This job description involves overhauling the engine of a Bomag 211-40, including repairing the governor, replacing the starting motor, repairing the turbocharger and crankshaft, and performing a radiator service. It also involves repairing the electrical system by replacing wiring harnesses, panels and the dashboard. Spare parts are listed for the engine overhaul, including pistons, bearings, seals and other components. Additional parts are listed for the PC160LC-8 excavator, including a swing motor repair kit, plates, springs, and o-rings for the control valve. The estimated costs provided are 7 million IDR for the engine overhaul and 3 million IDR for the electrical system repairs
This job description involves overhauling the engine of a Bomag 211-40, including repairing the governor, replacing the starting motor, repairing the turbocharger and crankshaft, and performing a radiator service. It also involves repairing the electrical system by replacing wiring harnesses, panels and the dashboard. Spare parts are listed for the engine overhaul, including pistons, bearings, seals and other components. Additional parts are listed for the PC160LC-8 excavator, including a swing motor repair kit, plates, springs, and o-rings for the control valve. The estimated costs provided are 7 million IDR for the engine overhaul and 3 million IDR for the electrical system repairs
This job description involves overhauling the engine of a Bomag 211-40, including repairing the governor, replacing the starting motor, repairing the turbocharger and crankshaft, and performing a radiator service. It also involves repairing the electrical system by replacing wiring harnesses, panels and the dashboard. Spare parts are listed for the engine overhaul, including pistons, bearings, seals and other components. Additional parts are listed for the PC160LC-8 excavator, including a swing motor repair kit, plates, springs, and o-rings for the control valve. The estimated costs provided are 7 million IDR for the engine overhaul and 3 million IDR for the electrical system repairs
This job description involves overhauling the engine of a Bomag 211-40, including repairing the governor, replacing the starting motor, repairing the turbocharger and crankshaft, and performing a radiator service. It also involves repairing the electrical system by replacing wiring harnesses, panels and the dashboard. Spare parts are listed for the engine overhaul, including pistons, bearings, seals and other components. Additional parts are listed for the PC160LC-8 excavator, including a swing motor repair kit, plates, springs, and o-rings for the control valve. The estimated costs provided are 7 million IDR for the engine overhaul and 3 million IDR for the electrical system repairs
- Starting motor ganti yang standar Perbaikan elektrik sistem - Turbo jamed - Governor repair - Crankshaft scratch - Radiator service 2 Perbaikan elektrik sistem - Harnes - Box panel - Dashboard Rp 7,000,000 Rp 3,000,000 Rp10,000,000 List Part Ovehaul Engine Bomag BW 211-40 NO Part Number Description Qty Keterangan 1 05713535 Cover 2 Ea Plug air cylinder block sebelah kanan (besar) 2 05713536 Cover 4 Ea Plug air cylinder block sebelah kiri (kecil) 3 05713533 Bearing bush 4 Ea Bushing camshaft 4 05713534 Bearing bush 1 Ea Bushing camshaft 5 05716213 Conrod bearing 4 Set Metal jalan 6 05715287 Piston kit 4 Set Piston set 7 05717587 Crankshaft 1 Ea Crankshaft 8 05715292 Main bearing 5 Set Metal duduk 9 Liner 4 Ea Liner 10 05715293 Stop disc 2 Ea Metal bulan 11 05717762 Valve outlet 1 Ea Valve ex 12 05713294 Valve seat ring 1 Ea Seat valve ex 13 05710640 Filter cartridge,eng.oil 1 Ea Filter oli engine 14 05716779 Fuel filter 1 Ea Filter solar 15 05825009 Fuel prefilter 1 Ea Filter solar 16 05715360 V-ripped belt 1 Ea Fan belt 17 05717560 Turbocharger 1 Ea Turbocharger 18 05713027 Mounting foot 1 Ea Mounting engine 19 05716247 Kit,seal 1 Set Gasket KIT engine 20 05715397 V-belt pulley 1 Ea Pully water pump 21 05714174 Thermostat 1 Ea Thermostat
Part No Description Qty Komponen
05716246 Pully 1 ea Pully alternator 05714697 Engine shut off 1 ea Solenoid engine 58190362 Hose 1 ea Radiator atas 58190344 Hose 1 ea Radiator bawah 58190410 Hose 1 ea Water tank 00664011 Hose 1 meter Bypass thermostat 05581171 Gas spring 2 ea Shock cabine Part PC160LC-8 NO Part Number Description Qty Keterangan 1 KBB044A-51203REPAIR KIT,(SWING MOTOR AND MAC 1 set Swing Motor 2 KBB0441-95007PLATE 3 ea Swing Motor 3 KBB0111-13135SPRING 1 ea Swing Motor 4 KBB0111-13136SPRING 1 ea Swing Motor 5 KBB0853-01148RELIEF VALVE ASS'Y 1 ea Swing Motor 6 702-21-35130 SEAL 1 ea Control Valve 7 07000-12010 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve 8 07000-12012 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve 9 07000-12016 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve 10 07000-12015 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve 11 07000-13030 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve 12 700-13-31161 O-RING 3 ea Control Valve 13 07000-11007 O-RING 1 ea Control Valve