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This paper deals with the innovative application technologies on variable speed AC motor drive systems. These
application technologies are categorized on the basis of the advantages of the AC variable speed motor drive systems,
such as downsizing, packaging with high density, energy savings, better availability and maintenancebility, higher
controllability of the torque and speed, load leveling. Various component technologies such as the power conver-
sion technology, control technology, and motor technology are also mentioned along with their related application
technologies. Future perspectives of the ac drive application technologies are discussed in the conclusion of the paper.
Keywords: AC variable speed dive, PMSM drive, IM drive, power converter, motor control
c 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. 132
Innovative Application Technologies of AC Motor Drive Systems(Keiichiro Kondo et al.)
Fig. 1. Technical features of variable speed AC motor drive systems and their applications
Fig. 18. Cut model of a 160 kW rating IPMSM for a Fig. 19. A system configuration of a hybrid excava-
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ulty of electrical engineering, department of science
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and technology, of Waseda University in 1991. He
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entered Railway Technical Research Institute in 1991
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No.1, pp.1–8 (2005) (in Japanese) and 2000 respectively. Since 2007, Dr. Kondo is an
( 29 ) H. Kawai, T. Sunohara, Y. Tasaka, and S. Fukasawa: “Permanent-Magnet associate professor of electrical and electronic engi-
Synchronous Motor Propulsion System for Tookyo Metro Ginza Line neering course of graduate school of Chiba Univer-
Trains”, Toshiba Review, Vol.63, No.6, pp.46–49 (2009) sity. His research interest is power electronics, AC
( 30 ) Y. Shibano and H. Kubota: “Pole Position Estimation Method of IPMSM at motor drive, and their application to the railway vehi-
Low Speed without High Frequency Components Injection”, The IEEE Ap- cle traction. Dr. Kondo is a member of the Institute
plied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2009) of Electrical Engineers of Japan. He is also a member of the IEEE Industry
( 31 ) Y. Hosogaya and H. Kubota: “Consideration about Zero-Speed of Pole Po- Applications, Industrial Electronics, and. He is a Dr.Eng. and Professional
sition Estimation Method of IPMSM without High Frequency Components Engineer Japan (Mechanical Engineering, Technical Management).
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( 32 ) S. Taniguchi, T. Honma, S. Wakao, K. Kondo, and T. Yoneyama: “Con-
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( 33 ) S. Taniguchi, S. Mochiduki, T. Yamakawa, S. Wakao, K. Kondo, and T.
Since 1984, he has been a member of the faculty at
Yoneyama: “Starting Procedure of Rotational Sensorless PMSM in the Ro-
tating Condition”, IEEE Trans. IA, Vol.45, pp.194–202 (2009)
Meiji University, where he is currently a Professor.
( 34 ) S. Taniguchi, K. Yasui, K. Yuki, and Y. Nakazawa: “A Free-run Startup His research interests are in motor drives. Dr. Kubota
Method for Position Sensorless PMSM”, Proceedings on Technical Meeting is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers
of Motor Drive, Rotating Machineryand Semiconductor Power Conversion, of Japan. He is also a member of the IEEE Industry
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