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Baroda, January 1942

Baroda State Press

. 1941

.Price ~_e_._1-4-0
His Highness Maharaja Sir Pratapsinh Gaekwad,
Sena-l<has- khel Samsher Bahadur, G. C. I. E ., LL.D.,
Farzande- I< has-E- Daulate Englisbia
Subject Page No.

1. Baroda State-General 1- 7
2. Physical Geography and Geology of Baroda 8- 14
3. Places of interest 15- 28
4. Gardens of Baroda 29- 37
5. Musuem ·and Picture Gallery 38- 50
6. Science Institute and Laboratories 51- 54
7. Agriculture 55- 69
8. Roads and Railways 7D- 74
9. Fisheries 75- 78
10. Forests ... 79- 83
11. Industrial development 84-103
12. Irrigation 104-110
13. Educaiion 111-127
14. Technical education 128-134
15. Library movement in Baroda 135-143
16. Medical Aid ... 144-152
17. Rural Reconstruction 153-157
18. Archaeology ... 158-161
19. Municipalities and Local Boards 162-179
20. Backward classes and their uplift 180-186
Dewan Sir V. T. Krishnama Chari
The Baroda State consists of 5 territorial blocks which lie
scattered all o,ver Gujarat, one of India's historic tracts, which
has an area of about 63,000 sq. miles. Thus this State forms
only a little more than an eighth of this area, but its different
districts are so spread over all parts of Gujarat, that they
represent completely the different aspects of its composite life, its
physiography, its linguistic and ethnical variations. Baroda State
is one of the most dispersed of territories, and its interlacing
particularly with British India and other Indian States in Kathiawad
has contributed to the complications of its administration. This
dispersal, though· not so evident in the mainland of. Gujarat where
the three main districts lie, becomes acute in Kathiawad, where
the territories of the Gaekwad are described as a "veritable
archipelago~'. In a sense demographically, however, this
dispersal has made for richness in its human material and the
wide range of interest that their study reveals. Part of Gujarat,
all the different sections of the State share its variegated life and
the consciousness of its comprehensive unity. For inspile of the
differences in its physiography, agricultural conditions, and the
contrasts of culture and social development, Gujarat may be said
to have "an ecological unity." It has well defined frontiers, and
although the contours of its land widely differ, providing in this
State, even within its limited extent, all the diversity of sea and
plain and upland, and the soil and climatic variations arc equally
sharply divided,-thc combination of natural influences, as well as
the incidents of its history, have helped to produce something like a
discernible and distinctive mental make-up for the Gujarati people.
Their language has freely received influences from all sides and
shows now the least dialectical differences, as compared to the
other great regional languages-a most remarkable phenomenon.
Their art and architecture similarly shows a like receptivity to
outside influences. In respect of their social composition, the
multitude of castes and sub-castes, the most diversified in India,
has been preserved intact without making for any positive disunity;

Its extensive sea coast line has helped to produce in Gujarat a race
"bristling with enterprise and initiative.''
The southern district of the State, Navsari, ·ues on either
side of the Tapti, forming a mosaic with the villages of the
Surat collectorate, ;.nd separated from Baroda district by the
territories of Rewa Kantha and the Broach district. The western
talukas of the district, the Rasti-are flourishing and prosperous. Its
rich soil grows the best varieties of cotton, fmit and sugar cane.
The rivers Tapti, Ambika and Purna drain it from east to west.
The eastern parts of the district forming the talukas of Songadh
and Vyara are called the Rani and comprise areas of forests and
backward people-the raniparaj.
The river Narmada with its picturesque banks forms the
southern boundary of the Baroda district. Almost in the centre
lies the capital of the State, Baroda, a city of palaces and stately
public buildings, of parks and recreation grounds, of broad
well laid roads and beautiful avenues, of colleges, schools and
Further to the north, beyond Ahmedabad lies the Mehsana
district with its historic towns of Patan and Sidhpur, and its
numerous archreological ruins and monuments of historical interl':st,
and Mehsana, the district headquarters, is an important junction on
the B. B. & C. I. Rly. line to Malva and Rajputana and. has a
considerable future before it.
In Kathiawad, far to the West, isolated and dispersed
territories form the districts of Amreli and Okhamandal. The
central block of Amreli district is fertile and well cultivated except
in lhe south where it touches the Gir. _ ·
Okhamandal has its headquarters at Dwarka, an ancient place
of pilgrimage sacred to the Hindus. The country is bleak and
barren ''where even stunted trees are bowed low by lhe subservient
winds in obeisance to Dwarka's lord". In recent years however
unsuspected sources of wealth have been discovered. The port of
Okha, with its excellent harbour, has become one of the principal
ports of Kathiawar and west India; and great industrial concerns
like the Associated Cement Company and the Tata Chemicals
have been established here. These developments promise to turn
one of the most bleak and barren areas of the State into one of the


The State of Baroda has a total area of 8,176·12 sq. miles with
ll population of 28,55,010 of whom 14,72,909 are males and
13,82,101 females. The average density per mile comes to 349.
This population is distributed among 2,896 villages and 64
iowns. The'general distribution of population by communities
shows that of the total population 25,65,056 are Hindus, 2,23,610
Muslims, 9,182 Christians, 46,866 Jains, 6,930 Parsis and the rest
are miscellaneous communities including tribes who have been
showing a marked tendency to return themselves as Hindus. Thus
almost all the religious denominations of India are found in the
Slate. Spread of modern education, and of liberal ideas is steadily
softening the edges and angularities of different faiths and the
~resulting broad sense of tolerance reduces the chances of religious
tension which was never acute in the State.
The extraordinary configuration of the Baroda territory,
its diversity and fragmentation, is the legacy of two centuries
.of military exploits, internecine wars and financial and adminis-
trative complications. When Pilajirao, the founder of the
fortunes of the Gaekwad family . captured Songadh, the hill
fortress which commands the southern approaches to Gujarat, he
laid the foundation of a new power, on the ruins of the Mughal
Empire. The establishment of a principality at Songadh, its
extension to include the territory which now forms the Baroda
district, and the defeat of the other Maratha chieftains who
disputed the supremacy of the Gaekwad's power, was the work
of Pilajirao during his brief career of eleven years between
1721 and 1732. The achievements of his successor, the able and
energetic Damajirao (1732-68) were equally brilliant. He com-
pleted the conquest of Gujarat, extended the Maratha power into
Kathiawar, and so strengthened his position, that he was able to
offer resistance to the Peshwas who were governing the Maratha
Empire in the name of the Satara kings, descendants of the great
Shivaji, and with whom Damajirao had his differences. Damajirao
ceded to the Peshwas half of Gujarat and of all future conquests. In
the course of the next half of the century .the ceded territory
passed into British hands, and now form the districts of British
Gujarat. This fact explains the dispersed situation of the State

The 50 years, 1768-1818, following the death of Damajir:w.

was a period of wars and quarrels of succession which followed
the death of almost every Gaekwad and gave occasions to the-
rising power of the East India Company to establish political
relations with Baroda.
Important names of rulers such as· those of Sayajirao II~
Ganpatrao, and Khanderao may be mentioned in the line of
Gaekwad rulers. In 1802, 1805, and 1817 Baroda entered into an
offensive and defensive alliance with the British Government, and
it continues even to-day.
During thirty years of his rule Sayajirao II was much
respected by his people for his courtly and considerate
behaviour, his tenacity of purpose, his vigour and self assertion.
In Ganpatrao's reign, 1847-56, infanticide and the sale of
children was prohibited, and the land for the B. B. & C. I. railway
was ceded to the British Government. Khanderao's reign {1856-70}
is memorable for the service he rendered to the British at the
time of the Mutiny, for a number of fine public buildings, for the
construction of the first railway line in the State between Miyagam
and Dabhoi and for reforms which brqught regularity in the
administration of justice and of land revenue. But rapid deterio-
ration set in du'ring the short period of five years of Malharrao's.
rule from 1870 to 75.
Owing to misgovernment of the State Malharrao had to be·
deposed in 1875 and famnabai, the widow of Khanderao, was.
invited to adopt a son who might ascend the Gadi, and Sir T.
Madhavrao one of the ablest administrators of those times was.
entrusted with the administration. Jamnabai adopted Gopalrao,.
a descendant of a brother of Damajirao, who, as Sayajirao III,
ascended the gadi on 27th May 1875.
Sayajirao Gaekwad:-
Thc sixty four years that this remarkable ruler was on the
throne is the Golden Period in the history of Baroda State.
His achievements were numerous: a scientific system of land.
revenue survey and settlement was introduced; great depart-
ments of State formed; social laws framed and enacted, com-
pulsory education enforced; important programmes of rural
reconstruction and industrial development carried out; the social
services of the State extended; a net work of railways laid; the port.
6f Okma developed, and above all a .tradition of just and aood
government firmly established. In these numerous and ~reat
achievem.ents, His Highness was assisted by a succession of"able
mimisters, but the inspiration was always his. Modern Baroda is the
great and Jiitting memorial to Sayajirao. H. H. Sayajirao died in
1939_. The people who were so well served by him deeply mourn-
ed h1s death. The present ruler H. H. Maharaja Pratapsinh who
ascended the Baroda Gadi on February 7, 1939, is a grandson and
:a worthy successor to H. H. Sir Sayajirao of revered memory, and
.a young ruler of many attainments•
. The Present Ruler:-
His Highness completed his primary education in the
Princes' School, Baroda. Thereafter he spent some time in the
Rajkumar College at Rajkot and a public school at Eastbourne in
England. He passed his matriculation examination ir<im the
Baroda High School and read for the Intermediate Arts examina·
tion in the Deccan College, Poona.
His administrative training began in 1:929 in the Revenue
department which, after all, is the centre of the whole administra·
tion in a predominently agricultural State like Baroda and which
<>ffers many opportunities of coming into the closest contact with the
people. Starting from the lowest rung of the departmental ladder
he fille:l appointments of increasing responsibility and thus came
in direct touch with the people over whom he was to rule. In
addition to this intensive administrative training, he received
instruction in History, Economics and other allied subjects, the
knowledge of which is s::> essential to a prospective ruler. In
course of time he became Karma Sachiv and a member of the
State Executive Council and also worked as Secretary to his
grand father, His late Highness Maharaja Sayajirao. His Highness
held this post for about eight years with great distinction. Here
he mastered the details of the working and policy of all the
departments in the State and enforced strict discipline in the
administration. He had also occasions to deputize for his grand
father on important· ceremonial occasions, and thus became
familiar with their routine.
The general education which His Highness thus received and
the high traditions of the great Royal House in which he has been
brought up, have indeed made him a very worthy recipient of. a
noble heritage. Keen on village uplift and extremely sympathetic

to the needs of the agricultural population he, immediately on

accession to the gadi reduced permanently the land revenue tax by
Rs. 22 lakhs and donated a crore of rupees to perpetuate the
memory of his distinguished predecessor by creating a tr.ust
to be utilised for various purposes connected with the betterment
of the people.
He is a great sportsman and a patron of learning and artS'.
The foundation of a Chair in the Benares Hindu University for
the studies of Indian culture is one of the many items that show
his abiding interest in cultural activities. He is very simple, almost
spartan in his habits, and has been associating himself with the
administration even while he was the Yuvraj. The distinguished
traditions of Baroda will not only be maintained but will be
enhanced a great deal under his watchful and benign regime.

The system of Govemment:-

The Ruler is the source of all authority and power in the
State, but he has delegated wide powers to the Executive Council,
the Legislative Assembly and the judiciary, reserving_ to himself
only important questions and those involving policy. The revenues
of the State are regarded as public funds and the Privy Purse or
Khangi which includes all expenditure on the Palace forms. an
item in the annual budget about 9% of the revenues of the State.
The Government of Baroda Act 1939 defines the constitution,
the functions and powers of the Executive Council; the legislature
and the judiciary. The Executive Council consists of the Minister
called Dewan and three Naib Dewans, one of whom is a non-official
gentleman with a record of public service. Each member is in
charge of a portfolio in respect of which he exercises clearly
defined administrative powers. The Minister and his colleagues are
assisted by a Secretariat, the Huzur Central Office, organised on
the system prevailing in British India. The entire administration
is carried on through well organised departments.

The Dhara Sabha or the Legislative Council was constituted

in 1908. It consisted of 26 members of whom 10 were elected
me~bers. It possessed !"either financial nor legislative powers.
and 1ts resolutions were m the form of recommendations. The
Government of Baroda Act of 1939 however reconstituted the
Council on a broad basis of representation and with extended
powers. It now consists of 60 members of whom 37 are elected

by constituencies on a wide franchise. Every person who holds

land assessed at not less than Rs. 30 or pays income tax, or owns
immovable property worth Rs. 1,000 or more or has passed the
matriculation or an equivalent examination is entitled to vote at
the elections and to stand as a candidate. Of these 37, 10 members
represent industry, commerce, labour and the co-operative
movement as special interests. The other 23 members of the
Dhara Sabha consist of 6 officials and 17 nominated gentlemen,
of whom only one is official.
The Dewan is the President. There is also a deputy president,
who after the first 3 years will be elected by the Dhara Sabha.
Three parliamentary secretaries are appointed to assist the
councillors in the Dhara Sabha work and a Dhara Sabha secre-
tariat directly under the Dewan has been formed.
The Dhara Sabha has the power to initiate and pass legisla-
tion, to discuss and vote the budget and to ask questions and
move resolutions on matters of public interest subject to certain
limitations. All legislation require the assent of the Maharaja.
The judiciary is separate from and independent of the legisla·
ture and the Executive.
The policy and the spirit on which the constitution is worked
will be evident from the following noteworthy features of the
new constitution :-
1. It is based primarily on the complete identity of interest
between the Ruler and the ruled and among all sections
of the people.
2. The electorates are joint and not communal, Government
having firmly rejected all suggestions regarding fixing
of constituencies on communal lines.
3. There is a majority of elected members in the Dhara Sabha.
4. An elected member of the Dhara Sabha has been appoint-
ed as one of the Ministers in the Executive Council,
and as such is cmpowered to bring his influence to bear
on the whole administration.
5. Three Parliamentary Secretaries are appointed from the
non-official members of the Dhara Sabha though the
Committee had suggested only two.
6. The deputy president is also a non-official member.
The territories of His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwad of
Baroda lie between 20° OS' and 24° 9' N. latitude and between
69° 5' and 7 3° 59' E. longitude. These territories are inters-·
persed with others owning British or other sovereignty, from the
northern extremity of the Thana district of the Bombay presi-
dency in the south, to Palanpur in the north, and .from the
western limit of the Nasik district in the south-east to the
extreme north_;west of Kathiawad.
Natural divisions:-
In the scheme of natural divisions, drawn up for the whole
of India for census purposes, Baroda State is included in the
natural division Gujarat, which may be divided into ·two
main blocks, namely Cutch· and Kathiawad, or peninsular
Gujarat, in which the Amreli district of the Baroda State is
situated, and mainland Gujarat, which includes the Gujarat
districts-of Mehsana; Baroda, and Navsari, which may be further
sub-divided into north, central, and south Gujarat, each of which
has its own peculiarities.
The territories of the Baroda State in peninsular Gujarat,
have, on acc 0 unt of their detached position and large sea-board,
developed and preserved peculiar traits and characteristics in
population which is stalwart and adventurous. In Mehsana district,
and around the town of Patan, the ancient capital of Gujarat in
north Gujarat on the mainland, are located original settlements
like Vadnagar, Khadat, Visnagar and Modhera, from which many
of the Gujarat castes take their ·names. The four British districts
of Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Kaira, Broach and Surat are s1tuated in
close proximity to Baroda territory.
Rock systems:-
The rocks met with in the Baroda State are referable to the
following systems and groups, arranged in a descending order:-
. s· -
The Ganesh festival in Laxmivilas Palace
' 9

. · · VI. Recent and post-Tertiary:-· These are the alluvial and

,gub-aerial formations, and cover a large part of the State. Thouah
agriculturally very important, geologically they are of a very min~r
-value. These occupy mostly the central or western side of the
V.. Eocene (Nummelitic) system:- The representatives of
this system lie mostly near to and in the valleys of the Tapti
and Kim rivers.
IV. The Deccan-Trap system:- The volcanic formations,
which make up this great series of rocks of Upper Cretaceous age,
lie mainly in the Navsari district.
III. The Bof,h series:- Rocks referable to this group, are
.formed only in the southern parts of Sankheda, and along the
.eastern boundaries of Vaghodia .and the Savli talukas of the Baroda
II. Champmzer system:- .This is an important group of
apparently Azoic rocks. These constitute a distinctly sub-meta-
morphic series of rocks including Quartzites, Schists, Slates, and
Limestone which is only met with in the northern and the south-
eastern parts of Sankheda taluka. In the northern part of the
.taluka, they are seen in several hill ridges, which stretch east-west,
close to the boundary between the Baroda and the Panch Mahals
and Narukota territories.
I. The Archaean Rocks:- These are Granites and Gneisses,
with associated crystalline limestones, occupying two areas of
moderate extent in the S:mkheda taluka, ·and a few sm'lll, and,
with the exception of two, unimportant inliars which show here and
ihere, throu~h the great alluvial spread. A third Archaean_ a~ea,
of small extent, occurs far north in the bed of the Sabarmatt nver
at Virpur, in Vijapur taluka.
The successions of geological formations m~t with in !he
Kathiawar territories of the Baroda State is shown m descendmg
Alluvial and sub-aerial deposits;
III. Recent. } Miliolite; - .
Dwarka beds;
II. Tertiary. } Guj beds;
I. Cretaceous-Deccan Trap series.

Of these, Deccan-Trap Series occupies by far the largest area

superficially, and is much the most important formation in every
way, being in many places of great thickness. It occupies the
coastal plateau of the peninsula, and excepting for a few small
local patches of river alluvium, forms the whole of the Damnagar,
Amreli and Dhari talukas, while a few inliars of it protrude over
the surface of the miliolite in the Kodinar taluka. It occupies also
the Ishweria type 0f the Ratanpur peta taluka.
The Tertiary, Guj and Dwarka beds are met with only in the·
Okhamandal taluka.
The Post-Tertiary miliolite occurs only in the Kodinar taluka,.
together with a small extent of alluvium close to the coast. The·
largest show of alluvium in the Baroda territory is in the Ratanpur
peta taluka, the whole of which, with the exception of the TAPA of
lshweria (four miles to the south-west) lies within the great belt of
coast alluvium, which stretches from the Gulf of Cambay to the
Ran of Cutch. The alluvium of the Okhamandal Ran covers an
area of some size about 18 square miles, while the' alluvium tract
of Aramda, at the northern end of the Okhamandal taluka, is also
too extensive to pass unnoticed.
Incline of land:-
The greater part of the State lies within the area of the coastal
band of alluvium which has been formed by the encroachment
on the shallow Gulf of Cambay, of the rletrital deposits brought
down by the many rivers, large and small, whio.:h drain the
province of Gujarat, the western slopes of Malwa, and the southern
parts of Rajputana. The upward slope of alluvial band, from the
sea-board outward is very gradual, so that, except where wind-
blown accumulations of loam or sand makes small local eminances
here and there the surface of the country appears to be a
flat level plain. It is only as the eastern side of the alluvial flat is
approached that it is interrupted by occasional low hills, or by
. surface irregularities formed by the courses of small rivers.
The drainage of the Gujarat divisions of the Baroda State
falls westward into the Gulf of Cambay, in the Arabian Sea, which
receives such a vast amount of silt brought down by the larger
rivers that it is rapidly being silted up as is shown by the present
conditions of the harbours of Surat, Broach, and· Cambay. Not
two centu~ies ag<;>, these sea-ports were visited by fleets of shipping
of the ordmary stze of the traders of those days. Now they are with
difficulty reached by vessels of 30 tons burden.

The four. principal !ivers falling into the· Gulf of Cambay are:
t~e Sabar~ah, _the Mahi, the_ Narmada, and the Tapti, all large·
nvers, flowmg m part~ of their course through Baroda territory;
Of much smaller size are the Dhadh:ar between Mahi and•
N~rmada, the Kim, between the Narmada and the Tapti, and the
Mmdhola, the Purna, and the Ambika, to the south of the Tapti.-
The only river of any importance in the Amreli district is· the
Shetrunji, which rises in the highest parts of the Gir· forests and·
drains the central part of the division. The smaller ones are
the Raval and the Dhatarwadi of the Dhari taluka, the Singuwada,
which divides the Kodinar taluka into two unequal lobes,. and the
Rangoli of the Damnagar taluka.
The soil:--
The inhabitants of the Baroda State are for the most part
agriculturists. The principal crops are cotton, tobacco, oil-seeds,
juwar, bajri, rice, and pulses. The coastline and the western
talukas of the Navsari district 11re very fertile and yield garden
produce, but the south-eastern parts are inferior in fertility, owing
to rocks and mountains in some places. The Amreli district
though inferior in fertility, has many fertile tracts especially in
the Amreli, Damnagar, and Kodinar talukas.
The soil in the whole of the State is alluvial; except in the
hilly parts of Navsari and Amreli districts, and in the south-eastern
corner of the Baroda district, where it is mostly formed by
disintegration of the underlying rocks. The alluvial soils of the
Baroda State may be roughly divided into, (1). Gorat or sandy
loam; (2) Kali, or black; and {3) Besar, or that formed by the
mixture of the two. The rock-formed soils are, for the most part
black, but where they have come into contact with alluvial soils,
they have formed a variety of Besar. The soils of the Navsari and
the Baroda districts may principally be classed as· Goral, Blac~
and Besar. As a rule, the black soil of the Navsari district is fap
superior to the soil of similar kind found in the other distric~s.
BHATHA lands or bnds found in the beds of Fiver from alluvial
deposits are often found in the Navsari district, and are v~ry
productive. In the Mehsana district, the soil is mostly of the high
sandy kind. Black soil is met with, but only in patches in parts oi
the district. The soils of the Amreli district (Okhamandal excepted)/
may be classed under two main heads, Black and Gorat, but
the Goral and Black soils of this district arc inferior to the similar:
soils of Baroda and Navsari districts.
The soil in the northern half of Okhamandal -is light red
alternating with a tolerably rich black mould. Along the whole,
-of the coastline it is sandy and unproductive, but inland, it is fairly
fruitful. The soil in the southern portion is also light r_ed
with but few fertile ingredients, and in many places it is rocky
·and barren. ·

"The climate:-
The character of the Kharif crops and the good prospect
of the Rabi depend upon the Iegularity and seasonableness
·-of the rainfall from the middle of June or the beginning of
July to the middle of October. The late showers of October
help the spring crops also. Satisfactory maturity of the crops,
.however, depends upon the September and October showers.
Small irrigation works are mel with all over the Raj, especial-
ly, what arc called Paddy tanks. The number of such tanks in
·each di'l.tision varies with the nature of the staple crops, the soil,
and the intelligence, skill, and capacity of the cultivator.
The climate of Baroda proper, that is the Gujarat districts is
·very different at the opposite ends of the State, the southern
mahals having a climate that is decidedly moist, though less so,
than that of the typical west coast or Konkan, while the northern
.mahals have a dry climate, nearly approaching that of southern
Rajputana. The rainfall in the south averages about 58 inches.
Around Baroda, it is 38 inches, and in the northern division, the
average is as low as 32 inches.

It may be said i..1 general that the weather is dry and hot in
the hot season, which commences in March and ends in June, the
hottest months being May and June. The climate during the
:rainy season- from July to October- is hot, moist and relaxing.
During the cold season, which commences in November and ends
in February, the climate is dry and cool. The coldest months are
encrally December and January.

During the hot weather months the average maximum tem-

perature is about 104·8° F., the maximum daily temperature
'ranging usually from 98·4° F. to 115·5° F.
The average minimum temperature during this hot season is
,about 74·8° F. and it usually ranges from 60o F. to 84·8° F. .
. During the rainy season, the average maximum temperature
ts 89·1° F., while the average minimum temperature is about
76·6° F.
During the cold weather, the maximum daily temperature
ranges from 70° F. to 100·4° F. and the daily minimum tempe-
rature ranges from 30° F. to 67·1° F.
The territories of the Baroda State are usually situated
inland, except at two prominent places in Kathiawar; one at
Rupen in Okha, and the other at Mul Dwarka in Kcdinar, and at
one place in Gujarat, viz Billimora. The Okha port has
considerably developed during recent years and cargo steamers.
from foreign countries regularly call at this port.
Billimora in the Navsari district, on the B. B. & C. I. Ry.
m:Linline, is the only important river-port in the Baroda State
in Gujarat. An old port, it flourished before the advent of the
Of metals, only two are met with in the Baroda State, iron and
gold, the former in fair and ~the latter in very small quantities.
Considerable quantities of slag heaps near Phucleda, Mehsana
district, Nani Naroli, Navsari district, and Samdhi, Baroda district,
testify to the existence in ancient times of large smelting works.

Traces of gold are to be found in the high banks of the Heran

river, a little south-east by south, from Sankhcda, in the Baroda
district. But the quantity procurable is too small to justify
Of the chemicals, pyrites, bauxite, sea-weeds, for the produc-
tion of iodine, salt, natural soda, Fuller's earth, are worth mention-
ing, and these are fairly scattered all over the State.
Quartz sand, suitable for the manufacture of some kind or
other of glass, occurs in several parts of the State. There arc larg~
d_eposits of china clay, mostly on the right bank of the Sabarmatt
Calcarious material, for the manufacture of lime and cement
is available in large quantities in the beds and banks of the river
Kim, near Dwarka, and near Aramda in Okhamandal.

Marble of ·different ~olours is available near Motipura in

:Sankheda taluka near Wadeli on the Heran river banks, and in
ahe Dhari taluka.
Building .stone is also available in different parts of the State.

The City of Baroda

A tour of the Western India will not be complete without a

visit to Baroda. The city of Baroda situated on the Vishwamitri
river has a population and area of 1,53,301 persons and 8-74 sq.
miles respectively, and lies 244 miles north of Bombay on the
B. B. & C. I. Rly. of which it is an important junction. Situated
among the plains of Gujarat, it is the centre of a network of the
G. B. S. Rlys. opening out vast territories in the interior.

The earliest discovered record about this ancient city is on a

{:Opper plate dated A. D. 812. The ancient name of the city was
Chandanavati from Raja Chandan. This name was afterwards
changed to Viravati, that is, the abode of warriors. Subsequently the
name came to be Vatodar, i. e., in the heart of Vata or Burr trees;
and, as a fact, these trees abound in the vicinity of the city; and from
- that it has at present naturally come to be known as Vadodara. In
the earliest times of which we have any record, the city extended
only over that portion which is at present comprised within its
four walls now dismantled to accommodate the increasing
needs of the population, and the country outside it was a mass of
fields, fences, wells, and temples and mosques, lying scattered all
about. It was after it came into possession of the Gaekwars and
became their capital that it rose in importance. Suburbs were
formed outside the walled town as the population increased. Of
these the principal ones are Anandpura, Fatehpura and Shiyapura
named after the past rulers of the Gaekwar family and Raopura
and Babajipura named after the past Dewans. Even the roads
and colonies were not laid out on the scientific methods of the
present times. But now it is one of the important cities of
Gujarat with wide asphalt roads running upto about 3~ n.iles,
palaces, gardens, offices, temples, recreation grounds and orderly
:streets, impressive housing colonies and a number of important
industrial concerns.

To the visitors and tourists who are fond of sight seeing

there are beautiful buildings, palaces, avenues, parks and play-
grounds. For visitors with artistic inclination, there are a number of
beauty spots varying in picturesqueness. To a student, who is in
search of modernity in administration, education, and industry,
Baroda as the capital of a front rank progressive and prosperous-
State will furnish ample materials ·in its administrative machinery,
educational institutions and industry based on private enterprise
encouraged by plans of State aid .

.Visitors will notice the happy blending of the old. and new
ways of life and its expression in the corporate town planning.
which is the pride of Gujarat and to which it has set a great
example.. ·

As the ·visitor comes out of the Baroda Railway Station, lie

is greeted by the sight of the grand statue of His late Highness in
commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of his reign which
constituted a golden era in the history of Baroda State.
. .
Baroda High School:-
On the.left side of the main road and close to the Railway
station is the High School building. It was designed by Sir W.
Emerson, Architect, London and was constructed in 1914-18.
The style is Inclo-Saracenic and is designed to suit the College
building, with a dome in the centre and corner domes at the
ends. ·

Maharaja Clock Tower:- .·

Just near the station is the Maharaja clock tower which was
built. by His Highness' subjects who were sent abroad for foreian
stu d1es.
Science Institute:-
Near the High School is the Shri Sayaji Jubilee Science
Institute. This was constructed in recent years, and the design
is of the retired State Architect, Mr. V. R. Talvalkar. This is also
designed in lndo-Saracenic style . to match with the College
and High School buildings on either side. There is a central dome
constructed for astronomical observations. There are science
laboratories of the College housed in this building together with
the research laboratories of the Industries, Agriculture and Health
departments. The Meteorological observatory of Baroda is also
in the same compound.
Baroda College:-
The building is situated on high ground on the left side of the
road in a spacious compound which includes the students' hos-
tels, a botanical garden, cricket and hockey grounds, tennis
courts and a gymnasium. The college building was erected in
1887 at a cost of more than Rs. 6 lakhs. Its characteristic feature is
a big dome over the central hall 60' square and 144' high. The
style of architecture is Indo-Saracenic and the dome is possibly
the largest of its kind in modern India. The design was prepared
by Mr. R. Chisholm, the then architect of Madras Government but.
afterwards employed by the State as its own architect.
Equestrian Statue:-
A little further from the College is the Public Park near the
main entrance of which is the equestrian statue of His late Highness
Maharaja Sayajirao III. It was raised by His Highness' grateful
subjects and admirers in India and beyond the seas "in com-
memoration of his Silver Jubilee in 1907 and in token of loyalty and
appreciation of his ever progressive rule". It is in bronze, and is
the work of the famous English artist F. Derwett Wood and its
cost was about Rs. 60,000.
Public Park:-
This is on the outskirts of the city on the bank of the river
Vishwamitri, and is a delightful centre of recreation for the public.
In the Park arc located the Museum and the Picture Gallery
which contain one of the finest collections of Oriental and Western
art in 'India and is an important attraction for the visitor for
spending a whole day. The Museum in the Public Park was built
in 1890 after the design of Mr. R. F. Chisholm and the picture
gallery building was added in 1910, and was designed by the
same architect. Both the buildings are connected by a gallery.
In the precincts of the park is also located the Zoo.
F atebgaoj:- .
Near the entrance of the Public Park and separating it from
the College ground runs a road towards north, shaded by magni-
ficent banyan trees, which leads to the Baroda Camp. Most of
the camp area is now retroceded to the Baroda Government in
19+0 and is now called the Fatehganj. On the left side along this
road are Government bungalows which are constructed for resi-
dential purposes for the State Officers. Further on, there is a
column ot Songhad stone which was raised by H. H. Sayajirao
Maharaj II to the memory of Mr. Williams who was a Resident
for 17 years. There is the Residency building in this area which
was built in 1833-34. A marble tablet on the same records the fact
that it was the dwelling place of Generals Outram and Meade.
Kirti Mandir:-
. Coming back to the main road and crossing the bridge over
the Vishwamitri, one is attracted by the sight of the 'Kirti Mandir',
the temple of fame and remembrance. It was completed and
graciously opened iu February 1936 by His late Highness
Sayajirao III at the time of his Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
The Kirti Mandir was erected, to quote the words of His
late Highness, "to commemorate . the benefactors of my
State irrespective of their race, caste or creed. It will be a
reminder to all of the story of its rulers and of the men who
have planned and toiled in the shaping of its destinies and a
tribute thus to the most cherished qualities in humanity."
The main dominating feature of the Kirti Mandir is the
central spire in the typical Hindu style. It is 110 ft. high and
profusely decorated. The phinial on the Shikhar is in bronze
and represents the Sun, the Moon and the Globe of the Earth
with India in relief. The facing of the building is in Khimaj
stone work and the lattice in the front is in red Bharatpur stone.
The interior marble finish is partly in Makrana and partly in
Italian marbles. The work of decorating the interior walls by
mural paintings is entrusted to the very capable hands of the well
known Bengal artist Mr. Nand La! Bose. Two of the paintings
"Gangavtarana" and "Meerabai' have been so far done. The
total cost of the Kirti Mandir is just over 5 lacs · of rupees.
Mr. V. R. Talvalkar, was the State Architect all throughout
and the late Mr. Stevens, Joint Architect for the central portion.
There is a small Dutt Mandir in the same compound which
has been modified and rebuilt to harmonise with the Kirti Mandir.
The Kirti Mandir site had been used as a Royal Cemetery
and among the important edifices built in memory of the deceased
members of the Royal Family is to be seen the old Mahadeo

Kirti Mandir

The Secretariat
temple close to the road, built by H. H. Ganpatrao over the spot
where H. H. Sayajirao II was cremated. It is of stone highly
;finished and remarkably graceful. Next to this is a still larger
temple of Kedareshwar raised in honour of H. H. Govindrao
'by his son Saya jirao.

Tothe right of the Cemetery, the Dewan Sitaram erected a

;temple of Yavteshwar Mahadeo. Closer to the bridge and
at the head of the two ghats or flights · of steps descending to
the water is a tasteful shrine of white marble which marks the ·
.spot of the Dewan's funeral. One of the ghats was built by him,
.and the other by Maharaja Sayajirao while a third on the left of
the bridge by Govindrao Maharaj.
Indira Avenue etc:-
After crossing the bridge, to the right, is the Indira Avenue.
It is a beautiful road with magnificent banyan trees on both the
_sides, which keep the road well shaded and cool. To the left,
:are the State General Hospital and Government bungalows; and
to the right, are the quarters of the Hospital Matron and the.
nursing staff.
'The Central Jail:-
At the top of the Avenue, on the right side, is the Central
Jail.. It has been built at a cost of 6 lakhs of rupees. It is a
circular building of red bricks in the inner circle of which lines
.of buildings i:adiate from a central tower for the safe lodging of
prisoners. The outer circle contains kitchens, the dispensary,
solitary <.:ells and a large enclosure for female convicts. The
Jail buildings are arranged on modern principles and prisoners
are employed on dyeing, weaving, sewing, cane work and such
other industries.
State General Hospital:-
Coming to the main road near the Kirti Mandir, on the right
side is the State General Hospital. The hospital building opposite
the Kirti Mandir is an old one and considerable additions ..yere sub·
.sequently made to provide more accommodation and to make it
a more· up-to-date Hospital. This old building, originally a single
storied one, was constructed after the design of Major Mant in
1886 and was named the Countess of Dufferin Hospital. The State

General Hospital Building on the other side of the nala was

designed by Mr. Coyle and the construction work was completed
in 1917. In the centre there is the Administration block connect-
ed by corridors with the wards on either side. The out-patients'
block is behind the surgical ward. Two operation theatres are
constructed on each side of the Administration bloclc. Additions
continue to be made from time to time to the Hospital buildings
according to the growing needs of the institution. The Hos-
pital is equipped with the most up-to-date equipments. In the
Hospital compound, on the side of the main road, is an old
temple to Udenarayan built by Shibandi Baxi Lallubhai.

State Press and Kotbi Buildings:-

The main road passes through Anandpura and then through

Raopura. Near the bend of the road, after we pass the State
General Hospital, is the State Printing Press and then further
at the crossing of the two roads, the road up a slight ascent to
the right leads to what is known as the Kothi. In the Juni Kothi,
on the left, in old days, was the Residency Office (1802-1832);
but the so-called fort now contains the Government Offices.
To the north of the old Kothi buildings, is the new Kothi build-
ing, or the Secretariat, constructed in 1917-22 after the design
of Mr. Coyle. It provides accommodation for the offices of His
Highness the Maharaja Saheb, H. E. the Dewan saheb and other
Ministers and the Legislative Council Hall. The style of the
building is Gothic.

. On the right side of the road, are the P. W. D., Police and
other Government offices in the compound, In the same com-
pound is the Jayasinhrao Library for the public which is housed
in a small but handsome structure. The Oriental Institute housed
in the Record Tower Building is of unfailing interest to persons
interested in research of Indian culture. ·

Broadcasting Studio:-

Proceeding by the north road from the Kothi crossing &

then turning towards the east, one sees, by the side of the State
Veterinary Hospital, a modern building under construction.
This is the Broadcasting Studio which will be put in to operation
in the near future. This scheme is taken up to commemorate the.
Diamond Jubilee of His Highness late Sayajirao III.

From Kothi to Becharaji Temple:-

. Returning to the Raopura Road and proceeding towards the
City, we see the Raopura Police Station, the Improvement Trust
Buildings, the Post and Telegraph Office, the recreation ground
with the old Suryanarayan temple, then the Nawab Wada and a
vernacular boys' school. Further up, is the Chimnabai clock
tower erected from the funds contributed by the citizens of
Baroda in memory of Her late Highness Chimnabai, the first
consort of his late Highness Sayajirao III. The adjacent
part of the City is called Gheekanta and adjoining to its
north is the Nagarwada. If we descend through it into the
low road we reach the- Becharaji's temple. This is one of the
most important temples in Baroda. Thvusands of devotees visit
the temple particularly during the Nav Ratri period in the month
of Ashwin and His Highness the Maharaja also pays homage to it
on such and other important occasions. The courtyard is the
work of H. H. Khanderao but the old octagonal tank is of much
older date.
Proceeding towards the east we reach the mental hospital
and the Training school for men.
Jubilee Garden and Sursagar:-
Again to return to the main road near the Chimnabai Tower
and proceeding further, we come across the Jubilee Garden. It
was opened in 1908 in connection with the Silver Jubilee of His
late Highness Sayajirao III, for the use of the city people.
In this garden is a colossal statue of Buddha. The Tarkeshwar
temple built by Her Highness Jamnabai is just nearby. Then
comes the Sursagar, a big tank of about 1060 ft. length, 665 ft.
width and 12ft. average depth, and it has stone banks and
masonry st<:ps. Large and always full of water the Sursagar,
with the magnificent buildings of the Training College for women
and the Practising School on the road to Dandia Bazar on the
South, the Boarding house for women, the Maharani High School
for Girls, Chimnabai Industrial Home on the west and north
sides and the well-lit cinema theatres, present a picturesque scene,
particularly at night..
Nyays Mandir:-· ·
Then comes in a prominent position the magnificent build-
ing known as the 'Nyaya Mandir' or the Temple of Justice. It was
designed by Mr. Chisholm in Indo-Sarcenic style. In. the cenbe-
is a large hall which is used as the town hall. A beautiful marble:
statue of Her late Highness Maharani Chimnabai adorns the hall.
The State courts are housed in this big building.
One faces then the Lehripura Gate which is the principal
entrance through which the city proper i. e. the walled capital
as it was before it expanded, can be entered. The old fo11t wall
with 54 bastions where guns were mounted in the old days ha~
been dismantled. Only the four gates are preserved.

Mandvi Tower:-
The old city is intersected by two spacious streets dividing it
into four parts aud meeting at the place called Mandvi which is a.c
square pavilion with'a clock tower in the centre. At the ends of
the four roads meeting at Mandvi are the four old gates; the.
western is the Lehripura Gate, the ea~tern Pani Gate,. the northern
Champaner Gate and the southern Gendi Gate. The main roads.
are met at right angles by the 'Poles', i. c. streets the entrances-
of which were barred by strong doors. Some of these remains of
the original doors are still clearly seen. The 'poles' were occupied
by distinct classes of people. The Narsinhji's and Hari Bhaldi's. ·
poles for instance are the memories of the past opulence. There.
resided in old days the rich jewellers and bankers whom the
luxuries and needs of the Gaekwads and their sardars attracted to
the capital. In the Ghadiali Pole, on the street from Lehripura to
Mandvi, is the old palace of Fatehsinh and the old State mint.
The building is used as a school building at present. The Centmll
Library near the Mandvi is one of the chief attractions of Baroda.
Apart from the large collection of books and the system of free:
lending of books to the public, it has many striking features of
interest. Near the Central Library, the stately building o£ the Bank
of Baroda arrests attention~ ·

Nazarbag Palace:-
Immediately near the old palace is the Nazarbag palace. It
is at a much higher level than the surroundings. It was- construct-
ed by H. H. Malharrao and afterwards much improved by His.
Highness Sayajirao III. It is in the old classic style and is still·
used on ceremonial occasions. The main attraction to the visitors
is the State Zaverkhana- jewellery accommodated in the Nazar bag,
palace. The precious jewellery was valued at over 3 crorcs o£ ·

rupees. The chief diamond necklace worn by the Maharaja on

State occasions is alone valued at Rs. 40 lakhs, the biggest diamond
being estimated at Rs. 9 lakhs or so., The Nazarbag adjoins the
street from Mandvi to the Pani Gate. On the opposite side is the
Jamnabai dispensary erected for the convenience of the pr>pula-
tion in the city and named after His late Highness' adoptive
mother. Opposite the old palace is the Vithoba temple raised by
Rani GahenabaL The old paintings on the walls in the temple
form one of the noteworthy features.
Bhaddar Building:-.
The half ruined Bhaddar Kot near Pani Gate is also histori-
cally interesting. The Bhaddar contains a solid old palace of the
Muslims with a marble bow-window of singular beauty. In this
palace lived for sometime the first two Gaekwads, Pilajirao and
Damajirao after the overthrow of the Muslim power. There is also
an old temple of Kalka Devi. The old palace is now used for hold-
ing district and taluka revenue offices. The Bhaddar dominates the
Aggad or Arena which is just beyond the Pani Gate. Here public
sports are held on festive occasions or when distinguished guests
are to be entertained.
From Mandvi to Makarpura:-
Proceeding towards the Gendi Gate from the Mandvi on the
right side is the Jumma Masjid built during the Mohcmedan
rule. It was renovated by the city Muslims with liberal contribu-
tions from the State. On the same road is situated the Goya Gate
Railway Station of the G. B. S. Railways and its workshops.
The south road is continued for some four miles out of the
City to the village Makarpura where H. H. Maharaja Khanderao
built a palace in which he delighted to stay. He was fond of hunt-
ing and practically daily he issued forth to hunt in the magnifi-
cent deer preserves which adjoin it.
His late Highness Sayajirao III not only renovated the old
Makarpura palace but built a new one by its side in 1883-1890.
It was designed by Mr. Chisholm in Italian Renaissance style. In
the palace -compound are the well-known Makarpura gardens of
singular beauty.
To the left of the Makarpura Road are the cavalry lines and
parade grounds with bungalows of military officers. Near the
level crossing is the Dhairyashil Prasad.

Pratap Vilas:-
In the triangle between the two Makarpura roads and on the
south of the G. B. S. Railway line is situated the Pratap Vilas
Palace. Its construction was completed in 1918 and is after the
design of Mr. Stevens in renaissance architecture. Herein His
Highness the Maharaja Pratapsinh used to reside when he was the
Yuvaraj. This p1hce is also known as the Lalbag palace.
To the north of this palace after crossing the G. B. S. Railway
line are situated the second infantry military lines.
On the north-south road in the vicinity is the temple of
Khandoba, the family deity of the Gaekwads, where is yearly
commemorated the capture of Baroda from the Babis. Round it
are the cells constructed by H. H. Khanderao for the Gosais
whose ascetic character made them the most suitable medium
for communicating news during warfare in those times.
Maharaja Pratapsinh Coronation Gymkhana:-
Coming back to the Palace Road from Makarpura Road we
see to the right the newly constructed Maharaja Pratapsinh
Coronation Gymkhana. The main building is exquisitely finished
and structurally an important feature in it is the big cantilever
over the rear verandah facing the Polo Ground. The unsupported
width of this cantilevered slab is 20 feet and this is possibly the
first bold modern building in Baroda. The main building is
conn~cted by a corridor with the covered badminton court and
on t!1.e other side of the main building is the open air swimming
Pool. The Swimming Pool with crystal clear water with strong
electric lights inside, the diving stage and the open air aerator
appearing like a fountain on the right side, presents a good
spectacle. In the small room near the aerator is the purification
plant with jewell filters to keep the water in the pool fresh and
healthy. Another notable feature is the different designs of the
electric clocks whose dials are ingeniously designed to give
expression t<J the purpose for which the different rooms are
meant. This Gymkhana is an excellent example of modern
architecture. In the vicinity is the Furniture Factory opened
under the patronage of His late Highness Sayajirao III.
Laxmi Vilas Palace:-
The road then passes by the Laxmivilas Palace. This is the main
palace used by His Highness the Maharaja Saheb for his residence

in B~roda. This Palace was built by His late Highness Sayajirao

III m . 1878-:90 at a cost of about 60 lakhs. The palace
was des1gned m Indo-Saracenic style by Major Mant. The build-
ing consists of three portions. The central portion, in which is
the great entrance hall and the main staircase of marble with a
leaded glass dome, provides all accommodation for His Highness.
To the right is the portion for Her Highness with a separate
entrance and stairs. To the left is the Durbar hall which faces
due north and is Y3' x 54'. It is provided with two richly carved
wooden balconies for ladies and visitors on the first floor. The
spandrills of the arches in the Durbar hall are in glass mosaic
work, the floor in marble mosaic. The marble and glass
mosaic work was executed by Italian artist. The ceiling is of
coloured enamelled work.

Its grounds include the Vishram Bag, the Motibag, the Mastu
Bag and Chiman Bag, built in the times of the past Maharajas.
In the grounds of this palace are to be seen two of the oldest and
most picturesque of the antiquities of Baroda-the tomb of Amin
Saheb built out of an ancient Hindu edifice and the Navalakhi Vav,
a well with steps which is said to have cost nine lakhs of rupees
in its construction. It was constructed by Suleman, Governor of
Gujarat, in the Muslim regime in the year 907 of the Hajira.
From L. V. Palace main gate to Khanderao Market:-
Ncar the principal entrance of the L. V. palace is the
Indumati Mahal and it is used as a Devghar-House of gods-of
the Royal Family. The road towards the Lehripura Gate of the city
from the main entrance of this palace is called the.Chamrajendra
Road in honour of the visit of H. H. the late Maharaja Cham-
rajendra Wadiar Bahadur of Mysore in 1888.

Just in the vicinity in front of the palace compound is the
Kalabhavan or the temple of Arts. This grand building was
constructed in 1922 after the design of Mr. Coyle in Hindu
Saracenic style with Gothic fittings. This technical insti~ute
imparts training in diploma for Civil, Mechanical and ~lectncal
Engineering, Chemical Technology, Weaving, Fme Arts,
Commerce and Photography. Just near the Kalabhavan is the
Diamond Jubilee Cottage Industries Institute where the artisans of
the State are given practical training in various handicrafts and arts.

Going along the Chamrajendra Road, we first come across the:

Ashok Pillar, or the Kirti Stambha which is under construction.
The pillar is 321 in height and has a seated lion at the top.
The Sayaji Vihar Club and the Khanderao Market are
the important structures of note on this road reaching
Lehripura. The Khandcrao Market built in 1906-07-to which
subsequently additions were made-was given by . His late
Highness Sayajirao to the City Municipality as a gift on the
occasion of the Silver Jubilee of his reign. The building is purely
Hindu in style, recalling to the mind a Hindu Temple, except the
arches which arc of Muslim type. On the ground floor are
several stalls and on the 1st floor are housed the offices of the'
City municipality.
Near the Khanderao Market on a cross road is seen a new
magnificent building known as the Govindrao Maharaj Central.
School. It houses vernacular schools and the State's Music School.
New Suburbs of Baroda:-.
The new suburbs of Baroda are developed on scientific-
principles of town planning. The Sayaji Ganj is on the Station
Road opposite the Baroda College. The Pratap Ganj is behind.
the Baroda College and t\le Alkapuri is to the North of Race
Course Road after crossing the B. B. & C. I. Railway Line to thee
South just near the Baroda Railway Station.
Race Course and T. B. Hospital:-
On the Race Course Road only at three minutes' walk from
the Railway Station is the Baroda Guest House. Formerly it was-
a State Institution used for the State guests only. It is now con-
verted into a regular hotel, separate arrangements being made for
gentlemen living in European and Indian styles. Accommodation
for State guests is also reserved in this building.
Just opposite the Railway Station is the .Damajirao Gaekwad
Vishrambhuvan named after the founder of the Kingdom. It
provides good accommodation for the middle class travellers.
On the Race Course R;>ad mentioned above are some
Government bungalows. The Race Course is one and a half mile ·
in circumference and races and sports used to be organised
occasionally by the State military officers. Beyond the Race

Course within t mile on the road to Gotri is the T. B. Hospital:

and Sanatorium under construction. It will be a full fledged,
T. B. Hospital and Sanatorium with modern equipments for about.
80 patients, 40 in the general wards and 40 in the cotlactes.
estimated cost of the construction work is about 31- lakhs of rupees.
The amount is met from the T. B. Fund of H. E. the Marchioness-
of Linlithgow returned to our Government and from private

Industries of Baroda:-
The main industries of Baroda are the four cotton mills, one
woollen Spinning & Weaving Mill, the Alembic Chemical Works,.
the Baroda Chemical Works, The Sayaji Iron Works and the-
G. B. S. Railway Workshop which all have their own buildings.
Agricultural Farm:-
The Agricultural Farm to the North-west of Baroda Station,.
to which are attached an agricultural school, a museum, the-
agricultural research station and the Horticulturist's laboratory,.
represent some of the manifold activities of the department of Agri-
culture whose recent developments have been very phenomenal.
Sayaji Sarovar:-
Within a short distance from Baroda, there is ''Sayaji
Sarovar" from where water is supplied to the City. This tank is.
situated at Ajwa, a place at a distance of 12 miles from the City.
The scheme of water works was prepared by late Jagannath
Sadashiv. It was prepared at a cost of 56 lacs of rupees some
fifty years back. Water from this tank was found insufficient for·
the increasing needs of the increasing population and hence a
new tank named "Pratappura Talav" W<IS built 13 years ago
and it is joined to the "Shree Sayaji Sarovar". The water is.
filtered at Nimetta, a village at a distance of 5 miles from Ajwa •.
The water is purified by mixing Chlorine and other i~secticides.
This water is carried to the Meter house near the City through
30'1 pipe line. Then it is distributed from the Meter house ~o the.
whole City through 3 ., to 3011 pipe lines. A new 3011 pipe hne. to-
. increase the pressure of water is laid from Nimetta to the City·
recently at a cost of Rs. 9,00,000. The scheme of Water ~arks­
has cost Rs. 65 lacs of rupees up til now. The yearly expenditure
for water works maintenance amounts to Rs. 51!,000 and the.
income from the Water tax amounts to Rs. 1,91,000. A map of
Baroda City inserted overleaf will give the detailed location of the
chief places of interest in Baroda City.
Other places of interest
Besides the city there are many other places of interest. The
ierritories of Baroda State arc spread over the whole of Gujarat,
and have behind them a history of many centuries, of many
dynasties, and of many clashes and assimilations of races and-
their culture. Gujarat has long been a seat of distinctive art and
culture and many remnants of this glory of Gujarat now lie within
Baroda territories. The principal places of interest arc many and
difficult to choose in order of preference. However the following
·places may be mentioned casually with the claims of many others
not recalled here :-
Dabhoi, Pattan, Modhera, Sidhpur and Vadnagar are noted
'for their archreological monuments.
Chandod is a beautiful riverine town on the Narmada river
fEom where the picturesque river side is approached.
Dwarka, Bet., Unai and Becharaji are well known places of
,pilgrimage. Unai is known for its hot water springs also.
U~rath is a summer health resort rapidly developing.
Songadh is the old seat of the Gaekwads, the hill fort of
"Which is of historical interest.
Sankheda is known for its lacquer work and Visnagar for its
;metal work. ·
Port Okha and its surroundings are rapidly developing into an
•important commercial and industrial area. ·
A Zoo L.ton

A visitor to Baroda will immediately note a distinctive-

feature of the city, that it is studded with gardens, lawns, and
recreation grounds. Baroda has already acquired the title of a
garden city on this side of the country.
This wonderful change from waste land· and fields into
gar.dens may be ascribed to the enlightened rule of His late High-
ness Sayajirao III. He procured efficient artists· and garden
designers from Europe for this work, and the improvement begun
during his regime is continued with vigour by H. H. the Maharaja-
Pratapsinh Gaekwar. Indeed, a few cities in India can boast
of such extensive gardens.
The total area of gardens under departmental management
is about 1,7 30 acres: In addition to this, there is a big garden in
the heart of the city known as the Jubilee Garden and also many
Vishrantisthans-recreation parks-dotted throughout the city and
around it managed by the city municipality. Almost all the.
, private and State bungalows have gardens around them, and
some of them are certainly very beautiful.
A visitor starting his round of sight seeing from the Baroda
Hotel will first notice the well maintained gardens in front of the
Guest House, the Dilaram bungalow and other gardens in front
of nearly all the bungalows on the Race Course road. Near the
Baroda Railway station, he will find a small garden called
the Station square around a beautiful bronze statue of His late
Highness Maharaja Sayajirao III on a raised platform in a sitting
posture on the throne. Just in front of the tower, there is a re-
creation ground with avenues and lawns. On the left side
of the road the gardens in front of the Sayaji Jubilee Science.
Institute and the Baroda College continue the pleasant vista.
The famous public park announces its existence of public
utility by tne sight of the magnificent equestrian statue of His.
. 30
. .
'Highness the late Maharaja Sayajirao III almost at its entrance
:gate. This statue was prepared by Mr. Derwent Wood and
is considered to be one of the best of its kind in India. The
Public park has been beautifully laid out on the banks of the river
Vishwamitri and full advantage of the natural situation has been
.taken. It is most famous for the Zoo, the Museum and the Pic-
ture Gallery located therein which are the chief attractions for
·visitors to Baroda. The park itself with its extensive lawns, river-
side, a panorama of variegated flowers and greenery offers im-
mense attraction to the public. The band stand surrounded· by
-statues and lawns attracts crowd of people on Tuesday and Sun-
day evenings when the State band plays western music and the
Indian orchestra oriental notes.
Furthe1=, across the bridge on the Vishwamitri river leading
to the city, a series of gardens stretches around temples, the Kirti
Mandir, the State General Hospital, the Kothi buildings and the
beautiful Surya narayan Mandir. These gardens form a beautiful
.setting to the structures which they surround and add consider-
ably to the picturesqueness of the mairi road. A little further up
on the left a beautiful garden on a high level known as the Jubilee
•Garden arrests attention. This garden is in commemoration of
the Silver Jubilee of the rule of the His Highness the late Maharaja
Sayajirao III. It is in the midst of a fairly thick population and
is mainly used as a recreation ground with the Government band
,playing there every Saturday in the evening, and the imposing
bronze Statue of Gautam Buddha adding to its attraction. The
Jubilee Garden is a favourit~ resort of evening strollers. The
beautiful lake Sursagar reflecting the turrets of the magnificent
Nyayamandir building and other Government buildings are·round
.about. There is a recreation ground near its banks over and above
the garden in front of the educational buildings, abutting on it.
Near the Mandvi, the heart of the city, a lovely garden with
marble footpaths, fountains and a band stand encircies the Nazar
Bag palace. These are gard(lns on the main road from the station
.to the city proper. But these are not all the gardens; there are
.others aswell. ·
Near the bridge of the Vishwamitri, a beautiful road known
.as the Indira Avenue zigzags on the other side of the State
.General H?spital and skir~n~ the approach of the central jail as
.well as a s1de of the Laxm1 VIlas palace ground, it meets another
main road from the Kothi buildings to the railway crossing.
On this road recreation grounds, the extensive gardens of the
Laxmi Vilas palace, a large popular play and· polo grounds
and pretty gardens in front of bunglows would catch the eye
of a visitor. A lovely temple garden known as Kashivishwanath
gives a religious emphasis to the popular walks on this side as
even the non-fashionable religiously inclined people are drawn
to it.
· Near the railway crossing there is a Bakul tree-Mimusops elingi,
L.-planted by His Highness late Maharaja Sayajirao III to com·
memorate his 72nd birthday. Beyond the railway crossing there are
pretty gardens on both the sides of the road. They are every day
_gaining in popularity as recreation grounds. Very near these resorts
are located the Pratap Vilas garden and the Dhairya Prasad gar-
-den, from where the road leads straight on to the Makarpura
garden about four miles away from the city.
A green spot near the municipal building on the Rajmahal
road may also be mentioned. ·
It is difficult to mention all gardens, lawns and recreation
centres spread throughout the town. It has been the policy of
the Government to lay out small ovals and squares with lawns and
gardens wherever possible so that the congestion may be relieved,
people may get pure air and children their recreation. Benches
and seats are. also provided so that the public may enjoy rest in
these places.
The State band plays regularly in the Public park, the Jubilee
garden and the recreation ground ncar the Raj Mahal playground.
Swings, scasaws, may-poles and such other accessories for
children are also provided in a number of recreation grounds.
If gardens are the lungs of a city, Baroda has certainly very
healthy lungs.
The Public Park:-
The famous Public park consists of about 150 acres of land
including the arborium section. This garden owes some of its
beauty to the natural riverside scenery with its ravines and slopes
overgrown with foliage. It forms one of the chief attractions for a
visitor to Baroda. The zoo which contains a variety of birds and
animals from various parts of the world adds a good deal to the
attractions of the garden. This garden was opened by H. H. the
Maharaja Sayajirao III on 8th January 1879. It is situated not far
}rom the Baroda railway station. On entering its precincts and
crossing the first bridge of the river Vishwamitri, one finds the natural'
scenery of deep valleys covered with greenery all round, on both the
s.ides. Just in front is the White Pavalion with a small garden near
its porches. A single arch bridge of Songadh stones has been con•
structed over the nala running by the side of a deer enclosure. At
some distance on the left lies the magnificent equestrian statue of
Chhatrapati Shivaji. This statue has been prepared by sculptor
·Mhatre and was unveiled by H. H. the Maharaja Sayajirao III on the
8th March 1934. Just behind the statue there is a beautiful fountain
throwing up umbrella shaped jets of water. Just nearby a map of
Gujarat and Kathiawar has been laid out on raised ground.
Adjacent tu this is situated the building of the Museum arid
a fine picture gallery which are introduced to the reader elsewhere
in this volume. On the west side of the garden is situated the
band stand, where musical performances are arranged by the State
department concerned on two days, Sunday and Tuesday. On Sun-
days the Indian Orchestra plays its programmes and on Tuesdays
the full State band is played. The time on both the days is 6 p.m.
The . bronze statues grouped around the stand give an artistic,
appearance which is hightened by beautiful green lawns all around
with shrubberies and long avenues on both the sides of the roads
and wooden promenade corridor in the front. The Vishwamitri
takes three turns in the park and different types of bridges are
constructed over it, such as a suspension bridge, an iron bridge
and a single arch stone bridge. The Kamnath Mahadeo on the
river bank is a place of historical interest.
Laxmi Vilas Palace Gardens :-
The Laxmi Vilas garden which covers 650 acres is laid out
in the. landscape style and produces an effect of grandeur and
repose. It is the biggest of all the gardens in Baroda. As soon
as one enters the main gate, a vista of beautiful lawns and a riot of
lovely colours opens before him. The front garden is known as
the terrace garden and is remarkable for its picturesque effect.
It has some pretty fountains. Marble and bronze statues are set
up at short distances. The further side of the terrace garden is
covered with bouganvileas which lend colour to the view. Beyond
this stretches an avenue of trees, two rows on each side. Around
the central avenue there is a big deer enclosure covering about 25·
acres of land containing deer, giraffes, bisons etc. .

. The view fro.m .the first . floor of the Palace is wonderful.

From the terrace gardens, there is an underground passage which
A view of the Laxmi Vi las Palace Gardens

T he Summer H ouse, Maka rpura Gardens


leads . to a sunk rock garden, where there is a small Japanese

bridge. On the northern side of the Palace, there is.a very ancient
stepwell known as Navlakhi-Wav built in 1404 A. D. by Suleman,
Amir of Zafarkhan, Governor of Gujarat. It has domes and stone
columns of archreological importance. On the southern side
of the Palace there is a rose garden with a marble kiosk in !he
middle and at the upper end of the rose garden a shade garden
is put up which remains very cool even in hot summer. There is
a small marble kiosk at its entrance, beyond which one comes to
a hoary tamarind tree supposed to be 500 years old. On the
western side of this tree, there Js an ancient monument known as
Peerghoda, ·the tomb of Sultan Saiyad Azam built in 1411 A. D.
by Gulam, son of Suleman who built the Navlakhi Wav. It has
domes with beautifully carved stone screens. Going further we
come to the tennis courts which are of the best of their kind in ·
India. The central court is a covered one. There is also a
magnificent cricket ground with a specially constructed pitch.
An eighteen hole golf course has lately been laid out in the com-
pound. There are about 17 miles of roads and foot paths and a
riding track of about St miles in length in the Palace grounds.
In the Park section there is a fruit and vegetable garden for the
royal kitchen.
Makarpura Gardens :-
The area of the Makarpura gardens is about -120 acres.
This garden has been laid out by Mr. W. Goldring in semi-
Italian and formal style. Outside the main gate there are cultured
asopalav trees cut in pyramidal shapes. Though they look
very small, they are nearly 40 years old. As soon as one
enters the main gate, he finds beautiful lawns and flower beds
on all sides. The Park contains a nalla which is bordered
by a rockery and a lovely duck pond spanned by a stone bridge.
In the lawns in the front of the palace, there are four bronze
statues of deer and bulls and masonry caskets full of flowers.
This garden has very pretty fountains. At the back of the palace
there is a flower garden laid in Italian style; passing through this
garden, one comes to the plant house, the pergola and a corridor
. with marble foot-paths and a small fountain in its centre. Beyond
this corridor, one emerges into a beautiful flower garden with
similar marble features. The fountain in its centre is
electrically lighted and when played, presents to view magnificent
rainbow effects. A big lawn to the east has an ornamental lake
and a grotto, where there are artificial caves and underground

passages and a waterfall. On the peak of the grotto, there is a

pagoda. The. lake is crossed by a Japanese bridge. Both
the pagodas and the bridge are beautifully coloured in bright
tints and the finials are guilded. Different kinds of white birds
such as pelicans, ducks, swans, flamingoes, fowls are allowed to
wander freely here. This presents a very delightful view. On the
left there is a band stand around which multicoloured flowering
bouganvileas are planted. Lower down there is a ro3e garden
with a marble kiosk and marble foot paths. In the front of-the
band stand·, there is an asopalav avenue, the trees of which are
trimmed artistically. In the park section there are deer enclosures,
where different kinds of deer are kept. This garden is considered
one of the finest in this part of the country. The Makarpura
gardens are laid out by Mr. Goldring, a wellknown landscape
architect of England .

Recreation Grounds:-
According to a Government order every town in the State
with a population of seven thousand or more is required to
provide a recreation ground or park. Thus recreation grounds are
required to be put up on a scale of one bigha per every thousand
inhabitants, to be located generally on the outskirts of the towns.
These parks have to be laid with trees, shrubs and flowers and
are required to contain such open spaces as will allow games and
physical exercises for adults and children.
The upkeep of such recreation grounds and their maintenance
is borne by the municipalities concerned but the expense on
original outlay is being defrayed by the Stale. Such is the general
policy adopted in regard to all municipal towns except Baroda.
The Zoo
The zoological collection belonging to His Highness the
Maharaja Saheb was transferred to the Public park when it was
laid out in 1879. The important animal houses constructed then
were the present pigeon house with the lake around it, the bear pit
and the lion and tiger houses. The total cost of the park was about
Rs. 1,75,000. The park was formally opened and generously .
dedicated to the public by His Highness Maharaja Sayajirao III
on the 8th January 1897.
An aviary was added to the park in 1883. A new shed was
built for the carnivorous animals in 1885. The Zoo in the park
was thus gradually expanding, and it became necessary by the
year 1909 to provide larger quarters for the animals. A new
aviary for water fowls was also built. A park manager was
appointed to look after the animals. Construction of a new lion
house with a strong iron barred enclosure was started in 1911 and
<:ompleted next year. The old lion house was made over for the
small carnivora. New runs for the deer were constructed. A shed
near the old lion house was converted into a monkey house and
there was a general reshuffling of birds' quarters to suit new
conditions. A new ostrich house was put up in 1914 and the
aviary, the duck pond, the bear pit and the crocodile pit were
thoroughly repaired and converted into healthier places for the
animals during the next two years. The deer enclosure was
. reconstructed to look more like the natural habitat of the animals.
A new rabbit run was· added in 1917. In the years 1918-21.
ostrich eggs were thrice hatched in an incubator.
A great calamity befell the park and especially the Zoo in the
year 1927 when unprecedented floods swept the zoo menagerie
almost out of existence. The park was several feet under water
for 3 to 4 days. But with great patience and industry the Zoo was
rehabilitated in subsequent years. To-day the Zoo is being
gradually enriched, and special attention is being paid to collection
of local birds and mammals from the State.
Visiting the animals :-
- The Baroda Zoo contains houses accommodating more than
150 different varieties of animals scattered all over the park in
convenincnt places. The first enclosure that a visitor accosts on
entering the park lies at the first turning to the right; it is the
deer run containing deer, blue bulls, and sambars. The enclosure
for the wellknown spotted deer adjoins it and facing it on
the other side of the road a large summer house surrounded by
different bird houses attracts attention. These accommodate
rabbits, ducks, storks, pheasants, doves fantails and parrots. The
parrot house presents more than twenty different types. Small
cages a-flutter with beautiful budgerigars, love birds and Java
birds are dotted ncar this aviary. The swan and cranes compound
is just ncar these, where. stately swans, crested cranes, different
types of geese and the emu are on view along with many other
birds. Crested cranes have bred here in India for the first time.
There arc two more aviaries to the cast of this compound and on
the opposite side of the road, the larger of which houses graceful
peacocks, white as well as wild. The smaller aviary contains many

varieties of finches and small local birds. On the main road

nearby grows the Silver Oak tree planted in commemoration of
the Diamond Jubilee of His Highness Maharaja Sayajirao
III on the lawn which runs along the roadside on the other side
of which stands the Delhi Pavilion, a building con!ltructed in
1911 for the Coronation Darbar at Delhi and reconstructed here
subsequently. Opposite' to this structure some tennis courts are
laid out for. public use. Going beyond ·these courts, we come
to the crococlile pit. In the central pit, marsh crocodiles provide
a great attraction while in the small cages which surround it are
housed some varieties of monkeys and porcupines. The Arabian
baboon is specially noteworthy among the monkeys. But the
main monkey compounds lie a little further to the left. The
golden monkeys, capuchins, and the lion tailed· monkeys are
on view here, the fierce mandrills and playful gibbons being
special attractions .. We . must now return. to the main road
along theriver bank by a stretch . of road lined by palm trees.
Turning to the right we cross the well known iron bridge and
come to the chimpanzee compound. Edward, the chimpanzee
pleases the visitors by his amusing antics. He is not alone in the
compound, for white and hog deer keep him company. Passing
them, and descending the slope to the right we see the Bear
House and the Tiger House. The latter is a circular structure
partitioned off into cages which house lions, tigers, leopa.rds and
hyenas; facing the tiger house, their western fences running along
the main road are the. ostrich and zebra compounds. A pair of
ostriches ·is accommodated in one of them. They were hatched
in the Zoo in an incubator. The striped zebras from Africa
are housed in the other compound; they are found to breed quite
successfully in this climate. On the other side of the main road
stands a small snake house with huge Indian pythons. . But to·
look at the piece de resistance of the menagerie, .viz. the· new lion
house, the visitor must turn back from the· snakery and return
along the same road, for the time being resist the temptation of
going up on the suspension bridge which . beckons to the right,
and descend· a gentle slope which leads him to a beautifully
designed lion house where lions and several massive
Bengal tigers may be seen stalking majestically in the cages or
the compound. The adjoining compound houses the famous
pink-and-\\·hite fallow deer of Europe· and large birds like
adjutants and the sarras cranes. We come back to the main road.
and recross the bridge. Just beyond,· a duck pond is spread out
in a delightful panorama. It contains numerous types of ducks
and flamingoes. A little further along the road which skirts it.
The Chimpanzee in the Zoo
and which branches off to the right the pigeon house with its
different types of pige;>ns, guinea pigs, ring-tailed lemurs and
Malbar squirrels provides· an interesting view. To the west of
this we come up to a small aquarium where fresh water varieties
of fish are exhibited. This road leads to the celebrated Museum
and the Picture gallery.
A description'of the Zoo menagerie would be incomplete
:without taking note o£ a big deer enclosure laid.out in the L:txmi ·
Vilas palace grounds. It covers about 25 acres of land and
presents a marvellous view from the upper storeys of the palace.
Deer, giraffes, bisons and other animals roam freely in this
artistically enclosed compound, The Makarpura gardens make
it a speciality to keep white animals· and birds. Different Jdnds
of white birds such as pelicans, ducks, swans, flamingoes, fowls
etc. wander freely in its specious grounds. The park section of
lhis garden has deer enclos!lres also.
The Baroda State Museum owes its existence to His Highness
the late Maharaja Sayaji Rao Ill, who started it soon after his
being invested with full powers of Government. FFom the very
commencement of his reign he evinced great inteJ.Test in works of
Art, Indian as well as foreign. The State Museum of Baroda was
one of the results of his love of learning and of his eagerness to
educate his subjects in the various branches of knowledge.
Libraries are certainly the storehouses of manuscripts and books,
but museums and art galleries supply material for the study of
different cultures in the form of concrete examples exhibited in
them and their importance was recognised long ago. Thus came
to be established and maintained in the State a lal"ge and repre-
sentative Museum and Picture Gallery. These institutions were
founded in 1887 when the late Maharaja Sayajilrao Gaekwar
was quite young.
The Museum:-
The Museum including the Picture Gallery is situated in the
chief public park of the capital. The situation of the institution
is not only very picturesque and healthy, but also more attractive
and safer than any other locality in the city could have been.
The building was commenced in 1890 and completed 1n 1894.
In design it is a combination of Western and Saracenic architectures.
It is 150 feet in length and 40 feet in breadth. The entrance
opens into the centre of the building, which forms a central court,
other courts being built on the east and west of this court. Large
rooms are provided in the basement. In addition there are several
rooms, for the office, the special exhibits, and for storing purposes.
A noteworthy feature in the decoration of the buildmg is fhe
replica of the frieze of the Parthenon of Greece, which adorns the
northern wall.
In order to provide a nucleus for the Museum His Highness
Maharaja Sayaji Rao III presented various objects of value from
his different palaces, and he continued enriching it by similar
presents. Even while on his tours outside India he remembered
the institution and procured very valuable articles for it from
distant lands.
The section in the Picture Gallery representing European art
consists practically of the paintings secured for his palaces-they
were graciously presented by him to the institution despite their
having been obtained, at considerable cost and often with great
difficulty. The choice of exhibits and their representative character
'add to the popularity of the institution. More than two lakhs of
visitors visit it every year. In the beginning the daily average of
visitors was about 296, but it has now risen to about 697, or nearly
three times the previous number. During holidays and on festival
occasions, the number of visitors becomes enormous, requiring
special arrangements.
During the earlier years the amount of money spent on the
institution was not fixed definitely, but large amounts were ex-
pended on different occasions. In 1919 permission was given to
spend Rs. 50,000 and further sums that might be needed.
Throughout the existence of the institution His Highness' Govern-
ment has been pleased to give liberal grants for the acquisition
of exhibits and the maintenance of the Museum and Picture
Educative importllllce:-
A good reference library containing standard works on
subjects represented in the institution has been added to increase
its educational importance.
The whole institution consists of the following six main
sectioris, the Picture Gallery being treated as a distinct branch:
I Industrial Art.
II Natural History.
III Geology.
IV Economic Section.
V Archreology and Numismatics.
VI Ethnography and Ethnology.
VIa Arms and Armours.
Industrial section:-
The Industrial Art section has two main divisions, (I) Indian,
and (II) Foreign. The method of arranging and grouping by

industries has been adopted in order to help the public in under•

standing the exhibits, and to afford facilities for research work.
The following is the order of arrangement:-

I Woodwork.
II Models in clay, plaster-of-Paris etc.
III Ceramics.
IV Glassware.
v Pa pier-mache.
VI Carved and inlaid stone.
VII Ivory, Shell, Marquetry etc.
VIII Metalware.
IX Leather work.
X Textiles.
XI Miscellaneous.
In the Indian industrial art the Museum possesses highly
interesting exhibits. As the visitor enters from the main entrance
he will find himself in the central court. The wall cases here
contain select examples of brass, silver and copper wares of vari-
ous designs and styles of workmanship, lapidaries, glass articles,
mosaics, pottery, old tiles and carved stones.

Sorrie of the exhibits are hammered metal ware comprising

large_ trays bearing embossed figures of anjmals and Hindu deities,
vases of artistic Indian patterns and caskets as well as utensils of
quaint designs. These have been collected from Bombay, Kashmir
and Baroda. Other exhibits comprise remarkable silver castings,
enamel and bidri work, as well as ornaments of various kinds.

Several kinds of objets d' art, the-chessmen and other articles

of costly stones like jade exhibited in the central hall cannot fail
to arouse a sense of admiration for the skill of the Indian crafts-

One show case gives an idea of the costumes of the various

people of India including the ryots, the fisherman, the hawker,
the cultivator, the nautch girl and servants of different classes all
of which are shown by means of coloured figures, mostly in clay.
Another of these show...;cases gives us in miniature some beauti-
ful examples of fine marble carving both architectural and

The Museum Building

Swans in the P ublic Park


-ornamental, models of the world famous Taj at Agra and inlaid

,marble works of Delhi, Agra and o.ther places. Carved agate toys,
paper weights, etc., from Cambay together with some antique
:_specimens of the famous jade works of the Mughals are also
· -exhibited in these cases.
Two of the terracottas are specially noteworthy here. One of
·them "represents a devout Brahman reading the sacred scriptures,
-and another, a poor family of mendicants.
Beneath the arch leading to the industrial court one notices a
·beautiful specimen of Burmese wood carving. On both the sides
of the large room are exhibited specimens of wood carving from
an old temple of the State. There are brackets bearing exquisite
-carving in bold relief showing makaras and other conventional
·figures, musicians in an orchestra, doors, windows, lintels ·and lattice
work etc., connected with various styles of architecture of Gujarat.
The large wooden house facing the visitor is a composite
ostructure of different styles obtaining in Gujarat. The wooden
structure on the right gives a faithful idea of a typical Hindu
·temple with its three serrated spires, main doors, and carved
columns. A doorway with elaborated brackets and carved figures
·supporting a projecting cornice. furnishes an example of Jaina
. architecture of which several specimens are exhibited in the
gallery. Among these there arc remarkable wooden carved door
_panels supplying good material which detain a student of old
architecture of India. They have been collected from various
places in Baroda State like Patan. Visnagar and from Ahmedabad
as well. Other objects in this gallery like caskets, images of deities,
writing cases, vases, marquetry, carved ivory, mother-of-pearl,
ebony, horns, conch shell objects etc., etc., of remarkable in-
_genuity and skill add to the attraction and educative value of the
Works in painted wood and lacquer with their bright and gay
·colours selected from various parts of Western and Northern
India and even Burma, are special objects of attraction in this
.court. The section includes some exquisite examples of cande-
.Jabra, made of buffalo horn, while embroidered leather mats, seats
.made of elephant's feet, picture frames and boxes of rhinoceros
bide are also noteworthy. ·
Before we enter the textiles branch the collection of Indian
o:musical instruments exhibited in several show cases attract our
.attention first. Specimens of stringed instruments as well as of

instruments of percussion are s:arefully arranged in these cases..

The collection contains the Vina with its various varieties, the
- _..,- -~-

Rudravina, the Sarasvativina, and the Mahativina, the Bin-sitar, the

Sitar, the Tambiira which is the usual companion of Indian musi-
cians, the Sur-Sota of Indore, the Ektara which is a crude form of
Tambiira and is usually seen with mendicants, the Kinnarl of the
hill tribes of Songadh and Vyara talukas of the Navsari district of
Baroda, the Rabab of the Muhammedans of upper India, the single
stringed instrument of mendicants which is termed Tuntuna, the
Taus or Esraj, sometimes called Mohur, the well-known Sarangl,.
the Chikara and others.
ln instruments of percussion without parchl]lent the Burmese
gong used in the temples, the Ghadial, the Manjira or Jalra, the
Khafijari, the Jalataranga, the Ghungrii and the Ghanta are fully
Amongst instruments with parchii,!ent the Tabla, the Mri-
dafiga, the Dholak, the Nagara or Bheri, the Khafijeri, the Daft,
the Budbudi, the Damru of the jugglers and the Daklu of
Gujarat are to be seen.
In winged instruments the· collection has got interesting_
specimens of Phufigi in various forms generally used by snake-
charmers, the reed instruments like the Sarni, the Sur and Sundari,
the A!gojas, the Bansri, the Conch or Safikha, the Tutari and
Nafari, the Nagphafi of Sddlzus or mendicants, the Bhungal of the
ceremonies and the Karna trumpet.
Decorative textiles:-
In the Oriental Textiles branch of the Arts section a consi-
derable variety of fabrics is on exhibition. The pieces of printed
cotton, silk and woollen fabrics in which the well-known mango-
pattern and other designs including spme artistic Mughal patterns
are represented, form an interesting feature of the section. No
machinery is used in printing these fabrics which are treated
entirely by hand. This art of printing was known to India even
in ancient days.
On the decorative side the section possesses beautiful speci-
mens of garments which on account of the beauty of their designs
and brilliance in colour are remarkable and call for special study.
One of these exhibits is a splendid Indian Saree in red. Some
nice vestments as well as the patolas or marriage robes for which
Baroda is well known are also displayed in this .section. The

method adopted in dyeing the patolas and other vestments is;

peculiar to Gujarat: the yarn is tie-dyed and then woven on the·
loom. In Jaipur and other parts of India the process is reversed.
Specimens of Kinkhab preserved in the court form a speciaf
feature of the Museum. One of them which is a most exquisite
and gorgeous saree made to order ior the Baroda State is exhibit-
ed in the case facing the ivory exhibits. It is highly artistic and
a model of valuable fabrics for the weaver to manufacture. It is
made of blue, rose, yellow, red and orange silk threads interwoven
with very fine gold wires and can well be called 'cloth of gold'.
The various designs in which it is woven, the fish, the parrot and
the foliage patterns with charming colours, all testify to the
wonderful skill of the Indian craftsmen responsible for the manu-
facture of such pieces.
The embroidery and needlework of India is also represente't
in the section. Both ancient and modern designs are exhibited
in some of the show cases. They are fit subjects of study and
would show that these arts are not altogether lost. Such speck
mens are invaluable for guiding people in reproducing similar
works, as this art is not as thriving as it was before for want of
The carpets exhibited in this court illustrate some of the
designs and styles which were popular during the Mughal epoch
of Indian history.
Beautiful illustrations of old embroideries of Kashmir shawls
and other fabrics with ornamental patterns of figures are also exhi-
bited here. Selected specimens of the Burmese applique works
are also shown side by side with a view to help in the compara-
tive study of this most interesting art.
In the Foreign section of the Industrial Art to which . the
eastern court is allotted, very valuable and selected articles.
representing the crafts of Japan, China, Persia and Europe are
exhibited in suitable show cases. Here the collection of old
Chinese Porcelain including examples dating from the early·
Ming Dynasty to the present times, is remarkably interesting. The.
red Chinese lacquer with the warmth of colour and the beautiful
designs and other objets d' art will please every Sinologist. These
objects belong to an archaic period and illustrate designs which.
have become very rare now. Here old English and Russian brass.
works are also displayed for comparative ·study.

To add to the cosmopolitan nature of this court a Mummy

· reclining on its immemorial sarcophagus beneath a vault has been
~isplayed to remind the visitors of the mysterious old Egypt •.
Several casts in plaster of Paris and copi~;;s in stone or marble
representing some of the famous sculptures of Europe, Egypt, as
well as India are added to further add to t!J.e educative value of
the section.
Natural history:-
The Museum possesses a fairly representative Natural History
section to which a gallery in the second storey on the western
side has been allotted. The value of the Natural History section
, to students is enhanced by the scientific method of its arrangement
which deals progressively with the higher mammals and leads in
a descending scale to the reptiles. The fauna, especially the bird
life of India, is represented in this section on a fairly large scale.
In order to complete a general survey of the animal kingdom
and to afford facilities for comparative study, foreign animals not
found in India are also exhibited. The Museum is also the repo-
sitory of a representative collection of excellently mounted skele-
tons which are awaiting exhibition, The latter include such rare
and interesting specimens as those of the Tautara of New Zealand
and the duck-billed Platypus of Australia. The New Zeahnd
lizard (Tautara) belongs to an ancient race of which it is the
only living survivor. The Platypus is a curious egg-laying aquatic
mammal the only representative of its family. There is also
a stuffed specimen of the latter on display. ·
The wall cases in this gallery house the Vertebrates, while the
Invertebrates will be found in the cases in the aisle. The latter
contain an extensive and representative collection of Molluscan
·Shells, especially from Naples. Enlarged models of Invertebrata
especially those of Foraminifera, Radiolaria and Ceelenterata are
to be found in this section. The gallery cases over the central
hall house fishes and casts of interesting animal fossils. Some
excellent clay models of prehistoric dinosaurs also find a place
The latest addition to the Museum has been the acquisition of
miniature. habitat cases of some of the tropical wild animals. This
modern method of setting out Natural History specimens impresses
.the imagination of the layman and gives him in a concrete form
.the results of years of patient observation on the part of many
trained naturalists. The display and grouping of the objects is an
.exact reproductio!l of nature itself and the sight of wild creatures
in their nat!~c haunts is a source of much pleasure to the unin-
structed VIsitor. These cases are to be exhibited in a special
exhibition room. ·
Interesting ethnographical specimens of considerable educa-
tive value are collected in this section which is accommodated in
the upper eastern gallery of the museum building. Some of the
exhibits are accommodated in the central hall also. Models of
Indian head dresses of about one hundred different types arc
displayed in two large show cases kept in the court. These are
connected with various sects and classes of In dian society,
the symbols being marked on the foreheads of the people they
represent. Utensils, ornaments and figures of divinities and
accoutrements of several hill tribes as well as other articles are
exhibited in some show cases to give an insight into their modes
of life. Many types of toys are also displayed here to give an idea
of the inventiveness and humour of these simple minded aboriginal
people. It is intended to develop and expand this section in the
near future when the required accommodation is made available.
Varied examples of ornaments worn by the women of India,
the articles of worship, pens and inkstands, smoking requisites,
various kinds of shoes, beads and charms, arc also exhibited in
this section to facilitate the ethnographic study of this vast country.
Old arms and armours which were used in India before the
advent of the British Empire are arranged in several show cases.
kept against the walls in the Textiles court and the adjoining room.
The Vegetable Kingdom:-
The exhibits in this section mostly belong to the vegetable
kingdom and comprise specimens of commercial and industrial
value. Raw products from the various parts of India as well as from
Baroda State arc also exhibited in this section. Selected herba-
rium sheets of economic plants with instructions both in English.
and Gujarati are exhibited in wall cases, while the bulk of t~em
are stored for scientific study. The old and valuable hcrbanum
,sheets are being arranged and proper!Y _catalogued. Building uP'
of a grass herbarium of Baroda State IS m progre?s· The collec-
tions in this section are arranged under the followmg heads:-
1. Gums and Resins.
2. Oils, oil seeds etc.

3. Dyes and Tans.

4. Medicinal products.
5. Food substances.
6. Fibres.
7. Timbers.
Food substances include cereals, pulses, grains, stimulants
:;;~nd narcotics, sugar and starches, vegetables and fruits, preserves,
(;attle food and fodder etc.
The show cases in the centre of this court exhibit clay models
<>f fruits and vegetables, manufacture of quinine from cinchona,
pressed oils, lac and lacquered articles, leather and leather arti-
cles, famous silk Patolas of Patan (Baroda State), models of tents,
sugar cane press and model of an arrow root factory .. The
articles exhibited in them are made out of the raw material dis-
played here in the wall cases.
Archreology etc.:-
The section is divided into two parts, one of which represents
Archaeology and the other, Numismatics. Valuable objects have
been secured for both of them. Further additions are being made
through the Director of Archaeology of the State. The sculptures
so far collected are rather late medieval, the subject being Hindu,
Jaina and Buddhist. Some of them are architectural pieces, mostly
from Gujarat. A few images are, however, from the North West
provinces or the ancient Gandhara, and from Matbura - some
:specimens being the product of the Magadha school. In the ~ollec­
tion of the Buddhist icons the inscribed images of Manjusri and
<>f the Buddhas are noteworthy. The bronze images of the
Buddha recently dug out at Mahudi are a remarkable addition,
for such specimens are very rare. On palleographic grounds
they can be relegated to about the 7th century after Christ.
Amongst the Hindu or Jaina articles the ceiling pendant from old
Patan, now preserved in a pavilion built to the south of the
Museum bu1lding may well be considered an architectural gem.
It is a magnificent piece carved in the design of a large floral
scroll with arabesque curls. The execution is superb and the
skill displayed in workmanship reflects very creditably on the
artisans of old Gujarat. ·
The collection of Tibetan and Nepalese articles exhibited
in one of the rooms ad joining the Picture Gallery possesses special
value for the comparative study of the Mahayana school of
The epigraphical section has got several documents of consi-
derable historical value. The earliest copper plate preserved in the
Museum is dated in the Gupta year 207, 526-27 A. D. and
records an order of the Valabhi King Dhruvasena I. Amongst
the recent add1tions to this section are the two sets of copper
plates excavated at Afiastu near Karjan in the Baroda district.
One of them is a charter of the Valabhi ruler Slladitya III and is
dated in the Valabhi year 357, 676-77 A. D.. The other is a
charter of king Kirk Su\tarna Varsha. of the Gujarat branch of the
. Rashtrakuta dynasty and is dated in the Saka year 739, 817 A.D.
The valuable antiquities excavated at Amreli including coins,
· terra-cottas, carved bangles, dies etc., etc, are still to be exhibited,
.the section being in the course of formation and reorganization.
The Baroda Government has already proposed to add a wing to
the museum building for the proper housing of the archa:ological
The numismatic section possesses a large number of impor-
tant coins. Many more have been secured for it by the
Archa:ological department of the State.
His Highness the late Maharaja Sayaji Rao Gaekwar, during
his extensive tours in both. the hemispheres, secured many speci-
mens of great educative value at a considerable cost and made
them over to the Museum where they are now available to all for
The Geological section occupies the majot: portion of the
right wing of the first floor. The collection consists of specimens
of almost all minerals, rocks and fossils obtained from different
parts of the world. Casts have been obtained of many of the rare
fossils which ar~ not easily available. Among these have also
been included numerous casts of the fossils found in the Sewalik
Hills. The collection is self sufficient for a study of_ general
geology and the arrangement and classification of the different
specimens has been done on scientific lines.
· There are no mineral deposits within the State, but a number
of beautiful building stones occur at various places. These have
been exhibited along with the rock specimens from different parts
of the world. An interesting specimen in this collection is the set
of beautifully polished and coloured marble set in two frames and
hung on the northern wall.

The only show-case, however, which interests the lay man is

the one containing a collection of glass models of large historical
diamonds, of precious stones showing their variegated colours and
modes of cutting. and of representative minerals. The assorted
colours and shapes attract the attention of even the most casual
-visitor. But for an earnest student of Geology the Museum possesses
a fine colledion of 250 geological and mineralogical microscopic .
slides together with twenty-five microscopic sections of rocks and
minerals occurring in the State. These are also shown here to help
the study of Geology. In addition to these exhibits models
illustrating intersections of mineral veins, dislocation of coal strata,
stratified rocks and valley of denudation and surface indication of
coal are also shown here to help in the study of this subject.
Picture Gallery:-
The Picture Gallery is the chief branch of the Museum. His
Highness the late Maharaja Sayajirao III conceived the idea of
having a gallery of art in Baroda which should exhibit the best
examples obtainable of both the European and Indian schools of
painting and this idea has grown gradually into the present state
of comprehensive development. It may now be stated with con·
fidence that the present collection of paintings now preserved in
the Museum is fully representative and the student whether Indian
or European will find ample material for the comparative study
of the art of painting in the East as well as in the West. He will
understand the history of its development by examining the
choicest examples of the two different schools exhibited almost
side by side. The influence of these divergent schools upon each
other may well be traced in these interesting illustrations of the
various European schools and those of the Mughal Emperors
Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jehan. The decorative elements in the
art which Persia and India have contributed to the world are
beautifully illustrated by the examples displayed in the Gallery.
These examples will enable the student to appreciate the difference
in the respective view points of the East and the West; the
strength of the latter in the realistic and that of the former in the
decorative element is realised at once by the comparative study
of these exhibits.
Foreign sculptural art is also represented here by means
of several models in plaster-of-Paris, marble and bronze.
In old Egyptian art copies of the statues of Scribe Dersenez,
King Khapra etc. which go back to about 2800. B. C. and of King

A.menophis, his Queen Nofreteta etc., etc., belonging to about

1360 B. C. are displayed in suitable show-cases. In the Baby·
Ionian art of about 870 B. C. King Nabu-Apal-iddin etc., in the
Assyrian art the monuments of Salmanassar II and Assur-nasir-
pal of about the 9th century B. C. are represented. The Greek
art of about the 4th century B. C. and the Indian plaster art of
the Andhra and the Gupta epoch of Indian history are also re·
In the gaiieries reserved for Indian pictures various subjects
are represented. Several of the paintings are not only original but
masterpieces, some being the works of the court painters of Akbar
and Shah Jehan. A set of paintings from the Mahabharata and the
Ramayana arranged in a suitable revolving show-case with labels
written on them will afford excellent example of the paintings of the
Akbar school. These and other specimens of the Mughal period
illustrate the typical use of strong primary colours, the remarkable
contrast of light and shade and the high skill in portraiture which the
master painters of the Mughal Court had attained to a wonderful
degree. One of the remarkable portraits displayed in the Gallery is
reputed to be that of Sher Shah the powerful Afghan enemy of
Humayun (1540-1545 A. D.). The picture (No. 460) representing
a king studying stars is the work ot Dhannoo, one of Akbar's
artists whose name it bears. The decorative element which it
possesses is exquisitely drawn, the colour is most beautiful. The
spangled night sky, the gorgeous costumes of the courtiers and
the whole arrangement of the details is rt:markably impressive.
Another noteworthy picture is a single figure (No. 469) composi-
tion representing a hunter seated under a tree in a fit of repent-
ance with two deer shown as conversing together. The simplicity
with which it is drawn affords a very pleasant contrast to the
elaborately drawn portraits. The portrait of a spirited equestrian
meant to be Faizulakhan, the Rohila Chief of Ram pur (1774 A. D.)
and the picture representing a Prince Visiting a Saint which is
attributed to Firdausi, one of the court painters of Shah Jehan, are
equally noteworthy. The latter is a charming combination of
figure and landscape painting.
The collection contains select specimens of other Indian
schools as well. The pictures of Ragas and Raginis, of the subjects
connected with the legends of Krishna and Rama, and of the
Nayikas are remarkably interesting. One of these pieces is by the
famous artist Abdul Khwajah Abdul Samad and is a charming
figure of a maiden discarding her jewels on account of her
disappointment caused by the tardiness of her lover.
4 -

The fine and applied arts of Tibet are_ also represented in

these galleries to enhance their representative character. ·
Some of the specimens of illustrated palm-leaf and paper
manuscripts are also exhibited in the galleries. They contain
beautiful miniature pictures of the various Buddhist and Jaina
subjects and supply highly valuable material for the study of the
history of the art of painting in India.
Lecture Hall:-
To add to the educative value of this important institution of
the State, a spacious lecture hall has been provided in the base-
ment of the building. In constructing it special attention has been
paid to the arrangement for lighting and for accoustics. The hall
can accommodate 150 persons. Several lantern slides of the
exhibits in the Museum and Picture Gallery have been prepared
together with some industrial cinema films for illustrating the
lectures which are connected with the subjects represented in the
Museum and Picture Gallery. A good epidiascope with a strong
projector has also been set up in the· hall to show the slides.
They are worked by the Museum staff itst:lf. These lectures are
de_livered by the officers in charge of the institution and also by
other scholars. They are open to the public.
Earoda College:-
<?ne of t.~e first public acts, of . the reign of His Highness the
late S1r Saya11rao III, was the laymg of the foundation stone of
the Baroda College in January 1879, when even as a boy His
Highness began to take keen interest and devoted his valuable time
• and energy towards the promotion of education amongst his
. The Baroda College received recognition from the University
of Bombay in 1881 and started working in 1882 with 30 students
.on its roll. It was then only an Arts College.
In January 1887, it embarked on the teaching of science, and
in 1889 its status was raised to that of a college teaching the full
graduate course up to the B. A. and B. Sc. degrees.
The University instituted about this time a course of study
in_agriculture and recognised the Baroda College for teaching
:the full course from 1890, which arrangement was subsequently
A Law Class was opened in 1891 for teaching students for
the Fi_rst LL. B. examination. The Law Class continued for 20
At the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the College, His Highness
Sayajirao III said: "Ever since the day when I laid the foundation
stone I have watched with sympathy the growth of this - the
highest educational institution in my State. I have regarded it
as the eye of my domains. I should perhaps more correctly call
it the beacon from which were to radiate the quickening rays of
thought and inspiration to the remotest parts of my dominions.
l had expected from it a constant supply of men with training
and character for carrying on efficiently and economically the
administration of the State and fer exerting a healthy influence
.on the moral and spiritual well-being of the people.
"I have grudged no cost or endeavour towards the furthe-
rance of these expectations. I have gone on instituting in it, as
adjuncts to the arts studies with which ~t beg~~· cou~ses a?d chairs.
in Science, Agriculture, Law, Comparative rehgton wtth a smgleness
of purpose for tbe good of my people and their moral and material
amelioration, so that they might avail themselves of them, each
accordin~ to his need or inclination.

"In the mind of the present generation science bas come to

dominate the field of education. We accordingly hear on all
sides the cry raised for greater facilities for scientific studies. I have
sympathised with this wish to catch up with the times, and mindful
as I am, and have always been, of the truism that educational needs
like those of every progressive activity in life have to keep pace with,
the evolving forces of the day, I have, and with the greatest gcod
will, sanctioned the construction of a Science Institute".

The Science Institute:-

At the ·same time, the Government felt that it was also time.
that a definite step was taken for the industrial development in
the State, not only to strengthen the existing industries but also to
start new ones. These objects, it was felt, could be achieved by
locating the various science departments of the College in the
Science Institute, with a technological annexe for the applied
chemistry laboratories.
. To commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of His late Highness,
Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad, several industrialists and philanthropists
came forward to make contributions· towards the building of the
science institute, which is now named "The Shree Sayaji Jubilee
·Science Institute" as a monument to the memory of His late
Highness, and in deep <jppreciation of the forward policy of His
Highness' Government to help industries, agriculture, public
health and such other nation building activities. The needs of
the several departments of the State were ascertained by Governc
ment and proper provision was ordered to be made for locating
the different laboratories in the technological annexe of the
Science Institute. The Sayaji Jubilee Science Institute was
formally opened by His Excellency the Viceroy, Lord Willingdon,
in January 19 36. In this Institute full provision is made for the
undergraduate teaching of about 600 students and also for post-
graduate research in each 6f the science departments, viz.
cher:-1istry, physics, botany and zoology.
. The laboratories ot the Industrial chemist, of the Agricultural
•Chemist, of the Public Health analyst, and of the Excise chemist
.are located in this annexe. All these laboratories have a common
library. Industrial research is now being carried out at the
Technological annexe in collaboration with the Kalabhavan
(Technical Institute). The Baroda College Chemistry depart-
·ment, the Technological annexe, the Chemistry department of
the Kalabhavan and the Alembic Chemical Works, Ltd., are work-
ing in close consultation and collaboration. This planning of
the scientific activities of the State has tended to minimise expense
and yet secure maximum benefit to the Government and the
Industrial research:-
The industrial research section is carrying out the analysis
.of a variety of products such as type-metal, ink, starch, soap,
waters, different types of ores, industrial raw materials, texlile
11uxiliaries etc., both for the Government departments and the
industries in the State. It has evolved a standard compo-
osition for the type-metal, which is utilised for the manufacture
.of the types at the Baroda State Press Foundry at almost half
the market price. It helps the textile industry by handling its
problems in sizing and finishing of cloth, analysing raw materials,
auxiliaries, boiler feed waters and rendering suitable advice. It
also advises the Public Health department on problems con-
nected with water supply and food materials. It has investigated
the conditions of manufacture of "lime washes" from China
clay and has rendered immense help to small manufacturers by
giving advice and guidance whenever these were sought. This
!l"esearch section is at present engaged in studying (i) the poly-
merisation of Indian vegetable oils with a view to their utilisation
in the manufacture of patent leather, book binding leather, etc.,
.and also (ii) the sulphonation of the same oils with a view to
their utilisation as textile auxiliaries as wetting out, emulsifying
.and cleansing agents in textile industry. The possibilities of
manufacture of ultramarine, water-glass and the whitening of the
.china clay of Ransipur mines have been investigated.
.Agricultural Research:-
The Agricultural chemist's laboratory was a long-felt want
jn the State. With the establishment of _the Sayaji Jubilee Science
Jnstitute, chemical analysis of soils is being undertaken and the
. Agriculture department now possesses a well-equipped chemical
laboratory attached to the Institute.
Among the problems that are being investigated besides the:
routine work in this section, mention may be made of th~
following :-
(1) Effect of manures on the growth and quality of
tobacco, (2) chemical examination of black cotton soils of
Gujarat. (3) growth of different varieties of cotton on typicaE
State soils, and (4) composition and nutritive value of Tricho-
santhus diocea.
Other items of Resesrch:-
The Public Health laboratories work on the grading of ghee-
on the same lines as those carried out under the Agricultural
marketing advisor to the Government of India. These labo-
ratories are also equipped for carrying out the analysis of food
materials such as milk, tea, coffee, flours, etc., with a view to-
detect adulteration. The laboratories are so designed tl~at when
the Food and Drugs Act comes into operation, space will be
available for additional equipment to cope with all the work in
that direction.
The Excise laboratories undertake the analysis of spirituous
preparations with a view to determine the excise duties to be
levied on such preparations. The laboratories are adequately
equipped to meet the exacting requirements of scientific test and
to enable spirituous medicinal preparations manufactured in the
State to pass through the customs on the strength of the analy·
tical reports of the Science Institute. Research work on indi-
genous drugs has been undertaken in this laboratory. The Sayaji
Jubilee Science Institute thus embodies a unification of scientific
efforts in research, both pure and applied.
Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. To stimulate
agricultural activities on modern scientific lines an important
department of Agriculture is established.
Sections under which the work of the department is dealt with
are : (1) agriculture in reference to field crops, the main section
dealing with field experiment, seed production and _propaganda;
(2) agricultural research covering agricultural chemistry, plant
breeding and plant pathology; (3) veterinary and livestock im·
provement; (4) horticulture; (5) rural reconstruction; (6) agricul-
tural engineering; (7) agricultural marketing; (8) agricultural
History-1887 to 1909:-
Interest on the pad of the State in agricultural develop·
ment in the widest application of the word dates from as
far back as 1887, when any attention to this was but in its
infancy in British India and unheard of in other Indian
States. It took the form of the initiation of an Agricultural class
controlled firstly by the Education department, and subsequently
by the Rev~:nue department conducted at Hira Bagh. The Baroda
Model Farm to which the class was transferred came into being
in 1894. It then covered some 33 acres which still constitute
part of the present farm. It was controlled in the early days by
Sir Thomas Middleton, at that time Professor of Botany at Baroda
College. The period 1887 to 1909 may be classified as the genesis
of the department. During that period it was a branch of the
Revenue department. Agricultural education, as given at Baroda,
- was extended to the formation of what are now classed as " bias "
schools, giving a general education with a strong bias towards
agriculture. These were started for the benefit of the backward
Raniparaj farmers associated with the hinterlands of Navsari district,
There were three of which the one at Spngadh, together with its
small farm, carried on into the beginning of the next period,
Agricultural effort was chiefly associated with the trial of exotics.
But little was done on the Farm. Most of the experiments were
of the nature of spasmodic trials of different crop varieties on far-
mers' fields. The work was devoted to cotton, tobacco and
groundnut. It is probable, however, that the strong admixture of
Upland Georgian under the name of Kadaya found in Kodinar
taluka today, the spread of tobacco cultivation, then restricted to
Chharoda, into Mehsana and the first appearances of groundnut in
Kathiawar are directly traceable to this work done in this period.
Other interesting features of this period of agricultural significance
were lhe initiation of agricultural banks, the introduction of tagavi
loans for agricultural development, the coming of the first co-
operative credit societies and the development of agricultural asso-
ciations and seed stores. There is no doubt but that even at that
time Baroda was well in the vanguard of progress.

1910 to 1929:-
In the next period a good deal of what had been started
enthusiastically was abandoned, to come again into being
later in history in a changed form. The agricultural class,
the raison d' etre of the department's existence originally,
was closed in 1910, to resume in its present and much more
popular and effective form in 1926. The period is marked agricul·
turally by the dropping of exotics in field trials and by the gradual
incoming on a small scale of Indian made products, the earlier
introduction of varieties created in Bombay or elsewhere, as for
examples 1027 A. L. F. which in the following and last period has
been enormously developed, Wagad 8 which is still the best of
closed boll types, Broach 9 which, though it failed for reasons of
wilt on the heavy soils, has been resurrected for use on the Gorat
areas, Pusa 4 in Amreli and Pusa 52, which still hold their own
as rust resistant if not entirely in the matter of yield, with other
and newer varieties. The departmental farms were, however,
very limited. During the major part of the period the original
33 acres at Baroda and another small farm at Jagudan were the
only farms. The propaganda and effective agricultural staff con-
sisted of foux: inspectors, one per district. Among other examples
of useful work were the continued spread of groundnuts in gene-
ral in Amreli, the beginnings of a demand for bone-meal, the
increased use of ammonium sulphate in Baroda and partial
adoption of copper sulphate as a safeguard against Smut in juar
in Mehsana. Considerable attention was given to large scale ·
shows and the creation of agricultural literature. The first
development in the improvement of fruit took place in this
The Horticultural section to be referred to later and now in
evidence on the Baroda Farm came into being in 1921 and the
·general expansion of fruit cultivation, of recent years stimulated
by its own section, in evidence in the State must be associated
with the work done here and at Jagudan and in later years at
Amreli. Agricultural engineering opened in this period was
another section of very effective importance. Its primary work in
that period \vas well-boring in improvement of open wells in the
alluvial areas. As referred to in its own section, it came into
being as a separate section in 1917, though the earlier boring
work was started some seven or eight years earlier. One
of the outstanding features of this period was the boom in tractor
cultivation in evidence in Gujarat between 1920 and 1928. At
this period there was probably more going on in tractor use ~n
Baroda State than anywhere, perhaps with the exception of the
Central Provinces. It was in part stimulated by the marked
opening up of virgin lands and in part by good cotton prices and
the realization by the farmer of the area south of Narm ada of the
value of periodic deeper tillage. The State furthered this by
extensive loans at low rates of interest. Tractor utilization in
another form reappears later in the third period.
Agriculture in 1930-41:-
This period has been one of very rapid advance in all
directions and most of the sections referred to above have
really originated and developed in this period. A very
important progressive factor has been the· linking up of the
work of the department with the Indian Central Cotton Committee
and the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research and hence
with like work elsewhere in India.
The period opened with three small farms, the last but newly
started covering an area of 89 acres. At the present day there are
eight farms exclusive of the fruit farm and with the cultivated
areas of the original three increased the total area now commanded
is 473 acres. They are so placed as to cover the soil and climatic
conditions of the State with the exception of Okhamandal for which
plans for a farm to handle its crops and primary livestock interests-
sheep and poultry- under the arid conditions of that tract are in

process of application. It must be realized that Baroda State is:

scattered and has for its size a very big range of cropping conditions.
In Mehsana we have the fringe of the conditions of the areas
constituting south Rajputana and the States hke Radhanpur to the
ncrthwest. The soil and rainfall of Amreli is typical of the larger
part of Kathiawar, while in Navsari and Baroda are found the
soils and heavier rainfall of south and north Gujarat. That in-··
accurate measure of agricultural conditions, the average rainfall,
ranges from 7011 in the south, 1511-25'1 in the north and tails away
to 1811 to 20 11 in Amreli and less than 10" in Okhamandal. On
the system of farms which we now have these and the particular
variations created by the soil are fully represented.

The function of these farms is two fold : effective field experi-

ment and the creation and maintenance of the seed organization
on which our propaganda rests. Today Baroda farms carry some
70 experiments, all laid out in accordance with the conditions
required to secure modern statistical significance. The extent of
their influence on seed is clearly shown in the schedule of generaL
departmental activities recorded at the end of this chapter.
Suffice to say that the 36 lakhs of seers of improved seed now
issued by the department seed stores is based on the nucleus.
production of our seed farms. With these farms is closely linked
our agricultural educational programme. The Baroda Farm, aided
by the Agricultural Institute in which is housed a small but
effective teaching museum, is the centre of such effort. It can at
the present day accommodate close on 60 boarders taking the full
year courses in agriculture and horticulture and is responsible for
the annual education in 3 months' courses of some 180 lads in
such subjects as farming, oil engines, tobacco curing and fruit
preservation. Jagudan with a complete institute and residential
quarters similar to that at Baroda, caters for some 24 one year
course students and 24 short course farmers' sons. Amreli con-
ducts a short course in agriculture,· while the raison d'etre of the
Deodarda village uplift experiment is its agricultural school taking
about 100 boys of the Thakardas and Rabari communities from
the third to the seventh standard, a type of institution de~igned for
the more backward agricultural class boys. Specialized field
research work in cane and paddy is associated with Vyara. cotton
and paddy with Dabhoi, cotton root rot and general plant breed-
ing with Baroda, cotton closed boll Dholleras with Jagudan and
plant breeding, improvement of the short staple Mathia cottons,
juarand bajra with Amreli farm.
Extension and propaganda:-
Research, field experiment, implement designing and!
trial on such farms are the essential basis of an improved system of
agricul~ure, but the results so obtained must be evaluated under·
farmers' conditions and when assured by such evaluation the goocls.
must not merely be put into the shop window but on the basis of
-business must be brought to the farmer's attention and his
confidence in their value established and the me:ms to provide.
the demand guaranteed. The State has thus placed a considerable
emphasis on effective propaganda. In addition to the farms it
subsidizes some 20 farmers' plots on which under direct guidance
the owners compare the new with the old, usually in duplicate.
or triplicate. Supported by this evidence in addition to that
of the district farm, the department is in a position to demonstrate
widely what it m;ty have of value. This is done on a large scale,.
vide the record at the end of this note which indicates the num·
ber of comparative trials on which the village support is secured.
Propaganda takes two forms, intensive and extensive. In
the former, groups of 20-25 villages sub-divided to lesser units of
7 or 8 are controlled by a fieldman or overseer and three trained
Kamgars each in charge of a sub unit~ The majority of the field.
trials are conducted by this means. The number of villages repre·
sent about 14% of the villages in the State. In each village the
work is done through the members of a better farming society;
In the event of a seed variety proving effective in many cases a
farmer or farmers undertake the seed supply of the village in one
particular type as provided to them by the earlier stages of seed
multiplication. In the latter the means of approach is by the use
of carefully equipped touring carts fitted with Dunlop tyres and a
pair of bullocks in charge of a graduate assistant. These carts tour
sfeadily from early November to June visiting about 12 villages a
month with a halt of two days at each village. There is at
present one per district but this will shortly be doubled. From·
the present year in addition to an ordinary lantern they will be
eq•1ipped with 16 mm., cinema equipment. Though they may not
have the same close association with the farmer, they certainly
keep the existence of the departmental work before the villager
and are instrumental in the uptake of a lot of seed and many imple·
ments. The record of achievement in these respects is clearly
illustrated in the schedule which indicates both the scope of the
work and the results as measured in the uptake of better varieties,.
the making of more manure, the use of fertilizers and the demand.
for modern tillage implements.
. Apart from its-normal interest in the staple crops of the State
1argely dealt- with by this organization, it h~s in hand several special
tines of endeavour, the development of Virginia leaf tobacco culti·
vation on a semi-commercial scale, the re-establishment of the
sugarcane industry in the south of Navsari centring on the revitaliz-
ing of the sugar industry and the institution of steps to cope in an
adequate manner with the problems of soil erosion and the features
of dry farming as conducted ·in areas of 20 11 rainfall and in areas·
where this is but 1011-12 11 •
.Agricultural Research, Plant Breeding and Agri. Chemistry:-
This is purely the product of the last decade. It was initiated in
1932 with the help of the Indian Central Cotton Committee in an
.effort to cope with the losses arising from root rot on the Gorat or
light loam soils, south of the Sabarmati river, but has since then
·developed to a state provided economic botanist, specializing in
-cotton but associated with the improvement of bajra, .castor and
fil, assisted by two assistant plant breeders and a plant pathologist
and linked with like work in cotton improvement, as in part
financed by the Indian Central Cotton Committee, at Amreli (Mathio
cottons) and Jagudan ( Dholleras-longer staples) under the
technical direction of the Cotton plant breeder, Viramgam and in
the improvement of the open cultivation paddies of Gujarat,
financed by the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research . and
.established at the Dabhoi farm. ·

Associated with this kind of work, the State has also established
an agricultural chemical wing which has already done a good deal
·of effective work in the study of the soil, well waters and common
agricultural materials. Linked with this section we have the Sugar-
cane Chemist who controls the work at Vyara where at least four
·very decided improvements in the form of new canes over the
-existing locally grown types have been isolated and are now in
-course of rapid extension and whence an economic and effective
:basis of manuring has developed and is being put into practice on
a considerable scale. · ·

Veterinary and Live-Stock:-

This section of the department, in particular that portion
.associated with veterinary relief has its roots like agriculture
in the first period of development. The first veterinary
.dispensary was opened in 1880-81, and by the close of the

period these increased to three. By the close of the seconcP

period the number had risen to 23. Subsequently it has gradually
increased till at the present day there are some 38 such institutions.
for the most part established in hired buildings, a condition which.
in recent years is being steadily relieved by the gifts on the part of
local men and bodies of dispensaries constructed on approved
designs. The establishment of the section as we find today dates from
1936. Prior to this the control of some 32 dispensaries was vested
in one senior inspector. In 1936 the section was put under a highly
qualified depuly director assisted by lwo inspectors, to whom
have been added a speciallive·stock officer, directly in touch witlT
the indigenous cattle breeders, and a disease investigation officer.
The outcome of this can be traced in the schedule in the number:
of cases handled and in the expansion of preventive vaccination
and inoculation, while the cost per head of effectively treated
animal, by attention to the elimination of waste and the increase of
animals so dealt with has fallen from nearly Rs. 3 per head to.
8 annas.
Major live stock:--
Linked with this there is now the beginning of a defined'
movement towards the improvement of village stock. The·
Makarpura Dairy farm has now a herd of Surti buffalo and·
Kankrej cows. A fairly large scale subsidized Kankrej breeding
farm has been opened at Khoraj near Chharodi, the site of the
Bombay department farm, whence it is anticipated 25 bulls wilf
be available each year. Steps have been taken to grade up the
village cows of Kodinar-primarily of Gir extraction-by the issue·
of selected Gir breed bulls, a position which will be improved when
the proposed Bhavnagar-Baroda Gir breeding farm is established.
The Mehsana she-buffalo of which some 14,000-16,000 find their
way each year to Bombay stables and from which a considerable
amount of ghee is made is in reality the product of . the indirect
grading up of local stock, with Delhi Murrah and Sind Murrah.
buffaloes. The department is now developing a buffalo bull raising
farm for such sires, of which the number is all too small, procur-
ing young males the product of known dams of Murrah breed at
the age of 6-7 months. A further and recent development has
been the settlement and colonization of Rabaris, on the blocks of
Government waste lands. The biggest of these is that at Bellasar
on which about 30 families are colonized on some 1,500 acres.
These colonies and settlements seek to provide the Rabaris with
sufficient land for the cultivation of grain producing and fodder·

crops while finding substantial areas on which grazing can be

.controlled and steps taken to improve the grass yield. There are
;at present two colonies and some eight settlements. A colony is
placed on a single block of fenced land. In the case of settlements
local Rabaris are provided with areas of cultivable land over the
village waste area, while the larger single blocks of this are set
aside for grass. Sheep breeding and the more effective handling
of the fleece of the existing sheep arc marked down for early
In association with this section but unde1: the Poultry
officer, appointed in 1936, there has been a considerable movement
to improve the poultry of the State. These are owned almost entirely .
.by the depressed classes. The department has at the present
-day poultry units on most of its farms, of which the biggest are
those at Makarpura and at the Rural Reconstruction Centre at
Kosamba. In much the same way as a Government farm can by
itself do little to improve the seed given to the cultivator or indeed
:to get in touch with the cultivator· without a wider organization, so
the pure bred units maintained at these farms were as such
ineffective. This difficulty is, however, being got over by the training
-of likely men, in a position to keep a poultry farm, and subsidizing
.them to the extent of Rs. 200. Their selection is governed by their
ability to keep in touch with the poultry of 7 or 8 neighbouring
'Villages. These men, once they are established as effective pro-
ducers of cocks, are then put in control of development, being paid
Rs. 2 for each cock adequately placed, and in a position to sell'
hatching eggs. There are at present some fourteen of these agents
.and in spite of many set-backs, the outcome of disease, in part
being met by the posting of a poultry disease investigation officer,
are beginning to show promising progress. They are also being
developed as the agents of the egg grading schemes.
As has been already recorded under agriculture, the
.first stages of fruit improvement date to 1921. It . is,
however, only since 1936 that there has been a separate
.section under a State horticulturist. This section is in the process
.of establishing a modern fruit station at Gandevi, the taluka
_growing the most fruit, and is supported in its work by substantial
.areas and nurseries on the Baroda, Jagudan and Amreli farms and

still more so by its two nurseries at Dhari and Kodinar in the

Amreli district-both areas with considerable possibilities. In
recent years the section has done a great deal to introduce better
pineapple, lemon, Busra plantain and grape fruit. It has also
under its control a small but useful fruit preservation laboratory
.at Baroda whence several effective products stand to its credit as
a clear lime juice and lime juice cordial which have been,
including the bye products made from the lime skin, developed
by the laboratory on a semi commercial scale and since taken up
by private enterprize. Another useful preparation is a first class
jelly made from the little used wood-apple.

This section since its development has done much by shows,

visits to orchards, the preparation of pamphlets and the issue of
fruit plants either direct from its nurseries or on its advice or assis·
tance from elsewhere to stimulate the development of fruit and
vegetable cultivation, as witnessed by the markedly increased area
viz. 3,665 acres as compared with 5,675 acres now under crops of
this kind. Since its creation in its present form advice has been
tendered to 6,439 growers, 183 students given elementary horti·
culture and 63 trained in fruit preservation.

Rural Reconstruction:-

There are at present two centres viz. that at Kosamba,

Navsari district, opened in 1931 and that at Karjan, Baroda
district, . opened in 1939. The former is already well known in
lndia and a separate leaflet specially prepared for the Centre -
gives in short detail the work done in the first 10 years of its

The primary objects were (1) to introduce into village life

the improvement and features emphasized by the several bene·
ficent departments, Agricultural, Educational, Industrial, Medical
and Sanitary and Co-operative as likely to improve village condi-
tions, as part and parcel of a general scheme and not as isolated
entities; (2) to reduce the amount of wasted time and man power
and hence in general to increase the village wealth by the
introduction of subsidiary enterprizes whether related to agriculture
in the wider sense or to cottage industries; (3) to develop the
co-operative spirit in all its aspects moving forward to the creation
of multipurpose village s:>cieties centring on an organizing union
to whom cauld eventually be left the general development of the

tract. In the first instance for the first five to six years efforts were
restricted to 10 villages, subsequently extended to 35.
There is no doubt that, as by_ the uptake of better seed and
the effective marketing of the cotton, the improvement of the
·village livestock, cattle goats and poultry, the wider cultivation
!ilf fruit and vegetables and the introduction of many subsidiary
industries of value there has been a distinct improvement in well
being. Education has come .to the adult, the school boy has
learned the elements of cooperation in his scout troop and the
ways and means of garden cultivation. Efforts by the medical and
sanitary departments, pushed forward by the Centre, have led to
the introduction of the simple village dispensary, the use·of bore-hole
latrines and a greater idea of cleanliness. The creation· of the
cooperative spirit has been indicated by the rise of sale societies.
thrift societies and credit societies and multipurpose societies and
a cooperative gin.
The centre at Karjan has had the advantage of what has gone
on at Kosamba during the look-round-and-see part of its develop-
ment. It has some advantage in easier banking facilities and
above all it has a more united group of leaders and is thus at
present set fair for an early attainment of the goal of self
Agricultural Engineeriog:-
This section dates back to 1917-18, though it was in 1922-23
when it took its present shape. Of recent years it has been streng-
thened by the addition of two assistant engineers, other subordinate
staff, increased equipment and shop and storage facilities. It was
originated in the first instance primarily to develop the cultivators'
well water supplies. Its functions at the present day are (1) the
boring of open wells, {2) the sinking of deep level tube-wells;.
(3) the sinking and expansion of wells in rock areas by blasting,
(4) the installation and maintenance of oil engine and electric
motor driven pumps, (5) the improving and designing of agricul-
tural implements, {6) agricultural machinery demonstration,.
(7) the conducting of oil engine and tractor classes and (8) the
handling of departmental operations calling for engineering
Water supplies:-
The first of these activities which was at that time entirely
dependent on departmental enterprise no longer takes a.

prominent place, as the example set and the success attained

has brought into the field a large number of private operators who
take on this work in the relative easy conditions of the alluvial
soils of Gujarat. It has, however, to its credit the boring of over
1,600 wells, work which has probably aided the grower by the
addition of from SO to 60 lakhs of gallons per hour. The number
of wells improved by this means at the present day is placed at
between 5,500 to 6,000.
Of recent years its efforts have been concentrated primarily
on (2) and {3). It has to its credit 65 deep level tube-wells {2001
and over) sunk for agricultural purposes, while under the improve-
ment of wells in rock areas, primarily the basalt of Amreli district,
as is shown in the schedule its capacity and effort has much
increased, largely because in addition to the system of exploding
dynamite in the base of wells in which the drilling to take the
charges was done by the-cultivator by hand, it has in its equip-
ment two compressor drills operated by tractor power which
enables blasting, when the equipment handles five to six wells at
one centre, to be many times quicker.
Contract ploughing:-
The department has at its disposal some eight tractors
of which three are high power Caterpillar tractors. Using
these it carries out during the clear season, roughly February
and the end of May, contract ploughing in the heavy soils of the
N avsari district, where the value of this assistance in clearing
kans and opening the soil is much appreciated. The extent of
effective work in the year is largely dependent on the earliness or
lateness of the cotton crop. Thus in 1939-40 it was full four
months while in 1940-41 barely 6-7 weeks were available. This
introduction in aid of the farmer dates to 1937-38. About 5,000.
acres have been ploughed by this outfit. The record is shown in
the table at the end of the chapter.
Implements:- .
Of recent years the section has given a good deal of attention
to agricultural implements, either in trial of different forms or as
by designing effective implements. It has to its credit {1) the
A. G. Baroda cultivator and hoe, designed to fulfil several functions
of which over 2200 have been locally made, tested and sold in
the past three or four years, (2) an effective wheat thresher,
available (at least before the present cast of iron took effect) at
. Rs. 45 by which in many tests carried out on wheat there is a

saving of 300% in cost, (3) adoption of the Martin ditcher and

grader for use by bullock power and other bund formers. In the
matter of education, as provided by three months' course in oil
engines and motor engines introduced to meet the marked increase
of the use of power in water lifting and motor transport by the
farmer, some 592 men have received training since these classes
were first inaugurated in 1923.
Marketing Section:-
This is, as elsewhere in India, a recent addition dating from
1935 when Government sanctioned the appointment for a period
of three years of two marketing officers so as to deal expeditiously
with the marketing surveys then starting. One officer concentrated
on agricultural and the other on live-stock products. In 1938' on
the completion of this work the section was stabilized under one
marketing officer and one assistant and such assistants as might
be called for with the expansion of regulated markets.
Development work began in 1938.
The following have been the chief activities:-
{!) the marketing of 1027 A.L.F. cotton,
(2) the establishment of AG mark ghee grading centres,
(3) the beginning of egg grading operation,
(4) the Bombay-Baroda buffalo news service,
(5) the salvage of dry buffalo from Bombay city,
(6} the creation of regulated markets.
The first of these is distinctly the best and most important work
done by this section in enabling the producer of a special product
to get the advantage in price it merits. The work has the financial
·assistance of the Indian Central Cotton Committee. The table
at the end indicates the expansion and increasing financial value
coming to the producer by organized cultivation, ginning and
There are at present four ghee grading centres, though the
output for various reasons first shown has not been maintained
There is at present one egg grading centre, but with the expansio~
of the work covered under poultry, itis anticipated that four more
will be started. The chief aim of the egg grading scheme is the
organization of egg collecting societies and the direct sale of
graded produce.

One regulated market has now been in operation with consi·

derable success at Bodeli in Baroda district for two years and the
. Act has now been applied at Amreli.
Agricultural Education:-
Education of this kind was the first thing considered when
improvement in agriculture was begun. As noted this was
iollowed by a class at Baroda and bias schools in Navsari, which
·after a few years gradually petered out. The class at Baroda
which catered for a limited amount of employment in the Revenue
department of the day had but liltle real support, and had to be
closed down.
Agricultural education in any intensive form, aimed purely at
educating the young farmer in the job to which he will return,
dates from 1926. Till1936, apart from the short course in oil
.engine, the revised 10 months' course given at Baroda, catering
for about 24 stud~nts, for which there was a big demand was the
only outlet. Since then, however, there has been a marked
.expansion. Two well equipped institutes, one at Baroda and the
<>ther at Jagudan, have come into being, and shor~ courses in
farming, tobacco, fruit preservation, poultry and dairying have
been added to that available at Baroda on oil engines while short
farming courses have been introduced on several farms. At
Deodarda in north Mehsana we have a very well found boys'
<School in which about half the education given is literary and the
balance directed to ~agriculture and industrial work, a type of
school which will be repeated in conjunction with the Dabhoi
farm. The table following indicates the gradual rise in the
number of students entertained.


1 No. of villages 19 226 280 351 383 417

under intensive
2 No. of villages 130 232 374 284 252
directly visited
for 2 days by
itinerant cart
Particulars 1935-36 1936-3711937-3811938-391 1939-40 1 194Q-4t

3 No. of villages
associate:! witb
... 160 341 475 573 462
atove brought
into touch with
4 No. of compara· 18 710 1,048 1,432 2,546 2,160
tive field demon·
' stration plots,
arranged on'
farmers' fields.,
5 Seeri of approv-4,65,632* 5,24,641+ 5,90,398 9,76,410 13,77,166t 33,13,01.S
ed seed ismed
by departmental
seed agency
within the State.

6 Seers of cake, 12,620 54,040 67,290 1,35,670 2,13,118 2,0 ,060

bone-meal, fer·
tiliser, sulphur,
etc. from depart·
mental depots •.
7 No. of . demon· 627 1,232 1,435 1,768 2,11.S
strations in rna·
nure conserva·
8 No. of demon· 12 1,735 2,513 2,401 2,614 3,21.S
strations of im·
plements and
simple machines.
9 Cart-loads of 700 1,100 6,700 14,760 20,282
new manure
• made by villages
ai a result of
10 No. of major 27 113 1,033 859 913 73.S
implements sup-
. plied to farmers.
11 No. of han~­
too!s, principal·
3,050 5,615 2,381 I 4,517 6,815. 5,973
ly cotton pullers.

Particulars 11935-36 1936-3711937-38 1938-39,1939-40 1194()-41

12 No. of cases of! 31,871 28,974 43,074 49,447 61,602 58,529

sickness dealt
with by the
veterinary surge· .

13 No. of animals 9,708 11,815 47,880 68,428 88,455 1,17,589

protected from
epidemic diseas-
14 No. of welfs 20 86 95 445 589 242
15 Kos of water 15 65 46 227 181 171

16 Area ploughed ...• ,35 595 1,867 3,215 1,439

by State tractors
on contract.
11 Fruit plants .1,749 5,997 7,094 6,665 11,139 5,153
issued by State
nurseries. _

18 Bales of cotton
marketed by
... ... 2,146 2,760 7,612 5,575
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
!19 Total premia
per khandi over
... ... 5,677 10,180 34,716 32,625
local secured by
.20 Persons taken 47 89 146 146 227 317
in courses in
agriculture and
allied subjects
for three months
and over.

* Mostly secured from Bombay,

.t Partly secured from Bombay.
~ In addition, the State 'seed organisation sold 3,30,000 seers cotton
seed to Raj pipla, making the total seed handle:! for seed purposes
34,43,015 seers.
Land transport:-
The modern civilization depends mainly on the land trans>-
port consisting of roads and railways which are supplementary too .
each other. As 75% of Baroda population lives in villages, it is
essential to have roads connecting villages with one another, with
headquarter tqwns, markets and railway stations.
Till the year 1875 when His Highness the late Maharaja Sir
Sayajirao Ill ascended the throne there was practically very little
of what may be called 'roads' in its modern sense in the State. Most
of the roads were more or less mere cart tracks. The present road
development in the State is entirely due to the interest taken and
. far-sighted policy laid down by that illustrious ruler.
A programmeiof road policy devised with vision and fore-
sight by His Highness the late Maharaja Saheb and steadfastly
followed has yielded remarkable achievements in road constructioll'
which may be reviewed by well marked periods.
Construction of new roads was going on till 1907 in a slightly-
casual manner. The local boards constructed small roads, after
consulting the Revenue and Forest departments, where urgent
necessity of roads was felt. _ Til11907, 456 miles of roads ( 224-
miles metalled and 232 miles kunker, gravel or murrum or earthen.
roads} were constructed at an approximate cost of Rs. 37,62,000~
1907 to 1926:-
A visit of His Highness the Maharaja to the Navs1d
district in 1907 brought about the·second epoch in road construc-
tion lasting till 1926 wherein the necessity to provide more roads
was definitely felt and a well thoughtout programme of road
construction throughout the districts was evqlved, which, thouglb
. 70
could not be carried out in its entirety due to the great world war,
enabled the State to have a system of roads with 374 miles of metal
roads and 513 miles of kunker, gravel, murrum or £air-weather
roads at a total cost of Rs. 64,34,375.
A further programme of roads Wlls made and approved by
Government and in 1931 a general memorandum of road· policy
of the State was submitted emphasisin_g the necessity of still more
roads for the Raj, outlining a road policy and proposing a con·
crete and definite programme that was sanctioned by His late
Highness and according to which the works were carried. out.
Further road and bridge programmes were also sanctioned in
1939 and they are being pushed on.
Grand Trunk rosds:-
The State has got its share in the construction of the portion
of Grand Trunk roads also. The portions of Bombay-Ahmeda·
bad Road in Navsari and Baroda districts are instances of the
participation of the State in the scheme. · The portions in the
Navsari district· are already cJmpletcd; while that in the Baroda
district is recently started.
The portions of Surat-Nandarbar Road are also constructed
in the State limits. The Baroda-Khandawadi Road forms a link
of Baroda-Godhra-Indore-Delhi road. Two small pieces in the
State limits of Rajkot and Bhavnagar and Gogha-Dhandhuka roads
arc also constructed by the State. The Kalol-Ahmedabad Road
to be started this year within the State limits will perhaps form a
part of Ahmedabad-Rajputana Trunk road.
The longest road in the State is located in Navsari district
from Btllimora to M:mgrol. It is nearly 55 miles in length within
the State limit, and joins 5 talukas of the district. Four big
bridges on the Ambica, the Purna, the Mindhola and the . Tapti
rivers form a part of this system.
Present milesge:---
The roads constructed upto 1940 with bridges come to 4~8
miles . of metalled roads and 590 miles of kunker, gravel,
murrum or £air-weather roads at a cost of Rs. 72,47,553.
The ]:>ridges of importance and note, constructed on these
roads including the high level bridge . on the river Tapti near
Kathor recently completed, are fourteen in number.
Feeder roads:-
A procedure has been laid down ,that all important metalle~
roads and district roads are to be constructed by the Pubhc
Works department, while Panchayats have to construct feeder
roads to these main and district roads, roads joining villages and
railway feeder roads.
The Panchayats were also J:msy constructing feeder roads all
this time accordincr to necessity and funds available. The
Panchayat roads gonstructed upto 1940 comes to 31 miles
of metalled roads and 643 miles of kunker, gravel, murrum, or
£air-weather roads at a cost of Rs. 15,79,612.
The State has 'now nearly 1,712 miles of: roads which work
out to one mile of road for 5 sq. miles of area and 1,500
population in the State. The amount spent both by the Govern-
ment and the Panchayats came to over Rs. 8R lakhs out of which
over Rs. 72 lakhs have been spent by the Government.
The policy to give maximum benefit of road transport
facilities to the people continues with vigour.
Gaekwar's Baroda State Railways
. The first Indian State to get the benefit of a rail-road was
Baroda, for the first railway constructed and opened to traffic in
the Indian India was from Dabhoi to Miyagam, a length of
20 miles in the Baroda State. This line was opened on 8-4-1873.
Subsequent additions to this small piece of railway line were
made during the illustrious regime of His Highness the Maharaja
Sayajirao III. Until 1908, the railways in the State were construct-
ed by the B. B. & C. I. Railway Company at the cost of the
State. In 1908, the State opened a construction department of
their own and the working of the railways concerned was mainly
entrusted to the B. B. & C. I. Railway Company. In 1921, the
working of the narrow gauge lines of the State was taken over
and the Railway department began to function as an open line
and construction department as well. In 1933, the working of the
metre gauge railways was taken over from the B. B. & C. I.
Railway and in 1934 that of the Khijadia-Dhari railway was
taken over from the Gonda! State railway.
It will be interesting to note that since the inauguration of
railways in the State from 1873, the programme of construction of

railways has been on hand and great progress has been made. The
la~t co.nstruction was of the Prachi Road Kodinar Railway of 16
mtles m length opened lately in April1938. Over and above the
723 miles of railway owned by the State, there are about 200
miles of railways serving the State area makin" a total of 923
miles of ~ailways in the State. This works out"'to 112·8 per 1000
square mrles of the total area of the State and 3·77 mile per
10,000 of the total population of the State. This compares very
favourably with the whole of India which is 23·8 miles per 1000
square miles and 1·22 mile per 10,000 of the population.
The present position :-
The total mileage of railway owned by the State is 723 miles
consisting of 21·42 Broad Gauge, 345·85 miles Metre Gauge, and
35~·73 miles Narrow Gauge (inclusive of Bodeli Chhota Udaipur
- Ratlway). The capita! invested by the State on the railways
amounts to about Rs. 5·58 crores. Besides these lines, the State
territories are served by the B. B. & C. I. Railway trunk line, the
Tapti Valley line and the Rajputana Malva line. Land for the
portion of these railway lines passing through the State was .ceded
free of cost.

Welfare activities for the staff:-

At Goyagate and Dabhoi, Railway dispensaries in charge of

full time medical officials have been established. At Mehsana,
the Civil Medical Officer looks after the railway staff with the
assistance of an additional subordinate. At other places on isolat-
ed branch lines arrangements have been made with the medical
departi?ent, to attend to th_e needs of the staff.. Two travelling
mid-wiVes have been appomted, one at Dabh01 on the narrow
gauge railways and the other at ~ehsan~ on. the metr~,gau~e
railways. The railway co-operahve credtt soc1ety orgamsed_ m
1922 renders useful assistance to the railway staff. The soctety
has 1,161 members with 12,788 shares. The working capital. is
Rs. 76,109. There are railway institutes at Goya-gate, Barod~ ctty
and at Dabhoi; membership is compulsory for the sta~ stah?ned
· at these places. These institutions are managed by commtttees
selected annually by the members. _Sanitary committees have
been established at several stations both on the narrow-gauge
and metre-gauge railways.
Effects oo geoeral welfare:-
Inspite of the fact that some of the railway lines have short
lengths and some branches are isolated, the indirect advantages.
due to the advent of the railway are very great. The undeveloped.
country alround has progressed, several new industries have been
started in parts where raw material is available and the general
cultural tone of the populace has improved.

Recreation ground

The Nyayamandir in the background

. ..
The Fishery resources of the Baroda State today while main-
ly relating to· true fish both marine and freshwater, include the.;
Crustaceans and Molluscs; among the last are the Conches and.
Oysters, the latter valued for the cheap pearls yielded.


The earliest Fishery repott was in 1909 by Mr. James Hornell,.:

the marine biologist and inspector of pearl banks, Ceylon, who was:
directed by H. H. Maharaja Sir Sayaji rao to investigate the pos,i-:
bility of finding pearls on the Okhamandal coast,_ rumours regard~.
ing the occurre.nce of which were very rife. The report is in the:
form of two monumental memoirs on the marine zoology of Okha·
mandal and they contain, in addition to papers by specialists on the
varied fauna of Okhamandal, many useful suggestions made by·
Mr. Hornell for the development of ·fisheries in the Okhamandal
district. The conch fishery is an historic industry and apart from
archreological evidence as to the existence of chank bangle facto-·
ries round about, its antiquity is seen from the fact that Beyt:
island, the headquarters of the conch fishery then as now, is known
in ancient literature as Shankhoddhar, an island where Shankha-
sur-a conch-demon was subdued and regenerated by Lord
Krishna. The monopoly of the conch fishery has vested in the
Baroda Government since 1861 and up to the time of Mr. Hornell's
visit the right to collect chanksfrom the Okhaman::lal coast .was
auctioned annually; but after his investigations which brought to
light the existence of vast beds of the window-pane oyster yield-
ing small pearls, the conch· and pearl fisheries were leased out
periodically. The pearls, however, are used in medicine, parti·
cularly in the Far East, but of late.their market value has gon~
down very low. In 1913 Mr; Hornell who had then joined the
Madras Fisheries department was again consulted and two State
students Messrs. S. R. Gupte and K. R. Dotivala were sent to·
Madras, the first for training in pearl and edible oyster culture and.
! the other in fish-curing, canning etc. On their return two experi-
mental stations were started, one at Okha and the other at Madh-
wad. At Okha besides studying the life-history of the window-
pane oyster, new oyster beds were laid at Balapur, Gopi
-and Hamusar. At Madhwad, besides curing of fish, experi-
:ments in canning particularly of pomfrets were successful. In
1918 their work was reviewed by Mr. Hornell who made further
suggestions. In 1927 the experiments were completed _and the
_section was closed. In 1929 Mr. Hornell who had then rehred after
being Director of Fisheries, Madras, again visited both the Okha·
mandai including Kodinar and the Navsari coasts and in his report
<Of 1930 made practical suggestions for the .further development
of the marine fisheries of the State. While these were under con-
-sideration, His Highness desired that the freshwater resources may
also be given some attention and fishfarming done in the State. A
. department of Fisheries was, therefore, sanctioned for two years in
1937 and the Government of Madras was requested to lend the
-services of a trained officer with practical acquaintance with the
·various aspects of fishery administration and research. Dr. S. T.
Moses of the Madras Fisheries department joined dut"y as Dire-
-ctor of Fisheries, Baroda State, at Baroda on 14th September 1937.
Various schemes, industrial, statistical, biological,- piscicultural
and socio-economic, are being worked out.
".The Present position:--
The first year since the opening of the department (1937-38)
.was naturally spent in fishery surveys mostly of maritime districts
:though a few localities round about Baroda were also included
in the itinerary and scientific research mainly identification of the
!biological material collected. One major work carried out that year
was the revival of the pearl fishery, the departmental fishing of the
·window-pane oyster pearls being undertaken more as a relief
·work for the coastal population of the State in Ol;hamandal. In
the second year additional items of work started were the industrial
'experiments in fishmanure; fish oil, packing fish in ice etc. and a
statistical enquiry into the fish supplies of Baroda City. The
·departmental pearl fishery was on a larger scale than during the
.previous year. In the third year fishculture was added as a new
i~em. The pearl fisheries which have once again drawn the atten-
: hon -of the contractors are being leased out annually since this
-year. The Hatchery at Mul Dwaraka and the Estuarine fish
.farm at Velan are intended to be started. The scheme of an
•aquarium and biological station at Port Okha which attracts
annually by its interesting fauna and flora, groups of research•
workers, students and professors from Allahabad, Ahmedabad';.
Bombay, Calcutta etc. is also intended. Among the excursions
arranged for the delectation of the delegates to the Science Con-
gress is one to this 'Naturalist's Paradise'. In the fourth year (194<r-
41) an additional scheme worked was the preparation of oil from•
livers of sharks and their relatives which abotlnd in the waters.
round about and fishing for sharks was done departmentally with·
nets as well as hooks and lines from aboard the Okha Port·
Country Craft "Yeshwanti".
Some Noteworthy Items:-
While the Conch fishery was securing for the State some
revenue annually-the lease amount for 1941-42 is Rs. 650-the pearl
fishery ever since the slump in the market and the troubles in•
the Far East was not worked at all for about 10 years. It has now·
been revived and the lease amount for 1941-42 has risen to Rs. 850'
from Rs. 410 of 1940-41. A recent undertaking of the department
was to demonstrate that these pearls can be utilised also in orna•
ment making and a few bangles and chains were made and sold.
Fishery Stations:-
There are now three fishery industrial stations, the one at.
Vanchi-Borsi being mainly concerned with demonstration in the
conservancy of fish offal and conversion into manure and experi·
ments in refrigeration of fish. At Madhwad where the preliminary
experiments in fish oil were made as also demonstrations in.
manure conservancy, is the substation for fish oil serving the Kodi-
nar area. Okha is the departmental headquarters of the fish oiL
industry and the 'Shark Liver Oil' prepared here and sold as a
cheaper and better substitute for 'Cod Liver Oil' is standardised to
contain 2,000 international units of vitamin A and 200 of vitamin.
D per gramme.
Fishculture: -·
Freshwater Fishculture as a subsidiary occupation for the
ryot is being gradually introduced, a beginning having been m~de
at some villarres served by the Kosamba Rural Reconstruction
Centre. Cultural operations and studies have begun and besides.
local fish 1 Gourami and Pearls pot ordered from Madras are stock-
ed in the Timbi tank, Baroda Park nursery cisterns, tubs, glass:
bowls etc. The Baroda Park Aquarium has been revived and 4
tanks glazed and fish let in.·

'One great handicap to fishery development is the paucity of

nocal fisherfolk. For example the famous Kodinar fishing grounds
·which supply alm:>st all pomfrets for Bombay are exploited by
•fishermen, all outsiders from Bassein to Daman and elsewhere,
·who merely camp in the State area during the season. A Fisher-
.men's colonisation scheme whereby fishermen could be induced
;to settle permanently in the State area at Madhwad or Kotdah by
the grant of concessions both afloat and ashore is being consider-
-ed. The few fisherpeople who do live in the State need the benefits
·Of 'cooperation' and 2 co-operative societies have been started
-one for the Machhis of Navsari and another for the Badhelas of
Beyt. The Baroda Municipality was induced to supply a long
felt want in the city viz. properly built Fish Markets and one was
;put up in 1939-40.
Effects on General Welfare:- ·
The fisherfolk have slowly started appreciating the usefulness
of departmental schemes. Technical advice eagerly s;::ught for by
;interested people is given and all information supplied to enquirers•
.As regards pisciculture in the inland areas, work has to proceed
·very cautiously since the people show traditional antipathy to fish-
•ing or as it is called in the vernacular 'fish killing'.
Mr. Hornell's reports on the marine zoology of Okhamandal
and his later reports with suggestions for the development of
:fisheries in the State have already been referred to. Besides the
.annual reports of the department from 1937-38 Government have
.issued as priced publications three departmental bulletins-1. Fish
·Culture in and around Kosamba, 2. Cold storage of fish and its
:potentialities in Baroda and 3. A statistical account of the fish
supply of Baroda City. A number of useful and interesting
papers of Dr. Moses read before the Indian Science Congress
have been published in the Journals of the Bombay Natural His-
tory Society, the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, the Mythic
:Society of Bangalore and the Gujarat Research Society..
M~. D. S. Dighe, the chief assistant in the department, who
is now m charge of the Fish Liver Oil scheme bas written a pam-
phlet on 'Shark Liver Oil' which is sent as a folder along with
.each bottle of the oil sold.
The main valuable forests of the Baroda State containing teak
:as the main species are situated in the hilly tracts of Songadh,
Vyara, Mahuva and Mangrol talukas of the Navsari district. The
river Tapti runs through the midst of these tracts for about 40
miles, dividing them into two unequal portions lying north and
south of the river. The northern portion includes the ranges of
the Vajpur and Vankal, while in the southern area are the Vyara,
Songadh and Sadadvel ranges. Other forest areas are in Baroda,
Mehsana and Amreli districts. The Sankheda range in Baroda
district is composed of a few scattered patches of scrub forest
badly grazed and very open. In Mehsana district some of the
ravine areas are under a scheme of afforestation for soil conserva·
tion. The forests of Gir hills in Amreli district are mainly pasture
areas interspread with patches of pole-forests of mixed species.
The bare salt areas of Okhamandal are being tackled for soil
.Cover and soil improvement.
Area of different ranges:-
The areas of the different ranges are as follows :-
Distr~ct Ranges Bighas
Navsari. Vyara. 1,41,341
Sadadvel. 79,689
Songadh. 1,24,425
Vajpur. 1,75,952
Vankal. 1,12,765
Baroda. Sankheda. 18,932
Mehsana. Attarsumba. 12,419
Amreli. Gir. 87,510
Okha. 22,747
Total 7,75,780 i. e. 712·8 Sq.

Communications :-
A greater part of the forest produce is carted to the railway
stations of Vyara, Songadh, Navapur and Chinchpada on the
Tapti Valley Railway. The southern forests of the Vyara range are
served by the Billimora Kala-amba Railway and the Vankal
forests by the Kosamba Zankhavav Railway. Bamboos and some
timber are also rafted down the river Tapti. River Puma is also
occasionally used for this purpose. _ Good fair weather roads
radiate towards all the forests from the main railway stations.
· These are being extended into the interior and a scheme. of inter-
connecting fair weather and feeder roads is in progress. The main
roads will be gradually metalled up. _
, Timber is the main major product. The forests are of the
dry deciduous miscellaneous type with a distinct predominance
of Teak. Teak forms about 40 to 60% of the growing stock in the
Navasari forests which yield good .timber. From among 'the
usual associates of Teak, the more important timber-sp·ecies are
Sisam, ( Dalbergia Latifolia ), Tanach ( Ougenia Dalbergioides )r
Sadada ( Terminalia Tomentosa ), Khair ( Acacia Catechu ),
Haladwan {Adina Cordifolia), Biyo (Pterocarpus Marsupium),
Kalam (Stephegyne Parviflora), Dhaman (Grewia Tiliefolia)~
Dhamodo (Anogeissus Latifolia), Samar (Bombax Malabaricum),.
and Kanti (Acacia Ferrugina). Others are firewood species rarely
extracted here as timber.
Two speCies of bamboos (1) Detidrocalarims Stdctus and {2}
Bamboosa Arundinecea are foundthroughout the Navasari forests.
The former is more abundant and is in good demand. The Vajpur
and Nanchal forests contain a preponderance of bamboos .which
are an appreciable source of revenue from these forests.
The main minor products are leaves of Asindra (Bauhinio-
racemosa) and :Timru (Diospyrus melanoxylon) which are usedi _
as wrappers for 'bidies'-country cigarettes, fruits and flowers of
Mahuda (Bassia Latifolia), raw fibres from Atai {Helicteses !sora}
used for tieing bamboo, and timber rafts;_ gums of Babul :and
Dhamoda, fruits of Terminalia Chebula and Zizyphus Zylopyya
used as tann_ins,_Lac cu_ltivated on Butea Frondosa, Katha, catechu
extract- from Acacia Catechu and Rosa oil extracted to a limited
extent on th~- Sall}er: 'Hills. - Development of most of these items
onsysteinatic lines is in progress. - ·
The Ousscra Procc ion

A view of the City with the Mandvi in the foreground


Administration :-
Prior to 1875 the forest revenue was realised by giving farm
contracts or ijaras, when permits were issued on a schedule scale.
This continued till 1877 when a separate Forest department was
formed. The ljara method led to very heavy and irregular
fellings of trees, as the farmer selected for removal the best of
the trees as suited his requirements or purposes. From 1877 to
1884 the department was put in charge of a sub-assistant
Conservator. Then for 6 years upto 1890 the department was a·
branch under the Revenue department. During this period the
permit system persisted. The fire-conservancy was then an
unknown factor and protection against thefts and m,ischief was
not systematised. Damage by shifting cultivation was also usual.
In 1891 Mr. Fernandes was entrusted with the administration
of the forests, when settlement and demarcation of the reserves
began and a Forest Act was introduced. Ti111913, the reserves
conld not be well developed.
In 1913 the department was placed under the charge of
Mr. R. H. Madan. Under his administration the department
began to function energetically. The staff was reorganised,
necessary buildings were constructed and working plans were
introduced. The system adopted was "Coppic with Standards"
under a 40 year rotation and definite prescriptions were laid out for
marking, felling, tending and fire protection, grazing etc. A system
of rab plantation has been recently introduced. The working
plans had . run through nearly half the rotation when two years
back the services of Mr. R. W. Inder, a retired conservator of
forests from the Bombay Forest service, were engaged to .
inspect the working of the forests and report on the results of the
management and to suggest new measures if necessary.
As Mr. lnder suggested a change of the system to 'Selection-
cum-Improvement' based on a girth limit, lengthening of the
rotation period, a sylvicultural operation in the 25th year and
cultural operation in felled coupes, the working plans are now
under revision. During the interval the present working of forests
is carried on according to provisional pre>criptions in the light of
Mr. Ioder's suggestions. In the dry areas of Mehsana and
Kathiawar, measures are being adopted to stop erosion and
promote tree growth under the direction of a soil conservation
committee. A scheme for control grazing in the badly grazed area
is under preparation.

The Constitution of the Forest department is as shown

The conservator of forests assisted by two assistant conservators
of forests, one in the Southern Division, and one in the Northern
Division, and a staff of rangers, deputy rangers, foresters, round
guards and beat guards looks after the working of the department.

. Forest tribes :-
The main population of the Navsari forest tracts con-
sists of animistic tribes called "Raniparaj people". The promnient
tribes are Gamits, Chodhras, Dhodias, Vasawas, Nayakas and
Koknas. They live in detached huts in scattered hamlets. They
used to carry on a sort of primitive farming and their standard of
life was low; but now through special efforts of Government and
frequent touch with towns their progress is ensured. They derive
a substantial income through employment in forest operations and
carting of timber and other forest produce. Villagers adjoining
the reserved forests are given free hutting material from forests and
the cattle are allowed to graze in the forests at nominal rates.
Literacy is also increasing. There are free primary Government
and Missionary schools in several villages and free boarding
schools in the taluka towns for children of these people. Special
measures have been passed by Government to protect them from
m:mey lenders. Free travelling dispensaries, co-operative socie-
ties, marketing organizations and rural development activities are
all having a marked improvement in the life of these once primi-
tive people.

Yield, revenue etc.:-

The average annual yield of timber and fire-woods from the

State forests is about 15,30,000 cubic feet out of which 7,40,000
cubic feet is timber and 7,90,000 cubic feet is fire wood. The
average annual yield of bamboos comes to 13,00,000 equivalent
to nearly 3, 200 tons.

In the forest areas open to grazing about 80,000 to 90,000

number of cattle graze on permits.

The revenue realised from different sources in the year 1940-

41 is as under : -

Item Rs.
1. Timber 3,66,083
2. Bamboos 13,209
3. Grazing and grass 45,081
4. Miscellaneous. 39,772
Total 4,64,145
Navsari prant forests abound in games for sport. The main
games found are tigers, panthers, hyena, sambhar, chital, pigs,
and wolf. In Gir forests of Kathiawar a few lions are also found.
Publications issued by the forest department arefas under:-
1. Bulletin of the forest resources of the Baroda State.
2. Forest Manual.
3. Constitution and organisation of~:the; forest depart-
Progress:- ·
Baroda State is industrially one of the most advanced regions
in India. The position attained by the State in this respect has
been achi~ved by a steady process of industrialisation during the
last fifty years as the result of a systematic policy of industrial deve·
lopment followed by the State. ·
The total amount of paid-up capital of joint-stock companies.
working in Baroda State is Rs. 166 lakhs, which compares very
favourably with figures of provinces and States regarded as indus·
trially developed, in spite of the fact that there are no important
mineral resources in the State, except various kinds of stone and
clay, nor any natural resources for hydro-electric power.
The rate of progress of the State's industrial expansion during
the last twelve ye.ars is really noteworthy. The number of opera-
tives employed in factories in the State increased from 17,000 in
1927 to 41,104 in 1940-41 which is nearly two and a half times.
Together with these figures a brief account of the expansion in
some of the major industries in the State in recent years, will give
a better idea of such expansion.
Textile Industry:-.
In regard to the textile industry, the number of mills in the-
State increased from 11 in 1928-29 to 19 in 1940-41. During this
period, the capital invested showed an increase of 150 per cent.
The number of looms increased from 2,500 to 6,874 and the
quantity of yarn produced increased from 150 lakhs lbs. to 398:
lakhs lbs. As, during this period, there has been a tendency to
produce more and more yarn of finer counts, the actual progress
would be much greater if we considered the value of the yarn.
produced. ·
The Dinesh Mill is the only woollen mill in the State, and
it is a matter of gratification that Baroda State has been able to
contribute towards the military requirements of the Govemment

of India, to a certain extent, through this mill which 1s now

engaged fully in manufacturing. blankets for the British Govern-
Cement Industry :-
The cement factory at Dwarka has made progress at a rate
which is comparable to the growth of the textile industry in the
State. Its production was only 40,000 tons in 1931-32. They
have recently set up an additional plant for increased output of
cement in this factory from 90,000 tons to 1,20,000 tons a year.
Chemical Industry :-
Perhaps the most notable industry in the State is the chemical
industry. The Alembic Chemical Works Co., Ltd., is one of the
biggest chemical works in India, and the increase in its sales from
Rs. 6 lakhs in 1927 to Rs. 16 lakhs in 1940-41 indicates that the
comp51ny is making good progress. The starting of the heavy
chemicals industry at Mithapur will constitute an important land-
mark in the history of industrial development of the State. ·

1'he Tala Chemicals Lfd,:-This company started in the year

1939 has made considerable progress. Necessary buildings, sheds,
_ godowns, roads are being put up and machinery is being erected.
It is expected that production will begin next year. The manu-
facture of salt and its bye-products was continued. Out of 44,859
tcms of salt· produced in 1940-41, 29,356 tons of salt were
e,xport.ed to Bengal.
The; Hiizdustan Colour, Chemical & Manufacturing Co., Ltd,
Kathwada, (about four miles from Ahmedabad} :-It is organised
by an important firm of industrialists from Ahmedabad with an
authorised capital of Rs. 50,00,000.

. Construction· work has made considerable progress and it is

p,i-oposed to man!Jfacture modified starches, hydrogen peroxide,
textile auxiliaries, P~ris green etc-: The Pankaj products, Baroda
-and The Nar Chemical Works. Nar (Petlad} are two small
concerns, manufacturing.textile chemicals•
. .. . The Visnu -Industrial Works manufacture white paints and
Paris Green .on. a small scale as also malaria oil and other disinfec-
. tlmts; mosqhito coils; .textile soap, 'insecti~ides etc.
The Petlad Turkey Red Dye Works, Petlad :-It owns a plant
for the manufacture of sulphuric acid with a capacity of about
one ton per day.

Match lndustry:-
There are two match factories at present in the State, of which.
the one at Petlad is the better established and the bigger of the
two. Although, a few years ago, there were many match factories.
in the Bombay presidency, in recent years, practically all of them
have ceased to exist. But the factory at Petlad has made consi·
derable progress.

Oil Industry:-
Baroda State is one of the important oil-seeds producing· areas-
and there is an enormous scope for the .development of the on
-crushing industry. The total number of oil mills increased from
5 in 1929 to 13 in 1940-41. During the same period the output
increased from about Rs. 7 Rs.15 lakhs in value per year~
It may be noted that the cotton oil mill at Navsari is the only mill
crushing cotton seeds in the Bombay Presidency.

Miscellaneous Industries:-

As regards miscellaneous industries, mention may be made of

the china clay works at Ransipur, which commenced operations·
in 1934-35. The quantity of China clay recovered and refined'
increased from about 280 tons in 1935-36 to 840 tons in

Enamel Industry;-

The Vijaya Enamel Works, Goyagate, Baroda is the expansion

of a small enamel concern helped by Government loans in its
initial stage and is now in a position to supply enamel ware sign
boards etc. Sheet enamelling work is also done on a large scale.

The Gujarat Rubber Works, Baroda:-

This factory undertakes the manufacture of rubber and ebonite.

articles like rollers used in textile and sugar mills, stoppers~
corks, ground sheets etc. ·

Paints lndustry:-

(1) The Baroda asbestos and Paints Works Ltd., Baroda

has been organised within Baroda with an authorised capital of
Rs. 5,00,000. Government have agreed to participate to the extent
of 20% in half the share capital to be issued at present. It is still
in the preliminary stage.
Rolling Mill:-
Messrs. N. Jivanlal & Co. of Bombay have now construct-
ed a rolling mill in Baroda. The building is complete and the
necessary machinery is being installed. It is proposed to
manufacture bars and sheets from brass and other metal-scrap.
Paper Bags Factory:-
A loan of Rs. 5,000 has been given to Mr. Kersandas
Gordhandas of Bombay by the Government for starting a paper
bag factory. It is recently started in Billimora.

Power-loom and other factories:--

In the last five years, ·four power-loom factories have been
established, of which two are in Billimora, one at Patan and one
at Karan all of which are weaving artificial silk yarn partly or
wholly. Another important industry, which has been developed
in the last three years, is the wood work factory at Navsari which
is manufacturing bobbins, hanks and other textile equipment.
In two years its output has reached the level of Rs. 2 lakhs a year
and it is able to sell its products in Bombay, Ahmedabad and
Calcutta, as also in the State. A new concern has also been star-
ted at Vijapur this year for crushing and refining coloured
earth and refining chalk. The raw materials in this case are
imported from Kathiawar and the Idar State.

Prospects for Developing New lndustries:-

The possibilities for starting new industries in the State are
now briefly discussed. These industries may be considered
under two classes:
(i) those industries for. which there are raw materials avail-
able in the State; and
(ii) those industries for which no special ra~ materials _are
required and which can be started anywhere, provided sufficient
financial and technical resources are available and there is a consi-
derable local market.
The industries coming in the first group are :paper· industry,
cigarette manufacture, oil and allied industrie~, and ,wood 'wo!k
factories, glass industry and power alcohol mdustry. Industries
falling under group (ii) are manufacture of electri~ bulbs, pl~s­
tics industry and biscuits manufacture.
- - .

As regards most of the industrie~ me!ltioned above, there

are proposals for starting them inthe State; and_:the de~~rtment
is scrutinising the schemes put forward and makmg enqumes.
As regards paper industry, there was ~~me dqubt wh'e.ther
sufficient bamboos would be available for .a fairly large sized fac-:
tory having a plant with a capacity of, say, 10 tons per day.·· A
survey of the State's bamboo resources which has been recently
carried out has, however, shown that the quantity of ·bamboos
available near about Vyara would be much more than would be
required for a factory of this size or even a larger one.
There arc also similarly good prospects for starting a straw·
board factory as the necessary raw materials can be available from
the surrounding forests in the Navsari district. •
Plywood lndustry:-
Soft woods of different· species such. as Modad, Kakad,
Bondaro etc. are available· in forests in the Navsari district and
the· test reports about the suitability of :these -soft woods for the
manufacture of plywood industry arc now obtained from the Forest
Research Institute, Dchradun. The results are encouraging.._ :
As regards:cigarette indu_stry, although all the Indian Virginia
tobacco required will not_ be available locally, the steps, which
have recently been taken for developing the growth of Virginia
tobacco in the State, ensure that, in future, probably all the
requirements of a big factory will be met from local supplies.
Glass Industry:-
. .
· Investigation into the possibilities of starting the manufacture
of glass were made and data obtained during previous inquiries
and investigations was collected. Dr. V. S. Dubey, Head of the
department of Glass Technology of the Benares Hindu University

was invited by the Government and he has now submitted his

survey report. He has expressed quite a favourable opinion about
the prospects of starting manufacture of glass industries in Baroda
and Okhamandal districts. There is a definite move from Messrs.
· Gor & Co. of Sunthrod (Godhra) who have been granted conces-
sions to start shortly a glass factory in the State with an authorised
capital of Rs. z.j lakhs.
Marble, granite and flooring tiles lndustries:-
A few miles away from Baroda lie the Motipura mines in the
Sankheda taluka where green marble, red granite and sand
stone are available in large quantities, Dr. Dubey visited this area
and submitted a detajled report which will soon be available to
the public.·
Labour:- ·
The following table gives details of labourers employed in
certain specified industries in the Baroda State:-

. Adoles- Total
Industries: engaged in Men Women number of
cents operatives

Textile Miils ... 21,823 2,030 100 23,953

Ginn,ing and Pressing factories 6,577 3,075 4 9,656 '

Chemical industry
... 2,794 751 116 3,841

Iron Works ... . 568 ... ... 568

Cement Works ... 736 ... ... 736

Oil Mills .. . . ... 243 24 27 294

... ... 1,987 195 74 2,056 industri~s
. Year · 1940-41

34,708 6,075 321
- 41,104
1939-40 ... 31,039
5,789 315
1938-39 ... 28,763 5,390 162 34,315

,. 1937-38 ... 28,677 5,311 220 34,208

·" 1936-~7 ... 22,653 4,677 207 27,537

Progressive Policy of the State:-
The industrial development in the Baroda State is largely
the result of the active policy followed by the State. The activities-
of the Government, directed towards the development of industries-
in the State, extending over a period of over 50 years, would form
in itself a very interesting subject for detailed study. To be brief
the activities of the Baroda Government in carrying out its policy
of industrial development may be considered under four main·
heads, as follows:-
(1) Pioneering efforts to start new industries.
(2) Scientific investigations and experiments.
(3) Economic surveys and enquiries.
(4) Grant of:financial help and other concessions to industries ..
Early Pioneering Efforts Recalled:--
As early as the nineties of the last century, His Highness the
late Maharaja, with his great wisdom and foresight, started several
industries as State enterprises, such as a cotton mill, .a sugar-
factory, a brick factory and a leather factory. At the same time
considerable financial help was given to private companies and
individuals to start textile mills, cement works and other large
Between 1916 and 1920 loans exceeding a lakh of rupees in
each case were sanctioned to 15 proposed industrial concerns,
the total amount being about Rs. 80 lakhs. Although some of lhese
loans were not utilised by the persons concerned, it had its--
beneficial effect in attracting private capitalists to start industries
in the State.
Scientific Investigations and Experiments:-
Onc of the important functions of all progressiv(: investiga-
tions and experiments of a State is to carry out scientific experi-
ments for the industrial development thereof and the utilisation
of raw materials, minerals and other resources therein. The
following list of experiments made in the State shows the type'
of work 'done:-
(1) Experiments on various sands found in the state for
glass manufa~ture as early as in 1887.
(2) Investigations regarding the oil contents of~cotton;seed oil •.

{3) Investigation ( by an American expert ) regarding the-

possibilities of oil industry and the manufacture of soap and other
(4) Investigation of salt deposits of Dwarka and Kodinar for
the manufacture of various alkalies. _
(5) An experimental station was started at Okha for window-
pane and pearl oyster culture and another experimental station was.
started at Madhavad in Kodimr for fish curing in 1917-18.
Investigation was also carried out as to the value of shells found
on the coast of Okhamandal for making buttons.
{6) Experiment in wood distillation was carried out to find
out the value of different kinds of wood available in the State·
forests for this purpose.
(7) An investigation was also carried out in the year 1919-20.
to find out the suitability of clays found in the State for the manu-
facture of potteries.
Technological Laboratory and the Industries Board:-
In recent years, the work of carrying out scientific investigation
has been given a new impetus by the establishment of the Techno-
logical Laboratory in the Science Institute which has been started in
commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of His late Highness the
Maharaja Sayajirao. Similarly, the Industries Board which was
established in 1937 has been carrying out several experiments to
investigate the possibilities of starting new industries in the State.
The following are the experiments which have been either com-
pleted or are being carried out, during the last three years:-
Manufacture of ultramarine.
Manufacture of dry cell batteries.
Manufacture of lime washes.
Manufacture of lime juice and lime oil and fruit jellies.
Manufacture of glue.
Manufacture of liquid gold.
Experiments regarding uses of lac.
Experiments regarding the manufacture of inks.
Experiments regarding the polymerisation and sulphonatiolll
of vegetable oils.

~surveys and Enquiries to Promote Industries:-

. The first Geological Survey of the State was made by
Mr. George Foote of the Madras Geological Survey in 1892. Sub-
:sequently, further investigations re: geological deposits were:made
by Prof. Sambashiv Iyer in 1908-09 and 1921.
A survey of marine fisheries was carried out by Mr. James
Hornell ol the Madras Fisheries department in 1905. Further
:surveys were carried out by· him in 1917 and 1929.
The first industrial survey of the State was started in the year
1893 and a report'was submitted in the year 1896. Subsequently,
in 1918,_ a comprehensive enquiry into the economic life of the
State was carried out by the Economic Development Enquiry
Committee. In recent years several socio-economic surveys of
villages were carried out and also surveys of certain important
-cottage industries like weaving and metal industry have been
carried out. A technical and economic survey of the oil-crushing
industry of the whole State was carried out during this year, and
a survey of small industries in the State is under progress:
Forest Resources Survey in Progress:-
A detailed survey of the various forest materials, which can
be utilised for various industries, is being carried out this year
under the Industries Board. This survey will provide useful
information as to the possibilities of various industries such as
paper making, straw board making, and other small industries like
manufacture of katha, rope making, brush making, etc.
Fioaocisl Assistance and other concessions t~ lndustri~s;-:
One of the most importantfeatures of the policy oflhe Baroda
Government is the grant of financial assistanc_e to ·indQstries.
·During certain appropriate periods, however, this policy has been
·followed more actively•. These _periods also characterise certain
·changes as to. the form in which, and the -agency -through .which,
·loans were granted. The active periods as regards~ the grant of
'loans were as follows:-
(i) 1891 to 1894; (ii).1908 to 1909; (iii) 1914 to 1920. and
<(iv) 1931 to 1940. ·
.. During the first period about Rs. 2132,000 :were advanced to
~13 concerns. During the second period .loans·were granted to
.three concei:ris to the extent of Rs. 2,90,000. Reference to the·
third period has already been made above. During this period
loans exceeding in all Rs. 80,00,000 were sanctioned, and, of this,
about Rs. 10,00,000 were availed of by about 15 concerns. Durincr
the period between 1931 and 1940 loans to the extent of
Rs. 6,30,500 were granted to 45 concerns. This is over and above-
the sum of Hs. 25,00,000, which has been subscribed as share
capital of the Tata Chemicals, Ltd. Out of these, 26 loans amount-
ing to Hs. 2,29,100 have been granted during the last three years.
The loan policy of the State in the last three or four years not
only reveals a marked increase in the number and amount of loans
given• but also reveals certain important developments which are
particularly helpful for the development of small industries.
Tn the first place, these loans are increasingly being given to
comparatively small industries. Secondly, the terms for granting
these loans have been more liberalised in respect of the rate of
interest, the penod for which lo.1ns are granted and the nature of
security taken. ··
It may here be stated that loans are being given for a fairly
long period and the instalments for repayment are made progres-
sive in time so as to impose as little a burden as possible in the
early years. It has also been found that many of the small
industries, although deserving Government help, cannot offer
security according to the rules. The liberalisation of Government
policy in the above-mentioned directions has enabled many of the
small industries to receive the benefit of financial help- from.
Intensive Drive in recent years:-
A reference has already been made to the remarkable indus-
trial development in the State during this decade. This in~ensive
drive towards the economic development of the State m the-
industrial sphere is mainly represented by the following measures
and policies :- _
. (1) Appointment of the Industries Board and ·the establi-
shment of the Science Institute.
(2) The combined irrigation and electrification schemes f?r
the Mehsana district. As a result of these schemes,. not only wJll
*Attention is invited to the statement on page No. 96.
.certain industries like sugar factories obtain the necessary raw mate·
lfials required for their proper working and expansion, but also the
provision of cheap electric power for industrial purposes will tend
.to promote the development of many small and medium industries.
It may be mentioned in this connection that, although the num·
ber of units of electrical energy consumed in the State has increa-
.sed by 150 per cent in the last ten years, the average per capita
consumption is only 2 units in the State as compared with 7 units
for the whole of India and 5 units in Madras and 156 units for an
agricultural country like the Argentine. The highest average in
:the world is 2,760 units per capita, in the case of Norway. It need
hardly be stressed that the supply of cheap electric power is one
.of the most essential requirements for the development of small
and medium industries.
(3) The scheme which is being carried out by the depart-
ment of Agriculture for the cultivation of and curing Virginia
tobacco .in the Baroda and Mehsana districts is an essential step
for the starting of a large-scale cigarette manufacturing concern
in the State.
(4) The importance of the heavy chemicals industry at
Mithapur can hardly be exaggerated, not only because of the
association thereby of the foremost industrial house in the country
with the Baroda State, but also because this is a basic key industry
.the products of which are the essential chemicals required for
most of the other industries. The participation by the State in
·the share capital of the company to the extent of 20 per
.cent has a great significance in view of the future industrial
development. The principle of State participation in the case of
.new types of industries of a pioneering nature may, to an extent
be regarded as being necessary for promoting the industrialisation
in the State and the country in general, although there is a
-certain amount of risk involved even in its limited adoption.
{5) Several schemes for starting new large industries in the
State are under consideration and there are good prospects for
establishing industries for paper and strawboard manufacture,
cigarette manufacture, biscuits manufacture, manufacture of
electric bulbs, and manufacture of potteries.
Development of CottsgeJndustries:-
Of not the least importance are the various measures which
the Government have taken in recent years for developing cottage

industries in the State. The establishment ofthe Diamond Jubilee

·Cottage Industries Institute and a sales depot is of special signi-
·ficance not only because of its great value as an institution for
training in various cottage industries but also because it indicates
.a new orientation of the policy of the Government for developing
·cottage industries. New training classes for developing the leather
goods industry, the metal industry, and metal and wood engraving
industry have been opened in the Cottage Industries Institute,
and a leather class has also been started at Ladol in Vijapur
taluka. The number of training centres for improved methods of
tanning and the number of students receiving training have
increased from 31 in 1937-38 to 122 in 1940-H. Two centres
have also been started for introducing eri-culture as a cottage
industry in the State. A demonstrator has been appointed for
introducing improved Wardha ghanies in the place of the ordinary
country ghanies for oilseeds crushing.
Proposals for starting 'additional classes for imparting train-
ing in cutlery, smithy, gota weaving as in Bangalore and Surat are
sanctioned. A hand made paper factory has been recently started
at Vyara.
As regards the development of the handloom weaving indus-
try, not only are new designs being introduced but new kinds of
cloth such as table covers,. curtains and other household textile .
materials are also being introduced among the weavers. Efforts
are made to introduce cotton carpet weaving industry on hand-
looms. One of the most satisfactory developments in the last
two years is the expansion in the production of khadi, particularly
in the Amreli and Navsari districts, with Government help. Chalala
is now the biggest khadi·producing centre in Gujarat and
Kathiawar, and in two years the production and sale of khadi has
increased from Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 30,000 a year. Similarly, the
Charmalaya at Tarvada is fast becoming a first-rate centre for
tanning and leather industry with Government help.
Loans for Cottage lodustries:-
The Baroda Government passed an order in 1938 that an
amount of Rs. 28,000 be sanctioned every year for granting small
loans, free of interest, to various cottage industries like tanning,
weaving, knitting, calico printing, block making, lacquer work,
metal casting etc.
The Baroda State is thus pursuing a comprehensive policy
for developing cottage industries by introducing improved
methods of production and imparting training in them, by giving
adequate financial assistance for buying implements and raw
materials, by adoptmg a judicious policy of granting financial help
to institutions engaged in promoting cottage industries and by
providing facilities for marketing the products through the Sales
depot in the Cottage Industries Institute and also through
Financial help:-
Statement showing financial help given to variqus industries

~ of loan Nature:of industry In
3 Name of the concern sane~
helped what
tioned year
en Rs.

1 Messrs. Chandulal 16,000 A Match Factory 1931

Amhalal & Bros.,

2 Bhavsar Puniaram 5,000 Dyeing and Calico

Trikamdas & Bros., · Printing Works "
Dadhial (Visnagar

3 Okha Salt Works ... 2,50,000 Okha Salt Works

4 Jadavlal Jekisandas, 2,500 Power!oom Weaving 1931
Baroda · Factory
5 · Messrs. B. Bahan & 500 Enamelling Works 1934
Co., Baroda
6 Nahuhhai Rehemu- 3,000 Biscuits factory 1937
hhai, the Baroda
City Bakery
7 The Brown Handle 2,000 Brown Clips, · Tin 1938
Factory, Baroda Bags,. etc.
8 Messrs. B. Bahan & 2,900 Enamelling Works-
· Co., Baroda for Purchase of "
~ of loan Nature of industry In
(ij Name of the concem sanc- what
Ji tioned

9 The Baroda Indus- 25,000 Bakelite Factory 1938

trial Corporation,
10 Maganlal Lallubhai 20,000 Manufacture of .
Contractor, Baroda Leather Articles
11 Mahmad Abusaleh 5,000 Tannery at Patan 1939
Abubakkar Nizami,
12 Khadi
Karyalaya, 1,500 Cottage Industries,
i. e. Hand Spinning,
Weaving, etc.
13 Sarvodaya
Mandir, 2,000 Tanning and Leather
14 Bhimbhai Dahyabhai,·
Karan ( Palsana
7,000 Manufacture of Rice
and Pulse Mill
taluka) Machinery and Agri·
cultural Implements

15 Hiralal Motilal Bakh- 7,000 Starting a factory for

tarwala, Baroda the manufacture of "
spare parts of Sewing
machines, Gramo-
phones, Rifles, etc.

16 Messrs. Tata Sons 25,00,000 Manufacture of Soda

Ltd., Bombay Ash, Caustic Soda
.. Invested
in the
and other Chemicals Share-
of the
17 Hirvania Safe Co., 4,000 Manufacturing Safes 1940
18 Bavahhai Musabhai,
40,000 Oil Mill .
19 Yusufali Tejani, 1,500 Silk Yarn Reeling
Navsari from Silk Waste "
20 Bapubhai Naranii,
Raniamba, Songadh
1,500 Improved types of
Charcoal Kilns

!~l~~~t Nature of industry
a; Name of the concern sanc- what
helped year
·c tioned
21 Dharamdas Mulji, 700 Power-loom Weaving 1940
Karakhdi, Padra

22 Giria Raman Litho 10,000 Purchase of modern· .,

Works, Baroda machinery for Litho-
Printing Works

23 Kashibhai Chha~an­ 5,000 Machinery for the ,

das Patel, Shikshana manufacture of Geo-
Sahitya Karyalaya, 1 graphical and other
Dekgani School Apparatus

24 Sankhari Village Up·

lift Society, San-
1,000 Hand Spinning and
khari, Patan
25 Billlmora Electric 13,000 Rural Electrification
Power Supply Co., and Irrigation "
Billimora ·

26 The Mehsana Electric

Supply Co., Ltd.
40,000 Rural Electrification
and Irrigation
27 Brush Factory
at 3,000 Manufacture of Bru-
shes of various kinds
28 Mr. M. Ahusaleh 2,000 AdditiOI)al Working
Nizami Capital for Tannery "
29 Shantilal Magaolal 3,000 Manufacture of
Patel, Vyara Hand-made Paper "
30 Mahmad Nahi Camp- 20,000I· A biscuit Factory in
wala, Baroda Baroda "
31 Madhukar Parashram•
Dighe, Baroda j
2,0001 Dyeing and Calico
Printing Works
32 Dalichand SobhagJ 1
4,000 Hurricane Lantern
chaod Shah, Jam- Factory at Baroda "
nagar. ,

33 Parashram Balvant 50,000 A pottery works 1940-41

Ganpule, Baroda

of loan
1 Name of the concern sanc-
Nature of industry

34 Nurmahmad Jivabhai 1,500 Tannery 194D-41

Khervada, taluka

35 Bhanushankar Shiv- 1,500 A printing-press
shankar, Kodinar "
36 Messrs. Vithaldas 25,000 Increase in the work-
Makanii & Sons, ing capital for a saw "
Navsari mill
17 M. S, Toorabally, 5,000 A factory for tiles and
Baroda boot laces etc. "
38 The National Chemi- 5,000 Working capital for
cal & Pharmaceutical factory "
Works, Navsari

391 Baldev
Ga:npatram 1,500 Working capital for
wood carving and

engraving gold, silver

and other _41 metal
Messrs. · :Maganlal 15,000 Furnishing boots and JJ
Lallnhhai and Sons, shoes to the Govern-
Baroda ment of India
"1-1 Messrs. Ramchandra 9,600 Do. JJ
Lallubhai & Co.,
-42 Karsandas Gordhan- 5,000 A paper bag factory at JJ
das, Bombay Billimora
43 Dharamdas Muljibhai, 1,300 Purchasing materials JJ
Karakhadi for Weaving Factory
44 Rasiklal Ratanlal 5,000 An oil Mill at Patan 1941-42
Shah, Patan
45 Dr. N. B. Pandya, 2,000 Research Laboratory JJ
46 Tooraba!ly Akbara!ly, 3,000 Oil-seed crushing JJ
Dhinoj industry


Sr.- No. Name of the Company Amount invested

1 The Gandevi Sugar Works anq 50,000 Debentures:
Distillery Co., Ltd. 2,00,000 Shares

2 The Jaya Cotton Mills, Sidhpur Shares worth Rs. 50,000l

3 Messrs. Tata Sons Ltd., Bombay 25,00,000

Okha Port
The development of Port Okha has got a romantic history-
and its pre-eminent position on the coast of Kathiawar and North
Gujarat, achieved through a capital expenditure of about
Rs. 45 lakhs, is substantiated through the considered opinion of
the Davidson Committee, which runs as follows:-
''The port of ()kha is wholly dissimilar from all other
Kathiawar ports. It is not, like them, an evolution from beginning~
lost -in antiquity, of the foodstuff trade which they still conduct.
It is an entirely modern conception, begun , and completed with
great enterprise, for the express purpose of dealing with oceaq-
going traffic in commodities unconnecled with the trifling require-
ments of the scanty population of Okhamandal."
Develop~ent :-..
The harbour was surveyed by the Royal Indian Marine ' in
1882, and the question of ·constructing a port · had since then
engaged the attention of the Government. However adverse factors
like thin and scattered population in the surrounding areas
absence of railway communications, ill-distributed rainfall. and
poor soil delayed the fulfilment of the objective. It was in the
year 19~2 tha:t the idea was mooted t~ develop it, as the railway
connection wtth Jamnagar was estabhshed, which was essential
to connect the port by rail with other parts of India for economic
and profitable services and for the development of the adjoining
St~~e territory economically and industrially.
T he Sayaji Sarovar

The Pie r a t Port Okha


Opened in 1926 Okha is the only well equipped and upto-

date port between Bombay and Karachi where ocean-going
i!teamers come right to the pier and discharge cargo directly into
Tailway wagons•.


Okha is on the extreme west point of Kathiawar at the mouth

1>f the Gulf of Cutch midway between Bombay and Karachi. It
is endowed with a natural harbour providing a shelter to steamers
throughout the year. Steamers from Europe, America, Africa,
China and Japan vi>iting Bombay and Karachi can easily call at
this port without any extra expense, loss of time or deviation
from their regular route. By diverting their regular course only a
few miles to the east they can touch at Okha during all times of
the year. This spacious natural harbour is approachable all the
year round by large vessels which can remain at anchor, shelter-
.ed from the storms on the open sea, even during the south-west
monsoon and discharge their cargo directly· on the pier. Being
;nearer by land with the producing :tnd consuming centres and by
sea with the European ports it commands a more favourable
position for trade with Gujarat, Kathiawar, Central Provinces,
Rajputana and Malva.


The port is well equipped with godowns, cranes, tugs, motor-

launches etc. and the' railway siding on the pier enables easy
!loading of breakable and damageable goods as well as heavy
machinery directly into the wagons from the steamers. Electri·
city, telephone system, water works, adequate banking facilities,
-salubrious and bracing climate, rest houses, clubs etc. are other
attractions of the port.

The portis the terminus of the Jamnagar and Dwarka Railway

(metre gauge). The station has been built very near the
<Viaduct. The Railway forms an all metre gauge system connect-
ing the port and thus affords direct service without transhipment
enroute with Ahmedabad and Viramgam on one side and with
Ajmer, Delhi, Agra, Bhatinda and Cawnpore on the .other,
thus serving the rich agricultural . and mining districts of
Kathiawar, Gujarat, Central India, Rajputana, Malva· and other

It is the policy of the port administration to help _importers;..
exporters and others in all possible ways an~ a spe~ml depart-
ment is maintained which besides being an mformahon bureall1
helps the merchants in getting freight, insurance and transport
facilities, or in getting cheaper finance.
The port offers the following special facilities:-
Wharfage dues and other charges at the Port are very low•.
Pilot service charges are included in the general port dues.
Labour is abundant, cheap and h::trdy.
Loading and unloading charges are therefore very cheap.
Working season is practically the whole year round·.
Water supply is sufficient.
Cheap warehousing facilities are available at the port.
Land connected with railway for stacking coal,. minerals,.
salt &c. can be obtained near the Pier at attractive rates.
Land for private warehouses, business offices and residential!
purposes is available from the State on lease at very favourable-
The principal imports are petroleum products, sugar, milb
stores, machinery, chemicals, lubric~nts, sizing materials, rubber
goods, automobiles, iron and steel goods, corrugated sheets, brass
and copper sheets, medicines and sundries too nemerous to be-
described. Exports include oil seeds, cotton goods, oil' cakes~
wastes, cotton, salt, cement etc.
Only within eight months of the opening of the port and after
arrival of hardly a dozen foreign steamers, the Viramgam cordon
was re-established and the duty on goods going beyond the cordon
including those going into the State territories in Gujarat was.
received by the Government of India and most of the custolll&
revenue collected at the port was lost to the State.
The Customs agreement of 1936 set at rest the long-standing
dispute with the Government of India about the customs duty on
goods imported at, and exported from the Baroda State ports.

In 1927-28, total customs revenue derived from this port was
Rs. 10,14,822. This has risen lo Rs. 26,74,307 in 1940-41. The
total number of vessels that took advantage of the port rose from
450 in 1927-28 to 929 in 1940-41; and the total cargo handled
ro~e from 52 tons in 1927-28 to 1,69,366 tons in 1940-41.

The Okhamandal peninsula with its extensive creeks and

large deposits of lime-stones, offers excellent facilities for the pro·
duction of cement, salt, alkalies, magnesium chloride and other
allied chemical industries. The opening ;of the port helped in
developing many industrial concerns round about Okha and the
progress of some of these industries is recorded in the previous
Besides the above-mentioned big factories one ice factory,
one flour mill, and one oil mill are located at Okha itself. There
are still prospect for establishing industries for manufacturing
copper and brass wares, tin wares, paper bags and others for
manufacturing refined articles from the raw materials available in
the district.
The Burmah-Shell Oil Storage and Distributing Co. of India
Ltd. hav~ put up an oil-installation at Okha at a cost of about
Rs. 15 lakhs, for storage of various petroleum products. In
addition, a plant is installed for the manufacture of kerosene tins.
The tankers . discharge direct by pipe lines into Burmah-Shell
tanks whence the oil can be distributed in railway tank wagons,
barrels and tins.
The Motor House Ltd. have put up a plant at Okha to
assemble motor cars from component parts imported from foreign
countries. The firm hopes to assemble 200 to 300 cars per annum
in the beginning. Their idea is to manufacture all types of motor
vehicles at Okha, importing from foreign countries very few parts
that cannot be economically manufactured in India.
Brief History of Irrigation:-
Prior to 1885 irrigation was practised in the several districts
of the State by means of crudely manag~d rice ponds ?r . s~all
· tanks. This was particularly prevalent m the Navsan d1stnct;
where due to very favourable conditions of rainfall and the undula-
tory nature of ground surface, paddy cultivation from such small
tanks was fairly easy and efficient. A regular, well defined and
controlled system of irrigation commenced with the progressive
rule of the late H. H. Sayajirao III.
In the year 1885, a temporary administrative division for
irrigation was created under an executive engineer for the develop-
ment of irrigation and drainage works. It undertook drainage of
khar-salty lands of the Mehsana division.
A great impetus to the installation ·of well-defined and
controlled irrigation systems was however given by the unprece-
dented famine of the year 1899-1900 when several majpr and
minor tank irrigation works were undertaken by the Baroda
Government to provide relief to famine striken people and also to
find sources of water for irrigation.
A special irrigation division ·under the Irrigation Engineer
was formed in 1900 and the enthusiasm for a bold irrigation policy
was so great that irrigation works costing about Rs. 50 to 60 lakhs
were undertaken and put into operation within a span of a few years.
The principal irrigation works of this period still functionin a
are briefly as under:- . . · "
(1) The Orsaog feeder and Wadhwana tank systeni :-.
The Wadhwana tank situated about 5 miles east of Dabhoi,
has a capacity of 500 m. eft. It was constructed at a cost of about
R:'·12 lakhs and is capable of irrigating about 10,000 bighas. It

receives its supplies by a feeder of about 150 cusec:s capacity from

the Orsang river which was bunded up by a masonry weir near
Jojwa about 15 miles further east. Direct irrigation is made
possible from the Wadhwana tank by 3 to 4 distributaries taking
'off from the outlets in the tank bund. This is a fine specimen of
a combined river and tank irrigation work, but the land under
command of this tank being of a heavy black cotton type, irriga·
tion facilities under the tank are not fully availed of. It, however,
serves as a very good protective work in case of failure of late rains.
The department of Agriculture has recently opened a model farm
near Dab hoi to popularise irrigation in this area and it is expected
· that people will soon be making a much better use of this tank.
{2) Muwal Tank:-
This tank is situated to the north of Baroda at a distance of
·about 20 miles. Its capacity is 150 m. eft. and its cost about one
lakh rupees. It is capable of irrigating about 7,000 bighas.
{3) Sipore Timbi Tank:-
. This tank has a capacity of 91 m. eft. and was constructed
<1t a cost of Rs. 1, 26,000. It is situated at a distance of only about
5 miles from Baroda and apart from the little irrigation that it
.does, it is used as a duck shooting tank by distinguished guests
visiting Baroda.
· 4) ·vadadla Tank:-
This tank is. situated about 12 miles north east of Baroda and
about a mile from the Samlaya railway station. Its capacity is 69
· m. eft. and was constructed at a cost of about Rs. 70,000.
~5) Haripura. Tank:-
This is very near the Vadadla tank and being situated above it,
its surplus discharges into Vadadla tank. The capacity of this tank
is 51 m. eft. and its· cost about Rs. 65,000. ·
.(6) Karachia Tank:-
Karchia tank situated in the Saoli taluka, half way between
Samlaya and Savli, has ·a capacity of 105 m. eft. and has cost
Rs. 1,15,000.
The last three tanks, all situated in a black soil area are
mainly used for rice irrigation and serve as good protective works.


There is only one major irrigation work namely the Dosu-
wada tank. This tank is situated about 8 miles to the east of
Vyara and is formed by blocking the Mindhola river. near Dosu-
wada village by a masonry weir. Its catchment area 1s about 22
sq. miles and its present capacity 75 m. eft. Irrigation is practised
by taking off a channel from a pick up weir four miles down-
stream at Chikhali and as the rainfall conditions are usually favo-
urable, the Dosuwada tank gets its filling at least twice every year
and the irrigation under it is as much as 2,000 bighas including
150 bighas of cane. Over and above this, it is also the source of·
water supply for the Vyara town. The cost of the work is in the
neighbourhood of Rs. 3 lakhs. There are several other minor
tanks in this district which are useful in rice irrigation.

(1) Mota Ankadia tank:-

Constructed at a cost of Rs. 67,000 it has a capacity of 67
m. eft. and though very slight use is made of irrigation facility
it has indirectly contributed towards raising the sub soil water
level and thus benefited the lands nearby.
(2) Mota Bhandaria tank:-
Situated in the Amreli taluka it was constructed at a cost.
of Rs. 1,12,000 and has a capacity of 67 m. eft. This is a.
shallow tank and its use is mostly of a protective type.
{3) Kumbhaoath Tank in Damnagar taluka:-
This is a small shallow tank of 34 m. eft. capacity and was
constructed at a cost of Rs. 32,000. It irrigates about 250 bighas.
of land.
(4) Pichvi tank:-
In Kodinar t~luka constructed at a cost of Rs. 2,10,000 this
t~nk has a capacity of 372 m. eft. It is capable of irrigating 2,500·
(5) Bhimgaja tank:-
This tank situated in the very dry area of Okhamandal and
constructed at a cost of Rs. 56,000 has a capacity of over 370>

m. eft. and is a very good asset against the usual shortage of-
water in Okhamandal, though in years of good rainfall the tank
water has not found much usc for irrigation. This tank has now·
become the principle and the only source of supply for the indus-
trial development of the Tata Chemicals Ltd., a chemical indus-
try recently started at Mithapur near Port Okha. This tank is-
now proposed to be supplemented by another tank called the
Mithikhadi tank which was undertaken in 1939 and is now
nearing completion. In case of failure of rains, both these tanks.
together will supply the needs of this important industry as well'
~s the irrigation needs of the area. The Mithikhadi tank has
also a capacity of over 200 m. eft. and is expected to cost about
Rs. 1,00,000.
Several other irrigation schemes were thought out and investi-
gated, but due to complicatons arising out of different territorial.
jurisdictions, no great headway has been possible so far.

(1) Kadarpur tank:-

The biggest of the existing irrigation works in Mehsana
district is the Kadarpur tank otherwise called the Chimnabai:
Sarowar. It was constructed at a cost of Rs. 7,24,000. It is.
situated 3t miles north of Kheralu. It has a catchment area of 30·
sq. miles and a capacity of 767 m. eft. The irrigation under·
this tank is in demand, but the catchment of the tank being dry
and sandy and the country being very porous, the tank does not.
receive its filling in years of scanty rainfall,. It has however
contributed much towards the indirect advantage of raising the.
sub soil water level in the neighbourhood.
(2) Thol tank:-
This tank was constructed at a cost of Rs. 1,23,000 and is.
/ fed by a system of drainage called the Eastern drain with a
catchment area of 60 sq. miles. The capacity of the tank is.
about 450 m. eft. This tank which was lying in a breached
condition since 1927 has recently been remodelled and improved
. at a further cost of one lakh rupees.
·A weir across the Saraswati river ·at Anavada in the Patan.
taluka i$ now utilised for diverting fair weather flow.

There are several other minor tanks and also a system of

drainages called the Dharusana system of drainages w~ich cuts
across low lying pockets and serves alternately as a dramage and
an irrigation work according as the rainfall is more or less than
Revival of Irrigation Policy:-
Most of these works were originally constructed as productive
works; but the irrigation under them has not yet developed so as
to justify their being classed as such. Unwillingness of the agri-
culturist to adopt new methods is, to an extent, responsible for
this state of affairs. But their protective value in case of ~ailure
of late rains is considerable. They effect a substantial saving of
·crops on such occasions. The area irrigated in the different
·districts during the last 5 years has increased from 8,319 to 11,444.
bighas. The annual repairs and maintenance of these works cost
.about Rs. 52,00, and a sum of about Rs. 1,00,000 is provided
in the budget every year for original Irrigation works.
Poor response by the ryots to these facilities necessitated
slowing down of enthusiasm in the irrigation policy for several years.
But subsequently the position was reviewed and investigations were
·Carried out to find ways and means of remodelling and improv-
ing useful works and suggest new work.
As a result remodelling of the Wadhwana and Thol tanks
was carried out.
Zankbari Irrigation Scheme :-
Investigations for a major irrigation scheme in the Navsari
district, called the Zankhari irrigation project, which was contem-
plated for the last' forty years and for which investigations were
carried out in several stages by several engineers, were recently
.completed and project estimates were made out for Rs. 90,00,000
which were also examined and generally approved by a commi-
ttee of two outside experts and recommended for adoption. ·
The scheme consists of forming a reservoir of 5,500 rn. eft. capa-
city by bun ding up the Zankhari river near the village of the same
name in Songadh taluka by a masonry darn 90 ft. above the river
bed and taking off right and left bank canals from a pick up weir
at Tichakia 6 miles lower down for irrigating 50,000 to 60,000
bighas in the Vyara and Mahuwa talukas of the Navsari district
iinc\uding 14,000 bighas of sugarcane. The project is in~ended

more as a commercial venture rather than for protection against

famine as Navsari district does not usually suffer from scarcity ofi
Another attractive feature of the project is the possibility of
developing hydro-'-electric . power along with irrigation from
several canal falls that occur along the main canal in case a direct
canal is taken off from the reservoir.
Sabarmati River Project:-
Another major irrigation scheme, called the Sabarmati irriga-
tion scheme is intended to protect the Mchsana district, parts of
which proverbially suffer from lack of rainfall. There is an
apprehension also of the northern desert gradually spreading out
towards it. These circumstances call for immediate attention and
the Sabarmati irrigation project is the measure investigated by the
Baroda Government in reply. The investigations are nearing
The scheme as at present contemplated consists of bunding
up the Sabarmati river at Dharoi, about 30 miles north of the
Baroda boundary adjoining the river, by a masonry dam forming
a big reservoir of 18.000 m. eft. capacity from which water for
irrigation would be let down and picked up at a pick up weir
near the head of the Baroda boundary and diverted on to the
lands by means of suitable channels and intermediate storage
works. This reservoir when it comes into effect is expected to
irrigate an aggregate area of about ~,00,000 bighas in Baroda,.
Ahmedabad and Idar territories and is expected to cost about .
Rs. 1,65,00,000, As however several jurisdictions including
Bombay and Idar are concerned in the question, it will take some
time before the project comes into being.
Irrigation by pumping:-
Over and above the flow irrigation works, pumping irrigation
on a large scale for rich crops like sugarcane was recently under-
taken in Navsari district. One electrically worked pumping station
at Manekpura in Gandevi taluka of a capacity of 2,40,000 gallons
per hour was installed on a 'Dhara', a deep water pit in the
Ambika river from which water is pumped and passed down
small irrigation channels which in their turn supply water to lands
for sugarcane cultivation. This scheme including the power station
at Gandevi has cost about Rs. 2,20,000,

Another similar station is also under construction at Umra

•on the same river about 20 miles upstream and sugarcane cultiva·
;tion has already started there. The pumps at this station will be
worked by power supplied from the Gandevi power house over a
.23 miles long high tension transmission line. As these stations are
_yet in their development stage, their progress is being watched
.and further stations of similar nature will evolve in course of time
depending upon the satisfactory results shown by the stations
.already put up.
Jrrigation by tube wells:-
Attempts at developing and utilising the sub soil water
,supplies for irrigation are being made in · the Vijapur taluka
of the Mehsana district by sinking cavity and strainer tube·
wells on the lines of the tube wells scheme of the Gangetic
Valley in U. P. and several wells have so far proved success-
Jul. Some of the successful wells, have for the time being,
been fixed up with engines and pumps and · irrigation
•Under them has been started; but the ultimate scheme is to work
.all the successful wells by electrically driven pumps supplied
with electric power from a central generating station to be install-
·ed at Vijapur. The cost of this tube well scheme as at present
amdertaken, is Rs. 4,28,000 for sinking 30 tube wells and
Rs. 4,65,000 for the central power station and electric grid mak-
jng a total of Rs. 9,63, 500.
Laxmivilas Palace

Procession coming out of the main gate of the Palace


Baroda is known for its State wide and profound educational

policy. The GJvernment is spending 17·6% of their income on
education. It offers to the whole of India a unique example of
what could and should be done by wa.y of education to develope
conditions favourable to an all round uplift of the people. A short
history and the present position of the educational activities of the
State will be of interest to visitors, social workers and students.

History and expansion:-

State efforts in education in Baroda go as far back as 1871,
when for the first time two Gujarati and two Marathi schools were
<Jpened by the Government. Progress was at first slow, and when
the late Maharaja Sayajirao Ill assumed full powers in 1881, there
were as many as 180 primary schools with 7,465 pupils. Under
his inspiration, however, education developed rapidly. In 1893
compulsory primary education wa.s introduced as an experimen-
tal measure in Amreli district, and rapidly extended, till in 1906,
it was made applicable to the whole State. Education is now
compulsory between the ages of 7 and 12, and all compulsory
education up to the primary class V is free.
The period since then has been one of consolidation, the
efforts of the department being mainly directed towards the effec·
tive administration of the compulsory act, training of teachers,
improvement of the quality of education and the establishment of
a network of libraries,
Institutions and pupils:-
The total number of educational institutions at the end of year
1940-41 was 2,504. The total number of pupils attending these
is 2,98,063. The percentage of boys and girls under instruction to -
the total male and female population is 14·4 and 9·7 respectively.
"The table given below will give some iQ.ea of the rapid and speedy.
expansion of education in Baroda:-

Year No. of schools I Number of pupils Expenditure


1871 ... 4 13,000

1881 ... 180 17,465 96,805

1891 ... 503 50,978 2,97,031

1901 ... 1,189 83,277 6,06,366

1911 ... 3,026 1,85,477 14,06,085

1921 ... 2,797 1,98,816 25,42,031

1931 ... 2,736 2,44,505 34,84,243

1941 2,504 2,98,063 38,81,754

Administration and inspection:-

The administration of educational work is carried on by the

Education department which is divided into two sections, the Pri·
mary and the English education branch; needless to say that these
two sections are "in close harmony with each other, and the whole
departmental work is under the direction and control of the Vi-
dyadhikari (Commissioner of Education) who is assisted in his
work by the Naib Vidyadhikari. For purposes of educational
administration the State is sub-divided into six divisions each
under a divisional inspector. For the inspection and supervision
of the secondary schools there is one inspector of secondary
schools. Besides these there arc two inspectresscs of girls' schools
for the Baroda and Mehsana districts, and special inspectors for
the Urdu, the Antyaj and the Raniparaj schools.


The total expenditure of the department amounted to

Rs. 38,81,754 during the year 1940-41. The average expenditure
for the last ten years has been about Rs. 37 lakhs per annum.

(1) Baroda college

The Baroda college was first recognised only for the First
Year examination, by the University of Bombay in 1881. Today
from amongst the members on the college staff, 24 are recognised
as University post graduate teachers. In addition to all the sub-
jects usually taught in an Arts College, post graduate research
work is now carried out in several subjects such as Indian philo-
sophy, _cottage industries, agricultural banking, Vedic hymns,
etc. as well as various aspects of chemistry and physics.
The number of students at the end of the academic year
(March 1941) was 1559 including 139 women students and 91
Post graduate students. Out of these 1,05 l belonged to the Baroda
State. Of the rest 69 came from other Indian States and 419
from British India.
About 160 students can be accommodated in three separate
hostel bloc)<s attached to the college, i. e. about 10% of the total
number on roll. ·
The college has also a Training Corps, of 200 students. They
are trained by the members of the staff.
Physical training has been made compulsory in the State from
1-8-41. The college students are given regular P. T. by members
of the staff.
Meteorological Observatory:-
The college contains a meteorological observatory which is
housed in the rec~ntly constructed building of the Jubilee Science
Institute. Routine observations of temperature, pressure, humidity,
- wind velocity and direction and the like are regularly made.
W~ather telegrams are sent every morning and evening to the
Director General of Observatories at Poona and reports are suppl·
ied to various Baroda Government offices. -
A Seminar class for the comparative study of religions is
also run in the college, and a number of sttldents are taking
advantage of it,

(2) Secondary education

Number of iostitutioos:-
There are a number of Government high and Anglo verna-
cular schools distributed all over the State. There is at least
one Government school in every taluka town, and encourage-
ment is given to members of the public to open secondary schools.
Government grants for maintenance as well as equipment are
given. The response from the public has also been fair. At the
end of the year 1940-41 there were 37 high schools-18 G')vern-
ment and 19 private, and 102 Anglo vernacular schools and
classes. Of these 73 were run privately. These figures include
a number of girls' scools. At present each a£ the districts has a
gtrls' sc11ool run by the Government, though only one at Baroda is
a high school. Plans, however, are afoot for providing a high school
for girls in each district within a short time. Indeed Patan, and
Navsari will have girls' high schools within a short period.
Number of pupils:-
The number of pupils in secondary schools at the ·end of the
year 1940-41 was 26,365. Out ot these 10,715 including 1,649
girls were in Government schools, 7,780 including 883 girls in
aided schools and 7,870 including 283 girls in other recognised
institutions. A notable feature is the increase in the number of
girls studying in secondary schools, from now standing at 2,554.
It is the declared policy of Government to encourage private
enterprise by giving grants-in-aid to deserving bodies. The total
number of schools and institutions that received grant-·in-aid from
Government during 1940-41 was twenty, thirteen high schools and
severi Anglo vernacular schools. A sum of Rs. 50,000 is set aside
in the budget for grants but the department has usually to ask for
additional amounts. Of late the principle of paying grants on a
pro rata basis, has been adopted, in order to enable a larger
number of schools to receive grants.
University Matriculation results:-
The University matriculation results of the high schools are
generally 9uite suite satisfactory. In the year 1940-H the percen-
tage was, m some cases, much higher than that of the University
which was 51; ·
The Baroda College

Shree Sayaji Jubilee Science Institute

Physical education in schools:-
Physical education has been made one of the compulsory
subjects in the school curriculum. P. T. classes are conducted
- regularly in all schools. For imparting intensive physical training
to the. untrained teachers, centres are opened and camps organised.
It is a matter of satisfaction to record that schools are freely
taking part in the sports, cricket matches, and other competitive
Special activities:-
Extra curricular activities are given encouragement. Many
such activities were carried out in schools such as circulation of
important educational publications, magazines and journals,
demonstration lessons, debating societies, gardening, organisation
of co-operative stores, junior red cross societies, nature study,
etc., These activities make the school life of both teachers and
pupils lively and interesting. ,
Manual training classes:-
In order to give an industrial bias to the school curriculum,
manual training and sloyd classes are started at most of the big
high schools in the State, at Mehsana, Patan, Visnagar, Padra,
Petlad, Bhadran, Kathor, Gangadh~ra, Amreli and Dwarka.
They arc excellently equipped with materials and students take
keen interest in the. work.
Selection and qualifications of teachers:-
Teachers are, as a matter of policy selected from amongst
candidates with honours and training qualifications, and allotted
to schools in accordance with their needs.
At the end of the year 1940-41 the number of trained teachers
in Government schools was 128 graduates and 157 undergraduates.
It is laid down that all untrained teachers already in service must
· get themselves trained, and also that only trained hands shall be
selected in future.
School buildings:--:-
Almost all Government high schools have been provided with
Government buildings. But the building accommodation at some
places falls short of actual requirements with the result that the
department has to restrict admission a'ccording" to the. accom-
modation available in schools. This measure gives scope to
private b-odies to come forward with schemes for opening new
schools. Government gives them every encouragement.
A very large number of scholarships are. awarded from
Government funds, according to rules which are carefully laid
down. There are separate scholarships for girls, for Muslims, for
Antyajas, for Marathas, etc., in addition to merit scholarships.
Again, scholarships are also awarded for thier higher collegiate
study, as well as for study abroad. Before the war on an average,
three scholars a year were receiving higher education in various
branches of knowledge in Europe and America through State
scholarships. In addition, numerous grants, on a generous scale,
are made to enable students to study at other colleges in India.
(3) Primary Education
Schools and pupils:-
The primary education branch of the department includes all
primary schools, the Kalabhavan and the industrial schools and
several special institutions such as the training schools for men
and women and the boarding houses for special classes and
communiti~s. During the year 1940-41 there were 2,320 primary
schools and 43 special institutions having· 2,66,589 and 3,081 pupils
respectively on roll .. Of the 2,320 primary schools 2,207 are run
by Government and have 2,59,605 pupils on roll. ·
Efforts to reduce wastage and stagnation:-
T~e a~min!stration is fully alive. to the causes of wastage and
stagnation m pnmary schools and 1s making steady efforts to
check them through the following measures :-
(1) Improving the attendance.
(2) Making efforts to sec that all children· get enrolled in
the beginning of the school year. . .
(3) Improving the qualifications of the teaching and the
inspecting staff.
(4) Increasi1._1g the number of women teachers.
(5) Improving the tone of schools by · amalg.\mating single
teacher schools with adjoining bigger ones.
(6) Stricter and more systematic supervision by the inspecting
The results of these efforts are slow but satisfactory. The
. proportion of pupils in class V to pupils in class I is gradually
improving every year as will be evident from the following

Cl~· u 1Cl~·
Proportion of
number in
Year· Class I • ill Class IV Class V class V to
number in
class I
193D-31 72,840 50,649 38,204 30,014 21,480 31·4

1940-41 72,702 55,996 52,119 42,089 36,275 50·0

The figures of pupils in class V continue to advance steadily year

by year which show that wastage is being gradually lessened.
Enrolment and attendance:-
Out of the total enrolment of 2,66,589 pupils, 1,54,135 were
boys and 1,12,454 were girls. Efforts are made to improve the
attendance in primary schools and the percentage of average daily
attendance during the year 1940-41 was as high as 82·3.
Qualifications of teachers:-
The efficiency of teaching depends to a large extent on the
· qualifications of teachers. · Since 1929, therefore, steady efforts
have been made to train up all the primary school teachers in the
department, and improve the training given. Admissions to both
the training schools are greatly increased and the candidates are
admitted after an entrance test. Formerly one year's training was
considered sufficient but now a minimum course of two years'
training is made compulsory for all teachers. As a result of these
efforts there has ,been a marked increase in the proportion of
trained teachers. In the year 1930-31 the percentage of trained
· teachers was 62·8, in the year 1940-41 the percentage has risen
to 7 6· 7. At present out of a total of 6,496 teachers ' in primary
schools, 4,985 are trained teachers. Over and above these ordinary
teachers, there are 127 special teachers for the subjects of drawing,
gymnasium, music, knitting and embroidery.
Extra curricular activities:-
Several extra curricular activities are introduced in primary
schools with a view to inculcate useful civic and social habits
amongst the school children. Of these gardening, scouting,
Junior Red Cross and students co-operative stores are found to be
flourishing. During the year 1940-41,885 schools had gardens, 783
schools had scout troops and 217 had students co-operative stores.
Infant education experiment as suggested by Mr. Wood:-
Several school teachers have taken up the work of conduct-
in<1 infant education experiments as suggested by the well known
ed~cationist Mr. Wood. The experiment in its present form is
intended to induce the educated women folk of villages to take an
active interest in the education of their little children. At the end
of the last year there were 120 such classes attended by 2,742
children mainly infants. These classes are a sort of children's
gathering held once or twice a week where children \')lay games,
have dialogues, recite songs and tell stories, enjoy stereoscope
pictures etc. under the guidance of one or two teachers and some
interested educated ladies of the village. As many as 739 ladies
have shown interest in this work and attended and helped these
, School buildings:-
Eight hundred and four schools have Government buildings
and 90 schools have rent-free buildings while the remaining are
housed in hired buildings.
Girls', schools:-
The total number of girls', schools is 283, of which 276 are
Government and 7 are aided and unaided private institutions with
43,697 and 851 girls respectively. Besides these there are 67 906
girls attending mixed schools. Thus the total number of girls
attending schools is 1,12,454.
Kindergarten schools:·-
The total number of kindergarten schools in the State is 29
with an enrolment of 1,638 pupils. Of these 24 with l ,265 pupils

are private institutions. To encouraj:(e· private efforts in this field

the Government have increased the amount of annual grant from
Rs. 1.800 to Rs. S,OJO. The scale of fees has also been reduced
from Re. 1 to Re. 0-8-0 per month per pupil.
· Compulsory fmes:--
Defaulting parents who show dereliction in sending children
to schools have to pay fines on a fixed scale under the Compulsory
Education Ad. Sixtyfive percent. of the sum thus realised is kept
apart for the construction of new school buildings, while the
remaining 3S percent. is used in awarding scholarships to the poor
and deserving and in supplying poor and backward class
children with the school requisites.
ExJYCnditure on primary schools:-
The total· expenditure on all primary schools in year 1940-41
amounted to Rs. 22,24,344 lakhs which comes to about S7·3% of
the total expenditure of the Education department.
Adult-Literacy Campaign
A campaign for adult literacy was started in May 1939.
From the inception of the literacy campaign till the end of
July 1941, the total number of classes conducted was 1,79S. In
all 26,4S7 adult illiterates attended these classes and out ofthem
9,861 have been successful in attaining the literacy standard fixed
by the State. Work in this direction continues.
Government grants:-
Adult classes conducted in backward areas or in areas of
concentrated efforts are paid a monthly contingency grant
of Rs. 2 to Rs. 4, and over and above this an yearly lump sum of
Rs. SO per every batch of SO persons rendered literate. At other
places the work is considered to be honorary but schools or
centres doing good work became eligible for prizes ranging from
Rs. 50 to Rs. 2SO per annum.- ·
Poor public response:-
Generally these classes_ are conducted in the evening in
school buildings. Primary school teachers form the major portion
of the workers in these classes. The public response in the matter
of organisation or finances of this scheme is rather poor, - -

Literature for newly made literates:--

The question of preparing suitable literature -for the newly
made adult literates is also being examined and a committee is ·
appointed to explore all the po3sibililies in this connection, and
submit a detailed scheme ab:lut the preparation of such literature.
(4) · Education of special classes and communities
Educati GD of the depressed classes:-
The number of Government antyaj schools for the education
of the depressed classes is 60 with 4,189 pupils. Of them 2,441 are
boys and 1,778 ~iris. Besides. these there are 7 private antyaj
schools with 19-l pupils. 16,618 other antyaj pupils are attending
Gujarati and other mixed schools. 16 antyaj boys are studying
in the college and about 252 pupils are studying in secondary
schools. 37 . are enrolled in Kalabhann and training schools.
Thus the totaf number of antyaj pupils under instruction was
21,316 giving a percentage of 10·5 to total antyaj population,
Government supplies books and other school requirements
to antyaj children · fr~e. of charge. The _ antyaj boarding
houses at Baroda, Patan and Amreli have :>0, ~6, 12 boarders
respectively. Thirty scholarships each. ·of Rs. 4 p. m. are
awarded to antyaj boys and girls undergoing primary education.
Seventee.n scholarships are awarded to antyajas in secondary
schools. Preference is given to students of this community for
admission to.Government institutions, and deserving students ar.e ·
given free-studentships, scholarships, and other school requisites.
Special scholarships are maintained in the Baroda College for
antyaj students and they are exempted from the payment of fees.
A special post of a deputy inspector is maintained for the inspec- ·
tion of antyaj schools. A trained experienced teacher of this
community is appointed on this post.
Birla fund:-
A sum of Rs. 15?000 w~s generously donated many years
ago by Sheth Jugal Ktshor Btrla to encourage religious education
amo~g the studen~s of ~he depressed classes.. From the proceeds
of thts fu~d antyaJ_ chtldren are awarded cash prizes every year
after passmg specmlly conducted Gtta and essay examinations
One teacher is also engaged, for propaganda work amona thes~
classes and for exhorting them to discard injurious habits and
educate th,emsclves.
Interior of the Makarpura Gardens Summer House


The Malharrao Ghat on the Narmada at Chundod

Education· of Raniparaj tribes:-
The education of the boys and girls of Raniparaj and other
forest tribes living in sparsely populated places has been a difficult
problem. Compulsion was tried but proved ineffective, as the
schools were very few and far from the places of residence of
pupils; attendance was consequently very poor. Teachers from
the plains could not be got to work in these ai:eas. After the first
experimental enforcement of compulsion, the Raniparaj area was
exempted from the operation.of this Act, and a voluntary scheme
of grant-in-aid introduced instead. The result was, however,
not very encouraging and it was decided to reinforce compulsion
in 1933-34.
For the benefit of boys and girls belonging to raniparaj areas
Government boarding houses are maintained at Songadh, Vyara, ·
Mahuva, Vankal, Anawal, Amroli, and the number of boarders in
these bparding houses during the year 1940-41 was 393 in all.
There is also a boarding house for girls at Songadh with 58 girls
on the roll. Model farms are attached to the boarding houses at
Songadh and Vyara for practical traini-ng in agriculture. A special
post of a deputy educational inspector for schools in raniparaj areas
is sanctioned and an educated member of the raniparaj community
is appointed to it. In order to supply teachers from their own,
community it has been decided to send every year ten boys and
five girls b the training schools at Baroda. Thirty six students
of this community are studying in the training schools, of whom
-18 are male students and 18 are lady students. Five students
have joined Kalabhavan classes and 4 Baroda College.
Education of Mahomedans:-
The number of Government Urdu· schools is 60 with 7,724
pupils ( 4,965 boys and 2,759 girls ). Besides these there are 15 .
private Urdu schools with 881 boys and- 845 girls making a total
of 1,726 pupils. In addition to this 12,157 Muslim children are
attending the ordinary primary schools. At the secondary stage
there are 1,250 Muslim pupils. Thus the total number of·
Mahomedan pupils under instruction is 22,857 giving a percentage
of 12·5 to the total Mahomedan -population:- There is a special
post of a deputy inspe<;tor for the inspection ofyrdu schools.
Education of W aghers:-
The education of the Waghers, sometime back a turbulant
tribe in 01thamandal, has always received special attention, A
boarding house was started in 19~0 at Dwarka fo~ 'Yagher boys
on the same lines as the boardmg houses mamtamed for the
raniparaj classes of the Navsari district. They are given manual
training at the workshop attached to the boarding house. The
number of boarders at present is 65. · Special scholarships are
sanctioned for "the students of this class attending Kalabhavan
and Baroda College.
Education of Thakardas:-
ln order to give facilities for education to the Thakardas of
Mehsana district, a boarding school was opened at Patan in
commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of His Highness late
Maharaja Sayajirao III. In addition to ordinary instruction the
boys are given practical training in agriculture and gardening.
This boarding house has now been shifted to Diyodarda near
Patan, and has been reorganised so as to turn it into an agricul-
tural school. The institution is recently transferred to the
Agriculture department.
Education of defectives:-
There are two schools in the State for the education of the
deaf, mute and the blind, one at Baroda and the other at Mehsana,
with 33 and 65 pupils respectively. The defectives are taught
drawing, tailoring, carpentry, wood carving, cane work, tape
weaving and music, besides simple reading and writing with a
view to make them self supporting and useful in society.
Education of 9rphans:-
An orphanage was established in 1901 at Amreli, with room
for seven inmates. This orphanage has now 21 inmates. All the
orphans except those that go to primary s~hools are sent to the
industrial school at Amreli. Some of them are studying in the
local high schools. In addition they are given instructions in
tailoring, Particular attention is paid to the physical education
of the orphans, ·
(S). Training-Institutions
Secondary Teachers' Training College:-
To provide training. fa~ilities to the teachers of secondary
schools Government mat~tat~s .a Secondary Teachers' Training
<:;allege at Baroda. !he msbtuhon was started in the year 1935,
·and was reorganised and affiliated to the Bombay University in
-the year 1938.
The College conducts courses of teachers' training leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Teaching and to the Teachers' Diploma
:·courses of "the Bombay University. The College also conducts
the State Secondary Teachers' Certificate examination. The
Principal and the first Professor are also allowed by the Univer-
sity to coach up students for the degree Master of Education.
The College has 125 students at present, 75 in the B. T.
class, SO in T. D. class and 10 students doing their M. Ed.
degree by research work.
The college is· housed in a Government building and has a
practising school attached to it. . It has also a hostel providing
facilities for 32 boarders.
The college is a centre for Parts I and II of the B. T. exa-
.mination. In order to keep in touch with modern development
in educational theory and practice the college publishes an annual
The Baroda Secondary Teachers' College Old Students'
Association has been recently started. The Association has on
its roll 45 life members and 65 ordinary members.
Training school for Men:-
The institution provides a three years' course of ·training for
the teachers of the primary schools.
The institution has 4 second year and 5 first year classes
with a total enrolment of 392 students.

Teachers who have passed the vernacular seventh class test

· are admitted to the school and all the entrants from the Govern-
ment ·schools get stipends of Rs. 10 each for a period of ten
months. Matriculates are admitted di(ect to the second year.
Courses of instruction include theory and practice of teaching
and besides a fuller knowledge of the school subjects, physical
training, scouting . and rural uplift subjects like agriculture, co-
operation and library management.
Training school for Women:-
The institution provides a three years' course of training for
women teachers of primary schools. .Prior to admission in the
first year the students have to undergo a course of intensive coach·
ing for a year or two in the preparatory classes of the school.
The institution at present has 2 second year, 2 first year and 2
·preparatory cl~sses with 270 students in all.
Admissions to the school are granted after an admission test
to women candidates who have passed the vernacular seventh
class examination of this State or the vernacular final examination
of the Bombay province. All the students get stipends from
Rs. 8 toRs. 10 according to the classes in which they are enrolled.
· The courses of instruction are similar to those in the training
school for men with some modifications to suit the needs of
women teachers.
{6) Physical Training and Scout Movement
Compulsory physical training:-·
In 1938 the Government adopted a scheme to make physical
education compulsory in all the primary and secondary schools
of the State. The same. year physical training was made com·
'pulsory in schools ·of the Baroda city and taluka. During the
year 1939-40, compulsory physical education was extended to all
the other talukas of Baroda district and steps were taken to extend
it to Navsari and Mehsana districts. Recently it has been extend·
ed to all the schools of the State, and its establishment is made
Provision of trained teachers:-
To provide trained teachers under this scheme, training
classes are being conducted every year. In 194G-41, 14 physical
training classes were opened, six in Baroda, four in Mehsana and
four in Amreli district. Besides these, regular physical training
classes are conduct(;d in the training schools for men and women
and in the S. T. T. College. All these classes during the year
1940-41 turned out 879 trained teachers carrying the total number
of such trained teachers to 2,695 of which 321 were trained for
secondary schools. These trained teachers are now imparting
·physical training to the pupils in primary and secondary schools,
where th~y ar~ working. A regular syllabus has been prepared
and ts bemg ngorously followed.. l)chools· are however, allowed
to have a~ternative sy_llabuses, as the principal aim is to give the
scho?l child. a healthy and active body. Inspectors devote
spectal attentton to physical education in schools.
·Scout movement:-
The Scout movement in the State has been in existance for
the last twenty· two years and has amply proved its utility as
an adjunct of the Education department. The organisation has
recently been overhauled and reshaped on the lines of the Baden
Powell Scouts. There is an Organising Scout Commissioner who
is in direct charge of the movement throughout the State. He
is helped by five district organisers. Shrimant Bhadrasinh A.
.Gaekwar, a Naib Dewan and member of the. Executive Council,
is the Chief Commissioner. The Vidyadhikari Dr. J. M. Mehta is
·the Dy. Chief Commissioner and the Subas .of respective districts
are appointed as district commissioners.
In order to impart specialised training in scout craft to
·teachers and students training camps are held at regular intervals
at different centres. Scout rallies are also arranged every three or
four years at the time of important State functions and celebra-
tions. These rallies provide opportunities for promoting the
spirit of brotherhood and social service among the scouts who
are to be the future citizens. In all six scout rallies have been
held till now. Besides week end and annual excursions are
undertaken by the scouts all over the State.
· Social service is the basic ·principle of scouting. The huge
fairs at Sidhpur, Becharaji, Dwarka, Ashapuri and other places in
the Raj which the scouts regularly attend for service convince the
public of the utility of the movement. The total number of Scouts
is 17,441.
· · The girl guide movement in the State was started in 1935-36.
The movement was first introductd in the training school for
women. The annual training camps are regularly held and a
large number of guiders and guides are trained up for the move-
ment. At present the number of guides, blue birds and other
ranks is 1800. In the field of social service the guides have
rendered useful services in various conferences and · social func-
(7) Promotion. of
oriental arts . a11d literature
Oriental Institute:--
The Institute's library possesses 13,977 volumes in the
manus_cript section and 12,350 volumes in the printeci sectiqn.
Unde.r this series 91 books have been published so far. 20
are in the press and 26 are ~nde~ prep~ration. The. publica-
tions under the series have attamed mternahonal reputation for a
very liigh standard in scholarship.
· The Translation bureau prepares and publishes volumes in
the two series-Shri Sayaji Sahityamala and the Balajnanamala for
which purpose Rs. 2,00,000 have been endowed by His Highness
the late Maharaja Sayajirao III.
It has now been decided to give a more distinct rural emphasis
to the works to be undertaken, the ide'a being to encourage ori-
ginal works. with a basis for rural reconstruction in preference to
translations, so that the series in future may become more service·
able to the countryside.
So far 275 books had been published in Sahityamala and
168 in Balajnanamala series.
Shri Rajkiya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya:-·
In year 1915, this institution was started for preparing
Purohits, Puraniks, Pandits arid Shastris able to meet requirements
of modern times.
The institution conducts lower, middle and higher courses
in Yajniki, Puran, Vyakarana, Jyotish and Ayurveda. During the
year under report His Highness was pleased to order that a course
of Rigvedi Yajniki should also be instituted and arrangements to
start the same have been made. . . .
The institution has 20 Classes with 159 pupils of whom 36
are given scholarships varying from Rs. 6 to 8 per month. ·
Out of 135 students that appeared at the last annual examina-
tion 101 were successful. , .
Besides this institution there are 6 Government Sanskrit
schools with 141 pupils and seven private Sanskrit schools with
17 3 pupils in the State. · ·

Shravanmas Dakshina Examination:--

To encourage sanskrit learning, Government have earmarked

a sum of Rs. 5,000 every year for distribution as prizes to candi- ·
dates passing examinations in different Shastras. The. diplomas
The School of Indian Music building, Baroda

Some instruments taught in the school of Indian Music

and titles conferred upon the candidates in these examinations
are valued all over India and Pandits from distant places appr:ar
for these tests.
Music schools:-
The Central school ot Indian Music at Baroda as well as the
district music schools and classes are placed under the charge of
the Director of Music.
The number of pupils in the school of Indian music at
Baroda is 244. The music schools at Dabhoi, Navsari, Patan,
and Amreli have 79, 109, 47 and :\0 pupils respectively.
Besides, there arc 20 music classes attached to the principal
primary and secondary schools. The number of students attend-
- ing these classes is 3,5 18.
The ~yurvedic Mahavidyalaya:-.
The Ujamsi Pitambar Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya at Patan
was started in 1922 and is being conducted on a grant-in-aid
basis. It imparts instruction both theoretical and practical in
Ayurveda, the course extending over four years. The students
are also taught botany, anatomy, physiology, surgery, midwifery
etc., on modern lines. Practical training is given at the dispensary
and a ward for in-patients is also maintained. There arc 125
students under instruction of whom 24 are accommodated in the
· boarding house attached to the institute. The institution has so
far turned out 160 successful candidates.

A short history:-
Technical education started in most of the western countries
only by 1825 in the form of Mechanics Institutes to provide courses
of lectures in general science which young working men could
attend in evenings after their day's work. It was not till 1875
that technical institutes and colleges began to be established in
England providing day courses of instruction. properly arranged
and spread over 3 or 4 years. It is a matter of satisfaction to
Baroda that His late Highness Sir Sayaji Rao III impressed · by
the importance of the technical education movement pioneered
it in our country not long after its development in Great Britain
under the lead of City and Guilds of London Institutes founded
in 1878. ·
. With the object of helping the people to improve the exist-
ing industries and to introduce new ones His late Highness order-
ed in March 1890 that a central technical institute at Baroda and
industries schools at some of the prominent industrial centres in
the different districts of the State be opened for the porpose of
imparting technical education through the medium of the verna-·
cular language of the State. A few excerpts from the above
order given below will be of interest even to day.
" ... It is accordingly directed that a technical institution should
be opened at Baroda where the education of the hand and eye
will be attempted side by side with that of the mind, and where
instruction will be imparted mainly through the vernacular.
"The object is to help the people to improve the existing in-
dustries, and to introduce new ones that may be remunerative.
"It is desirable that a modest beginning should be made, and
the scope of the institution should accordingly be restricted for
the present to teaching, drawing bleaching, dying and calico print- .
ing and carpentry.

"The course of instruction should combine theory and practice

so as to turn out a more skilful artisan than at present ...• "
Sanction was given to open some district schools also. Thus
from the very start, the problem of technical and industrial educa·
tion in the State is viewed in a comprehensive way.
The late Professor T. K. Gajjar was the organiser and the
first Principal of the Central Technical Institute opened in June
1890 under the name of the Kala-Bhavan, and a modest beginning
was made by opening classes in drawing, carpentry and dyeing
and calico printing. About a couple of months after, a class in
mechanical engineering was added.
During the second year the subjects of studies for all the di·
fferent classes were revised and re-arranged; Some more subjects
like architecture, photography and painting were added and the
scope of the institute was widened.
To enable the weavers to understand the advantages of intro-
ducing fly shuttle arrangement in the native hand-loom and
to provide technical instruction in the art of hand·loom weaving,
a class was added to the Central Institute at Baroda in 1897.
This class has since been developed into a school of weaving.
In 1901 nib and button making, brush· making and pyro-
graphy were added as extra subjects in the schools of Mechanical
Technology, Architecture and Art respectively and were intended
to serve as home industries, but they had to be abandoned owing
to lack of response.
A class in watch and clock making and repairing (horology)
was added to the Kala-Bhavan in 1902. This was developed into
a school of watch-making and was conducted under a local
. artisan teacher, who had been trained in Switzerland (1908).
A commercial class was added in 1906 which later ori
developed as a schoof of commerce.
Along with the work of developing the different schools of
the central Technical Institute at Baroda, the work of organising
and opening industrial schools in the districts was taken in hand.
These schools were opened at Kathor in the Navsari district,
Petlad in the Baroda district, and Patan in the Mehsana district.
Some of these were closed and new ones opened at other centres.
9 .

In 1921 Dr. Haa of Bangalore and in 1925 Principal Charles

A. King of the Bena;'es Engineering College were invite~ .bY the
Government to inspect and submit proposals for reorgamsmg the
Some of the recommendations were :-
1. rebuilding of the workshops and the dye-house;
2. giving up the tr~ding side of the shops in so far as t~ey .
worked in the shghtest degree apart from the teachmg
3. building of hostels;
4. forming engineering laboratories and dye-house and
selecting their equipment.
A sum of Rs. 1! lakhs for erecting and rebuilding the work-
shops and dye-house was sanctioned. But in view of the general
advance in educational requirements of the Baroda. State and the
need for additional facilities for consolidating and advancing
knowledge, the Government appointed a commission to investigate
the possibilities of a University at Baroda. As a consequence the
construction of the workshop buildings was postponed for some
After the final decision of the question in 19 33 a beginning
was made by purchasing a new engine and boiler at a cost of
Rs. 30,000 and building new sheds for the same.
The old workshops have been remodelled and a new work-
shop containing
(1) an engine and boiler shed covering an area of 6,400 sq. ft.,
{2) a new dye-house covering an area of 9,600 sq. ft.,
(3) a new weaving shed covering an area. of 6,400 sq. ft.,
(4) a machine shop covering an area of 4,800 sq. ft.,
(5) a smithy and foundry shop covering an area of 4,200
sq. ft., and
(6) a fitting· and pattern makiug shop covering an area of
4,800 sq. ft.
at a cost of about Rs. H lakh has been built.
A new electrical laboratory covering an area of 4,800 sq .. ft. is
expected to be ready shortly.
Schools, functions and courses of study:-
The function of technical education is two-fold :-firstly to
provide training suitable to the talent available and secondly to
meet the requirements of industry and commerce by turning out
Tecruits with a good all round education on practical lines.
That a sound technical education must be based on a good
general education is axiomatic.
. There are in Baroda State three grades of schools providing
general education : -
(a) Primary schools in which education has been compul·
sory and free. The age-range has been fixed as 8 to 12
for both boys and girls;
{b) Anglo-vernacular and Middle Schools (classes VI, VII and
(c) High Schools (upto Matriculation standard).
Three correspondi11g grades of technical schools have there-
fore been recommended by Mr. A. Abbott, formerly His Majesty's
Chief Inspector of Schools in England, in his report of March-
April1938. He emphasises the need to provide for the training
of young men who will be able to take up their places in industry.
as artisans, foremen and ~xecutives. · ·
The. following institutes and schools in Baroda State provide
for training course as under :-
(a) Post-High School grade at Kala-Bhavan Tecpnical Insti·
tute offering diploma courses to train up recruits for the
supervisory grade type. Boys are admitted to these
courses at and over the age of 17. The diploma courses
. extend over 3 to 4 years.·
{b) Post middle school grade or Vocational High School at
Kala-Bhavan Technical Institute the product of which
will be fit to take up posts in industry as chargehands or
foremen, as jobbers or as tacklers. Boys enter this course
at the age of about 14 i.e. 3 years before the matriculation
class. In this course the general education including
English of the boys is continued, but 50% to 60% of
their time is devoted to vocational subjects such as
engineering science, engineering drawing, engineering
workshop practice, ordinary. workshop calculations etc.
Corresponding courses ate offered in England at Junior
technical schools. There is an enormous demand for
th_e product of this course in India whose duty it is !o
translate the requirements of the management mto sohd
fact, through.the medium of machines and the men wh<>
operate them i. e. the skilled artisans. This course
extends over 3 years.
It has also been arranged that those who complete the
vocational course and intend going in for the diploma
course will be given preference to matriculates seeking
admission to that course.
(c) Po~t primary grade Certificate Courses at Kala-
Bhavan Technical Institute. The product of this course .
provides skilled artisans for the industry. The course is
mostly practical with very little theory. .
Besides the above there are district industrial schools for the
training of skilled artisans ( Cours~ c ) at Amreli, Navsari and
The Reformatory for juvenile offenders is also under the
.Kala-Bhavan Technical Institute so that the young lads may be
given some training in arts and crafts to make them good citizens.
There are also manual training classes attached to the State
High Schools.
The Diploma courses are conducted in English while instruc-
tion in Certificate courses is given in Gujarati. There are 7
Diploma courses, 11 Certificate courses 6 of which are allied to
the Diploma course and a separate vocational course run at the
Kala-Bhavan Technical Institute as detailed below:-
Courses of training
Engineering: 1. Turner, fitter or foundry
1. Mechanical Engineering. and smithy.
2. Electrical Engineering. 2. Wiremen.
3. Civil Engineering. 3. Carpentry.
Technology: 4. Dyeing and textile printing
4. Chemical Technology. or soap making.
5. Weaving Technology. 5. Weaving.
Art and· .A,-c/zitecture: 6. Draftsmanship and Tracing.
6. Architecture. 7. Drawing.
1. Painting. 8. Photography and Photo~
9. Motor Mechanics._
.10. Commerce.
11. Typewriting and Short-
12. Vocational Courses. .
The Typewriting and Shorthand class mentioned above was
1;anctioned to be started in July 1941 and the third year of the
vocational course was added.
There are 712 students at present in the Kala-Bhavan. Out of
these 430 are in the diploma course and 282 in the certificate
The number of Baroda State students studying in the i~stitute
has steadily risen fromZO% in 1919 to 65% in 1938-39 and 67% in
Out of 712 as many as 477 are from Baroda State, 174 from
Bombay Presidency and 61 from Central India, Central Provinces,_
iBerar, Madras Presidency and South India, the Punjab, Rajputana,
United Provinces, Bengal and even the Federated 'Malay States.
The expenditure of the Kala-Bhavan Institute is about Rs.
1,20,000 per year.
. . There are three industrial schools at Navsari, Amreli and
The J. N. Tata Hunnarshala-Industrial school-at Navsari
which is the only grant-in-aid industrial school in the State was
.established in 1908 by Mr. Jamshedji N. Tata. The Hunnarshala
receives a grant-in-aid from Baroda G::>vernment of Rs. 3,400 per
:annum. The school trains boys in mechanical engineering
.courses and cabinet making. ·
The industrial school at Amreli teaches carpentry, weaving
and tailoring. ·There are 28, 16 and 30 students in the above
mentioned three courses respectively.

The R. B. Sheth Punamchand Kotawala Industrial school at

Patan, started with a generous donation of Rs. 1,25,000 by Mrs.
Hiralaxmi Kotawala for the purpose of establishing an industrial
school at Patan in· memory of her late husband undertakes to
train boys for engineering works, turning and fitting and smithy r
carpentry and as wiremen. There are 18, 10 and 19 students in
the·above mentionl!d courses respectively.
Training of technicians for war purposes:-
The Baroda Government has offered to train war technicians-
at the Kala-Bhavan, the G. B. S. Railway workshops, Baroda, and
the Tata Industrial school at Navsari, in pursuance of the State's
policy to assist the Government of India in the war effort. The
scheme is designed to provide for the intensive training of a large
number· of semi-skilled tradesmen required for the technical
branches of the Defence services, ordnance and munitions factories.
According to the original programme 91 persons were to be train-
ed at these centres as turners, fitters, machinists and electricians.
Of these 57 are being trained at Kala·Bhavan since 4th August
1941, and 18 at the G. B. S. Ry. since 1st October 1941. The
training at Navsari has not yet started. On the recommendation of
the Senior Regional Inspector the number of trainees at Kala-
Bhavan is now to be increased to 176.
The maximum duration of the courses will be one year.
Trainees receive stipends from the Central Government at the
rate of R.s. 25 p. m. if they are matriculates and Rs. 20 p. m. if
they are not, during the period of their training. They have to
give an undertaking that they will serve in any ordnance factory,
Indian Ordnance Corps or any civil industries doing war work
where they may be allotted by the Government of India and that
they wiii be willing to go overseas if they are sent there. Prefe- ·
renee is given to persons belonging to the artisan classes but
others are not excluded.
The development offree public libraries is by far not the
least among the notable achievements of H. H. the lah: Maharaja
Sayajirao's long and meritorious regime. As far back as 1910
he foresaw the important part which libraries would be called
upon to play in any movement for the uplift of the masses. The
scheme of village libraries then evolved under his personal
supervision and fostering care has stood foursquare all these years
and is now increasingly coming under the notice of people
concerned with the increase of literacy and of enlightened citizen-
. ship. The object of the scheme has been to make the people
aware of a higher stomdard of intelleatualliving, of a more abu-
ndant life and making them so aware as to inspire them to set
about achieving it on the basis of self-help.
The original scheme was that there should be four types of
mofussil libraries; the district town libraries should be situated at
the chief town of each of the four districts of the State ( receiving
a maximum annual grant of Rs. 700); the town libraries should be
situated at the taluka head-quarters or in places having more than
4,000 population (receiving a maximum annual grant of Rs. 300);.
the village libraries should be situated in villages ( receiving a
maximum annual grant of Rs. 100) and fourthly ·integrating and
supplementing the services of these libraries should be the travel-
ling libraries operated from Baroda. The grant from the depart-
ment in each case was conditional upon the people raising an
equal amount from amongst themselves. The department of
libraries was authorized to promise on behalf of the district local
boards an equal contribution. The scheme envisaged a hierarchy
of institutions, the village libraries being supervised by town libraries
which in their turn would be looked after by the district town
libraries and these by the department of libraries.
Present organization :-
Except that they do not stand in this pyramidal order
the present development of village libraries is in conformity with

the original scheme. There are at. pre~ent four of li~rari~s:
4 district town libraries, 42 town hbranes, 1,270 v1llage hbranes
and 390 travellino library boxes. To them have been added
three other types, the reading-rooms -156 in number, the child-
ren's room -12 in number and the ladies' libraries -18 in number.
These have cpme into existence by the exigencies of social and
economic circumstances. In districts of not very well-to-do
peasants it was found impossible to collect as many as Rs. 75
which is the minimum capital with which the smallest library
comes into being. On the other hand they found it convenient
to begin with a reading-room costing no more than Rs. 25. The
reading-room has only newspapers and magazines and no books.
The reading-rooms have always proved in experience to develope
into libraries. Year by year reading-rooms are being transformed
into full fledged libraries. The starting of children's rooms received
a tremendous impetus when the library movement came to be
regarded as an essential compliment of compulsory primary
education. To prevent relapse into illiteracy it was necessary to
keep alive the reading habits of youths after the few years of
compulsory scho:Jling. And the free public libraries were
eminently suitable for this purpose. They promoted free and
read-what-you-like type of informal reading and thus · provided
a continuation of the school. In the library were kept lists of
students who had recently left schools. They were studied by
the librarians in silence to see that the listed boys and girls made
use of library facilities. The method was persuasive and more
effective. This trend has been there from the very beginning
an~ it, b~en emphasized during the last twelve years. The
ladtes hbranes were found necessary in the first instance to over-
come the Indian women's traditional shyness to make joint use
with. ~en _of public ins.titutions and later, with the increasing
parltclpatio':l of women m all spheres, to give wider scope to their
new enthustasm for works of public service.
A village library:-
A village library starts with a basic collection of hundred
rupees' worth of books. People's share in this is just Rs. 25, the
~ther Rs. 75 are giv~n as a gift from Government. To start a
hbrary, however, v1llagers have to collect Rs. 75 out of which
Rs. 25 are set apart for books and Rs. SO for buying furniture
and contingency ..
J:'-~1 thelibra~e~ and reading rooms are free and the only
cond1tton of admtsston as a registered reader is that the person

must belong to the place. Subscriptions are nevertheless accepted

and they entitle the subscribers to some privileges, such as getting
more books at a time for home-reading or getting magazines and
newspapers from the library at home.
The libraries are independent bodies managed by a local
library committee consisting of from 6 to 12 members. The
president of the committee is a leader of village society, the
secretary-generally the senior teacher-is the moving spirit of the
committee and not infrequently he works as an honorary librarian.
When he does not so work, the post of the librarian is taken up by
a junior teacher. The teacher's work is unpaid though notice is
taken of his library work in judging his efficiency as a teacher. As
secretary he collects the people's share of the annual budget,
keeps accounts, and with the approval of the president corres·
ponds with the department of libraries or other institutions. The
president and the library committee bank on his enthusiasm and
the teacher on his part puts in work his best endeavour. In
progressive villages he earns not only the good will of the people
but small allowance for his library work from the committee of
The children's rooms are managed by the library committee
of the adults' library. The ladies' libraries are managed by an
auxiliary committee consisting of women who work in close
co-operation with the main committee.
Travelling libraries:-
The travelling libraries are boxes of books sent from Baroda
to supplement and refresh the stock of books of the stationary
libraries. They are also used to do the duty of libraries where
none exist. There is a stock of books in Baroda separate from
that of the Central Library, which is drawn upon to fill the
travelling libraries' boxes. This stock is mostly of Gujarati books,
the other languages represented being English, Hindi, and
Library buildings:-
- The independence of the libraries is both an index of local
pride and a source of inspiration to the villagers. They feel tha~ the
. library is their institution and that it must well stand companson

with its neighbours'. :fhis pride is, if anything, stimu~ated. if

the library is given a building of its own. Generally the hbranes-
are housed in school buildings, rarely in private-owned houses.
Since 1930 the library department has been setting apart about
ten thousand rupees annually for helping mofussil libraries in
having their own buildings. The smallest library building approv-
ed is worth Rs. 1,800 and some of the more ambitious buildings
are worth from twenty to thirty thousand rupees. The local
people, the department and the district local board ~hare the
expenses of the building in more or less equal proporhon. The
local people besides finding one third expenses are required to
lay by one thousand rupees from the interest of which the build-
ing can be maintained in proper repair. In the year 1940-H
there were 184 libraries with their own buildings. It has been
found that the people's share is generally a handsome donation
of a single individual who regards the library building as a suitable
memorial to perpetuate the memory of his dear relative. The
library department permits the name of the donor to be associated
with the library.

Buildings for Ladies' librsries:-

The buildings for Ladies' libraries are generally designed tO'
provide more accommodation than that required for strictly library
purposes. The object is to make the library a centre of women's
cultural activities. The ladies' library at Amreli is a notable.
example of this type. Not only are books and periodicals supplied
from here but classes are held for teaching women various arts and
crafts such as knitting, embroidery, sewing, music, painting and so-
on. The traditional Garba dances too, are played on festive occa-
sions and the library is in all ways made an attractive place to go
to. It has been a most encouraging experience.
The Children's rooms form part of either the Ladies' libraries.
or the main Adults' libraries.

Great stress is laid on the prevention of relapse into illiteracy-

and ~he c~ildrens' ~eading material is being increasingly stocked in.
the hbranes both m the form of books and periodical literature.
Illiteracy is being attacked from bottom upwards, although parallel
attempts at liquidahng it from the top downwards are not looked
M askance or neglected. Want of the right type of reading
material-adult in content and elementary in style-handicaps the
efforts of the department to help the newly educated adult-adult _

in age but raw in acquaintance with the printed word. Daily papers,
weeklies and monthlies form the staple reading material for adults.
The rest of the library grant is used for buying books and perio-
dicals for children.
The ladies' libraries having buildings are making use of the-
additional accommodation for activities whkh have the same objec-
tive as the libraries, ·viz. the diffusion of culture and enlightenment.
But there are some libraries which make use of the additional
space for commercial purposes. Portions of the building, chiefly
on the ground floor are let to shop-keepers and the rent is used t()
strengthen the financial position of the library.
Library funds:-.
To the library committee the question of raising funds is as
important as that of management. Of their annual budget up to two-
thirds is received as grant from the department of libraries and
district local boards. But one-third has to be raised locally.
This is done thus: on occasions of births and deaths or marriages
and similar joyous functions, families are persuaded by the library
committees to make some donation to the library funds. The
appeals are seldom turned down. The librarian or the secretary
works upon the competitive spirit of local well-to-do men and
wheedles them into making donations. The subscribers' fees form
a good portion. And lastly comes the interest on the reserve fund.
The reserve fund is the financial fly-wheel of the libraries. It
is a store-house of economic power. The Government grant can·
not be supposed to be a permanent source of income. For one
thing the number of libraries would increase from year to year.
without a corresponding increase in Government revenue. The
library department, therefore, rightly envisaged a future when.
Government grants to libraries would cease or at any rate diminish
into thin proportions. Since 1916 the libraries have therefore
been made to contribute some portion of their annual budget to.
the reserve fund. ·These reserve funds have now amounted to
four and five figure rupees and are providing a steady annual-
income.· Thefunds are public property, the department only
controlling their investment and disposition.
Routine of mansgement:-
When the library committee have collected their share of the·
annual income, they frame a budget and send it to the department.

'for approval. The town libraries send only their budgets

while the village libraries send the amount that they have -collect-
·ed. The town libraries are informed by the department, of the
.amounts which they are to receive as Government and local board
contribution and they start to spend accordingly. The library
·year begins in August and the town libraries receive payment of
-the Government and local board contribution in two instalments,
first in January, and the second in July, For receiving th~se
payments the town library committees send to Baroda. all the
;and the department verify that the expenses are mcurred m
accordance with the sanctioned budget,
To village libraries no money is sent. Their contribution is
:received by the department, the share of Government and local
:board contribution is determined and generally three times the
-amount of village collection is sent to the Libraries' Co-operative
.Society to be spent by it as shown in the budget of each village
:library. The village librarian is relieved of the duty of book
.keeping and accountancy. The centralized purchase through the
Libraries' Co-operative Society is both economic and efficient.

:Libraries' Co-operative Society:-

In the year 1924, some of the library enthusiasts among the·
people started a Libraries' Co-operative Society. Its functions
.are multiform. Like the consumer's co-operative society, it supp-
Jies to its constituent library members, library materials like books,
stereoscope, forms, furniture, etc. without the middleman's profits.
It works also as a saving bank and accepts the reserve funds of the
warious libraries as deposits. It administers trusts made for the
·benefit of libraries. It publishes books on-library science. It
calso publishes a Gujarati monthly called "Pustakalaya". Besides
·various useful articles and news ab:>ut library affairs of the State
. in particular, it publishes the departmental circulars· which are
:issued from time to time for the guidance of the village library

The State Library Association:-

The vitalizing influence which the " Pustakalaya" exercises
on libraries is strengthened and made more vivid by the activities
of the State Library Association. The holding of Library confe-
rence and training classes for librarians are two of its important
activities. It has only two paid servants, but the honorary work

of the members is beyond praise. Personal visits of the members.

to villages have proved very effective in creatin"
and fostering·
library consciousness among people. . ·

. A feature of the State Library Association is its pyramidal

structure. The State Library Association stands at the apex. At
the bottom are the village libraries and their friends i. e. the
·people who take interest in their welfare. In between these two
come the Juth mandals-group associations, the taluka and the
district organizations. The independence of village libraries in•
the official scheme is thus tempered and almost transmuted by
this unofficial organization into a kind of vital contact,

Central Library:-

In the 'City of Baroda itself there is the Central Library·

which is run by the State for free use by the citizens. It is a;
general library intended to provide healthy reading material. It
is modelled on the urban municipal libraries of England and the
U. S. A. At the same time it partakes of the nature of national:
· libraries in regard to its Gujarati and Marathi collections which.
are presumably the largest in these languages. ·
The Central Library has a stock 1,32,193 printed books•
About 53,000 are in English, about 42,000 in Gujarati and about.
32,000 in Marathi and the rest in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, &c. The.
catalogues are in card form. Only the author and title entries
are made. The classification scheme is the Borden scheme which-
is a mixture of Cutter and Dewey. There are twenty six basic·
divisions as in Cutter and these are subdivided decimally as in
Dewey. The classifications for vernacular books are adaptations.
of this. There are many more than twenty six divisions as the.
Devanagari alphabet has more than twenty six letters and the sub-
divisions are not decimal but vowel and consonant combinations-
according to the syllabary or the dwadashakshari. The charging_
of books to readers is since August 1937 done according to the.
English system .
.The building in which the Central Library is housed is partly·
. new and partly old. The old portion contains the news-room,.
the office of the assistant curator, the bindery and the store-room.
The new portion contains the lending and reference sections, the
Ladies library, the Children's room and the stack-room. This last
room was built at a cost of Rs. 1,25,000 and is thoroughly modern,.

with glass floors, plenty of natural light and adjustable shelves of

steel. It can accommodate 1,20,000 books. ·
Specialist libraries:-
The College, the Kala-bhavan, the Secretariat, the Huzur
Political Office and numerous other departmental libraries in the
City cater for the needs of advanced students of specialized bran-
ches of knowledge. A Central Libraries Board has recently been
constituted to co-ordinate the book selection and purchase of the
Central, the Secretariat and the Huzur Political Office libraries.
Such bibliographical co-operation must necessarily promote
greater and more efficient service. Well may these libraries be
called the vertical component of the educative force of libraries.
A few of these may be described with some fulness of detail:-

'Ihe Oriental Institute:-

The oriental section of the Central Library was formed into a
separate Oriental Institute, which undertakes an amount of scho·
larly work, such as publishing the Gaekwar Oriental Series, the
Sayaji Sahitya and Bal Dnyana Malas etc. The last two series are
not so well-known as the first because they deal in Gujarati,
Marathi and Hindi literature. But their fame is no index of their
vital importance. The two series have been conceived to promote
the growth of the literature of knowledge, and to open up by
;translations the treasures of Western books. The supply of good
.reading material is essential to the healthy growth of libraries and
th·e two series have well served the libraries in this direction, both
directly by supplying good books and indirectly by stimulating the
interest of other publishers to copy their example. The Transla-
'tion Br;mch has a committee of management which lays under
contribution the services of distinguished men of letters, college
.professors and those who have practical kno.vledge of the reading
needs of the public. The library can be said to be one of the
principal libraries of its kind in Western India, housing ·more than
12,000 Sanskrit books on Indology, together with nearly 20,000
well preserved and important manuscripts. The library is well
equipped with books under all subjects of Oriental learning. It is
particularly strong on Vedic, Jain, Buddhistic and "Vimarsha"
( Research ) sections. A variety of journals for reference work
is its noteworthy feature on account of the rarity of some
of these.
'The Seminar Library:-
The library collection consists of books mainly on history of
religion; philosophy of religion, in which is included psychology of
religion; comparative religion; Hinduism and Indology; Islam;
Buddhism; other religions; primitive religions and anthropology;
some original texts of Islam; Hinduism and Buddhism; gen~ral
culture; subjects such as architecture, sculpture and painting; socio-
logy and morality; and reference books. The library is fairly
strong in collection of books on religion in G~rman and French.
The library contains 1,876 books.
Huzur Political Office Library:-
This libraty has a collection of (i) boJks relating to politics,
(ii) Parliamentary Blue books and (iii) publications of the Govern-
ment of India, Provincial Governments and Baroda Government.
The number of books is approximately 12,000. The use of the
library is restricted to the Members of Government, heads of depart-
ments and their assistants, the staff of the Huzur Political office,
-the readers of the Secretariat library and such other persons as the
Manager may deem it proper to admit as readers. Subject to
some conditions, post-graduate students of the Baroda College
are also allowed to borrow books.
The Secretariat Library:-
In order that the officers of the State may keep themselves in
touch with publications, reports, &c. dealing with departments
in British India, the Secretariat library was started in 1927 in the
Kothi building. It is modelled on the ltbraries of the Governments
of Madras and Bombay and houses publications and reports relat-
ing to various departments, reports of committees, commissions,
conferences, departmental codes, manuals, &c. At present the total
number of such books is 11,310 and all Government servants
either at the Capital or in the mo[ ussil make use of this library.
The books in the. mofussil are sent and returned at the expenses
of the Government. Research students of the Baroda College are
also allowed to make use of this library. ·

Medical Relief:-

The present Medical service in the State has its origin in the
hospital opened in the ~aroda City un~er the superintendence
of Dr. Stratton, the Residency Surgeon m the year 1855 A. D.
Before that pP.riod there was no organisation for general medical
relief except that the rulers used to engage the services of
vaidyas and hakims. However, the real expansion of the Medical
service started with the rule of His Highness the late Maharaja
Sayajirao Gaekwad.

Medical relief in the City :-

In 1875, His Highness Sir Sayajirao III ascended the Gadi
and in next year Major T. Cody was the first to be appointed as
a Medical Officer, and then the work of organisation began. Two.
new institutions--The Jamnabai dispensary and the Sayaji Rao
Military Hospital were opened bringing the total number of
medical institutions in the city to three.

With the rapid growth of the city the then existing State
General Hospital was soon found to be inadequate and a new
building was erected and opened by the then Viceroy and was
named as Countess of Dufferin Hospital. It . accommodated 56
indoor patients. Similarly the old Military Hospital was found
inadequate and was replaced by a new one at the cost of
Rs. 88,000 and later on kept under the charge of a separate
medical officer.

Till the year 1901, the Palace Physician held the charge of
the Dufferin Hospital also, but in that year the posts were separat-
ed and an independent Medical Officer was kept in charge of the
institution. Similarly with the expansion of the hospital one
European matron, two sisters and Indian nurses were appointed
a few years later.
The Statue of Buddha: Jubilee Garden

Karnnath Mahad l: o on th.: Vi; '1w.t n 't ri

About the same time the Victoria Jubilee Ward providing
accommodation for 24 women patients was added to the main
hospital and kept in charge of a lady doctor.
A separate ward for isolation and infectious diseases was
added to the existing group of hospital buildings.
The occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His late Highness Sir
Sayajirao Gaekwad, was a great landmark in the history of the
development of the modern hospital in Baroda City. To commemo·
rate that occasion a new hospital on modern principles was built
on the plot adjoining to the Military Ward at a cost of Rs. 5 lakhs.
It gave accommodation for two wards-Medical and Surgical with
a total provision of 104 beds, two complete and modern opera-
tion Theatres, an extension outdoor block for examination of
patients, dispensing and hospital Store, one kitchen block with
sanitary fittings and an ac;lministrative block for offices. This
new hospital was opened in 1917 by Lord Willingdon, the then
Viceroy and was named as the State General Hospital.
However, the progress of the hospital did not stop there.
The clinical laboratory which already existed was more fully
equipped and shifted to a separate building in the hospital
compound and placed in charge of a medical officer specially train-
ed in India and abroad for the purpose. The laboratory carries
out :all the modern chemical, pathological and bacteriological
tests for correct diagnosis of diseases.
Similarly X-Ray department was shifted to separate premises
as the existing one was found inadequate as a result of the
increase in the variety of the apparatus used and patients treated. It
was kept under the charge of a specialist trained in England.
Later on in the year 1927, a new X-Ray machine was installed
and the amount of radium provided was also increased by about
42 mlgms. making the total of 201-27 mlgms. of radium and i
is proving a great boon to the patients suffering from the deadly
disease - Cancer.

At about the same time, treatment by medico mechanical
apparatus and hot air baths was introduced and a Swedish Masseur
was appointed. The appointment of a dental specialist followed
a little later.
His Highness the late Maharaja Sayajirao presented an
uptodate ambulance car to the Hospital for the use of the people
of Baroda and nearby villages situated within five miles.
' 10

The Hospital has been a recognised centre for anti-rabic

treatment since 1926. Three more centres at Amreli, Patan and
Navsari wereopened in the year 1940. The treatment is free.
The hospital also trains nurses, both male and females as well
as midwives. It is affiliated to the Bombay Provincial Nursing
Last year the X-Ray department was fitted with another new
apparatus-Deep X-Ray therapy apparatus which is of great use
for treating various diseases besides cancer. The department
also possess modern electrical appliances for treatment-such
as diathermy, infra red rays, ultra violet rays, short wave
therapy etc.
The Hospital has also got a separate Eye department under
a medical officer specially trained in that subject with a separate
outdoor and a separate ward accommodating 16 patients.
Very recently, a dental mechanic has been appointed to
help the Dental Surgeon in carrying out dental mechanic work
such as preparation of dentures etc.
The Hospital has now a total accommodation for 302 indoor
patients excluding the beds available in the other Medical institu-
tions in city viz. Shantilal Gordhandas Maternity Home and also
Mental Hospital. Besides, there are two dispensaries in the city,
one known as Jamnabai Dispensary attached to the maternity
home mentioned above while the other -one called Mahmod
Wadi dispensary is meant for giving medical relief to the persons
staying far away from these two big institutions.
The number of medical officers and sub assistant surgeons
working in these city institutions is 16 and 17 respectively.
Medical Relief in Districts :-
Very soon after the opening of the hospital in the Baroda
City, two dispensaries were opened at Okha and Dhari during
H. H. the Maharaja Khanderao's regime while Maharaja Malharao's
rule saw the opening of yet another dispensary at Amreli.
The progress of medical relief in the districts kept pace with
the medical relief at the capital town. A year after His late
Highness Sir Sayajirao III ascended the Gadi, ten more medical
institutions were opened at principal places in the districts such

as Navsari, Kadi, Sidhpur, Dabhoi, Bechraji, Deesa, Sadra, Patlan,

Sojitra and Petlad.

The years following saw a rapid expansion of medical relief

in districts. Visnagar and Dehgam got dispensaries in 1877 and
civil surgeons were appointed at Amrcli and Dwarka. A year
iater the Patan dispensary was also converted into a hospital.
Vyara and Kathor got dispensaries in 1880.

The public quickly began to realise the benefits of the free

medical services which the State was offering them and as a
result the work of opening-dispensaries at different places in the
State maintained a steady progress. Thus in the year 1901-02
there were 48 institutions throughout the Raj. This number rose
to 57 in the year 1910, 66 in the year 1920, 93 in 1930 and 117
in 1940.

. In spite of this steady progress, it was found necessary to have

still more institutions which would bring medical relief within an
easy reach of the village people. A committ~::e appointed to suggest
expansion of medical facilities recommended for adoption a
general principle that there should be a dispensary within a
radius of five miles. Action was immediately taken and by 1937
the department had opened 24 such dispensaries and the figure
for the present is 30. ·

Village dispensaries:-
Even with the above scheme operating it was found that
many villages did not come within its scope. Therefore in 1935
the Government started the system of grant-in-aid village
dispensaries and the maintenance charges of such dispensaries
were equally shared by Government, Prant Panchayats and the
· village-people. The figure of such dispensaries by the end of
year 1940 was 164.

In order to further extend the scope of medical relief afford-

ed to the village population of the State a new scheme has been
recently sanctioned and put into force. · Under this scheme,
persons holding medical qualifications such as M. B., B. S. or
L. C. P. S. are offered a monthly salary and a sum for purchasing
medicines on condition that they give free medicine and atten-
dance to the poor.

As a result of a handsome donation from Datar Sheth

Chhotalal Maganlal, a fully equipped hospital has been built and
completed at 1-'etlad with an accommodation of 30 beds.
The total number of medical institutions giving medical
relief to the people of the State is at present 117 while the
number of Medical Officers and Su~ Assistant Surgeons working in
the department is 28 and 119 respectively.
Medical Relief for women in the Capital and Districts :- ·
The origin of the medical relief for women can be tracedl
back to 1875-76 when the first midwife was appointed. It was
followed by the appointment of two nurses next year; while in
the year 1892 first lady doctor was appointed in the City. A
few years later, the Victoria Jubilee ward was added to the main
hospital providing accommodation for 24 female patients and at
that time another post of a lady doctor was sanctioned, one for
the Jamnabai Dispensary and another for the State General
Hospital. This was soon followed by the appointment of two
lady sub-assistant surgeons.
In the year 1902, under the auspices of the Victoria Memorial
Scholarship Fund, a class of dais for receiving practical instruc-
tion was organised. The pupils were examined for their pro--
ficiency at the end of two years. In 1919, Dais Act was passed
according to which, women wishing to follow that occupation are
required to register their names and their certificates and to have
a previous practical training in Maternity Hospital and duly
certified by the Medical Officers. The defaulters are liable to a
At present, in district dispensaries and hospitals there are 21
permanent nurse-midwives and · in addition there arc 23
temporary nurse-midwives whose expenses are proportionately
defrayed by Government, panchayats and municipalities. ·
In the year 1914, a maternity ward of twelve beds - a gift of
S~eth Hi~atlal Shivlal was added to the ~ospital and opened by
H1s late .H•ghn~s. In 1920 the Jamnaba1 Maternity Home was
opened m the c1ty. The next· year saw the opening of yet another
maternit_y hospital at Pattan.
T.his prog.ressive _POlicy of opening maternity homes and
affor.dmg med1~al rehef to the female patients was steadily
contmued and m the year 1937 ten maternity homes existed in

the State, while the number of midwives increased to 33. Besides

the two maternity hospitals in the city there are similar institu-
tions at Pattan, Mehsana, Visnagar, Petlad and maternity homes
~xist at Bhadran, Amreli, Sojitra, Pilwai, Dharmaj and Sankhcda.

As a result of a handsome donation from Sheth Pestonji

:Framji, beds in the maternity wards in the Shree Sayaji General
Hospital were increased from 21 to 45 in 1934.
In 1940 a new separate operation theatre was built and
.attached to the maternity ward of Shree Sayaji General Hospital as
.a result of donation of Rs. 32,000 from Mr. K. V. Uplap on behalf
<>f late Dr. R. S. Poredi. ·
However with the rapid growth, it was thought necessary to
widen. the scope of medical relief afforded to the women of the
State and this purpose received a great impetus with the creation
<1£ Shree Maharani Shantadevi Trust Fund under the kind
patronage of Her Highness Maharani Shantadevi Gaekwad with
the chief object of providing increased facilities of medical relief
for women and children in the State, to conduct institutions for
jproviding medical and ante-natal advice to women and also to
conduct maternity centres, child welfare clinics and similar
institutions. The Government decided to donate a handsome
-amount of Rs. 4lacs and an yearly donation of about Rs. 30,000.
The trust is to receive Rs. 10,000 from Shree Sayajirao Memorial
Fund. As an initial step a children's ward with 24 beds in Shree
·Sayaji General Hospital and ten maternity homes at different
places in the State will be shortly opened. Under this scheme 17
more maternity homes at (1) Dabhoi, (2) Karjan, {3) Savali, {4)
Shinor, (5) Vaso, (6) Vyara, (7) Mahuva, (8) Kalol, {9) Cha-
nasma, (10) Dhinoj, (11) Sidhpur, (12) Vadnagar, (13) Dehgam,
(14) Kodinar, (15) Dhari, (16) Damnagar, and (L7) Dwarka, are
sanctioned. Some of them will be opened· during the current year
ud some will be opened during the course of a year or two.
Maternity homes at Unjha, Valam and Vijapur are also
opened by accepting donations from charitable persons of these
Ayurvedic Dispeosaries:-
As mentioned before, about ninety years ago when the
present Medical services started, the State engaged the services of
. Vaidyas and Hakims who followed their own system of medicine •.

However with the progress of the .time, educated Vaidyas and

Hakims understood the rationals of medical relief, and
took to the western system of medicine along with their
traditional methods. In 1924-25 Ayurvedic dispensaries were-
opened at four places in the State, out of which one was convert-
ed into an Allopathic dispensary later on, while the remaining
three continue to be maintained by the Government. Two more-
Ayurvedic dispensaries were added in the year 1939-40.
There is one Ayurvedic college at Pattan which is partly
supported by the Government and two· Government servants are
on its managing board. The college besides imparting
Ayurvedic medical knowledge also teaches subjects like Anato-
my, Physiology etc. useful from the modern point of view.
In the year 1938-39 the Ayurvedic college graduates. were
offered a subsidy of Rs. 100 each for inducing them to settle
down permanently in villages in backward areas.
Mental Hospital:-There are also other special institutions
which help the work of medical relief in the State. Besides the
hospitals mentioned before, there is also a Mental Hospital under
the superintendence of a Medical Officer specially trained in the
science, for treating mental cases. The hospital was opened in
1898 and was meant for 28 patients. The number of patients
now accommodated is 75.
Nuirifio11 Department-For the last three years the Government
have opened a Nutrition section in charge of a Medical Officer who
is specially trained for the work. His work is to spread proper
knowledge about the diet and various food articles among the
people of the State which includes press propaganda, lectures
and demonstrations, publishing booklets and investigation work,
and conducting diet surveys in various boarding houses and
Chemical Amilyser:--Thc Medical department also includes
,the Chemical Analyser's Laboratory which is specially useful iti
Medicolegal cases.
Leper Asylum:--The Government opened a LF-per Asylum in
1890 on the banks of the Narbada with accommodation for about
100 lepers. The inmates arc fed, clad, and treated there free of
charge. ·
Another very important institution of the Medical depart-
ment is the State branch of the Tuberculosis Association of India
started out of the part of the donation given by His Highness the
Maharaja Saheb towards the King George Thanksgiving Anti
tuberculosis fund. At present in the city an anti tuberculosis clinic
has been opened and kept in charge of a sub-assistant surgeon who
examines and treats T. B. cases, does propaganda work and
advises the patients and people about the spread of the disease
and its prevention. He is helped in this work by a lady Health
visitor specially trained for the purpose.
Iri the year 1940, a long felt want of the people of the State
and Gujarat was met when the foundation stone of T. B. Hospital
was laid by H. E. the Vicerene of India who takes such keen
interest in the matter. Donations for building various wards and
cottages have been received and its construction has already
started. The whole building when ready will cost Rs. 3,24,500.
Indian Red Cross Society:-
In 1925 the State branch of the Indian Red Cross Society
was started under the patr,mage of His Highness Sir Sayajirao
Gaekwar who was pleased to donate Rs. 5,00J to the institution.
The principal activities of the Society consists of free supfJIY of
medical comforts to hospitals and dispensaries, lectures on first
aid to the injured, home hygiene etc., in all the high schools in
the State, free delivery of lectures on child welfare and free
distribution of literature which is considered useful in maintaining
public health. The Executive Committee bas under its manage-
ment institutions such as St. John Ambulance Association, the
Junior Red Cross Society and K. G. A: T. Fund. The first one
deals with arrangements about lectures in first aid, while the Junior
Red Cross Society helps to spread ideas .6f cleanliness, discipline,
universal brotherhood etc. amongst the students of all the schools
in the State. In this work the Junior Red Cross Society receives
close co-operation of the Education department.
Baroda Medical Council:-
The State Medical Service.1 has formed a Baroda Medical
Council and all the doctors either practi~ing or serving and
similarly Vaidyas and Hakims are required to register their names
and abide by certain rules and regulations.
There is also a union of all the- medical men in the city call-
ed the Baroda Medical Union. The members usually meet once a
month. and discuss some subject of medical importance;
Medical inspection ·of Scho.ol children:- ·
The work of medical inspection of School children is also
done throughout the State. · The work is done regularly every
year. • . This work in the city has· been undertaken· by· the
Chimnabai Maternity League. · ·
A Scene from Drama Staged as part of lAdies' War E ffort

Her Highness the Maharani inspecting a stall

at a fete held in aid of War Effort
" If there is one thing to which His Highness the Maharaja
attaches more importance than to any other, it is rural reconstruc-
tion'', so said H. E. Sir V. T. Krishnamachari unveiling the statue
of H. H. Maharaja Pratapsinh Gaekwar at Ranoli-an ideal village.
" The expression rural reconstruction", continued he, "is
now familiar to all of us. This expression covers a multiplicity of
activities embracing all aspects of life of the village. Its aim is to
fill the people with an ambition for a higher standard of living
and the spirit to work persistently for securing such a standard".
The State has carried out this policy both in spirit and action.
Against frost and famine, the State helped with ready remissions
of revenue, gratuitous grants of relief and tagavi on a generous
scale. In 1934, to mitigate the effects of the frost of that year, the
State remitted Rs. 10 lakhs or more than 10 per cent of its land
revenue demand. In 1935, frost again supervened, and the State
responded with nearly Rs. 22 lakhs of remission and a special
tagavi of Rs. 8lakhs. In 1936-37, Rs. 6 lakhs of tagavi and
Rs. 22 lakhs of remissions were sanctioned. In 1938-39, remis-
sions to the tune of Rs. 7 lakhs were again granted. To crown all,
almost at the close of the late reign, the total land revenue
demand was reduced by 22·3 per cent. This reduction was
made permanent by the Maharaja at his accession and was
substituted for the existing settlement rates. The total concession
thus amounted toRs. 21·67 lakhs annually.
To grapple with the problem of distressed areas, a committee
consisting of three principal officers was appointed to go thoroughly
into the rural problems and suggest changes in agricultural
practices, the possibility of extending well irrigation, the chances
of introducing subsidiary industries and such other measures of
planned improvement. The committee recommended a ten year
plan of improvements falling under (1) irrigation schemes, (2)
dry farming, (3) pasture and animal husbandry, (4) agricultural

finance and improvements in rural education. Government generally

approved of the far reaching recommendations and provided
finance to ~ring them gradually into execution according to the
ten year plan devised.

Rural uplift centres:-

No lasting improvement can be achieved in the conditions
of rural life, unless all sides of it are served at the same time.
There are various Government departments which concern them-
selves with individual aspects of village life viz., education,
agriculture, cooperation, industries, public health etc. To coordi-
nate their activities and to create a desire for a higher standard of
living all round, a Rural Reconstruction centre at the village
Kosamba of Navsari district was opened in 1933-34. Another
centre was opened at Karjan in Baroda district in 1939 on almost
the same lines as at Kosamba. -
The centres aim at effecting an improvement in all aspects
of rural life, changing in fact the :outlook of the agriculturists, to
create a desire for a higher standard of living which in turn
should furnish the driving power towards higher and better
material production and the elimination of the needless idle hours
and the waste of wealth by the defective use. This work had to
be necessarily intensive and confined to a group of villages round
the centre in which it was possible for the Superintendent and
his co-workers to establish personal contact with practically all
the agriculturists of the area. The centre itself is secondary to the
main work which lies in the villages and with the people.
The activities of the centres can be grouped as under:-
A. Economic Programe:-
1. Introduction of subsidiary occupations like poultry keep-
ing, kitchen gardening, spinning and weaving, etc,
2. Marketing of agricultural produce.
3. Introduction of new and better varieties of cotton and
other crops.
4. Increased use of manure.
5. Intensive propaganda against crop diseases.
6. Improvement of cattle.
7. Tree planting.
8. Organising thrift societies and other cooperative institu-
B. Educational and moral programme-
This includes adult education, development of a commu··
nity sense and of a feeling of solidarity in villages, propaganda
against evils like early marriage and unreasonable customs-
connected with social observances, the proper use of village
libraries, the scout movement and other educative work
through lantern slide lectures,-in short everything that would
make viJlage life full and interesting.
Rural Saoitation:--
The Government has also established a Health Unit at Kosamba
with a view to improve public health in rural areas and also to train·
the rural population in public health and sanitation in all its aspects.
The unit is composed of 30 villages r0tmd about Kosamba. The.
unit staff consists of a male and female medical officer, a nurse
and a sanitary inspector. During the year 1940-41, every village
of the unit was visited four times by one or the other member of
the staff. During the visits, attention is paid to anti-natal cases,
prevention of contageous diseases, examining the health of
school children, and general sanitation. During the year, 11
schools were visited and 841 children were examined, 145 adults
wer~ also examined and rendered medical aid, 48 labour cases-
were c_onducted, 151 persons were vaccinated, propaganda work.
was carried on and 20 lectures were given at different places;
Magic lantern and film shows were also arranged at these meet-
ings. Village dispensaries were started in 15 villages of the uniL
The Uplift Trust Funds:-
In addition to these improvement measures, the State finances·
set apart for these beneficial services in rural areas, were aug-
mente.J in a remarkable way through the private munificence of
His late Highness and his present successor. To commemorate
the Diamond Jubilee of his glorious reign, H. H. the late Maharaja
Sayajirao set apart a Trust Fund of a_ crore of rupees for ruraf.
uplift in 1936. · ·
He defined his purposes in these memorable words: "My ideal·
is to improve village life-all sides of it. I wish to develop in my'
:People a keen desire for a higher standard of liying, 'a will to live
·better', and a capacity for self he! p and self reliance. I earnestly
.desire to make village life interesting and farming a career, the
rewards of which will satisfy the most enterprising among the
·villagers. From the income of this fund, grants will be made for
•useful schemes, like extensions of gamthans to- relieve over crowd-
ing, village water supplies, communications, educative work of all
.kinds etc. Special preference will be given (i) to poorer areas
which prolnbly have been neglected in the past, and (ii) to the
.needs of the backward communities like the Raniparaj, the Antyajs,
;the Thakardas, the Rabari~ etc."
.Ssysjirao Memorial Fund :-
The present Maharaja, to perpetuate the revered memory of
His late Highness Sayajirao, set apart a crore of rupees from his
privy charities for the general purposes of the people's well being.
The following are the major schemes financed from this
(1) ·The Maharani Shantadevi Trust Fund for medical aid to
the women and children of the State.
(2) Shree Sayajirao Memorial Scholarships to the sons of
Sardars, Assamdars etc. for secondary:and higher edu-
(3) The _Agricultural Institute at Baroda.
The Uiamond Jubilee People's Trust Fund:-
This fund was started by the people of the State in order to
create a fitting memorial of the Diamond Jubilee of their beloved
ruler. Out of the total proceeds, Rs. 6,78,000 were set apart, after
deducting the expenses of celebrating the Jubilee, for creating the
Diamond Jubilee Peoples' Trust Fund. The income from this fund
is mainly utilised for encouraging agricultural and technical educa-
tion by granting scholarships, opening training classes and so on.
The income from all the above funds amounting to 7 lakhs
?f rupees is thus utilised for the improvement of village life in all
~ts aspects-social, economic and cultural and their special object
1S to open out backward areas to healths modern ifluences and
encourage forest tribes, scheduled castes and such like elements
Ito advance in thrift, education and quality of life.

It is not necessary to repeat here the rural welfare activities.

carried out by the departments of Agriculture, Industries, and the.
like in the State, for they have already been reviewed in foregoing
pages. It now only remains to add the part played by the co-
operative movement in the uplift of the rural masses. To relieve
the agriculturists from indebtedness and supply them easy credit,
the cooperative movement was introduced in the State in 1905.
Since then the movement has progressed steadily and at.
present there are 1,297 cooperative societies with a total member-
ship of 65,920 and capital amounting to Rs.102lakhs. Land Mort-
gage banks have also been established at Navsari and Baroda..
As early as 1888 His Highness the late Maharaja Sayajirao
arranged to have the important monuments of the State carefully
-surveyed by the late Dr. Burgess ancl Mr. Cousens. These two
eminent members of the Archreological Survey in India wrote ex·
-haustive accounts of most of the important monuments of the State
in twc sumptuously illustrated volumes entitled ''The Antiquities
-of Dabhoi" and "The Architectural Antiquities of North Gujarat",
·which were published in 1888 and 1903 respectively under the
,patronage of the Baroda Government. Other officers of the
.Indian Archreclogical Survey were invited on various occasions
•for consultation about the preservation of the archreological
monuments in the State. Ultimately the necessity of having a
· separate Archreological department was felt and the department
·was established in 1934.
·Chief activities:-
The work done by the department may be grouped under
three heads:- (1) conservation or repairs of monuments; (2)
-exploration and (3) listing of monuments.
oConservation of monuments:-
The Sun temple and a stepped well at Moqhera, the Hlra
•·Gate and the Baroda Gate at Dabhoi, the Rama and Lakshmana
temple at Barqia, the Jiinagaqh temple at '\[asai near Dwarka, the
:s'itala-mata temple at Piludrii, and the Ral)i-Vav at Patal) in North
-Gujarat were selected for conservation. The Sun temple at Moqhe·
•ra is one of the architectural gems of the State. It was built about
the eleventh century A.D. The amorous figures so profusely carved
on it cannot fail to remind the visitor of the Black Pagoda at
Konarak and would suggest similarity of construction between the
two. The Moqhera temple was dedicated to the Sun deity, though
the chief idol which was the object of worship is now mis~ing.
Several large sculptures of the solar deity which belong to this
,age have been found in the State where there are also other
158 .

-sanctuaries dedicated to the same divinity, indicating that Sun

worship was pr~dominant in this area during the late medieval
period. The Hira Gate at Dabhoi is another valuable example of
architecture. Perhaps it is one of the very few good specimens of
the old citadel style left to us. It is of pure . Hindu origin
with some_ subsequent changes introduced by Mahomedans.
The Ra:r;liki Vav now in a very dilapidated condition, must
have been originally a magnificent structure. The carving is
minute and_ exquisite. It is attributed to RaJ:~.! Udayamati, the
.queen of Bhimadeva I who flourished in the eleventh century A. D.
A good deal of this structure has now disappeared.
For exploration four sites have been selected, of which two
lie in Kathiawaq, at Amreli and Mul-Dwarka, one in South
Gujarat at Kamrej and the other in the North Gujarat at Patlan.
Kamrej was known to Ptolemy, the ancient geographer who
called it Kamane in his geographical account of India and
Southern Asia. Here it was- possible to secure very interesting
·Coins, some of which are ancient KarshaPmJas or pural}as dating
back to several centuries before Christ while some are Avanti or
Ujjain coins with hitherto unknown symbols. Excavations at Amreli
have revealed interesting remains of consigerable age. They belong
to different periods. The presence of the Andhra coin would be in
accordance with the epigraphical evidence of Andhra rule over
Kathiawaq supplied by one of the Nasik Cave inscriptions. These
.excavations have yielded valuable relics of the past together with
more than 200 silver coins of the Gupta period.
Mul-Dwarka is a small port of the Baroda State at the western
.extremity of Katqiawaq. Tradition says that it marks the site of
the old Dvaravati of the lt:laha-bharala. Explorations have shown
the remains of old buildings of the early medieval period, mostly
foundation walls of large stone blocks evidently built one after
fhe other. Including the temple now standing, four strata have so
far been found at the site and some foundations are seen even in
the sea itself.
The work of exploring the old Sahasraliilga talao at Pata~:t in
North Gujarat is also going on. This reservoir was built in the
reign of Siddharaja, the well-known ruler of A~:tahilapura. Its
excavation has revealed the existence of marvellous sluices,
channels, the silt pit and an aqueduct. The site abounds in
.archreological remains of great value.

Inventory of monuments:--
An inventory of monuments in the State, is also being
completed. So far more than 1,000 monuments have been
inspected and listed. They are located in the Mehsana district
of which only eight falukas have been surveyed so far. The
remaining talukas of this as well as other districts are still to
be surveyed. Besides well-:-known monuments like Moqhera and
the Rudra-Mahalaya temple, and important monuments in the
Kherali.t taluka of the Mehsana district have been noticed and
described. The most noteworthy among them is the Dughdhe-
svara Mahadeva temple at Mandrapur which probably belongs to
the 12th century. · ·
.The D~partment has se.cured so far 200 inscriptions. The
earliest of these ·goes back to the second century A. D. It is a
sepulchral record belonging to the reign of Rudrasena I, the
Kshatrapa king who ruled from 199 to 222 A. D. Two hitherto
unpublished copper-plates of the Silahara ruler Aparajita of the
year 915 in the Saka reckoning are afso in the collection.
Three departmental memoirs have already been published.
One of them is on " Indian Pictorial Art as Developed in Book
Illustrations;" wherein new ground has been traversed. With
the aid of illustrations it has been shown that pictorial art develop-
ed in book illustrations . as it did in other ways. The second
Memoir is on "Asokan Rock at Girnar." It is intended as a
guide . for the study of .the important records of ASoka, the
Maurya Emperor, of Rudradaman the Mahakshatrapa and of
Skandagupta, the Gupta Emperor, incised on the famous boulder
at Girnar. The third memoir is on the " Ruins of Dabhoi or
Ancient Darbhavati". It gives an accurate descriptive and histori-
cal account of the archreological monuments at Dab hoi, which
may well be termed as the architectural gems of Baroda. Besides
these·the department has issued five annual reports containing the
varied activities of it from the year 1934-35 to the year 193!:!-39,
available for the use of the scholars and. the general public.
Effeets on public welfare :-
. The work done is bound to exercise healthy influence on the
public. Archreological monuments are a glorious heritage of the
past and their preservation helps the people to. take interest in
The H ajira : Baroda

The Sun Teltlple: Modhera

their history. The interesting excavations at PataQ attract large
numbers of visitors. Excavations at Amreli and Kiimrej have
helped to fill up the lacunre in the ancient and mediaeval history
of Western India. Literary activities of publishing annual
reports, memoirs and various articles in standard Oriental
Journals in India and abroad result from the work conducted, and
fifty monuments have been declared protected under the Ancient
Monuments Preservation Act. The conservation and upkeep
of these structures is also a duty of the Archreological department.
Many rare coins and copper-plates have been secured and are
now available for the study of scholars.



Reprospect :-

The villages in India from time immemorial were self-govern-

ing and self-sufficient units. They managed all the internal
affairs of the village through their leaders; they used to collect all
the· village revenue and were responsible to ruling powers only
for fixed dues which were s~tiled from time to time according to
the area of the village and the land under cultivation, and were
paid to the ruling power either in cash or kind, through the here-
ditary officer of Government-the Patel. This done, the internal
machinery of the village was hardly interfered with or disturbed
by any Government. Village watchmen, sweepers, potters,
carpenters, blacksmiths, village priests, barbers, weavers and
washermen were all · more or less community servants and
were controlled and provided for by the village elders. All
the village institutions such as the village schools and the
temples were managed and controlled and all the village
disputes, individual or communal, were settled by them. The
villages then were in fact small democratic communities in which
all the executive and administrative powers affecting· the village
were centred.

The village organisation remained throughout the centuries

which saw a number of political changes the one stable element
in the whole body politic right upto the time when the Raiyatwari
form of land settlement, which put the Government in direct
contact with each land holder in the village and made the land
holder directly responsible for the payment of land revenue, was
introduced by the British Government. This change naturally
weakened the old system of village administration; but efforts are
now being made all over India to regenerate the old organisation
and give it back some of the useful functions it formerly performed
in keeping with the present conditions.
GeneSis oftheMovement·:-
In Baroda, however, from the very commencement of land
settlement operations, efforts have been made to preserve as much
of the ancient element of self-government as possible. Mr. Elliot
who was then in charge of land settlement operations wrote as
far back as in 1893 of the scheme for the preservation of the
village community as being one which "His Highness the Maharaja
Saheb has personally fostered and made his own. His generous
wish is that the village should once again be self-ruling". Provi-
sion was therefore made for the appointment of a panchayat in
every village and for the maintenance of the village powers .and
services in accordance with the ancient usage as far as practicable.
To meet the expenses of those services, a deduction was made in. ·
the land revenue demand in each case involving the State into an
additional expense of Rs. 3,08,011 per year. A school master
was added to the list of village servants and in two years-1891 to
1893, 632 .village schools were opened. Hereditary· claims, were
recognised in making these appointments. The names of the
servants with particulars ab:mt their services and their remune-
ration were registered; and they were · allowed the option of
holding land on service tenure or on payment for their services in
cash. A further advance was made in 1901, when His Highness
decided to introduce an elective system into the village
panchayats, and to bestow on them extended powers. Rules
were therefore passed in 1902 for the elaborate organisation of
village panchayats. ·
These rules provided that every village with a population
of one thousand or more should have a panchayat of its own; and
those with a population of less than one thousand should be
conveniently grouped together and have -a common panchayat.
The panchayats should not have less than five and more than
nine members; of these half were to be nominated by Government
and half elected by the villagers themselves. The Patel was to
be the president and the village accountant, the Talati and school
master were ex-officio members. The supervision of village
roads, wells, tanks ·and schools, Dharmashalas, Choras and the
village temples and all Government · and common ·property
vested in the panchayat. The institutions were required to
he! p in relief works in times of famine and epidemic, co-operate
~ith village Munsiffs in settling civil disputes, with sub-registrars
m their official work, see that the village boundary marks were
kept in order and that the cattle pounds were properly managed.
g_egular monthly meetings of the panchayats were held, and each
group of villages was empowered to return one member to the
Tahika local board.
A fresh act to include amendments and modifications
was passed through the Legislative Council and it received the
assent of His Highness in 1920. This Act is in force at present. In
this Act the constitution was broadened, the franchise was extended
and important powers in connection- with sanitation, water
supply and drainage, the supervision over public charities, ~he
trial of civil and criminal cases and the right to . tax· people w1th
the previous approval of the Government, were conceded to these
Present state of the Psnchayats:-
The total number· of village Panchayats is 2,060. All the
villages with a population of 500 and above _possess Panchayats of
their own. There are three ways in which the village Panchayats
are constituted under the existing provisions. The Village Pan-
chayat Act lays down as a general principle that
(1) There should be a village Panchayat for each
(2) If, however, a village be too small and its income too
meagre to allow its Panchayat- to function properly,
it should be joined to the nearest village with an in-
dependant Panchayat, thus forming what is known as
a: group Panchayat. ·
(3) There are certain very backward parts of the Statej
such tracts are declared backward and several villages
comprising them arc put together in a union Panchayat.
The constitution of the village Panchayats with respect
to the first two classes provides for ~ elected members
and t nominated members, and the total number of
members varies between the maximum of 12 and the
. minimum of 6. The Patel is the ex-officio president
of the village Panchayat in the first two types. In the
case of the union · Panchayats the Vahivatdar-revenue
head of a taluka-is the president and the principle of
nomination is substituted for that of election. The life
·of every board is of three years, on expiry of which
. fresh elections
~ .
take place.
The equestrian statue of
the late H. H. Sayajirao Gaekwar Ruins ~f the Rudramahalaya: Sidhpur
Soufces of income :-
The main source of income of these bodies is the allotment of
2 pies per anna of the local cess received by the Prant Panchayat
-district local boards. Other miscellaneous sources allowed to
them are
(a) rent of the village site,
(b) sale proceeds from the auction of grass, fruit and fuel
from Government waste lands,
(c) income derived from thesaleofearth, sand and gravel,
(d) the revenue derived from cattle pounds. Further,
these bodies arc authorised to supplement theiriricome,
(e) by levying their own taxes with the previous sanction
of the Government and
(f) by receiving from Government an amount as a subsidy
whenever they raise any such amount either by taxa-
tion or by contribution for some work of permanent
utility. The total income of the village Panchayats in
the year 1939-40 was Rs. 3,95,531.
The most common village needs may be summarised as
(1) good drinking water supply,
(2) maintenance of and repairs to the village wells, tanks
and cattle troughs,
(3) arresting erosions by storm-water to village sites and
(4} repairs to the village roads and village drains,
(5) maintenance of proper conservancy arrangements,
(6) cleaning of grazing-common, and
{7) such other works as would add to the comfort, con·
venience and well-being of the villages.
Working arrangements :-
To augment the slender resour~es of these bodies. and t? let
every villager have a live contact w1th the corporate village hft: a
statutory power to conscript manual labour of ~me member yearly
from each famjly for a period of 5 to 10 days IS conferred upon
these bodies. The Government have also adopted a principle to
give a subsidy of one fourth of the total cost and have directed
that the Prant Panchayat should contribute an amount ·equal to
Government contribution whenever the Panchayat raise either by
taxation, contribution or provision of manual labour half the cost ·
for any work of permanent utility. Further, the Government have
also adopted a policy of advancing loans to these bodies to the
extent of five times their annual income at a reasenable rate of
interest to be paid off in easy instalments. The total expenditure
of the village Panchayats during the year 1939-40 was Rs. 4,20,434•

Technical help for skilled work is afforded to village Pan-
chayats by the appointment of an overseer in each Mahal. His
duty is to prepare estimates of works to be ·executed costing bet-
ween Rs. 25 and 500, and supervise their execution. ·
Out of the total cost of any village water works i is given
as a gift by the Government, i or mure as the case may be is
given by the Prant Panchayat and the remaining half or less than
that as the case may be is borne by the respective village or is
met by the Government by advancing a loan to be paid off in easy
instalments by the Panchayat. There are. 13 such village water
works. ·

To foster the healthy development of the village Panchayats

and a healthy rivalry in this field Panchayat weeks are celebrated.
A five year programme of works to be carried out by each
Panchayat is insisted on;
Rural medical relief:-

·~he policy of sprea~ing relief in rural areas with the object

of havmg a dtspensary wtthin a radius of five miles from every
village of the State is being steadily pursued, In the current year
there were in the State 117 medical institutions. The scheme ot
grant-in-aid for village dispensaries was continued. Altogether
164 villages took advantage of the scheme in the year. A scheme
for inducing Ayurvedic doctors trained at Patan to settle down for
practice in villages has been sanctioned, and in the first instance
it is to operate in 5 villages of the backward areas of the Raj.

To study problems of rural sanitation like the disposal of

refuse, manure heaps, conservancy, suitable types of village
latrines and to improve conditions in this respect a special sani·
tary circle has been organised for 20 villages round the city of
Baroda. A health unit has also been sanctioned for another
group of. 33 villages. A special nutrition officer studies dietary
habits of the different classes of people and delivers lectures and
issues bulletins as part of educative propaganda. Grants are also
given to private gymnasia in the State.
The village sanitation depends upon the use the Panchayat
makes of the scavenging service. To improve village sanitation,
duties of the village servants under the different heads were
specially laid down. It is also made obligatory upon the
Panchayats to supply full sanitary equipments of scavengers.
As a stimulus to the scavengers to do conservancy work
efficiently, income derived from the sale of refuse collected in·
pits is allowed _to be appropriated by them.
The Police department is required to train village servants
in the duties of watch and ward. Under a sort of a beat system
the work of watching the village and the fields is being carried
out, and co-operation of private persons is also enlisted.
To facilitate the execution of works of technical nature under·
taken by the Panchayats, the Government have laid down the
procedure for the execution of such works and further to enable
them to carry out works efficiently the Government have directed
that the contribution charges should not be levied from them by
the P. W. department.
Till 1938 the village Panchayat funds were kept in the
revenue treasury; but since then panchayat funds have been
handed over to the presidents of the village Panchayats.
·The local officers are required to inspect the work of the
village panchayats as often as possible. They are also required
to educate the members .of the village Panchayats in such a
way as to enable the members to understand their responsibilities
and carry out their duties.
Mahal Paochayats :-
. The old Mahal Panchayats of which there were 38 in all
were abolished at the time of the re-organisation of the local
self -government in the year 1929 as they were found redund~nt

and superfluous, as constituted then. The mahal panchayats as

now-constituted are advisroy boards under the direct supervision
of the Prant Panchayats without administrative or financial powers
and their duties are to make a thorough and searching inquiry
regarding works of public utility needed for ·the Mahal, prepare
programmes of work, supervise the execution of important works
and educate members of village panchayats.


Early History :-
The District Local Boards Act was passed in the year 1904.
The Act provided that half the total number of members of each
such Board should be elected and the other half was to be nomi·
nated by Government; and among nominated members not more
than one half were to be Government servants.
Each of the four districts: Baroda, Kadi, Navsari and Amreli
had its Prant Panchayat i.e. district local board. The Okhamandal
Mahal Panchayat was invested with the powers of the prant
Panchayat. The president-; of all such bodies were Subas of the
respective districts, except in Baroda which had an elected
president upto March 1928. The vice-presidents were non-
officials, elected by the general body. These Prant Panchayats
were thus composed of elected and nominated members of whom -
the former represented two thirds and the latter one third. Of the
latter again one· half were officials and the other half non-officials.
The elected members represented the Mahal Panchayats, the
Vishishta Pauchayats and the municipalities of the district, each
sending one member by election. Besides these the lnamdars of
the district sent one member.
Under the then constitution the Prant Panchayats were
gener.dly entrusted with the work of supervising the work of the
Mahal Panchayats. They distributed the local cess among the
respective mahals according to their revenue incomes, retaining
a small fraction themselves for establishment charges and
works affecting the whole district such as inter Taluka roads, water
supply and exhibitions.
The local public works entrusted to the Panchayats were
and are of two kinds, compulsory and discretionary. Among the
former some woqld be major and the rest minor;works.

Below: Below:
The Monogram of A map of
H. H. the Maharaja Gujarat and Kathiawar

The Fountain near the museum

Among these again would be repair and original works such

as roads,. Dharmashalas-public rest houses, and school buildings.
W1th a v1ew that local boards may have more work under their
control and -that economy may be effected in their staff as also in
that of the Public ·works department a scheme for amalgamation
was introduced as an experimental measure in the Navsari and
Baroda districts in the year · 1917-ll:!. Experience however
showed that the arrangement needed a change. The district boards
have now their own engineering staff and Government transferred
a few works of public utility from their Public Works department
to these boards in order that they may gradually gain experience.

At first all control· was gi~en to the boards over primary

education, questions of policy alone being reserved by Govern-
ment. But after the introduction of free and compulsory educa·
tion in the St:tte control has now been resumed by Government.
The boards hitherto contributed 1/3 of the local cess. towards
education. But this contribution is now WJived and it is allowed
to remain with the panchayats for their use.
The present constitution:-
After the re-organisation the Mahal -Panchayats in ·.their
original form were abolished and the Prant Panchayats were made
directly responsible for the development of the village· Pa!lchayats.
In 1939 the right of electing their own presidents from among
their non-.:>fficialmembers was conferred upon them and now all
Panchayats including that of Okhamandal have elected presidents.
The vice-presidents continue to be elected from among·. their
non-official members by the general board. The constitution of
the Pr;tnt Panchayats provides for 2/3 representation by election
and 1/3 nomination by the Government. Amongst the nominated
members half are officials and the other half non-officials
amongst whom _there is ·at least one representative. of .the
depressed classes.
The system of representation of these boards is -direct.
Each Ma4al is· divided into· groups of villages on populatipn ba~es;
there being one representative for every unit of 25,000 population
or less. Such groups in the different Mahals vary from 1 to 4
and each group elects one representative to the Prant Panchayat•.
Som~~ther inte!-'ests ary _al~o _repre~entc;d,

The qualifications-of an elector are as under : -

(1) He must be of 21 years of age, and
(2) should have any one of the following qualifications:-
(a) He must hwe an annual income of Rs. 750 or .
(b) He must be paying at least Rs. 30 as land
revenue; or
(c) He must have an immovable property worth
Rs. 1, 000; or
(d) He must have an educational attainment not
below Matriculation.
The Prant Panchayats appoint optional and statutory
committees to carry on their work:-
(a) The optional committees are :-
, ( i) an advisory Mahal committee for each Mahal to
assist the Prant Panchayats in fixing up programmes
and supervising local works;
( ii) a special propaganda committee detailed for educa-
tion and development of village Panchayats.
(b) Statutory administrative committees are as under:
(1) a committee for finance,
(2) a committee for roads and communications,
(3) a committee for works of public utility.
·Works beyond the sphere of the village Panchayats are carried
out by the Prant Panchayats. A Prant Panchayat has mainly
to deal with the larger roads not placed under the public \YOrks
department, and generally with all the works not exclusively be•
longing to a single village as well as with the village works costing
· Rs. 500 and .above, which are beyond the capacity or a village,
The finance of the Prant Panchayats is derived from:-
(a) local cess,
(b) a surcharge on income-tax at the rate of two annas per
rupee of income-tax paid to Government,
(c) a flat rate of one nipee on individuals deriving· non-
agricultural income above Rs. 250 and
below Rs. 750
(d) such contribution as the Government choose to make.
Out of these items (b) and (c) are intended to place upon non-
agriculturists some part of the burden of taxation almost all of
which was borne by agriculturists. These taxes are however not
Cattle pounds are now looked after by Government, and the
full cost of the construction of new Choras is borne by the Govern-
ment and the cost of repairs to Choras is divided equally between
the Government and the Panchayats.
The vaccination charges are divided between the Government
and the Panchayat. Ninety percent of the total net balance after
deducting contribution to Government, the est.tblishment charges
etc. are to be spent on works of primary necessities and the rest on
optional works. It is laid down that each Prant Panchayat should
keep a reserve fund to the extent of five pies in every anna of the
local cess amount it gets. ·
At present the Prant Panchayats have undertaken two impor-
tant schemes viz. roads and water supply. ·
Some Important Functions:-
Supply of drinking water to rural areas is one of the main
duties of the Panchayats. To meet this necessity_in full, a compre-
hensive survey of the whole State was made and a quinquennial
programme was drawn up in 1931. The total number of wells
constructed under this programme is 459. The total amount spent on
them is Rs. 4,82,525 of which 2,51,596 is Government contribution.
Whenever good potable water is not reached even at great
depth by sinking ordmary wells, systematic programmes of
boring wells have been undertaken. The total number of borings
made in the State upto 31st July 1940 is 277 and the total amount
spent on them is Rs. 4,00,548 of which a sum of Rs. 2,28 1239 was
a Government grant.
The scheme for well-water works in villages is framed on the
following basis:
Grants:-l of the cost by the Government
i of the cost by the Prant Panchayat.
Gontribulion:-Hatf of the cost:is contributed by·the people.
Where people fail to raise the requisite amount,
t of the cost is advanced as loan by the Government.
The Government contribution for tube-wells is t of the
total expenditure. In addition to the above wells and borings
have been undertaken by panchayats from their own funds and
from grants given under the Shree Sayajirao III · Diamond
Jubilee Trust ·
· . ·Recently Government have passed orders to have another
comprehensive survey made of the needs of villages in regard
tp drinking water. In preparing the programme instructions are
issued to induce the bigger villages with a population of ab:mt
1,500 to 2,500 to undertake water works in villages.:.. situated at a
short distance from places having electrical installations. The
Government have offered to assist villages which prJp:>se such
water works provided the village panchayats are prepared to bear
the whole cost or maintenance and a portion of the capital
Feeder roads:-
The Baroda State is well served by railways relatively to its
size and population. It has the largest mileage in India. To con-
nect as many villages as possible with the railway system; a pro·
gramme of feeder roads was sanctioned in 1928-29. The total
number of roads in the programme was 152-with a length of 409
miles. Of these, 118 covering a length of 3H miles have been
constructed. The programme of the Amreli and Navsari districts
has been completed and new programmes are under preparation.
The expenditure incurred upto 31st July 194J comes toRs. 9·32
lakhs, of which the Government contribution was Rs. 4,47,000 ..
Anti-malarial compaign:-
. Among other important activities of the Panchayats the anti-
malarial campaign deserves sp:!cial mention.· Malaria constitutes
the main menace to health in the State and in order that the worst
areas might be taken up ·on a systematic plan the Government
~ave ~iven grants for t~ree to five years for anti-malarial opera-
lions m selected areas m all the districts. · These grants amount
in the aggregate toRs .. 12,750 a year •.
Other works of public utility:-
. In addition to the above the Prant Panchayats attend to
vano';ls other works of public utility of which the following deserve
(a) opening relief works on an extensive scale in times of
(b) opening and aiding dispensaries;
(c) helping gymnasiums, boarding houses and such other
institutions by grants in aid;
(d) launching anti-malaria compaigns and arranging exhibi-
tions and Panchayat weeks.
The Prant Panchayats are thus making themselves responsible
for the growth and development of the village Panchayats and
playing a very useful part in the administration of local problems.

Baroda City Municipality:-

As far back as the year 1830, it was realised that municipal
work was necessary within the City walls, and it was ordered that
the four principal roads should be regularly watered by a newly
created municipal agency. The cost was to be met by the levy
·of a cess from the keepers of the shops. This cess was collected
but for a short time, though the work of watering the roads conti-
nued, and the expenses were borne by Government. Later the
responsibility of repairing the existing roads and making new
ones was recognised and to defray the cost it was decided to levy
dues on certain articles imported and exported. In 1869 an
attempt was made to carry on municipal administration through
a small committee consisting of different interests. This consisted
of five members and was presided over by a Sudharai Kamdar or
Municipal Commissioner, all nominated by the Government. A
house-tax was introduced, and was assessed at Rs. 2-8-Q per
thousand of the house value, but the lax was soon dropped.
In the year 1872, a Kalambandi was s~nclioned empo~cring
the municipality to add to its funds by levymg Nazaranas, hcense .
fees on new buildings, rents on enclosures of a temporary
nature erected on marriage occasions and rental for
Government land occupied for private purposes. In the Sl'11e
• year it was recognised that tl~e ~ask of ~rra.nging for Bhangis and
sweepers, for public needs Withm the city properly Belonged to
the municipality.
A memorable advance was made in the development of local
self government in the State in the year 1892, _when a Sudharai
Nibandh-Municipal Act; was passed by Hts. .late Htghn7ss
Maharaja Sayajirao. It recognised for the first hme t~e electtv"
principle in Baroda municipal government. Under this Act the
·City was divided into 22 wards, each to elect one member to the
municipal board. Besides the large number of elected member3,
there were 8 ex-officio members, the Sudharai Kamdar, the muni·
cipal commissioner, being the ex-officio president of the munici-
pality. The whole cost of municipal administration was b)rne
by the Government. •
The Municipal Act of 1905 not only c:>nferr.:d financial in·
dependence on the municipality adding to its importance, as
well as responsibilities, duties and powers, but also to a large ·
extent separated the administrative or deliberative functions from
the purely executive. The municipal commissioner ceased . to be
at once the servant and the master of the municipality. The
.new Act specifically laid down that no stipendiary servant of the
municipality can hold office as a councillor, much less as its
president. The Suba of the Baroda district became the ex-
.officio president of the municipality.
The Act of 1905 is based chiefly upon the Bombay District
·Municipal Act as amended in 1901, altered where necessary to
suit local conditions and circumstances. It provides for a Munici-
pal Board consisting of 37 members of whom 25 are elected by the
people triennially, 6 are nominated by Government and 6 are
ex-officio members of the municipality. The whole municipal
administration vests in the corporation, which is, in the last
instance, responsible to the Government for its efficient mana"e·
· ment of municipal affairs. · . "'
.Except in matter? which_ are specially- provided for in the
Act Itself, snch as taxation, makmg or amending rules and regula·
tions for inte~n_a} and by~-l~ws for external management, com-
pulsory acqmsthon of bmldmgs or land, special management of
plague or inf~c~ious diseases, va~~ination and such other cognate
-matters pcrtammg to and requmng help from the Government'
the municipal~ty enjoys full and independent powers. '
In 1928 the posts of the president and the municipal com-
. missioner were sepauted, the former being held by a nominated
non-official and the latter by an officer o£ the State up to the grade
of Suba. The right of electing its own president was conferred
upon the City Municipality in 1939.
It was laid down also in 1934 that the deliberative functions
were to be the concern of the council and the executive functions
were to vest in the municipal commissioner, who was to be
responsible for the efficiency and economy in the general admi-
nistration. Since then the Corporation functions as a deliberative
body with the municipal commissioner as the executive head.

With a view to increase the efficiency of the municipal admi-

nistration the introduction of the ward system was approved of
and sanctioned by the Government.

In Baroda city the water works has been constructed entirely
by the GJvernment at a total cost of Rs. 56,16,378 and handed
over to the municipality for maintenance. The underground
draituge has been constructed by the Public Works department
and the total amount spent so far comes toRs. 31,13,873 of
which the municipal contribution has been Rs. 13,76,202. Elec·
tricity is supplied by the Electric department and the expense
incurred under this head by the municipality is based on fair
terms. The municipality also possesses a fire brigade. The
work of removal of the refuse of the city has been undertaken
departmentally since 1938. The recreation grounds of a
modern type and design were constructed and maintained by the
municipality•. Other functions necessary for keeping the city clean
and hJalthy are also carried on by the municipality. The muni-
cipality receives a grant of Rs. 1,25,000 every year from the
Government fot· the maintenance of roads, w,1tering and lighting.


District Municipalities :-
Prior to 1877, there were no municipalities in the districts. In
that year however municipalities were established in most of the
Taluka towns, though they had no definite constitutions nor was
any financial prQvision made for them, a few simple rules sufficing
for their working. They were entirely managed by the Vahivatdars
Qf the Talu~as. Th~re wa~ qo hou~?e ta~ J.10r Wa!i there anr ~enerat
assessment of property. The Government had undertaken to
defray all the expenses by regular annual grants whic~ were in .
the beginning placed under the control of. the Public Works.
department, and subsequently in 1892, under the manageme~t of
the Sanitary Commissioner. Later still the subas wc:re authonsed
to prepare lists of private individuals likely to take an intelligent
interest in local affairs, and to appoint from 8 to 16 members to
carry on the municipal administration in different places. Under
this provision a genc:"ral committee and a managing committee
were formed and municipal affairs. came to be managed by the
decision of the majority. Government grants were continued, and
special grants were also sanctioned for special needs. These •
grants were modified according to circumstances, but they
remained the main source of income to the municipalities. Simul-
taneously with the introduction of self-government in rural areas
by the creation of panchayats and the local boards in the year
1904, it was decided to introduce self-government in some of the
more advanced municipal towns. A Municipal Act based on the
Bombay Municipal Act III of 1901 was passed in 1905 and ·
brought into force from the 1st of February 1906.
From this date municipalities were divided into two classes.
"A"and "B". Those which were not sufficiently advanced, were ..
classed "A" and were to be managed by the Vahivatdars of the .
Talukas in which they were situated. In the ''B" class were
placed municipalities which were to be self-governing. Besides
the town of Baroda 8 other towns, Dabhoi, Patan, Sidhpur,
Visnagar, Navsari, Gandevi and Amreli were selected from the
beginning for the establishment of "B" class municipalities,
Billimora being added later. Elections were held in all those
towns in July 1905, and the new members partly elected an::l.
partly nominated, began their work from August 1905. In this
way, the work of self-governing municipalities in the State:
commenced on the same date as that of the local boards.
In place of the specific grants· which used to be made from
the State revenues to t.he distric~ towns, sources of revenue yielding .
su~s adequate for the1r expend1ture at the time were generally
ass1gned to the towns selected for the "B" · class municipalities.
Where such · sources were not available specific grants were ·
continued. ·
Self-government was thus granted to these · district towns
W}th<;>ut anr additio11 ~o ta~atjon. Soxne oph~ municipaliti~!l. ~
A Group of Civic Gua rds
were given special grants in lieu of excise and toll for some years
during which period they were asked to meet their own require-
ments by levying new rates and taxes which the municipalities
did by levying octroi, house tax, conservancy tax and building
When Vishista Panchayats ·came fo be called "B" class
municipalities these self-governing municipalities came to be
called "A" class. The number of the "A" class municipalities in.
the Raj exclusive of. the Baroda city municipality is 12. The
constitution of these bodies provided for one half nominated.
representatives. and one half elected representatives, half amongst
the latter being officials and half non-officials. Till 1938 the
municipalities of Patan, Navsari and Amreli alone enjoyed the
prcvilege of having their own elected presidents, while the rest
of them were presided over by the.divisional naib subas. But in
1939 the right of electing their own p~;esidents was conferred upon
all ''A" class municipalities. The vice-presidents in all the
municipalities are elected~
Income sod expenditure :-
These municipalities depend for their income upon their
resources. It is only in executing big works of public utility such
as water works, drainage or the like that they approach Government
for assistance..The policy of the Government is very generous in
giving gifts ranging between t and t and in advancing loans at a
reasonable r~te of interest. Though the sou~;ces of income seem
to be numerous, the main source 9f income of these bodies is
taxation direct as well as indirect. The municipality of Petlad and
Baroda have alone introduced the terminal tax. All the munici-
palities in the Mehsana district solely. depend upon octroi while the
municipalities of Navsari district and Amreli make a combina· ·
tion of octroi, house tax and conservancy cess.
The main heads of the expenditure of these bodies are three
viz: (1} public safety, (2) publh: health and convenience and (3)
public works. Amongst these, expenses are fairly spread · over
light, conservancy and roads. Five out of 12 municipal towns
possess water works, and out of these five only-Baroda, Navsari
and Visnagar possessunder-ground drainage. The water works
schemes for Petlad and Sidhpur are under consideration. The
water supply scheme for Amreli town costing Rs. 10,15,000 is
sanctioned by the Government, which is to defray the whole cost.
Ten out of 12 municipal towns have been provided with electric
lighting. Almost all the municipal towns possess fire brigades,
To bring about better co-ordination of work ·and to · usher
better and progressive outlook in the municipal affairs by mutual
exchange of thoughts and by understanding the difficulties of
each other a conference of all the municipalities was convened in
1934, and it has been now laid down that such conferences
should be convened every three years.·
To improve the general working of these bodies an? ad?_ to
the efficiency, the Government have fixed the quahficattons
and grades for the municipal staff. A separate examination test
is also prescribed and all the municipal servants of whatsoever
grade are required to pass this test. Certain uther measures
are also adopted to increase the efficiency of the staff and security
for the people. A Sudharai and Panchayat Training class holds
its session from the 1st June to the 15th July every year. The
clerks attending the class receive training in every branch of work
with which they have to deal.
Municipalities have also been directed to provide recreation
grounds to every town with a population of 7,000 and above.
The Government have laid down that comprehensive sani-
tary surveys of all municipal towns be carried out by the Sanitary
Commissioner who is also directed to suggest schemes and also.
the financial implications incidental thereto for the proper attain-·
ment of these requirements.

We have seen in the foregoing pages how that class of

municipalities which were mt regarded as being sufficiently
advanced for self-government were provided for in the old
dispensation. But after the passing of the Municipal Act of 1905 the
tendency of the Government was to gqide the municipalities to
become self-supporting as far as possible. The fixed grants
allotted to the municipalities in lieu of customs and tolls were
stopped from 1st November 1909. Special grants given to the
other group of municipalities were also discontinued, and
municipal towns were permitted to levy house tax, octroi and
other duties under the Municipal Act to meet their requirements.
. _The "B" class municipalities 'of to-day were then called ·the
Vtslnsta Panchayats and these are 30 in number. The Vahivatdars
· and .Mahalkaries preside over all of these bodies ex-officio and
~ll municipalities have elected vice-presidents. Two ~hirds of V~c:;
members are elected and the rest are nominated, of whom orte~
half are officials and the other half non-officials. Besides local cess
and all other items that are generally allowed to village panchayats,
the main sources of their income are either house tax or octroi.
Eight of these bodies have water works constructed with the aid
of free gift from Government which varied from !- to t of the total
cost according to the financial position of each body.
. Out of the 30 "B" class municipal towns, most of them still
characteristically possess predominant traits of rural life and as
such the Governnient have granted to these bodies half the
amount of local cess and all the other sources of income that have
been conceded to the village panchayats. The Government
follow a generous policy of giving large contributions by way of
gifts as well as loans whenever any municipality needs them for
undertaking any large work of public utility such as water supply
or drainage.
The main heads of expenditure of these bodies are (1) esta-
blishment charges, (2) public safety, (3). conservancy, (4) public
health and convenience.
The supply of sufficient and potable water is one of the
primary duties of a municipality. As mentioned above 8 out of
·30 "B" class municipal towns possess water works of their own
and all are working satisfactorily. The water works schemes for
Bahadarpur, Karjan, Vaso and Padra in the Baroda district, and
Dwarka and Beyt in the Okhamandal, are under consideration.
The Kadi municipality has given water facilities by installing an
electric pump on a bore well. At Dehgam, the municipality has
constructed a bore well and installed an oil pump on this boring.
A combined water works and drainage scheme for Dharmaj is
sanctioned. The work of under ground drainage scheme at
Bhadran is in progress. The Vyara, Songadh, Kathor, Billimora
and Gandevi municipalities in the Navsari district, Sankheda
municipality in the Baroda district an" Ko::linar municipality in
the Amrcli district carry on anti-malaria work.
"God never intends that any section of His Children should
be branded. as untouchables," so said His Highness the late
Maharaja Sayajirao on one occasion. He was deeply touc~ed by
the social disabilities to which the depressed classes were subJected,
and he conceived a comprehensive plan of their uplift, and
thought of their education as a first effective measure.
. Accordingly two schools were started for the depressed classes
in the year 1883. The school requisites were given free, no fees
were charged, and all possible facilities were given to them. In
1891-92 boarding schools were opened in the city and in the
principal towns in the districts in which clothing, boarding and
lodging were given free. There was a steady rise in the number
of schools and the pupils attending them.
The year 1906-07 marks an important mile stone in the
educational history of Baroda State. It was in this year that
primary education was made free and compulsory all over the State.
The result was, that the number of schools for the depressed classes
rose· rapidly, and a special inspector was appointed to inspect
these schools. ·
By the year 1911-12 the depressed classes were allowed to
read newspapers and books in the Central library and all the
deputy inspectors were ordered to inspect their schools without
any differentiation. The untouchables were also admitted in the
training school for men though there was some opposition at
that time. ·
A Sanskrit school for the education of the Garodas-preachers_
of the depressed class people-was started in 1913, but was closed
after some time when arrangement for such study was made in the
Antyaj boarding houses.
· Dr. Ambedkar who is now so very well-known was sent to
England by His Highness for higher education in 1913. Mr. P. G.
Parmar, Mr. M. G. Parmar and Mr. R. T. Leuva are other
members of the class deputed to England for higher studies.
The progress of these classes in education gives interesting
results. hil900-1901 there were 22 Government schools for
the depressed classes and 1,936 students. The adoption of compul-
sory education gave an impetus ·which brought the number of
schools and students in 1906-07 to 247 ap.d 9,269 respectively,
and the rise in the number of students· continued from year to
year till the latest number of students has gone up to 21,336 in
How assiduously and carefully this problem is tackled in
Baroda is revealed from the fact that though the number of students
continues to increase every year, the number of schools specially
meant for the depressed class has steadily gone down. The peak
was reached in 1916-17 when the number of such special schools
stood at 270. The number dwindled to 201 in 1930-31, and the
process has brought the number to only 64 in 1940-41.
The increase in the number of students and decrease in the
number of special schools is the result of a policy of amalgamating
Antyaj schools with the ordinary schools where conditions are ripe.
It is remarkable to note how the public sentiment against untoucha·
bility is being so g~adually moulded as to render so many special
schools superfluous.
The amalgamation of Antyaj schools has further resulted in
the following two-fold advantage:-
(1) the Harijan pupils received better tuition by being
admitted in the usual vernacular schools and
(2) the number of teachers thus saved are transferred to
other schools where more teachers were badly
needed on account of the increasing number of
The percentage of Harijan pupils under instruction to the
Harijan population is 10·5 at present. · ·
There are 16 Antyaj boys studying in the Baroda College and
252 in the secondary schools of the State. Besides, 37 were in
the Kalabhavan and the training schools, in the year 1940-41.
Special facilities:-
With a view to encourage Harijan students . in their . studies,
Government continues to supply to them books and other school
requisites, free or' cost. Besides, some of the~ are adm!tted in
the Harijan boarding houses where they ~r~ gtven boardm~ .~nd
lod"in" at Government expenses. In addtbon to these facthbes,
sch~la~ships are liberally awarded to these students. Special
scholarships are also maintained in the College and Kalabhavan.
Primary education is free, but to encourage Harijan pupils to go
in for secondary and higher education, they are exempted from the
payment of fees, in secondary schools and in the Baroda College.
There are boarding houses at Baroda, Patan, Amreli
and Mahuwa for pupils of this class. The total amount spent
after these boarding houses was Rs. 7,305.
Moral and religious education is imparted to the students
and weekly meetings of the debating society are held. Arrange-
ment to teach the Gita is also made in all the boarding houses, and
the children are regularly examined in the subject. Ideas of social
service, self-help and cleanliness are impressed upon their minds.
Practical training in agriculture and gardening is also given in these
institutions. At Amreli provision is made for instruction in ·
tailoring. Due attention is paid to the physical development of
the boarders. Local medical officers visit these institutions and
give necessary instruction and help.

High caste Hindus are now coming forward to work as

teachers and inspectors in Harijan schools. With a view to bring
to the notice of the Government the special difficulties and
requirements of these pupils, the special post of an inspector of
their schools is filled in by a competent, trained and _experienc-
ed teacher of that community. He is entrusted with the work of
examination and keeping general supervision over Harijan schools
in the State. Other deputy inspectors inspect the Harijan schools
in their respective areas. During the year 1937-38 as many as
247 persons of this community were in educational service.
With a view to bring to the notice of the Government the
difficulties of this community and to safeguard their interest the
Government has appointed Mr. Nagjibhai G. Arya of this com-
munity as a member of the Education Board and the Dhara
Birla fund:-
For the encouragement of religious instruction among the
students of the depressed classes Rai Bahadur Seth Jugalkishor
13irla has given a donation of Rs. 15,000 ·from the interest of
which prizes are awarded to students passing the Gita Examina-
tion. A preacher is also engaged to preach to these people the
ideal of clean living and high thinking.
Local self-Government:-
In the year 1907 His late Highness Maharaja Sayajirao
graciously made a free gift of 5llakhs of rupees for the construc-
tion of wells for all classes of people including the Harijan class.
The total number of wells in the year 1931 for Harijans was 1,324.
In the year 1937 the number of wells in use for this class was
1,055. In the year 1931 His Highness passed an order to the
effect that thereafter whenever any occasion arose for constructing
a new Chora or for digging a new well or a tank or when any
scheme for Charas, wells and tanks was to be submitted a condition
should be laid down that the caste people should not prevent the
Harijans from taking water from the wells or the tank or where
they had any special objection to do so they should at their own
cost make provision for drinking facilities etc., for Harijans and
allow them to enter the Charas.
The principle of nominating the Harijans in the local bodies
was adopted from the year 1930. Till that year there was no
separate nomination of Harijans in the Prant Panchayats. In the
year 1930 the Government directed that among the nominated
members in the Prant Panchayat, one member should be
invariably from the untouchable class. In pursuance of that order
one Harijan is nominated in every district local board.
At present there are 47 members of the depressed classes
nominated in 47 village boards and 5 such members in the
municipal bodies of the Raj.
In the Baroda City Municipality, provident fund scheme is
made applicable to servants of the scavanger class. Where
members of this community are found "fit for service in the muni-
cipal offices, orders are issued to employ them in the munici-
palities and the local boards. They are given the facilities for
going on leave. Co-operative societies for Bhangis in the munici-
palities of Baroda, Navsari, Patan and Sidhpur are started and
other municipalities also are instructed to start whenever possible
§u<;:h ~ocieties for thv b~mefit of thjs <;l~ss,
It is also made obligatory upon panchayats to supply full
sanitary equipments•
. The refuse collected by the Bhangis instead of being burnt
down or thrown away, is now· to be collected in pits and as a
stimulus to the bhangis to do the conservancy work efficiently
they arc allowed to appropriate to themselves the income derived
from the sale of such refuse.
In villages where it is found difficult to obtain a sufficient
number of Bhangis, the panchayat is required to give the
available local Bhangis if they are able to cope with the work,
an additional salary of 25% of the savings effected due to such
vacancies from the panchayat fund.
A notification issued in l938lays down that all public build·
ings belonging to Government or local bodies, wells, tanks, etc.,
can be used by the depressed classes as much as by the class
Hindus and if this right of theirs is interfered with by any high class
Hindu the Government will take steps to remove the .difficulties
through Government officers; ·
. The work of the uplift of the depressed _classes s further
carried out by two religious preachers specially appointed to move
from village to village, gather together people and deliver sermons,
exhorting them all to improve the conditions of the depressed
class and treat them with equality and justice.
In 1932 all the Government temples were thrown open for
the depressed classes for worship. This reiterates an order of
many years ago.
Legislation :-
The general and well known policy of the State is to encour-
age the depressed classes in all social and economical activities
and to remove their disabilities. Members of the depressed classes
are allowed access to all parts of offices and courts in the State
without any differential restrictions.
The depressed classes are given the benefit of section 15 of
schedule 18 of the Local Civil Procedure Code which provides
that the court should reopen the transactions when the debtors arc
members of depressed classes, examine the accounts from the be-
ginning of the transaction. or of such other. period as the court

thinks proper and reduce the amount of the debt if it appears

that any unlawful and undue advantage is taken h:rthe lender of
the ignorance, illiteracy etc., of the debtor.
An amendment has been sanctioned in the Caste Tyranny
Removal Act under which the custom of observing untouchability
i. e., a custom which provides that a person should be regarded
as untouchable simply because he is an Antyaja should be regarded
as a 'Tyrannous Custom' punishable under the Act.
The Government has also passed Social Disabilities Removal
Act. The Act aims at removing disabilities suffered by Hindus
known as Harijans, Untouchables and the like. Under the Act a
person belonging to any of these classes is eligible for being
appointed to a public office, He also cannot be prevented from
(a) having access to any public street, conveyance etc.; or
(b) having access to any secularinstitution to which all other
classes and communities have a right to be admitted
and which·is dedicated or maintained for lhc use of the
public or is maintained from the funds of the State or a
local authority.
Economic measures:-.

An expert in tanning has been engaged since 1-6-1931 to

demonstrate improved methods from centre to centre where
chainars-tanners arc found, and he also teaches them the uses of
improved implements. At present he supervises two other tanning
classes besides conducting one himself. Granting of loans without
interest, of Rs. 200 each, on easy terms to enable chamars to buy
raw materials and new tools, has been a very helpful economic
-Experiments are made in chrome tanning at Patan at present
and this will shortly be taught in different classes•

The number of chamars trained in these classes held in
important villages is more than 200.
The co-operative movement is a socialising and a levelling
movement, though the main aim is economic betterment. It docs
not x:ccognise caste and creed. However, in India as the whole
social economy is based to a certain extent on such divisions

their existence has to be reckoned within any realistic~and practi·

cal effort for scrcial and economic readjustment. It has, therefore,
been found nece>sary to start separate co-operative organisations·
based on .castes or classes. in some cases.
At present there arc 109 such co-operative societies of the
depressed classes in the State and their membership amounts
to 2,408.
Some chainar societies were advanced loans without interest
by the G:>vernment through the department of Commerce, and
the Government has formulated the..,l'olicy of advancing loans for.
better and improved methods of tanning and weaving.
At the rural reconstruction centre at Kosamba which was
started to create interest among the rural' population in the
necc;sity of improvement in their present conditions primarily by
stimulating agricultural improvements and introducing subsidiary
occupations, special care is taken to associate members of the
qcpressed Classes with all the activities that are carried on there.
The tendency of all the departments is to take up suitable
men from the depressed classes in the departments and that such
persons are kept with others on the same lines and they enjoy the
same facilities as other Hindus. The Services Committee also
pays· wholesome attention to select Harijan candidates for the
State service whenever available •
.' The efforts of the Government have been along various fronts
~nd the progress on all sides is being synchronised. Amelioration
of depressed classes depends also on the eradication of bad social
and personal habits and systematic efforts are being made to raise
their level in a11 directions. . .
The cause of untouchables and depressed classes h'ls been
championed· by the Baroda Government long before it assumed
an all In~ia cliaractcr, and, with a r~asonable sense of pride it
Ip."lY be sa1d that Baroda has made a umque contribution . towards
eradicating untouchability witq all its sinister implications.

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