CIA3001 Corporate Accounting: Week 5 Consolidated Statements of Financial Performance
CIA3001 Corporate Accounting: Week 5 Consolidated Statements of Financial Performance
CIA3001 Corporate Accounting: Week 5 Consolidated Statements of Financial Performance
ICAEW Strategic Credits
Semester 1, 2022/2023
CHAPTER 12: Consolidated
Statements of Financial
1 Consolidated statement of profit or loss
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealized
3 Consolidated statement of profit or loss
4 Acquisitions made part-way through a
reporting period
5 Dividends
6 Other adjustments
7 Consolidated statement of changes in
1 Consolidated statement of profit or loss
Basic principles:
In Chapter 10 we introduced the basic principles and
mechanics involved in the consolidation of the
statement of profit or loss as follows:
Consolidatedstatement of profit or loss (Control)
Revenue X
Cost (X)
Profit after tax(PAT) X
Attributable to:
Ownersof P(β) X
Non-controllinginterest(NCI %* S’sPAT) X
1 Consolidated statement of profit or loss
Income are CONCEPT Transacti
from S SHARED ons
between: between
Parent (P) group
Replaced by s are
Controlling NATED
S’s INCOME Interests
to derive to
the Profit
After Tax
(PAT) figures PAT is SPLIT
between profit
attributable to
P (balancing
figure, β) and
Shows that NCI
generated NCI calculated
from P’s as NCI’s share
CONTROL of S’s PAT after
of S’s NET consolidation
ASSETS adjustments
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
Control concept:
100% of S (all
Revenue and Costs)
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
Calculate Make a
the provision
Calculate against
amount of the intra-
inventories inventories
STEP remaining
STEP group STEP to reduce
1 2 profit 3 themto cost
at the end included to the
of the in it. group(or
reporting NRV if
period lower)
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
1. Provision is set up by increasing cost of sales by the amount of the
unrealised profit. (If closing inventory is reduced, cost of sales is
2. This provision should always be set against the selling company's profit.
o As a result, where the seller is a subsidiary that is not wholly owned,
the provision reduces the profit for the year for NCI calculations.
Intragroup Trading
During the year Porpoise Ltd made sales to Whales Ltd amounting to £30,000. £15,000 of these
sales were in inventories at the year end. Profit made on the year end inventories items
amounted to £2,000.
Calculate group revenue, cost of sales and gross profit.
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
Whales • The IG sale is deducted from Sales, hence (30k)
• The IG sale is deducted from COS, but because COS is a minus,
75% Sells -(30k) gives rise to a +30k.
Porpoise • The overall impact, i.e. (30)k +30k is 0.
• Hence the IG sale is eliminated.
• P sells to W, Hence P obtains the URP, therefore URP is placed
under Porpoise’s column.
Answer to Interactive question 1
Whales Porpoise
Ltd Ltd Adj Consol
£ £ £ £
Revenue 120,000 70,000 (30,000) 160,000
C of S – per Q (80,000) (50,000) 30,000
– PURP (2,000) (102,000)
GP 40,000 18,000 – 58,000
Points to note:
1 The intra-group sale is eliminated in the adjustments column. It has no effect on the overall
2 The unrealised profit is eliminated by increasing the cost of sales of the selling company.
Where the selling company is the subsidiary this will reduce the profit figure on which the
calculation of non-controlling interest is subsequently based.
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
Non-current asset transfers
The consolidated statement of profit or loss should include
depreciationof non-current assets based on COST to the
group, and should excludeanyprofitorlosson non-current
asset transfers between group members.
This is consistent with the treatment in the consolidated
statement of financial position.
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
The adjustment is made as follows:
At 31 December 20X7 the adjustment in the consolidated statement of financial position (CSFP)
was calculated by comparing
Carrying amount of N C A with transfer (15,000 2/3) 10,000
Carrying amount of N C A without transfer
((20,000 – 8,000) 2/3) (8,000)
Adjustment made in CSFP was:
£ £
D R Seller's retained earnings 2,000
CR Non-current assets 2,000
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
(b) Increase/(decrease) the depreciation charge, so that it is calculated on the asset's cost to
the group. In this case, decrease the charge by
Depreciation without transfer ((20,000 – 8,000)/3) 4,000
Depreciation with transfer (15,000/3) (5,000)
£ £
DR N C A carrying amount in CSFP 1,000
CR Selling company profit or loss for year (heading where 1,000
depreciation charged)
Point to note: The non-current asset note to the consolidated statement of financial position
should include this debit in accumulated depreciation. The overall effect is an adjustment of
£2,000 in both the consolidated statement of profit or loss and consolidated statement of
financial position.
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
80% Transfers
2 Intra-group transactions and unrealised profits
NOTE: • We then now, need to adjust the
• The URP arising from the transfer OVERCHARGED depreciation.
is calculated as follows: Simpler way to calculate the
OVERCHARGED depreciation is as
Transfer Price (TP) £15.0k follows:
Less: Book Value
Cost. 12.0k Dep (based on TP; 15k/3 yrs) £5.0k
Acc Dep (4.8k) (7.2k) Dep (based on ORIGINAL
URP 7.8k cost and Useful life; 12k/5 yrs) (£2.4k)
Remove this URP as this is IG
The Dep has been OVERCHARGED.
Therefore, to adjust, ADD it back.
Profit X
3 Consolidated statement of profit or loss workings
• Profit margin is at 40%, Selling price is set at 100% for £20k.
• Because the sales of £20k reflects an IG, it needs to be
100% £20k
40% 40% x £20k
= 8k
However, only HALF remained in inventories.
Therefore only HALF of the profit arising from the sales are
UNREALISED, i.e. £8k x ½ = £4k
3 Consolidated statement of profit or loss workings
Because Pathway is the Parent, and Pathway sells to Sultan, the sales is a
requirement a).
Pathfinder Sultan
Ltd Ltd Adj Consol
£ £ £ £
Expenses (10,000)
Income tax (3,000)
Profit 7,000
(4) PURP
% £ £
Selling price 100 20,000
Cost (60) (12,000)
Gross profit 40 8,000 ½= 4,000
3 Consolidated statement of profit or loss workings
(b) Consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X7
Revenue (W2) 130,000
Cost of sales (W2) (74,000)
Gross profit 56,000
Expenses (W2) (30,000)
Profit before tax 26,000
Income tax expense (W2) (9,000)
Profit for the year 17,000
(4) PURP
As part (a)
1. Because Sultan is the Subsidiary, and Sultansells to Pathway (Parent), the sales
is an UPSTREAM SALES and thus, the URP AFFECTS the NCI for
requirement b).
2. The Consolidated figure for Revenue at £130k and COS of £74k is STILL THE
SAME as per requirement a).
4 Acquisitions made part-way through a reporting
Method of apportionment
When we looked at the statement of financial position
we saw that consolidated retained earnings included
only the post-acquisition profits of the subsidiary
Calculate revenue, cost of sales and gross profit for the group for the year ending 31 December
4 Acquisitions made part-way through a reporting
Intra-Group (IG)
6 Other Adjustments
Interest and management charges
Interest or management charges paid/payable in the
statement of profit or loss of the subsidiary (expense)
should be cancelled against the interest or management
charges received/receivable in the statement of profit or
loss of the parent company (income).
Intra-Group (IG)
6 Other Adjustments
Fair value adjustments on acquisition
Where a non-current asset is adjusted to fair value
on acquisition, or an intangible asset is recognised
for the first time, the consolidated statement of
profit or loss is adjusted to:
□ Include the excess depreciation on the fair
value adjustment
□ Include amortisation of the intangible asset.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Structure of CSCE
The CSCE - link between the consolidated statement of
profit or loss or consolidated statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income and the figures for equity
shown in the consolidated statement of financial position,
in that it shows the movement between retained earnings
and reserves brought forward at the start of the year and
those carried forward at the end of the year.
• Usually, the profit attributable to the NCI is calculated first.
• Then, the profit attributable to the owners of the P (William) is usually determined by
working backwards.
• This is because, calculating the profit attributable to NCI first and then working
backwards to determine the profit to owners of P is muchFASTER.
• But, you should note that the profit attributable to P can also be determined by:
1) Taking the whole profit of the parent (Adjusted for any IG, as the example above,
Dividend receivable fromthe S) and
2) Add to 1) the Parent’s ownership % of the S’s profit for the year (as calculated above).
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 20X8
Attributable to owners
of William plc Non-
Share Retained controlling
(FromQuestion) capital earnings Total interest Total
£ £ £ £ £
Balance at 1 July 20X7 (W) 200,000 270,000 470,000 10,000 480,000
Total comprehensive income
for the year – 178,000 178,000 13,000 191,000
Dividends (W)paid to OUTSIDE party O–NLY (20,000) (20,000) (6,000) (26,000)
Balance at 30 June 20X8 200,000 428,000 628,000 17,000 645,000
NCI share of Rufus Ltd's: dividend 2 0 % 30,000 = £6,000
Opening NCI balance at 1 July 2 0 % 50,000 = £10,000
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Some companies transfer amounts from retained earnings to named
reserves. Such transfers are made in the analysis columns in the CSCE.
They do not impact the NCI.
In the analysis columns in the CSCE:
transfers P% of S's transfers
P's transfers between
between = reserves + between reserves
This reflects the treatment of reserves attributable to the owners of P
in the consolidated statement of financial position, i.e, they include P's
reserves and P's share of S's post-acquisition reserves.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Retained earnings brought forward
To calculate each of the group reserves brought forward,
simply do a working, as you would for the consolidated
statement of financial position, but at the start of the year.
Therefore each group opening reserve will be:
P's Goodwill
Group reserve
P% of S’s
reserve = b/f + post-
± (to start of year)
reserve b/f and
(1) any other
(2) adjustments
to opening position
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Point to note:
The NCI amount brought forward will be the
NCI share of S's equity (i.e, NCI's share of
S's capital and reserves) brought forward or
fair value of NCI plus NCI share of the
subsidiary's post-acquisition reserves.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Continuing the facts from Worked example: C S C E above, you should now assume that Rufus
Ltd's retained earnings at 1 July 20X7 were £120,000.
You have also now ascertained that when William plc purchased its 40,000 shares in Rufus Ltd,
Rufus Ltd's retained earnings stood at £70,000. NCI is measured at fair value. The fair value of
the NCI at the date of acquisition was £25,000.
Three years ago a goodwill impairment loss of £10,000 was recognised in William plc's
consolidated financial statements.
Prepare the consolidated statement of changes in equity for William plc for the year ended
30 June 20X8 taking account of the additional information.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Group retained earnings b/f
(1)William plc RE on 1/1/20X7 RE as at acq date 270,000
(2)Rufus Ltd (80% (120,000 – 70,000)) P - William’s % of S - Rufus’s post- acq reserve b/f 40,000
(3)Goodwill impairment to date (10,000 80% ) (8,000)
NCI b/f
Fair value at acquisition 25,000
Share of post-acquistion retained earnings ((120,000 – 70,000) 20%) 10,000
Goodwill impairment (10,000 20%) (2,000)
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Acquisition during the year
In the consolidated statement of changes in equity where a controlling
shareholding (but not 100% shareholding) in a subsidiary is acquired in
the year:
- There is no brought forward NCI at the start of the period;
- The NCI arising on acquisition is brought in as a single line. The
amount is the same as that included in the goodwill calculation (ie, it is
measured either at fair value or as a proportion of the net assets of the
subsidiary at acquisition)
- The NCI share of profits and other comprehensive income for the year
is the amount allocated to it in the CSPLOCI based on the time-
apportioned results of the subsidiary.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Joseph plc acquired an 8 0 % interest in Mary plc on 1 October 20X8, measuring the NCI as a
proportion of the net assets of Mary at that date. The following figures relate to the year ended
31 March 20X9.
Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and the consolidated statement of changes
in equity for the Joseph plc group for the year ended 31 March 20X9.
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 March 20X9
Attributable to owners
of Joseph plc Non-
Share Retaine controllin
capita d Total g interest Total
l earnings £ £ £
£ £
Brought forward 500,000 400,000 900,000 – 900,000
Total comprehensive From (W1)
income for the year – 320,000 320,000 15,000 335,000
Added on acquisition From (W2)
of subsidiary (W2) – – – 95,000 95,000
Carried forward 500,000 720,000 1,220,000 110,000 1,330,000
7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
(1) Non-controlling interest in profit for the year
2 0 % of (150,000 50%) 15,000