV>and so forth
<ABBREV>sc.</ABBREV>which means
<ABBREV>et al.</ABBREV>and other people

… rendered similar to…..


Web Programming


<ACRONYM> Element

The <ACRONMY> element defines an acronym. It is typically displayed just like normal text,
but is used by automatic indexers.


<ACRONMY>W3C</ACRONMY>’s mission is:<STRONG> “To lead the World Wide Web to

its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the

… rendered similar to…..

<AUTHOR> | <AU> Element

The <AUTHOR> | <AU> element defines text that names the author of a document. It is typically
displayed just like normal text, but is used by automatic indexers.


E=MC<SUP>2: A Biography of the World’s Famous Education, By <AUTHOR>David Bodanis</


… rendered similar to…..


Unit 3: Text Formatting


Task Analyze the advantages of author tag.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The ………………….. element is an HTML tag that is used to specify emphasized text
within an HTML document.

2. The ………………… element indicates text, which should be more forceful than
surrounding text.
3. The ……………….. element indicates text, which is an example of something.

4. The ………………….. element denotes contact information for the author or an organization
of the website.

5. The ……………….. element indicates a reference to work, such as a book, report or website.

6. The ……………. element indicates that the text has been deleted from the current revision
of the document.

7. The …………… element can be regarded as a special kind of emphasis, too, but logically
it indicates that a term is used in a context where it is defined.

8. The ………………… element is used around names of people mentioned in a document.

9. The ……………… element defines an acronym.

3.2 Look Elements

The look elements deal with the specific text formatting. It is also the treat as Physical codes,
which use for how the text is to be displayed and not it’s meaning. These tags are useful when
bold or idealize a phrase or text.

Note: The logical styles may not be distinct (i.e. different logical styles may be rendered in the
same way). Also, some browsers do not support all physical styles. For example, Mosaic does
NOT support underlined text.

<B> Element

The <B> element defines text that should be shown in boldface. It can be nested with other
logical or physical elements but some browsers will respect only the innermost tag.

<P>In mathematics, vectors are usually denoted with boldface letters like


… rendered similar to…..


Web Programming


Notes Avoid using <B> element; use logical elements instead. In particular, for emphasis
uses <EM> or <STRONG> elements.

<I> Element

The <I> element defines text that should be shown in italics. It can be nested with other logical
or physical elements but some browsers will respect only the innermost tag.

Usually the dog is said to form the species
<I>Canis familiaris</I>,

but genetically dogs belong to the same species as the wolf,

<I>Canis lupus</I>.

… rendered similar to…..

Notes However, don’t overuse the <I> element. In particular, for emphasis use <EM> or
<STRONG>, and for variables (placeholders) use <VAR>.


Unit 3: Text Formatting

<U> Element Notes

The <U> element defines text that should be shown with a line underneath it. It can be nested
with other logical or physical elements but some browsers will respect only the innermost tag.

Compare <U>underlined text</U> with normal text.
… rendered similar to…..

Notes Avoid using <U> element; use logical elements. For example, to emphasize use EM
or STRONG. In HTML 4.0, the U element is deprecated .

<TT> Element

The <TT> element defines text that should be shown in a fixed width font. It can be nested with
other logical or physical elements, but some browsers will respect only the innermost tag.
(Typically rendered in monospaced font)

Compare <TT>monospaced font</TT> with normal font.
… rendered similar to…..


Web Programming


Notes Avoid using <TT> element; use logical elements instead, e.g. <CODE> or <SAMP>.

<STRIKE> Element

The <STRIKE> element defines text that should be shown with a horizontal line through it. It is
defined as “font style element”. Typically text is striked out to indicate that a text segment
belongs to the original version of a text but has been deleted later.

“Private agency” means an accredited non-public school,
a nonprofit institution of higher education

<STRIKE>eligible for tuition grants</STRIKE>, or a hospital.

… rendered similar to…..

Notes If you use STRIKE in your document, it is advisable to include a note about its

<BIG> Element

The <BIG> text element defines text that should be displayed in a larger font than usual.


That was a <BIG>big</BIG> mistake!

… rendered similar to…..


Unit 3: Text Formatting


Notes Avoid using <BIG> element; use logical elements instead. In particular, for emphasis
use <EM> or <STRONG>.

<SMALL> Element

The <SMALL> text element defines text that should be displayed in a smaller font than usual.

This is normal text.
This text will be presented in a smaller font, if possible.
… rendered similar to…..

Notes There are no logical elements in current HTML standard; instead, the <FONT>
element may provide more alternatives for specifying different font sizes.


Web Programming

Notes <SUB> Element

The <SUB> element defines text that should be displayed slightly below the normal text level,
often so that it the text is vertically centered with respect to normal text baseline, and possibly
in smaller font.

Let us form the sum of all x<SUB>i</SUB>’s, ie
x<SUB>1</SUB> + x<SUB>2</SUB> + ... + x<SUB>n</SUB>.
… rendered similar to…..

Notes Since this element is new, support for it is not universal. Some browsers simply
ignore it, displaying e.g., a<SUB>1</SUB> as a1. And naturally, text-only browsers
cannot truly support <SUB>. Internet Explorer ignores <SUB> elements after nesting
level of two.

<SUP> Element

The <SUP> element defines text that should be displayed slightly above the normal text level
and possibly in smaller font.

The expression:

means a<SUP>(b<SUP>c</SUP>)</SUP>

… rendered similar to…..


Unit 3: Text Formatting


Notes Since this element is new, support for it is not universal. Some browsers simply
ignore it, displaying e.g., a<SUP>b</SUP> as ab. And naturally, text-only browsers cannot
truly support <SUP>. Internet Explorer ignores <SUP> elements after nesting level of two.

Did u know? What is the difference between <SUB> element and <SUP> element?

<p>This text contains <sub>subscript</sub> text.</p>

<p>This text contains <sup>superscript</sup> text.</p>

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

10. The ………………… element defines text that should be shown in boldface.

11. The ………………… element defines text that should be shown in italics.

12. The ………………… element defines text that should be shown with a line underneath it.

13. The ………………… element defines text that should be shown in a fixed width font.

14. The ………………… element defines text that should be shown with a horizontal line
through it.

15. The ………………… element defines text that should be displayed slightly above the
normal text level and possibly in smaller font.

Caselet CSS Group Sets up Arm to Service Indian Clients

he CSS Group has set up an information technology subsidiary, CSS Software
India, for servicing Indian clients. The new company will operate out of 12 centres
over the next six months.

The new company will offer specific software development and testing facilities and will
target verticals such as retail, telecom, banking, financial services and insurance and
manufacturing, said Mr Shiva Ramani, co-founder, CSS Group. The company is also upbeat
on infrastructure management services for the Indian market.


Web Programming

Notes The company has planned three centres in Maharashtra (Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur)
expecting greater demand from North and Western India, said Mr Mani Sam, Head-India
Operations, CSS Group. Other centres include Bangalore, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata
and Ahmedabad.

He added that over time, the company should be able to maintain operating profit margins
ranging between 20 and 25 per cent.

Commenting on the fact that large clients typically went only with large vendors, he said,
“That’s where our alliance partners help, in terms of penetrating large clients.” The CSS
Group has an alliance with IBM. It is learnt that two more alliances are to be finalised

To hire more

CSS Software will hire over 500 people in the next 12 months, quadrupling headcount
from the present 150 employees to 650 employees.

It plans to add 10 Indian more customers this year to its existing 10. “We are close to
signing five new customers,” said Mr Ramani.

3.3 Summary

 Generally, text is unformatted in your Web documents.

 However, to emphasize specific letters, words, or phrases which reflects the characteristics
about the text.

 Also, you can use some text formatting options including boldfacing and italicizing.

 The character elements describe the type of the text formatting.

 It is also the treat as Logical codes which shows the meaning of the text.

 The look elements deal with the specific text formatting.

 It is also the treat as Physical codes, which use for how the text is to be displayed and not
it’s meaning.

3.4 Keywords

Character Elements: The character elements describe the type of the text formatting.

Look Elements: The look elements deal with the specific text formatting.

3.5 Review Questions

1. Explain why the character elements describe the type of the text formatting.

2. The <BIG> text element defines text that should be displayed in a larger font than usual.
Explain this with an suitable example.

3. Write a program which uses a text-align property to set the horizontal alignment of a text.

4. Write a program which uses the text-decoration property to set or remove decorations
from text.

5. Write a program which uses the text-indentation property to specify the indentation of the
first line of a text.


Unit 3: Text Formatting

6. The <INS> element indicates that the text has been inserted into the document since the Notes
last revision. Explain with the suitable example.

7. Using CSS, you can set your text in any point size, the same way that all other print and
graphic designers can already. Explain with a program.

8. Explain how <ABBREV> element defines an abbreviation.

9. CSS gives you full control over the size of your text. Analyze

10. Write a program which uses the text-transform property to specify uppercase and lowercase
letters in a text.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. <EM> 2. <STRONG>

3. <SAMP> 4. <ADDRESS>

5. <CITE> 6. <DEL>

7. <DFN> 8. <PERSON>

9. <ACRONMY> 10. <B>

11. <I> 12. <U>

13. <TT> 14. <STRIKE>

15. <SUP>

3.6 Further Readings

Books Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy, HTML & XHTML: The definitive guide, O’Reilly
Media, Inc.

David Mercer, HTML, McGraw-Hill Professional

Gary B. Shelly, Denise M. Woods, William J. Dorin, HTML, XHTML, and CSS:
Comprehensive, Cengage Learning

Willard, HTML: A Beginner’S Guide, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Online links


Web Programming Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets



4.1 CSS Web Template
4.2 How does CSS Work?
4.3 CSS Declaration
4.4 CSS Properties or Applying Style
4.4.1 Font Properties
4.4.2 Text Properties
4.4.3 Outline Properties
4.4.4 List Properties
4.4.5 Generated Content Properties
4.4.6 Margin Properties
4.4.7 Border Properties
4.4.8 Padding Properties
4.4.9 Positioning Properties
4.4.10 Classification Properties
4.4.11 Dimension Properties
4.4.12 Color/Background Properties
4.4.13 Units of Measure
4.5 Different Ways to Implement CSS
4.5.1 Inline CSS
4.5.2 Embedded CSS or Internal Styles
4.5.3 External Style Sheets/Linked CSS
4.5.4 Importing Style Sheets
4.6 Limitations of CSS
4.7 Advantages of CSS
4.8 Style Tag
4.9 DIV and SPAN
4.10 Creating and Using CSS Classes
4.11 Summary
4.12 Keywords
4.13 Review Questions
4.14 Further Readings


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

Objectives Notes

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

 Recognize the CSS properties

 Describe Style, DIC, SPAN tags

 Demonstrate the internal and external stylesheets

 Explain the creation and use of classes

 Discuss the applying of style and images on text.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, created by Hakon Wium Lie of MIT in 1994. It is a markup
language used to directly effect the “look” of web pages. This includes overall layout, text size,
style and formatting, table formatting, link properties, and more. CSS style blocks are also
commonly referred to as rules. These rules can be embedded into an individual HTML page or
placed in an external file that will control many individual pages on your website. Thus changing
a property in one place in the linked style sheet will immediately make that change on every
web page that is linked to it. When used correctly, CSS allows one to define the look of an entire
site in one single document. It provides a means for authors to specify how they wish documents
written in a markup language such as XML or HTML to be formatted.

In short Cascading Style Sheets:

 Styles define how to display HTML elements; styles are normally stored in Style Sheets.

 “Cascading” refers to the fact that each different style declaration can be “cascaded” under
the one above it, forming a parent-child relationship between the styles.

4.1 CSS Web Template

“CSS Web Template” is a website design created using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) technology.
Cascading style sheets provide web developers an easy way to format and to style web pages.
CSS will be used even more because it is seen the same way by all browsers, making it the best
option during the browser wars.

CSS templates allow enhanced browser and platform compatibility (CSS supporting browsers
are used by 99.98% of existent web surfers). Your website will look perfect in Windows, UNIX
and MAC browsers. The template is primarily tested on multiple platforms to ensure better
requirements compliance.

Style Sheets are the easiest way to provide a default font styling for HTML. Therefore, you can
modify the whole text and link colors on every page by editing just a single CSS file! CSS also
makes your coding much easier because you don’t have to repeat the many formatting tags. This
streamlined code equals faster download time and reduced bandwidth usage.

CSS templates show 100% compatibility with Macromedia Dream weaver and MS Front Page.
Other web editors also handle this technology easier than the usual HTML code.

CSS technology is a great step forward in web development. Separated content and presentation
adds more flexibility to your website. And, you’ll have no problems with future modification of
your website.


Web Programming


Notes All templates are based on technologies and standards that make your
website much more user-friendly.

4.2 How does CSS Work?

In this lesson, you will learn how to make your first style sheet. You will get to know about the
basic CSS model and which codes are necessary to use CSS in an HTML document. Many of the
properties used in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are similar to those of HTML. Thus, if you are
used to use HTML for the layout, you will most likely recognize many of the codes. Let us look
at a concrete example.
The basic CSS syntax:
Let’s say we want a nice red color as the background of a webpage:
Using HTML, we could have done it like this:
<body bgcolor=”#FF0000">

With CSS the same result can be achieved like this:

body {background-color: #FF0000;}

Notes As you will note, the codes are more or less identical for HTML and CSS. The above
example also shows you the fundamental CSS model.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The ………………..... is primarily tested on multiple platforms to ensure better
requirements compliance.
2. ………………..... are the easiest way to provide a default font styling for HTML.
3. Many of the properties used in ………………..... are similar to those of HTML.

4.3 CSS Declaration

A CSS declaration represents the effect to be applied to the element(s) and it consists of two more
parts — a property and a value. The property is that aspect of an element’s presentation that is being
modified, such as its color, its width, or its placement on the page. Dozens of properties are available
in the CSS language, and you’ll become familiar with many of them in the pages of this book.
The declaration block, denoted by the curly braces (“{“,”’}”). Within this block are zero or more
declarations. While defining multiple declarations, it must be separated by a semicolon (“;”).
Each declaration consists of a property and a value, separated by a colon (“:”). Properties are
identifiers, such as font-size, background-color, etc. The values permitted depend on the
individual property.

Did u know? What is the use of whitespace in CSS declarations?

Whitespace may be used around any of these tokens, so you can format them for easy
reading. You can also insert comments anywhere whitespace is permitted.


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

4.4 CSS Properties or Applying Style Notes

The property value delivers the specific style that should be applied to the selected element. The
values accepted depend on the particular property, and some properties accept multiple values,
separated by spaces.

A Property is an identifier. Every property has its own syntax and constraints on the values it
accepts. Property values also often indicate measurement units to aid in rendering to the specified

4.4.1 Font Properties

A font is a set of glyphs, which map to known characters in one or more languages. The glyphs
within a font usually all share common characteristics such as size, style, and design. The Font
properties allow control over many different font criteria such as boldness, italics, size, and
specific or generic font name.

In CSS1, fonts were identified only by their name. If none of the fonts an author specified were
available, the browser had to resort to using default fonts. This is clearly not the best solution
when documents are available in an environment as heterogeneous as the web.

CSS2 font selection greatly expands the capabilities of browsers with respect to matching fonts
when the intended font is not available. Dozens of “font descriptors” have been introduced
which break down a desired font’s characteristics. When a desired font is not present, all of these
descriptors can be used to make an intelligent “best-choice” for an alternate font match. In the
event a best match cannot be generated, fonts may even be generated on the fly or downloaded
as needed over the web.

caption | icon | menu| message-box | small- caption | status-bar
xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large | smaller |
font-size- None
adjust Number
normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra- condensed | condensed
font-stretch | semi-condensed | semi- expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-
font-style normal | italic | oblique

font-variant normal | small-caps

Normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800
| 900


Web Programming

P {font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif}
P {font: 80% sans-serif}
P {font: x-large/110% “new century schoolbook”, serif}
P {font: bold italic large Palatino, serif}
P {font: normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy}

4.4.2 Text Properties

These properties control the visual appearance and presentation of text content (characters,
words, blocks and the spacing between them.) Some of the special physical formatting effects
from HTML have found their home in the Text properties.

color Color
direction Itr | rtl
letter-spacing normal length
text-align left | right | center | justify
text-decoration none | underline | overline | line-through | blink
text-shadow color
text-transform none | capitalize | uppercase | lowercase
unicode-bidi normal | embed | bidi-override
white-space normal | pre | nowrap

H1 {word-spacing: 1em}
BLOCKQUOTE {letter-spacing: 0.1em}

BLOCKQUOTE {letter-spacing: 0}
BLOCKQUOTE {letter-spacing: 0cm}
A:link, A:visited, A:active {text-decoration: underline}

H1 {text-transform: uppercase} {text-align: center}
P {text-indent: 3em}

DIV {line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt} /* number */

DIV {line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt} /* length */
DIV {line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt} /* percentage */


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

4.4.3 Outline Properties Notes

New properties in CSS2 allow outlines to be created for an element to help it stand out from
other elements. CSS Outlines are very similar to borders except for several subtle differences:
 Border sides can be independently controlled, Outline sides cannot. The visual effects for
an outline are uniform for all sides.
 Outlines may be non-rectangular.
 Outlines do not take up space in the box-rendering model; they are rendered on “top” of
the element’s box. An outline does not affect the position or size of the rendering box.

Outline outline-style
none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset |
thin | medium | thick
outli ne-width

BUTTON {outline-width: thick}
focus {outline: thick solid black}
:active {outline: thick solid red}

4.4.4 List Properties

Lists are used to organize and render one or more data items with some relationship to each
other. With a list structure, extra information is used to give some indication of the degree of
relationship between the items.
However, this extra information is not actually stored in the document itself, it is generated
automatically when it is rendered. List structures generate two blocks for each item of rendered
data - a box for each data item, along with a separate marker box for the visual list iteration
object (such as a bullet, number, or image) that is created by the system. The list properties
control the type and placement of the marker box in list contexts.


list-style list-style-position
list-style-position inside | outside
none | disc | circle | square | decimal | decimal-leading- zero |
lower-roman | upper- roman | lower-alpha | up- per-alpha | lower-
list-style-type greek | lower-Iatln | upper-Iatin | hebrew | armenian | geor- gian |
cjk-ideographic | hiragana | katakana | hira- gana-iroha | katakaa-
ma rker-offset


Web Programming

UL {list-style: upper-roman inside}
UL UL {list-style: circle outside}
LI.square {list-style: square}
OL.alpha {list-style: lower-alpha}
UL {list-style: disc}
UL {list-style: url ( disc}

4.4.5 Generated Content Properties

The basic aim of CSS is to offer hints and aids for the direct translation of a document and its
elements to differing physical media. There are times when the information contained in a
document’s structure is not enough to display the intended content. In HTML, the various list
structures are a perfect example - the bullets and iterative/hierarchical numbers that are rendered
before the items in the list are not explicitly present in the source document. This content is
automatically generated by the browser when rendering an element from the source document.

CSS2 extends this concept of automatic content generation to allow content (strings, quotes, list
generators or objects) to be rendered before or after any element. Generated content includes
aural rendering as well; auditory icons can offer powerful usability enhancements for a listener.

counter (name)
counter (name, list-style- type)
counters (name, string)
counters (name, string, list- style-type)
attr (X)
open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close- quote
identifier number
identifier number
string string string string

BLOCKQUOTE P:before {content: open-quote}
BLOCKQUOTE P:after {content: no-close-quote}

BLOCKQUOTE P.last:after {content: close-quote}

[LANG|=fr] > * {quotes: “«” “»” “\2039” “\203A”}
[LANG|=en] > * {quotes: “\201C” “\201D” “\2018” “\2019”}

[LANG|=fr] > * {quotes: “«” “»” “‹” “›”}

[LANG|=en] > * {quotes: “”” “”” “‘“ “’”}
H1:before {


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

content: “Chapter “ counter (chapter) “. “; Notes

counter-increment: chapter; /* Add 1 to chapter */
counter-reset: section; /* Set section to 0 */
H2:before {
content: counter (chapter) “.” counter (section) “ “;
counter-increment: section;
H1 {counter-reset: section -1}
H1 {counter-reset: imagenum 99}
OL {counter-reset: item}
LI {display: block}
LI:before {content: counter (item) “. “; counter-increment: item}

4.4.6 Margin Properties

In CSS, the fundamental visual rendering model places all components of the document tree in
physical and virtual rectangular boxes, each having a specific height and width. An element’s
rendering box consists primarily of an element’s content at the center (text, images, etc.)
Surrounding the element’s content (moving outward in rectangular layers/strips) are optional
padding, surrounded by any optional border effects, surrounded in turn by any optional margin
values that may be specified.
The margin properties allow the author to specify how much space will be inserted between
other exterior elements and the current element border. Negative values may be used with
margin properties to create overlapping content.
Each side of the margin dimensions (top, right, bottom and left) can be addressed and controlled,
independently using separate properties, or a convenient shorthand notation may be used that
controls multiple sides at once.

margin-bottom length
margin-left length
margin-right length
margin-top length

BODY {margin: 2em} /* all margins set to 2em */
BODY {margin: 1em 2em} /* top & bottom = 1em, right & left = 2em */


Web Programming

Notes BODY {margin: 1em 2em 3em} /* top=1em, right=2em, bottom=3em, left=2em */
margin-top: 1em;
margin-right: 2em;
margin-bottom: 3em;
margin-left: 2em; /* copied from opposite side (right) */
H1 {margin-top: 2em}
H1 {margin-right: 12.3%}
H1 {margin-bottom: 3px}

4.4.7 Border Properties

In CSS, the fundamental visual rendering model places all components of the document tree in
physical and virtual rectangular boxes, each having a specific height and width. An element’s rendering
box consists of an element’s content at the center (text, images, etc.) Surrounding the element’s
content (moving outward in rectangular layers/strips) are optional padding, surrounded by any
optional border effects, surrounded in turn by any optional margin values that may be specified.
The border properties allow an author to specify the width, color, and style of the border area
(between any specified padding and margins) of an element’s rendering box. While the capability
to create simple line effects has been available in HTML via tables, the CSS border properties give
authors much more power in creating such effects and allow them to be applied to any element.
Each side of the border dimensions (top, right, bottom and left) can be addressed and controlled,
independently using separate properties, or a convenient shorthand notation may be used that
controls multiple sides at once.

Border Style

The border-style property specifies what kind of border to display.

Notes None of the border properties will have ANY effect unless the border-style property
is set!

Border-style values: There can be following types of border values:

1. none: Defines no border

2. dotted: Defines a dotted border

3. dashed: Defines a dashed border

4. solid: Defines a solid border

5. double: Defines two borders. The width of the two borders are the same as the border-
width value

6. groove: Defines a 3D grooved border. The effect depends on the border-color value

7. ridge: Defines a 3D ridged border. The effect depends on the border-color value

8. inset: Defines a 3D inset border. The effect depends on the border-color value

9. outset: Defines a 3D outset border. The effect depends on the border-color value


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

Border Width Notes

The border-width property is used to set the width of the border.

The width is set in pixels, or by using one of the three pre-defined values: thin, medium, or thick.

Notes The "border-width" property does not work if it is used alone. Use the "border-
style" property to set the borders first.

Border Color

The border-color property is used to set the color of the border. The color can be set by:

 name - specify a color name, like "red"

 RGB - specify a RGB value, like "rgb(255,0,0)"

 Hex - specify a hex value, like "#ff0000"

You can also set the border color to "transparent".

Border - Individual Sides

In CSS it is possible to specify different borders for different sides:

The border-style property can have from one to four values.

 border-style:dotted solid double dashed;

 top border is dotted

 right border is solid

 bottom border is double

 left border is dashed

 border-style:dotted solid double;

 top border is dotted

 right and left borders are solid

 bottom border is double

 border-style:dotted solid;

 top and bottom borders are dotted

 right and left borders are solid

 border-style:dotted;

 all four borders are dotted

The border-style property is used in the example above. However, it also works with border-
width and border-color.

Border - Shorthand Property

As you can see from the examples above, there are many properties to consider when dealing
with borders.


Web Programming

Notes To shorten the code, it is also possible to specify all the border properties in one property. This
is called a shorthand property.
The shorthand property for the border properties is "border":
When using the border property, the order of the values are:

 border-width

 border-style

 border-color
It does not matter if one of the values above are missing (although, border-style is required), as
long as the rest are in the specified order.

Example: How to set all the border properties in one declarartion

<style type="text/css">
p{border:5px solid red;}
<p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p>


There is some text in a paragraph

border border-stye
border-bottom border-style
border-bottom-color border-color
border-bottom-style border-style
thin | medium | thick

border-color color

border-left border-style
border-left-color border-color

border-left-style border-style

thin | medium | thick



Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

P {border: solid red}
P {
border-top: solid red;
border-right: solid red;
border-bottom: solid red;
border-left: solid red
H1 {border-bottom: thick solid}
H1 {border-bottom: thick solid red}
H1 {border-width: thin} /* thin thin thin thin */
H1 {border-width: thin thick} /* thin thick thin thick */
H1 {border-width: thin thick medium} /* thin thick medium thin */
H1 {border-width: thin thick medium thin} /* thin thick medium thin */

4.4.8 Padding Properties

In CSS, the fundamental visual rendering model places all components of the document tree in
physical and virtual rectangular boxes, each having a specific height and width. An element’s rendering
box consists of an element’s content at the center (text, images, etc.) Surrounding the element’s
content (moving outward in rectangular layers/strips) are optional padding, surrounded by any
optional border effects, surrounded in turn by any optional margin values that may be specified.
The padding properties allow the author to specify how much space will be inserted between
the element border and the element content. Negative values are not allowed.
Each side of the padding dimensions (top, right, bottom and left) can be addressed and controlled,
independently using separate properties, or a convenient shorthand notation may be used that
controls multiple sides at once.

Padding — Individual Sides

In CSS, it is possible to specify different padding for different sides such as:

Padding — Shorthand Property

To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the padding properties in one property. This is
called a shorthand property. The shorthand property for all the padding properties is "padding":

Example: padding:25px 50px;

The padding property can have from one to four values.
 padding:25px 50px 75px 100px;
 top padding is 25px
 right padding is 50px


Web Programming

Notes  bottom padding is 75px

 left padding is 100px

 padding:25px 50px 75px;

 top padding is 25px

 right and left paddings are 50px

 bottom padding is 75px

 padding:25px 50px;

 top and bottom paddings are 25px

 right and left paddings are 50px

 padding:25px;

 all four paddings are 25px

All CSS Padding Properties

Property Description

padding A shorthand property for setting all the padding properties in one declaration

padding-bottom Sets the bottom padding of an element

padding-left Sets the left padding of an element

padding-right Sets the right padding of an element

padding-top Sets the top padding of an element

Example: How to set all the padding properties in one declaration

Source code:



<style type="text/css">

p.ex1 {padding:2cm;}

p.ex2 {padding:0.5cm 3cm;}




<p class="ex1">This text has equal padding on each side. The padding on each
side is 2cm.</p>

<p class="ex2">This text has a top and bottom padding of 0.5cm and a left
and right padding of 3cm.</p>




Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

Result: Notes


BLOCKQUOTE {padding-top: 0.3em}
BLOCKQUOTE {padding-left: 20%}
BLOCKQUOTE {padding-bottom: 2em}
H1 {background: white;
padding: 1em 2em;

4.4.9 Positioning Properties

When an element is called ‘positioned’ in the visual formatting model, it may or may not be
rendered immediately after the previous element in the document tree. An element that is
positioned (‘position’ property) has its rendering offset from the canvas origin or from its
normal flow position via the ‘top’, ‘right’, ‘bottom’, and ‘left’ properties.


Web Programming

Notes In addition to determining position offsets, positioning properties also specify the visible display
area of an element’s rendering box (‘clip’) and directives indicating what should happen when
an element’s content falls outside the rendering box (‘overflow’.)
But, positioning in CSS is not just about rendering in 2-dimensions. It also allows for placement
and overlap of elements in an imaginary third dimension perpendicular to the screen (‘z-axis’.)
The final property included in this category, ‘vertical-align’, is not involved with “CSS positioning”
per se, but it does involve vertical positioning of content within a rendered line box.
The number in the "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined.
1. bottom: Sets the bottom margin edge for a positioned box
2. clip: Clips an absolutely positioned element
3. cursor: Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed
4. left: Sets the left margin edge for a positioned box
5. overflow: Specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box
6. position: Specifies the type of positioning for an element
7. right: Sets the right margin edge for a positioned box
8. top: Sets the top margin edge for a positioned box
9. z-index: Sets the stack order of an element
Property Description
height Sets the height of an element
max-height Sets the maximum height of an element
max-width Sets the maximum width of an element
min-height Sets the minimum height of an element
min-width Sets the minimum width of an element
width Sets the width of an element

bottom %
left %
overflow visible | hidden | scroll | auto
position static | relative | absolute | fixed
right %
top %
baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom
vertical-align length


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

BODY {height: 8.5in} /* Required for percentage heights below */
#header {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 15%;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: auto;
left: 0;
#sidebar {
position: fixed;
width: 10em;
height: auto;
top: 15%;
right: auto;
bottom: 100px;
left: 0;
#main {
position: fixed;
width: auto;

height: auto;
top: 15%;
right: 0;

bottom: 100px;
left: 10em;

#footer {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;

height: 100px;
top: auto;
right: 0;

bottom: 0;
left: 0;


Web Programming

Notes 4.4.10 Classification Properties

The classification properties serve to classify elements and select which layout models will
be used in their display. In the visual media-formatting model, an element’s rendering is
based heavily upon, among other things, the positioning method specified (floating,
positioned or normal flow positioning) and the classification type of the element’s box (the
‘display’ property).

clear left | right | both | none
cursor auto | crosshair | default | pointer | move | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | n-
resize | se-resize | sw-resize| s-resize | w-resize | text | wait | help
none | inline | block | list- item | run-in | compact | marker | tabie | in line-table|
display table-row-group | table- header-group | table-footer- group | table-row | table-
column-group | table- column | table-cell | table caption

float left | right | none

position static | relative | absolute |

visibility visible | hidden | collapse

P {display: block}
EM {display: inline}
LI {display: list-item}
IMG {display: none}
More Practical Example
<STYLE type=”text/css”>
#container1 {position: absolute;
top: 2in; left: 2in; width: 2in}
#container2 {position: absolute;
top: 2in; left: 2in; width: 2in;
visibility: hidden;}
<P>Choose a suspect:</P>
<DIV id=”container1">


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

<IMG alt=”Al Capone” Notes

width=”100" height=”100"
<P>Name: Al Capone</P>
<P>Residence: Chicago</P>
<DIV id=”container2">
<IMG alt=”Lucky Luciano”
width=”100" height=”100"
<P>Name: Lucky Luciano</P>
<P>Residence: New York</P>
<FORM method=”post”
<INPUT name=”Capone” type=”button”
(“container1”); hide (“container2”)’>
<INPUT name=”Luciano” type=”button”
(“container2”); hide (“container1”)’>

4.4.11 Dimension Properties

In CSS, the fundamental visual rendering model places all components of the document tree in
physical and virtual rectangular boxes, each having a specific height and width. The dimension
properties describe the details influencing the calculation and visual rendering of an element’s
line, in-line and block box dimensions. The actual values for an element’s visually rendered
height and width are dependent on many criteria, including the intrinsic type of the current
element and the dimensions of the element’s containing block.

All CSS Dimension Properties

The number in the "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).

Property Description Values CSS

height Sets the height of an element Auto length % inherit 1
max-height Sets the maximum height of an element none length % inherit 2
max-width Sets the maximum width of an element none length % inherit 2
min-height Sets the minimum height of an element length % inherit 2
min-width Sets the minimum width of an element length % inherit 2
width Sets the width of an element auto length % inherit 1


Web Programming

Example: How to set the height of the image using pixel.
Source Code Result

4.4.12 Color/Background Properties

Color and Background properties allow color control of both the foreground and background
of an element’s rendering box. The background properties also allow sophisticated placement
and control of images to create background textures. The color and background capabilities
behaviors originally available in HTML have been absorbed in to these CSS properties and
greatly expanded.

Setting Colors

Basically you have three color options with CSS:

1. Setting the foreground color for contents

2. Setting the background color for an area

3. Setting a background image to fill out an area.

In plain HTML, colors can either be entered by name (red, blue etc.) or by a hexadecimal color
code (for example: #FF9900).

With CSS you have these options:

1. Common name: You can define colors with the use of common names, by simply enter the
name of the desired color.

For example: .myclass {color:red; background-color:blue;}

2. Hexadecimal value: You can define colors with the use of hexadecimal values, similar to
how it's done in plain HTML.

For example: .myclass {color:#000000; background-color:#FFCC00;}


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

3. RGB value: You can define colors with the use of RGB values, by simply entering the Notes
values for amounts of Red, Green and Blue.

For example: .myclass {color:rgb(255,255,204); background-color:rgb(51,51,102);}

You can also define RGB colors using percentage values for the amounts of Red, Green and

For example: .myclass {color:rgb(100%,100%,81%); background-color:rgb(81%,18%,100%);}

Setting Background Colors

Background colors are defined similar to the colors mentioned above. For example you can set
the background color of the entire page using the BODY selector:

BODY {background-color:#FF6666;}

1. Setting a background image: CSS lets you set a background image for both the page and
single elements on the page.

In addition, CSS offers several positioning methods for background images.

You can define the background image for the page like this:

BODY {background-image:url(myimage.gif);}

2. You can control the repetition of the image with the background-repeat property.

a. background-repeat:repeat: Tiles the image until the entire page is filled, just like an
ordinary background image in plain HTML.

b. background-repeat:repeat-x: Repeats the image horizontally - but not vertically.

c. background-repeat:repeat-y: Repeats the image vertically - but not horizontally.

d. background-repeat:no-repeat: Does not tile the image at all.

3. Positioning a background: Background positioning is done by entering a value for the left
position and top position separated by a space.

In this example the image is positioned 75 pixels from the upper left corner of the page:

BODY {background-image:url(myimage.gif); background-position: 75px 75px;}

Notes Background positioning is not supported by Netscape 4 browsers.

4. Fixing a background: You can fixate an image at a certain position so that it doesn't move
when scrolling occurs.

BODY {background-image:url(myimage.gif); background-attachment: fixed;}

Notes Background fixation is not supported by Netscape 4 browsers.

5. Setting multiple background values: Rather than defining each background property with
its own property you can assign them all with the use of the background property.

Look at this example:

BODY {background:green url(myimage.gif) repeat-y fixed 75px 75px;}


Web Programming

Example: How to position a background image


<style type="text/css">




background-position:right top;





<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>W3Schools background no-repeat, set postion example.</p>

<p>Now the background image is only show once, and positioned away from the

<p>In this example we have also added a margin on the right side, so the
background image will never disturb the text.</p>





Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

background-color Notes
background background-repeat

background-attachment scroll | fixed


top left | top center | top right | center left | center center |
center right | bottom left | bottom center | bottom right
x-pos y-pos
background-repeat repeat | repeat-x | re- peat-y | no-repeat

EM {color: red} /* natural language */
EM {color: rgb (255,0,0)} /* RGB range 0-255 */
H1 {background-color: #F00}
BODY {background-image: url (marble.gif)}
P {background-image: none}
BODY {background: red url (pendant.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;
BODY {background: red url (pendant.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-attachment: fixed;
BODY {background: url (banner.jpeg) right top} /* 100% 0% */
BODY {background: url (banner.jpeg) top center} /* 50% 0% */
BODY {background: url (banner.jpeg) center} /* 50% 50% */
BODY {background: url (banner.jpeg) bottom} /* 50% 100% */
BODY {background-image: url (logo.png);
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 100% 100%;
BODY {background: red}
P {background: url (chess.png) gray 50% repeat fixed}


Web Programming

Notes 4.4.13 Units of Measure

CSS is used to render information to a device. These devices exist in the real world and have
dimensions and capabilities that are measurable. Therefore, CSS provides a way for document
content to explicitly specify how it will be mapped to a physical device. If a property value
contains an illegal unit measure, the entire style rule should be ignored.


% Percentage
cm Centimeter
em 1em = current font size of current element
ex lex = 1/2 current size of current element
in Inch
mm Millimeter
pc pica (= 12 points)
pt point (= 1/72 inch)
Px Pixel
Color name Red, blue, green, dark green
rgb(x,y,z) Red = rgb (255,0,0)
rgb(x%,y%,z%) Red = rgb( 100%,0,0)
#rrggbb Red = #00000 (or shorthand =#f00)

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

4. Every property has its own syntax and ………………… on the values it accepts.

5. The ………………… within a font usually all share common characteristics such as size,
style, and design.

6. An outline does not affect the position or size of the ………………… box.

7. Generated ………………… includes aural rendering as well; auditory icons can offer
powerful usability enhancements for a listener.

8. An element’s rendering box consists primarily of an element’s content at the


9. CSS is used to render information to a …………………

4.5 Different Ways to Implement CSS

There are four (4) different ways to use CSS in your Web pages: Inline CSS, Embedded CSS,
Linked CSS and Importing CSS. They all provide advantages over normal HTML.

4.5.1 Inline CSS

This is the HTML specific style inclusion method, in which style information is directly attached
to the HTML elements, they affect. A universal element attribute, called STYLE, may be specified
for an HTML element, taking as a value one or more style Declarations.


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

Many of the powerful CSS syntax mechanisms (like Selectors) are not applicable in Inline CSS. Notes
This style specification method is most useful, when serving as an override on a case-by-case
basis for style rules specified in an External or Embedded style sheet. Inline styles have higher
cascade precedence than the other specification methods.

The simplest and most direct way of applying CSS to an element is to write it into the tag itself
as a style attribute style=”...”. CSS styles applied this way have the highest priority over other
style definitions, i.e., they will overwrite existing styles.
<[element name] STYLE=”[CSS property]:[property value]”>

Example: <p style=”border:2px solid #8dc919">

Using HTML Code:

<p><font face= “Arial” color= “#000000” size=”3">Boy do I love Saturdays. Nothing like sleeping
‘til 10 and not waking up for work.</font></p>

Using inline CSS: (this above same paragraph could be coded like)

<p style=”font-family:Arial; color:#000000; font-size:12px;”> Boy do I love Saturdays. Nothing

like sleeping ‘til 10 and not waking up for work.</p>

Usage Guidelines:

1. Use as little as possible: Remember that we’re trying to separate content from presentation.
Inline styles are the exact opposite. They’re inefficient because they’ll indulge up your
code and are difficult to maintain. Only use them for some quick testing of CSS styles or
for exceptions, where a style is only used at a particular place and nowhere else on the

2. Don’t use double quotes: Because double quotes are already used for marking the start and
end of the style attribute, having another double quote in-between would abruptly
terminate the CSS instructions. Use single quotes instead.

<p style=”font-family:’trebuchet ms’”>...</p> is ok but not <p style= “font
family:”trebuchet ms””>...</p>.

CSS offers, Web designers more precise control over the look of their pages. With inline CSS, we
can specify the exact pixel size of a font. In comparison, <font> tags limit us to numbers (-7,-6,
-5, -4-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…). These numbers correspond to the font settings in the user’s
browser, and thus eliminate the control you have over the final size of a font.

Apart from this small improvement in the control of our font size, inline CSS does not really
reduce the amount of code needed to format text. It just accomplishes a similar result in a
different way. This leads us to a slightly better method of CSS implementation.

Task Analyze in a group of four that why inline styles have higher cascade precedence
than the other specification methods.

[See complex HTML example using Inline Style Sheets]


Web Programming

Notes <html>
<title>Document Title</title>
<body LINK=”#ff8080" VLINK=”#ff0000" ALINK=”a05050" STYLE=”background:
#000000; color: #80c0c0">
<h1 ALIGN=”center” STYLE=”background: #000080; font: 36pt/40pt courier;
font-variant: small-caps; border: thick dashed blue”>Welcome to my home
<p><span STYLE=”margin-left: 25px”>Hi there! If you are reading this then
you have found my home page! Congratulations! </span>
We know it can be hard to find my pages, but I bet that you feel lucky now.
Now that you are here, please take a look at my page of links to <a
HREF=””>cool sites</a> or sign my <a
HREF=””>guest book</a></p>
<div><div STYLE=”font-weight: bold; margin-left: 30px”>
<span STYLE=”font-size: x-large; color: #ffffff”>M</span>y wonderful poetry</
div> is available if you are REALLY bored. Why not give it a spin? </div>
<h2 STYLE=”background: #000080; color: green; line-height: 50px; font-
size: 40px”>
The Best Poetry I <em STYLE=”font-weight: 900">NEVER</em> Wrote</h2>
<li>‘There Once Was A Man From Nantucket’ -
<span STYLE=”font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color:
rgb (100%, 100%, 0%)”>Anonymous</span></li>
<li>‘Cool In Fur’ -
<span STYLE=”font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color:
rgb (100%, 100%, 0%)”>Harry B. Foot</span></li>

<li>And My All Time Fave:

<li STYLE=”font-size: x-large; font-style: italic”> ‘A Toast To
My Toaster’ -
<span STYLE=”font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color:
rgb (100%, 100%, 0%)”>Me!</span></li>

<blockquote STYLE=”background: #000080; color: #00ff00; margin-left:
2cm”>Brought to you by the letter
<span STYLE=”font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color: rgb(100%,
100%, 0%)”>&quot;H&quot;</span>

and <span STYLE=”Padding: 20px; border: 20px groove #ffffff”>Joe Shmoe</

span> </blockquote>
<div STYLE=”background: #000080; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 30px”>

<span STYLE=”font-size: x-large; color: #ffffff”> W</span>hen you are

done looking through these masterpieces, I encourage you to visit my proud
sponsor!! </div>


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

<p STYLE=”font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif; margin: 5px 0px 2px 25px; border: Notes
medium dashed #ff0000; background: white url (
repeat-x fixed top right}”>
<span STYLE=”font: 36pt/40pt courier; font-variant: small-caps; border:
thick dashed blue}”> ADVERTISEMENT:</span>
Buy Navel Lint Contemplator! It’s a browser and it’s a sandwich
spread! Go to our <a HREF=””>home page</a> without
delay! Why? Because shelf life is only 8 hours unless refrigerated. We know
that makes it hard to browse, but it promotes frequent upgrading to the
latest and greatest version. </p>
<h6 STYLE=”font-size: xx-small! important; color: red! important”>All
standard disclaimers apply. Your life depends on NOT copying this document
in any way. This tape will
<a HREF=””>self destruct</a> in
10 seconds...</h6>

Inline Styles are not Best Practice

Inline styles, while they have a purpose, are not the best way to maintain your Web site. They go
against every one of the above benefits:

 Inline styles don’t separate content from design: In fact, inline styles are exactly the same
as embedded font tags and other design tags that we’re trying to stop using. The styles
only affect the exact tag they are applied to, and while that might give you more control,
it makes other aspects of your design and development more difficult.

 Inline styles cause more maintenance headaches: When you’re working with style sheets,
it can sometimes be very difficult to figure out where a style is being set. When you add a
mixture of inline, embedded, Linked CSS and Importing CSS and you have even more
locations to look. Again, if you work on a Web design team or have to redesign or
maintain a site built by someone else, then you’re going to have even more trouble. Then,
once you find the style and get rid of it, you’ll have to get rid of it on every element on
every page where it’s been placed, which can increase your maintenance work

 Inline styles are not as accessible: While a screen reader or other assistive device might be
able to handle the attributes and tags effectively, some of the older devices don’t and can
result in some strange Web pages.

Caution In addition, the extra characters and text can affect how your page is viewed by a
robot such as a search engine, so your page optimization would not do as well as a page
with external style sheets.

 Inline styles make your pages bigger: If you set a style on every paragraph on your site,
you can do it once with like 6 lines of code and an external style sheet. However, if you do
it with an inline style, you’ll have to add those styles to every paragraph of your site. If
you have, 5 lines of CSS that’s 5 lines are multiplied by every paragraph on your site. That
bandwidth can add up in a hurry.


Web Programming

Notes 4.5.2 Embedded CSS or Internal Styles

When applying internal CSS you put all your CSS rules in the <head>...</head> part of your
HTML document and enclose it with <style type=”text/css”>...</style> tags. This CSS style
specification method is only used with HTML. An entire style sheet can be embedded in an
HTML document using the <STYLE> element contained within the <HEAD> block. The complete
range of CSS syntax is not explicitly tied directly to the document’s elements, so Selector syntax
is used to specify what styles attach to which portions of the document tree (the same as with
External Style Sheets, but in this case the style sheet is contained within the document itself).
Unlike external style sheets, this method can only specify style information for the current
document. If equivalent style rules are specified in an external and embedded style sheet, the
embedded style sheet rule will have higher precedence.
<style TYPE=”text/css”>
[CSS Style Sheet]

Example: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”

<html xmlns=”” xml:lang=”en” lang=”en”>
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Internal CSS styles</title>
<style type=”text/css”>
p {border:2px solid #8dc919}
<p>1st paragraph ...</p>
<p>2nd paragraph ...</p>

Usage Guidelines:

1. Avoid if possible: Really, there’s not much point using internal CSS styles. You might as
well take all those CSS rules and put them into an external .css file so it can be re-used in
other pages.

[See complex HTML example using Internal Style Sheets]

<title>Document Title</title>

<style TYPE=”text/css”>


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

<!— Notes
body {
background: black;
color: #80c0c0}
a:link {color: #ff8080}
a:visited {color: #ff0000}
a:active {color: #a05050}
a.case1:link {background: green}

p:first-line { margin-left: 25px } {
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 30px}
div:first-letter {
font-size: x-large;
color: #ffffff}
ul ul li {
font-size: x-large;
font-decoration: italic}
h2 em {font-weight: 900}
h2.ex1 {
color: green; /* This type of heading MUST be Green
and Large! */
line-height: 50px;
font-size: 40px}
.funkyclass {
font: 36pt/40pt courier;

font-variant: small-caps;
border: thick dashed blue}
#tagid1 {

padding: 20px;
border: 20px groove #ffffff}
.class1, #tagid2 {font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color: rgb
h1, h2, div.class5, blockquote {background: #000080}
p.special {

font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif;

margin: 5px 0px 2px 25px;
border: medium dashed #ff0000;

background: white url ( repeat-x fixed top



Web Programming

Notes blockquote {
margin-left: 2cm;
color: #00ff00}
.part1 {
font-size: xx-large;
color: #808000}
h6 {
font-size: xx-small ! important;

color: red ! important}

<h1 CLASS=”funkyclass” ALIGN=”center”>Welcome to my home page!</h1>

<p>Hi there! If you are reading this then you have found my home page! Congratulations! I
know it can be hard to find my pages, but I bet that you feel lucky now. Now that you are here,
please take a look at my page of links to <a HREF=”
coolsites.html”>cool sites</a> or sign my <a HREF=”
guestbook.html”>guest book</a></p>
<div CLASS=”foo”> My wonderful poetry <br> is available if you are REALLY
bored. Why not give it a spin?</div>
<h2 CLASS=”ex1"> The Best Poetry I <em>NEVER</em> Wrote</h2>
<li>‘There Once Was A Man From Nantucket’ - <span CLASS=”class1"> Anonymous</
<li>‘Cool In Fur’ - <span CLASS=”class1">Harry B. Foot</span></

<li>And My All Time Fave:

<li> ‘A Toast To My Toaster’ - <span CLASS=”class1">Me!</span></li>

<blockquote>Brought to you by the letter <span ID=”tagid2">&quot;H&quot;</
span> and <span ID=”tagid1">Joe Shmoe</span> </blockquote>
<div CLASS=”class5"> When you are done looking through these masterpieces,
I encourage you to visit my proud sponsor!! </div>

<p CLASS=”special”><span CLASS=”funkyclass”>ADVERTISEMENT:</span> Buy Navel Lint

Contemplator! It’s a browser and it’s a sandwich spread! Go to our <a HREF=”http://”>home page</a> without delay! Why? Because shelf life is only 8 hours
unless refrigerated. We know that makes it hard to browse, but it promotes frequent upgrading
to the latest and greatest version. </p>


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

<h6>All standard disclaimers apply. Your life depends on NOT copying this document in any Notes
way. This tape will <a HREF=”” CLASS=”case1">self
destruct</a> in 10 seconds...</h6>

4.5.3 External Style Sheets/Linked CSS

The true power of this CSS specification mechanism is separating presentation from content.
External Style Sheets are the tool for doing exactly this by putting all your CSS rules into a
separate .css file (a simple text file) you can reuse them for all your pages without rewriting.

Notes All your styles are in a centralized place making it easy to maintain and change the
look of your website.

This is the most powerful of all the CSS attachment methods, as it allows a single style sheet to
control the rendering of multiple documents. These results in a timesaving for the author, a
savings of space for the web server, and less download time for the user. In addition, this
method can be used in both HTML and XML.

An External Style Sheet is a file containing only CSS syntax (no document content or elements)
and should carry a MIME type of “text/css”. The style information is not explicitly tied directly
to the document’s elements, so Selector syntax is used to specify what styles attach to which
portions of the document tree. The full range of CSS syntax is allowed in this method.
<link REL=”STYLESHEET” TYPE=”text/css” HREF=”[Style sheet URL]”>

LINK Attribute Description

type: This is the MIME content-type and should always be set to text/css for
rel: This attribute describes the relationship between the actual document
and the one you're linking to. In this case, it's always stylesheet.
media: You might want to provide more than one stylesheet for different
presentations of your website. For example a normal one, a high-contrast
one for people with reading difficulties, a printer-friendly one for printing
and so on. If the client supports this, it will use the appropriate stylesheet.
If you just have a single stylesheet for everything, you can omit this
attribute or use all.
href: This is the link to your stylesheet.

Usage Guidelines:

1. Use as much as possible: Try to put all your CSS styles into stylesheets and minimize your
inline CSS and internal CSS.

2. Use a logical structure: As a CSS beginner you probably won’t care much about the order
in which you write your CSS rules, because your stylesheets will be relatively small. As
they get bigger, though, it can help having a logical structure in your stylesheet. For
example you could group general selectors such as <BODY>, <A>, <P>, <IMG>, <H1>, ... at
the beginning and then follow with contextual selector rules. Or group CSS styles together,
which belong to a certain layout part of the page such as the header, sidebar, footer and so


Web Programming

Notes 3. Naming your stylesheet: It’s an unofficial naming convention that the main stylesheet is
called style.css. It can’t hurt adopting this yourself.

4. Use F5 to display recent changes: When you’re making changes to your stylesheets you
have to press the F5 key to force the web browser to load the newest version instead of
using the cached one.

Creation of .css File

Let us get started by making that external CSS file. Open up notepad.exe or any other plain text
editor and type the following CSS code.
CSS Code: (test.css)
body{background-color: gray}
p {color: blue;}
h3{color: white;}

Now save the file as a CSS (.css) file. Make sure that you are not saving it as a text (.txt) file, as
notepad likes to do by default. Name the file “test.css” (without the quotes). Now create a new
HTML file and fill it with the following code.
HTML Code: (index.htm)
<link rel=”stylesheet” media=”all” type=”text/css” href=”test.css” />
<h3> A White Header </h3>
<p> This paragraph has a blue font.
The background color of this page is gray because
we changed it with CSS! </p>


Task What is the major difference between the Inline CSS and Embedded CSS?

Save this file as “index.htm” (without the quotes) in the same directory as your CSS file. Now
open your HTML file in your web browser and it should look something like…


[See complex HTML example using External Style Sheets]

External File: ‘example.css’
body {
background: black;

color: #80c0c0}
a:link {color: #ff8080}


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

a:visited {color: #ff0000} Notes

a:active {color: #a05050}
a.case1:link {background: green}
p:first-line {margin-left: 25px } {
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 30px}
div:first-letter {

font-size: x-large;
color: #ffffff}
ul ul li {
font-size: x-large;
font-decoration: italic}
h2 em {font-weight: 900}
h2.ex1 {
color: green; /* This type of heading MUST be Green and Large! */
line-height: 50px;
font-size: 40px}
.funkyclass {
font: 36pt/40pt courier;
font-variant: small-caps;
border: thick dashed blue}
#tagid1 {
padding: 20px;
border: 20px groove #ffffff}
.class1, #tagid2 {font-family: ‘comic sans ms’, fantasy; color: rgb
h1, h2, div.class5, blockquote {background: #000080}
p.special {

font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif;

margin: 5px 0px 2px 25px;
border: medium dashed #ff0000;

background: white url ( repeat-

x fixed top right}
blockquote {

margin-left: 2cm;
color: #00ff00}
.part1 {

font-size: xx-large;
color: #808000}


Web Programming

Notes h6 {
font-size: xx-small ! important;
color: red ! important}
Main Document: ‘example.htm’
<title>Document Title</title>
<link REL=”StyleSheet” TYPE=”text/css” HREF=”example.css”>

<h1 CLASS=”funkyclass” ALIGN=”center”>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
<p>Hi there! If you are reading this then you have found my home page!
Congratulations! We know it can be hard to find my pages, but I bet that you
feel lucky now. Now that you are here, please take a look at my page of links
to <a HREF=””>cool sites</a> or sign
my <a HREF=””>guest book</a></p>
<div CLASS=”foo”> My wonderful poetry <br> is available if you are REALLY
bored. Why not give it a spin?</div>
<h2 CLASS=”ex1"> The Best Poetry I <em>NEVER</em> Wrote</h2>
<l i > ‘T h e r e O n ce W a s A M an F ro m N an t u ck e t ’ - < sp a n
<li>‘Cool In Fur’ - <span CLASS=”class1">Harry B. Foot</span></
<li>And My All Time Fave:
<li> ‘A Toast To My Toaster’ - <span CLASS=”class1">Me!</

<blockquote>Brought to you by the letter <span ID=”tagid2">&quot;H&quot;</
span> and <span ID=”tagid1">Joe Shmoe</span> </blockquote>
<div CLASS=”class5"> When you are done looking through these masterpieces,
I encourage you to visit my proud sponsor!! </div>

<p CLASS=”special”><span CLASS=”funkyclass”>ADVERTISEMENT:</span> Buy Navel Lint

Contemplator! It’s a browser and it’s a sandwich spread! Go to our <a HREF=”http://”>home page</a> without delay! Why? Because shelf life is only 8 hours
unless refrigerated. We know that makes it hard to browse, but it promotes frequent upgrading
to the latest and greatest version. </p>

<h6>All standard disclaimers apply. Your life depends on NOT copying this document in any
way. This tape will <a HREF=”” CLASS=”case1">self
destruct</a> in 10 seconds...</h6>


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

</body> Notes

Benefits of External CSS

 It keeps your website design and content separate.

 It’s much easier to reuse your CSS code if you have it in a separate file. Instead of typing
the same CSS code on every web page you have, simply have many pages refer to a single
CSS file with the “link” tag.

 You can make drastic changes to your web pages with just a few changes in a single CSS

 Help to achieve the consistency in the styles through out the pages.

Did u know? What is the limitation of External CSS?

If the user downloads the page and if he forgot to download the Linked CSS then he/she
will not be able to view the page with all the styles.

4.5.4 Importing Style Sheets

The @import rule thus allows you to keep some things the same while having others different.


@import url (nameoffile.css)

It must come at the start of the style sheet, before any rulesets (a ruleset is something like P
{color: red}). Alternatively, it can be specified as:


@import “nameoffile.css”
as @import url (“nameoffile.css”)
or as @import ‘nameoffile.css’

However, Internet Explorer only supports the url() formats, not the “ and ‘ formats.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

10. The simplest and most direct way of applying CSS to an element is to write it into the tag
itself as a style attribute ………………...

11. An entire style sheet can be embedded in an HTML document using the <STYLE> element
contained within the ………………... block.

12. If you set a style on every paragraph on your site, you can do it once with like 6 lines of
code and an ………………...


Web Programming

Notes 4.6 Limitations of CSS

 Limited transcription capabilities

 Limited transposition of elements (float:left/right)

 Calls of parameterized formatting tasks the major transcription type supported

 In CSS1 context specification limited:

 No sibling or parent/child relationships

 Limited use of attributes (CSS1: only class)

 CSS2 more powerful,

 But no access to element’s children or content

 Unable to access targets of cross references (?)

 Non-programmable

 No decision structures

 Unable to store calculated quantities

 Non-extensible

 Relatively simple

 Western-language orientation (left-to-right)

 XSL allows unrestricted transformations of the document to precede a CSS-like


4.7 Advantages of CSS

 Workflow

 Faster downloads

 Streamlined site maintenance

 Global control of design attributes

 Precise control (Advanced)

 Positioning

 Fluid layouts

 Cost Savings

 Reduced Bandwidth Costs

 One style sheet called and cached

 Higher Search Engine Rankings

 Cleaner code is easier for search engines to index

 Greater density of indexable content

 Faster download = better usability

 Web usability redesign can


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

 CSS requires less code Notes

 Tables require spacer images

 Entire table has to render before content

 CSS can control the order that elements download (content before images).

 Increased Reach

 CSS website is compatible with many different devices

 In 2008 an est. 58 Million PDA’s will be sold (Source: 1/3 of the
world’s population will own a wireless device by 2010.

Cascading Style allows obtaining the full control under HTML tagging. CSS allows easily
redefining the all default properties of any HTML tag. Using CSS, you will open new unique
opportunities missing in common HTML.

Task Analyze the non programmable issues in CSS

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

13. ………………….. allows unrestricted transformations of the document to precede

a CSS-like formatting.

14. …………………..can control the order that elements download (content before images).

4.8 Style Tag

The <style> tag is used to define style information for an HTML document.

Inside the style element you specify how HTML elements should render in a browser.

The required type attribute defines the content of the style element. The only possible value is

The style element always goes inside the head section.

<style type=”text/css”>
h1 {color:red;}
p {color:blue;}
<h1>Header 1</h1>
<p>A paragraph.</p>


Web Programming

Notes 4.9 DIV and SPAN

The <div> tag defines logical divisions (defined) in your Web page. It acts a lot like a
paragraph tag, but it divides the page up into larger sections.

<div> also gives you the chance to define the style of whole sections of HTML. You could define
a section of your page as a call out and give that section a different style from the surrounding

But that’s not all it does! The <div> tag gives you the ability to name certain sections of your
documents so that you can affect them with style sheets or Dynamic HTML.

One thing to keep in mind when using the <div> tag is that it breaks paragraphs. It acts as a
paragraph end/beginning, and while you can have paragraphs within a <div> you can’t have a
<div> inside a paragraph.

The primary attributes of the <div> tag are:

 style

 class

 id

Even if you don’t use style sheets or DHTML, you should get into the habit of using the <div>
tag. This will give you more flexibility when more XML parsers become available. Also, you
can use the id and name attributes to name your sections so that your Web pages are well formed
(always use the name attribute with the id attribute and give them the same contents).

Because the <center> tag has been deprecated in HTML 4.0, it is a good idea to start using
<div style=”text-align: center;”>

to center the content inside your div.


The <span> tag has very similar properties to the <div> tag, in that it changes the style of the text
it encloses. But without any style attributes, the <span> tag won’t change the enclosed items at

The primary difference between the <span> and <div> tags is that <span> doesn’t do any
formatting of it’s own. The <div> tag acts includes a paragraph break, because it is defining a
logical division in the document. The <span> tag simply tells the browser to apply the style
rules to whatever is within the <span>.

The <span> tag has no required attributes, but the three that are the most useful are:

 style

 class

 id

Use <span> when you want to change the style of elements without placing them in a new block-
level element in the document. For example, if you had a Level 3 Heading (<h3>) that you
wanted the second word to be red, you could surround that word with
<span style=”color : #f00;”>2ndWord</span>

and it would still be a part of the <h3> tag, just red.


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets


Task Substantiate the primary difference between the <span> and <div> tags.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

15. The ………………….. tag is used to define style information for an HTML document.

16. Use <span> when you want to change the style of elements without placing them in a new
………………….. element in the document.

4.10 Creating and Using CSS Classes

Using classes with your CSS can make customizing your pages ten times easier, because you can
give different occurances of the same element different styles. 
Say you wanted every cell of a table to have a different color and font, like this:
pink green
yellow blue
Instead of defining everything with HTML, we use CSS classes. Here is the code:
<table border=”1"><tr>
<td class=”pink”>pink</td>
<td class=”green”>green</td>
<td class=”yellow”>yellow</td>
<td class=”blue”>blue</td>

Then, in your header, you’d define what happens with each different class, like so:
<style type=”text/css”><!—
.pink {FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman, Times; BACKGROUND: #FFCCFF}
.green {FONT-FAMILY: Courier New, Courier; BACKGROUND: #33FFCC}
.yellow {FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica; BACKGROUND: #FFFF66}

Notes Now everything you add class=”pink” to will have a pink background color and
Times New Roman font.

This can also be useful if you want different links to look different ways. For example, links in
the menu to look one way, and links in the body/text to be different. In the style sheet of your
page you’d usually have this:
a:active {color:pink}
a:visited {color:pink}


Web Programming

Notes a:link {color:pink}

a:hover {color:blue}

If you had a few links you wanted to be a bit different, you’d add this: {color:blue} {color:blue} {color:blue} {color:pink}

Then add class=”menu” to the links you’d like different, like this:
<a href=”page.html” class=”menu”>link</a>

Using classes is simple. You just need to add an extension to the typical CSS code and make sure
you specify this extension in your HTML. Let’s try this with an example of making two paragraphs
that behave differently. First, we begin with the CSS code, note the red text.

CSS Code:
p.first{ color: blue; }
p.second{ color: red; }
HTML Code:
<p>This is a normal paragraph.</p>

<p class=”first”>This is a paragraph that uses the p.first CSS code!</p>

<p class=”second”>This is a paragraph that uses the p.second CSS code!</p>


This is a normal paragraph.

This is a paragraph that uses the p.first CSS code!

This is a paragraph that uses the p.second CSS code!

You can use CSS classes with any HTML element! However, what happens if we had already
defined a value for the default <p> tag, would this cause any problems for classes of the paragraph

Well, when this happens the CSS class for any <p> tag will override the default <p> CSS. If the
CSS class uses a CSS attribute already defined by the default CSS, then the formatting defined by
the class will be the value that is used.

It may be easier to imagine that the CSS for a generic HTML element is the starting point and the
only way to change that look is to overwrite the attributes using CSS classes. Please see the
example below for a visual of this tricky topic.

CSS Code:
p{ color: red; font-size: 20px; }


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

p.test1{ color: blue; } Notes

p.test2{ font-size: 12px; }
HTML Code:
<p>This is a normal paragraph.</p>
<p class=”test1">This is a paragraph that uses the p.test1 CSS code!</p>
<p class=”test2">This is a paragraph that uses the p.test2 CSS code!</p>



This is a normal paragraph.

This is a paragraph that uses the p.test1 CSS code! The p.test1 paragraph remained the same size,
but it’s color changed.

This is a paragraph that uses the p.test2 CSS code! The p.test2 paragraph remained the same
color, but it’s size changed.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

17. If the CSS class uses a CSS ………………… already defined by the default CSS, then the
formatting defined by the class will be the value that is used.

Caselet CSS will Come out with IPO in India

SS Corp, the US-based IT company, will consider coming out with an initial public
offer (IPO) in India but has not fixed any time frame for it. “We can list anywhere,
including the US, London and India. But at this stage it will be in India,” according
to Mr Nick Sharma, CEO, CSS Corp.

Backed by financial institutions, including SAIF Partners, Goldman Sachs and Sierra
Ventures, CSS Corp has revenue of around $135 million. Anything over $100 million is
enough to go for IPO, Mr Sharma told newspersons while announcing the company’s new
brand identity and inaugurating a new centre in Chennai. “We have not set any target for
the IPO but it can be any time,” he said.

Financial investors together hold over 50 per cent stake in the company, he said.

Revenue Growth

According to Mr Sharma, CSS hopes to add nearly $100 million in revenue in the next two
years to become a $250-million company by 2012-end. Nearly 25 per cent of the revenue
has come from acquisitions and this inorganic strategy will continue, he said.

“We are confident of achieving revenue of $250 million with the global economy picking
up,” he said. At present nearly 85 per cent of the company’s revenue comes from the US.



Web Programming

Notes “We want to reduce our dependence on the US market to around 65 per cent and grow in
other markets such as Europe and Asia Pacific,” he said.


CSS that has around 5,000 employees across 20 locations globally inaugurated its new
facility at Ambit Park in Chennai.

The company has invested nearly $5 million in the new facility taken on lease.

It will consolidate all its operations in Chennai and move people to the new facility in
which CSS has taken two floors with options to have more space in the building. It will
move all of its 2,500 employees in the city to the new premise, he said.

“We are starting the next decade of aggressive international expansion that will see the
company double in size by 2012,” he said.

The brand was evolved from its Cybernet, Slash-Support and Ready Test Go to the three-
letter acronym of CSS. With new acquisitions (three in the last one year), there was a need
to unite the offerings from various brands in to a single brand to deliver an end-to-end
information and communication technology services company, he said.

4.11 Summary

 This unit has taught you how to create style sheets to control the style.

 “CSS Web Template” is a website design created using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
technology. Cascading style sheets provide web developers an easy way to format and to
style web pages.

 In this unit, you will learn how to make your first style sheet.

 You have learned how to use CSS to add backgrounds, format text, add and format borders,
and specify padding and margins of elements.

 You have also learned how to position an element, control the visibility and size of an
element, set the shape of an element, place an element behind another, and to add special
effects to some selectors, like links.

 A CSS declaration represents the effect to be applied to the element(s) and it consists of
two more parts: a property and a value.

 Every property has its own syntax and constraints on the values it accepts. Property values
also often indicate measurement units to aid in rendering to the specified media.

 The <span> tag has very similar properties to the <div> tag, in that it changes the style of
the text it encloses.

 Using classes is simple. You just need to add an extension to the typical CSS code and make
sure you specify this extension in your HTML.

4.12 Keywords

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations


Unit 4: Cascading Style Sheets

4.13 Review Questions Notes

1. Explain why CSS technology is a great step forward in web development?

2. Style Sheets are the easiest way to provide a default font styling for HTML. Do you agree
with this statement? Explain with examples to support your answer.

3. Cascading style sheets provide web developers an easy way to format and to style web
pages. Analyze

4. A Property is an identifier. Give reasons

5. Substantiate why inline Styles Are Not Best Practice?

6. <div> gives you the chance to define the style of whole sections of HTML. Explain and
give example

7. Using classes with your CSS can make customizing your pages ten times easier. Explain

8. Can Style Sheets and HTML stylistic elements be used in the same document?

9. What do you mean by CSS declaration and CSS properties? Give examples.

10. List out the different ways of implementing CSS.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. template 2. Style Sheets

3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 4. constraints

5. glyphs 6. rendering

7. content 8. center

9. device 10. style=”...”

11. <HEAD> 12. external style sheet

13. XSL 14. CSS

15. <style> 16. block-level

17. attribute

4.14 Further Readings

Books Core CSS: cascading style sheets,

Hakon Wium Lie, Håkon Wium Lie, Bert Bos, Cascading style sheets: designing
for the Web, Addison-Wesley Professional

Ian Pouncey, Richard York, Ian Pouncey, Beginning CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for Web Design, Richard York


Web Programming


Online links


Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 5: Scripting Language

Unit 5: Scripting Language Notes




5.1 Java Script Programming

5.1.1 Advantages of JavaScript

5.1.2 Disadvantages of JavaScript

5.1.3 Creating Our First Program in JavaScript

5.2 Java Script Data Types

5.2.1 Primitive Data Types

5.2.2 Composite Data Types

5.3 Variables

5.3.1 Declaring vs. Initializing Variables and Null

5.3.2 JavaScript Variable Naming Conventions

5.3.3 Variable Scope

5.4 Arrays

5.5 Operators

5.6 JavaScript Loops

5.6.1 The for Loop

5.6.2 The while Loop

5.6.3 The do...while Loop

5.6.4 Break

5.6.5 Continue

5.7 JavaScript Objects

5.7.1 String Object

5.7.2 Date Object

5.7.3 Boolean Object

5.7.4 Math Object

5.7.5 JavaScript Functions

5.8 Dialog Boxes

5.9 String Manipulation Functions

5.10 Using Timer in Web Page

5.11 Summary
5.12 Keywords


Web Programming

Notes 5.13 Review Questions

5.14 Further Readings


After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the Java Script programming

 Scan the data types

 Describe Variables

 Demonstrate Arrays and Operators

 Recognize Loops and Functions

 Explain Dialog Boxes and String Manipulation Function

 Scan the use of timer in web pages

 Discuss setting and getting date in a web page


Java script is a browser-interpreted language that was created to access all elements of HTML
and the browser. The processing is done entirely by the client-side browser which makes it very
useful tool to handle processing which would have otherwise been checked server-side, thereby
reducing overhead. Java script is also used to increase user interaction, animate objects, create
drop down navigation, grab data from databases, and more!

JavaScript is most commonly used as a client side scripting language. This means that JavaScript
code is written into an HTML page. When a user requests an HTML page with JavaScript in it, the
script is sent to the browser and it’s up to the browser to do something with it. The fact that the
script is in the HTML page means that your scripts can be seen and copied by whoever views
your page. Nonetheless, to my mind this openness is a great advantage, because the flip side is
that you can view, study and use any JavaScript you encounter on the WWW.

JavaScript can be used in other contexts than a Web browser. Netscape created server-side
JavaScript as a CGI-language that can do roughly the same as Perl or ASP.

JavaScript is not a programming language in strict sense. Instead, it is a scripting language

because it uses the browser to do the dirty work. If you command an image to be replaced by
another one, JavaScript tells the browser to go do it. Because the browser actually does the work,
you only need to pull some strings by writing some relatively easy lines of code. That’s what
makes JavaScript an easy language to start with.

But don’t be fooled by some beginner’s luck: JavaScript can be pretty difficult, too. First of all,
despite its simple appearance it is a full fledged programming language: it is possible to write
quite complex programs in JavaScript. This is rarely necessary when dealing with web pages,
but it is possible. This means that there are some complex programming structures that you’ll
only understand after protracted studies.

Secondly, and more importantly, there are the browser differences. Though modern web browsers
all support JavaScript, there is no sacred law that says they should support exactly the same
JavaScript. A large part of this site is devoted to exploring and explaining these browser differences
and finding ways to cope with them.


Unit 5: Scripting Language


Notes Basic JavaScript is easy to learn, but when you start writing advanced scripts browser
differences (and occasionally syntactic problems) will creep up.

5.1 JavaScript Programming

JavaScript is not the same as Java. Although the names are much alike, JavaScript is primarily a
scripting language for use within HTML pages, while Java is a real programming language that
does quite different things from JavaScript. In addition Java is much harder to learn. It was
developed by Sun for use in pretty much anything that needs some computing power.

Did u know? Who developed JavaScript?

JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich, then working at Netscape, as a client side
scripting language (even though there’s no fundamental reason why it can’t be used in a
server side environment).

Originally, the language was called Live Script, but when it was about to be released Java had
become immensely popular (and slightly hypey). At the last possible moment Netscape changed
the name of its scripting language to “JavaScript”. This was done purely for marketing reasons.
Worse, Eich was ordered to “make it look like Java”. This has given rise to the idea that JavaScript
is a “dumbed-down” version of Java. Unfortunately there’s not the slightest shred of truth in this

Java and JavaScript both descend from C and C++, but the languages (or rather, their ancestors)
have gone in quite different directions. You can see them as distantly related cousins. Both are
object oriented (though this is less important in JavaScript than in many other languages) and
they share some syntax, but the differences are more important than the similarities.

5.1.1 Advantages of JavaScript

 JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool – HTML authors are normally not
programmers, but JavaScript is a scripting language with a very simple syntax! Almost
anyone can put small “snippets” of code into their HTML pages.

 JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page – A JavaScript statement like this:
document. write (“<h1>” + name + “</h1>”) can write a variable text into an HTML page.

 JavaScript can react to events - A JavaScript can be set to execute when something happens,
like when a page has finished loading or when a user clicks on an HTML element.

 JavaScript can read and write HTML elements – A JavaScript can read and change the
content of an HTML element.

 JavaScript can be used to validate data – A JavaScript can be used to validate form data
before it is submitted to a server. This saves the server from extra processing.

 JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor’s browser – A JavaScript can be used to detect
the visitor’s browser, and - depending on the browser - load another page specifically
designed for that browser.

 JavaScript can be used to create cookies - A JavaScript can be used to store and retrieve
information on the visitor’s computer.


Web Programming

Notes 5.1.2 Disadvantages of JavaScript

 If you lack experience in programming, JavaScript will look daunting to you. Often, it is
not clear how the code works when you examine the HTML source. Long, complicated
Java scripts can add quite a bit of download time to your HTML page.

 Although JavaScript is supported on the two major web browsers, there are a few
differences that may cause problems. Many of the graphic HTML creation tools do not
handle JavaScript very well.

 Because the code executes on the users’ computer, in some cases it can be exploited for
malicious purposes. This is one reason some people choose to disable JavaScript.

Task “JavaScript validates data”. Is this a advantage or disadvantage? Analyze

5.1.3 Creating Our First Program in JavaScript

Save the Example 4.1 as MyExample.html and run it in same manner as HTML.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.write(“this is my first program!”);
this is my first program!

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. JavaScript is primarily a scripting language for use within ………………… pages.

2. A JavaScript can be used to validate form data before it is submitted to a …………………

3. Many of the graphic HTML creation tools do not handle ………………… very well.

5.2 JavaScript Data Types

A program can do many things, including calculations, sorting names, preparing phone lists,
displaying images, validating forms, ad infinitum. But in order to do anything, the program
works with the data that is given to it.

Data types specify what kind of data, such as numbers and characters, can be stored and
manipulated within a program. JavaScript supports a number of fundamental data types.
These types can be broken down into two categories, primitive data types and composite data


Unit 5: Scripting Language


Did u know? What is the basic use of data type?

Undeclared variables and variables declared without a data type are assigned the Object
data type. This makes it easy to write programs quickly, but it can cause them to execute
more slowly.

5.2.1 Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are the simplest building blocks of a program. They are types that can be
assigned a single literal value such as the number 5.7, or a string of characters such as “hello”.
JavaScript supports three core or basic data types:

 numeric

 string

 Boolean

In addition to the three core data types, there are two other special types that consist of a single

 null

 undefined

 Numeric Literals

JavaScript supports both integers and floating-point numbers. Integers are whole numbers
and do not contain a decimal point; e.g., 123 and –6. Integers can be expressed in decimal
(base 10), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16), and are either positive or negative

Floating-point numbers are fractional numbers such as 123.56 or –2.5. They must contain
a decimal point or an exponent specifier, such as 1.3e–2. The letter “e” for exponent notation
can be either uppercase or lowercase.

JavaScript numbers can be very large (e.g., 10308 or 10–308 ).

Table 5.1

12345 Integer

23.45 float

.234E–2 scientific notation

.234e+3 scientific notation

0x456fff hexadecimal

0x456FFF hexadecimal

0777 Octal

 String Literals and Quoting

String literals are rows of characters enclosed in either double or single quotes. The quotes
must be matched. If the string starts with a single quote, it must end with a matching
single quote, and likewise if it starts with a double quote, it must end with a double quote.
Single quotes can hide double quotes, and double quotes can hide single quotes:


Web Programming

Notes “This is a string”

‘This is another string’
“This is also ‘a string’ “
This is “a string”’

An empty set of quotes is called the null string. If a number is enclosed in quotes, it is considered
a string; e.g., “5” is a string, whereas 5 is a number.

Strings are called constants or literals. The string value “hello” is called a string constant or

Notes To change a string requires replacing it with another string.

Strings can contain escape sequences (a single character preceded with a backslash), as shown in
Table 5.2. Escape sequences are a mechanism for quoting a single character.

Table 5.2: Escape Sequences

Escape Sequence What It Represents

\’ Single quotation mark

\” Double quotation mark

\t Tab

\n Newline

\r Return

\f Form feed

\b Backspace

\e Escape

\\ Backslash

Special Escape Sequences

\XXX The character with the Latin-1 encoding specified by up to

three octal digits XXX between 0 and 377. \251 is the octal
sequence for the copyright symbol.

\xXX The character with the Latin-1 encoding specified by the

two hexadecimal digits XX between 00 and FF. \xA9 is the
hexadecimal sequence for the copyright symbol.

\uXXXX The Unicode character specified by the four hexadecimal

digits XXXX. \u00A9 is the Unicode sequence for the
copyright symbol.

Example: Illustrating strings in java script.




Unit 5: Scripting Language

<pre> Notes
<font size=”+2">
<script language=”JavaScript”>
<!— Hide script from old browsers.
document.writeln(“\”Nice day, Mate.\”\n”);
document.writeln(‘Smiley face:<font size=”+3"> \u263a\n’);
//End hiding here. —>

“Nice day, Mate.”
Smiley face: :&


1. The escape sequences will work only if in a <pre> tag or an alert dialog box.

2. The JavaScript program starts here.

3. The write() method sends to the browser a string containing two tabs (\t\t), Hello, a
newline (\n), world!, and another newline (\n).

4. The writeln() method sends to the browser a string containing a double quote (\”), Nice
day, Mate., another double quote (\”), and a newline (\n). Since the writeln() method
automatically creates a newline, the output will display two newlines: the default value
and the \n in the string.

5. This string contains a backslash sequence that will be translated into Unicode. The Unicode
hexidecimal character 233a is preceded by a \u.

The process of joining strings together is called concatenation. The string concatenation operator
is a plus sign (+). Its operands are two strings. If one string is a number and the other is a string,
JavaScript will still concatenate them as strings. If both operands are numbers, the + will be the
addition operator.

The following examples output “popcorn” and “Route 66”, respectively.

document.write(“pop” + “corn:”);

document.write(“Route” + 66);

The expression 5 + 100 results in 105, whereas “5” + 100 results in “5100”.

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals are logical values that have only one of two values, true or false. You can think
of the values as yes or no, on or off, or 1 or 0. They are used to test whether a condition is true or


Web Programming

Notes false. When using numeric comparison and equality operators, the value true evaluates to 1 and
false evaluates to 0.
answer1 = true;
if (answer2 == false) { do something; }

5.2.2 Composite Data Types

We mentioned that there are two types of data: primitive and composite. The primitive types:
numbers, strings and Booleans—each storing a single value. Composite data types, also called
complex types, consist of more than one component. Objects, arrays, and functions, covered
later in this book, all contain a collection of components.
 Objects contain properties and methods

 Arrays contain a sequential list of elements

 Functions contain a collection of statements

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

4. ……………….. specify what kind of data, such as numbers and characters, can be stored
and manipulated within a program.

5. String literals are rows of characters enclosed in either ……………….. quotes.

6. The process of joining strings together is called ………………..

7. Composite data types, also called ……………….. types, consist of more than one component.

5.3 Variables

A variable’s purpose is to store information so that it can be used later. A variable is a symbolic
name that represents some data that you set. To think of a variable name in real world terms,
picture that the name is a grocery bag and the data it represents are the groceries. The name
wraps up the data so you can move it around a lot easier, but the name is not the data!

When using a variable for the first time it is not necessary to use “var” before the variable name,
but it is a good programming practice to make it crystal clear when a variable is being used for
the first time in the program. Here in the example VarExample.html we are showing how the
same variable can take on different values throughout a script.

Example: Illustrating variables in java script

<script type=”text/JavaScript”>
var linebreak = “<br />”
var my_var = “Hello World!”


Unit 5: Scripting Language

document.write(linebreak) Notes
my_var = “I am learning JavaScript!”
my_var = “Script is Finishing up...”

Hello World!
I am learning JavaScript!
Script is Finishing up...

5.3.1 Declaring vs. Initializing Variables and Null

To create a variable, the var keyword precedes the variable name, and is used only once for
declaration. All future references to the variable are made without the var keyword.

Variables can be assigned values later on, or immediately by following the name with an equals
sign, then the value they represent. Assigning a value to a variable immediately is known as
initializing the variable.

Caution If a variable is not initialized, it has a value of null and has only been declared.

var myVarName // declare variable, has null value

myVarName = 162 // assign a value, null value is replaced


var myVarName = 162 // declare AND assign value (initialize)

myVarName = “two hundred” // the value can be changed later on, even to a different type of

var time,dog,baby //multiple variables may be declared simultaneously

var time = 1, dog = “hairy”, baby = true //multiple variables may be initialized simultaneously

5.3.2 JavaScript Variable Naming Conventions

When choosing a variable name, you must first be sure that you do not use any of the JavaScript
reserved names found here. Another good practice is choosing variable names that are descriptive
of what the variable holds. If you have a variable that holds the name of a month, then name it
“month_name” to make your JavaScript more readable.

Finally, JavaScript variable names may not start with a numeral (0-9). These variable names
would be illegal: 7lucky, 99bottlesofbeer, and 3zacharm.


Web Programming

Notes A good rule of thumb is to have your variable names start with a lowercase letter (a-z) and use
underscores to separate a name with multiple words (i.e. my_var, strong_man, happy_coder,

5.3.3 Variable Scope

Variable scope has to do with where a variable can legally be used, and is determined by where
it was originally declared or initialized.

A variable declared or initialized outside a function body has a global scope, making it accessible
to all other statements within the same document.

A variable declared or initialized within a function body has a local scope, making it accessible
only to statements within the same function body.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. A ……………….. is a symbolic name that represents some data that you set.

9. To create a variable, the ……………….. keyword precedes the variable name, and is used
only once for declaration.

5.4 Arrays

An array is a special variable, which can hold more than one value, at a time.

If you have a list of items (a list of car names, for example), storing the cars in single variables
could look like this:




However, what if you want to loop through the cars and find a specific one? And what if you had
not 3 cars, but 300?

The best solution here is to use an array!

An array can hold all your variable values under a single name. And you can access the values
by referring to the array name.

Did u know? What are the advantages of Arrays in all the programming languages?


1. You can use one name for similar objects and save then with the same name but different

2. Arrays are very useful when you are working with sequences of the same kind of data
(similar to the first point but has a different meaning).

3. Arrays use reference type and so.


Unit 5: Scripting Language

Each element in the array has its own ID so that it can be easily accessed. Notes
 Create an Array
An array can be defined in three ways.
The following code creates an Array object called myCars:
var myCars=new Array(); // regular array (add an optional integer
myCars[0]=”Mercedes”; // argument to control array’s size)
var myCars=new Array(“Mercedes”,”Ferari”,”BMW”); // condensed array
var myCars=[“Mercedes”,”Ferari”,”BMW”]; // literal array

Notes Note: If you specify numbers or true/false values inside the array then the variable
type will be Number or Boolean, instead of String.

 Access an Array

You can refer to a particular element in an array by referring to the name of the array and
the index number. The index number starts at 0.

The following code line:


Will result in the following output:


 Modify Values in an Array

To modify a value in an existing array, just add a new value to the array with a specified
Index number:


Now, the following code line:


will result in the following output:


Table 5.3: Array Object Methods

Method Description

concat() Joins two or more arrays, and returns a copy of the joined arrays

join() Joins all elements of an array into a string



Web Programming

Notes pop() Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element

push() Adds new elements to the end of an array, and returns the new length

reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in an array

shift() Removes the first element of an array, and returns that element

slice() Selects a part of an array, and returns the new array

sort() Sorts the elements of an array

splice() Adds/Removes elements from an array

toString() Converts an array to a string, and returns the result

unshift() Adds new elements to the beginning of an array, and returns the new length

valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an array

Example: Create an array, assign values to it, and write the values to the output.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var mycars = new Array();
mycars[0] = “mercedes”;
mycars[1] = “ferari”;
mycars[2] = “BMW”;
mycars[3] = “opel”;
mycars[4] = “honda city”;
for (i=0;i<mycars.length;i++)
document.write(mycars[i] + “<br/>”);

honda city

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

10. To modify a value in an existing array, just add a new value to the array with a specified

11. An array can hold all your variable values under a ……………….. name.


Unit 5: Scripting Language

5.5 Operators Notes

Assignment Operator

The most common assignment operator is the equal sign. It sets one item equal to another.

Operator What does it do? Example/Explanation

= Sets one value equal to another counter=0
Sets the counter to equal the number 0
+= Shortcut for adding to the clicks += 2
current value. Sets the variable named counter to equal the current
value plus two.
-= Shortcut for subracting from clicks -= 2
the current value. Sets the variable named counter to equal the current
value minus two.
*= Shortcut for multiplying the clicks *= 2
current value. Sets the variable named counter to equal the current
value multiplied by two.
/= Shortcut for dividing the clicks /= 2
current value. Sets the variable named counter to equal the current
value divided by two.

Comparison Operator

The comparison operators compare two items and return a value of “true” if the conditions are

Operator What does it do? Example/Explanation

== Returns a true value if the items are the counter==10 >
same Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
is currently equal to the number 10
Returns a true value if the items counter!=10
arenot the same Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
is any value except the number 10
> Returns a true value if the item on the counter>10
left is greater than the item on the right Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
is larger than the number 10
>= Returns a true value if the item on the counter>=10
left is equal to or greater than the item Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
on the right is equal to or larger than the number 10
< Returns a true value if the item on the counter<10
left is less than the item on the right Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
is smaller than the number 10
<= Returns a true value if the item on the counter<=10
left is equal to or less than the item on Returns the value "true" if the counter's value
the right is equal to or less than the number 10


Web Programming

Notes Logical Operator

The logical operators evaluate expressions and then return a true or false value based on the result.

Operator What does it do? Example/Explanation

&& Looks at two expressions if day='friday'&&date=13 then alert("Are You
and returns a value of Superstitious?")
"true" if both expressions Compares the value of the day and the value of the date. If
are true. it is true that today is a Friday and if it is also true that the
date is the 13th, then an alert box pops up with the
message "Are You Superstitious?"
|| Looks at two expressions if day='friday'&&date=13 then alert("Are You
and returns a value of Superstitious?") else if day='friday'||date=13 then
"true" if either one—but alert("Aren't you glad it isn't Friday the 13th?")
not both—of the Compares the value of the day and the value of the date. If
expressions are true. it is true that today is a Friday and if it is also true that the
date is the 13th, then an alert box pops up with the
message "Are You Superstitious?" If both are not true, the
script moves onto the next line of code...
Which compares the value of the day and the value of the
date. If either one—but not both—is true, then an alert box
pops up with the message "Aren't you glad it isn't Friday
the 13th?"

Computational Operator

The computational operators perform a mathematical function on a value or values, and return
a single value.

Operator What does it do? Example/Explanation

+ Adds two values together counter+2
Returns the sum of the counter plus 2
- Subtracts one value from counter-2
another Returns the sum of the counter minus 2
* Multiplies two values counter*10
Returns the result of the variable times 10
/ Divides the value on the counter/2
left by the one on the right Divides the current value of the counter by 2 and returns
and returns the result the result
++X Increments the value, and ++counter
then returns the result Looks at the current value of the counter, increments it by
one, and then returns the result. If the counter has a value
of 3, this equation returns the value of 4.
X++ Returns the value, and counter++
then increments the value Returns the value of the counter, then increments the
counter. If the counter has a value of 3, this equation
returns the value of 3, then sets the counter value to 4.
--X Decreases the value, and --counter
then returns the result Looks at the current value of the counter, decreases it by
one, and then returns the result. If the counter has a value
of 7, this equation returns the value of 6.
X-- Returns the value, and counter--
then decreases the value Returns the value of the counter, then decrease the
counter value. If the counter has a value of 7, this
equation returns the value of 7, then sets the counter
value to 6.


Unit 5: Scripting Language

5.6 JavaScript Loops Notes

Often when you write code, you want the same block of code to run over and over again in a
row. Instead of adding several almost equal lines in a script we can use loops to perform a task
like this.

In JavaScript, there are two different kinds of loops:

 for - loops through a block of code a specified number of times

 while - loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true

5.6.1 The for Loop

The for loop is used when you know in advance how many times the script should run.

Some important points to note are:

 The initialization statements are executed once; only when the for loop is encountered.

 After execution of initialization statements, the condition is evaluated.

 After every iteration, the updation statements are executed and then the condition is

for (var=startvalue;var<=endvalue;var=var+increment)

code to be executed

Example: Loop example.

The example below defines a loop that starts with i=0. The loop will continue to run as long as
i is less than, or equal to 5. i will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.

Notes The increment parameter could also be negative, and the <= could be any comparing

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var i=0;
for (i=0;i<=5;i++)

document.write(“The number is” + i);
document.write(“<br />”);



Web Programming

Notes </body>


The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

The number is 3

The number is 4

The number is 5


This for loop starts with i=0.

As long as i is less than, or equal to 5, the loop will continue to run.

i will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.

5.6.2 The while Loop

The while loop loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true.


while (var<=endvalue)

code to be executed

Note: The <= could be any comparing statement.

Example : while loop example.

The example below defines a loop that starts with i=0. The loop will continue to run as long as
i is less than, or equal to 5. we will increase by 1 each time the loop runs

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var i=0;
while (i<=5)

document.write(“The number is” + i);

document.write(“<br />”);


Unit 5: Scripting Language

</script> Notes


The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

The number is 3

The number is 4

The number is 5


i is equal to 0.

While i is less than, or equal to, 5, the loop will continue to run.

i will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.

5.6.3 The do...while Loop

The do...while loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop will execute the block of code ONCE,
and then it will repeat the loop as long as the specified condition is true.
code to be executed
while (var<=endvalue);

Example: do while example.

The example below uses a do...while loop. The do...while loop will always be executed at least
once, even if the condition is false, because the statements are executed before the condition is
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var i=0;
document.write(“The number is” + i);

document.write(“<br />”);


Web Programming

Notes while (i<=5);



The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

The number is 3

The number is 4

The number is 5


i equal to 0.

The loop will run

i will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.

While i is less than, or equal to, 5, the loop will continue to run.

5.6.4 Break

The break statement will break the loop and continue executing the code that follows after the
loop (if any).

Example: Break example.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var i=0;
for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
if (i==3)
document.write(“The number is” + i);
document.write(“<br />”);




Unit 5: Scripting Language

Output Notes

The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

Explanation: The loop will break when i=3.




The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

Explanation: The loop will break when i=3.

5.6.5 Continue

The continue statement will break the current loop and continue with the next value.

Example: It is showing an example of continue.

<script type=”text/javascript”>

var i=0
for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
if (i==3)
document.write(“The number is” + i);
document.write(“<br />”);



The number is 0

The number is 1


Web Programming

Notes The number is 2

The number is 4

The number is 5

The number is 6

The number is 7

The number is 8

The number is 9

The number is 10

Explanation: The loop will break the current loop and continue with the next value when i=3.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

12. The initialization statements are executed once; only when the ………………… is

13. The do...while loop is a variant of the …………………

5.7 JavaScript Objects

JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language. An OOP language allows you to
define your own objects and make your own variable types.

However, creating your own objects will be explained later, in the Advanced JavaScript section.
We will start by looking at the built-in JavaScript objects, and how they are used. The next pages
will explain each built-in JavaScript object in detail.

Notes An object is just a special kind of data. An object has properties and methods.


Properties are the values associated with an object.

In the following example we are using the length property of the String object to return the
number of characters in a string:
<script type=”text/javascript”>

var txt=”Hello World!”;





Methods are the actions that can be performed on objects.


Unit 5: Scripting Language

In the following example we are using the toUpperCase() method of the String object to display Notes
a text in uppercase letters:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var str=”Hello world!”;



5.7.1 String Object

The String object is used to manipulate a stored piece of text.

Examples of Use

The following example uses the length property of the String object to find the length of a string:

var txt=”Hello world!”; document.write(txt.length);



The following example uses the toUpperCase() method of the String object to convert a string to
uppercase letters:

var txt=”Hello world!”; document.write(txt.toUpperCase());

The code above will result in the following output:


Example: Illustrate how to style strings.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var txt=”Hello Upendra!”;
document.write(“<p>Big:” + txt.big() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Small:” + txt.small() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Bold:” + txt.bold() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Italic:” + txt.italics() + “</p>”:);
document.write(“<p>Blink:” + txt.blink() + “(does not work in IE,
Chrome, or Safari)</ p>”);
document.write(“<p>Fixed:” + txt.fixed() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Strike:” + txt.strike() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Fontcolor:” + txt.fontcolor(“Red”) + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Fontsize:” + txt.fontsize(16) + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Subscript:” + txt.sub() + “</p>”);
document.write(“<p>Superscript:” + txt.sup() + “</p>”);


Web Programming

Notes </script>

Big: Hello Upendra!
Small: Hello Upendra!
Bold: Hello Upendra!
Italic: Hello Upendra!
Blink: Hello Upendra! (does not work in IE, Chrome, or Safari)
Fixed: Hello Upendra!
Strike: Hello Upendra!
Fontcolor: Hello Upendra!
Fontsize: Hello Upendra!
Subscript: Hello Upendra!
Superscript: Hello Upendra!

Example: How to use the replace() method to replace some characters with some other
characters in a string.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var str=”Visit America!”;

Visit India!

Example: How to use the length property to find the length of a string.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var txt = “welcome to Saraswati Institute of Engineering &



Unit 5: Scripting Language

5.7.2 Date Object Notes

The Date object is used to work with dates and times.

Date objects are created with the Date () constructor.

There are four ways of instantiating a date:

new Date() // current date and time

new Date(milliseconds) //milliseconds since 1970/01/01

new Date(dateString)

new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)

Most parameters above are optional. Not specifying causes 0 to be passed in.
Once a Date object is created, a number of methods allow you to operate on it. Most methods
allow you to get and set the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds of the
object, using either local time or UTC (universal, or GMT) time.

All dates are calculated in milliseconds from 01 January 1970 00:00:00 Universal Time (UTC)
with a day containing 86,400,000 milliseconds.

Example: Some examples of instantiating a date:

today = new Date()

d1 = new Date(“October 13, 1975 11:13:00”)

d2 = new Date(79,5,24)
d3 = new Date(79,5,24,11,33,0)

Set Dates

We can easily manipulate the date by using the methods available for the Date object.

In the example below we set a Date object to a specific date (14th January 2010):

var myDate=new Date();


And in the following example we set a Date object to be 5 days into the future:

var myDate=new Date();


Notes If adding five days to a date shifts the month or year, the Date object itself handles
the changes automatically!

Compare Two Dates

The Date object is also used to compare two dates.

The following example compares today’s date with the 14th January 2010:


Web Programming

Notes var myDate=new Date();

var today = new Date();
if (myDate>today)
alert(“Today is before 14th January 2010”);
alert(“Today is after 14th January 2010”);

Table 5.4: Date Object Methods

Method Description

getDate() Returns the day of the month (from 1-31)

getDay() Returns the day of the week (from 0-6)

getFullYear() Returns the year (four digits)

getHours() Returns the hour (from 0-23)

getMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds (from 0-999)

getMinutes() Returns the minutes (from 0-59)

getMonth() Returns the month (from 0-11)

getSeconds() Returns the seconds (from 0-59)

getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970

getTimezoneOffset() Returns the time difference between GMT and local time, in minutes

getUTCDate() Returns the day of the month, according to universal time (from 1-31)

getUTCDay() Returns the day of the week, according to universal time (from 0-6)

getUTCFullYear() Returns the year, according to universal time (four digits)

getUTCHours() Returns the hour, according to universal time (from 0-23)

getUTCMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds, according to universal time (from 0-999)

getUTCMinutes() Returns the minutes, according to universal time (from 0-59)

getUTCMonth() Returns the month, according to universal time (from 0-11)

getUTCSeconds() Returns the seconds, according to universal time (from 0-59)

getYear() Deprecated. Use the getFullYear() method instead

parse() Parses a date string and returns the number of milliseconds since
midnight of January 1, 1970

setDate() Sets the day of the month (from 1-31)

setFullYear() Sets the year (four digits)

setHours() Sets the hour (from 0-23)



Unit 5: Scripting Language

setMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds (from 0-999) Notes

setMinutes() Set the minutes (from 0-59)

setMonth() Sets the month (from 0-11)

setSeconds() Sets the seconds (from 0-59)

setTime() Sets a date and time by adding or subtracting a specified number

of milliseconds to/from midnight January 1, 1970

setUTCDate() Sets the day of the month, according to universal time (from 1-31)

setUTCFullYear() Sets the year, according to universal time (four digits)

setUTCHours() Sets the hour, according to universal time (from 0-23)

setUTCMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds, according to universal time (from 0-999)

setUTCMinutes() Set the minutes, according to universal time (from 0-59)

setUTCMonth() Sets the month, according to universal time (from 0-11)

setUTCSeconds() Set the seconds, according to universal time (from 0-59)

setYear() Deprecated. Use the setFullYear() method instead

toDateString() Converts the date portion of a Date object into a readable string

toGMTString() Deprecated. Use the toUTCString() method instead

toLocaleDateString() Returns the date portion of a Date object as a string, using locale

toLocaleTimeString() Returns the time portion of a Date object as a string, using locale

toLocaleString() Converts a Date object to a string, using locale conventions

toString() Converts a Date object to a string

toTimeString() Converts the time portion of a Date object to a string

toUTCString() Converts a Date object to a string, according to universal time

UTC() Returns the number of milliseconds in a date string since midnight

of January 1, 1970, according to universal time

valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a Date object

Example: How to display a clock on your web page.


<script type=”text/javascript”>
function startTime()

var today=new Date();
var h=today.getHours();

var m=today.getMinutes();


Web Programming

Notes var s=today.getSeconds();

// add a zero in front of numbers<10
function checkTime(i)

if (i<10)
i=”0" + i;
return i;
<body > <div id=”txt”></div>



5.7.3 Boolean Object

The Boolean object represents two values: “true” or “false”.

The following code creates a Boolean object called myBoolean:

var myBoolean=new Boolean();

Note: If the Boolean object has no initial value or if it is 0, -0, null, “”, false, undefined, or NaN,
the object is set to false. Otherwise it is true (even with the string “false”)!

All the following lines of code create Boolean objects with an initial value of false:

var myBoolean=new Boolean();

var myBoolean=new Boolean(0);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(null);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(“”);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(false);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(NaN);


Unit 5: Scripting Language

And all the following lines of code create Boolean objects with an initial value of true: Notes

var myBoolean=new Boolean(true);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(“true”);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(“false”);

var myBoolean=new Boolean(“Richard”);

Table 5.5: Boolean Object Methods

Method Description

toString() Converts a Boolean value to a string, and returns the result

valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a Boolean object

Example: Check if a Boolean object is true or false.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var b1=new Boolean(0);
var b2=new Boolean(1);
var b3=new Boolean(“”);
var b4=new Boolean(null);
var b5=new Boolean(NaN);
var b6=new Boolean(“false”);
document.write(“0 is boolean “+ b1 +”<br />”);
document.write(“1 is boolean “+ b2 +”<br/>”);
document.write(“An empty string is boolean “+ b3 + “<br />”);
document.write(“null is boolean “+ b4+ “<br />”);

document.write(“NaN is boolean “+ b5 +”<br />”);

document.write(“The string ‘false’ is boolean “+ b6 +”<br />”);



0 is boolean false

1 is boolean true

An empty string is boolean false

null is boolean false

NaN is boolean false

The string ‘false’ is boolean true


Web Programming

Notes 5.7.4 Math Object

The Math object allows you to perform mathematical tasks.

The Math object includes several mathematical constants and methods.
Syntax for using properties/methods of Math:
var pi_value=Math.PI;
var sqrt_value=Math.sqrt(16);

Note: Math is not a constructor. All properties and methods of Math can be called by using Math
as an object without creating it.
 Mathematical Constants
JavaScript provides eight mathematical constants that can be accessed from the Math
object. These are: E, PI, square root of 2, square root of 1/2, natural log of 2, natural log of
10, base-2 log of E, and base-10 log of E.
You may reference these constants from your JavaScript like this:
 Mathematical Methods
In addition to the mathematical constants that can be accessed from the Math object there
are also several methods available.
The following example uses the round() method of the Math object to round a number to
the nearest integer:
The code above will result in the following output:
The following example uses the random() method of the Math object to return a random
number between 0 and 1:
 Document.write(Math.random());
The code above can result in the following output:
The following example uses the floor() and random() methods of the Math object to return
a random number between 0 and 10:
The code above can result in the following output:


Unit 5: Scripting Language

Table 5.6: Math Object Methods


Method Description
abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x
acos(x) Returns the arccosine of x, in radians
asin(x) Returns the arcsine of x, in radians
atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians
atan2(y,x) Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
ceil(x) Returns x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
exp(x) Returns the value of Ex
floor(x) Returns x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
max(x,y,z,...,n) Returns the number with the highest value
min(x,y,z,...,n) Returns the number with the lowest value
pow(x,y) Returns the value of x to the power of y
random() Returns a random number between 0 and 1
round(x) Rounds x to the nearest integer
sin(x) Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
tan(x) Returns the tangent of an angle

5.7.5 JavaScript Functions

To keep the browser from executing a script when the page loads, you can put your script into a

A function contains code that will be executed by an event or by a call to the function.

You may call a function from anywhere within a page (or even from other pages if the function
is embedded in an external .js file).

Functions can be defined both in the <head> and in the <body> section of a document. However,
to assure that a function is read/loaded by the browser before it is called, it could be wise to put
functions in the <head> section.

How to Define a Function?


function functionname(var1,var2,...,varX)
some code

The parameters var1, var2, etc. are variables or values passed into the function. The { and the }
defines the start and end of the function.


Web Programming


Notes A function with no parameters must include the parentheses () after the function

Do not forget about the importance of capitals in JavaScript! The word function must be
written in lowercase letters, otherwise a JavaScript error occurs! Also note that you must
call a function with the exact same capitals as in the function name.

<script type=”text/javascript”>

function displaymessage()
alert(“Hello upendra!”);

<input type=”button” value=”Click me!” > </form>
<p>By pressing the button above, a function will be called. The
function will alert a message.</ p>


Figure 5.1


Unit 5: Scripting Language

If the line: alert(“Hello upendra!!”) in the example above had not been put within a function, it Notes
would have been executed as soon as the line was loaded. Now, the script is not executed before
a user hits the input button. The function displaymessage() will be executed if the input button
is clicked.

The return Statement

The return statement is used to specify the value that is returned from the function. So, functions
that are going to return a value must use the return statement.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function product(x,y)
return x*y;
<script type=”text/javascript”>

5.8 Dialog Boxes

Three Types of Dialog Boxes in JavaScript

 alert()

 confirm()

 prompt()


The simplest to direct output to a dialog box is to use the alert() method.
alert(“Click Ok to continue.”);

Notes Note that the alert() method doesn’t have an object name in front of it. This is
because the alert() method is part of the window Object. As the top-level object in the
Navigator Object Hierarchy, the window Object is assumed when it isn’t specified.

The script alert(“Click Ok to continue.”); and HTML holding the script will not continue or
execute until the user clicks the OK button.


Web Programming

Notes Generally, the alert() method is used for exactly that – to warn the user or alert him or her to
something. Examples of this type of use include:

 Incorrect information in a form

 An invalid result from a calculation

 A warning that a service is not available on a given date

Nonetheless, the alert() method can still be used for friendlier messages.

Notes Note that Netscape alert boxes include the phrase “<url> [JavaScript Application]”
in the title bar of the alert while IE has “Microsoft Internet Explorerin the title bar of the
alert. Both have yellow triangles to “alert” you. This done in order to distinguish them
form those generated by the operating system or the browser. This done for security
reasons so that malicious programs cannot trick users into doing things they don’t want to
<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”alert” is an alert!!’)”>
<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”alert” is an

The alert dialog box is used to display an alert message to the user.


The alert() method still doesn’t enable you to interact with the user. The addition of the OK
button provides you with some control over the timing of events, but it still cannot be used to
generate any dynamic output or customize output based on user input.

The simplest way to interact with the user is with the prompt() method. The user needs to fill in
the field and then click OK.

prompt(“Enter Your Name:”, “Name”);


 You are providing two “arguments” to the method in the parenthesis. The prompt()
method “requires two pieces of information”. The first is text to be displayed, and
the second is the default data in the entry field.

 In JavaScript, when a method requires more than one argument, they are separated
by commas.
<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”prompt” >

The prompt() method dialog box allows the user the opportunity to enter information. It takes
two parameters; a message and a default string for the text entry field.

With function code:


function respPrompt() {


Unit 5: Scripting Language

var favorite = prompt(‘What is your favorite color?’, ‘RED’); Notes

// OR var favorite = window.prompt(‘What is your favorite color?’, ‘RED’);
// if (favorite) equivalent to if (favorite != null && favorite != “”);
if (favorite) alert(“Your favorite color is: “ + favorite);
else alert(“You pressed Cancel or no value was entered!”);

Notes What happens when you press Cancel? The value null is returned.


Confirm displays a dialog box with two buttons: OK and Cancel. If the user clicks on OK the
window method confirm() will return true. If the user clicks on the Cancel button confirm()
returns false.
<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”confirm” >

The confirm dialog box returns a Boolean value based on the user’s selection.

With function code:

function respConfirm () {
var response = confirm(‘Confirm Test: Continue?’);
// OR var response = window.confirm(‘Confirm Test: Continue?’);
if (response) alert(“Your response was OK!”);

else alert(“Your response was Cancel!”);


Notes Response will be:

1. true if OK is pressed

2. false if Cancel is pressed

5.9 String Manipulation Functions

The most important string manipulation functions are the following:

 length

 toLowerCase

 toUpperCase

 charAt

 indexOf


Web Programming

Notes  split

 substr

 subString

Now let’s see one by one what can we do with them and how to use them in a JavaScript code.


Syntax: object.length;

This function returns with the total number of characters in the string, or more simple it returns
with the length of the string. The usage is quite simple:

var str = ‘Demo text.’;
var len = str.length;
var len2 = ‘my other text’.length;
toLowerCase and toUpperCase
Synatx: object.toLowerCase();

These methods can be very useful if you want to all character in a string lower case or upper case.
For example if you want to compare 2 strings but you are not sure if they are capitalized or not.
In this case just convert both of them to lower or upper case and you can make the comparison
without any problem.

Example: Usage example:

var str = ‘Demo Text.’;

var strL = str.toLowerCase();

var strU = str.toUpperCase();
if (str.toLowerCase() == ‘demo text.’)


Synatx: object.charAt(index);

With this function you can get the character at the given position in a string. If you want you can
read the complete string character by character using charAt and a loop.

Example: See the examples:

var str = ‘Demo Text.’;
var c = str.charAt(5);

for (i=0;i<str.length;i++){


Unit 5: Scripting Language

5.10 Using Timer in Web Page Notes

<!— This part can go in the head of the html file —>
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function sivamtime() {
now=new Date();
if (min<=9) { min=”0"+min; }
if (sec<=9) { sec=”0"+sec; }
if (hour>12) { hour=hour-12; add=”pm”; }
else { hour=hour; add=”am”; }
if (hour==12) { add=”pm”; }
document.timeForm.field.value = ((hour<=9) ? “0”+hour : hour) + “:” + min
+ “:” + sec + “ “ + add;
setTimeout(“sivamtime()”, 1000);
window. >// —>
<!— This goes into the body of the file wherever you want to have the time
placed —>

<form name=”timeForm”>
<input type=text” name=”field” value=”” size=”11">



Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. An OOP language allows you to define your own objects and make your own

15. A function contains code that will be executed by an …………………… or by a call to the

16. The ………………… method still doesn’t enable you to interact with the user.

Caselet Intel Aims to Lower PC Power Consumption by 300
Times in 10 Years

he world’s largest chip- maker Intel Corporation on Thursday said it is working on
a host of futuristic technologies that would improve the power efficiency of PCs
300-fold in the next 10 years, as well as ensure the security of data and user identities.

Speaking on the final day of the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2011 here, Intel Chief
Technology Officer Mr Justin Rattner said the company was developing technologies to
take computing to the next level, with better performance and lower power consumption.

Energy efficiency was a key theme of the three-day IDF summit this year and a number of
Intel executives demonstrated the efforts being taken by the company in this regard. The
move assumes significance in light of consumers gravitating toward always-on computing
devices with a greater degree of mobility.

Mr Rattner said that Intel’s multi-core technology, in which more than one processing
engine is built into a single chip, has become the accepted methodology for increasing
performance while keeping power consumption low.

These technologies would enable faster web access, improve PC user security and reduce
the requirement for wireless infrastructure to provide the optimal online experience,
among other benefits, he said.

Mr Rattner demonstrated a new technology for better PC security, wherein users would
be able to see images and other data on social networking sites and other platforms only
if the computer recognises his or her face.

The technology will enable parallel cryptographic and facial recognition services to
improve security on Ultrabooks and traditional notebooks, besides desktop PCs, with the
help of Intel microprocessors, he said.

Intel was also collaborating with China Mobile to replace existing “costly base-station
hardware used on cell towers today with a fully programmable and far more cost-effective,
software-based PC alternative”, he noted.

Mr Rattner revealed that Intel Labs was working on a new ‘Near-Threshold Voltage
Processor’ that has enabled an experimental Pentium-class processor unit to deliver five
times better energy efficiency levels, with the ability to run a processor with a solar cell
the size of postage stamp.



Unit 5: Scripting Language

He said the extreme-scale computing technologies that Intel was working on would help
achieve the goal of a nearly 300 times improvement in energy efficiency levels in the next
ten years and potentially even a 1,000-fold improvement in the future.

Mr Rattner also disclosed a new JavaScript solution that could speed up browser-based
content such as 3D games by up to eight-fold and said that Intel would also soon launch the
world’s first processor with Many-Integrated Core (MIC) architecture, which promises to
revolutionise high-performance computing.

5.11 Summary

 JavaScript is a browser-interpreted language.

 JavaScript can react to events.

 Conditional Statements give the JavaScript code you are writing the ability to make
decisions or perform single or multiple tasks.

 A variable’s purpose is to store information so that it can be used later.

 JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a

 An OOP language allows you to define your own objects and make your own variable

5.12 Keywords

ASP: Active Server Pages

CGI: Common Gateway Interface

OOP: Object Oriented Programming

WWW: World Wide Web

5.13 Review Questions

1. Substantiate the mean of java script? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using
java script?

2. Calculate the factorial of a number using java script.

3. How can you change an image using java script?

4. Make the distinction between java and java script. Give example to support your answers.

5. Write a java script code to display the current date and time.

6. Is java script a scripting or a programming language? Discuss

7. What do you mean by java script top level properties and function?

8. Each element in the array has its own ID so that it can be easily accessed. Write a program
to explain this statement with explanation.

9. How is JavaScript syntax like C / C++?Write a program to explain

10. The Math object allows you to perform mathematical tasks. Analyze


Web Programming

Notes Answers: Self Assessment

1. HTML 2. server
3. JavaScript 4. Data types

5. double or single 6. concatenation

7. complex 8. variable

9. var 10. Index number

11. Single 12. for loop

13. while loop 14. variable types

15. event 16. alert()

5.14 Further Readings

Books Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison, Brendan Eich, JavaScript Bible, John Wiley
& Sons
James Edward Keogh, JavaScript demystified, McGraw-Hill Professional
Powell, Java Script: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Online links


Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 6: DOM Model

Unit 6: DOM Model Notes




6.1 DOM Model

6.1.1 The JavaScript Assisted Style Sheets DOM (JSSS DOM)

6.2 Events Handling through JavaScript

6.2.1 Event Association

6.3 How to use Forms in JavaScript

6.3.1 Form Validation with JavaScript

6.4 Summary

6.5 Keywords

6.6 Review Questions

6.7 Further Readings


After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize the DOM model

 Describe event handling through JavaScript

 Demonstrate how to use forms in JavaScript


An HTML page is rendered (painted) in a browser. The browser assembles all the elements
(objects) contained in the HTML page, downloaded from the web server, in its memory. Once,
done the browser then renders these objects in the browser window. Once, the HTML page is
rendered in the browser window, the browser can no longer recognize individual HTML elements

To create an interactive web page, it is imperative that the browser continues to recognize
individual HTML objects even after they are rendered in the browser window. This allows the
browser to access the properties of these objects using the built-in methods of the object. Once
the properties of an object are accessible then the functionality of the object can be controlled at

6.1 DOM Model

JavaScript enabled browsers are capable of recognizing individual objects in an HTML page,
after the page has been rendered in the browser, because the JavaScript enabled browser
recognizes and uses the Document Object Model (DOM).


Web Programming

Notes Using the Document Object Model (DOM) JavaScript enabled browsers identify the collection of
web page objects (web page elements) that have to be dealt with while rendering an HTML
based, web page in the browser window.

Caution The HTML objects which belong to the DOM, have a descending relationship with
each other.

The top most object in the DOM is the ‘Navigator’ (i.e., the browser) itself. The next level in the
DOM the browser’s ‘Window’. The next level in the DOM is the ‘Document’ displayed in the
browser’s window.

Should the document displayed in the browser’s window have an HTML ‘Form’ coded in it, the
next level in the DOM is the ‘Form’ itself.

The DOM hierarchy continues downward to encompass individual elements on a ‘FORM’, such as
Text boxes, Labels, Radio buttons, Check boxes, Push buttons and so on, which belong to the form.

JavaScript’s object hierarchy is mapped to the DOM, which in turn is mapped to the web page
elements in the browser window. Hence, when a web page is rendered in a JavaScript enabled
browser window, JavaScript is capable of uniquely identifying each element in the web page,
because major elements of a web page are bound to the DOM.

The DOM that JavaScript recognizes is described below:

The Navigator – i.e., Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mosaic, etc.

Figure 6.1: JavaScript DOM


Document Anchor


Form Textbox







No HTML is registered in the DOM by a JavaScript enabled browser unless they are assembled
in memory prior being rendered in the browser window. What this means is, if a document does
not have any ‘Anchor’ described in the ‘Anchors’ object will exist but it will be empty. If the
document does not have any ‘Link’ described in it the Links object will exist but it will be empty.


Unit 6: DOM Model

Hierarchy Notes

All objects on a web page are not created equal. Each exists in a set relationship with other
objects on the web page. From Figure (above figure), the navigator occupies the topmost slot in
the DOM followed by the Window object and so on.

Below the Window is the ‘Document’ object. Below the document object three other objects exist.
They are the ‘Anchor’, ‘Link’ and ‘Form’ objects. Individual form elements are found under the
‘Form’ object.

In addition to the DOM, other objects currently recognized by a JavaScript enabled browser are
Plug-ins, Applets and Images. Hence using a JavaScript enabled browser and JavaScript most of
major web page objects are accessible.

However, every single element of a web page rendered in the browser window, is not part of DOM.

Did u know? Is HTML tags part of the DOM?

HTML tags such as <HEAD></HEAD> or <BODY></BODY> are not part of the DOM.
Presentation styles, headings, body text, H1 to H6 and so on are not part of the DOM hence
and not recognized by JavaScript.

JavaScript, however, recognizes presentation styles, headings, body text, H1 to H6 and so on,
when JavaScript assisted Style Sheets (JSSS) are in a web page. JSSS is usually between the
<HEAD></HEAD> HTML tags in a web page.

6.1.1 The JavaScript Assisted Style Sheets DOM (JSSS DOM)

JSSS use JavaScript syntax to control a document’s presentation style. When a JSSS is embedded
in an HTML page within the <HEAD></HEAD> tags, then the JavaScript DOM picks up a whole
new set of objects, which add to the standard DOM objects already recognized by JavaScript.

The additional objects brought into the DOM by JSSS are shown in the figure below.

Figure 6.2

Document Tags



H1 through H6

Classes Tag Names



Web Programming

Notes By extending the DOM recognized by JavaScript by embedding JSSS in a web page, developers
of web pages can access every element of a web page whether this element appears on the page
when it is rendered in a client browser or not.

By accessing appropriate properties of the ‘Navigator’ object, (i.e., the Browser), the topmost
object in the DOM, JavaScript can recognize the browser type (i.e., Netscape Navigator, Internet
Explorer, etc.) and subsequently dispatch all HTML pages to the browser from the web server,
with a style based on this knowledge. This is where the power of JavaScript really becomes
visible in providing finely tuned web page content to a client’s browser.

Since JavaScript understands the DOM and can extend the DOM with the use of JSSS in a web
page JavaScript understands ‘Objects’.

All objects have:

 Properties that determine the functionality of the object

 Methods that allow access to these properties

 Events to appropriate JavaScript event handlers.

Hence, when a pre-determined event occurs the code snippet will execute. This is the traditional
Object, Event driven, Code execution model of any object based programming environment.

Using appropriate JavaScript snippets, which reference the properties of an object via its built-
in methods, developers of web pages can actually control the functionality of any HTML, object
in the DOM (or extended DOM) while the HTML program executes (i.e., at run time).

Notes JavaScript can access the methods of all objects belonging to the DOM and JSSS
DOM. Hence using JavaScript, truly interactive web pages can be created.

JavaScript features are generated towards providing developers the capability to quickly generate
scripts that will execute in the context of a web page within a JavaScript enabled browser or on
a web server that understands JavaScript.

Although JavaScript does not provide all of the features of a full object oriented programming
language, it does provide a suite of object-based features that are especially tailored to Browser
or Server side scripting.

These features include the recognition of a number of predefined browser and server objects.
JavaScript has the ability to control the behavior of these objects through their properties and

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. Using the Document Object Model (DOM) JavaScript enabled browsers identify the
collection of ………………… objects.

2. The DOM hierarchy continues downward to encompass individual elements on a


3. JavaScript’s object hierarchy is mapped to the DOM, which in turn is mapped to the web
page elements in the ………………… window.


Unit 6: DOM Model

4. ………………… does not provide all of the features of a full object oriented programming Notes

5. JSSS use JavaScript syntax to control a ………………… presentation style.

6. All ………………… on a web page are not created equal.

7. JavaScript enabled browser and JavaScript most of major web page objects are

6.2 Events Handling through JavaScript

By using JavaScript, we have the ability to create dynamic web pages. Events are actions that can
be detected by JavaScript.

Every element on a web page has certain events which can trigger a JavaScript. For example, we
can use the onClick event of a button element to indicate that a function will run when a user
clicks on the button. We define the events in the HTML tags. Examples of events are:

 A mouse click

 A web page or an image loading

 Mousing over a hot spot on the web page

 Selecting an input field in an HTML form

 Submitting an HTML form

 A keystroke.

Notes Events are normally used in combination with functions, and the function will not
be executed before the event occurs!

 onLoad and onUnload

The onLoad and onUnload events are triggered when the user enters or leaves the page.

The onLoad event is often used to check the visitor’s browser type and browser version,
and load the proper version of the web page based on the information.

Both the onLoad and onUnload events are also often used to deal with cookies that should
be set when a user enters or leaves a page.

For example, you could have a popup asking for the user’s name upon his first arrival to
your page. The name is then stored in a cookie. Next time the visitor arrives at your page,
you could have another popup saying something like: “Welcome upendra!”.

 onFocus, onBlur and onChange

The onFocus, onBlur and onChange events are often used in combination with validation
of form


Below is an example of how to use the onChange event. The checkEmail() function will be
called whenever the user changes the content of the field:
<input type=”text” size=”30" id=”email” >


Web Programming

Notes  onSubmit

The onSubmit event is used to validate ALL form fields before submitting it.

Below is an example of how to use the onSubmit event. The checkForm() function will be
called when the user clicks the submit button in the form. If the field values are not
accepted, the submit should be cancelled. The function checkForm() returns either true or
false. If it returns true the form will be submitted, otherwise the submit will be cancelled:
<form method=”post” action=”xxx.html” checkForm()”>

 onMouseOver and onMouseOut

onMouseOver and onMouseOut are often used to create “animated” buttons.

Below is an example of an onMouseOver event. An alert box appears when an onMouseOver

event is detected:
<a href=”a.html” onMouseOver event’);return false</a>

Task Create a web page, which has an image file. Use the onMouseDown event handler,
which will resize the image when the user presses a mouse button over the image.

6.2.1 Event Association

Events are associated with HTML tags. The definitions of the events described below are as

 abort - A user action caused an abort of an image or document load.

 blur - A frame set, document, or form object such as a text field loses the focus for input.

 click - Happens when a link or image map is clicked on.

 change - Happens when a form field is changed by the user and it loses the focus.

 error - An error happened loading a image or document.

 focus - A frame set, document, or form object such as a text field gets the focus for input.

 load - The event happens when an image or HTML page has completed the load process in
the browser.

 mouseOut - The event happens when the mouse is moved from on top of a link or image

 mouseOver - The event happens when the mouse is placed on a link or image map.

 reset - The user reset the object which is usually a form.

 submit - The user submitted an object which is usually a form.

 unload - The object such as a framesed or HTML document was exited by the user.

Task Create a web page, which has a text hyperlink and an image file. Use the onClick
event handler to display an alert when the link is clicked and the onDbClick event handler
to display an alert when you double click on the image.


Unit 6: DOM Model

The events for each HTML tag are as follows: Notes

 <A>

 click (onClick)

 mouseOver (onMouseOver)

 mouseOut (onMouseOut)

 <AREA>

 mouseOver (onMouseOver)

 mouseOut (onMouseOut)

 <BODY>

 blur (onBlur)

 error (onError)

 focus (onFocus)

 load (onLoad)

 unload (onUnload)

 <FORM>

 submit (onSubmit)

 reset (onReset


 blur (onBlur)

 focus (onFocus)


 blur (onBlur)

 error (onError)

 focus (onFocus)

 load (onLoad)

 unload (onUnload)

 <IMG>

 abort (onAbort)

 error (onError)

 load (onLoad)

 <INPUT TYPE = “button”>

 click (onClick)

 <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox”>

 click (onClick)


Web Programming

Notes  <INPUT TYPE = “reset”>

 click (onClick)

 <INPUT TYPE = “submit”>

 click (onClick)

 <INPUT TYPE = “text”>

 blur (onBlur)

 focus (onFocus)

 change (onChange)

 select (onSelect)


 blur (onBlur)

 focus (onFocus)

 change (onChange)


 blur (onBlur)

 focus (onFocus)

 change (onChange)

 select (onSelect)


<script type=”text/javascript”>
function popup()

alert(“Hello upendra!”)


<input type=”button” value=”Click Me!” />

<a href=”#” > Hover Me!</a>




Unit 6: DOM Model

Figure 6.3

Task Create a web page, which takes input from the user, and send an alert message to
the user if he has failed to fill in the required fields. Use the onSubmit event handler is to
validate the form input. In this way you can verify whether users have filled in required
fields, made the required selection, or whether they have filled in an appropriate
combination of fields.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. Every element on a web page has certain events which can trigger a ………………….

9. The …………………. function will be called when the user clicks the submit button in the

10. The …………………. event is used to validate ALL form fields before submitting it.

11. onMouseOver and …………………. are often used to create “animated” buttons.

6.3 How to use Forms in JavaScript

6.3.1 Form Validation with JavaScript

JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a server.

Form data that typically are checked by a JavaScript could be:

 Has the user left required fields empty?

 Has the user entered a valid e-mail address?

 Has the user entered a valid date?

 Has the user entered text in a numeric field?

Form validation is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it is

Example: If your form has a box for the user to type their e-mail address, you might want
your form handler to check that they’ve filled in their address before you deal with the rest of
the form.


Web Programming

Notes There are two main methods for validating forms: server-side (using CGI scripts, ASP, etc.), and
client-side (usually done using JavaScript). Server-side validation is more secure but often more
tricky to code, whereas client-side (JavaScript) validation is easier to do and quicker too (the
browser doesn’t have to connect to the server to validate the form, so the user finds out instantly
if they’ve missed out that required field!).

Figure 6.4: Client-side form Validation (usually with

JavaScript Embedded in the Web Page)

Figure 6.5: Server-side form Validation

(usually Performed by a CGI or ASP Script)

Required Fields

The function below checks if a required field has been left empty. If the required field is blank,
an alert box alerts a message and the function returns false. If a value is entered, the function
returns true (means that data is OK):
function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)

if (value==null||value==””)


Unit 6: DOM Model

alert(alerttxt);return false; Notes

return true;

In the below example the entire script, with the HTML form could look something like this:

Example: Illustrating form validation.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (value==null||value==””)
alert(alerttxt);return false;

return true;


function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)

if (validate_required(email,”Email must be filled out!”)==false)
{email.focus();return false;}



Web Programming

Notes <form action=”submit.htm” validate_form(this)”

Email: <input type=”text” name=”email” size=”30">
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>

After clicking submit button on empty e-mail the message is as shown in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.6

E-mail Validation

The function below checks if the content has the general syntax of an e-mail.
This means that the input data must contain at least an @ sign and a dot (.). Also, the @ must not be the
first character of the e-mail address, and the last dot must at least be one character after the @ sign:
function validate_email(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2)
{alert(alerttxt);return false;}
else {return true;}

In the below Example the entire script, with the HTML form could look something like this.

Example: Illustrating E-mail validation.


<script type=”text/javascript”>
function validate_email(field,alerttxt)


Unit 6: DOM Model

with (field) Notes

if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2)
{alert(alerttxt);return false;}
else {return true;}
function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (validate_email(email,”Not a valid e-mail address!”)==false)
{email.focus();return false;}
<form action=”submit.htm” validate_form(this);”
Email: <input type=”text” name=”email” size=”30">
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>

Without giving the @ the error will be like the below output.

Figure 6.7


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

12. JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a

13. If the required field is blank, an ………………... alerts a message and the function returns

14. ………………... validation is more secure but often more tricky to code.

15. ………………... is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it
is processed.

Caselet IT is India’s Tomorrow

HE Grameen phone scheme in Bangladesh provided one cellular phone each to
10,000 villages for community use. Kerala’s fishermen bargain rates for their catch
using mobiles they carry out to sea. An Internet bus goes about with 20 computers
in Malaysia, “bringing a new world of information and learning opportunities to school
children in rural communities”. And Dr Devi Shetty, a cardio-surgeon in Bangalore, is
connected to 27 districts in the state and also to West Bengal and Assam for consultation.
Is there a correlation between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage
and economic growth? Yes, says Vinod Vaish in his foreword to The Great Digital
Transformation by D.K. Ghosh, from Sunrise Publications (
“The intensive application of ICTs has enabled emergence of a new company characterised
by high productivity, efficient markets, innovations in products and services, technologies,
business models and organisational structures.” The book, subtitled `a saga of sustainable
development’, notes that the South Asian countries are a fertile group to cooperate on ICT
implementation because of their geographic continuity, common historic experience,
close cultural and linguistic environment and so forth.

Peter Drucker’s book Management Challenges for the 21st Century is cited in a chapter
that begins with a new definition of IT by the Prime Minister, Atalji - as ‘India’s tomorrow’.
But Drucker had a different explanation: That for almost four decades people thought IT
meant merely T - that is, data processing using a computer; the significance of I in IT came
much later. The enquiry is “leading rapidly to redefining the tasks to be done with the
help of information and, with it, to redefining the institutions that do these tasks.”

The Malaysian Model, dealt with in a separate chapter, discusses the ‘Multimedia Super
Corridor’ (MSC) - a forum for “new roles of government, new cyber laws and guarantees,
collaborations between government and firms, companies and companies, new
broadcasting, new types of entertainment, education and delivery of healthcare.” Ghosh
delves into something philosophical when laying down what are desirable as features in
an international telecom order: “open, flexible, and competitive; user, rather than operator-
oriented; containing an element of universal service both at the domestic and the
international level; and economically efficient.” But there is a telecommunications gap; it
has three main dimensions. “The international gap, qualitative and technological gap,
and the domestic gap.”



Unit 6: DOM Model

Towards the end of the book, the author writes: “India, Malaysia and the Philippines, the Notes
three South Asian countries benefiting from outsourcing phenomenon would themselves
be outsourcing their work once they too grow to be of world class.” What a pipedream,
you may think. But he adds: “This is happening already; an Indian company has set up a
BPO unit in Malaysia. And Indian IT companies are buying up many small US companies
and turning them around.” Is that making you sit up already?

Blessed are the Perl-iterates

BIOLOGY is a life science, while computing is a machine world. But computers have
become commonplace in biology, writes D. Curtis Jamison in “Perl Programming for
Bioinformatics & Biologists”, from Wiley Dreamtech ( .
“Almost every biology lab has some type of computer, and the uses of the computer range
from manuscript preparation to Internet access, from data collection to data crunching.”
The field of bioinformatics can be split into two broad areas, states the intro:
“Computational biology and analytical bioinformatics.” The former is about “formal
algorithms and testable hypotheses of biology, encoded into various programs”;
computationists “spend their time thinking about the mathematics of biology” and develop
bioinformatic tools such as BLAST or FASTA. Analytical bioinformatics puts those tools to
use for tasks such as sequencing or regression.

Why Perl? Because it is the most widely used scripting language in bioinformatics, notes
the author. What is Perl? Its author Larry Wall christened it so for ‘practical extraction and
reporting language’, because it was originally created “for parsing files and creating
formatted reports”. The name could just as easily stand for ‘pathologically eclectic rubbish
lister’ Wall had jested because the language is “perfect for rummaging through files
looking for a particular pattern or characters, or for reformatting data tables.”

How do these scientists put the language to use? For quick and dirty creation of small
analysis programs, such as “to parse a nucleotide sequence into the reverse complement
sequence”. Such a program is called `glutility’ - because it takes the output of one program
and changes it into a form suitable for import into another program.

The book is replete with bio examples, such as storing DNA segment into a string, and
using Perl’s power “to find motifs, translate DNA sequences to RNA, or transcribe RNA
sequences to protein”; deploying Bioperl that ships with Tools distribution; applying
splice to truncate an array, e.g. splice(@genes, 1). What a blessing to have Perl help in bio
work! But `blessing’ a referent is the actual trick to creating object-oriented Perl code,
writes the author. “The bless command marks the referent as belonging to a particular
class or package.” Okay, how to bless? bless($reference, “package_name”). Count yourself
blessed if you are Perl-iterate!

Coding is the ‘easy’ part

THE Mars expedition has Java running far, far away. For the earthlings, Paul Hatcher and
John Gosney write JavaScript Professional Projects, a book from Easwar Press
( . “This book is not beginner-level basic tutorial, but a more
advanced exploration of a real-world project that will show you how to implement
JavaScript in actual applications,” warns the intro. Center Park School is the fictitious
project for which you play Web designer. “Rather than just throwing a bunch of sample
code at you and asking you to make sense of it on your own, the project is divided into
chapters that deal with a specific aspect of the final Web site.” If you thought all design is
about coding, you could be wrong. “Actual coding of a project is often the `easy’ part, and
developing a design plan and project template the real challenge,” say the authors.
“Working with clients can be a daunting task, especially if those customers are not
technically minded.”


Web Programming

Notes All right, what is JavaScript? Designed by Netscape Communications and Sun, it is a
“lightweight programming language that you can use to add dynamic effects to your Web
pages.” HTML has limitations, because it can only describe the way a page’s elements such
as text, forms, hyperlinks and tables look like; it cannot dictate how they behave which is
where JavaScript steps in. “The ability to embed JavaScript scripts in a Web page gives
you, the programmer, much more control over how your Web page behaves.” When you
use it in combination with the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript can
produce intricate, dynamic HTML effects as well as animation and sound.

If your job is in IS security, you must remember that JavaScript has a history of security
problems. Most of these security holes have been caught and fixed, “but new ones are
being discovered all the time.” So, a developer has to “keep up-to-date on the current
status” of patches and bugs.

The book’s lingo is simple. Try this: “The most important thing to know about using
functions is how to make them work. Only three conditions need to be met for a function
call to succeed. First, the function must have been previously defined in the program.
Second, the correct number of parameters must be passed to it. Lastly, the correct object
must be present - you cannot call the string object’s split function without a string object.”
A book to invoke before you launch upon your own project.

6.4 Summary

 JavaScript enabled browsers recognizes and uses the Document Object Model (DOM)
which makes them capable of recognizing individual objects in an HTML page after the
page has been rendered in the browser.

 Style Sheets are a language used for specifying formatting and layout properties for a document.

 When JavaScript Assisted Style Sheets (JSSS) are embedded in an HTML page, the JavaScript
DOM picks up a whole new set of objects which add to the standard DOM objects which
enables web developers to access every element of a web page whether this element
appears on the page when it is rendered in a client browser or not.

 Since JavaScript understands the DOM and can extend the DOM with the use of JSS in a web
page JavaScript understands objects such as text box which is an object belonging to the DOM.

 All objects have properties that determine the functionality of the object, methods which
allow access to these properties and events to appropriate JavaScript event handlers.

 To handle document objects JavaScript enabled browser creates an array in memory per
HTML object thus registering each of the objects.

 JavaScript provides access to the arrays and their elements. Using the Methods of the
object, specific object properties can be set too.

 Updating of any web page element based on client input to make the web page interactive
can be done by referencing the appropriate element in its associated array, which provides
access to each element of the web page.

 JavaScript provides ‘Event Handlers’ which facilitate the passing of knowledge to the
JavaScript that an ‘event’ has occurred.

 JavaScript event handlers can be divided into two types interactive and non-interactive.
JavaScript identifies a web page object first and chooses an appropriate event associated
with the object and JavaScript event handlers mapped to an objects event connect the
object event and JavaScript code snippets.


Unit 6: DOM Model

6.5 Keywords Notes

DOM: Document Object Model used by JavaScript enabled browses to identify the collection of
web page objects.

JavaScript Event Handlers: JavaScript use event handlers to facilitate the passing of knowledge
that an event has occurred from the HTML code to the JavaScript.

JSSS: JavaScript Assisted Style Sheets, which uses JavaScript syntax to control a document’s
presentation style.

Object Hierarchy: HTML objects belonging to DOM have a descending relationship with each
other starting from the browser itself, window, document, form and so on.

Objects: Elements that have properties that determine the functionality of the object, methods
that allow access to these properties and events to appropriate event handlers.

6.6 Review Questions

1. List some of the ways a web page event could be associated with the action of the mouse
cursor on a web page.

2. Create a web page using two image files, which switch between one another as the mouse
pointer moves over the images. Use the onMouseOver and onMouseOut event handlers.

3. JavaScript has the ability to control the behavior of these objects through their properties
and methods. Explain

4. What implications does the DOM have for other standards?

5. What is the relationship between stylesheets and the DOM?

6. Will accessibility considerations be an active part of the DOM development?

7. If the DOM is language-neutral, what language do you specify the interface in?

8. What does it mean to be compliant with the DOM specification?

9. Will broken HTML pages work in the DOM? Explain with examples.

10. The onLoad and onUnload events are triggered when the user enters or leaves the page.
Explain with a suitable program.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. web page 2. FORM

3. browser 4. JavaScript

5. document’s 6. objects

7. accessible 8. JavaScript

9. checkForm() 10. onSubmit

11. onMouseOut 12. server

13. alert box 14. Server-side

15. Form validation


Web Programming

Notes 6.7 Further Readings

Books Jeremy Keith, DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document
Object Model (Paperback), Friends of ED.

Online links


Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages) Notes




7.1 Active Server Pages

7.2 Installing Internet Information Server (IIS)

7.2.1 Using ASP without IIS or PWS

7.3 ASP Variables

7.4 ASP Operators

7.5 ASP Conditional Statement

7.6 Loops

7.7 Select Case

7.8 ASP Arrays

7.9 Summary

7.10 Keywords

7.11 Review Questions

7.12 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:
 Scan Active Server Pages
 Install IIS
 Discuss ASP variables
 Explain ASP operators
 Demonstrate conditional, loops and case statements
 Describe Arrays


Getting started with Active Server Pages: What are Active Server Pages? Understanding the
Client Server Model; How ASP differs from Client-side scripting technologies; Running ASP
pages (Setting up personal Web Server, Setting up Internet Information Server, Using ASP
without IIS or PWS); Creating your first ASP pages.

7.1 Active Server Pages

ASP was “born” in November 1996 when Microsoft announced its design of an Active Platform.
The Active Platform reflects Microsoft’s ideas about how a desktop computer and a server
computer should communicate. It consists of two parts: the Active Desktop and the Active


Web Programming

Notes Server. The Active Desktop refers to the client side, or the user’s side, where HTML files are
displayed on a web browser. The Active Server refers to the server-side component. This consists
of pages that can be interpreted by the server, hence the term Active Server Pages.
Over the past couple of years, we have seen some major changes concerning the Internet. Initially,
the internet served as a medium for members of government and education institutions to
communicate. With the advent of the World Wide Web, the internet became a multimedia, user
friendly environment. Originally, the internet served as a place for enthusiasts to create personal
home pages, but as more people began going online the internet transformed into an
informational resource for the common man.
As the internet has matured into a viable market place, Website design has changed in step. In
the early days of the World Wide Web, HTML was used to create static Web pages. Now you can
create dynamic Web pages in many ways. Microsoft solution to building dynamic Web pages is
through the use of ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP).
Active Server Pages contains two parts:
 Programmatic code
 Embedded HTML
The programmatic code can be written in a number of scripting languages.

Did u know? What is Scripting Language?

Scripting language is a particular syntax used to execute commands on a computer.

Some popular Web related scripting languages include VBScript and JavaScript. When creating
an ASP page, you can use one of four programming languages:

 VBScript-Similar to visual basic syntax, the most commonly used scripting language for
active server pages.

 Jscript-Similar to java script.

 PerlScript-Similar to Perl.

 Python-A powerful scripting language commonly used for Web development.

Most ASP pages are created using VBScript as it has the most English-like syntax of the four
scripting languages and is similar to Visual basic syntax.

ASP page contain embedded HTML. This allows for existing static Web pages to be easily
converted into dynamic ASP pages. An ASP page must contain an .ASP extension.

Notes Many large Websites use active server pages to serve dynamic Web content. For
example, and use active server pages to build interactive, dynamic
Web sites.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The Active Platform reflects Microsoft’s ideas about how a desktop computer and a
……………… computer should communicate.


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

2. The programmatic code can be written in a number of ……………… Notes

3. In the early days of the World Wide Web, HTML was used to create static ………………

4. Asp page contain embedded ………………

5. Most ASP pages are created using VBScript as it has the most English-like syntax of the
four scripting languages and is similar to ………………

7.2 Installing Internet Information Server (IIS)

Internet Information Server (IIS) is Microsoft’s professional Web server. The latest version of IIS
is 5.0 which ships with Windows 2000. To install IIS 5.0 following steps are done:

 Choose start, programs, administrative tools, configure your server.

 A dialog box appears that has several configuration options in the left pane. Choose the
bottommost option from the left pane labeled Advanced.

 On clicking this four new options appear: Cluster service, Message Queuing, Support
Tools and Optional Components. Click the last option. In the right hand pane, a description
of the Option Components option appears, as well as a hyperlink labeled start.

 Click the Start hyperlink-this launches the Windows Components Wizard. Through this
wizard you can install or uninstall optional components. Scroll down till the Internet
Information Services (IIS) option is seen.

 To decide what IIS components to install, click IIS components in the Windows 2000
Components Wizard and then click the Details button. A list of components that can be
installed with IIS is displayed.

 Common Files, Documentation, Internet Information Services Snap-In and World Wide
Web Server should surely be selected.

 After the selection of all the IIS subcomponents that are to be installed, click OK, which
takes you back to the Windows 2000 Components Wizard.

 To start installing IIS 5.0, click the Next button. When the installation is complete, one can
access the Internet Services Manager.

Task In a group try to install IIS practically into your systems

7.2.1 Using ASP without IIS or PWS

ASP Pages can run even without IIS or PWS as your Web server. A couple of companies have
created software to allow ASP pages to run on various Web servers and platforms.

One of these products is Halcyon Software’s Instant ASP, abbreviated as iASP. Another product
created Chili! Soft, is Chili! ASP. These products can run on many non-IIS Web servers as the

 Apache

 Sun Web Server

 Java Web Server

 Netscape Enterprise Server


Web Programming

Notes These products can also run on a number of platforms, including

 Linux

 Sun Solaris

 Apple Mac OS


Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

6. In the right hand pane, a description of the Option Components option appears, as well as
a ............................. labeled start.
7. ASP Pages can run even without ............................. as your Web server.

8. Internet Information Server (IIS) is Microsoft’s professional .............................

7.3 ASP Variables

A Variable is used to Store Information.

If the variable is declared outside a procedure it can be changed by any script in the ASP file.
If the variable is declared inside a procedure, it is created and destroyed every time the procedure
is executed.

Different variables in ASP are mentioned below:

Dim ‘em first

To “Dim” it means to Dimension it. That’s VB lingo. A variable is declared in _VBScript using
the Dim keyword.
Dim myVar


VB programmers will notice here, that we have not included any indication of the type of the
said variable. E.g. Dim myString as String, or Dim myString$.

In _VBScript, all variables are variants. Their type is determined automatically by the runtime
interpreter, and the programmer need not (and should not) bother with them.

By default, _VBScript does not force requiring variable declaration. That is, it is allowed to use
a variable directly without declaring it first. However, experienced programmers know the
importance of making it compulsory to declare all your variables first – without that, the bugs
that may result are very difficult to detect. Considering this, we have here a simple directive to
make variable declaration compulsory.
Option Explicit

Dim myVar

Remember that Option Explicit must necessarily be the first statement of your ASP page,
otherwise a server error is generated.


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

To illustrate what I mean, if you had a page that read: Notes

Pi = 3.141592654
Response.Write Pi

This is a perfectly valid page. You will get the value of Pi written back to the page, as you really

Now, using the Option Explicit directive as above, let’s rewrite the same page as follows:

Option Explicit
Dim Pi
Pi = 3.141592654

Did u know? What are the uses of session variables?

Session variables are used to store information about ONE single user, and are available
to all pages in one application. Typically information stored in session variables are
name, id, and preferences.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

9. No scripts outside the procedure can access or change the .............................

10. A variable declared outside a ............................. can be accessed and changed by any script
in the ASP file.

7.4 ASP Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations.

Operator Function Example Result

+ Addition aNumber = 2 + 2 aNumber = 4
- Subtraction aNumber = 4 - 2 aNumber = 2
* Multiplication aNumber = 10 * 10 aNumber = 100
/ Division aNumber = 32 / 4 aNumber = 8

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and make a decision. Comparison
operators return a true or false value.


Web Programming

Notes Operator Function Example Result

= Equal to 9 = 10 False
< Less than aNumber = 5, aNumber < 10 True
> Greater than aNumber = 5, aNumber > 10 False
<> Not equal to 5 <> 10 True

Logical Operators

Logical operators take the result produced by comparison operators and compares them to
create new true or false values. For example, true AND false = false.

Operator Function Example Result

AND True if both are true, otherwise false 9 = 10 AND 10 = 10 False
OR True if at least one is true, otherwise false 9 = 10 OR 10 = 10 True
Not Reverses truth value 5=5 False

String Operators

There is only one string operator and that is the concatenation operator”&”. This operator is
used to combine text strings.

Example: <% Dim stringOne = “This is “ Dim stringTwo = “a text string”

Response. Write (stringOne & stringTwo & “<br />”) Response.Write(“ASP
stands for “ & “Active “ & “ Server “ & “ Pages “) %>


This is a text string ASP stands for Active Server Pages

7.5 ASP Conditional Statement

When performing assignments using code, sometimes you must find out whether a given
situation bears a valid value. This is done by checking a condition. To support this, VBScript
provides a series of words that can be combined to perform validations. Checking a condition
usually produces a True or a False result. Once the condition has been checked, you can use the
result (as True or False) to take action. Because there are different ways to check a condition,
there are also different types of keywords to check different things. To use them, you must be
aware of what each does or cannot do so you would select the right one.

The Boolean Type

Sometimes, you may want to store the result of a condition, being true or false, in a variable.
To do this, you can declare a variable that would hold a Boolean value. Here is an example of
declaring a Boolean variable when the form opens:

Dim IsMarried

When a Boolean variable has been declared, you can assign it a True or a False value.

To convert a value or an expression to Boolean, use the CBool() function.

Techniques of Checking a Condition


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

The If...Then Statement Notes

The simplest technique used to validate a condition is to check whether it is true. This can be
done using an If...Then statement. The formula to use is:

If ConditionToCheck is True Then Statement

The program examines a condition, in this case ConditionToCheck. This ConditionToCheck can
be a simple expression or a combination of expressions. If the ConditionToCheck is true, then
the program will execute the Statement.

There are two ways you can use the If...Then statement. If the conditional formula is short
enough, you can write it on one line, like this:

If ConditionToCheck is True Then Statement

If there are many statements to execute as a truthful result of the condition, you should write the
statements on alternate lines. Of course, you can use this technique even if the condition you are
examining is short.

Notes In this case, one very important rule to keep is to terminate the conditional statement
with End If.

The formula used is:

If ConditionToCheck is True Then


End If

The If...Then...Else Statement

The If...Then statement offers only one alternative: to act if the condition is true. Whenever you
would like to apply an alternative in case the condition is false, you can use theIf...Then...Else
statement. The formula of this statement is:

If ConditionToCheck is True Then




End If

When this section of code executes, if the ConditionToCheck is true, then the first
statement,Statement1, is executed. If the ConditionToCheck is false, the second statement, in

caseStatement2, is executed.

The If...Then...ElseIf Statement

The If...Then...ElseIf statement acts like the If...Then...Else expression, except that it offers as
many choices as necessary. The formula to use is:

If Condition1 is True Then


Web Programming

Notes Statement1

ElseIf Condition2 is True Then


ElseIf Conditionk is True Then


End If

The program will first examine Condition1. If Condition1 is true, the program will
executeStatment1 and stop examining conditions. If Condition1 is false, the program will
examineCondition2 and act accordingly. Whenever a condition is false, the program will continue
examining the conditions until it finds one. Once a true condition has been found and its statement
executed, the program will terminate the conditional examination at End If.

There is still a possibility that none of the stated conditions is true. In this case, you should
provide a “catch all” condition. This is done with a last Else section.

Caution The Else section must be the last in the list of conditions and would act if none of
the primary conditions is true.

The formula to use would be:

If Condition1 is True Then


ElseIf Condition2 is True Then


ElseIf Conditionk is True Then




End If

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

11. The simplest technique used to validate a ............................. is to check whether it is true.

12. Whenever a condition is ............................., the program will continue examining the
conditions until it finds one.

7.6 Loops

For-Next LoopsFor-Next Loops

The syntax is as follows


For I = 1 to 10


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

Response.Write “Number = “ & I & vbCrLf Notes


And the output ...

Number = 1
Number = 2

Number = 3
Number = 4
Number = 5

Number = 6
Number = 7
Number = 8
Number = 9
Number = 10

The vbCrLf used in the statement above is a predefined constant that equals the combination of
the Carriage-Return character (CR for short), and the Line Feed character (LF for short.) Using it
causes the output to continue on the next line.

Without the vbCrLf, our output would have appeared on one long line:
Number = 1Number = 2Number = 3Number = 4Number = 5Number = 6Number
= 7Number = 8Number = 9Number = 10

Let us take a case of nested loops to clarify things:

For I = 1 to 8
For j =1 to 8
Response.Write “X”\

Response.Write vbCrL

This will draw a nice chessboard pattern on the screen. (You will need to view the source of the
page in your browser however. If you look at the page in the browser itself, you will not see the
true result.)

Notes A very important point to note is that the Next statement that completes the For
does not take an argument. You cannot say:
Next I

Next J

This is invalid. Each Next statement encountered is automatically assumed to complete

the immediately preceding For statement.


Web Programming

Notes Finally, _VBScript also allows the Step keyword to modify the interval or step-size of the For-
loop variable.
For I = 1 to 10 Step 2
Response.Write “Number = “ & I & vbCrLf

gives you:
Number = 1
Number = 3
Number = 5
Number = 7
Number = 9

The loop counted I in steps of 2, thus taking on only odd values from the entire set of 10.

For Each Object In Collection ...

The For-Each construct is unique to _VBScript (and its parent, Visual Basic, of course!) It allows
you to iterate through the items in a collection one by one.
For Each Member in Team
Response.Write Member

Here, Team is assumed to be a collection of items. This statement is very useful in scenarios,
where the size of the collection is not known in advance. Using the For Next statement assures
that all items in that collection will be processed, and no “Array Index Out Of Bounds” errors
will be generated.

While ... Wend

Again, here is one of the popular looping constructs of all time.

While Not RS.EOF

Response.Write RS.Fields (“Name”)



Do While Not RS.EOF

Response.Write RS.Fields (“Name”)



Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

Loop Notes

The While statement executes the statements in its loop until the given condition remains true.
The moment it becomes false, the loop halts.

Remember to end the While Statement with the Wend Keyword.

A variation of the While loop that tests the condition after the loop is the Do-loop.

Until ExamDate – Now = 30


I hope the meaning is amply clear from the example above.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blank:

13. Using the ............................. statement assures that all items in that collection will be
processed, and no “Array Index Out Of Bounds” errors will be generated.

7.7 Select Case

To make a choice between a set of items that can be assigned to a variable, use the Select Case


Select Case Choice

Case “1”:

Response.Write “You chose 1”

Case “2”:

Response.Write “You chose 2”

Case “3”:

Response.Write “You chose 3”

Case “4”:

Response.Write “You chose 4”

End Select


7.8 ASP Arrays

Arrays in ASP follow the exact same form and rules as those arrays in VBScript. You can create
an array of specific size or you can create a dynamic sized array. Below we have examples of
both types of arrays.


Web Programming

Notes ASP Code:


Dim myFixedArray(3) ‘Fixed size array

Dim myDynArray() ‘Dynamic size array


We are going to focus on fixed size arrays first and cover dynamic arrays later on in this lesson.

Assigning values to an array

Let’s fill up our fixed size array with values. Our fixed array is going to store the names of
famous people. To assign a value to an array you need to know three things:

 The name of the array

 The value you want to store

 The position in the array where you want to store the value.

An array is a group of variables that you can access by specifying the position inside the array.
Our array myFixedArray has four positions: 0, 1, 2 and 3. Let’s assign some values to our array.

ASP Code:
Dim myFixedArray(3) ‘Fixed size array
myFixedArray(0) = “Albert Einstein”
myFixedArray(1) = “Mother Teresa”

myFixedArray(2) = “Bill Gates”

myFixedArray(3) = “Martin Luther King Jr.”

ASP Arrays are Zero based!

If you’re a programmer you might look at that above example and thing “Hey, you only
allocated three elements for that array, but you assigned four values! Well, this can be done
because arrays in ASP are zero based. This means when you declare fixed array of size X then
you can assign values for each value from 0 through X.

Below is perfectly functional ASP code that will go through our array and print out the contents
of each element.

ASP Code:
Dim myFixedArray(3) ‘Fixed size array

myFixedArray(0) = “Albert Einstein”


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

myFixedArray(1) = “Mother Teresa” Notes

myFixedArray(2) = “Bill Gates”
myFixedArray(3) = “Martin Luther King Jr.”
For Each item In myFixedArray
Response.Write(item & “<br />”)


Albert Einstein Mother Teresa Bill Gates Martin Luther King Jr.

ASP Dynamic Sized Arrays

To create an array whose size can be changed at any time simply do not put a number within the
parenthesis when you declare the array. When you know what size you want the array to be use
the ReDim keyword. You may ReDim as many times as you wish.

If you want to keep your data that already exists in the array then use thePreserve keyword.
Below is an example of all these things we have just talked about.

ASP Code:
Dim myDynArray() ‘Dynamic size array
ReDim myDynArray(1)

myDynArray(0) = “Albert Einstein”

myDynArray(1) = “Mother Teresa”
ReDim Preserve myDynArray(3)

myDynArray(2) = “Bill Gates”

myDynArray(3) = “Martin Luther King Jr.”
For Each item In myDynArray

Response.Write(item & “<br />”)


Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. To create an array whose size can be changed at any time simply do not put a number
within the ............................. when you declare the array.

15. An array is a group of variables that you can access by specifying the .............................
inside the array.


Web Programming


Caselet Google Blocks Web Worm Santy.A
GOOGLE Inc has announced that it has blocked Santy.A, the Web worm which had identified
potential victims through its search and had spread among online bulletin boards using
vulnerability in phpBB, an open-source software product managed by the phpBB Group.

The Santy worm is the first to use a popular search engine to propagate itself.

The worm apparently worked by sending Google a specific search request, asking for a
list of vulnerable sites. On obtaining a list, the worm spread to the sites in it by using a
PHP request designed to exploit the vulnerability of the phpBB bulletin board software.
On infecting a Web site, Santy searched Google for other sites running phpBB. and tried to
infect those sites too. After Santy took over a site, it deleted all HTML, PHP, active server
pages (ASP), Java server pages (JSP), and secure HTML pages, and replaced them with the
text, “This site is defaced!!! This site is defaced!!! NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation

For X, the worm inserted a number representing its ‘generation’ - that is, how far it had
descended from the original worm release. According to one report, MSN searches had
suggested the existence of 24 generations of the worm.

Further, a phpBB component called viewtopic.php allowed malicious commands to be

passed to and executed on servers running a vulnerable version of the phpBB software.

The worm infected Web sites - but did not infect computers used to view those sites.

According to antivirus companies, Google has been successful in blocking the worm as
Santy. A does not have any native ability to scan for vulnerable computers.

They further point out that the worm is yet another instance of the practice known as
Google hacking which uses the search major’s service as an attack tool.

As it happens, the numero uno of search is also one of the most popular search engines
among hackers who often use it to find vulnerable targets for an attack. For instance,
attackers, by searching for default server page titles, are able to find servers which can be
exploited easily. Applications left in default modes can also be found by searching for
error pages generated by the software. Searches on Google for specific file names can also
identify vulnerable servers hooked up to the Internet.

Ironically, it is the very features that have made Google the most popular search engine in
the world that makes hackers use it. Most other search engines do not have the advanced
search option available on Google and do not cache old versions of Websites.

Security experts point to the spread of Santy to underline the need to keep on top of
software patches and “harden” the configuration of public-facing servers.

7.9 Summary

 The Active Platform reflects Microsoft’s ideas about how a desktop computer and a server
computer should communicate. It consists of two parts: the Active Desktop, the client side,
and the Active Server, the server side.

 The Active Server consists of pages called the Active Server pages that can be interpreted
by the server. Active Server Pages contains two parts which are programmatic code and
embedded HTML


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

 When creating an ASP page, you can use one of four programming languages which are Notes
VBScript, Jscript, PerlScript and Python. Most ASP pages are created using

 ASP page contain embedded HTML which allows for existing static Web pages to be easily
converted into dynamic ASP pages. An ASP page must contain an .ASP extension.

 To execute ASP pages on the computer, you need to be running a Web server capable of
handling ASP pages. The Server processes the request to ASP page before it is sent to the
client. During this processing the programmatic code in the ASP page is interpreted by the
Web server and the Web server informs the browser that it is sending HTML information
and sends the output of the ASP page. The browser, receiving this raw HTML renders it for
the user.

 If you are creating a professional website, it is important that the web site run on computer
that has Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 installed. You can install Personal Web
Server (PWS) which is a stripped down version of professional server intended to run on
Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 or Microsoft Windows NT workstation or you can choose to
install the Internet Information Server (IIS) which is Microsoft’s professional Web server.

 ASP Pages can run even without IIS or PWS as your Web server. Software such as Halcyon
Software’s Instant ASP (iASP), Chili! ASP allows ASP pages to run on various Web servers
and platforms. These products can run on many non-IIS Web servers and also on a number
of platforms

7.10 Keywords

Active Server Pages: ASP is used to create dynamic pages that interact with a database. It contains
two parts which are programmatic code and embedded HTML.

Internet Information Server (IIS): It is Microsoft’s professional Web server.

Jscript: Similar to java script and used as scripting language for active server pages.

PerlScript: Similar to Perl and used as scripting language for active server pages.

Personal Web Server (PWS): It is a stripped down version of professional server intended to run
on Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 or Microsoft Windows NT workstation.

Python: A powerful scripting language commonly used for Web development.

The Active Platform: It reflects Microsoft’s ideas about how a desktop computer and a server
computer should communicate. It consists of two parts: the Active Desktop, which refers to the
client side, and the Active Server, which refers to the server side.

The Active Server: It refers to the Server side and consists of pages called the Active Server pages
that can be interpreted by the server.

VBScript: Similar to visual basic syntax, the most commonly used scripting language for active
server pages.

Web Server: It is a computer that contains all the web pages for a particular web site and has
special software installed to send these web pages to web browsers that request them.

7.11 Review Questions

1. You can run Active Server pages on your own computer without an external server. How
would you do that?


Web Programming

Notes 2. What happens when you don’t have a web server installed and you try to view ASP pages
on your browser?

3. What is the Internet Information Server? How would you set it up?

4. How would you run ASP pages without installing IIS or PWS as your web server?

5. Explain the difference in the way when a browser visits a static web page and when the
browser requests an ASP page.

6. Explain how ASP differs from client side scripting technologies? Who can create dynamic
content with Active Server Pages?

7. What do I need to run Active Server Pages? What can Active Server Pages do for my

8. What ActiveX Server Components are supported? On which platforms does Active Server
Pages run?

9. What data sources can my Web application integrate with? How does Active Server Pages
compare to CGI?

10. How does Active Server Pages compare to ISAPI applications? How does Active Server
Pages compare to PERL?

11. What does Active Server Pages do better than other Web application tools? How does
Active Server Pages compare to Netscape LiveWire?

Answers: Self Assessment

1. server 2. scripting languages

3. Web pages 4. HTML

5. Visual basic syntax 6. Hyperlink

7. IIS or PWS 8. Web server

9. Variable 10. Procedure

11. Condition 12. False

13. For Next 14. Parenthesis

15. position

7.12 Further Readings

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0,
Dave Sussman, John Wiley & Sons


Unit 7: Introduction to ASP (Active Server Pages)

John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute Notes
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)

Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


Web Programming Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 8: ASP Web Forms




8.1 Using Form Fields

8.2 Introduction to CGI Forms and CGI

8.3 Understanding Client-Server Scripting

8.3.1 How ASP differs from Client-Side Scripting Technologies?

8.4 Building and Processing Web Forms

8.5 Summary

8.6 Keywords

8.7 Review Questions

8.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan the introduction to CGI

 Describe Client-Server side scripting

 Demonstrate building and processing web forms


A form has two duties:

1. To collect information from the user and to send that information to a separate Web page
for processing.

2. Through the use of form, an ASP page can acquire the user’s input, and make programmatic
decisions based on that input.

Creating form is straightforward and simple. It requires as little as two lines of HTML.

It is created using the <FORM> Tag

1: <FORM METHOD= POST ACTION= “somepage.asp”>

2: </FORM>

Caution The above form is useless and serves no function. It has no text boxes for users to
enter information into. It has no list boxes, radio buttons or check boxes either.

On a website, this form would be useless; however it does demonstrate how a <FORM> tag is
used to collect information from the user.


Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

Each text box, list box, check box or radio button in a form is a field. We need a way to create Notes
form fields within our form.

8.1 Using Form Fields

To create text boxes, check boxes, and radio buttons, we should use <INPUT> tag. The <INPUT>
tag has a number of properties, but we will only concentrate on the following three:

 NAME- The name tag uniquely identifies each element in the form.

 TYPE- The TYPE tag determines what type of form field is displayed. To display a text box,
we should set TYPE equal to TEXT. To create a check box we should assign TYPE equal to

 VALUE- The value tag determines the default value for the form field. This property is
important when processing the information submitted by list boxes, check boxes, and
radio buttons.

Designing Forms

A few things are important worth considering before designing form:

1. To make sure that the form has a submitting button.

2. The form should be easy for the user to complete. We have four form fields at your
disposal: the text box list box check box and radio button. Make sure that the type of form
field used best fits the information needing to be collected. For example, if we are going
to ask for a user’s mailing address it makes more sense to have a list box that contains the
50 states than to have the user type in the name of his or her state of residency.

Example: The first thing to do is to ask,” What information do I need from the user?” In
this case the information needed would be user’s name, street address, city, state and zip code.
We may also want to obtain some background information on the user as well, such as how
often he purchase widgets.

Based on these understandings we need following form fields:

 Text boxes would work well for entering the first and last names of the customer, as well
as for the street address and zip code.

 A list box should be employed so that the users can select their states, instead of typing
state names or postal abbreviations list box, containing 50 states, may seem unwieldy, but
resist the temptation to use a text box. When using a text box, we are allowing users to
enter anything, where a list box requires them to choose one of the viable options. If users
are permitted to type in the names of their states, several different values can be received
for one particular state.

 Radio buttons would work well for the background information on the user’s widget
buying habits.

 A simple check box would suffice for the online newsletter subscription.

Send Information by Using Forms

A common use of intranet and Internet server applications is to process a form submitted by a
browser. With ASP, we can embed scripts written in VBScript directly into an HTML file to
process the form. ASP processes the script commands and returns the results to the browser.


Web Programming

Notes Using a standard web browser, a user can surf to a web page with a form on it and enter
information when the user does this, the information he/she id typing in has not yet been sent
to the Web server. This information is not available for the web sever to process until the user
submits the form by checking the form’s submit button.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. To collect information from the user and to send that information to a separate
………………… for processing.

2. The value tag determines the ………………… value for the form field.

3. The form should be easy for the user to …………………

4. ………………… would work well for the background information on the user’s widget
buying habits.

5. A ………………… should be employed so that the users can select their states.

6. A common use of intranet and Internet server applications is to process a form submitted
by a …………………

8.2 Introduction to CGI Forms and CGI

The communication for static HTML works only one way. There is no way to send information
back to a Web server. To fix this problem, forms and CGI were created. Forms are HTML tags
that allow Web page creators to include controls like check boxes, and radio buttons in their
Web pages. That way, the user can enter information. It also provides a Submit button that sends
the information off to the server.

But now the server has to be smarter, too. It can’t just get requests for pages and send out pages.
The server has to know what to do with this form information when it gets it. That’s where CGI
comes in.

CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. CGI makes it possible for the Web server to talk to
another application that can handle the form information when it’s sent back. Often these CGI
applications are written in a language called Perl. When the CGI application receives the form
information, it can save it to a text file or store it in a database.

This system works great for simple guest books, but if we want to make our Web pages really
interactive, then we will soon start running into big trouble.

The problem with CGI is that if five people are submitting form information at the same time,
five different copies of the CGI application have to be running on the server to handle them. If
a hundred people are submitting form information at once - a hundred copies of the application
run at the same time. This is a great way to make a popular Web server fall to its knees, start
crawling slowly and then fall over.

Did u know? How to read Form Values from an ASP Page?

The RequestQuery.String and Request.Form commands may be used to retrieve

information from forms, like user input.


Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

Self Assessment Notes

Fill in the blanks:

7. CGI stands for …………………

8. When the CGI application receives the …………………, it can save it to a text file or store
it in a database.

9. Forms are ………………… that allow Web page creators to include controls like check
boxes, and radio buttons in their Web pages.

8.3 Understanding Client-Server Scripting

In a client-server model, two computers work together to perform a task. A client computer
requests some needed information from a server computer. The server returns this information
and the client acts on it. The internet runs on a client-server model. With internet the server is a
particular Web server and the client is a Web browser.

A web server is a computer that contains all the web pages for a particular web site and has
special software installed to send these web pages to web browsers that request them.

The following steps occur when a web browser visits a static web page:

 The client (web browser) locates the web server specified by the first part of the

 The client then requests the static web page specified by the second part of the URL

 The web server sends the contents of that particular file to the client in HTML format.

 The client receives the HTML sent by the server and renders it for the user.

Task But client and server script are generally independent. Analyze what does the
author wants to say from this statement? Give examples to support your answer

Figure 8.1


Web Programming

Notes When a web browser requests an ASP page, the following steps occur:

 The client locates the web server specified by the first part of the URL(

 The client then requests the ASP page specified by the second part of the URL(/default.asp)

 The web server reads the ASP file and processes the code.

 After the ASP page has been completely processed by the web server, the output is sent in
HTML format to t==he client.

 The client receives the HTML sent by the server and renders it for the user.

Figure 8.2

Client requests ASP file

Server locates
the ASP file on
Server the hard drive
and, removing
all ASP script
and replacing it
with HTML text
passes it

Server returns HTML text to client

8.3.1 How ASP differs from Client-Side Scripting Technologies?

Client-Side Scripting is programmatic code in an HTML file that runs on the browser. It is
denoted by <SCRIPT> HTML tag. It is commonly written using the JavaScript programming
language due to the fact that Netscape Navigator only supports the JavaScript scripting language
for Client-Side scripting. ASP scripts are server -side scripts.

While using ASP, its code exists on the server only. ASP code, which is surrounded by the <% and
%> delimiters is processed completely on the server. The client cannot access this ASP code.

Notes Note that the Server-side script is also used to create applications which need a
broad reach: applications that might be accessed by many different types of browsers,
each with different capabilities.


A Client-Side script is processed only by the client. It is the client’s responsibility to execute all
Client-Side scripts on the other hand; Server-Side scripts are processed completely on the web
server. The client does not receive any code from server side scripts rather the client receives just
the output of the Server-Side scripts.

Client-Side scripts and Server-Side scripts cannot contract with one another because the Client-
Side script are executed on the client, after the service side scripts have finished processing


Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

Self Assessment Notes

Fill in the blanks:

10. A client computer requests some needed information from a …………………… computer.

11. …………………… is programmatic code in an HTML file that runs on the browser.

12. The client does not receive any code from server side scripts rather the client receives just
the output of the ……………………

8.4 Building and Processing Web Forms

Understanding how Web Forms are Processed

A Web form is another name for an ASP.NET page. A Web form can be made up of a single file
with an .aspx extension. An .aspx file and a code behind file can be combined to make a Web
form. As we’ll show in the following few days, Web forms can also contain your own custom
controls, defined similarly to .aspx pages, called user controls.

Because a Web form can include HTML, ASP.NET Web controls, custom (user) controls, and code
behind, creating them can get complicated pretty quickly. However, we need to remember only
a few key ideas about ASP.NET page processing so that we can develop and debug effectively.

The first key idea is that much of ASP.NET infrastructure is set up so that a single ASP.NET page
can post form data back to itself repeatedly. This technique is most useful when we divide our
Web site’s functionality into a few main pages.

The second key idea to remember is that all ASP.NET pages are eventually compiled into
executable files by the ASP.NET infrastructure. This means that every time a page is processed
and rendered, a small program corresponding to each Web form is executed by the ASP.NET

Let’s explore in more detail how Web forms are processed. Listing shows a sample Web form
that performs an English unit to metric unit conversion, and this is shown below.


Web Programming


Did u know? What is the ACTION Property, Client-Side Form Validation

We have covered some of the basics of forms; it’s time to discuss some of the more
advanced form techniques. We’ve focused most of our attention so far on the various type
of form fields. Each form field is responsible for gathering a discrete chunk of information
from the user, while the form is responsible for gathering this information and sending it
to an ASP page for processing.

To accomplish this, the <FORM> tag has two properties: Method and Action. The METHOD
property determines how the information is passed to the form processing script. As we
know that Method property can be set to either GET or POST. The ACTION property
determines to what form processing script to send the users’ information.

Listing : EnglishToMetric.aspx: Converting Feet and Inches to Meters

1: <%@ Page Language=”C#” %>
2: <html>
3: <body>
4: <form runat=”server”>
5: <h2>English to Metric conversion</h2>
6: <h3>please enter your height, and then click the Convert button</h3>
7: <asp:Textbox id=”Feet” runat=”server”/>Feet
8: <br>
9: <asp:Textbox id=”Inches” runat=”server”/>Inches
10: <br>
11: <asp:Button Text=”Convert” runat=”server”/>
12: <br>
13: <br>
14: <asp:Label id=”lblMeters” runat=”server”/>
15: </form>
16: </body>
17: </html>
19: <script runat=”server”>
20: void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
21: {
22: if(IsPostBack) {
23: if(Feet.Text == “”) {
24: Feet.Text = “0”;
25: }

26: if(Inches.Text == “”) {

27: Inches.Text = “0”;


Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

28: } Notes
29: }
30: }
32: void OnConvert(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
33: {
34: Single fFeet = Single.Parse(Feet.Text);
35: Single fInches = Single.Parse(Inches.Text);
36: Double fMeters = 0.305*fFeet + 0.0254*fInches;
37: lblMeters.Text = “<b>You are “ + fMeters.ToString() + “ meters tall</b>”;
38: }
39: </script>
Let’s examine how Web forms work using above Listing as our reference. Web forms like
Listing 1 are processed in two different ways:
 A Web form is rendered when the user initially browses to the .aspx file. In this case, the
Web form doesn’t process any events because there has been no user interaction.
 A Web form may be processed after the user interacts with one of the page controls. For
instance, the user might click a button on the page or select an item from a drop-down list.
When the user does so, the same Web form gets hit by the user’s browser, this time with
information about what the user has done.
Through both cases, a Web form goes through five distinct stages when it’s rendered, as shown
in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3: Web forms Processing Stages


Web Programming

Notes In Figure 8.3, the first stage deals with Web control initialization. We don ’t need to be too
concerned about this stage in our own programming tasks.

Our code is frequently involved in the second stage of Web forms processing, when the ASP.NET
infrastructure fires the Load event in the Page class. As Listing 1 shows, we can use the Page_Load
event (Lines 20-30) to change the contents of controls or to perform any other kinds of processing
before a page is rendered. If the page posts back to itself (that is, if the user clicks the Convert
button), the Page_Load event will fill in zeros if the user leaves any field blank (Lines 22-27).

The third stage of Web forms processing is for control event handling, which happens only if the
user manipulates one of the Web controls on the page. This stage won’t happen if this is the first
time the user is browsing this particular page. In above Listing, the On Convert method is called
during this stage (Lines 32-38). Note that event handling happens after the Page_Load event. In
the fourth stage, the HTML for the page is rendered. This process involves calling the Render
method for the page, which will call the Render method for every control, among other things.

Notes Listing 1 doesn’t contain an explicit Render method because the page class and Web
control classes have default implementations for it already. We will need to override the
Render method only if we want to customize the exact HTML that each class produces.

In the last stage, the Page_Unload event for every gets called. We can use the Unload event
to clean up database connections and other objects that have to be closed explicitly, for
example. (Listing 1 also doesn’t define the Page_Unload event because it doesn’t need to
clean up any objects.)

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

13. A …………………… is another name for an ASP.NET page.

14. A Web form may be processed after the user interacts with one of the ……………………

15. A Web form is rendered when the user initially browses to the …………………… file.

Caselet Get the Writing Craft Right

ECHNICAL Writing Process and Product, by Sharon and Steven Gerson, offers
numerous tools for writing successful correspondence on the job. A sampler:

 For most of us, when we get out that piece of paper or turn on the computer, one of
two things happens.

Either we stare at the blank page or screen until beads of sweat form on our foreheads and
we break out in hives because of the dreaded blank page syndrome, or we wander about
aimlessly for several pages.

 A good rule of thumb is to write to express, not to impress; write to communicate,

not to confuse. If your reader must use a dictionary, you’re not writing clearly.



Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

 When it’s time for you to look for a job, how will you begin your search? You know Notes
you can’t just wander up and down the street, knocking on doors randomly. That
would be time-consuming, exhausting, and counterproductive.

 Even pop-up cans of soda include instructions: “1. Lift up. 2. Pull back. 3. Push
down.” When such simple items need instructions, you can imagine how necessary
instructions are for complex products and procedures.

 Professionals in electronics, engineering, medical fields, the computer industry,

and other technologies often rank the ability to communicate as highly as they do
technical skills.

 The best delivery by the most polished professional will lack credibility if the
speaker has nothing to say.

We have ample examples of the last thing when we watch seasoned politicians answering
queries or bureaucrat spokesmen warding off the press.

For the ASPirants

DOUGLAS J. Reilly’s Designing Microsoft ASP.NET applicationsgives expert guidance —

as it is from Microsoft Press — on how to use the powerful new functionality of ASP.NET
(the next generation of Active Server Pages) to build dynamic, scalable Web-based
applications. A few picks:

Compiled languages allow the developer to verify that code is at least syntactically correct.
ASP doesn’t provide any such facility, so simple syntax errors might not be caught until
the first time the code is executed.

When developing real-world systems today, you’ll encounter two significant problems:
one is the problem of making software work on multiple platforms, and the other is the
problem of enabling the various pieces of an application written in different languages to

Using ASP.NET gives you access to the newest and greatest in many areas of server
programming, but if you want to use ASP.NET to display a message box, you’re out of
luck. However, there is a way to present message boxes and other similar close user
interactions. The answer is client-side scripting.

The ability to create data-driven, dynamic content is at the heart of what made ASP such a
hit. ASP.NET continues the tradition of easy data access. It adds integrated, pervasive
support for XML.

Read it if you’re not already gasping for breath.

Net concepts

DOUGLAS E. Comer’s Computer networks and Internets is an introductory text that uses

analogies and examples to define concepts instead of sophisticated mathematical proofs.
A few picks:

 In practice, no electronic device can produce an exact voltage or change from one
voltage to another instantly. Furthermore, no wire conducts electricity perfectly —
as electric current travels down the wire, the signal loses energy.

 In most countries, laws prevent an organisation from connecting sites with optical
fibre unless the organisation owns all the property between the sites and the fibre
does not need to cross a public street.



Web Programming

Notes  When applied to a network, the term public refers to the availability of the service,
not the data transferred. In particular, a public network offers private communication.

 How does TCP achieve reliability? The answer is complex because TCP uses a variety
of techniques to handle parts of the problem. One of the most important techniques
is retransmission.

 Application programs that communicate across a network or Internet all use a single
form of interaction. The interaction is called the client-server paradigm. A program
that passively waits for contact is called a server, and a program that actively initiates
contact with a server is called a client.

 Because no absolute definition of secure network exits, the first step an organisation
must take to achieve a secure system is to define the organisation’s security policy.

The policy does not specify how to achieve protection. Instead, it states clearly and
unambiguously the items that are to be protected.

A book that can make you understand what the techies talk about.

(Books courtesy: WordPower, Chennai. www.


“The minister told me what we should do first, after receiving crores of money as drought

“I understand.”

8.5 Summary

 Most web applications involve both client-side and server-side script. Client-side script is
often used to program the user interface for an application, for example, to change a web
page’s text dynamically, respond to user actions such as button clicks, and perform such
client-oriented tasks as input validation.

 Client-side script executes locally in the browser, which provides the user with a lively
and responsive interface.

 The web server is not only responsible for processing HTML tags but also the ASP scripts.

 The ASP engine, installed on the web server, is responsible for processing ASP scripts.

 Because the browser can only display HTML compatible text, it is the responsibility of
ASP engine to process the ASP scripts and send the results back as HTML text to the client.
In other words, the Web server sends HTML text, part of which may be the result of the
ASP scripts.

 A Web form can be made up of a single file with an .aspx extension.

 An .aspx file and a code behind file can be combined to make a Web form.

 As we’ll show in the following few days, Web forms can also contain your own custom
controls, defined similarly to .aspx pages, called user controls.

8.6 Keywords

ASP: Active Server Pages

CGI: Common Gateway Interface


Unit 8: ASP Web Forms

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language Notes

URL: Universal Resource Locator

8.7 Review Questions

1. Server-side script, in contrast, is usually used to program an application’s back end. Explain

2. To create text boxes, check boxes, and radio buttons, we should use <INPUT> tag. Discuss
all with the proper programs.

3. How to invoke a server-side function with ASP?

4. What are the few things which are important worth considering before designing form?

5. Explain how to send information by Using Forms?

6. How CGI makes it possible for the Web server to talk to another application that can
handle the form information when it’s sent back? Discuss

7. How ASP differs from Client-Side Scripting Technologies?

8. The client locates the web server specified by the first part of the URL. Scrutinize

9. Examine how an .aspx file and a code behind file can be combined to make a Web form?

10. While using ASP, its code exists on the server only. Analyze by giving suitable examples

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Web page 2. default

3. complete 4. Radio buttons

5. list box 6. browser

7. Common Gateway Interface 8. form information

9. HTML tags 10. Server

11. Client-Side Scripting 12. Server-Side scripts

13. Web form 14. Page

15. .aspx

8.8 Further Readings

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons

John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)


Web Programming

Notes Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University Unit 9: ASP Objects

Unit 9: ASP Objects Notes




9.1 What is an Object?

9.1.1 The Building Blocks of Objects (Properties, Methods, Instances of Objects)

9.2 ASP Server Object

9.3 ASP Session Object

9.4 ASP Application Object

9.5 ASP the Global.asa file

9.6 # include

9.7 Summary

9.8 Keywords

9.9 Review Questions

9.10 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan the ASP objects

 Describe Server Object

 Demonstrate the Session Object

 Recognize the Application object

 Explain the purpose of Global.asa File

 Discuss # include


In our study of objects, we will find that an object is a software representation of a real-world
item, or object. Software objects feature properties (that describe the object), methods (that
allow the object to do things for you), and events (code that is executed automatically when a
certain situation - an event - occurs).

Once we have looked at what an object is, we’ll then be able to look at how objects are useful to
us in developing ASP applications. Developing web applications requires us to deal with both
the client-side and server-side programming, and therefore we’ll take a look at how objects can
be used on both sides of the wire.


Web Programming

Notes 9.1 What is an Object?

In the real world, we already know what objects are. They’re the things we look at, pick up, and
use every day - things like our chairs, our telephones, and our computers. All these are solid,
tangible entities.

However, if we want to describe a telephone to somebody in abstract terms, we can do this by

talking about it in terms of its essential characteristics - what properties it has, what it can do,
and how we can interact with it. All telephones have these characteristics, and we can use them
to establish exactly how one telephone differs from the next.

So, for our telephone’s physical properties, we could say that it has a microphone, a speaker, and
a dialing pad. We could also say that it lets us do things, such as call someone and talk to them.
Our telephone will also tell us when certain events are happening: for example, if a friend is
trying to call you, your telephone will ring to let you know. This ringing will prompt you to
take some action, like picking up the handset and talking to your friend. As an abstract object,
our telephone has:

 Certain properties that define and describe it

 A set of things or methods that it lets us do

 The ability to prompt action when events occur.

We can use these three attributes to describe physical objects and abstract concepts. In a few
minutes we will describe how these real-world ideas are replicated in software objects, but for
now let’s go a little deeper into our real-world telephone. By learning about what objects are, we
can then look at how to use them in a way known as object-based programming. In the object-
based way of programming, the application is broken down into a set of objects. In doing this,
you can build the application in a two stage process. Firstly, you create the objects you will need
in your application and then you set up the relationships and interactions between objects. Later
in this chapter, we will see how the objects of Active Server Pages relate and interact with each
other and allow us to build our applications.


Here is our telephone. To look at this as an object, let’s put down some information about it. We
will be classifying the information into three categories:

 Things that describe the telephone

 Things that we can do with the phone

 Things that the telephone tells us and that we can react to.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

Let’s look at each of these aspects in turn: Notes

How It Works

The three categories that we have created in the left-hand column can be applied to any object.
In fact, the best way to describe an object is to break down its characteristics into these three
categories, and put information about your object into these categories. Any information that
you have about a particular object can be included in one of these categories.

If you have another telephone that features all these characteristics, except that its color is blue,
then we can describe your telephone by changing that one part of the description above. Moreover,
this technique works for any type of object, both real world and software.

9.1.1 The Building Blocks of Objects (Properties, Methods, Instances of


Object Terms

So far, we have used verbose English terms to describe our three categories. In the world of
objects, we need terms that concisely describe each of these three categories. These terms are
properties, methods and events. In addition to these terms, we need to look at the term instance
as it relates to objects. In this section, we’ll look more carefully at what each of these means in
abstract terms.

Instances and Classes

When we are talking about a unique object, we can use the term instance to say that we are talking
about a particular telephone object - your telephone for example - that has a specific set of properties
and values. When we want to talk about another telephone, we use a different instance of the
telephone object. In this way, both you and we can have instances of the telephone object.
For example, my telephone (my instance of a telephone object) is gray and comes with special
answer-phone facilities, your telephone (your instance of a telephone object) may be red, blue,
green, etc. These instances represent completely different physical objects. However, since they
are both instances of the same object description or template, they share the same types of
characteristics such as methods, properties (although the values can be different), and events.
When a specific instance of an object is created from the template for the object, the object is said to
have been instantiated. What actually happens is that a copy is made of all of the properties and
events from the object description, but the methods (frequently a big chunk of code) remain in the
original place and this section of code is used by all of the different instantiations of that one object.


Web Programming

Notes So we’ve mentioned object descriptions or templates, but it’s time to give them their proper
name in ASP; classes. We mentioned that each object can have different instances. For instance,
my telephone is small and white and has 12 buttons. Your telephone will probably be different
to that, but they’re both recognizable as telephones and they both provide the same function.
They both conform to a set of rules for what a telephone does - they connect to the local
telephone line, they both have a numeric keypad and somewhere to speak into. A class in ASP
is like a set of design rules that an object must conform to. It would be no good if my telephone
didn’t have a handset, or a numeric keypad, even if it did plug into the telephone socket on the

Caution In a class there should be a minimum set of functions that your object must be able
to perform.


When talking about those characteristics that describe an object, we are talking about the properties
of the object. Each property of the object describes a particular aspect of the object. The property
is actually described as a name/value pair. This means that for every named property, there is
a single unique value that describes that property for this instance of the object. If we go back to
our telephone example, we can create a table that lists each of the property names and the value
of each property.

We now have a set of properties that describe this instance. The properties of an object are used
to represent a set of values associated with the object. A new instance of the object may have
different property values, but it has the same property names.

Even with different property values, these two telephones are instances of the same object
template. Since we know that all telephone objects have a ‘Color’ property, we can determine
the color of each of the phones by examining its ‘Color’ property value. We can use properties
in two ways. We can read from them or we can also write to them. So if we wanted, we could
have changed the cover of our telephone to a different color, if we required.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

Now that we have a way of describing the telephone object, let’s take a look at what we can do Notes
with it.


Another characteristic of objects is that they can perform functions for us. For example, the Place
Call method would perform several functions for you. It will connect you to the local exchange,
the exchange will route your call, and then when it reaches the destination, and it will make the
destination phone ring. These built-in actions occur whenever you pick up the handset and dial
a number. This is a capability that has been built in to the machine.

However not all objects have functions like this. A chair object allows you to sit in it, so you
could say that it is functioning to support your body. Objects that perform tasks that are more
‘functional’ are said to have methods. The tasks that an object can perform are called methods.

A method is defined as an action that an object can take. The code in a method is executed when
the method is called. This calling is done by a command you write in the script of your ASP page.
Once we have created an instance of an object, we can tell it to perform a certain task calling one
of its methods.

Let’s illustrate this using the telephone example. Our telephone object can carry out five methods.
Each of these methods will cause the telephone object to perform an action. Here is a list of
functions that the methods of the telephone object can perform:

These methods are used when we want our telephone object to perform a certain function; all we
need to do is tell it to execute the corresponding method.

Methods are actually blocks of code that are written by the designer of the object (Microsoft, for

Did u know? What is the reason of method existing?

The reason methods exist is because lots of programmers want to do the same job, so it is
worth it for the gurus at Microsoft to write the code to do that job, test it, optimize it, and
get it in great shape, and then bundle it up in the object.

We, as programmers, can then use that code pre-made. Instead of re-inventing the wheel we
spend our time on the unique parts of our project.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. When a specific instance of an object is created from the ………………….. for the object, the
object is said to have been instantiated.

2. A new instance of the object may have different property values, but it has the same

3. A method is defined as an action that an ………………….. can take.

4. The properties of an object are used to represent a set of ………………….. associated with
the object.


Web Programming

Notes 9.2 ASP Server Object

The ASP Server object is used to access properties and methods on the server. Its properties and
methods are described below:


Property Description
Script Timeout Sets or returns the maximum number of seconds a script can run before it
is terminated


Method Description
Create Object Creates an instance of an object
Execute Executes an ASP file from inside another ASP file
GetLastError() Returns an ASPError object that describes the error condition that occurred
HTMLEncode Applies HTML encoding to a specified string
Map Path Maps a specified path to a physical path
Transfer Sends (transfers) all the information created in one ASP file to a second ASP
URLEncode Applies URL encoding rules to a specified string

Example: When a file was last modified?

Checks when this file was last modified.


<html> This file was last modified
<body> on: 18/05/2003 14:48:10

Set fs = Server.CreateObject
Set rs =
modified = rs.DateLastModified
This file was last modified on:
Set rs = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing



Unit 9: ASP Objects

Open a text file for reading Notes

This example opens the file “Textfile.txt” for reading.

<html> Hello World line 1
<body> Hello World line 2
Hello World line 3
Set FS =
Set RS = FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("text") &
While not rs.AtEndOfStream
Response. Write RS.ReadLine
Response. Write("<br />")

<a href="text/textfile.txt"><img border="0"


Homemade hit counter

This example reads a number from a file, adds 1 to the number, and writes the number back to
the file.


<% This page has been visited
Set 12345 times.
RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 1,


'This code is disabled due to the write access

security on our server:
RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 2,
'RS.Write fcount

Set RS=Nothing
Set FS=Nothing

This page has been visited <%=fcount%> times.


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

5. ………………….. applies HTML encoding to a specified string.

6. ………………….. Sets or returns the maximum number of seconds a script can run before
it is terminated.

7. ………………….. returns an ASPError object that describes the error condition that occurred.

9.3 ASP Session Object

The Session Object is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session.
Variables stored in the Session object hold information about one single user, and are available
to all pages in one application.

When you are working with an application, you open it, do some changes and then you close it.
This is much like a Session. The computer knows who you are. It knows when you start the
application and when you end. But on the internet there is one problem: the web server does not
know who you are and what you do because the HTTP address doesn’t maintain state.

ASP solves this problem by creating a unique cookie for each user. The cookie is sent to the client
and it contains information that identifies the user. This interface is called the Session object.

The Session object is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session.
Variables stored in the Session object hold information about one single user, and are available
to all pages in one application. Common information stored in session variables are name, id,
and preferences. The server creates a new Session object for each new user, and destroys the
Session object when the session expires.

Task Analyze the working of the session object.

When does a Session Start?

A session starts when:

 A new user requests an ASP file, and the a file includes a Session_OnStart procedure

 A value is stored in a Session variable

 A user requests an ASP file, and the Global.asa file uses the <object> tag to instantiate an
object with session scope.

When does a Session End?

A session ends if a user has not requested or refreshed a page in the application for a specified
period. By default, this is 20 minutes.

If you want to set a timeout interval that is shorter or longer than the default, you can set the
Timeout property.

The example below sets a timeout interval of 5 minutes:



Unit 9: ASP Objects

To end a session immediately, you may use the Abandon method: Notes

Notes The main problem with sessions is WHEN they should end. We do not know if the
user’s last request was the final one or not. So we do not know how long we should keep
the session “alive”. Waiting too long for an idle session uses up resources on the server,
but if the session is deleted too soon the user has to start all over again because the server
has deleted all the information. Finding the right timeout interval can be difficult!

Tip: If you are using session variables, store SMALL amounts of data in them.

Store and Retrieve Session Variables

The most important thing about the Session object is that you can store variables in it.

The example below will set the Session variable username to “Donald Duck” and the Session
variable age to “50”:
Session(“username”)=”Donald Duck”

When the value is stored in a session variable it can be reached from ANY page in the ASP
Welcome <%Response.Write(Session(“username”))%>

The line above returns: “Welcome Donald Duck”.

You can also store user preferences in the Session object, and then access that preference to
choose what page to return to the user. 
The example below specifies a text-only version of the page if the user has a low screen resolution:
<%If Session(“screenres”)=”low” Then%>
This is the text version of the page

This is the multimedia version of the page

<%End If%>

Remove Session Variables

The Contents collection contains all session variables.

It is possible to remove a session variable with the Remove method.

The example below removes the session variable “sale” if the value of the session variable
“age” is lower than 18:


Web Programming

Notes <%
If Session.Contents(“age”)<18 then
End If
To remove all variables in a session, use the RemoveAll method:


Loop Through the Contents Collection

The Contents collection contains all session variables. You can loop through the Contents
collection, to see what’s stored in it:
Session(“username”)=”Donald Duck”
dim i
For Each i in Session.Contents
Response.Write(i & “<br />”)


If you do not know the number of items in the Contents collection, you can use the Count

dim i
dim j

Response.Write(“Session variables: “ & j)

For i=1 to j
Response.Write(Session.Contents(i) & “<br />”)


Session variables: 2

Donald Duck


Unit 9: ASP Objects


Task Set the Session variable whose username is “Sonali Bose” and the Session variable
age to “26”

Loop Through the StaticObjects Collection

You can loop through the StaticObjects collection, to see the values of all objects stored in the
Session object:

dim i
For Each i in Session.StaticObjects
Response.Write(i & “<br />”)

Pitfalls of Session Variables

 Session variables and cookies are synonymous. So if a user has set his browser not to
accept any cookies, your Session variables won’t work for that particular web surfer.

 An instance of each session variable is created when a user visits the page, and these
variables persist for 20 minutes AFTER the user leaves the page! (Actually, these variables
persist until they “timeout”. This timeout length is set by the web server administrator. I
have seen sites that the variables will collapse in as little as 3 minutes, and others that
persist for 10, and still others that persist for the default 20 minutes. ) So, if you put any
large objects in the Session (such as ADO recordsets, connections, etc.), you are asking for
serious trouble! As the number of visitors increase, your server will experience dramatic
performance woes by placing large objects in the Session.

 Since Session variables can be created on the fly, used whenever, and do not require the
developer to dispose of them explicitly, the overuse of Session variables can lead to very
unreadable and unmaintainable code.
 Session variables take you one step closer to VB programming in the sense that you can grab
one without initializing the variable, use it whenever you want to, and not have to worry
about releasing it when you’ve finished using it. And WHO wants to go there? Not me.

Session Variable Cookies

Kind of. Session variables are bits of information that can be stored on a user-by-user basis.
These bits of information are stored on the Web server. To tie these bits of memory with a
particular user, for session variables to persist across Web pages, the user must have cookies
enabled. When a user first visits a page on a site that uses Session variables, two things happen:

— A block of memory is allocated for that particular user’s session variables on the Web server.
This block of memory is identified by a unique SessionID — A cookie is written to the user’s
computer, storing the value of the SessionID

When the user visits another page on the site that uses session variables, the users SessionID
cookie is referenced to determine if the user already has a session variable memory block setup.
If he does, the values that are stored there are referenced. Through this mechanism, one can
create seemingly “global” variables that persist from one page to another.


Web Programming

Notes But what if the user doesn’t have cookies enabled? Session variables can still be used, but there
will be no way for the user to store the SessionID as he jumps from page to page. Hence, the
session variables will not be saved for the user who has cookies disabled. However, session
variables that are created and referenced on the same page will work fine. For example, the
following script will output “Hello, World” regardless of whether or not the user has cookies
Session(“Message”) = “Hello, World!”

Response.Write Session(“Message”)

Notes Of course, if, on another page, the value of Session(“Message”) is referenced, only
those users who have cookies enabled will have a value of “Hello, World!” there.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. The Session object is used to store information about, or change settings for a

9. The server creates a new Session object for each new user, and destroys the ……………………
when the session expires.

10. Kind of Session variables are bits of information that can be stored on a ……………………

9.4 ASP Application Object

A group of ASP files that work together to perform some purpose is called an application. The
Application object in ASP is used to tie these files together.

An application on the Web may be a group of ASP files. The ASP files work together to perform
some purpose. The Application object in ASP is used to tie these files together.

The Application object is used to store and access variables from any page, just like the Session
object. The difference is that ALL users share one Application object, while with Sessions there
is one Session object for EACH user.

The Application object should hold information that will be used by many pages in the application
(like database connection information). This means that you can access the information from
any page. It also means that you can change the information in one place and the changes will
automatically be reflected on all pages.

Notes You can store values in the Application Collections. Information stored in the
Application collections is available throughout the application and has application scope.

Store and Retrieve Application Variables

Application variables can be accessed and changed by any page in the application.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

You can create Application variables in “Global.asa” like this: Notes

<script language=”vbscript” runat=”server”>

Sub Application_OnStart



End Sub

In the example above we have created two Application variables: “vartime” and “users”.

You can access the value of an Application variable like this:

There are
active connections.

Loop Through the Contents Collection

The Contents collection contains all application variables. You can loop through the Contents
collection, to see what’s stored in it:
dim i
For Each i in Application.Contents
Response.Write(i & “<br />”)


If you do not know the number of items in the Contents collection, you can use the Count
dim i

dim j

For i=1 to j
Response.Write(Application.Contents(i) & “<br />”)


Loop Through the StaticObjects Collection

You can loop through the StaticObjects collection, to see the values of all objects stored in the
Application object:


Web Programming

Notes <%
dim i
For Each i in Application.StaticObjects
Response.Write(i & “<br />”)


Did u know? What is Staicobject collection?

The StaticObjects collection contains all of the objects created by using the <OBJECT> tags
within the scope of the Application object. You can use the collection to determine the
value of a specific property for an object or to iterate through the collection and retrieve
all properties for all static objects.

Lock and Unlock

You can lock an application with the “Lock” method. When an application is locked, the users
cannot change the Application variables (other than the one currently accessing it). You can
unlock an application with the “Unlock” method. This method removes the lock from the
Application variable:
‘do some application object operations

Did u know? What is lock and unlock method?

The Lock method blocks other clients from modifying the variables stored in the
Application object, ensuring that only one client at a time can alter or access the Application
variables. If you do not call the Application.Unlock method explicitly, the server unlocks
the locked Application object when the .asp file ends or times out.

Pitfalls of Application Variables

Because only one instance of the Application object exists for the entire Web application,
application variables can be used more liberally than session variables. However, the Application
object does take up memory on the Web server, so only items that need to be stored in application
scope should be entered into the Application object. Two common pitfalls should be avoided
when working with application variables:

 Pitfall 1 - Do not put objects into the Application object unless vitally needed.

 Pitfall 2 - Only create application variables that are necessary. Why create unneeded
application variables when they’ll only waste your Web server’s memory?

A common pitfall among developers is wanting to place objects in the Application. One object
that is particularly alluring to put into the Application is the ADO Connection object, which is
used to connect to a database. We’ll discuss this object in detail during Week 3. It may seem like


Unit 9: ASP Objects

a good idea to create a single database connection object and have all users communicate to a Notes
database through that object. However, as with most other objects, it is always best to wait to
create the object until you need it.

Task The ADO Connection object will degrade your server’s performance if put into the
Application object. Analyze

Like the Session object, the Application object is easy to use, and the temptation to create a
plethora of application variables is high indeed. Many developers use the Application object to
store many Web site-wide constants - for example, a navigational footer common to all Web
pages, or perhaps the Webmaster’s email address. Although it’s better to place these items in the
Application object than in the Session object, they belong best in a static text file on the Web
server. This text file can then be included into any ASP page that needs to display the navigation
footer or the Webmaster’s email address. We will discuss how to include files on Day 13.

Sometimes, however, the use of application variables is preferred to include files. If the data you
need to store changes often, such as the last post to a message board, then the information should
be stored in the Application object. Include files should only be used if the data is static and not
susceptible to frequent change.

Although you can afford to be less prudent when creating application variables than you can be
when creating session variables, you should still strive to use the minimum needed amount of
such variables. Because the Application object persists in the Web server’s memory, the fewer
the application variables stored within it, the less drain on the Web server ’s performance.
Therefore, the Application should remain free of objects and contain only needed application

Initializing Application and Session Variables

Recall that the Session and Application objects serve as warehouses for session and application
variables, respectively. When the user first visits the site, a new Session warehouse is created.
What is inside this warehouse by default? Initially, the warehouse is empty. Attempting to
retrieve a nonexistent session variable from the users Session returns an empty string.

However, the Session and Application objects both have an event you can use to initialize the
contents of your users Session and your Website’s Application. This event is called the OnStart
event, and it occurs at different times for the Session and Application objects. The Session’s
OnStart event occurs whenever a new user comes to the site. This is when a new Session object
instance is created for this particular user. In the OnStart event, you can create the session
variables you plan to use and initialize them to certain values. The Application’s OnStart event
fires when the first Session object is instantiated - that is, when the first Session’s OnStart event

To create and initialize session and application variables, you need to write event handlers for
the OnStart events. Listing 11.13 displays the OnStart event handler for both the Session and
Application objects.

Listing - Initializing Application and Session Variables in the OnStart Events

1: Sub Application_OnStart()

2: Application(“LastPost”) = “”

3: End Sub


Web Programming

Notes 4:

5: Sub Session_OnStart()

6: Session(“LogonTime”) = Now()

7: Session(“Name”) = “”


9: Dim aPi(2)

10: aPi(0) = 3

11: aPi(1) = 1

12: aPi(2) = 4

13: Session(“Pi”) = aPi

14: End Sub

Listing above displays the OnStart event handlers for the Session and Application objects. The
Application object’s OnStart event handler begins on line 1. A single application variable, LastPost,
is initialized to a blank string (line 2). The Session object’s OnStart event handler begins on line
5. Line 6 creates a session variable named LogonTime that is initialized to the Web server’s
current date and time. Next, a session variable, Name, is created and initialized to an empty
string (line 7). Line 9 creates aPi, an array, and lines 10 through 13, set the three elements of aPi.
Line 13 creates the final session variable, setting it equal to aPi.

Notes Note the syntax for creating an event handler (lines 1 and 5). First, a subroutine is
created and named with the object’s name, followed by an underscore, and then followed
by the event name. Because the OnStart event passes in no parameters, no arguments are
in the event handler definition.

Whenever these events fire, the functions in above Listing are executed. The OnStart event
for the Session object occurs whenever a new visitor (one that does not already have a
Session instance) arrives at the site. If your Web site experiences a lot of traffic, this event
can fire hundreds, or even thousands of times an hour. The Application’s OnStart event,
however, fires only once, right before the first Session is created. If you restart your Web
server, though, the next visit after restarting causes the Application object’s OnStart event
to fire.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

11. An application on the Web may be a group of.

12. An ASP-based application is defined as all the .asp files in a directory and its subdirectories.

13. …………………… contains all of the objects added to the session with the <OBJECT> tag.

9.5 ASP the Global.asa file

The a file is an optional file that can contain declarations of objects, variables, and
methods that can be accessed by every page in an ASP application.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

The Global.asa file is an optional file that can contain declarations of objects, variables, and Notes
methods that can be accessed by every page in an ASP application. All valid browser scripts
(JavaScript, VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, etc.) can be used within Global.asa.

The Global.asa file can contain only the following:

 Application events

 Session events

 <object> declarations 

 TypeLibrary declarations

 the #include directive

Notes The Global.asa file must be stored in the root directory of the ASP application, and
each application can only have one Global.asa file.

Events in Global.asa

In Global.asa you can tell the application and session objects what to do when the application/
session starts and what to do when the application/session ends. The code for this is placed in
event handlers. The Global.asa file can contain four types of events:

Application_OnStart - This event occurs when the FIRST user calls the first page from an ASP
application. This event occurs after the Web server is restarted or after the Global.asa file is
edited. The “Session_OnStart” event occurs immediately after this event.

Session_OnStart - This event occurs EVERY time a NEW user requests his or her first page in the
ASP application.

Session_OnEnd - This event occurs EVERY time a user ends a session. A user ends a session after
a page has not been requested by the user for a specified time (by default this is 20 minutes).

Application_OnEnd - This event occurs after the LAST user has ended the session. Typically, this
event occurs when a Web server stops. This procedure is used to clean up settings after the
Application stops, like delete records or write information to text files.

A Global.asa file could look something like this:

<script language=”vbscript” runat=”server”>

sub Application_OnStart
‘’’’some code
end sub

sub Application_OnEnd
‘’’’some code
end sub

sub Session_OnStart
‘’’’some code
end sub

sub Session_OnEnd
‘’’’some code


Web Programming

Notes end sub


Notes We cannot use the ASP script delimiters (<% and %>) to insert scripts in the Global.asa
file, we will have to put the subroutines inside the HTML <script> tag.

9.6 # include

The #include directive tells the preprocessor to treat the contents of a specified file as if those
contents had appeared in the source program at the point where the directive appears. You can
organize constant and macro definitions into include files and then use  #include directives to
add these definitions to any source file. Include files are also useful for incorporating declarations
of external variables and complex data types. You need to define and name the types only once
in an include file created for that purpose.
#include “path-spec”
#include <path-spec>

The path-spec is a filename optionally preceded by a directory specification. The filename must

name an existing file. The syntax of the path-spec depends on the operating system on which the
program is compiled.

Both syntax forms cause replacement of that directive by the entire contents of the specified
include file. The difference between the two forms is the order in which the preprocessor searches
for header files when the path is incompletely specified.

Syntax Form Action

Quoted form This form instructs the preprocessor to look for include files in the
same directory of the file that contains the#include statement, and then
in the directories of any files that include (#include) that file. The
preprocessor then searches along the path specified by the /I compiler
option, then along paths specified by the INCLUDE environment
Angle-bracket form This form instructs the preprocessor to search for include files first
along the path specified by the /I compiler option, then, when
compiling from the command line, along the path specified by the
INCLUDE environment variable.

If the filename enclosed in double quotation marks is an incomplete path specification, the
preprocessor first searches the “parent” file’s directory. A parent file is the file containing
the #include directive. For example, if you include a file named file2 within a file
named file1, file1 is the parent file.

Include files can be “nested”; that is, an #include directive can appear in a file named by
another #include directive.

Example: File2, above, could includefile3. In this case, file1 would still be the parent
of file2 but would be the “grandparent” of file3.

When include files are nested and when compiling from the command line, directory searching
begins with the directories of the parent file and then proceeds through the directories of any


Unit 9: ASP Objects

grandparent files. Thus, searching begins relative to the directory containing the source currently Notes
being processed. If the file is not found, the search moves to directories specified by the /I compiler
option. Finally, the directories specified by the INCLUDE environment variable are searched.

From within the development environment, the INCLUDE environment variable is ignored. To
set the directories searched for include files (this information also applies to the LIB environment
variable.), see VC++ Directories, Projects, Options Dialog Box.

The following example shows file inclusion using angle brackets:

#include <stdio.h>

This example adds the contents of the file named STDIO.H to the source program. The angle
brackets cause the preprocessor to search the directories specified by the INCLUDE environment
variable for STDIO.H, after searching directories specified by the /I compiler option.

Example: The following example shows file inclusion using the quoted form:
#include “defs.h”

This example adds the contents of the file specified by DEFS.H to the source program. The
double quotation marks mean that the preprocessor searches the directory containing the parent
source file first.

Nesting of include files can continue up to 10 levels. Once the nested #include is processed, the
preprocessor continues to insert the enclosing include file into the original source file.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. The Global.asa file must be stored in the root directory of the …………………… application.

15. Include files can be “…………………… “; that is, an #include directive can appear in a file
named by another #include directive.

Caselet Web Hacking Contest puts Firms on Guard

NTERNET managers of establishments worldwide are likely to work overtime on
Sunday, the date of a world hackers’ contest which starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.
(the time zone to be followed from a site, say the contest instructions).

Establishments have been advised to deactivate unneeded public facing Web servers and
turn off servers that are not urgently required.

The challenge could even be a hoax or just a hyped up minor event, said security experts. But
no one is taking any chances - the US department of homeland security has issued warnings,
so has the Ministry for Information and Communication in Korea which feels Korean Web
servers could be specially vulnerable to the threat. So have European Internet security experts.

Security companies came to know of the contest through noticing that there was increased
monitoring of Websites and also from tracking Internet relay chats.


Web Programming

Notes Yet another suspicion is that the timing given might just be to divert attention and that the
actual hacking might take place some time before or after the so-called scheduled time
when companies might be less on their guard.

The contest, referred to as ‘Defacers Challenge’ has been put up on the Web site, by “Eleonara (67)” who claims the “help of some groups
from underground”

Everyone who can notify a defacement is entitled to participate, says the challenge. It will
check for statistics, “due to its notorious independency”. (This site tracks daily
hackings server and operation-system-wise).

The contest targets 6,000 sites worldwide, participants have to penetrate as many Web
servers as possible and deface the Web sites within the six hours given to them.

The contest follows a point-system, awarding one point for a Windows server, 5 for an
HP-UX or Macintosh server. The winners have been promised free Web space, hosting
services, a free domain name, and the like.

Captain Raghu Raman, Global Practice Head, Mahindra Consulting Special Services Group
(information security company), says the context seems to be more of a hoax since so
many Web sites cannot be hacked in the space of just six hours. “It is extremely impossible
since most commercial Web sites are hosted on single servers and have mirrored sites
which take over in the case of a single site faces any problem.”

He feels that the interest generated in the contest could attract many “kiddish” amateurs
whose simultaneous activity during those hours could create major bandwidth issues.

But he too advises precautionary actions. “Companies should look to strengthen their
systems and guard against any vulnerabilities. They should lock down their servers and
public domains, create awareness amongst internal security teams and remember that
hackers do not have to wait for the specified date to start. They can commence anytime.”

The most reliable indicator of whether an organisation’s Web site will be defaced or
otherwise compromised is if the organisation’s Web server is not appropriately secured,
or if it exhibits known vulnerabilities, which can be exploited, he says.

According to him, the following technical guidelines may be followed; making sure that
default passwords are changed. This should include Web servers and any other servers
that the Web server has a trusted relationship with; removing sample applications that are
not being used, such as CGI scripts and Active Server Pages, from Web servers; locking
down Microsoft Front Page Extensions (by default, those extensions are installed in a
manner that gives every user the ability to author Web pages, even through proxy servers).

The other measures recommended are turning the Web server logging on. Logs are essential
to determining how a defacement was accomplished so a recurrence can be prevented. Use
of the extended log format is recommended; and having a current backup of one’s Web
server. In the event of a defacement, a good backup is essential to quickly restore the
server to its original look.

Lastly, he recommends application of the latest security patches to one’s Web server and
the underlying operating system after appropriate testing.

Over the last six months, he says, nearly 571 Indian sites have been hacked. This is twice
the number of sites hacked in 2002. Most of the hackings have been claimed by Pakistani
hacker groups.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

9.7 Summary Notes

 An object is a software representation of a real-world item, or object. Software objects

feature properties, methods, and events.
 Each property of the object describes a particular aspect of the object. The property is
actually described as a name/value pair. This means that for every named property, there
is a single unique value that describes that property for this instance of the object.
 By an instance of a object we are about a particular telephone object that has a specific set
of properties and values The instances of an object represent completely different physical
objects. However they share the same types of characteristics such as methods, properties
and events. When a specific instance of an object is created from the template for the object,
the object is said to have been instantiated.
 Once we have created an instance of an object, we can tell it to perform a certain task
calling one of its methods.
 A class in ASP is like a set of design rules that an object must conform to. In a class there
should be a minimum set of functions that your object must be able to perform.
 A method is defined as an action that an object can take. The code in a method is executed
when the method is called. This calling is done by a command you write in the script of
your ASP page.
 Methods are actually blocks of code that are written by the designer of the object. It
relieves the programmers of writing the same code again and again as they come bundled
with the object.
 Some of the methods can be executed directly, while others need additional information.
A method can have none, one, or more than one parameter. Information passed as
parameters of the method for execution by the method, will only be executed if all
parameters have been supplied.
 Method can also return information to us. The value returned by a method is called a
return value. If a method has a return value, then it will pass information back to us. This
information could have a number of purposes. As the user of an object, we can decide
whether we want to do anything with the return value. If the information is pertinent to
what we are doing, then we can capture the return value and do something with it later.
If we do not care what the return value is, we can just ignore it and continue with our work.
 An object generates an event whenever something of interest happens. Just like methods,
events can have parameters. These parameters can hold specific information about the
event. When an object generates an event, the object can be said to fire the event. When the
object has fired the event, we say that the user must handle the event.
 The inbuilt ASP objects include Application, ASPError, ObjectContext, Response, Request,
Server and Session.
 An application on the Web may be a group of ASP files. The ASP files work together to
perform some purpose. The Application object in ASP is used to tie these files together.
 The Application object is used to store and access variables from any page, just like the
Session object. The difference is that ALL users share one Application object, while with
Sessions there is one Session object for EACH user.
 The Application object should hold information that will be used by many pages in the
application (like database connection information). This means that you can access the
information from any page. It also means that you can change the information in one
place and the changes will automatically be reflected on all pages.


Web Programming

Notes  The Session object is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session.
Variables stored in the Session object hold information about one single user, and are
available to all pages in one application.

 When you are working with an application, you open it, do some changes and then you
close it. This is much like a Session. The computer knows who you are. It knows when you
start the application and when you end. But on the Internet there is one problem: the web
server does not know who you are and what you do because the HTTP address doesn’t
maintain state. ASP solves this problem by creating a unique cookie for each user. The
cookie is sent to the client and it contains information that identifies the user. This interface
is called the Session object.

 The Session object is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session.
Variables stored in the Session object hold information about one single user, and are
available to all pages in one application. Common information stored in session variables
are name, id, and preferences. The server creates a new Session object for each new user,
and destroys the Session object when the session expires.

 The ASP Server object is used to access properties and methods on the server.

 The ASP Error object is used to display detailed information of any error that occurs in
scripts in an ASP page. The ASP Error object is implemented in ASP 3.0 and it is only
available in IIS5. The ASP Error object is created when Server.GetLastError is called, so the
error information can only be accessed by using the Server.GetLastError method.

9.8 Keywords

Application Object: Stores information (variables and objects) needed for all users of a particular
application. Information stored in the Application object persists for the lifetime of the application.

Class: A class in ASP is like a set of design rules that an object must conform to. In a class there
should be a minimum set of functions that your object must be able to perform.

Event: Object generates an event whenever something of interest happens. When an object
generates an event, the object can be said to fire the event. When the object has fired the event,
we say that the user must handle the event.

Instance of Object: By an instance of a object we mean a particular object that has a specific set of
properties and values The instances of an object represent completely different physical objects
but sharing the same types of characteristics such as methods, properties and events.

Method: A method is defined as an action that an object can take. The code in a method is
executed when the method is called. This calling is done by a command you write in the script
of your ASP page.

Object: An object is a software representation of a real-world item, or object. Software objects

feature properties, methods, and events.

Property of Object: Property of the object describes a particular aspect of the object. The property
is actually described as a name/value pair.

Server Object: Provides access to methods and properties on the server. These methods and
properties typically serve as utility functions.

Session Object: Stores information (variables and objects) needed for a particular user session.
Information stored in the Session object is not discarded when the user jumps between pages in
the application, but instead persists for the entire user session.


Unit 9: ASP Objects

9.9 Review Questions Notes

1. The information in ASP built-in objects can also be obtained in a COM component or an
ISAPI application. Explain

2. What three things make up an object? What built-in object would you use to read a client’s

3. Suppose that you want an object to represent a desk lamp. What properties and methods
would you need? Assume that the lamp has three settings: off, dim, and full power. Design
the object. (No coding required)

4. Suppose that you want an object to represent a microwave. What properties, methods, and
events would you need? It can have variable power and time settings and should beep
when the food is done. Design the microwave. (No coding required).

5. Examine that why a block of memory is allocated for that particular user’s session variables
on the Web server?

6. The preprocessor stops searching as soon as it finds a file with the given name. Analyze

7. Which built-in ASP object would you use to check if the user is still connected to the
server? Explain with program

8. The ASP built-in objects are organized by the type of information they contain. What is
meant by this statement?

9. Briefly make the distinction between Application object and Session Object of ASP.

10. Why a common pitfall among developers wants to place objects in the Application? Give

Answers: Self Assessment

1. template 2. property names

3. object 4. values

5. HTMLEncode 6. Script Timeout

7. GetLastError() 8. user session

9. Session object 10. user-by-user

11. ASP files 12. Virtual

13. Application. Static Objects Collection 14. ASP

15. nested

9.10 Further Readings

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons


Web Programming

Notes John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)

Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server Pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 10: Working with Response Object

Unit 10: Working with Response Object Notes




10.1 Response Object

10.2 Response.Write

10.3 Response.Buffer

10.4 Cookies

10.5 Summary

10.6 Keywords

10.7 Review Questions

10.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize Response object

 Describe Response.Write

 Demonstrate the Response.Buffer

 Explain Cookies


This unit will familiarize you with the one of the built in ASP objects, the Response object used
for sending output which might be text, cookie data etc to the user from the Server. It has several
methods and properties. Through its methods and properties you will learn how the output to
be sent to the user can be controlled. Using the cache control property you can instruct the proxy
whether to cache or not to cache.

10.1 Response Object

The response object is one of the five built-in ASP objects. Response is used to send output to the
client. This output might be text displayed in a browser window, cookie data or it might have to
do with how your pages are sent to the client and stored. For example, users might be at a form-
based page on our site that is a quiz. Users select the answer to the question from a list of
possible answers that are in an Option drop-down list. The name of the Option list is “answer”.
Once visitors select an answer, they hit the SUBMIT button. This action sends the answer that
they have selected to our .asp page, which will respond to their choice with this code:
If Request. Form (“answer”) = “42” then
Response. Write “you got the correct answers!”


Web Programming

Notes Else
Response. Write “WRONG! Try again…”
End if

Hence, we are displaying dynamic content to visitors based on their choice. We can also set
other browser properties that deal with how to display the response.

Dissecting the Response Object

(Sending HTML to the Browser, Buffering ASP Pages, Sending the User to another page, Cookies,
Caching your ASP Pages)

Response allows you to send information to the browser and control how information is sent to
the browser. This has several methods and properties.

Sending HTML to the Browser

The most common use of the Response object is to send data to the client’s Web browser to be
displayed as part of a Web page. It is done in two ways. The first is to use the Write method; the
other is to use the shortcut

Task The ASP Response object is used to send output to the user from the server. Analyze

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The Response object methods give you potent control over what you can send to the
………………. from the web server. 

2. ………………. sets the HTML header name to value.

3. ………………. allows you to send information to the browser and control how information
is sent to the browser.

4. The most common use of the Response object is to send data to the client’s Web browser to
be displayed as part of a ……………….

10.2 Response.Write

Without Response.Write, ASP is almost useless. The most important thing in using Response.
Write is that the string being written cannot contain “%>”. If you need to write a string that
contains “%>”, use “%\>”. Since we use %> to indicate the end of a block of ASP code, putting it
in your strings will confuse the system.


Response.Write (“<HR WIDTH=50%>”) will result in an error because the server will interpret
the “%>” as the closer to a block of ASP code.
Response.Write (“<HR WIDTH=50%\>”) will write “<HR WIDTH=50%>” to the HTTP.


Unit 10: Working with Response Object

As the double quote (“) is used to indicate the beginning and end of a string, writing strings that Notes
contain double quotes can cause problems. So, one way is to use the single quote in your string.
At times, though you need to use double quotes. Putting two double quotes together will have
the effect of including a double quote within your string. For example, if you write
Response.Write (“<IMG SRC= “”banner.gif”” >”)

The browser will receive <IMG SRC= “banner.gif”>.

Server.HTML Encode can be used to send text encoded so that the browser will not interpret it as
HTML. For example,
Response.Write (Server.HTML Encode(“<P align=right>”)) will cause

<P align=right> to be printed to the screen without being interpreted as HTML.

Here is a list demonstrating the different ways of sending text containing quotation marks.

Notes Note that also demonstrates the use of Server.HTML Encode to send text so that the
browser does not interpret it.

List 1

Special characteristics with Response.Write

1: <%@Language=VBScript %>

2: <% Option Explicit %>

3: <HTML>

4: <BODY>

5: <A HREF= “index.html”>click here</a>

6: <BR>

7: <%

8: Response.Write(“< A HREF= “”index.html”” > click here</a>”)

9: Response.Write(“<BR>”)

10: Response.Write(“<A HREF= ‘index.html’>click here</a>”)

11: Response.Write(“<BR>”)

12: Response.Write(Server.HTML Encode (“<BR>”))

13: %>

14: </BODY>

15: </HTML>

Line 5 writes an HTML link statement normally. Line 8 writes the link statement using
Response.Write and double quotes. Line 10 writes the same statement again, but using single
quotes. Finally, line 12 demonstrates Server.HTML Encode.

<%=expression %> is equivalent to <% Response.Write (expression) %>.

This shortcut can be used only to send a single expression.


Web Programming

Notes To use the shortcut in the middle of a long block of ASP code would require that you first add a
closing %>, and then reopen with a <%=; close again with a %> and finally reopen with a <%.

Caution So many openings and closings of ASP code sections hurts the readability of your
code, besides, it may hurt the performance as well.

Therefore, it is a good practice to go ahead with the Response.Write.

Sometimes, when the script looks like this:

1: <%@Language=VBScript %>

2: <HTML>
3: <BODY>

4: Hello. My name is Joe. This is my page.

5: <P>

6: today is <%=date %>

7: </BODY>

8: </HTML>

If you had a long block of HTML where you needed a single line of output from the ASP, it
would probably be better to use the shortcut as is used in line 6; it is quite readable.

Using Response.Write in this case:

1: <%@ Language=VBScript %>

2: <HTML>

3: <BODY>

4: Hello. My name is Joe. This is my page.

5: <P>

6: today is

7: <%

8: Response.Write (Date)

9: %>

10: </BODY>

11: </HTML>

Response.Write is used in line 8. It is a little less readable.

Buffering ASP Pages

Besides sending output to the client, Response can control how and when the output is sent to the
client. Output can be sent in two different ways: buffered or unbuffered.

Unbuffered output is sent immediately.

Buffered output is not sent until the script is finished, or until a special command is given to send
it. For example, let’s say that you have a script with one Response.Write at the top and another


Unit 10: Working with Response Object

one later. Without buffering, the first one is sent to the client immediately before the latter Notes
Response.Write is executed. With buffering, though, all the output is collected in a buffer on the
server and sent at once.

Did u know? How Buffering Works in ASP?

Buffering controls how content is written out from ASP to the end user. It affects how
response.redirect works as well as the speed of your webpage!

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

5. Response.Write writes a variable or text to the current ……………….. output as a string.

6. ……………….. output is not sent until the script is finished, or until a special command is
given to send it.

7. The use of Server. HTML Encode to send text so that the ……………….. does not interpret

8. As the double quote (“) is used to indicate the beginning and end of a ………………..,
writing strings that contain double quotes can cause problems.

9. The most important thing in using ……………….. is that the string being written cannot
contain “%>”.

10.3 Response.Buffer

The buffer property is a Boolean property that determines whether the output of your ASP is
sent as it runs or it is stored until all the code is complete or the Flush method is called. It is a
Boolean property which means that it is set to true or false. Let’s take a look how a couple of code
blocks would differ based on the setting of the buffer property. The first code block is buffered.
Option explicit

Response.Buffer =true
Response.Write “Running query..”
Dim conn

Dim RSTotal Sales

Set conn=server.createobject (“adodb.connnection”) “sales”, “sa”, “your password”

Set RSTotalSales=conn.Execute (Select Sum (total amount) as Total Sales”_

& “from sales”)
Response.Write RSTotalSales(“TotalAmount”)


The scenario of this code block is that we are presenting a page that shows the total amount of
sales for all records in a database table. We will estimate that the query will take 20s to run. The
buffer is on. So when the code gets to this line:

Response.Write “running query..”


Web Programming

Notes The text is placed in the buffer and is not sent to the browser. The code continues and 20s later the
code completes. The text running well as the result of the query are now sent to the
browser. Now look at the flow of this code block:
Option explicit
Response.Write “running query..”
Dim conn
Dim RSTotalSales
Set conn=server.createobject (“adodb.connection”) “sales”, “sa”, “your password”
Set RSTotalSales=conn.Execute (“select Sum (TotalAmount) as_ TotalSales” _
&”from sales”
Response.Write RSTotalSales (“TotalAmount”)

This time when the code gets here:

Response.Write “running query..”
The text is immediately sent to the browser. So now visitors receive the feedback that something
is happening while they are waiting for the query to run. This technique of giving the visitor
gradual feedback is very important for procedures that take more than a few seconds to complete.
Without the feedback, especially on the internet, visitors may assume something is wrong and
leave your site.


Suppose you have buffering turned on. As your script is executing, output is being sent to the
buffer. Calling Response.Clear causes that buffer to be wiped out. In case, you have a page that
you do not want to be viewed under a special set of circumstances, it can be used.


Like Response.Clear, Response.Flush flushes all the data from the system buffer. However,
Response.Flush first sends it to the client. This is useful Response.Clear, Response.Flush produces
an error message when buffering is turned off.


Response.End ends execution of the script. If buffering is turned on and there is any buffered
data, it is sent. Any statements after the Response.End are not carried out. This is a more abrupt
end than simply allowing the script to end on its own, and so should be avoided if possible. It
can be useful, though, when problems (such as bad data) are detected to prevent them from
making things worse.

Task Give the answers to following questions:

1. Explain the concept of sending output buffered or unbuffererd.

2. Explain how the Response.Buffer property can be used to specify whether the current
page output should be buffered or not.


Unit 10: Working with Response Object

Sending the User to Another Page Notes

There are HTML Web pages that are on the screen for just a few seconds and then suddenly it
takes you to another page. This can be done in many ways.

One way uses the META tag:


this causes the browser to be sent to after 2 seconds.

It can also be done with client-side scripting like JavaScript, using the window object like this:
<script language= “JavaScript”>

Window .location= ‘anotherpage.html’;
//— >

the response object offers another way i.e.


Response.Redirect URL takes the user to the page URL. If it is within the same site, a relative URL
(such as “products/index.html”) will work. If it is a separate site, the full address including
http:// should be provided.

Notes Response.Redirect =URL is equivalent to Response.Redirect URL.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

10. ……………….. sends a redirect message to the browser, causing it to attempt to connect to
a different URL.
11. ……………….. sends buffered output immediately.
12. ……………….. stops processing the .asp file and returns the current result.
13. ……………….. erases any buffered HTML output.

10.4 Cookies
Cookies are a way for you to store nuggets of information on the visitor’s computer. You can
then use your code to retrieve the values stored on the visitor’s system at a later time.

Example: You could store the most recent searches a visitor has made on your website in
a cookie. Then, when visitors search again, we could present them with their last five search
criteria, or you could store visitor’s location in a cookie and when they return to your site, you
could display local information for your visitors.
But since the data are on the visitor’s system, you cannot use cookies as your only way to
identify visitors or in situations where the cookie must be present. You should always try to
provide an alternative to cookies.


Web Programming

Notes You place the cookies on the visitor’s machine by using the cookies collection of the Response
object. To write a single simple cookie to the visitor’s system you would code this:
Response.Cookies (“NameOfCookies”) = “value”

The name of cookie is the name you want to store the cookie as on the visitor’s system. The value
represents the text to store in the cookie. So if you coded this:
Response.Cookies (“Search criteria 1”) = “ASP”

This could add the cookie with the name Search Criteria 1to the visitor’s system. The cookie
would contain the value ASP. If the cookie already exists, the old value will be overwritten.

Response Object Collections

Ob ject Pu rp ose
C ookies Al lows you to wri te cookies to the visit or’s browser.

In our search criteria example, we could store the five most recent searches in a complex cookie.
The recent searches field is blank. But after the visitor has made a few searches, the select
element would be populated with those searches.

Task Mention the two properties of Response that will determine how long an ASP page
will be cached.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. Cookies are a way for you to store nuggets of information on the ……………….. computer.

15. Use your ……………….. to retrieve the values stored on the visitor’s system at a later time.

Caselet The Importance of Data Warehousing

f you were ever curious about datamining/datawarehousing, you’d have heard this
story about “weekend daddies”. In the US, a shopping chain discovered that adult
males who had recently become daddies, sauntered into the mall, picked up beer for
themsel ves for the weekend, and napkins for their kids’ use during the week.
Datawarehousing technology helped in the discovery. Once this was learnt, the mall
placed the nappies’ and beer stands next to each other and saw sales soar.

And, if you ever get to run a bank, datawarehousing technology will have told you that
more often than nought, customers that contribute the most to your profits are also the
ones who default on cheques frequently.

Warehousing and mining of data are hot issues in the backrooms of Net enterprises and
traditional companies wanting to take advantage of the Net. The two concepts are simple
and closely related.

Data warehousing is a way of storing content in databases to enable data mining. Data
mining is the technique that reads the data warehouses and makes the tonnes of content on


Unit 10: Working with Response Object

the databases intelligent to decision makers in an organisation. The result of a successful Notes
implementation of the two can be a report in form of charts and graphs on the effectiveness
of the latest marketing campaign available online to top management.

While the scope of data mining and warehousing is vast, this article will be restricted to
the importance of data warehousing and the subsequent ones will deal with techniques to
using the technology and products available in the market.

In the old economy, data would have been stored at best in a tabular form to be accessed
by the a few persons in the organisation. A software program written specially for that
organisation to display that information on to the computer screen was common. However,
now with the Internet using hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP _ the same technology that
helps you surf the Net by clicking on links) to access and transfer data, the old way of
storing data is of little use.

The data has to be stored in a way that it can be read by active server pages or Java
programs. What active server pages do is to take a request made by a client, process it,
access the database, collect the relevant information and send the reply back t o the client.
The client in most cases is a person using a browser and submitting a request for say, the
last quarter’s sales report.

For a Net enterprise, it is important to configure the databases so that clients can access them
remotely over the Net. For instance, in a business-to-business transaction, suppliers would
like to access inventory levels of their clients to initiate supp ly of goods and bills. Or borrowers
might want to access account information through the Net. In a legacy system where there is
little connectivity, access was limited to a few people. Now to be connected on the Net the old
data has to be marked up in say extensible markup language (XML) so that it can be easily
accessed.Repackaging the data into modern databases is the most challenging aspect of
warehousing. New enterprises should begin using modern databases at the first instance. On
a very small scale MS Access, the database that comes with Microsoft Office 97, is a good
example. However, for large enterprises much bigger databases are needed.

Old enterprises might have to go through the painful process of using data entry operators
to re-input all the data in a Net-accessible format. This is much easier if data is stored in a
tabular form. Plus for large organisations say like the State Bank of India, collecting data
from all the branches and putting it all into one format will be a large-scale, costly operation.

This, however, cannot be a deterrent if one wants to compete or survive on the Net.
Clients will soon demand access to the information from databases. This will be information
pertaining to the client itself on which day-to-day business decisions will be made. If an
enterprise is not able to provide it on the very convenient medium of the Internet, it might
lose the client to a Net-savvy competitor.

10.5 Summary

 The response object is one of the five built-in ASP objects. Response is used to send output
to the client. This output might be text displayed in a browser window, cookie data or it
might have to do with how your pages are sent to the client and stored.

 The most common use of the Response object is to send data to the client’s Web browser to
be displayed as part of a Web page. It is done in two ways. The first is to use the Write
method; the other is to use the shortcut < %=_%>.

 The most important thing in using Response. Write is that the string being written cannot
contain “%>”. If you need to write a string that contains “%>”, use “%\>”. Since we use %>
to indicate the end of a block of ASP code, putting it in your strings will confuse the system.


Web Programming

Notes  Server.HTML Encode can be used to send text encoded so that the browser will not interpret
it as HTML.
<%=expression %> is equivalent to <% Response.Write (expression) %>.

 Besides sending output to the client, Response can control how and when the output is sent
to the client. Output can be sent in two different ways: buffered or unbuffered. Unbuffered
output is sent immediately. Buffered output is not sent until the script is finished, or until
a special command is given to send it.

 The buffer property is a Boolean property that determines whether the output of your ASP
is sent as it runs or it is stored until all the code is complete or the Flush method is called.
It is a Boolean property which means that it is set to true or false.

 Suppose you have buffering turned on. As your script is executing, output is being sent to
the buffer. Calling Response.Clear causes that buffer to be wiped out. In case, you have a
page that you do not want to be viewed under a special set of circumstances, it can be used.

 Like Response.Clear, Response.Flush flushes all the data from the system buffer. However,
Response.Flush first sends it to the client. This is useful Response.Clear, Response.Flush
produces an error message when buffering is turned off.

 Response.End ends execution of the script. If buffering is turned on and there is any
buffered data, it is sent. Any statements after the Response.End are not carried out. This is
a more abrupt end than simply allowing the script to end on its own, and so should be
avoided if possible. It can be useful, though, when problems (such as bad data) are detected
to prevent them from making things worse.

 There are HTML Web pages that are on the screen for just a few seconds and then suddenly
it takes you to another page. This can be done in many ways. One way is to use the META
tag and the other is with client-side scripting like JavaScript, using the window object.

 Response.Redirect URL takes the user to the page URL. If it is within the same site, a
relative URL (such as “products/index.html”) will work. If it is a separate site, the full
address including http:// should be provided.

 Cookies are a way for you to store nuggets of information on the visitor’s computer. You
can then use your code to retrieve the values stored on the visitor’s system at a later
time.You place the cookies on the visitor’s machine by using the cookies collection of the
Response object.

 The proxy serves as a funnel for many computers making requests to the Internet. One of
the things proxy does is to store a cache of pages requested by all the users of the proxy. So
instead of retrieving the same page many times form the Internet, the proxy merely
returns the cached page to the person making the request.

 The cache control property is your way of instructing the proxy to cache or not to cache.
HTML pages and graphics can be stored in the cache. Response has two properties that can
be used to determine how long an ASP page be cached.These two properties are
Response.Expires and Response.ExpiresAbsolute

10.6 Keywords

Buffer: This property can be use to indicate whether the page is buffered.

CacheControl: This property can be used to set whether a proxy server can cache the output
generated by asp or not.

Cookies: This value can be used to set the cookie value.


Unit 10: Working with Response Object

Response Object: The response object is one of the five built-in ASP objects. Response is used to Notes
send output to the client.

Response.Clear: This method clears any buffered HTML output.

Response.End: This method stops the current processing of the asp page and only returns the
result before this method.

Response.Flush: This method sends buffered output immediately.

Response.Redirect: This method can be used to redirect the user to another URL.

Response.Write: This method can be used to write out a variable or text.

Server.HTML Encode: Used to send text encoded so that the browser will not interpret it as

10.7 Review Questions

1. Examine the difference between Response.Flush and Response.Clear?

2. Write a Response.Write statement to send <A HREF=”aboutme.html”> to the browser.

3. Write the code that sends the user to another page if it is an odd-numbered day and prints
a message if it is an even-numbered day.

4. Write a statement using Response.ExpiresAbsolute that is equivalent to the following:

(a) Response.Expires = 5

5. Write the code to have the cached version of the current page expire the first of the next month.

6. The response.write command is used to write output to a browser. Comment. Give a

program to support your answer.

7. Explain the ways in which HTML can be send to the browser using the Write method and
the shortcut method. Why is that when string is being written one cannot use %>?

8. Which one will result in an error: Response.Write (< HR LENGTH=30%> or <HR

LENGTH=30\>)? Which one is correct: Response.Write (< IMG SRC= “Trial.gif”>) or
Response.Write (“<IMG SRC= “”Trial.gif”” >”)?

9. Explain giving a few examples how you can use the Server.HTML Encode to send text
coded so that the browser does not interpret it as HTML. What is the shortcut < %=_%>
equivalent to?

10. When is it preferable to use the shortcut < %=_%> and when should you avoid using it?
What are the ways, as mentioned in the chapter, through which you can send the user from
one page to another?

11. What are cookies? How would place cookies on a visitor’s machine? What property of the
Response Object would you use to instruct the proxy whether to cache or not? What
happens when you set the CacheControl value to “private”?

Answers: Self Assessment

1. client 2. Response.AddHeader

3. Response 4. Web page

5. HTTP 6. Buffered


Web Programming

Notes 7. Browser 8. String

9. Response. Write 10. Response.Redirect

11. Response.Flush 12. Response.End

13. Response.Clear 14. visitor’s

15. code

10.8 Further Readings

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons

John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)

Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server Pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 11: Using Request Objects

Unit 11: Using Request Objects Notes




11.1 Standard HTTP Headers

11.2 Accessing Environmental Variables

11.3 Using Cookies

11.3.1 Practical Uses for Cookies

11.3.2 What Information can a Cookie Extract?

11.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cookies

11.4 Summary

11.5 Keywords

11.6 Review Questions

11.7 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize the standard HTTP headers

 Describe Environmental variables

 Demonstrate the Cookies


The Request object can be used to get the information from the client HTTP header and body.
A HTTP header is a single piece of information, sent either from the client to the server or from
the server to the client, whenever a client request a page. The HTTP headers are useful for
obtaining information about the current visitor. This unit will introduce you to HTTP headers,
standard HTTP headers and how one can read these headers using the Request object. But we
need more than HTTP headers to tell about the web server or the asp page that is being requested
by the client, which leads us to environmental variables. Environmental variables contain
information such as the name of the web server, the URL of the currently processing ASP page,
or the name of the name of the web server software being used. Lastly you will learn about
using cookies and to write cookies using the Response Object. Retrieving the Results of a Form.

Caution The Request object retrieves the values that the client browser passed to the server
during an HTTP request.

Accessing the HTTP Headers (Useful HTTP Headers, Reading the HTTP Headers with Request,
Server Variables). In a client-server model, when client is a web browser communicating with
the server, requesting a web page.


Web Programming

Notes The server returns the web page to the client.

Client Server
The client request a web page from the server

When the client requests a web page from the server it not only sends the URL of the web page
requested but also some additional information. This extra information consists of useful facts about
the client for example, what browser is being used, what operating system the client is running,
what URL the user just came from. Each piece of additional information is referred as a request

A request header is a single line of text that browser sends to the web server when requesting to
view any web page.

When the server sends back the requested web page to the client, it also sends a set of headers,
known as response headers. Response headers are additional bits of information about the web
page being sent to the client. Both the request headers and the response headers are referred to,
more generally, as HTTP headers.

Did u know? What is HTTP header?

An HTTP header is a single piece of information, sent either from the client to the server,
when requesting a page, request.

11.1 Standard HTTP Headers

HTTP Header name Description

HTTP_ACCEPT A list of MIME type the client will Accept
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGAGUE what type of language the browser expects
HTTP_CONNECTION the type of connection established between the client and web
HTTP_HOST the host name of the computer
HTTP_USER_AGENT the browser type and version and operatingsystem
information system of the client
HTTP_REFERER the full URL of the web page containing the hyperlink use to
reach the currently executing ASP page
HTTP_COOKIE the cookies sent from the browser

Reading HTTP Headers with Request.ServerVariables

Using ASP, one can read the headers that the browser sends to the web server using the request
object. Specifically, the use of the server variables is collections of the request objects. To display
HTTP headers simply issue the following statement:-

This displays the exact list of header sent be the browser to the web server to display a formulated
list of headers, use the following commands:
<%=request.server variable (“HTTP_headername”) %>


Unit 11: Using Request Objects



1. Must prefix the name of the header with HTTP

2. How Request.ServerVariables (“ALL_HTTP) formats the list of HTTP headers. All

header names are capitalized and prefixed by HTTP_also, all dashes in the header
names are replaced with underscores, and the space between the colons at the value
of the header is removed. Request.ServerVariables (“ALL_RAW”) performs no
formatting to the request headers.

3. Reference header is present if the page has reached through a hyperlink on a different
web page.

Task Give answers to following questions:

1. Explain what a HTTP header is. Name some of the standard HTTP headers.

2. Explain how HTTP headers are read with Request.ServerVariables.

11.2 Accessing Environmental Variables

Useful Environment Variables, Reading the Environment Variables, Using Request,


The HTTP headers are useful for obtaining information about the current visitor but tell nothing
about the web server or the asp page that is being requested by the client.

Environmental variables are bits of information that the web server makes available to any
program that requests them. Environmental variables contain information such as the name of
the web server, the URL of the currently processing ASP page, or the name of the name of the
web server software being used.

Commonly used Environment Variables

Environment Variables Description

URL the URL of the ASP page from after
http\\ to the query string.
Path_info the same as the URL environment variable
Path_translated the full, physical path of the currently executing ASP page.
Appl_physical_path the physical address of the web’s root directory
Query_string the query string (equivalent to request every string)
Server_name the web server’s computer name
Server_software the name of the web software

Reading Environmental Variables using Request. Server Variables

The environmental variables are accessed much like the HTTP headers. The Request.
ServerVariables collection is used in the following format:


Web Programming

Notes Request.Server Variables (Environment Variable Name)

List all server variables. ASP contains ASP code that lists all the items in the Request.
ServerVariables collection. The server variable collection contains both environment variables
and HTTP headers< both will be displayed when listing the contents of the collection.

Many environment variables do not contain a value. For example, the environment variables
prefixed with CERT all contain empty strings as their values. This is because these variables are
used only when the client and server use certificates. When a browser and web server communicate
over a secure channel, certificates are used to ensure the identity of the client to the server.

All environment variables do not have values all the times. When a web server is not using SSL,
the certificate environment variables are empty strings, much like the referrer HTTP header
contains an empty string when the page is not visited via a hyperlink. There are some that are
never empty such as URL, PATH_INFO, and PATH_ TRANSLATED

If you want to display the URL of the currently running ASP page, you would use the URL
environment variable. The URL environment variable does not show the http: web server name,
simply the full virtual path and filename. Another environment variable, Server_Name, contains
the actual host name of the web server. The SERVER_NAME environment variable can be used in
confection with the URL environment variable to retrieve the full URL of the ASP page.

Task What are environmental variables? Name some of the commonly used
environmental variables.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. Using ASP, one can read the headers that the browser sends to the web server using the

2. A …………………….. is a single line of text that browser sends to the web server when
requesting to view any web page.

3. All environment variables do not have …………………….. all the times.

4. When a web server is not using SSL, the certificate environment variables are
…………………….. strings.

5. The URL environment variable does not show the http: web server name, simply the full
…………………….. and filename.

6. Response headers are additional bits of information about the …………………….. being
sent to the client.

7. The server variable collection contains both …………………….. and HTTP headers both
will be displayed when listing the contents of the collection.

11.3 Using Cookies

What are cookies? How to read Cookies, Using the Request Object, How to write Cookies using
the Response Object, Advantages and disadvantages of using cookies.

Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections (such as CGI scripts) can use to
both store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection. The addition of a


Unit 11: Using Request Objects

simple, persistent, client-side state significantly extends the capabilities of Web-based client/ Notes
server applications.

An Overview

A server, when returning an HTTP object to a client, may also send a piece of state information
which the client will store. Included in that state object is a description of the range of URLs for
which that state is valid. Any future HTTP requests made by the client which fall in that range
will include a transmittal of the current value of the state object from the client back to the
server. The state object is called a cookie, for no compelling reason.

This simple mechanism provides a powerful new tool which enables a host of new types of applications
to be written for web-based environments. Shopping applications can now store information about
the currently selected items, for fee services can send back registration information and free the
client from retyping a user-id on next connection, sites can store per-user preferences on the client,
and have the client supply those preferences every time that site is connected to.

Did u know? What is the specification of a cookie?

A cookie is introduced to the client by including a Set-Cookie header as part of an HTTP

response, typically this will be generated by a CGI script.

Syntax of the Set-Cookie HTTP Response Header

This is the format a CGI script would use to add to the HTTP headers a new piece of data which
is to be stored by the client for later retrieval.
Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE;
path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure

This string is a sequence of characters excluding semi-colon, comma and white space. If there is
a need to place such data in the name or value, some encoding method such as URL style %XX
encoding is recommended, though no encoding is defined or required.
This is the only required attribute on the Set-Cookie header.

The expires attribute specifies a date string that defines the valid life time of that cookie. Once
the expiration date has been reached, the cookie will no longer be stored or given out.
The date string is formatted as:

This is based on variations that the only legal time zone is GMT and the separators between the
elements of the date must be dashes.
Expires is an optional attribute. If not specified, the cookie will expire when the user’s session ends.

Notes There is a bug in Netscape Navigator version 1.1 and earlier. Only cookies whose
path attribute is set explicitly to “/” will be properly saved between sessions if they have
an expires attribute.


Web Programming

Notes When searching the cookie list for valid cookies, a comparison of the domain attributes of the
cookie is made with the Internet domain name of the host from which the URL will be fetched.
If there is a tail match, then the cookie will go through path matching to see if it should be sent.
“Tail matching” means that domain attribute is matched against the tail of the fully qualified
domain name of the host. A domain attribute of “” would match host names
“” as well as “”.

Only hosts within the specified domain can set a cookie for a domain and domains must have at
least two (2) or three (3) periods in them to prevent domains of the form: “.com”, “.edu”, and
“”. Any domain that fails within one of the seven special top level domains listed below
only require two periods. Any other domain requires at least three. The seven special top level
domains are: “COM”, “EDU”, “NET”, “ORG”, “GOV”, “MIL”, and “INT”.

The default value of domain is the host name of the server which generated the cookie response.

The path attribute is used to specify the subset of URLs in a domain for which the cookie is valid.
If a cookie has already passed domain matching, then the pathname component of the URL is
compared with the path attribute, and if there is a match, the cookie is considered valid and is
sent along with the URL request. The path “/foo” would match “/foobar” and “/foo/bar.html”.
The path “/” is the most general path.

If the path is not specified, it as assumed to be the same path as the document being described by
the header which contains the cookie.


If a cookie is marked secure, it will only be transmitted if the communications channel with the
host is a secure one. Currently this means that secure cookies will only be sent to HTTPS (HTTP
over SSL) servers.

If secure is not specified, a cookie is considered safe to be sent in the clear over unsecured channels.

Syntax of the Cookie HTTP Request Header

When requesting a URL from an HTTP server, the browser will match the URL against all
cookies and if any of them match, a line containing the name/value pairs of all matching
cookies will be included in the HTTP request. Here is the format of that line:

11.3.1 Practical Uses for Cookies

Cookies were created to maintain user information and to customize web sites. In many cases,
they make it easier to navigate and use the Internet.

Example: Upon are first visit to a site the user are often asked to register by giving name
and a password for access to that site. The site will then place a cookie on the user’s hard drive,
which contains that information. When the user return to that site, the cookie is retrieved and
read and the web site “recognizes” the user as an authorized guest. This means that the user only
have to register once, instead of having to enter information every time the user access the site.

Because cookies allow a site to know who you are, they can customize information for you. It’s like
going into a store where the salesperson knows you personally and knows your preferences so he
or she is able to present you with customized merchandise in order to make your shopping easier.


Unit 11: Using Request Objects

11.3.2 What Information can a Cookie Extract? Notes

Cookies cannot be used to get data or view data off your hard drive. Cookies do not give anyone
access to your computer or any personal information about you unless you have given that
information to the website by answering questions or filling in a form. For example, the site
cannot determine your e-mail name or your address unless you gave it to them. Cookies cannot
give your computer a virus. Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any
other site access to the rest of your computer. Only the site that created the cookie can read it.
And yet, cookies have a very bad reputation.

Loss of Privacy

The reason that cookies have gotten so much bad press recently is that cookies represent a
potential loss of privacy. Cookies, by design are meant to work invisibly. They are used to track
people and their activities and that makes many people uncomfortable.
Cookies can potentially be used to build detailed profiles of your interests, spending habits and
lifestyle. An innocent use of this information might be to target advertising campaigns to
specific groups or individuals. However, it is scary to contemplate the fact that some individual
or group might be able to accumulate information about our private activities and personal
preferences. There is a possibility that some unscrupulous group could potentially accumulate
such information and sell it to companies to be used for their own purposes.
Cookies are like a personal tag or tracer. Some people see this as the most invasive of privacy.
However, you must realize that every time you log on to a website you give away a lot of
information. Any website that you visit can determine your:
 Service provider
 Operating System
 Browser type
 CPU type
 IP address

Cookie Use is Something to Ponder

The main concern about cookies is that they work without anyone’s knowledge or permission.
Some people consider the use of this information harmless, but some find the gathering of
information in this manner invasive to their privacy. We, personally, do not mind the use of
cookies, but I fear that this loss of privacy, however small, may lead to more loss of privacy as
technology continues its onward march into our live

Task Analyze in a group of four that how cookies work without anyone’s knowledge or

11.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cookies

We used cookies in our application to allow us to store what the user has selected to be ordered.
We used cookies for the following reasons:
 The data becomes attached to the customer. If he/she starts to make an order and then
jumps to a different HTML document and returns later, the items that had been selected
earlier are still selected.


Web Programming

Notes  The Order Form could be on several screens, with each screen adding information to the

 The disadvantages of using cookies for this application are:

 If a user has an old browser that doesn’t support cookies, this application will not work.

 In some browsers a user can turn on a warning every time an application attempts
to write a cookie. If the user accepts the cookie, everything works fine.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections (such as CGI scripts) can
use to both store and retrieve information on the ………………. of the connection.

9. A……………….., when returning an HTTP object to a client, may also send a piece of state
information which the client will store.

10. Any future HTTP requests made by the client which fall in that range will include a
transmittal of the current value of the ………………. from the client back to the server.

11. If a cookie contains a collection of multiple values, we say that the cookie has ……………….

12. If your application deals with ………………… that do not support cookies, you will have
to use other methods to pass information from one page to another in your application.

13. Some people consider the use of this information harmless, but some find the gathering of
information in this manner invasive to their ……………….

14. A cookie is introduced to the client by including a …………………… header as part of an

HTTP response.

15. ………………… cannot be used to get data or view data off your hard drive.

Caselet Test Your Network

he focus of this week’s pick of software is on tools for network testing. The programs
featured here are mostly shareware, except where indicated.

Webserver Stress Tool

Webserver Stress Tool is an easy-to-use, versatile load and stress test for Web servers.
It simulates any number of simultaneous users accessing a Web server and helps to
streamline your Web application. Any Web page can be tested. It optionally handles
proxies, passwords, user agents, cookies and ASP-session IDs.
Filesize: 2969 KB
Platform: Windows (All)
Download location:
TracePlus32 Web Detective
TracePlus32 Web Detective is an HTTP trace/analysis tool specifically designed for Web
development. It decodes HTTP, DASL, or WebDAV protocol and displays it in an easy-to-


Unit 11: Using Request Objects

understand format. HTTP protocol help is provided by a Windows help file which is Notes
hyperlinked to the Web Detective. 128 MB of RAM is recommended.

Filesize: 2030 KB

Platform: Windows (All)

Download location:


WAPT is a load and stress-testing tool for Web sites and intranet applications. It provides
ways for accurate load simulation, run-time test data generation and more.

You can use the task editor to create task or use the built-in recorder to record the actions
of a virtual user, which can then be replayed, edited and tested. WAPT can simulate
multiple users for each scenario, custom implement delays between requests and
dynamically generate test data parameters. Additional features include support for secure
sites and user authorisation, simultaneous testing, batch operation and more.

Filesize: 1650 KB

Platform: Windows (All)

Download location:

WebPartner Test and Performance Center

This software measures Website performance from a customer’s perspective. It provides a

browser-based Web interface that allows you to quickly find, fix and prevent performance
bottlenecks and failures within your Web applications.

Features include stress testing, Web service testings and URL monitoring. You can simulate
unlimited simultaneous users accessing your Website applications from the Internet, test
Web services and monitor any HTTP, HTTPS, XML and SOAP formatted transactions.

In addition, the URL monitoring option provides intelligent Website monitoring, escalation
and notification features to help e-businesses ensure that Web pages are available and
downloading quickly.

Filesize: 81075 KB

Platform: Windows NT/2K

Download location:


EasyWebLoad (EWL) is a tool to load-test your company Website. You can use it to
performance and stress test one page or multiple pages or an entire Website.

You can simulate the behaviour of virtual users and have full control of what URLs each
virtual user uses, the URL loading sequence and also the time interval between Web page

EasyWebLoad supports static HTML pages, .JSPs, .ASPs and Perl CGI scripts as well as
HTTP, Authentication, Proxy Server, .Get and .Post methods and name pair query strings
for Get and Post methods. It does not support HTTPS (SSL) at this time.

Filesize: 852 KB

Platform: Windows (All)



Web Programming

Notes Download location:

Jblitz Pro

JBlitz Pro is a multi-threaded, multi-page Web site stress and load test tool. It exercises
critical pathways on your site using hundreds of threads to simulate multiple concurrent

Features include cookie support, performance monitoring, auto error detection, fine-
grained thread control, built-in logging, error string searching, graphing and thread activity

HTTP request headers are fully configurable, and you can view returned Web pages along
with their headers. The program is fine for resilience testing dynamic sites with CGI, ASP,
JSP, database access, etc.

Filesize: 7796 KB

Platform: Windows (All)

Download location:

Web Roller

Web Roller is a load-testing tool that provides a consistent and reliable way to test and
learn about performance characteristics of Web and Intranet applications before putting
them on the market.

It records real-time user activity in terms of HTTP requests and creates a simple script, that
you can modify using embedded test data generating capabilities. You can set various
parameters and then run script or a batch of scripts and test performance.

Filesize: 1219 KB

Platform: Windows NT/2000/XP

Download location:

11.4 Summary

 A request header is a single line of text that browser sends to the web server when
requesting to view any web page. When the server sends back the requested web page to
the client, it also sends a set of headers, known as response headers. Response headers are
additional bits of information about the web page being sent to the client. Both the request
headers and the response headers are referred to, more generally, as HTTP headers.

 Some of the standard HTTP headers include HTTP_ACCEPT, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,


 Using ASP, one can read the headers that the browser sends to the web server using the
request object. Specifically, the use of the server variables is collections of the request objects.

 Environmental variables are bits of information that the web server makes available to
any program that requests them. Environmental variables contain information such as
the name of the web server, the URL of the currently processing ASP page, or the name of
the name of the web server software being used.

 The commonly used Environmental Variables are URL, Path_info, Path_translated,

Appl_physical_path, Query_string, Server_name, Server_software


Unit 11: Using Request Objects

 The environmental variables are accessed much like the HTTP headers. ASP contains ASP Notes
code that lists all the items in the Request.ServerVariables collection. The server variable
collection contains both environment variables and HTTP headers. Both will be displayed
when listing the contents of the collection.

 Many environment variables do not contain a value. For example, the environment
variables prefixed with CERT all contain empty strings as their values. This is because
these variables are used only when the client and server use certificates.

 All environment variables do not have values all the times. When a web server is not
using SSL, the certificate environment variables are empty strings. There are some that are
never empty such as URL, PATH_INFO, and PATH_ TRANSLATED.

 URL environmental variable is used to display the URL of the currently running ASP
page. The URL environment variable does not show the http: web server name, simply the
full virtual path and filename.

 Another environment variable, Server_Name, contains the actual host name of the web
server. The SERVER_NAME environment variable can be used in confection with the URL
environment variable to retrieve the full URL of the ASP page.

 Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections can use to both store and
retrieve information on the client side of the connection.

 A server, when returning an HTTP object to a client, may also send a piece of state
information which the client will store and included in that state object is a description of
the range of URLs for which that state is valid. Any future HTTP requests made by the
client, which fall in that range will include a transmittal of the current value of the state
object from the client, back to the server. The state object is called a cookie. This simple
mechanism provides a powerful new tool, which enables a host of new types of applications
to be written for web-based environments.

 A cookie is introduced to the client by including a Set-Cookie header as part of an HTTP

response. Syntax of the Set-Cookie HTTP Response Header is the format a CGI script
would use to add to the HTTP headers a new piece of data which is to be stored by the
client for later retrieval.

 If a cookie is marked secure, it will only be transmitted if the communications channel

with the host is a secure one. If secure is not specified, a cookie is considered safe to be sent
in the clear over unsecured channels.

 When requesting a URL from an HTTP server, the browser will match the URL against all
cookies and if any of them match, a line containing the name/value pairs of all matching
cookies will be included in the HTTP request.

11.5 Keywords

Cookies: Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections can use to both store
and retrieve information on the client side of the connection.

Environmental Variables: Environmental variables are bits of information that the web server
makes available to any program that requests them.

HTTP Header: A HTTP header is a single piece of information, sent either from the client to the
server or from the server to the client, when requesting a page. Thus, it includes both the request
headers and the response headers.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is an application level protocol.


Web Programming

Notes HTTPS: HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Request Header: A request header is a single line of text that browser sends to the web server
when requesting to view any web page.

Request.Cookies Property: The Request.Cookies property can be used to retrieve the values
stored in the client’s cookie.

Request.ServerVariables: The Request.ServerVariables property can be used to retrieve

information about the predefined server variables.

Response Header: Response headers are additional bits of information about the web page being
sent to the client.

11.6 Review Questions

1. Examine the name of the response header that sends detailed information about the browser
and operating system being used by the client.

2. Explain what environment variable returns the physical address of your Web’s root directory?

3. What does the URL environment variable contain? What kinds of data types can a cookie
not store?

4. Create an ASP page named DeleteAllCookies.asp. Write code that will delete all the
cookies your Web site has created on the client’s computer. (Hint: Remember that cookies
are deleted when they expire!)

5. Substantiate ServerVariables collection? Some environmental variables do not contain

values. Why is that? Name some environmental variables, which do not contain values.

6. Demonstrate some of the environmental variables, which do not contain variables all the
time. Explain with the proper example.

7. Discuss some of the environmental variables which contain values all the time. Explain
with the proper example.

8. The Cookies collection is used to set or get cookie values. Comment

9. Cookies were created to maintain user information and to customize web sites. Analyze

10. Cookies can potentially be used to build detailed profiles of your interests, spending
habits and lifestyle. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Give reasons to
support your answer.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. request object 2. request header

3. values 4. empty

5. virtual path 6. web page

7. environment variables 8. client side

9. server 10. state object

11. Keys 12. Browsers

13. Privacy 14. Set-Cookie

15. Cookies


Unit 11: Using Request Objects

11.7 Further Readings Notes

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons

John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)

Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server Pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


Web Programming Mandeep Kaur, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 12: Recordset Object




12.1 The Recordset Object

12.1.1 CursorType Property

12.2 Filter Property

12.2.1 Settings and Return Values

12.3 Fields Collection

12.3.1 Sorting of Recordset

12.4 Summary

12.5 Keywords

12.6 Review Questions

12.7 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Define record set object

 Describe filter property

 Explain fields collection


Enhancing Information Retrieval (Using the fields Collection); Understanding the cursor type
and cursor location properties; sorting recordsets; filtering recordsets (filtering recordsets bases
on user input).

The Recordset object represents a set of records returned from a database query. It is used to
examine and manipulate data within a database. Combined with the cursor service, it enables us
to move through the records, find particular records that fit certain criteria, sort records in a
particular order, and update records.

The Recordset object is probably the most commonly used ADO object. It has a rather more
complex interface than the other objects in the ADO object model which exposes many more
methods and properties. Once we have created and populated a recordset, we can then use other
parts of the interface to work with the contents of the recordset.

A Recordset object allows us to access individual records( the rows of the database) and fields
(the columns). The set of fields associated with a recordset (and with each individual record) is
accessible through the Fields collection and Field object.

Like the Command and Record objects, a Recordset can either exist on its own or be attached to
a Connection. The latter is a preferred option when we are creating several recordsets within a


Unit 12: Recordset Object

page, because it means that the connection to the data doesn’t have to be opened each time we Notes
create a recordset. We can either update record in records in a recordset one record at a time, or
we can batch a set of changes to various records, and then execute database update in one step.
Recordset objects can also be disconnected from a data store, so that changes can be made to the
data in an off-line state, and then updated when the recordset is reconnected to the database.

Caution This allows for the movement of entire recordsets from the server to client for
update and manipulation.

12.1 The Recordset Object


You use Recordset objects to manipulate data from a provider. When you use ADO, you
manipulate data almost entirely using Recordset objects. All Recordset objects consist of records
(rows) and fields (columns). Depending on the functionality supported by the provider, some
Recordset methods or properties may not be available.

ADODB.Recordset is the ProgID that should be used to create a Recordset object. Existing
applications that reference the outdated ADOR. Recordset ProgID will continue to work without
recompiling, but new development should reference ADODB.Recordset.

Task Analyze practically that how Recordset object represents a set of records returned
from a database query.

There are four different cursor types defined in ADO:

 Dynamic cursor — allows you to view additions, changes, and deletions by other users;
allows all types of movement through the Recordset that doesn’t rely on bookmarks; and
allows bookmarks if the provider supports them.

 Keyset cursor — behaves like a dynamic cursor, except that it prevents you from seeing
records that other users add, and prevents access to records that other users delete. Data
changes by other users will still be visible. It always supports bookmarks and therefore
allows all types of movement through the Recordset.

 Static cursor — provides a static copy of a set of records for you to use to find data or
generate reports; always allows bookmarks and therefore allows all types of movement
through the Recordset. Additions, changes, or deletions by other users will not be visible.
This is the only type of cursor allowed when you open a client-side Recordset object.

 Forward-only cursor — allows you to only scroll forward through the Recordset. Additions,
changes, or deletions by other users will not be visible. This improves performance in
situations where you need to make only a single pass through a Recordset.


Web Programming

Notes Set the CursorType property prior to opening the Recordset to choose the cursor type, or pass a
CursorType argument with the Open method. Some providers don’t support all cursor types.
Check the documentation for the provider. If you don’t specify a cursor type, ADO opens a
forward-only cursor by default.

If the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient to open a Recordset, the UnderlyingValue

property on Field objects is not available in the returned Recordset object. When used with some
providers (such as the Microsoft ODBC Provider for OLE DB in conjunction with Microsoft SQL
Server), you can create Recordset objects independently of a previously defined Connection
object by passing a connection string with the Open method. ADO still creates a Connection
object, but it doesn’t assign that object to an object variable. However, if you are opening
multiple Recordset objects over the same connection, you should explicitly create and open a
Connection object; this assigns the Connection object to an object variable.

Notes If you do not use this object variable when opening your Recordset objects, ADO
creates a new Connection object for each new Recordset, even if you pass the same
connection string.

12.1.1 CursorType Property

Indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object.

Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a CursorTypeEnum value. The default value is adOpenForwardOnly.


Use the CursorType property to specify the type of cursor that should be used when opening the
Recordset object.

Only a setting of adOpenStatic is supported if the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient.

If an unsupported value is set, then no error will result; the closest supported CursorType will
be used instead.

If a provider does not support the requested cursor type, it may return another cursor type. The
CursorType property will change to match the actual cursor type in use when the Recordset
object is open. To verify specific functionality of the returned cursor, use the Supports method.
After you close the Recordset, the CursorType property reverts to its original setting.

The following chart shows the provider functionality (identified by Supports method constants)
required for each cursor type.

For a Recordset of this CursorType The Supports method must return True for all of these constants
adOpenForwardOnly None
AdOpenKeyset adBookmark, adHoldRecords, adMovePrevious, adResync
adOpenDynamic AdMovePrevious
AdOpenStatic adBookmark, adHoldRecords, adMovePrevious, adResync


Unit 12: Recordset Object


Notes Although Supports (adUpdateBatch) may be true for dynamic and forward-only
cursors, for batch updates you should use either a keyset or static cursor. Set the LockType
property to adLockBatchOptimistic and the CursorLocation property to adUseClient to
enable the Cursor Service for OLE DB, which is required for batch updates.

The CursorType property is read/write when the Recordset is closed and read-only when it is

Remote Data Service Usage When used on a client-side Recordset object, the CursorType property
can be set only to adOpenStatic.

CursorLocation Property

Indicates the location of the cursor service.

Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a Long value that can be set to one of the CursorLocationEnum values.


This property allows you to choose between various cursor libraries accessible to the provider.
Usually, you can choose between using a client-side cursor library or one that is located on the

This property setting affects connections established only after the property has been set. Changing
the CursorLocation property has no effect on existing connections.

Cursors returned by the Execute method inherit this setting. Recordset objects will automatically
inherit this setting from their associated connections.

This property is read/write on a Connection or a closed Recordset, and read-only on an open


Remote Data Service Usage When used on a client-side Recordset or Connection object, the
CursorLocation property can only be set to adUseClient.

You can create as many Recordset objects as needed.

When you open a Recordset, the current record is positioned to the first record (if any) and the
BOF and EOF properties are set to False. If there are no records, the BOF and EOF property
settings are True.

You can use the MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious methods; the Move method;
and the AbsolutePosition, AbsolutePage, and Filter properties to reposition the current record,
assuming the provider supports the relevant functionality. Forward-only Recordset objects
support only the MoveNext method. When you use the Move methods to visit each record (or
enumerate the Recordset), you can use the BOF and EOF properties to determine if you’ve
moved beyond the beginning or end of the RFilter Property

Task Evaluate the two types of updating that Recordset Object supports.


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. The set of fields associated with a recordset (and with each individual record) is accessible
through the ............................ and Field object.

2. You use ............................ objects to manipulate data from a provider.

3. ............................ provides a static copy of a set of records for you to use to find data or
generate reports.

4. Set the CursorType property prior to opening the Recordset to choose the cursor type, or
pass a CursorType argument with the ............................

5. If a ............................ does not support the requested cursor type, it may return another
cursor type.

6. Sets or returns a Long value that can be set to one of the ............................ values.

7. To verify specific functionality of the returned cursor, use the ............................ method.

12.2 Filter Property

Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset.

12.2.1 Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a Variant value, which can contain one of the following:
 Criteria string — a string made up of one or more individual clauses concatenated with
AND or OR operators.
 Array of bookmarks — an array of unique bookmark values that point to records in the
Recordset object.
 A FilterGroupEnum value.


Use the Filter property to selectively screen out records in a Recordset object. The filtered
Recordset becomes the current cursor. Other properties that return values based on the current
cursor are affected, such as AbsolutePosition, AbsolutePage, RecordCount, and PageCount. This
is because setting the Filter property to a specific value will move the current record to the first
record that satisfies the new value.

The criteria string is made up of clauses in the form FieldName-Operator-Value (for example,
“LastName = ‘Smith’”). You can create compound clauses by concatenating individual clauses
with AND (for example, “LastName = ‘Smith’ AND FirstName = ‘John’”) or OR (for example,
“LastName = ‘Smith’ OR LastName = ‘Jones’”). Use the following guidelines for criteria strings:

 FieldName must be a valid field name from the Recordset. If the field name contains
spaces, you must enclose the name in square brackets.

 Operator must be one of the following: <, >, <=, >=, <>, =, or LIKE.

 Value is the value with which you will compare the field values (for example, ‘Smith’, #8/
24/95#, 12.345, or $50.00). Use single quotes with strings and pound signs (#) with dates.


Unit 12: Recordset Object

For numbers, you can use decimal points, dollar signs, and scientific notation. If Operator Notes
is LIKE, Value can use wildcards. Only the asterisk (*) and percent sign (%) wild cards are
allowed, and they must be the last character in the string. Value cannot be null.

Notes To include single quotation marks (‘) in the filter Value, use two single quotation
marks to represent one. For example, to filter on O’Malley, the criteria string should be
“col1 = ‘O’’Malley’”. To include single quotation marks at both the beginning and the end
of the filter value, enclose the string with pound signs (#). For example, to filter on ‘1’, the
criteria string should be “col1 = #’1'#”.

 There is no precedence between AND and OR. Clauses can be grouped within parentheses.
However, you cannot group clauses joined by an OR and then join the group to another
clause with an AND, like this:
(LastName = ‘Smith’ OR LastName = ‘Jones’) AND FirstName = ‘John’

 Instead, you would construct this filter as

LastName = ‘Smith’ AND FirstName = ‘John’) OR (LastName = ‘Jones’
AND FirstName = ‘John’)

 In a LIKE clause, you can use a wildcard at the beginning and end of the pattern

Example: LastName Like ‘*mit*’

, or only at the end of the pattern

Example: LastName Like ‘Smit*’

The filter constants make it easier to resolve individual record conflicts during batch update
mode by allowing you to view, for example, only those records that were affected during the
last UpdateBatch method call.

Setting the Filter property itself may fail because of a conflict with the underlying data (for
example, a record has already been deleted by another user). In such a case, the provider returns
warnings to the Errors collection but does not halt program execution. A run-time error occurs
only if there are conflicts on all the requested records. Use the Status property to locate records
with conflicts.

Setting the Filter property to a zero-length string (“”) has the same effect as using the adFilterNone

Whenever the Filter property is set, the current record position moves to the first record in the
filtered subset of records in the Recordset. Similarly, when the Filter property is cleared, the
current record position moves to the first record in the Recordset.

When a Recordset is filtered based on a field of some variant type (e.g., sql_variant), an error
(DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH or 80020005) will result if the subtypes of the field and filter values
used in the criteria string do not match. For example, if a Recordset object (rs) contains a column
(C) of the sql_variant type and a field of this column has been assigned a value of 1 of the I4 type,
setting the criteria string of rs.Filter = “C=’A’” on the field will produce the error at run time.
However, rs.Filter = “C=2” applied on the same field will not produce any error although the
field will be filtered out of the current record set.


Web Programming


Did u know? What are Filters?

Only Filters in the form of Criteria Strings (e.g. OrderDate > ’12/31/1999') affect the
contents of a persisted Recordset. Filters created with an Array of Bookmarks or using a
value from the FilterGroupEnum will not affect the contents of the persisted Recordset.
These rules apply to Recordsets created with either client-side or server-side cursors.

When you apply the adFilterPendingRecords flag to a filtered and modified Recordset in the
batch update mode, the resultant Recordset is empty if the filtering was based on the key field of
a single-keyed table and the modification was made on the key field values.

The resultant Recordset will be non-empty if one of the following is true:

 The filtering was based on non-key fields in a single-keyed table.

 The filtering was based on any fields in a multiple-keyed table.

 Modifications were made on non-key fields in a single-keyed table.

 Modifications were made on any fields in a multiple-keyed table.

The following table summarizes the effects of adFilterPendingRecords in different combinations

of filtering and modifications. The left column shows the possible modifications; modifications
can be made on any of the non-keyed fields, on the key field in a single-keyed table, or on any
of the key fields in a multiple-keyed table. The top row shows the filtering criterion; filtering
can be based on any of the non-keyed fields, the key field in a single-keyed table, or any of the
key fields in a multiple-keyed table. The intersecting cells show the results: + means that applying
adFilterPendingRecords results in a non-empty Recordset; - means an empty Recordset.

Non keys Single Key Multiple Keys

Non keys + + +

Single Key + - N/A

Multiple Keys + N/A +

Before using any functionality of a Recordset object, you must call the Supports method on the
object to verify that the functionality is supported or available. You must not use the functionality
when the Supports method returns false.

Example: you can use the MovePrevious method only if Recordset. Supports
(adMovePrevious) returns true.

Otherwise, you will get an error, because the Recordset object might have been closed and the
functionality rendered unavailable on the instance. If a feature you are interested in is not
supported, Supports will return false as well. In this case, you should avoid calling the
corresponding property or method on the Recrodset object.

Recordset objects can support two types of updating: immediate and batched. In immediate
updating, all changes to data are written immediately to the underlying data source once you
call the Update method. You can also pass arrays of values as parameters with the AddNew and
Update methods and simultaneously update several fields in a record.

If a provider supports batch updating, you can have the provider cache changes to more than one
record and then transmit them in a single call to the database with the UpdateBatch method. This


Unit 12: Recordset Object

applies to changes made with the AddNew, Update, and Delete methods. After you call the Notes
UpdateBatch method, you can use the Status property to check for any data conflicts in order to
resolve them.

Notes To execute a query without using a Command object, pass a query string to the
Open method of a Recordset object. However, a Command object is required when you
want to persist the command text and re-execute it, or use query parameters.

The Mode property governs access permissions.

The Fields collection is the default member of the Recordset object. As a result, the following
two code statements are equivalent.

Debug.Print objRs.Fields.Item(0) ‘ Both statements print

Debug.Print objRs(0) ‘ the Value of Item(0).

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. An …………………… of unique bookmark values that point to records in the Recordset object.

9. The filtered Recordset becomes the …………………… cursor.

10. The criteria string is made up of …………………… in the form FieldName-Operator-


11. Whenever the …………………… is set, the current record position moves to the first
record in the filtered subset of records in the Recordset.

12. The …………………… property governs access permissions.

12.3 Fields Collection

Contains all the Field objects of a Recordset or Record object.


A Recordset object has a Fields collection made up of Field objects. Each Field object corresponds
to a column in the Recordset. You can populate the Fields collection before opening the Recordset
by calling the Refresh method on the collection.

The Fields collection has an Append method, which provisionally creates and adds a Field object
to the collection, and an Update method, which finalizes any additions or deletions.

A Record object has two special fields that can be indexed with FieldEnum constants. One
constant accesses a field containing the default stream for the Record, and the other accesses a
field containing the absolute URL string for the Record.


Web Programming

Notes Certain providers (for example, the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing) may
populate the Fields collection with a subset of available fields for the Record or Recordset. Other
fields will not be added to the collection until they are first referenced by name or indexed by
your code.

If you attempt to reference a nonexistent field by name, a new Field object will be appended to
the Fields collection with a Status of adFieldPendingInsert. When you call Update, ADO will
create a new field in your data source if allowed by your provider.

When a Recordset object is passed across processes, only the rowset values are marshalled, and
the properties of the Recordset object are ignored. During unmarshalling, the rowset is unpacked
into a newly created Recordset object, which also sets its properties to the default values.

The Recordset object is safe for scripting.

Task Give answers to the following questions:

1. What are the Filter Property Return Values?

2. Explain the The Recordset.Fields Collection.

12.3.1 Sorting of Recordset

We may use SQL to specify how to sort the data in the record set. 

Sort the records on a specified fieldname ascending

set conn=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
set rs = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.recordset”)
sql=”SELECT Companyname, Contactname FROM Customers ORDER BY CompanyName”
rs.Open sql, conn

<table border=”1" width=”100%”>

<%for each x in rs.Fields

response.write(“<th>” & & “</th>”)


<%do until rs.EOF%>

<%for each x in rs.Fields%>



Unit 12: Recordset Object

<%next Notes

Sort the records on a specified fieldname descending
set conn=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
set rs = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.recordset”)
sql=”SELECT Companyname, Contactname FROM Customers ORDER BY CompanyName
rs.Open sql, conn
<table border=”1" width=”100%”>
<%for each x in rs.Fields
response.write(“<th>” & & “</th>”)

<%do until rs.EOF%>

<%for each x in rs.Fields%>
<td><%Response.Write(x.value)%> </td>





Web Programming

Notes </table>

Let the user choose what column to sort on


<table border=”1" width=”100%” bgcolor=”#fff5ee”>

<th align=”left” bgcolor=”#b0c4de”>
<a href=”demo_sort_3.asp?sort=companyname”>Company</a>
<th align=”left” bgcolor=”#b0c4de”>
<a href=”demo_sort_3.asp?sort=contactname”>Contact</a>
if request.querystring(“sort”)<>”” then
end if
set conn=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)

set rs=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.recordset”)
sql=”SELECT Companyname,Contactname FROM Customers ORDER BY “ & sort
rs.Open sql,conn

do until rs.EOF
for each x in rs.Fields

response.write(“<td>” & x.value & “</td>”)





Unit 12: Recordset Object

</table> Notes

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

13. A Record object has two special fields that can be indexed with …………………… constants.

14. During……………………, the rowset is unpacked into a newly created Recordset object,
which also sets its properties to the default values.

15. Each Field object corresponds to a …………………… in the Recordset.

Caselet Google Runs ‘A Little Bit Like a University’

f Google has underwear, who will buy it? This was one of the questions that Sergey
Brin posed to students of an Israeli high school in 2003. “Hands shot up,” writes David
A. Vise in

The Google Story

, from Macmillan ( .

To Brin and Larry Page, the Google guys, named recently ‘Men of the Year’ by

Financial Times

, the project was ‘one of the less technical’ ones.

To check, you may use Google to briefly search for the brief, and see a March 2005 posting
on confirming thus: “UnderGoos (naturally in beta)
offers a full-line of Google-branded undergarments.” Price, however, is £0.00
on ”A project that is closer to our hearts is translation,” Brin told
the students.

The book takes one ‘inside the hottest business, media and technology success of our
time,’ to know how Google, a start-up investment of $1 million, became a market value of
$40 billion, all by word of mouth.

“With its colourful, childlike logo set against a background of pure white, Google’s magical
ability to produce speedy, relevant responses to queries hundreds of millions of times
daily has changed the way people find information and stay abreast of news,” writes Vise
in the introduction.

Ten years ago, search was ‘not pretty,’ is how Rajeev Motwani, “a 30-year old professor
who had been Sergey’s advisor since his arrival at Stanford in 1993", found.

Vise writes about how Motwani had tested a search engine called Inktomi after it was
developed at Berkeley, where he had received his Ph.D.

“He typed in `Inktomi’ to see what would happen. Sure enough, said Motwani, `It wasn’t
there. It couldn’t find itself.” Not so with Google, which shows 800,000,000 results for itself
in 0.17 seconds.


Web Programming

Notes “When Google went looking for someone to ramp up its computer network, Larry and
Sergey hired a brain surgeon, Dr Jim Reese,” informs the book. “Named Google’s
operations chief, Reese managed the company’s burgeon collection of computer hardware.”

Vise narrates the story of how the company “cobbled together a virtual supercomputer
from cheap, commodity PCs.” Back at the Googleplex, the garden-variety PCs got ripped
apart, and all `unnecessary parts that would eat up computing power and resources’ disposed
of, to build streamlined computers, strung together with “software, wiring, and the special
sauce that made Google lightning fast.”

More than one lakh inexpensive PCs, stacked in refrigerator-size racks, remain ‘strictly
off-limits to outsiders’, notes Vise. “PCs burn out and are not replaced. Instead other PCs
take over.”

Learn about the 20 per cent rule in Google from Krishna Bharat, a software engineer in the
company’s research group.

The rule stipulates that engineers spend at least 20 per cent of their time, or one day a
week, working on whatever projects interested them.

“The 20 per cent rule was a way of encouraging innovation, and both Brin and Page saw
this as essential to establishing and maintaining the right culture and creating a place
where bright technologists would want to work and be motivated to come up with
breakthrough ideas.” 3M had something similar - the 15 per cent rule - many years earlier,
notes Vise. A success product that had emerged from such a pursuit was Post-it Notes.

“Rather than having employees moonlighting as inventors at home - with the risk that an
idea will either fail from lack of resources or succeed to the point that they quit to pursue
it full-time - Google gives them both freedom and resources,” observes Vise.

When speaking at the Israeli school, Brin had said, “We run Google a little bit like a
university. We have lots of projects, about 100 of them. We like to have small groups of
people, three or so people, working on projects. Some of them, for example, are related to
molecular biology. Others involve building hardware... The only way you are going to
have success is to have lots of failures first.”

And Brin toys with the idea of plugging into brain ‘a little version of Google’, as you’d
know from the final chapter, titled ‘Googling your genes.’

Dr Craig Venter, who had decoded the human genome, is of the view that genetic
information is going to be the leading edge. “Working with Google, we are trying to
generate a gene catalogue to characterise all the genes on the planet and understand their
evolutionary development. The massive computing power can be used “to analyse vast
quantities of data with billions of parts” says Dr Alan E. Guttmacher, deputy director of
the National Human Genome Research Institute, cited in the book.

“We are beginning to have incredible tools to understand the biology of human diseases
in ways we never have before, and to come up with novel ways to prevent and treat

Fabulous read.

All about ADO.NET

SAHIL Malik, who has been working as a consultant in Microsoft technology for about a
decade, and also leading the office of Emerging Technologies at the National Cancer
Institute, has written


Unit 12: Recordset Object

Pro ADO.NET 2.0 Notes

from Dreamtech Press ( . “ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) was

the premier data access technology under the Microsoft umbrella before ADO.NET was
introduced as an integral part of the .NET Framework,” chronicles Malik.

“What sets ADO.NET apart from previous data access technologies is that it allows you to
interact with your database in a completely disconnected data cache to work with data

Disconnected data access is crucial for today’s high-demand applications, notes the author.

The book has chapters on connecting to a data source, retrieving data in a connected
fashion, DataSets, sorting and searching, updating data, and so on. Of value is the chapter
on ‘best practices’ where Malik discusses the right tools. For instance, he reminds that data
reader consumes less memory than a DataSet.

“A data reader is an object that allows you to access information on only a single row of
data at a given time.

What this means is that, regardless of the size of a result set, traversing this result set with
a data reader will only ever have a single record loaded in memory at a given time.”

There are many flavours of transactions to choose from, writes Malik, listing out the same
‘in an increasing order of management overhead and decreasing order of performance’.

The list begins with implicit transactions, which are automatically associated with any
single SQL statement and ensure “the sanctity of the data during that statement’s execution
time period,” and ends with “storing a snapshot of previous data, which acts as your
`recovery contract’ and a flag on the `in doubt’ rows.”

Helpful notes are strewn all over the book. One such reads, “Retrieving a large volume of
data within the context of a single connection will always be faster than retrieving small
portions and opening and closing the connection each time, because large-block retrieval
causes less network roundtrips and incurs less latency.”

Useful for the ADO techie.

12.4 Summary

 The Recordset object represents a set of records returned from a database query. It is used
to examine and manipulate data within a database. Combined with the cursor service, it
enables us to move through the records, find particular records that fit certain criteria, sort
records in a particular order, and update records.

 A Recordset object allows us to access individual records and fields. The set of fields
associated with a recordset (and with each individual record) is accessible through the
Fields collection and Field object.

 A Recordset can either exist on its own or be attached to a Connection. The latter is a
preferred option when we are creating several recordsets within a page, because it means
that the connection to the data doesn’t have to be opened each time we create a recordset.
We can either update record in records in a recordset one record at a time, or we can batch
a set of changes to various records, and then execute database update in one step.

 Recordset objects can also be disconnected from a data store, so that changes can be made
to the data in an off-line state, and then updated when the recordset is reconnected to the
database. This allows for the movement of entire recordsets from the server to client for
update and manipulation.


Web Programming

Notes  ADODB.Recordset is the ProgID that should be used to create a Recordset object. Existing
applications that reference the outdated ADOR. Recordset ProgID will continue to work
without recompiling, but new development should reference ADODB.Recordset.

 There are four different cursor types defined in ADO. They are dynamic cursor, keyset
cursor, static cursor and forward-only cursor.

 Set the CursorType property prior to opening the Recordset to choose the cursor type, or
pass a CursorType argument with the Open method.

 CursorType Property indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object. It set or
returns a CursorTypeEnum value. The default value is adOpenForwardOnly.

 CursorLocation Property indicates the location of the cursor service. It sets or returns a
Long value that can be set to one of the CursorLocationEnum values.

 Filter Property indicates a filter for data in a Recordset. It sets or returns a Variant value,
which can contain one of the following (a) Criteria string: a string made up of one or more
individual clauses concatenated with AND or OR operators (b) Array of bookmarks: an
array of unique bookmark values that point to records in the Recordset object c) A
FilterGroupEnum value

 Fields Collection contains all the Field objects of a Recordset or Record object.

 A Recordset object has a Fields collection made up of Field objects. Each Field object
corresponds to a column in the Recordset. You can populate the Fields collection before
opening the Recordset by calling the Refresh method on the collection.

 The Fields collection has an Append method, which provisionally creates and adds a Field
object to the collection, and an Update method, which finalizes any additions or deletions.

 A Record object has two special fields that can be indexed with FieldEnum constants. One
constant access a field containing the default stream for the Record, and the other accesses
a field containing the absolute URL string for the Record.

 If you attempt to reference a nonexistent field by name, a new Field object will be appended
to the Fields collection with a Status of adFieldPendingInsert. When you call Update, ADO
will create a new field in your data source if allowed by your provider.

 When a Recordset object is passed across processes, only the rowset values are marshalled, and
the properties of the Recordset object are ignored. During unmarshalling, the rowset is unpacked
into a newly created Recordset object, which also sets its properties to the default values.

12.5 Keywords

ADODB.Recordset: It is the ProgID that should be used to create a Recordset object.

Append Method: It provisionally creates and adds a Field object to the collection.

CursorLocation Property: It indicates the location of the cursor service. It sets or returns a Long
value that can be set to one of the CursorLocationEnum values.

CursorType Property: Indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object.

Dynamic Cursor: Allows you to view additions, changes, and deletions by other users.

Field Object: It corresponds to a column in the Recordset.

Fields Collection: It contains all the Field objects of a Recordset or Record object.

Filter Property: It indicates a filter for data in a Recordset. It sets or returns a Variant value,
which can contain either criteria string, array of bookmarks or a FilterGroupEnum value.


Unit 12: Recordset Object

Forward-only Cursor: Allows you to only scroll forward through the Recordset. Notes

Keyset Cursor: Behaves like a dynamic cursor, except that it prevents you from seeing records
that other users add, and prevents access to records that other users delete.

Static Cursor: Provides a static copy of a set of records for you to use to find data or generate
reports. This is the only type of cursor allowed when you open a client-side Recordset object.

The Recordset Object: It represents a set of records returned from a database query. It is used to
examine and manipulate data within a database.

Update method: It finalizes any additions or deletions.

12.6 Review Questions

1. Examine the default property of the Field object? Give examples

2. Explain how many field objects exist in the Fields collection?

3. What does the name property of the Field object return? Is it possible to both sort and filter
a Record set?

4. Create two ASP pages, a form creation Web page (SelectPrice.asp) and a form processing
script (ListStocksByPrice.asp). In SelectPrice.asp, the user should be shown a form into
which he can enter a desired maximum price. When the for is submitted,
ListStocksByPrice.asp will list all the stocks in the Portfolio table that cost strictly less than
the price entered by the user.

5. The Recordset object is probably the most commonly used ADO object. Comment

6. Substantiate what are the types of cursors defined in ADO?

7. Analyze how the cursor type set and using which method it is set?

8. The cursor type can be set by the CursorType property or by the CursorType parameter in
the Open method. Explain with the program.

9. The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. Explain

10. In ADO, this object is the most important and the one used most often to manipulate data
from a database. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Give reasons to
support your answer.

Answers: Self Assessment

1. Fields collection 2. Recordset

3. Static cursor 4. Open method

5. provider 6. CursorLocationEnum

7. Supports 8. Array

9. Current 10. Clauses

11. Filter property 12. Mode

13. FieldEnum 14. unmarshalling

15. column


Web Programming

Notes 12.7 Further Readings

Books Greg Buczek, Instant ASP Scripts (Paperback), McGraw-Hill Companies; 2nd
Bk&Cdr edition (August 22, 2000)

John Kauffman, Kevin Spencer, Thearon Willis, Beginning ASP Databases

(Paperback), Apress; 1 edition (August 26, 2003)

Online links

h t t p : / / m s d n . m i c r o s o f t . c o m / e n - u s / l i br a r y / w i n d o w s / d e s k t o p /


Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching Notes




13.1 ASP Procedures

13.2 Cookies

13.2.1 Setting a Cookie

13.3 ASP File System

13.4 Send E-Mail

13.5 Caching

13.5.1 Fragment Caching, User Control Output Caching

13.5.2 Page Caching

13.5.3 Data Caching

13.6 Summary

13.7 Keywords

13.8 Review Questions

13.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Scan the ASP Procedures

 Describe Cookies

 Demonstrate the ASP file system

 Recognize sending e-mail

 Explain caching


This unit on cookies will introduce you to what cookies are and how browsers use these cookies
for maintaining state for developing critical interactive applications. You will learn about
set-cookie and cookie fields, which are used to transfer information between the client and the

13.1 ASP Procedures

In ASP you can call a JavaScript procedure from a VBScript and vice versa.

The ASP source code can contain procedures and functions:


Web Programming

sub vbproc(num1,num2)
end sub
<p>Result: <%call vbproc(3,4)%></p>

Show example »
Insert the <%@ language=”language” %> line above the <html> tag to write the procedure/
function in another scripting language:

<%@ language=”javascript” %>
function jsproc(num1,num2)
<p>Result: <%jsproc(3,4)%></p>

13.2 Cookies
One of the challenges of writing applications for the World Wide Web has been inability of the
web to maintain state. That is, after a user sends a request to the server and a web page is
returned, the server forgets all about the user and the page that has been downloaded. If the user
clicks on a link, the server does not have background information about what page the user is
coming from, and more importantly, if the user returns to the page at a later date, there is no
information available to the server about the user’s previous actions on the page.
Maintaining state can be important to developing complex interactive applications. However,
browsers address this problem with cookies, which is a method of storing information locally in
the browser and sending it to the server whenever the appropriate pages are requested by the user.


Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

The term cookies has no special significance. It is just as name. When a user requests a page, an Notes
HTTP request is sent to the server. The request includes a header that defines several pieces of
information, including the page being requested. The server returns an HTTP response that also
includes a header.

Notes The header contains information about the document being returned, including its
MIME type.

These headers all contain one or more fields of information in a basic format.

FieldName: Information

Cookie information is shared between the client browser and a server using fields in the HTTP
headers. When the user requests a page for the first time, a cookie (or more than one cookie) can be
stored in the browser by a set-cookie entry in the header of the response from the server. The set-cookie
field includes the information to be stored in the cookie along with several optional pieces of information,
including an expiry date, path, and server information and if the cookie requires security.

Then, when the user requests a page in the future, if a matching cookie is found among all the
stored cookies, the browser sends a cookie field to the server in a request header. The header
will contain the information stored in that cookie.

Did u know? How Cookie use the syntax?

The set-cookie and cookie fields use syntax to transfer significant information between
client and server.

13.2.1 Setting a Cookie


Set-cookie: NAME=value; EXPIRES=date; PATH=path; DOMAIN=domain; SECURE

The NAME=value is the only required piece of information that must be included in the
set-cookie field. All other entries are optional.

Name Descrip tion

NA ME=v alue Specifi es the name of the cookie.
EX PIRE S=dat e Specifi es the expiry d at e of the cookie. After this date t he cookie will no longer
be st ored by the client or sent to the server. DATE takes th e form WDY,
DD-MON-YY HH:MM:SS GMT. By default , th e value of exp ires is set t o th e
end of cu rrent Navigat or session.
PA TH=p ath Specifi es the pat h port ion of the URLs for which the cookie is valid . If the URL
mat ches both the PATH and th e DOMAIN, then t he cooki e is sent to the server
in t he request head er. If left unset , th e value of the PATH is t he same as th e
document that set t he cookie.
DO MAIN =doma in Specifi es the domain portion of the URLs for whic h t he cookie is valid . The
defaul t val ue for this attribut es is the domai n of t he c urrent doc ument set ting
the cookie.
SE CURE Specifi es that the cooki e should only be t ransmit ted over a sec ure link (i.e.,
HTTP servers usin g SSL protocol known as HTTPS server).


Web Programming

Notes Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. Creating an ASP cookie is exactly the same process as creating an ……………………

2. The created cookie will store the value which contains the …………………… data.

3. To get the information we have stored in the cookie we must use the ……………………

4. A cookie’s expiration can hold a date; this date will specify when the cookie will be

5. The …………………… is the only required piece of information that must be included in
the set-cookie field.
6. When a user requests a page, an …………………… request is sent to the server.

7. A cookie is a …………………… given to a Web browser by a Web server.

13.3 ASP File System

The FileSystemObject Object

The FileSystemObject object is used to access the file system on a server.

This object can manipulate files, folders, and directory paths. It is also possible to retrieve file
system information with this object.
The following code creates a text file (c:\test.txt) and then writes some text to the file:
dim fs,fname
set fs=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set fname=fs.CreateTextFile(“c:\test.txt”,true)
fname.WriteLine(“Hello World!”)
set fname=nothing
set fs=nothing

The FileSystemObject object’s properties and methods are described below:


Property Description
Dri ves Returns a collection of all Drive objects on th e computer


Method Description
BuildPath Appends a name to an existing path
CopyFile Copies one or more files from one location to another
CopyFolder Copies one or more folders from one location to another
CreateFolder Creates a new folder
CreateTextFile Creates a text file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to Contd...
from, or write to the file
DeleteFile Deletes one or more specified files
DeleteFolder Deletes one or more specified folders
DriveExists Checks if a specified drive exists
FileExists Checks if a specified file exists
FolderExists Checks if a specified folder exists
GetAbsolutePathName Returns the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified path
Method Description
BuildPath Appends a name to an existing path Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching
CopyFile Copies one or more files from one location to another
CopyFolder Copies one or more folders from one location to another
CreateFolder Creates a new folder Notes
CreateTextFile Creates a text file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read
from, or write to the file
DeleteFile Deletes one or more specified files
DeleteFolder Deletes one or more specified folders
DriveExists Checks if a specified drive exists
FileExists Checks if a specified file exists
FolderExists Checks if a specified folder exists
GetAbsolutePathName Returns the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified path
GetBaseName Returns the base name of a specified file or folder
GetDrive Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a specified path
GetDriveName Returns the drive name of a specified path
GetExtensionName Returns the file extension name for the last component in a specified path
GetFile Returns a File object for a specified path
GetFileName Returns the file name or folder name for the last component in a specified
GetFolder Returns a Folder object for a specified path
GetParentFolderName Returns the name of the parent folder of the last component in a specified
GetSpecialFolder Returns the path to some of Windows' special folders
GetTempName Returns a randomly generated temporary file or folder
MoveFile Moves one or more files from one location to another
MoveFolder Moves one or more folders from one location to another
OpenTextFile Opens a file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to access the

The FileSystem property returns the file system in use for a specified drive.

This property will return one of the following:

 FAT - for removable drives

 CDFS - for CD-ROM drives

 FAT, FAT32 or NTFS - for hard disks on Windows 2000 or Windows NT

 FAT or FAT32 - for hard disks on Windows 9x


dim fs,d
set fs=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set d=fs.GetDrive(“c:”)
Response.Write(“The file system in use is: “ & d.FileSystem)
set d=nothing
set fs=nothing


Web Programming

Notes Output:
The file system in use is: NTFS

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. …………………… returns the file name or folder name for the last component in a specified

9. …………………… copies one or more folders from one location to another.

10. …………………… returns the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified

11. …………………… returns the path to some of Windows’ special folders

13.4 Send E-Mail

Using E-mail from shell Account

Let us review how E-Mail works, using an example. In this example, you are using a PC with
Windows OS, which connects to the Internet using TCP/IP (i.e., PPP). Let us suppose you want to
send a mail (or message) to two of your friends: Nitin in Kolkata and Puja in Germany. Nitin
uses a Macintosh and also connects to the Net using PPP. Puja uses a shell account by connecting
to a UNIX host computer. The following steps illustrate the example:

1. First using a Windows mail client, you compose the message on your own computer.

2. After you compose the message, address it to both Nitin and Puja.

3. Once the message is finished, you tell your program to send it on its way.

4. Now your client program contacts the mail server on your Internet host and, using the
POP protocol, sends your message to the server.

5. In the next step, the server passes your message to the transport agent.

6. Now, it is the job of transport agent to look at the addresses in your message and connect
to the appropriate computers over the Net.

7. First, the transport agent connects it on the host computer in Kolkata that receives mail for

8. Once the connection is made, the two transport agents use the SMTP protocol to relay the

9. After the message is sent, your transport agent terminates the connection and forms a new
connection with the transport agent on the appropriate computer in Germany.

Task In a group of four make a report on advantages of E-Mail in IT company.

10. Again, the two transport agents use SMTP to relay the message.

11. Once the message is sent, your transport agent terminates the connection. Its job is finished.


Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

12. In Kolkata, Nitin turns on his computer to check the mail. He tells his Macintosh mail Notes
client to see if any new mail has arrived. Now it is the turn of his mail client to connect to
the mail server on Nitin’s host computer and using the POP protocol, asks the server to
check Nitin’s mailbox. Since server finds your message, so using POP, it sends the message
to the client and places the message in his local mailbox (a file on the Mac) and tells him
that new mail has arrived. Now, with the help of mail program, Nitin displays the message.

13. Similarly, in Germany, Puja has logged into her shell account on a Unix host. She runs her
UNIX mail program which checks her mailbox and tells her new mail has arrived. Using
appropriate command, Puja tells the mail program to show her your message.

Did u know? What are the components of E-Mail?

An email message consists of three components, the message envelope, the message
header, and the message body.

Basic E-Mail Functions

E-Mail programs tend to work alike, even down to the keystrokes required to execute a command.
Whichever E-Mail application you use, you do the same basic tasks. There are only a few basic
functions in E-Mail, and almost all mailers handle them. They are:

 Read

 Compose (new messages)

 Reply (to messages you have received)

 Forward (messages you have received)

 Store (to organize all stored messages)

 Delete (to prevent mail from accumulating in your mailbox)

 Print (to produce a paper copy)

 Include or attach (other files in your work)

 Address book or aliases

 Sort your mail

E-Mail Clients

The software that you install on your PC to send and receive E-Mails is called E-Mail client. Once
you have an E-Mail address, and a connection to the Internet, all you have to do is choose an
E-Mail client and install it on your computer. A large number of commercial and shareware
E-Mail packages exist. Windows comes with its own E-Mail client called Microsoft Exchange.

Notes Microsoft Office comes with Microsoft Outlook, a personal information manager
that can also send and receive mail.

Full featured E-Mail client are also available as part of the Web browser suites that Netscape
communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer offer. Finally be aware that each of the on-line


Web Programming

Notes services such as America on-line also provide an E-Mail system for their customers. When
choosing your E-Mail package, you may want to keep the following in mind:

 Is the E-Mail client’s interface user friendly?

 Does the E-Mail package have an electronic phone book, where you can keep a list of your
important E-Mail addresses?

 Does the E-Mail package have the ability to encode and decode files attached to E-Mail

 Does the E-Mail package have a spelling checker?

While all the items listed previously are not vital to make an E-Mail package usable, they are
features that many E-Mail packages offers as a matter of course.

If your ISP has a Post Office Protocol (POP) server, you have a wide choice of E-Mail applications.
You cannot use most E-Mail programs to get your E-Mail if you use AOL; instead, you use AOL’s
own program or its Web site. Before you can receive E-Mail, your ISP must know who you are,
your client application must be set up, if someone needs to send you E-Mail.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

12. Windows comes with its own E-Mail client called ……………………

13. E-Mail programs tend to work alike, even down to the keystrokes required to execute a

13.5 Caching

Many visitors access the internet through a proxy. The visitors submit their request through
their browser and the request is then sent to a proxy, which serves as a funnel for many
computers making requests to the internet. One of the things proxy does is to store a cache of
pages requested by all the users of the proxy. So instead of retrieving the same page many
times form the internet, the proxy merely returns the cached page to the person making the

The cache control property is your way of instructing the proxy to cache or not to cache. The code
must precede any HTML and take the following form:

Response.CacheControl= “public”


Response.CacheControl= “private”

By default, the property is to private, which indicates that the content should not be buffered. If
you do want the text of you ASP buffered, simply set the property to Private.

HTML pages and graphics can be stored in the cache. Response has two properties that can be
used to determine how long an ASP page be cached.

These two properties are:

Response.Expires and



Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching


Task Analyze the advantages of caching?

13.5.1 Fragment Caching, User Control Output Caching

Often, caching an entire page is not feasible, because certain parts of the page are customized for
the user. However, there may be other parts of the page that are common to the entire application.
These are perfect candidates for caching, using fragment caching and user controls. Menus and
other layout elements, especially ones that are dynamically generated from a data source,
should be cached with this technique. If need be, the cached controls can be configured to vary
based on the changes to its controls (or other properties) or any of the other variations supported
by page level output caching.

Caution Hundreds of pages using the same controls can also share the cached entries for
those controls, rather than keeping separate cached versions for each page.


Fragment caching uses the same syntax as page level output caching, but applied to a user control
(.ascx file) instead of to a web form (.aspx file). All of the attributes supported by the OutputCache
directive on a web form are also supported for user controls except for the Location attribute. User
controls also support an OutputCache attribute called VaryByControl, which will vary the caching
of the user control depending on the value of a member of that control (typically a control on the
page, such as a DropDownList). If VaryByControl is specified, VaryByParam may be omitted.
Finally, by default each user control on each page is cached separately. However, if a user control
does not vary between pages in an application and is named the same across all such pages, the
Shared=”true” parameter can be applied to it, which will cause the cached version(s) of the user
control to be used by all pages referencing that control.

<%@ OutputCache Duration=”60" VaryByParam=”*” %>

This would cache the user control for 60 seconds, and would create a separate cache entry for
every variation of querystring and for every page this control is placed on.
<%@ OutputCache Duration=”60" VaryByParam=”none”
VaryByControl=”CategoryDropDownList” %>

This would cache the user control for 60 seconds, and would create a separate cache entry for each
different value of the CategoryDropDownList control, and for each page this control is placed on.
<%@ OutputCache Duration=”60" VaryByParam=”none” VaryByCustom=”browser”
Shared=”true %>

Finally, this would cache the user control for 60 seconds, and would create one cache entry for each
browser name and major version. The cache entries for each browser would then be shared by all
pages referencing this user control (as long as all pages refer to the control with the same ID).

13.5.2 Page Caching

Page caching is an approach to caching where the entire action output of is stored as a HTML file
that the web server can serve without going through Action Pack. This is the fastest way to cache


Web Programming

Notes your content as opposed to going dynamically through the process of generating the content.
Unfortunately, this incredible speed-up is only available to stateless pages where all visitors are
treated the same. Content management systems – including weblogs and wikis – have many
pages that are a great fit for this approach, but account-based systems where people log in and
manipulate their own data are often less likely candidates.
Specifying which actions to cache is done through the caches_page class method:
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
caches_page :show, :new
This will generate cache files such as weblog/show/5.html and weblog/new.html, which match
the URLs used to trigger the dynamic generation. This is how the web server is able pick up a
cache file when it exists and otherwise let the request pass on to Action Pack to generate it.
Expiration of the cache is handled by deleting the cached file, which results in a lazy regeneration
approach where the cache is not restored before another hit is made against it. The API for doing
so mimics the options from url_for and friends:
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
def update
List.update(params[:list][:id], params[:list])
expire_page :action => “show”, :id => params[:list][:id]
redirect_to :action => “show”, :id => params[:list][:id]

Notes Additionally, you can expire caches using Sweepers that act on changes in the
model to determine when a cache is supposed to be expired.

13.5.3 Data Caching

Data retrieving from a repository can be quite a “heavy” task from a performance point of view,
especially when the data repository is located far from the application server (e.g., web service
call, RPC call, Remoting, etc.) or some specific data is accessed very often. So, in order to reduce
the workload and time for data retrieving, you can use a caching functionality.
There are some rules that you should be aware of:
1. Use caching of data for a small period of time and avoid caching for the whole application
2. Try to cache the data that is likely to not be changed very often (e.g., dictionary elements).
3. Some data repositories can support notification events if the data is modified outside of
the application (e.g., the data is just stored in a file).
Besides the obvious goals, data caching has some pitfalls (all of them are about potential situations
when cached data can expire and application uses inconsistent data):
1. If the application is going to be scaled to a distributed environment (web farm, application
cluster), then every machine will have its own copy of cached data. So, one of the machines
can modify the data at any time.
2. Several applications can access the same data repository.


Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

There are very many different implementations of the caching functionality, but all of them Notes
have a lot in common. I will use the “Microsoft Enterprise Library Caching Application Block”
and will present you a way of simplifying the usage of the caching functionality.

My implementation of the caching functionality can be divided into two main parts: the cache
manager utility and its usage. It heavily uses anonymous methods and generic methods (new
features of .NET 2.0).

CacheService is a manager utility that is implemented as a singleton wrapper for underlying

the MS caching API. It grants a few methods (GetData<t>,Add, Remove).

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. Use caching of data for a small period of time and avoid caching for the whole

15. Expiration of the cache is handled by deleting the …………………….. file.

Caselet ‘E-commerce Proves a Big Boon for Entrepreneurs’

id you know there’s a market for Ramayana in Zambia? Neither did Mr Chinmay
Tripathi, seller of religious books online, till a customer from that country placed
an order for one of his products on his account on an online shopping portal.

Thanks to distances being bridged by e-commerce, the value of transactions across cyber
space in India is estimated at 1,180 crore in 2004-05, and is projected to hit 2,300 crore in
2006-07, according to the Internet and Mobile Association of India.

The Internet is a big boon for new age entrepreneurs as this saves them the initial investment
in a store and the subsequent management costs. Mr Tripathi is only a part-time
programmer, who is busy with his full time business of managing his 120-plus registered
accounts in shopping portals worldwide. He sells 200 to 300 religious books a month to
customers in places ranging from Haridwar to Djakarta.

A few thousand of eBay’s two million users in India make their living through this Web
site, according to a spokesperson of eBay. Similarly, on’s shopping portal, the
business focus of 70-80 per cent of the company’s total base of e-commerce partners is
purely online, according to Mr Jasmeet Singh, Vice President - Product Marketing, Mr Singh said e-commerce has grown positively in the last two years. He said
there has been an increasing demand for convenience-driven services such as purchase of
railway and airline tickets.

Another driving factor is the reduced cost of the products purchased online. The customer
can save up to 30 per cent, said Mr Ambesh Khanna, who, along with Ms Reena Khanna,
sells diamonds on ebay on a full-time basis. This is a because of the low day-to-day
running costs for the seller. “We buy the diamonds locally (The Khannas are based in
Delhi), and sell it through the Internet throughout India and also worldwide to countries
like the US, Germany and Australia,” said Mr Khanna. He said they have sold jewellery
priced from 5,000 to 1.5 lakh online, generating revenues of about 4 lakh a month.
E-commerce also serves as a starting point for businesses. Mr Bomi Rupa, as a student in
the US in 2003, saw in the Internet an opportunity to import low-end laptops from the US


Web Programming

Notes and sell it in India to make extra pocket money. “A laptop that goes for 20,000 in the US
would easily go for 35,000 over here, so even including the 14 per cent import duty, the
margins were good,” he said.
Today, Mr Rupa owns Hightechsolutionss, a consumer electronics store in Mumbai that
sells laptops, and is looking to expand his business. Unwilling to abandon his starting
point, he still sells laptops on ebay, but only high-end laptops, that would fetch him
80,000 to 90,000.
Mr Singh of Rediff said that consumer electronics, which includes mobile phones, audio-
video systems and digital cameras, is a large category, as is white goods, while traditional
categories such as gifts, apparel, flowers and books continue to grow. He added that
premium branded apparel for both men and women is also growing.
To make it easier for these individual sellers and SME entrepreneurs, ebay offers a service
called ‘eshops’, where the seller can get his own url, logo and content, and that link will
display only that seller’s products, according to the company.

13.6 Summary
 In ASP you can call a JavaScript procedure from a VBScript and vice versa.
 In order to develop complex interactive applications it is important to maintain state,
which browsers do with the help of cookies.
 Using cookies by browser is a method of maintaining information locally in the browser
and sending it to the browser whenever the user requests the appropriate pages.
 Cookies information is shared between the client and the server.
 The set cookie syntax is Set-cookie: Name= value; EXPIRES=date; PATH=path;
 The FileSystemObject object is used to access the file system on a server.
 The software that you install on your PC to send and receive E-Mails is called E-Mail
client. Once you have an E-Mail address, and a connection to the Internet, all you have to
do is choose an
 Page caching is an approach to caching where the entire action output of is stored as
a HTML file that the web server can serve without going through Action Pack.

13.7 Keywords
Cookies: Cookies are small set of information stored locally by a browser on behalf of a uses to
maintain state with server.
Expiry-date: It is the property that intimates the server how long the cookies will remain valid.
Post Office Protocol (POP)
Set-cookies Field: It is an attribute-value list that sets different properties of a cookie.
SSL: Secure Socket Layer.
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol.

13.8 Review Questions

1. In ASP you can call a JavaScript procedure from a VBScript and vice versa. Explain


Unit 13: ASP Cookies and Caching

2. One of the challenges of writing applications for the World Wide Web has been inability Notes
of the web to maintain state. Comment

3. Explain why maintaining state is important to developing complex interactive


4. Did you know why cookies has no special significance? Give reasons

5. ASP is the tool you need if you’re looking for a way to pull together HTML pages, script
commands, and COM components. Examine

6. Data retrieving from a repository can be quite a “heavy” task from a performance point of
view. Analyze

7. The FileSystem property returns the file system in use for a specified drive. Explain this
statement with proper example.

8. The cache control property is your way of instructing the proxy to cache or not to cache.

9. Substantiate the pitfalls of Data Caching.

10. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Comment

Answers: Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. ASP Session 2. actual

3. ASP Request Object 4. destroyed

5. NAME=value 6. HTTP

7. Message 8. GetFileName

9. CopyFolder 10. GetAbsolutePathName

11. GetSpecialFolder 12. Microsoft Exchange

13. Command 14. application lifecycle

15. cached

13.9 Further Readings

Books Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing
David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons

Duane Wessels, Web caching, O’Reilly Media

Simon St. Laurent, Cookies, (Paperback), Computing Mcgraw-Hill.

Online links


Web Programming Kumar Vishal, Lovely Professional University

Notes Unit 14: Database Connectivity




14.1 Open and Close a Connection

14.1.1 DSN Less

14.1.2 Closing the Connection

14.2 Reading Records from Database

14.2.1 Reading Records with ADO

14.3 Inserting, Updating and Deleting Database Records

14.3.1 Inserting Records

14.3.2 ASP Database Updating Existing Records

14.3.3 ASP Database — Deleting Information

14.4 Building Database Application using ADO

14.5 Summary

14.6 Keywords

14.7 Review Questions

14.8 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize opening and closing of connection

 Describe reading from the database

 Demonstrate the inserting, deleting and updating the database records

 Build database application using active objects


Inserting Records (Lock Types, Add New and Update); Updating Records, Deleting Records,
The real power of data driven Websites comes from the capability to add and change data in your
pages. To understand the concept of insertion, deletion and updation we will create a new table
called tbluser which will have the fields First Name, Last Name, Email, Username and Password.

14.1 Open and Close a Connection

Once you have designed you database the next step will be to create a DSN less entry, UserDB1.
To do this:
 Click on your “Start” Button, and go to Control Panel under Settings.
 Click on “32 ODBC”, select “System DSN less”


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

 Click “Add” to add a DSN less entry, and then on “Microsoft Access Drive”. If “Microsoft Notes
Access Driver” does not appear on the list, you possibly have not installed Microsoft
Access 7’s, 32 bit ODBC drivers.
 At the “Data Source Name” enter “UserDB1”, then “Select” the database - you can use
“Browse” to select the database users.mdb. With “users” directory created for the application
the path to the database c:\inetsrv\wwwroot\users\

Connecting to the Database - Method

This is done to maintain a connect throughout the user’s session. The connection is closed when
the session ends. This is controlled by the Global.asa file. Each ASP-Based intranet application
can have one global.asa file located in the root directory of the application. The global.asa has
four events - Application-Start , Session-Start, Application-End and Session-End. The connect to
the database for the session is in the Session-Start event , with Session-End being the event used
to close the connection.

Caution The language or script being used is VBScript and the ASP is to run on the server.

Connect string in Global.asa

Conn.Open “UserDB1”, “userdblogin”,”userdbpassword”

“Conn” is connect to the database that can be used throughout the session to the DSN less entry
UsersDB1 with a login of “userdblogin” and a password of “userdbpassword”.

The first post-startup request is made to the web server for any *.asp file in an application causes
the Global.asa to be read. So the moment a request is made to any *.asp in the directory in which
the intranet application is stored a connection is established with the DSN less UserDB1. Following
that the default document, in this case default.asp is processed.

Example: Connecting to database method

SUB Session_OnStart

‘—— Open ADO connection to database

Conn.Open “UsersDB1”, “userdblogin”,”userdbpassword”


14.1.1 DSN Less

Requires no server setup, just a carefully constructed connection string as demonstrated below.
DSN less connections demand that that you know the name of the file (i.e. file based databases
like Access, Paradox, FoxPro, etc.) or the address of the data server (SQLserver, for example).
Armed with appropriate information you could open a data source without a DSN!  This is faster
than a system DSN* since it saves a trip to read the registry each attempt.
To create a DSN-less connection with a Server.MapPath expression:
1. Upload the database file to the remote server.
Make a note of its virtual path—for example, /jsmith/data/statistics.mdb.

2. Open one of your site’s pages in UltraDev and choose Modify > Connections.

The Connections dialog box appears.


Web Programming

Notes 3 Click New and select Custom Connection String from the pop-up menu.

The Custom Connection String dialog box appears.

4. Enter a name for the new connection.

5. Enter the connection string and use the Server.MapPath method to supply the DBQ

Example: Suppose the virtual path to your Microsoft Access database is /jsmith/data/
statistics.mdb. The connection string can be expressed as follows if you’re using VBScript as
your scripting language:
Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=” & Server.MapPath(“/jsmith/

There are several ways to define a connection to a database. A DSN Less Connection is defined
by supplying the precise full file path to the physical database:
“DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; _
DBQ=D:\...\x.mdb;UID=admin;UserCommitSync=Yes; _
Threads=3;SafeTransactions=0;PageTimeout=5; _
MaxScanRows=8;MaxBufferSize=2048; _

Create a DSN-less Database Connection

The easiest way to connect to a database is to use a DSN-less connection. A DSN-less connection
can be used against any Microsoft Access database on your website.

If you have a database called “northwind.mdb” located in a web directory like “c:/webdata/”,
you can connect to the database with the following ASP code:
set conn=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)

conn.Open “c:/webdata/northwind.mdb”

Notes Note, from the example above, that you have to specify the Microsoft Access database
driver (Provider) and the physical path to the database on your computer.

Create an ODBC Database Connection

If you have an ODBC database called “northwind” you can connect to the database with the
following ASP code:
set conn=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)

conn.Open “northwind”


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

With an ODBC connection, you can connect to any database, on any computer in your network, Notes
as long as an ODBC connection is available.

An ODBC Connection to an MS Access Database

Here is how to create a connection to a MS Access Database: 

1. Open the ODBC icon in your Control Panel.

2. Choose the System DSN-less tab.

3. Click on Add in the System DSN-less tab.

4. Select the Microsoft Access Driver. Click Finish.

5. In the next screen, click Select to locate the database.

6. Click OK.

Notes Note that this configuration has to be done on the computer where your website is
located. If you are running Personal Web Server (PWS) or Internet Information Server (IIS)
on your own computer, the instructions above will work, but if your web site is located on
a remote server, you have to have physical access to that server, or ask your web host to do
this for you. 

14.1.2 Closing the Connection

When done with the recordset don’t forget to close it:

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. Click “Add” to add a DSN less entry, and then on “……………………”.

2. DSN less connections demand that that you know the name of the file or the
…………………… of the data server.

3. The first …………………… request is made to the web server for any *.asp file in an
application causes the Global.asa to be read.

4. The easiest way to connect to a database is to use a ……………………

5. Armed with appropriate information you could open a data source without a

6. Enter the connection string and use the Server.MapPath method to supply the

7. A DSN Less Connection is defined by supplying the precise full file path to the
…………………… database.


Web Programming

Notes 14.2 Reading Records from Database

Databases and ASP (Communicating with a Database using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO);
Connecting to a Database (The Connection Object, Using a System DSN, Using a DSN-less
Connection, Opening the Connection, Closing the connection, Properties of the connection);
Reading data from a Database (The Recordset Object, Using, Reading and Displaying
the contents of a Database Table).

Internet programming is one of the most exciting new fields to develop in recent years, and will
continue growing in importance, especially for Visual Basic programmers. In response, Microsoft
is pushing hard to integrate several of its key technologies, in order to allow developers to create
Internet solutions that scale well and that are quick to develop. Server-side technologies are where
the new advances in Internet technology will likely be made – at least in the near future, which is
about as far as we can ever see in today’s rapidly changing technological landscape.

Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side technology that accomplishes this very feat: an ASP
script is a combination of HTML and ASP objects that work together to produce a pure HTML
file. The client never sees the script, which resides on the server, they just see the output. ASP is
basically a collection of objects that handle all aspects of a Web site, from communicating with
the client, to managing multiple connections. ASP is firmly grounded in Visual Basic
programming concepts. In fact, Visual Basic is rapidly emerging as a premier language for
developing Web solutions, as you will appreciate by the end of this article. My concern here is
a DSN-less connection.

A DSN-less connection is operationally identical to a DSN except that the server doesn’t have to
access the registry to access the parameters since they’re all specified in the connection string itself.

Did u know? Which parameter is required by ODBC connection?

The only parameter required by all ODBC connection strings is Driver which specifies
which driver to use. Unfortunately this isn’t enough to get connected to anything and
additional information is required by each driver.

Now we will see how we read a database using ASP(communicating with a database Active X
Data Objects(ADO),connecting to a database using a DSN-less connection, its opening ,closing,
properties &of course reading the data, displaying it using

14.2.1 Reading Records with ADO

Recordset Object

The recordset object provides a relatively simple interface o read records from a database.

ADO was introduced and thrived in a time-frame when connected and (mostly) two-tier
applications were moving to a more layered and Web-based architecture. The overall ADO
object model design reflects this transition.

The Web forced the adoption of a disconnected model where more and more information is
downloaded and cached on the client. Within ADO, you find two souls hidden just under the
skin of the Recordset object.

The Recordset can leverage server cursors and do what it is supposed to do being connected to
the data source all the time. At the same time, another facet of the same object can work
disconnected and build up a correct representation of records in two ways. Either it can fetch


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

rows from the data source and then drop the connection, or it can read all the needed information Notes
from a client disk file, including an XML file with a fixed schema.

The disconnected facilities of ADO have been bolted on the Recordset object interface, paying
careful attention to make connected and disconnected functionalities available through equivalent
APIs. As a result, the Recordset became hard to wield, rather overwhelming and with significant

Anyway, in ADO you can get data in three ways:

1. Through full-time connection using server cursors.

2. By the means of a fast, read-only, forward-only mechanism specifically thought to read

through and process a set of records.

3. Getting a static snapshot of data, processing them disconnected from the data source and
submitting changes at a later time.

Whatever way you work, you always use the Recordset object and choose the operating mode
by selecting the proper cursor type and location. (See the ADO documentation for more details.)

An obvious drawback is that no matter how optimized and well-designed the Recordset object
is, you load in memory more stuff than you actually need. In addition, it adds an extra layer of
code to process input parameters and possibly fixes their values.

Notes Given the overall programming interface of ADO, this is an absolute necessity as
well as a performance hit.

ADO.NET simplifies the data reading infrastructure by applying the old “divide et impera”
motto. It introduces two new objects that don’t have particularly familiar names but expose
certainly well-known functionalities. They are the Data Reader and the DataSet.

The Data Reader object is the ADO.NET counterpart of the read-only, forward-only default ADO
cursor. The DataSet is a container that can be programmatically filled with static snapshot of
data. In this sense, it can be seen as a repository of disconnected recordsets. There’s no Recordset
component in the ADO.NET object model, but the DataTable object is the .NET double of a
disconnected recordset.

In ADO.NET there’s no explicit support for server cursors even though, in a future version, you
can expect to see ADO.NET to support server cursors when the data provider is SQL Server 7.0 or

If you need server cursors tody, just import the ADO type library in your .NET application and
code through it. To learn more on this good, bad and ugly, see the previous column, ADO Rocks
and Rolls in .NET Applications.

ADO.NET is designed around XML to work seamlessly in highly interoperable and disconnected
scenarios. From this point of view, it is certainly more appropriate than ADO for the breed of
applications that the majority of people are writing and planning today. It simplifies the coding
and optimizes the working of data access components that have Web-based clients.

It behaves well also when you have a Web-enabled database server such as SQL Server 2000 with
the XMLhttp support.

Despite the actual syntax differences, the programming philosophy behind ADO and ADO.NET
is aligned as much as possible to reduce the learning curve for data access developers and the
quantity of new concepts they have to familiarize with.


Web Programming


Task ADO.NET is designed around XML to work seamlessly in highly interoperable and
disconnected scenarios. Analyze what author wants to say from this statement?

Signs of an ADO Presence

More often than not, you can see signs of a supernatural ADO presence in several ADO.NET code
snippets. Want an example? Let’s consider a piece of ADO code that, although in slightly different
flavors, runs buried in the body of thousands of ASP pages and middle-tier components.
Set oCN = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)

oCN.Open strConn
Set oCMD = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)
Set oCMD.ActiveConnection = oCN
Set oRS = oCMD.Execute(strCmd)

In this fragment, you explicitly create a Connection and a Command object, and when this
executes, you are returned a new Recordset object. The Connection object contains information
about the desired cursor type and location. If you choose the adOpenStatic type of cursor, and
necessarily the client-side location, you can safely close the connection and walk through the
records. Otherwise, you keep the connection open until you finish navigating through the
fetched rows.

Once you have the recordset, you scroll it using a loop as follows:

This type of code won’t work as-is in ADO.NET. However, the ADO.NET DataReader object lets
you write code that, at least functionally speaking, is nearly identical.

First off, you create a special object to govern the execution of the command. The base .NET class
is DBCommand. You normally don’t use this class; you’d use one of the more specialized .NET
classes like ADOCommand and Visual basic or any user-defined derived class. DBCommand
represents a command that the data source can understand.
While Not oRS.EOF
Response.Write(oRS(“lastname”) & “<BR>”)

Example: Specific VBScript EXAMPLES and code samples of MS Access visual basic
employed to perform Access form functions and operations:

 How to calculate person’s age VB scripts

 Set status fields of master record based on value of detail record-VBA programming

 Programming visual basic-compare original value to new value of field in the after update

 Microsoft Access from field validation examples-dates,date ranges and numbers using

 Send Email outlook VBA code example

 Read outlook Email from Microsoft Access


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

 Reusable query definitions-pass from field variable to query Notes

 Concatenate multiple records single text field

 Change names/address from upper case to proper case Access VB example.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

8. The …………………… can leverage server cursors and do what it is supposed to do being
connected to the data source all the time.

9. The …………………… is a container that can be programmatically filled with static

snapshot of data. In this sense, it can be seen as a repository of disconnected recordsets.
10. The Connection object contains information about the desired …………………… and

11. The base .NET class is ……………………

14.3 Inserting, Updating and Deleting Database Records

14.3.1 Inserting Records

Data driven sites must be capable of editing as well as addition and deletion of data. When we
make a database accessible over the WEB, there are many people accessing it at once. Accessing
is OK till the people are just reading, when they try to manipulate it, it may cause problems.
To prevent this the first person who tries to change the record puts a “LOCK” on it (lock
basically means that another person cannot edit). While the lock is on no one can change the
records. As soon as the user is finished the lock is removed.

In the current scenario we need not only reading access but also the writing access. The
adLockReadOnly is not sufficient. Currently the lock that is put is “adLockOptimistic” (Optimistic
locking means that records are locked by the provider when update is called).

AddNew and UpDate

There are two methods of Recordset object that you will need to make changes to the database
: AddNew and Update. AddNew creates a new record in the recordset. The new record is not
added to the database till the Update method is called. After AddNew is called, the new record
becomes the current record, and it remains the current record even after Update is called.


ObjRS(“Name”)= “Nikhil”



In this example AddNew creates the new record and sets it as the current record which helps in
assigning the values. Update command add the record to the database.

While we are editing record and call the AddNew function. So the following has the effect of
creating one new record, adding it to the table, creating a second new record, and it to the table:


Web Programming

Notes ObjRS.AddNew

ObjRS(“Name”) = “Nikhil”

ObjRS(“Email”) =


ObjRS(“Name”) = “Aman”

ObjRS(“Email”) = “”


Another way of initializing the variables using AddNew is

Syntax :— objRS.AddNew fields, values

Fields and values are either single values or arrays with the same number of elements.

For example objRS.AddNew Array(“Name”, “Email”), Array(“Nikhil”,

Adding a Record Using AddNew and Update

1. <%@ Language=VBScript %>

2. <! - - #include virtual=*/”—> %>
3. <! - - #include file=*DatabaseConnect.asp”—>
4. <HTML>
5. <BODY>
6. <%
7. Dim objRS
8. Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ASOSB.Recordset”)
9. objRS.Open “tblUsers”,objConn, , AdLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
10. objRS.AddNew
11. objRS(“FirstName”) = “Nikhil”
12. ObjRS(“Email”) =
13. objRS(“Username”) = “aaa”
14. objRS(“Password”) = “pwd”
15. objRS.Update
16. objRS.MoveFirst
17. %>
18. <B> Entries in Table</B>
19. <P>
20. <TABLE>
21. <TR>
22. <TD> Name </TD>

23. <TD> Email</TD>

24. <TD> Username</TD>


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

25. </TR> Notes

26. <% Do While Not objRS.EQF %>

27. <TR>

28. <TD><%=objRS(“LastName) %>, <%=objRS(“FirstName”) %></TD>

29. <TD><%=objRS(“Email”) %></TD>

30. <TD><%=objRS(“Username”) %></TD>

31. </TR>

32. <% objRS.MoveNext

33. loop

34. objRS.Close

35. Set objRS = Nothing

36. objConn.Close

37. Set objConn = Nothing

38. %>

39. </Table>

40. </BODY>

41. </HTML>

Explanation of the above program

Line 2 contains the constants that we require. Line 3 connects it to the database. Line 7 to Line 9
create and open the Recordset object that will be used. As we know that if we want to make changes
in the Recordset we cannot use the default lock type. Line 9 specifies the Optimistic Locking. Now
we can add new record. Line 10 invokes AddNew, which creates a new empty record. Line 11 till
Line 14 set all the field values. Finally, line 15 saves the new record to the table using Update. Line
16 resets the cursor to the beginning of the recordset using Movefirst. This starts from the beginning
of the recordset and displaying its contents in the way as stated in the program.

Adding the User to the Table

Lines 8 to Lines 10 check to make sure that all the fields have specified values. If not, a message
describing the problem is printed and a link is provided to go back to the previous page (lines
11 to 13).

Lines 15 to 17 open the recordset. Line 18 check to see whether the current record’s username id
the same as the username entered in the form. If the username are found to be same the message
is printed that is given in line 20. Similarly the email is checked and if it is found to be same a
message given in line 26 is printed. This means that one registration per email.

Notes If any one of the username or email is found to be same the Boolean variable is set
to true (lines 22-30). When this happens the loop is terminated. If both of them are unique
then AddNew is called, the field values are set and update is called.


Web Programming

Notes 14.3.2 ASP Database Updating Existing Records

If your database application did not have the ability to update or modify existing database
entries, then it would be severely limiting in its potential. For example, imagine having a
customer database in which you did not have the ability to change the contact information for a
customer. You would not be able to update the customer’s mailing address, phone number, or
email address. How about an inventory management system that had an inability to update the
price or quantity of an item in stock?
For today’s mainstream database applications, database maintenance is a necessity. To that end,
there are two main methods of updating information utilizing ADO.
Update command is not only used to add a new record but also used to make changes to the
existing records. Instead of calling AddNew move to the record you want to change. Set the field
value with the assignment operator as done in the earlier programs. When the values are
assigned Update method should be called.
objRS.(“username”) = “Anshul”
objRS(“email”) =
the first two lines change the values of the username and email fields of the current record. Then,
calling Update save those changes to the database.
Some times you need to Cancel the Update done in the previous records. The following program
will tell how the cancellation command will work
objRS(“username”) = “nikhil”
objRS(“email”) = “
CancelUpdate here undo the preceding lines. Mostly the CancelUpdate command is used with
IF…. The program basically becomes
objRS(“password”) = Request(“Pass”)
objRS(“email”) = Request(“Email”)
If objRS (“password”) = “” then
End if
This will cancel the changes made to the record if the password is an empty string. Otherwise,
the changes are saved using Update.

ASP Database The Update Method in More Detail

Similar to the addnew method, there are two optional parameters that can be used. These are the
fieldlist and the valuelist parameters. These parameters work in the same manner as the ones
used by the addnew method.

The fieldlist parameter can be a single field name, or an array of field names, or the numeric
(ordinal) position of the fields in the new record. For both the single name and array of names,
each name must be enclosed within a pair of double quotes.


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

The valuelist parameter is a single value or an array of values for the fields that you want to Notes
populate in the new record. If the fieldlist parameter is an array, then valuelist must also be an
array. Further, the valuelist must have the exact same number of members and be in the same
order as the fieldlist.

Example: Consider these examples:

set objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.recordset”) “tbluser”, conn
‘ Method 1
objRS.Update “FirstName”, “Rich”
‘ Method 2
objRS.Update Array(“FirstName”, “LastName”), Array(“Rich”,”Smith)
‘ Method 3
myFieldList = Array(“FirstName”, “LastName”)
myValueList = Array(“Rich”, “Smith”)
objRRS.Update myFieldList, myValueList
set objRS = nothing
set objconn = nothing
The above examples echo the update method’s ability to update information within recordsets
quite similarly to the addnew method.

14.3.3 ASP Database — Deleting Information

Using the recordset object, there is a “delete” method to delete the current record. When using
the delete method keep in mind that the current record is deleted and is still the current record
in the recordset. If you attempt to retrieve values from the record, an error will occur. This
deleted record will hold its place in the recordset until you move to another record.
Program for Deleting Records from Database
1. <%@ Language=VBScript %>
2. <% Option Explicit %>
3. <!- - #include virtual=’/”- - >
4. <!- - #include file=”DatabaseConnect.asp”- - >
5. <HTML>
6. <BODY>
7. <% Dim objRS
8. Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset)
9. objRRS.Open “tblUsers”,objConn, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable %>


Web Programming

Notes 10. <B>Entries in table</B>

11. <P>
12. <Table>
13. <TR>
14. <TD>Name</TD>
15. <TD>Email</TD>
16. <TD>Username</TD>
17. </TR>
18. <% Do While Not objRS.EQF %>
19. <TR>
20. <TD><%=objRS(“LastName”) %>, <%=objRS(“Firstname”) %></TD>
21. <TD><%=objRS(“Email”) %></TD>
22. <%=objRS(“Username”) %></TD>
23. </TR>
24. <% objRS.MoveNext
25. Loop
26. objRS.MoveFirst
27. objRS.Delete
28. objRS.MoveFirst %>
29. </TABLE>
30. <P>
31. <TABLE>
32. <% Do While Not objRS.EQF %>
33. <TR>
34. <TD><%=objRS(“LastName”) %>, <%=objRS(“Firstname”) %></TD>
35. <TD><%=objRS(“Email”) %></TD>
36. <%=objRS(“Username”) %></TD>
37. </TR>
38. <% objRS.MoveNext
39. Loop
40. objRS.Close
41. Set objRS = Nothing
42. objConn.close
43. Set objConn = Nothing
44. %>
45. </Table>
46. </BODY>
47. </HTML>


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

Lines 10 through 25 first print out the table as it is initially. It then goes to the first record(line Notes
26), deletes it(line 27), and prints out the new table (lines 31 through 39)

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

12. While the lock is on no one can change the ……………………..

13. If the fieldlist parameter is an array, then valuelist must also be an ……………………..

14.4 Building Database Application using ADO

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

The bridge between the data providers and data consumers is through data sources created using
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), which is the primary method in Visual Basic to access data
in any data source, both relational and non-relational. For backward compatibility and project
maintenance, Remote Data Objects (RDO) and Data Access Objects (DAO) are still supported.

Data Sources and Data Controls

On the client side, several new data sources are available, including the Data Environment, a
graphical designer that allows you to quickly create ADO Connections and Commands to access
your data. The Data Environment designer provides a dynamic programmatic interface to the
data access objects in your project. In addition, the Data Environment provides advanced data
shaping services — the ability to create hierarchies of related data, aggregates, and automatic
groupings, all without code.

The new ADO Data control is similar to the intrinsic data control and Remote Data control,
except that it uses ADO to access data. You can now use an ADO Recordset as a data source for
your controls and objects in Visual Basic.

In Visual Basic you can now create your own data sources either as user controls or classes, to
encapsulate business rules or proprietary data structures. The class module now features the
DataSourceBehavior property and the GetDataMember event, which allow you to configure a
class as a data source.

Dynamic Data Binding

The ability to dynamically bind a data source to a data consumer is now possible in Visual Basic.
At run time, you can now set the DataSource property of a data consumer (such as the DataGrid
control) to a data source (such as the ADO Data control).

Notes This capability, unavailable in previous versions of Visual Basic, allows you to
create applications, which can access a multitude of data sources.

Presenting Data to the End User

Visual Basic offers a variety of rich ways to present data to your end users. ADO/OLE DB-based
versions of all the data bound controls are included in Visual Basic:


Web Programming

Notes  The DataList and DataCombo controls are the ADO/OLE DB equivalents of DBList and
DBCombo controls.
 The DataGrid is the successor to DBGrid.
 The Chart control is now data bound.
 A new version of the FlexGrid control, called the Hierarchical FlexGrid, supports the
hierarchical abilities of the Data Environment.
 The new DataRepeater control functions as a scrolling container of data bound user controls
where each control views a single record.
The Data Report is a new ActiveX designer that creates reports from any data source, including
the Data Environment. With the Data Report designer, formatted reports can be viewed online,
printed, or exported to text or HTML pages.

Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

14. The new ADO Data control is similar to the intrinsic data control and ………………………….
15. The ability to dynamically bind a data source to a data consumer is now possible in

Caselet Let’s Talk Tech
WITH marauding hordes, Genghis Khan terrorised whole populations. His motto: “It’s
not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail.” But he is long dead. Yet his philosophy
lives on in the software world, writes Karen Southwick in Everyone Else Must Fail, from
Crown Business ( She provides “the unvarnished truth about
Oracle and Larry Ellison”. The blurb speaks of how, inside Oracle, “Ellison has time and
again systematically purged key operating, sales, and marketing people who got too
powerful for his comfort.” What is his style? “Freewheeling version of capitalism, the
kind practised by the nineteenth century robber barons who ran their companies as private
fiefdoms.” The book raises a question: “Whether Oracle’s products and the reliance placed
in them by so many are too important to be subject to the whims of one man.” Is there a
warning “about an ingenious man’s tendency to be his own company’s worst enemy”?
The introduction notes how he has “come a long way from the college dropout who
started at the bottom rung financially and socially.” He is “by turns brilliant and intolerant,
inspiring and chilling, energetic and disinterested.” Ellison is “one of the most intriguing,
dominant, and misguided leaders of a major twenty-first-century corporation.” Don’t
forget that more than half of the Fortune 100 cited Oracle as the preferred database vendor,
or that Ellison owns nearly one-fourth of Oracle’s stock. He is “the ultimate narcissist,” as
one business psychologist said. “Ellison may be the last of his kind, but he is unforgettable.”
He complains “about the way the press tears down heroes, comparing the media to lions
at the ancient Roman Colosseum.” Yet he takes gleeful joy “in creating controversies.”
The author analyses: “Because of his childhood, Ellison feels vulnerable whenever he feels
himself growing dependent on someone else. He can’t stand the thought of abandonment,
so he abandons other people before they can do it to him.”



Unit 14: Database Connectivity

Ellison has gone over to the dark side of the Silicon Valley infatuation with power and Notes
wealth, notes the concluding chapter, titled On the Edge. His world is solipsistic. But don’t
count him out too soon. “He has been a wildly entertaining performer,” finishes the
author, but sighs: “How much more he could have been.”
Let’s talk IT out
What’s common between politics and computers? Everybody talks about both and yet
unfortunately few understand. So, Mohammed Azam has taken ‘a dialogue oriented
approach’ to IT. His book Computer Literacy Kit, from Eswar Press ( , is
aimed at “providing a wholesome learning experience for the entire family.” Being
conversational in style, there are many questions throughout the book, and these find
answers from the author’s many characters. For instance, “Who were the first buyers of
personal computers?” Hobbyists, who knew electronics and software, bought the first lot
of PCs. “Apple Computers realised that users did not like the idea of messing around with
a lot of wires specially with electricity running in them and unveiled a model that was
fully built. The users had to merely take it home and connect it to their TV and start work.”
Questions often come in torrents: Such as, what is a platter, what is a cylinder, why is the
hard disk sealed, how does the read/write assembly work, how is data recorded on
magnetic tape, how is the storage of a tape measured, and so forth. Also, there are short
poems. “The computer will tell you with a beep or chime/That you pressed the wrong key
this time.” Or, “The Operating System plays the host/Taking over after the POST.” Yet
another, “Command and syntax you need not cram/But to run Windows you need plenty
of RAM.” Try this one on virus: “A virus is actually an intelligent string of bytes/But it is
malignant and it sometimes bites/Some rename and some even corrupt a file/Some are a
nuisance, harmless and not vile.”
The book provides an elaborate glossary with entries such as “a.out: The default name of
the executable file produced by the Unix assembler, link editor, and C compiler” and
“Daisy chain: The linking of items one after another. In word processing, daisy chain
printing means to print documents one after another.” To keep the conversation alive,
there are illustrations throughout the book. Good read for starters.
Net coding
In the near future, we will be dealing with distributed applications, fragments of which
run on different systems, in heterogeneous networks, under different operating systems;
and the computer itself would lose its traditional look, and take any shape, from cubic
units built into the walls to small devices such as wristwatches. This is the scenario that
Sergei Dunaev paints in Advanced Internet Programming Technologies and Applications,
from Eswar PressThe book is a guide for developing Net applications and e-com solutions.
“Readers learn how to create and use objects such as applets, scriplets, servlets, XML-
constructions, JSP, ASP pages and so on,” states the back cover. “JavaBeans/CORBA and
ActiveX/DCOM are described in detail.”
What software developers encounter every day are “two basic technologies,” notes the
author in the first chapter. One of these is ActiveX/DCOM, used on Intel platforms using
Windows OS, while the parallel technology is called JavaBeans/CORBA, which does not
depend on either the platform or the OS. DCOM, which is no diploma in commerce, but
distributed component object model, also called COM `with a longer wire’ because it
allows `registration of remote objects’. ActiveX serves a unique purpose — that of providing
operations for program components inside composite program containers that include
Web browsers and other document viewers. JavaBeans components are “obliged to
advertise their characteristics”, and the “clearing of these characteristics by other
components is called introspection.”


Web Programming

Notes Now what is CORBA? “When we say CORBA, we actually mean CORBA/IIOP,” that is
Common Object Request Broker Architecture/Internet Inter-ORB. This is a technology
“meant for distributed information objects that can closely interact with each other within
a managing program, which essentially consists of these objects itself.” There is lot more
in this `advanced’ book for the eager beaver.

14.5 Summary

 The connection is closed when the session ends. This is controlled by the Global.asa file.

 Each ASP-Based intranet application can have one global.asa file located in the root directory
of the application.

 Databases and ASP (Communicating with a Database using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO);
Connecting to a Database (The Connection Object, Using a System DSN, Using a DSN-less
Connection, Opening the Connection, Closing the connection, Properties of the connection);
Reading data from a Database (The Recordset Object, Using, Reading and
Displaying the contents of a Database Table).

 Data driven sites must be capable of editing as well as addition and deletion of data.

 When we make a database accessible over the WEB, there are many people accessing it at
once. Accessing is OK till the people are just reading, when they try to manipulate it, it
may cause problems.

 To prevent this the first person who tries to change the record puts a “LOCK” on it (lock
basically means that another person cannot edit).

 While the lock is on no one can change the records. As soon as the user is finished the lock
is removed.

 The bridge between the data providers and data consumers is through data sources created
using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), which is the primary method in Visual Basic
to access data in any data source, both relational and non-relational.

 For backward compatibility and project maintenance, Remote Data Objects (RDO) and
Data Access Objects (DAO) are still supported.

14.6 Keywords

ADO: ActiveX Data Objects

ASP: Active Server Pages

DAO: Data Access Objects

RDO: Remote Data Objects

14.7 Review Questions

1. Describe the actions performed by the AddNew method of the Recordset object.
2. Substantiate the arguments which AddNew can accept?
3. Why could not you use the default locking type?
4. What does CancelUpdate do? How do you delete a record?
5. Write a page that takes the titles of the links in the table and lists them in a drop-down box.
The user may then click one of the titles and then a submit button, and be taken to a page


Unit 14: Database Connectivity

where he may edit the title, URL, or description of the specified record. Create a third page Notes
to actually save the changes to the database.

6. The connection is closed when the session ends. Explain

7. The global.asa has four events - Application-Start, Session-Start, Application-End and

Session-End. Comment

8. Once you have designed you database the next step will be to create a DSN less entry,
UserDB1. Explain with a suitable program

9. ADO.NET simplifies the data reading infrastructure by applying the old “divide et impera”
motto. Discuss

10. Explain why Data driven sites must be capable of editing as well as addition and deletion
of data?

Answers: Self Assessment

Fill in the blanks:

1. Microsoft Access Drive 2. address

3. post-startup 4. DSN-less connection

5. DSN 6. DBQ parameter

7. Physical 8. Recordset

9. DataSet 10. cursor type

11. DBCommand 12. Records

13. Array 14. Remote Data control

15. Visual Basic

14.8 Further Readings

Books A Keyton Weissinger, ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]

(Paperback), O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 1, 2000)

Bob Reselman, Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example, Que Publishing

David Buser, Chris Ullman, Brian Francis, Dave Sussman, Beginning Active
Server Pages 3.0, John Wiley & Sons

John W. Gosney, ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute
Beginner) (Paperback), Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (July 15, 2002)

Keith Morneau, Jill Batistick, Active server pages, Course Technology

Scott Mitchell, Designing Active Server pages, O’Reilly Media

Online links


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