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AMP - Volume 3 - Issue 2 - Pages 118-124

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Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Synthesis and performance of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3

cathode for low and intermediate temperature
solid oxide fuel cells
Baijnath, Pankaj Kumar Tiwari, Suddhasatwa Basu*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India

*Corresponding author

DOI: 10.5185/amp.2018/895

In the present work, different synthesis methods i.e., sol-gel method, glycine-nitrate method and solid state route have been
used to synthesize lanthanum strontium cobaltite (LSCO), which is utilized as cathode in low and intermediate temperature
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Calcination temperature for LSCO has been determined by TGA. XRD, SEM, EDX and TEM
have been used to assess the phase purity, crystallite size, morphology, distribution of constituent elements and particle size
of synthesized LSCO material. Two-probe AC conductivity method has been used to calculate the ionic conductivity of
LSCO in air environment between 400-800°C. LSCO synthesized by sol-gel method provided highest ionic conductivity of
0.42 S/cm at 700°C and lowest activation energy of 31.60 kJ/mol between 500 to 700 °C among all the methods. LSCO
synthesized by sol-gel method gives lowest area specific resistance (ASR) of 3.52 Ω cm2 at 800°C for half-cell
(LSCO/YDC). High ionic conductivity and low polarization resistance established LSCO synthesized by sol-gel method, as
the potential cathode material. Copyright © 2018 VBRI Press.

Keywords: SOFC; LSCO; cathode material; method of preparation; area specific resistance.

Introduction To increase the efficiency of SOFCs at low and

intermediate temperature, mixed ionic and electronic
The electrochemical reduction of oxygen takes place at conductors (MIECs) are used as cathode material. MIECs
cathode in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) [1]. Cathode must shows both properties of ionic and electronic
have high electrochemical activity and electrical conductivities. MIECs are ABO3-type perovskite, where
conductivity and should be stable under oxidizing A belongs to rare earth ions (e.g., La) and B belongs to the
conditions and maintain sufficient porosity at the transition metal ions (e.g., Co) and A-site is doped with
operating temperature. It must have a comparable thermal other earth metal. MIEC, strontium doped lanthanum
expansion coefficient and chemical compatibility with the cobaltite (La1-xSrxCoO3-δ - LSCO) reduces the losses and
electrolyte and interconnect materials [1-3]. Oxygen enhances the performance of cells. Here strontium is
reduction reaction (ORR) takes place at the cathode close doped on lanthanum. At low current density LSCO shows
to triple phase boundaries (TPBs), where oxygen ion linear i-V characteristics and at high current density, it
conductor, electronic conductor, and gas phase come in follows Tafel kinetics [8-11]. High chemical diffusion
contact [1,4]. coefficient of oxygen in LSCO helps in bulk transport of
Lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM) has been oxygen, which leaves larger region of the electrode for
used as cathode material in conventional SOFC. LSM ORR that enhance the performance of SOFC [12]. Due to
shows poor ionic conductivity at ambient oxygen partial octahedral symmetry around the transition metal at high
pressure. During high temperature sintering LSM react temperature metallic or semiconducting band structure
with yittria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and forms insulating provide high electronic conduction [13]. At operating
lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7) and strontium zirconate conditions, MIECs support large number of oxygen ion
(SrZrO3) at the electrode and electrolyte interface. The vacancies which enhance significantly bulk ionic oxygen
insulating phases between LSM and YSZ induce high transport [4, 14].
ohmic loss and polarization loss. The losses have large Sr-doped lanthanum cobaltites are p-type conductors
impact on performance of SOFCs and should be as due its high electrical conductivity. Conductivity increases
minimum as possible. Formation of lanthanum zirconate with increase in temperature, increase in oxygen partial
will be high when (La+Sr) content at the A-site is greater pressure and decrease in Sr-content [15, 16]. Cobalt
than Mn3+ ions at the B-site and when Sr/La ratio is less content ensures good electronic conductivity and a slight
than 0.43. High Sr content leads to Sr depletion from the oxygen over-stoichiometry favours the oxygen transport
lattice and eventual SrZrO3 formation [5-7].

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Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

and also enhances electrochemical properties. Metal- 120 °C for 2 h. Further it was calcined at 800 °C for 2 h
oxygen distance shortening with increase in Sr-content and at 850 °C for 10 h to get perovskite LSCO powder.
increases the surface area [17, 18]. Surface area is an In glycine-nitrate method, precursors in
important factor for reaction rate on LSCO electrode. stoichiometric ratio were dissolved in distilled water. The
High performance electrodes can be obtained by using solution was mixed in a 1 litre glass beaker, under
MIEC electrode with a large surface area. For the MIEC constant stirring condition on a hot plate to evaporate the
cathodes, the role of surface area in improving their excess water. The temperature of the hot plate was kept at
performance lies in the fact that a higher surface area 100 °C for 1 h. After significant reduction of the solution
leads to more active sites for the oxygen reduction volume, the glycine (C2H5NO2) (purified, Merck, India)
reaction. LSCO electrode synthesized by tape casting and dissolved in distilled water was added to it. The amount of
laser ablation method provides high surface area for glycine used was calculated in order to obtain a glycine-
reaction [19, 20]. It is reported that La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ nitrate molar ratio of 2:1. The self-combustion of
cathode material synthesized using citric acid (CA) and glycine/nitrate starts at 200 °C. The obtained powder was
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) complexing calcined at 800 °C for 2 h and at 850 °C for 10 h to get
method and calcined at 1000 °C shows cubic perovskite perovskite LSCO powder. Effect of fuel on crystallite size
structure [21]. Polarization resistance reduced in air for was analyzed using glycine nitrate method by varying
symmetric LSCO cathode on a GDC electrolyte substrate glycine to nitrate ratio (g/n ratio) and keeping other
[22]. Egger et al. synthesized La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ and parameters, calcination temperature and time constant.
La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ cathode materials for IT-SOFCs by Glycine and nitrate were taken in three different ratios, i.e.
modified Pechini process and characterized by the g/n=0.5:1, 1:1 and 2:1.
conductivity relaxation technique between 525°C-725°C In solid state reaction, precursors in stoichiometric
at oxygen partial pressures of 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 bar. ratio were mixed thoroughly in an automatic agate mortar
They reported ionic conductivity of 1×10-2 S/cm with an and pestle for 4 h. This powder was sintered at 1250 °C to
activation energy of 118 kJ/mol for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ at get perovskite LSCO powder. Fig. 1 compares flowchart
725°C [15]. Hu et al. synthesized La2-xSrxCoO4-δ (x=0.9, of synthesis process for sol-gel, glycine nitrate and solid
1.0 and 1.1) using a microwave assisted citrate-nitrate state route to obtain perovskite, LSCO powder and
combustion method [16]. Electrochemical performance is sintered pellets.
improved by varying LSCO and cerium gadolinium oxide Thermal analysis of samples was analyzed using
(CGO) ratio (50 wt% LSCO-50 wt% CGO) [17]. NETZSCH TG 209 F3 Tarsus between temperature range
There is scarcity of literature to provide comparative 28-900 ºC with heating rate of 10 ºC/min, which provide
studies of LSCO cathode synthesis by different methods. information about calcination temperature. X-ray
It is seen that the different synthesis methods of LSCO diffraction (XRD) was carried out to assess phase purity
provide different conductivities and ASR values. In the and crystallite size of cathode powder and cathode pellet.
present work, La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) has been Rigaku MiniFlex X-ray diffractometer with Cu Kα
synthesized by three different synthesis routes i.e., sol-gel, radiation (wavelength, λ=1.54 Å) was used for this
glycine-nitrate and solid state route. Comparative study purpose. The 2θ range was set from 20-80º with a step
has been done for ionic conductivity and performance of size of 4º/min. Average crystallite size of synthesized
SOFC half-cell. Two-probe AC conductivity method LSCO cathode was calculated using Scherrer’s equation:
(Electrochemical Impedance Spectra, EIS) has been used

to evaluate ionic conductivity of LSCO. To study the d=
cathode polarization resistance, La0.5Sr0.5CoO3/Yttria β Cos θ
doped ceria (YDC) half-cells are measured. where, d is the crystallite size, K is Scherrer constant
(0.94), λ is the wavelength of radiation (1.54), β is the full
width at half maximum (FWHM) in radians and θ is the
Experimental Bragg angle. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) for LSCO
Materials and methods powder, LSCO pellet and composite half-cell were carried
out for microstructure and elemental analysis using JEOL
For the synthesis of LSCO powder, La(NO3)3.6H2O JSM 6010 LA JAPAN. The microstructure analysis was
(99.9% Alfa Aesar, USA), Sr(NO3)2 (99.9% Alfa Aesar, carried before and after cell testing to ascertain the
USA) and Co(NO3)2.6H2O (97.7% Alfa Aesar, USA) were changes occurring during the operation. The particle size
used as precursors in all the synthesis methods. analyses of the cathodes were carried out by transmission
In sol-gel method, precursors in stoichiometric ratio electron microscope (TEM CM 12, Phillips).
were dissolved in distilled water. Citric acid (C6H8O7) To fabricate cathode pellet, the weighed amount of
(anhydrous pure, Merck, India) was dissolved in distilled LSCO powder was placed in a clean die and the uniaxially
water in a separate container. Both the solutions were pressed into pellets of 15 mm diameter by applying
mixed in a 1 litre glass beaker, under constant stirring 150 kg/cm2 pressure. Pellets were sintered at 1250 °C for
condition on a hot plate to evaporate the excess water. The 12 h. Cathode pellets of LSCO powder were used to
temperature of hot plate was kept at 80 °C for 3 h. The gel evaluate the electrochemical performance between
was obtained after heat treatment at 100 °C for 1 h and at temperature range 400-800 ºC in a split furnace.

Copyright © 2018 VBRI Press 119

Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the sol-gel, glycine-nitrate and solid state route for LSCO perovskite synthesis.

Potentiostat/Galvanostat (PGSTAT 302N Autolab) was diameters of the semicircles are a measure of the
used to carry out electrochemical impedance spectra polarization resistances of the electrodes.
between frequency range 1 MHz to 0.1 Hz. To calculate
the ionic conductivity, the following formula is being


where, σ is the conductivity, L is the thickness of pellet, R

is the resistance and A is active area.
For half-cell fabrication, yttria doped ceria (YDC)
powder (99.9% American Elements, USA) was used as
electrolyte. A 5 wt% solution of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
(Fisher Scientific, India) was used as binder and starch
(Merck, India) as pore former. To fabricate composite
cathode, LSCO (70 wt%), electrolyte YDC (30 wt%) and
starch (30 wt% of total LSCO and YDC) were mixed
thoroughly in an automatic agate mortar and few drops of
PVA solution were added and mixed thoroughly to make Fig. 2. TGA curve of LSCO cathode material as synthesized by
(a) sol-gel method, and (b) glycine-nitrate method.
slurry. The slurry was dried in an oven at 100°C. The solid
mixture was crushed to very fine powder using an
automatic agate mortar for 4-5 h. Composite cathode Results and discussion
(LSCO:YDC=70:30) and electrolyte (YDC) were co-
pressed into half cells of 15 mm diameter by applying Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has been done to
150 kg/cm2 pressure. The silver wires were attached on determine calcination temperature of synthesized LSCO
both side of cathode pellets and half-cells using silver powder to obtain phase pure perovskite structure. Fig. 2
conductive ink and analyzed between 400-800 ºC in a shows the TGA curve between temperature 28-900 ºC for
split furnace. Potentiostat/Galvanostat (PGSTAT 302N LSCO cathode synthesized by sol-gel method and
Autolab) was used to carry out electrochemical impedance glycine-nitrate method. It has been observed from TGA
spectra for half-cell between frequency 1 MHz - 0.1 Hz. curve of sol-gel method that decrease in weight loss starts
The real part of the impedance was plotted on the x-axis at temperature 28 ºC, which may be due to formation of
and the negative of the imaginary part of the impedance some gaseous product escaping from the sample.
was plotted on the y-axis (Nyquist plot). The high Evaporation of remaining water, low boiling temperature
frequency intercept on the x-axis gives the ohmic organic species and decomposition of nitrates occurs
resistance of the cell which is due to the electrolyte. The between temperature range 28-215ºC. Boiling

Copyright © 2018 VBRI Press 120

Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

point of citric acid and glycine is 175ºC and 205ºC,

respectively. Volatilization of organic species and
decomposition of residual nitrates occurs between
215 to 608 ºC. It has been reported that oxygen vacancies
also contributed in weight loss around 350ºC.
The weight loss observed between 608 to 760ºC
might be initiated from the removal of residual or trapped
carbon which is formed as intermediate products [21].
There is no weight loss after 760ºC in case of
LSCO cathode synthesized by sol-gel method, whereas
small weight gain is observed around 780 ºC in TGA
curve of LSCO synthesized by glycine nitrate method.
From the above observation, one may conclude that the
Fig. 3. (a) XRD patterns for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 cathode powder as
calcination temperature required to get LSCO perovskite synthesized by different methods.
phase is between 800-850ºC. For the cathode synthesized
by solid state route all the precursors have been mixed
and kept at 1250 ºC to form solid solution of LSCO. In
this case it is not required to determine the calcination
The nanoparticles of LSCO cathode powder are
investigated to assess phase purity using XRD analysis.
Data from Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction
Standards-International Centre for Diffraction Data
(JCPDS) has been used for phase identification.
Fig. 3 (a) shows the XRD patterns of LSCO powder as
synthesized by different methods. The observed major
peaks of cathode powder are matched with JCPDS card
Fig. 3. (b) XRD patterns for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 cathode powder of different
no. 48-0122 and confirms the formation of perovskite glycine and nitrate ratio as synthesized by glycine nitrate method.
phase of LSCO powder. Some small peaks correspond to
strontium oxide (JCPDS card no. 49-0692) at 48º and Fig. 4 (a-c) shows morphology and EDX analyses of
cobalt oxide (JCPDS Card No. 43-1004) at 61º have been the LSCO powder as synthesized by different methods.
also detected. Effect of fuel on crystallite size has been The particle sizes are in micron range (approx. 0.5 µm)
analyzed using glycine nitrate method by varying glycine and well connected. From Fig. 4 (a) it is observed that
to nitrate ratio (g/n ratio) and keeping other parameters particles of LSCO synthesized by so-gel method are
like calcination temperature and time constant. agglomerated. It has been reported that substitution of Sr
XRD patterns shown in Fig. 3 (b) confirms the perovskite in LaCoO3 structure increases the agglomeration [23].
phase of LSCO powder correspond to different g/n ratios. The average particle size for LSCO powder synthesized
Average crystallite size of synthesized LSCO powder for by glycine-nitrate method and solid state route are
different g/n ratios is calculated using Scherrer’s equation. between 0.5-1 µm and they are well connected to each
Average crystallite size is decreased as glycine other (Fig. 4 (b), (c)).
amount increased. It is observed that g/n=2:1 provides
smallest crystallite size (21.9 nm). Average crystallite size
have been presented in Table 1. Some extra peaks with
very less intensity are detected for g/n=0.5:1 and 1:1 at
25º, 29º and 43º but there is no extra peak observed for
g/n=2:1. It can be infer from the observed XRD patterns
that fuel rich environment provides phase pure LSCO
Fig. 4. (a) SEM image and EDX analysis of LSCO powder synthesized
Table 1. Crystallite size for different glycine and nitrate ratio. by sol-gel method after calcination at 850 °C for 10 h.

Fig. 4. (b) SEM image and EDX analysis of LSCO powder synthesized
by glycine nitrate method after calcination at 850 °C for 10 h.

Copyright © 2018 VBRI Press 121

Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

Fig. 4. (c) SEM image and EDX analysis of LSCO powder prepared by
solid state route after sintering at 1250 °C for 12 h.

Slightly larger particle size has been observed for

LSCO powder synthesized by solid state route due to high
sintering temperature at 1250 °C. Presence of constituent Fig. 6. XRD patterns for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 cathode sintered pellets as
synthesized by different methods.
elements La, Sr and Co in LSCO cathode is confirmed by
EDX analysis. Table 2. Crystallite size of sintered pellets as synthesized by different
Fig. 5 (a-c) show TEM micrographs of LSCO methods.
powder synthesized by different methods. It can be
observed from TEM that the particle size (264 nm) of
LSCO synthesized by glycine nitrate method is lesser than
the particle size of cathode synthesized by sol-gel method
(412 nm) and solid state route (797 nm). Large particle
size and agglomeration in case of LSCO synthesized
bysolid state route is due to high temperature treatment
(1250 °C) in order to get perovskite phase. The LSCO Fig. 7 (a-c) show morphology, EDX analysis and
pellets sintered at 1250 °C are investigated to assess phase elemental mapping of sintered LSCO cathode pellet
purity and crystallite size of the samples using XRD synthesized by sol-gel method. It can be observed from
analysis. SEM (Fig. 7 (a)) that sufficient porosity is present such
that high triple phase boundary is achieved. Particles are
well connected and have stable structure. The presence of
constituent elements are confirmed by EDX (Fig. 7 (b)).
The homogenous distribution of constituent element can
be seen in elemental mapping presented in Fig. 7 (c).

Fig. 5. TEM images of LSCO cathode material as synthesized by (a) sol-

gel method, (b) glycine-nitrate method, and (c) solid state route.

Fig. 6 shows the XRD patterns of LSCO pellets. The

observed major peaks of cathode pellets are matched with
JCPDS card no. 48-0122 and confirms the formation of
perovskite phase of LSCO. Some small peaks correspond
to strontium oxide (JCPDS card no. 49-0692) at 48º and
cobalt oxide (JCPDS Card No. 43-1004) at 61º have been
also detected. Average crystallite size for LSCO cathode
synthesized by different methods have been presented in
Table 2. It is observed that smallest crystallite size Fig. 7. (a) SEM image, (b) EDX analysis, and (c) Elemental mapping
(29.6 nm) has been observed for LSCO cathode analysis of LSCO pellet by sol-gel method after sintering at 1250 °C for
synthesized by glycine nitrate method. 12 h.

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Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

synthesized by sol-gel method and YDC electrolyte

shows reduction in ASR value from 6.44 Ω cm2 at 700 °C
to 3.52 Ω cm2 at 800 °C. Half-cell consists LSCO cathode
synthesized by glycine-nitrate method and YDC
electrolyte shows reduction in ASR value from 18.30 Ω
cm2 at 700 °C to 11.26 Ω cm2 at 800 °C but it is much
higher than the LSCO synthesized by sol-gel method.
Half-cell consists LSCO cathode synthesized by solid
state route and YDC electrolyte shows reduction in ASR
value from 22.53 Ω cm2 at 700 °C to 3.90 Ω cm2 at
800 °C but higher than the LSCO synthesized by sol-gel
method. Fracture surface of half-cell in Fig. 9 (b) shows
100 and 20 μm thick electrolyte and cathode respectively.
YDC electrolyte is perfectly dense and shows proper
Fig. 8. Arrhenius plot for ionic conductivity of LSCO cathode material adherence with cathode. There is no delamination or crack
synthesized by different methods. observed even after cell operation.
Fast oxygen ion transportation is essential for cathode
materials hence ionic conductivity measurements has
been done between 400-800 °C for the performance
assessment of the LSCO cathode pellets in air
atmosphere. Fig. 8 shows Arrhenius plot for LSCO
cathode material as synthesized by sol-gel, glycine-nitrate
and solid state routes. The ionic conductivity for LSCO
by sol-gel method initially increases with increase in
temperature up to 700 °C then it remains constant till
800 °C. The highest ionic conductivity is 0.42 S/cm at
700 °C is observed for LSCO synthesized by sol-gel
method. The ionic conductivity of LSCO synthesized by
glycine-nitrate method and solid state route is found to be Fig. 9. (a) ASR variation with temperature for half-cell, and (b) SEM
0.20 S/cm and 0.22 S/cm at 700 °C. Endo et al. (2000) images of fracture surface of half-cell.
observed ionic conductivity of 0.1 S/cm for
Fig. 10 (a-c) shows SEM images of different cathode
La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 synthesized by Laser ablation method [20].
pellets after operation. It is observed that cathode pellets
Ullmann et al. (2000) reported ionic conductivity of 0.22
synthesized by glycine nitrate method have lesser porosity
S/cm at 800 °C for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-x synthesized by spray
than the other two methods. It can be infer that higher
drying [24], which is comparable to the ionic conductivity
ASR value for half-cell having cathode synthesized by
reported here even at lower temperature (700 °C). Lowest
glycine nitrate is due to less porosity which hinder the
activation energy of 31.60 kJ/mol for LSCO synthesized
oxygen movement.
by sol gel method has been observed between temperature
range 500 to 700 °C. Activation energy for LSCO
synthesized by glycine-nitrate method and solid state
route is observed to be 52.48 kJ/mol and 51.28 kJ/mol,
respectively. Egger et. al. (2012) reported activation
energy of 118 kJ/mol at 725 °C for La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ by
modified Pechini process [14], which is much higher than
what we observed. It is infer from above experimental
results that LSCO cathode synthesized by sol-gel method
has great potential for low/intermediate temperature solid
oxide fuel cells due to its low activation energy.
To assess the performance of LSCO cathode, half-
cell (LSCO/YDC) testing has been carried out between
temperature 400-800 ºC. Area specific resistance (ASR)
for the half cells has been calculated by impedance
analysis at different temperature intervals. ASR provides
the polarization losses corresponding to LSCO cathode.
Fig. 9 (a) shows variation of ASR with temperature for
half-cell having LSCO cathode as synthesized by
different methods. As temperature increases ASR
Fig. 10. SEM images of sintered LSCO pellet after operation synthesized
decreases which signifies lower polarization losses at by (a) sol-gel method, (b) glycine nitrate method, and (c) solid state
higher temperature. Half-cell consists LSCO cathode route.

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Research Article 2018, 3(2), 118-224 Advanced Materials Proceedings

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