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Properties and Determination of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables

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Properties and determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables

Article  in  TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry · June 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2011.02.008


288 68,006

3 authors, including:

Maciej Tankiewicz Marek Biziuk

Medical University of Gdansk Gdansk University of Technology


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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

Properties and determination

of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
Jolanta Fenik, Maciej Tankiewicz, Marek Biziuk

The intensive development of agriculture means that more and more toxic organic and inorganic compounds are entering the
environment. Because of their widespread use, stability, selective toxicity and bioaccumulation, pesticides are among the most
toxic substances contaminating the environment. They are particularly dangerous in fruit and vegetables, by which people are
exposed to them. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables using all available analytical methods.
We set out the problems in the determination of organonitrogen and organophosphorus pesticides in samples of fruit and
vegetables, including the complexity and the diversity of matrices in biological materials, and the very low level of pesticides
present, as a result of which target analytes have to be isolated and then enriched prior to final determination.
We discuss the various stages in the determination of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. We present results from the
literature in the context of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of target pesticides in fruit and vegetable samples. We discuss the
merits of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) technique and two-dimensional gas chromatography.
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Determination; Fruit; Maximum Residue Level (MRL); Pesticide; Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS);
Organonitrogen pesticide; Organophosphorus pesticide; Residue; Two-dimensional gas chromatography; Vegetable

Abbreviations: See Appendix A

1. Introduction  control the numbers of pests destroying

Jolanta Fenik*,
whole plants or their parts;
Maciej Tankiewicz,
Marek Biziuk
Pesticides are a numerous and diverse  increase the production of animal and
Department of Analytical group of chemical compounds, which are plant biomass;
Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, used to eliminate pests in agriculture and  combat microorganisms causing farm
Gdansk University of households. They enable the quantities produce to rot and to decay;
and the quality of crops and food to be  combat algae, bacteria, fungi and weeds;
Str. G. Narutowicza 11/12,
80-233 Gdansk,
controlled, and help to limit the many  combat animal pests damaging crops
Poland human diseases transmitted by insect or (e.g., mites, aphids, insects, larvae,
rodent vectors. However, despite their and nematodes);
many merits, pesticides are some of the  stimulate or inhibit plant-growth
most toxic, environmentally stable and processes (e.g., remove excess flowers,
mobile substances in the environment. destroy foliage or dry out plants);
Their excessive use has a deleterious effect  make possible the action of other
on humans and the environment; their substances;
presence in food is particularly dangerous.  counteract growths on boats and ships;
With their environmental stability, ability and,
to bioaccumulate and toxicity, pesticides  kill harmful organisms in farm build-
may place the human body at greater risk ings, the home, hospitals, stores and
of disease and poisoning [1]. vehicles.
Pesticides enter the environment in The widespread use of pesticides not
various forms (e.g., powders, moistened only contaminates water, soil, and air, but
powders, powders for preparing aqueous also causes them to accumulate in crops
solutions, and concentrates for making up (e.g., fruit and vegetables) (Fig. 1). Pesti-
Corresponding author.
emulsions or sprays). Pesticides are of cides are transported mainly by rain and
Tel.: +58 347 22 10; enormous importance in increasing the wind from their points of application to
Fax: +58 347 17 83; yields and quality of agricultural products. neighboring crops and land, where their
E-mail: jolanta.fenik@gmail. They are used to: presence may be undesirable or harmful

814 0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2011.02.008
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011 Trends

Figure 1. The circulation of pesticides in nature (including crops).

[2,3]. The quantities of pesticides in any particular re- organochlorine, organophosphorus and organonitrogen
gion depend to a large extent on the intensity of pesticide pesticides.
application and the types of crops grown there. Organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) (e.g., dichlorvos,
Pesticides have many advantages, but they also do methyl parathion, chlorpyriphos, diazinon, demeton-
much harm to the environment [1–4]. Fig. 2 lists some S-methyl, phosalone, fonofos, metamidofos, monocroto-
of the effects of using pesticides. phos, chlorfenvinphos, fenitrothion, malathion) are the
In view of both positive and negative effects of principal group of compounds used to protect plants.
pesticides, we should aim to achieve full selectivity of They include all organic compounds containing phos-
their action. Nonetheless, the latest studies show that phorus [5,6] and are used to combat pests in industrial
pesticides still constitute a hazard to the environment plantations, orchards and vegetable cultivation. OPPs
and human health. Each year, 140,000 tons of pesti- usually have an ester structure, decomposing fairly
cides are sprayed onto crops in the European Union (EU) easily on the surfaces and interiors of plants, and in the
alone. Fruit and vegetables are the crops most likely to soil. Their toxicity depends on inhibiting the activity of
be contaminated by pesticides, particularly grapes, citrus enzymes controlling the functions of the nervous system,
fruits and potatoes. According to data from the EUÕs mainly acetylcholinesterase. They permanently bind the
Pesticide Action Network, as of 2008, some 350 different group hydroxylating the enzyme, which prevents ace-
pesticides were detected in food produced in the EU. More tylcholinesterase from decomposing, and act through
than 5% of products contained pesticides at levels contact or systemically. Blockage of cholinesterase
exceeding the EUÕs maximum permitted level (MPL). activity causes the amount of acetylcholine at the syn-
The diversity of their chemical structures, actions and apses to increase, leading to a state of hyperarousal, and
applications makes any classification of pesticides diffi- paralysis of the muscles and the main respiratory center.
cult [1]. There are a number of criteria according to Apart from OPPs, organonitrogen pesticides (ONPs) also
which they can be categorized: play a major part in combating pests [7,8]. ONPs include
(1) toxicity; phenylureas, carbamates, and triazines and their deriv-
(2) purpose of application; atives (e.g., aminocarb, propoxur, carbaryl, simazine,
(3) chemical structure; atrazine and propazine). Even though they are less stable
(4) environmental stability; and, in the environment than OCPs, they can get into the
(5) the pathways by which they penetrate target human digestive system, thus posing a health hazard.
organisms. Some carbamate insecticides (e.g., carbaryl) can be ter-
Structurally, they can be divided into inorganic and atogenic in large doses and nitrosated to form strongly
organic compounds; the inorganic include arsenic carcinogenic nitroso-compounds.
insecticides, fluoride insecticides, inorganic herbicides OCPs, including aldrin, chlordane, lindane and DDT,
and inorganic fungicides, while the organic comprise have been withdrawn from use in many countries 815
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

Figure 2. The effects of using pesticides [1,4].

because they are very toxic towards humans [9–11]. contamination of fruit and vegetables by pesticides
But, because of their considerable stability in the requires knowledge of MRLs. The MRLs of pesticides
environment (as long as 30 years), they may still be contained in fruit and vegetables are laid down by the
present there and can be transported by air or water EU. The limit of detection (LOD) of particular pesticides
over long distances. While ONPs and OPPs are not (acephate, aldrin, dichlorvos, fenthion) is 0.01–0.05 mg/
very toxic, their improper application can also lead to kg. The LOD of simazine is slightly higher – 0.1 mg/kg,
their presence in farm produce (e.g., fruit and vegeta- rising to 0.25 mg/kg for cherries. An LOD of 5 mg/kg is
bles). Even though they facilitate improvement in crop permissible for malathion in grapes and of 7 mg/kg in
yields and quality, they do pose a risk to consumers. samples of tomatoes and tangerines [12].
That is why international organizations have estab-
lished maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides in
food. 2. Determining pesticides in fruit and vegetable
Plant foods can be contaminated by pesticides under a samples
great variety of circumstances and at different times
preceding their consumption. Many factors can reduce Despite considerable progress in the development of
such contamination, (e.g., rainfall, wind, chemical methods for preparing samples for analysis and for the
reactions induced by oxygen, moisture, light or plant final determination of analytes, the analysis of pesticides
enzymes) [1]. Pesticides sprayed in liquid form contam- in biological samples continues to present challenges to
inate plants to a greater extent than preparations applied analysts. A number of problems crop up in the analysis
in powder form. The structure of the plant in question is of pesticide residues:
also important because, for example, OCP insecticides (1) the complexity and the diversity of matrices in
accumulate in the waxy layer of the rind of many fruits, biological materials; and,
especially citrus fruits. It is therefore a matter of urgency (2) the low concentrations of pesticides in samples of
that pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables are moni- fruit and vegetables.
tored, because they can put human health at greater risk Target analytes must, therefore, be isolated from
of various diseases. Any assessment of the state of matrices and then be enriched before the final

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011 Trends


Fixing, transport and storage

Extraction of pesticides from the sample

and/or enrichment of the sample

Extract cleanup and it is

preparation for analysis

Identification and determination of


Figure 3. The main stages in analytical procedures for determining pesticides in samples of fruit and vegetables.

determination can be undertaken [13]. The complete pestle and mortar, after which the sample is homoge-
procedure for determining pesticide residues in biological nized. The exact preparation procedure depends on the
materials is complex and consists of several stages, nature of the material under investigation, and every
which are summarized in Fig. 3. combination of operations in this procedure can lead to
It is extremely important that the several stages of the loss of analytes and/or cause additional contamination
analytical procedure and the procedure as a whole are of the sample [14].
validated in order to ensure compliance with the
requirements defining the procedure and to assess its 2.2. Isolation (extraction) of pesticides from samples
usefulness. The next stage involves isolation and/or enrichment of
target analytes – this is necessary because pesticide
2.1. Preparation of samples for analysis concentrations in the various compartments of the
The sample-preparation stage and the operations in- environment are low. This stage is essential, as in
volved in it can affect the final result. Whether the many cases the available analytical methods are not
analysis provides the desired information about the sufficiently sensitive to carry out a final determination
sample therefore depends on its proper, correct prepa- of the trace constituents directly from the sample. Iso-
ration. It is extremely important that the sample of lation and/or preconcentration mean the transfer of
material for analysis is homogeneous and representative. analytes from the primary matrix to a secondary one
A representative sample has a chemical composition that with the simultaneous removal of interferents and
resembles as closely as possible the average composition increase in target-analyte concentrations to levels
of the entirety of the analyzed material. The sample above the LOD of the analytical technique applied.
should be stored frozen and in the dark. Generally Because pesticide levels in fruit and vegetables are
speaking, the sample-preparation process consists of a generally low, enrichment of target analytes is common
number of steps. In the case of fruit and vegetables, one [15,16].
such step is the removal of surface contaminants by With fruit and vegetables, the solid matrix often has to
washing the samples in distilled water. The sample is be replaced by a liquid one. This is done using a suitable
then dried at elevated or ambient temperature or with extraction method. Fig. 4 shows those usually used for
the aid of a desiccant. In the next step, the sample is extracting pesticides from such samples [17–21]. Solvent
broken up and crushed, or ground in a mill or with a extraction with agitation is easy to carry out, is cheap 817
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

Figure 4. Techniques for extracting pesticides from samples of fruit and vegetables.

and does not need any expensive, complicated appara- Table 1 lists the most commonly used solvents or their
tus. However, it requires large amounts of toxic solvents mixtures for solvent extraction with agitation.
and is poorly selective.
In order to speed up sample preparation, new extrac- 2.3. Extract clean up
tion methodologies [e.g., accelerated solvent extraction The isolation of analytes from biological samples in-
(ASE) and microwave-assisted solvent extraction (MAE)], volves a certain clean-up effect, and, like every clean-up
based on the use of high temperature and pressure to process ensures a certain degree of isolation. Extraction
heat the sample-solvent mixture, have been developed yields not only the target analytes but also interferents
recently. MAE is a process of heating with microwave (e.g., sugars, fats and chlorophyll), which may distort
energy the solvent in contact with a sample to partition the result of the analysis. Hence, extract clean up is
compounds of analytical interest from the sample matrix essential and should always precede analysis of the
into the solvent. extract. The usual techniques for cleaning up fruit and
The relatively new technique ASE is a promising vegetable extracts are:
alternative. In short, ASE extracts samples under ele- (1) solid-phase extraction (SPE);
vated temperature, while elevated pressure ensures that (2) solid-phase microextraction (SPME);
volatile extractants remain liquid. ASE can be completely (3) matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction (MSPDE);
automated. It employs very small extractant volumes (4) stir-bar sorption extraction (SBSE);
and has typical extraction times of less than 1 h. (5) adsorption chromatography; and,
As such, the technique has the potential to overcome (6) gel-permeation chromatography (GPC).
the main shortcoming of Soxhlet extractions. Solvent SPE is the most popular clean-up technique [31]. As
extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus is simple to perform the sample passes through a column of sorbent, the
and separates extract from the residue, but the long target analytes are adsorbed on the sorbent particles.
extraction time, the need to use large quantities of sol- The compounds retained are then liberated with a sol-
vent and the ability to obtain an extract from only one vent and analyzed. A salt, usually NaCl or Na2SO4, is
sample at a time are disadvantages. often added to the solution to increase its ionic strength,
The Soxtec method is an improved version, which and that increases the proportion of analytes extracted to
gives better recoveries and is quicker, and several the sorbent. Sorbents used for SPE include C18, poly-
samples can be extracted at the same time, but the mers, graphitized non-porous carbon, and ion-
apparatus is very expensive. Solvent-extraction tech- exchangers.
niques are often assisted with microwaves or ultrasound The B15C5 sorbent is the best one for determining
to improve analyte recoveries. The usual solvents are organophosphorus pesticides. The method is simple and
acetone, acetonitrile and ethyl acetate. can be readily automated. However, against that, the

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011 Trends

Table 1. The solvents normally used to extract pesticides from samples of fruit and vegetables

Analyte Sample Solvent Ref.

Pesticide residues Fat vegetable (e.g., avocado) Ethyl acetate-cyclohexane (1:1) [2]
Organochlorine pesticides Fruits, vegetables and tubers Acetone, hexane [11]
90 pesticides of various classes Fresh fruit and vegetables Acetone [16]
Organophosphorus pesticides Apples, tomatoes, apple juice Acetone [19]
Pesticide residues Green leafy vegetables (spinach, Ethyl acetate [20]
komatsuna, qing geng cai,
broccoli, cauliflower, green
pepper, and okra)
Insecticide (OCPS, OPPS, Date palm Methanol [22]
pyrethroids), fungicide, acaricide,
Organochlorine, organophosphate Carrots, oranges Acetonitrile [23]
pesticides and fungicides
Pesticide residues Lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, Acetone [24]
Pesticides of various classes Fruits and vegetables Methanol [25]
Pesticide residues Fresh fruit (oranges, apples, Acetone, cyclohexane/ [26]
peaches, pears and grapefruits) ethyl acetate (1:1)
and vegetables (lettuce, tomato,
cabbage, potato, onion and leek)
Pesticide residues Oranges Methanol [27]
Cyromazine and its metabolites Beetroot Methanol [28]
Pesticide residues Oranges Methanol, ethyl acetate [29]
Fungicides, acericides, insecticides Oranges Ethyl acetate [30]

solvent bed has to be conditioned before each use, and to the determination of pesticides in fruit and vegetables,
analyte recovery is small. matrix effects are eliminated and high recoveries of
In SPME, analytes are adsorbed on a fiber coated with target analytes are possible. The method can be modified
a suitable solid phase that is pushed out from a micro- depending on the type of sample and the target analytes.
syringe [32]. The analyte is then thermally desorbed and To improve the extraction of polar organophosphorus
transferred to the GC injector. The benefits of this pesticides, the method is modified by the addition of
method are that solvents can be eliminated and that it is acetic acid. When samples of citrus fruit are under
impossible to overload the column because of the limited investigation, protective wax coatings can be removed
volume of adsorbent. Depending on where the fiber is by freezing the samples for at least one hour. For the
placed in relation to the sample, SPME can be divided analysis of citrus fruits, blackcurrants and raspberries, it
into: is recommended to add aq NaOH to reach pH = 5 and to
(1) direct immersion (DI-SPME), improve the analysis. Work is in progress to optimize this
(2) headspace (HS-SPME). method for the analysis of pesticides of various classes.
GPC is just as frequently used as a clean-up technique The last stage in the QuEChERS method is the final
[33–35]. It enables micromolecular pesticides to be determination of analytes by GC or LC.
separated from macromolecular substances present in
the matrix. While the long lifetime of the columns is an 2.4. Identification and determination of analytes
advantage, the poorer resolution compared to adsorption The last stage in the analytical procedure is identification
techniques, especially when gradient-elution techniques of compounds and their quantitative determination
are used, is a disadvantage. using appropriate instrumentation. The choice of final
Approaches are being sought to develop pesticide- determination technique depends above all on the
determination techniques that are quick, easy, cheap, properties of the analytes. Pesticides cannot be treated as
effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) [43–54], which is a homogeneous group of specific environmental con-
a combination of liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and SPE. taminants, because they differ in their physicochemical
It is based on a number of stages (see Fig. 5). properties. The usual techniques for final determinations
Table 2 lists the most commonly used techniques for of pesticides include capillary gas chromatography (GC)
cleaning up extracts prior to the final determination of and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
pesticides in samples of fruit and vegetables. The con- (usually in reversed-phase mode) for determining pesti-
sumption of sample and toxic solvents with the cides that are unsuitable for determination by GC. Pes-
QuEChERS method is minimal. By applying QuEChERS ticides to be determined by GC should be volatile and 819
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

Single-phase extraction of pesticides from the

sample with a small amount of acetonitrile

Addition of MgSO4 and NaCl to separate

the phases into an aqueous and an organic one

Solid phase extraction (SPE) to remove any

remaining water, and the addition of an amine sorbent

Sample enrichment

Analysis of pesticides using

capillary GC-MS or LC/MS
Figure 5. Stages in the determination of pesticides using the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method.

Table 2. Techniques for cleaning up extracts prior to the final determination of pesticides in samples of fruit and vegetables

Analyte Sample Extract clean-up technique Ref.

Organophosphorus pesticides Apples, tomatoes, apple juice SPME, HS-SPME [19]
Pesticide residues Lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, strawberries SPE, SBSE [24]
Pesticides of various classes Fruits and vegetables SBSE [25]
Pesticide residues Fresh fruit (oranges, apples, GPC [26]
peaches, pears and grapefruits)
and vegetables (lettuce, tomato,
cabbage, potato, onion and leek)
Pesticide residues Vegetables SPME [34]
Organophosphorus insecticide Strawberries and cherries HS-SPME [35]
10 pesticide residues Oranges, tangerines SPE [36]
Organophosphorus pesticides Cucumber, potato SBSE [37]
Pesticide residues Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons MSPD [38]
Volatile compounds Peaches, oranges HS-SPME [39]
Pesticide residues Fruit and vegetables MSPD, SFE [40]
Pesticide residues Grapes SPE [41]
Pyrethroid residues Strawberries SPME [42]

thermally stable. For determining OPPs, GC equipped the mixture being analyzed. The multi-residue determi-
with a suitable column and detector is used. GC can be nation of pesticides in fruits and vegetables is generally
used to determine the residues of all classes of pesticides. carried out by GC-MS, due to its excellent characteristics
The choice of chromatographic column is extremely of efficient chromatographic separation, sensitivity and
important for separating analytes and for their qualita- confirmation power based on electron-impact ionization
tive and quantitative determination. The chromato- mass spectra. However, LC-MS allows rapid, efficient
graphic column should be highly efficient and resistant determination of many compounds that have rarely
to changes in the parameters of the separation process. been investigated in food or determined with difficulty by
The solid (stationary) phase should be thermally stable using laborious, time-consuming GC or conventional LC
and highly selective with respect to the constituents of procedures.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011 Trends

The following techniques are employed to determine There are also other techniques available for deter-
OPPs and ONPs in fruits and vegetables: mining OPPs and ONPs in fruits and vegetables, e.g.:
 MS (mass spectrometry) – for the determination pesti-  gas liquid chromatography (GLC) [55]; and,
cides of various classes;  chemiluminescence method (CL) [56,57].
 ECD (electron-capture detector) – highly sensitive in Table 3 lists information on the most commonly ap-
relation to compounds containing electronegative plied final determination techniques for fruit and vege-
atoms and generally used for quantification of table samples.
OCPs; EU member states are obliged to organize effective
 FPD (flame-photometric detector) – applied in the monitoring of food with the aim of assessing its safety. In
determination of OPPs; the case of pesticide residues, this task is carried out in
 NPD (nitrogen-phosphorus detector) – for the simulta- the form of monitoring programs and official inspections
neous determination of ONPs and OPPs; and, of food to ensure compliance with MRLs.
 TSD (thermionic specific detector) – for the determina- Table 4 presents data from the literature regarding
tion of compounds containing nitrogen or phospho- final determinations of pesticides in fruit and vegetable
rus, samples. Depending on the type of matrix, different
Once a target analyte has been detected quantita- extraction techniques, different column clean-up proce-
tively, for example by GC-NPD, the result must be con- dures and different final determination methods are
firmed by another independent method. Alternatively, used. According to the type of sample, the mean recov-
the conditions of the process can be changed (e.g., by ery of a method was in the range 55–120%, and relative
altering the temperature program, or simply by using a standard deviation (RSD%) 1–26%. LODs were 0.003–
different detector). It is crucial to obtain confirmation by 100 lg/kg. Analysis of data from the literature shows
another method, as identification based solely on reten- that there is no one universal method with which to
tion times is not sufficiently reliable. determine pesticide residues in a sample. What we are

Table 3. Techniques for the final determination of pesticides in samples of fruit and vegetables

Analyte Sample Final determination Ref.

technique + detector
Organophosphorus pesticides Apples, tomatoes, apple juice GC-FPD [19]
Pesticide residues Fresh fruit (oranges, apples, peaches, GC-MS [26]
pears and grapefruits) and vegetables
(lettuce, tomato, cabbage, potato,
onion and leek)
Pesticide residues Oranges LC-MS [27]
Cyromazine and its metabolites Beetroot LC–ESI–MS2 [28]
Pesticide residues Fruits and vegetables GC–NPD/ECD [32]
Organophosphorus insecticide residues Strawberries and cherries GC-MS [35]
10 pesticides of various classes Oranges, tangerines LC-MS [36]
Organophosphorus pesticides Cucumber, potato GC-TSD [37]
Pesticide residues Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, LC-MS2 [38]
Insecticides Peppers GC-MS, [46]
52 pesticides of various classes Tobacco HPLC-MS2 [58]
234 pesticides of various classes Herbs GC-MS [59]
Pesticide residues Fatty vegetable GC-MS, [60]
Fungicides Fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons, LC- fluorescence [61]
grapefruits, apples, pears, bananas) detection
and vegetables (potatoes and
Organophosphorus pesticides Olive oil GC-FPD [62]
Pesticide residues Cucumber, strawberries GC-ECD [63]
Pesticides of various classes Grapes, musts, wines GC-MS [64]
Pesticides of various classes Oranges, tangerines, nectarines, GC-NPD, [65]
peaches, khakis GC-ECD,
Organophosphorus pesticides Cabbage, grapes LC-MS2 [66]
160 pesticides of various classes Tomatoes, pears, oranges LC-MS2 [67] 821

Table 4. Results of final determinations of pesticides in samples of fruit and vegetables

Pesticide class Analyte Type of sample Final determination Result of determination Ref.

Analyte Limit of detection Limit of quantitation
recovery [%] (LOD) [lg/kg] (LOQ) [mg/kg]
90 pesticides of various Methamidophos, acephate, Fresh fruits and vegetables GC-MS >80 0.01 for nearly all 0.01 [16]
classes omethoate, fenitrothion (apples, oranges, pears) pesticides;
exception: 20 for:
captan, dicofol,
Organophosphorus Dichlorvos, phorate, diazinon, Apple juice, apples, GC-FPD 55–106 0.003–0.009 – [19]
pesticides fenitrothion, malathion, tomatoes
parathion, ethion
Organochlorine, Acephate, aldrin, captan, Carrots, oranges GC-MS 72–116 0.1 0.0004–0.09 [23]
organophosphate chlorpyrifos, diazinon,
pesticides and fungicides dichlorvos, dieldrin, disulfoton,
endosulfan, fenthion,
methoxychlor, methyl parathion,
methamidophos and others
Pesticide residues Bitertanol, carbendazim, Oranges LC-MS 8–96 1–50 0.001–0.05 [27]
fenthion, flusilazole,
hexythiazox, imidacloprid,
methidathion, methiocarb,
pyriproxyfen and trichlorfon.
Cyromazine and its Cyromazine, melamine Beetroot LC–ESI–MS2 92, 78 10 0.05 [28]

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

Organophosphorus Thiabendazole, iprodione, Strawberries, cherries GC-MS – 1 0.05–0.5 [35]
insecticides vinclozolin, azinphos-methyl,
malathion and others
Organophosphorus Dimethoate, Cucumber, potato GC-TSD – < 0,15 0.0005–0.05 [37]
pesticides parathion-methyl

Insecticides Isofenphos-methyl, Peppers GC-MS2 85–98 0.1–0.3 - [46]

234 pesticides of various Parathion, parathion-methyl, Herbs GC-MS 62–119 <50 <0.05 [59]
classes phorate, phosalone, phosmet,
phosphamidone, pretilachlor,
propoxur, pymetrozine,
terbuthylazine, terrazole,
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011
Organophosphorus Dimethoate, parathion-methyl, Olive oil GC-FPD 78–97 – – [62]
pesticides fenthion, parathion-ethyl, and
Pesticides of various classes Diazinon, vinclozolin, Grapes, musts GC-MS 57–120 0.02–5 0.02–5 [64]
dicarboxamide, and wines
metalaxyl, phenylamide,
malathion organophosphate,
fenthion organophosphate,
ethion, phosmet
phosalone, azinphos-methyl and
Organophosphorus Acephate, methamidophos, Cabbage, grapes LC-MS2 80–101 1–4 0.01 [66]
pesticides monocrotophos, omethoate,
160 pesticides of various Thiabendazole, iprodione, Tomatoes, pears, LC-MS2 70–120 10–100 0.005–0.5 [67]
classes vinclozolin, azinphos-methyl, oranges
methidathion, malathion and
Carbamates pesticides Isopropoxyphenol, naphthol, Potatoes GC-NPD 50–73 41–53 0.05 [68]
carbofuran, propham,
methiocarb, propoxur, carbaryl,
aldicarb, sulfoxide, methomyl,
phenanthrene, 4-nitrophenol

Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011

looking for is a method giving the highest recovery of 3) the next step is when the modulator injects the
analytes and simultaneously the lowest possible LOD. It entire collected material into the second column
turns out that there is no universal detector capable of in the form of a narrow band;
determining all classes of pesticides at the same time. In 4) separation in the second column of the constituents
the case of GC-MS, only 17 different pesticides could be of the preceding fraction takes place at the same
determined in 240 samples [26]; in 66.7% of samples, no time as the collection of the next fraction in the
pesticides were detected, in 25.8%, pesticides were modulator following sample injection; and,
present at levels below the MRL, but 7.5% of samples 5) the constituents leaving the second column are sent
contained pesticides in amounts exceeding their MRLs. to an appropriate chromatographic detector, which
More than 5% of the fruit and vegetable samples records a series of very short, sequential chromato-
analyzed contained five or more different pesticides. In grams from the second dimension.
sweet peppers and grapes, more than 10 such com- The advantage of this method is that the separation
pounds were found. In apricots, grapes, tangerines and mechanisms in the two columns are independent of each
oranges, pesticide levels exceeded EU MRLs, and straw- other, so that constituents that were co-eluted from the
berries contained 14 different pesticides. Around 50% of first column can be separated. Moreover, GCxGC can
fruit and vegetable samples contained no pesticides at simplify the preparation of fruit and vegetable samples
all, 45% contained pesticide residues below the MRL, but for determination of the presence of pesticides. This is
5% above the MRL. exemplified by the samples of celeriac [68], which were
Work is in progress to develop analytical methods that chopped and mixed with ethyl acetate and sodium
conform to the principles of green analytical chemistry, sulfate. The mixture was then comminuted and centri-
that is, they: fuged. The ethyl-acetate layer was removed and dried
 enable a wide range of analytes to be determined in a over sodium sulfate before being injected into the GCxGC
single analytical run, using multi-residue methods system coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
(MRMs); (TOF-MS). As a result, peaks of all the analytes chro-
 ensure maximum removal of interferents from ex- matographically separated from the matrix were
tracts; obtained; they were correctly identified and determined
 yield high recoveries of compounds, are very sensitive quantitatively.
and guarantee good precision; and, GCxGC is widely used because of its high resolving
 consume the smallest possible amounts of chemical power, greater sensitivity and ordered nature of the
reagents, especially organic solvents. chromatograms. Fast GC is equally frequently used to
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS2) improves sensitivity shorten the time of analysis and to obtain better peak
and selectivity of analytical methods. In this technique, resolution. Compared to classical GC, it requires shorter
ions that were separated in the first analyzer are again capillary columns with a smaller diameter and solid
fragmented and the derivative ions analyzed in the phase films 0.1 lm in thickness, as well as faster flow
second analyzer. The chromatogram background is rate and higher pressure of the carrier gas. These
reduced, as a result of which the signal value is parameters yield determination results of a better preci-
enhanced with respect to noise and the LOD of the target sion [70,77,78]. The trend at present is to develop
analytes is lowered [69,70]. Improved peak resolution analytical methods enabling a broad spectrum of ana-
and smaller influence of the matrix on the final result lytes to be determined in a single analytical run with
can be achieved with two-dimensional GC (GCxGC). MRMs. But the problem here is that the compounds to be
GCxGC separation systems must satisfy a series of basic determined simultaneously are often present at low
requirements [71,72]. Each such system must use two concentrations, and have different physicochemical
columns with different retention mechanisms. The properties depending on their chemical structure.
columns must be joined by means of a modulator, which
collects or samples fractions from the first column and
periodically injects them into the second column with a 3. Summary
frequency sufficient to prevent the bands separated in
the first column from recombining in the modulator The increasingly widespread application of pesticides
[73–76]. The final determination process is as follows: – substances with different physical and chemical
1) the sample injected into the system is initially sepa- properties – means that ever larger amounts of these
rated in the first column; compounds are getting into the environment. As a result
2) on leaving the first column, the sample constituents of the various processes to which they are subject in the
go to the modulator, which collects the material environment, they may be converted to even more toxic
leaving this column for a fixed, unchanging period compounds. They are currently regarded as some of the
of time; most dangerous environmental contaminants because of

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2011 Trends

their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living [2] J.L. Moreno, F.J. Liebanas, A.G. Frenich, J.L. Vidal, J. Chromatogr.,
organisms. Pesticides can be absorbed and stored by A 1111 (2006) 97.
[3] J. Hajslova, J. Zrostlikova, J. Chromatogr., A 1000 (2003)
plants, and their metabolites can likewise be accumu- 181.
lated. As crops are an essential part of the human diet, [4] M. Biziuk, A. Przyjazny, J. Czerwiński, M. Wiergowski, J.
the quality of these products is extremely important and Chromatogr., A 754 (1996) 103.
is often a factor determining whether or not consumers [5] M. Jokanović, Toxicol. Lett. 190 (2009) 107.
will buy them. [6] M. Jokanović, Toxicology 166 (2001) 139.
[7] J. Zhang, H.K. Lee, J. Chromatogr., A 1117 (2006) 31.
The aim of controlling pesticide residues is to protect [8] E.N. Papadakis, Z. Vryzas, E. Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, J. Chro-
consumer health from their possible side effects. Safe matogr., A 1127 (2006) 6.
food should have above all an appropriate nutritious [9] S. Chen, L. Shi, Z. Shan, Q. Hu, Food Chem. 104 (2007) 1315.
value and contain the least possible amounts of sub- [10] A. Adeyeye, O. Osibanjo, Sci. Total Environ. 23 (1999) 227.
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L.M. Polo-Diez, J. Chromatogr., A 1011 (2003) 143.
crucial to monitor pesticide residues in fruit and vege- [12] <> (ac-
tables. Because of the difficulties inherent in the deter- cessed March 2010).
mination of pesticides (low concentrations of pesticides [13] J. Pan, X. Xia, J. Lang, Ultrason. Sonochem. 15 (2008) 25.
in samples), work is in progress to improve existing [14] J. Namieśnik, Z. Jamrógiewicz, M. Pilarczyk, L. Torres, Przygo-
techniques and to develop new ones, in order to improve towanie próbek środowiskowych do analizy, WNT, Warsaw,
Poland, 2000 pp. 15–91.
the reliability of analytical results. [15] A. Juan-Garcia, J. Manes, G. Font, Y. Pico, J. Chromatogr., A 1050
(2004) 119.
[16] D. Stajnbaher, L. Zupancic-Kralj, J. Chromatogr., A 1015 (2003)
Appendix A. List of abbreviations and acronyms 185.
[17] J. Namieśnik, P. Szefer, Ecol. Chem. Eng. 15 (2008) 167.
[18] J.J. Ramos, M.J. González, L. Ramos, J. Chromatogr., A 1216
ASE Accelerated solvent extraction (2009) 7307.
DAD Diode-array detector [19] L. Cai, S. Gong, M. Chen, C. Wu, Anal. Chim. Acta 559 (2006)
ECD Electron-capture detector
[20] T. Tanaka, T. Hori, T. Asada, K. Oikawa, K. Kawata, J.
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Chromatogr., A 1175 (2007) 181.
FID Flame-ionization detector [21] J. Brug, S. Debie, P. van Assema, W. Weijts, Food Qual. Pref. 6
FMASE Focused microwave-assisted solvent (1995) 99.
extraction [22] M.H. EL-Saeid, S.A. Al-Dosari, Arabian J. Chem. 3 (2010) 179.
[23] H. Guan, W.E. Brewer, S.T. Garris, S.L. Morgan, J. Chromatogr., A
FPD Flame-photometric detector
1217 (2010) 1867.
GC Gas chromatography [24] A. Juan-Garca, Y. Picó, G. Font, J. Chromatogr., A 1073 (2005)
GCxGC Two-dimensional gas chromatography 229.
GPC Gel-permeation chromatography [25] A. Kende, Z. Csizmazia, T. Rikker, V. Angyal, K. Torkos,
HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography Microchem. J. 84 (2006) 63.
[26] Z. Knezewvic, M. Serdar, Food Control 20 (2009) 419.
LC Liquid chromatography
[27] C. Blasco, G. Font, Y. Pico, J. Chromatogr., A 970 (2002) 201.
LE Agitation-assisted liquid extraction [28] J.V. Sancho, M. Ibanez, S. Grimalt, O.J. Pozo, F. Hernandez, Anal.
MAE Microwave-assisted extraction Chim. Acta 530 (2005) 237.
MASE Membrane-assisted solvent extraction [29] C. Soler, J. Manes, Y. Pico, J. Chromatogr., A 1067 (2005)
MS Mass spectrometry 115.
[30] C. Blasco, G. Font, Y. Pico, J. Chromatogr., A 1043 (2004)
MS2 Tandem mass spectrometry
MSPDE Matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction [31] I. Ferrer, J.F. Garcia-Reyes, M. Mezcua, E.M. Thurman, A.R.
SBSE Stir-bar sorption extraction Fernandez-Alba, J. Chromatogr., A 1082 (2005) 81.
SFC Supercritical fluid chromatography [32] H.R. Norli, A. Christiansen, B. Holen, J. Chromatogr., A 217
SFE Supercritical fluid extraction (2010) 2056.
[33] S. Ińigo-Nuńez, M.A. Herreros, T. Encinas, A. Gonzalez-Bulnes,
SPE Solid-phase extraction
Food Control 21 (2010) 471.
SPME Solid-phase microextraction [34] J. Wu, T. Luan, C. Lan, T.W.H. Lo, G.Y.S. Chan, Food Control 18
UV Ultraviolet radiation (2007) 466.
VIS Visible radiation [35] D.A. Lambropoulou, T.A. Ibanis, J. Chromatogr., A 993 (2003)
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[37] W. Liu, Y. Hu, J. Zhao, Y. Xu, Y. Guan, J. Chromatogr., A 1095
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[38] C. Soler, J. Mañes, Y. Picó, J. Chromatogr., A 1088 (2005)
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