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solid which melts at 48 deg. -50 deg. C. and boils at 112.3 deg. C.

be profitably exploited. In 1905 the product of copper

and that plurilocular sporangia are gametangia--potential or

7 Included by J. Stevenson in the Chron. Monast. de Abingon

and the largest ocean steamers may ascend it to the Fall

controller are those of the director of naval construction,

parliamentary records only begin to assume distinct outlines

or ``spirits of wine'' contains about 90% of pure ethyl

remarkable acrostics was contained in the verses cited by

and of Canova's Venus (North Terrace), statues of Queen

still, from which the steam, mixed with all the liberated

and Critical (ed. London, 1834); also the Athenaeum (December

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (3rd ed., 1890).

Another specimen of his wit is furnished by the

rochet in choir. The introduction. of the biretta (q.v.)

& Charleston line. The latter mission, brilliantly as it

Ravenna, in which capacity he incurred the pope's displeasure

six Reports (1891 to 1904) to the Alloys Research Committee

in thus ``lustrating'' his own land. In this last case the

vernacular form is, according to Thomas Stapleton (Preface to the

country, the surface of which is broken by masses of grey

AINMULLER, MAXIMILIAN EMMANUEL (1807-1870), German artist

according to the duration and acuteness of the disease. In

with the money he received for the betrayal of Jesus

unbroken packages by procuring a written guarantee, signed by

one led by the local janissaries, the other by the sherifs

AIDS, a term of medieval finance, were part of the

Another important and related matter that comes before

in all. The city was laid out as a gridiron of parallel

continued to fall. The process continues but is checked by

pole pieces so arranged as to produce a uniform magnetic

to look for in the sample submitted to him. Obviously, the

was the object of numerous attacks, to which he was ready

and rudely cultivated areas among the mountains at its

Quesada. From Peru the Spaniards advanced southwards to

plant, perhaps identical with the durra, i.e. millet, of

flavouring matter of which is derived from various species of

organization on the Methodist system, of which he became

stones. In one country he meets with women who, after the

loading or discharging beyond the lay days, the shipowner

the cathedral on its south side. The church of St Jean de

the Spartan Gracchus the assembly negotiated with Antigonus

II.). In 1673 the town was acain for a short time under Dutch

to enlarge and improve his grammars and his dictionary. He

occupied him until the beginning of 1860, when he was sent

strong and the extinction angle on the plane of symmetry measured

Jeffrey. He succeeded in introducing the study of Greek into

had three sons and two daughters, the title passing to his

all the marvels of the imperial city; the columns of red

better. It may be that his early death, during the great

beneath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,100

he was made lieutenant-general of the ordnance and acting

the bowel are securely fixed together and the canal rendered

A chemical classification of alkaloids is difficult on

Pope was composed of the troops lately chasing Jackson in

Ewigschneehorn . . . . . . . . 10,929 Pilatus (Tomlishorn) . . . . . . .6,995

the circumstances and conditions under which it occupies

rivals against his throne; he had broken down the power of

that the accountant-general possessed no financial control

North of the main water-parting of Afghanistan the broad synclinal

usually so considered. It is the central fluvial artery

has been almost repeated by literary English, a (ah)

rise to the slang phrase ``to sham Abraham.''

It seems to follow that in constructing a scientific theory we do

taking advantage of the current from west to east which was

European labourers, for whom there were cheap and abundant

l'accouchement de l'Alytes obstetricans,'' Ann.

enterprise or remarkable incident. Thus an ``adventurer,''

K. Oehler (English Patent9614) from meta-phenylenediamine

portions of time were gauged by shadows, and time of day

Free State during the sovereignty of king Leopold II. of

ones may often be due rather to the spread of disease and

themselves ``sons of the Jinns.'' With some of the clans of

fb = f, then for a third colour, c, the focal length is

in the genus Primula, a highly characteristic genus of

to be filled in by the performer, and to the changes in the

covered by peritoneum, three special pouches of which are

TABLE XXI.--Outbreaks of Sheep-Scab in Great Britain,

The only one of the impurities which offers any difficulty

and classed with war as an occupation becoming a free

also settled in the country Flemings who introduced various

m. In the immediate vicinity of the city, on the Red river,

recurs after opening has been made, as by the blocking of the

cloister of the Grey Friars remained among the buildings of

said it is evident that among algae also strikingly similar

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